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TeamTNT's Cloud Credential Stealing Campaign Now Targets Azure and Google Cloud

A malicious actor has been linked to a cloud credential stealing campaign in June 2023 that's focused on Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services, marking the adversary's expansion in targeting beyond Amazon Web Services (AWS). The findings come from SentinelOne and Permiso, which said the "campaigns share similarity with tools attributed to the notorious TeamTNT cryptojacking crew,"

JumpCloud Blames 'Sophisticated Nation-State' Actor for Security Breach

A little over a week after JumpCloud reset API keys of customers impacted by a security incident, the company said the intrusion was the work of a sophisticated nation-state actor. The adversary "gained unauthorized access to our systems to target a small and specific set of our customers," Bob Phan, chief information security officer (CISO) at JumpCloud, said in a post-mortem report. "The

Bad.Build Flaw in Google Cloud Build Raises Concerns of Privilege Escalation

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a privilege escalation vulnerability in Google Cloud that could enable malicious actors tamper with application images and infect users, leading to supply chain attacks. The issue, dubbed Bad.Build, is rooted in the Google Cloud Build service, according to cloud security firm Orca, which discovered and reported the issue. "By abusing the flaw and enabling

Microsoft Expands Cloud Logging to Counter Rising Nation-State Cyber Threats

Microsoft on Wednesday announced that it's expanding cloud logging capabilities to help organizations investigate cybersecurity incidents and gain more visibility after facing criticism in the wake of a recent espionage attack campaign aimed at its email infrastructure. The tech giant said it's making the change in direct response to increasing frequency and evolution of nation-state cyber

North Korean State-Sponsored Hackers Suspected in JumpCloud Supply Chain Attack

An analysis of the indicators of compromise (IoCs) associated with the JumpCloud hack has uncovered evidence pointing to the involvement of North Korean state-sponsored groups, in a style that's reminiscent of the supply chain attack targeting 3CX. The findings come from SentinelOne, which mapped out the infrastructure pertaining to the intrusion to uncover underlying patterns. It's worth noting

The 4 Keys to Building Cloud Security Programs That Can Actually Shift Left

By The Hacker News
As cloud applications are built, tested and updated, they wind their way through an ever-complex series of different tools and teams. Across hundreds or even thousands of technologies that make up the patchwork quilt of development and cloud environments, security processes are all too often applied in only the final phases of software development.  Placing security at the very end of the

What is Data Security Posture Management (DSPM)?

By The Hacker News
Data Security Posture Management is an approach to securing cloud data by ensuring that sensitive data always has the correct security posture - regardless of where it's been duplicated or moved to. So, what is DSPM? Here's a quick example: Let's say you've built an excellent security posture for your cloud data. For the sake of this example, your data is in production, it's protected behind a

Hackers Abusing Cloudflare Tunnels for Covert Communications

New research has revealed that threat actors are abusing Cloudflare Tunnels to establish covert communication channels from compromised hosts and retain persistent access. "Cloudflared is functionally very similar to ngrok," Nic Finn, a senior threat intelligence analyst at GuidePoint Security, said. "However, Cloudflared differs from ngrok in that it provides a lot more usability for free,

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

By Troy Hunt
Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

There's a "hidden" API on HIBP. Well, it's not "hidden" insofar as it's easily discoverable if you watch the network traffic from the client, but it's not meant to be called directly, rather only via the web app. It's called "unified search" and it looks just like this:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

It's been there in one form or another since day 1 (so almost a decade now), and it serves a sole purpose: to perform searches from the home page. That is all - only from the home page. It's called asynchronously from the client without needing to post back the entire page and by design, it's super fast and super easy to use. Which is bad. Sometimes.

To understand why it's bad we need to go back in time all the way to when I first launched the API that was intended to be consumed programmatically by other people's services. That was easy, because it was basically just documenting the API that sat behind the home page of the website already, the predecessor to the one you see above. And then, unsurprisingly in retrospect, it started to be abused so I had to put a rate limit on it. Problem is, that was a very rudimentary IP-based rate limit and it could be circumvented by someone with enough IPs, so fast forward a bit further and I put auth on the API which required a nominal payment to access it. At the same time, that unified search endpoint was created and home page searches updated to use that rather than the publicly documented API. So, 2 APIs with 2 different purposes.

The primary objective for putting a price on the public API was to tackle abuse. And it did - it stopped it dead. By attaching a rate limit to a key that required a credit card to purchase it, abusive practices (namely enumerating large numbers of email addresses) disappeared. This wasn't just about putting a financial cost to queries, it was about putting an identity cost to them; people are reluctant to start doing nasty things with a key traceable back to their own payment card! Which is why they turned their attention to the non-authenticated, non-documented unified search API.

Let's look at a 3 day period of requests to that API earlier this year, keeping in mind this should only ever be requested organically by humans performing searches from the home page:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

This is far from organic usage with requests peaking at 121.3k in just 5 minutes. Which poses an interesting question: how do you create an API that should only be consumed asynchronously from a web page and never programmatically via a script? You could chuck a CAPTCHA on the front page and require that be solved first but let's face it, that's not a pleasant user experience. Rate limit requests by IP? See the earlier problem with that. Block UA strings? Pointless, because they're easily randomised. Rate limit an ASN? It gets you part way there, but what happens when you get a genuine flood of traffic because the site has hit the mainstream news? It happens.

Over the years, I've played with all sorts of combinations of firewall rules based on parameters such as geolocations with incommensurate numbers of requests to their populations, JA3 fingerprints and, of course, the parameters mentioned above. Based on the chart above these obviously didn't catch all the abusive traffic, but they did catch a significant portion of it:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

If you combine it with the previous graph, that's about a third of all the bad traffic in that period or in other words, two thirds of the bad traffic was still getting through. There had to be a better way, which brings us to Cloudflare's Turnstile:

With Turnstile, we adapt the actual challenge outcome to the individual visitor or browser. First, we run a series of small non-interactive JavaScript challenges gathering more signals about the visitor/browser environment. Those challenges include, proof-of-work, proof-of-space, probing for web APIs, and various other challenges for detecting browser-quirks and human behavior. As a result, we can fine-tune the difficulty of the challenge to the specific request and avoid ever showing a visual puzzle to a user.

"Avoid ever showing a visual puzzle to a user" is a polite way of saying they avoid the sucky UX of CAPTCHA. Instead, Turnstile offers the ability to issue a "non-interactive challenge" which implements the sorts of clever techniques mentioned above and as it relates to this blog post, that can be an invisible non-interactive challenge. This is one of 3 different widget types with the others being a visible non-interactive challenge and a non-intrusive interactive challenge. For my purposes on HIBP, I wanted a zero-friction implementation nobody saw, hence the invisible approach. Here's how it works:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

Get it? Ok, let's break it down further as it relates to HIBP, starting with when the front page first loads and it embeds the Turnstile widget from Cloudflare:

<script src="" async defer></script>

The widget takes responsibility for running the non-interactive challenge and returning a token. This needs to be persisted somewhere on the client side which brings us to embedding the widget:

<div ID="turnstileWidget" class="cf-turnstile" data-sitekey="0x4AAAAAAADY3UwkmqCvH8VR" data-callback="turnstileCompleted"></div>

Per the docs in that link, the main thing here is to have an element with the "cf-turnstile" class set on it. If you happen to go take a look at the HIBP HTML source right now, you'll see that element precisely as it appears in the code block above. However, check it out in your browser's dev tools so you can see how it renders in the DOM and it will look more like this:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

Expand that DIV tag and you'll find a whole bunch more content set as a result of loading the widget, but that's not relevant right now. What's important is the data-token attribute because that's what's going to prove you're not a bot when you run the search. How you implement this from here is up to you, but what HIBP does is picks up the token and sets it in the "cf-turnstile-response" header then sends it along with the request when that unified search endpoint is called:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

So, at this point we've issued a challenge, the browser has solved the challenge and received a token back, now that token has been sent along with the request for the actual resource the user wanted, in this case the unified search endpoint. The final step is to validate the token and for this I'm using a Cloudflare worker. I've written a lot about workers in the past so here's the short pitch: it's code that runs in each one of Cloudflare's 300+ edge nodes around the world and can inspect and modify requests and responses on the fly. I already had a worker to do some other processing on unified search requests, so I just added the following:

const token = request.headers.get('cf-turnstile-response');

if (token === null) {
    return new Response('Missing Turnstile token', { status: 401 });

const ip = request.headers.get('CF-Connecting-IP');

let formData = new FormData();
formData.append('secret', '[secret key goes here]');
formData.append('response', token);
formData.append('remoteip', ip);

const turnstileUrl = '';
const result = await fetch(turnstileUrl, {
    body: formData,
    method: 'POST',
const outcome = await result.json();

if (!outcome.success) {
    return new Response('Invalid Turnstile token', { status: 401 });

That should be pretty self-explanatory and you can find the docs for this on Cloudflare's server-side validation page which goes into more detail, but in essence, it does the following:

  1. Gets the token from the request header and rejects the request if it doesn't exist
  2. Sends the token, your secret key and the user's IP along to Turnstile's "siteverify" endpoint
  3. If the token is not successfully verified then return 401 "Unauthorised", otherwise continue with the request

And because this is all done in a Cloudflare worker, any of those 401 responses never even touch the origin. Not only do I not need to process the request in Azure, the person attempting to abuse my API gets a nice speedy response directly from an edge node near them 🙂

So, what does this mean for bots? If there's no token then they get booted out right away. If there's a token but it's not valid then they get booted out at the end. But can't they just take a previously generated token and use that? Well, yes, but only once:

If the same response is presented twice, the second and each subsequent request will generate an error stating that the response has already been consumed.

And remember, a real browser had to generate that token in the first place so it's not like you can just automate the process of token generation then throw it at the API above. (Sidenote: that server-side validation link includes how to handle idempotency, for example when retrying failed requests.) But what if a real human fails the verification? That's entirely up to you but in HIBP's case, that 401 response causes a fallback to a full page post back which then implements other controls, for example an interactive challenge.

Time for graphs and stats, starting with the one in the hero image of this page where we can see the number of times Turnstile was issued and how many times it was solved over the week prior to publishing this post:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

That's a 91% hit rate of solved challenges which is great. That remaining 9% is either humans with a false positive or... bots getting rejected 😎

More graphs, this time how many requests to the unified search page were rejected by Turnstile:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

That 990k number doesn't marry up with the 476k unsolved ones from before because they're 2 different things: the unsolved challenges are when the Turnstile widget is loaded but not solved (hopefully due to it being a bot rather than a false positive), whereas the 401 responses to the API is when a successful (and previously unused) Turnstile token isn't in the header. This could be because the token wasn't present, wasn't solved or had already been used. You get more of a sense of how many of these rejected requests were legit humans when you drill down into attributes like the JA3 fingerprints:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

In other words, of those 990k failed requests, almost 40% of them were from the same 5 clients. Seems legit 🤔

And about a third were from clients with an identical UA string:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

And so on and so forth. The point being that the number of actual legitimate requests from end users that were inconvenienced by Turnstile would be exceptionally small, almost certainly a very low single-digit percentage. I'll never know exactly because bots obviously attempt to emulate legit clients and sometimes legit clients look like bots and if we could easily solve this problem then we wouldn't need Turnstile in the first place! Anecdotally, that very small false positive number stacks up as people tend to complain pretty quickly when something isn't optimal, and I implemented this all the way back in March. Yep, 5 months ago, and I've waited this long to write about it just to be confident it's actually working. Over 100M Turnstile challenges later, I'm confident it is - I've not seen a single instance of abnormal traffic spikes to the unified search endpoint since rolling this out. What I did see initially though is a lot of this sort of thing:

Fighting API Bots with Cloudflare's Invisible Turnstile

By now it should be pretty obvious what's going on here, and it should be equally obvious that it didn't work out real well for them 😊

The bot problem is a hard one for those of us building services because we're continually torn in different directions. We want to build a slick UX for humans but an obtrusive one for bots. We want services to be easily consumable, but only in the way we intend them to... which might be by the good bots playing by the rules!

I don't know exactly what Cloudflare is doing in that challenge and I'll be honest, I don't even know what a "proof-of-space" is. But the point of using a service like this is that I don't need to know! What I do know is that Cloudflare sees about 20% of the internet's traffic and because of that, they're in an unrivalled position to look at a request and make a determination on its legitimacy.

If you're in my shoes, go and give Turnstile a go. And if you want to consume data from HIBP, go and check out the official API docs, the uh, unified search doesn't work real well for you any more 😎

Chinese-Speaking Cybercriminals Launch Large-Scale iMessage Smishing Campaign in U.S.

A new large-scale smishing campaign is targeting the U.S. by sending iMessages from compromised Apple iCloud accounts with an aim to conduct identity theft and financial fraud. “The Chinese-speaking threat actors behind this campaign are operating a package-tracking text scam sent via iMessage to collect personally identifying information (PII) and payment credentials from victims, in the

Beware: MetaStealer Malware Targets Apple macOS in Recent Attacks

A new information stealer malware called MetaStealer has set its sights on Apple macOS, making the latest in a growing list of stealer families focused on the operating system after MacStealer, Pureland, Atomic Stealer, and Realst. "Threat actors are proactively targeting macOS businesses by posing as fake clients in order to socially engineer victims into launching malicious payloads,"

Free Download Manager Site Compromised to Distribute Linux Malware to Users for 3+ Years

A download manager site served Linux users malware that stealthily stole passwords and other sensitive information for more than three years as part of a supply chain attack. The modus operandi entailed establishing a reverse shell to an actor-controlled server and installing a Bash stealer on the compromised system. The campaign, which took place between 2020 and 2022, is no longer active. "

New AMBERSQUID Cryptojacking Operation Targets Uncommon AWS Services

A novel cloud-native cryptojacking operation has set its eyes on uncommon Amazon Web Services (AWS) offerings such as AWS Amplify, AWS Fargate, and Amazon SageMaker to illicitly mine cryptocurrency. The malicious cyber activity has been codenamed AMBERSQUID by cloud and container security firm Sysdig. "The AMBERSQUID operation was able to exploit cloud services without triggering the AWS

Researcher Reveals New Techniques to Bypass Cloudflare's Firewall and DDoS Protection

By Newsroom
Firewall and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack prevention mechanisms in Cloudflare can be circumvented by exploiting gaps in cross-tenant security controls, defeating the very purpose of these safeguards, it has emerged. "Attackers can utilize their own Cloudflare accounts to abuse the per-design trust-relationship between Cloudflare and the customers' websites, rendering the

Atlassian Confluence Hit by New Actively Exploited Zero-Day – Patch Now

By Newsroom
Atlassian has released fixes to contain an actively exploited critical zero-day flaw impacting publicly accessible Confluence Data Center and Server instances. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-22515, is remotely exploitable and allows external attackers to create unauthorized Confluence administrator accounts and access Confluence servers. It does not impact Confluence versions prior to

HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Zero-Day Vulnerability Exploited to Launch Record DDoS Attacks

By Newsroom
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Cloudflare, and Google on Tuesday said they took steps to mitigate record-breaking distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks that relied on a novel technique called HTTP/2 Rapid Reset. The layer 7 attacks were detected in late August 2023, the companies said in a coordinated disclosure. The cumulative susceptibility to this attack is being tracked as CVE-2023-44487,

Patch Tuesday, October 2023 Edition

By BrianKrebs

Microsoft today issued security updates for more than 100 newly-discovered vulnerabilities in its Windows operating system and related software, including four flaws that are already being exploited. In addition, Apple recently released emergency updates to quash a pair of zero-day bugs in iOS.

Apple last week shipped emergency updates in iOS 17.0.3 and iPadOS 17.0.3 in response to active attacks. The patch fixes CVE-2023-42724, which attackers have been using in targeted attacks to elevate their access on a local device.

Apple said it also patched CVE-2023-5217, which is not listed as a zero-day bug. However, as Bleeping Computer pointed out, this flaw is caused by a weakness in the open-source “libvpx” video codec library, which was previously patched as a zero-day flaw by Google in the Chrome browser and by Microsoft in Edge, Teams, and Skype products. For anyone keeping count, this is the 17th zero-day flaw that Apple has patched so far this year.

Fortunately, the zero-days affecting Microsoft customers this month are somewhat less severe than usual, with the exception of CVE-2023-44487. This weakness is not specific to Windows but instead exists within the HTTP/2 protocol used by the World Wide Web: Attackers have figured out how to use a feature of HTTP/2 to massively increase the size of distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, and these monster attacks reportedly have been going on for several weeks now.

Amazon, Cloudflare and Google all released advisories today about how they’re addressing CVE-2023-44487 in their cloud environments. Google’s Damian Menscher wrote on Twitter/X that the exploit — dubbed a “rapid reset attack” — works by sending a request and then immediately cancelling it (a feature of HTTP/2). “This lets attackers skip waiting for responses, resulting in a more efficient attack,” Menscher explained.

Natalie Silva, lead security engineer at Immersive Labs, said this flaw’s impact to enterprise customers could be significant, and lead to prolonged downtime.

“It is crucial for organizations to apply the latest patches and updates from their web server vendors to mitigate this vulnerability and protect against such attacks,” Silva said. In this month’s Patch Tuesday release by Microsoft, they have released both an update to this vulnerability, as well as a temporary workaround should you not be able to patch immediately.”

Microsoft also patched zero-day bugs in Skype for Business (CVE-2023-41763) and Wordpad (CVE-2023-36563). The latter vulnerability could expose NTLM hashes, which are used for authentication in Windows environments.

“It may or may not be a coincidence that Microsoft announced last month that WordPad is no longer being updated, and will be removed in a future version of Windows, although no specific timeline has yet been given,” said Adam Barnett, lead software engineer at Rapid7. “Unsurprisingly, Microsoft recommends Word as a replacement for WordPad.”

Other notable bugs addressed by Microsoft include CVE-2023-35349, a remote code execution weakness in the Message Queuing (MSMQ) service, a technology that allows applications across multiple servers or hosts to communicate with each other. This vulnerability has earned a CVSS severity score of 9.8 (10 is the worst possible). Happily, the MSMQ service is not enabled by default in Windows, although Immersive Labs notes that Microsoft Exchange Server can enable this service during installation.

Speaking of Exchange, Microsoft also patched CVE-2023-36778,  a vulnerability in all current versions of Exchange Server that could allow attackers to run code of their choosing. Rapid7’s Barnett said successful exploitation requires that the attacker be on the same network as the Exchange Server host, and use valid credentials for an Exchange user in a PowerShell session.

For a more detailed breakdown on the updates released today, see the SANS Internet Storm Center roundup. If today’s updates cause any stability or usability issues in Windows, will likely have the lowdown on that.

Please consider backing up your data and/or imaging your system before applying any updates. And feel free to sound off in the comments if you experience any difficulties as a result of these patches.

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By Newsroom
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Record-Breaking 100 Million RPS DDoS Attack Exploits HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Flaw

By Newsroom
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By The Hacker News
IT professionals have developed a sophisticated understanding of the enterprise attack surface – what it is, how to quantify it and how to manage it.&nbsp; The process is simple: begin by thoroughly assessing the attack surface, encompassing the entire IT environment. Identify all potential entry and exit points where unauthorized access could occur. Strengthen these vulnerable points using

New Python-based FBot Hacking Toolkit Aims at Cloud and SaaS Platforms

By Newsroom
A new Python-based hacking tool called&nbsp;FBot&nbsp;has been uncovered targeting web servers, cloud services, content management systems (CMS), and SaaS platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft 365, PayPal, Sendgrid, and Twilio. “Key features include credential harvesting for spamming attacks, AWS account hijacking tools, and functions to enable attacks against PayPal and various

29-Year-Old Ukrainian Cryptojacking Kingpin Arrested for Exploiting Cloud Services

By Newsroom
A 29-year-old Ukrainian national has been arrested in connection with running a “sophisticated cryptojacking scheme,” netting them over $2 million (€1.8 million) in illicit profits. The person, described as the “mastermind” behind the operation, was apprehended in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, on January 9 by the National Police of Ukraine with support from Europol and an unnamed cloud service provider

DDoS Attacks on the Environmental Services Industry Surge by 61,839% in 2023

By Newsroom
The environmental services industry witnessed an “unprecedented surge” in HTTP-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, accounting for half of all its HTTP traffic. This marks a 61,839% increase in DDoS attack traffic year-over-year, web infrastructure and security company Cloudflare said in its DDoS threat report for 2023 Q4 published last week. “This surge in cyber attacks coincided

Feds Warn of AndroxGh0st Botnet Targeting AWS, Azure, and Office 365 Credentials

By Newsroom
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)&nbsp;warned&nbsp;that threat actors deploying the&nbsp;AndroxGh0st&nbsp;malware are creating a botnet for "victim identification and exploitation in target networks." A Python-based malware,&nbsp;AndroxGh0st&nbsp;was first documented by Lacework in December 2022, with the malware

Google Kubernetes Misconfig Lets Any Gmail Account Control Your Clusters

By Newsroom
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a loophole impacting Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) that could be potentially exploited by threat actors with a Google account to take control of a Kubernetes cluster. The critical shortcoming has been codenamed Sys:All by cloud security firm Orca. As many as 250,000 active GKE clusters in the wild are estimated to be susceptible to the attack vector. In

The SEC Won't Let CISOs Be: Understanding New SaaS Cybersecurity Rules

By The Hacker News
The SEC isn’t giving SaaS a free pass. Applicable public companies, known as “registrants,” are now subject to cyber incident disclosure and cybersecurity readiness requirements for data stored in SaaS systems, along with the 3rd and 4th party apps connected to them.&nbsp; The new cybersecurity mandates&nbsp;make no distinction between data exposed in a breach that was stored on-premise, in the

Exposed Docker APIs Under Attack in 'Commando Cat' Cryptojacking Campaign

By Newsroom
Exposed Docker API endpoints over the internet are under assault from a sophisticated cryptojacking campaign called&nbsp;Commando Cat. "The campaign deploys a benign container generated using the&nbsp;Commando project," Cado security researchers Nate Bill and Matt Muir&nbsp;said&nbsp;in a new report published today. "The attacker&nbsp;escapes this container&nbsp;and runs multiple payloads on the

Cloudflare Breach: Nation-State Hackers Access Source Code and Internal Docs

By Newsroom
Cloudflare has revealed that it was the target of a likely nation-state attack in which the threat actor leveraged stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to its Atlassian server and ultimately access some documentation and a limited amount of source code. The intrusion, which took place between November 14 and 24, 2023, and detected on November 23, was carried out "with the goal of

Cloudzy Elevates Cybersecurity: Integrating Insights from Recorded Future to Revolutionize Cloud Security

By The Hacker News
Cloudzy, a prominent cloud infrastructure provider, proudly announces a significant enhancement in its cybersecurity landscape. This breakthrough has been achieved through a recent consultation with Recorded Future, a leader in providing real-time threat intelligence and cybersecurity analytics. This initiative, coupled with an overhaul of Cloudzy's cybersecurity strategies, represents a major

Hands-On Review: SASE-based XDR from Cato Networks

By The Hacker News
Companies are engaged in a seemingly endless cat-and-mouse game when it comes to cybersecurity and cyber threats. As organizations put up one defensive block after another, malicious actors kick their game up a notch to get around those blocks. Part of the challenge is to coordinate the defensive abilities of disparate security tools, even as organizations have limited resources and a dearth of

Experts Detail New Flaws in Azure HDInsight Spark, Kafka, and Hadoop Services

By Newsroom
Three new security vulnerabilities have been discovered in Azure HDInsight's Apache&nbsp;Hadoop,&nbsp;Kafka, and&nbsp;Spark&nbsp;services that could be exploited to achieve privilege escalation and a regular expression denial-of-service (ReDoS) condition. "The new vulnerabilities affect any authenticated user of Azure HDInsight services such as Apache Ambari and Apache Oozie," Orca security

Wazuh in the Cloud Era: Navigating the Challenges of Cybersecurity

By The Hacker News
Cloud computing has innovated how organizations operate and manage IT operations, such as data storage, application deployment, networking, and overall resource management. The cloud offers scalability, adaptability, and accessibility, enabling businesses to achieve sustainable growth. However, adopting cloud technologies into your infrastructure presents various cybersecurity risks and

Midnight Blizzard and Cloudflare-Atlassian Cybersecurity Incidents: What to Know

By The Hacker News
The Midnight Blizzard and Cloudflare-Atlassian cybersecurity incidents raised alarms about the vulnerabilities inherent in major SaaS platforms. These incidents illustrate the stakes involved in SaaS breaches — safeguarding the integrity of SaaS apps and their sensitive data is critical but is not easy. Common threat vectors such as sophisticated spear-phishing, misconfigurations and

PikaBot Resurfaces with Streamlined Code and Deceptive Tactics

By Newsroom
The threat actors behind the PikaBot malware have made significant changes to the malware in what has been described as a case of "devolution." "Although it appears to be in a new development cycle and testing phase, the developers have reduced the complexity of the code by removing advanced obfuscation techniques and changing the network communications," Zscaler ThreatLabz researcher Nikolaos

Cybersecurity Tactics FinServ Institutions Can Bank On in 2024

By The Hacker News
The landscape of cybersecurity in financial services is undergoing a rapid transformation. Cybercriminals are exploiting advanced technologies and methodologies, making traditional security measures obsolete. The challenges are compounded for community banks that must safeguard sensitive financial data against the same level of sophisticated threats as larger institutions, but often with more

Why We Must Democratize Cybersecurity

By The Hacker News
With breaches making the headlines on an almost weekly basis, the cybersecurity challenges we face are becoming visible not only to large enterprises, who have built security capabilities over the years, but also to small to medium businesses and the broader public. While this is creating greater awareness among smaller businesses of the need to improve their security posture, SMBs are often

Cisco Secure Workload 3.9 Delivers Stronger Security and Greater Operational Efficiency

By Brijeshkumar Shah

The proliferation of applications across hybrid and multicloud environments continues at a blistering pace. For the most part, there is no fixed perimeter, applications and environments are woven… Read more on Cisco Blogs
