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Before yesterdaySecurity

Poisoned Python and PHP packages purloin passwords for AWS access

By Paul Ducklin
More supply chain trouble - this time with clear examples so you can learn how to spot this stuff yourself.

Clearview AI face-matching service fined a lot less than expected

By Paul Ducklin
The fine has finally gone through... but it's less than 45% of what was originally proposed.


Microsoft patches the Patch Tuesday patch that broke authentication

By Paul Ducklin
Remember the good old days when security patches rarely needed patches? Because security patches themlelves were rare enough anyway?

US Government says: Patch VMware right now, or get off our network

By Paul Ducklin
Find and patch. Right now. If you can't patch, get it off the network. Right now! Oh, and show us what you did to comply.

How To Do A Virus Scan

By McAfee

Whether you think you might have a virus on your computer or devices, or just want to keep them running smoothly, it’s easy to do a virus scan. How to check for viruses depends on the software and device you have, so we’ll go through everything you need to know to run a scan effectively and keep your computers, phones and tablets in tip-top shape.

Do You Need a Virus Scan?

First, let’s cover a few of the telltale signs your device might have a virus. Is your computer or device acting sluggish or having a hard time booting up? Have you noticed missing files or a lack of storage space? Have you noticed emails or messages sent from your account that you did not write? Perhaps you’ve noticed changes to your browser homepage or settings? Or maybe, you’re seeing unexpected pop-up windows, or experiencing crashes and other program errors. These are all examples of signs that you may have a virus, but don’t get too worried yet, because many of these issues can be resolved with a virus scan.

What Does a Virus Scan Do?

Each antivirus program works a little differently, but in general the software will look for known malware that meets a specific set of characteristics. It may also look for variants of these known threats that have a similar code base. Some antivirus software even checks for suspicious behavior. If the software comes across a dangerous program or piece of code, it removes it. In some cases, a dangerous program can be replaced with a clean one from the manufacturer.

How to Check for Viruses

The process of checking for viruses depends on the device type and its operating system. Check out these tips to help you scan your computers, phones and tablets.

On a Windows computer

If you use Windows 10, go into “Settings” and look for the “Updates & Security” tab. From there you can locate a “Scan Now” button.

Of course, many people have invested in more robust antivirus software that has a high accuracy rate and causes less drain on their system resources, such as McAfee Total Protection. To learn how to run a virus scan using your particular antivirus software, search the software’s help menu or look online for instructions.

On a Mac computer

Mac computers don’t have a built-in antivirus program, so you will have to download security software to do a virus scan. There are some free antivirus applications available online, but we recommend investing in trusted software that can protect you from a variety of threats. Downloading free software and free online virus scans can be risky, since cybercriminals know that this is a good way to spread malware.

Whichever program you choose, follow their step-by-step instructions on how to perform a virus scan, either by searching under “help” or looking it up on their website.

On smartphones and tablets

Yes, you can get a virus on your phone or tablet, although they are less common than on computers. However, the wider category of mobile malware is on the rise and your device can get infected if you download a risky app, click on an attachment in a text message, visit a dangerous webpage, or connect to another device that has malware on it.

Fortunately, you can protect your devices with mobile security software. It doesn’t usually come installed, so you will have to download an application and follow the instructions.

Because the Android platform is an open operating system, there are a number of antivirus products for Android devices, that allows you to do a virus scan.

Apple devices are a little different because they have a closed operating system that doesn’t allow third parties to see their code. Although Apple has taken other security precautions to reduce malware risks, such as only allowing the installation of apps from Apple’s official app store, these measures aren’t the same as an antivirus program.

For more robust protection on your Apple devices, you can install mobile security software to protect the private data you have stored on your phone or tablet, such as contacts, photos and messages.

All-In-One Protection:

If safeguarding all your computers and devices individually sounds overwhelming, you can opt for a comprehensive security product that protects computers, smartphones and tablets from a central control center, making virus prevention a breeze.

Why are virus scans so important?

New online threats emerge every day, putting our personal information, money and devices at risk. In the first quarter of 2019 alone McAfee detected 504 new threats per minute, as cybercriminals employed new tactics. That’s why it is essential to stay ahead of these threats by using security software that is constantly monitoring and checking for new known threats, while safeguarding all of your sensitive information. Virus scans are an essential part of this process when it comes to identifying and removing dangerous code.

How often should you run a virus scan?

Most antivirus products are regularly scanning your computer or device in the background, so you will only need to start a manual scan if you notice something suspicious, like crashes or excessive pop-ups. You can also program regular scans on your schedule.

Preventing Viruses

Of course, the best protection is to avoid getting infected in the first place. Here are a few smart tips to sidestep viruses and other malware:

  • Learn how to surf safely so you can avoid risky websites, links and messages. This will go a long way in keeping you virus-free.
  • Never click on spammy emails or text messages. These include unsolicited advertisements and messages from people or companies you don’t know.
  • Keep the software on your computers and devices up to date. This way you are protected from known threats, such as viruses and other types of malware.
  • Invest in comprehensive security software that can protect all of your devices, such as McAfee LiveSafe.
  • Stay informed on the latest threats, so you know what to look out for. The more you know about the latest scams, the easier they will be to spot and avoid.

The post How To Do A Virus Scan appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Phishing Campaigns featuring Ursnif Trojan on the Rise

By McAfee Labs

Authored by Jyothi Naveen and Kiran Raj

McAfee Labs have been observing a spike in phishing campaigns that utilize Microsoft office macro capabilities. These malicious documents reach victims via mass spam E-mail campaigns and generally invoke urgency, fear, or similar emotions, leading unsuspecting users to promptly open them. The purpose of these spam operations is to deliver malicious payloads to as many people as possible.

A recent spam campaign was using malicious word documents to download and execute the Ursnif trojan. Ursnif is a high-risk trojan designed to record various sensitive information. It typically archives this sensitive data and sends it back to a command-and-control server.

This blog describes how attackers use document properties and a few other techniques to download and execute the Ursnif trojan.

Threat Summary

  • The initial attack vector is a phishing email with a Microsoft Word document attachment.
  • Upon opening the document, VBA executes a malicious shellcode
  • Shellcode downloads the remote payload, Ursnif, and invokes rundll32.exe to execute it.

Infection Chain

The malware arrives through a phishing email containing a Microsoft Word document as an attachment. When the document is opened and macros are enabled, Word downloads a DLL (Ursnif payload). The Ursnif payload is then executed using rundll32.exe

Figure 1- flowchart of infection chain
Figure 1- flowchart of infection chain

Word Analysis

Macros are disabled by default and the malware authors are aware of this and hence present an image to entice the victims into enabling them.

Figure 2- Image of what the user sees upon opening the document
Figure 2- Image of what the user sees upon opening the document

VBA Macro Analysis of Word Document

Analyzing the sample statically with ‘oleId’ and ‘olevba’ indicates the suspicious vectors..

Figure 3- Oleid output
Figure 3- Oleid output
Figure 4- Olevba output
Figure 4- Olevba output

The VBA Macro is compatible with x32 and x64 architectures and is highly obfuscated as seen in Figure-5

Figure 5- Obfuscated VBA macro
Figure 5- Obfuscated VBA macro

To get a better understanding of the functionality, we have de-obfuscated the contents in the 2 figures shown below.

Figure 6- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 1)
Figure 6- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 1)
Figure 7- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 2)
Figure 7- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 2)

An interesting characteristic of this sample is that some of the strings like CLSID, URL for downloading Ursnif, and environment variables names are stored in custom document properties in reverse. As shown in Figure-7, VBA function “ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties()” is used to retrieve the properties and uses “StrReverse” to reverse the contents. 

We can see the document properties in Figure-8  

Figure 8- Document properties
Figure 8- Document properties

Payload Download and Execution: 

The malicious macro retrieves hidden shellcode from a custom property named “Company” using the “cdec” function that converts the shellcode from string to decimal/hex value and executes it. The shellcode is shown below. 

Figure 9- Raw Company property
Figure 9- Raw Company property

The shellcode is written to memory and the access protection is changed to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE. 

Figure 10- Code of VirtualProtect
Figure 10- Code of VirtualProtect
Figure 11- Shellcode’s memory and protection after calling VirtualProtect()
Figure 11- Shellcode’s memory and protection after calling VirtualProtect()

After adding the shellcode in memory, the environment variable containing the malicious URL of Ursnif payload is created. This Environment variable will be later used by the shellcode. 

Figure 12- Environment variable set in Winword.exe space
Figure 12- Environment variable set in Winword.exe space

The shellcode is executed with the use of the SetTimer API. SetTimer creates a timer with the specified time-out value mentioned and notifies a function when the time is elapsed. The 4th parameter used to call SetTimer is the pointer to the shellcode in memory which will be invoked when the mentioned time is elapsed. 

Figure 13- SetTimer function (Execution of shellCode)
Figure 13- SetTimer function (Execution of shellCode)

The shellcode downloads the file from the URL stored in the environmental variable and stores it as ” y9C4A.tmp.dll ” and executes it with rundll32.exe. 

URL  hxxp:// 
CMD  rundll32 “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\y9C4A.tmp.dll”,DllRegisterServer 
Figure 14- Exports of Downloaded DLL
Figure 14- Exports of Downloaded DLL

After successful execution of the shellcode, the environment variable is removed. 

Figure 15- Removal of Environment Variable
Figure 15- Removal of Environment Variable


Main Word Document  6cf97570d317b42ef8bfd4ee4df21d217d5f27b73ff236049d70c37c5337909f  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  X97M/Downloader.CJG 
Downloaded dll  41ae907a2bb73794bb2cff40b429e62305847a3e1a95f188b596f1cf925c4547  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  Ursnif-FULJ 
URL to download dll  hxxp://  WebAdvisor  Blocked 

MITRE Attack Framework 

Technique ID  Tactic  Technique Details  Description 
T1566.001  Initial Access  Spear phishing Attachment  Manual execution by user 
T1059.005  Execution  Visual Basic  Malicious VBA macros 
T1218.011  Defense Evasion  Signed binary abuse  Rundll32.exe is used 
T1027  Defense Evasion  Obfuscation techniques  VBA and powershell base64 executions 
T1086  Execution  Powershell execution  PowerShell command abuse 


Macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications, we suggest keeping it that way unless the document is received from a trusted source. The infection chain discussed in the blog is not limited to Word or Excel. Further threats may use other live-off-the-land tools to download its payloads.  

McAfee customers are protected against the malicious files and sites detailed in this blog with McAfee LiveSafe/Total Protection and McAfee Web Advisor. 

The post Phishing Campaigns featuring Ursnif Trojan on the Rise appeared first on McAfee Blog.

WFH Unprotected: How Organizations Can Keep Their Employees and Their Business Safer

By McAfee

The devices employees use as they work from home could be the ones that put their companies at risk.

With businesses continuing to support remote and hybrid workplaces, more employees are connecting more of their personal devices to corporate networks, yet these devices aren’t always well protected from malware, breaches, and theft—which can affect them and the companies

they work for.

Prior to the pandemic, a major topic for employee and business security was BYOD, or “bring your own device.” And it remains so. That catchy little abbreviation took root several years ago as many employees started bringing their own devices to work for both personal and business use, whether that was their smartphone for company calls and email or swapping files once in a while with an external drive or a USB stick.

The argument for BYOD is that it potentially increases employee productivity by allowing people to use the devices they’re familiar with—plus that company can save on costs by having employees bring their own tech into the office. However, there’s a flip side. Because these devices can and often do connect to sensitive corporate resources and data, they can potentially compromise those very same resources and data. Unless they have strong security in place, which they often do not. Employees simply don’t always protect their own devices.

Our most recent global research shows that only 68% of adults say that they protect their laptops with basic antivirus protection. Note that basic antivirus does not include comprehensive security software that also protects them from the pandemic and post-pandemic rise in account theft, ransomware, email fraud, and phishing attacks. With this, only 68% of adults employ baseline protection, let alone more thorough protections beyond that. 

This figure drops dramatically when it comes to protecting their smartphones, classically the leading BYOD device in the corporate landscape. Here, only 41% of adults said they protect their phones with basic antivirus. Moreover, only 56% said they protect their smartphone with a password or passcode to unlock it—making nearly half of them an open book to cyber crooks in the event of loss or theft. 

Now, with remote and hybrid workplaces becoming more commonplace, BYOD gets all that much more complicated. Businesses are now faced with an unprecedented number of BYOD devices on their networks. In the U.S. alone, a Gallup poll found that half of the full-time workforce was “remote capable,” some 60 million people in all.  

Of them, 53% said they expect to work in a hybrid model moving forward and another 24% to work fully remotely. That means somewhere around 46 million workers in the U.S. will work remotely in some form or fashion and will likely use one or more of their own devices to do so—a clear concern for any security-minded business if these employee devices remain unprotected.  

The realities of BYOD and WFH 

In an ideal world, employees would stick to some hard and fast rules about device usage. They’d do their work on one laptop and then use another for streaming shows, doing their shopping, playing games, managing their finances and so on. Yet that doesn’t appear to be the case.  

A recent global study found that 55% of remote workers use a personal laptop or smartphone for work at least part of the time. Moreover, this begs the question if the employee is the only one using that BYOD device. After all, they’re likely working in their own home, where other family members may use that device to some extent as well, which adds yet more security risks for businesses. With multiple users on a single device, the additional browsing, downloading, emailing, and shopping could expose that device to more security risks than from a single user alone. 

Unlike company-issued devices, employee-owned devices aren’t subject to the centralized policies and protections that corporate IT can put in place. This leads to devices on the corporate network that may be without up-to-date antivirus protection, have malicious apps on them, or use browsers with compromised extensions that illicitly gather data on their users. 

Once again, with employees sometimes taking lax, if any security measures to protect their devices, this can present serious risks to the business, such as the dramatic rise in business email compromise. As reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), businesses lost $2.4 billion in 2021 to this form of scam alone. Meanwhile, phishing attacks, device theft, and credential theft all remain painfully common forms of attack on small and mid-sized businesses. 

How online protection for employees makes for a more secure business 

One way businesses can address these issues is by helping employees do what they haven’t done for themselves—provide them with comprehensive online protection software as a company benefit. 

Comprehensive online protection goes beyond basic antivirus (which as we’ve seen, only 68% of people use). It covers the three pillars of security—privacy, identity, and device security, and by protecting those three things for their employees on their BYOD devices, companies can then protect themselves.  

A brief list illustrates several of the top ways online protection for remote employees can help keep the business secure: 

1) Protect company information as it travels 

If your company doesn’t already support one, employees can use a VPN to create an encrypted tunnel when they connect to the company network, which makes it highly difficult for bad actors to intercept that traffic. Our secure VPN uses bank-grade AES 256-bit encryption to help keep data and information safe. 

2) Shield company data and resources from attacks 

With one bad click, a phishing attack in email, text, or direct message may give an attacker access to login credentials or to install malware known as a keylogger that can likewise steal usernames and passwords. Safe web browsing features found in online protection can help sidestep these attacks before they happen with clear warnings of risky websites, links, files, and other attachments. 

3) Strong, unique passwords for all 

When it comes to employee passwords, no two should be alike. Yet with dozens of logins of their own, in addition to the ones they use exclusively for work, that’s a rule few people follow. A password manager can help. It can store, auto-fill, and even generate strong, unique passwords for each account—across computers, laptops, and smartphones. 

4) Digitally shred sensitive documents permanently 

Employees can permanently delete sensitive files with an application such as McAfee Shredder™, which removes files so that thieves can’t access them. (Quick fact: deleting files in your trash doesn’t actually delete them in the truest sense. They’re still there until they’re “shredded” or otherwise overwritten such that they can’t be restored.) 

5) Device protection that goes beyond the basics 

Absolutely, antivirus is a must. Comprehensive online protection will include that, and much more. Ours offers that in addition to protection that safeguards your employee’s identity and privacy—along with a personalized Protection Score that checks the health of their online protection and provides simple steps to improve their security. 

Think about theft and loss as well 

Beyond online protection software, is remote locking and wiping of devices. We’ve mentioned physical loss and theft of devices as a significant security issue. Many laptops and mobile devices offer location tracking services to help locate a lost device—and yet others allow the owner to remotely lock or even wipe the contents of that device if they fear it’s lost for good or fallen into the wrong hands.  

Showing employees how to enable and use these features can further protect all parties involved in such a worst-case scenario. Apple provides iOS users with a step-by-step guide for remotely wiping devices and Google offers up a guide for Android users as well. For laptops, Microsoft and Apple users can enable the following settings:  

  • Windows: Enable in Settings > Update & Security > Find my device 
  • macOS: Setup iCloud on your device. Enable via Settings > Your Name > iCloud > Find My Mac 

Online protection—good for employees, good for business 

By providing employees with comprehensive online protection that complements the security measures the company already has in place, they get the benefit of a far safer time online for themselves. Potentially their families as well. In turn, because they’re more secure, the business is more secure—an important point to consider when millions are still working from home on their BYOD devices.  

The post WFH Unprotected: How Organizations Can Keep Their Employees and Their Business Safer appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Pwn2Own hacking schedule released – Windows and Linux are top targets

By Paul Ducklin
What's better? Disclose early, patch fast? Or dig deep, disclose in full, patch more slowly?

Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits?

By Alex Merton-McCann

Molding and shaping our kids while we can is every parent’s dream. When kids are young – and sweet! – they are far more inclined to take on board our advice and lovingly imposed rules. Oh, how I miss those days!! And in a nutshell – that’s what a good set of parental controls can do for you and your kids. In my opinion, parental controls can absolutely help you create good habits but it’s essential that they are accompanied by an invested parent who’s keen to help their kids navigate the online world. 

What Can Parental Controls Do? 

With Aussie kids spending at least 5 hours online a day, it’s no secret that they can be exposed to a broad range of people, websites and themes – some potentially quite disturbing. And with most kids sporting an internet-connected phone plus a laptop, there’s no limit to what they can access – and usually when you aren’t around. 

I like to think of parental controls as another way of helping establish healthy habits and good decision-making strategies with your kids. For example, if you have told your kids there is no screen time before bed, then you are able to use Parental Controls to make that a reality. And if you have agreed that they are able to use only certain apps or social media platforms then Parental Controls can also make this happen by blocking access if they deviate. I believe that over time, these routines, and boundaries simply become part of your child’s day-to-day life and become good habits. 

McAfee’s Parental Controls, called Safe Family, can also let you view your kids’ activity online and let you know where your kids are at all times. How good??    

Doesn’t It Take Just 21 Days To Form A Habit? 

While it’s commonly believed that it takes just 21 days to form a habit, courtesy of Dr Maxwell Maltz in the 1960’s, more up-to-date research shows that it could take considerably longer. In fact, research conducted in 2010 by Health Psychology Researcher Philippa Lally at The University College in London shows that it takes around 2 months or 66 days to be precise to make a new habit stick! 

And while I love the idea that we could help our kids adopt new positive habits in just 2 months, I think we need to keep it real. Fear of missing out (FOMO) coupled with the lure of their shiny devices might mean that it takes a little more than 66 days to make a change, particularly if you are trying to modify their current usage as opposed to starting from scratch. 

Nothing Replaces The Role Of Being A Proactive Digital Parenting 

There is no-one that better understands just how time poor parents can be. Having spent the last 20 plus years rearing 4 boys and working, I feel like I’ve earnt the time poor t-shirt! So, understandably, many parents feel like they just don’t have the ‘band with’ to take on much more so digital parenting is often put in the too hard basket. And I totally get it!    

But using parental controls without some knowledge of your kids’ digital world, is a little like filling your car with petrol but not worrying about the oil. It will eventually be a problem! 

My Top 3 Digital Parenting Non-Negotiables 

So, I’m going to break it down for you. Digital parenting doesn’t have to be overwhelming, particularly if you break it down. So, in a quest to keep it simple, here are 4 things you can do to up your digital parenting game: 

1. As Soon as Your Kids Start Using Devices, Start Talking Cybersafety 

The day your child picks up a device is the day you start talking about cybersafety. If this is when they are 18 months of age, then that’s when you start. Always ensure the messages are age-appropriate and keep them simple. You could start with:  

  • “Remember, daddy/mummy chooses the game” 
  • “Let’s keep your name private online.” To help with this, why not create an online nickname for them? 
  • “Make sure you’re sitting near (mum/dad/nana) when you are using the iPad.” 

And when your kids get older, weave in more age-appropriate messages, such as: 

  • “Online friends aren’t real friends” 
  • “If you wouldn’t do it in person then don’t do it online” 
  • “Think before you post” 

Knitting cybersafety messages into your family dialogue needs to also become automatic. Talk about it just like you would sun safety or road safety. And why not share stories around the dinner table about your own online experiences or even relevant news stories to engage them in a dialogue. 

2. Create a Family Digital Contract 

I love the idea of a clear contract between parents and kids that details your expectations about their online behaviour and technology use. It’s a great way of developing a set of guidelines that will help them navigate the risks associated with being online. Now, this agreement should definitely be a family exercise so ensure your kids are invested in the process too. If you want a starting point, check out this one from The Modern Parent here 

3. Commit to Understanding Your Child’s Digital World 

Taking some time to understand how your child spends their time online is the best way of truly understanding the risks and challenges they face. So, join ALL the social media platforms your kids are on, play their games and download their messaging apps. You will develop a better understanding of how to manage privacy settings and the language/online culture that is a big part of your child’s life. And the best part – if they know you understand their world, I have no doubt that you will develop a little ‘tech cred’ which mean that they will be more likely to come to you with any issues or problems that may face online. Awesome! 

Get Technology Working for You 

There is some amazing technology available that makes this digital parenting thing a heck of a lot easier and that includes Parental Controls. McAfee’s Safe Family is a comprehensive parental controls solution that lets you monitor and block apps and websites, manage screen time, see where your kid’s devices are at all times, and more, giving you peace of mind in an ever-mobile world. The perfect partner to an invested parent! 

Parental Controls can be an awesome way of helping your kids establish positive habits around their tech use, but they are even more impactful when combined with an invested parent who has got a good handle on the online world. So, by all means, invest in Parental Control software but also commit to ramping up your digital parenting game – it’s the best way to help set up your kids for a safe and positive experience online. And isn’t that every digital parent’s dream! 

Take Care 

Alex 😊 

The post Can Parental Controls Can Help You Create Good Habits? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

5 Tips For Creating Bulletproof Passwords

By McAfee

While biometric tools like facial ID and fingerprints have become more common when it comes to securing our data and devices, strong passwords still play an essential part in safeguarding our digital lives.

This can be frustrating at times, since many of us have more accounts and passwords than we can possibly remember. This can lead us to dangerous password practices, such as choosing short and familiar passwords, and repeating them across numerous accounts. But password safety doesn’t have to be so hard. Here are some essential tips for creating bulletproof passwords.

Remember, simple is not safe

Every year surveys find that the most popular passwords are as simple as  “1234567” and just “password.” This is great news for the cybercrooks, but really bad news for the safety of our personal and financial information.

When it comes to creating strong passwords, length and complexity matter because it makes them harder to guess, and harder to crack if the cybercriminal is using an algorithm to quickly process combinations. The alarming truth is that passwords that are just 7 characters long take less than a third of a second to crack using these “brute force attack” algorithms.


  • Make sure that your passwords are at least 12 characters long and include numbers, symbols, and upper and lowercase letters.
  • Try substituting numbers and symbols for letters, such as zero for “O”, or @ for “A”.
  • If you’re using internet-connected devices, like IP cameras and interactive speakers, make sure to change the default passwords to something unique, since hackers often know the manufacturer’s default settings.

Keep it impersonal

Passwords that include bits of personal information, such as your name, address, or pet’s name, make them easier to guess. This is especially true when we share a lot of personal information online. But you can use personal preferences that aren’t well known to create strong passphrases.


  • Try making your password a phrase, with random numbers and characters. For instance, if you love crime novels you might pick the phrase: ILoveBooksOnCrime
    Then you would substitute some letters for numbers and characters, and put a portion in all caps to make it even stronger, such as: 1L0VEBook$oNcRIM3!
  • If you do need to use personal information when setting up security questions, choose answers that are not easy to find online.
  • Keep all your passwords and passphrases private.

Never reuse passwords

If you reuse passwords and someone guesses a password for one account, they can potentially use it to get into others. This practice has gotten even riskier over the last several years, due to the high number of corporate data breaches. With just one hack, cybercriminals can get their hands on thousands of passwords, which they can then use to try to access multiple accounts.


  • Use unique passwords for each one of your accounts, even if it’s for an account that doesn’t hold a lot of personal information. These too can be compromised, and if you use the same password for more sensitive accounts, they too are at risk.
  • If a website or monitoring service you use warns you that your details may have been exposed, change your password immediately.

Employ a password manager

If just the thought of creating and managing complex passwords has you overwhelmed, outsource the work to a password manager! These are software programs that can create random and complex passwords for each of your accounts, and store them securely. This means you don’t have to remember your passwords – you can simply rely on the password manager to enter them when needed.


  • Look for security software that includes a password manager
  • Make sure your password manager uses multi-factor authentication, meaning it uses multiple pieces of information to identify you, such as facial recognition, a fingerprint, and a password.

Boost your overall security

Now that you’ve made sure that your passwords are bulletproof, make sure you have comprehensive security software that can protect you from a wide variety of threats.


  • Keep you software up-to-date and consider using a web advisor that protects you from accidentally typing passwords into phishing sites.

The post 5 Tips For Creating Bulletproof Passwords appeared first on McAfee Blog.

6 Ways to Help Your Kids Deal with Haters and Harassers Online

By McAfee

Imagine, if you will, a person goes online each day with the sole mission to trigger confrontation and provoke conflict. Sounds bizarre and exhausting, doesn’t it? Sadly, that’s precisely what online trolls hope set out to do. And while trolls often target adults, when they target kids, the emotional impact can be confusing and painful. 

What is a troll?

A troll is a person who posts inflammatory messages in an online forum to purposefully cause confusion or harm to other users online for no reason at all. 

A 2021 Pew Research report found that nearly 41 percent (four in ten) Americans have encountered online harassment. Additionally, 55 percent think it is a “major problem.” Seventy-five percent of the targets of online abuse say their most recent experience was on social media.  

Bullies vs. Trolls

It’s important to differentiate bullies and trolls. While both cause harm, bullies often know their targets. Trolls, however, amplify the emotional complexity of online harassment by targeting strangers. Their goal is to anger and exhaust people with name-calling, body shaming, political or gender bashing, and other forms of emotional abuse.  

Helping kids understand, process, and respond in a healthy way to this kind of cruel behavior is, no doubt, a challenge all parents face today. So, what can we do? There are a few things.  

6 Ways to Help Kids Starve the Trolls

1. Prepare. Consider taking the time to discuss this important topic with your child. If they have yet to encounter a troll, it won’t be long. Define what a troll is, what their motives might be, and the different ways they wreak havoc online. For a few conversation starters, google “trolls and motives.” You will find that, among other reasons, trolls incite mayhem online to attract attention, exercise control, and hurt and manipulate others. In fact, some studies show trolling is associated with (among other personality disorders) psychopathy, Machiavellianism, and narcissism.

Helping your kids understand these personalities—and not internalize a troll’s hurtful comments—will take time and consistency.  

2. Parental Controls. One way to help your kids steer clear of trolls is parental controls. This level of software will block apps and filter websites trolls might frequent. In addition, parental controls will generate online activity reports and help parents limit screentime, both factors in reducing online conflict. 

3. Starve the trolls. It’s human nature. We want to strike back hard and fast with an epic comeback when we’re attacked online. However, studies show that the best way to deal with a troll is to ignore or starve them. Trolls feed on angry reactions so arguing is like serving them a chocolate sundae.  Instead, consider coaching your child to take a deep breath, step away from their devices, process the troll’s motives, and lastly, not engage. This will not only starve the troll, hopefully, it will also help your child build self-control.  

4. Exercise your power. Is it tough to ignore the trolls? You bet! However, muting, blocking, and reporting is still a way for kids to exercise their power. A good reminder to relay to kids: While the internet may be free and open to everyone, your child’s profile, page, or blog belongs to them. It is not a democracy that requires them to tolerate free speech or abusive behavior. Encourage your child to exercise their power and voice by using the reporting tools—unfollow, mute, block, report—designed to help them feel secure and safe online.  

5. Make accounts private. Many trolls tend to operate under anonymous names and use hidden IP addresses. For that reason, encourage your child to limit their online circles to friends only. While this may not ward off all trolls, it will reduce their chances of getting through the gates. This is especially important for children who play video games and chat online with unknown online players who may be trolls. Remind them to create private accounts on social networks and to keep all personal information private.  

6. Take appropriate action. If a trolling situation escalates to stalking or threats, report it to authorities immediately. A great place to learn more about trolling is the Crash Override Network, an exhaustive list of resources for victims of online harassment. Note: Be sure to take screenshots of the abusive posts, so you have proof in case the person attempts to edit or delete them. 

It’s easy to forget that each time your child logs into a device, they step into a literal worldwide web of strangers with diverse behaviors and agendas. Taking time to talk about trolls—before your kids rush to scroll Tik Tok or play Fortnite—will help equip them to deal with this growing threat.     

The post 6 Ways to Help Your Kids Deal with Haters and Harassers Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Aussie Children Have 2nd Highest Rate of Cyberbullying, Time To Focus on Digital Parenting

By Alex Merton-McCann

Whether it was bush fires, Covid, floods, or the Ukraine conflict, the news agenda over the last two years has been jam-packed. So, when McAfee released the findings of their first Global Connected Family Study, it was clear to me that connecting safely online needs to make it back into the news. 

Over 15,000 parents and 12,000 children aged 10-18 from 10 countries (including Australia) were interviewed for the study with the goal of finding out how families both connect and protect themselves online. So, let me share with you the results that need to spring us into action. 

  • Aussie children report the 2nd highest rate of cyberbullying (24%) out of the 10 countries surveyed. US children reported the highest rate. The average for all countries was 17%. 
  • Aussie parents are not completely aware of what’s happening in their children’s digital lives with just 20% nominating that their child had experienced cyberbullying while in fact 24% had experienced it. 
  • Children want to feel safe online and 73% of those surveyed look to their parents more than any other resource for help however parents are struggling to deliver. 
  • Parents are more inclined to protect their daughters online than their sons. Girls aged 10-14 were more likely to have parental controls on their PCs/laptops in almost every country surveyed. 
  • Children and teens want their privacy online and more than half (59%) will take steps to actively hide their online activity from hiding their browsing history to omitting details about what they are doing online. 

What Can We Do About It? 

I’m the first to admit that being a digital parent can be incredibly overwhelming. Staying abreast of the latest trends, apps and social media platforms can seem like a full-time job! And let’s not forget the latest threats and risks too. But findings, like the ones above, do have a way of shaking up priorities and do serve to provide clarity on where we need to focus our attention as parents.  

So, let’s break it down into 5 steps that you can take to ensure you are minimising the negativity and risks your kids may experience online: 

1. Check Your Family’s Communication Culture 

Without a doubt, one of the best things you can do for your family is create a culture where honest and genuine communication is a feature of everyday life. If your kids know they can confide in you, no matter what the problem is, then they are far more likely to come to you before a problem such as cyberbullying can feel unsolvable.  

2. Commit to Understanding Your Kids’ Online World 

It’s impossible to set boundaries and appreciate the risks in the digital world, if you don’t really know what your kids are dealing with. You may have little natural interest in joining Kik, Snapchat or Instagram but if you kids use it – then you know what you need to do! And if your kids can see that you are more actively involved online and using similar platforms, they will be more likely to come to you if they experience a problem. 

3. Introduce A Family Technology Contract 

In my opinion, one of the biggest causes of issues online is the fact that children are given internet-enabled devices that require adult levels of maturity and problem-solving skills. But let’s keep it real – that horse has bolted – most of our kids have phones in their pockets! So, the best way of managing this is to introduce a family technology contract.  

Now this can be as simple or complex as you feel is necessary for your tribe. You may want to insist on just a few rules such as not sharing passwords with friends, seeking permission before downloading apps, and always being kind online. You could simply write these on a piece of paper and have your kids sign it. Whatever works for you but remember, the research is showing that our kids are looking to us to help keep them safe online, so include as much here as you think your kids need. And of course, these need to be age-appropriate. I love this one for under 5’s from our eSafety Commissioner and this one is great for tweens and teens from The Modern Parent. 

4. Talk Cyberbullying (And Empathy) With Your Kids 

Bullying has existed long before the internet was even a word so unfortunately, it isn’t going anywhere. But coupled with the intensity and very public nature of the online world, it can be devastating. In my opinion, the key to cyberbullying is prevention. So, ensuring your kids know they can come to you with any problem, having a tight connection with your child so you can pick when things are ‘off’ and arming them with a basic cyber safety toolkit (not sharing passwords, privacy settings on, being kind online & having time away from devices) is essential.  

One of the ways we can also keep our kids from making mistakes online is by teaching them empathy. If kids haven’t developed empathy, then they make decisions based solely on their own desires – without any consideration for others. Many experts believe that it is the absence of empathy that leads directly to bullying.   

So, be a role model and start weaving the good old saying ‘do unto others as you would like them to do to you’ into your family dialogue.  

5. Consider Parental Controls & Protection Software 

The research findings are very clear: our kids want us to take charge of their online safety. So, let’s get technology working for us so we can keep them safe. 

Parental controls are not the silver bullet but when they are used in conjunction with proactive parenting then they can be transformative. McAfee’s Safe Family offers parents the ability to monitor device activity, limit screentime, block apps, and filter websites. This is a great way of teaching boundaries and limits while also giving yourself peace of mind that your kids are as safe as possible. 

Investing in comprehensive protection software for your (and your kid’s) devices is another way of adding a layer of protection to their online world. Comprehensive security software like McAfee’s Total Protection will protect against dangerous downloads, viruses, malware, online threats, and visits to risky websites. It will also encrypt the files on your computer and help manage your passwords! A complete no-brainer!!  

So, please don’t be overwhelmed and don’t even aim to be the perfect digital parent! Break it down and do the best you can because protecting our kids online needs to be a top priority. So, as soon as possible – check your family communication, take some time to understand your kids’ online world, put a digital contract in place, talk a little, and use some parental controls. But please do not forget about the power of role modeling. As parents, we are our kids’ biggest influencers so it might just be time for you to up your own digital safety game too!! 

Till next time. 

Stay safe everyone! 

The post Aussie Children Have 2nd Highest Rate of Cyberbullying, Time To Focus on Digital Parenting appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy?

By Alex Merton-McCann

Like most things in life, online privacy is a 2-way street. As consumers, we expect the companies we deal with online to manage and safeguard our data to a super professional level however we also have a role to play here too. So, this Privacy Awareness Week (PAW), let’s focus on what we can do to ensure our personal information is kept as secure, and private as possible. 

Privacy Awareness Week 

There’s nothing like a dedicated ‘week’ to renew our focus and in my opinion, this year’s PAW does just that. This year’s theme is – The Foundation of Trust – we all have a role to play, a great reminder of how it’s up to all of us to ensure we manage online privacy. There’s no doubt that managing our privacy is low on the to-do list for many. And I get it – we’re all strapped for time, and we don’t ever think privacy breaches will affect us. Well, my friends, I’m here to tell you that privacy breaches do happen. Identity theft is a reality of living life online. In fact, in 2020/21, nearly 155,000 Aussies had their identities stolen and they were the cases that were reported. But the good news is that if you take a proactive approach, you can minimise the risk of this ever happening. 

What You Can Do to Protect Your Online Privacy 

Believe it or not, most of your privacy action plan involves small steps that are, I promise, relatively painless. The most important thing here is that you need to commit to doing them. The last thing you want is to spend months dealing with the fallout from having your identity stolen. It’s exhausting, stressful, and absolutely worth avoiding. 

Without further ado, here’s your action plan: 

1. Passwords 

Strong and complex passwords are essential to keeping your online information tight. Ideally, a password should have between 8-10 characters and be a combination of letters – both lower and uppercase, numbers and symbols. Each online account should also have its own password too – which is a very overwhelming concept! Consider using a password manager such as McAfee’s TrueKey to help generate and manage passwords.   

2. Conduct An Audit of Your (and Your Kids’) Privacy Settings 

Ensure all the family checks their social media accounts to ensure they are set to private. This will mean that only their chosen friends can see their private information. Each social media platform will have its own ‘help’ page which provides specific steps on how to do this.  

3. Use Public Wi-Fi With Caution 

If you are serious about your online privacy, then you need to use public Wi-Fi sparingly. Unsecured public Wi-Fi is a very risky business. Anything you share could easily find its way into the hands of cybercriminals. So, avoid sharing any sensitive or personal information while using public Wi-Fi. If you travel regularly, consider investing in a VPN. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) encrypts your activity which means your login details and other sensitive information is protected. A great insurance policy!  

4. Use 2-Factor Authentication 

Adding an additional layer of security to protect yourself when accessing your online accounts is another great way of guarding your online privacy. Turn on two-factor authentication for Google, Dropbox, Facebook and whatever other site offers it. For those new to this option, this means that in addition to your password, you will need to provide another form of identification to ensure you are who you say you are. Most commonly, this is a code sent to your mobile phone or generated by a smartphone app. 

5. Consider a Search Engine that Doesn’t Track Your Every Move Online 

Most web surfers rely on Google for their searching but why not use a search engine that doesn’t collect and store the information? And there are loads of more ‘privacy focussed’ options to choose from. Check out DuckDuckGo, that doesn’t profile users or track or sell your information to third parties. 

6. Protect Your Digital Life 

Comprehensive security protection software is an easy way to help firm up your online privacy too as it does a great job of keeping malicious software (malware) at bay. Malware can wreak absolute havoc: from installing pop ups to scanning for personal information. And if you’re likely to click dodgy links (we’re all human after all), then this is a no brainer! Super-duper security software will also guard you against viruses and online threats, direct you away from risky websites and dangerous downloads and protect your smartphones and tablets too, it can also back up your files. McAfee’s LiveSafe protection software comes with a 100% guarantee to protect you against viruses. 

So, this Privacy Awareness week, please take the time to ensure you are doing all you can to nail your online privacy. And of course, please get your kids involved too. Do your research and find some stories of ‘real life’ people who have had their identity stolen to share around the dinner table because identity theft can absolutely happen to anyone! 

Till next time, 

Stay Safe! 

Alex 😊  

The post Are You Playing A Role In Protecting Your Online Privacy? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life

By McAfee

Passwords: we entrust our most important data to these strings of letters, numbers, and special characters. So, we should make sure our passwords are words or phrases that we can easily remember, right? While this might be the most convenient option,  there are more secure ways to digitally lock up your most sensitive personally identifiable information (PII). In celebration of World Password Day, we’re diving into how you can practice top-notch password security without compromising convenience.1  

The Nature of the Password 

Over the years, the password has remained a good first line of defense against cyberattacks. However, most of us tend to choose passwords based on memorable things from our lives, like family names or our pets’ birthdays. As it turns out, these details are easy for hackers to find on social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s also human nature to opt for convenience, and for many people that means  setting easy-to-remember and easy-to-guess passwords. Plus, out of convenience, people often reuse passwords across multiple accounts and services. The downside is that if one account becomes compromised, all accounts become compromised. 

As an alternative to single-word passwords, many security experts advocate for passphrases over passwords. Passphrases are longer strings of words and characters that are easier for you to remember and harder for nefarious software and cybercriminals to guess than random strings of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. But, according to a study, the average American internet user was projected to have 300 online accounts by 2022.2 Can you imagine memorizing 300 different passphrases? We can all agree that sounds pretty unrealistic, so users tend to look for other solutions.  

Do You Save Your Password in a Browser?  

If the answer is yes, you may want to reconsider, as there are several risks associated with this practice. Although it’s convenient to have your browser save your passwords, they tend to do a lousy job of safeguarding your passwords, credit card numbers and personal details, such as your name and address. 

Let’s take Google Chrome, for example. Unlike most dedicated password managers, Chrome doesn’t use a primary password to encrypt all your credentials. (Note that some browsers do use one, and are therefore more secure, though you’ll still need to trust your browser provider.) This makes your Chrome-stored passwords relatively weak to “local” attacks. For example, if someone gets hold of—or guesses—your Windows password, they can then see all the logins stored in your browser’s password manager. 

Another consideration to note is that the security of all your accounts is tied to your browser account’s security. Let’s say you use the sync option to make your credentials available on all your devices. This means that logins are stored in the cloud and, though encrypted, if someone manages to hack into your browser account, they will gain access to all your logins.  

Keep Your Accounts Secure Without Compromising Convenience 

What can you do to help ensure your online profiles are kept safe without spending hours managing a complex list of passwords? Here are some easy ways to lock down your digital life without sacrificing convenience:  

Use a password manager to store unique, complex passwords for all your accounts 

A password manager is a software application that stores your passwords and other sensitive information. You can install it on computers or mobile devices and store all passwords in an encrypted file (or database). The best option is to use a password manager like McAfee True Key to store and create strong, random passwords for each site you visit. You’ll have one primary password that grants access to the rest of them—ideally, a long and random passphrase that you can remember. Once everything is set up, it should be seamless. As you log in to new sites, the password manager will offer to save your credentials for later use. 

Turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it 

One of the best ways to protect your accounts against unauthorized access is to turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it. Using two-factor authentication means a site will prompt you for a unique security code, in addition to your password, whenever you log in to an account for which you have enabled this feature.  

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring another form of identification after you enter your username and password. Some services send a temporary passcode over text message. Others require the user to approve login attempts from new devices using an app. If someone steals your device or gains access to your account details, they’re out of luck unless they also have access to this second piece of information. Two-factor authentication is available on a wide range of websites and can help keep your accounts safe from would-be hackers, so you should always use it when available.  

Use a virtual private network (VPN) when out and about 

A VPN, or virtual private network, encrypts your data and masks your online behavior from snooping third parties. When you go to a website, your computer connects to the server where the site is hosted, and that website can see a certain amount of data about you and your computer. With a VPN, you connect to a private server first, which scrambles your data and makes it more difficult for digital eavesdroppers to track what you’re doing online. 

VPNs can provide users with greater peace of mind when on the go. Say you’re traveling on a business trip and need to connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by your hotel. Shifty characters often lurk on unprotected, free networks (such as those provided by hotels, coffee shops, airports, etc.) to lift PII from people handling sensitive emails, making banking transactions, or shopping online. McAfee Safe Connect VPN encrypts your online activity with bank-grade encryption to protect your data from prying eyes. With a premium paid plan, you can protect up to five devices at once and enjoy unlimited data protection.  

The Best of Both Worlds: Security and Convenience 

With your growing number of accounts all requiring passwords—emails, social media profiles, online banking—it’s no wonder that people tend to reuse passwords across multiple sites. This may be convenient, but it creates significant security risks if a suspicious actor manages to obtain one of your passwords and attempts to use it elsewhere. That’s why having strong passwords matters. 

Do yourself a favor and opt for a dedicated password manager that will auto-save and store your credentials for you, so you only have one password to remember. Who says security and simplicity can’t coexist?  

The post This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs

By McAfee

Imagine – your favorite brand on Instagram just announced a giveaway. You’ll receive a free gift! All you have to do is provide your credit card information. Sounds easy, right? This is a brand you’ve followed and trusted for a while now. You’ve engaged with them and even purchased some of their items. The link comes directly from their official page, so you don’t think to question it. Don’t fall prey to crypto scams, download reputable mobile security protection.

This is the same mindset that led to several Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs being stolen by a cybercriminal who had hacked into the company’s official Instagram account. Let’s dive into the details of this scam.  

Sneaking Into the Bored Ape Yacht Club 

Bored Ape Yacht Club, the NFT collection, disclosed through Twitter that their Instagram account had been hacked, and advised users not to click on any links or link their crypto wallets to anything. The hacker managed to log into the account and post a phishing link promoting an “airdrop,” or a free token giveaway, to users who connected their MetaMask wallets. Those who linked their wallets before BAYC’s warning lost a combined amount of over $1 million in NFTs. 

Despite the large price tag attached to NFTs, they are often held in smartphone wallets rather than more secure alternatives. MetaMask, the crypto wallet application, only allows NFT display through mobile devices and encourages users to use the smartphone app to manage them. While it may be a good method for display purposes, this limitation provides hackers with a new and effective way to easily steal from users’ mobile wallets. 

BAYC does not yet know how the hacker was able to gain access to their Instagram account, but they are following security best practices and actively working to contact the users affected. 

N.F.T. – Not For Taking 

This scam was conducted through the official BAYC account, making it appear legitimate to BAYC’s followers. It is incredibly important to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself and your assets from scams like these. Follow the tips below to steer clear of phishing scams and keep your digital assets safe:  

Ensure wallet security 

A seed phrase is the “open sesame” to your cryptocurrency wallet. The string of words is what grants you access to all your wallet’s assets. Ensuring that your seed phrase is stored away safely and not easily accessible by anyone but yourself is the first step to making sure your wallet is secure. 

Protect your privacy 

With all transactional and wallet data publicly available, scammers can pick and choose their targets based on who appears to own valuable assets. To protect your privacy and avoid being targeted, refrain from sharing your personal information on social media sites or using your NFT as a social media avatar. 

Look out for phishing scams 

Phishing scams targeting NFT collectors are becoming increasingly common. Be wary of any airdrops offering free tokens in exchange for your information or other “collectors” doing the same. 

Phishing scams tend to get more sophisticated over time, especially in cases like the Bored Ape Yacht Club where the malicious links are coming straight from the official account. It is always best to remain skeptical and cautious, but when in doubt, here are some extra tips to spot phishing scams: 

  • Is it written properly? A few spelling or grammar mistakes can be common, but many phishing messages will contain glaring errors that professional accounts or companies wouldn’t make. If you receive an error-filled message or promotion that requires giving your personal information, run in the other direction. 
  • Does the logo look right? Scammers will often steal the logo of whatever brand or company they’re impersonating to make the whole shtick look more legitimate. However, rarely do the logos look exactly how they’re supposed to. Pay close attention to any logo added in a message or link. Is the quality low? Is it crooked or off-center? Is it almost too small to completely make out? If yes, it’s most likely not the real deal. 
  • Is the URL legit? In any phishing scam, there will always be a link involved. To check if a link is actually legitimate, copy and paste the URL into a word processor where you can examine it for any odd spelling or grammatical errors. If you receive a strange link via email, hover over it with your mouse to see the link preview. If it looks suspicious, ignore and delete it. Even on mobile devices, you can press and hold the link with your finger to check out the legitimacy of the URL. 

As crypto and NFTs continue to take the world by storm, hackers and scammers are constantly on the prowl for ways to steal and deceive. No matter the source or how trustworthy it may seem at first glance, always exercise caution to keep yourself and your assets safe! 

The post Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Apple patches zero-day kernel hole and much more – update now!

By Paul Ducklin
You'll find fixes for numerous kernel-level code execution holes, including an 0-day vulnerability in many (though not all) versions.

A Guide to Identity Theft Statistics for 2022

By McAfee

There’s a digital counterpart for nearly everything we do, which means more of our personal information is online. And although this tends to make our lives easier, it opens the door for information to land in the wrong hands. Identity theft happens when someone uses your personal identifiable information (PII) for their own monetary or personal gain. Sensitive data like credit card numbers and Social Security numbers can be incredibly valuable if it gets into the wrong hands.  

The good news is that you can take steps to minimize the risk of identity theft. This article breaks down some of the most interesting fraud statistics and trends about identity theft in the United States and offers ways to protect your personal data from cybercriminals. 

Identity theft by the numbers

The number of identity theft cases reported to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has increased in the last five years. According to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network (CSN) report, the number of reported cases more than doubled from 2019 to 2020.  

One possible reason for this upward trend is the coronavirus pandemic. Congress passed legislation that included more than $5 trillion in various government benefits. This money was helpful to out-of-luck Americans, but it was also extremely attractive to scammers who used the opportunity to create fake identities and steal unemployment checks. In fact, the most common type of identity theft this past year was government documents and benefits fraud 

What else do the numbers say about the rise in identity theft? Let’s take a closer look: 

These statistics only scratch the surface, though. Keep reading to learn more about the latest identity theft data and what you can do to protect your personal information.  

How common is identity theft in the U.S.?

Identity theft is a huge issue in the United States, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Fraud reports show that the number of identity thefts in the U.S. continues to grow and grow. The graph below shows the number of identity theft reports from the first quarter of 2017 to the first quarter of 2021.  

The reported instances of identity theft have risen sharply from just over 100,000 in the first quarter of 2017 to well over 500,000 in the first quarter of 2021. 2020 had the sharpest increase in reports, as cybercriminals did their best to capitalize on the pandemic to take people’s government benefits 

Number of Identity Theft Reports from 2017-2021

Identity theft, by state  

Not every state is affected by ID theft equally. Where you live can have a big impact on your likelihood of experiencing identity theft. The graph below shows the amount of identity theft cases reported to the FTC per 100,000 residents for each state in the U.S.  

States with the Highest Rates of Identity Theft

With a closer look, the five states with the most identity theft reports include Georgia, Louisiana, Illinois, Kansas, and Rhode Island, which takes the top spot. The number of reports in Rhode Island more than doubled in 2021, from 1,191 in 2020 to 2,857.  

At the other end of the spectrum, South Dakota remained the state with the lowest occurrence of identity theft, with only 76 residents per 100,000 experiencing it.  

State Rankings by Identity Theft

Here’s a list of the 20 metro cities where you have the highest chance of having your identity stolen. 

Top 20 Metro Areas With the Most Identity Theft

Who are the victims of identity theft?

Anyone can become the victim of identity theft, in large part because so much of our information is online. However, certain age groups are more likely to experience different types of scams 

For example, baby boomers are more likely than Generation Z to benefit from government programs. This makes them more susceptible to scams like benefits fraud (where a criminal poses as someone else to steal government benefits).  

On the other hand, younger generations like millennials have grown up with the internet, and activities like shopping online are more frequent. This makes them more susceptible to identity theft through credit card fraud 

Here’s a breakdown of the most common identity theft types from various generations:  

Number of Reports By Generation

Types of identity theft

There are several different types of identity theft, ranging from stolen financial information to compromised health care data. Some forms are pretty straightforward. For instance, credit card fraud occurs when somebody steals your credit card number and uses it to buy things. Others, like medical identity theft, might be a bit harder to recognize.  

Here’s a list of five of the most common types of identity theft 

  • Financial identity theft: This form of identity theft is exactly what it sounds like and involves a criminal stealing your financial information. For instance, your credit card number can be stolen and used to make a purchase.  
  • Medical identity theft: With medical identity theft, someone steals your personal information to obtain health care services. An example is someone else using your identity to obtain prescription drugs. 
  • Criminal identity theft: This form of identity theft occurs when someone else uses your name when arrested. You’ll know this has happened to you if you receive a court summons, for instance, that you had no involvement with. 
  • Synthetic identity theft: A rising form of identity theft, synthetic identity theft is when someone creates a fake identity using someone’s real information. For instance, an imposter might create a fake identity using someone else’s real birthdate and Social Security number to apply for a loan. 
  • Child identity theft: With child identity theft, a criminal uses a minor’s personal information to commit bank fraud or another form of identity theft. 

Although these are five of the most common types of identity theft, they can serve as umbrella terms for more specific forms of fraud. The diagram below shows the number of reported fraud cases of these various types of identity theft In 2021. 

Most Reported Forms of Identity Theft in 2021

While the internet has made our day-to-day lives more convenient, it’s also made it much easier for scammers to steal our personal information. Identity theft has become increasingly more common in the United States over the past five years.  

The more you use the internet, the more opportunities scammers have to steal your data and sell it on places like the dark web. Social media platforms, e-commerce businesses, banking companies, and a host of other online businesses can store your information for a variety of reasons.  

If you use the internet for online shopping, for instance, there’s a good chance a large number of databases stored your personal and financial data. While businesses use your information to give you a better online experience, scammers can also access it to steal your identity.  

The graph below shows the growth of different types of identity theft from 2017 to 2021.  

Type of Identity Theft Trends 2017-2021

What should I do if I think I’m a victim of identity theft?

Criminals use many tricks to get your information. Scammers or hackers might send phishing emails pretending to be the IRS, snoop around social media pages for password clues, get info through a data breach, or simply buy information on the dark web 

Here are a few things you can do if you believe you are the victim of identity theft 

  • Be on the lookout: To avoid identity theft, you’ll want to be alert for signs that someone has stolen your identity. Check your bank statement and credit report regularly to ensure no extra charges to your account. Pay attention to red flags like bills that arrive at your home with your information but someone else’s name, mysterious calls from debt collectors, or emails from new accounts for online services you don’t remember starting.  
  • Reach out to local law enforcement: Some banks may make you show them a police report before they reimburse you for any fraudulent charges or withdrawals. 
  • Contact the company where your ID is being used: Let the businesses where your information is being used know what’s happened. For instance, you’ll want to contact your bank and cancel your credit cards if you find out a criminal is using them. 
  • Get in touch with the three big credit bureaus: Call or message TransUnion, Equifax, and Experian right away. They may be able to diminish the impact an identity thief has on your credit score.  
  • File a report with the FTC: Reporting identity fraud to the FTC can help spread awareness of scams and identity theft tactics so others don’t fall victim to them.  
  • Visit the Identity Theft Resource Center: The ITRC has tools and information to help you protect yourself against identity theft and recover from it.  

We’re here to help protect your personal information

The internet makes our lives easier in many ways. Although identity theft is rising, you shouldn’t let online scams prevent you from enjoying these digital conveniences. Identity thieves are an unavoidable part of using the internet, but you can greatly limit your risk of falling victim to cybercrime if you know what to watch out for and you’re smart online.  

Recognizing the signs of identity theft can help you stay ahead of fraudsters, and investing in McAfee Identity Protection services can offer another layer of protection. When you sign up for our identity protection services, you get perks like $1 million in identity theft protection insurance and email address and bank account monitoring. With our help, you can continue to use the internet with confidence. 

The post A Guide to Identity Theft Statistics for 2022 appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Firefox out-of-band update to 100.0.1 – just in time for Pwn2Own?

By Paul Ducklin
A new point-release of Firefox. Not unusual, but the timing of this one is interesting, with Pwn2Own coming up in a few days.

He sold cracked passwords for a living – now he’s serving 4 years in prison

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What’s a Parent to Do? Closing the Protection Gap between You and Your Children.

By McAfee

Hands down, children look to their parents to keep them safe online more than anyone else, which begs the question—what’s a parent to do?

Our recent study on connected families found that nearly three-quarters of children said their parents were best suited to teach them about staying safe online, nearly twice than teachers at school (39%) and more than twice over for online resources (34%). Parents recognize their role as a protector online as well, with an overwhelming 90% of parents worldwide agreeing that they’re the primary source.

However, our study also found that parents could be taking more steps to protect themselves online, let alone taking steps for their children. In fact, when looking at how parents protect themselves and then if they protect their children the same way, a distinct gap appears.

Online Security Habits Across Devices

Figures that were already low for relatively straightforward and relatively easily employed safety measures drop yet lower for children—such as installing antivirus software, protecting the computer with a password, or sticking to reputable online stores when shopping.

For example, on computers and laptops, note the 11% drop in antivirus usage, the 14% drop in device password/passcode protection, and the 9% drop in regular updates to the operation system.

This trend continues when the study looked at mobile device protection for parents and children. The numbers were similarly low, and sometimes lower than the rate of protection on PCs and laptops. For example, while 56% of parents said that they protect their child’s smartphone with a password or passcode, only 42% said they do the same for their child’s smartphone—a further 14% drop.

Across the board, parents reported protecting a child’s smartphone to a lesser degree than they protect a child’s computer or laptop—notably when it comes to installing antivirus on phones, to a figure of 19% less (57% to 38%).

Mobile Device Usage Among Children

What’s striking about this is how tweens and teens access the internet today. Our report found that 74% of them said that their smartphone was their most important device (followed by their gaming console at 68%). Moreover, the rate at which they use their smartphones indicates that these devices are their primary onramp to the internet. By ages 15 to 16, some 90% of children worldwide report using a smartphone.

Given these findings, two important points stand out for parents:

  • First, the steps that parents take to protect themselves aren’t always done for their children—even though their children look overwhelmingly to them for protection online.
  • Second, children are going largely unprotected on the devices they use to access the internet the most—their smartphones.

Misconceptions about online protection may play a role in these lax measures. Two additional findings may indicate why this is:

  • 49% of parents think a new phone is more secure than a new computer.
  • 59% of tweens and teens thought new phone was more secure as well.

Both perceptions deny the reality that smartphones, and the people using them, are subject to hacks and attacks just like with any other device that connects to the internet. As such, smartphones call for protection too.

6 Steps to protect you and your family online

So, what’s a parent to do? They can take a few basic actions that will go a long way toward safeguarding themselves and their families online:

1) Protect yourselves

It used to be that we could load antivirus on our devices and go on our way with confidence. That’s not the case anymore. While antivirus is still a cornerstone of protection, it’s just a part of overall online protection. Comprehensive online protection software protects more than your computer or smartphone, it protects you.

For example, ours offers all-in-one protection for your personal info and privacy for peace of mind against data breaches—along with further features that can remove your data from some of the riskiest data broker sites that are selling it online. Other features include an online protection score that shows you just how strong your security is, along with simple guidance that can help seal up any gaps.

In all, online protection is the place to start when looking after yourself and your family online, whether that’s on a computer, laptop, or phone—with particular emphasis on phones, given the way parents and children alike rely on them so strongly.

2) Protect your identities

Identity theft can affect anyone, even the youngest of children. Our study found that 15% of children experienced attempted account theft, while 28% of parents reported it happening to them. An identity protection service like ours can monitor your family’s accounts and personal info for unauthorized or suspicious activity—and help you restore a compromised identity with the help of a pro.

3) Protect your devices

In and above using online protection software, there’s also the security of your devices to consider too. After all, devices can get lost or stolen. Take steps to protect your devices by ensuring they’re locked with a PIN or other protection like facial recognition. For your apps, use two-factor authentication wherever possible for extra protection should your device end up in someone else’s hands.

4) Protect your accounts

Similarly, you can take steps to protect your online accounts by using strong, unique passwords for each one. That means no repeats. This makes it far more difficult for hackers to compromise multiple accounts, such that if one password is compromised in a data breach, any potential damage is limited to just that one account in question.

Taking care of that yourself can be a lot of work, given all the accounts you likely have accounts across all the shopping and banking, not to mention your apps. It gets even more involved when you add all your children’s accounts into the mix. Yet there’s good news, a password manager can do all the work by creating and storing strong, unique passwords for you.

5) Keep updated

Updating your operating systems and apps can keep you current with the latest features and enhancements, and help you keep one step ahead of hackers as well. Many updates to operating systems and apps include security fixes and enhancements, which can keep bad actors from taking advantage of any exploits or loopholes on your devices. Many devices and apps make it easy with an auto-update feature. If any of yours offer auto-updating, take advantage.

6) Keep talking

Completely aside from software, apps, and updates, another way to keep your kids safe online is through conversation. When talking with them about their day, weave in a few questions about what’s happening online. What are their favorite games and apps right now? What shows are they watching? Is there a funny post or video they want to share?

Questions like these, simple as they are, can make talking about their life online seem more normal—the ups and downs of it alike—and provide you with opportunities that will help you foster strong decision-making skills that they can carry into adulthood.

Closing the gap

With our study uncovering a clear gap in protection, parents can rest assured they can close it with a few relatively straightforward steps, making everyone in the household safer than before.

This was just one of several findings from our global report on connected families. Others include noteworthy differences across nations, such as which nations report the highest levels of cyberbullying and which nation has nearly 100% of its young children saying they use a smartphone regularly. Yet more findings reveal insights into screen time, video game usage, and a breakdown of the top online activities for teens—and many more ways families are growing up together through their lives online.

Again, what’s a parent to do in light of all this?

Our blog is a great place to start. It offers parents and families a terrific resource when they have questions about life online, along with further resources about online protection that simply make for good reading. Our aim is to help you get thinking about what’s best for your family and the steps you can take to see it through, all so that you can make everyone’s time online safer and more enjoyable.

The post What’s a Parent to Do? Closing the Protection Gap between You and Your Children. appeared first on McAfee Blog.

S3 Ep82: Bugs, bugs, bugs (and Colonial Pipeline again) [Podcast]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - lots to learn - plain English - fun with a serious side - listen now!

Serious Security: Learning from curl’s latest bug update

By Paul Ducklin
Learn how to write plain-speaking and purposeful security advisories from one of the most widely-used open source tools in the world.

Life Behind the Screens of Parents, Tweens, and Teens: McAfee’s Connected Family Study

By McAfee

How do parents and children connect and protect themselves online? We spoke with thousands of them around the world to find out.

In December 2021 we conducted a study about beliefs and behaviors about life online among members of connected families—as individuals and as a family unit. Parents and children were surveyed together, with parents answering first and then bringing their children in to consent and answer, leading to findings that represent connected families across 10 different nations.

Through this study, we uncovered universal beliefs about online protection, along with several nuances, all of which pinpointed several tensions between parents and children when it comes to staying safe while enjoying life online.

Four broader topics presented themselves through this study, with each topic presenting several follow-on findings. Here, we’ll take a look at each topic and touch on a few of the several findings found within each, followed by a link where you can download the full report with its complete set of insights and trends.

Topic One: Mobile Maturity

While our tweens and tweens seem to grow into adults right before our eyes, their lives online mature into adulthood as well—thanks in large part to their mobile devices.

Our study found that children between 15 and 16 years old see their mobile usage jump significantly, so much so that it approaches levels that they will carry into adulthood. Yet their connected lives start much earlier, with smartphones and mobile devices leading the way online. The result is that most tweens and young teens today have access to the expansive internet in the palm of their hand, which exposes them to the broader internet full of apps, chats, entertainment, and social media—along with the benefits and risks nearly right away.

As far as the risks are concerned, tweens and young teens reported on their experience with cyberbullying, account theft, and unauthorized use of their personal data. Here it appears that several children were exposed to these risks at an early age.

While these experiences start early with 10–14-year-olds, exposure to online risks only increase as teens get older. By age 17 to 18, reports of cyberbullying increase to 18%, attempted theft of an online account to 16%, and unauthorized use of personal data to 14%.

Topic Two: Parents as Safekeepers

As far as life online is concerned, children look to their parents to keep them safe. While parents accept that role, our study found that they appear to have difficulty in following through.

Children said that their parents are best suited to teach them about being safe online, making them the clear winners across all categories. Nearly three-quarters of children pointed to parents, nearly twice than teachers at school (39%) and more than twice over for online resources (34%).

Looking at the reasons for that response more closely, 63% tweens and teens worldwide felt that their parents know enough to protect their security and privacy. This figure was higher for younger children (65%) and then decreased as they reached their late teens (55%). As noted earlier, an increasing number of children in their late teens have experienced online risks at this point, perhaps leading to less confidence that their parents indeed have the knowledge to keep them safe.

Parents recognize their role as protectors online, just as they recognize their responsibility to protect their children in the broader world. An overwhelming 90% of parents worldwide agreed with this sentiment. Like their children, parents felt that teachers at school played a role as well at 36%. However, their second top response was internet providers, weighing in at 41%.

Yet while parents say they view themselves as protectors, there’s a gap between intent and effort. On PCs and laptops, parents reported the online protection measures they took for themselves, which appear relatively low given the availability and ease of use with such measures—like installing antivirus software (68%), protecting the computer with a password (58%), or sticking to reputable online stores when shopping (50%).

These figures drop yet lower when asked if they took similar precautions for their children. Thus, as parents protect themselves at a low rate, they protect their children at a rate that’s yet even lower.

Moreover, when it came to protection on smartphones, the numbers were similarly low, and often lower than the rate of protection on PCs and laptops. For example, while 56% of parents said that they protect their smartphone with a password or passcode, only 42% said they do the same for their child’s smartphone—a further 14% drop.

Topic Three: The Secret Lives of Tweens and Teens Online

It’s no secret that teens and tweens may hide their activities online. In fact, they’ve said as much.

Our research found that more than half of children (59%) take some action to hide what they’re up to online. When asked for details, tweens and teens mentioned the following:

  • Clearing the browser history, 26%.
  • Close/minimize browser when parent walked in, 21%.
  • Hide or delete IMs or videos, 15%.
  • Browse with incognito mode, 15%.
  • Lie or omit details about online activities, 15%.
  • Use a device their parents don’t check, 10%.

As children grow older, these privacy-keeping activities only increase, particularly when it comes to clearing browser history and using incognito mode in their browser.

Likewise, it appears that it’s no secret children are speaking privately with people they don’t know online. When asked if they believe their children are having conversations without knowing a person’s real identity, 34% of parents said yes. As for children, 37% said yes, marking a 3% difference in awareness between parents and children.

Broken down by age bracket, 36% of children from ages 10 to 14 say they’re having these conversations, which jumps up to 41% at ages 15 to 16. Later, from ages 17 to 18, that figure drops to 39%.

Topic Four: Gendered Protection Bias

Parents in our study said that they take different measures for boys and girls when it comes to protecting them online. An apparent gender bias finds girls more protected than boys, yet it is boys who encounter more issues online.

Keeping tabs of a child’s safety online takes many forms, some involving apps and software on a child’s device, others that require parents to take a more active hand.

As for safety on devices, parental controls software provides one method for monitoring online activity, with features that keep an eye on children’s activity, limit screen time, and that block and filter certain apps and websites.

Parental controls software appears to remain a popular option. On PCs and laptops, 33% of parents reported using it. On mobile devices, the figure held at 33% as well.

Further, parents said that they relied on other approaches to help keep their children safe, citing several other ways they oversee their children’s time online. For example, in the case of monitoring activity on their child’s mobile device, parents say they will:

  • Limit the time of day or length of time when the child has screen time, 59%.
  • Check the websites or apps the child visits or uses, 56%.
  • Look at call records or text messages on a smartphone the child uses, 40%.
  • Friend or follow the child on social media sites, 35%.
  • Track the child’s location through GPS apps or software, 30%.

However, accounting for age and gender, differences in the use of parental controls arise. Girls in their tweens and early teens see more protection from parental controls software than boys do.

For example, girls 10-14 were more likely than boys of the same age to have parental controls on PCs on laptops in every country surveyed (except Canada), and on mobile in every country (except Germany).

This trend extends to several of the more hands-on approaches, with girls seeing them applied more often than boys. For example, in the U.S.:

  • 47% of parents say they will check the browsing and email history on the PCs of their daughters aged 10 to 14. For boys of the same age, that figure is far lower at 33%.
  • The numbers for mobile devices were also similar, with reported checks for girls at 48% and for boys at 35%.

Based on reports from boys, they are more likely to experience a range of online threats more frequently than girls do—with issues ranging from attempted account theft, a financial information leak, and unauthorized use of their personal data.

Meanwhile, it is girls who are adopting online activities at a rate much faster than boys, at least on mobile. Girls aged 10 to 14 tend to stream music, use social media, and go online shopping more than boys their age.

In all, girls report that they are reaping the benefits of online life earlier than boys and with relatively fewer security issues. Meanwhile, for boys, that equation is flipped. Their online lives mature more slowly, yet they find themselves experiencing security issues more often.

Further findings

We’ve seen just how young children are when they reach maturity, at least in terms of their lives online.
By their mid-teens, they’re using computers, laptops, and smartphones at rates that will carry into adulthood. With that, they’re already experiencing some of the risks and issues that adults do, such as attempted account theft, improper use of data, and leaks of financial information.

These represent a few of the many insights and trends found in our complete report on connected families. Others include noteworthy differences across nations, such as which nations report the highest levels of cyberbullying and which nation has nearly 100% of its young children saying they use a smartphone regularly. Yet more findings reveal insights into screen time, video game usage, and a breakdown of the top online activities for teens—and many more ways families are growing up together through their lives online.

Click here for a full copy of the report.

Survey Methodology

In December 2021 McAfee LLC conducted a study about beliefs and behaviors around digital participation and online protection among members of connected families—as individuals and as a family unit.

Global survey of parents and children, with children answering alongside their parents.

Parents and children were surveyed together, with parents answering first and then bringing their children in to consent and answer.
These findings represent connected families not collections of individuals.

The post Life Behind the Screens of Parents, Tweens, and Teens: McAfee’s Connected Family Study appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life

By McAfee

Passwords: we entrust our most important data to these strings of letters, numbers, and special characters. So, we should make sure our passwords are words or phrases that we can easily remember, right? While this might be the most convenient option, there are more secure ways to digitally lock up your most sensitive personally identifiable information (PII). In celebration of World Password Day, we’re diving into how you can practice top-notch password security without compromising convenience.1  

The Nature of the Password 

Over the years, the password has remained a good first line of defense against cyberattacks. However, most of us tend to choose passwords based on memorable things from our lives, like family names or our pets’ birthdays. As it turns out, these details are easy for hackers to find on social media sites like Facebook or LinkedIn. It’s also human nature to opt for convenience, and for many people that means setting easy-to-remember and easy-to-guess passwords. Plus, out of convenience, people often reuse passwords across multiple accounts and services. The downside is that if one account becomes compromised, all accounts become compromised. 

As an alternative to single-word passwords, many security experts advocate for passphrases over passwords. Passphrases are longer strings of words and characters that are easier for you to remember and harder for nefarious software and cybercriminals to guess than random strings of upper and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. But, according to a study, the average American internet user was projected to have 300 online accounts by 2022.2 Can you imagine memorizing 300 different passphrases? We can all agree that sounds pretty unrealistic, so users tend to look for other solutions.  

Do You Save Your Password in a Browser?  

If the answer is yes, you may want to reconsider, as there are several risks associated with this practice. Although it’s convenient to have your browser save your passwords, they tend to do a lousy job of safeguarding your passwords, credit card numbers and personal details, such as your name and address. 

Let’s take Google Chrome, for example. Unlike most dedicated password managers, Chrome doesn’t use a primary password to encrypt all your credentials. (Note that some browsers do use one, and are therefore more secure, though you’ll still need to trust your browser provider.) This makes your Chrome-stored passwords relatively weak to “local” attacks. For example, if someone gets hold of—or guesses—your Windows password, they can then see all the logins stored in your browser’s password manager. 

Another consideration to note is that the security of all your accounts is tied to your browser account’s security. Let’s say you use the sync option to make your credentials available on all your devices. This means that logins are stored in the cloud and, though encrypted, if someone manages to hack into your browser account, they will gain access to all your logins.  

Keep Your Accounts Secure Without Compromising Convenience 

What can you do to help ensure your online profiles are kept safe without spending hours managing a complex list of passwords? Here are some easy ways to lock down your digital life without sacrificing convenience:  

Use a password manager to store unique, complex passwords for all your accounts 

A password manager is a software application that stores your passwords and other sensitive information. You can install it on computers or mobile devices and store all passwords in an encrypted file (or database). The best option is to use a password manager like McAfee True Key to store and create strong, random passwords for each site you visit. You’ll have one primary password that grants access to the rest of them—ideally, a long and random passphrase that you can remember. Once everything is set up, it should be seamless. As you log in to new sites, the password manager will offer to save your credentials for later use. 

Turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it 

One of the best ways to protect your accounts against unauthorized access is to turn on two-factor authentication for every site that offers it. Using two-factor authentication means a site will prompt you for a unique security code, in addition to your password, whenever you log in to an account for which you have enabled this feature.  

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring another form of identification after you enter your username and password. Some services send a temporary passcode over a text message. Others require the user to approve login attempts from new devices using an app. If someone steals your device or gains access to your account details, they’re out of luck unless they also have access to this second piece of information. Two-factor authentication is available on a wide range of websites and can help keep your accounts safe from would-be hackers, so you should always use it when available.  

Use a virtual private network (VPN) when out and about 

A VPN, or virtual private network, encrypts your data and masks your online behavior from snooping third parties. When you go to a website, your computer connects to the server where the site is hosted, and that website can see a certain amount of data about you and your computer. With a VPN, you connect to a private server first, which scrambles your data and makes it more difficult for digital eavesdroppers to track what you’re doing online. 

VPNs can provide users with greater peace of mind when on the go. Say you’re traveling on a business trip and need to connect to the Wi-Fi network provided by your hotel. Shifty characters often lurk on unprotected, free networks (such as those provided by hotels, coffee shops, airports, etc.) to lift PII from people handling sensitive emails, making banking transactions, or shopping online.  encrypts your online activity with bank-grade encryption to protect your data from prying eyes. With a premium paid plan, you can protect up to five devices at once and enjoy unlimited data protection.  

The Best of Both Worlds: Security and Convenience 

With your growing number of accounts all requiring passwords—emails, social media profiles, online banking—it’s no wonder that people tend to reuse passwords across multiple sites. This may be convenient, but it creates significant security risks if a suspicious actor manages to obtain one of your passwords and attempts to use it elsewhere. That’s why having strong passwords matters. 

Do yourself a favor and opt for a dedicated password manager that will auto-save and store your credentials for you, so you only have one password to remember. Who says security and simplicity can’t coexist?  

The post This World Password Day, Here’s How a Password Manager Can Simplify Your Life appeared first on McAfee Blog.

World Password Day – the 1960s just called and gave you your passwords back

By Paul Ducklin
Yes, passwords are going away. No, it won't happen tomorrow. So it's still worth knowing the basics of picking proper passwords.

Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs

By McAfee

Imagine – your favorite brand on Instagram just announced a giveaway. You’ll receive a free gift! All you have to do is provide your credit card information. Sounds easy, right? This is a brand you’ve followed and trusted for a while now. You’ve engaged with them and even purchased some of their items. The link comes directly from their official page, so you don’t think to question it. 

This is the same mindset that led to several Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs being stolen by a cybercriminal who had hacked into the company’s official Instagram account. Let’s dive into the details of this scam.  

Sneaking Into the Bored Ape Yacht Club 

Bored Ape Yacht Club, the NFT collection, disclosed through Twitter that their Instagram account had been hacked, and advised users not to click on any links or link their crypto wallets to anything. The hacker managed to log into the account and post a phishing link promoting an “airdrop,” or a free token giveaway, to users who connected their MetaMask wallets. Those who linked their wallets before BAYC’s warning lost a combined amount of over $1 million in NFTs. 

Despite the large price tag attached to NFTs, they are often held in smartphone wallets rather than more secure alternatives. MetaMask, the crypto wallet application, only allows NFT display through mobile devices and encourages users to use the smartphone app to manage them. While it may be a good method for display purposes, this limitation provides hackers with a new and effective way to easily steal from users’ mobile wallets. 

BAYC does not yet know how the hacker was able to gain access to their Instagram account, but they are following security best practices and actively working to contact the users affected. 

 N.F.T. – Not For Taking 

This scam was conducted through the official BAYC account, making it appear legitimate to BAYC’s followers. It is incredibly important to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself and your assets from scams like these. Follow the tips below to steer clear of phishing scams and keep your digital assets safe:  

Ensure wallet security 

A seed phrase is the “open sesame” to your cryptocurrency wallet. The string of words is what grants you access to all your wallet’s assets. Ensuring that your seed phrase is stored away safely and not easily accessible by anyone but yourself is the first step to making sure your wallet is secure. 

Protect your privacy 

With all transactional and wallet data publicly available, scammers can pick and choose their targets based on who appears to own valuable assets. To protect your privacy and avoid being targeted, refrain from sharing your personal information on social media sites or using your NFT as a social media avatar. 

Look out for phishing scams 

Phishing scams targeting NFT collectors are becoming increasingly common. Be wary of any airdrops offering free tokens in exchange for your information or other “collectors” doing the same. 

Phishing scams tend to get more sophisticated over time, especially in cases like the Bored Ape Yacht Club where the malicious links are coming straight from the official account. It is always best to remain skeptical and cautious, but when in doubt, here are some extra tips to spot phishing scams: 

  • Is it written properly? A few spelling or grammar mistakes can be common, but many phishing messages will contain glaring errors that professional accounts or companies wouldn’t make. If you receive an error-filled message or promotion that requires giving your personal information, run in the other direction. 
  • Does the logo look right? Scammers will often steal the logo of whatever brand or company they’re impersonating to make the whole shtick look more legitimate. However, rarely do the logos look exactly how they’re supposed to. Pay close attention to any logo added in a message or link. Is the quality low? Is it crooked or off-center? Is it almost too small to completely make out? If yes, it’s most likely not the real deal. 
  • Is the URL legit? In any phishing scam, there will always be a link involved. To check if a link is actually legitimate, copy and paste the URL into a word processor where you can examine it for any odd spelling or grammatical errors. If you receive a strange link via email, hover over it with your mouse to see the link preview. If it looks suspicious, ignore and delete it. Even on mobile devices, you can press and hold the link with your finger to check out the legitimacy of the URL. 

As crypto and NFTs continue to take the world by storm, hackers and scammers are constantly on the prowl for ways to steal and deceive. No matter the source or how trustworthy it may seem at first glance, always exercise caution to keep yourself and your assets safe! 

The post Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Smarter Homes & Gardens: Smart Speaker Privacy

By Natalie Maxfield

So is your smart speaker really listening in on your conversations? 

That’s the crux of a popular privacy topic. Namely, are we giving up some of our privacy in exchange for the convenience of a smart speaker that does our bidding with the sound of our voice? After all, you’re using it to do everything from search for music, order online, and control the lights and temperature in your home. 

What is your smart speaker really hearing—and recording? 

Let’s take a look at what’s going on inside of your smart speaker, how it processes your requests, and what companies do with the recordings and transcripts of your voice. 

So, are smart speakers listening in? 

More or less, smart speakers are listening to all the time. Each smart speaker has its own “wake word” that it listens for, like Alexa, Siri, or Google. When the device hears that wake word or thinks it hears it, it begins recording and awaits your verbal commands. Unless you have the microphone or listening feature turned off, your device indeed actively listens for that wake word all the time. 

Here’s where things get interesting, though. There’s a difference between “listening” and “recording.” The act of listening is passive. Your smart speaker is waiting to hear its name. That’s it. Once it does hear its name, it begins recording for a few seconds to record your command. From there, your spoken command goes into the company’s cloud for processing by way of an encrypted connection.  

There are exceptions to when your command may go to the company’s cloud for processing, like Siri on iPhones, which according to Apple, “You don’t sign in with your Apple ID to use Siri, and the audio of your requests is processed entirely on your iPhone.” Also, Google Assistant may process some requests without going to the cloud, like “When a user triggers a smart home Action that has a local fulfillment path, Assistant sends the EXECUTE intent or QUERY intent to the Google Home or Google Nest device rather than the cloud fulfillment.” 

In the cases where information does go to the cloud, processing entails a few things. First, it makes sure that the wake word was heard. If it’s determined that the wake word was indeed spoken (or something close enough to it—more on that in a minute), the speaker follows through on the request or command. Depending on your settings, that activity may get stored in your account history, whether as a voice recording, transcript, or both. If the wake word was not detected, processing ends at that point. 

Enter the issue of mistaken wake words. While language models and processing technologies used by smart speakers are constantly evolving, there are occasions where a smart speaker acts as if a wake word was heard when it simply wasn’t said. Several studies on the topic have been published in recent years. In the case of research from Northeastern University, it was found that dialogue from popular television shows could be interpreted as wake words that trigger recording. For example, their findings cite: 

“We then looked at other shows with a similarly high dialogue density (such as Gilmore Girls and The Office) and found that they also have a high number of activations, which suggests that the number of activations is at least in part related to the density of dialogue. However, we have also noticed that if we consider just the amount of dialogue (in a number of words), Narcos is the one that triggers the most activations, even if it has the lowest dialogue density.” 

Of interest is not just the volume of dialogue, but the pronunciation of the dialogue: 

“We investigated the actual dialogue that produced Narcos‘ activations and we have seen that it was mostly Spanish dialogue and poorly pronounced English dialogue. This suggests that, in general, words that are not pronounced clearly may lead to more unwanted activations.” 

Research such as this suggests that smart speakers at the time had room for improvement when it comes to properly detect wake words, thus leading to parts of conversation being recorded without the owner intending it. If you own a smart speaker, I wouldn’t be too surprised to hear that you’ve had some issues like that from time to time yourself. 

Is someone on the other end of my smart speaker listening to my recordings? 

As mentioned above, the makers of smart speakers make constant improvements to their devices and services, which may include the review of commands from users to make sure they are interpreted correctly. There are typically two types of review—machine and human. As the names suggest, a machine review is a digital analysis and human reviews entail someone listening to and evaluating a recorded command or reading and evaluating a transcript of a written command. 

However, several manufacturers let you exercise some control over that. In fact, you’ll find that they post a fair share of articles about this collection and review process, along with your choices for opting in or out as you wish: 

Setting up your smart speaker for better privacy 

The quickest way to ensure a more private experience with your smart speaker is to disable listening—or turn it off entirely. Depending on the device, you may be able to do this with the push of a button, a voice command, or some combination of the two. This will keep the device from listening for its wake word. Likewise, this makes your smart speaker unresponsive to voice commands until you enable them again. This approach works well if you decide there are certain stretches of the day where your smart speaker doesn’t need to be on call. 

Yet let’s face it, the whole idea of a smart speaker is to have it on and ready to take your requests. For those stretches where you leave it on, there’s another step you can take to shore up your privacy.  

In addition to making sure you’re opted out of the review process mentioned above, you can also delete your recordings associated with your voice commands. 

Managing your voice history like this gives you yet one more way you can take control of your privacy. In many ways, it’s like deleting your search history from your browser. And when you consider just how much activity and how many queries your smart speaker may see over the course of days, weeks, and months, you can imagine just how much information that captures about you and your family. Some of it is undoubtedly personal. Deleting that history can help protect your privacy in the event that information ever gets breached or somehow ends up in the hands of a bad actor.  

Lastly, above and beyond these privacy tips for your smart speakers, comprehensive online protection will help you look out for your privacy overall. In the case of ours, we provide a full range of privacy and device protection, along with identity theft protection that includes $1M identity theft coverage, identity monitoring, and identity restoration assistance from recovery pros—and antivirus too, of course. Together, they can make your time spent online far more secure. 

You’re the smart one in this relationship 

With privacy becoming an increasingly hot topic (rightfully so!), several companies have been taking steps to make the process of managing yours easier and a more prevalent part of their digital experience. As you can see, there are several ways you can take charge of how your smart speaker uses, and doesn’t use, your voice. 

It used to be that many of these settings were tucked away deep in menus, rather than something companies would tout on web pages dedicated to privacy. So as far as smart speakers go, the information is out there, and I hope this article helps make the experience with yours more private and secure.  

The post Smarter Homes & Gardens: Smart Speaker Privacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Ransomware Survey 2022 – like the Curate’s Egg, “good in parts”

By Paul Ducklin
You might not like the headline statistics in this year's ransomware report... but that makes it even more important to take a look!

Phishing goes KISS: Don’t let plain and simple messages catch you out!

By Paul Ducklin
Sometimes we receive phishing tricks that we grudgingly have to admit are better than average, just because they're uncomplicated.

QNAP warns of new bugs in its Network Attached Storage devices

By Paul Ducklin
Here's what you need to know - plus some sensible advice for all the devices on your home or small biz network!


Critical cryptographic Java security blunder patched – update now!

By Paul Ducklin
Either know the private key and use it scrupulously in your digital signature calculation.... or just send a bunch of zeros instead.

$625 Million Stolen in Latest Crypto Attack: 5 Tips on How to Use Digital Currency Safely

By McAfee

Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. As more people dive into the nitty-gritty of what blockchain is, how NFTs are traded, and the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum, digital currency developers are finding new ways for people to engage with crypto. But as crypto continues to grow and become more profitable, hackers are simultaneously trying to find ways to get their hands on the coins. 

According to Markets Insider, one of the biggest crypto heists in history took place recently, resulting in roughly $625 million stolen.1 Here’s what you need to know about this crypto theft, and how you can stay protected when investing in digital assets. 

Under the Hood of the Ronin Crypto Heist 

Ronin, the blockchain underlying the play-to-earn crypto game Axie Infinity, revealed that a hacker stole 173,600 Ethereum (currently worth around $600 million) and 25.2 million USDC (a cryptocurrency pegged to the U.S. dollar), resulting in a loss of about $625 million in cryptocurrency. 

On March 29th, Ronin and Axie Infinity operator Sky Mavis revealed the breach and froze transactions on the Ronin bridge, which allows depositing and withdrawing funds from the company’s blockchain. This “side chain” contained nine validator nodes, or proof-of-stake tools, that confirmed and approved each transaction. At least five validator nodes are needed to approve each transaction. Sky Mavis oversaw five, and Axie Decentralized Autonomous Organization (or DAO) controlled four. However, Sky Mavis discontinued its agreement with the DAO in December but failed to revoke the DAO’s permissions. Due to this oversight, the hacker was able to take over the necessary amount of validator nodes to enable access to the cryptocurrency and make a break with it. 

According to experts, the use of these side chains rather than native blockchains leads to a rise in cryptocurrency vulnerabilities. Had Sky Mavis abandoned the side chains and stuck to the blockchains, it is likely that an attack of this magnitude could have been avoided. Rather than a cryptocurrency issue, this is more of a cybersecurity issue. 

Stay Protected From Crypto-Related Hacks 

If you are interested in getting into crypto, don’t let cyberattacks like this deter you! As a fairly new phenomenon, there are still many ways in which the crypto world needs to grow, adjust, and adapt to ensure that users can interact with it safely. In the meantime, if you are wanting to dive into the crypto economy but still have reservations, here are some tips to help you stay protected: 

1. Do your research

Whenever you decide to dive into something new, it’s always important to make sure you are knowledgeable about that thing, especially if it involves investing your money. Before jumping right into the crypto world, research each cryptocurrency, each blockchain, and any software you may use. Keep up with the news to stay informed on security breaches and pick up tips for which system you may want to engage in. Knowing the ins and outs of the crypto economy and its security protocols will solidify your decision of whether you want to join the crypto community and whether the benefits outweigh the risks. 

2. Secure your accounts

As with all online accounts, it’s important to use secure, unique passwords and two-factor authentication when creating and maintaining cryptocurrency logins. Hackers can access lists of passwords and logins via the dark web, so never reuse your passwords. Two-factor authentication requires a randomly generated passcode for entry that is only accessible to you, so cybercriminals will not be able to access your accounts. If your accounts are a pain for a hacker to try to get through, they will likely move on, keeping your account, your information, and your assets safe. 

3. Use a crypto wallet

For some added protection, store your assets in a crypto wallet. A crypto wallet is a software product or physical device that stores the keys to your cryptocurrency accounts. Crypto wallets allow you to transfer funds between crypto types and make transactions while keeping your investments protected. There are various types of cryptocurrency wallets, so do your research to find which one is best for you and your accounts. 

4. Check your accounts regularly

Develop a routine of checking in on your crypto accounts to keep an eye on any suspicious transactions. Keep up with news outlets so that if there does happen to be a breach, you can make a timely report of any losses you may have had. For some added security and protection, consider changing your login credentials. 

5. Be on the lookout for suspicious emails

Hackers often use social engineering to enact cyberattacks like these. This includes targeting users’ emails or using phishing to gain access to these accounts. When receiving emails, be wary of addresses that seem slightly off, odd spelling and grammar mistakes, and any links or attachments added to the message. Being cautious and alert when you are online is an important step to ensuring your account safety. 

As the world of crypto continues to evolve and more people get involved, cybercriminals are itching to take advantage. However, that is no reason to avoid getting into the crypto economy. If you decide to try your hand at digital currencies, make sure you are doing your research, staying up to date on what is happening in the crypto news, and remaining vigilant when it comes to your online safety. 

The post $625 Million Stolen in Latest Crypto Attack: 5 Tips on How to Use Digital Currency Safely appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Beanstalk cryptocurrency heist: scammer votes himself all the money

By Paul Ducklin
Voting safeguards based on commuity collateral don't work if one person can use a momentary loan to "become" 75% of the community.

What Are Browser Cookies and How Do I Manage Them?

By McAfee

As an avid internet surfer, you’ve most likely heard of cookies. No, we’re not talking about the ones filled with chocolate chips. We’re talking about the ones that allow you to log in to your favorite websites. Cookies may impact your online security, so check out these tips to manage them and keep your online accounts safe.  

What Are Cookies in Browsers?  

Ever wonder how a website saves the items you placed in your shopping cart last week, even though you closed the tab before making the purchase? This is made possible by cookies. According to the Federal Trade Commission, a cookie is information saved by your web browser. When you visit a website, the site may place a cookie on your web browser so it can recognize your device in the future. If you return to that site later, it can read that cookie to remember you from your last visit, keeping track of your activities over time.1  

First-party vs. Third-party Cookies  

Cookies come in either the first-party or third-party variety. There’s no difference between the two in how they function, but rather in where and how you encountered them. First-party cookies belong to sites you visited first-hand in your browser. Third-party cookies, or “tracking cookies,” generally come from third-party advertising websites. 

Magic Cookies vs. HTTP Cookies 

Although cookies generally function the same, there are technically two different types of cookies. Magic cookies refer to packets of information that are sent and received without changes. Historically, this would be used to log in to a computer database system, such as an internal business  network. This concept predates the modern cookie we use today. 

HTTP cookies are a repurposed version of the magic cookie built for internet browsing and managing online experiences. HTTP cookies help web developers give you more personalized, convenient website experiences. They allow sites to remember you, your website logins, and shopping carts so you can pick back up where you left off from your last visit. However, cybercriminals can manipulate HTTP cookies to spy on your online activity and steal your personal information. 

What Is Cookie Hijacking?  

Cookie hijacking (also known as session hijacking) is typically initiated when a cybercriminal sends you a fake login page. If you click the fake link, the thief can steal the cookie and capture anything you type while on the fraudulent website. Like a phishing attack, cookie hijacking allows a cybercriminal to steal personal information like usernames, passwords, and other important data held within the cookie. If you enter your information while on the fake website, the criminal can then put that cookie in their browser and impersonate you online. They may even change your credentials, locking you out of your account.  

Sometimes, criminals initiate cookie hijacking attacks without a fake link. If you’re browsing on an unsecured, public Wi-Fi connection, hackers can easily steal your data that’s traveling through the connection. This can happen even if the site is secure and your username and password are encrypted. 

Can Cookies Compromise Your Browser Security?  

Because the data in cookies doesn’t change, cookies themselves aren’t harmful. They can’t infect computers with viruses or malware. But if your cookies are hijacked as part of a cyberattack, a criminal could gain access to your browsing history and use cookies as the key to enter your locked accounts. For example, a hacker may steal your identity or confidential company information, purchase items in your online shopping carts, or loot your bank account.  

Tips for a More Secure Browsing Experience 

Preventing cookie hijacking attacks can allow you to browse the internet with greater peace of mind. Follow these tips to not only safeguard your personal information but to also enhance your browsing experience:  

Clean out the cookie jar  

Make it a habit to clear your cookie cache regularly to prevent cookie overload, which could slow your search speeds. Also, almost every browser has the option to enable/disable cookies on your computer. So if you don’t want them at all, your browser’s support section can walk you through how to disable them. 

Turn off autofill features 

Although it’s convenient to not have to re-type your credentials into a website you frequently visit, autofill features could make it easier for a criminal to extract your data with cookie hijacking. Plus, autofill is risky if your physical device falls into the wrong hands. To browse more securely without having to constantly reenter your passwords, use a password manager like McAfee True Key. True Key makes it so you only have to remember one master password, and it encrypts the rest in a vault protected by one of the most secure encryption algorithms available. 

Opt into multi-factor authentication 

Strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts, updated regularly, offer ample protection against hackers. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds yet another layer of security by double-checking your identity beyond your username and password, usually with a texted or emailed code. When your accounts offer MFA, always opt in. 

Connect to a virtual private network (VPN) 

Criminals can hijack your cookies if you’re browsing on an unsecured, public Wi-Fi connection. To prevent a criminal from swiping your data, use a virtual private network (VPN), a service that protects your data and privacy online. A VPN creates an encrypted tunnel that makes you anonymous by masking your IP address while connecting to public Wi-Fi hotspots. This is a great way to shield your information from online spies while you’re banking, shopping, or handling any kind of sensitive information online. 

Use antivirus software 

McAfee LiveSafe™ is an antivirus solution that protects your computer and mobile devices from suspicious web cookies by: 

  • Allowing you to keep your online passwords (which are often stored in cookies) in one secure location. 
  • Warning you of suspicious links, keeping potentially harmful cookies off your device. 
  • Protecting you against viruses and malware. 
  • Blocking spam and emails that could lead to sites containing dangerous cookies.  

The post What Are Browser Cookies and How Do I Manage Them? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Yet another Chrome zero-day emergency update – patch now!

By Paul Ducklin
The third emergency Chrome 0-day in three months - the first one was exploited by North Korea, so you might as well get this one ASAP.

Verisign Q4 2021 The Domain Name Industry Brief: 341.7 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Fourth Quarter of 2021

By Verisign

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the fourth quarter of 2021 closed with 341.7 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, an increase of 3.3 million domain name registrations, or 1.0%, compared to the third quarter of 2021.1,2 Domain name registrations have increased by 1.6 million, or 0.5%, year over year.1,2

Q4 2021 Domain Name Industry Brief. Graph of domain name registrations across all tlds

Check out the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief to see domain name stats from the fourth quarter of 2021, including:
Top 10 Largest TLDs by Number of Reported Domain Names
Top 10 Largest ccTLDs by Number of Reported Domain Names
ngTLDs as Percentage of Total TLDs
Geographical ngTLDs as Percentage of Total Corresponding Geographical TLDs

To see past issues of The Domain Name Industry Brief, please visit

  1. All figure(s) exclude domain names in the .tk, .cf, .ga, .gq and .ml ccTLDs. Quarterly and year-over-year trends have been calculated relative to historical figures that have also been adjusted to exclude these five ccTLDs. For further information, please see the Editor’s Note contained in the full Domain Name Industry Brief.
  2. The generic TLD, ngTLD and ccTLD data cited in the brief: (i) includes ccTLD internationalized domain names, (ii) is an estimate as of the time this brief was developed and (iii) is subject to change as more complete data is received. Some numbers in the brief may reflect standard rounding.

The post Verisign Q4 2021 The Domain Name Industry Brief: 341.7 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Fourth Quarter of 2021 appeared first on Verisign Blog.

US cryptocurrency coder gets 5 years for North Korea sanctions busting

By Naked Security writer
Cryptocurrency expert didn't take "No" for an answer when the US authorities said he couldn't pursue cryptocoin opps in North Korea.

Hospital robot system gets five critical security holes patched

By Paul Ducklin
Fortunately, we're not talking about a robot revolution, or about hospital AI run amuck. But these bugs could lead to ransomware, or worse...

OpenSSH goes Post-Quantum, switches to qubit-busting crypto by default

By Paul Ducklin
Useful quantum computers might not actually be possible. But what if they are? And what if they arrive, say, tomorrow?


Popular Ruby Asciidoc toolkit patched against critical vuln – get the update now!

By Paul Ducklin
A rogue line-continuation character can trick the code into validating just the second half of the line, but executing all of it.


What the FBI Wants You to Know About the Latest Phishing Scheme

By McAfee

What’s worse than a surprise call from a law enforcement official telling you to pay a fine or be forced to serve time? Providing your personal information and paying that fine only to find out that it was all a scam. You didn’t miss jury duty; you didn’t commit a crime — you were just tricked into thinking that you did. 

Sound unbelievable? It’s more likely than you’d think. 

Who Are You Calling Criminal, Criminal? 

According to ZDNet1, the FBI released a warning about scammers impersonating government officials or law enforcement agencies to steal personal information and money from unsuspecting people. 

After acquiring phone numbers and names from real users, scammers use fake credentials from well-known law enforcement agencies to contact victims. Under the guise of these officials, scammers claim that the user’s identity was used in a crime and ask them to provide their social security number and date of birth for verification. The fraudsters will also call or text about apparently missed jury duty, missed court dates, warrants out for arrest, or other local fines that require payment to be solved. 

These criminals demand payment in multiple forms, but the most common are prepaid cards, wire transfers, and cash sent through mail or through cryptocurrency ATMs. If victims do not pay these fines or provide their personal information, the scammers in disguise will threaten them with potential prosecution or arrest. 

How to Identify Phishing Scams Over the Phone 

The FBI states that no law enforcement agency will ever contact you asking for money, but if you’re still unsure whether you’re being scammed, here are a few more phishing tips that can help: 

Confirm the source 

Unsolicited phone calls or texts are best avoided altogether or confirmed with a second source. Verify the caller’s identity with the organization they claim they represent. Ask for a name and position and make it clear you will be following up to verify their identity. 

Keep personal information private 

Do not reveal any personal or financial information over the phone, through text, or through a link provided in a text message. 

Lack of personalization 

Generic greetings that do not address you by name, especially when asking you to verify your identity or pay a fine, are a definite indicator that you may be being scammed. 

Spelling and layout 

Any strange grammar or spelling mistakes in a text message can be signs that this is someone impersonating an official agency, company, or higher-up to scam you. 

How to Identify Other Types of Phishing Scams 

Although scammers try to trick users over the phone, phishing scams can also happen over email. In addition to the tactics mentioned above, here are some extra tips on how to detect and avoid phishing emails: 

A sender address that’s just a bit off 

Cybercriminals will often impersonate well-known brands or individuals by using fraudulent email addresses with just a few alterations of letters or characters. An example is an email address that appears as “bank0famerica.con.” 


If you receive a message or email with a link, hover over the link without clicking on it. This will allow you to see a link preview. If the URL looks suspicious or doesn’t match up with the content in the email, do not interact with it and delete the entire message. 


Be cautious of any attachment in an email. Scammers often use attachments as a sneaky way to deliver viruses and malware onto unsuspecting people’s devices. 

Protect Yourself From Phishing Attacks 

Phishing scams can be deceitful, especially with the added pressure of a seemingly real (but definitely fake) government official or law enforcement agency accusing you of breaking the law. However, by following the tips outlined above, you’ll be able to spot these scams from a mile away and stay safer online! 

The post What the FBI Wants You to Know About the Latest Phishing Scheme appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Three Years of Pay Parity: Lessons in Maintaining Equality

By Chatelle Lynch

This month, McAfee celebrates three years of maintaining pay parity. Compensating employees equally for their contributions, regardless of gender or ethnicity, is one of the many ways we create a culture where all can belong and an environment where everyone is valued.

But equal pay sounds like a given, right?

It absolutely should be. However, unconscious bias and a slew of contributing factors, such as differences in how men and women negotiate pay raises and starting salaries, means inequality can slowly creep in across a business and become pervasive unless actively monitored. This means maintaining pay parity requires constant work and attention.

As the first cybersecurity company to achieve pay parity, we know first-hand the commitment involved in such an undertaking. We also know the overall impact for our employees, including greater trust, engagement, and loyalty. More than this, we believe simply, that pay parity is the right thing to do.

Today, I’m sharing more about our journey, our process, and our work to maintain pay parity.

How we began

Our pay parity journey began in 2018. Few companies had achieved pay parity at the time, but we realized it was an essential part of ‘walking the walk.’ It’s well documented that diverse teams perform higher, and when employees feel seen and valued for their contributions, they are more productive and increasingly innovative.

We developed a framework and conducted our first annual audit in late 2018. At the time, McAfee had experienced various changes. We had been a public company, then acquired by a $70 billion hardware company, and later sold to private equity. The result of all this change and being a newly private company creating a new identity and standing up new programs, had led to inconsistencies. The results revealed pay disparities across nine of our 45 countries. With our Board’s full support, we were unwavering in our commitment to resolve swiftly and invest in adjusting salaries immediately to ensure full pay parity in that year. Once we dissected the data, we couldn’t wait to reach parity over time, it had to be immediate. We also had full commitment to put measures in place to maintain any pay parity ‘drift’.

Our process

In its simplest form, we adhere to the following framework for achieving and maintaining pay parity:

  • We define. Pay parity means fair and equal pay for employees in the same job code, grade level and location, regardless of gender or ethnicity.
  • We analyze. We first audit employee job codes for accuracy and then group employees by job code. We apply controls for pay differentiators such as performance, tenure, and experience.
  • We adjust. After meticulous evaluation with the business, we make any pay adjustments.
  • We uphold. In addition to annual analysis, we keep parity at the forefront throughout the year—from our hiring practices to how we promote and reward our employees.

Staying the course

Maintaining pay parity is a year-long exercise and is now part of our culture. At McAfee, we run quarterly audits and use a third-party vendor to help remove the notion of any perceived bias and subjectivity. If discrepancies are identified, we address them immediately.  It’s important to note that pay parity can change daily based on new hires coming in and market changes. So, it can’t be a once-a-year review, you have to stay on top of it to ensure your organization is at parity.

We also work hard to keep pay parity front of mind for people leaders and hiring managers. Through regular training on diversity topics, we remind people leaders of the science behind unconscious bias and how to overcome it. To further remove any bias, we overlay promotions, awards, and relevant employee programs with a Diversity Impact Analysis to ensure allocation of awards is statistically aligned to the diverse population of that team or organization.

It’s the combination of these efforts that resulted in an exciting milestone: our latest independent audit revealed no disparity. This tells us our commitment to equality permeates our culture. The absence of any discrepancies did not happen by accident – it’s the result of intentional focus from our leaders, recruitment team, and hiring managers.

What the future holds

Since we began our journey three years ago, the world has experienced tremendous change and challenging times – some may feel more divided than united. This makes our commitment to pay parity and building an inclusive culture even more important.

We will continue to maintain parity, ask what we can do better, and share the best practices we continue to follow, as well as learnings along the way.

Ready to join a company that stands for equality? Search our openings at

The post Three Years of Pay Parity: Lessons in Maintaining Equality appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Smarter Homes & Gardens: Protecting the Smart Devices in Your Home

By Natalie Maxfield

Outfitting your smart home could get a whole lot easier this year. 

A new industry standard called Matter aims to remove a big barrier in smart home technology, one that makes different smart home devices compatible with any smart home platform—something that wasn’t possible until now. 

For years, different smart home devices have run on several different competing platforms, such as Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, Google Assistant, or Samsung SmartThings. And put plainly, those different platforms didn’t work with each other. And that was unfortunate. After all, the vision for the smart home was to run everything from lights, appliances, doorbell cameras, and all kinds of connected things in your home from a central set of controls, regardless of device manufacturer or platform. 

But that hasn’t been the case, and this lack of compatibility created some headaches for homeowners. They’ve had to choose between one smart home platform over another and then only use smart devices built for that platform. For example, if you’re running a bunch of devices on Apple HomeKit and find a great deal on a new Samsung smart refrigerator with Alexa built-in, you’re pretty much out of luck if you want those devices to all work together as one in your smart home. The result is that consumers have had to check the fine print to see what’s compatible with what when shopping for smart devices. Again, a real headache. 

Matter aims to take care of that. It’s hailed as a unifying technology that will make all those devices work together. Right now, the first wave of Matter-enabled devices is on track for a mid-year launch, which means we may finally see that vision of a smart home come true—a place where all your connected stuff works together with just the sound of your voice or a tap on your phone. 

With that, let’s take a closer look at the new Matter protocol and what it offers, along with a look at security and privacy for smart home devices in general. 

How does Matter work with connected homes? 

A smart device featuring the Matter logo
A smart device featuring the Matter logo

Without getting too technical about it, Matter is designed to create a more energy-efficient, secure, and reliable network for your smart home devices. Additionally, it’s designed to run independently of your internet connection, so if your internet goes out, you can still control your smart devices locally—from the app or device of your choice. 

The tech industry looks like they’re very much on board. Matter is led by the Connectivity Standards Alliance, a body of more than 200 technology companies working together to create this new standard. And if you’re wondering Amazon, Apple, Google, and Samsung are among the many members of this alliance. If the launch goes as planned, you can expect to see Matter-enabled devices and the Matter logo on several new products by the middle of the year. 

Additionally, several companies have announced that they will provide an upgrade path for existing products so that their existing customers don’t have to scrap their current smart home devices to take advantage of Matter. 

Security and privacy in your smart home 

In all, the idea is exciting. What remains to be seen is how security and privacy matters are handled, not only by the network but by the devices on it. 

As far as security goes, Matter uses a combination of encryption and blockchain technology to secure transmitted data and ensure that only the devices you trust can use the network. Considering that you may be heating your home, warming up your oven, or even locking your front door, security features like these only make sense.  

Yet looking beyond Matter and thinking about connected homes more broadly, there are a few question marks when it comes to privacy.  

Imagine for a moment what a highly connected home might look like—and all the data those connections will generate. That data will show what time of day your front door tends to unlock and lock when family members go to and from work, school, or what have you. It’ll also show when you tend to turn on your lights, cook your dinner, or turn on the house alarm for the night.  

Over time, all this data can piece together a picture of your comings and goings during a typical week. Shy of a bad actor physically casing out your home over several days, data like this simply hasn’t existed until the age of the connected home. If that data goes unprotected or if the devices creating it don’t give you some control over it, the privacy risks will run high.  

Moreover, data privacy policies come into play here as well. As consumers like us are very much aware these days, not every company treats your data the same way. Some companies have different policies around what data they may collect and then what they do with that data—like cloud sites for other smart devices, government agencies, insurance companies, law enforcement, data aggregators, data banks, social media sites, and others according to findings published by some industry groups. In a smart home that’s kitted out with devices from five, seven, or even more different manufacturers, that are multiple privacy policies in play—each of which may view and treat your private data in their own way. That’s potentially volumes of your data circulating out there, potentially in ways you aren’t aware of or that give you any control over its use. 

Of course, the issue of data privacy is nothing new and certainly not specific to smart devices. Already, the dozens of different apps and services we use as we go about our day have their own data privacy policies as well. Devices in a smart home only add to that mix, which is worth considering in our already highly connected lives. 

Protecting your smart home 

As I write this, Matter has yet to be released. Yet if you already have some smart devices in your home, you may be wondering how to make your connected home safer. Let’s take a look at a few of the things you can do to protect your smart devices and the home network they’re running on. 

Grab online protection for your smartphone 

Many smart home devices use a smartphone as a sort of remote control, not to mention as a place for gathering, storing, and sharing data. So whether you’re an Android owner or iOS owner, protect your smartphone so you can protect the things it accesses and controls—and the data stored on it too.  

Set strong, unique passwords for your smart home devices 

Early on when the first sets of smart home devices rolled out, some found themselves open to attack because they come with a default username and password, which hackers often publish on the internet as part of massive listings. (Baby monitors are a classic example.) And it remains an issue today. When you purchase any IoT device, set a fresh password using a strong method of password creation. Likewise, create an entirely new username for additional protection as well.  

Secure your internet router too 

Another device that needs good password protection is your internet router. Make sure you use a strong and unique password there as well to help prevent hackers from breaking into your home network. (A password manager as part of comprehensive online protection can help.) Also, consider changing the same of your home network so that it doesn’t personally identify you. (I’ve seen some fun alternatives to using your name or address, everything from movie lines like “May the Wi-Fi be with you” to old sitcom references like “Central Perk.”) Also check that your router is using an encryption method, like WPA2, which will keep your signal secure. If you haven’t done this sort of thing before, check the documentation that came with your router or with the internet provider if you rent or purchased it from them. 

Use multi-factor authentication 

Online banks, shops, and other services commonly offer multi-factor authentication to help protect your accounts—with the typical combination of your username, password, and a security code sent to another device you own (often a mobile phone). If your IoT device supports multi-factor authentication, consider using it there too. It throws a big barrier in the way hackers simply try and force their way in with a password/username combination, which will make your device tougher to crack.  

Update your devices regularly 

In addition to fixing the odd bug or adding the occasional new feature, app and device updates often address security gaps. Out-of-date apps and devices may have flaws that hackers can exploit, so regular updating is a must from a security standpoint. If you can set your smart home apps and devices to receive automatic updates, even better. 

Looking ahead to your connected home 

Smart homes show plenty of promise. Seeing a new and broadly adopted industry standard like Matter on the horizon may make them even more promising. Ideally, Matter will make it easier for people to bring more smart devices in their homes, and in a way that’s reliable and secure. Moreover, there are steps you can take now to help keep your smart home devices, and smart home in general, more secure as well. 

Yet when it comes to thinking about a home full of smart devices, questions around privacy remain. Smart home devices offered by different manufacturers will have different privacy policies and thus use people’s data in different ways, which puts consumers like us in a position to understand the terms, conditions, and implications of each one. Yet with data privacy being such a hot topic for consumers, the industry, and regulators already, it remains to be seen what consumer-friendly standards are set for data collection in the years to come—both in and out of the smart home. 

The post Smarter Homes & Gardens: Protecting the Smart Devices in Your Home appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Cold Wallets, Hot Wallets: The Basics of Storing Your Crypto Securely

By Lily Saleh

If you’re thinking about crypto, one of the first things you’ll want to do is get yourself a good wallet.  

Topping the several important things a new cryptocurrency investor needs to think about is security. Rightfully so. Cryptocurrency is indeed subject to all kinds of fraud, theft, and phishing attacks, just like the credentials and accounts we keep online.  

But here’s the catch. Lost or stolen cryptocurrency is terrifically difficult to recover. By and large, it doesn’t enjoy the same protections and regulations as traditional currency and financial transactions. For example, you can always call your bank or credit card company to report theft or contest a fraudulent charge. Not the case with crypto. With that, you’ll absolutely need a safe place to secure it. Likewise, in the U.S. many banks are FDIC insured, which protects depositors if the bank fails. Again, not so with crypto. 

So, when it comes to cryptocurrency, security is everything. 

What makes crypto so attractive to hackers? 

Cryptocurrency theft offers hackers an immediate payoff. It’s altogether different from, say, hacking the database of a Fortune 500 company. With a data breach, a hacker may round up armloads of personal data and information, yet it takes additional steps for them to translate those stolen records into money. With cryptocurrency theft, the dollars shift from the victim to the crook in milliseconds. It’s like digital pickpocketing. As you can guess, that makes cryptocurrency a big target. 

And that’s where your wallet will come in, a place where you store the digital credentials associated with the cryptocurrency you own. The issue is doing it securely. Let’s take a look at the different wallets out there and then talk about how you can secure them. 

Hot wallets and cold wallets for crypto 

Broadly, there are two general categories of wallets. First, let’s look at what these wallets store. 

A wallet contains public and private “keys” that are used to conduct transactions. The public key often takes the form of an address, one that anyone can see and then use to send cryptocurrency. The private key is exactly that. Highly complex and taking many forms that range from multi-word phrases to strings of code, it’s your unique key that proves your ownership of your cryptocurrency and that allows you to spend and send crypto. Needless to say, never share your private key.  

With that, there are two ways to store your keys—in a hot wallet or a cold wallet. 


Hot Wallets: 


  • These wallets store cryptocurrency on internet-connected devices—often a smartphone, but also on computers and tablets—all of which allow the holder to access and make transactions quickly. 


  • Think of a hot wallet as a checking account, where you keep a smaller amount of money available for day-to-day spending, yet less securely than a cold wallet because it’s online. 


Cold Wallets: 


  • These wallets store cryptocurrency in places not connected to the internet, which can include a hard drive, USB stick, paper wallet (keys printed on paper), or physical coins. 


  • Think of the cold wallet like a savings account, or cold storage if you like. This is where to store large amounts of cryptocurrency more securely because it’s not connected to the internet. 

Hot wallets for cryptocurrency 

As you can see, the benefit of a hot wallet is that you can load it up with cryptocurrency, ready for spending. However, it’s the riskiest place to store cryptocurrency because it’s connected to the internet, making it a target for hacks and attacks.  

In addition to that, a hot wallet is connected to a cryptocurrency exchange, which makes the transfer of cryptocurrencies possible. The issue with that is all cryptocurrency exchanges are not created equal, particularly when it comes to security. Some of the lesser-established exchanges may not utilize strong protocols, likely making a target for attack. Even the more established and trusted exchanges have fallen victim to attacks—where crooks have walked away with millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars 

Cold wallets for cryptocurrency 

While the funds in cold wallets are far less liquid, they’re far more secure because they’re not connected to the internet. In this way, cold wallets are more vault-like and suitable for long-term storage of larger sums of funds. But cold wallets place a great deal of responsibility on the holder. They must be stored in a physically secure place, and be backed up, because if you lose that one device or printout that contains your cryptocurrency info, you lose the cryptocurrency altogether. Within the cold wallet category, there are a few different types: 

1. Purpose-built cryptocurrency storage devices 

Several manufacturers make storage devices specifically designed to store cryptocurrency, complete with specific features for security, durability, and compatibility with many (yet not always all) of the different cryptocurrencies on the market. An online search will turn up several options, so doing your homework here will be very important—such as which devices have the best track record for security, which devices are the most reliable overall, and which ones are compatible with the crypto you wish to keep.  

2. Hard drives on a computer or laptop 

Storing cryptocurrency information on a computer or laptop that’s disconnected from the internet (also known as “air-gapped”) is a storage method that’s been in place for some time. However, because computers and laptops are complex devices, they may be less secure than a simpler, purpose-built cryptocurrency device. In short, there are more ways to compromise a computer or laptop with malware that a determined hacker can use to steal information in some rather surprising ways. (Like noise from a compromised computer fan passing information in a sort of Morse Code or generating electromagnetic signals on a compromised computer that nearby devices can use to skim information.) 

3. Paper wallets 

Ah, good old paper. Write down a code and keep it secure. Simple, right? In truth, creating a paper wallet can be one of the most involved methods of all the cold storage options out there. Bitcoin offers a step-by-step walkthrough of the process that you can see for yourself. Once done, though, you’ll have a piece of paper with a public address for loading cryptocurrency into your paper cold wallet, along with a private key. One note: Bitcoin and others recommend never reusing a paper cold wallet once it’s connected to a hot wallet. You should go through the process of creating a new cold paper wallet each time.  

4. Physical coins for cryptocurrency 

Physical coins are a special case and are relatively new on the scene. They’re a physical coin minted with a tamper-resistant sticker that indicates the actual value of the coin. Like other methods of cold wallet storage, this calls for keeping it in a safe place, because it’s pretty much like a wad of cash. And like cash, if it’s stolen, it’s gone for good. Also note that a cryptocurrency holder must work with a third party to mint and deliver the coin, which has its own costs and risks involved. 

Securing your cryptocurrency wallet 

With that look at wallets, let’s see what it takes to secure them. It may seem like there’s plenty to do here. That’s because there is, which goes to show just how much responsibility falls on the shoulders of the cryptocurrency holder. Of course, this is your money we’re talking about, so let’s dive into the details. 

1. Back up your wallet

Whatever form your storage takes, back it up. And back it up again. Cryptocurrency holders should make multiple copies just in case one is lost, destroyed, or otherwise inaccessible. For example, one story that’s made the rounds is of a IT engineer in the UK who accidentally threw away an old hard drive with his cryptocurrency key on it, one that held 7,500 bitcoins, worth millions of dollars. Redundancy is key. Back up the entire wallet right away and then often after that. 

2. Store your wallet(s) securely

With redundant backups in place, store them in places that are physically secure. It’s not uncommon for crypto holders to use fireproof safes and safe deposit boxes at banks for this purpose, which only highlights the earlier point that a wallet is as good as cash in many ways. 

3. Use online protection software

This will help prevent malware from stealing crypto, whether or not your device is connected to the internet. Comprehensive online protection software will give you plenty of other benefits as well, including identity theft monitoring and strong password management, two things that can help you protect your investments, and yourself, even further. 

4. Update your operating system, apps, and devices

Updates often address security issues, ones that hackers will of course try to exploit. Keep everything current and set automatic updates wherever they are available so that you have the latest and greatest. 

5. Make use of multi-factor authentication (MFA) where possible

Just as your bank and other financial accounts offer MFA, do the same here with your crypto. Some extra security-conscious crypto investors will purchase a device for this specific purpose for yet greater protection, such as a separate phone with texting capability. This keeps their crypto transactions separate from the multitude of other things they do on their everyday smartphone, effectively putting up a wall between these two different digital worlds.  

6. Keep your investments to yourself

 Two things fall under this category. One, the less you say about the crypto investments you make, the less word gets around, which can help keep hackers out of the loop. Particularly on social media! Two, consider setting up a unique email account that you only use for crypto. The less you associate your crypto accounts with other financial accounts like your banking and online payment apps, the more difficult it is to compromise several accounts in one fell swoop.  

7. Watch out for phishing scams

Just like hackers send phishing emails with an eye on accessing your bank accounts, credit cards, and so on, they’ll do much the same to get at your crypto accounts. The target may be different, that being your crypto, but the attack is very much the same. An email will direct you to a hacker’s website, using some sort of phony pretense, get-rich-quick-scheme, or scare tactic. Once there, they’ll ask for private key information and then simply steal the funds. And it’s not just email. Hackers have used online ads to phish for victims as well. 

Crypto: security is on you 

As you can see, these security measures rely almost exclusively on you. If something happens to you, that could make recovering your funds a real problem. Consider reaching out to someone you trust and let them know where you’re storing your wallets and information. That way, you’ll have some assistance ready in the event of an emergency or issue. 

The very things that define cryptocurrency—the anonymity of ownership, the lack of banking institutions, the light or non-existent regulation—all have major security implications. Add in the fact that you’re your own safety net here and it’s easy to see that crypto is something that requires plenty of planning and careful through before diving into. Getting knowledgeable about security, how you’ll protect your crypto, should absolutely top your list before investing.  

The post Cold Wallets, Hot Wallets: The Basics of Storing Your Crypto Securely appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Lock Down & Level Up: Protect Your Online Gaming from Hackers

By Lily Saleh

As a gamer, you love the stuff you’ve racked up over the years—that rare Fortnite skin from six seasons ago, a complete set of Tier 20 armor in World of Warcraft, or a Steam account loaded with your favorite titles. Hackers love it too. Because they can make money off it. 

Hackers have been stealing and reselling online gaming accounts for some time now. Yet the recent 400 percent rise in online gaming theft shouldn’t come as a surprise, particularly as so many of us turned to games for entertainment lately. As people leveled up, gathered loot, and filled their libraries with games in the cloud, hackers saw the opportunity.  

The opportunity is this: gaming accounts have a street value. The virtual items and perks we acquire through gaming take time, effort, participation, and sometimes just good luck to build up. In a way, we’ve worked hard to earn our fun. Meanwhile, others out there are willing to take a shortcut. There are those who’ll pay for a well-stocked gaming account that someone else has built up, and hackers are more than willing to hijack accounts from innocent victims and sell them online. 

Put simply, the virtual goods in your gaming accounts are like any other good. They have value. And just like anything else you value, they’re worth protecting. That’s exactly what we’ll help you do here.  

Sanctioned markets, gray markets, and dark markets: Where gaming goods are sold 

First up, let’s take a quick look at the different ways digital goods get moved and sold out there—just to get a sense of the marketplaces that have cropped up around gaming and where hackers fit into the mix. 

And there are several. Over the years we’ve seen all kinds of gaming marketplaces crop up, whether they’re sanctioned marketplaces built inside of online games, gray marketplaces that exist outside of games, and dark marketplaces where stolen accounts and goods are exchanged. 

1. Sanctioned marketplaces 

As a gamer, you’re likely familiar with any number of sanctioned auction houses and marketplaces that are built right into online games, all designed and supported by the game’s developers. A classic example is the long-running auction house in World of Warcraft where players can buy and sell items with in-game currency, the World of Warcraft gold piece. And as marketplaces can go, the rarer and more coveted the item, the higher the price the seller can get for it. In fact, there are plenty of articles on how to play the markets for profit, in a quasi-stock market-like fashion, and all within the legitimate boundaries of the game.  

In recent years, we’ve also seen the rise of in-game currencies that players can purchase for cash, again by design and with the support of the developer. A couple of examples are the World of Warcraft Tokens and Minecraft tokens and coins. What you can do with such tokens and coins varies from game to game, yet players can use them to acquire in-game currency, items, or paid to play time. 

Increasingly common are in-game stores that allow players to purchase items and perks with cash, just like any other online store. Taken together with all the other ways a player can round up items in a game, it’s easy to see how a gamer’s account can grow into something somewhat unique and valuable over time, simply by playing and participating in the game. 

2. Gray market “boosters” and other services for cash 

With the time it takes for a player to level up a powerful character and acquire the items that can come along with it, there are out-of-game organizations that will, for a fee, do that work for a player in return for payment. Essentially it involves a player starting a gaming account, rolling up a character, and then handing over the account to a “booster” who will play the game on the owner’s behalf. When the agreed-upon level is reached, the booster hands back the character to the owner. 

Of course, there are all kinds of potential problems with this. Strictly from a security standpoint, this means an account owner is handing over their credentials to a stranger, with no real guarantee that this stranger simply won’t change the account password, never hand back the account, and simply walk away with any funds that may have been paid upfront. 

Further, “boosting” and other similar services may be against the user agreement the player signed when joining up for the game. For example, World of Warcraft recently updated its policy, stating that they now, 

[P]rohibit organizations who offer boosting, matchmaking, escrow, or other non-traditional services, including those offered for gold. World of Warcraft accounts found to be in violation of this policy are subject to account actions. These actions can include warnings, account suspensions and, if necessary, permanent closure of the disruptive World of Warcraft account(s).  

So while “boosting” services may not be illegal themselves, they can run counter to user agreements and may lead to cases of fraud when a booster service fails to fulfill its commitment or simply locks a player out of their own account. 

3. Dark market sale of stolen gaming accounts and goods 

Then there’s the theft and resale of online game accounts, clear examples of digital goods illegally changing hands. Stolen accounts make their way into dark web marketplaces and ads on chat platforms and social media, thanks to hackers who’ve cracked previously legitimate accounts and then packaged them up for sale. In some instances, cybercriminals will sell entire game collections, such as online gaming platform accounts where gamers may have purchased and have access to dozens and dozens of games stored in the cloud. 

The method behind this theft is much like a credit card or bank account hack. Often using credentials lifted from a data breach, hackers will take known usernames and passwords and feed them into a credential stuffing application—which can then attempt to access hundreds, even thousands, of accounts through automated login requests.  

Given that many users out there use the same passwords across their accounts makes them an easy target for this practice and can reap a large harvest of cracked accounts. From there, the account can be accessed, have its password changed, and then made ready for advertising and sale, where an account can be resold for a few dollars, or for potentially thousands depending on what the account contains.  

Protecting your online gaming account from getting hacked 

There’s plenty you can do. A few simple steps on your part can drop some serious roadblocks in the way of a hacker who’s looking to crack your account or target you for a scam. 

1. Passwords, passwords, passwords

Each of your accounts should have its own strong, unique password. No repeats. And if you have some sixty-plus accounts across all the shopping, banking, gaming, and forum posting you do, not to mention your apps, that sounds like a lot of work. Because it is. Although it doesn’t have to be. A password manager can do the work for you by creating and storing strong, unique passwords for you. 

2. News of a data breach? Change your password

Data breaches happen all the time now, striking businesses both large and small. If a business or organization where you have an online account gets breached, change your password right away. Related to the above, make sure the passwords across your other accounts are strong and unique. It’s not uncommon for hackers to try breaching passwords in other accounts, all in the hope that the victim is using the same or a similar password on other accounts as well. 

3. Multifactor your defense

Several gaming services offer multi-factor authentication (MFA) as a means of protecting accounts. In addition to requiring a username and password to log in, MFA further verifies account activity by sending a unique code to the email address or text to a device you own, which makes gaining illegal access that much tougher for hackers. Some gaming platforms even support an authentication app, such as the Authenticator, offered by Blizzard. In all, the occasional extra clicks required by MFA can really save you some massive headaches by preventing theft. If you have MFA as an option, strongly consider using it. 

4. Don’t feed the phish  

Phishing attacks have made the jump from email to bogus ads on social media and in search too. In short, a phishing attack involves the hacker posing as a well-known company or organization with the intent of fooling you into providing your username and password. With that, they can drain your account, whether it’s money from your bank account or goods in your gaming account. Spotting phishing attacks can call for a sharp eye nowadays because some hackers can make the phishing emails and sites they use look like the real thing. Comprehensive online protection software will include web protection that can spot bogus links and sites and warn you away from them, even if they look legit. 

5. Watch out for “spearphishers”, too

Spearphishers are a special sort, in that they make more targeted attacks. While a phisher will send out an email blast or attempt to rope in a high volume of victims with an ad, a spearphisher will send a direct message to specific, potential victims. You may have seen or heard of this in massively multiplayer online games where an otherwise unknown player sends a message to another with a link to a website, complete with the promise of loot, in-game currency, or services to level up characters. Ignore and don’t visit that link. Chances are it’s a scammer, or at least someone who may be breaking the game’s user agreement by offering such services.  

6. Mods and malware

Whether you’re downloading a mod, an expansion, or a new game itself, go with a reputable online store or source. Hackers will drop malware into all kinds of files and applications, games included. Given that such malware could log keystrokes that steal login info, inject ransomware code to hold your device and data hostage, or simply wreak havoc on your files and things, it can have implications for more than just your gaming accounts and the virtual assets you have with them. 

Play defense 

Hackers know there’s good money in gaming accounts. They wouldn’t bother with them otherwise. Realizing that your gaming account has value is the first step to protecting it. 

In addition to taking the steps above, consider comprehensive online protection software. It offers defense in breadth and depth, covering everything from device security, privacy, and identity protection. However, if you want an even faster and safer gaming experience, gamer security is worth looking into. In addition to strong security features, it also offers performance-enhancing technologies that prioritize system resources and keep your gameplay going smooth. 

In all, keep in mind that gaming accounts are serious business for hackers. Put up your defenses. Then get out and enjoy yourself, knowing that you have made it far, far tougher for them to ruin your fun. 

The post Lock Down & Level Up: Protect Your Online Gaming from Hackers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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