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Italian Users Warned of Malware Attack Targeting Sensitive Information

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new malware campaign has been observed targeting Italy with phishing emails designed to deploy an information stealer on compromised Windows systems. "The info-stealer malware steals sensitive information like system info, crypto wallet and browser histories, cookies, and credentials of crypto wallets from victim machines," Uptycs security researcher Karthickkumar Kathiresan said in a report.

StrongPity espionage campaign targeting Android users

By Lukas Stefanko

ESET researchers identified an active StrongPity campaign distributing a trojanized version of the Android Telegram app, presented as the Shagle app – a video-chat service that has no app version

The post StrongPity espionage campaign targeting Android users appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Severe Security Flaw Found in "jsonwebtoken" Library Used by 22,000+ Projects

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A high-severity security flaw has been disclosed in the open source jsonwebtoken (JWT) library that, if successfully exploited, could lead to remote code execution on a target server. "By exploiting this vulnerability, attackers could achieve remote code execution (RCE) on a server verifying a maliciously crafted JSON web token (JWT) request," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researcher Artur Oleyarsh

Pakistan’s government to agencies: Dark web is dangerous, please don’t go there

Advice follows embarrassing leak of audio from Prime Minister’s office

Pakistan’s government has warned its agencies that the dark web exists, is home to all sorts of unpleasant people, and should be avoided.…

  • January 10th 2023 at 02:29

Homeland Security, CISA builds AI-based cybersecurity analytics sandbox

High-spec system is crucial to defending against the latest threats

Two of the US government's leading security agencies are building a machine learning-based analytics environment to defend against rapidly evolving threats and create more resilient infrastructures for both government entities and private organizations.…

  • January 10th 2023 at 01:00

US Supremes deny Pegasus spyware maker's immunity claim

NSO maintains that it's all legit

The US Supreme Court has quashed spyware maker NSO Group's argument that it cannot be held legally responsible for using WhatsApp technology to deploy its Pegasus snoop-ware on users' phones.…

  • January 9th 2023 at 20:30

Accelerate XDR Outcomes with NDR and EDR

By Hanna Jabbour

Cybersecurity attacks complication and damaging impact are always keeping SOC analyst at their edge. Extended Detection and Response (XDR) solutions tend to simplify for Sam, a SOC analyst, his job by simplifying the workflow and process that involve the lifecycle of a threat investigation from detection to response. In this post we will explore how SecureX, Secure Cloud Analytics (NDR), Secure Endpoint (EDR) with their seamless integration accelerate the ability to achieve XDR outcomes. 

Meaningful incidents  

One of the first challenges for Sam is alert fatigue. With the overwhelming number of alerts coming from multiple sources and the lack of relevance or correlation, decreases the value of these alerts to the point that they become as meaningless as having none. To counter this effect, Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics and Cisco Secure Endpoint limit alert promotion to SecureX to only include high fidelity alerts with critical severity and marking them as High Impact incidents within SecureX Incident manager.

Figure 1

This capability reduces the noise coming from the source, while keeping the other alerts available for investigation, putting impactful incidents at the top of Sam’s to do list. Now, Sam is confident that his time is spent in a prioritized manner and helps ensure he is tackling the most important threats first. Automatic incident provisioning accelerates incident response by bringing focus on the most impactful incidents.

Valuable enrichment

Understanding the mechanics and data around a specific incident is a key factor for Remi, an incident responder, in his day-to-day work. Achieving his tasks accurately is tightly coupled with his ability to scope and understand the impact of an incident and to gather all possible data from the environment which can be associated with an incident including devices, users, files hashes, email ids, domains IPs and others. SecureX Incident Manager’s automatic enrichment capability completes this data collection for high impact incidents automatically. The data is then classified into targets, observables, and indicators and added to the incident to help the analyst better understand the incident’s scope and potential impact.

Figure 2

The Incident Manager and automatic enrichment provides Remi with crucial information such as the associated MITRE Tactics and Techniques applied during this incident, the contributing threat vectors, and security solutions. In addition, the Incident Manager aggregates events from multiple sources into the same high impact incident that the enrichment was triggered on future providing Remi with more vital context.

Figure 3

This automatic enrichment for high impact incidents is essential to Remi’s understanding as much as possible about an incident as it occurs and significantly accelerates him identifying the proper response for the threat.  This brings us to the next step in our incident detection to response workflow.

Faster response and investigations

It is important for an XDR to correlate the right information for the Security Analyst and incident responder to understand an attack but it is equally important to provide an effective response mechanism. This is exactly what SecureX provides with the ability to apply a response to an observable with a simple a single click or through automation.

These workflows can be invoked to block a domain, IP or URL across a full environment with a simple click, leveraging existing integrations such as firewalls or umbrella and others. Workflows can be made available to the threat response pivot menu where they are useful for performing specific host specific actions, such as isolate a host, take a host snapshot, and more.

In addition to response workflows, the pivot menu provides the ability to leverage Secure Cloud Analytics (SCA) telemetry by generating a case book linking back to telemetry searches within SCA.  This automation is critical to understanding the spread of a threat across an environment. A good example on this, is identifying all hosts communicating to a command-and-control destination before this destination was identified as malicious.  This is a pre-existing SecureX workflow which can be taken advantage of today see workflow 0005 – SCA – Generate Case book with Flow Links.

Automating responses

Reducing time to remediation is a key aspect of keeping a business secure, SecureX orchestration automates responses with various solutions specially with NDR detections from SCA and use observables from these alerts to isolate hosts leveraging Secure Endpoint.  SCA can send alerts via Webhooks and SecureX Orchestration receive them as triggers to launch an NDR- EDR workflow to isolate hosts automatically. (0014-SCA-Isolate endpoints from alerts)

This orchestration workflow automatically isolates rogue devices in a network or contain confirmed threat alerts received from Cisco’s Machine learning threat detection cloud and can be used for multiple different response scenarios.

The power of automation brought by SecureX, Secure Cloud Analytics and Secure Endpoint accelerates XDR outcomes drastically which simplifies Security Analyst (Sam) and Incident Responder (Remi) jobs and make it more efficient with accurate incident prioritization, automatic investigation/enrichment and most importantly automating responses.

We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Secure on social!

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CircleCI – code-building service suffers total credential compromise

By Paul Ducklin
They're saying "rotate secrets"... in plain English, they mean "change your credentials". The company has a tool to help you find them all.

The Case for Your Security at CES 2023

By McAfee

As technology weaves itself into our lives in new and unexpected ways, some of it will get quite personal and close to home. That made itself clear at CES this year, which makes a strong case for your security. 

The more things we connect, the more data we create. Data about ourselves that companies and others collect, share, and sell—where we are and what we’re doing, along with what we buy, watch, and search for. And today, we’re creating more of it and in more exacting detail.  

We connect our homes with smart devices that create data about our comings and goings, and we connect ourselves with smart glasses and watches, rings, and things that track our health, our sleep, and wellness overall. Meanwhile, we have virtual reality and augmented reality hardware companies that want a place on your face with headsets and experiences that will take you into the metaverse. 

Walking the floor of this year’s CES, you’ll see all these things, and plenty more. Yet central to it all is one thing—you. Specifically, your privacy and identity.  

As technology evolves so rapidly and brings new ways of experiencing our world, it’s an exciting time. It’s also a somewhat uncertain time. What data will these devices create? Who’ll collect it? What will they do with it? And importantly, what can you do to protect yourself? Questions about your security are very much on our minds, and they’re on yours too. You’ve told us as much.  

  • 80% of you are concerned that a company could sell their data to another company.   
  • 81% of you are concerned that your identity could be stolen from an online transaction. 

And unsurprisingly, protection is very much on your mind as well.                                

  • 85% of you want to protect your identity online. 
  • 84% of you want to take back control of your data online. 

And that’s where we come in. Just as the floor of CES showcases the evolution of life online, we’re evolving online protection as well. McAfee+ represents that next step—a product line that gives you a full slate of online protection that covers your privacy, identity, and devices so you can enjoy life online with confidence. 

At the center of that online life is you, and our definition of online protection has become quite expansive as a result. We see how it can help you monitor your credit, your identity, and where your personal information crops up online. We see how it can prevent the wrong people from getting their hands on data and info too. And we see how our industry-first Protection Score can show you how safe you are—and offer guidance that can make you safer still. In all, we see it as an online companion, one that removes uncertainty and gives you a feeling of security. Because you truly are secure. 

In all, protection today demands this comprehensive approach because we go about so much of our day online. McAfee+ reflects that reality. And with that, the various plans for McAfee+ include: 

  • Personal Data Cleanup reveals which high-risk data brokers and people search sites are collecting and selling your personal information and requests the removal of the information, confirms completion, and conducts ongoing scans as data is always being collected.    
  • Unlimited Secure VPN that automatically connects to public Wi-Fi to protect online privacy and safeguard personal data while online banking, shopping, or browsing.    
  • $1M Identity Theft and Stolen Funds Coverage to reimburse lost funds or expenses in restoring the customer’s identity, including losses to 401(k) accounts.   
  • Ransomware Coverage to reimburse up to $25,000 for losses and ransom fees.    
  • Licensed Restoration Experts who can take necessary actions to repair identity and credit issues, including assistance to assist with identity fraud of a deceased family member.    
  • Credit Monitoring and Alerts keeps an eye on changes to your credit score, report, and accounts with timely notifications and guidance so you can take action to tackle identity theft. 
  • Credit Score and Report to help you stay on top of daily changes to your credit score and report, from a single location.   
  • Credit Lock reduces the chance of becoming a victim of identity theft by allowing you to quickly lock and unlock your credit, which can help prevent unauthorized opening of accounts.    
  • Security Freeze prevents unauthorized access to existing accounts or new ones being set up in your name with a credit, bank, or utility freeze.   
  • Identity Monitoring for up to 60 unique pieces of personal information on the dark web with timely alerts up to 10 months sooner than competitive products.    

And that list will only continue to grow. As the year takes shape, we’ll roll out yet more protections that will give you even more control of your privacy and identity. Particularly as you and your household rely on life online more and more. 

As is true any year at CES, we see all manner of potential. New ways to make the day easier, more enjoyable, and more productive thanks to life online. Yet amidst it all, we see you. We see how you’ll use these new technologies, what the privacy, identity, and security implications are, and how we can protect you so you can benefit from these advances in technology, safely.  

Like you, we’re excited for what’s next, and we’ll see to it that you can enjoy it—with protection that looks after you, your household, and your family.  

The post The Case for Your Security at CES 2023 appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Identity Thieves Bypassed Experian Security to View Credit Reports

By BrianKrebs

Identity thieves have been exploiting a glaring security weakness in the website of Experian, one of the big three consumer credit reporting bureaus. Normally, Experian requires that those seeking a copy of their credit report successfully answer several multiple choice questions about their financial history. But until the end of 2022, Experian’s website allowed anyone to bypass these questions and go straight to the consumer’s report. All that was needed was the person’s name, address, birthday and Social Security number.

The vulnerability in Experian’s website was exploitable after one applied to see their credit file via

In December, KrebsOnSecurity heard from Jenya Kushnir, a security researcher living in Ukraine who said he discovered the method being used by identity thieves after spending time on Telegram chat channels dedicated to the cashing out of compromised identities.

“I want to try and help to put a stop to it and make it more difficult for [ID thieves] to access, since [Experian is] not doing shit and regular people struggle,” Kushnir wrote in an email to KrebsOnSecurity explaining his motivations for reaching out. “If somehow I can make small change and help to improve this, inside myself I can feel that I did something that actually matters and helped others.”

Kushnir said the crooks learned they could trick Experian into giving them access to anyone’s credit report, just by editing the address displayed in the browser URL bar at a specific point in Experian’s identity verification process.

Following Kushnir’s instructions, I sought a copy of my credit report from Experian via — a website that is required to provide all Americans with a free copy of their credit report from each of the three major reporting bureaus, once per year. begins by asking for your name, address, SSN and birthday. After I supplied that and told I wanted my report from Experian, I was taken to to complete the identity verification process.

Normally at this point, Experian’s website would present four or five multiple-guess questions, such as “Which of the following addresses have you lived at?”

Kushnir told me that when the questions page loads, you simply change the last part of the URL from “/acr/oow/” to “/acr/report,” and the site would display the consumer’s full credit report.

But when I tried to get my report from Experian via, Experian’s website said it didn’t have enough information to validate my identity. It wouldn’t even show me the four multiple-guess questions. Experian said I had three options for a free credit report at this point: Mail a request along with identity documents, call a phone number for Experian, or upload proof of identity via the website.

But that didn’t stop Experian from showing me my full credit report after I changed the Experian URL as Kushnir had instructed — modifying the error page’s trailing URL from “/acr/OcwError” to simply “/acr/report”.

Experian’s website then immediately displayed my entire credit file.

Even though Experian said it couldn’t tell that I was actually me, it still coughed up my report. And thank goodness it did. The report contains so many errors that it’s probably going to take a good deal of effort on my part to straighten out.

Now I know why Experian has NEVER let me view my own file via their website. For example, there were four phone numbers on my Experian credit file: Only one of them was mine, and that one hasn’t been mine for ages.

I was so dumbfounded by Experian’s incompetence that I asked a close friend and trusted security source to try the method on her identity file at Experian. Sure enough, when she got to the part where Experian asked questions, changing the last part of the URL in her address bar to “/report” bypassed the questions and immediately displayed her full credit report. Her report also was replete with errors.

KrebsOnSecurity shared Kushnir’s findings with Experian on Dec. 23, 2022. On Dec. 27, 2022, Experian’s PR team acknowledged receipt of my Dec. 23 notification, but the company has so far ignored multiple requests for comment or clarification.

By the time Experian confirmed receipt of my report, the “exploit” Kushnir said he learned from the identity thieves on Telegram had been patched and no longer worked. But it remains unclear how long Experian’s website was making it so easy to access anyone’s credit report.

In response to information shared by KrebsOnSecurity, Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) said he was disappointed — but not at all surprised — to hear about yet another cybersecurity lapse at Experian.

“The credit bureaus are poorly regulated, act as if they are above the law and have thumbed their noses at Congressional oversight,” Wyden said in a written statement. “Just last year, Experian ignored repeated briefing requests from my office after you revealed another cybersecurity lapse the company.”

Sen. Wyden’s quote above references a story published here in July 2022, which broke the news that identity thieves were hijacking consumer accounts at just by signing up as them at Experian once more, supplying the target’s static, personal information (name, DoB/SSN, address) but a different email address.

From interviews with multiple victims who contacted KrebsOnSecurity after that story, it emerged that Experian’s own customer support representatives were actually telling consumers who got locked out of their Experian accounts to recreate their accounts using their personal information and a new email address. This was Experian’s advice even for people who’d just explained that this method was what identity thieves had used to lock them in out in the first place.

Clearly, Experian found it simpler to respond this way, rather than acknowledging the problem and addressing the root causes (lazy authentication and abhorrent account recovery practices). It’s also worth mentioning that reports of hijacked accounts persisted into late 2022. That screw-up has since prompted a class action lawsuit against Experian.

Sen. Wyden said the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) need to do much more to protect Americans from screw-ups by the credit bureaus.

“If they don’t believe they have the authority to do so, they should endorse legislation like my Mind Your Own Business Act, which gives the FTC power to set tough mandatory cybersecurity standards for companies like Experian,” Wyden said.

Sadly, none of this is terribly shocking behavior for Experian, which has shown itself a completely negligent custodian of obscene amounts of highly sensitive consumer information.

In April 2021, KrebsOnSecurity revealed how identity thieves were exploiting lax authentication on Experian’s PIN retrieval page to unfreeze consumer credit files. In those cases, Experian failed to send any notice via email when a freeze PIN was retrieved, nor did it require the PIN to be sent to an email address already associated with the consumer’s account.

A few days after that April 2021 story, KrebsOnSecurity broke the news that an Experian API was exposing the credit scores of most Americans.

It’s bad enough that we can’t really opt out of companies like Experian making $2.6 billion each quarter collecting and selling gobs of our personal and financial information. But there has to be some meaningful accountability when these monopolistic companies engage in negligent and reckless behavior with the very same consumer data that feeds their quarterly profits. Or when security and privacy shortcuts are found to be intentional, like for cost-saving reasons.

And as we saw with Equifax’s consolidated class-action settlement in response to letting state-sponsored hackers from China steal data on nearly 150 million Americans back in 2017, class-actions and more laughable “free credit monitoring” services from the very same companies that created the problem aren’t going to cut it.


It is easy to adopt a defeatist attitude with the credit bureaus, who often foul things up royally even for consumers who are quite diligent about watching their consumer credit files and disputing any inaccuracies.

But there are some concrete steps that everyone can take which will dramatically lower the risk that identity thieves will ruin your financial future. And happily, most of these steps have the side benefit of costing the credit bureaus money, or at least causing the data they collect about you to become less valuable over time.

The first step is awareness. Find out what these companies are saying about you behind your back. Keep in mind that — fair or not — your credit score as collectively determined by these bureaus can affect whether you get that loan, apartment, or job. In that context, even small, unintentional errors that are unrelated to identity theft can have outsized consequences for consumers down the road.

Each bureau is required to provide a free copy of your credit report every year. The easiest way to get yours is through

Some consumers report that this site never works for them, and that each bureau will insist they don’t have enough information to provide a report. I am definitely in this camp. Thankfully, a financial institution that I already have a relationship with offers the ability to view your credit file through them. Your mileage on this front may vary, and you may end up having to send copies of your identity documents through the mail or website.

When you get your report, look for anything that isn’t yours, and then document and file a dispute with the corresponding credit bureau. And after you’ve reviewed your report, set a calendar reminder to recur every four months, reminding you it’s time to get another free copy of your credit file.

If you haven’t already done so, consider making 2023 the year that you freeze your credit files at the three major reporting bureaus, including Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. It is now free to people in all 50 U.S. states to place a security freeze on their credit files. It is also free to do this for your partner and/or your dependents.

Freezing your credit means no one who doesn’t already have a financial relationship with you can view your credit file, making it unlikely that potential creditors will grant new lines of credit in your name to identity thieves. Freezing your credit file also means Experian and its brethren can no longer sell peeks at your credit history to others.

Anytime you wish to apply for new credit or a new job, or open an account at a utility or communications provider, you can quickly thaw a freeze on your credit file, and set it to freeze automatically again after a specified length of time.

Please don’t confuse a credit freeze (a.k.a. “security freeze”) with the alternative that the bureaus will likely steer you towards when you ask for a freeze: “Credit lock” services.

The bureaus pitch these credit lock services as a way for consumers to easily toggle their credit file availability with push of a button on a mobile app, but they do little to prevent the bureaus from continuing to sell your information to others.

My advice: Ignore the lock services, and just freeze your credit files already.

One final note. Frequent readers here will have noticed that I’ve criticized these so-called “knowledge-based authentication” or KBA questions that Experian’s website failed to ask as part of its consumer verification process.

KrebsOnSecurity has long assailed KBA as weak authentication because the questions and answers are drawn largely from consumer records that are public and easily accessible to organized identity theft groups.

That said, given that these KBA questions appear to be the ONLY thing standing between me and my Experian credit report, it seems like maybe they should at least take care to ensure that those questions actually get asked.

Kinsing Crypto Malware Hits Kubernetes Clusters via Misconfigured PostgreSQL

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The threat actors behind the Kinsing cryptojacking operation have been spotted exploiting misconfigured and exposed PostgreSQL servers to obtain initial access to Kubernetes environments. A second initial access vector technique entails the use of vulnerable images, Sunders Bruskin, security researcher at Microsoft Defender for Cloud, said in a report last week. Kinsing has a storied history of

Cracked it! Highlights from KringleCon 5: Golden Rings

By Rene Holt

Learning meets fun at the 2022 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge – strap yourself in for a crackerjack ride at the North Pole as I foil Grinchum's foul plan and recover the five golden rings

The post Cracked it! Highlights from KringleCon 5: Golden Rings appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

New Study Uncovers Text-to-SQL Model Vulnerabilities Allowing Data Theft and DoS Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A group of academics has demonstrated novel attacks that leverage Text-to-SQL models to produce malicious code that could enable adversaries to glean sensitive information and stage denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. "To better interact with users, a wide range of database applications employ AI techniques that can translate human questions into SQL queries (namely Text-to-SQL)," Xutan Peng, a

Why Do User Permissions Matter for SaaS Security?

By The Hacker News
Earlier this year, threat actors infiltrated Mailchimp, the popular SaaS email marketing platform. They viewed over 300 Mailchimp customer accounts and exported audience data from 102 of them. The breach was preceded by a successful phishing attempt and led to malicious attacks against Mailchimp’s customers’ end users. Three months later, Mailchimp was hit with another attack. Once again, an

Your Guide to Ransomware—and Preventing It Too

By McAfee

Ransomware. Even the name sounds scary. 

When you get down to it, ransomware is one of the nastiest attacks a hacker can wage. They target some of our most important and precious things—our files, our photos, and the information stored on our devices. Think about suddenly losing access to all of them and being forced to pay a ransom to get access back. Worse yet, paying the ransom is no guarantee the hacker will return them. 

That’s what a ransomware attack does. Broadly speaking, it’s a type of malware that infects a network or a device and then typically encrypts the files, data, and apps stored on it, digitally scrambling them so the proper owners can’t access them. Only a digital key can unlock them—one that the hacker holds. 

Nasty for sure, yet you can take several steps that can greatly reduce the risk of it happening to you. Our recently published Ransomware Security Guide breaks them down for you, and in this blog we’ll look at a few reasons why ransomware protection is so vital. 

How bad is ransomware, really? 

The short answer is pretty bad—to the tune of billions of dollars stolen from victims each year. Ransomware targets people and their families just as explained above. Yet it also targets large organizations, governments, and even companies that run critical stretches of energy infrastructure and the food supply chain. Accordingly, the ransom amounts for these victims climb into millions of dollars.  

A few recent cases of large-scale ransomware attacks include:  

  • JBS Foods, May 2021 – Organized ransomware attackers targeted JBS’s North American and Australian meat processing plants, which disrupted the distribution of food to supermarkets and restaurants. Fearing further disruption, the company paid more than $11 million worth of Bitcoin to the hacking group responsible.   
  • Colonial Pipeline, May 2021 – In an attack that made major headlines, a ransomware attack shut down 5,500 miles of pipeline along the east coast of the U.S. Hackers compromised the network with an older password found on the dark web, letting the hackers inject their malware into Colonial’s systems. The pipeline operator said they paid nearly $4.5 million to the hackers responsible, some of which was recovered by U.S. law enforcement.  
  • Kaseya, July 2021 – As many as 1,500 companies had their data encrypted by a ransomware attack that followed an initial ransomware attack on Kaseya, a company that provides IT solutions to other companies. Once the ransomware infiltrated Kaseya’s systems, it quickly spread to Kaseya’s customers. Rather than pay the ransom, Kaseya’ co-operated with U.S. federal law enforcement and soon obtained a decryption key that could restore any data encrypted in the attack.  

Who’s behind such attacks? Given the scope and scale of them, it’s often organized hacking groups. Put simply, these are big heists. It demands expertise to pull them off, not to mention further expertise to transfer large sums of cryptocurrency in ways that cover the hackers’ tracks.  

As for ransomware attacks on people and their families, the individual dollar amounts of an attack are far lower, typically in the hundreds of dollars. Again, the culprits behind them may be large hacking groups that cast a wider net for individual victims, where hundreds of successful attacks at hundreds of dollars each quickly add up. One example: a hacker group that posed as a government agency and as a major retailer, which mailed out thousands of USB drives infected with malware 

Other ransomware hackers who target people and families are far less sophisticated. Small-time hackers and hacking groups can find the tools they need to conduct such attacks by shopping on the dark web, where ransomware is available for sale or for lease as a service (Ransomware as a Service, or RaaS). In effect, near-amateur hackers can grab a ready-to-deploy attack right off the shelf. 

Taken together, hackers will level a ransomware attack at practically anyone or any organization—making it everyone’s concern. 

How does ransomware end up on computers and phones? 

Hackers have several ways of getting ransomware onto one of your devices. Like any other type of malware, it can infect your device via a phishing link or a bogus attachment. It can also end up there by downloading apps from questionable app stores, with a stolen or hacked password, or through an outdated device or network router with poor security measures in place. And as mentioned above, infected storage devices provide another avenue. 

Social engineering attacks enter the mix as well, where the hacker poses as someone the victim knows and gets the victim to either download malware or provide the hacker access to an otherwise password-protected device, app, or network. 

And yes, ransomware can end up on smartphones as well.  

While not a prevalent as other types of malware attacks, smartphone ransomware can encrypt files, photos, and the like on a smartphone, just as it can on computers and networks. Yet other forms of mobile ransomware don’t have to encrypt data to make the phone unusable. The “Lockerpin” ransomware that has struck some Android devices in the past would change the PIN number that locked the phone. Other forms of mobile ransomware paste a window over the phone’s apps, making them unusable without decrypting the ransomware. 

Avoiding ransomware in the first place 

Part of avoiding ransomware involves reducing human error—keeping a watchful eye open for those spammy links, malicious downloads, bogus emails, and basically keeping your apps and devices up to date so that they have the latest security measures in place. The remainder relies on a good dose of prevention.  

Our Ransomware Security Guide provides a checklist for both. 

It gets into the details of what ransomware looks like and how it works, followed by the straightforward things you can do to prevent it, along with the steps to take if the unfortunate ends up happening to you or someone you know. 

Ransomware is one of the nastiest attacks going because it targets our files, photos, and information, things we don’t know where we’d be without. Yet it’s good to know you can indeed lower your risk with a few relatively simple steps. Once you have them in place, chances are a good feeling will come over you, the one that comes with knowing you’ve protected what’s precious and important to you. 

The post Your Guide to Ransomware—and Preventing It Too appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Hybrid work: Turning business platforms into preferred social spaces

By Alžbeta Kovaľová

Hybrid work and hybrid play now merge into hybrid living, but where is the line between the two? Is there one?

The post Hybrid work: Turning business platforms into preferred social spaces appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Millions of Vehicles at Risk: API Vulnerabilities Uncovered in 16 Major Car Brands

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Multiple bugs affecting millions of vehicles from 16 different manufacturers could be abused to unlock, start, and track cars, plus impact the privacy of car owners. The security vulnerabilities were found in the automotive APIs powering Acura, BMW, Ferrari, Ford, Genesis, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Porsche, Rolls Royce, Toyota as well as in

Malicious PyPI Packages Using Cloudflare Tunnels to Sneak Through Firewalls

By Ravie Lakshmanan
In yet another campaign targeting the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository, six malicious packages have been found deploying information stealers on developer systems. The now-removed packages, which were discovered by Phylum between December 22 and December 31, 2022, include pyrologin, easytimestamp, discorder, discord-dev,, and pythonstyles. The malicious code, as is increasingly

Top SaaS Cybersecurity Threats in 2023: Are You Ready?

By The Hacker News
Cybercriminals will be as busy as ever this year. Stay safe and protect your systems and data by focusing on these 4 key areas to secure your environment and ensure success in 2023, and make sure your business is only in the headlines when you WANT it to be. 1 — Web application weaknesses Web applications are at the core of what SaaS companies do and how they operate, and they can store some of

Hackers Can Abuse Visual Studio Marketplace to Target Developers with Malicious Extensions

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new attack vector targeting the Visual Studio Code extensions marketplace could be leveraged to upload rogue extensions masquerading as their legitimate counterparts with the goal of mounting supply chain attacks. The technique "could act as an entry point for an attack on many organizations," Aqua security researcher Ilay Goldman said in a report published last week. VS Code extensions,

No more holidays for US telcos, FCC is cracking down

Also, LastPass faces class action, and Louisiana says that, while the internet may be for porn, ID is still required

In Brief The Federal Communications Commission plans to overhaul its security reporting rules for the telecom industry to, among other things, eliminate a mandatory seven-day wait for informing customers of stolen data and expand the definition of what constitutes an incident.…

  • January 8th 2023 at 10:01

Russian Turla Hackers Hijack Decade-Old Malware Infrastructure to Deploy New Backdoors

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The Russian cyberespionage group known as Turla has been observed piggybacking on attack infrastructure used by a decade-old malware to deliver its own reconnaissance and backdoor tools to targets in Ukraine. Google-owned Mandiant, which is tracking the operation under the uncategorized cluster moniker UNC4210, said the hijacked servers correspond to a variant of a commodity malware called 

Slack Discloses Breach of Its Github Code Repository

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Chinese researchers' claimed quantum encryption crack looks unlikely

Near-term vulnerability of RSA-2048 keys not so near, says quantum boffin Scott Aaronson

Briefly this week, it appeared that quantum computers might finally be ready to break 2048-bit RSA encryption, but that moment has passed.…

  • January 7th 2023 at 12:00

Here's how to remotely take over a Ferrari...account, that is

Connected cars. What could possibly go wrong?

Multiple bugs affecting millions of vehicles from almost all major car brands could allow miscreants to perform any manner of mischief — in some cases including full takeovers —  by exploiting vulnerabilities in the vehicles' telematic systems, automotive APIs and supporting infrastructure, according to security researchers.…

  • January 7th 2023 at 09:01

Freedom for MegaCortex ransomware victims – the fix is out

Criminals hit 1,800 victims across 71 countries to the tune of $100m+

An international law enforcement effort has released a decryptor for victims of MegaCortex ransomware, widely used by cybercriminals to infect large corporations across 71 countries to the tune of more than $100 million in damages.…

  • January 6th 2023 at 20:45

RSA crypto cracked? Or perhaps not!

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Stand down from blue alert, it seems... but why not plan your cryptographic agility anyway?

40 Years of the Internet – Tips for Staying Safe Online in 2023

By McAfee

Authored by Vonny Gamot 

The official 40th birthday of the internet serves as a timely reminder that while it is a fantastic place, we must practice good digital hygiene to safeguard our privacy and identity so we can protect ourselves from the latest threats.  

Since its widely recognized creation on January 1st 1983, the internet has since transformed economies and the everyday lives of people. From social media, memes, and viral videos to smart homes, online shopping and even cloud computing, the internet entertains, educates, and connects us. Above all, it will continue to play a crucial role in human civilization for many generations to come. 

Yet with the good comes the not-so-good. Wherever people gather, cyberthieves gather too. The internet is no exception. As the evolution of the internet continues, cybercriminals are evolving in tandem, looking for new and inventive ways, such as using Artificial Intelligence to exploit its features. With over five billion people accessing and using the Internet in 2022, that’s over 60% of the world’s population potentially at risk.  

So, while we celebrate the internet’s 40th birthday, it’s also a good reminder to take stock of the latest online threats and ensure our digital hygiene is up to scratch for the year ahead. When we do this, we can take full advantage of the incredible opportunities the internet affords us.  

The new year is a great moment to reflect, reset, and consider your personal online safety and protection. Stay vigilant against the latest threats and scams and use dedicated and robust online protection software such as our newly released McAfee+ plans—which comes with important features like identity monitoring that can spot your personal info on the dark web and personal data cleanup that can help remove your personal info from data broker sites that will sell it to companies and crooks alike.  

It’s also a time to keep a fresh eye out for scams and phishing attacks. If that email, text, or message you received looks too good to be true, or you feel that the sender is trying to pressure you into doing sharing info or sending money, it’s always best to double check that the source is legitimate. These are often indicators that a scam is afoot. 

Four easy things you can do today to improve your safety online 

Beyond using online protection software and keeping your guard up, you can take several other steps that can make you immediately safer than you were before. Here are four strong suggestions that will get you started: 

1) Use Multifactor Authentication (MFA) 

MFA is an excellent way to frustrate cybercriminals attempting to break into online accounts. MFA means that users need more than a username and password to log in, for example, a one-time code sent to private email, text, or through an authentication app utilizing face or fingerprint scans. This adds an extra layer of security as the cybercriminal has to access the device, email, or biometric reader to get into someone’s online account. 

2) Set strong passwords and consider a password manager 

Strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts are a must. It’s always important for people to understand that reusing passwords is just as risky as using “password123” and puts online accounts at risk. A tactic known as “credential stuffing” is where a cybercriminal attempts to input stolen usernames and password combinations in dozens of random websites to see which door it opens. It is also important to consider using password managers which can create and safeguard all passwords in one secure desktop extension or mobile phone app. 

3) Update your apps, operating systems, and devices 

Updating software is vital to the security of a device. These updates include security patches that cyber experts have created to foil cybercriminals. The more outdated the software is, the more time criminals have had to work out ways to infiltrate and steal information within them. Moreover, updates often include new and improved features, which makes a strong case for keeping things current. 

4) Recognise and report phishing 

Phishing is when a scammer sends texts or emails that appear to be from trusted sources like your favourite online clothing store, employer or, as we’re seeing during the cost-of-living crisis, energy firms, or banks. They do this to encourage people to share personal information.  

Once a phishing attempt has been recognised it is vital that they are not engaged with, links are left unopened, and the potential scam email is not forwarded along to another person. Before the message is deleted, it is vital that the sender is blocked and that the message is marked as junk and reported.  

If you think that you have entered your credit card details onto a phishing website, contact your bank or credit card issuing company immediately. Report your personal information as stolen, and you may want to request that your existing card be canceled depending on the circumstances. 

Staying safer still in 2023—and then some 

Online protection is part mindset, part prevention, and part action. While the steps above mark a start, they’re just that. There’s plenty more you can do, and when taken in batches, the steps you take can really add up to an exceptional level of protection. The question is, where to start? 

Our McAfee Safety Series can get you moving in the right direction. It’s a set of guides that cover a range of important security topics and that show you several straightforward things you can do that will make you safer. They range from phishing and privacy to online shopping and safer online media. In all, they can help you spot scams, hacks, and attacks—and potentially prevent them in the first place.  

I encourage you to grab the first one that looks interesting to you. What you learn can put you several steps ahead of the hackers, scammers, and thieves out there.  

The post 40 Years of the Internet – Tips for Staying Safe Online in 2023 appeared first on McAfee Blog.
