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Before yesterdaySecurity

Your Microsoft Exchange Server Is a Security Liability

By Andy Greenberg
Endless vulnerabilities. Massive hacking campaigns. Slow and technically tough patching. It's time to say goodbye to on-premise Exchange.

Ukraine Enters a Dark New Era of Drone Warfare

By Morgan Meaker
A series of deadly attacks using Iranian “suicide drones” shows Russia is shifting gears in the conflict.

There’s no better time for zero trust

By Neville Letzerich

Security resilience requires strong, user-friendly defenses

The concept of zero trust is not a new one, and some may even argue that the term is overused. In reality, however, its criticality is growing with each passing day. Why? Because many of today’s attacks begin with the user. According to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report, 82% of breaches involve the human element — whether it’s stolen credentials, phishing, misuse or error.

Additionally, today’s businesses are hyper-connected, meaning that — in addition to your employees — customers, partners and suppliers are all part of your ecosystem. Couple that with hybrid work, IoT, the move to the cloud, and more emboldened attackers, and organizational risk increases exponentially.

Adopting a zero trust model can dramatically reduce this risk by eliminating implicit trust. It has become so crucial, in fact, that several governments including the U.S., UK and Australia have released mandates and guidance for how organizations should deploy zero trust to improve national security.

However, because zero trust is more of a concept than a technology, and so many vendors use the term, organizations struggle with the best way to implement it. At Cisco, we believe you should take a holistic approach to zero trust, starting with what you have and adding on as you identify gaps in your defenses. And while layers of protection are necessary for powerful security, so is ease of use.

Strengthen security resilience with zero trust

Zero trust plays a major role in building security resilience, or the ability to withstand unpredictable threats or changes and emerge stronger. Through zero trust, the identity and security posture of users, devices and applications are continuously checked and verified to prevent network intrusions — and to also limit impact if an unauthorized entity does gain access.

Organizations with high zero trust maturity are twice as likely to achieve business resilience.
– Cisco’s Guide to Zero Trust Maturity

Eliminating trust, however, doesn’t really conjure up images of user-friendly technology. No matter how necessary they are for the business, employees are unlikely to embrace security measures that make their jobs more cumbersome and time-consuming. Instead, they want fast, consistent access to any application no matter where they are or which device they are using.

That’s why Cisco is taking a different approach to zero trust — one that removes friction for the user. For example, with Cisco Secure Access by Duo, organizations can provide those connecting to their network with several quick, easy authentication options. This way, they can put in place multi-factor authentication (MFA) that frustrates attackers, not users.

Enable seamless, secure access

Cisco Secure Access by Duo is a key pillar of zero trust security, providing industry-leading features for secure access, authentication and device monitoring. Duo is customizable, straightforward to use, and simple to set up. It enables the use of modern authentication methods including biometrics, passwordless and single sign-on (SSO) to help organizations advance zero trust without sacrificing user experience. Duo also provides the flexibility organizations need to enable secure remote access with or without a VPN connection.

During Cisco’s own roll-out of Duo to over 100,000 people, less than 1% of users contacted the help desk for assistance. On an annual basis, Duo is saving Cisco $3.4 million in employee productivity and $500,000 in IT help desk support costs. Furthermore, 86,000 potential compromises are averted by Duo each month.

Protect your hybrid work environment

La-Z-Boy, one of the world’s leading residential furniture producers, also wanted to defend its employees against cybersecurity breaches through MFA and zero trust. It needed a data security solution that worked agnostically, could grow with the company, and that was easy to roll out and implement.

“When COVID first hit and people were sent home to work remotely, we started seeing more hacking activity…” said Craig Vincent, director of IT infrastructure and operations at La-Z-Boy. “We were looking for opportunities to secure our environment with a second factor…. We knew that even post-pandemic we would need a hybrid solution.”

“It was very quick and easy to see where Duo fit into our environment quite well, and worked with any application or legacy app, while deploying quickly.” – Craig Vincent, Director of IT Infrastructure and Operations, La-Z-Boy

Today, Duo helps La-Z-Boy maintain a zero trust framework, stay compliant, and get clear visibility into what is connecting to its network and VPN. Zero trust helps La-Z-Boy secure its organization against threats such as phishing, stolen credentials and out-of-date devices that may be vulnerable to known exploits and malware.

Build a comprehensive zero trust framework

As mentioned, zero trust is a framework, not a single product or technology. For zero trust to be truly effective, it must do four things:

  1. Establish trust for users, devices and applications trying to access an environment
  2. Enforce trust-based access based on the principle of least privilege, only granting access to applications and data that users/devices explicitly need
  3. Continuously verify trust to detect any change in risk even after initial access is granted
  4. Respond to changes in trust by investigating and orchestrating response to potential incidents

Many technology companies may offer a single component of zero trust, or one aspect of protection, but Cisco’s robust networking and security expertise enables us to provide a holistic zero trust solution. Not only can we support all the steps above, but we can do so across your whole IT ecosystem.

Modern organizations are operating multi-environment ecosystems that include a mix of on-premises and cloud technologies from various vendors. Zero trust solutions should be able to protect across all this infrastructure, no matter which providers are in use. Protections should also extend from the network and cloud to users, devices, applications and data. With Cisco’s extensive security portfolio, operating on multiple clouds and platforms, zero trust controls can be embedded at every layer.

Map your path to zero trust

Depending on where you are in your security journey, embedding zero trust at every layer of your infrastructure may sound like a lofty endeavor. That’s why we meet customers where they are on their path to zero trust. Whether your first priority is to meet regulatory requirements, secure hybrid work, protect the cloud, or something else, we have the expertise to help you get started. We provide clear guidance and technologies for zero trust security mapped to established frameworks from organizations like CISA and NIST.

Much of our Cisco Secure portfolio can be used to build a successful zero trust framework, but some examples of what we offer include:

  • Frictionless, secure access for users, devices and applications through Cisco Duo
  • Flexible cloud security through Cisco Umbrella
  • Protected network connections and segmentation with the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
  • Application visibility and micro-segmentation via Cisco Secure Workload
  • Expert guidance from the Cisco Zero Trust Strategy Service

All of our technologies and services are backed by the unparalleled intelligence of Cisco Talos — so you always have up-to-date protection as you build your zero trust architecture. Additionally, our open, integrated security platform — Cisco SecureX — makes it simple to expand and scale your security controls, knowing they will work with your other technologies for more unified defenses.

Enhance security with an integrated platform

As Italy’s leading insurance company, Sara Assicurazioni requires complete visibility into its extended network, including a multi-cloud architecture and hybrid workforce. The company has adopted a comprehensive zero trust strategy through Cisco Secure.

“Our decentralized users, endpoints, and cloud-based servers and workloads contribute to a large attack surface,” says Paolo Perrucci, director of information and communications technology architectures and operations at Sara Assicurazioni. “With Cisco, we have the right level of visibility on this surface.”

“The main reason we chose Cisco is that only Cisco can offer a global security solution rather than covering one specific point…. Thanks to Cisco Secure, I’m quite confident that our security posture is now many times better because we are leveraging more scalable, state-of-the-art security solutions.” – Luigi Vassallo, COO & CTO, Sara Assicurazioni

Expand your zero trust strategy

To learn more, explore our zero trust page and sign up for one of our free zero trust workshops.

Watch video: How Cisco implemented zero trust in just five months 

We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Secure on social!

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How Vice Society Got Away With a Global Ransomware Spree

By Lily Hay Newman
Vice Society has a superpower that’s allowed it to quietly carry out attacks on schools and hospitals around the world: mediocrity.

A Quick Look at the "Strengthening America's Cybersecurity" Initiative

By The Hacker News
Acknowledging that you have a problem is the first step to addressing the problem in a serious way. This seems to be the reasoning for the White House recently announcing its "Strengthening America's Cybersecurity" initiative. The text of the announcement contains several statements that anyone who's ever read about cybersecurity will have heard many times over: increasing resilience, greater

Not All Sandboxes Are for Children: How to Secure Your SaaS Sandbox

By The Hacker News
When creating a Sandbox, the mindset tends to be that the Sandbox is considered a place to play around, test things, and there will be no effect on the production or operational system. Therefore, people don't actively think they need to worry about its security. This mindset is not only wrong, but extremely dangerous.  When it comes to software developers, their version of sandbox is similar to

RESTRICT: LOCKING THE FRONT DOOR (Pt. 3 of “Why Don’t You Go Dox Yourself?”)

By Zoe Lindsey

In the first step of our doxxing research, we collected a list of our online footprint, digging out the most important accounts that you want to protect and obsolete or forgotten accounts you no longer use. Because the most recent and relevant data is likely to live in the accounts you use regularly, our next step will be to review the full scope of what’s visible from these accounts and to set more intentional boundaries on what is shared. 

It’s important to note here that the goal isn’t to eliminate every trace of yourself from the internet and never go online again. That’s not realistic for the vast majority of people in our connected world (and I don’t know about you, but even if it was I wouldn’t want to!) And whether it’s planning for an individual or a giant organization, security built to an impossible standard is destined to fail. Instead, we are shifting you from default to intentional sharing, and improving visibility and control over what you do want to share. 


Before making changes to the settings and permissions for each of these accounts, we’re going to make sure that access to the account itself is secure. You can start with your email accounts (especially any that you use as a recovery email for forgotten passwords, or use for financial, medical, or other sensitive communications). This shouldn’t take very long for each site, and involves a few straightforward steps: 

  • Set a long, unique password for each account. Weak or reused passwords are most vulnerable to attack, and as you most likely discovered during your HaveIBeenPwned search, the odds are better than not that you found your username or email in at least one previous breach. 

The best way to prevent a breached password from exposing another account to attack is to use a unique password for for every website you visit. And while you may have heard previous advice on strong passwords (along the lines of “eight or more characters, with a mix of upper/lower case letters, numbers, and special characters”), more recent standards emphasize the importance of longer passwords. For a great explanation of why longer passwords work better than shorter, multi-character type passwords, check out this excellent XKCD strip: 


A password manager will make this process much easier, as most have the ability to generate unique passwords and allow you to tailor their length and complexity.  While we’re on the topic of what makes a good password, make sure that the password to access your password manager is both long and memorable.

You don’t want to save or auto-fill that password because it acts as the “keys to the kingdom” for everything else, so I recommend following a process like the one outlined in the comic above, or another mnemonic device, to help you remember that password. Once you’ve reset the password, check for a “log out of active devices” option to make sure the new password is used.

  • Set up strong authentication using multi-factor authentication wherever it is supported. Whether short or long, a password on its own is still vulnerable to capture or compromise. One way experts have improved login security is through the use of multi-factor authentication. Multi-factor authentication is often shortened to MFA and can also be referred to as two-step authentication or 2FA.

MFA uses two or more “factors” verifying something you know, something you have, or something you are. A password is an example of “something you know”, and here are a few of the most common methods used for an additional layer of security:

  • Email/SMS passcodes: This has become a common method for verifying logins to secure services like bank accounts and health portals. You enter your username and password and are prompted to enter a short code that is sent to your email or cell number associated with the account. It’s a popular method because it requires no additional setup. However, it suffers from the same weaknesses email accounts and phone numbers do on their own: If you set up 2FA for a social media service using email passcodes on an email using only a password for access, you’re effectively back to the security of a password alone. This is better than nothing, but if one of the other factors is supported you should likely opt for it instead.
  • Hardware/software passcode generators: This method uses either a physical device like a keyfob or USB dongle or an installed soft token generator app on a smart device to generate a short code like those sent to SMS or email without relying on those channels. You may use an app tied to the service (like the Steam Authenticator on the iOS/Android Steam app) or scan a QR code to store the new account in a third-party authenticator app like Google Authenticator or Duo Mobile. This still isn’t ideal, because you’re typing in your passcode on the same device where you entered your password – meaning if someone is able to intercept or trick you into revealing your password, they may very well be able to do the same with the passcode.


  • On-device prompt: Rather than using a trusted email or phone number to verify it’s you, this method uses a trusted device (something you have) to confirm your login. If you’ve tried logging into a Gmail account and been prompted to approve your login through another already-approved device, you’re completing an on-device prompt. Another type of on-device prompt would be login approvals sent through push notifications to an authenticator app like Duo Mobile, which will provide you with other details about the login to your account. Because you approve this prompt on a separate device (your phone) than the device used to log in (your computer), this is more resistant to being intercepted or captured than a passcode generator.

  • Biometric authentication: If you buy an app on the Google Play Store or iOS App Store, you may be prompted to confirm your purchase with a fingerprint sensor or facial recognition instead of entering a password. The shift to unlocking our mobile devices through biometric methods (unique physical measurements or “something you are”) has opened up a more convenient strong authentication. This same method can be used as a prompt on its own, or as a requirement to approve an on-device prompt.

If you want to know more about the different ways you can log in with strong authentication and how they vary in effectiveness, check out the Google Security Team blog post “Understanding the Root Cause of Account Takeover.”


Before we move on from passwords and 2FA, I want to highlight a second step to log in that doesn’t meet the standard of strong authentication: password questions. These are usually either a secondary prompt after entering username and password, or used to verify your identity before sending a password reset link. The problem is that many of the most commonly-used questions rely on semi-public information and, like passcodes, are entered on the same device used to log in.

Another common practice is leveraging common social media quizzes/questionnaires that people post on their social media account. If you’ve seen your friends post their “stage name” by taking the name of their first pet and the street they grew up on, you may notice that’s a combination of two pretty common password questions! While not a very targeted or precise method of attack, the casual sharing of these surveys can have consequences beyond their momentary diversion.

One of the first widely-publicized doxxings happened when Paris Hilton’s contact list, notes, and photos were accessed by resetting her password using the password question, “what is your favorite pet’s name?”. Because Hilton had previously discussed her beloved chihuahua, Tinkerbell, the attacker was able to use this information to access the account.

Sometimes, though, you’ll be required to use these password questions, and in those cases I’ve got a simple rule to keep you safe: lie! That’s right, you won’t be punished if you fib when entering the answers to your password questions so that the answers can’t be researched, and most password managers also include a secure note field that will let you save your questions and answers in case you need to recall them later.

We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Secure on social!

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Researchers Detail Azure SFX Flaw That Could've Allowed Attackers to Gain Admin Access

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have shared more details about a now-patched security flaw in Azure Service Fabric Explorer (SFX) that could potentially enable an attacker to gain administrator privileges on the cluster. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-35829, carries a CVSS severity rating of 6.2 and was addressed by Microsoft as part of its Patch Tuesday updates last week. <!--adsense--> Orca

A Quick Guide for Small Cybersecurity Teams Looking to Invest in Cyber Insurance

By The Hacker News
In the world of insurance providers and policies, cyber insurance is a fairly new field. And many security teams are trying to wrap their heads around it.  What is it and do they need it? And with what time will they spend researching how to integrate cyber insurance into their strategy?  For small security teams, this is particularly challenging as they contend with limited resources. Luckily,

CISA Warns of Critical Flaws Affecting Industrial Appliances from Advantech and Hitachi

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Tuesday released two Industrial Control Systems (ICS) advisories pertaining to severe flaws in Advantech R-SeeNet and Hitachi Energy APM Edge appliances. This consists of three weaknesses in the R-SeeNet monitoring solution, successful exploitation of which "could result in an unauthorized attacker remotely deleting files on the

How the World Will Know If Russia Is Preparing to Launch a Nuclear Attack

By Lily Hay Newman
While tensions over a possible nuclear attack on Ukraine remain high, experts say surveillance will likely catch Russia if it plans to do the unthinkable.

Making Merger and Acquisition Cybersecurity More Manageable

By Dan Burke

Dan Burke is the director of strategy, risk, and compliance for AppDynamics, a company acquired by Cisco in 2017. Burke and his team are a vital part of the Cisco acquisition process in helping acquired companies adhere to a higher level of cybersecurity. This blog is the fourth in a series focused on M&A cybersecurity, following Shiva Persaud’s post on When It Comes to M&A, Security Is a Journey.

Engaging Earlier to Identify and Manage Risk

Part of the secret to Cisco’s success is its ability to acquire companies that strengthen its technology portfolio and securely integrate them into the larger organization. From the outside, that process might appear seamless—consider Webex or Duo Security, for instance—but a fruitful acquisition takes tremendous work by multiple cross-functional teams, mainly to ensure the acquired company’s solutions and products meet Cisco’s rigorous security requirements.

“My team is responsible for aligning new acquisitions to Cisco controls to maintain our compliance with SOC2 and FedRAMP, as well as other required certifications,” says Burke.

When Cisco acquires a new company, it conducts an assessment and produces a security readiness plan (SRP) document. The SRP details the identified weaknesses and risks within that company and what they need to fix to meet Cisco standards.

“In the past, my team wouldn’t find out about an acquisition until they received a completed SRP.  The downside of this approach was that the assessments and negotiations had been done without input from our group of experts, and target dates for resolution had already been decided on,” shares Burke.

“We needed to be involved in the process before the SRP was created to understand all risks and compliance issues in advance. Now we have a partnership with the Cisco Security and Trust M&A team and know about an acquisition months before we can start working to address risks and other issues—before the SRP is completed and the due dates have been assigned,” Burke adds.

“Another issue resolved in this process change is that Cisco can gain earlier access to the people in the acquired company who know the security risks of their solutions. During acquisitions, people will often leave the company, taking with them their institutional knowledge, resulting in Cisco having to start from scratch to identify and assess the risks and determine how best to resolve them as quickly as possible,” says Burke. “It could be vulnerabilities in physical infrastructure or software code or both. It could be that the company isn’t scanning often enough, or they don’t have SOC 2 or FedRAMP certification yet—or they’re not using Cisco’s tools.”

“Third-party vendors and suppliers can also present an issue,” he adds. “One of the biggest risk areas of any company is outside vendors who have access to a company’s data. It’s vital to identify who these vendors are and understand the level of access they have to data and applications. The earlier we know all these things, the more time we must devise solutions to solve them.”

“Now that I’m in the process earlier, I can build a relationship with the people who have the security knowledge—before they leave. If I can understand their mindset and how all these issues came about, I can help them assimilate more easily into the bigger Cisco family,” says Burke.

Managing Risk During the M&A Process

The additional benefits of bringing teams in earlier are reduced risk and compliance requirements can be met earlier. It also provides a smoother transition for the company being acquired and ensures they meet the security requirements that customers expect when using their technology solutions.

“Without that early involvement, we might treat a low-risk issue as high risk, or vice versa. The misclassification of risk is extremely dangerous. If you’re treating something as high risk, that’s low risk, and you’re wasting people’s time and money. But if something’s high risk and you’re treating it as low risk, then you’re in danger of harming your company,” Burke shares.

“The key is to involve their risk, compliance, and security professionals from the beginning. I think other companies keep the M&A process so closely guarded, to their detriment. I understand the need for privacy and to make sure deals are confidential but bringing us in earlier was an advantage for the M&A team and us,” Burke adds.

Ensuring a Successful M&A Transition

When asked what he thinks makes Cisco successful in M&A, Burke says, “Cisco does an excellent job of assimilating everyone into the larger organization. I have worked at other companies where they kept their acquisitions separate, which means you have people operating separately with different controls for different companies. That’s not only a financial burden but also a compliance headache.”

“That’s why Cisco tries to drive all its acquisitions through our main programs and controls. It makes life easier for everyone in terms of compliance. With Cisco, you have that security confidence knowing that all these companies are brought up to their already very high standards, and you can rely on the fact that they don’t treat them separately. And when an acquisition has vulnerabilities, we identify them, set out a remediation path, and manage the process until those risks are resolved,” Burke concludes.

Related Blogs

Managing Cybersecurity Risk in M&A

Demonstrating Trust and Transparency in Mergers and Acquisitions

When It Comes to M&A, Security Is a Journey


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Why Crypto Winter is No Excuse to Let Your Cyber Defenses Falter

By The Hacker News
Don’t let the ongoing “crypto winter” lull you into a false sense of cybersecurity. Even as cryptocurrencies lose value — and some crypto companies file for bankruptcy — cryptojacking still poses an urgent threat to enterprises across industries, from financial services to healthcare to industry 4.0 and beyond.  Broadly speaking, cryptojacking is defined as the unauthorized and illegitimate use

5 steps to protect your school from cyberattacks

By André Lameiras

What can schools, which all too often make easy prey for cybercriminals, do to bolster their defenses and keep threats at bay?

The post 5 steps to protect your school from cyberattacks appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

The Hunt for Wikipedia's Disinformation Moles

By Masha Borak
Custodians of the crowdsourced encyclopedia are charged with protecting it from state-sponsored manipulators. A new study reveals how.

How to Use Passkeys in Google Chrome and Android

By David Nield
Google wants to make your digital life—in its ecosystem, anyway—passwordless and more secure.

Elon Musk’s SpaceX Bails on Starlink Funding for Ukraine

By Andrew Couts
Plus: Hackers hit the Mormon Church, Signal plans to ditch SMS for Android, and a Fat Bear election erupts in scandal.

Introducing “NEXT” by Cisco Secure

By Tazin Khan

Inspiring discussions around innovative tech  

Technology has typically had a reputation for being exciting and inventive. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case for security. But times have changed. We are now recognizing the crucial role security plays in any groundbreaking technology. Without strong defenses, even the most visionary app is likely to crash and burn. So it’s imperative that big security players like Cisco stay on top of what’s next.

I am thrilled to announce that in November, we will be launching our new video series, “NEXT” by Cisco Secure. In the series, my esteemed co-host TK Keanini and I will interview some of the brightest new minds in tech to find out more about the future of the industry and how we can best secure it. Watch the series preview below!

“NEXT” by Cisco Secure

Bringing cyber pioneers to the forefront  

As the CTO of Cisco Secure, TK has over 25 years of networking and security expertise, as well as a penchant for driving technical innovation. As for me, I’m a cybersecurity specialist of 10 years with an obsession for communication and empathy. Together, TK and I will bring new cyber pioneers to the forefront and highlight the criticality of digital protection and privacy for everyone.

Whether we’re discussing Web3, the metaverse, or next-generation healthcare, we’ll learn and laugh a lot. Through simple conversations about complex topics, we’re building a bridge between leading-edge tech and how Cisco is helping to safeguard what’s on the horizon.

Expanding security awareness 

And what better time to preview this series than during Cybersecurity Awareness Month? A time when we focus on the reality that security belongs to everyone — not just the threat hunter, or the product engineer, or the incident responder — but everyone.

We all have a responsibility to protect the world’s data and infrastructure, and should all have a seat at the table for important security conversations. We hope you’ll join us as we dive into what’s making waves out there, and how we can keep it safe.

Be a part of what’s next  

Follow our Cisco Secure social channels to catch our first episode in November, when we will speak with Michael Ebel, CEO of Atmosfy. Atmosfy is revolutionizing restaurant reviews by incorporating engaging live video that inspires others and supports local businesses. TK and I will chat with Michael about the origin of Atmosfy, and how the company keeps its content authentic and organization resilient.

In the meantime, explore our other Cybersecurity Awareness Month resources.

Who do you want to hear from next? Tell us your ideas for future guests in the comments.  


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How To Build a Career as a Freelance Cybersecurity Analyst — From Scratch

By The Hacker News
With each passing year, the cybersecurity threat landscape continues to worsen. That reality makes cybersecurity analysts some of the most sought-after technology professionals in the world. And there are nowhere near enough of them to meet the demand. At last count, there were over 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs worldwide — and that number is still growing. The situation means that

The $1 Billion Alex Jones Effect

By Chris Stokel-Walker
The Infowars host now knows the cost of “free speech”—but does the landmark judgment signal a crackdown on disinformation?

COLLECTING OUR BREADCRUMBS (Pt. 2 of “Why Don’t You Go Dox Yourself?”)

By Zoe Lindsey

Sharing is caring… but on the internet, sharing can also be tricky! When we post something, we have to look at the forest and not just the trees. Doxxers usually start with one or two pieces of relatively innocent or public information, but by connecting the dots between those pieces they can build a frighteningly detailed picture of an individual. 

Seemingly innocuous details can be pieced together into a much more personal profile when collected and leveraged to learn more. As one example, your wish list/wedding registry makes it easy for friends and family to get you gifts that you actually want, but could also be used to find out products/services you’re interested in as pretext (setting the scene) of a conversation or phishing email trying to gather more. You may have Google Alerts set up for your name (a great idea!), but this may not flag text in scanned documents such as school yearbooks, newspapers and other digitized paper records available online.  

If the above sounds scary – don’t panic! Your first step in this auto-dox is going to be brainstorming as much personally identifying information (PII) shared online as possible. I suggest doing this either in a secure note or longhand. The goal is to write down all of the accounts/addresses/phone numbers that come to mind, as these are some of the top things that attackers will try to gather in their search. Start your list here: 

  • Your name: This can be your real name, as well as any other names you go by in public like a writing pseudonym, nickname, or stage name. 
  • Your phone number(s): Many social media networks let you look up friends through your contact book or by their phone number, and many other legitimate websites  will use simple verification of your phone number as a way to prove your identity. An attacker can take advantage of both of these things. Don’t forget work numbers or old phone numbers! 
  • Your email address(es): This is the other main way to look up contacts on social media, and for most people it’s also the strongest common link between accounts. If you use a school or work email, there’s also a good chance it also contains part or all of your real name (like “”). 
  • Your social media: We share a ton on social media, and even if you’re careful about not sharing your real name or location, other information like where you go to school/work, what groups you’re a member of, who your friends are, and what you’re interested in can all help paint a picture of who you are. 
  • Your location: Previous and current home addresses are often used to verify identity even though many can be found online, so we’re going to use some free “data scraping” tools in our research to see what information is accessible. These sites collect public information like birth, death, and marriage records and make them searchable. There’s a good chance that there’s more than one person with your name unless it’s very unique, so these sites will usually let you add more information like a city, state or ZIP code to narrow down results. 
  • Your selfies and avatars: Sometimes getting access to private photos (especially sexytime pics) is the end goal of doxxing, but it can also be one of the ways to link different accounts. For example: Do you have your Facebook photos linked to your Tinder profile? Someone could use a reverse image search or site like to see where else you’ve shared the same pic. Newer sites like even provide “fuzzy” search tools, where one photo of a person’s face can be used as a search for other, DIFFERENT photos of that person.  


Email addresses are an especially juicy target for someone trying to locate you, because most people only use one personal and maaaybe a second school or work email account. Those accounts are tied to all our other online identities and often double as our username for logging in.  

  • If you already use a password manager, you’re ahead of the game! Review the current accounts and credentials that you’ve already added. Depending on the tool you use, this may also notify you of reused or breached passwords that have appeared in previous hacks. And, if you’re not using a password manager, now would be an excellent time to check some of the available options and set one up! This way you can add your collected credentials and update weak or reused passwords as you go. 
  • Speaking of breached passwords, HaveIBeenPwned lets you search an email or phone number to see if it appears in their breached data database. And don’t be surprised if one (or several) of your accounts show up here – with more than 11 BILLION accounts currently collected, the odds are likely you’ll find something. Note it for now and update the password and enable strong authentication (more on this later). 
  • You can enter a username or email address on, and it will quickly search a bunch of different services and show you where that username has been registered. 
  • You can search your email inbox for common new account subject lines to find them manually. Try searching combinations of keywords: “confirm”, “activate”, “verify”, “subscription”, “account”, etc. (And if you’ve never checked out Google’s search operators, you can get even more specific about what to include or exclude. 
  • Check what information is publicly visible on these collected sites. Do you have a wishlist on Amazon? An “anonymous” Reddit account with the same username as your Pinterest? An abandoned MySpace or Tumblr with outdated privacy settings? See if you can disable or restrict public viewing — some sites like Facebook make it easy to change privacy on old posts. 
  • Facebook, LinkedIn and other social networks often have a “View As” option that lets you see your profile as a stranger, a friend of a friend, or a direct friend. Look at each of these views and consider if you want that information public and searchable. Sometimes these settings can be sneaky! On one review after I set all my pictures on Facebook to private, I tested visiting my page as a stranger and realized that my “featured” pics had been set to public without my noticing.

When you finish this process, you will likely have dozens or even hundreds of “breadcrumbs” between your account list and search results. Read through your list again, and we’re going to sort it into three categories: 

  • Critical: This is for accounts with the most private or potentially damaging information in them – services like your online patient portal for the doctor with your medical information, or financial accounts that may include your banking information or social security number. As these represent the greatest risk if compromised, they’re at the top of the list to fix. 
  • Wanted: This is for everything else that you want to keep but isn’t nearly as sensitive as the first category. News site logins, loyalty club websites and special interest forums may all be accounts you want to maintain, so they’ll also be in the queue behind our top priorities. 
  • Unwanted: As mentioned previously, you’ll likely unearth some forgotten or abandoned accounts that you no longer need. If you never need to log into that account again, take the time to cancel or delete it. If your data is no longer stored by a service it becomes much more difficult for an attacker to find it! You may also discover a surprising amount of your information is available through people search services and data brokers that you don’t want shared, and we’ll start working on next.

Great job! You’ve already got a much better idea of what people can learn about you than most folks ever do, and are well on your way to cleaning up your online footprint. In our next step, we’ll start locking down everything that you want to keep! 

P.S. If you’re enjoying this process and value keeping people safe online, please check out our open roles at Cisco Secure 

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Does the OWASP Top 10 Still Matter?

By The Hacker News
What is the OWASP Top 10, and – just as important – what is it not? In this review, we look at how you can make this critical risk report work for you and your organisation. What is OWASP? OWASP is the Open Web Application Security Project, an international non-profit organization dedicated to improving web application security.  It operates on the core principle that all of its materials are

Celsius Exchange Data Dump Is a Gift to Crypto Sleuths—and Thieves

By Andy Greenberg
By releasing half a million users’ transactions in a bankruptcy court filing, the company has opened a vast breach in its users’ financial privacy.

Researchers Uncover Custom Backdoors and Spying Tools Used by Polonium Hackers

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A threat actor tracked as Polonium has been linked to over a dozen highly targeted attacks aimed at Israelian entities with seven different custom backdoors since at least September 2021. The intrusions were aimed at organizations in various verticals, such as engineering, information technology, law, communications, branding and marketing, media, insurance, and social services, cybersecurity

Google Rolling Out Passkey Passwordless Login Support to Android and Chrome

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Google on Wednesday officially rolled out support for passkeys, the next-generation authentication standard, to both Android and Chrome. "Passkeys are a significantly safer replacement for passwords and other phishable authentication factors," the tech giant said. "They cannot be reused, don't leak in server breaches, and protect users from phishing attacks." The feature was first announced in

64,000 Additional Patients Impacted by Omnicell Data Breach - What is Your Data Breach Action Plan?

By The Hacker News
In April 2022, Omnicell reported a data breach affecting nearly 62,000 patients. The company has revealed that the incident has impacted an additional 64,000 individuals. This brings the total number of patients affected to over 126,000.  Will you be the next victim like Omnicell? If you are overlooking the importance of data protection, attackers can get you in no time.  Explore the impact of

Google’s Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro Pack New Android VPN and Tensor G2, Titan M2 Chips

By Lily Hay Newman
The company says it hardened the security of its new flagship phones—and plans to release a built-in Android VPN.

Data Transparency and its Impact on Customer Trust

By Robert Waitman

How do organizations earn and build trust when it comes to the personal data that customers share with them? Customers certainly expect these organizations to comply with all privacy laws that are now in place in more than 130 countries. Customers also expect them not to sell personal data without consent and to try to avoid data breaches that could expose personal data. While these actions are necessary, organizations still need to do more when it comes to customer trust. According to our latest research, consumers’ top priority is, in fact, for organizations to be more transparent about how they use personal data.

The Cisco 2022 Consumer Privacy Survey, released today, explores what organizations can do to earn and build trust with customers, the actions individuals are taking to protect their data, the impact of privacy laws around the world, and some of the benefits and costs of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data localization requirements. The report, our fourth annual look at consumer privacy issues, draws on anonymous responses from 2600 adults in 12 countries.

Here are some highlights from the survey:

  1. Consumers chose ‘data transparency’ as the top thing organizations can do to build trust regarding how personal data is used and protected. At 39%, data transparency was selected almost twice as much as ‘refraining from selling personal information’ (21%) or ‘complying with all privacy laws’ (20%).
  2. More consumers are taking action to protect their personal data. Results showed that 37% have stopped using a company or provider over their data practices, with 24% having exercised their Data Subject Access Rights to inquire about the data companies have about them, and 14% having requested changes or deletions to that data.
  3. When it comes to applying and using AI, consumers are supportive, but very concerned with today’s practices. While 43% say AI can be useful in improving our lives and 54% are even willing to share their anonymized personal data to improve AI products, 60% are concerned about how businesses are using AI today. In fact, 65% say they have already lost trust in organizations due to their AI practices.
  4. Consumers continue to strongly support their nation’s privacy laws, as they want their government to take a leading role in protecting personal privacy. On average, 61% felt these laws are having a positive impact, whereas only 3% believe they are having a negative impact. Awareness of these laws continues to be a challenge as only 43% say they are aware of their country’s privacy laws.
  5. Consumers are evenly split on the value of data localization requirements that add cost to the products and services they buy, with 41% in favor and 41% against. Interestingly, in 9 of the 12 countries surveyed, more respondents were against data localization than in favor.

Check out the associated infographic that provides visual and easily consumable descriptions of the key data.

At Cisco, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Privacy continues to be a high priority for consumers, and organizations need to do their part to protect personal data and build consumer confidence in how this data is being used. Some recommendations for organizations include:

  • Investing in transparency. Show your customers where they can find your company’s privacy policies and tell them in easy-to-understand ways exactly how you use their data (see, for example, Cisco’s in Privacy Data Sheets and Data Maps) as this is critical for earning and building their trust.
  • Helping to ensure your customers are aware of relevant privacy laws and their rights. Individuals who know about these protections are more likely to trust organizations with their personal data and have confidence that their data is protected.
  • Adopting measures to ensure responsible use of data. While misuse of personal data in AI can erode consumer trust, some positive steps to apply and use it responsibly include implementing an AI governance framework, providing transparency on how personal data is used in any AI application, and enabling customers to opt out of the specific application.
  • Evaluating the costs and legal alternatives, if any, to data localization requirements. These requirements may not be worth their cost to many consumers, and it is still unclear if they contribute to greater safety and privacy.

Privacy remains a critical element of trust. Consumers want more transparency and control of their personal data, especially as we continue to see innovations in technology. As we are now in the midst of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the US and other countries around the world, it’s a great time to learn more and join in activities and discussions that advance cybersecurity.

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The Latest Funding News and What it Means for Cyber Security in 2023

By The Hacker News
The White House has recently announced a $1 billion cyber security grant program that is designed to help state and local governments improve their cyber defenses, especially about protecting critical infrastructure. The recent executive order stems from the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that was signed almost a year ago. That bill allocated $1 billion for protecting critical infrastructure

The Seven Main Phishing Lures of Cybercriminals

By McAfee

One of the oldest tricks in the cybercrime playbook is phishing. It first hit the digital scene in 1995, at a time when millions flocked to America Online (AOL) every day. And if we know one thing about cybercriminals, it’s that they tend to follow the masses. In earlier iterations, phishing attempts were easy to spot due to link misspellings, odd link redirects, and other giveaways. However, today’s phishing tricks have become personalized, advanced, and shrouded in new disguises. So, let’s take a look at some of the different types, real-world examples and how you can recognize a phishing lure.

Be Wary of Suspicious Emails

Every day, users get sent thousands of emails. Some are important, but most are just plain junk. These emails often get filtered to a spam folder, where phishing emails are often trapped. But sometimes they slip through the digital cracks, into a main inbox. These messages typically have urgent requests that require the user to input sensitive information or fill out a form through an external link. These phishing emails can take on many personas, such as banking institutions, popular services, and universities. As such, always remember to stay vigilant and double-check the source before giving away any information.

Link Look-A-Likes

A sort of sibling to email phishing, link manipulation is when a cybercriminal sends users a link to malicious website under the ruse of an urgent request or deadline. After clicking on the deceptive link, the user is brought to the cybercriminal’s fake website rather than a real or verified link and asked to input or verify personal details. This exact scenario happened last year when several universities and businesses fell for a campaign disguised as a package delivery issue from FedEx. This scheme is a reminder that anyone can fall for a cybercriminals trap, which is why users always have to careful when clicking, as well as ensure the validity of the claim and source of the link. To check the validity, it’s always a good idea to contact the source directly to see if the notice or request is legitimate.

Gone Whaling

Corporate executives have always been high-level targets for cybercriminals. That’s why C-suite members have a special name for when cybercriminals try to phish them – whaling. What sounds like a silly name is anything but. In this sophisticated, as well as personalized attack, a cybercriminal attempts to manipulate the target to obtain money, trade secrets, or employee information. In recent years, organizations have become smarter and in turn, whaling has slowed down. Before the slowdown, however, many companies were hit with data breaches due to cybercriminals impersonating C-suite members and asking lower-level employees for company information. To avoid this pesky phishing attempt, train C-suite members to be able to identify phishing, as well as encourage unique, strong passwords on all devices and accounts.

Spear Target Acquired

 Just as email spam and link manipulation are phishing siblings, so too are whaling and spear-phishing. While whaling attacks target the C-suite of a specific organization, spear-phishing rather targets lower-level employees of a specific organization. Just as selective and sophisticated as whaling, spear-phishing targets members of a specific organization to gain access to critical information, like staff credentials, intellectual property, customer data, and more. Spear-phishing attacks tend to be more lucrative than a run-of-the-mill phishing attack, which is why cybercriminals will often spend more time crafting and obtaining personal information from these specific targets. To avoid falling for this phishing scheme, employees must have proper security training so they know how to spot a phishing lure when they see one.

Spoofed Content

With so many things to click on a website, it’s easy to see why cybercriminals would take advantage of that fact. Content spoofing is based on exactly that notion – a cybercriminal alters a section of content on a page of a reliable website to redirect an unsuspecting user to an illegitimate website where they are then asked to enter personal details. The best way to steer clear of this phishing scheme is to check that the URL matches the primary domain name.

Phishing in a Search Engine Pond

 When users search for something online, they expect reliable resources. But sometimes, phishing sites can sneak their way into legitimate results. This tactic is called search engine phishing and involves search engines being manipulated into showing malicious results. Users are attracted to these sites by discount offers for products or services. However, when the user goes to buy said product or service, their personal details are collected by the deceptive site. To stay secure, watch out for potentially sketchy ads in particular and when in doubt always navigate to the official site first.

Who’s That Caller?

With new technologies come new avenues for cybercriminals to try and obtain personal data. Vishing, or voice phishing, is one of those new avenues. In a vishing attempt, cybercriminals contact users by phone and ask the user to dial a number to receive identifiable bank account or personal information through the phone by using a fake caller ID. For example, just last year, a security researcher received a call from their financial institution saying that their card had been compromised. Instead of offering a replacement card, the bank suggested simply blocking any future geographic-specific transactions. Sensing something was up, the researcher hung up and dialed his bank – they had no record of the call or the fraudulent card transactions. This scenario, as sophisticated as it sounds, reminds users to always double-check directly with businesses before sharing any personal information.

As you can see, phishing comes in all shapes and sizes. This blog only scratches the surface of all the ways cybercriminals lure unsuspecting users into phishing traps. The best way to stay protected is to invest in comprehensive security and stay updated on new phishing scams.

The post The Seven Main Phishing Lures of Cybercriminals appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Windows 11 Now Offers Automatic Phishing Protection

By David Nield
You’re safer than ever—here’s how.

Cybersecurity Re-Launchers: Pivoting into Cybersecurity as a Mid-Career Professional

By Gergana Karadzhova

It is never too late to start a career in cybersecurity — this may sound cliché, but it holds a lot of truth. If you are passionate about the topic and are ready to put in the work to acquire the skills and knowledge needed, anyone, regardless of educational background, can break into cybersecurity.

At the age of 26, I started a four-year bachelor’s degree in digital forensics. I got introduced to the field by chance after working in data analytics for a few years and taking a college class on criminology. The program that I signed up for was mostly remote, with 80% independent preparation and bi-monthly on-site weekends at the university. I quickly realized that this model of education works great for me — I could read the materials provided by the program at my own pace and use as much external materials to supplement my understanding as needed. While the program was designed for working professionals and classes were spread out over four years, instead of the usual three years for a bachelor’s degree in Germany, it required a lot of discipline to complete the coursework while having a full-time job. Along the way, I learned several things about combining the responsibilities of adult life and achieving the study goals I had set for myself.

Below, I will outline a few recommendations to follow if you would like to break into the security field as an adult learner.

Recommendation No. 1: It is never too late     

  • Depending on the country that you live in, you are facing a retirement age of at least 61 or more. Investing in your education now, regardless of how many more years you must work, is going to pay off in increased employability, greater job satisfaction and in the case of cybersecurity – increased job security.

Recommendation No. 2: Get the important people in your life on board          

  • As an adult, you have plenty of other obligations in addition to navigating your career. You have friends and family who matter to you and often depend on you for financial and moral support. Getting their buy in before you sign up for a bigger study project is essential as it will ensure that you have a long-term support network for your undertaking.
  • Take the time at the beginning of your endeavor to share your motivation and plan around making it all work. Also, clearly communicate the repercussions of your decision, such as having less time for social activities or a tighter budget for a period. This will earn you a powerful ally, and someone to enjoy celebrating successes with.

Use visual support to communicate your goals and timeline to others. This makes it easy for them to understand where you stand and why you might pass on the dinner invitation for next weekend.

Recommendation No. 3: Put skin in the game  

  • The programs that I completed are the ones I paid for. From online classes to on-site lectures, I have found that the best predictor for the completion of any program that I have started in the past ten years is not the instructors, delivery model, length, or language, but the monetary investment I made at the start of it. Based on your current budget, set aside a certain percentage to invest in your professional development and hold yourself responsible for making the most out of it.

Recommendation No. 4: Remind yourself why you started       

  • At some point, the going gets hard and you ask yourself whether it is worth it. It is good if you are prepared to face such a low point. Something that works for me every time is writing down the questions that are bothering me and reading out the answers aloud. For example, when I was preparing for CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), which was a six-month project for me, I wrote on a sheet of paper “10 reasons why I believe this certification is good use of my time and money” and then read out the answers every time I wanted to give up

Small reminders like the one above can help you stay motivated and focused.

Recommendation No. 5: Meet people from the field early on   

  • If you are pursuing a longer study program while you are still working in another field, you can easily get bogged down by the theory or dryness of the material, especially if you do not have a live instructor or a group of people to exchange with. One way to keep up your enthusiasm is to start attending events, such as meet-ups or smaller conferences, on the topic that you are studying. Even if you are still working on gaining the subject knowledge, connecting with professionals from the field will give you access to other people who share your interest and bring life to the topics that you are studying.
  • Moreover, I was pleasantly surprised by the openness with which more experienced information security professionals at such events answered my questions and shared learning resources that they had used in the past. That is one of my favorite things about the cybersecurity community – its egalitarian spirit and willingness to grow talent.

One of the first events that I attended as a student was an information day by the German research institute Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT). Public institutions like this one tend to offer more affordable events and discount rates for students.

Recommendation No. 6: Acknowledge that Rome was not built in a day

  • Changing career as an adult is difficult. It is uncomfortable to leave an area where you feel proficient and secure and head in a direction where you feel like you will aways be at a disadvantage because you started later. Yet, you will be surprised how often cybersecurity professionals with a decade of experience suffer from imposter syndrome and question their skills. There is always more to learn and the earlier you get comfortable with this concept, the better. Try to steer away from negative thoughts and invest your energy in actions that bring you closer to your goals.

Appreciate the small steps forward and be gentle to your mental health.

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When It Comes to M&A, Security Is a Journey

By Shiva Persaud

Shiva Persaud is the director of security engineering for Cisco. His team is responsible for the Cisco Secure Development Lifecycle (CSDL), a set of practices based on a “secure-by-design” philosophy developed to ensure that security and compliance are top-of-mind in every step of a solution’s lifecycle. This blog is the third in a series focused on M&A cybersecurity, following Jason Button’s post on Demonstrating Trust and Transparency in Mergers and Acquisitions.

One of the most important considerations when Cisco acquires a company, is ensuring that the security posture of the acquisition’s solutions and infrastructure meets the enterprise’s security standards. That can be a tricky proposition and certainly doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, at Cisco, it only comes about thanks to the efforts of a multitude of people working hard behind the scenes.

“The consistent message is that no matter where a product is in its security journey, from inception to end-of-life activities, there’s still a lot of work that can happen to lead to a better security outcome,” says Persaud.

While Persaud and his team work within Cisco on all the company’s products and solutions, they also play a critical role in maintaining security standards in Cisco’s mergers and acquisitions (M&A) work.

Identifying Risks Takes the Mindset of a Hacker

Simply put, Persaud’s team is tasked with identifying the security risks posed by an acquisition’s technology and helping teams mitigate those risks.

“It starts with a risk assessment where we ask ourselves what an attacker would do to compromise this specific technology,” says Persaud. “What are the industry best practices for securing this type of technology? What do our customers expect this technology to provide from a security perspective? And once we have those risks enumerated, we prioritize them to decide which is the most important to take care of first.”

To anticipate where a hacker might find vulnerabilities and the actions they might take, the CSDL team must put themselves in that attack mindset. Fortunately for Persaud, his interest in computer security started as early as middle school. “It just kind of grew from there,” he says. “For many folks I’ve worked with and hired over the years, it’s a similar situation.”

That lifelong interest and experience work to the team’s advantage. They take a risk-based approach to security, in which they identify all the issues that need to be fixed and then rate them based on the likelihood of occurrence and seriousness of the results of an attack. Those ratings inform their decisions on which issues to fix first.

“We come up with ways to go mitigate those risks and co-author a plan called the Security Readiness Plan, or SRP,” Persaud says. “Then we partner with teams to take that plan and execute it over time.”

Not One-and-Done: Ensuring Security Is a Continual Priority

In alignment with CSDL’s continuous approach to security throughout a solution’s lifecycle, Persaud says that “security is a journey, so the workflow to finish the secure development lifecycle never ends.”

While initial onboarding of an acquired company—including completion of the initial risk assessment and the SRP—typically ends within several months of the acquisition. Persaud adds, “The work continues as the technology is integrated into a larger tech stack or as it’s modified and sold as a standalone offering to our customers.” As the solution or technology evolves and begins to include new features and functionalities, the CSDL work continues to make sure those features are secure as well.

That work can have its obstacles. Persaud says that one of the primary challenges his team deals with is cutting through the flurry of activity and bids for the acquisition’s attention that come pouring in from all sides. It’s a crazy time for both Cisco and the acquisition, with many important tasks at the top of everyone’s to-do lists. “Not just in the security realm,” says Persaud,” but in many other areas, too. So being able to get the acquisition to focus on security in a meaningful way in the context of everything else that’s happening is a major challenge.”

Another challenge is dealing with acquisitions that might not have much security expertise on their original team. That means they’re not able to give Persaud’s team much help in determining where security risks lie and how serious they are—so Cisco’s engineers have a lot more investigative work to do.

3 Ways to Make Security Simpler in M&A

When asked what advice he would give to organizations that want to maintain a good security posture when acquiring another company, Persaud names three key factors.

Top-down support for and commitment to security

To succeed in M&A security, it’s critical that the organization’s board of directors, CEO, and all subsequent levels of management support and be committed to meeting a high level of security standards and outcomes. The remaining management of the acquisition also needs to be on board with the security commitment, and both organizations should make sure that all employees recognize that commitment and support. If management support is not there, the work ultimately won’t get done. It can be difficult and time-consuming and without companywide recognition of its key importance, it won’t get prioritized, and it will get lost in the myriad of other things that all the teams have to do.

Align to industry standards and best practices

The issue of security can get really complicated, very quickly. Persaud says it’s smart to find industry standards and best practices that already exist and are available to everyone, “so you’re not reinventing the wheel—or more concerning, reinventing the wheel poorly.”

Where to look for those industry standards will vary, depending on the technology stack that needs to be secured. “If you are interested in securing a web application,” says Persaud, “then starting with the OWASP Top Ten list is a good place to start. If you are selling a cloud offer or cloud service, then look at the Cloud Security Alliance’s Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) or the Cisco Cloud Controls Framework.”

One way to think of it, Persaud says, is that there are a variety of security frameworks certain customers will need a company to adhere to before they can use their solutions. Think frameworks like FedRAMP, SOC-2, Common Criteria, or FIPS.

“You can align your product security work to those frameworks as a baseline and then build on top of them to make technology more resilient.” It’s a great place to start.

Decide on very focused outcomes that facilitate improvement over time

It’s essential that an organization be very clear on what it wants to accomplish when it comes to ensuring security of an acquisition’s solutions and infrastructure. This will help it avoid “trying to boil the whole ocean,” says Persaud.

Persaud and his team talk about working up to security fitness the way a runner would start with a 5K and work up to an Ironman competition. “You take progressive steps towards improving,” he says. “You’re very explicit about what milestones of improvement you’ll encounter on your journey of good security.”

3 Ways Cisco Can Help

Persaud says Cisco is uniquely positioned to help organizations maintain security standards when acquiring other companies. He points to three critical differentiators.

Companywide commitment to security

“The level of visibility and support that we have for security at Cisco, starts with our board of directors and our CEO, and then throughout the organization,” says Persaud.  “This is a very special and unique situation that allows us to do a lot of impactful work from a security perspective,”

Cisco has long been adamant about security that’s built in from the ground up and not bolted on as an afterthought. It’s the reason the CSDL exists, as well as the Cisco Security & Trust Organization and the many, many teams that work every day to infuse security and privacy awareness into every product, service, and solution—including the technology and infrastructure of newly acquired companies.

Robust set of building blocks to enable secure outcomes

Once Persaud’s team has identified and assessed the security risks of an acquisition, his and other teams go about helping the acquisition address and mitigate those risks. Cisco provides a set of common building blocks or tools that teams can use to improve the security posture of an acquisition.

“We have secure libraries that teams can integrate into their code base to help them do certain things securely, so that the individual teams don’t have to implement that security functionality from scratch,” says Persaud. “And Cisco produces certain pieces of hardware that can be leveraged across our product lines, such as secure boot and secure storage.”

“Cisco’s operations stack also has various services acquisitions can use,” says Persaud. “An example of this comes from our Security Vulnerability and Incident Command team (SVIC). They provide logging capabilities that cloud offers at Cisco can leverage to do centralized logging, and then monitor those logs. SVIC also offers a security vulnerability scanning service so individual teams don’t have to do it independently.”

Another critical building block is Persaud’s team and their expertise. They act as a valuable resource that teams can consult when they want to build a new feature securely or improve the security of an existing feature.

Strong security community intent on providing solutions

Persaud concludes, “Cisco has an extremely strong and active security community where teams can ask questions, gain insights, give guidance, troubleshoot issues, share ideas and technology, and discuss emerging security topics. The community is committed to helping others instead of competing against each other. Members have the mindset of enriching the overall approach to security at Cisco and learning from any source they can to make things continually better.

Related Blogs

Managing Cybersecurity Risk in M&A

Demonstrating Trust and Transparency in Mergers and Acquisitions


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What Is Smishing? Here’s How to Spot Fake Texts and Keep Your Info Safe

By Vishnu Varadaraj

Your phone buzzes. You hope it’s a reply from last night’s date, but instead you get an entirely different swooping feeling: It’s an alarming SMS text alerting you about suspicious activity on your bank account and that immediate action is necessary.  

Take a deep breath and make sure to read the message carefully. Luckily, your assets could be completely safe. It could just be a smisher. 

Smishing, or phishing over SMS, is a tactic where cybercriminals impersonate reputable organizations or people and trick people into handing over their PII or financial details. Sometimes they can seem very credible with the information they have, and you may have even been expecting a correspondence of a similar nature. 

So how can you tell when an SMS text is real and requires your attention? And how should you deal with a smisher to keep your identity safe? 

What Is Smishing? 

Like email phishing and social media phishing,

SMS text phishing often tries to use a strong emotion – like fear, anger, guilt, or excitement – to get you to respond immediately and without thinking through the request completely.  

In the case of one coordinated smishing attack, cybercriminals not only impersonated financial institutions but collected PII on their targets ahead of time. The criminals then used these personal details – like old addresses and Social Security Numbers – to convince people that they were legitimate bank employees.1 But since when does a bank try to prove itself to the customer? Usually, it’s the other way around, where they’ll ask you to confirm your identity. Be wary of anyone who texts or calls you and has your PII. If you’re ever suspicious of a caller or texter claiming they’re a financial official, contact your bank through verified channels (chat, email, or phone) you find on the bank’s website to make sure. 

Smishers often keep up with current events and attempt to impersonate well-known companies that have a reason to reach out to their customers. This adds false legitimacy to their message. For example, in the summer of 2022, Rogers Communications, a Canadian telecommunications provider, experienced an extended loss of service and told customers they could expect a reimbursement. Smishers jumped on the opportunity and sent a barrage of fake texts requesting banking details in order to carry out the reimbursement.2 However, Rogers credited customers directly to their Rogers accounts.  

3 Tips to Identify a Smisher 

If you receive a suspicious text, go through these three steps to determine if you should follow up with the organization in question or simply delete and report the text. 

1. Know your notification preferences.

Do you have text alerts enabled for your bank and utility accounts? If not, disregard any text claiming to be from those organizations. Companies will only contact you through the channels you have approved. Also, in the case of the Rogers smishing scheme, be aware of how a company plans to follow up with customers regarding reimbursements. You can find information like this on their official website and verified social channels. 

2. Check the tone.

If the tone of the text urges you to act quickly or proposes a dire consequence of ignoring the message, be on alert. While suspicious activity on your credit card is serious, your bank will likely reimburse you for charges you didn’t make, so you have time to check your bank account and see recent activities. Official correspondence from financial institutions will always be professional, typo-free, and will try to put you at ease, not make you panic.

3. Verify the phone number.

Whenever you get a text from someone you don’t know, it’s a good practice to do an internet search for the number to see with whom it’s associated. If it’s a legitimate number, it should appear on the first page of the search results and direct to an official bank webpage. 

What to Do When You Receive a Fake SMS Alert 

Once you’ve identified a fake SMS alert, do not engage with it. Never click on any links in the message, as they can redirect you to risky sites or download malware to your device. If you have McAfee Safe Browsing on your mobile, it can be your backup if you accidentally open a malicious link. 

Also, don’t reply to the text. A reply lets the criminal on the other end know that they reached a valid phone number, which may cause them to redouble their efforts. Finally, block the number and report it as spam. 

A great absolute rule to always follow is to never give out your Social Security Number, banking information, usernames, or passwords over text. 

How to Keep Your PII Safe from Smishers 

To give you peace of mind in cases where you think a malicious actor has access to your PII, you can count on McAfee+. McAfee+ offers a comprehensive suite of identity and privacy protection services to help you feel more confident in your digital life. 

1PC Mag, “Scammers Are Using Fake SMS Bank Fraud Alerts to Phish Victims, FBI Says 

2Daily Hive, “Rogers scam alert: Texts offering credit after outage are fake 

The post What Is Smishing? Here’s How to Spot Fake Texts and Keep Your Info Safe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The essentials of GRC and cybersecurity — How they empower each other

By The Hacker News
Understanding the connection between GRC and cybersecurity When talking about cybersecurity, Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) is often considered the least exciting part of business protection. However, its importance can't be ignored, and this is why.  While cybersecurity focuses on the technical side of protecting systems, networks, devices, and data, GRC is the tool that will help the

Meta Says It Has Busted More Than 400 Login-Stealing Apps This Year

By Lily Hay Newman
The company plans to alert 1 million Facebook users that their account credentials may have been compromised by malicious software.

Why Don’t You Go Dox Yourself?

By Zoe Lindsey

Whether or not you’ve heard the term “doxxing” before, you’re probably familiar with the problem it names: collecting personal information about someone online to track down and reveal their real-life identity. The motivations for doxxing are many, and mostly malicious: for some doxxers, the goal in tracking someone is identity theft. For others, it’s part of a pattern of stalking or online harassment to intimidate, silence or punish their victim –  and overwhelmingly, victims are youth and young adults, women, and LGBTQ+ people. The truth is, most of us have information online that we don’t realize can put us at risk, and that’s why I’ve written this series: to inform readers about how doxxing happens, and how you can protect yourself from this very real and growing problem by doxxing yourself.


In computer security, we talk about the idea of a “security mindset”: understanding how someone with bad intentions would cause harm, and being able to think like they would to find weak spots. In this series, you will learn by doing. By understanding the tools and methods used by those with ill intent, you’ll be better prepared to keep yourself safe and your information secure.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to follow along and find out everything the internet knows about… you!


This series will provide simple steps for you to follow as you begin your investigation. Along the way, as you get familiar with the tools and tactics of internet sleuths, you’ll get a better idea of your current internet footprint as well as know what tracks you leave in the future. Our process will be split into three main sections:

  • REVIEW: Before you can decide what to do with personal data online, you first have to take inventory of what’s out there. We’ll start analog with a brainstorm of your basic personal information and the usernames/emails you use most, and then leverage some free tools to build a more comprehensive list of lesser-used accounts you might have abandoned or forgotten.
  • RESTRICT: Next, you’ll tackle the shortlist of accounts and services you use actively or rely on. Because this is where you likely store the most sensitive information and log the most activity, you’ll want to secure these first. We’ll then look at some password best practices, add strong authentication, and review permissions on social media posts.
  • REMOVE: Odds are, in the process of review, you’ll find information or accounts you no longer want to share, or never intended to share in the first place. So let’s clear the clutter and delete these accounts you no longer need. In this step, we’ll also take a look at what data brokers are and how you can start the process of opting out of their databases.

Information is power. And in the case of doxxing, most people don’t realize how much of their power they’re giving up! My goal in this series is to demystify the methods used for doxxing, so in the spirit of “showing my work,” here are some of the best resources and collected checklists I referenced when planning these exercises, along with how to best use each:

Reference Resources

  • NYT Social Media Security and Privacy Checklists: Journalists depend on good digital privacy not only for their own safety, but for their sources as well. This is a great resource for reviewing your presence on the most common social media platforms, as well as some best practices for keeping those accounts safe.
  • Self-Doxxing Guide: Access Now is an advocacy group for digital human rights, including the right to privacy. They provide a broader guide beyond social media, covering some of the search and reverse image search engines that we’ll look at in this series.
  • Intel Techniques: Personal Data Removal Guide: When it comes to locking down your private data, there’s few better qualified than Michael Bazzell. He literally wrote the book on both open-source intelligence (sometimes abbreviated as OPSEC, this is an industry term for personal information collected through publicly-accessible resources) AND the book on defending against these tactics. This workbook, which he provides as a free resource through his site, will give you a step-by-step checklist of the major brokers we’ll discuss as well as lesser-known providers.
  • Gender and Tech Safety Resource: Seven out of ten LGBTQ+ people have experienced online harassment, and half have experienced severe harassment including doxxing. This detailed guide covers previously-mentioned tools, as well as secure browsers, virtual machines, and much more in-depth security hygiene than we’ll have time to review in this series.

If this looks like a whole lot of homework… don’t worry! We’ll cover most of the core tools and tips mentioned in these resources through the course of this series, and we’ll revisit these links at the end of the series when you’ve gotten more context on what they cover. In the next article, we’ll take on the review step of our process, getting a holistic inventory of what personal information is currently available online so you can prioritize the most important fixes. See you soon!

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The Fight to Cut Off the Crypto Fueling Russia's Ukraine Invasion

By Andy Greenberg
Blockchain investigators have uncovered at least $4 million—and counting—in cryptocurrency donations to Russia’s violent militia groups.

Hackers Can Use 'App Mode' in Chromium Browsers' for Stealth Phishing Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
In what's a new phishing technique, it has been demonstrated that the Application Mode feature in Chromium-based web browsers can be abused to create "realistic desktop phishing applications." Application Mode is designed to offer native-like experiences in a manner that causes the website to be launched in a separate browser window, while also displaying the website's favicon and hiding the

The Ultimate SaaS Security Posture Management Checklist, 2023 Edition

By The Hacker News
It's been a year since the release of The Ultimate SaaS Security Posture Management (SSPM) Checklist. If SSPM is on your radar, here's the 2023 checklist edition, which covers the critical features and capabilities when evaluating a solution. The ease with which SaaS apps can be deployed and adopted today is remarkable, but it has become a double-edged sword. On the one hand, apps are quickly

Employee Volunteer Program Supports Youth Globally

By Mary Kate Schmermund

Giving back is part of the ethos at Cisco. Part of how that happens is through employees volunteering as part of Cisco’s Time2Give benefit in which employees can use paid time to contribute to their communities and support the causes they’re passionate about. During the pandemic, Cisco increased this benefit from five paid volunteering days to 10 and encourages virtual volunteering, too.

Elizabeth Chang, a software engineer on the Duo Security platform services team, considers Time2Give a great opportunity to “invest in people around you. It is amazing that Cisco supports what we are passionate about and that we can use this time to grow ourselves in other areas of life,” she said.

Cisconians care deeply about many causes, and this post celebrates how teammates spend their time supporting children, youth and teens in and out of school and those preparing for college. Stay tuned for future posts highlighting how other employees give their time. You may even be inspired to find out how you can develop your skills while contributing to organizations that matter to you!

Summer + After School Engagement

Pierpaolo Panarotto, an account executive on Duo’s EMEAR continental team, volunteers at Sport senza frontiere onlus, a summer sports camp in Italy for refugee children. This summer Panarotto tutored and taught badminton. The program also welcomed children from Ukraine this year.

For Panarotto, the best part, hands down, was seeing the children’s smiles. He advised, “Give back to your community. Sometimes we forget how lucky we are.”

Chang also volunteered at a summer camp, supporting middle and high school students in Boston. The program she supported, Area Youth Ministry Leadership Camp and Summer Boost, fosters leadership skills and college readiness while promoting mentorship.

By helping lead a coding workshop, Chang was able to share what she does professionally. “I was glad that I got to help inspire youth to pursue computer science,” she said. The camp was such a hit that many participants “didn’t want to go home because they had such a fun time,” Chang shared.

“Take the time! You’ll never get the opportunity to go back and take it later. Your community and your heart will thank you!” – Sarah Moon-Musser

Now that school has started, Engineering Program Manager in Platform Engineering Sarah Moon-Musser helps teach the Belleville High School Marching Band’s color guard choreography for their halftime show. She loves spending time with the students. To those considering utilizing Time2Give Moon-Musser says, “Take the time! You’ll never get the opportunity to go back and take it later. Your community and your heart will thank you!”

Employees Volunteer to Support College Readiness Virtually

College readiness is also a passion for Justin Fan and Seema Kathuria who both volunteer with Code2College. They’re able to volunteer virtually by reviewing resumes and college entrance essays and providing constructive feedback through shared documents.

Senior Product Marketing Manager, Kathuria appreciates “learning about the experiences of high school students and how they approach writing about their accomplishments,” she said.

For Fan, a senior customer success manager in security customer success, “the best part is supporting younger generations as they move into college and career. They’re so much more focused and mature than I was at their age,” he said. Fan also participates in virtual career workshops with high school and college students with Students Rising Above.


For others wanting to use Time2Give, Fan suggests finding opportunities you’re passionate about and utilizing light meeting days to volunteer. Kathuria says, “Take advantage of the 10 Time2Give days per year that Cisco gives us. It is very generous, and it feels so good to give back to the community in whatever way makes you happy and fulfilled.”

Employee Volunteer Program High on Your List?

If you’re looking to feel fulfilled by your work and the impact you can make, please check out our open roles.

We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Secure on social!

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Swatted: A Shooting Hoax Spree Is Terrorizing Schools Across the US

By Dhruv Mehrotra
Sixteen states collectively suffered more than 90 false reports of school shooters during three weeks in September—and many appear to be connected.

The need to change cybersecurity for the next generation

By Tony Anscombe

Healthy habits that are instilled and nurtured at an early age bring lifelong benefits – the same applies to good cybersecurity habits

The post The need to change cybersecurity for the next generation appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Experts Warn of New RatMilad Android Spyware Targeting Enterprise Devices

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A novel Android malware called RatMilad has been observed targeting a Middle Eastern enterprise mobile device by concealing itself as a VPN and phone number spoofing app. The mobile trojan functions as advanced spyware with capabilities that receives and executes commands to collect and exfiltrate a wide variety of data from the infected mobile endpoint, Zimperium said in a report shared with

How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams

By McAfee

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a scam or heard of someone whose bank account was emptied by fraudsters 

Unfortunately, these examples are becoming increasingly common. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) shared that they receive about 1,000 scam complaints daily from cash app users. As the number of cash app users increased over the last few years, so did the number of fraudsters on payment apps like Venmo and PayPal. As a result, even the most alert people have found themselves prey to smooth-talking fraudsters. 

This article highlights common themes of cash app scams and explains how to protect your financial and personal information from scammers online. Stay tuned to learn more. 

Tips to avoid Venmo and Cash App scams

With the number of scams rising, it’s important to be more aware and cautious. So, what can you do to protect yourself from being scammed? 

Here are four essential safety tips to avoid some common Venmo scams: 

  • Never share private details like your Social Security number, bank account information, or debit card or credit card number with anyone online — even if they claim to be from the Venmo customer service team. Attackers can use the stolen credit card information to make unwanted transactions from your account. 
  • Do not send money to strangers online, no matter what they tell you. And never do business with strangers through the Venmo app. 
  • Never click on links in emails or texts supposedly sent by Venmo. Venmo mail is always sent via their official mail ID from their website: In addition, Venmo will never address you as “Dear User” or “Dear Venmo User” — they will always address you by your full name or business name. 
  • Turn the private setting on Venmo on so strangers can’t view your Venmo transaction history. 

Let’s discuss some scam tactics commonly used on money transfer apps like Venmo and how you can quickly recognize and sidestep them. 

The most common Venmo and Cash App scams

Spoofing and phishing scams are practices that trick you into revealing sensitive financial or online information, leading you to lose money and face risk  identity theft. 

Knowing common ways that an online scammer can trick you will help you stay alert. This knowledge might make it easier to recognize a fraudster. 

Let’s talk about a few common scam tactic examples, so you know the red flags to look out for when using cash apps like Venmo. 

Fake reward or cash prize

In this type of scam, a scammer will send you a text message, a notification, or an email with a link telling you that you won a cash prize or trending concert tickets on Venmo. The link generally leads to a page that asks you to sign in or provide information about your Venmo account. For example, the text could say something like, “As a long-time user of Venmo, you have received a $20 gift card from Venmo. Sign in to redeem.” Filling in these details can lead to your Venmo account being hacked. 

Prevent being scammed this way by never sharing your Venmo login information with any person or third-party website. 

A scammer may try to sign in to your Venmo account, requiring them to enter a code sent to your mobile number. They will call you, pretend to be from the Venmo tech support or customer service team, and produce any plausible reason they need you so you’ll share the code you received.  

For example, this phone call may sound like, “Hello, we have noticed some unauthorized transactions on your Venmo account. This can lead to your account being blocked. To authorize the transactions, we need to confirm that you are the real owner of this account. For authentication purposes, we sent a code to your phone. Could you share that code with me, please?” 

When in the middle of a busy work day, this call might not seem like a big deal and you may share the code without suspecting the caller of smishing. However, this code might be part of multi-factor authentication on Venmo and will give the scammer access to your account.  

This can also look a little different. For example, someone who claims to be a Venmo agent might ask you to transfer a sum of money into another account to “verify” your account. 

To avoid being scammed this way, keep in mind that a Venmo agent will never ask for a private code or try to gain access to your account. In addition, Venmo will never ask you to install a third-party app, redirect you to a different sign-in page, or ask you to send money to “verify” an account. 

As a rule of thumb, never share your Venmo verification code with anyone, no matter who they claim to be. 

Offers to make fast cash

This scam has a few names, including pyramid scheme, money circle, or cash wheel. Here, a scammer will persuade you to send them a small amount of money to earn back a larger sum within a short period. This is an easy scam to identify because you have no guarantee that the person will pay you back. However, scammers can be extremely convincing, and you may fall for their words.  

To avoid this mistake on the cash transfer app, don’t ever send money to strangers on Venmo. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. 

Someone posing as one of your friends

In such a scam, a scammer will attempt to impersonate someone you know. For example, a scammer is impersonating your friend “X.” They use any publicly available information about “X” and create an account using “X’s” name and picture. If “X’s” Venmo account isn’t private, the scammer can access “X’s” transaction history. And, if “X” has transacted with you in the past, the scammer posing as “X” will connect with you and request money. Usually, these requests suggest an urgent need for money. Since you know “X,” you might consider lending them the amount. 

Avoid this scam by being wary of any unusual money requests from someone who looks like a friend. Before accepting the payment request, double-check that the person requesting the money is your friend or a family member. Reach out to your friend outside of Venmo through their phone or a credible social media account to verify that it’s not a fake profile asking you for money. In addition, you should always keep your Venmo friend list and transaction history private to avoid giving scammers access to your data. 

Scams when buying or selling things online 

If you’re selling goods online, a buyer might try to obtain your goods without actually paying for your product. So, they may send you a screenshot of a fake payment to prove they have paid when you haven’t received any money.  

Sometimes, a scammer will send a screenshot showing that they accidentally paid you an extra sum of money, and may ask you to pay the money back. However, their payment was fake, and you will end up paying money from your pocket.  

Another example involves a seller who sends a message that seems like it’s from Venmo. The message might say that the buyer made a payment, but it will only be fully processed once goods are shipped. Again, this is a red flag to watch out for because Venmo doesn’t offer this feature. 

If you’re a buyer online, your seller may convince you to Venmo them the entire payment, and then they may refuse to ship the purchased goods to you. 

To be protected from such scams, avoid selling and buying items using Venmo. If you’re buying from strangers on Venmo, ensure it is a Venmo-approved business account so you have purchase protection for any eligible items covered under the user agreement. 

As a rule, it’s best not to exchange Venmo payments with strangers. Consider blocking the user if you receive an unsolicited payment or a payment request from a stranger on Venmo. 

How to protect yourself from Venmo and Cash App scams

As transactions become increasingly digital, it’s important to educate yourself about the best practices to protect your financial information online. 

Here are some general tips to follow: 

  • Never reveal personal codes, financial details, bank information, private one-time codes, or passwords to anyone online. 
  • Remember that no one from the Venmo team will ever ask for one-time passwords, just like no one from your bank would ask you to reveal private details or codes. 
  • Be aware of current scams so you can recognize one when you see it. 

Online safety should not be taken lightly, and investing in an advanced tool is a good idea to ensure your cybersafety. 

Protect yourself from dangerous threats online with McAfee

If you’re serious about online safety and security, the McAfee+ Protection package is a great investment. This package gives you a premium level of online security, with full protection from things like identity theft. In addition, you get access to antivirus software for unlimited devices, personal data clean-ups, lost wallet protection, and a secure VPN — among other benefits. Sign up today! 

The post How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Is Bloatware and How Can It Impact Security?

By McAfee

The joy of purchasing a new device is liberating. Now you can work, learn, and play faster — along with enjoying ample storage space. So, the last thing you’d expect is your apparently safe device being exposed to vulnerabilities, or “bloat.”  

Exposure to unwanted software can derail its performance and hog its storage within a few months of usage. In technical terms, such pieces of software are referred to as bloatware. Bloatware has the potential to attack PCs with Microsoft systems and Android devices. It can also attack Apple iPhones and Macs although their systems tend to be built with a bit more protection.  

This article defines bloatware, offers common examples, explains how to identify it, and discusses its impact on your computer’s security.  

What is bloatware?

Bloatware, also called Junkware or Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP), are third-party programs that slow down the performance of your device and lay it bare to cybersecurity risks.  

Manufacturers initially introduced bloatware to provide users with more utility, but the programs led to device issues. Software programs that identify as bloatware run in the background, and locating them is not child’s play.  

Bloatware finds its way into your device in two ways: it comes pre-installed or through programs downloaded from the internet. Lenovo‘s Superfish bloatware scandal from 2015 explains how bloatware can harm your devices.  

What are examples of bloatware?

Common examples of bloatware apps include:  

  • Weather checking apps 
  • Finance/money apps 
  • Gaming/sports apps 
  • Map or navigation apps 
  • Fitness/health apps 
  • Messaging or video apps 
  • Music (listening and recording) apps 
  • Toolbars and junk-browser extensions 
  • System update apps 
  • Fake cleaner apps 
  • Productivity assistants 

As a piece of good advice, it is best to uninstall such apps when of no use — whether on your Android smartphone, Windows computer, or an iOS device. 

Signs a program may be bloatware

Performance degradation is a common symptom of a device carrying bloatware. Extended boot-up times, clogged storage, and startup delays are common occurrences. Let’s review some programs that may also be bloatware: 

  • Utilities. This type of bloatware typically shows up as pre-installed software on new devices. Manufacturers and third-party developers create these software programs that offer added functionality to the end-user. Examples include weather tracking apps, music apps, and productivity apps. 
  • Trialware. This is a frequent form of bloatware that comes with new devices for free and works for a set trial period until a license is purchased. In a few cases, trialware is harmless and can be removed easily.  
  • Adware. This is a famous type of software that showcases or downloads advertising material like banners or pop-ups 

Here’s how to identify bloatware: 

  • Anonymous apps installed on your device. Don’t recall installing a specific app on your device? It could be bloatware. Promptly delete apps that are unnecessary.  
  • Bothersome upsells while using an app. Often, the purpose of bloatware is to generate money. It might deploy invasive marketing and sales techniques that can disturb your browsing experience.  
  • Annoying pop-up ads in your browser. If you experience too many pop-up ads redirecting you to unsafe and suspicious websites, that points toward adware. Adware comes from the web and can modify your homepage or tab settings and change the browser setup. 

How can bloatware impact your computer’s security?

As mentioned, not all bloatware is a threat to your device. Some may be useful and can be removed easily. But a major chunk of bloatware is known to slow down your computer.  

Bloatware eats up a good chunk of the disk space or hard drive as it runs in the background, and it drains the battery life. Bloatware that isn’t removed quickly may clog your device with annoying ads. These ads can pose a security threat or even corrupt your operating system 

Can you remove bloatware?

Sadly, it can be a challenge to uninstall bloatware because it finds its way back into the device — sometimes even after it has been deleted. In some cases, it may even redirect you to fake bloatware removal websites and offer malicious removal tools. Such websites ask you to install a new program to remove the previous one, trapping your device further. Unfortunately, there are no secret hacks to stop it from finding a way into your system. 

Pro tip: Anytime you download a program or software, be sure it’s from an official source (like a secured website, the Google Play Store, or the Apple App Store). Installing a program from a suspicious website can put your device at risk, as the program can download bundles of other programs on the back end without your knowledge.  

Windows 10 comes with a special refresh tool to remove any bloatware disguised as user-installed programs. This tool can bring your PC back to a clean slate. It’s important to check your hard drive beforehand, as it can also remove licenses.  

Protect your computer from dangerous security threats with McAfee

Bloatware can be both harmful and annoying. New devices need full-fledged protection so they can last longer. The answer to your bloatware woes is an antivirus program. It safeguards your computer from dangerous security threats and prevents accidental downloads, so malicious bloatware or malware can’t access your device.  

Bloatware can compromise your online safety and security. McAfee+’s protection package is the ideal investment for your new device, so you can work without any hassles or doubts.  

McAfee+ enables a top-tier level of online security with full protection from pesky software programs like bloatware. Additionally, you get access to antivirus software for unlimited devices, lost wallet protection, a secure VPN, personal data clean-ups, and more. Sign up for McAfee + and rest easy while your devices remain bloatware-free 

The post What Is Bloatware and How Can It Impact Security? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

The Expert’s Guide to Deleting Your Browser History for Good

By McAfee

Until recently, people had little control over how companies used their online data. But, with data privacy now a human right, people are pickier about who can access their data and how they use it.  

Every time you visit a website by typing its address on the address bar, your browser history holds a record of information like the name of the site, its location, and when you visited it. Unfortunately, third parties can access this data, leaving you vulnerable to identity theft and data misuse. Simply deleting your Internet Explorer browser history is not enough to safeguard your data. 

This article explains how to keep your internet activities private and delete your web browser history for good. 

Can you permanently delete your browsing history?

Most people don’t know that clearing your browsing history doesn’t actually delete it. 

Even after you’ve clicked on the “clear browsing history” option in your selected browser, there’s still a record of every Google search from the beginning of time. This information can be accessed by third parties like your internet service provider, the websites you visit, and advertisers. So, clearing your browsing history is not enough to safeguard your data. 

While clearing your browser history has benefits like better application efficiency, you should invest in useful online tools like McAfee’s identity theft protection and you better protect your data online.  to help you truly protect your data online. to help you truly protect your data online.  

Before diving into how to clear your browser history, let’s talk about why you should give importance to deleting your data for good. 

Why you should delete your browsing history

Just like you have to clear out the dust from your vacuum cleaner to continue cleaning, you should clear the data on your browser so it remains speedy and efficient.  

Your browsing history records are cluttered with cache files, cookies, search history, and autofill data. All this digital clutter fills up your Random Access Memory (or RAM), slowing your PC, Apple iOS device, or Android device’s functioning. 

You might see pop-ups on websites telling you that they use cookies. Without giving it much thought, you might click the “OK” or “Accept cookies” button and continue browsing the site. But do you know how these cookies are used? 

Cookies are temporary internet files that store browsing data and preferences to make your future online experiences easier. For example, this helps you personalize your search results to an extent. The cache stores parts of pages, websites, or images you visit, enabling the pages to load faster the next time you open them. 

These types of files sound like they help you have a better internet experience, so why should you delete them? 

Here are some reasons to clear your browsing history, cache, and cookies: 

  • It protects your personal information from other people who use your device and third parties on the internet. 
  • It clears your device storage and helps your applications run more efficiently. 
  • It prevents you from using old forms. 

However, simply clearing cache and cookies is not enough. This method will clear space on your device and erase some references, but the data is still saved on your device as free space. You should use tools to permanently delete your browsing data from the hard drive because: 

  • This truly protects your data from hackers, which clearing browsing history does not achieve. 
  • It prevents your information from being tracked, which is common despite the privacy laws in different states and countries. 

So, it’s crucial to properly wipe your data if you’re serious about protecting your privacy online.  

What does private/incognito mode in browsers do?

Many people switch to incognito mode when making an embarrassing Google search because it seemingly leaves no trace of the search on your device. But, does useing incognito mode or a private browsing window protect your data and ensure your privacy & security? 

When you use incognito or private browsing mode, the tracking cookies on the websites you visit are blocked by default, and your cookie data and search history are deleted from the browser as soon as you close the window. Essentially, it auto-deletes your browser history as soon as you close the window. 

However, your browser actions are still visible to the websites you have visited and your internet service provider (ISP). In addition, data from your browsing activity is saved to any accounts you’re logged into (like your Google account), even when using incognito mode. 

Your internet service provider and other third parties have easy access to your browser activity irrespective of whether you’re in private browsing mode. This means using incognito mode is not enough to protect your online privacy. 

How to delete internet history, by browser

If you’re worried about what someone might see on your laptop or you notice your applications slowing down, we’re here to help. We’ll show you how to quickly clear your device’s browser history from some commonly used internet options. 

There’s no fixed or recommended time for deleting your browsing history, cache, and cookies. It’s all relative to your system’s storage space and personal preferences. Refer to this step-by-step guide whenever you feel like it’s time to clear junk from your browsers. 

Google Chrome

To delete your browser history on Google Chrome: 

  1. Open the Chrome browser on your laptop or computer. 
  2. Click the three vertical dots in the upper-right corner. 
  3. Find an option that says “More tools” and select “Clear browsing data” under it. 
  4. Now, you’ll see an option to choose a time range near the top of the screen. To delete everything, select “All time.” If you want to delete history from the past hour, select “Last hour.”  
  5. Next, check the boxes saying “Cookies and other site data” and “Cache images and files,” and click “Clear data.” 

Some of your settings might be deleted when clearing your browser history. For example, you might have to re-sign into your accounts. 

If you want to delete cookies and cache for a specific site, you can learn how to change more cookie settings in Chrome.  

Mozilla Firefox 

To delete your browsing, search, and download history on Mozilla Firefox, follow these steps: 

  1. Click “Menu” and select “History.” 
  2. Select the “Clear recent history” option. 
  3. In “Time range to clear,” choose “Everything” from the drop-down menu. 
  4. Select “Cache” and other items to delete in the options list. 
  5. Ensure the files you want to keep are not selected. 
  6. Click “OK.” 

Now, you have quickly deleted your browser history on Mozilla Firefox. 

Microsoft Edge 

To clear your Microsoft Edge browsing data from just the device you are currently using, turn off sync before clearing the data. The selected data will be deleted across all of your synced devices if sync is turned on.  

Follow these steps to turn off sync: 

  1. Select Settings. 
  2. Click “Profiles.” 
  3. Select “Sync” and click “Turn off sync.” 

To clear browsing data on Microsoft Edge: 

  1. Select “Privacy, search, and services” under settings. 
  2. Click “Clear browsing data” and then “Clear browsing data now.” 
  3. You’ll see an option to choose which types of browsing data to clear. Select the data you want to delete. For example, you can select browsing history and cookies, but keep the saved passwords and autofill data unchecked. 
  4. Choose a time range from the drop-down menu. 
  5. Select the “Clear now” option. 

This is how to clear your browsing data on Microsoft Edge in a few simple steps. 


Here are simple steps to clear browser cache and cookies on Safari 8.0 through 10.0. These steps apply to your Apple laptop running macOS, but an iPad or iPhone might have slightly different steps. 

  1. On the upper-left corner of your screen, click “Safari” and then choose “Preferences.” 
  2. Click the “Privacy” tab and select “Remove all website data.” 

That’s all! You’ve now deleted your browser history on Safari. 


To clear cache and browser history in Opera: 

  1. Press the Control, Shift, and Delete buttons on your keyboard. 
  2. Select the timeframe of your choice. If you want to delete your entire browser history, select “Since Installation.” 
  3. Select “Images and files in cache.” 
  4. Click “Delete browser data.” 
  5. Refresh the web page. 

There you have it! It’s simple and free to erase your browser history, cache, and cookies, and you should regularly do so. 

How to protect your privacy online

Now you know how to delete your browser history to keep your device running smoothly and limit how much data advertisers and companies can collect about you. 

However, you may be concerned about the identity traces still being captured without your knowledge. 

If you’re serious about maintaining complete privacy with your online data, invest in advanced tools to safeguard your online information and prevent identity theft. 

Get the online privacy and protection you need from McAfee 

McAfee helps keep your digital data private and protected from identity theft. Access various tools to safeguard your online spaces by investing in the McAfee privacy and protection service. This service includes antivirus software for unlimited devices, complete data cleanup from your hard drive and browser, and much more. In addition, this product comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.  

Easily keep your digital spaces safe and your online data private with McAfee+. 

The post The Expert’s Guide to Deleting Your Browser History for Good appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Cybercrime’s Most Wanted: Four Mobile Threats that Might Surprise You

By McAfee

It’s hard to imagine a world without cellphones. Whether it be a smartphone or a flip phone, these devices have truly shaped the late 20th century and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. But while users have become accustomed to having almost everything they could ever want at fingertips length, cybercriminals were busy setting up shop. To trick unsuspecting users, cybercriminals have set up crafty mobile threats – some that users may not even be fully aware of. These sneaky cyberthreats include SMSishing, fake networks, malicious apps, and grayware, which have all grown in sophistication over time. This means users need to be equipped with the know-how to navigate the choppy waters that come with these smartphone-related cyberthreats. Let’s get started.

Watch out for SMSishing Hooks

If you use email, then you are probably familiar with what phishing is. And while phishing is commonly executed through email and malicious links, there is a form of phishing that specifically targets mobile devices called SMSishing. This growing threat allows cybercriminals to utilize messaging apps to send unsuspecting users a SMSishing message. These messages serve one purpose – to obtain personal information, such as logins and financial information. With that information, cybercriminals could impersonate the user to access banking records or steal their identity.

While this threat was once a rarity, it’s rise in popularity is two-fold. The first aspect being that users have been educated to distrust email messages and the second being the rise in mobile phone usage throughout the world. Although this threat shows no sign of slowing down, there are ways to avoid a cybercriminal’s SMSishing hooks. Get started with these tips:

  1. Always double-check the message’s source. If you receive a text from your bank or credit card company, call the organization directly to ensure the message is legit.
  2. Delete potential SMSishing Do not reply to or click on any links within a suspected malicious text, as that could lead to more SMSishing attempts bombarding your phone.
  3. Invest in comprehensive mobile security. Adding an extra level of security can not only help protect your device but can also notify you when a threat arises.

Public Wi-Fi Woes  

Public and free Wi-Fi is practically everywhere nowadays, with some destinations even having city-wide Wi-Fi set up. But that Wi-Fi users are connecting their mobile device to may not be the most secure, given cybercriminals can exploit weaknesses in these networks to intercept messages, login credentials, or other personal information. Beyond exploiting weaknesses, some cybercriminals take it a step further and create fake networks with generic names that trick unsuspecting users into connecting their devices. These networks are called “evil-twin” networks. For help in spotting these imposters, there are few tricks the savvy user can deploy to prevent an evil twin network from wreaking havoc on their mobile device:

  1. Look for password-protected networks. As strange as it sounds, if you purposely enter the incorrect password but are still allowed access, the network is most likely a fraud.
  2. Pay attention to page load times. If the network you are using is very slow, it is more likely a cybercriminal is using an unreliable mobile hotspot to connect your mobile device to the web.
  3. Use a virtual private network or VPN. While you’re on-the-go and using public Wi-Fi, add an extra layer of security in the event you accidentally connect to a malicious network. VPNs can encrypt your online activity and keep it away from prying eyes. 

Malicious Apps: Fake It till They Make It

Fake apps have become a rampant problem for Android and iPhone users alike. This is mainly in part due to malicious apps hiding in plain sight on legitimate sources, such as the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. After users download a faulty app, cybercriminals deploy malware that operates in the background of mobile devices which makes it difficult for users to realize anything is wrong. And while users think they’ve just downloaded another run-of-the-mill app, the malware is hard at work obtaining personal data.

In order to keep sensitive information out of the hands of cybercriminals, here are a few things users can look for when they need to determine whether an app is fact or fiction:

  1. Check for typos and poor grammar. Always check the app developer name, product title, and description for typos and grammatical errors. Often, malicious developers will spoof real developer IDs, even just by a single letter or number, to seem legitimate.
  2. Examine the download statistics. If you’re attempting to download a popular app, but it has a surprisingly low number of downloads, that is a good indicator that an app is most likely fake.
  3. Read the reviews. With malicious apps, user reviews are your friend. By reading a few, you can receive vital information that can help you determine whether the app is fake or not.

The Sly Operation of Grayware

With so many types of malware out in the world, it’s hard to keep track of them all. But there is one in particular that mobile device users need to be keenly aware of called grayware. As a coverall term for software or code that sits between normal and malicious, grayware comes in many forms, such as adware, spyware or madware. While adware and spyware can sometimes operate simultaneously on infected computers, madware — or adware on mobile devices — infiltrates smartphones by hiding within rogue apps. Once a mobile device is infected with madware from a malicious app, ads can infiltrate almost every aspect on a user’s phone. Madware isn’t just annoying; it also is a security and privacy risk, as some threats will try to obtain users’ data. To avoid the annoyance, as well as the cybersecurity risks of grayware, users can prepare their devices with these cautionary steps:

  1. Be sure to update your device. Grayware looks for vulnerabilities that can be exploited, so be sure to always keep your device’s software up-to-date.
  2. Beware of rogue apps. As mentioned in the previous section, fake apps are now a part of owning a smartphone. Use the tips in the above section to ensure you keep malicious apps off of your device that may contain grayware.
  3. Consider a comprehensive mobile security system. By adding an extra level of security, you can help protect your devices from threats, both old and new.


The post Cybercrime’s Most Wanted: Four Mobile Threats that Might Surprise You appeared first on McAfee Blog.

4 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Cybersecurity

By McAfee

Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month!  

Every October, the National Cybersecurity Alliance selects a theme around which to publish extensive awareness resources and practical tips to help you improve your cybersecurity.1 This year’s theme is “It’s easy to stay safe online.” With the number of cyberthreats and breaches dominating the headlines, it can seem like a Herculean task to cover all your bases; however, with just four easy habits, you can actually protect yourself against a large percentage of these threats!  

Don’t be scared of hackers, phishers, or cybercriminals this month. Leave that to the ghosts, ghouls, and your upcoming holiday social calendar. 

1. Multifactor Authentication

Multifactor authentication (MFA) is an excellent way to frustrate cybercriminals attempting to break into your online accounts. MFA means that you need more than a username and password to log in, such as a one-time code sent to by email, text, or through an authentication app or a face or fingerprint scan. This adds an extra layer of security, because a thief would have to have access to your device, your email, or be able to trick a biometric reader to get into your online account.  

Most online sites offer the option to turn on MFA. While it may add an extra few seconds to the login process, it’s well worth it. Username and password combinations can be up for sale on the dark web following a breach. With these in hand, a cybercriminal could then help themselves to your online bank account, online medical records, and possibly your identity. When an account is secured with MFA, a criminal may quickly move on to another target that’s easier to crack. 

2. Using Strong Passwords and Password Managers

Most sites won’t even let you proceed with creating an account if you don’t have a strong enough password. A strong password is one with a mix of capital and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. What also makes for an excellent password is one that’s unique. Reusing passwords can be just as risky as using “password123” or your pet’s name plus your birthday as a password. A reused password can put all your online accounts at risk, due to a practice called credential stuffing. Credential stuffing is a tactic where a cybercriminal attempts to input a stolen username and password combination in dozens of random websites and to see which doors it opens. 

Remembering a different password for each of your online accounts is almost an impossible task. Luckily, password managers make it so you only have to remember one password ever again! Password managers, like the one available in McAfee+. safeguard all your passwords in one secure desktop extension or cellphone app that you can use anywhere. McAfee+ is secured with one of the most secure encryption algorithms available, and multifactor authentication is always standard. 

It’s best to create passwords or passphrases that have a secret meaning that only you know. Stay away from using significant dates, names, or places, because those are easier to guess. You can also leave it up to your password manager to randomly generate a password for you. The resulting unintelligible jumble of numbers, letters, and symbols is virtually impossible for anyone to guess. 

3. Updating Software

Software update notifications always seem ping on the outskirts of your desktop and mobile device at the most inconvenient times. What’s more inconvenient though is having your device hacked. Another easy tip to improve your cybersecurity is to update your device software whenever upgrades are available. Most software updates include security patches that smart teams have created to foil cybercriminals. The more outdated your apps or operating system is, the more time criminals have had to work out ways to infiltrate them. 

Consider enabling automatic updates on all your devices. Many major updates occur in the early hours of the morning, meaning that you’ll never know your devices were offline. You’ll just wake up to new, secure software! 

4. Recognizing and Reporting Phishing

You’ve likely already experienced a phishing attempt, whether you were aware of it or not. Phishing is a common tactic used to eke personal details from unsuspecting or trusting people. Phishers often initiate contact through texts, emails, or social media direct messages, and they aim to get enough information to hack into your online accounts or to impersonate you.  

Luckily, it’s usually easy to identify a phisher. Here are a few tell-tale signs for be on the lookout for: 

  • Poor spelling or grammar 
  • Links to suspicious-looking URLs 
  • A tone of urgency, fear, anger, or pleas for sympathy 
  • Requests for banking or personal details, passwords, or money wires 

Never engage with a phishing attempt. Do not forward the message or respond to them and never click on any links included in their message. The links could direct to malicious sites that could infect your device with malware or spyware.  

Before you delete the message, block the sender, mark the message as junk, and report the phisher. Reporting can go a long way toward hopefully preventing the phisher from targeting someone else. 

Great Habits With a Side of Cybersecurity Tools 

The best complement to your newfound excellent cyberhabits is a toolbelt of excellent services to patch any holes in your defense. McAfee+ includes all the services you need to boost your peace of mind about your online identity and privacy. You can surf public Wi-Fis safely with its secure VPN, protect your device with antivirus software, scan risky sites for your personally identifiable information, and more! 

This October, make a commitment to improving your cybersecurity with the guidance of the National Cybersecurity Alliance and McAfee. 

1National Cybersecurity Alliance, “Cybersecurity Awareness Month 

The post 4 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Cybersecurity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

What Is Internet Security?

By McAfee

Internet security is a broad term that refers to a wide range of tactics that aim to protect activities conducted over the internet. Implementing internet security measures helps protect users from different online threats like types of malware, phishing attacks, scams, and even unauthorized access by hackers. 

In this article, we highlight the importance of internet security in safeguarding your computer network and outline what you can do to have a comprehensive computer security system in place. 

Why is internet security so important today?

As the internet expands and becomes an even bigger part of our lives, cyberthreats continue to grow both in scope and sophistication. According to Forbes, data breaches and cyberattacks saw an increase of 15.1% in 2021 compared to the previous year. These security threats come in different forms and vary in terms of complexity and detectability.  

Some common online threats people face today include: 

  • Malware: Malicious software is an umbrella term that refers to any program that exploits system vulnerabilities to damage a computer system or network and steal sensitive information from users. Examples of malware include viruses, Trojans, ransomware, spyware, and worms. 
  • Phishing: Phishing is cyberattacks that involve stealing a user’s sensitive data by duping them into opening an email or an instant message and clicking a malicious link. The data that cybercriminals target can range from login credentials to credit card numbers. Phishing attacks are often used for identity theft purposes. 
  • Spam: Spam is a term that describes unwanted email messages sent in bulk to your email inbox. This tactic is generally used to promote goods and services users aren’t interested in. Spam mail can also contain links to malicious websites that automatically install harmful programs that help hackers gain access to your data. 
  • Botnets: This contraction of “robot network” refers to a network of computers that have been infected with malware. The computers are then prompted to perform several automated tasks without permission. Examples of these tasks include sending spam and carrying out denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. 
  • Wi-Fi threats: Wi-Fi networks can be subject to a wide range of attacks that involve hackers exploiting unprotected connections and breaching data security to obtain sensitive information. 

While these internet security threats may seem overwhelming at first glance, safeguarding your computer or mobile devices from them is relatively easy. Below is a detailed look at some security solutions available to you. 

Internet security features to keep you safe online

As we stated above, setting up an internet security system is a relatively straightforward process. Here are some basic network security measures you can implement right away. 

Antivirus protection

The first step in making sure you have internet security is installing antivirus software. These programs are designed to prevent, search for, detect, and get rid of viruses and other types of malicious software 

Antivirus software can run automatic scans to make sure no network or data breach has occurred and scan specific files or directories for any malicious activity or patterns. 

There are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to antivirus software, however, few programs offer the comprehensive level of protection the antivirus software included in McAfee® Total Protection provides to its users.  

McAfee’s antivirus software comes with a wide selection of features, including malware detection, quarantine, and removal, different options for scanning files and applications, and an advanced firewall for home network security 

Create strong passwords

While this may sound obvious, it’s important to create strong and unique passwords for all your online accounts and devices. A significant percentage of data breaches occur as a result of simple password guessing.  

Some tips to follow when creating a password include: 

  • Never use personal information, such as date of birth. 
  • Don’t reuse passwords. 
  • Avoid sequential numbers or letters. 
  • Combine letters, numbers, and symbols. 
  • Don’t use common words. 

It can also be a good idea to use a password manager, as this will help reduce the risk of your passwords getting leaked or lost. McAfee’s password manager, is particularly convenient thanks to its advanced encryption and multi-factor authentication. 

Check that your computer firewall is enabled

A firewall is a network security system built into your operating system. It monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic to prevent unauthorized access to your network. For it to be able to identify and block these threats, you’ll want to make sure your firewall is enabled on your device. If you’re unsure if your device comes with a firewall, you can benefit from one included in McAfee Total Protection. 

Use multi-factor authentication when possible

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is an authentication method that requires at least two pieces of evidence before granting access to an app or website. Using this method as much as possible can add another layer of security to your applications and reduce the likelihood of a data breach. 

Choose a safe web browser

Your choice of browser is an important part of implementing internet security measures. In fact, web browsers vary widely in terms of the security features that they offer, with some offering just the basics and others providing a more complete range of features. Ideally, you should opt for a web browser that offers the following security features: 

  • Private session browsing 
  • Pop-up blocking 
  • Privacy features 
  • Anti-phishing filter 
  • Automatic blocking of reported malicious sites 
  • Cross-site script filtering 

How can you keep children safe online?

As children grow older, their internet use becomes more extensive. This can also increase their exposure to various security threats. To keep them safe online, educate them about the risks associated with web browsing and introduce them to some of the best practices for avoiding online threats like not sharing passwords. 

Explain which information should be shared and which information should be kept private and instruct them to never click on links from unknown sources. 

You should also take a more active approach to protect your children by setting parental controls on certain websites. For instance, you can use YouTube’s parental controls to filter any inappropriate content and keep a child-friendly interface. 

Internet security tips to know

The following tips can help you stay on the safe side in regard to internet security. 

  • Install antivirus software on all your devices. This is the first step you should take when securing your mobile and computer systems. Internet security software identifies vulnerabilities and can neutralize threats before they become a bigger problem. 
  • Keep your operating system and programs up to date. Neglecting to update your applications and operating systems can leave you exposed to threats as hackers seek to exploit unpatched vulnerabilities. 
  • Use strong passwords. Using strong passwords reduces the risk of a hacker cracking it and gaining access to your system. 
  • Use an ad blocker. Adware pop-ups often trick users into clicking on links that lead to malicious websites. Using an ad-blocker to help prevent this from happening. 
  • Use parental controls. Setting parental controls makes web browsing safer for children and reduces the chances of virus infection. 
  • Only shop on secure websites with “ https://” URLs. The “S” at the end of the HTTP extension stands for “secure” and indicates that the website has a security certificate and is safe for transactions. 
  • Never submit financial information when using public Wi-Fi. Public Wi-Fi hot spots lack security measures and encryption, making them vulnerable to prying eyes. Sharing sensitive information like bank card numbers when connected to one isn’t recommended. 
  • Use multifactor authentication. As we mentioned, MFA adds a layer of protection to the sign-in process and makes unauthorized access to your data extremely difficult. 
  • Check your bank statements regularly to catch any suspicious activity. Keep an eye for any transaction that you don’t recall initiating, as this could be a sign of a malware infection. 

Protect your device from online threats with McAfee

While malware attacks are common, their prevalence shouldn’t deter you from browsing the internet as usual. Adhering to the internet security best practices outlined in this article can help keep you safe from the majority of security threats that you might encounter online. 

For added security, consider using an all-in-one antivirus solution like McAfee+. This is one of the most effective ways to safeguard your devices from online threats.  

Let McAfee handle your security while you focus on enjoying the web.  

The post What Is Internet Security? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

A Guide to Remove Malware From Your iPhone

By McAfee

Malicious software, or “malware,” refers to any program designed to infect and disrupt computer systems and networks. The risks associated with a malware infection can range from poor device performance to stolen data. 

However, thanks to their closed ecosystem, built-in security features, and strict policies on third-party apps, Apple devices tend to be less prone to malware infections compared to their Android counterparts. But it’s important to note that they’re not completely without vulnerabilities 

Several iPhone viruses could infect your smartphone and affect its functionality, especially if you jailbreak your iPhone (that is, opening your iOS to wider features, apps, and themes).  

This article covers how you can detect malware infections and how to remove viruses from your device so you can get back to enjoying the digital world. 

How does malware affect iPhones?

Malware can affect your iPhone in a variety of ways. Here are a few telltale signs that your iPhone might have an unwelcome visitor.  

  • Your iPhone’s battery life is shorter than usual. 
  • Pop-up ads frequently appear. 
  • Apps crash for no apparent reason. 
  • Unfamiliar apps are installed on your iPhone. 
  • You notice high data usage. 
  • The operating system is noticeably slow. 
  • Your iPhone is overheating. 

How to check your iPhone for malware

If you notice any of the signs above, it’s a good idea to check for malware. Here are some steps you can take. 

  1. Look for unfamiliar apps. If you’re anything like the average smartphone user, you’ve probably downloaded dozens (if not hundreds) of apps. The sheer number of programs on your iPhone makes it easy for malicious apps to hide in plain sight and remain undetected for a long time. Take some time to swipe through all of your apps and closely inspect any that you don’t remember downloading or installing. 
  2. Check your data usage. Heavy data usage can be a sign of a malware infection, which is why you should keep an eye on it if you suspect a virus is in your system. To do so, go to Settings > Mobile Data and check if your data usage is higher than usual. 
  3. Check power consumption. Some types of malware run in the background and consume a significant amount of power without you noticing. To make sure that no such apps are installed on your phone, head over to Settings > Battery and select a period of your choice. Uninstall any unfamiliar apps that stand out. 
  4. Keep an eye on pop-up ads. Running into pop-up ads is inevitable when browsing the internet. However, your phone might be infected with adware if you’re getting them at an alarming frequency. 
  5. Scan your phone using antivirus software. As helpful as these steps are, running a complete scan using antivirus software is one of the most effective ways to detect malware. If you don’t have one installed already, consider using McAfee Mobile Security. This comprehensive security solution provides full-scale protection that includes a safe browsing feature to protect your digital life, Wi-Fi privacy, and a VPN for a more secure internet connection. Highly effective scans detect malicious apps and unwanted visitors before they enter your digital space. 

How to remove malware from your iPhone

If you’ve confirmed malware on your iPhone, don’t worry. There’s still time to protect yourself and your data. Below is an action plan you can follow to remove malware from your device. 

Update your iOS (if applicable)

In many cases, hackers exploit outdated versions of iOS to launch malware attacks. If you don’t have the latest version of your operating system, it’s a good idea to update iOS to close this potential vulnerability. Just follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Settings. 
  2. Click on General. 
  3. Click on Software Update. 
  4. Follow the instructions to update your iPhone. 

Restart your device

It might sound simple, but restarting your device can fix certain issues. The system will restart on its own when updating the iOS. If you already have the latest version, restart your iPhone now. 

Clear your iPhone browsing history and data

If updating the iOS and restarting your device didn’t fix the issue, try clearing your phone’s browsing history and data. If you’re using Safari, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Settings. 
  2. Click on Clear History and Website Data 
  3. Click on Clear History and Data 

Keep in mind that the process is similar for Google Chrome and most other popular web browsers. 

Remove any suspicious apps

Malicious software, such as spyware and ransomware, often end up on phones by masquerading as legitimate apps. To err on the side of caution, delete any apps that you don’t remember downloading or installing. 

Restore your iPhone

The option to restore to a previous backup is one of the most valuable features found on the iPhone and iPad. Essentially, this allows you to restore your device to an iCloud backup made before the malware infection 

Here’s how: 

  1. Go to Settings. 
  2. Click on General. 
  3. Click on Transfer or Reset iPhone. 
  4. Choose Erase All Content and Settings. 
  5. Choose Restore from iCloud Backup. 

Factory reset your iPhone

If none of the steps above solves the problem, a factory reset might be the next order of business. Restoring your phone to factory settings will reset it to its out-of-factory configuration, deleting all of your apps, content, and settings in the process and replacing them with original software only. 

To factory reset your iPhone, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to Settings. 
  2. Click on General.  
  3. Click on Transfer or Reset iPhone 
  4. Choose Erase All Content and Settings. 
  5. Choose Set Up as New iPhone. 

How to keep your iPhone safe from malware

The best way to protect your iOS device is to avoid malware in the first place. Follow these security measures to safeguard your device: 

  • Don’t click on suspicious links. 
  • Don’t install apps that Apple doesn’t recognize. 
  • Only download apps from the App Store. 
  • Don’t jailbreak your iPhone, as this will remove most Apple security features. 
  • Enable automatic updates for iOS and iTunes to stay in line with Apple’s security updates and bug fixes. 
  • Keep frequent data backups. 
  • Avoid engaging with suspicious text messages on iMessage, as hackers use them to spread phishing scams. 

Secure your iPhone with McAfee Mobile Security 

If you have an iPhone and are like most other people, you probably use your device for almost everything you do online. And while it’s amazing to have the internet in the palm of your hands, it’s also important to be aware of online threats like malware, which can put your digital life at risk. 

The good news is that McAfee has your back with our award-winning and full-scale mobile security app. McAfee Mobile Security provides full protection against various types of malware targeting the Apple ecosystem. With safe browsing features, a secure VPN, and antivirus software, McAfee Security for iOS delivers protection against emerging threats, so you can continue to use your iPhone with peace of mind. 

Download the McAfee Security app today and get all-in-one protection. 

The post A Guide to Remove Malware From Your iPhone appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Back to Basics: Cybersecurity's Weakest Link

By The Hacker News
A big promise with a big appeal. You hear that a lot in the world of cybersecurity, where you're often promised a fast, simple fix that will take care of all your cybersecurity needs, solving your security challenges in one go.  It could be an AI-based tool, a new superior management tool, or something else – and it would probably be quite effective at what it promises to do. But is it a silver

The Upcoming UK Telecoms (Security) Act Part One: What, Why, Who, When and How

By Richard Archdeacon

In November 2020, the Telecommunications (Security) Bill was formally introduced to the UK’s House of Commons by the department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport. Now, after several readings, debates, committee hearings, and periods of consultation, the Telecommunications (Security) Act is quickly becoming reality for providers of public telecoms networks and services in the UK, going live on 1 October 2022. Here, we outline what exactly the requirements mean for these firms, and what they can do to prepare.

What is the Telecommunications (Security) Act?

The Act outlines new legal duties on telecoms firms to increase the security of the entire UK network and introduces new regulatory powers to the UK Telecoms regulator OFCOM to regulate Public Telecommunications Providers in the area of cyber security. It place obligations on operators to put in place more measures around the security of their supply chains, which includes the security of the products they procure. The Act grants powers to the Secretary of State to introduce a so-called Code of Practice. It is this Code of Practice which contains the bulk of the technical requirements that operators must comply with. Those not in compliance face large fines (up to 10% of company turnover for one year).

Why has the Telecommunications (Security) Act been introduced?

Following the UK Telecoms Supply Chain review in 2018, the government identified three areas of concern that needed addressing:

  1. Existing industry practices may have achieved good commercial outcomes but did not incentivise effective cyber security risk management.
  2. Policy and regulation in enforcing telecoms cyber security needed to be significantly strengthened to address these concerns.
  3. The lack of diversity across the telecoms supply chain creates the possibility of national dependence on single suppliers, which poses a range of risks to the security and resilience of UK telecoms networks.

Following the review, little did we know a major resilience test for the telecoms industry was about to face significant challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Data released by Openreach – the UK’s largest broadband network, used by customers of BT, Plusnet, Sky, TalkTalk, Vodafone and Zen – showed that broadband usage more than doubled in 2020 with 50,000 Petabytes (PB) of data being consumed across the country, compared to around 22,000 in 2019.

There is no question the security resilience of the UK telecoms sector is becoming ever more crucial — especially as the government intends to bring gigabit capable broadband to every home and business across the UK by 2025. As outlined in the National Cyber Security Centre’s Security analysis for the UK telecoms sector, ‘As technologies grow and evolve, we must have a security framework that is fit for purpose and ensures the UK’s Critical National Telecoms Infrastructure remains online and secure both now and in the future’.

Who does the Telecommunications (Security) Act affect?

The legislation will apply to public telecoms providers (including large companies such as BT and Vodafone and smaller companies that offer telecoms networks or services to the public). More specifically to quote the Act itself:

  • Tier 1: This applies to the largest organisations with an annual turnover of over £1bn providing public networks and services for which a security compromise would have the most widespread impact on network and service availability, and the most damaging economic or social effects.
  • Tier 2 providers would be those medium-sized companies with an annual turnover of more than £50m, providing networks and services for which security compromises would have an impact on critical national infrastructure (CNI) or regional availability with potentially significant security, economic or social effects.
  • Tier 3 providers would be the smallest companies with an annual turnover of less than £50m in the market that are not micro-entities. While security compromises to their networks or services could affect their customers, if those networks and services do not support CNI such compromises would not significantly affect national or regional availability.

When do companies need to start adhering to the Telecommunications (Security) Act?

As the requirements are long and varied and so the timelines to comply have been broken down to help organisations comply. The current Code of Practice expects Tier 1 providers to implement ‘the most straightforward and least resource intensive measures’ by 31 March 2024, and the more complex and resource intensive measures by 31 March 2025.

Tier 2 firms have been given an extra two years on top of the dates outlined above to reflect the relative sizes of providers. Tier 3 providers aren’t in scope of the regulatory changes currently but are strongly encouraged to use the Code of Practice as best practice. The Code of Practice also expects that these firms ‘must continue to take appropriate and proportionate measures to comply with their new duties under the Act and the regulations’.

How can firms prepare for the Telecommunications (Security) Act?

The TSA introduces a range of new requirements for those in the telecoms industry to understand and follow. These will require a multi-year programme for affected organisations.  An area of high focus for example will be on Third Party controls and managing the relationship with them.

However there are more common security requirements as well.  From our work with many companies across many different industries, we know that establishing that users accessing corporate systems, data and applications are who they say they are is  a key aspect of reducing risk by limiting the possibility of attacks coming in through the front door. This is a very real risk highlighted in Verizon’s 2022 Data Breaches Investigations Report, which states that around 82% of data breaches involved a human element, including incidents in which employees expose information directly or making a mistake that enables cyber criminals to access the organisation’s systems.

Therefore, one area to start to try and protect the organisation and take a step on the way to compliance is to build up authentication and secure access to systems, data and applications. However even this can take time to implement over large complex environments. It means gaining an understanding of all devices and ensuring there is a solid profile around them, so they can be reported on, attacks can be blocked and prevented, and access to applications can be controlled as needed.

Where can you find more insight on Telecommunications (Security) Act?

We will be creating more information around the Act as we move closer to the deadlines, including part two of this blog where we will take a deeper dive into themes introduced by the bill, how it compare with other industries’ and jurisdictions’ cyber security initiatives, and explore what else the telecoms industry can do to improve its security posture.

We are also running an event in London on 13 October: ‘Are you ready for TSA?’ which will include peer discussions where participation is welcome on the TSA. If you are interested in attending, please register here.

Register to attend the discussion on the new Telecom Security Act:

Are you ready for TSA?


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