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Apple's New Feature Will Install Security Updates Automatically Without Full OS Update

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Apple has introduced a Rapid Security Response feature in iOS 16 and macOS Ventura that's designed to deploy security fixes without the need for a full operating system version update. "macOS security gets even stronger with new tools that make the Mac more resistant to attack, including Rapid Security Response that works in between normal updates to easily keep security up to date without a

Wedding Planning App Users Hacked Before the Big Day

By McAfee

Say you’re getting married. You and your partner have booked the venue, made the seating arrangements, trained your dog to be the ring bearer – and everything is running smoothly. You’ve used a trusty wedding planning website to make everything a breeze. Nothing could ruin this day for you! Except, there’s an uninvited guest. They’re not crashing the wedding and making an awkward toast, but they’ve crashed into your wedding planning website account and now have access to your information.  

There are many things that could go wrong during wedding planning – some of them out of anyone’s control. Maybe the caterer canceled last minute, or the live band is stuck in traffic. Other things may be easily avoided, but you don’t necessarily see them coming. Like a hacker accessing your wedding website and making fraudulent bank transfers right before your big day. 

The Wedding Crasher 

Zola, a wedding planning site allowing couples to create websites, budgets, and gift registries, confirmed that hackers had managed to access the accounts of some of their users, The Verge reported. Once these accounts were infiltrated, hackers used the linked bank accounts or funds held inside the site to make cash transfers. The main method these cybercriminals used was purchasing gift cards through the user’s account and sending them to their email addresses to avoid being easily traced. 

These criminals did not hack the Zola website itself but hacked their users’ accounts with a method called credential stuffing. This is a strategy where hackers take email and password combinations involved in previous breaches of other websites and use them to log into other online profiles. 

You may not even know that your information had been breached previously and that cybercriminals now had your logins for a number of different accounts. Luckily, there are ways to protect yourself and your information from credential stuffing tactics to stop hackers in their tracks. 

Tell Credential Stuffing to Go Stuff It 

Just because you’ve hypothetically grown up and are ready for lifelong commitments doesn’t mean you’ve outgrown those old trusty email addresses and passwords (hello, “basketball4life23”). There’s a level of nostalgia that comes with using the email account that you made in middle school, or maybe you just haven’t gotten around to changing it. However, keeping those old email addresses and logins are doing you more harm than good. Want to make sure that hackers aren’t able to credential stuff your accounts? Here are some trusty tips to keep your information safe. 

Track down and close old accounts 

The best way to know that your old accounts aren’t coming back to haunt you is to make sure those ancient logins are dead and gone. If you don’t remember all the accounts you’ve made and no longer use, don’t sweat it! There are settings through your internet browser that will show you all the accounts and passwords you have saved. A password manager also keeps track of all your credentials, so you don’t have to wrack your brain to try and remember every account you’ve ever made. Once you’ve gone through all your old online accounts you no longer use, close them for good! Though this step will require some time and patience, it’s always better to put in the effort and know your information is safe than to risk it. 

Create strong and unique passwords 

Only having to remember one password for every account may make logging in easier, but ensuring that each of your accounts is unique and secure is worth the extra effort. Having a strong and unique password for each of your accounts helps protect them from credential stuffing and other threats. Varying your passwords across online accounts will assure you that if one of them is breached, the others will remain safe. A password manager can also help with this step, because many of them, such as True Key, can generate strong, random, and unique passwords for every account. 

Update credentials when necessary 

Keep an eye out to make sure that if a website or company you have an account with is breached, you are updating your credentials so that hackers can’t access them. If you see that there has been a hack and your information is vulnerable, immediately update your logins and passwords on that account to keep yourself safe. 

Use multifactor authentication 

Using multifactor authentication adds an extra layer of protection to your accounts. This safety measure requires more than one method of identity verification to access the account, helping to prevent criminals from gaining access to your password-protected information.   

Don’t let cybercriminals get the jump on you! Take the necessary steps to protect your accounts and your personal information. Though combing through your old accounts and deleting them or coming up with a new and unique password for every site login isn’t a glamourous activity, you’ll enjoy greater peace of mind that your accounts are safe, leaving you free to enjoy life’s best moments.  

The post Wedding Planning App Users Hacked Before the Big Day appeared first on McAfee Blog.

New Privacy Framework for IoT Devices Gives Users Control Over Data Sharing

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A newly designed privacy-sensitive architecture aims to enable developers to create smart home apps in a manner that addresses data sharing concerns and puts users in control over their personal information.  Dubbed Peekaboo by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, the system "leverages an in-home hub to pre-process and minimize outgoing data in a structured and enforceable manner before

MIT Researchers Discover New Flaw in Apple M1 CPUs That Can't Be Patched

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A novel hardware attack dubbed PACMAN has been demonstrated against Apple's M1 processor chipsets, potentially arming a malicious actor with the capability to gain arbitrary code execution on macOS systems. It leverages "speculative execution attacks to bypass an important memory protection mechanism, ARM Pointer Authentication, a security feature that is used to enforce pointer integrity," MIT

What is the Essential Eight (And Why Non-Aussies Should Care)

By The Hacker News
In 2017, The Australian Cyber Security Center (ACSC) published a set of mitigation strategies that were designed to help organizations to protect themselves against cyber security incidents. These strategies, which became known as the Essential Eight, are designed specifically for use on Windows networks, although variations of these strategies are commonly applied to other platforms. What is

Google Researchers Detail 5-Year-Old Apple Safari Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A security flaw in Apple Safari that was exploited in the wild earlier this year was originally fixed in 2013 and reintroduced in December 2016, according to a new report from Google Project Zero. The issue, tracked as CVE-2022-22620 (CVSS score: 8.8), concerns a case of a use-after-free vulnerability in the WebKit component that could be exploited by a piece of specially crafted web content to

U.S. FCC Commissioner Asks Apple and Google to Remove TikTok from App Stores

By Ravie Lakshmanan
One of the commissioners of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has renewed calls asking for Apple and Google to boot the popular video-sharing platform TikTok from their app stores citing "its pattern of surreptitious data practices." "It is clear that TikTok poses an unacceptable national security risk due to its extensive data harvesting being combined with Beijing's apparently

Amazon Quietly Patches 'High Severity' Vulnerability in Android Photos App

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Amazon, in December 2021, patched a high severity vulnerability affecting its Photos app for Android that could have been exploited to steal a user's access tokens. "The Amazon access token is used to authenticate the user across multiple Amazon APIs, some of which contain personal data such as full name, email, and address," Checkmarx researchers João Morais and Pedro Umbelino said. "Others,

Kids & Cash Apps: What Parents Need to Know

By Toni Birdsong

Fewer people carry cash these days, kids included. This growing paperless reality fast-forwards the parenting task of educating kids on financial responsibility. As of 2021, most cash apps allow kids 13 and up to open accounts (previously, the age was 18). Kids can also get a cash app debit card for retail purchases. But while cash apps are a popular and convenient tool, they come with some risks families should consider.  

Instant Transactions 

Cash apps allow kids to exchange money with friends directly from a secondary established account, much like handing another person cash. Cash apps have become a popular tool with kids and an easy way to split costs or pay someone for a purchase. Cash apps also come in handy for families and allow parents to instantly send their children money for daily expenses such as school or sports fees, meals, purchases, or entertainment. Some common cash apps include Venmo, Zelle, Cash App (Square), Pay Pal, Zelle, and Facebook Pay, among others.   

Some Risk 

Sounds awesome right? But with ease comes risk. Most money transfer app funds are not FDIC insured. That means if your child (or you) accidentally sends money to an unintended recipient, they may have a tough time recovering those funds.  

Every app comes with some degree of risk. While the leading cash apps are considered secure and can be used with little concern, there’s always the potential of a cyber crook finding a security loophole that exposes your money, banking information, and identity.  

10 Cash App Safety Tips for Families 

  1. Discuss the risks. Clicks within a cash transfer app equal real cash. Help your kids understand digital money is equal to actual dollars. Take the time to discuss current scams and how to practice extra care when using cash apps.  
  2. Use safeguards. Using security best practices is not a skill that comes naturally to most people. It’s something that must be practiced and improved constantly. Just like computers, mobile devices can be infected with viruses and malware. One way to protect mobile devices (and cash apps) is to subscribe to a mobile antivirus product, such asMcAfee Mobile Security, which includessafe browsing, scanning for maliciousapps, and locating your device if it is lost or stolen. 
  3. Layer up app security. In addition to an antivirus tool, guide your kids in how to add additional security to their cash apps. Guide them in how to follow password security protocols and how to add protection in the form of a PIN code, facial ID, or fingerprint ID. While you are at it, make sure your child locks their device in the same way. These steps offer more protection in case your child’s phone is stolen or lost, and a stranger attempts to use the cash app.  
  4. Slow down and verify. As fast as kids’ fingers move on keypads, advise your child to slow down and verify spelling and a recipient’s account address when using a cash app. Most cash app providers will not help users recover misdirected funds. One typo or clicking on the wrong Jake Williams in the recipient list can cost you or your child big bucks.  
  5. Only connect with friends.When using cashapps, advise kids to only exchange money with people they know. Scammers have been known to befriend minors only to ask for a loan or offer goods or services. Once the payment is sent, the scammer instantly deletes their accounts and is gone without a trace.  
  6. Stay on top of cash app scams. CheckBBB Scam Trackerto see how bad actors are targeting cash app users. In searching cash app scams on this site, consider reading the personal stories (click “details” of each reported scam) of the people who have been victimized. This might be a very effective way to converse with your kids about the natural consequences of online scams.  
  7. Safeguard personal data. Remind kids not to share their email, address, or other information. Also, avoid clicking pop-up ads, trendy quizzes, and random website URLs designed to plant malware on a device that steals bits and pieces of personal info that can be used for various attacks, including financial and identity theft.  
  8. Link your app with a credit card. If possible, consider linking your child’s cash app to a credit card rather than a bank account. Debit cards remove cash from an account instantly, but credit cards offer consumer protection in cases of fraudulent transactions. The one drawback is that a credit card company will charge interest on your balance.  
  9. Keep app balances low. Cyber crooks can’t steal funds that aren’t there. For that reason, it’s wise to keep balances low in your child’s cash app account.  
  10. Teach financial literacy basics. The cash app conversation is an excellent opportunity to begin or expand your family’s conversation on financial literacy. Here are several helpful resources that will help you teach your kids financial literacy at any age.     

The use of cash apps is here to stay and, no doubt, an integral part of the overall paperless fast track we’re all on. Guiding kids into this realm equipped with knowledge and confidence is a powerful way parents can help kids enjoy the responsibility of money without falling prey to digital risks.     

The post Kids & Cash Apps: What Parents Need to Know appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Setting Up Parental Controls in TikTok, Instagram & Snapchat

By Toni Birdsong

It’s a question we get a lot from parents: “How can I keep my kids safe when they are constantly hopping between so many different apps?” We get it, there’s a lot to stay on top and all of it changes constantly. Unfortunately, that question doesn’t have a simple answer. But there are some baseline actions every parent can take to boost their child’s safety on popular apps like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram.  

The safety equation is threefold, with every piece as important to your child’s overall safety as the next.  

  1. Connection and conversation. The first part of the safety equation is maintaining a strong relationship with your child so that dialogue (two-way; no lectures) on digital safety and wellbeing becomes commonplace and they know they can come to you if they have a problem. One way to keep those conversations rolling is to download your child’s favorite apps so that you understand first-hand how the communities work and the type of content that’s being shared. 
  2. Install parental controls. The second part of the safety equation is to add parental controls. Do we have an agenda here? You betcha! For decades, we’ve put some of the world’s brightest engineering minds into designing digital tools that allow families to enjoy the best of the Internet without giving them the rest of the Internet that could put their emotional and physical wellbeing at risk. McAfee’s targeted software helps parents monitor and filter web searches and content, set time limits, and view daily activity reports.  
  3. Access platform tools. The third way is to take a few minutes to ensure your kids are using the platform-level tools available on both their devices and within the apps. Both Apple and Android phones have basic safety and wellbeing features. Additionally, the apps your kids likely love—Tik Tok, Snapchat, and Instagram—have their own set of safety tools.  

Screentime is Climbing 

A report released in 2021 by Common Sense Media found that teenagers (ages 13-18) use an average of nine hours of entertainment media per day and that tweens (ages 8-12) use an average of six hours a day, not including time spent using media for school or homework. The report also found that boys spend more time on gaming devices while girls spend more time on social media and that mobile devices now account for 41% of all screen time among tweens and 46% among teens. 

With those numbers increasing each year, it’s even more important to understand the different ways parents can help kids stay safe. Let’s break down a few safety basics on each app that are easy to access and use.    

Tik Tok Safety 

TikTok has some impressive safety guidelines broken down into topics parents could easily use as a springboard for some great family discussions. The guidelines and the Safety Center cover issues such as dangerous TikTok challenges and how to deal with other digital threats such as bullying, sexual content, fake news, and hateful behavior. You can increase safeguards using TikTok’s: 

  • Family Pairing. TikTok offers Family Pairing that allows parents to link their account with their child’s to co-control settings on privacy and content. This TikTok feature allows a parent to monitor and manage screen time, direct messages, set restrictions, and control friend and comment filters.  
  • Restricted Mode. There is a Restricted mode for accounts that can help filter basic mature content on TikTok. 
  • Privacy Settings. To ensure your child isn’t connecting with unknown people on TikTok, you can go into the settings and make their account private.  
  • Digital Wellbeing. We all know how easy it is to get sucked into spending hours on an app without even getting up to stretch or give our eyes or minds a break. Turning this function on will send alerts to users who have been on the app for more than two hours.  

Snapchat Safety 

Every app functions differently and thus, offers different ways to boost security. Snapchat provides a helpful guide for parents and educators, including safety tips and conversation starters. You can increase safeguards using Snapchat’s: 

  • Privacy Settings. Sit down with your child to ensure their privacy settings are adjusted to choose who can send them Snaps, view their Stories, or see their location on Snap Map. They can also manage who views your child’s content with My Story. 
  • Friends Only Feature. Snapchat was made for keeping in touch with your close friends, so the app Safety Center recommends users “only friend or accepts friend requests from people that you know in real life.” 
  • Report Abuse Feature. Ensure your kids understand how to report abuse on Snapchat, including harassment, bullying, or other safety concerns. If someone makes them uncomfortable, they can block that Snapchatter and leave any group chat. Here’s more on reporting abuse or safety concerns. 
  • Think before you share. Snaps are designed to delete by default within 24 hours. However, remind your kids that people who send Snaps can still take a screenshot or take a picture of the Snap with another device. Therefore, on Snapchat especially, advise your kids to think before sharing. 

Instagram Safety 

Instagram offers parents and minor users a library of safety and mental health resources accessible via the app’s Community Tab at the bottom of its home page. You can increase safeguards using Instagram’s: 

  • Family Center. A parent or guardian can supervise a teen’s Instagram account, provide extra support, and help balance their time. Parents of teens can remove supervision anytime, and the tool is automatically removed when the teen turns 18. 
  • Privacy Controls. Your teen’s account can be set to private, which means their content will only be seen by approved followers. In addition, they can also block and report abusive accounts.  
  • Comment Controls. Avoid unwanted interactions by encouraging your child to use “Comment Controls.” In addition, reporting and blocking tools also allow them to manage who can comment on their posts.  
  • Direct Message Safeguards. Instagram restricts Direct Messages (DMs) between teens (under 18) and adults they don’t follow. When an adult tries to message a teen who doesn’t follow them, they receive a notification that DM’ing that teen isn’t an option. For adults and teens already connected (i.e., one account follows the other), Instagram sends safety notices encouraging teens to be cautious in conversations with adults who have exhibited potentially suspicious behavior. (Note: This feature does not protect kids from connecting with fraudulent catfish accounts created using false profile and age information). 

One of the most powerful safety features is you—a child’s mom, dad, or guardian. Your face-to-face, heart-to-heart connection will speak loudest in your child’s life. If you haven’t lately, ask your child what’s going on in their digital life, who their friends are, what they’ve created to share, and what’s new, hilarious, or trending. You may get some resistance now and then but don’t let that discourage you from pressing in and doing all the things that help keep them as safe as possible online.   

The post Setting Up Parental Controls in TikTok, Instagram & Snapchat appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Apple's New "Lockdown Mode" Protects iPhone, iPad, and Mac Against Spyware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Apple on Wednesday announced it plans to introduce an enhanced security setting called Lockdown Mode in iOS 16, iPadOS 16, and macOS Ventura to safeguard high-risk users against "highly targeted cyberattacks." The "extreme, optional protection" feature, now available for preview in beta versions of its upcoming software, is designed to counter a surge in threats posed by private companies

Avoiding Death by a Thousand Scripts: Using Automated Content Security Policies

By The Hacker News
Businesses know they need to secure their client-side scripts. Content security policies (CSPs) are a great way to do that. But CSPs are cumbersome. One mistake and you have a potentially significant client-side security gap. Finding those gaps means long and tedious hours (or days) in manual code reviews through thousands of lines of script on your web applications. Automated content security

Microsoft Details App Sandbox Escape Bug Impacting Apple iOS, iPadOS, macOS Devices

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Microsoft on Wednesday shed light on a now patched security vulnerability affecting Apple's operating systems that, if successfully exploited, could allow attackers to escalate device privileges and deploy malware. "An attacker could take advantage of this sandbox escape vulnerability to gain elevated privileges on the affected device or execute malicious commands like installing additional

Google Removes "App Permissions" List from Play Store for New "Data Safety" Section

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Following the launch of a new "Data safety" section for the Android app on the Play Store, Google appears to be readying to remove the app permissions list from both the mobile app and the web. The change was highlighted by Esper's Mishaal Rahman earlier this week. The Data safety section, which Google began rolling out in late April 2022, is the company's answer to Apple's Privacy Nutrition

New Air-Gap Attack Uses SATA Cable as an Antenna to Transfer Radio Signals

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new method devised to leak information and jump over air-gaps takes advantage of Serial Advanced Technology Attachment (SATA) or Serial ATA cables as a communication medium, adding to a long list of electromagnetic, magnetic, electric, optical, and acoustic methods already demonstrated to plunder data. "Although air-gap computers have no wireless connectivity, we show that attackers can use

Experts Uncover New CloudMensis Spyware Targeting Apple macOS Users

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have taken the wraps off a previously undocumented spyware targeting the Apple macOS operating system. The malware, codenamed CloudMensis by Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET, is said to exclusively use public cloud storage services such as pCloud, Yandex Disk, and Dropbox for receiving attacker commands and exfiltrating files. "Its capabilities clearly show that the

Apple Releases Security Patches for all Devices Fixing Dozens of New Vulnerabilities

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Apple on Wednesday rolled out software fixes for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS to address a number of security flaws affecting its platforms. This includes at least 37 flaws spanning different components in iOS and macOS that range from privilege escalation to arbitrary code execution and from information disclosure to denial-of-service (DoS). <!--adsense--> Chief among them is CVE-2022-

Massive Losses Define Epidemic of ‘Pig Butchering’

By BrianKrebs

U.S. state and federal investigators are being inundated with reports from people who’ve lost hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars in connection with a complex investment scam known as “pig butchering,” wherein people are lured by flirtatious strangers online into investing in cryptocurrency trading platforms that eventually seize any funds when victims try to cash out.

The term “pig butchering” refers to a time-tested, heavily scripted, and human-intensive process of using fake profiles on dating apps and social media to lure people into investing in elaborate scams. In a more visceral sense, pig butchering means fattening up a prey before the slaughter.

“The fraud is named for the way scammers feed their victims with promises of romance and riches before cutting them off and taking all their money,” the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warned in April 2022. “It’s run by a fraud ring of cryptocurrency scammers who mine dating apps and other social media for victims and the scam is becoming alarmingly popular.”

As documented in a series of investigative reports published over the past year across Asia, the people creating these phony profiles are largely men and women from China and neighboring countries who have been kidnapped and trafficked to places like Cambodia, where they are forced to scam complete strangers over the Internet — day after day.

The most prevalent pig butchering scam today involves sophisticated cryptocurrency investment platforms, where investors invariably see fantastic returns on their deposits — until they try to withdraw the funds. At that point, investors are told they owe huge tax bills. But even those who pay the phony levies never see their money again.

The come-ons for these scams are prevalent on dating sites and apps, but they also frequently start with what appears to be a wayward SMS — such as an instant message about an Uber ride that never showed. Or a reminder from a complete stranger about a planned meetup for coffee. In many ways, the content of the message is irrelevant; the initial goal to simply to get the recipient curious enough to respond in some way.

Those who respond are asked to continue the conversation via WhatsApp, where an attractive, friendly profile of the opposite gender will work through a pre-set script that is tailored to their prey’s apparent socioeconomic situation. For example, a divorced, professional female who responds to these scams will be handled with one profile type and script, while other scripts are available to groom a widower, a young professional, or a single mom.


That’s according to Erin West, deputy district attorney for Santa Clara County in Northern California. West said her office has been fielding a large number of pig butchering inquiries from her state, but also from law enforcement entities around the country that are ill-equipped to investigate such fraud.

“The people forced to perpetrate these scams have a guide and a script, where if your victim is divorced say this, or a single mom say this,” West said. “The scale of this is so massive. It’s a major problem with no easy answers, but also with victim volumes I’ve never seen before. With victims who are really losing their minds and in some cases are suicidal.”

West is a key member of REACT, a task force set up to tackle especially complex forms of cyber theft involving virtual currencies. West said the initial complaints from pig butchering victims came early this year.

“I first thought they were one-off cases, and then I realized we were getting these daily,” West said. “A lot of them are being reported to local agencies that don’t know what to do with them, so the cases languish.”

West said pig butchering victims are often quite sophisticated and educated people.

“One woman was a university professor who lost her husband to COVID, got lonely and was chatting online, and eventually ended up giving away her retirement,” West recalled of a recent case. “There are just horrifying stories that run the gamut in terms of victims, from young women early in their careers, to senior citizens and even to people working in the financial services industry.”

In some cases reported to REACT, the victims said they spent days or weeks corresponding with the phony WhatsApp persona before the conversation shifted to investing.

“They’ll say ‘Hey, this is the food I’m eating tonight’ and the picture they share will show a pretty setting with a glass of wine, where they’re showcasing an enviable lifestyle but not really mentioning anything about how they achieved that,” West said. “And then later, maybe a few hours or days into the conversation, they’ll say, ‘You know I made some money recently investing in crypto,’ kind of sliding into the topic as if this wasn’t what they were doing the whole time.”

Curious investors are directed toward elaborate and official-looking online crypto platforms that appear to have thousands of active investors. Many of these platforms include extensive study materials and tutorials on cryptocurrency investing. New users are strongly encouraged to team up with more seasoned investors on the platform, and to make only small investments that they can afford to lose.

The now-defunct homepage of xtb-market[.]com, a scam cryptocurrency platform tied to a pig butchering scheme.

“They’re able to see some value increase, and maybe even be allowed to take out that value increase so that they feel comfortable about the situation,” West said. Some investors then need little encouragement to deposit additional funds, which usually generate increasingly higher “returns.”

West said many crypto trading platforms associated with pig butchering scams appear to have been designed much like a video game, where investor hype is built around upcoming “trading opportunities” that hint at even more fantastic earnings.

“There are bonus levels and VIP levels, and they’ll build hype and a sense of frenzy into the trading,” West said. “There are definitely some psychological mechanisms at work to encourage people to invest more.”

“What’s so devastating about many of the victims is they lose that sense of who they are,” she continued. “They thought they were a savvy, sophisticated person, someone who’s sort of immune to scams. I think the large scale of the trickery and psychological manipulation being used here can’t be understated. It’s like nothing I’ve seen before.”

A $5,000,000 LOSS

Courtney Nolan, a divorced mother of three daughters, says she lost more than $5 million to a pig butchering scam. Nolan lives in St. Louis and has a background in investment finance, but only started investing in cryptocurrencies in the past year.

Nolan’s case may be especially bad because she was already interested in crypto investing when the scammer reached out. At the time, Bitcoin was trading at or near all-time highs of nearly $68,000 per coin.

Nolan said her nightmare began in late 2021 with a Twitter direct message from someone who was following many of the same cryptocurrency influencers she followed. Her fellow crypto enthusiast then suggested they continue their discussion on WhatsApp. After much back and forth about his trading strategies, her new friend agreed to mentor her on how to make reliable profits using the crypto trading platform

“I had dabbled in leveraged trading before, but his mentor program gave me over 100 pages of study materials and agreed to walk me through their investment strategies over the course of a year,” Nolan told KrebsOnSecurity.

Nolan’s mentor had her create an account website xtb-market[.]com, which was made to be confusingly similar to XTB’s official platform. The site promoted several different investment packages, including a “starter plan” that involves a $5,250 up-front investment and promises more than 15 percent return across four separate trading bursts.

Platinum plans on xtb-market promised a whopping 45 percent ROI, with a minimum investment of $265,000. The site also offered a generous seven percent commission for referrals, which encouraged new investors to recruit others.

The now-defunct xtb-market[.]com.

While chatting via WhatsApp, Nolan and her mentor would trade side by side in xtb-market, initially with small investments ranging from $500 to $5,000. When those generated hefty returns, Nolan made bigger deposits. On several occasions she was able to withdraw amounts ranging from $10,000 to $30,000.

But after investing more than $4.5 million of her own money over nearly four months, Nolan found her account was suddenly frozen. She was then issued a tax statement saying she owed nearly $500,000 in taxes before she could reactivate her account or access her funds.

Nolan said it seems obvious in hindsight that she should never have paid the tax bill. Because xtb-market and her mentor cut all communications with her after that, and the entire website disappeared just a few weeks later.

Justin Maile, an investigation partner manager at Chainalysis, told Vice News that the tax portion of the pig butchering scam relies on the “sunk costs fallacy,” when people are reluctant to abandon a failing strategy or course of action because they have already invested heavily in it.

“Once the victim starts getting skeptical or tries to withdraw their funds, they are often told that they have to pay tax on the gains before funds can be unlocked,” Maile told Vice News. “The scammers will try to get any last payments out of the victims by exploiting the sunk cost fallacy and dangling huge profits in front of them.”

Vice recently published an in-depth report on pig butchering’s link to organized crime gangs in Asia that lure young job seekers with the promise of customer service jobs in call centers. Instead, those who show up at the appointed place and time are taken on long car rides and/or forced hikes across the borders into Cambodia, where they are pressed into indentured servitude.

Vice found many of the people forced to work in pig-butchering scams are being held in Chinese-owned casinos operating in Cambodia. Many of those casinos were newly built when the Covid pandemic hit. As the new casinos and hotels sat empty, organized crime groups saw an opportunity to use these facilities to generate huge income streams, and many foreign travelers stranded in neighboring countries were eventually trafficked to these scam centers.

Vice reports:

“While figures on the number of people in scam centers in Cambodia is unknown, best estimates pieced together from various sources point to the tens of thousands across scam centers in Sihanoukville, Phnom Penh, and sites in border regions Poipet and Bavet. In April, Thailand’s assistant national police commissioner said 800 Thai citizens had been rescued from scam centers in Cambodia in recent months, with a further 1,000 citizens still trapped across the country. One Vietnamese worker estimated 300 of his compatriots were held on just one floor in a tall office block hosting scam operations.”

“…within Victory Paradise Resort alone there were 7,000 people, the majority from mainland China, but also Indonesians, Singaporeans and Filipinos. According to the Khmer Times, one 10-building complex of high-rises in Sihanoukville, known as The China Project, holds between 8,000 to 10,000 people participating in various scams—a workforce that would generate profits around the $1 billion mark each year at $300 per worker per day.”


REACTs’ West said while there are a large number of pig butchering victims reporting their victimization to the FBI, very few are receiving anything more than instructions about filing a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), which keeps track of cybercrime losses and victims.

“There’s a huge gap in victims that are seeing any kind of service at all, where they’re reporting to the FBI but not being able to talk to anyone,” she said. “They’re filling out the IC3 form and never hearing back. It sort of feels like the federal government is ignoring this, so people are going to local agencies, which are sending these victims our way.”

For many younger victims of pig butchering, even losses of a few thousand dollars can be financially devastating. KrebsOnSecurity recently heard from two different readers who said they were in their 20s and lost more than $40,000 each when the investment platforms they were trading on vanished with their money.

The FBI can often bundle numerous IC3 complaints involving the same assailants and victims into a single case for federal prosecutors to pursue the guilty, and/or try to recapture what was stolen. In general, however, victims of crypto crimes rarely see that money again, or if they do it can take many years.

“The next piece is what can we actually do with these cases,” West said. “We used to frame success as getting bad people behind bars, but these cases leave us as law enforcement with not a lot of opportunity there.”

West said the good news is U.S. authorities are seeing some success in freezing cryptocurrency wallets suspected of being tied to large-scale cybercriminal operations. Indeed, Nolan told KrebsOnSecurity that her losses were substantial enough to warrant an official investigation by the FBI, which she says has since taken steps to freeze at least some of the assets tied to xtb-market[.]com.

Likewise, West said she was recently able to freeze cryptocurrency funds stolen from some pig butchering victims, and now REACT is focusing on helping state and local authorities learn how to do the same.

“It’s important to be able to mobilize quickly and know how to freeze and seize crypto and get it back to its rightful owner,” West said. “We definitely have made seizures in cases involving pig butchering, but we haven’t gotten that back to the rightful owners yet.”

In April, the FBI warned Internet users to be on guard against pig butchering scams, which it said attracts victims with “promises of romance and riches” before duping them out of their money. The IC3 said it received more than 4,300 complaints related to crypto-romance scams, resulting in losses of more than $429 million.

Here are some common elements of a pig butchering scam:

Dating apps: Pig-butchering attempts are common on dating apps, but they can begin with almost any type of communication, including SMS text messages.
WhatsApp: In virtually all documented cases of pig butchering, the target is moved fairly quickly into chatting with the scammer via WhatsApp.
No video: The scammers will come up with all kinds of excuses not to do a video call. But they will always refuse.
Investment chit-chat: Your contact (eventually) claims to have inside knowledge about the cryptocurrency market and can help you make money.

The FBI’s tips on avoiding crypto scams:

-Never send money, trade, or invest based on the advice of someone you have only met online.
-Don’t talk about your current financial status to unknown and untrusted people.
-Don’t provide your banking information, Social Security Number, copies of your identification or passport, or any other sensitive information to anyone online or to a site you do not know is legitimate.
-If an online investment or trading site is promoting unbelievable profits, it is most likely that—unbelievable.
-Be cautious of individuals who claim to have exclusive investment opportunities and urge you to act fast.

Google Bringing the Android App Permissions Section Back to the Play Store

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How Data Brokers Sell Your Identity

By McAfee

Our personal and professional lives are becoming increasingly intertwined with the online world. Regular internet usage has made us all prone to cyber-security risks. You leave a digital footprint every time you use the internet, which is a trace of all your online activities.  

When you create new accounts or subscribe to different websites, you give them explicit (or implicit, through their family of apps or subsidiary websites) access to your personal and credit card information. In other cases, websites might track basic information without your knowledge, such as your location and search history. 

There is an industry of data brokers specifically dedicated to keeping track of user data, packaging it, and supplying it to tech companies who use it to run targeted ads and enhance on-platform user experience. Given the widespread use of the internet and exponential improvements in technology, data has become a valuable commodity — creating a need for the sale and purchase of user data.  

This article discusses how data brokers sell your personal information and how you can minimize risk. 

What are data brokers?

Data brokers are companies that aggregate user information from various sources on the internet. They collect, collate, package, and sometimes even analyze this data to create a holistic and coherent version of you online. This data is then supplied to tech companies to fuel their third-party advertising-centered business models.  

Companies interested in buying data include but are not limited to: 


  • Tech platforms 
  • Banks 
  • Insurance companies 
  • Political consultancies 
  • Marketing firms 
  • Retailers 
  • Crime-fighting bureaus 
  • Investigation bureaus 
  • Video streaming service providers 
  • Any other businesses involved in sales  

These companies and social media platforms use your data to better understand target demographics and the content with which they interact. While the practice isn’t unethical in and of itself (personalizing user experiences and creating more convenient UIs are usually cited as the primary reasons for it), it does make your data vulnerable to malicious attacks targeted toward big-tech servers. 

How do data brokers get your information?

Most of your online activities are related. Devices like your phone, laptop, tablets, and even fitness watches are linked to each other. Moreover, you might use one email ID for various accounts and subscriptions. This online interconnectedness makes it easier for data brokers to create a cohesive user profile.  

Mobile phone apps are the most common way for data brokerage firms to collect your data. You might have countless apps for various purposes, such as financial transactions, health and fitness, or social media 

A number of these apps usually fall under the umbrella of the same or subsidiary family of apps, all of which work toward collecting and supplying data to big tech platforms. Programs like Google’s AdSense make it easier for developers to monetize their apps in exchange for the user information they collect.  

Data brokers also collect data points like your home address, full name, Social Security number, phone number, and date of birth. They have automated scraping tools to quickly collect relevant information from public profiles.[Text Wrapping Break] 

Lastly, data brokers can gather data from other third parties that track your cookies or even place trackers or cookies on your browsers. Cookies are small data files that track your online activities when visiting different websites. They track your IP address and browsing history, which third parties can exploit. Cookies are also the reason you see personalized ads and products. 

How data brokers sell your identity 

Data brokers collate your private information into one package and sell it to “people search” websites like Spokeo or TruePeopleSearch. You or a tech business can use these websites to search for people and get extensive consumer data. People search sites also contain public records like voter registration information, marriage records, and birth certificates. This data is used for consumer research and large-scale data analysis.  

Next, marketing and sales firms are some of data brokers’ biggest clients. These companies purchase massive data sets from data brokers to research your data profile. They have advanced algorithms to segregate users into various consumer groups and target you specifically. Their predictive algorithms can suggest personalized ads and products to generate higher lead generation and conversation percentages for their clients.  

Are data brokers legal?

We tend to accept the terms and conditions that various apps ask us to accept without thinking twice or reading the fine print. You probably cannot proceed without letting the app track certain data or giving your personal information. To a certain extent, we trade some of our privacy for convenience. This becomes public information, and apps and data brokers collect, track, and use our data however they please while still complying with the law.  

There is no comprehensive privacy law in the U.S. on a federal level. This allows data brokers to collect personal information and condense it into marketing insights. While not all methods of gathering private data are legal, it is difficult to track the activities of data brokers online (especially on the dark web). As technology advances, there are also easier ways to harvest and exploit data.  

Vermont and California have already enacted laws to regulate the data brokerage industry. In 2018, Vermont passed the country’s first data broker legislation. This requires data brokers to register annually with the Secretary of State and provide information about their data collection activities, opt-out policies, purchaser credentialing practices, and data breaches 

California has passed similar laws to make data brokering a more transparent industry. For risk mitigation of data brokerage, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has published reports and provided recommendations to Congress to reduce the engagement of data broker firms. Giving individuals the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal data is a step toward a more rigorous law regarding data privacy 

Can you remove yourself from data broker websites?

Some data brokers let you remove your information from their websites. There are also extensive guides available online that list the method by which you can opt-out of some of the biggest data brokering firms. For example, a guide by Griffin Boyce, the systems administrator at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, provides detailed information on how to opt-out of a long list of data broker companies. 

Acxiom, LLC is one of the largest data brokering firms and has collected data for approximately 68% of people who have an online presence. You can opt-out of their data collection either through their website or by calling them directly. 

Epsilon Data Management is another big player in the data broker industry that operates as a marketing service and marketing analytics company. You can opt-out of their website through various methods such as by email, phone, and mail. Credit rating agencies like Experian and Equifax are also notorious for collecting your data. Similarly, you can opt-out through their websites or by calling them. 

Keep your personal information secure online with McAfee Total Protection

McAfee is a pioneer in providing online and offline data protection to its customers. We offer numerous cybersecurity services for keeping your information private and secure.  

With regard to data brokers, we enable users to do a personal data clean-up. Cleaning up your personal data online may be a difficult task, as it requires you to reach out to multiple data brokers and opt out. Instead, sign up for McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup feature to do a convenient and thorough personal data clean-up. We will search for traces of your personal data and assist in getting it removed.  

The post How Data Brokers Sell Your Identity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Personal Data Do Companies Track?

By McAfee

Private tech companies gather tremendous amounts of user data. These companies can afford to let you use social media platforms free of charge because it’s paid for by your data, attention, and time.  

Big tech derives most of its profits by selling your attention to advertisers — a well-known business model. Various documentaries (like Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma”) have attempted to get to the bottom of the complex algorithms that big tech companies employ to mine and analyze user data for the benefit of third-party advertisers.  

This article will help you better understand what information is being collected by tech companies, how it’s being used, and how you can protect your privacy online.   

What information can companies collect?

Tech companies benefit from personal information by being able to provide personalized ads. When you click “yes” at the end of a terms and conditions agreement found on some web pages, you may be allowing the companies to collect the following data:  

  • Personal data. This includes identity-related information like your name, gender, Social Security number, and device-related information like IP address, web browser cookies, and device IDs. Personal data is usually collected to classify users into different demographics based on relevant parameters. This helps advertisers analyze what sections of the audience interact with their ads and what they can do to cater to their target audience.  
  • Usage data. Your interactions with a business’s website, text messages, emails, paid ads, and other online activities are recorded to build an accurate consumer profile. This consumer profile is used to determine and predict what kind of content (including ads) you are more likely to interact with and for how long.  
  • Behavioral data. Purchase histories, repeated actions, time spent, movement and navigation on the platform, and other types of qualitative data are covered under behavioral data. This helps platforms determine your “favorite” purchases or interactions so they can suggest other similar content/products.  
  • Attitudinal data. Companies measure brand and customer experiences using data on consumer satisfaction, product desirability, and purchase decisions. Marketing agencies use this data for direct consumer research and creative analysis.  

For someone unfamiliar with privacy issues, it is important to understand the extent of big tech’s tracking and data collection. Once these companies collect data, all this information can be supplied to third-party businesses or used to improve user experience.  

The problem with this is that big tech has blurred the line between collecting customer data and violating user privacy in some cases. While tracking what content you interact with can be justified under the garb of personalizing the content you see, big tech platforms have been known to go too far. Prominent social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn have faced past legal trouble for accessing personal user data like private messages and saved photos. 

How do companies use the information you provide

The information you provide helps build an accurate character profile and turns it into knowledge that gives actionable insights to businesses. Private data usage can be classified into three cases: selling it to data brokers, using it to improve marketing, or enhancing customer experience.  

To sell your info to data brokers

Along with big data, another industry has seen rapid growth: data brokers. Data brokers buy, analyze, and package your data. Companies that collect large amounts of data on their users stand to profit from this service. Selling data to brokers is an important revenue stream for big tech companies 

Advertisers and businesses benefit from increased information on their consumers, creating a high demand for your information. The problem here is that companies like Facebook and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) have been known to mine massive amounts of user data for the sake of their advertisers.  

To personalize marketing efforts

Marketing can be highly personalized thanks to the availability of large amounts of consumer data. Tracking your response to marketing campaigns can help businesses alter or improve certain aspects of their campaign to drive better results.  

The problem is that most AI-based algorithms are incapable of assessing when they should stop collecting or using your information. After a point, users run the risk of being constantly subjected to intrusive ads and other unconsented marketing campaigns that pop up frequently.  

To cater to the customer experience

Analyzing consumer behavior through reviews, feedback, and recommendations can help improve customer experience. Businesses have access to various facets of data that can be analyzed to show them how to meet consumer demands. This could help improve any part of a consumer’s interaction with the company, from designing special offers and discounts to improving customer relationships.  

For most social media platforms, the goal is to curate a personalized feed that appeals to the users and allows them to spend more time on the app. When left unmonitored, the powerful algorithms behind these social media platforms can repeatedly subject you to the same kind of content from different creators.  

Which companies track the most information?

Here are the big tech companies that collect and mine the most user data 

  • Google. Google is the most avid big tech data miner currently on the internet because the search engine deals almost exclusively with user data. Google tracks and analyzes everything from your Gmail and calling history (for VoLTE calls) to your Chrome browsing preferences through third-party cookies 
  • Facebook. Meta’s Facebook collects phone numbers, personal messages, public comments, and metadata from all of your photos and videos. Facebook primarily uses this data to fuel its demographic-based targeted ad mechanisms.  
  • Amazon. Amazon has recently admitted to storing many user data points, including phone numbers, credit card information, usernames, passwords, and even Social Security numbers. Amazon also stores information about your search terms and previously bought products.  
  • Twitter. Platforms like Twitter employ a “family of apps” technique to gather sensitive user data. While these platforms openly collect and mine user data themselves, they also collect information from app networks (like Twitter’s MoPub or Google’s AdMob) that include several other third-party apps. These apps choose to partner with tech giants for better profits.  
  • Apple. While much better than its competitors, Apple still mines a considerable amount of user data. While Apple’s systems allow users to control their privacy settings, Apple gives all of its users’ information to Apple’s iOS-based advertisement channels. The iPhone App Store is another place where user data is exclusively used to create customized user experiences. 
  • Microsoft. Microsoft primarily collects device-related data like system configurations, system capabilities, IP addresses, and port numbers. It also harvests your regular search and query data to customize your search options and make for a better user experience.  

Discover how McAfee can help protect your identity online 

Users need a comprehensive data privacy solution to tackle the rampant, large-scale data mining carried out by big tech platforms. While targeted advertisements and easily found items are beneficial, many of these companies collect and mine user data through several channels simultaneously, exploiting them in many different ways.  

It’s important to make sure your personal information is protected. Protection solutions like McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup feature can help. With this feature, our teams scour the web for traces of your personal information and assist in getting it removed to enhance your online privacy.  

McAfee’s Total Protection provides antivirus software for all of your digital devices and a secure VPN connection to avoid exposure to malicious third parties while browsing the internet. Our identity monitoring and personal data removal solutions further remove gaps in your devices’ security systems.  

With our airtight data protection and custom guidance (complete with a protection score for each platform and tips to keep you safer), you can be sure that your internet identity is protected.  

The post What Personal Data Do Companies Track? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers

By McAfee

Whether using the internet for play or work, you want to spend your time online enjoying the peace of mind that comes with having a secure network. 

You don’t want to contend with someone taking your personal data — whether it’s credit card information, passwords, or bank account details — via malware or a data breach on your Android, Windows, or Apple iOS device. 

Fortunately, with some sensible precautions and simple steps, you can use your connected devices productively without worrying about cybercriminals and malicious software. This article explains how to stop hackers from getting access to your sensitive data 

8 ways to protect your identity from hackers

You can take steps to protect your different computing and mobile devices and operating systems. These steps can be divided into technological solutions and the right awareness and information to provide a comforting measure of self-protection. 

It’s like learning karate for self-defense, giving you confidence as you negotiate the wider world (and hoping that you never have to use it). 

Use identity protection software

When it comes to identity protection software, McAfee provides a proven solution with our identity protection and privacy services. The protection includes alerts if your sensitive information is found on the dark web (up to 10 months sooner than other providers), personal data cleanup from sites gathering and selling your information, and an unlimited virtual public network (VPN) service that protects your privacy as you use public Wi-Fi networks. 

You’ll also get up to $1 million in identity theft coverage and hands-on restoration support to help you reclaim your identity.  

Use complex passwords

Simple, obvious passwords and passcodes (like your street address, your birthday, your kids’ or pets’ names, or “1234” or “abcd”) are easy for cybercriminals to crack, giving them unwanted access to your private data. 

The stronger your password, the better your protection. Some best password practices include: 

  • Use a different password for all your online accounts, including your email accounts, social media platforms, and bank accounts. 
  • Create a password that’s at least eight characters long, combining lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 
  • Don’t use consecutive keystrokes, such as “qwerty.” 
  • Don’t share your passwords with anyone. 
  • Avoid entering your password on unsecured public Wi-Fi, such as at an airport or in a coffee shop. 

Regularly update passwords

It’s important not to be a standing target. Just as you should use different passwords for everything, you should regularly change your passwords. You should do this a few times a year (although some cyber experts say this might not be necessary if you have a long and very complicated password). 

If you have a number of passwords that you update often, it might be worth getting a password manager like McAfee True Key to keep track of them. Not only will you not be faced with remembering all your different passwords or writing them down (also a no-no), but it can also help you create and store unique passwords 

The software uses the strongest encryption algorithms available to protect your passwords, scrambling them so no one else can access them. It’ll also suggest new passwords and automatically log you into your online accounts with just one master password. 

Use multi-factor authentication

Another important line of defense is multi-factor authentication (sometimes known as two-factor authentication). This system uses a password and a second piece of verification — often an SMS message sent to your Android device or iPhone — to authenticate your identity. 

This provides hard-to-beat protection even if a hacker has your password. Besides receiving SMS codes, there are also code-generating apps and physical security keys. 

Learn to spot potential scams

Thinking before you click on an email or text is a very important defense against phishing scams. Your bank won’t send you an email or text notifying you that there’s been suspicious activity on your account.  

Does getting a large refund from your phone company sound too good to be true? It is. Similarly, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) won’t text to tell you that you owe them money, and princes aren’t going to give you a fortune out of the blue. 

Internet users beware: If you’re not absolutely certain that the text message you received is from a legitimate and trusted source, delete it. You can always contact the business or person directly to confirm that the message is legit. 

Keep device software up to date

Any operating system or app you use is open to malicious cyberattacks. This is why you should keep all your software up to date with the latest versions. Software developers are continually fixing holes in their products and offering cybersecurity patches to make them as safe and hacker-proof as possible. 

Make sure your software, firmware, and security settings are up to date on your home’s Wi-Fi router, as well. You can often change your settings to allow for automatic updates. 

Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi

Sure, who doesn’t like to go to a cafe, library, or hotel lobby to use the free Wi-Fi? But security is often weak in these public networks. If you open your online banking account or access personal information, you may unwittingly be giving a personal invitation to eavesdropping cybercriminals 

This is where the bank-grade level of protection of McAfee Secure VPN comes in, which automatically turns on when you need it and keeps you safe on public Wi-Fi networks. 

Use encryption

Even if your device does get hacked, you can protect vital information on your Windows or macOS system with an encryption program like BitLocker or FileVault. You can protect any hard drive you use, including portable ones and USB keys. 

It’s also a good idea to only shop at encrypted websites marked with the prefix “HTTPS” in their URLs. 

Discover how McAfee keeps you secure online

One of the best ways to surf the web in comfort while keeping hackers at bay is with the comprehensive solutions provided by McAfee Total Protection. 

Your protection includes proactive measures (meaning we’ll guide you to the best choices for prevention), early detection, and expert identity theft support.  

This means you’ll get identity monitoring, up to $1 million in identity theft coverage, lost wallet protection, premium antivirus software, a secure VPN, and personal data removal. In particular, our Personal Data Cleanup service will help find and remove your personal information from data broker websites and people search sites.  

With McAfee, you don’t have to be afraid of hackers. Let us deal with them.  

The post How to Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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