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Online Safety for Seniors – How to Keep Older Family Members Safe Online

By Alex Merton-McCann

Heard of the sandwich generation? Well, if you’ve got a tribe of kids and parents who are aging then you are a fully-fledged member! And as members of this special club, not only do we need to manage and keep our offspring in check, but we also have to reserve some energy to help our parents navigate life’s challenges which of course includes the online world. 

In the broadest sense, the sandwich generation is the ‘caught in the middle’ generation who have living parents and children to care for. More often than not, it’s people like us, smack-bang in middle age, who support both their parents and children financially, physically, and/or emotionally. And with life expectancies looking rosier than ever and many of us choosing to have careers before we become parents, it’s inevitable that us middle-aged folks are feeling a little squeezed at both ends! 

Digital Parenting Can Feel All Consuming 

Getting our head around keeping our kids safe online can feel overwhelming for many of us. Keeping up with the latest apps, games and platforms can often feel relentless and let’s not forget about trying to weave in cyber safety messages to ensure our kids make safe decisions online too. But when the downside of not being vigilant about online safety is so great, it’s essential that we extend our digital education messages to the older members of the family too! 

Over 90% of Aussie Seniors are Connected to the Internet 

One of the silver linings of the pandemic is that it gave a real push to those who were resisting getting online. And in most cases, that was the older member of our society. Research from ACMA shows that by 2020, over 90% of Australian seniors had internet connectivity in their homes compared to 68% in 2017. But as we all know, owning a car and driving it are 2 very different tasks!  

My parents, who are both in their late 70’s, do a pretty good job of managing their online lives. They bank online, are avid email senders and can even do a little Facetime, thanks to COVID! But they are a work in progress – like everyone. And while I try very hard to keep them up to date with new apps and risks, I have learnt over the years that less is more. That not overwhelming them is actually the key. In fact, the simpler I keep my updates and tips, the more likely they are to get onboard with my message.  

So, in the spirit of the experience with my much-loved mum and Dad, I‘d like to share with you the top things you can do to keep your much loved older family members safe when they go online. 

1. Invest in Protection Software 

I accept that there are no real guarantees in life but there are risk-minimizing decisions. And ensuring all devices have top-level security software is one of those. Not only will this protect your loved ones from downloading viruses and malware, but it will also allow them to shop with confidence at approved ‘safe’ websites, help them manage their passwords, locate their devices plus loads more. It’s such a small price to pay for increased peace of mind. Check out McAfee+ protection which can protect your family’s entire fleet of devices. 

2. It’s All About Passwords 

A secure password is a key to keeping one’s online life safe so taking some time to formulate a strategy for older family members is so worthwhile. Downloading a password manager was a total life changer for me. Not only did it help me create complex passwords that no human could ever generate but it remembers them for me too. I only have to remember the master password and it then automatically logs me in! Now, if this was set up carefully for older family members, this could be an amazing tool to protect their online life.  

I am also very aware that writing down passwords ‘in a special book’ is used very commonly. And if this is the only way that will work for your family members then try to make these passwords as complex as possible without overwhelming them. A complex, nonsensical sentence would work well here but just ensure each account has its own sentence in case the account gets hacked.      

3. Software Updates 

Out-of-date software is a little like leaving your front door unlocked – it makes it far easier for unwanted visitors. In almost every case, a software update includes a patch for a security vulnerability – a weak hole in the company’s software that could expose the user to risk. So, when I discovered that my parents were ignoring reminders for updates as they had become very annoying, I sprang into action! Most software updates can be automated so I strongly encourage taking some time to ensure all the software your family members use is set up to update automatically. 

4. ScamWatch 

Unfortunately, older Aussies are often the target of online scams. Scammers will work overtime to get their trust with the aim of extracting dollars or their personal details. I wish I had a silver bullet that would protect all vulnerable types from these cybercrims, but I don’t. The next best option is to talk about scams and some of the sneaky techniques scammers will use with them. I remind my parents regularly not to reply to emails from people they don’t know, not to even answer calls from numbers they aren’t familiar with and that if they receive a call from their bank and they aren’t sure whether it is legitimate, ask for the caller’s number so you can ring them bank – if the caller is legit, that won’t be a problem.  

If you think about it, keeping your older family members only is simply an extension of keeping your kids safe. The messages and strategies are almost identical! So, if your older family members use a Messenger app, why not set up a family group chat with both the younger and older family members? You can share news stories about online risks and better still, get the kids involved too! So, next time your parents have an issue with their phone – the kids will be able to help out! Awesome!! 

Take care 

Alex xx 

The post Online Safety for Seniors – How to Keep Older Family Members Safe Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

8 Ways to Know If Online Stores Are Safe and Legit

By McAfee

The explosion of e-commerce sites has changed how we shop today, providing access to millions of online stores with almost unlimited selections.  

Just as you would take basic precautions in a brick-and-mortar store — perhaps hiding your PIN number while paying and making sure the business is legitimate — you should also practice safe shopping habits online. 

Here are eight ways you can avoid fake websites and other online scams and ensure that you’re dealing with legitimate companies and safe online stores. 

Use the free McAfee WebAdvisor to check for safe sites

One of the best ways to tell if an online store is legit and avoid debit and credit card scams, domain name and subdomain name takeovers, and other problems is with a free and effective download like McAfee WebAdvisor. 

This smart tool helps you surf and shop with confidence, protecting you from malicious sites that can contain:  

  • Adware: Pop-ups that might be infected with malware 
  • Spyware: Software downloaded without the user’s consent, perhaps passing on sensitive personal information to advertisers or cybercriminals. 
  • Viruses: Pieces of code that can copy themselves and typically have a negative effect, such as slowing down your system or destroying data 
  • Phishing scams: When hackers send duplicitous emails designed to trick people into falling for a scam to reveal financial information, system credentials, or other sensitive data 

McAfee WebAdvisor is a free browser extension that downloads quickly and installs easily, working in the background automatically to protect you from malware and phishing as you surf, search, and enjoy online shopping. 

McAfee WebAdvisor works with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (32- and 64-bit) computers and is compatible with these browsers: 

  • Internet Explorer 10.0 or later 
  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) 
  • Microsoft Edge (Windows 10 only; Fall Creators Update required) 
  • Mozilla Firefox 
  • Google Chrome 

Here are other ways to make sure you know when you’re dealing with scammers online.  

Check the padlock in the address bar

When checking an e-commerce site’s credentials, start with the address bar. Often, hackers will use URLs that are very close to the real site’s URL but not quite the same. Look for typos or use Google to see if a search takes you to the same page. Also, look for a padlock icon in the address bar. 

Click the padlock and look at the drop-down menu that provides information, such as if the site has a valid certificate like SSL (verifying that the web address belongs to the company), how many cookies are in use, other site settings, and whether your information is safe when sent to this site. 

The protection is pretty good but not perfect since some cybercriminals have been able to replicate these padlocks or take over legitimate sites that have them. 

Verify the website’s trust seal

Trust seals, such as the TrustedSite certification, are stamps created by a certificate authority (CA) to confirm the legitimacy of a site. A trust seal tells visitors that they are on a safe site and the company that displays the mark prioritizes cybersecurity. Click on it, and you should be taken to a webpage that verifies the authenticity of the trust seal. 

Use the Google Transparency Report

Google’s Safe Browsing technology crawls through billions of web addresses every day on the lookout for unsafe websites. The technology discovers thousands daily — often legitimate sites that have been compromised. Warnings for unsafe sites pop up in your browser and on the Google search engine. You can also search specific URLs to see if a site has been compromised.  

Check the company’s social media presence

It’s worth checking a company on social media to see if they appear to have a genuine following and legitimate posts. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) also has suggestions for spotting fake social media accounts, including those on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should look for: 

  • Accounts with poor or no content and stock or recycled images 
  • Poor engagement with followers 
  • Lack of transparency about who runs the account 
  • Phony reviews 
  • Links to phishing scams and malware 

Review the company’s contact info

Another way to test the legitimacy of an online retail store is to check its contact information. Does it have a physical address, phone number, and email contact? Does the email address on the contact page have the company domain name in it, or is it generic (like a Gmail address)? If you send an email, does it get delivered? 

Analyze the overall look of the website

Check to see if the e-commerce site looks as if it has been professionally produced or whether it has been thrown together with slapdash results. Are there typos, grammar errors, poor-quality images, and a sloppy design? Does it have a poorly worded return policy or no return policy at all?  

All the things that undermine the professional appearance and authenticity of a site should be red flags and convince you that you’re on a scam website 

Verify if there are company reviews

If the online company is a legitimate website (not a scam site) and has been around for a while, there should be authentic third-party reviews from previous customers. Review sites include Google My Business, Amazon, and Yelp. 

If the reviews are uniformly bad, on the other hand, you have another type of problem to confront. 

See how McAfee WebAdvisor can keep you safe while shopping online

Since virtual shopping is fast becoming the new norm, it’s important to guard against cybercriminals that are increasingly targeting retailers and their customers. A great way to shop with confidence is to use McAfee WebAdvisor, which is available as a free download. 

The web browser extension works tirelessly in the background to protect you as you browse and buy. Think of it as a gift to yourself so you can use the internet to its full potential while keeping your information protected. 

The post 8 Ways to Know If Online Stores Are Safe and Legit appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Recognize an Online Scammer

By McAfee

The great thing about the internet is that there’s room for everyone. The not-so-great part? There’s plenty of room for cybercriminals who are hungry to get their hands on our personal information.  

Fortunately, internet scams don’t have to be a part of your online experience. In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most common internet schemes and how you can recognize them to keep your identity safe. 

5 tips to help you recognize an online scam

Scams are scary, but you can prevent yourself from falling for one by knowing what to look for. Here are a few tell-tale signs that you’re dealing with a scammer.  

They say you’ve won a huge prize

If you get a message that you’ve won a big sum of cash in a sweepstakes you don’t remember entering, it’s a scam. Scammers may tell you that all you need to do to claim your prize is send them a small fee or give them your banking information.  

When you enter a real sweepstakes or lottery, it’s generally up to you to contact the organizer to claim your prize. Sweepstakes aren’t likely to chase you down to give you money.  

They want you to pay in a certain way

Scammers will often ask you to pay them using gift cards, money orders, cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin), or through a particular money transfer service. Scammers need payments in forms that don’t give consumers protection.  

Gift card payments, for example, are typically not reversible and hard to trace. Legitimate organizations will rarely, if ever, ask you to pay using a specific method, especially gift cards 

When you have to make online payments, it’s a good idea to use a secure service like PayPal. Secure payment systems can have features to keep you safe, like end-to-end encryption.  

They say it’s an emergency

Scammers may try to make you panic by saying you owe money to a government agency and you need to pay them immediately to avoid being arrested. Or the criminal might try to tug at your heartstrings by pretending to be a family member in danger who needs money.  

Criminals want you to pay them or give them your information quickly — before you have a chance to think about it. If someone tries to tell you to pay them immediately in a text message, phone call, or email, they’re likely a scammer 

They say they’re from a government organization or company

Many scammers pretend to be part of government organizations like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They’ll claim you owe them money. Criminals can even use technology to make their phone numbers appear legitimate on your caller ID.  

If someone claiming to be part of a government organization contacts you, go to that organization’s official site and find an official support number or email. Contact them to verify the information in the initial message.  

Scammers may also pretend to be businesses, like your utility company. They’ll likely say something to scare you, like your gas will be turned off if you don’t pay them right away. 

The email is littered with grammatical errors

Most legitimate organizations will thoroughly proofread any copy or information they send to consumers. Professional emails are well-written, clear, and error-free. On the other hand, scam emails will likely be full of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.  

It might surprise you to know that scammers write sloppy emails on purpose. The idea is that if the reader is attentive enough to spot the grammatical mistakes, they likely won’t fall for the scam 

8 most common online scams to watch out for

There are certain scams that criminals try repeatedly because they’ve worked on so many people. Here are a few of the most common scams you should watch out for.  

Phishing scams

A phishing scam can be a phone or email scam. The criminal sends a message in which they pretend to represent an organization you know. It directs you to a fraud website that collects your sensitive information, like your passwords, Social Security number (SSN), and bank account data. Once the scammer has your personal information, they can use it for personal gain.  

Phishing emails may try anything to get you to click on their fake link. They might claim to be your bank and ask you to log into your account to verify some suspicious activity. Or they could pretend to be a sweepstakes and say you need to fill out a form to claim a large reward.  

During the coronavirus pandemic, new phishing scams have emerged, with scammers claiming to be part of various charities and nonprofits. Sites like Charity Navigator can help you discern real groups from fake ones.  

Travel insurance scams

These scams also became much more prominent during the pandemic. Let’s say you’re preparing to fly to Paris with your family. A scammer sends you a message offering you an insurance policy on any travel plans you might be making. They’ll claim the policy will compensate you if your travel plans fall through for any reason without any extra charges.  

You think it might be a good idea to purchase this type of insurance. Right before leaving for your trip, you have to cancel your plans. You go to collect your insurance money only to realize the insurance company doesn’t exist.  

Real travel insurance from a licensed business generally won’t cover foreseeable events (like travel advisories, government turmoil, or pandemics) unless you buy a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) addendum for your policy.  

Grandparent scams

Grandparent scams prey on your instinct to protect your family. The scammer will call or send an email pretending to be a family member in some sort of emergency who needs you to wire them money. The scammer may beg you to act right away and avoid sharing their situation with any other family members. 

For example, the scammer might call and say they’re your grandchild who’s been arrested in Mexico and needs money to pay bail. They’ll say they’re in danger and need you to send funds now to save them.  

If you get a call or an email from an alleged family member requesting money, take the time to make sure they’re actually who they say they are. Never wire transfer money right away or over the phone. Ask them a question that only the family member would know and verify their story with the rest of your family.  

Advance fee scam

You get an email from a prince. They’ve recently inherited a huge fortune from a member of their royal family. Now, the prince needs to keep their money in an American bank account to keep it safe. If you let them store their money in your bank account, you’ll be handsomely rewarded. You just need to send them a small fee to get the money.  

There are several versions of this scam, but the prince iteration is a pretty common one. If you get these types of emails, don’t respond or give out your financial information.  

Tech support scams

Your online experience is rudely interrupted when a pop-up appears telling you there’s a huge virus on your computer. You need to “act fast” and contact the support phone number on the screen. If you don’t, all of your important data will be erased.  

When you call the number, a fake tech support worker asks you for remote access to your device to “fix” the problem. If you give the scammer access to your device, they may steal your personal and financial information or install malware. Worse yet, they’ll probably charge you for it.  

These scams can be pretty elaborate. A scam pop-up may even appear to be from a reputable software company. If you see this type of pop-up, don’t respond to it. Instead, try restarting or turning off your device. If the device doesn’t start back up, search for the support number for the device manufacturer and contact them directly.  

Formjacking and retail scams

Scammers will often pose as popular e-commerce companies by creating fake websites. The fake webpages might offer huge deals on social media. They’ll also likely have a URL close to the real business’s URL but slightly different. 

Sometimes, a criminal is skilled enough to hack the website of a large online retailer. When a scammer infiltrates a retailer’s website, they can redirect where the links on that site lead. This is called formjacking.  

For example, you might go to an e-commerce store to buy a jacket. You find the jacket and put it in your online shopping cart. You click “check out,” and you’re taken to a form that collects your credit card information. What you don’t know is that the checkout form is fake. Your credit card number is going directly to the scammers 

Whenever you’re redirected from a website to make a payment or enter in information, always check the URL. If the form is legitimate, it will have the same URL as the site you were on. A fake form will have a URL that’s close to but not exactly the same as the original site. 

Scareware scams (fake antivirus)

These scams are similar to tech support scams. However, instead of urging you to speak directly with a fake tech support person, their goal is to get you to download a fake antivirus software product (scareware).  

You’ll see a pop-up that says your computer has a virus, malware, or some other problem. The only way to get rid of the problem is to install the security software the pop-up links to. You think you’re downloading antivirus software that will save your computer.  

What you’re actually downloading is malicious software. There are several types of malware. The program might be ransomware that locks up your information until you pay the scammers or spyware that tracks your online activity.  

To avoid this scam, never download antivirus software from a pop-up. You’ll be much better off visiting the website of a reputable company, like McAfee, to download antivirus software 

Credit repair scams

Dealing with credit card debt can be extremely stressful. Scammers know this and try to capitalize off it. They’ll send emails posing as credit experts and tell you they can help you fix your credit or relieve some of your debt. They might even claim they can hide harmful details on your credit report. 

All you have to do is pay a small fee. Of course, after you pay the fee, the “credit expert” disappears without helping you out with your credit at all. Generally, legitimate debt settlement firms won’t charge you upfront. If a credit relief company charges you a fee upfront, that’s a red flag.  

Before you enter into an agreement with any credit service, check out their reputation. Do an online search on the company to see what you can find. If there’s nothing about the credit repair company online, it’s probably fake.  

What can you do if you get scammed online?

Admitting that you’ve fallen for an online scam can be embarrassing. But reporting a scammer can help stop them from taking advantage of anyone else. If you’ve been the victim of an online scam, try contacting your local police department and filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  

Several other law enforcement organizations handle different types of fraud. Here are a few examples of institutions that can help you report scams 

Discover how McAfee can keep you and your info safe online

Fraudsters shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your time online. Just by learning to spot an online scam, you can greatly strengthen your immunity to cybercrimes 

For an even greater internet experience, you’ll want the right tools to protect yourself online. McAfee’s Total Protection services can help you confidently surf the web by providing all-in-one protection for your personal info and privacy. This includes identity protection — which comes with 24/7 monitoring of your email addresses and bank accounts — and antivirus software to help safeguard your internet connection.  

Get the peace of mind that comes with McAfee having your back. 

The post How to Recognize an Online Scammer appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them

By McAfee

Online banking puts the ability to pay bills, check your balance, or transfer money at your fingertips. Unfortunately, it can also make you vulnerable to scammers who may try to trick you into giving them access to your account.  

By remaining vigilant, though, you can avoid common scams. This article discusses mobile banking scams and how to avoid them. 

Most common online banking scams

Online banking can be super convenient — for both you and cybercriminals. And hackers may use a variety of tactics to gain access to your accounts. Most of these involve tricking you into giving them your account information. 

Phishing scams

With this type of online scam, fraudsters may send a text message or email that looks like it’s from your bank. Often, the message will ask for immediate action, such as confirming your information to keep the account from being closed.  

The message might even include a link to the bank, but it actually goes to a fraudulent website designed to look like the bank’s website. When you enter your account information, the scammers record it. 

Sometimes, the email asks you to call a fake customer service number. If you do, you’ll speak to someone who tries to get you to give over sensitive information, like your date of birth or Social Security number (SSN). 

Occasionally, scammers already have some of your personal information. To gain your trust, they might mention personal details like your date of birth or the last four digits of your SSN. They may have learned this information from your social media posts or accessed it in a data breach. 

Cracking passwords

Another way hackers may try to access your bank account is to steal or guess your password. If they can log into your account, they can use your sensitive information for personal gain, otherwise known as identity theft. They can then open credit card accounts in your name, purchase merchandise, or transfer money out of your account. 

Cybercriminals use technology to guess billions of passwords per second. However, it’s more difficult to guess long passwords with a combination of letters and numbers.  

For example, a computer can instantly guess a password consisting of eight letters. Adding one uppercase letter extends the time it takes to crack a password to 22 minutes. In contrast, a 12-character password with an uppercase letter, a number, and a symbol would take the computer 34,000 years to crack. 

Computer viruses

When you click a link or attachment in an email or download fake antivirus software, your device can become infected with malicious software or malware. A virus can let hackers view data from your device and use it to access your financial information or bank accounts 

Consider getting antivirus software to help protect your devices, like what’s offered through McAfee Total Protection. Our award-winning antivirus software provides 24/7 real-time threat protection against online threats like malware, viruses, ransomware, and phishing, across Apple and Android systems. 

Targeting computers on public Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi gives you convenient, free access to the internet in restaurants, airports, and department stores. But it can also be easy for hackers to see your private information on an open network that doesn’t require a password.  

If you log into your online bank account, your login information could be exposed, making you vulnerable to bank fraud. Shopping online with public Wi-Fi could also expose your credit card information. 

How to avoid online banking scams

Fortunately, you can protect yourself from cybercriminals with sensible precautions and a healthy dose of suspicion. Use the tips below to help safeguard your accounts from online banking scams. 

Secure your devices with McAfee

McAfee Total Protection provides all-in-one protection for your personal information and privacy. You’ll have coverage for all of your laptops, tablets, and smartphones on most operating systems — Windows, macOS, Android, or iOS. In addition to premium antivirus software, you get identity monitoring and a secure VPN that shields your data when using public Wi-Fi. 

Carefully assess any messages claiming to be your bank

You can better recognize phishing emails once you understand how banks communicate with customers. There are certain things legitimate banks never do. If you get a message like that, assume it’s fraudulent. Some other tips include: 

  • Calling: Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm. 
  • Email: Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam. 
  • Text messages: If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text. 
  • Urgent action: A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure. 
  • Typos: Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct. 

Create strong passwords and update them regularly

At some point, almost everyone has used the same password for different websites. But this is one of the simplest ways for hackers to get into your accounts. If they figure out the password for one, they can sometimes access your other accounts.  

The most common passwords are:  

  • Password  
  • 12345678 

Use unique passwords for each website. They should be 12 characters long and include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and symbols. McAfee Total Protection includes a password manager to help generate and store your passwords in a single location. 

Always make sure you’re on the bank’s official website/app

If you get an email about an issue with your bank account, you can always go directly to your bank’s website. Don’t click any links in a text or email — just go directly to your bank’s website to check your account. Similarly, if you get a phone call, dial your bank directly using the official telephone number. 

Use two-factor authentication when logging into websites for your financial institutions. You’ll get a one-time code by text or email to use each time you log into your account. 

Be cautious of accessing your bank via public Wi-Fi

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, anyone can see your internet activity. For that reason, you shouldn’t log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi unless you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  

McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers. 

Check your bank statements regularly

Review your bank statements carefully each month to ensure there are no unauthorized transactions. Contact your bank immediately if you see any payments or withdrawals that you don’t recognize. 

See how McAfee keeps you and your data secure online 

Being vigilant and understanding how scammers work can help you avoid online banking scams. For an additional layer of security, use McAfee Total Protection. Our comprehensive cybersecurity services protect all of your devices with award-winning antivirus, a secure VPN for safe Wi-Fi connections, and advanced identity monitoring. There’s even a team of security experts available to assist you around the clock. 

With McAfee, you can bank online with ease knowing your personal data is secure. 

The post Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Seniors: How to Keep Your Retirement Safe from Online Scams

By Toni Birdsong

The growing number of internet crimes targeting senior adults is mind-blowing.

In 2021, more than 92,000 people over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion, according to IC3, the FBI’s Internet Crime division. That number reflects a 74 percent increase in losses from 2020.  

These numbers tell us a few things. They tell us that scamming the elderly is a multi-billion-dollar business for cybercriminals. It also tells us that regardless of how shoddy or obvious online scams may appear to anyone outside the senior community, they are working. 

However, information is power. Senior adults can protect their hard-earned retirement funds and government benefits by staying informed, adopting new behaviors, and putting tools in place designed to stop scammers in their tracks. And, when possible, family, friends, and caregivers can help. 

The FBI said confidence fraud and romance scams netted over $281 million in losses.  

The top four types of scams targeting seniors: Romance scams (confidence scams), fake online shopping, false utility representatives, and government agent imposters. Here’s how to make a few shifts to mindset and your daily routine and steer clear of digital deception.   

5 Safeguards to Protect Your Retirement 

  1. Stop. Don’t share. Often phone or internet scams targeting seniors carry distinctive emotional triggers of elation (you won), fear (you owe), or empathy (please help). For instance, a phony source might urge: “You must send admin fees immediately to access your sweepstake winnings.” Or “You must provide your social security number to stop this agency penalty.” FBI and Better Business Bureau fraud experts advise senior adults to stop and think before taking any action. Be aware of common phishing scams that include legitimate-looking email messages from a bank, federal agency, or service provider requesting you “verify” personal information. The number one rule: Never give out any personal information such as a Social Security number, bank account numbers, Medicare numbers, birthdate, maiden names, work history, or your address. 
  2. Level up your security. Changing times call for new tools and new behaviors online. Consider adopting best practices such as installing McAfee security software, using strong passwords with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), and knowing how to identify phishing and malware scams are fundamental components of digital literacy. For a deeper dive into cybersecurity best practices, read more.  
  3. Discuss new scams. Scammers rapidly adjust their tactics to current events such as the pandemic, tax season, or an economic crisis to emotionally bait senior adults. If you are a senior adult, check out weekly consumer alerts from IC3 or AARP to stay on top of the types of scams you may encounter. If you are a relative or caregiver to a senior adult, stay informed, discuss these scams with your loved one, and explore other ways to help
  4. Research all charities. Senior adults get daily calls, emails, or even Facebook messages trying to bilk them of their money. It’s essential to do your research. Before donating to a charity, you can consult Give.Org or Charity Navigator to verify the request is legitimate. 
  5. Report all scams and scam attempts. If you’ve been a victim of an online scam or even targeted unsuccessfully, report the incident immediately. Any consumer can report online scams at the FBI’s IC3 website. Credit, debit, or bank account fraud should be immediately reported to your bank.   

Just as the seasons change in our lives, so too must our behaviors when connecting to people and information via our devices. Cybercriminals target older people because they assume they aren’t as informed about schemes or technically savvy as younger people. Senior adults and their loved ones can work daily to change that narrative. With the right mindset, information, and tools, seniors can connect online with confidence and enjoy their golden years without worrying about digital deception.  

The post Seniors: How to Keep Your Retirement Safe from Online Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why You Should Care About Fitness Tracker Security

By McAfee

Congratulations! You reached 10,000 steps today!

It’s a great feeling when a wearable fitness device vibrates to let you know when you hit the day’s fitness goal. The digital fireworks display that lights up your watch’s screen is a signal that you should keep on moving to challenge yourself more … or spend the rest of the day on the couch guilt-free.  

While fitness wearable devices, trackers, and apps are excellent motivators for you, cybercriminals love them for their vulnerabilities and privacy loopholes. This doesn’t mean you have to chuck your expensive watch in the bin or delete your fitness apps from your smartphone. Awareness and smart habits go a long way in deterring cybercriminals. Keep reading to learn more about wearable technology vulnerabilities and how you can sidestep each. 

Location Data  

Many fitness tracker apps and wearables are equipped with GPS. At the end of a run or long walk, you can view your exact route, sometimes with detailed maps that show street and town names. This tracking feature was potentially dangerous back in 2018 when a fitness app released a heat map of all its users’ running routes for the year, which clearly outlined secret military bases.1  

Even if you’re stationed in a suburb and not hostile territory, you may consider the risks of sharing your location data. A determined criminal who has time to spare can guess your address and see the times of days when you’re commonly out at the gym or on a run.  

Personally Identifiable Information 

When you purchase a wearable fitness device, you often have to pair it with an accompanying smartphone app to see your daily stats and tailor your fitness goals. Think about all the personally identifiable information (PII) that app now houses: your full name, password, address, height, weight, location, medical concerns, daily activity patterns, etc. In the hands of a cybercriminal, this information can bring a nefarious actor one step closer to impersonating you. Plus, if your health data makes it onto the dark web or is sold to health companies, it may result in serious privacy concerns. 

Luckily, there are ways to get peace of mind about the security of your identity. Identity protection services, such as McAfee Identity Monitoring Service, provide expert identity theft support and up to $1 million in identity theft coverage. 

Tips to Improve Your Fitness Tracker Security 

Wearable devices complement any athleisure outfit and are a fun way to inspire athletic competition between a group of friends. Here are a few ways you can patch some of their security shortcomings: 

Change the factory password settings.

When you first purchase any new device, fitness trackers included, your first step should always be to reset the factory password. Cybercriminals know that many people often skip this step, making it easy for them to walk right into new accounts. If you have a hard time remembering your passwords, consider entrusting them to a password manager to remember them for you. McAfee True Key makes it so that you only have to remember one master password to unlock the rest, and it’s protected by one of the strongest encryption algorithms available. 

Make your account private.

This is a tip you should consider for all your social media accounts. When you post about your life online, you actually divulge a lot of personal details that are helpful to cybercriminals. In the case of fitness trackers and apps, sharing the times of day when you go to the gym, are at the local track, or are on a bike path may give a criminal an idea of windows during the day when your home is empty. It’s unsettling to think that strangers can track your whereabouts, so it’s best to keep those details exclusive to people you personally know and trust. 

Turn off geolocation.

In the case of fitness trackers and apps, a savvy cybercriminal may be able take an educated guess at your address, with which they can do a myriad of nefarious activities. Some running and fitness apps may be able to still create maps of your running routes but erase street names and other landmarks to make it more private. But when in doubt, turn off geolocation.  

Stay on Track 

Fitness trackers are a fun way to stir up some friendly competition, keep connected with your fit friends, and motivate yourself to exercise and maintain healthy habits. While you’re shopping for a new device or when evaluating your current tracker, keep these tips in mind to enjoy this technology to its fullest. 

The post Why You Should Care About Fitness Tracker Security appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How Secure Is Video Conferencing?

By McAfee

As millions of people around the world practice social distancing and work their office jobs from home, video conferencing has quickly become the new norm. Whether you’re attending regular work meetings, partaking in a virtual happy hour with friends, or catching up with extended family across the globe, video conferencing is a convenient alternative to many of the activities we can no longer do in real life. But as the rapid adoption of video conferencing tools and apps occurs, is security falling by the wayside?

Avoid Virtual Party Crashers

One security vulnerability that has recently made headlines is the ability for uninvited attendees to bombard users’ virtual meetings. How? According to Forbes, many users have posted their meeting invite links on social media sites like Twitter. An attacker can simply click on one of these links and interrupt an important conference call or meeting with inappropriate content.  

Ensure Data is in the Right Hands

Online conferencing tools allow users to hold virtual meetings and share files via chat. But according to Security Boulevard, communicating confidential business information quickly and privately can be challenging with these tools. For example, users are not always immediately available, even when working from home. In fact, many parents are simultaneously doubling as working parents and teachers with the recent closure of schools and childcare providers. If a user needs to share private information with a coworker but they are unable to connect by video or phone, they might revert to using a messaging platform that lacks end-to-end encryptiona feature that prevents third-party recipients from seeing private messages. This could lead to leaks or unintended sharing of confidential data, whether personal or corporate. What’s more, the lack of using a secure messaging platform could present a hacker with an opportunity to breach a victim’s data or deviceDepending on the severity of this type of breach, a victim could be at risk of identity theft 

Pay Attention to Privacy Policies

With the recent surge of new video conferencing users, privacy policies have been placed under a microscope. According to WIRED, some online conferencing tools have had to update their policies to reflect the collection of user information and meeting content used for advertising or other marketing efforts. Another privacy concern was brought to light by a video conferencing tool’s attention-tracking feature. This alerts the virtual meeting host when an attendee hasn’t had the meeting window in their device foreground for 30 seconds, resulting in users feeling that their privacy has been compromised.  

How to Secure Video Conferences

As users become accustomed to working from home, video conferencing tools will continue to become a necessary avenue for virtual communication. But how can users do so while putting their online security first? Follow these tips to help ensure that your virtual meetings are safeguarded:  

Do your research

There are plenty of video conferencing tools available online. Before downloading the first one you see, do your research and check for possible security vulnerabilities around the tools. Does the video conferencing tool you’re considering use end-to-end encryption? This ensures that only meeting participants have the ability to decrypt secure meeting content. Additionally, be sure to read the privacy policies listed by the video conferencing programs to find the one that is the most secure and fits your needs.  

Make your meetings password protected

To ensure that only invited attendees can access your meeting, make sure they are password protected. For maximum safety, activate passwords for new meetings, instant meetings, personal meetings, and people joining by phone. 

Block users from taking control of the screen

To keep users (either welcome or unwelcome) from taking control of your screen while you’re video conferencing, select the option to block everyone except the host (you) from screen sharing.  

Turn on automatic updates

By turning on automatic updates, you are guaranteed to have all the latest security patches and enhancements for your video conferencing tool as soon as they become available.  

The post How Secure Is Video Conferencing? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Do A Virus Scan

By McAfee

Whether you think you might have a virus on your computer or devices, or just want to keep them running smoothly, it’s easy to do a virus scan. How to check for viruses depends on the software and device you have, so we’ll go through everything you need to know to run a scan effectively and keep your computers, phones and tablets in tip-top shape.

Do You Need a Virus Scan?

First, let’s cover a few of the telltale signs your device might have a virus. Is your computer or device acting sluggish or having a hard time booting up? Have you noticed missing files or a lack of storage space? Have you noticed emails or messages sent from your account that you did not write? Perhaps you’ve noticed changes to your browser homepage or settings? Or maybe, you’re seeing unexpected pop-up windows, or experiencing crashes and other program errors. These are all examples of signs that you may have a virus, but don’t get too worried yet, because many of these issues can be resolved with a virus scan.

What Does a Virus Scan Do?

Each antivirus program works a little differently, but in general the software will look for known malware that meets a specific set of characteristics. It may also look for variants of these known threats that have a similar code base. Some antivirus software even checks for suspicious behavior. If the software comes across a dangerous program or piece of code, it removes it. In some cases, a dangerous program can be replaced with a clean one from the manufacturer.

How to Check for Viruses

The process of checking for viruses depends on the device type and its operating system. Check out these tips to help you scan your computers, phones and tablets.

On a Windows computer

If you use Windows 10, go into “Settings” and look for the “Updates & Security” tab. From there you can locate a “Scan Now” button.

Of course, many people have invested in more robust antivirus software that has a high accuracy rate and causes less drain on their system resources, such as McAfee Total Protection. To learn how to run a virus scan using your particular antivirus software, search the software’s help menu or look online for instructions.

On a Mac computer

Mac computers don’t have a built-in antivirus program, so you will have to download security software to do a virus scan. There are some free antivirus applications available online, but we recommend investing in trusted software that can protect you from a variety of threats. Downloading free software and free online virus scans can be risky, since cybercriminals know that this is a good way to spread malware.

Whichever program you choose, follow their step-by-step instructions on how to perform a virus scan, either by searching under “help” or looking it up on their website.

On smartphones and tablets

Yes, you can get a virus on your phone or tablet, although they are less common than on computers. However, the wider category of mobile malware is on the rise and your device can get infected if you download a risky app, click on an attachment in a text message, visit a dangerous webpage, or connect to another device that has malware on it.

Fortunately, you can protect your devices with mobile security software. It doesn’t usually come installed, so you will have to download an application and follow the instructions.

Because the Android platform is an open operating system, there are a number of antivirus products for Android devices, that allows you to do a virus scan.

Apple devices are a little different because they have a closed operating system that doesn’t allow third parties to see their code. Although Apple has taken other security precautions to reduce malware risks, such as only allowing the installation of apps from Apple’s official app store, these measures aren’t the same as an antivirus program.

For more robust protection on your Apple devices, you can install mobile security software to protect the private data you have stored on your phone or tablet, such as contacts, photos and messages.

All-In-One Protection:

If safeguarding all your computers and devices individually sounds overwhelming, you can opt for a comprehensive security product that protects computers, smartphones and tablets from a central control center, making virus prevention a breeze.

Why are virus scans so important?

New online threats emerge every day, putting our personal information, money and devices at risk. In the first quarter of 2019 alone McAfee detected 504 new threats per minute, as cybercriminals employed new tactics. That’s why it is essential to stay ahead of these threats by using security software that is constantly monitoring and checking for new known threats, while safeguarding all of your sensitive information. Virus scans are an essential part of this process when it comes to identifying and removing dangerous code.

How often should you run a virus scan?

Most antivirus products are regularly scanning your computer or device in the background, so you will only need to start a manual scan if you notice something suspicious, like crashes or excessive pop-ups. You can also program regular scans on your schedule.

Preventing Viruses

Of course, the best protection is to avoid getting infected in the first place. Here are a few smart tips to sidestep viruses and other malware:

  • Learn how to surf safely so you can avoid risky websites, links and messages. This will go a long way in keeping you virus-free.
  • Never click on spammy emails or text messages. These include unsolicited advertisements and messages from people or companies you don’t know.
  • Keep the software on your computers and devices up to date. This way you are protected from known threats, such as viruses and other types of malware.
  • Invest in comprehensive security software that can protect all of your devices, such as McAfee LiveSafe.
  • Stay informed on the latest threats, so you know what to look out for. The more you know about the latest scams, the easier they will be to spot and avoid.

The post How To Do A Virus Scan appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits?

By Alex Merton-McCann

Molding and shaping our kids while we can is every parent’s dream. When kids are young – and sweet! – they are far more inclined to take on board our advice and lovingly imposed rules. Oh, how I miss those days!! And in a nutshell – that’s what a good set of parental controls can do for you and your kids. In my opinion, parental controls can absolutely help you create good habits but it’s essential that they are accompanied by an invested parent who’s keen to help their kids navigate the online world. 

What Can Parental Controls Do? 

With Aussie kids spending at least 5 hours online a day, it’s no secret that they can be exposed to a broad range of people, websites and themes – some potentially quite disturbing. And with most kids sporting an internet-connected phone plus a laptop, there’s no limit to what they can access – and usually when you aren’t around. 

I like to think of parental controls as another way of helping establish healthy habits and good decision-making strategies with your kids. For example, if you have told your kids there is no screen time before bed, then you are able to use Parental Controls to make that a reality. And if you have agreed that they are able to use only certain apps or social media platforms then Parental Controls can also make this happen by blocking access if they deviate. I believe that over time, these routines, and boundaries simply become part of your child’s day-to-day life and become good habits. 

McAfee’s Parental Controls, called Safe Family, can also let you view your kids’ activity online and let you know where your kids are at all times. How good??    

Doesn’t It Take Just 21 Days To Form A Habit? 

While it’s commonly believed that it takes just 21 days to form a habit, courtesy of Dr Maxwell Maltz in the 1960’s, more up-to-date research shows that it could take considerably longer. In fact, research conducted in 2010 by Health Psychology Researcher Philippa Lally at The University College in London shows that it takes around 2 months or 66 days to be precise to make a new habit stick! 

And while I love the idea that we could help our kids adopt new positive habits in just 2 months, I think we need to keep it real. Fear of missing out (FOMO) coupled with the lure of their shiny devices might mean that it takes a little more than 66 days to make a change, particularly if you are trying to modify their current usage as opposed to starting from scratch. 

Nothing Replaces The Role Of Being A Proactive Digital Parenting 

There is no-one that better understands just how time poor parents can be. Having spent the last 20 plus years rearing 4 boys and working, I feel like I’ve earnt the time poor t-shirt! So, understandably, many parents feel like they just don’t have the ‘band with’ to take on much more so digital parenting is often put in the too hard basket. And I totally get it!    

But using parental controls without some knowledge of your kids’ digital world, is a little like filling your car with petrol but not worrying about the oil. It will eventually be a problem! 

My Top 3 Digital Parenting Non-Negotiables 

So, I’m going to break it down for you. Digital parenting doesn’t have to be overwhelming, particularly if you break it down. So, in a quest to keep it simple, here are 4 things you can do to up your digital parenting game: 

1. As Soon as Your Kids Start Using Devices, Start Talking Cybersafety 

The day your child picks up a device is the day you start talking about cybersafety. If this is when they are 18 months of age, then that’s when you start. Always ensure the messages are age-appropriate and keep them simple. You could start with:  

  • “Remember, daddy/mummy chooses the game” 
  • “Let’s keep your name private online.” To help with this, why not create an online nickname for them? 
  • “Make sure you’re sitting near (mum/dad/nana) when you are using the iPad.” 

And when your kids get older, weave in more age-appropriate messages, such as: 

  • “Online friends aren’t real friends” 
  • “If you wouldn’t do it in person then don’t do it online” 
  • “Think before you post” 

Knitting cybersafety messages into your family dialogue needs to also become automatic. Talk about it just like you would sun safety or road safety. And why not share stories around the dinner table about your own online experiences or even relevant news stories to engage them in a dialogue. 

2. Create a Family Digital Contract 

I love the idea of a clear contract between parents and kids that details your expectations about their online behaviour and technology use. It’s a great way of developing a set of guidelines that will help them navigate the risks associated with being online. Now, this agreement should definitely be a family exercise so ensure your kids are invested in the process too. If you want a starting point, check out this one from The Modern Parent here 

3. Commit to Understanding Your Child’s Digital World 

Taking some time to understand how your child spends their time online is the best way of truly understanding the risks and challenges they face. So, join ALL the social media platforms your kids are on, play their games and download their messaging apps. You will develop a better understanding of how to manage privacy settings and the language/online culture that is a big part of your child’s life. And the best part – if they know you understand their world, I have no doubt that you will develop a little ‘tech cred’ which mean that they will be more likely to come to you with any issues or problems that may face online. Awesome! 

Get Technology Working for You 

There is some amazing technology available that makes this digital parenting thing a heck of a lot easier and that includes Parental Controls. McAfee’s Safe Family is a comprehensive parental controls solution that lets you monitor and block apps and websites, manage screen time, see where your kid’s devices are at all times, and more, giving you peace of mind in an ever-mobile world. The perfect partner to an invested parent! 

Parental Controls can be an awesome way of helping your kids establish positive habits around their tech use, but they are even more impactful when combined with an invested parent who has got a good handle on the online world. So, by all means, invest in Parental Control software but also commit to ramping up your digital parenting game – it’s the best way to help set up your kids for a safe and positive experience online. And isn’t that every digital parent’s dream! 

Take Care 

Alex 😊 

The post Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

5 Tips For Creating Bulletproof Passwords

By McAfee

While biometric tools like facial ID and fingerprints have become more common when it comes to securing our data and devices, strong passwords still play an essential part in safeguarding our digital lives.

This can be frustrating at times, since many of us have more accounts and passwords than we can possibly remember. This can lead us to dangerous password practices, such as choosing short and familiar passwords, and repeating them across numerous accounts. But password safety doesn’t have to be so hard. Here are some essential tips for creating bulletproof passwords.

Remember, simple is not safe

Every year surveys find that the most popular passwords are as simple as  “1234567” and just “password.” This is great news for the cybercrooks, but really bad news for the safety of our personal and financial information.

When it comes to creating strong passwords, length and complexity matter because it makes them harder to guess, and harder to crack if the cybercriminal is using an algorithm to quickly process combinations. The alarming truth is that passwords that are just 7 characters long take less than a third of a second to crack using these “brute force attack” algorithms.


  • Make sure that your passwords are at least 12 characters long and include numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.
  • Try substituting numbers and symbols for letters, such as zero for “O”, or @ for “A”.
  • If you’re using internet-connected devices, like IP cameras and interactive speakers, make sure to change the default passwords to something unique, since hackers often know the manufacturer’s default settings.

Keep it impersonal

Passwords that include bits of personal information, such as your name, address, or pet’s name, make them easier to guess. This is especially true when we share a lot of personal information online. But you can use personal preferences that aren’t well known to create strong passphrases.


  • Try making your password a phrase, with random numbers and characters. For instance, if you love crime novels you might pick the phrase: ILoveBooksOnCrime
    Then you would substitute some letters for numbers and characters, and put a portion in all caps to make it even stronger, such as: 1L0VEBook$oNcRIM3!
  • If you do need to use personal information when setting up security questions, choose answers that are not easy to find online.
  • Keep all your passwords and passphrases private.

Never reuse passwords

If you reuse passwords and someone guesses a password for one account, they can potentially use it to get into others. This practice has gotten even riskier over the last several years, due to the high number of corporate data breaches. With just one hack, cybercriminals can get their hands on thousands of passwords, which they can then use to try to access multiple accounts.


  • Use unique passwords for each one of your accounts, even if it’s for an account that doesn’t hold a lot of personal information. These too can be compromised, and if you use the same password for more sensitive accounts, they too are at risk.
  • If a website or monitoring service you use warns you that your details may have been exposed, change your password immediately.

Employ a password manager

If just the thought of creating and managing complex passwords has you overwhelmed, outsource the work to a password manager! These are software programs that can create random and complex passwords for each of your accounts, and store them securely. This means you don’t have to remember your passwords – you can simply rely on the password manager to enter them when needed.


  • Look for security software that includes a password manager
  • Make sure your password manager uses multi-factor authentication, meaning it uses multiple pieces of information to identify you, such as facial recognition, a fingerprint, and a password.

Boost your overall security

Now that you’ve made sure that your passwords are bulletproof, make sure you have comprehensive security software that can protect you from a wide variety of threats.


  • Keep you software up-to-date and consider using a web advisor that protects you from accidentally typing passwords into phishing sites.

The post 5 Tips For Creating Bulletproof Passwords appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy?

By Alex Merton-McCann

Like most things in life, online privacy is a 2-way street. As consumers, we expect the companies we deal with online to manage and safeguard our data to a super professional level however we also have a role to play here too. So, this Privacy Awareness Week (PAW), let’s focus on what we can do to ensure our personal information is kept as secure, and private as possible. 

Privacy Awareness Week 

There’s nothing like a dedicated ‘week’ to renew our focus and in my opinion, this year’s PAW does just that. This year’s theme is – The Foundation of Trust – we all have a role to play, a great reminder of how it’s up to all of us to ensure we manage online privacy. There’s no doubt that managing our privacy is low on the to-do list for many. And I get it – we’re all strapped for time, and we don’t ever think privacy breaches will affect us. Well, my friends, I’m here to tell you that privacy breaches do happen. Identity theft is a reality of living life online. In fact, in 2020/21, nearly 155,000 Aussies had their identities stolen and they were the cases that were reported. But the good news is that if you take a proactive approach, you can minimise the risk of this ever happening. 

What You Can Do to Protect Your Online Privacy 

Believe it or not, most of your privacy action plan involves small steps that are, I promise, relatively painless. The most important thing here is that you need to commit to doing them. The last thing you want is to spend months dealing with the fallout from having your identity stolen. It’s exhausting, stressful, and absolutely worth avoiding. 

Without further ado, here’s your action plan: 

1. Passwords 

Strong and complex passwords are essential to keeping your online information tight. Ideally, a password should have between 8-10 characters and be a combination of letters – both lower and uppercase, numbers and symbols. Each online account should also have its own password too – which is a very overwhelming concept! Consider using a password manager such as McAfee’s TrueKey to help generate and manage passwords.   

2. Conduct An Audit of Your (and Your Kids’) Privacy Settings 

Ensure all the family checks their social media accounts to ensure they are set to private. This will mean that only their chosen friends can see their private information. Each social media platform will have its own ‘help’ page which provides specific steps on how to do this.  

3. Use Public Wi-Fi With Caution 

If you are serious about your online privacy, then you need to use public Wi-Fi sparingly. Unsecured public Wi-Fi is a very risky business. Anything you share could easily find its way into the hands of cybercriminals. So, avoid sharing any sensitive or personal information while using public Wi-Fi. If you travel regularly, consider investing in a VPN. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your activity which means your login details and other sensitive information is protected. A great insurance policy!  

4. Use 2-Factor Authentication 

Adding an additional layer of security to protect yourself when accessing your online accounts is another great way of guarding your online privacy. Turn on two-factor authentication for Google, Dropbox, Facebook and whatever other site offers it. For those new to this option, this means that in addition to your password, you will need to provide another form of identification to ensure you are who you say you are. Most commonly, this is a code sent to your mobile phone or generated by a smartphone app. 

5. Consider a Search Engine that Doesn’t Track Your Every Move Online 

Most web surfers rely on Google for their searching but why not use a search engine that doesn’t collect and store the information? And there are loads of more ‘privacy focussed’ options to choose from. Check out DuckDuckGo, that doesn’t profile users or track or sell your information to third parties. 

6. Protect Your Digital Life 

Comprehensive security protection software is an easy way to help firm up your online privacy too as it does a great job of keeping malicious software (malware) at bay. Malware can wreak absolute havoc: from installing pop ups to scanning for personal information. And if you’re likely to click dodgy links (we’re all human after all), then this is a no brainer! Super-duper security software will also guard you against viruses and online threats, direct you away from risky websites and dangerous downloads and protect your smartphones and tablets too, it can also back up your files. McAfee’s LiveSafe protection software comes with a 100% guarantee to protect you against viruses. 

So, this Privacy Awareness week, please take the time to ensure you are doing all you can to nail your online privacy. And of course, please get your kids involved too. Do your research and find some stories of ‘real life’ people who have had their identity stolen to share around the dinner table because identity theft can absolutely happen to anyone! 

Till next time, 

Stay Safe! 

Alex 😊  

The post Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life

By McAfee

Passwords: we entrust our most important data to these strings of letters, numbers, and special characters. So, we should make sure our passwords are words or phrases that we can easily remember, right? While this might be the most convenient option, there are more secure ways to digitally lock up your most sensitive personally identifiable information (PII). In celebration of World Password Day, we’re diving into how you can practice top-notch password security without compromising convenience.1  

The Nature of the Password 

Over the years, the password has remained a good first line of defense against cyberattacks. However, most of us tend to choose passwords based on memorable things from our lives, like family names or our pets’ birthdays. As it turns out, these details are easy for hackers to find on social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s also human nature to opt for convenience, and for many people that means setting easy-to-remember and easy-to-guess passwords. Plus, out of convenience, people often reuse passwords across multiple accounts and services. The downside is that if one account becomes compromised, all accounts become compromised. 

As an alternative to single-word passwords, many security experts advocate for passphrases over passwords. Passphrases are longer strings of words and characters that are easier for you to remember and harder for nefarious software and cybercriminals to guess than random strings of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. But, according to a study, the average American internet user was projected to have 300 online accounts by 2022.2 Can you imagine memorizing 300 different passphrases? We can all agree that sounds pretty unrealistic, so users tend to look for other solutions.  

Do You Save Your Password in a Browser?  

If the answer is yes, you may want to reconsider, as there are several risks associated with this practice. Although it’s convenient to have your browser save your passwords, they tend to do a lousy job of safeguarding your passwords, credit card numbers and personal details, such as your name and address. 

Let’s take Google Chrome, for example. Unlike most dedicated password managers, Chrome doesn’t use a primary password to encrypt all your credentials. (Note that some browsers do use one, and are therefore more secure, though you’ll still need to trust your browser provider.) This makes your Chrome-stored passwords relatively weak to “local” attacks. For example, if someone gets hold of—or guesses—your Windows password, they can then see all the logins stored in your browser’s password manager. 

Another consideration to note is that the security of all your accounts is tied to your browser account’s security. Let’s say you use the sync option to make your credentials available on all your devices. This means that logins are stored in the cloud and, though encrypted, if someone manages to hack into your browser account, they will gain access to all your logins.  

Keep Your Accounts Secure Without Compromising Convenience 

What can you do to help ensure your online profiles are kept safe without spending hours managing a complex list of passwords? Here are some easy ways to lock down your digital life without sacrificing convenience:  

Use a password manager to store unique, complex passwords for all your accounts 

A password manager is a software application that stores your passwords and other sensitive information. You can install it on computers or mobile devices and store all passwords in an encrypted file (or database). The best option is to use a password manager like McAfee True Key to store and create strong, random passwords for each site you visit. You’ll have one primary password that grants access to the rest of them—ideally, a long and random passphrase that you can remember. Once everything is set up, it should be seamless. As you log in to new sites, the password manager will offer to save your credentials for later use. 

Turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it 

One of the best ways to protect your accounts against unauthorized access is to turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it. Using two-factor authentication means a site will prompt you for a unique security code, in addition to your password, whenever you log in to an account for which you have enabled this feature.  

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring another form of identification after you enter your username and password. Some services send a temporary passcode over a text message. Others require the user to approve login attempts from new devices using an app. If someone steals your device or gains access to your account details, they’re out of luck unless they also have access to this second piece of information. Two-factor authentication is available on a wide range of websites and can help keep your accounts safe from would-be hackers, so you should always use it when available.  

Use a virtual private network (VPN) when out and about 

A VPN, or virtual private network, encrypts your data and masks your online behavior from snooping third parties. When you go to a website, your computer connects to the server where the site is hosted, and that website can see a certain amount of data about you and your computer. With a VPN, you connect to a private server first, which scrambles your data and makes it more difficult for digital eavesdroppers to track what you’re doing online. 

VPNs can provide users with greater peace of mind when on the go. Say you’re traveling on a business trip and need to connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by your hotel. Shifty characters often lurk on unprotected, free networks (such as those provided by hotels, coffee shops, airports, etc.) to lift PII from people handling sensitive emails, making banking transactions, or shopping online.  encrypts your online activity with bank-grade encryption to protect your data from prying eyes. With a premium paid plan, you can protect up to five devices at once and enjoy unlimited data protection.  

The Best of Both Worlds: Security and Convenience 

With your growing number of accounts all requiring passwords—emails, social media profiles, online banking—it’s no wonder that people tend to reuse passwords across multiple sites. This may be convenient, but it creates significant security risks if a suspicious actor manages to obtain one of your passwords and attempts to use it elsewhere. That’s why having strong passwords matters. 

Do yourself a favor and opt for a dedicated password manager that will auto-save and store your credentials for you, so you only have one password to remember. Who says security and simplicity can’t coexist?  

The post This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Smarter Homes & Gardens: Smart Speaker Privacy

By Natalie Maxfield

So is your smart speaker really listening in on your conversations? 

That’s the crux of a popular privacy topic. Namely, are we giving up some of our privacy in exchange for the convenience of a smart speaker that does our bidding with the sound of our voice? After all, you’re using it to do everything from search for music, order online, and control the lights and temperature in your home. 

What is your smart speaker really hearing—and recording? 

Let’s take a look at what’s going on inside of your smart speaker, how it processes your requests, and what companies do with the recordings and transcripts of your voice. 

So, are smart speakers listening in? 

More or less, smart speakers are listening to all the time. Each smart speaker has its own “wake word” that it listens for, like Alexa, Siri, or Google. When the device hears that wake word or thinks it hears it, it begins recording and awaits your verbal commands. Unless you have the microphone or listening feature turned off, your device indeed actively listens for that wake word all the time. 

Here’s where things get interesting, though. There’s a difference between “listening” and “recording.” The act of listening is passive. Your smart speaker is waiting to hear its name. That’s it. Once it does hear its name, it begins recording for a few seconds to record your command. From there, your spoken command goes into the company’s cloud for processing by way of an encrypted connection.  

There are exceptions to when your command may go to the company’s cloud for processing, like Siri on iPhones, which according to Apple, “You don’t sign in with your Apple ID to use Siri, and the audio of your requests is processed entirely on your iPhone.” Also, Google Assistant may process some requests without going to the cloud, like “When a user triggers a smart home Action that has a local fulfillment path, Assistant sends the EXECUTE intent or QUERY intent to the Google Home or Google Nest device rather than the cloud fulfillment.” 

In the cases where information does go to the cloud, processing entails a few things. First, it makes sure that the wake word was heard. If it’s determined that the wake word was indeed spoken (or something close enough to it—more on that in a minute), the speaker follows through on the request or command. Depending on your settings, that activity may get stored in your account history, whether as a voice recording, transcript, or both. If the wake word was not detected, processing ends at that point. 

Enter the issue of mistaken wake words. While language models and processing technologies used by smart speakers are constantly evolving, there are occasions where a smart speaker acts as if a wake word was heard when it simply wasn’t said. Several studies on the topic have been published in recent years. In the case of research from Northeastern University, it was found that dialogue from popular television shows could be interpreted as wake words that trigger recording. For example, their findings cite: 

“We then looked at other shows with a similarly high dialogue density (such as Gilmore Girls and The Office) and found that they also have a high number of activations, which suggests that the number of activations is at least in part related to the density of dialogue. However, we have also noticed that if we consider just the amount of dialogue (in a number of words), Narcos is the one that triggers the most activations, even if it has the lowest dialogue density.” 

Of interest is not just the volume of dialogue, but the pronunciation of the dialogue: 

“We investigated the actual dialogue that produced Narcos‘ activations and we have seen that it was mostly Spanish dialogue and poorly pronounced English dialogue. This suggests that, in general, words that are not pronounced clearly may lead to more unwanted activations.” 

Research such as this suggests that smart speakers at the time had room for improvement when it comes to properly detect wake words, thus leading to parts of conversation being recorded without the owner intending it. If you own a smart speaker, I wouldn’t be too surprised to hear that you’ve had some issues like that from time to time yourself. 

Is someone on the other end of my smart speaker listening to my recordings? 

As mentioned above, the makers of smart speakers make constant improvements to their devices and services, which may include the review of commands from users to make sure they are interpreted correctly. There are typically two types of review—machine and human. As the names suggest, a machine review is a digital analysis and human reviews entail someone listening to and evaluating a recorded command or reading and evaluating a transcript of a written command. 

However, several manufacturers let you exercise some control over that. In fact, you’ll find that they post a fair share of articles about this collection and review process, along with your choices for opting in or out as you wish: 

Setting up your smart speaker for better privacy 

The quickest way to ensure a more private experience with your smart speaker is to disable listening—or turn it off entirely. Depending on the device, you may be able to do this with the push of a button, a voice command, or some combination of the two. This will keep the device from listening for its wake word. Likewise, this makes your smart speaker unresponsive to voice commands until you enable them again. This approach works well if you decide there are certain stretches of the day where your smart speaker doesn’t need to be on call. 

Yet let’s face it, the whole idea of a smart speaker is to have it on and ready to take your requests. For those stretches where you leave it on, there’s another step you can take to shore up your privacy.  

In addition to making sure you’re opted out of the review process mentioned above, you can also delete your recordings associated with your voice commands. 

Managing your voice history like this gives you yet one more way you can take control of your privacy. In many ways, it’s like deleting your search history from your browser. And when you consider just how much activity and how many queries your smart speaker may see over the course of days, weeks, and months, you can imagine just how much information that captures about you and your family. Some of it is undoubtedly personal. Deleting that history can help protect your privacy in the event that information ever gets breached or somehow ends up in the hands of a bad actor.  

Lastly, above and beyond these privacy tips for your smart speakers, comprehensive online protection will help you look out for your privacy overall. In the case of ours, we provide a full range of privacy and device protection, along with identity theft protection that includes $1M identity theft coverage, identity monitoring, and identity restoration assistance from recovery pros—and antivirus too, of course. Together, they can make your time spent online far more secure. 

You’re the smart one in this relationship 

With privacy becoming an increasingly hot topic (rightfully so!), several companies have been taking steps to make the process of managing yours easier and a more prevalent part of their digital experience. As you can see, there are several ways you can take charge of how your smart speaker uses, and doesn’t use, your voice. 

It used to be that many of these settings were tucked away deep in menus, rather than something companies would tout on web pages dedicated to privacy. So as far as smart speakers go, the information is out there, and I hope this article helps make the experience with yours more private and secure.  

The post Smarter Homes & Gardens: Smart Speaker Privacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Are Browser Cookies and How Do I Manage Them?

By McAfee

As an avid internet surfer, you’ve most likely heard of cookies. No, we’re not talking about the ones filled with chocolate chips. We’re talking about the ones that allow you to log in to your favorite websites. Cookies may impact your online security, so check out these tips to manage them and keep your online accounts safe.  

What Are Cookies in Browsers?  

Ever wonder how a website saves the items you placed in your shopping cart last week, even though you closed the tab before making the purchase? This is made possible by cookies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, a cookie is information saved by your web browser. When you visit a website, the site may place a cookie on your web browser so it can recognize your device in the future. If you return to that site later, it can read that cookie to remember you from your last visit, keeping track of your activities over time.1  

First-party vs. Third-party Cookies  

Cookies come in either the first-party or third-party variety. There’s no difference between the two in how they function, but rather in where and how you encountered them. First-party cookies belong to sites you visited first-hand in your browser. Third-party cookies, or “tracking cookies,” generally come from third-party advertising websites. 

Magic Cookies vs. HTTP Cookies 

Although cookies generally function the same, there are technically two different types of cookies. Magic cookies refer to packets of information that are sent and received without changes. Historically, this would be used to log in to a computer database system, such as an internal business  network. This concept predates the modern cookie we use today. 

HTTP cookies are a repurposed version of the magic cookie built for internet browsing and managing online experiences. HTTP cookies help web developers give you more personalized, convenient website experiences. They allow sites to remember you, your website logins, and shopping carts so you can pick back up where you left off from your last visit. However, cybercriminals can manipulate HTTP cookies to spy on your online activity and steal your personal information. 

What Is Cookie Hijacking?  

Cookie hijacking (also known as session hijacking) is typically initiated when a cybercriminal sends you a fake login page. If you click the fake link, the thief can steal the cookie and capture anything you type while on the fraudulent website. Like a phishing attack, cookie hijacking allows a cybercriminal to steal personal information like usernames, passwords, and other important data held within the cookie. If you enter your information while on the fake website, the criminal can then put that cookie in their browser and impersonate you online. They may even change your credentials, locking you out of your account.  

Sometimes, criminals initiate cookie hijacking attacks without a fake link. If you’re browsing on an unsecured, public Wi-Fi connection, hackers can easily steal your data that’s traveling through the connection. This can happen even if the site is secure and your username and password are encrypted. 

Can Cookies Compromise Your Browser Security?  

Because the data in cookies doesn’t change, cookies themselves aren’t harmful. They can’t infect computers with viruses or malware. But if your cookies are hijacked as part of a cyberattack, a criminal could gain access to your browsing history and use cookies as the key to enter your locked accounts. For example, a hacker may steal your identity or confidential company information, purchase items in your online shopping carts, or loot your bank account.  

Tips for a More Secure Browsing Experience 

Preventing cookie hijacking attacks can allow you to browse the internet with greater peace of mind. Follow these tips to not only safeguard your personal information but to also enhance your browsing experience:  

Clean out the cookie jar  

Make it a habit to clear your cookie cache regularly to prevent cookie overload, which could slow your search speeds. Also, almost every browser has the option to enable/disable cookies on your computer. So if you don’t want them at all, your browser’s support section can walk you through how to disable them. 

Turn off autofill features 

Although it’s convenient to not have to re-type your credentials into a website you frequently visit, autofill features could make it easier for a criminal to extract your data with cookie hijacking. Plus, autofill is risky if your physical device falls into the wrong hands. To browse more securely without having to constantly reenter your passwords, use a password manager like McAfee True Key. True Key makes it so you only have to remember one master password, and it encrypts the rest in a vault protected by one of the most secure encryption algorithms available. 

Opt into multi-factor authentication 

Strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts, updated regularly, offer ample protection against hackers. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds yet another layer of security by double-checking your identity beyond your username and password, usually with a texted or emailed code. When your accounts offer MFA, always opt in. 

Connect to a virtual private network (VPN) 

Criminals can hijack your cookies if you’re browsing on an unsecured, public Wi-Fi connection. To prevent a criminal from swiping your data, use a virtual private network (VPN), a service that protects your data and privacy online. A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel that makes you anonymous by masking your IP address while connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots. This is a great way to shield your information from online spies while you’re banking, shopping, or handling any kind of sensitive information online. 

Use antivirus software 

McAfee LiveSafe™ is an antivirus solution that protects your computer and mobile devices from suspicious web cookies by: 

  • Allowing you to keep your online passwords (which are often stored in cookies) in one secure location. 
  • Warning you of suspicious links, keeping potentially harmful cookies off your device. 
  • Protecting you against viruses and malware. 
  • Blocking spam and emails that could lead to sites containing dangerous cookies.  

The post What Are Browser Cookies and How Do I Manage Them? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Smarter Homes & Gardens: Protecting the Smart Devices in Your Home

By Natalie Maxfield

Outfitting your smart home could get a whole lot easier this year. 

A new industry standard called Matter aims to remove a big barrier in smart home technology, one that makes different smart home devices compatible with any smart home platform—something that wasn’t possible until now. 

For years, different smart home devices have run on several different competing platforms, such as Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, or Samsung SmartThings. And put plainly, those different platforms didn’t work with each other. And that was unfortunate. After all, the vision for the smart home was to run everything from lights, appliances, doorbell cameras, and all kinds of connected things in your home from a central set of controls, regardless of device manufacturer or platform. 

But that hasn’t been the case, and this lack of compatibility created some headaches for homeowners. They’ve had to choose between one smart home platform over another and then only use smart devices built for that platform. For example, if you’re running a bunch of devices on Apple HomeKit and find a great deal on a new Samsung smart refrigerator with Alexa built-in, you’re pretty much out of luck if you want those devices to all work together as one in your smart home. The result is that consumers have had to check the fine print to see what’s compatible with what when shopping for smart devices. Again, a real headache. 

Matter aims to take care of that. It’s hailed as a unifying technology that will make all those devices work together. Right now, the first wave of Matter-enabled devices is on track for a mid-year launch, which means we may finally see that vision of a smart home come true—a place where all your connected stuff works together with just the sound of your voice or a tap on your phone. 

With that, let’s take a closer look at the new Matter protocol and what it offers, along with a look at security and privacy for smart home devices in general. 

How does Matter work with connected homes? 

A smart device featuring the Matter logo
A smart device featuring the Matter logo

Without getting too technical about it, Matter is designed to create a more energy-efficient, secure, and reliable network for your smart home devices. Additionally, it’s designed to run independently of your internet connection, so if your internet goes out, you can still control your smart devices locally—from the app or device of your choice. 

The tech industry looks like they’re very much on board. Matter is led by the Connectivity Standards Alliance, a body of more than 200 technology companies working together to create this new standard. And if you’re wondering Amazon, Apple, Google, and Samsung are among the many members of this alliance. If the launch goes as planned, you can expect to see Matter-enabled devices and the Matter logo on several new products by the middle of the year. 

Additionally, several companies have announced that they will provide an upgrade path for existing products so that their existing customers don’t have to scrap their current smart home devices to take advantage of Matter. 

Security and privacy in your smart home 

In all, the idea is exciting. What remains to be seen is how security and privacy matters are handled, not only by the network but by the devices on it. 

As far as security goes, Matter uses a combination of encryption and blockchain technology to secure transmitted data and ensure that only the devices you trust can use the network. Considering that you may be heating your home, warming up your oven, or even locking your front door, security features like these only make sense.  

Yet looking beyond Matter and thinking about connected homes more broadly, there are a few question marks when it comes to privacy.  

Imagine for a moment what a highly connected home might look like—and all the data those connections will generate. That data will show what time of day your front door tends to unlock and lock when family members go to and from work, school, or what have you. It’ll also show when you tend to turn on your lights, cook your dinner, or turn on the house alarm for the night.  

Over time, all this data can piece together a picture of your comings and goings during a typical week. Shy of a bad actor physically casing out your home over several days, data like this simply hasn’t existed until the age of the connected home. If that data goes unprotected or if the devices creating it don’t give you some control over it, the privacy risks will run high.  

Moreover, data privacy policies come into play here as well. As consumers like us are very much aware these days, not every company treats your data the same way. Some companies have different policies around what data they may collect and then what they do with that data—like cloud sites for other smart devices, government agencies, insurance companies, law enforcement, data aggregators, data banks, social media sites, and others according to findings published by some industry groups. In a smart home that’s kitted out with devices from five, seven, or even more different manufacturers, that are multiple privacy policies in play—each of which may view and treat your private data in their own way. That’s potentially volumes of your data circulating out there, potentially in ways you aren’t aware of or that give you any control over its use. 

Of course, the issue of data privacy is nothing new and certainly not specific to smart devices. Already, the dozens of different apps and services we use as we go about our day have their own data privacy policies as well. Devices in a smart home only add to that mix, which is worth considering in our already highly connected lives. 

Protecting your smart home 

As I write this, Matter has yet to be released. Yet if you already have some smart devices in your home, you may be wondering how to make your connected home safer. Let’s take a look at a few of the things you can do to protect your smart devices and the home network they’re running on. 

Grab online protection for your smartphone 

Many smart home devices use a smartphone as a sort of remote control, not to mention as a place for gathering, storing, and sharing data. So whether you’re an Android owner or iOS owner, protect your smartphone so you can protect the things it accesses and controls—and the data stored on it too.  

Set strong, unique passwords for your smart home devices 

Early on when the first sets of smart home devices rolled out, some found themselves open to attack because they come with a default username and password, which hackers often publish on the internet as part of massive listings. (Baby monitors are a classic example.) And it remains an issue today. When you purchase any IoT device, set a fresh password using a strong method of password creation. Likewise, create an entirely new username for additional protection as well.  

Secure your internet router too 

Another device that needs good password protection is your internet router. Make sure you use a strong and unique password there as well to help prevent hackers from breaking into your home network. (A password manager as part of comprehensive online protection can help.) Also, consider changing the same of your home network so that it doesn’t personally identify you. (I’ve seen some fun alternatives to using your name or address, everything from movie lines like “May the Wi-Fi be with you” to old sitcom references like “Central Perk.”) Also check that your router is using an encryption method, like WPA2, which will keep your signal secure. If you haven’t done this sort of thing before, check the documentation that came with your router or with the internet provider if you rent or purchased it from them. 

Use multi-factor authentication 

Online banks, shops, and other services commonly offer multi-factor authentication to help protect your accounts—with the typical combination of your username, password, and a security code sent to another device you own (often a mobile phone). If your IoT device supports multi-factor authentication, consider using it there too. It throws a big barrier in the way hackers simply try and force their way in with a password/username combination, which will make your device tougher to crack.  

Update your devices regularly 

In addition to fixing the odd bug or adding the occasional new feature, app and device updates often address security gaps. Out-of-date apps and devices may have flaws that hackers can exploit, so regular updating is a must from a security standpoint. If you can set your smart home apps and devices to receive automatic updates, even better. 

Looking ahead to your connected home 

Smart homes show plenty of promise. Seeing a new and broadly adopted industry standard like Matter on the horizon may make them even more promising. Ideally, Matter will make it easier for people to bring more smart devices in their homes, and in a way that’s reliable and secure. Moreover, there are steps you can take now to help keep your smart home devices, and smart home in general, more secure as well. 

Yet when it comes to thinking about a home full of smart devices, questions around privacy remain. Smart home devices offered by different manufacturers will have different privacy policies and thus use people’s data in different ways, which puts consumers like us in a position to understand the terms, conditions, and implications of each one. Yet with data privacy being such a hot topic for consumers, the industry, and regulators already, it remains to be seen what consumer-friendly standards are set for data collection in the years to come—both in and out of the smart home. 

The post Smarter Homes & Gardens: Protecting the Smart Devices in Your Home appeared first on McAfee Blog.

McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report

By McAfee

We’re excited to bring you the latest edition of the McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report. After all, when you know the challenges you face, it’s easier to be confident online. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at some leading examples of techniques that cybercriminals are using to trick or defraud you via your mobile phone. These examples are some of the more sophisticated attacks, using real logos, quality graphics, and personalized messages. We hope this provides a useful resource for protecting your digital life, mobile devices, and personal information so that you can enjoy a safe life online with your family. 

Cybercriminals Take Their Scams to the Next Level

Cybercriminals are upping their game, using personal information and high-quality graphics to make their malware look like legitimate apps or official messages. Because these attacks are successful at defrauding significant numbers of mobile users out of their money and information, more criminals will jump on this approach or expand their malicious campaigns. Let’s take a look at some of the different techniques being used by scammers to fool mobile users.  

Smishing looks friendly but is just the opposite

Mobile smishing (aka phishing text messages) are attacks using personalized greetings in text messages that pretend to be from legitimate organizations to appear more credible. These messages often link to websites with authentic logos, icons, and other graphics, prompting the user to enter personal information or download an app. Users should be extra careful about text messages from unknown sources and should go directly to the organization’s website to validate requests. 

Mobile gaming scams pose as gamer help and cheating tools

Cheating tools and hacking apps are popular ways to get extra capabilities in mobile games. Criminals are exploiting this by promoting game hacking apps that include malicious code on legitimate messaging channels. If installed, the malware steals account credentials for social media and gaming accounts. Gamers should use caution when installing game hacks, especially if they request superuser permissions. 

Crypto is popular and so are scams targeting it

Cryptocurrencies are providing new opportunities for mobile device attacks. The latest ploy is phony apps that promise to mine coins in the cloud for a monthly fee. Fake reviews and a low cost make them sound too good to be true—and they are. These apps just take the money without doing any coin mining. With no actual malicious code, these apps are hard to detect, so users should be suspicious of being promised hundreds or thousands of dollars of crypto coins for just a few dollars a month. 

Watch out for fake messaging apps

Another attack uses a variety of fake apps with slick graphics to trick users into premium subscriptions. Hundreds of these apps promise features such as mobile games or photo editing and are supported by plenty of fake five-star reviews. When installed, the apps ask for the user’s phone number and verification PIN and use them to sign up for premium text services that direct payments to the criminals. Users should read reviews looking for vague statements, repetitive wording, and a mix of five-star and one-star ratings. For a deeper dive into the scams, be sure to view full report.

How to Protect Yourself 

While threat tactics continue to change as criminals adapt and respond to detection and enforcement techniques, there are a few steps users should take to limit their exposure and risk. 

Stay on the app stores

While some malicious apps do make it through the app store screening process, most of the attack downloads appear to be coming from social media, fake ads, and other unofficial app sources. Before downloading something to your phone, do some quick research about the source and developer. Many of these scams have been flagged by other people. 

Watch requests for settings and permissions

Many malicious apps get the access they need by asking the user to grant them permission to use unrelated privileges and settings. When installing a new app, take a few moments to read these requests and deny any that seem unnecessary, especially for superuser access and accessibility services.  

Update your software

Developers are actively working to identify and address security issues. Both operating systems and apps should be frequently updated so that they have the latest fixes and security protections. 

Be wary of too many five-star reviews

Cybercriminals often flood their Google Play apps with fake five-star reviews. Many fake or malicious apps only have a mix of five-star and one-star reviews. The five-star ones typically have vague statements and repetitive wording, giving clues that they are submitted by bots. Compare them to the one-star reviews for insight on the app’s real capabilities. 

Pay attention if your phone is acting funny

Devices that are behaving unusually may just have a basic tech issue but it can also be a sign of being hacked. Follow up when something is not quite right, check recent changes or contact tech support from the mobile device vendor or security software provider. 

Use security software

Comprehensive security software across all devices, whether they are computers, tablets, or smartphones, continues to be a strong defensive measure to protect your data and privacy from cyber threats. 

We hope this report helps you stay on the lookout for these and other mobile threats so you can safely and confidently enjoy your life online.

The post McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report appeared first on McAfee Blog.

White House Announces Possible Rise in Cyberattacks—What You Can Do to Stay Safe

By McAfee

The White House recently reissued a warning to American businesses in response to the unprecedented economic sanctions the U.S. has imposed on Russia for the Ukraine invasion, stating, “There is now evolving intelligence that Russia may be exploring options for potential cyberattacks.”  

Along with this statement, the White House published a fact sheet outlining the new and ongoing steps the government is taking to protect its infrastructure and technologies, along with steps that private businesses can take to protect themselves from attacks as well.  

Of course, any successful attack on government operations and the operations of private businesses could potentially affect households as well—such as in the case of data breaches where data or information is stolen from a system, often the personal data and information of individuals. 

Word of potential attacks understandably leaves people feeling uncertain and may further leave them wondering if there’s anything they can do to protect themselves. With regards to data breaches and the cases of identity theft that typically follow, there are several steps people can take to keep safer online.  

Let’s break down what a data breach looks like, how it can affect you, and what you can do in advance of a breach to protect yourself. 

Examples of data breaches in the past 

We’ve certainly seen data breaches make the news over the years, which are often (but not always) associated with malicious hackers or hacker organizations. A quick list of some of the largest and most impactful breaches we’ve seen in recent years: 

  • Facebook – 2019: Two datasets leaked the records of more than 530 million users, including phone numbers, account names, Facebook IDs, and more. 
  • Marriott International (Starwood) – 2018. Leakage of 500,000 guest names, emails, actual mailing addresses, phone numbers, passport numbers, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, date of birth, and information about stays. 
  • Equifax – 2017. Approximately 147 million records, including name, address, date of birth, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security Numbers were leaked, as well as credit card information for a further 200,000 victims. 

Healthcare facilities have seen their data breached, along with the operations of popular restaurants. Small businesses find themselves in the crosshairs as well, with one report stating that 43% of data leaks target small businesses. Those may come by way of an attack on where those businesses store their records, a disgruntled employee, or by way of a compromised point-of-sale terminal in their store, office, or location. 

What differs with the White House warning is who may end up being behind these potential attacks—a nation-state rather than what are financially motivated hackers or hacking groups. (Some research indicates that nearly 90% of breaches are about the money.) However, the result is the same. Your personal information winds up loose in the world and possibly in the hands of a bad actor.   

What can get exposed in a data breach?  

The fact is that plenty of our information is out there on the internet, simply because we go about so much of our day online, whether that involves shopping, banking, getting results from our doctors, or simply hopping online to play a game once in a while.  

Naturally, that means the data in any given breach will vary from service to service and platform to platform involved. Certainly, a gaming service will certainly have different information about you than your insurance company. Yet broadly speaking, there’s a broad range of information about you stored in various places, which could include:  

  • Username and password 
  • E-mail address 
  • Phone numbers and home address 
  • Contact information of friends and family 
  • Date of birth 
  • Driver’s license number 
  • Credit card and debit card numbers, bank account details 
  • Purchase history and account behavior history 
  • Patient information (in the case of healthcare breaches) 
  • Social Security Number or Tax ID Number 

As to what gets exposed and when you might find out about it, that can vary greatly as well. One industry research report found that 60% of breaches were discovered in just days from the initial attack while others could take months or even longer detect. Needless to say, the timeline can get rather stretched before word reaches you, which is a good reason to change your passwords regularly should any of them get swept up in a breach. (An outdated password does a hacker no good—more on that in a bit.) 

What do cybercriminals do with this kind of information? 

The answer is plenty. In all, personal information like that listed above has a dollar value to it. In a way, your data and information are a kind of currency because they’re tied to everything from your bank accounts, investments, insurance payments—even tax returns and personal identification like driver’s licenses.  

With this information in hand, a crook can commit several types of identity crimes—ranging from fraud to theft. In the case of fraud, that could include running up a bill on one of your credits cards or draining one of your bank accounts. In the case of theft, that could see crooks impersonate you so they can open new accounts or services in your name. Beyond that, they may attempt to claim your tax refund or potentially get an ID issued in your name as well. 

Another possibility is that a hacker will simply sell that information on the dark marketplace, perhaps in large clumps or as individual pieces of information that go for a few dollars each. However it gets sold, these dark-market practices allow other fraudsters and thieves to take advantage of your identity for financial or another gain.  

Protecting yourself from the effects of data breaches 

The succinct answer is to sign up for an identity protection service. It can monitor dozens of types of personal information and then alert you if any of them are possibly being misused, so you can address any issues right away before they become a potentially much bigger problem.  

Further, pairing identity protection with online protection software can protect you even more. With an all-up view of your overall online security—how well you’re protecting yourself and your identity online—it can guide you through steps that can shore up your protection and make you safer still. 

Identity protection such as ours gives you the added benefit of a professional recovery specialist who can assist with restoring your affairs in the wake of fraud or theft, plus up to $1 million in insurance coverage. 

What if I think I’m the victim of identity theft? 

When a business, service, or organization falls victim to a breach, it doesn’t always mean that you’re automatically a victim too. Your information may not have been caught up in it. However, it’s best to act as if it was. With that, we strongly suggest you take these immediate steps. 

Change your passwords and use two-factor authentication 

Given the possibility that your password may be in the hands of a bad actor, change it right away. Strong, unique passwords offer one of your best defenses against hackers. Update them regularly as well. As mentioned above, this can protect you in the event a breach occurs and you don’t find out about it until well after it’s happened. You can spare yourself the upkeep that involves a password manager that can keep on top of it all for you. If your account offers two-factor authentication as part of the login process, make use of it as it adds another layer of security that makes hacking tougher.  

Keep an eye on your accounts 

If you spot unusual or unfamiliar charges or transactions in your account, bank, or debit card statements, follow up immediately. That could indicate improper use. In general, banks, credit card companies, and many businesses have countermeasures to deal with fraud, along with customer support teams that can help you file a claim if needed. 

Sign up for an identity theft protection service 

As outlined above, identity protection like ours can monitor a broad set of your personal information and provide you guidance for making it more secure, in addition to getting help from a professional recovery specialist.  

For an even closer look at identity theft, we have two articles that can help guide the way if you think you’re a victim, each featuring a series of straightforward steps you can take to set matters right: 

Proactively protecting yourself and your family 

No matter how uncertain news of possible cyberattacks may any of us feel, you can take steps to set some of that uncertainty aside. An identity protection service is a strong first move against possible identity theft, as is pairing it with online protection software that keeps you safer online overall. Likewise, knowing the signs of possible identity theft and what you can do to address it right away offer further assurance still—like having the services of a professional recovery specialist to help.  

In all, there’s no need to leave yourself wondering at the news from the White House. As an individual, you have it in your power to make yourself and your family safer than they are now. 

The post White House Announces Possible Rise in Cyberattacks—What You Can Do to Stay Safe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Introducing Personal Data Cleanup

By McAfee

We’re excited to announce the release of McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup, a new feature that finds and removes your personal info from data brokers and people search sites. Now, you can feel more confident by removing personal info from data broker sites and keeping it from being collected, sold, and used to: advertise products to you, fill your email box with spam, and can even give criminals the info they need to steal your identity. Let’s look at why we’re offering McAfee Personal Data Cleanup, how it protects your privacy, and why it’s a great addition to the online protection we already offer. 

Does the cost of a connected life have to be your privacy?

There’s so much to enjoy when you live a connected life – free email, online stores that remember what you like, social media that connects you to friends and influencers. It’s a world of convenience, opportunity, and incredible content. It’s also a world where your data is constantly collected.  

“Wait. Did you say my data?” 

That’s right, companies are collecting your personal data. They’re called data brokers and they make money by selling information that specifically identifies you, like an email address. They sell this information to marketers looking to target you with ads. Criminals can also use it to build profiles in service of stealing your identity and accessing your accounts. This activity takes place behind the scenes and often without consumers’ knowledge.  There are also data brokers known as people search sites that compile and sell info like home addresses, emails, phones, court records, employment info, and more. These websites give identity thieves, hackers, stalkers, and other malicious actors easy access to your info. Regardless of how your data is being used, it’s clear that these days a more connected life often comes at the cost of your privacy.  

Consumers are clamoring for more privacy online 

In a recent survey of McAfee customers, we found that 59% have become more protective of their personal data over the past six months. And it’s no wonder. Over the past two years, trends like telehealth, remote working, and increased usage of online shopping and financial services have meant that more of your time is being spent online. Unsurprisingly, more personal data is being made available in the process. This leads us to the most alarming finding of our survey – 95% of consumers whose personal information ends up on data broker sites had it collected without their consent.  


Free to enjoy privacy online with McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup 

We created Personal Data Cleanup to make it easy for you to take back your privacy online. McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup regularly scans the riskiest data broker sites for info like your home address, date of birth, and names of relatives. After showing where we found your data, you can either remove it yourself or we will work on your behalf to remove it. Here’s how it works: 

  • Set up 
    • Input your name, date of birth, and home address. 
  • Scan:  
    • We scan this against some of the riskiest data broker sites 
  • Review 
    • Within minutes, we’ll show you where we found your personal info, and what info the sites have. 
  • Remove 
    • You can manually go to each site and request that your data be removed OR upgrade to have McAfee manage the removal process on your behalf. 
  • Ongoing 
    • Your info can reappear as data brokers continually collect data. To ensure ongoing protection, Personal Data Cleanup enables regular scanning so it can be removed. 

Start using McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup right now 

Ready to take back your personal info online? Personal Data Cleanup is available immediately with most of our online protection plans. If you have an eligible subscription, you can start using this new feature through McAfee Protection Center, or you can get McAfee online protection here.

The post Introducing Personal Data Cleanup appeared first on McAfee Blog.

My Child Wants a Phone. Should I Say ‘Yes’?

By Alex Merton-McCann

I can remember so clearly the day I got my first mobile phone. I was 21, had just finished university and was beyond excited at the idea of driving around in my red Mazda 121 (bubble car) making calls on my new fancy phone! The fact that it was the size of a brick, didn’t bother me a bit – I was connected!! 

Without a doubt, mobile phones have completely changed our expectations of being connected and contactable. If calls or texts are not promptly returned in 2022, the lack of reply may be interpreted as rude or, worst case – the sender may feel that they’ve been ghosted! 

So, in our super-connected society, it’s inevitable that our kids want to get in on the action. But when is the right time to give them a phone of their own? And how can you keep them safe? 

Research Shows Nearly 50% of Aussie kids aged 6-13 Access A Mobile Phone 

In 2020, the Australian Communications and Media Authority released a report, entitled Kids and Mobiles: how Australian children are using mobile phones, which found that in 2020, just under half (46%) of Aussie children aged 6 to 13 used a mobile phone. 33% of children owned the phone they used while the remaining 14% used a device that didn’t belong to them. 

The research also showed that playing games, taking photos/videos, and using apps were the most common activities undertaken on a mobile phone. Using the phone to communicate via text messages and calling a parent or family member was also a common activity – and actually increased in the three years prior. 

And if your tweens and teens are telling you that “everyone has a phone” then it looks like they are on the money, with the report revealing that 76% of 12- and 13-year-olds own their own devices.  

How To Decide When The Time Is Right? 

In my opinion, there are many factors that need to be considered when making this big decision. You need to take into account your child’s maturity, their technology habits, and most importantly, your gut instinct – one of the most powerful parenting tools, in my opinion!  

And please, don’t think that is a one size fits all answer here because there absolutely isn’t. If there is one thing parenting 4 boys has taught me is that not only does each child have different strengths, but they mature at their own pace. So, when considering whether your child is ready, don’t think about their age. Instead, ask yourself whether they can handle the technology properly and robust enough to navigate the tricky stuff. A naïve 14-year-old with low social awareness may not be as ready as a savvy 12-year-old who has previously demonstrated successful problem-solving skills. 

Here are some things to consider: 

  • Can your child read social cues in written form eg messaging and texting apps. 
  • How would your child respond if they experienced hurtful comments?  
  • Can your child manage valuable items carefully? Do they tend to lose items? 
  • Do they have enough self-control to manage their own screen time? 
  • Are you confident they would come to you if they experienced a problem? 
  • Do they understand the value of money? Is it likely they will spend money on their phone if unsupervised? 
  • Are you confident they understand the importance of their online reputation? 
  • Does your child display empathy? 

What Rules Should I Introduce? 

Let me share my biggest piece of advice – before you put that phone into your child’s hand, PLEASE set the ground rules. Their willingness to co-operate will be vastly reduced once the phone is theirs! Some families choose to outline the ground rules for any device (including a phone) in a family technology agreement. And it’s not a bad idea: you develop the rules and the boundaries and then have them sign it – just like a contract. I love this agreement from America’s Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) which you can find here. But why not develop your own one? Here are some points to consider including: 

  • Kindness and respect in all communication on the phone – always! 
  • No mobile phones to be kept in bedrooms overnight. They all need to be placed in the kitchen for charging. 
  • No mobile phones to be used at the dinner table. 
  • Who pays for the excess data? You or them? 
  • Who pays for in-app purchases? You or them? 
  • Who pays if the phone is lost or damaged? You or them? 
  • If they see anything that upsets or concerns them, they must always come to you. 
  • Take screenshots of behavior that concerns them 
  • You may want to have the right to view their phone – of course, in younger children, this is more appropriate.  
  • Are there certain times when the phone isn’t allowed? 
  • Who will know the passwords? 

I’m a Fan of Phones in High School 

In my opinion, starting high school seems to be a logical time to start thinking about phone ownership, if you haven’t gone down that road before. Many kids will need to catch public transport to get to high school and having a phone in their pocket, in case plans go awry can make everyone feel more comfortable. 

Remember, You’re In Charge!! 

I realize that there is so much to consider so take some time to weigh up all factors.  

But don’t forget – you’re the parent. Regardless of how much pressure your super keen tween is applying – this is your decision. You are the best judge of your child’s maturity and readiness. Giving your child a phone is in effect, giving them access to the adult world. So, only say yes if you are convinced the time is right 

Good luck! 

Alex x 

The post My Child Wants a Phone. Should I Say ‘Yes’? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What is Spyware?

By McAfee

No one likes the feeling that someone is looking over their shoulder when they work, shop or surf online. But this is just what crooks and scammers do without our knowledge using “spyware.”

Spyware is a piece of software that can covertly gather information on you. It can track the websites you visit and even record what you type on your keyboard, including passwords and credit card numbers.

So, now the bad guys don’t have to steal your wallet to get access to your personal and financial information. All they need to do is trick you into installing spyware on your computer or device. Or they could install it themselves on public or shared computers using a USB drive, or similar device.

One of the more common forms of spyware found on shared computers is called a “keylogger.” It can record everything you type and send it back to the cybercrook. That’s why you should avoid using shared computers in hotels or public libraries, since they can be easily compromised.
Most spyware masquerades as legitimate software, such as free games or mobile apps. In fact, researchers believe that over three years, 1 million Google Play users downloaded a single piece of spyware alone. It appeared to be an official “System Update” application, but actually monitored the users’ location information and text messages without their knowledge.

Spyware can also easily spread online in the form of dangerous links in emails, and on social media or torrent sites, which offer free access to online content. That’s why you need to be careful where you click.

Another common form of spyware is called “adware.” Adware is used to display advertisements on your computer, or redirect your search inquiries to an advertiser’s website. Although this isn’t as harmful as spyware designed to steal your information, it is still invasive and annoying.

Since spyware is so prevalent and potentially harmful, putting both your private information and privacy at risk, it’s important that you take steps to protect yourself.

Here are some tips to keep you safe:

  • Only visit trusted websites and be suspicious of sites offering “free” content or applications.
  • Be careful when downloading any software or mobile apps from the web. Read other users’ reviews first to make sure the product is safe. Also, read any licensing or service agreements carefully to see if the provider is accessing more information than it needs to.
  • Never leave your computer or devices unattended in public, since a cybercrook could potentially install spyware when you’re not looking.
  • Avoid clicking on online ads, since they could lead to adware.
  • Look out for anti-spyware scams. There are many phony “anti-spyware” tools online that offer free scans. They falsely detect multiple spyware programs on your computer to get you to buy their product.
  • Make sure you use comprehensive security software that includes spyware protection, and keep it up-to-date.

The post What is Spyware? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Secure Your Online Life? Find Your Protection Score!

By Alex Merton-McCann

I am renowned for getting myself into big messes – particularly in the kitchen when I’m cooking up a storm. And I’m totally fine being alone: chopping, stirring and baking until it’s time to clean up! And that’s when the overwhelm hits – I know I should clean as I cook but I never do! So, what do I do? Rally the troops! Yes siree! There’s nothing like another set of eyes or hands to help one wade through the overwhelm – I’m sure that’s why I had 4 kids!! 

Online Life Can Be Messy Too! 

Many people tell me that they feel a similar way about their online life. They know they need to be doing more to keep themselves safe, but they are completely overwhelmed at where to start. With so much of our lives lived online, it’s not uncommon for one person to have over a hundred online accounts across multiple devices which makes it very hard to keep track of logins, data breaches, or security software.  

And research conducted by McAfee shows that consumers know they need to take steps to protect themselves with 74% of users concerned about keeping information private online and 57% keen to be in more control of their personal information. Not surprisingly, since the pandemic started 47% of online consumers feel unsafe compared to just 29% beforehand. 

Where to Start? Your Protection Score! 

So, to try and make this very overwhelming task that bit easier, McAfee has developed a new tool that allows you to find your own Protection Score. Think of your Protection Score like your credit score or sleep score except this one is a measure of your security online. The higher the score, the safer you are online. And the best part about the score is that helps users identify exactly where they need to pinpoint their focus to ensure they are as safe as possible online. Think of it as a set of experienced hands to help you wade through the overwhelm. 

How Does It Work? 

In less than a minute, the McAfee Protection Score will provide you with a pretty clear understanding of how safe you are online. Participants are given a mark between 0 and 1000 that is based on several factors: whether you have online protection and whether your details have been leaked in a security breach. Now, don’t be alarmed if your score is low because here’s the best bit – you will receive a list of exactly what you need to do to improve it and protect yourself from online threats! Phew – my competitive type A personality wouldn’t have coped if I was unable to fix it!  

Let me give you an example, when I signed up, I was alerted to the fact that my email address had been involved in a breach, yes – I’m very human! So, it helped me remedy this by taking me to the appropriate page where I could update my password, and then, bingo, my score (and online safety) improved!!  

And just to ensure you remain committed, every time you venture back to the Protection Score page, your results and action plan will be there waiting for you to ensure you stay on track and most importantly, to cut through that overwhelm! 

Now, in case you were wondering, McAfee’s Protection Score is a first for the cybersecurity industry but good news – they’ve promised it will continue evolving. They will continue to add more features and opportunities to personalize so you can ensure you are living life to the full online!! 

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed at exactly what you need to do to get your online safety under control then McAfee’s Protection Score is exactly what you need. In less than a minute you’ll be able to get a clear understanding of where your online security sits and a personalized action plan so you can start addressing it right away! How good is that? 

Till Next Time, 


The post How To Secure Your Online Life? Find Your Protection Score! appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Protect Yourself from March Madness Scams

By McAfee

It’s the month of top seeds, big upsets, and Cinderella runs by the underdogs. With March Madness basketball cranking up, a fair share of online betting will sure to follow—along with online betting scams. 

Since a U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 2018, individual states can determine their own laws for sports betting. Soon after, states leaped at the opportunity to legalize it in some form or other. Today, 30 states and the District of Columbia have “live and legal” sports betting, meaning that people can bet on single-game sports through a retail or online sportsbook or combination of the two in their state. 

If you’re a sports fan, this news has probably been hard to miss. Or at least the outcome of it all has been hard to miss. Commercials and signage in and around games promote several major online betting platforms. Ads have naturally made their way online too, complete with all kinds of promo offers to encourage people to get in on the action. However, that’s also opened the door for scammers who’re looking to take advantage of people looking to make a bet online, according to the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Often through shady or outright phony betting sites. 

Let’s take a look at the online sports betting landscape, some of the scams that are cropping up, and some things you can do to make a safer bet this March or any time.  

Can I bet on sports in my state, and how? 

Among the 30 states that have “live and legal” sports betting, 19 offer online betting, a number that will likely grow given various state legislation that’s either been introduced or will be introduced soon. 



If you’re curious about what’s available in your state, this interactive map shows the status of sports betting on a state-by-state level. Further, clicking on an individual state on the map will give you yet more specifics, such as the names of retail sportsbooks and online betting services that are legal in the state. For anyone looking to place a bet, this is a good place to start. This is further helpful for people who’re looking to get into online sports betting for the first time and is the sort of homework that the BBB advises people to do before placing a sports bet online. In their words, you can consider these sportsbooks to be “white-labeled” by your state’s gaming commission.


However, the BBB stresses that people should be aware that the terms and conditions associated with online sports betting will vary from service to service, as will the promotions that they offer. The BBB accordingly advises people to closely read these terms, conditions and offers. For one, “Gambling companies can restrict a user’s activity,” meaning that they can freeze accounts and the funds associated with them based on their terms and conditions. Also, the BBB cautions people about those promo offers that are often heavily advertised, “[L]ike any sales pitch, these can be deceptive. Be sure to read the fine print carefully.” 

Scammers and online betting 

Where do scammers enter the mix? The BBB points to the rise of consumer complaints around bogus betting sites: 

“You place a bet, and, at first, everything seems normal. But as soon as you try to cash out your winnings, you find you can’t withdraw a cent. Scammers will make up various excuses. For example, they may claim technical issues or insist on additional identity verification. In other cases, they may require you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw your winnings. Whatever you do, you’ll never be able to get your money off the site. And any personal information you shared is now in the hands of scam artists.” 

If there’s a good reason you should stick to the “white labeled” sites that are approved by your state’s gaming commission, this is it. Take a pass on any online ads that promote betting sites, particularly if they roll out big and almost too-good-to-be-true offers. These may lead you to shady or bogus sites. Instead, visit the ones that are approved in your state by typing in their address directly into your browser. 

Ready to place your bet? Keep these things in mind. 

In addition to what we mentioned above, there are several other things you can do to make your betting safer. 

1) Check the rep of the service.

In addition to choosing a state-approved option, check out the organization’s BBB listing at Here you can get a snapshot of customer ratings, complaints registered against the organization, and the organization’s response to the complaints, along with its BBB rating, if it has one. Doing a little reading here can be enlightening, giving you a sense of what issues arise and how the organization has historically addressed them. For example, you may see a common complaint and how it’s commonly resolved. You may also see where the organization has simply chosen not to respond, all of which can shape your decision whether to bet with them or not. 

2) Use a secure payment method other than your debit card.

Credit cards are a good way to go. One reason why is the Fair Credit Billing Act, which offers protection against fraudulent charges on credit cards by giving you the right to dispute charges over $50 for goods and services that were never delivered or otherwise billed incorrectly. Your credit card companies may have their own policies that improve upon the Fair Credit Billing Act as well. Debit cards don’t get the same protection under the Act. 

3) Get online protection.

Comprehensive online protection software will defend you against the latest virus, malware, spyware, and ransomware attacks plus further protect your privacy and identity. In addition to this, it can also provide strong password protection by generating and automatically storing complex passwords to keep your credentials safer from hackers and crooks who may try to force their way into your accounts. And, specific to betting sites, online protection can help prevent you from clicking links to known or suspected malicious sites. 

Make the safe(r) bet 

With online betting cropping up in more and more states for more and more people, awareness of how it works and how scammers have set up their presence within it becomes increasingly important. Research is key, such as knowing who the state-approved sportsbooks and services are, what types of betting are allowed, and where. By sticking to these white-label offerings and reading the fine print in terms, conditions, and promo offers, people can make online betting safer and more enjoyable. 

Editor’s Note: 

If gambling is a problem for you or someone you know, you can seek assistance from a qualified service or professional. Several states have their own helplines, and nationally you can reach out to resources like or 

The post How to Protect Yourself from March Madness Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Helping Mom & Dad: Online Doctor Visits and Telemedicine

By McAfee

Whether it’s for routine care, a prescription refill, or a simple follow-up, online doctor visits offer tremendous benefits in terms of both convenience and ease of care—all good reasons to help mom and dad get connected with it. what is telemedicine

There’s no doubt that more older adults than ever are taking advantage of online doctor visits, more formally known as telemedicine. While usage numbers have risen dramatically across all age groups, it’s particularly so for elders. Pre- and post-pandemic numbers saw a 63-fold increase in Medicare telemedicine use.

However, many older patients are missing out and not using telemedicine for one reason or another. What’s holding them back? Several things, according to research from the University of California, San Francisco: 

  • Unreadiness with regards to technology, such as not having access to a telemedicine-ready device or knowing how to use it. 
  • A lack of familiarity with the internet, particularly if they have not used email, texting, or the internet in general within the past month. 
  • Physical challenges, involving vision or otherwise the ability to converse over a video call. 
  • No access or limited access to a broadband connection (particularly in rural areas). 

Moreover, another issue is that many older adults do not know that telemedicine is an option. Research from the University of Michigan showed that 55% of older adults surveyed were unaware if their healthcare provider even offered telemedicine as a service. And perhaps quite telling is that the same survey revealed nearly half of older adults harbored concerns about privacy and did not feel personally connected to their care provider during their visits. 

For us as children and grandchildren of older adults, it can be tough knowing that a loved one is missing out on an avenue of care that they could otherwise benefit from. While we absolutely respect what they feel is comfortable and trustworthy for them, there are several other areas where we can help the older loved ones in our lives overcome the issues and concerns they face.  

With that, let’s talk about the technology behind telemedicine and how you can help them use it, and address some of those privacy issues as well. 

Easing into telemedicine 

As indicated above, paying a visit to the doctor via telemedicine can be a big jump. Just as the idea of it is new for many of us, it’s yet newer for older adults. There’s a good chance that you’re familiar with video chats and calls already, which gives you a foundation we can work with when it’s time to see the doctor on a screen. That may not be the case for older adults. Add that into the privacy concerns and decades of seeing a doctor in person, you can see why some older adults simply choose to opt-out. 

One way you can help is to have a few video chats with your older loved ones. In addition to the regular calls you make, you might want to try having a video chat with them from time to time. It’s an outstanding way to spend time together when you can’t be together in person, and it may develop a comfort level with the technology so that they may be willing to give telemedicine a try. You can check out my earlier article in this series that covers video chats with mom and dad, along with straightforward steps to get them up and running on the technology and how to use it. 

Get them set up on the right device for telemedicine 

One thing your parents will need for their visit is a reliable device that they’re comfortable using. It could be a computer or laptop, or it may be a smartphone or tablet. Note that in some cases their healthcare provider may use a telemedicine solution that has certain requirements as well, so you’ll want to see what those are and ensure that the device mom or dad has is compatible. (For example, the care provider may have an app that’s available through the Apple App Store or Google Play. Others may have an online platform that can be accessed by several different kinds of devices.) 

If they’re using a smartphone or tablet, that will likely make things easier because the camera and microphone are already integrated into the device—all set up and ready to go. For a computer or laptop, you can help them get familiar with the setup, like the microphone levels, speaker volume, and camera. For audio, you can see a set of headphones or smartphone earbuds work well for them, which can help prevent audio feedback loops and simply make it easier to hear the caregiver.  

If you’re looking for a little assistance with a Windows computer, you can check out this quick article for setting up the audio and this article for setting up the camera. For Macs, check out this article for audio and this article for the video. 

Make sure their technology is secure 

If they don’t already have comprehensive online protection software for their devices, look into getting it. This will protect them against malware, viruses, and phishing attacks. They’ll also benefit from other features that help them manage their passwords, protect their identity, safeguard their privacy, and more. 

As for privacy in general, medical information is among the most precious information any of us have. For example, here in the U.S., we have HIPPA privacy standards to protect our medical records and conversations. Yet there’s also the issue of eavesdropping, which is a risk in practically any online communication.  

To help address privacy issues and concerns, health care providers will often post a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) as part of their telemedicine service. Within that, you’ll very likely find a section on personal privacy and the technologies in place to protect it. Here’s a good example of a telemedicine FAQ from the University of Washington Medicine and another example from the telemedicine page that Virginia Mason/Franciscan Health designed for its patients 

In all, if your parents have concerns about their privacy, you can absolutely assure them that it’s a valid concern. Consult the provider’s FAQ for guidance. If either of you has further questions, feel free to call the healthcare provider and speak with them. 

Help them pick a private place and get prepared for the call 

In addition to digital security, there’s the possibility of physical eavesdropping, somebody actually listening in on their conversation from another room, apartment, or from the street. Help your older loved ones pick a place in their home where they can have some privacy and where they can’t be overheard by neighbors and passers-by. A bedroom is a fine place—or any location that’s familiar and comfortable as well. When choosing a private place, a well-lit location is important as well so that the camera captures a nice and clear image. 

Additionally, you can help them prep for their visit by putting together a list of things to discuss during the visit. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests writing things down: 

  • Make a list of their current medications (or gather the actual bottles). 
  • Write down any symptoms, questions, or concerns they want to discuss during the appointment, so they do not forget them. 
  • If their doctor has requested information like their temperature or weight have this information ready. 
  • Keep paper nearby to take notes about what the doctor says during the video visit. 

Make their telemedicine visit safer with these tips 

In addition to the above, there are further measures you can help your parents or older loved one take to further secure their telemedicine visit—and their internet usage in general. 

1) Use strong, unique passwords 

Your telemedicine visit may require setting up a new account and password. When doing so, make sure it’s with a strong, unique password. A password manager can help. Also found in comprehensive online protection software, a password manager can create and securely store strong and unique passwords for your mom and dad, giving them one less thing they need to remember and worry about. 

2) Use a VPN 

A VPN, or virtual private network, offers a strong layer of additional protection when you’re transmitting health data or simply having a private conversation about your health with a professional. A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel to keep you and your activity anonymous. In effect, your data is scrambled and hidden to anyone outside your VPN tunnel, thus making your private information difficult to collect. Check with the care provider to see if their telemedicine solution uses a VPN. If not, you can always get a VPN as part of your online protection software. 

3) Secure their internet router 

Beyond their devices, securing their internet router is an important step in making a telemedicine visit safe and secure. The data that travels along it is of a highly personal nature already, so make sure the router has a strong and unique password. Also, change the name of their router so it doesn’t give away their address or any other signs of their identity. One more step is to check that your router is using an encryption method, like WPA2, which will keep your signal secure. If you have questions, check with their internet provider—they may even offer up a newer, more secure router to replace an older one. 

The best telemedicine choice is the one that’s right for your parents 

As with anything concerning their health, have your parents and loved ones consult with their caregivers to ensure that a telemedicine visit is a proper course for them.  

So while the technical ins and outs of preparing for a telemedicine visit may have their challenges for some older adults, we should also realize that getting comfortable with the idea of a telemedicine visit in the first place may take some time and effort. Starting with regular video chats with the family may increase familiarity and ease with holding a conversation over video. Likewise, having a conversation with their doctor about telemedicine may put some concerns to rest as well. After all, they will have a relationship with their doctor. Getting the facts from the doctor, face to face may help. 

We all want what’s best, particularly when it comes to the care of our parents and older loved ones in our lives, and choosing to try telemedicine is a highly personal decision for them. I hope this article and the resources cited within it will help you enable them to make the choice that’s comfortable, effective, and right for them. 

The post Helping Mom & Dad: Online Doctor Visits and Telemedicine appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The IRS “Dirty Dozen” – Top Tax Season Scams to Steer Clear of This Year

By McAfee

Who loves tax season besides accountants? Scammers.  

Emotions can run high during tax time. Even if you’re pretty sure you did everything right, you may still have a few doubts kicking around. Did I file correctly? Did I claim the right deductions? Will I get audited? As it turns out, these are the very same anxieties that criminals use as the cornerstone of their attacks.   

So yes, crooks indeed love tax season. Particularly online. And they’ll bait your digital world with several proven types of scams in an effort to cash in on what can be a somewhat uncertain time. 

The good news is that you have plenty of ways to protect yourself from these scams. Let’s look at what scammers typically have in store, along with some practical advice to protect yourself as you file your taxes—things you can do to keep crooks out of your business this tax season. Don’t delay, download McAfee’s tax season security guide to avoid the latest tax scams.

The tax scam landscape 

First, know that you’re probably doing a good job with your taxes. Less than 2% of returns get audited and most discrepancies or adjustments can get handled easily if you address them promptly. 

Still, the wariness of the IRS and intricate tax laws makes for ripe pickings when it comes to hackers, who prey on people’s fear of audits and penalties. Common scams include fake emails, phone calls from crooks posing as IRS agents, and even robocalls that threaten jail time.  

What are crooks looking to do with their scams? Several things: 

  1. Steal account information – Scammers will often try to highjack account or financial information associated with credit cards and banks to steal funds and make purchases with the victim’s accounts. 
  2. File false returns – Scammers will also try and get their hands on personal information like Social Security Numbers, taxpayer ID numbers, and other unique information so that they can file false returns in the victim’s name and claim their refunds. 
  3. Commit identity theft – Scammers may then use this same personal information to open new credit lines and accounts in the victim’s name, as well as commit other forms of identity theft like assuming a victim’s identity to gain employment, housing, insurance, or a driver’s license. 

As if we didn’t have enough to worry about at tax time without crooks in the mix. 

The IRS Dirty Dozen: 12 tax-season scams 

Investigating the landscape even more closely, we can turn to the authority itself, as the IRS has published its most recent top 12 tax season scams, a broad list that includes: 

  • Phishing attacks 
  • Fake charities 
  • Threatening impersonator phone calls 
  • Social media fraud 
  • Refund Theft 
  • Senior Fraud 
  • Fraud targeting non-English speakers 
  • Unscrupulous return preparers 
  • “Offer in Compromise” mills 
  • Fake payments with repayment demands 
  • Payroll and HR scams 
  • Ransomware 


For a comprehensive look at each one of these scams, and for ways, you can steer clear of them, check our Guide to IRS & Tax Season Scams. However, there are some common threads to many of these scams. 

For starters, plenty of tax scams involve crooks posing as an IRS employee, perhaps via a phone call or email, to glean personal information from you, or to demand payment—sometimes under the threat of penalties or even jail time. Crooks won’t hesitate to use strong-arm tactics like these and play on your fears. The good news is that such tactics are typically a sign that the contact isn’t legitimate. In fact, a quick way to spot a scam is to know what the IRS won’t do when they contact you. From the website, the IRS will not: 

  • Initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages, or social media channels to request personal or financial information. 
  • Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card, or wire transfer. Mention of prepaid cards or wire transfer as a payment option is a surefire sign of a scam. 
  • Demand that you pay taxes without the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they say you owe. You should also be advised of your rights as a taxpayer. 
  • Threaten to bring in local police, immigration officers, or other law enforcement to have you arrested for not paying. The IRS also cannot revoke your driver’s license, business license, or immigration status. Threats like these are common tactics scam artists use to trick victims into buying into their schemes. 

What will the IRS do? Usually, the IRS will first mail a notification to any taxpayer who owes taxes. IRS collection employees might call on the phone or make an unannounced visit to your home or business. If they require payment, the payment will always be to the U.S. Treasury. Read about other ways to know what the IRS won’t do when they contact you. 

Other types of tax scams that crooks love to use 

Scammers won’t limit themselves to posing as the IRS. They’ll act as an imposter in several other ways as well. For example, they may pose as a popular do-it-yourself tax brand, a tax preparer, or even as a phony charitable organization that promises any donations you make are tax-deductible.  

Here, they may send you phony emails or direct messages or even ring you up with bogus telemarketing or robocalls designed to steal personal information. 

In the cases where the scammers reach you online, the emails and messages they send will vary in their tone and polish—in other words, how authentic they appear. Some will look nearly legitimate and cause even the most hardened of digital skeptics to click on a phony link or download a sketchy attachment. Others, well, will look clearly like spam, complete with spelling and grammatical errors, along with clumsy use of logos, layouts, and design.  

Taken together, both are ways that scammers get people to visit sites designed to compromise personal information … or to download malware like keyloggers that skim account passwords and ransomware that encrypt a victim’s files hold them hostage for a price.  

Social media attacks also made the IRS Dirty Dozen. In a social media attack, scammers harvest information from social media profiles and turn it against their victims. Per the IRS, because “social media enables anyone to share information with anyone else on the Internet, scammers use that information as ammunition for a wide variety of scams. These include emails where scammers impersonate someone’s family, friends, or co-workers.” 

With those personal details gleaned from social media, scammers will send phony links to scam sites, promote bogus charities, or flat-out ask for money or gift cards to “help them out” at tax time.  

Protecting yourself from tax season scams 

Keep your guard up for spammy messages and phishing attacks 

No question that bogus emails, messages, and phone calls remain a popular way for scammers to steal personal and financial information. Spam emails, messages, and the malicious links associated with them abound this time of year as well. It’s always to keep a critical eye open for these, and it’s particularly true during tax season.  

View all emails with attachments and links with suspicion, even if they appear to come from a person, business, or brand you know. Confirm attachments with the people you know before opening. And if you receive a message or alert about an account of yours, visit that company or organization’s website directly to enquire into the status of your account rather than taking a chance by clicking on a link that could send you to a phony website. 

File A.S.A.P. and check your credit report 

One way to protect yourself from an identity thief from claiming a return in your name is to file yours before they do. In fact, many victims of identity theft find out they’ve been scammed when they receive an IRS notification that their tax claim has already been filed. Simply put, file early. 

Here’s another tool that can help you fight identity theft. And get this: it’s not only helpful, but it’s also free. Through the Federal Trade Commission, you are entitled to a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit reporting companies once every 12 months. In this report, you can find inaccuracies in your credit or evidence of all-out identity theft.  

Keep in mind that you get one report from each of the reporting companies each year. That works out to three reports total in one year. Consider this: if you request one report from one credit reporting company every four months, you can spread your free credit report coverage across the whole year. 

Keep your social media profiles and posts close to the vest 

As with much of the guidance we offer around social media, one of the best ways to prevent such social media tax attacks is to make your profiles private so that only friends and family can see them. That way, scammers will have a far more difficult time reaching you. Moreover, consider paring back the information you share in your social media profiles, like your alma maters, birthday, mother’s maiden name, pet names—any personal information that a scammer may use to compromise your accounts or the security questions associated with them. 

Security software can protect you from fraud and theft too 

Protecting your devices with comprehensive online protection softwarecan help block the phishing emails and suspicious links that make up many of these tax attacks. Likewise, it can further protect you from ransomware attacks like mentioned above. Additionally, our online Protection Score looks for weak spots in your protection and helps you shore them up, such as if discovers that your info was compromised or part of a data breach. From there, it guides you through the steps to correct the problem. 

Further, consider online protection software that offers identity theft protection as well. A strong identity theft protection package offers cyber monitoring that scans the dark web to detect misuse of your personal info. With our identity protection service, we help relieve the burden of identity theft if the unfortunate happens to you with $1M coverage for lawyer fees, travel expenses, lost wages, and more.  

Think you’ve been a victim of a tax scam? 

The IRS offers steps you can take in the event you suspect fraud or theft. Their current resources include: 

  • Contacting the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration to report a phone scam. Use their “IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting” web page. You can also call 800-366-4484. 
  • If the scam relates to your state income taxes, report it to your state Attorney General’s office. 
  • Report phone scams to the Federal Trade Commission as well with the “FTC Complaint Assistant” on They ask you to add “IRS Telephone Scam” in the notes. 
  • Reporting an unsolicited email claiming to be from the IRS, or an IRS-related component like the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, to the IRS at 

Take a deeper dive on the topic of online tax scams 

As mentioned above, you can get even more up to speed on the different tricks hackers are using by downloading our Guide to IRS & Tax Season Scams. It’s free, and it offers more ways you can protect your identity and information this tax season and year ‘round. 

The post The IRS “Dirty Dozen” – Top Tax Season Scams to Steer Clear of This Year appeared first on McAfee Blog.

McAfee Teammates Share How They’ll Help #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day

By McAfee

International Women’s Day serves as an important reminder that each and every one of us plays a role in recognizing and addressing gender bias. Together, we can make a difference in creating a more equitable world for all.

At McAfee, we know that genuine change requires continuous commitment. And while we’re proud of the efforts we’re making as a company – from being the first cybersecurity company to achieve global pay parity (and maintain it), to expanded time off for new parents, to a woman on every hiring panel to help remove bias – we know there is more to do.

This International Women’s Day and beyond, McAfee team members around the globe share how they’ll continue to advance inclusion and gender equality by actively working to #BreakTheBias.


Software Quality Engineer (India)

A gender equal world starts with a change. A change within families, a change with perspectives, a change among society!




Program Manager (Canada)

I am helping to #BreakTheBias by teaching my son that both boys and girls, men and women can do it all.



Sr Market Research Analyst (USA)

We need to think differently. Women have, are and will always be quintessential architects of society. Together we can #BreakTheBias


Software Engineer (UK)

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias! I am doing my part and learning from my mum and helping the next generation believe in themselves irrespective of gender.


Real Estate & Workplace Strategy (Ireland)

Equality can only be achieved if diversity, difference and qualities of woman are truly valued. We must work together to acknowledge and #BreakTheBias.


Channel Marketing (Australia) 

Bias against anyone for simply being different, limits our growth and is a significant waste of talent, energy and happiness. I commit to taking an active role in questioning perceptions to do my part to influence change.


Software Sales (Canada)

I will help #BreakTheBias by raising and supporting a strong independent young adult and setting an example for her. I do so by choosing my career path while leading and growing personally and professionally!


Talent Acquisition Partner (Australia)

I will #BreakTheBias by addressing and challenging gender stereotypes. 


Senior People Partner (Ireland)

I will help #BreakTheBias by encouraging conversations around diversity, challenging myself and others to consider where we can make changes that will have a positive impact.



Join McAfee and millions of others around the world in celebrating International Women’s Day by sharing how you’ll #BreakTheBias.

Interested in building your career at a company that helps women thrive? Search our openings!

The post McAfee Teammates Share How They’ll Help #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Kids Back To School – The Perfect Time to Audit Your Family’s Online Safety

By Alex Merton-McCann

When Aussie school opened their doors this year, the lifespan of parents around the country drastically improved. The combination of homeschooling, working from home, and not going anywhere has completely drained many Aussie working parents, me included!! Many of us have been in survival mode – just focusing on the basics to get through! 

Well, now we’re getting back to some sort of normal and we have a little more time to breathe, it’s time to focus on those overdue jobs and that includes doing an audit of your family’s online safety. Now, I know it might seem boring, but I promise you it’s worth the effort. So, I thought I’d share with you a checklist of what you need to do to ensure your family is as safe as possible when online. Let’s get started: 

1. Passwords 

Your first task is to ensure every family member has a different password for each of their online accounts. Yes, I know – that sounds completely overwhelming. But hear me out. If you have the same password for all your online accounts and you get hacked, then you could be in a world of pain – as the hacker now has access to all your online accounts!! So, this is very much worth sorting out.  

Now, there are many ways of managing a long list of passwords. You could write them down in a special, secret book. You could call on your Mensa level memory and try to remember 50 plus passwords – unfortunately, that’s not me! So, let me give you the best solution – a password manager. Password Managers can both generate and remember super complex passwords that no human could even concoct. Check out McAfee’s True Key – it’s free and a complete no-brainer, my friends! 

2. Software Updates 

Before my life as Cybermum, I used to think software updates were a massive inconvenience. Something else to add to the never-ending list. But how wrong was I! A software update addresses security flaws or bugs in the current version of the app or program. Their goal is to protect the user. So, if you’re serious about protecting your family, these updates can’t be ignored. The easiest way to manage this is to set updates to be automatic, where possible. You can also do this with apps on your phone – for both Apple and Android devices.  

3. Ensure Location Services Are Off 

Most apps, networks, and devices have geotagging features which means your whereabouts can be widely communicated if your location’s services are turned on. And don’t forget that digital photos can also give away your location as they contain metadata which is information about the time, date, and GPS coordinates of where the pic was taken. So, your job here is simple – ensure all devices have geotagging turned off. And while you’re at it, ensure your kids understand why it’s critical to keep it that way! Nothing worse than pesky strangers knowing your whereabouts! 

4. Security Software 

Not having security software installed on your devices is no different from leaving your front door unlocked. It is essential. A top-shelf security software system will detect and shut down security attacks on your system. Many will also have a firewall that constantly filters the data that both enters and leaves your computer and will block and restrict your network from viruses and hackers. It will also keep an alert to malicious software and if detected will remove issues such as viruses, worms, and Trojans. It will also stay alert to spyware that you may unintentionally download onto your system and will block and delete it if found. See what I mean? It’s essential. Check out McAfee’s Total Protection which will give you peace of mind. 

Unfortunately, there are no guarantees in life however there are definitely ways to minimize risk. Following the above 4 steps will have a significant positive impact on your family’s online safety and most importantly, means you can enjoy a little peace now the kids are back to school!  

Till Next Time 

Alex x 

The post Kids Back To School – The Perfect Time to Audit Your Family’s Online Safety appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Helping Mom & Dad: Online Banking

By McAfee

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles about how we can help our elder parents get the most out of digital life—the ways we can help them look after their finances and health online, along with how they can use the internet to keep connected with friends and family, all safely and simply.

Online banking is for everyone. Or at least it should be. 

The benefits of online banking are many for our moms, dads, and grandparents, just as they are for us. Elder adults can deposit checks, pay bills, transfer money to and from investments, and so on, all without needing to leave home. However, our parents and the older people in our lives may face a few hurdles that are holding them back. As a son, daughter, or loved one, there are things you can do to help them clear those hurdles so they can enjoy the convenience of online banking, safely and securely. 

What do some of those hurdles look like?  

  • Familiarity, for one. Their comfort level with the internet simply may not be as high as ours. (After all, so many of us have grown up with it to some degree.) The web page layouts, transactional flows, and basic internet navigation sense that we all take for granted may still feel a touch foreign to them.  
  • Another hurdle is trust. Many of our parents simply know and have come to trust, in-person and face-to-face interactions, particularly at a bank. Simply put, they may be far more trusting of the teller behind the window than the web page on the browser. 

Meanwhile, the digital world continues to evolve apace, particularly with regard to online banking. Between 2018 and 2022, the number of people in the U.S. who use online banking steadily rose to more than 65%, and more than three-quarters of Americans used a mobile device the last time they checked their balance. And as of 2020, nearly two billion people worldwide used online banking, a number that only continues to increase. 

This rise in online banking has implications for the elders in our lives. Even if they aren’t active in online banking themselves, their financial information is part of this digital mix. The banks and financial institutions where they keep their savings and funds are digitally connected and digitally accessible. At a minimum, this means that they should take steps to protect themselves and their finances. Yet the upside is here is that we can help them do much more than that—that we can actually help them take advantage of online banking and enjoy its benefits. 

Setting up online banking for mom and dad—start with the basics 

Depending on their comfort level, you may want to start by reviewing some basic digital literacy before diving right into online banking. As mentioned above, there’s so much about the internet that we take for granted, and the elders in your life may benefit a little 101-level introduction to the internet. 

When you’re both confident that their comfort level with the internet is in the right place, you can move on to the next step—making sure mom and dad have solid online protection in place. This is square one before going online, particularly when you’re banking online. Some basic digital hygiene will help protect their banking and finances. Moreover, it will help protect the other things they do online as well.  

The following quick list is a great way to make them far more secure: 

1) Update their software

That includes the operating system of their computers, smartphones, and tablets, along with the apps that are on them. Many updates include security upgrades and fixes that make it tougher for hackers to launch an attack. 

2) Lock up

Computers, smartphones, and tablets will have a way of locking them using a PIN, a password, a fingerprint, or the owner’s face. Take advantage of that protection, which is particularly important if that device is lost or stolen.  

3) Learn about tracking and wiping smartphones

This is important should they lose their smartphone or believe it’s been stolen. Have them turn on device tracking so that they can locate their phone or even wipe its data and contents remotely if they need to. Apple provides iOS users with a step-by-step guide for remotely wiping devices, and Google offers up a guide for Android users as well.  

4) Use online protection software  

Protecting your devices with comprehensive online protection software will defend them against the latest virus, malware, spyware and ransomware attacks plus help steer them clear of phishing attacks and malicious websites designed to steal personal and financial information. Also, make sure it offers a password manager like ours does, which can create and store strong, unique passwords for each of their accounts—alleviating the burden of mom and dad remembering them.  

5) Look into an identity protection service

With all the personally identifiable information (PII) we create simply by using the internet, tracking and monitoring your PII is essential for preventing identity fraud and theft. The same is true for mom and dad. A strong identity theft protection package will offer cyber monitoring that can detect the misuse of your PII. Our identity protection service takes that protection a step further if the unfortunate happens with $1M coverage for lawyer fees, travel expenses, lost wages, and more. 

Take it in steps 

With their devices and PII more secure, you can move on to the banking portion itself. While there’s so much you can do with online banking, it’s a good idea to take things one at a time. Some elders aren’t sure how to sign up for online banking with their financial institution, so you can start there. Take them through the setup process (using that strong, unique password as mentioned above) and simply get them going.  

From there, they can familiarize themselves with the layout of banking site or app they’re using. A straightforward task like checking account balances is a great way to do just that. After their comfort level with the site or app tales root, you can move on to other things they can do online, like pay bills online, deposit a paper check with their phone, and review their statements for any discrepancies. 

Be ready to lend an ear and a hand 

Another thing that may help put your folks at ease is to let them know you’re there to help. Questions will inevitably come up, and it’ll be a great comfort to them knowing that you’re around to lend them a quick answer as needed.  

For example, let’s talk about spotting possible discrepancies in their statements. Some account entries may look a little strange because the name of a business does not always match the way it appears in a bank or credit card statement. This may lead to questions about the purchase—was it something they made? Is it a legitimate charge? These are answers you can help them track down. 

Related, online banking provides our parents with a powerful tool against identity theft and fraud. By reviewing account statements closely, they can potentially spot bogus charges and purchases before they become a larger, and more costly, problem. (For a great primer on the topic, read and share this article that covers identity theft and fraud, along with steps to prevent it.) 

Call on the experts 

Several different banks offer resources specifically for elder bankers. The offerings will of course vary from bank to bank, yet you may find that they have videos and information on their websites designed to make online banking easier. Likewise, they may offer special services that mom and dad may qualify for. In all, feel free to lean on their bank for assistance as needed. They’re there to help. 

You can also look into independent resources as well, such as the AARP and “Ready, Set, Bank,” which both provide a wealth of videos and articles about online banking.   

Helping mom & dad get the most from online banking 

As kids, grandkids, and younger loved ones, there’s plenty we can do to help the elders in our lives enjoy online banking with confidence. Shoring up their security, starting them easy, and then being there to answer questions can help them clear the hurdles of familiarity and trust they face. 

Just as they’ve guided you through the ins and outs of life, here’s a chance to return the favor. What’s more, it’s yet another way you can spend time together, whether in person or over a call. And that’s a good thing. 

The post Helping Mom & Dad: Online Banking appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why Everyone Needs a VPN

By McAfee

You may hear corporate cybersecurity experts hail the benefits of a VPN, or a virtual private network, to keep company information safe from ransomware attacks and cybercriminals seeking to steal valuable business secrets. It’s unlikely that everyday people, such as yourself, will be targeted by a ransomware scheme, so you may be puzzled about how a VPN can help someone like you be safer online. Luckily, with a VPN being very easy to install and use, you can indeed experience these three everyday benefits to keep your browsing activities safe from eavesdroppers seeking to profit from your online comings and goings. 

1. Stay Safe on Unsecure Networks

The most widely known benefit of a VPN for daily use is to safeguard your device when it’s connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Coffee shops, libraries, hotels, transportation hubs, and other public places often provide courtesy internet service to visitors. Shifty characters often lurk on unprotected networks to lift personally identifiable information (PII) from people handling sensitive emails, making banking transactions, or shopping online. Public Wi-Fi eavesdroppers can lift credit card numbers, addresses, birthdays, and Social Insurance Numbers. 

When you connect to public Wi-Fi that doesn’t have a lock icon, that’s a sign that you should toggle on your VPN. Also, even if you’re required to enter a password, be wary of any network you share with strangers.  

2. Hide Location Data

A VPN can also hide your location data. How does this help you protect your browsing history? First, when you scramble your location, you’re likely to confuse ad networks trying to send you targeted ads. This will free your social media feeds and search engines from targeted ads that often are so accurate they seem like an invasion of privacy. 

Second, hiding your location can protect you from cybercriminals looking to mine PII. VPNs make it impossible for criminals to discover your IP address. (The internet protocol address is what ties your device to a specific local network.) When they’re visible, criminals can trace IP addresses to reveal home addresses, full names, and phone numbers: all of which are key pieces of PII that, in the wrong hands, can jeopardize your identity.  

3. Restrict Data Snooping and Sharing 

While Canada and the European Union don’t allow ISPs (internet service providers) to even collect the browsing data of their customers, keep in mind that in some countries, like the U.S., ISPs can collect, store, share, and/or sell customer data. While advertisers are often the buyers of customer data, in the case of a breach, the more places your PII lives, the more likely it may be involved in a security incident. The goal is to limit the extent and number of places where your browsing history is stored. 

VPNs can scramble your online movements to the point where not even ISPs can track it. Plus, when you log out, your device doesn’t keep a record of what you did while connected to the VPN. Incognito mode on your internet browser hides your IP address, but the websites you visit still collect cookies and store data about your online whereabouts, meaning that it’s not truly private browsing. 

Protect Your Privacy With McAfee 

McAfee Safe Connect VPN encrypts your online activity to protect your data from prying eyes. With a premium paid plan, you can protect up to five devices at once with bank-grade Wi-Fi encryption. Feel more confident whenever you hop on the internet across all your connected devices with just one quick and easy step. 

The post Why Everyone Needs a VPN appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Wearable Future Is Hackable. Here’s What You Need To Know

By McAfee

Quick mental math challenge: How many Apple Watches can you buy with $118 billion dollars? If you guessed around 296 million watches congrats, you’re smarter than the writer of this blog! We had to use a calculator. The point is that’s the predicted size of the US wearable market by 2028 according to a recent report. That means for as much wearable tech as we have in our lives already, even more, is on the way. 

If you own a piece of wearable tech it’s easy to understand why it’s so popular. After all, it can track our fitness, provide contextual help in daily life, and, in the case of hearing aids, even do cool things like sync with Bluetooth. As VR and AR gains a foothold who knows what other incredible tech might be headed our way by 2028? However wearable tech also comes with certain risks. The most prominent: cybercriminals potentially gaining access to your data. 

How can criminals gain access to your wearable data? 

The weakest link in the wearables space is your mobile phone, not the actual wearable device itself. That’s because wearables tend to link to your mobile device over a short-range wireless spectrum known as “Bluetooth.” This spectrum is used to send and receive data between your wearable device and your mobile. That makes your mobile a prime target for hackers. 

Most commonly, hackers gain access to the data on your mobile through malware-laden apps. These apps are oftentimes designed to look like popular apps, but with enough differences that they don’t flag copyright suspicion. 

What are they doing with my wearable data?

Hackers can use these malicious apps to do a variety of things from making phone calls without your permission, sending and receiving texts, and extracting personal informationall potentially without your knowledge. They can also, with the help of your wearable, track your location through GPS and record any health issues you’ve entered into your wearable. The point is: once they have permissions to your mobile device, they have a lot of control and a lot of resources. 

The hacker can then use this data to conduct varying forms of fraud. Need a special prescription from your doctor that happens to sell well on the black market? Well, so does the hacker. Going out for a jog in the morning? Good information for a burglar to know. These personal details just scratch the surface of information available for the taking on your mobile devices.

Beyond wearables and into the internet of things

These types of threats aren’t limited to wearables, however. The Internet of Things—the phenomenon of devices connected to the Internet for analysis and optimization—encompasses all sorts of other electronic devices such as washing machines and refrigerators that can put your data at risk as well. But these life-changing devices can be secured through education and industry standards. Two things we’re working on day and night. 

Defend your wearables and your personal information

  • Use a PIN. All of your mobile devices ought to have a personal identification number (PIN). This basic security method is a great way of dissuading casual hackers or thieves from stealing your data. 
  • Limit what you share. Most wearables don’t need access to every piece of information about you. You can lessen the likelihood of your wearable sharing sensitive information by only entering the information your wearable device requires. On the flip side, always double-check the permissions that the wearables app is requesting on your mobile device. Does it really need access to your location, camera roll, and address book? If not, be sure to alter these settings appropriately. 
  • Use identity protection. Identity protection can monitor your accounts online – accounts tied to your wearable – so you can receive alerts if that information has been compromised or found online. If it has, a service like McAfee’s Identity Protection Service may also provide insurance and loss remediation as well.

Of course, securing the weakest link in your wearables environment, your phone will go a long way towards keeping your data safe. But what happens when your computer, where you store backups of your smartphone, is compromised too? We’ve got you covered with McAfee LiveSafe™ service, our comprehensive security solution that provides protection for your entire online life. 

The post The Wearable Future Is Hackable. Here’s What You Need To Know appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why Am I Getting All These Notifications on my Phone?

By McAfee Labs

Authored by Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole  

Notifications on Chrome and Edge, both desktop browsers, are commonplace, and malicious actors are increasingly abusing this feature. McAfee previously blogged about how to change desktop browser settings to stop malicious notifications. This blog focuses on Chrome notifications on Android mobile devices such as phones and tablets, and how McAfee Mobile Security protects users from malicious sites leveraging these notifications.  

Where do these notifications come from? 

Most users are unaware of the source of these notifications. Permission is granted when a user clicks ‘Allow’ on a prompt within Android Chrome. 

Many malicious websites use language and images like the one above that entice the user to click ‘Allow’ such as ‘Just one more step! Click “Allow” to continue. Once allow is clicked, the website is added to a site permissions list, which will enable it to send notifications.  

What do they look like? 

The notifications will look like a usual Android notification which you will be used to seeing such as you have a new WhatsApp message or email. To identify the source of the notification, we need to look for the application name which is like the one highlighted in the red box below.  

The image above shows the notification came from Chrome and it is from the website premiumbros[.]com. This is something you should pay attention to as it will be needed when you want to stop annoying notifications.  

Why are some of them malicious? 

Some notifications like the ones in this blog are malicious as they attempt to trick users into believing that their mobile device is infected with a virus and some action is required. When the users click the notification, Chrome will load a website which will present them with a fake warning like the example below: 

Clicking either Cancel or Update Now on the above website will result in the same behavior. The browser will redirect the user to a google play store app so that they can download and install it.  

The malicious websites will flood your phone with several notifications. The screenshot below shows an example of this: 

Why do malicious actors do this? 

You may ask yourself, why do malicious actors try to get me to install a google play application? The people behind these scams receive a commission when these applications are installed on devices. They rely on deceptive tactics to trick users into installing them to maximize profits. 

How can I remove notifications? 

To remove a website’s notification permission, you need to change a Chrome setting. 

1- Find out the name of the website which is sending these notifications. This can be done by looking at the notification and noting down the name of the website. If we use this blog as an example, it would be premiumbros[.]com

2- Open the Chrome browser app which can be found by performing the following search: 

3- Click the three … on the top right hand of the application 

4- Scroll down and click on settings 

5- Click on Notifications 

6- Scroll down until you find the website which you identified in step 1 

7- Pres the blue radio button so it turns grey 

8- Notifications will now be disabled for that website. If you want to block multiple websites, click the radio button for them as well.  

How does McAfee Protect me? 

McAfee customers who have McAfee Mobile Security are protected against these malicious websites as long as they enable the ‘Safe Browsing’ feature within the application.  

Upon trying to access a malicious website such as the one in the blog it will be blocked as shown in the image below: 


Please read this guide on enabling the Safe Browsing feature within the Mobile Security Application. 

The post Why Am I Getting All These Notifications on my Phone? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report

By McAfee

We’re excited to bring you the latest edition of the McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report. After all, when you know the challenges you face, it’s easier to be confident online. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at some leading examples of techniques that cybercriminals are using to trick or defraud you via your mobile phone. These examples are some of the more sophisticated attacks, using real logos, quality graphics, and personalized messages. We hope this provides a useful resource for protecting your digital life, mobile devices, and personal information so that you can enjoy a safe life online with your family. 

Cybercriminals Take Their Scams to the Next Level

Cybercriminals are upping their game, using personal information and high-quality graphics to make their malware look like legitimate apps or official messages. Because these attacks are successful at defrauding significant numbers of mobile users out of their money and information, more criminals will jump on this approach or expand their malicious campaigns. Let’s take a look at some of the different techniques being used by scammers to fool mobile users.  

Smishing looks friendly but is just the opposite

Mobile smishing (aka phishing text messages) are attacks using personalized greetings in text messages that pretend to be from legitimate organizations to appear more credible. These messages often link to websites with authentic logos, icons, and other graphics, prompting the user to enter personal information or download an app. Users should be extra careful about text messages from unknown sources and should go directly to the organization’s website to validate requests. 

Mobile gaming scams pose as gamer help and cheating tools

Cheating tools and hacking apps are popular ways to get extra capabilities in mobile games. Criminals are exploiting this by promoting game hacking apps that include malicious code on legitimate messaging channels. If installed, the malware steals account credentials for social media and gaming accounts. Gamers should use caution when installing game hacks, especially if they request superuser permissions. 

Crypto is popular and so are scams targeting it

Cryptocurrencies are providing new opportunities for mobile device attacks. The latest ploy is phony apps that promise to mine coins in the cloud for a monthly fee. Fake reviews and a low cost make them sound too good to be true—and they are. These apps just take the money without doing any coin mining. With no actual malicious code, these apps are hard to detect, so users should be suspicious of being promised hundreds or thousands of dollars of crypto coins for just a few dollars a month. 

Watch out for fake messaging apps

Another attack uses a variety of fake apps with slick graphics to trick users into premium subscriptions. Hundreds of these apps promise features such as mobile games or photo editing and are supported by plenty of fake five-star reviews. When installed, the apps ask for the user’s phone number and verification PIN and use them to sign up for premium text services that direct payments to the criminals. Users should read reviews looking for vague statements, repetitive wording, and a mix of five-star and one-star ratings. For a deeper dive into the scams, be sure to view full report.

How to Protect Yourself 

While threat tactics continue to change as criminals adapt and respond to detection and enforcement techniques, there are a few steps users should take to limit their exposure and risk. 

Stay on the app stores

While some malicious apps do make it through the app store screening process, most of the attack downloads appear to be coming from social media, fake ads, and other unofficial app sources. Before downloading something to your phone, do some quick research about the source and developer. Many of these scams have been flagged by other people. 

Watch requests for settings and permissions

Many malicious apps get the access they need by asking the user to grant them permission to use unrelated privileges and settings. When installing a new app, take a few moments to read these requests and deny any that seem unnecessary, especially for superuser access and accessibility services.  

Update your software

Developers are actively working to identify and address security issues. Both operating systems and apps should be frequently updated so that they have the latest fixes and security protections. 

Be wary of too many five-star reviews

Cybercriminals often flood their Google Play apps with fake five-star reviews. Many fake or malicious apps only have a mix of five-star and one-star reviews. The five-star ones typically have vague statements and repetitive wording, giving clues that they are submitted by bots. Compare them to the one-star reviews for insight on the app’s real capabilities. 

Pay attention if your phone is acting funny

Devices that are behaving unusually may just have a basic tech issue but it can also be a sign of being hacked. Follow up when something is not quite right, check recent changes or contact tech support from the mobile device vendor or security software provider. 

Use security software

Comprehensive security software across all devices, whether they are computers, tablets, or smartphones, continues to be a strong defensive measure to protect your data and privacy from cyber threats. 

We hope this report helps you stay on the lookout for these and other mobile threats so you can safely and confidently enjoy your life online.

The post McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Doxxing, The Internet, and How You Can Lock Down Your Data

By McAfee

Have you ever been online and replied to a comment or post? Maybe it was on Reddit or on an influencer’s Instagram. Did other people reply to you, and were any of them unexpectedly hostile? When you’re online, a little hostility is sadly par for the course, but most people brush it off and move on to enjoy other aspects of life online. But what would you do if that unpleasant interaction went much farther than was reasonable? What if one day you discovered the most important parts of your identity had been maliciously and intentionally revealed online? Let’s talk about doxxing – what it is and how you can avoid becoming a victim of this kind of harassment. 

What is Doxxing?

Doxxing, derived from the hacker term “dropping docs”, is internet slang for revealing someone’s identity online for the purposes of harassing them. It usually goes way beyond simply revealing someone’s email address or name and may involve personal information like a home address or workplace, SSN, financial information, phone number, pictures, texts, IP address, and other important details. The tricky thing about doxxing is that aspects of it may not be a crime, depending on what you’ve made publicly available online. However, the context in which doxxing occurs is crucial. Often it’s the first step taken to incite more severe harassment. For instance, the doxxer may not plan on taking action against their target but instead hope that someone else does. When put up against a recent Pew Research report showing that 41% of U.S. web users experience harassment in some form, it’s clear that Doxxing is a dangerous trend online. 

Why is Doxxing so Destructive?

Doxxing is a problem that’s grown in scope simply because there’s so much more data about us being kept online. Third-party services, called data brokers, capture our account info, the sites we visit, how long we spent on them, and other kinds of metadata to create profiles they then resell to advertisers. If someone gets access to these troves of data, they can reveal extremely damaging information about an individual, or data that allows a person to be damaged. For instance, with a phone number and a current address, some criminals were able to call in SWAT teams on innocent individuals. Political dissidents are often doxxed by the governments their protesting against. And on a lighter note, the adult website Ashley Madison, which promotes extramarital affairs, had their members’ data leaked online, to the embarrassment of a few public figures. 

What to Do if You’re Doxxed

The response should be very similar to the one you’d take if your wallet was stolen. Move fast, stem the loss, and begin remediation as soon as possible. Here are some broad steps that can be taken. 

  • If you’ve been affected through social media, report it and get your info removed. Depending on the severity of intent, you may want to contact local law enforcement if real-world harassment is expected to result. 
  • Revealed personal data is easily transmittable over the internet. Set Google alerts to see if further exposure is happening online. 
  • Were financial accounts or your social security numbers revealed? Immediately change your passwords and watch for activity suggesting identity theft. A credit freeze or fraud alert may be necessary to prevent someone from opening an account in your name.  

Protect Yourself From Being Doxxed

Of course, not being doxxed in the first place is the ultimate goal of a proactive online protection plan.  Here’s what we recommend: 

Use identity theft protection 

Identity theft protection services help protect your data, monitor your online accounts like emails, SSNs, and more. In addition to online monitoring, they should also offer insurance and even theft remediation if the worst should occur. 

Share with caution 

Before you tag your location, friends, or workplace in a photo think about who has access to this information. What’s gained or lost by sharing all that info? Also, security questions for your accounts should not use the name of your pet or your first-born child if you have posted those on Facebook. 

 Use a VPN if you’re on Wi-Fi 

Public Wi-Fi networks at coffee shops and airports may not be secure against hackers and snooping. That’s why we recommend using a VPN whenever you’re connected online. This powerful tool hides your activity and location whenever you’re online on an unsecured network. 

Go ahead, Google yourself once in a while 

Googling yourself is a great way to see if anyone is using your online identity in bad ways.  

Adjust your privacy settings 

Social networks allow you to control who can see your data. Usually, with a few clicks, you can restrict what you show online to a great degree. For instance,  makes your payments viewable to other users as a default, but can easily be changed to hide them from the public. 

Protect your passwords 

Using long, complex, unique passwords for every account is convenient and maybe the best way to prevent your information from being stolen. Yes, we said convenient because with a password manager you only need to remember one key to create and manage much longer ones for all your most important accounts. 

Seize the Day Without Worrying About Doxxing

The reality is that the more we live online, the more our identities will too.  This does not mean we need to live a restricted life online. In fact, using comprehensive online protection, which features most of the tools above, we can remain free to enjoy life on our terms. Doxxing is something to be aware of, but with great protection, it’s far from anything we need to be worried about as we make the most of our lives online. 

The post Doxxing, The Internet, and How You Can Lock Down Your Data appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why Staying Calm May Be One Of The Best Ways Of Keeping Your Kids Safe Online

By Alex Merton-McCann

There are very few guarantees in this world – but experiencing drama when you are a parent is a sure thing! And as a mum of 4, I’ve had my fair share. Whether it’s friendship issues, homework problems or just picking up the pieces after some bad choices – I feel like my job as a mother is most tested when I’m helping my boys navigate the tough stuff.  

But after clocking up 25 years of parenting, I’ve learned one thing – when you’re in the thick of issues with your kids, being calm (even on the outside) is the best way of getting to the bottom of an issue, and helping them solve it. 

Kids Don’t Differentiate Between Their Online and Offline Life 

Even though we may compartmentalize our lives into offline and online, our kids don’t. For them, it’s the same thing! They use their online life to set up their online activities. In fact, their online life is a critical element of their day-to-day lives. So, if a problem arises online – an embarrassing photo is shared or they make a wrong move – it can feel like their whole world is affected.  

‘That is – I’m Taking The Devices Away’ 

I don’t know how many times I’ve wanted to scream this from my lungs when my boys have found themselves in tricky online situations over the years. And I am sure I am not alone. When our kids come to us with an online issue, all we want to do is throw the router in the bin or cancel their phone plan. But, that, my friends, is the worst think you can do. If your kids think there is even a small chance you’ll remove their technology, then I promise you that they will never come to you with an online issue. They would much rather try and work it out themselves than threaten disconnection because their online world is their entire world. 

My Top Tips On Navigating Online Issues With Your Kids 

1. Remain Calm 

Without a doubt, THE most important thing you can do for your kids is to guarantee that you will NOT scream, shout or disconnect them from their devices if they come to you with a problem. Even though you know it will be tough, promising them that you will remain calm will mean they are far more likely to seek your advice when things are tough. Of course, I am not suggesting that you don’t deal out punishments or introduce new rules as a result of the issue but remaining approachable is key. 

2. Be Empathetic 

Being a teenager in this digital era is completely different from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. So, while some of the issues your kids may experience may mirror yours, many will not. Thankfully, we didn’t have the constant pressure that social media can be when we were growing up. Some kids can rationalize the way social media works and not lose any sleep over it whereas others will find it much trickier to navigate.  

So, take a minute to really understand their social media-dominated world. Many kids, understandably, struggle when comparing themselves to someone’s perfectly curated Instagram feed; feel lonely or ‘less than’ when discovering that their friends are all out (thanks to a shared pic online) but they weren’t invited; or, consumed by the number of likes their posts achieve. As the great Atticus Finch in ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ said ‘You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” So, try as hard as you can to understand how these pressures can affect their mindset.  

3. Make A Plan 

When things are tricky and overwhelming, making a plan can help direct the angst and reduce the worry. Depending on the issue your child is having online, you may want to introduce some new rules around the time and place they can use their device. For example, if devices were not yet banned from the bedroom – this could be a good place to start. You could also insist devices are placed in a ‘charging zone’ on the kitchen bench overnight so their bedroom becomes a tech-free zone. 

Additionally, if you are worried your child is experiencing concerning levels of anxiety or low mood as a result of the situation, you might want to include making an appointment with the counselor at school or an independent psychologist. Also, notifying the school may also be a helpful action point for the plan too – depending again on the nature of the issue. 

If I’m being honest, being calm and chilled is probably not my natural state. I could blame it on genetics or maybe the amount of caffeine I consume but when it comes to my helping my boy with the tricky stuff, I dig deep. I channel my inner yogi and muster up all the patience and chilled vibes I can because it’s so worth it. Knowing my boys understand they can come to me about any problem – online or offline – means they know someone always has their back. And isn’t that our job as parents?  

Till next time 

Alex xx 

The post Why Staying Calm May Be One Of The Best Ways Of Keeping Your Kids Safe Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Gold Rush of Fraud: Why Scammers Have Flocked to Social Media

By McAfee

There’s millions of dollars to be made in social media. For scammers. 

New data from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) suggests that Americans lost nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars to social media fraud in 2021, signaling that social media may be the most profitable method of scamming victims—marking an 18-fold increase over 2017 

And that’s just cases of reported fraud.  

Of the roughly 95,000 cases tallied in 2021, the actual number of reports and losses are arguably much higher because fraud victims infrequently report these crimes to the FTC or other agencies. Likewise, few take advantage of the FTC’s resources for recovering from fraud. Instead, they’ll share the sad news with family or friends if anyone at all 

Despite the rise of these online crimes, there are several things you can do to increase your awareness of social media fraud—what it looks like and how it’s pulled off—along with other ways you can prevent scammers from targeting you and the ones you care about. 

What does social media fraud look like? 

Several types of social media fraud abound, yet the FTC reports that three types of scams prevail: 

Investment scams

These often involve bogus sites that promote opportunities to mine or invest in cryptocurrencies. Rather than use these sites to trade in legitimate cryptocurrencies, scammers use these as a front to collect funds. The funds are never invested and never returned. Thanks to social media, scammers have a quick and easy way to drive victims to such bogus sites. 

Romance scams 

By starting up a chat through an unexpected friend request or a message that comes out of the blue, a scammer develops a budding romantic relationship with a victim—and eventually starts asking for money. Public social media profiles are particularly attractive to scammers because they’re loaded with information that scammers can use to win a victim’s confidence or heart. 

Online shopping scams

Using ads on social media, scammers drive victims to phony online stores that will take people’s money but that don’t deliver the goods. They’re simply a way for scammers to harvest cash from unsuspecting shoppers. These sites may impersonate reputable brands and stores or they may sell bogus products altogether. Either way, victims pay and receive nothing in return. 

Together, these three types of scams accounted for the overwhelming majority of losses and reports of social media fraud, which are broken down in detail as follows: 

As illustrated, investment and romance scams may get reported less frequently, yet they are among the costliest scams going on social media. Meanwhile, online shopping scams on social media are far more common yet rake in fewer dollars overall.  

What makes social media such a happy hunting ground for scammers? 

For one, reach. Nearly half of the global population uses social media today. That translates into billions of people who can be made into potential victims. Secondly, social media provides the tools to reach those people through the otherwise legitimate services and features available to the people and businesses that use social media to connect.  

In the case of investment and shopping scammers, the ad platforms are of particular use. For romance scammers, direct messaging and profile pages are potential avenues for fraud. 

Targeted ad platforms can be used to target victims 

Scammers use the highly targeted ad platform that social media companies use to generate revenue. With millions of detailed user profiles in their data stores, social media companies put that data to work in their ad platforms allow businesses to create ads designed to reach specific age groups, hobbies and interests, past purchases, and so on. Just as easily, a scammer can use the same tools to cook up bogus ads for their bogus products, services, and sites at a relatively low cost. 

For example, a scammer could target older females with an interest in investing. From there, the scammer could narrow down that target profile to those who live in areas of the country with a desired average income level, and who have shown interest in investment products before. The scammers would create an ad that takes them to phony website designed to entice that target group into purchasing a bogus product, service, or crypto. The FTC reports that the median loss for an online shopping scam in 2021 was $118, while online investment scams on social media racked up a median loss of $1,800 per victim. These stats make a strong case for sticking to reputable and established retailers and accredited financial services. 

People love to share, and scammers love to turn that against their victims  

In the case of romance scammers on social media, the posts and personal profiles that form the heart of social media offer con artists a treasure trove. With a potential victim’s life a relatively open book, full of birthdays, events, interests, and activities for all to see, scammers have the hooks they need to form a phony romantic relationship online—or at least make the attempt at one. 

For example, a scammer reaches out to a potential victim with a friend request. With the profile and posts this romance scammer has at hand, they can spin all manner of intriguing, yet utterly false tales designed to gain the victim’s trust. With that trust established, they can follow up with a similarly intriguing story about needing “a little help” to cover some “unexpected expenses,” often in the form of a gift card or reloadable debit card—sometimes stringing out a series of requests over time. According to the FTC, the median loss for this type of romance scam in 2021 was around $2,000 per victim. 

Six steps for preventing social media scams 

People worldwide spend an average of 145 minutes a day on social media. And with users in the U.S. spending just over two hours on social media a day, that’s a great deal of potential exposure to scams.  

Yet, whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or whatnot, here are several things you can do that can help keep you safe and secure out there: 

1. Set strong, unique passwords

Passwords mark square one in your protection, with strong and unique passwords across all your accounts forming primary line of defense. Yet with all the accounts we have floating around, juggling dozens of strong and unique passwords can feel like a task—thus the temptation to use (and re-use) simpler passwords. Hackers love this because one password can be the key to several accounts. Instead, try a password manager that can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one. 

2. Go private

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others give you the option of making your profile and posts visible to friends only. Choosing this setting keeps the broader internet from seeing what you’re doing, saying, and posting, which can help protect your privacy and give a possible scammer much less material to work with. 

3. Say “no” to strangers bearing friend requests

Be critical of the invitations you receive. Out-and-out strangers could be more than just a stranger, they could be a fake account designed to gather information on users for purposes of fraud. There are plenty of fake accounts too. In fact, in Q3 of 2021 alone, Facebook took action on 1.8 billion fake accounts. Reject such requests. 

4. Watch out for phishing scams

We’re increasingly accustomed to the warnings about phishing emails, yet phishing attacks happen plenty on social media. The same rules apply. Don’t follow any links you get from strangers by way of instant or direct messages. And keep your personal information close. Don’t pass out your email, address, or other info as well. Even those so-called “quiz” posts and websites can be ruses designed to steal bits and pieces of personal info that can be used as the basis of an attack. 

5. Do a background check—on businesses and people

When you’re purchasing online, do some quick research on the company. How long have they been around? Have any complaints been recorded by your attorney general or local consumer protection agency? When you meet someone new, do a reverse image search on their profile pic to see where else it appears. Look up their name in search as well. If the results you find don’t match up with the person’s story, it may be a sign of a scam.

6. Protect yourself and your devices

Online protection software can protect you from clicking on malicious links while on social media while steering you clear of other threats like viruses, ransomware, and phishing attacks. It can look out for you as well, by protecting your privacy and monitoring your email, SSN, bank accounts, credit cards, and other personal information. With identity theft a rather commonplace occurrence today, security software is really a must. Additionally, our online protection software can also provide you with an online Protection Score that shows you just how safe you are.  From there, it calls out any weak spots and then walks you through the steps to shore it up with personalized guidance. 

Protect yourself and others from social media scams 

It’s unfortunate seeing a resource we’ve come to know and love over the past years get taken advantage of this way. Yet taking the steps outlined above can go a long way to prevent it from happening to you or someone you love. 

One important note is to strongly consider filing a report if you believe you’ve been a victim of a social media scam. While some of the scammers behind these crimes are small-time operators, there are larger, almost business-like operations that conduct these crimes on a broader and sometimes international scale. So whether filing a report will help you recover some or all your losses, it can provide information to businesses and agencies that can help keep it from happening to others.  

For more on online theft and fraud, and how you can spot and report it, check out our article on the topic. Doing so may help you, and someone else as well.   

The post The Gold Rush of Fraud: Why Scammers Have Flocked to Social Media appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Phony Valentines: Online Dating Scams and How to Spot Them

By McAfee

For years now, the popularity of online dating has been on the rise—and so have the number of online romance scams that leave people with broken hearts and empty wallets. 

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the reported costs of online romance scams jumped 50% from 2019 to 2020, to the tune of $304 million. And that’s not entirely because 2020 was a pandemic year. From 2016 to 2020, the volume of reported cases tripled, while reported losses nearly quadrupled. Over that period, online romance scams are not only becoming more common, but they’re also becoming more costly.


How do online dating and romance scams get started? 

Dating and romance scams aren’t limited to online dating apps and sites, they’ll happen on social media and in online games as well. However, the FTC reports that the scam usually starts the same way, typically through an unexpected friend request or a message that comes out of the blue.  

With that initial introduction made, a chat begins, and a friendship (or more) blossoms from there. Along the way, the scammer will often rely on a mix of somewhat exotic yet believable storytelling to lure the victim in, often involving their job and where they’re working. Reports say that scammers will talk of being workers on an offshore oil rig, members of the military stationed overseas, doctors working with an international organization, or working in the sort of jobs that would prevent them from otherwise easily meeting up in person. 

With the phony relationship established, the scammer starts asking for money. The FTC reports that they’ll ask for money for several bogus reasons, usually revolving around some sort of hardship where they need a “little help” so that they can pay: 

  • For a plane ticket or other travel expenses. 
  • For medical expenses. 
  • Customs fees to retrieve something. 
  • Gambling debts. 
  • A visa or other official travel documents. 

The list goes on, yet that’s the general gist. Scammers often employ a story with an intriguing complication that seems just reasonable enough, one where the romance scammer makes it sound like they could really use the victim’s financial help. 

Common types of online dating scams 

People who have filed fraud reports say they’ve paid their scammer in a few typical ways.  

One is by wiring money, often through a wire transfer company. The benefit of this route, for the scammer anyway, is that this is as good as forking over cash. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. The victim lacks the protections they have with other payment forms, such as a credit card that allows the holder to cancel or contest a charge. 

Another way is through gift cards. Scammers of all stripes, not just romance scammers, like these because they effectively work like cash, whether it’s a gift card for a major online retailer or a chain of brick-and-mortar stores. Like a wire transfer, once that gift card is handed over, the money on it is highly difficult to recover, if at all. 

One more common payment is through reloadable debit cards. A scammer may make an initial request for such a card and then make several follow-on requests to load it up again.  

In all, a romance scammer will typically look for the easiest payment method that’s the most difficult to contest or reimburse, leaving the victim in a financial lurch once the scam ends. 

How Do You Avoid Getting Tangled Up in an Online Dating or Romance Scam? 

When it comes to meeting new people online, the FTC suggests the following: 

  • Never send money or gifts to someone you haven’t met in person—even if they send you money first. 
  • Talk to someone you trust about this new love interest. It can be easy to miss things that don’t add up. So pay attention if your friends or family are concerned. 
  • Take the relationship slowly. Ask questions and look for inconsistent answers. 
  • Try a reverse-image search of any profile pictures the person uses. If they’re associated with another name or with details that don’t match up, it’s a scam. 

Scammers, although arguably heartless, are still human. They make mistakes. The stories they concoct are just that. Stories. They may jumble their details, get their times and dates all wrong, or simply get caught in an apparent lie. Also, keep in mind that some scammers may be working with several victims at once, which is yet another opportunity for them to get confused and slip up. 

Protecting Yourself Further From Scams on Your Social Media Accounts 

As mentioned above, some romance scammers troll social media and reach out through a direct message or friend request. With that, there are three things you can do to cut down your chances of getting caught up with a scammer: 

1. Go private

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others give you the option of making your profile and posts visible to friends only. Choosing this setting keeps the broader internet from seeing what you’re doing, saying, and posting, which can help protect your privacy and give a romance scammer less information to exploit. 

2. Say “no” to strangers bearing friend requests

Be critical of the invitations you receive. Out-and-out strangers could be more than a romance scammer, they could be a fake account designed to gather information on users for purposes of cybercrime, or they can be an account designed to spread false information. There are plenty of them too. In fact, in Q3 of 2021 alone, Facebook took action on 1.8 billion fake accounts. Reject such requests. 

3. Protect yourself and your devices

Security software can protect you from clicking on malicious links that a scammer may send you online, while also steering you clear of other threats like viruses, ransomware, and phishing attacks in general. It can look out for your personal information as well, by protecting your privacy and monitoring your email, SSN, bank accounts, credit cards, and other info that a scammer or identity thief may put to use. With identity theft a rather commonplace occurrence today, security software is really a must. 

Put an End to it 

If you suspect that you’re being scammed, put an end to the relationship and report it, as difficult as that may feel. 

Notify the FTC at for support and next steps to help you recover financially as much as possible. Likewise, notify the social media site, app, or service where the scam occurred as well. In some cases, you may want to file a police report, which we cover in our broader article on identity theft and fraud 

If you sent funds via a gift card, the FTC suggests filing a claim with the company as soon as possible. They offer further advice on filing a claim here, along with a list of contact numbers for gift card brands that scammers commonly use.  

Lastly, go easy on yourself. If you find yourself a victim of online dating or romance fraud, know that you won’t be the first or last person to be taken advantage of this way. By reporting your case, you in fact may help others from falling victim too. 

The post Phony Valentines: Online Dating Scams and How to Spot Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How We Can All Work Together For a Better Internet

By McAfee

Let’s face it – we would not be the same people we are today if it wasn’t for the internet. The internet has opened our eyes to so much information that we are privileged to have right at our fingertips. However, it’s important to remember that with so many individuals with access to the web, it can quickly become a place where rumors are spread, cyberattacks are cast, and misinformation arises. At McAfee, we are committed to protecting both you and your family.  Together, through education and online protection, we can work together to experience a better internet for everyone. On this Safer Internet Day, here are our top 5 recommendations: 

For Parents 

With a connected family, it’s important to pay attention to what your family members are connected to (IoT devices in the home, smartphones, tablets, etc.) and how they interact online. Maybe your son is an avid gamer, or your teenager is a social media mogul who enjoys tweeting and scrolling through TikTok. As a parent, you play a crucial role in setting an example for your children and loved ones. So, it’s important to teach them how to use the internet responsibly. Here are some tips for helping your family stay safe online:  

  • Set up parental controls, if necessary. While your child’s device plays a key role in connecting them to the outside world, that same device can also expose them to cyberbullying, predators, risky behavior, and self-image struggles. If your child has started to ignore their homework and other family responsibilities, they are oversharing online, or they won’t give you their device without a fight, it may be time to consider setting up parental controls.  
  • Make sure your child has a healthy relationship with social media. Any activity in excess can cause harm – social media included. If your child’s screen time is climbing due to excessive social media scrolling, help them to establish new habits like setting a device curfew and educating them on the effects of too much screen time.  
  • Teach your family about best practices for securing their online accounts. Using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication can make your family’s internet experience better, providing protection against common online threats.  

For College Students 

In a time when students are reliant on connectivity to be successful in their education, it’s important that they connect to the internet safely. Ensuring a safe connection can prevent any security hiccups from standing in the way of you and your degree. If you are a college student, follow these tips to help you stay safe in a hybrid or distance learning environment:  

  • Use a VPN when connecting to your university’s Wi-Fi network. Avoid hackers infiltrating your connection by using a VPN, which allows you to send and receive data while encrypting, or scrambling, your information so others can’t read it. VPNs also prevent hackers from gaining access to other devices connected to your Wi-Fi.   
  • Choose an encrypted online conferencing tool. Does the video conferencing tool you’re considering use end-to-end encryption? This ensures that only meeting participants can decrypt secure meeting content. Additionally, be sure to read the privacy policies listed by the video conferencing programs to find the one that is the most secure and fits your needs.    

For Working Professionals 

Regardless of your industry, you are likely to rely on the internet to do your job. Restaurant workers use online POS systems, bank tellers require access to their customers’ online accounts – the list goes on. With so much of your day spent online, it’s important to keep internet safety best practices top of mind so you can continue to work free from potential cyber interruptions. No matter what career path you are on, following these tips can help you stay safe online and continue to do your job with confidence:  

  • Be on the lookout for phishing scams targeting employees and their companies. Hackers will oftentimes target employees with phishing campaigns to access sensitive corporate data. If you receive an email, text, or phone call prompting you to take immediate action and log in to an account, make a payment, confirm personal information, or click on a suspicious link, it’s likely a phishing scam. Send a screenshot of the suspicious message (never forward!) to your company’s IT team to confirm, and then delete the message.  
  • Separate personal and business devices. Set boundaries between your personal and work life, including the technology you use for both. Avoid sharing your company’s devices with family members who are not aware of the best security practices, especially children. Also, keep personal accounts separate from company accounts to prevent sharing information through personal channels. 
  • Adhere to company policies and standards. Ensure you understand your company’s policies and confidentiality agreements when it comes to sharing files, storing documents, and other online communications. Use company-approved cloud applications that follow strict security standards to avoid inadvertently exposing sensitive company information through unsecured means. This measure can also apply when using video conferencing software. Limit the amount of sensitive information shared via video conferencing platforms and through messaging features just in case uninvited hackers are eavesdropping. 

For Entertainment Seekers  

If you can dream it, you can stream it. With so much media at your fingertips, it’s important to remember that cybercriminals tend to focus their threats on trending consumer behaviors. For example, cybercriminals will tend to focus their scams on popular TV shows or movies in the hopes that an unsuspecting user will click on their malicious download. Because streaming has become so popular in recent years, consumers should prioritize the safety of their online streaming platforms like Spotify, Netflix, Hulu, etc. Here are some ways to stay protected while streaming:  

  • Watch what you click. Be cautious and only access entertainment content directly from a reliable source. The safest thing to do is to subscribe to a streaming site that offers the content or download the movie from credible websites, instead of downloading a “free” version from a website that could contain malware. 
  • Refrain from using illegal streaming sites. Many illegal streaming sites are riddled with malware or adware disguised as pirated video files. Do your device a favor and stream the show from a reputable source. 

For Mobile Moguls  

As technology has become more advanced, we’ve become accustomed to the many benefits that come with taking our devices with us everywhere we go. For example, we can deposit checks from home with our mobile banking apps and can use vehicle location services on our phones to remind us where we parked. Here’s how you can stay protected while on-the-go:  

  • Use a mobile security solution. Protect your pocket-sized digital life with a reliable solution like McAfee Mobile Security. It actively shields you from malicious links or websites, unauthorized third-party activities, and even phishing scams. Additionally, it allows you to connect safely with a VPN and regularly scans your device for unwanted threats.  

“There’s no doubt the internet has brought so many benefits to our daily life,” says Alex Merton-McCann, McAfee’s Cyber Safety Ambassador. “I honestly can’t imagine life without it! But in order for us all to continue benefiting from its many pluses, we all have a responsibility to make it a safe and enjoyable place. So, let’s #playitfaironline and commit to being respectful and kind towards each other online to ensure life online is safe and enjoyable for us all!” 

Check out #SaferInternetDay and #SID2022 hashtags on social media to be a part of the conversation. 

The post How We Can All Work Together For a Better Internet appeared first on McAfee Blog.

It’s Data Privacy Day: Here’s How to Stay Protected in 2022

By McAfee

When you logged on to your computer this morning, data privacy probably wasn’t the first thing you were thinking about. The same goes for when you opened your phone to catch up on social media and check emails, turned on your smart TV for a family movie night, or all the other ways we routinely use our connected devices in our everyday lives.  

Although we live in an increasingly connected world, most of us give little thought to data privacy until after our personal information has been compromised. However, we can take proactive steps to help ourselves and our loved ones navigate this environment in a safe way. On January 28th – better known as Data Privacy Day – we have the perfect opportunity to own our privacy by taking the time to safeguard data. By making data privacy a priority, you and your family can enjoy the freedom of living your connected lives online knowing that your information is safe and sound.  

Data Security vs. Data Privacy 

Did you know that there is a difference between data security and data privacy? Although the two are intimately intertwined, there are various characteristics of each that make them different. National Today3 provides a useful analogy to define the two:  

  • Data security is like putting bars on your windows to make it difficult for someone to break into your home (guarding against potential threats).  
  • Data privacy is like pulling down the window shades so no one can look inside to see what you are wearing, who lives with you, or what you’re doing (ensuring that only those who are authorized to access the data can do so).   

At this point, we already know not to share our passwords or PIN numbers with anyone. But what about the data that is collected by companies every time we sign up for an email newsletter or make an online account? Oftentimes, we trust these companies to guard the personal data they collect from us in exchange for the right to use their products and services. However, the personal information collected by companies today is not regarded as private by default, with a few exceptions. For this reason, it’s up to us to take our data privacy into our own hands.  

The Evolution of Data Breaches  

Because we spend so much of our day online, plenty of our information is available on the internet. But what happens if one of your favorite online retailers experiences a data breach? This is the reality of the world we live in today, as data breaches have been on the rise and hackers are continuously finding clever, new ways to access our devices and information.   

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve become more reliant on technology than ever before. Whether it be for distance learning, online shopping, mobile banking, or remote work, we’ve all depended on our devices and the internet to stay connected. But with more time online comes more opportunities for cybercriminals to exploit. For example, with the massive increase in remote work since the onset of the pandemic, hackers have hijacked online meetings through a technique called ‘Zoombombing4.’ This occurred after the online conferencing company shared personal data with Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn. Additionally, the number of patient records breached in the healthcare industry jumped to 21.3 million in the second half of 2020 due to the increase in remote interactions between patients and their providers5 

When it comes to data breaches, any business is a potential target because practically every business is online in some way. When you put this in perspective, it’s important to consider what information is being held by the companies that you buy from. While a gaming service will likely have different information about you than your insurance company, you should remember that all data has value, and you should take steps to protect it like you would money.  

Protecting Your Privacy With McAfee  

Your browsing history and personal information are private, and we at McAfee want to keep it that way. By using McAfee Secure VPN, you can browse confidently knowing that your data is encrypted.  

To further take control of your data privacy, monitor the health of your online protection with McAfee’s Protection Score. This tool provides simple steps to improve your security and allows you to know how safe you are online, which is the first step towards a safer, more confident connected life. Check your personal protection score here

Here are a few more tips to keep you on top of your data privacy game:  

1. Update your privacy and security settings. Begin with the websites and apps that you use the most. Check to see if your accounts are marked as private, or if they are open to the public. Also, look to see if your data is being leaked to third parties. You want to select the most secure settings available, while still being able to use these tools correctly.  

2. Lock down your logins. Secure your logins by making sure that you are creating long and unique passphrases for all your accounts. Use multi-factor identification, when available. 

3. Protect your family and friends. You can make a big difference by encouraging your loved ones to protect their online privacy. By helping others create solid safety habits as they build their digital footprints, it makes all of us more secure. 

Follow the conversation this Data Privacy Day by following #PrivacyAware and #DataPrivacyDay on social media. 

The post It’s Data Privacy Day: Here’s How to Stay Protected in 2022 appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts

By McAfee

Social media is part of our social fabric. So much so that nearly 50% of the global population are social media users to some degree or other. With all that sharing, conversing, and information passing between family and friends, social media can be a distinct digital extension of ourselves—making it important to know how you can protect your social media accounts from hacks and attacks. 

Beyond the sheer number of people who’re on social media, there’s also the amount of time we spend on it.  People worldwide spend an average of 145 minutes a day on social media. With users in the U.S. spending just over two hours on social media a day and users in the Philippines spending nearly four hours a day, that figure can vary widely. Yet it’s safe to say that a good portion of our day features time scrolling and thumbing through our social media feeds. 

Given how much we enjoy and rely on social media, now’s a fine time to give your social media settings and habits a closer look so that you can get the most out of it with less fuss and worry. Whether you’re using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or whatnot, here are several things you can do that can help keep you safe and secure out there: 

1. Set strong, unique passwords

Passwords mark square one in your protection, with strong and unique passwords across all your accounts forming primary line of defense. Yet with all the accounts we have floating around, juggling dozens of strong and unique passwords can feel like a task—thus the temptation to use (and re-use) simpler passwords. Hackers love this because one password can be the key to several accounts. Instead, try a password manager that can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one. 

2. Go private

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others give you the option of making your profile and posts visible to friends only. Choosing this setting keeps the broader internet from seeing what you’re doing, saying, and posting, which can help protect your privacy. 

3. Say “no” to strangers bearing friend requests

Be critical of the invitations you receive. Out-and-out strangers could be more than just a stranger, they could be a fake account designed to gather information on users for purposes of cybercrime, or they can be an account designed to spread false information. There are plenty of them too. In fact, in Q3 of 2021 alone, Facebook took action on 1.8 billion fake accounts. Reject such requests. 

4. Think twice before checking in

Nothing says “there’s nobody at home right now” like that post of you on vacation or sharing your location while you’re out on the town. In effect, such posts announce your whereabouts to a broad audience of followers (even a global audience, if you’re not posting privately, as called out above). Consider sharing photos and stories of your adventures once you’ve returned.  

5. The internet is forever

It’s a famous saying for a reason. Whether your profile is set to private or if you are using an app with “disappearing” messages and posts (like Snapchat), what you post can indeed be saved and shared again. It’s as simple as taking a screenshot. If you don’t want it out there, forever or otherwise, simply don’t post it. 

6. Watch out for phishing scams

We’re increasingly accustomed to the warnings about phishing emails, yet phishing attacks happen plenty on social media. The same rules apply. Don’t follow any links you get from strangers by way of instant or direct messengers. And keep your personal information close. Don’t pass out your email, address, or other info as well. Even those so-called “quiz” posts and websites can be ruses designed to steal bits and pieces of personal info that can be used as the basis of an attack. 

7. Also keep an eye out for scams of all kinds

Sadly, social media can also be a place where people pull a fast one. Get-rich-quick schemes, romance cons, and all kinds of imposters can set up shop in ads, posts, and even direct messages—typically designed to separate you from your personal information, money, or both. This is an entire topic to itself, and you can learn plenty more about quizzes and other identity theft scams to avoid on social media 

8. Review your tags

Some platforms such as Facebook allow users to review posts that are tagged with their profile names. Check your account settings and give yourself the highest degree of control over how and where your tags are used by others. This will help keep you aware of where you’re being mentioned by others and in what way. 

9. Protect yourself and your devices

Security software can protect you from clicking on malicious links while on social media while steering you clear of other threats like viruses, ransomware, and phishing attacks. It can look out for you as well, by protecting your privacy and monitoring your email, SSN, bank accounts, credit cards, and other personal information. With identity theft a rather commonplace occurrence today, security software is really a must. 

10. Check your Protection Score and see how safe you are

Now you can point to a number that shows you just how safe you are with our Protection Score. It’s an industry first, and it works by taking stock of your overall security and grading it on a scale of 0 to 1,000. From there, it calls out any weak spots and then walks you through the steps to shore it up with personalized guidance. This way, you’re always in the know about your security, privacy, and personal identity on social media and practically wherever else your travels take you online.

The post How to Protect Your Social Media Accounts appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What to Do If Your Identity Has Been Stolen

By McAfee

We live online these days, sharing everything from vacation pictures to what we eat for breakfast on the internet. The internet is also useful for daily activities, like buying groceries or paying bills.

While it’s convenient to connect with people and complete tasks online, cybercriminals are eager to use the internet to steal financial or personal data for their personal gain — otherwise known as identity theft. This is a criminal act and can affect your credit score in a negative way and cost money to fix. It can also affect employment opportunities since some employers conduct a credit check on top of drug testing and a criminal history check. Identity theft victims may even experience an impact to their mental health as they work to resolve their case.

The good news is that being able to recognize the signs of identity theft means you can act quickly to intervene and minimize any effects in case it happens to you. You can also protect yourself by using preventive measures and engaging in smart online behavior. This article provides essential information about identity theft, giving you the tools you need to become an empowered internet user and live your best life online.

5 steps to take if your identity has been stolen

The internet is a great place to be, but identity thieves hope to catch you off-guard and seek access to your personal information for their benefit. This could include private details like your birth date, bank account information, Social Security number, home address, and more. With data like this, an individual can adopt your identity (or even create a fake identity using pieces of your personal profile) and apply for loans, credit cards, debit cards, and more.

You don’t have to be kept in the dark, though. There are several signs that your identity has been stolen, from a change in your credit score to receiving unfamiliar bills and debt collectors calling about unfamiliar new accounts. If you suspect that you’ve been affected by identity fraud, you can act fast to minimize what happens. Here’s what to do.

File a police report

Start by contacting law enforcement to file a report. Your local police department can issue a formal report, which you may need to get your bank or other financial institution to reverse fraudulent charges. An official report assures the bank that you have been affected by identity fraud and it’s not a scam.

Before going to the police, gather all the relevant information about what happened. This could include the dates and times of fraudulent activity and any account numbers affected. Bringing copies of your bank statements can be useful. Also, make note of any suspicious activity that could be related. For example, was your debit card recently lost or your email hacked? The police will want to know.

Notify the company where the fraud occurred

You should also notify any businesses linked to your identity theft case. Depending on the type of identity theft, this could include banks, credit card companies, medical offices, health insurers, e-commerce stores, and more. For example, if someone used your credit card to make purchases on Amazon, alert the retailer.

Medical identity theft is another good example. In this case, a fraudster may assume your identity to gain access to health care services, such as medical checkups, prescription drugs, or pricey medical devices like wheelchairs. If someone uses your health insurance to get prescription drugs from a pharmacy, for instance, make sure to alert the pharmacy and your insurer.

File a report with the Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a government body that protects consumer interests. You can report identity theft via their portal, They’ll then use the details you provide to create a free recovery plan you can use to address the effects of identity theft, like contacting the major credit bureaus or alerting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) fraud department. You can report your case online or by calling 1-877-438-4338.

Ask credit reporting agencies to issue a fraud alert

A common consequence of identity theft is a dip in the victim’s credit score. For example, a cybercriminal may take out new lines of credit in the victim’s name, accrue credit card debt, and then not pay the balance. For this reason, contacting the credit monitoring bureaus is one of the most important steps to take in identity theft cases.

There are three main agencies: TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian. You can get a free credit report from each agency every 12 months via Check the report and note all fraudulent activity or false information and flag it with the relevant bureau’s fraud department. You should also initiate a fraud alert with each agency.

A fraud alert requires any creditors to verify your identity before opening a new line of credit. This adds an extra layer of security. An initial fraud alert lasts for 90 days. Once this expires, you can prolong your protection via an extended fraud alert, which will remain valid for seven years. You can notify one of the big three bureaus to set it up. They are then required to notify the other two bureaus.

A credit freeze is another smart move, which you can do through each of the three major credit bureaus. You can either call them or start the process online. This prevents people from accessing your credit report. Lenders, creditors, retailers, landlords, and others may want to see your credit as proof of financial stability. For example, if someone tries to open a phone contract under your name, the retailer may check the credit report. If there is a credit freeze in place, they won’t be able to view it and won’t issue the contract. If you need to allow someone access to your credit report, you can temporarily lift the freeze.

Change passwords to all of your accounts

Identity theft is often linked with leaked or hacked passwords. Even if you aren’t sure whether your passwords have been compromised, it’s best to play it safe. Change passwords to any affected accounts. Make sure to use strong passwords with a mix of numbers, letters, and symbols. Further, if there’s a chance to activate two-factor authentication on your accounts, this can provide added protection going forward.

Is it possible to prevent identity theft?

Ideally, you’ll never become the victim of identity theft, but things can happen. Cybercriminals work hard, but you can stay one step ahead by taking a few preventative measures. These include:

  • Learn how to recognize common scams. ID theft comes in many forms, from email phishing scams to social media snooping, device hacking, and data breaches. Learn the signs of a scam. For example, phishing emails are often poorly written and frequently follow certain formats, like claiming that an account of yours has been suspended.
  • Activate fraud alerts. Most financial institutions provide alerts about suspected fraudulent transactions, sending you a notification via phone call, text, or email if they notice suspicious activity on your account. The bank may also freeze an account automatically until any potentially unauthorized charges are clarified and confirmed by the account owner.
  • Protect your devices with strong passwords. Your devices, including your phone, tablet, and laptop, should all be password-protected. In case one of your tech tools is stolen, it will be harder for fraudsters to gain access to your personal data. Set strong passwords with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. Make sure they don’t include information a person could figure out easily, like your home address or birthday.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts. Any online accounts you use, from your banking app to your email, should be password-protected. Follow the same rules for setting strong passwords, but don’t duplicate passwords. If a hacker cracks the code for one account, they can easily guess their way into your other accounts. A password manager can help you stay on top of your passwords by encrypting them and storing them safely for easy tracking. McAfee Identity Protection includes a password manager that can secure your account credentials across devices.
  • Protect your documents. Protect hard copies of sensitive documents, like your Social Security card and birth certificate, by keeping them locked away. Also, dispose of documents with personal data by shredding them. This ensures that dumpster divers can’t access your information. Documents to shred might include invoices, bank statements, medical records, canceled checks, and junk mail with your name, phone number, and address.
  • Don’t overshare on social media. Social media is a great way to connect with friends and family, but it can also be a goldmine for identity thieves. Avoid sharing details like your kids’ or pets’ names, which are often used in passwords. Sensitive information, like a home address or birthday, can also be used to build a fake identity. You may want to set your social media accounts to private in addition to limiting what you share.
  • Review your credit report. You have the right to one free copy of your credit report every 12 months, which you can request via This provides you with a report from each of the three major credit bureaus. Review the report, verifying personal information, account details, and public records (like bankruptcies or liens) to ensure there isn’t anything suspicious.
  • Follow the news. When major corporations are targeted by hackers, they’re required to alert affected consumers. These breaches are also often reported in the media. To take a more proactive approach, though, check out the McAfee blog, which reports on breaches. If a business you use has been affected, change your passwords.

You can further protect yourself with antivirus software like McAfee’s Total Protection plan. This can help protect your devices against spyware and viruses. You can also enhance your network security with a firewall and virtual private network (VPN). A firewall controls traffic on your internet network based on predefined security parameters, while a VPN hides your IP address and other personal data.

Sign up for a protection plan today

Don’t let concerns about identity fraud keep you from enjoying all the conveniences and perks the internet offers. McAfee’s identity theft protection services can help you stay connected while keeping you safe. Tailor your package to your household’s needs to get the safeguards you want, like ID theft coverage, VPN, and 24/7 monitoring. Our Total Protection plan also comes with $1 million in identity theft coverage to cover qualifying losses and hands-on support to help you reclaim your identity.

With McAfee by your side, you can stay online confidently.

The post What to Do If Your Identity Has Been Stolen appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Protecting Your Privacy This Year

By McAfee

If there’s a particularly clear picture that’s developed over the past couple of years, it’s that our privacy and our personal identities are worth looking out for. With that, we have your back. And here’s why.  

In the U.S., reported cases of identity theft continue to rise. In the first half of 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported more than 600,000 cases of identity theft, with more than 230,000 of those reported cases involving credit card theft. 

And that’s just what’s been reported in the U.S. Far more crime goes unreported, and it is estimated that the cost of identity theft and fraud goes well into the billions of dollars. 

Yet behind each stat is a person, a family, and a household that dealt with anything from a financial headache to a major life event no thanks to identity theft and fraud. Accordingly, we’re seeing to it that every person has the tools to prevent this from happening to them. 

Here’s a little bit about our approach. We looked at some of the key areas where people’s private information can be vulnerable and rolled out a set of features and services that can help make you safer than before. They’re all part of McAfee+, our latest line of comprehensive online protection. Depending on your plan and location, the following offer protections that can look after you, your privacy, and your identity—along with your devices and the things on them too. 

Connect safely with a VPN 

Unsecured networks can leave us vulnerable, like when we use public Wi-Fi. What’s at issue is that a cybercriminal can potentially capture your login credentials and other personal information as you use a public network in a hotel, airport, coffee shop, library, and so forth. 

So, we made sure to include a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to keep your information protected from prying eyes. It does this easily by detecting when you’re on a public network and automatically turning on your VPN. The VPN then scrambles or encrypts, your data as it flows over the network. Unlike some VPNs that require advanced settings to shield your data, our app offers seamless security. 

Dark web monitoring 

Given that data breaches large and small continue to occur with more regularity than any of us would like, always-on monitoring of your private information is key. 

Whether one of your personal accounts is hacked–or worse–another website somehow gets ahold of your data and subsequently gets breached, your data may end up on the dark web. This is where cybercriminals buy and sell information. 

To detect these dangerous leaks, we included dark web monitoring, which alerts you if your log-in credentials have been exposed. It can even provide you with a link to the site that uses those credentials when the information is available. This allows you to swiftly reset your passwords, mitigating the risk. 

Personal data cleanup 

We’ll scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. We’ll also provide guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites and with select products, we can even manage the removal for you. ​ 

Identity theft insurance and recovery support 

Recovering from identity fraud or theft can be expensive. Not to mention time consuming. We’ll help relieve the burden with $1M coverage for lawyer fees, travel expenses, lost wages, and more.  

Should the unfortunate happen to you, we have your back. In several ways. We offer licensed recovery experts who can work with you any time, around the clock, all year long. These pros can use a limited power of attorney to do the heavy lifting for identity recovery, taking all necessary steps to repair identity and credit.  

Ransomware coverage 

Our all-new ransomware coverage is now available, ready to help just in case—all backed by expert advice to help you find the quickest and best possible path to recovery. In addition to eligibility for up to $25,000 in reimbursement due to ransomware losses, our team of experts can help you, determine the severity of a ransomware attack and learn what immediate action steps you can take.  

Protection score 

Knowing your safe and staying that way just got far simpler. With a colorful view, you can see exactly what your Protection Score is at a glance, which compiles your overall levels of security, privacy, and identity theft protection. Better yet, if it spots gaps in your protection, it guides you through straightforward fixes that can make you safer than before. 

It’s an industry first, and something we all deserve—the ability to clearly see exactly how secure you are and to quickly shore up your protection whenever it’s needed. 

Credit monitoring 

Everyone has credit, and everyone needs to protect it. McAfee’s Credit Monitoring does just that. Whether the suspicious change in your report is big or small, we can help you detect it—and take the right steps to correct it. 

Credit freeze 

You can put proactive protection in place by stopping unauthorized access to existing credit card, bank, and utility accounts or from new ones being opened in your name. Security freezes stop companies from looking at your credit profile, which halts the application process for loans, credit cards, utilities, new bank accounts, and more. A security freeze won’t affect your credit score. ​ 

Ease of use 

Also on our list, we wanted to make personal protection easy to use and available across all your compatible devices. So, whether you’re out with just your phone, or at home working at your PC, you have access to your protection, and can even pick up where you left off on a different device. 

It’s about enjoying the internet 

Ultimately, that’s what any of us want—to enjoy the internet with confidence, knowing that whatever it is we’re doing online is secure. 

The way we use the internet continues to evolve. After all, it wasn’t long ago that the idea of using a phone to see who’s at the front door may have seemed a bit odd. Let alone having a little chat with the speaker on your kitchen counter. Yet that’s where we are today. And as the internet evolves, so will we. The protection we offer will cover your increasingly connected life in whatever shape that takes. 

No question about it. We’re committed to protecting you, your privacy, your identity, and certainly your devices too—and making all of it simple. 

Here’s to a happy and secure year! 

The post Protecting Your Privacy This Year appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Feeling of Safety

By McAfee

The internet’s greatest feat? Fundamentally shifting how we live. Once a revelation, it quickly set our long-standing beliefs about how we work, play, and connect into a whole new context. 

Today, the shifts come fast. Video meetings once felt alien. Now, they’re part of our routine. We’ve gone from setting doctor’s appointments online to actually seeing the doctor online—and from family visits to seeing everyone in seconds on a screen.  

At McAfee, we’ve seen our share of shifts as well. Looking back across our thirty-plus years, we were among the first to deliver antivirus technology. First to create a biometric password manager. First to give people an intuitive Protection Score, and so much more. And we’re not stopping. We’re protecting people and their ever-changing lives. That means covering all your life online, from security to privacy to identity, in a way that adds to your confidence and enjoyment too. 

Confidence and enjoyment. Those two words mark our next shift in online protection. We’re bringing those feelings to life across the McAfee experience. And it’ll redefine the way you stay safe online.  

Safety has an unmistakable feeling. As we bring that feeling to online protection, you’ll see a remarkable evolution. It will look and act in bold new ways, guide you, reassure you, and most importantly, keep you safe. In all, it’s a new breed of online protection that’s helpful, even thoughtful, in the ways it looks out for you. 

And this evolution is already underway. You’ll find that feeling in everyday moments as we make them simpler, freer, and safer—such as paying your bills at a coffee shop, managing your family’s healthcare from your laptop, and booking flights to catch up with old friends. Across them all, our protection will have your back, and even offer guidance when needed, all while you do you—wherever your day takes you and no matter what “online” looks like next. 

There’s simply so much to see out there. And with us by your side, you’ll feel safe and stay that way. Life online will continue to surprise us. In the best of ways. And people have a right to enjoy every moment of it, confident that they’re safe and secure, in ways they can point to and feel.  

That’s our next big shift. Giving you the unmistakable feeling of safety. You deserve it. More than that, it’s your right. And we’re proud to bring it to you. 

The post The Feeling of Safety appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What to Do If You’re Caught Up in a Data Breach

By McAfee

It happens with more regularity than any of us like to see. There’s either a headline in your news feed or an email from a website or service you have an account with—there’s been a data breach. So what do you do when you find out that you and your information may have been caught up in a data breach? While it can feel like things are out of your hands, there are actually several things you can do to protect yourself. 

Let’s start with a look at what kind of information may be at stake and why crooks value that information so much (it’s more reasons than you may think). 

What can get exposed in a data breach?  

The fact is that plenty of our information is out there on the internet, simply because we go about so much of our day online, whether that involves shopping, banking, getting results from our doctors, or simply hopping online to play a game once in a while.  

Naturally, that means the data in any given breach will vary from service to service and platform to platform involved. Certainly, a gaming service will certainly have different information about you than your insurance company. Yet broadly speaking, there’s a broad range of information about you stored in various places, which could include:  

  • Username and password 
  • E-mail address 
  • Phone numbers and home address 
  • Contact information of friends and family 
  • Date of birth 
  • Driver’s license number 
  • Credit card and debit card numbers, bank account details 
  • Purchase history and account behavior history 
  • Patient information (in the case of healthcare breaches) 
  • Social Security Number or Tax ID Number 

As to what gets exposed and when you might find out about it, that can vary greatly as well. One industry research report found that 60% of breaches were discovered in just days from the initial attack while others could take months or even longer to detect. Needless to say, the timeline can get rather stretched before word reaches you, which is a good reason to change your passwords regularly should any of them get swept up in a breach. (An outdated password does a hacker no good—more on that in a bit.) 

What do crooks do with this kind of information? 

The answer is plenty. In all, personal information like that listed above has a dollar value to it. In a way, your data and information are a kind of currency because they’re tied to everything from your bank accounts, investments, insurance payments—even tax returns and personal identification like driver’s licenses.  

With this information in hand, a crook can commit several types of identity crime—ranging from fraud to theft. In the case of fraud, that could include running up a bill on one of your credits cards or draining one of your bank accounts. In the case of theft, that could see crooks impersonate you so they can open new accounts or services in your name. Beyond that, they may attempt to claim your tax refund or potentially get ID issued in your name as well. 

Another possibility is that a hacker will simply sell that information on the dark marketplace, perhaps in large clumps or as individual pieces of information that go for a few dollars each. However it gets sold, these dark-market practices allow other fraudsters and thieves to take advantage of your identity for financial or other gains.  

Most breaches are financially motivated, with some researchers saying nearly 90% of breaches are about the money. However, we’ve also seen hackers simply dump stolen information out there for practically anyone to see. The motivations behind them vary, yet could involve anything from damaging the reputation of an organization to cases of revenge.   

Noteworthy examples of data breaches 

A list of big data breaches is a blog article of its own, yet here’s a quick list of some of the largest and most impactful breaches we’ve seen in recent years: 

  • Facebook – 2019: Two datasets leaked the records of more than 530 million users, including phone numbers, account names, Facebook IDs, and more. 
  • Marriott International (Starwood) – 2018. Leakage of 500,000 guest names, emails, actual mailing addresses, phone numbers, passport numbers, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, date of birth, and information about stays. 
  • Equifax – 2017. Approximately 147 million records, including name, address, date of birth, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security Numbers were leaked, as well as credit card information for a further 200,000 victims. 

Needless to say, it’s not just the big companies that get hit. Healthcare facilities have seen their data breached, along with the operations of popular restaurants. Small businesses find themselves in the crosshairs as well, with one report stating that 43% of data leaks target small businesses. Those may come by way of an attack on where those businesses store their records, a disgruntled employee, or by way of a compromised point-of-sale terminal in their store, office, or location. 

In short, when it comes to data breaches, practically any business is a potential target because practically every business is online in some form or fashion. Even if it’s by way of a simple point-of-sale machine. 

What to do if you think your information may have been exposed by a breach 

When a business, service, or organization falls victim to a breach, it doesn’t always mean that you’re automatically a victim too. Your information may not have been caught up in it. However, it’s best to act as if it was. With that, we strongly suggest you take these immediate steps. 

1. Change your passwords and use two-factor authentication 

Given the possibility that your password may be in the hands of a hacker, change it right away. Strong, unique passwords offer one of your best defenses against hackers. Update them regularly as well. As mentioned above, this can protect you in the event a breach occurs and you don’t find out about it until well after it’s happened. You can spare yourself the upkeep that involves a password manager that can keep on top of it all for you. If your account offers two-factor authentication as part of the login process, make use of it as it adds another layer of security that makes hacking tougher.  

2. Keep an eye on your accounts 

If you spot unusual or unfamiliar charges or transactions in your account, bank, or debit card statements, follow up immediately. That could indicate improper use. In general, banks, credit card companies, and many businesses have countermeasures to deal with fraud, along with customer support teams that can help you file a claim if needed. 

3. Sign up for an identity protection service 

If you haven’t done so already, consider signing up for a service that can monitor dozens of types of personal information and then alert you if any of them are possibly being misused. Identity protection such as ours gives you the added benefit of a professional recovery specialist who can assist with restoring your affairs in the wake of fraud or theft, plus up to $1 million in insurance coverage 

What if I think I’m the victim of identity theft? 

Our advice is to take a deep breath and get to work. By acting quickly, you can potentially minimize and even prevent any damage that’s done. With that, we have two articles that can help guide the way if you think you’re the victim of identity theft, each featuring a series of straightforward steps you can take to set matters right: 

Again, if you have any concerns. Take action. The first steps take only minutes. Even if the result is that you find out all’s well, you’ll have that assurance and you’ll have it rather quickly. 

The post What to Do If You’re Caught Up in a Data Breach appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Internet is for Everyone to Enjoy—We’re Helping See to It

By McAfee

The internet is meant for all to enjoy. And that’s who we’re looking out for—you and everyone who wants to enjoy life online. 

We believe it’s important that someone has your back like that, particularly where some of today’s hacks and attacks can leave people feeling a little uneasy from time to time. You’ve probably seen stories about data breaches at big companies pop up in your news feed. Or perhaps you or someone you know had their debit or credit card number hacked. Problems like these are out there, unfortunate thorns in the side of the internet we’ve come to love. Yet while these issues persist, there’s plenty you can do to avoid them. 

That’s where we have your back—doing all we can to make life online enjoyable for everyone, with protection that helps people finally feel safe and stay that way. 

The reality is that nobody wants to deal with hackers, malware, and other attacks crop up on the internet. And while it’s important to be aware of those things, we’d rather that you didn’t have to worry about them. Protection should come easy. Whether it’s keeping your banking, shopping, and streaming secure, along with your privacy and personal info too, protection should feel simple and tailored to you. That’s what we strive for. 

So as you think about protecting your life online, take a moment to consider what you’re protecting. As you do, you’ll see that it means far more than protecting your computers, phones, and other devices. Ultimately, it’s about protecting you, and all the important things connected to you. You can think of it in three ways … 

1) Protect what’s precious  

What’s among the top things people say they want to protect? Their photos. Not far behind photos are all manner of digital treasures that people like to keep close, which ranges anywhere from music they’ve downloaded to old voicemails of their children, nieces, and nephews that they’ve saved over the years. Without a doubt, we have plenty of things stored on our computers and phones that we simply couldn’t do without. 

Protecting these things means protecting the devices you use to store and access them. Installing comprehensive online protection software like ours is the first step. In addition to award-winning antivirus software and firewall protection to help keep hackers at bay (and away from your photos and other precious files), it goes a step further.  

Our new Online Protection Score shows you just how safe you are and guides you through simple steps that can seal up gaps and improve your protection overall. In all, it’s a personalized and simple way to make sure you’re protected as possible and continually make improvements as they’re needed. It’s a way of getting expert protection without being an expert. 

2) Protect what’s vital 

There’s also the “Important Stuff” in life, like our financial records, tax returns, and all the banking that we do on our phones and computers. And let’s throw shopping into mix because shopping’s important too! You can protect the important things like this, which can help hackers out of your business. 

For starters, you can protect your important files three ways with our online protection by using a combination of the McAfee® File Lock and Shredder™ features to manage your privacy:  

  • McAfee File Lock allows you to create password-protected encrypted drives on your PC that only appear when you’ve unlocked them, perfect for storing sensitive files like tax returns and financial documents.  
  • And when you’re looking to dispose of sensitive files, McAfee Shredder securely deletes files so that would-be thieves can’t put the pieces back together. 

You can lock down your privacy even further with a VPN that can shield you automatically from snooping attacks online, whether at home or when using public Wi-Fi. It creates an encrypted connection that works like a private tunnel that hides your IP address and the things you’re doing online from cybercrooks. It’s ideal for keeping your sensitive personal information like your financial data, passwords, and browsing history hidden from both hackers and websites. 

And here’s another big help. A password manager. You likely have dozens of passwords, plus a few more that you’ve probably forgotten about. You can protect your passwords and the accounts associated with them with a password manager that creates and securely stores a strong, unique password for each of your accounts. Plus, you can use it to update those passwords on the regular. Few things make it tougher for hackers than strong, unique passwords that get changed often. In a time of data breaches and account theft, a password manager is a great call. 

3) Protect yourself (and your people) 

While it’s important to focus on protecting things like laptops, phones, photos, files, and data, you’re ultimately protecting something far greater You. Your privacy, your personal information, your accounts, all the things that taken together make you—you. The thing is that our lives are more fluid and mobile than ever before. One moment we’re banking on our laptop, the next we’re splitting the cost of dinner with a payment on our phone. The constant here is you. You’re at the center of all this activity regardless of the device you’re using. The same goes for your family and the people you care about.  

That’s why we protect people, not just their devices.  

McAfee Identity Protection Service monitors the dark web for your personal info such as emails and associated passwords, up to 60 different types of critical info. If we detect that your data was stolen, you’ll get immediate alerts on the devices of your choice and guidance on how to secure your info quickly and effectively. In all, you can keep tabs on your identity any time you’re connected to the internet, and if an issue crops up you can click, solve, and carry on. ​ ​ 

Extended identity protection offers up the extra comfort of knowing that you have licensed recovery pros on the case if identity theft does happen to you. This includes monitoring and restoration services, along with identity theft insurance for lawyer fees, travel expenses, lost wages, and more. 

Protection that runs deep 

While that’s just a few of the ways McAfee has your back, we hope it gives you a good sense of what online protection should do—how it should protect you and all the things connected to you. And on today’s internet, that’s quite a bit. There’s so much to experience online today, and we believe you should enjoy all of it, freely and with the confidence that comes from knowing you’re safe. 

The post The Internet is for Everyone to Enjoy—We’re Helping See to It appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What’s the Difference Between Identity Fraud and Identity Theft?

By Natalie Maxfield

What’s the difference between identity fraud and identity theft? Well, it’s subtle, so much so that it’s easy to use them nearly interchangeably. While both can take a bite out of your wallet, they are different—and knowing the differences can help you know understand what’s at stake. 

Let’s start with an overview and a few examples of each. 

Identity fraud is … 

  • When someone steals or misuses your personal information to exploit an account or accounts you already have.  
  • Examples:  
  • A criminal gets a hold of your debit card information from a data breach and makes purchases with it against your bank account. 
  • A criminal gains access to one of your accounts via a phishing attack and misuse the funds or otherwise misuses the access associated with that account. 

Identity theft is … 

  • When someone uses your personal information to open and abuse new accounts or services in your name—or possibly to impersonate you in other ways. 
  • Examples: 
    • A criminal uses your personal information to open a new line of credit at a retailer under your name and then makes purchases against the line of credit.  
    • A criminal uses your Social Security Number to create a driver’s license with their likeness but your name and personal information. 

So there’s that subtle difference we mentioned. Identity fraud involves misuse of an existing account. Identity theft means the theft of your personal information, which is then used to impersonate you in some way, such as opening new accounts in your name. 

Above and beyond those definitions and examples, a couple of real-life examples put the differences in perspective as well. 

Identity fraud in the news 

As for identity fraud, individual cases of fraud don’t always make the headlines, but that’s not to say you won’t hear about it a couple of different ways.  

The first way may be news stories about data breaches, where hackers gain things like names, emails, and payment information from companies or organizations. (ChipotleRobinHood, and T-Mobile being recent examples.) That info can then end up in the hands of a fraudster, who then accesses those accounts to drain funds or make purchases.  

On a smaller scale, you may know someone who has had to get a new credit or debit card because theirs was compromised, perhaps by a breach or by mistakenly making a payment through an insecure website or by visiting a phony login page as part of a phishing attack. These can lead to fraud as well. 

Identity theft in the news 

Identity theft took on new forms during the pandemic, such as was the case of a Rhode Island man charged with nearly half a million dollars in a pandemic unemployment fraud case. Authorities allege that the man-made 85 unemployment claims in 2020 using the identities of several other people.  

Similarly, a Massachusetts man was sentenced for filing fraudulent claims for relief funds, as well as open store credit accounts using fake identities. Court proceedings alleged that the personal information used to commit this fraud came from several sources, including information stolen from a realty company that collected that information from potential renters.  

Identity theft can stem from the workplace as well, such as the sentencing of a Maryland man who used stolen lists of personal information from his former employer. From there, he was found guilty of garnering more than a million dollars in funds from food assistance programs and fraudulent car loans.  

Identity theft can run far deeper than these examples. Because it effectively allows someone else to pose as you, an identity thief can do more than drain your accounts. They can also claim health insurance benefits, file taxes in your name, or possibly purchase the property. Further, an identity thief can potentially get a job, driver’s license, or other forms of ID in your name, which could ruin your credit history, reputation, or even create a police record in your name.  

So while both identity fraud and identity theft are certainly something you want to prevent, identity theft holds the potential to affect far-reaching aspects of your life—which marks a distinct difference between the two. 

Spotting identity fraud and theft (and preventing it too) 

It usually starts with someone saying anything from, “That’s strange …” to “Oh, no!” There’ll be a strange charge on your credit card bill, a piece of mail from a bill collector, or a statement from an account you never opened—just to name a few things. 

With that, I have a few recent blogs that help you spot all kinds of identity crime, along with advice to help keep it from happening to you in the first place: 

Keep a sharp eye out 

While there are differences between identity fraud and identity theft, they do share a couple of things in common: you can take steps to prevent them, and you can take steps to limit their impact should you find yourself faced with one or the other.  

The articles called out above will give you the details, yet staying safe begins with vigilance. Check on your accounts and credit reports regularly and really scrutinize what’s happening in them. Consider covering yourself with an —and act on anything that looks strange or outright fishy by reporting it to the company or institution in question.  

The post What’s the Difference Between Identity Fraud and Identity Theft? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

9 Ways to Determine If Your Identity Has Been Stolen

By McAfee

Most of us use the internet every day, so we’re comfortable sharing a lot of information online. However, cybercriminals want us to get a bit too comfortable so they can take our personal or financial data and use it for their benefit. This is called identity theft, and it can cost people money and may dip their credit score.

Fortunately, you can help minimize what happens by knowing the signs of identity theft and taking fast action when you recognize them. Find out how below.

How does identity theft happen?

Being online comes with many benefits, but it can also come with some risks. Identity theft usually begins with the criminal accessing sensitive personal data, such as Social Security numbers, birth dates, home addresses, bank account information, and driver’s license details. The fraudster can then take this information to fake your identity, using it to take out credit cards, apply for loans, and more.

Here’s a quick look at some ways identity thieves can get their hands on your valuable data:

  • Phishing scams: Phishing scams can come in the form of mail, email, or websites. They may involve an identity thief pretending to be an entity you trust, like your own bank or insurance provider, to extract personal data.
  • Data breaches: Many companies store your data, from your health care provider to your internet service provider. For example, you may save payment details for your favorite shopping site. If hackers target those companies in a data breach, they can leak or access your sensitive information.
  • Social media snooping: Criminals may look to your social media to get information, like your birthdate and home address. Even seemingly innocent details, like the names of your children or pets, can be of interest to an identity thief. Why? People often use these details in their passwords.
  • Hacking devices: Hackers may try to infiltrate your computer, tablet, or mobile device through viruses or malware. That’s where antivirus software can help. McAfee’s Total Protection service works for you by protecting your devices and personal information from criminals.
  • Simple theft: Not all identity thieves use advanced methods to get your information. In fact, a person can steal your phone and access any personal data you have on it if they can unlock it. Since many people save passwords to sensitive accounts on their devices, they are easy to hack.
  • Dumpster diving: This is another example of a less tech-savvy approach to identity theft. If you throw away documents with sensitive data, thieves may get the information they want from your garbage. For example, bank account statements contain your account numbers, while pay stubs may include Social Security numbers. You should always shred paperwork before tossing it.

There are many ways thieves can get their hands on your data. Luckily, there are ways you can protect yourself against these methods. For example, you can protect your computer, tablet, or mobile device against hackers by equipping it with a strong password and safeguarding against phishing by adding a firewall and utilizing a virtual private network (VPN) like those offered by McAfee.

9 warning signs your identity has been stolen

With some best practices, you can protect your data and help safeguard you and your family against identity theft. One way to continue living your best life online is to watch for potential warning signs of identity theft. This ensures you can take fast action and minimize the effects if you’re targeted. Here are some essential signs to look out for.

You’re alerted to a credit card charge you didn’t make

Financial identity theft is one of the most common types of identity theft, and credit cards are a popular target. The rise in online shopping has made credit card fraud even more common.

Your online banking portal or app should allow you to set up alerts to email, call, or text you about suspected fraudulent credit card charges. If you get an alert, someone may have taken your identity.

Your loan or credit card application was denied

If you apply for a loan or line of credit and your application is denied, dig deeper. A rejection could indicate that your credit score is lower than you thought, possibly due to fraudulent activity. For example, someone may use your information to get new credit cards and not pay them off, leaving you responsible.

There’s a change to your credit score

Changes in your credit score can indicate identity theft. For example, if someone takes out utility bills in your name and doesn’t pay them, your credit score may dip. Checking your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) can help pinpoint the problem.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) allows U.S. consumers to get a free credit report every 12 months. Just visit to get a copy of yours from the credit reporting agencies. You can also pay for credit monitoring services to track your score.

There’s a new account you didn’t open under your name

Once identity thieves obtain enough data, including your name and address, they might be able to open new accounts and credit cards. When you check your credit report, keep an eye out for new accounts that you didn’t open. Another red flag is if you start getting bank statements or bills addressed to you for accounts you don’t recognize.

Your information was part of a data breach

Companies are required to notify customers of data breaches that could impact them. For example, if you save your payment information and home address on a music streaming provider’s website and their database is hacked, identity thieves may get your data. Keep an eye out for notifications and read the news. The McAfee blog is another great resource for information on data breaches.

Debt collectors call about accounts you never opened

If debt collectors start calling, be cautious, especially if they’re referring to accounts you aren’t familiar with. Don’t provide personal information to any collection agencies that call, as this can be a potential phishing scam. However, it’s a good idea to follow up on these cases by checking your credit report for new accounts. You could be liable if someone opened accounts under your name and didn’t pay them.

You receive bills for medical services you never used

Medical theft occurs when a fraudster imitates another person to get health care or supplies. For example, a person might use your identity to get prescription medication at a pharmacy. If you get unfamiliar medical bills, follow up. Incorrect medical records could impact your insurance premiums or interfere with your ability to get the care you need in the future.

Mail is addressed to your home but with another person’s name

This could be an indicator of synthetic identity theft. This occurs when a fraudster creates a fake identity using various people’s real information. For example, they may use your address and Social Security number and another person’s photo to create a fake persona that’s creditworthy. They can then take out credit cards in that fake person’s name.

A tax return is filed under your name without your knowledge

If you receive a confirmation of an annual tax filing before you’ve filed, take note. Criminals may try to file a tax return for another person to access their tax refund. Alternatively, you may find that you’re unable to e-file your taxes, which can occur if someone else has already filed under your name.

What to do if you think your identity has been stolen

No one wants their identity stolen, but it’s still good to be prepared if it does happen. If you notice the above red flags, here are some steps you may need to take:

  • Change passwords and login details for any affected accounts. If you use the same password for other accounts, change those too. The good news is that McAfee’s identity protection services come with a password manager, so you don’t have to worry about remembering your credentials across devices.
  • Freeze accounts with banks or credit card companies that show any suspicious activity, including debit and credit card Most financial institutions have a dedicated fraud department to help.
  • Review your credit reports if you haven’t already and report any suspected fraud to the respective credit bureau.
  • Contact local law enforcement to file a police report for lost or stolen credit cards, driver’s licenses, and more. Also, report your lost license to the DMV.
  • Alert the IRS fraud alert department in case of tax-related fraud.
  • Report Social Security-related fraudulent activity to the relevant government agency, the Social Security Administration’s Office of the Inspector General.
  • Place a freeze on your credit report. This blocks access to it to extend credit, ensuring no one can take out new lines of credit in your name.

You may also want to visit to report identity theft and find resources to help guide your recovery plan.

Get personalized online protection

Worries about identity fraud shouldn’t prevent your household from enjoying the benefits of a connected world. McAfee’s identity theft protection services can help you enjoy everyday conveniences while keeping you safe. Packages can be tailored to your needs, including 24/7 monitoring, ID theft coverage, VPN services, and more. It’s guided online protection made easy.

The post 9 Ways to Determine If Your Identity Has Been Stolen appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft After a Data Breach

By Pravat Lall

Did you just get word that your personal information may have been caught up in a data breach? If so, you can take steps to protect yourself from harm should your info get into the hands of a scammer or thief. 

How does that information get collected in the first place? We share personal information with companies for multiple reasons simply by going about our day—to pay for takeout at our favorite restaurant, to check into a hotel, or to collect rewards at the local coffee shop. Of course, we use our credit and debit cards too, sometimes as part of an online account that tracks our purchase history.  

In other words, we leave trails of data practically wherever we go these days, and that data is of high value to hackers. Thus, all those breaches we read about.  

Data breaches are a (sad) fact of life  

Whether it’s a major breach that exposes millions of records or one of many other smaller-scale breaches like the thousands that have struck healthcare providers, each one serves as a reminder that data breaches happen regularly and that we could find ourselves affected. Depending on the breach and the kind of information you’ve shared with the business or organization in question, information stolen in a breach could include:  

  • Usernames and passwords  
  • Email addresses  
  • Phone numbers and home addresses  
  • Contact information for friends and family members  
  • Birthdays and driver’s license numbers  
  • Credit and debit card numbers or bank account details  
  • Purchase history and account activity  
  • Social security numbers  

What do crooks do with that data? Several things. Apart from using it themselves, they may sell that data to other criminals. Either way, this can lead to illicit use of credit and debit cards, draining of bank accounts, claiming tax refunds or medical expenses in the names of the victims, or, in extreme cases, assuming the identity of others altogether.   

Examples of data breaches over the recent years  

In all, data is a kind of currency in of itself because it has the potential to unlock several aspects of victim’s life, each with its own monetary value. It’s no wonder that big breaches like these have made the news over the years, with some of the notables including:  

  • U-Haul – 2022: A breach which accessed their customer contracts system between November 2021 and April 2022 exposed the names, driver’s license numbers, and state ID numbers of 2.2 million renters.  
  • Los Angeles Unified School District – 2022: Hackers released 500 GB of highly sensitive information after a breach and when their subsequent ransomware demands were not met, exposing Social Security and passport numbers, health information, and psychological assessments of some students. 
  • Facebook – 2021: Two sets of data exposed the records of more than 530 million users, including phone numbers, account names, and Facebook IDs. According to Facebook, the source of the breach dated back to 2019, at which time the flaw was remedied, even though the information was exposed in 2021. 
  • Marriott International (Starwood) – 2018: Half a million guests had names, email and physical mailing addresses, phone numbers, passport numbers, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, dates of birth, and other information about their stays exposed.  
  • Equifax – 2017: Some 147 million records that included names, addresses, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security Numbers were exposed, along with a relatively small subset of 200,000 victims having their credit card information exposed as well.  

As mentioned, these are big breaches with big companies that we likely more than recognize. Yet smaller and mid-sized businesses are targets as well, with some 43% of data breaches involving companies of that size. Likewise, restaurants and retailers have seen their Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals compromised, right on down to neighborhood restaurants.  

Staying secure in light of data breaches  

When a company experiences a data breach, customers need to realize that this could impact their online safety. If your favorite coffee shop’s customer database gets leaked, there’s a chance that your personal or financial information was exposed. However, this doesn’t mean that your online safety is doomed. If you think you were affected by a breach, you can take several steps to protect yourself from the potential side effects.   

1. Keep an eye on your bank and credit card accounts 

One of the most effective ways to determine whether someone is fraudulently using one or more of your accounts is to check your statements. If you see any charges that you did not make, report them to your bank or credit card company immediately. They have processes in place to handle fraud. While you’re with them, see if they offer alerts for strange purchases, transactions, or withdrawals.  

Our credit monitoring service can help you keep an eye on this. It monitors changes to your credit score, report, and accounts with timely notifications and guidance so you can take action to tackle identity theft. 

2. Monitor your identity with the help of a service

Breached and stolen information often ends up in dark web marketplaces where hackers, scammers, and thieves purchase it to commit yet more crime. Once it was difficult to know if your information was caught up in such marketplaces, yet now an identity monitoring service can do the detective work for you. 

Our service monitors the dark web for your personal info, including email, government IDs, credit card and bank account info, and more. This can help keep your personal info safe with early alerts that show you if your data is found on the dark web, an average of 10 months ahead of similar services.​ From there, you’ll get guidance that you can act on, which can help protect your info and accounts from theft. 

3. Place a fraud alert

If you suspect that your data might have been compromised, place a fraud alert on your credit. This not only ensures that any new or recent requests undergo scrutiny, but also allows you to have extra copies of your credit report so you can check for suspicious activity. You can place one fraud alert with any of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) and they will notify the other two. A fraud alert typically lasts for a year, although there are options for extending it as well.  

4. Look into freezing your credit if needed 

Freezing your credit will make it highly difficult for criminals to take out loans or open new accounts in your name, as a freeze halts all requests to pull your credit—even legitimate ones. In this way, it’s a far stronger measure than placing a fraud alert. Note that if you plan to take out a loan, open a new credit card, or other activity that will prompt a credit report, you’ll need to take extra steps to see that through while the freeze is in place. (The organization you’re working with can assist with the specifics.) Unlike the fraud alert, you’ll need to contact each major credit reporting agency to put one in place. Also, a freeze lasts as long as you have it in place. You’ll have to remove it yourself, again with each agency.  

You can centrally manage this process with our security freeze service, which stops companies from looking at your credit profile, and thus halts the application process for loans, credit cards, utilities, new bank accounts, and more. A security freeze won’t affect your credit score. ​ 

5. Update your passwords 

Ensure that your passwords are strong and unique. Many people utilize the same password or variations of it across all their accounts. Therefore, be sure to diversify your passcodes to ensure hackers cannot obtain access to all your accounts at once, should one password be compromised. You can also employ a password manager to keep track of your credentials, such as the one you’ll find in comprehensive online protection software.  

6. Consider taking out identity theft coverage 

If the unfortunate happens to you, an identity theft coverage & restoration service can help you get back on your feet. Ours offers $1 million in coverage for lawyer fees, travel expenses, and stolen funds reimbursement. It further provides support from a licensed recovery expert who can take the needed steps to repair your identity and credit. In all, it helps you recover the costs of identity theft along with the time and money it takes to recover from it. 

7. Clean up your personal data online

You can take this step any time, even if you haven’t been caught up in a data breach. The fact is that data broker companies collect and sell thousands of pieces of information on millions and millions of people worldwide, part of a global economy estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars a year. And they’ll sell it to anyone—from advertisers for their campaigns, to scammers who will use it for spammy emails, texts, and calls, and to thieves who use that information for identity theft.  

Yet you can clean it up. Our personal data cleanup service can scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites and, with select products, even manage the removal for you. 

8. Use online protection software and expand your security toolbox 

Comprehensive online protection software will offer you the tools and services listed above, along with further features that can protect you online. That includes a VPN to keep your time online more private from online data collection while protecting it from thieves who’re out to steal credit card and account information. It also includes web browsing protection that can warn you of sketchy websites and malicious downloads that look to steal your information. In all, it’s thorough protection for your devices, privacy, and identity. And in a time of data breaches, that kind of protection has become essential.   

The post How to Protect Yourself From Identity Theft After a Data Breach appeared first on McAfee Blog.

10 Ways to Protect Your Identity

By McAfee

We’re online more than ever, in large part because it allows us to take advantage of online conveniences like bill pay and booking appointments. But these many benefits might also leave us exposed to risks, like identity theft.

Identity theft is characterized by one person using another’s personal or financial data for their benefit. Cybercriminals may take information like a person’s name, birthday, Social Security number, driver’s license number, home address, and bank account information and use it for their benefit. A name and matching financial information, for instance, can be used to apply for credit cards or open new accounts.

The good news is that you can safeguard yourself and your family with some best practices — allowing you to enjoy your best life online and worry less about cybercriminals. Share these 10 tips with your family to help keep your entire household safe.

Password-protect your devices with strong passwords

A good habit to get into is to password-protect your computer, tablet, and mobile devices through unique, strong passwords. These devices are home to some of your most sensitive information, including everything from emails to apps that connect to your bank accounts. So, if these devices fall into the wrong hands, a password makes it harder to access your personal data.

Take some time to come up with your passwords, though. It’s important to create strong passwords that hackers can’t guess. A strong password will include a mix of symbols, numbers, and letters. Steer clear of simple passwords like “123456” (it might seem obvious, but this is one of the most common passwords people use). Also, avoid including information that other people can guess, like your birthdate, home address, or name.

Don’t forget to use different passwords for different accounts. If you use the same password across multiple accounts, and a fraudster gains access to one account, they may access the others. Fortunately, McAfee’s identity protection services include a password manager, which can help secure your account credentials across multiple devices. This tool encrypts passwords, storing them safely and making it easy to keep track of them.

Learn how to identify and avoid phishing scams

Identity thieves are skilled at leveraging new technologies. Phishing is one great example of this. Phishing involves criminals masquerading as trustworthy entities, such as government agencies or banks, and using this trusted position to get sensitive information. Phishing scams started with traditional mail. They’re now also done via phone, text, and email.

As a general rule of thumb, never give out any personal information when contacted by a business, bank, or another entity. Also, make sure your email spam filters detect phishing attempts. Never open emails from people you don’t know, and don’t download email attachments without knowing what they are. Some phishing emails include malware, which can infiltrate your device and access personal data. A McAfee Total Protection plan is an all-in-one protection solution that can help you detect and avoid malware.

Fraudulent websites may also use phishing techniques. A website may look similar to the legitimate website of a mortgage lender, bank, or credit card company but might be a fraudulent platform seeking to get information from consumers. Always verify that any website you visit is the legitimate website of the institution, and consider McAfee antivirus software, which offers a safe browsing solution.

Set up alerts through your bank

When financial identity theft occurs, this can also impact financial institutions like banks and lenders. So, they’re eager to prevent fraud, as well. One way they do this is through fraud alerts. You can set up your online banking to issue fraud alerts — for example, via an email, text message, or phone call — if your bank suspects suspicious activity on your account.

In some cases, a bank will also freeze your account until you verify whether the activity is legitimate. This is a common tactic used to protect against credit card fraud. Geo-control is one example: If you live in the U.S., but a German IP address uses your credit card, your credit card provider will likely issue an alert. You can also set up alerts for certain transaction amounts or types.

Review your credit report regularly

Your credit report is one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal for catching identity thieves and stopping them in their tracks. You’re entitled to a free credit report every 12 months via, an initiative of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). You can get a free copy of your report from each major credit bureau: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion.

Review your report thoroughly, checking for inaccuracies. When credit monitoring, check your:

  • Personal information: Verify that your name, address, phone number, birthdate, Social Security number, and employment details are correct.
  • Accounts: Confirm that all accounts listed are yours and current. Keep an eye out for unrecognized credit cards, utility accounts, phone accounts, or streaming accounts.
  • Public records: Check for foreclosures, civil suits, liens, or bankruptcies. If these issues are on your credit report and you don’t recognize them, you might be affected by identity fraud.


If you find any discrepancies, contact the appropriate credit reporting company. You should also contact the relevant financial institution and visit You can report the suspected identity theft and find resources to help you recover.

Be mindful of what you share on social media

Social media is great for connecting with others online, but it does open the door to some vulnerabilities. Be careful about what you post, and steer clear of sharing personal details like your home address, children’s names, pet’s names, or birthdays, which some people use as passwords. If a social media platform offers two-factor authentication, opt in.

Images are another touchy subject. Never post photos that include private data, like a picture of your passport or vaccine card. Consider what’s in the background of any photos — from your home (with a house number) to mail with your address. Finally, you may want to set your visibility to private on all social media accounts, limiting who can view them. And even if your account is private, you should still follow the above tips.

Shred sensitive documents

Some identity thieves get people’s personal information by dumpster diving. One solution? Invest in a paper shredder. You’ll be able to shred documents into tiny bits that are hard to piece together, making it that much harder for someone else to piece together any personal information they contain.

Here are some documents worth shredding:

  • Debit card statements, credit card statements, and bank statements that contain personal financial information
  • Invoices or receipts containing details like financial account numbers
  • Documents containing your Social Security number, like pay stubs and work contracts
  • Junk mail with contact information, like your name and address
  • Old photos and IDs, which people can use to create fake IDs
  • Shipping labels, like those you might get from online retailers to make returns
  • Medical records or receipts, which may contain insurance information
  • Canceled checks

If you’re not sure whether something needs to be shredded, go ahead and destroy it. It only takes seconds, and you’re better off safe than sorry.

Protect all of your devices with antivirus software

Whether you use a computer, tablet, or mobile device for many of your online activities, like paying bills, these devices contain a lot of personal data. So, it’s good to protect them from hackers. ​​Install antivirus software like McAfee’s to protect against viruses and spyware. It would be best if you also had a firewall, which is a network security system that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic based on set security parameters.

To take your device security a step further, you may also want to invest in a virtual private network (VPN). This helps hide your online activity. It can safeguard against hackers on public networks but is also worth using at home. It hides details like browsing activity, personal data, and IP address from potential snoops. McAfee also offers VPN services.

Keep personal documents in a safe space

While your computer, tablet, or mobile device may hold a great deal of personal data, you likely also have hard copies of sensitive documents worth protecting. Documents like your birth certificate, Social Security card, and passport contain valuable information that identity thieves can use for personal gain, so you want to make sure they’re kept in a safe space.

Don’t simply shove these documents into your desk drawer. It’s best to keep them in a locked, fireproof home safe with a secure code. To keep things organized, put each document in a protective plastic sleeve and put the sleeves in a binder. This can be useful if you have a large family and need to keep track of everyone’s data.

Follow the news to learn about data breaches

Sophisticated hackers don’t just target individuals. They may also try to infiltrate businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions, health care facilities, and any other organization that gathers sensitive consumer information. If an entity is subject to a data breach, they’re legally required to notify any consumers who may have been impacted.

However, it’s still good to inform yourself about potential breaches that may affect you. Larger-scale data security risks are usually reported in the media. We also post about data breaches on the McAfee blog. If an entity you do business with has been affected, change your passwords and the passwords of any related accounts immediately.

Know the warning signs of identity theft

Knowing possible signs of identity theft can help you catch it early so that you can continue to enjoy your time online. Educate yourself and your family about these warning signs, ensuring everybody stays safe. Here are some possible indications identity thieves have targeted you:

  • You receive phone calls from debt collectors about accounts you aren’t familiar with. Don’t provide personal information over the phone immediately. Check your credit report to get the details about the debts in question.
  • Your credit score experiences unexplained changes. Get a copy of your credit report from the major credit reporting agencies to find out why.
  • Your bank accounts or credit cards have unknown charges you (and your family) can’t account for. Contact your financial institution to report the suspected fraud, providing relevant documentation to back up your claims. You can also report fraud to your local government.
  • You receive a fraud alert from your financial institution. Check any activity deemed potentially fraudulent as soon as possible.
  • You get mail addressed to another person’s name. This could include medical bills, W-2 forms related to unfamiliar employers, or credit card bills, for example. Follow up with the relevant institution.
  • You experience problems with your tax return For example, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may reject your filing if someone else has already filed in your name (to get your tax refund). Contact the IRS fraud department.

You’re only a step away from better protection

The internet keeps all of us connected, but that’s why identity theft protection is important. With people increasingly connected, doing more, and sharing more online, cybercriminals can pinpoint weaknesses and take advantage. Hackers are ready to leverage your information for personal gain, and identity theft is no exception.

McAfee is here to help. McAfee’s identity protection services provide 24/7 monitoring of your email addresses and bank accounts, providing up to $1 million worth of ID theft coverage. You deserve to enjoy the comfort offered by the internet without stressing about identity theft. Implement the best practices above in your household so that you and your loved ones can stay connected with confidence.

The post 10 Ways to Protect Your Identity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

5 Common Types of Identity Theft

By McAfee

The internet provides plenty of fun and exciting opportunities for you and your family, from sharing on social media to online shopping. To help you enjoy every minute of it, though, it’s good to be aware of what less savory characters are up to.

And they sure have been busy. In fact, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received 2.1 million fraud reports in 2020. What is identity theft? Well, it’s the fraudulent use of another individual’s name and details for personal gain.

Those affected by identity fraud may see a dip in their finances and credit scores. They may also deal with anxiety around financial security going forward. However, while it’s important to be aware of the threat of identity theft, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm. There are plenty of tools and techniques that can help protect you and your family so you can continue to enjoy everything modern technology has to offer.

The first step in protecting yourself? Educate yourself. Understanding the different types of identity theft can help you safeguard yourself and your loved ones so that you can continue all your favorite online activities. Here we’ll define and explore the different types of identity theft to watch out for.

What is identity theft?

We’ve all probably heard of identity theft, but what is it? Identity theft is when someone uses another person’s financial or personal data, usually for monetary gain. This means a fraudster may take sensitive information like names, birthdates, Social Security numbers, driver’s license details, addresses, and bank account numbers or credit card numbers. They might then use this information to make purchases, open credit cards, and even use health insurance to get medical care.

5 types of identity theft

A little knowledge can go a long way in stopping cybercriminals in their tracks — especially since they’re becoming more sophisticated and coming up with new schemes every day.

Here are five common types of identity theft to help you stay one step ahead of hackers.

Financial identity theft

Financial identity theft is when one person uses another’s personal data for financial benefit. This is the most common form of identity theft (including the credit card example described above). Financial identity theft can take multiple forms, including:

  • Fraudsters may use your credit card information to buy things. We all love to shop online — even criminals. Unfortunately, this issue has become especially prevalent thanks to online shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Hackers may steal funds from your bank account. Sometimes, the amount might be so small that it seems inconsequential, totaling just a few dollars. However, criminals can rack up millions in damages if they target enough people in this way.
  • Criminals may open new accounts using your Social Security number and other data. For example, a person may use your data to open a new line of credit. They then run through the credit line, leaving you to foot the bill.

The good news is that it’s easy to protect yourself against financial identity theft by checking your bank accounts, credit card statements, and bills. If you see an unexplained charge, contact your credit card company or bank immediately to report it. Also, check your credit report for changes in your score. An unexplained decrease in your score could mean fraudulent activity. You can do this through, where you can get a free credit report every 12 months from each of the three major credit bureaus.

Another idea is to place a one-year fraud alert on your credit reports to keep people from opening new accounts in your name. This encourages creditors and lenders to take extra precautions to verify your identity before granting any loans or credit increases. You can also place a security freeze on your credit report, which blocks others from accessing it to extend credit.

Medical identity theft

This might not seem like a real form of identity theft, but it happens. Medical identity theft is when a criminal poses as another person to obtain health care services. In fact, fraudsters may use your name and insurance information to:

  • Get prescriptions for drugs.
  • Access medical services, from checkups to costly surgeries.
  • Obtain medical devices and supplies, such as wheelchairs or hearing aids.

This can result in you having bills for prescriptions, services, or devices you didn’t need, ask for, or even receive. Your health care and insurance records may even have these things added to them. An inaccurate medical record can make it harder for you to get the care you need in the future and even impact insurance coverage.

Fortunately, you can help minimize the risk of medical identity theft by regularly reviewing your medical claims. Contact your insurer if you see unfamiliar procedures, prescriptions, or services. You’ll also want to let your health care provider know so that they can ensure your medical files are correct. Finally, consider filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Criminal identity theft

Criminal identity theft occurs when a person arrested by law enforcement uses someone else’s name instead of providing theirs. They might be able to pass this off by creating a fake ID or using a stolen ID, like your driver’s license, to show to the police. This type of fraud can be difficult to detect until the consequences are evident, like:

  • You receive a court summons. For example, the courts may issue a summons if a criminal uses your ID for unpaid parking tickets.
  • A bench warrant is issued for your arrest. Unresolved problems like unpaid parking tickets can also result in a judge issuing a bench warrant. You may then be taken into custody at any time, even during a routine traffic stop.
  • A background check is issued. Sometimes, police will keep an identity theft victim in their database, noting it as an alias for the real criminal. This can result in a false criminal record showing up on your background check. This can cause problems with potential landlords and employers.

You can help protect yourself against criminal identity theft by safeguarding your ID. If your license or state-issued ID is lost or stolen, report it to the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and law enforcement. Also, limit the information you share online (and encourage family members to do the same). For example, if your teen got their first driver’s license and wants to share a pic of it on social media, explain why this isn’t a good idea.

Synthetic identity theft

As one of the fastest-growing types of financial crime in the U.S., synthetic identity theft involves creating fake identities using real people’s information. Fraudsters may use data like birthdates, addresses, and Social Security numbers from real people, blending them to create a fake profile. They can then use this persona to apply for loans or credit cards or commit other financial crimes. Kids and older adults tend to be vulnerable to this type of fraud since they rarely use their SSNs.

The most important thing about synthetic identity theft is knowing the signs and acting fast. Keep an eye out for any mail with your address on it but addressed to a different name and phone calls or mail about new credit accounts. You can further protect yourself by regularly checking your credit reports for unexplained changes and placing a security freeze on them.

There are also identity monitoring services available, which scan the internet, including the dark web, for breached Social Security numbers. If you suspect you or a loved one is the victim of synthetic identity theft, contact the relevant financial institutions to alert them.

Child identity theft

We all want to protect our children from bad actors, especially when it comes to identity theft. Child identity theft involves using a minor’s information to commit financial fraud, like opening a new account or line of credit under the child’s name. The thief may even use the child’s identity to get a driver’s license, apply for government benefits, or buy a house. This is often easier than targeting an adult because most kids don’t have credit reports or financial accounts, making them a clean slate.

Unfortunately, child identity theft is often perpetrated within the family by a relative who has access to the child’s data like their birthdate and address. And many children don’t realize they’ve been targeted until they’re older — for example, when they try to take out a student loan. By this point, the issue may have been escalating for years. So, it’s important as a parent to be aware of child identity theft.

The best way to do this is to check whether your child has a credit report with any of the three big credit bureaus (TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian). If so, review the report and report any fraudulent activity. You can also place a freeze on your child’s credit report to help minimize the risk of future fraud.

How do you know if you’re a victim of identity theft?

No one wants to be left in the dark when it comes to identity theft, so knowing the signs can help you spot it and take action quickly. This can help stop fraud in its tracks, minimizing both immediate damage and long-term repercussions. Some warning signs that may indicate identity theft include:

  • You get a fraud alert from a financial institution. To protect customers against identity thieves’ scams, most banks have security protocols to pinpoint potential data breaches. For example, if you live in the U.S., but a purchase is made using your credit card information in London, your bank may stop the transaction and send you a credit card fraud alert.
  • There are unexplained changes in your credit score. Your credit score going up can mean someone is trying to extend credit in your name (with the intent to run through it). A dip in your score could indicate anything from a loan application to a bill going to collection. You can get a free copy of your credit report from the three major credit bureaus every 12 months.
  • There are changes to your financial accounts. Check your bank statements at least once a month, keeping an eye out for unfamiliar transactions or withdrawals. Also, check for an increase in your line of credit or a new credit card account (which someone else may have requested in your name).
  • A loan or credit card application is denied. If you apply for a new credit card or a loan and are turned down, find out why. If you thought you had good credit, double-check your current credit history. Identity theft can result in your credit score
  • You get phone calls from debt collectors. If collection agencies start calling you about unfamiliar debts, someone else might be using your information to open financial accounts or take out lines of credit. Don’t divulge any personal information on the phone but do check your credit report to see what debts they’re referring to.
  • You get unfamiliar mail. If you get mail sent to your address that’s clearly for someone else, that person might be using your address for personal gain. Be wary if you receive medical bills in the mail that you don’t recognize or W-2 forms for companies you’ve never worked for.
  • You experience tax return If you get a tax transcript you didn’t ask for, or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rejects your e-filing, identity theft might be to blame. Some thieves will file fraudulent returns to get the victim’s refund. Contact the IRS fraud alert department.

You can also increase your odds of recognizing identity theft with tools like McAfee’s identity protection services. Our continual monitoring can keep tabs on over 60 types of personal information, which allows us to quickly identify security issues, alerting you to potential breaches so that you can fix them. We’ll also notify you up to 10 months sooner than similar services. By combining the best practices described above with a comprehensive identity protection service, you can worry less about identity theft and spend more time enjoying the internet.

Start protecting your information today

The internet makes daily life easier in many ways. You can now learn, work, play, and shop online. You shouldn’t have to forego these conveniences because of the threat of identity theft.

McAfee’s identity theft protection services can help keep you and your loved ones safe. McAfee uses extensive monitoring and an early detection system to notify you of potential risks or breaches. You’ll also have access to 24/7 online security experts and up to $1 million of identity theft coverage. Get the peace of mind you need to continue using the internet with confidence.

The post 5 Common Types of Identity Theft appeared first on McAfee Blog.

So, Your Kids Have Left School. Do You Still Need To Worry About Their Online Safety?

By Alex Merton-McCann

Last week, I waved my 18-year-old off as he embarked on the Aussie school leaver’s rite of passage – Schoolies!! A week spent kicking up your heels and living life to the max without any parental supervision at all! Oh, the sleepless nights many of us parents have had! And once Christmas and New Year celebrations are done, he’ll be heading away to University to ‘live his best life’ away from his dedicated cyber mother! 

And of course, I’m delighted for him, although secretly devastated to be losing my baby boy. But it does prompt the question, am I now done with cyber parenting? Is my work here officially done? 

Do You Ever Stop Being a Parent? 

I remember when my kids were little, my mother shared some words of wisdom with me: ‘Alex, you never stop being a parent. The kids are the same, it’s just the issues that change.’ And she was so right. As our boys have grown up, we’ve been less involved in their day-to-day needs but still very much needed. Whether it’s to help review a work contract, provide advice on an issue with a flatmate or help pick out a suit, the parenting hasn’t stopped instead entered a new chapter. And of course, there’s no doubt that having interested, devoted parents at the end of the telephone – day or night – makes navigating life so much easier! 

And when it comes to their digital lives, it’s the same story. While we have no reason to be involved in their day-to-day online lives, we have definitely been called upon to help them troubleshoot situations from receiving inappropriate messages, identifying potential scams or managing terse exchanges.  And, might I add, I have also proactively offered my advice on the appropriateness of pictures they have shared online – many times!! 

How To Help Your Young Adult Kids Manage Their Cyber Safety? 

So, after having managed 3 kids through this transition to early adulthood with another one currently underway, I thought I’d share with you some of my best strategies for ensuring their digital life is in good shape without micro-managing them! 

1. Stay Friends with Them Online But Don’t Embarrass Them Ever 

Every few days, I’ll check out my boys’ socials. Not only does it give me a ‘feel’ for what’s happening in their lives – where they’ve been and who with – it also allows me to check they are making good decisions about what they share. There have been multiple times during this period where I have sent off a quick text suggesting they remove a photo or perhaps rephrase a comment! And while I know these texts aren’t always warmly received, in nearly all cases, they take my advice! 

And it goes without saying that your ability to provide input to their digital lives will only happen if you don’t cross boundaries! So, never embarrass them. If you see something you don’t like, message them privately – do not workshop it on their Facebook page! And if you want to post a pic or video of them, always get their ‘ok’ first.  

2. Buy Them Security Software for Christmas! 

OK, security software probably won’t be top of their Christmas list, but knowing that they have comprehensive security software like McAfee’s Total Protection on their devices which works hard in the background to minimize threats and issues will give you real peace of mind. This year, I’m buying my older boys an air-fryer and frypans for Christmas. Why not continue the pragmatic theme and invest in some software for them too? 

3. Set Up A Family Messaging Group 

About 4 years ago, I set up a family Messenger Group and it’s now something I absolutely treasure. We share pics of our cats and dog, potential family holiday dates, funny photos, and videos, and relevant news stories – particularly during COVID. But the other thing I like to share is reminders about important ‘tech stuff’, like changing passwords, when to update their Apple software or details about scams that are doing the rounds. Whether it’s Whats AppTelegram, or my personal favorite, Messenger, I strongly recommend establishing a family group chat as an effective way of covering off key issues with your young adult kids. 

4. Don’t Stop Walking About Digital Reputation  

With potential employers, partners, and even friends using Google to conduct their due diligence on you, digital reputation is everything. So, weaving constant reminders into conversations with your adult kids should still be a priority. Now, of course, some kids will instinctively ‘get this’ but others will need a few pointers. According to a  70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process, and about 43% of employers use social media to check on current employees. So, why not encourage them to ‘Google’ themselves – and why not do yourself also? How you present online could mean the difference between being employed or unemployed!  

So, if you have a school leaver in your family and you’re not sure whether your job is done, I’m here to confirm that you’ll still be required for a very long time! Whether they know it or not, our big kids will still continue to need a sprinkling of our wisdom and experience for years to come. And even though they may have fled the nest, remember you will always be one of their most influential role models. So, make sure your digital life is in good shape too because as American novelist James Baldwin shares: ‘Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.’ 

Till next time 

Take care 

The post So, Your Kids Have Left School. Do You Still Need To Worry About Their Online Safety? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Privacy, Identity, and Device Protection: Why You Need to Invest in All Three

By McAfee

Protecting your devices with antivirus is a great start, yet it’s only one part of staying safer online. With the way scammers and thieves target people today, you need to protect yourself too—specifically your identity and privacy. 

Threats have evolved over the years. While hackers still wage malware attacks on computers, tablets, and smartphones, the devices aren’t the ultimate target. You are. The personal and private information created and kept on your devices have tremendous value because scammers and thieves can use it to steal your identity, open credit cards in your name, and commit all kinds of identity theft and fraud. 

Yet just as using antivirus protection can keep you safer online, using privacy and identity protection will keep you far safer still. Let’s look at how all three can work in concert.   

Privacy protection  

Privacy protection focuses on keeping your information from getting into the hands of advertisers, cybercriminals, and data brokers who want to use it for their benefit. To boost your online privacy, consider a few thoughtful additions to your daily browsing, email, and social media routine.   

First, think carefully about your social media habits. Do you post everything about your day and childhood, pin your location, and share photos of documents that include your full name, birthday, or address? You may want to consider cutting back on what you broadcast on the internet, especially if your account is public for anyone to view.  

Unfortunately, while your friends and family may love your status updates, cybercriminals love them more. After only minutes of snooping, cybercriminals can glean enough personal details about you to impersonate you or target a social engineering attempt at you. To keep your private information more private, limit what you share on social media, pare down your follower and friend lists to only the closest people, and if your social media account platform supports it set your account to private.  

One more way to protect your privacy is to use a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN allows you to remain far more anonymous online by shielding your location and device information, along with the data passing along your connection—which includes things like your passwords, account information, and other sensitive info. 

A VPN offers further protection when you’re logged on to a public network, like those in coffee shops, libraries, and transportation hubs. Cybercriminals often lurk on non-password-protected Wi-Fi networks and eavesdrop on people paying bills or online shopping to steal their credentials.  

However, criminals aren’t the only ones who intrude on your privacy. Online data brokers collect thousands of data points on millions of people, then post bits of that information for anyone to see and offer far more detailed information for a price.  

Who buys this information? More legitimate purposes include people conducting background checks, journalists, law enforcement, and, largely, advertisers. With such in-depth information, advertisers can target highly specific audiences with their ads, all based on personal information that can include shopping habits from customer loyalty cards, health data from fitness apps, and information scraped from public social media posts—just to name a few of the umpteen sources they draw from. 

Yet data brokers won’t discriminate. They’ll sell to scammers and thieves as well, who can then use that personal information to help them commit identity fraud and theft. 

However, you can do something about this. Personal data cleanup can scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. It can also provide guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites and can even manage the removal for you. And because data brokers continually update their data, personal data cleanup will continue to monitor those sites and help you get your information removed should it crop up again. 

In all, if you feel that your privacy shouldn’t be up for grabs, a personal data cleanup service can  

Identity protection  

Another form of protection focuses on keeping you safer from identity theft and fraud. Here, thieves will steal personal and account information to rack up charges on existing credit and debit cards, open entirely new accounts and lines of credit, or impersonating the victim themselves for employment, health insurance coverage, or to commit other crimes in someone else’s name. 

A few forms of identity crime include: 

  • New account theft occurs when a criminal successfully steals personal identifiable information (PII) and financial information and uses a victim’s excellent credit score to open new credit cards, utility accounts, cellphone accounts, and so forth.  
  • Account takeover fraud involves the use of an existing debit card, credit card, or other accounts to rack up charges—which usually happens when username and password information is stolen via a phishing attack or as the result of a data breach.  
  • Synthetic identity theft is a rising form of identity crime where thieves use a core piece of PII, like a Social Security Number in the U.S., to create an entirely new identity under a false name. With this “synthetic” identity, a scammer or thief can potentially open all manner of accounts, lines of credit, and even apply for benefits.   
  • Medical identity theft happens when thieves impersonate patients to gain access to their prescription medications or have their medical treatments paid for by the identity theft victim.  
  • Business identity theft can plague businesses of all sizes. Here, scammers and thieves will attempt to open new credit lines in the business’ name or send customers phony bills and collect the payments themselves.  

This list provides just a few examples, yet in all its forms, identity crime can affect your finances, credit score, and ability to secure loans, a mortgage, or future credit cards.  

One way to keep your identity secure is to guard your PII carefully. Never give out your Social Security Number unless it’s necessary—such for employment, opening bank and credit accounts, applying for public assistance, filing tax returns, or obtaining a driver’s license. While other businesses may ask you for your Social Security Number for identification purposes, you are not legally bound to provide it. You can ask to provide an alternate form. Also, never share it over email or text where it can be potentially intercepted.  

Beyond your Social Security Number, you can take steps to protect the many other forms of personal information you have. An identity monitoring service can keep tabs on everything from email addresses to IDs and phone numbers for signs of breaches so you can take action to secure your accounts before they’re used for identity theft.​ Likewise, credit monitoring can watch for unusual credit activity that could be an indicator of identity theft as well. ​ 

Should the unfortunate occur, identity theft & recovery coverage like ours can help you get back on track in several ways. First, it provides $1 million in identity theft coverage that covers travel expenses, legal fees, and stolen funds reimbursement. Additionally, it provides the assistance of a licensed identity theft recovery pro who can help you repair your identity and credit.  

Device security  

The third form of protection involves our devices, like computers, tablets, and phones—protecting them from both physical and digital threats. 

The first step you can take is to use a password, PIN, facial recognition, or other form of lock to keep your devices safer in the event of loss or theft. With this protection, your device is effectively an open book, providing a thief with access to all manner of personal information, accounts, and apps. 

Taking this protection a step further is learning to remotely locate your devices and then lock or wipe them. Many laptops and mobile devices offer location tracking services to help find a lost device—and yet others allow the owner to remotely lock or even wipe the contents of that device if they fear it’s lost for good or fallen into the wrong hands.  

It’s all rather straightforward, and device manufacturers have put up helpful web pages that can walk you through the process:  

Another good step you can take is to back up your files, whether with an online cloud service, a physical external drive, or both. By storing your files in the cloud, you can recover them quickly if your device is stolen and you have to remotely wipe its contents. Storing them on an external drive also lets you recover your files if your device is stolen, however, you’ll want to keep it in a secure location so that it can’t be stolen as well. Options include a fireproof safe where you keep other valuables or even a safe deposit box. The drawback is that you will have to back up files manually and regularly whereas cloud backup is practically automatic when you’re connected to the internet.   

Another component of device security is defending against malicious software. Viruses and malware can make their way onto your devices through several avenues, including sketchy websites, dishonest downloads, phishing schemes, and clicking on ads. The challenge is that several of these avenues can look rather legitimate at first glance. Sophisticated hackers, scammers, and thieves have learned how to make their bogus websites and search results look like the real thing. One way you can prevent making a bad click or downloading an attachment loaded with malware is to use web advisor software that can protect you while you browse. 

And finally, yes, antivirus is a must now just as it’s ever been. When kept up to date with the latest updates, it can prevent malware from getting onto your devices—plus scan, detect, and delete viruses and malware from your devices should they make their way onto them.  

Protecting your privacy, identity, and devices—today calls for all three 

The threats out there are many, and they go beyond threats to your devices. Hackers, scammers, and thieves are quite interested in you. Your accounts, your personal information, and anything they can grab to commit theft or fraud. Protecting yourself today calls for not only protecting your devices but your privacy and identity too. 

Comprehensive online protection software like ours covers all three—privacy, identity, and devices. It includes the protections mentioned above, plus dozens of features more such as ransomware coverage, credit freezes, security locks, and an online protection score that shows you just how safe you are, along with suggestions that can make you safer still.  

In all, it gives you far more control over your privacy and personal information, control that should rest in your hands, and not in the hands of data brokers, hackers, scammers, and thieves. 

The post Privacy, Identity, and Device Protection: Why You Need to Invest in All Three appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Quizzes and Other Identity Theft Schemes to Avoid on Social Media

By Natalie Maxfield

Before you take the fun-looking quiz that popped up in your social media feed, think twice. The person holding the answers may be a hacker. 

Where people go, hackers are sure to follow. So it’s no surprise hackers have set up shop on social media. This has been the case for years, yet now social media-based crime is on the rise. In 2019, total reported losses to this type of fraud reached $134 million. But reported losses hit $117 million in just the first six months of 2020, according to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). 

Among these losses are cases of identity theft, where criminals use social media to gather personal information and build profiles of potential victims they can target. Just as we discussed in our recent blog, “Can thieves steal identities with only a name and address?” these bits of information are important pieces in the larger jigsaw puzzle that is your overall identity. 

Let’s uncover these scams these crooks use so that you can steer clear and stay safe. 

A quick look at some common social media scams 

Quizzes and surveys 

“What’s your spooky Halloween name?” or “What’s your professional wrestler name?” You’ve probably seen a few of those and similar quizzes in your feed where you use the street you grew up on, your birthdate, your favorite song, and maybe the name of a beloved first pet to cook up a silly name or some other result. Of course, these are pieces of personal information, sometimes the answer to commonly used security questions by banks and other financial institutions. (Like, what was the model of your first car?) With this info in hand, a hacker could attempt to gain access to your accounts.  

Similarly, scammers will also post surveys with the offer of a gift card to a popular retailer. All you have to do is fork over your personal info. Of course, there’s no gift card coming. Meanwhile, that scammer now has some choice pieces of personal info that they can potentially use against you. 

How to avoid them: Simply put, don’t take those quizzes and surveys online. 

Bogus benefits and get-rich-quick schemes  

The list here is long. These include posts and direct messages about phony relief fundsgrants, and giveaways—along with bogus business opportunities that run the gamut from thinly-veiled pyramid schemes and gifting circles to mystery shopper jobs. What they all have in common is that they’re run by scammers who want your information, money or both. If this sounds familiar, like those old emails about transferring funds for a prince in some faraway nation, it is. Many of these scams simply made the jump from email to social media platforms. 

How to avoid them: Research any offer, business opportunity, or organization that reaches out to you. A good trick is to do a search of the organization’s name plus the term “scam” or “review” or “complaint” to see if anything sketchy comes up. 

Government imposter scams 

If there’s one government official that scammers like use to put a scare in you, it’s the tax collector. These scammers will use social media messaging (and other mediums like emails, texts, and phone calls) to pose as an official that’s either demanding back taxes or offering a refund or credit—all of which are bogus and all of which involve you handing over your personal info, money, or both.  

How to avoid them: Delete the message. In the U.S., the IRS and other government agencies will never reach out to you in this way or ask you for your personal information. Likewise, they won’t demand payment via wire transfer, gift cards, or cryptocurrency like bitcoin. Only scammers will. 

Friends and family imposter scams 

These are far more targeted than the scams listed above, because they’re targeted and often rely upon specific information about you and your family. Thanks to social media, scammers can gain access to that info and use it against you. One example is the “grandkid scam” where a hacker impersonates a grandchild and asks a grandparent for money. Similarly, there are family emergency scams where a bad actor sends a message that a family member was in an accident or arrested and needs money quickly. In all, they rely on a phony story that often involves someone close to you who’s in need or in trouble. 

How to avoid them: Take a deep breath and confirm the situation. Reach out to the person in question or another friend or family member to see if there really is a concern. Don’t jump to pay right away. 

The romance con  

This is one of the most targeted attacks of all—the con artist who strikes up an online relationship to bilk a victim out of money. Found everywhere from social media sites to dating apps to online forums, this scam involves creating a phony profile and a phony story to go with it. From there, the scammer will communicate several times a day, perhaps talking about their exotic job in some exotic location. They’ll build trust along the way and eventually ask the victim to wire money or purchase gift cards.  

How to avoid them: Bottom line, if someone you’ve never met in person asks you for money online, it’s a good bet that it’s a scam. Don’t do it. 

Protecting yourself from identity theft and scams on social media 

Now with an idea of the bad actors are up to out there, here’s a quick rundown of things you can do to protect yourself further from the social media scams they’re trying to pull. 

  1. Use strict privacy settings. First up, set your social media profile to private so that only approved friends and family members can access it. This will circulate less of your personal information in public. However, consider anything you do or post on social media as public information. (Plenty of people can still see it, copy it, and pass it along.) Likewise, pare back the information you provide in your profile, like your birthday, the high school you attended, and so on. The less you put out there, the less a scammer can use against you. 
  2. Be a skeptic. You could argue that this applies to staying safe online in general. So many scams rely on our innate willingness to share stories, help others, or simply talk about what’s going on in our lives. This willingness could lower your guard when a scammer comes calling. Instead, try to look at the messages you receive beyond face value. Does something seem unusual about the language or request? What could be the motivation behind it? Pausing and considering questions like these could spare some headaches. 
  3. Know your friends. How well do you know everyone in your list of friends and followers? Even with your privacy settings set to the max, these people will see what you’re posting online. Being selective about who you invite into that private circle of yours can limit the amount of personal information people have immediate access to via your posts, tweets, and updates. However, if you like having a larger list of friends and followers, be aware that any personal info you share is effectively being broadcast on a small scale—potentially to people you don’t really know well at all. 
  4. Follow up. Get a message from a “friend” that seems a little spammy or just plain weird? Or maybe you get something that sounds like an imposter scam, like the ones we outlined above? Follow up with them using another means of communication other than the social media account that sent the message. See what’s really going on.  
  5. Look out for each other. Much like following up, looking out for each other means letting friends know about that strange message you received or a friend request from a potentially duplicate account. By speaking up, you may be giving them the first sign that their account (and thus a portion of their identity) has been compromised. Likewise, it also means talking about that online flame with each other, how it’s going, and, importantly, if that “special someone” has stooped to asking for money. 

Stay steps ahead of the scams on social media 

Above and beyond what we’ve covered so far, some online protection basics can keep you safer still. Comprehensive online protection software will help you create strong, unique passwords for all your accounts, help you keep from clicking links to malicious sites, and prevent you from downloading malware. Moreover, it can provide you with identity protection services like ours, which keep your personal info private with around-the-clock monitoring of your email addresses and bank accounts with up to $1M of ID theft insurance. 

Together, with some good protection and a sharp eye, you can avoid those identity theft scams floating around on social media—and get back to enjoying time spent online with your true family and friends. 

The post Quizzes and Other Identity Theft Schemes to Avoid on Social Media appeared first on McAfee Blog.

6 Tips to Protect Yourself From Holiday Shopping Scammers

By Vishnu Varadaraj

Like many consumers around the world, you’re probably scouring the internet to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family in time for the holidays. While buyers prepare for the festivities, cybercriminals look for opportunities to scam shoppers with various tricks. In 2020, the FBI received over 17,000 complaints regarding goods that were never delivered, totaling losses of more than $53 million.1 And this year, it is anticipated that the number could increase due to rumors of merchandise shortages and the ongoing pandemic.  

But no need to get your tinsel in a tangle! At McAfee, we’re empowering consumers to live their digital lives with confidence by providing tips and tools for sidestepping cyber-grinches. Here are the top scams to look out for this holiday season so you can be on your merry way:  

Phishing Emails Boasting Big-ticket Items  

Phishing may be one of the older tricks in the book, but it is still a favorite standby for cybercriminals as phishing tactics become more sophisticated. According to Bleeping Computer, scammers tend to target holiday shoppers with emails advertising big-ticket or hard-to-find items to entice them to click on a malicious link.2 For example, cybercriminals could send a phishing email promising a sweet deal —often referred to as the discount scam — on the latest gaming system. Jumping at the opportunity to score such a great gift for a low price, an unsuspecting holiday shopper might click on the link and swiftly hand over their credit card details. But instead of receiving the gaming system, they receive alerts of suspicious purchases from their bank — purchases that cybercriminals made with their credit card information.  

Fake Websites and Ads 

During the holidays, many brands increase their online advertising to boost sales. However, cyber-grinches will likely take advantage of this trend by creating fake websites and ads impersonating companies that consumers know and love. For example, cybercriminals can create fake websites and ads promoting unrealistic discounts and bargains that look remarkably similar to an online retailer’s site. If a customer clicks on the fake website and makes a “purchase” by inputting their credit card information, the scammers will then be able to use this data to make fraudulent purchases elsewhere.  

Fraudulent Social Media Posts  

Many consumers rely on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest deals, and scammers are eagerly looking for ways to take advantage. To target holiday shoppers via Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc., criminals use fake social media posts offering vouchers, gift cards, freebies, and contests in the hopes that the user will click on the post and hand over their personal or financial information. Perhaps a user comes across a fake contest for a $1,000 Amazon gift card on Instagram — all they have to do is enter their login credentials to enter. Little do they know that this contest has been formulated by scammers and submitting their login for entry is just handing over their data for cyber-scrooges to exploit.  

Criminals can also take advantage of shoppable social media posts to target holiday shoppers with advertisements for non-existent or counterfeit items. Today, 130 million Instagram users tap on shoppable posts to learn more about products every month. It’s likely that these users will also rely on shoppable posts to interact with products they’re interested in purchasing for holiday gifts.3 

Cybercriminals can entice these users by creating fraudulent social media ads for products they don’t actually have. If an unsuspecting shopper purchases through the fake ad, their financial information will not only find its way into the hands of the scammer, but they also won’t receive what they initially paid for.  

Travel phishing and charity scams  

According to the Wall Street Journal, travel and charity scams also tend to spike around the holidays.4 Travel scams could show up in the form of an email stating that a booking has been canceled, sending you to a fake website where you’re asked to enter your credit card number to set up a new reservation. You could also receive an email directing you to a clone site offering deals on a house rental, flight, or hotel room that seems too good to be true — as long as you hold your reservation with a deposit.  

Cybercriminals also know that consumers tend to make charitable donations around the holidays, and many are quick to take advantage. A charity scam might target victims via social media feeds, asking people to donate to a fake organization. Consumers should always do their research on a charity before they donate to prevent money from ending up in a scammer’s pocket.  

Tips to Stay Safe From Online Shopping Scams 

To prevent cyber-grinches from stealing your money, data, and festive spirit, follow these tips so you can continue to make merry during the holiday shopping season: 

  1. Be cautious of emails asking you to act. If you receive an email, call, or text advertising a holiday shopping deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t click on anything or take any direct action from the message. Instead, go straight to the organization’s website. This will prevent you from downloading malicious content from phishing links or forking over money or your financial details unnecessarily. 
  2. Hover over links to see and verify the URL. If someone sends you a message with a link, hover over the link without actually clicking on it. This will allow you to see a link preview. If the URL looks suspicious, don’t interact with it and delete the message. 
  3. Go directly to the source. Instead of clicking on a link in an email or text message, it’s always best to check directly with the source to verify a holiday shopping offer or track a package’s shipment.  
  4. Watch out for fraudulent websites and ads. Today, anyone can create a website or online ad that looks like it’s from a legitimate retailer. They may tout a special offer or a great deal on a hot holiday item, yet such sites are a popular avenue for cybercriminals to harvest personal and financial information. They are commonly spread by social media, email, and other messaging platforms, so be skeptical of any links you see on these channels.  
  5. Check your bank statements. The holidays are often a time of increased spending, so a fraudulent charge on your bank statement could blend in with all the noise. Be vigilant about checking to make sure that there are no suspicious charges when you’re doing your online banking. If you do notice a purchase that you didn’t make, report it to your bank immediately.  
  6. Protect your identity. Hackers often use consumers’ personally identifiable information to make fraudulent purchases – a trick that would certainly interrupt a holiday shopping spree. A solution like McAfee Identity Theft Protection takes a proactive approach to help protect identities with personal and financial monitoring and recovery tools to help keep identities personal and secure. 
  7. Use a comprehensive security solution. Using a solution like McAfee Total Protection can help your holiday shopping spree go smoothly by providing safe web browsing, virus protection, and more. McAfee WebAdvisor also provides coverage for many of the holiday shopping scams mentioned above with misclick protection, typo protection, and alerts for known threats.  

The post 6 Tips to Protect Yourself From Holiday Shopping Scammers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How To Tell If Your Smartphone Has Been Hacked

By McAfee

Something’s not right. Maybe your phone is losing its charge way too quickly. Or one day it suddenly starts turning itself off and on again. Perhaps it’s running hot, so hot it’s hard to hold. Likewise, you might see outgoing calls that you never dialed or strange spikes in your data usage. Signs like these could mean that your smartphone’s been hacked. Learn how to protect your smartphone with McAfee Mobile Security

Several signs of a potential smartphone hack can look like a technical issue, at least on the surface. Yet the fact is that these issues may be a symptom of a deeper problem, such as malware installed on your smartphone. Malware can eat up system resources or conflict with other apps and your operating system, all of which can cause your phone to act sluggish or erratically. 

Yet, in a way, that’s good news. Because malware can run inefficiently on your phone and create hiccups both large and small, it can tip you off to its presence. And with all the important information we carry in the palms of our hands nowadays, that’s good news twice over. Knowing the signs, subtle or otherwise can alert you to an otherwise largely invisible problem. 

Hacking software and their symptoms 

Whether hackers physically sneak it onto your phone or by tricking you into installing it via a phony app, a sketchy website, or a phishing attack, hacking software can create problems for you in a couple of ways: 

  • Keylogging: In the hands of a hacker, keylogging works like a stalker by snooping information as you type, tap, and even talk on your phone.  
  • Trojans: Trojans are types of malware that can be disguised in your phone to extract important data, such as credit card account details or personal information. 
  • Cryptominers: Similar to trojans, this software hides on a device. From there, it harnesses the device’s computing power to “mine” cryptocurrencies. While crypto mining is not illegal, “cryptojacking” a device without the owner’s consent is most certainly illegal. 

Some possible signs of hacking software on your phone include: 

Performance issues 

Maybe you’ve seen some of the signs we mentioned earlier. Is your device operating slower, are web pages and apps harder to load, or does your battery never seem to keep a charge? These are all signs that you could have malware running in the background, zapping your phone’s resources. 

Your phone feels like it’s running hot 

Like the performance issues above, malware or mining apps running in the background can burn extra computing power (and data). Aside from sapping performance, malware and mining apps can cause your phone to run hot or even overheat. 

Mystery apps or data 

If you find apps you haven’t downloaded, or calls, texts, and emails that you didn’t send, that’s a red flag. A hacker may have hijacked your phone to send premium-rate calls or messages or to spread malware to your contacts. Similarly, if you see spikes in your data usage, that could be a sign of a hack as well. 

Pop-ups or changes to your screen 

Malware can also be behind spammy pop-ups, changes to your home screen, or bookmarks to suspicious websites. In fact, if you see any configuration changes you didn’t personally make, this is another big clue that your smartphone has been hacked. 

What to do if you’re worried that your phone has been hacked … 

  • Install and run security software on your smartphone if you haven’t already. From there, delete any apps you didn’t download, delete risky texts, and then run your mobile security software again. 
  • If you still have issues, wiping and restoring your phone is an option. Provided you have your photos, contacts, and other vital info backed up in the cloud, it’s a relatively straightforward process. A quick search online can show how to wipe and restore your model of phone. 
  • Lastly, check your accounts and your credit to see if any unauthorized purchases have been made. If so, you can go through the process of freezing those accounts and getting new cards and credentials issued. Further, update your passwords for your accounts with a password that is strong and unique 

Ten tips to prevent your phone from being hacked 

While there are several ways a hacker can get into your phone and steal personal and critical information, here are a few tips to keep that from happening: 

  1. Use comprehensive online protection software on your phone. Over the years, we’ve gotten into the good habit of using this on our computers and laptops. Our phones? Not so much. Installing online protection on your smartphone gives you the first line of defense against attacks, plus several of the additional security features mentioned below. 
  2. Update your phone and its apps. Aside from installing security software, keeping current with updates is a primary way to keep you and your phone safe. Updates can fix vulnerabilities that cybercriminals rely on to pull off their malware-based attacks. Additionally, those updates can help keep your phone and apps running smoothly while also introducing new, helpful features. 
  3. Stay safer on the go with a VPN. One way that crooks can hack their way into your phone is via public Wi-Fi, such as at airports, hotels, and even libraries. These networks are public, meaning that your activities are exposed to others on the network—your banking, your password usage, all of it. One way to make a public network private is with a VPN, which can keep you and all you do protected from others on that Wi-Fi hotspot.  
  4. Use a password manager. Strong, unique passwords offer another primary line of defense. Yet with all the accounts we have floating around, juggling dozens of strong and unique passwords can feel like a task—thus the temptation to use (and re-use) simpler passwords. Hackers love this because one password can be the key to several accounts. Instead, try a password manager that can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software such as McAfee Total Protection will include one. 
  5. Avoid public charging stations. Charging up at a public station seems so simple and safe. However, some hackers have been known to “juice jack” by installing malware into the charging station. While you “juice up,” they “jack” your passwords and personal info. So what to do about power on the road? You can look into a portable power pack that you can charge up ahead of time or run on AA batteries. They’re pretty inexpensive and easy to track down.  
  6. Keep your eyes on your phone. Preventing the actual theft of your phone is important too, as some hacks happen simply because a phone falls into the wrong hands. This is a good case for password or PIN protecting your phone, as well as turning on device tracking so that you can locate your phone or even wipe it remotely if you need to. Apple provides iOS users with a step-by-step guide for remotely wiping devices, and Google offers up a guide for Android users as well.  
  7. Encrypt your phone. Encrypting your cell phone can save you from being hacked and can protect your calls, messages, and critical information. To check if your iPhone is encrypted can go into Touch ID & Passcode, scroll to the bottom, and see if data protection is enabled (typically this is automatic if you have a passcode enabled). Android users have automatic encryption depending on the type of phone. 
  8. Lock your SIM card. Just as you can lock your phone, you can also lock the SIM card that is used to identify you, the owner, and to connect you to your cellular network. By locking it, that keeps your phone from being used on any other network than yours. If you own an iPhone, you can lock it by following these simple directions. For other platforms, check out the manufacturer’s website. 
  9. Turn off your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use. Think of it as closing an otherwise open door. There are several attacks that a dedicated and well-equipped hacker can make on devices where the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are open and discoverable. Likewise, while not a hack, some retailers will track your location in a store using Bluetooth technology for marketing purposes—so switching it off can protect your privacy in some situations as well. You can easily turn off both from your settings and many phones let you do it from a pulldown menu on your home screen as well. 
  10. Steer clear of third-party app stores. Google Play and Apple’s App Store have measures in place to review and vet apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure. Third-party sites may not have that process in place. In fact, some third-party sites may intentionally host malicious apps as part of a broader scam. Granted, cybercriminals have found ways to work around Google and Apple’s review process, yet the chances of downloading a safe app from them are far greater than anywhere else. Furthermore, both Google and Apple are quick to remove malicious apps once discovered, making their stores that much safer. 

The post How To Tell If Your Smartphone Has Been Hacked appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What We’ve Learnt From Home Learning During Lockdown

By Alex Merton-McCann

I think it’s fair to say that come to next Australia Day, there needs to be a special award category for parents of young children who survived home learning during the lockdowns. Let’s be honest – it’s been brutal! So many parents had to juggle their own full-time work, running a household, AND supervising a day’s worth of learning for often, multiple children! Research from Macquarie University showed that many parents spent up to 14 hours a week in their role as home learning managers and 9/10 parents reported the experience as, quite understandably, stressful! As a mum of older teens and young adults – who are usually self-sufficient – I’m in awe! 

But the good news is – things are on the improve! Our vaccine rates are amongst the best in the world, so lockdowns have been lifted and, drum roll… kids are back at school! I’ve always been a big fan of trying to find the silver lining of any situation and I think there are many we can take away from our COVID experience, particularly when it comes to digital parenting. I know of so many parents who have completely rethought their approach to managing kids and technology since the pandemic hit because of their home learning experience. 

So, in the spirit of sharing and caring, I thought I’d round up some of the best ‘aha’ moments from parents who were forced to become expert home learning managers over multiple lockdowns. And make sure you take notes because there are some great learnings that we can apply to our digital parenting journey.  

Embrace Technology 

If you have never been ‘all in’ with your kids’ use of technology for both learning and socializing, then you need to get over this ASAP. Technology is the lifeblood of your kids’ lives. It’s how they connect, nurture friendships, and organize their social lives. I also recommend parents try to see technology through the eyes of their kids NOT just through our more ‘mature’ lens. It’s the best way of truly understanding just what a huge role it plays in their day-to-day lives. And don’t forget that technology is almost always used to set up in-person catchups! So, please don’t demonize it, it will only push your kids away. 

Understanding Your Child’s Online Life is a Powerful Way of Connecting 

I totally appreciate that many parents didn’t choose to be home learning ‘managers’ however many have shared with me how they now feel far more involved in their child’s life because of the experience. Seeing first-hand how your child’s day works, overhearing their conversations with teachers and peers (courtesy of Zoom), and being blown away by your offspring’s tech skills has given many parents incredible insight into their child.  

I know of parents who have noticed learning issues and friendship problems all as a result of their home learning manager role! There’s nothing like being able to nip something in the bud before it becomes a big issue! So, stay involved and you’ll reap the rewards! 

Get Your Kids Moving – Encourage Movement and Outdoor Activities Always 

Confession – I have never been one of those parents who proactively organized park visits, bushwalks, and exercise regimes for my kids. But many of the parents who managed young children through a lockdown and resorted to becoming personal trainers reported that it paid dividends. So, now lockdowns are (hopefully!) history, don’t forget about the benefits of getting your kids to move. It’s hard to be on a screen when you are walking the dog, playing a game of family cricket, or bushwalking. I know it’s time-consuming but it’s so worth it!

Take Some Time to Understand & Protect Your Kids’ Devices 

As of 2 years ago, the average Aussie household had 17 internet-connected devices in tow so it’s no wonder keeping abreast of all the devices in your household feels like a full-time job! But with kids continuing to use their devices for both study and socializing, it’s essential that you give each device a ‘once over’ to minimize risks and prevent issues arising down the track.  

Ensuring all their software is up to date is a great place to start. Also check that the default password has been changed and that there is some top-shelf security software installed to protect the device and, most importantly, its user! And while you are there, why not also ensure that each of their online accounts has its own distinct password? If you think they could manage a password manager, then it might be time to introduce them to one? Check out McAfee’s True Key – I couldn’t manage without it! 

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find many parents keen to return to home learning. In fact, I think there may even be a revolt if we had to go back! But, knowing we have picked up some ‘nuggets of gold’ along the way makes it a little feel a little better! So, please embrace technology – it’s a fantastic way of connecting with your kids. But of course, keep your family’s usage in check and minimize the risks by giving each device a once-over.  

Happy Digital Parenting! 


The post What We’ve Learnt From Home Learning During Lockdown appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Reimagining mobile security for the way we live our lives today, tomorrow, and beyond.

By Pravat Lall

Online is a little different for everyone

How do you connect online these days? I’ll give you an example from my own life: From my 15-year old son to my 80-year-old mother, not one of us leaves the house without our phone. And today, there isn’t a single thing you can’t do on your phone. It’s the minicomputer that goes where you go. 

This trend in the way we connect is reflected in recent data too. In fact, we’ve found that the average consumer spends 6 hours and 55 min online per day, split between mobile (52%) and desktop (48%). Whether you’re a Boomer, Gen X, a Millennial, or Gen Z, the way you connect online is diverse and specific to you. 

As for what we’re doing online? It’s just about everything. After all, we spend an average of 7 hours per day on connected devices and the pandemic has forced us to do even more online. The downside to this rapid change in the way we live is that we are opening ourselves up to more risk which leaves consumers feeling highly concerned about their ability to keep their personal info secure or private. We need new protection for this new normal. 

For the new normal, a new approach to protection with mobile security 

What all these changes mean is that you’re able to have the same online experience regardless of where you are, what you’re doing, or what device you’re using. Your favorite streaming service is a great example – you can just as easily find a movie on a tablet as you can on your laptop. In fact, you can pause the movie you’re watching on that tablet and pick up where you left off on your laptop. Your experience with online security should offer the same convenience and familiarity. More importantly, online protection should give you a feeling of confidence however or wherever you choose to connect. 

 This means knowing your personal info is secure even when accessing an unsecured network, your browsing habits remain private, and you can take necessary actions should your information be compromised. To put it another way, YOU are what we’re focused on protecting and we do that by making sure everything you connect with is also secure. 

Introducing the new McAfee Security mobile app 

A phone is the remote control for your life. From the palm of your hand, you’re able to shop, browse, stream, and create – everything you do online you can now do from your phone. So, it’s crucial that your phone be a major focus of our online protection. The new mobile app makes it easier to get robust protection for your identity, privacy, and phone. Let’s look at a few of the capabilities offered by the new mobile app. 

Identity Protection Service

Think about all the online accounts you’ve created in the past year. How many of them do you use regularly? Sometimes I think I have more food delivery apps on my phone than I do restaurants to use them on. Regardless of how often you use an account (or if you no longer use it at all!), any personal information (like emails, addresses, credit cards) added to it is available online and vulnerable to breaches. McAfee Security comes with identity protection, a feature that monitors your personal information and then notifies you when there’s a risk of your data being compromised. What this means is that if we detect that your data was stolen, you’ll be alerted an average of 10 months earlier than similar services, so you can act before your data is used illegally or shows up on the dark web. 

Privacy protection with Secure VPN

Let’s say you’re about to use the free internet at your favorite café for a speedier connection. Time to flip on your virtual private network (VPN). Forget about digging through a sea of menus to find your VPN. The new mobile app offers a seamless VPN experience so you can keep your activity hidden on less-than-secure Wi-Fi. Or, better yet, you can set up a Secure VPN to automatically turn on for unsecured Wi-Fi networks. Whatever you choose, Secure VPN keeps your personal data and location private anywhere you go with unlimited data and bank-grade Wi-Fi encryption. 

Device protection 

At the end of the day, phones are devices and they’re vulnerable to viruses, malware, and, increasingly, malicious apps. The new McAfee Mobile app offers an antivirus scan for Android phones and system scans to see if your passcode is strong enough and that your OS is up to date on iOS devices. 

Most importantly, the app is part of McAfee’s total online protection, so the experience on your phone is the same as on your PC. It’s protection that goes where you go – at home on your PC, or on the go with your mobile. 

The mobile app is available right now – here’s how to get it 

If you’re an existing McAfee subscriber using McAfee Total Protection or McAfee LiveSafe, you can get the app right now. And, if you’ve already got the app installed, just make sure it’s up-to-date and you’ll be all set with the new look and features. 

Interested in trying the app out? You can buy or get a free trial of McAfee Total Protection here and get started today. 

The post Reimagining mobile security for the way we live our lives today, tomorrow, and beyond. appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Social Engineering: Tis the Season for Tricky Hackers

By Lily Saleh

With the holidays on the horizon, spirits are high—and it’s those same high spirits that hackers want to exploit. ‘Tis the season for clever social engineering attacks that play on your emotions, designed to trick you into giving up personal info or access to your accounts.  

Social engineering attacks unfold much like a confidence scam. A crook takes advantage of someone’s trust, applies a little human psychology to further fool the victim, and then pulls off a theft. Online, a social engineering attack will likely involve a theft attempt of personal or account information that the crook can then use to make purchases, drain accounts, and so forth. 

Not at all in the holiday spirit, right? Let’s take a look at some of their top tricks so that you can spot and avoid them. 

As said, spirits can get high this time of year. There’s looking forward to gatherings with family and friends, the fun that comes along with hunting for that perfect gift, and the excitement of the holidays overall. And that’s what hackers count on—people getting caught up in the rush of the holidays, to the point where they may not look at emails, offers, shipping notices, and such with a critical eye. That’s how the scammers get their foot in the door. 

Some of their favored tricks can look a little like this: 

1. Special access to hard-to-get holiday gifts. 

What are the holidays without that trendy “must-get” gift item, the one that’s seemingly out of stock no matter where you look? Scammers are keen on these items as well and will prop up phony ads and storefronts that pretend to sell those items but really don’t. Instead, they’re just a shady way for them to steal your debit or credit card information—or to lift a few bucks out of your pocket in return for nothing. 

One way to keep from getting burned by one of these scams is to follow the old adage, “If it looks too good to be true, it probably is.” In this case, crooks are using feelings of scarcity and urgency to get you to bite. Here’s where you can take a moment before you click to do some research.  

  • How long has the company been around?  
  • Are there reviews of this company?  
  • Do you have friends who’ve shopped with them before (and had a good experience)?  
  • What is their listing with the Better Business Bureau (and do they even have a listing)? 

Answers to these questions can separate the good businesses from the bogus ones. 

2. Gift card and coupon scams. 

Like the above, crooks will create a sense of urgency about a hot holiday item or limited time offer. The twist comes when they request payment via a gift card rather than by credit or debit card or other legitimate online payment methods. This request is highly deliberate because gift cards are much like cash. Once the money on the card is spent, it’s gone, and these cards do not offer the same protections that come with other payment methods. 

You can avoid this one easily. If anyone asks you to use a gift card as payment, it’s a scam. Gift cards are for gifts, not payment, says the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). If you come across such a scam, you can report it to the FTC as well. 

3. Charity scams. 

Donating to a charity in someone else’s name is often a popular gift. Much the same, giving a donation to a worthy cause feels particularly good this time of year. Once again, scammers will take advantage of these good intentions by propping up phony charities designed to do nothing more than dupe you out of your money. Whether that’s a flat-out phony charity or one of the many other scam charities that have been known to pocket 90 cents of every dollar donated, this is the time of year to be on the lookout for both. 

The advice here is much the same as the advice for avoiding phony businesses and retailers. Do your homework. The Better Business Bureau maintains a listing of charities that can help you make good donation choices. Also, your state government’s charity officials can help you separate good charities from bad—and even file a report if you suspect a scam is at play. 

And once again, if a charity is asking for donations in the form of cash, gift cards, or wire transfer, just say no. That’s a surefire sign of a scam. 

4. Phony shipping notices. 

Scammers know you have packages in transit this holiday season, loaded with gifts that you’re eagerly tracking. Enter another classic scam—the phony shipping notice. The idea is that you already have so many packages on their way that you won’t think twice about opening an email with a “shipping notice” that comes in the form of an attachment. Of course, that attachment is a fake. And it’s loaded with malware.  

Too bad for scammers, though. This is another one you can steer clear of rather easily. Don’t open such attachments. Shipping companies will almost certainly send along notices and invoices in the body of an email, not as an attachment. If you have a question, you can always visit the shipper’s website and look up your tracking info there. Likewise, follow up with the customer service department of the company that you purchased the item from in the first place. 

Yet more ways you can protect yourself from holiday scams 

While the holidays are a special time for scammers too, there are several things you can do to up the level of your protection now and year ‘round. A quick list includes: 

  • Secure your devices and set your email spam filters. If you haven’t already, secure your devices with comprehensive online protection. With that in place, it can prevent you from mistakenly clicking risky links and downloads, blot out spam emails before they reach your inbox, and protect your accounts with strong, unique passwords. 
  • Protect your identity too. Another thing that comprehensive online protection should cover is you. With identity theft protection, you can protect yourself. It can monitor dozens of different types of personal info along with your email addresses and bank accounts—plus provide theft insurance and support from a licensed recovery pro if identity theft, unfortunately, happens to you. 
  • Beware of downloads you aren’t expecting. This is always good form because hackers love to spike downloads with malware designed to steal your personal information. Whether you get an unexpected attachment from a friend or business, follow up with them before opening it. If they say they didn’t send it, that’s a quick way to find out whether the attachment is legitimate or not. 
  • Keep an eye out for typos and poorly crafted messages. Scammers may know a thing or two about human nature, but that doesn’t mean that they’re the best writers, designers, and website developers. A common sign of a scam is an email, ad, message, or site that simply doesn’t look or read right. Granted, some scammers have gotten quite good at making their scams look legitimate, yet many still fail to clear that bar 

Keep the good feeling going this holiday season 

No doubt, the holidays have a feel all to themselves, one which hackers and crooks want to take advantage of. They’ll craft their tricks accordingly and try to twist the good times that roll around at the end of the year into scams that capitalize on your good intentions. As you can see, it’s not too tough to spot them for what they are if you pause and take a moment to scrutinize those emails, offers, and sales. And that’s the thing with the holidays. We can all feel pinched for time at some point or other during this stretch. Look out for their pressure tactics and seemingly clever ways of using social engineering to rip you off. That way, you can spend the holidays focusing on what’s important—your friends and family. 

The post Social Engineering: Tis the Season for Tricky Hackers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Affected by a Data Breach? Here Are Security Steps You Should Take

By Pravat Lall

How does that information get collected in the first place? We share personal information with companies for multiple reasons simply by going about our day—to pay for takeout at our favorite restaurant, to check into a hotel, or to collect rewards at the local coffee shop. Of course, we use our credit and debit cards too, sometimes as part of an online account that tracks our purchase history. 

In other words, we leave trails of data practically wherever we go these days, and that data is of high value to hackers. Thus, all those breaches we read about. 

Data breaches are a (sad) fact of life 

Whether it’s a major breach that exposes millions of records or one of many other smaller-scale breaches like the thousands that have struck healthcare providers, each one serves as a reminder that data breaches happen regularly and that we could find ourselves affected. Depending on the breach and the kind of information you’ve shared with the business or organization in question, information stolen in a breach could include: 

  • Usernames and passwords 
  • Email addresses 
  • Phone numbers and home addresses 
  • Contact information for friends and family members 
  • Birthdays and Driver’s license numbers 
  • Credit and debit card numbers or bank account details 
  • Purchase history and account activity 
  • Social security numbers 

What do crooks do with that data? Several things. Apart from using it themselves, they may sell that data to other criminals. Either way, this can lead to illicit use of credit and debit cards, draining of bank accounts, claiming tax refunds or medical expenses in the names of the victims, or, in extreme cases, assuming the identity of others altogether.  

Examples of data breaches over the recent years 

In all, data is a kind of currency in of itself because it has the potential to unlock several aspects of victim’s life, each with its own monetary value. It’s no wonder that big breaches like these have made the news over the years, with some of the notables including: 

Facebook – 2019: Two sets of data exposed the records of more than 530 million users, including phone numbers, account names, and Facebook IDs. 

Marriott International (Starwood) – 2018: Half a million guests had names, email and physical mailing addresses, phone numbers, passport numbers, Starwood Preferred Guest account information, dates of birth, and other information about their stays exposed. 

Equifax – 2017: Some 147 million records that included names, addresses, dates of birth, driver’s license numbers, and Social Security Numbers were exposed, along with a relatively small subset of 200,000 victims having their credit card information exposed as well. 

As mentioned, these are big breaches with big companies that we likely more than recognize. Yet smaller and mid-sized businesses are targets as well, with some 43% of data breaches involving companies of that size. Likewise, restaurants and retailers have seen their Point-of-Sale (POS) terminals compromised, right on down to neighborhood restaurants. 

Staying secure in light of data breaches 

When a company experiences a data breach, customers need to realize that this could impact their online safety. If your favorite coffee shop’s customer database gets leaked, there’s a chance that your personal or financial information was exposed. However, this doesn’t mean that your online safety is doomed. If you think you were affected by a breach, there are multiple steps you can take to help protect yourself from the potential side effects.  

1. Keep an eye on your bank and credit card accounts 

One of the most effective ways to determine whether someone is fraudulently using one or more of your accounts is to check your statements. If you see any charges that you did not make, report them to your bank or credit card company immediately. They have processes in place to handle fraud. While you’re with them, see if they offer alerts for strange purchases, transactions, or withdrawals. 

2. If you’re a victim, report it to local authorities and to the FTC for assistance.  

File a police report and a Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Identity Theft Report. This will help in case someone uses your Social Security number to commit fraud, since it will provide a legal record of the theft. The FTC can also assist by guiding you through the identity theft recovery process as well. Their site offers a step-by-step recovery plan that you can follow and track your progress as you go. 

3. Place a fraud alert 

If you suspect that your data might have been compromised, place a fraud alert on your credit. This not only ensures that any new or recent requests undergo scrutiny, but also allows you to have extra copies of your credit report so you can check for suspicious activity. You can place one fraud alert with any of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, TransUnion) and they will notify the other two. A fraud alert typically lasts for a year, although there are options for extending it as well. 

4. Look into freezing your credit if needed 

Freezing your credit will make it highly difficult for criminals to take out loans or open new accounts in your name, as a freeze halts all requests to pull your credit—even legitimate ones. In this way, it’s a far stronger measure than placing a fraud alert. Note that if you plan to take out a loan, open a new credit card, or other activity that will prompt a credit report, you’ll need to take extra steps to see that through while the freeze is in place. (The organization you’re working with can assist with the specifics.) Unlike the fraud alert, you’ll need to contact each major credit reporting agency to put one in place. Also, a freeze lasts as long as you have it in place. You’ll have to remove it yourself, again with each agency. 

5. Update your passwords 

Ensure that your passwords are strong and unique. Many people utilize the same password or variations of it across all their accounts. Therefore, be sure to diversify your passcodes to ensure hackers cannot obtain access to all your accounts at once, should one password be compromised. You can also employ a password manager to keep track of your credentials, such as one you’ll find in comprehensive online protection software. 

6. Consider using identity theft protection 

A solution such as this will help you to monitor your accounts and alert you of any suspicious activity. Specifically, our own Identity Protection Service will monitor several types of personally identifiable information, alert you of potentially stolen personal info, and offer guided help to neutralize the threat. Also, it can help you steer clear of some types of theft with preventative guidance that can help keep theft from happening in the first place. With this set up on your computers and smartphone you can stay in the know and address issues immediately. 

7. Use online protection software, and expand your security toolbox 

To use your credit card safely online to make purchases, add both a VPN and password manager into your toolbox of security solutions. A VPN keeps your shopping experience private, while a password manager helps you keep track of and protect all your online accounts. Again, you’ll find a VPN as part of comprehensive online protection software. 

The post Affected by a Data Breach? Here Are Security Steps You Should Take appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Uber Data Breach and How to Protect Your Info

By McAfee

The Latest on the Uber Data Breach and Protecting Your Info

You may have spotted the news last week that U.S. federal prosecutors brought charges against the former chief security officer of Uber. At issue was a breach that occurred in 2016, where prosecutors allege that he covered up a $100,000 payoff to the hackers responsible for the attack. The specific charges are obstructing justice and concealing a felony for the alleged cover-up.

While the breach itself is relatively old news and the company has since paid a $148 million settlement along with an agreement to regular audits of its privacy and security systems, this is a reminder that breaches happen. What’s more, it may be some time before you become aware of them, even in instances when companies move quickly, transparently, and in your best interest.

According to research we recently published, nearly three-quarters of all breaches have required public disclosure or have affected financial results, up five points from 2015. Additionally, industry studies show that it can take roughly nine month on average to identify and contain a breach. Yes, that’s more than nine months, and a lot can happen to your credit in that timeframe. Thus the onus is on us to be vigilant about our own credit.

Here’s a quick list of things you can do right now to keep on top of your credit—and that you can do on an ongoing basis as well, because that’s what it takes to keep tabs on your personal info today.

Protecting yourself from data breaches

Closely monitor your online accounts: Whether it’s your credit card statements, banking statements, or your individual accounts for services like Uber, review them closely. If you see any suspicious activity, notify the institution or service and put a freeze on your account(s) as needed. Even a small charge can indicate a bigger problem, as that means your information is out there in the wild and could be used for bigger purchases down the pike. In the event you feel your Uber account has been compromised, you can contact them via their “I think my Uber account has been hacked” page.

Update your settings: That includes your privacy settings in addition to changing your password. As far as passwords go, strong and layered passwords are best, and never reuse your credentials across different platforms. Plus, update your passwords on a regular basis. That’ll further protect your data. Using a password manager will help you keep on top of it all, while also storing your passwords securely.
Enable two-factor authentication: While a strong and unique password is a good first line of defense, enabling app-based two-factor authentication across your accounts will help your cause by providing an added layer of security.

Check your credit: Depending on where you live, there are different credit reporting agencies that keep a centralized report of all your credit activities. For example, the major agencies in the U.S. are primarily Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Likewise in the U.S., the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires these agencies to provide you with a free credit check at least once every 12 months. It’s a relatively quick process, and you might be surprised what you find—anywhere to incorrect address information to bills falsely associated with your name. Get your free credit report here from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Other nations provide similar services, such as the free credit reports for UK customers.

Freeze your credit: Freezing your credit will make it impossible for criminals to take out loans or open up new accounts in your name. To do this effectively, you will need to freeze your credit at each of the three major credit-reporting agencies (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian).
Consider using identity theft protection: A solution like McAfee Identify Theft Protection will help you to monitor your accounts and alert you of any suspicious activity in addition to the activities I’ve listed above. Additionally, you can use a comprehensive security solution such as McAfee Total Protection to help protect your devices and data from known vulnerabilities and emerging threats.

Be your own best defense

For all the technology we have at our fingertips, our best defense is our eyes. Keeping a lookout for fishy activity and following up with family members when unfamiliar charges show up on your accounts will help you keep your good name in good standing.
The thing is, we never know when the next data breach might hit and how long it may be until that information is discovered and finally disclosed to you. Staying on top of credit has always been important, but given all our apps, accounts, and overall exposure these days, it’s a must.

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Can Thieves Steal Identities With Only a Name and Address?

By Natalie Maxfield

Can thieves steal identities with only a name and address?  

In short, the answer is “no.” Which is a good thing, as your name and address are in fact part of the public record. Anyone can get a hold of them. However, because they are public information, they are still tools that identity thieves can use.   

If you think of your identity as a jigsaw puzzle, your name and address are the first two pieces that they can use to build a bigger picture and ultimately put your identity at risk.   

With that, let’s look at some other key pieces of your identity that are associated with your name and address—and what you can do to protect them.  

For starters, this information is so general that it is of little value in of itself to an identity thief. Yet a determined identity thief can do a bit of legwork and take a few extra steps to use them as a springboard for other scams.  

For example, with your name and address a thief could:  

Research public databases for further pieces of information about you.  

There are volumes of public information that are readily available should someone want to add some more pieces to your identity jigsaw puzzle, such as:  

  • How long you’ve lived in your current home, what you paid for it, and what it’s valued at today.  
  • If you’re a registered voter and if you voted in a recent election. (Not how you voted, though!)  
  • Also, if you’re a veteran or the owner of a cat or dog (through pet licenses).  

In the U.S., the availability of such information will vary from state-to-state and different levels of government may have different regulations about what information gets filed—in addition to whether and how those reports are made public. Globally, different nations and regions will collect varying amounts of public information and have their own regulations in place as well. More broadly, though, many of these public databases are now online. Consequently, accessing them is easier than the days when getting a hold of that information required an in-person visit a library or public office.  

Get yet more personal information about you from online data brokers. 

Thieves can gain additional information about you from other online sources, such as data brokers. And data brokerage is a big business, a global economy estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars a year. What fuels it? Personal information, representing thousands of data points on billions of people scraped from public records, social media, smartphone apps, shopper loyalty cards, third-party sources, and sometimes other data broker sites as well.   

The above-the-board legal intent of data broker sites is to sell that information to advertisers so that they can create highly targeted campaigns based on people’s behaviors, travels, interests, and even political leanings. Others such as law enforcement officials, journalists, and others who are conducting background checks will use them too. 

On the dark side, hackers, scammers, and thieves will buy this information as well, which they can use to commit identity theft and fraud. The thing is, data brokers will sell to anyone. They don’t discriminate.  

Send you phishing attacks and scams by physical mail.  

Phishing attacks aren’t just for email, texts, and direct messages. In fact, thieves are turning to old tricks via old-fashioned physical mail. That includes sending phony offers or by impersonating officials of government institutions, all designed to trick you into giving up your personally identifiable information (PII).   

What might that look like in your mailbox? They can take the form of bogus lottery prizes that request bank information for routing (non-existent) winnings. Another favorite of scammers are bogus tax notifications that demand immediate payment. In all, many can look quite convincing at first blush, yet there are ready ways you can spot them. In fact, many of the tips for avoiding these physical mail phishing attacks are the same for avoiding phishing attacks online, which we outline in detail here.   

Redirect your physical mail, essentially committing mail fraud.  

Recently, I’ve seen a few news stories like this where thieves reportedly abuse the change-of-address system with the U.S. Postal Service. Thieves will simply forward your mail to an address of their choosing, which can drop sensitive information like bank and credit card statements in their mailbox. From there, they could potentially have new checks sent to them or perhaps an additional credit card—both of which they can use to drain your accounts and run up your bills.  

The Postal Service has mechanisms in place to prevent this, however. Among which, the Postal Service will send you a physical piece of mail to confirm the forwarding. So, if you ever receive mail from the Postal Service, open it and give it a close look. If you get such a notice and didn’t order the forwarding, visit your local post office to get things straightened out. Likewise, if it seems like you’re missing bills in the mail, that’s another good reason to follow up with your post office and the business in question to see if there have been any changes made in your mail forwarding.   

Protecting your good name (and identity too)  

So while your name and address are out there for practically all to see, they’re largely of little value to an identity thief on their own. But as mentioned above, they are key puzzle pieces to your overall identity. With enough of those other pieces in hand, that’s where an identity thief can cause trouble.  

Other crucial pieces of your identity include:   

Your Social Security Number or tax ID number:  

Let’s start with the biggest one. This is the master key to your identity, as it is one of the most unique identifiers you have. As I covered in my earlier blog on Social Security fraud, a thief can unlock everything from credit history and credit line to tax refunds and medical care with your Social Security or tax ID number. In extreme cases, they can use it to impersonate you for employment, healthcare, and even in the event of an arrest.   

You can protect your Social Security Number by keeping it locked in a safe place (rather than in your wallet) and by providing your number only when absolutely necessary. For more tips on keeping your number safe, drop by that blog on Social Security fraud I mentioned.  

Your passport and driver’s license:  

Thieves have figured out ways of getting around the fact that IDs like these include a photo. They may be able to modify or emulate these documents “well enough” to pull off certain types of fraud, particularly if the people requesting their bogus documents don’t review them with a critical eye.  

Protecting yourself in this case means knowing where these documents are at any time. (With passports, you may want to store those securely like your Social Security or tax ID number.) Also be careful when you share this information, as the identifiers on these documents are highly unique. If you’re uncomfortable with sharing this information, you can ask if other forms of ID might work—or if this information is really needed at all. Also, take a moment to make copies of these documents and store them in a secure place. This can help you provide important info to the proper authorities if they’re lost or stolen.   

Your card and account information:  

With data breaches large and small making the news (and many more that do not), keeping a sharp eye on your accounts is a major part of identity theft prevention. We talk about this topic quite often, and it’s worth another mention because protecting these means protecting yourself from thieves who’re after direct access to your finances and more.   

Secure your digital accounts for banking, credit cards, financials, and shopping by using strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts that you change every 60 days. Sound like a lot of work? Let a password manager do it for you, which you can find in comprehensive online protection software. By changing your strong passwords and keeping them unique can help prevent you from becoming a victim if your account information is part of a breach—by the time a crook attempts to use it, you may have changed it and made it out of date.  

Extra steps for extra identity protection   

In addition to protecting the core forms of identity mentioned above, a few other good habits go a long way toward keeping your identity secure.  

1. Install and use online protection software

By protecting your devices, you protect what’s on them, like your personal information. Comprehensive online protection software can protect your identity in several ways, like creating and managing the strong, unique passwords we talked about and providing further services that monitor and protect your identity—in addition to digital shredders that can permanently remove sensitive documents (simply deleting them won’t do that alone.) Further, it can monitor your identity and monitor your credit, further protecting you from theft and fraud.

2. Shred your stuff

Identity theft where thieves dig through trash or go “dumpster diving” for literal scraps of personal info in bills and statements, has been an issue for some time. You can prevent it by shredding up any paper medical bills, tax documents, and checks once you’re through with them. Paper shredders are inexpensive, and let’s face it, kind of fun too. Also, if you’re traveling, have a trusted someone collects your mail or have the post office put a temporary hold on your mail. Thieves still poach mail from mailboxes too. 

3. Go paperless

Getting statements online cuts the paper out of the equation and thus removes another thing that a thief can physically steal and possibly use against you. Whether you use electronic statements through your bank, credit card company, medical provider, or insurance company, use a secure password and a secure connection provided by a VPN. Both will make theft of your personal info far tougher on identity thieves. 

4. Use a VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network, a service that protects your data and privacy online. It creates an encrypted tunnel to keep you more anonymous online by masking your IP address, device information, and the data you’re passing along that connection. In this way, it makes if far more difficult for advertisers, data brokers, and bad actors to skim your private information—in addition to shielding your information from crooks and snoops while you’re banking, shopping, or handling any kind of sensitive information online. 

5. Monitor your accounts

Give your statements a close look each time they come around. While many companies and institutions have fraud detection mechanisms in place, they don’t always catch every instance of fraud. Look out for strange purchases or charges and follow up with your bank or credit card company if you suspect fraud. Even the smallest charge could be a sign that something shady is afoot. 

6. Check your credit report

This is a powerful tool for spotting identity theft. And in many cases, it’s free to do so. In the U.S., the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the major credit agencies to provide you with a free credit check at least once every 12 months. Canada provides this service, and the UK has options to receive free reports as well, along with several other nations. It’s a great idea to check your credit report, even if you don’t suspect a problem. 

7. Remove your personal data from data broker sites 

If the thought of your personal info being bought and sold puts you off, there’s something you can do about it. Our Personal Data Cleanup service can scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites, and with select products, it can even manage the removal for you. ​

Your name and address are just two pieces of a larger puzzle  

While thieves need more than just your name and address to commit the overwhelming majority of fraud, your name and address are centerpieces of the larger jigsaw puzzle that is your overall identity.   

And the interesting thing is your puzzle gets larger and larger as time goes on. With each new account you create and service that you sign into, that’s one more piece added to the puzzle. Thieves love getting their hands on any pieces they can because with enough of them in place they can try and pull a fast one in your name. By looking after each piece and knowing what your larger jigsaw puzzle looks like, you can help keep identity thieves out of your business and your life. 

The post Can Thieves Steal Identities With Only a Name and Address? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

7 Common Digital Behaviors that Put Your Family’s Privacy at Risk

By Toni Birdsong

It would be impossible nowadays to separate our everyday lives from technology. We travel well-worn, comfortable paths online and engage in digital activities that work for us. But could those seemingly harmless habits be putting out the welcome to cyber criminals out to steal our data? 

It’s a given that our “digital-first mindset”  comes with inherent risks. With the work and learn from home shift looking more permanent and cybercrime on the rise, it’s imperative to adopt new mindsets and put new skills in motion. The first step with any change? Admitting your family may have a few bad habits to fix. Here are just a few to consider.  

7 Risky Digital Behaviors  

1. You share toooo much online. Too Much Information, yes, TMI. Oversharing personal information online is easy access for bad actors online. Those out to do harm online have made it their life’s work to piece together your personal details so they can steal your identity—or worse. Safe Family Tips: Encourage your family not to post private information such as their full name, family member names, city, address, school name, extracurricular activities, and pet names. Also, get in the habit of a) setting social media profiles to private, b) regularly scrubbing personal information on social profiles—this includes profile info, comments, and even captions that reveal too much c) regularly editing your friends lists to people you know and trust.  

2. You’ve gotten lazy about passwords. It’s tough to keep up with everything these days. We get it. However, passwords are essential. They protect your digital life—much like locks on doors protect your physical life. Safe Family Tips: Layer up your protection. Use multi-factor authentication to safeguard user authenticity and add a layer of security to protect personal data and all family devices. Consider adding comprehensive software that includes a password manager as well as virus and malware protection. This level of protection can add both power and peace of mind to your family’s online security strategy.   

3. You casually use public Wi-Fi. It’s easy to do. If you are working away from home or on a family trip, you may need to purchase something, meet a deadline, or send sensitive documents quickly. Public Wi-Fi is easy and fast, but it’s also loaded with security gaps that cybercriminals camp out on. Safe Family Tip: If you must conduct transactions on a public Wi-Fi connection, consider McAfee Total Protection. It includes antivirus and safe browsing software, plus a secure VPN.  

4. You have too many unvetted apps. We love apps, but can we trust them? Unfortunately, when it comes to security and privacy, apps are notoriously risky and getting tougher to trust as app technology evolves. So, what can you do? Safe Family Tips: A few things you can do include a) Double-checking app permissions. Before granting access to an app, ask yourself: Does this app need what it’s asking me to share? Apps should not ask for access to your data, b) researching the app and checking its security level and if there have been breaches, c) reading user reviews, d) routinely deleting dormant and unused apps from your phone. This is important to do on your phone and your laptop, e) monitor your credit report for questionable activity that may be connected to a malicious app or any number of online scams.  

5. You’ve gotten too comfortable online. If you think that a data breach, financial theft, or catfish scam can’t happen to you or your family, it’s a sign you may be too comfortable online. Growing strong digital habits is an ongoing discipline. If you started strong but have loosened your focus, it’s easy to get back to it. Safe Family Tips: Some of the most vulnerable areas to your privacy can be your kids’ social media. They may be oversharing, downloading malicious apps, and engaging with questionable people online that could pose a risk to your family. Consider regularly monitoring your child’s online activity (without hovering or spying). Physically pick up their devices to vet new apps and check they’ve maintained all privacy settings.  

6. You lack a unified family security strategy. Consider it: If each family member owns three devices, your family has countless security gaps. Closing those gaps requires a unified plan. Safe Family Tips: a) Sit down and talk about baseline security practices every family member should follow, b) inventory your technology, including IoT devices, smartphones, game systems, tablets, and toys, c) make “keeping the bad guys out” fun for kids and a challenge for teens. Sit and change passwords together, review privacy settings, reduce friend lists. Come up with a reward system that tallies and recognizes each positive security step. 

7. You ignore updates. Those updates you’re putting off? They may be annoying, but most of them are security-related, so it’s wise to install them as they come out. Safe Family Tip: Many people make it a habit to change their passwords every time they install a new update. We couldn’t agree more.  

Technology continues to evolve and open extraordinary opportunities to families every day. However, it’s also opening equally extraordinary opportunities for bad actors banking on consumers’ casual security habits. Let’s stop them in their tracks. If you nodded to any of the above habits, you aren’t alone. Today is a new day, and putting better digital habits in motion begins right here, right now.  

The post 7 Common Digital Behaviors that Put Your Family’s Privacy at Risk appeared first on McAfee Blog.
