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Alleged Kaseya ransomware attacker arrives in Texas for trial

By Naked Security writer
The US Independence Day weekend of 2021 wasn't much of a holiday for cybersecurity staff. That was when the Kaseya attack unfolded...

Why Everyone Needs a VPN

By McAfee

You may hear corporate cybersecurity experts hail the benefits of a VPN, or a virtual private network, to keep company information safe from ransomware attacks and cybercriminals seeking to steal valuable business secrets. It’s unlikely that everyday people, such as yourself, will be targeted by a ransomware scheme, so you may be puzzled about how a VPN can help someone like you be safer online. Luckily, with a VPN being very easy to install and use, you can indeed experience these three everyday benefits to keep your browsing activities safe from eavesdroppers seeking to profit from your online comings and goings. 

1. Stay Safe on Unsecure Networks

The most widely known benefit of a VPN for daily use is to safeguard your device when it’s connected to a public Wi-Fi network. Coffee shops, libraries, hotels, transportation hubs, and other public places often provide courtesy internet service to visitors. Shifty characters often lurk on unprotected networks to lift personally identifiable information (PII) from people handling sensitive emails, making banking transactions, or shopping online. Public Wi-Fi eavesdroppers can lift credit card numbers, addresses, birthdays, and Social Insurance Numbers. 

When you connect to public Wi-Fi that doesn’t have a lock icon, that’s a sign that you should toggle on your VPN. Also, even if you’re required to enter a password, be wary of any network you share with strangers.  

2. Hide Location Data

A VPN can also hide your location data. How does this help you protect your browsing history? First, when you scramble your location, you’re likely to confuse ad networks trying to send you targeted ads. This will free your social media feeds and search engines from targeted ads that often are so accurate they seem like an invasion of privacy. 

Second, hiding your location can protect you from cybercriminals looking to mine PII. VPNs make it impossible for criminals to discover your IP address. (The internet protocol address is what ties your device to a specific local network.) When they’re visible, criminals can trace IP addresses to reveal home addresses, full names, and phone numbers: all of which are key pieces of PII that, in the wrong hands, can jeopardize your identity.  

3. Restrict Data Snooping and Sharing 

While Canada and the European Union don’t allow ISPs (internet service providers) to even collect the browsing data of their customers, keep in mind that in some countries, like the U.S., ISPs can collect, store, share, and/or sell customer data. While advertisers are often the buyers of customer data, in the case of a breach, the more places your PII lives, the more likely it may be involved in a security incident. The goal is to limit the extent and number of places where your browsing history is stored. 

VPNs can scramble your online movements to the point where not even ISPs can track it. Plus, when you log out, your device doesn’t keep a record of what you did while connected to the VPN. Incognito mode on your internet browser hides your IP address, but the websites you visit still collect cookies and store data about your online whereabouts, meaning that it’s not truly private browsing. 

Protect Your Privacy With McAfee 

McAfee Safe Connect VPN encrypts your online activity to protect your data from prying eyes. With a premium paid plan, you can protect up to five devices at once with bank-grade Wi-Fi encryption. Feel more confident whenever you hop on the internet across all your connected devices with just one quick and easy step. 

The post Why Everyone Needs a VPN appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why Am I Getting All These Notifications on my Phone?

By McAfee Labs

Authored by Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole  

Notifications on Chrome and Edge, both desktop browsers, are commonplace, and malicious actors are increasingly abusing this feature. McAfee previously blogged about how to change desktop browser settings to stop malicious notifications. This blog focuses on Chrome notifications on Android mobile devices such as phones and tablets, and how McAfee Mobile Security protects users from malicious sites leveraging these notifications.  

Where do these notifications come from? 

Most users are unaware of the source of these notifications. Permission is granted when a user clicks ‘Allow’ on a prompt within Android Chrome. 

Many malicious websites use language and images like the one above that entice the user to click ‘Allow’ such as ‘Just one more step! Click “Allow” to continue. Once allow is clicked, the website is added to a site permissions list, which will enable it to send notifications.  

What do they look like? 

The notifications will look like a usual Android notification which you will be used to seeing such as you have a new WhatsApp message or email. To identify the source of the notification, we need to look for the application name which is like the one highlighted in the red box below.  

The image above shows the notification came from Chrome and it is from the website premiumbros[.]com. This is something you should pay attention to as it will be needed when you want to stop annoying notifications.  

Why are some of them malicious? 

Some notifications like the ones in this blog are malicious as they attempt to trick users into believing that their mobile device is infected with a virus and some action is required. When the users click the notification, Chrome will load a website which will present them with a fake warning like the example below: 

Clicking either Cancel or Update Now on the above website will result in the same behavior. The browser will redirect the user to a google play store app so that they can download and install it.  

The malicious websites will flood your phone with several notifications. The screenshot below shows an example of this: 

Why do malicious actors do this? 

You may ask yourself, why do malicious actors try to get me to install a google play application? The people behind these scams receive a commission when these applications are installed on devices. They rely on deceptive tactics to trick users into installing them to maximize profits. 

How can I remove notifications? 

To remove a website’s notification permission, you need to change a Chrome setting. 

1- Find out the name of the website which is sending these notifications. This can be done by looking at the notification and noting down the name of the website. If we use this blog as an example, it would be premiumbros[.]com

2- Open the Chrome browser app which can be found by performing the following search: 

3- Click the three … on the top right hand of the application 

4- Scroll down and click on settings 

5- Click on Notifications 

6- Scroll down until you find the website which you identified in step 1 

7- Pres the blue radio button so it turns grey 

8- Notifications will now be disabled for that website. If you want to block multiple websites, click the radio button for them as well.  

How does McAfee Protect me? 

McAfee customers who have McAfee Mobile Security are protected against these malicious websites as long as they enable the ‘Safe Browsing’ feature within the application.  

Upon trying to access a malicious website such as the one in the blog it will be blocked as shown in the image below: 


Please read this guide on enabling the Safe Browsing feature within the Mobile Security Application. 

The post Why Am I Getting All These Notifications on my Phone? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Irony alert! PHP fixes security flaw in input validation code

By Paul Ducklin
What's wrong with this sequence? 1. Step into the road 2. Check if it's safe 3. Keep on walki...

Self-styled “Crocodile of Wall Street” arrested with husband over Bitcoin megaheist

By Naked Security writer
The cops say they've recovered 80% of a $72 million cryptocoin heist... but the recovered funds alone are now worth over $4 billion!

At last! Office macros from the internet to be blocked by default

By Paul Ducklin
It's been a long time coming, and we're not there yet, but at least Microsoft Office will be a bit safer against macro malware...

Coronavirus SMS scam offers home PCR testing devices – don’t fall for it!

By Paul Ducklin
Free home PCR devices would be technological marvels, and really useful, too. But there aren't any...

Can Apple Macs get Viruses?

By McAfee

It’s a long-standing question. Can Apple Macs get viruses?

While Apple does go to great lengths to keep all its devices safe, this doesn’t mean your Mac is immune to all computer viruses. So what does Apple provide in terms of antivirus protection? Let’s take a look along with some signs that your Mac may be hacked and how you can protect yourself from further threats beyond viruses, like identity theft.

Signs that your Mac may be hacked

Whether hackers physically sneak it onto your device or by tricking you into installing it via a phony app, a sketchy website, or a phishing attack, viruses and malware can create problems for you in a few ways:

  • Keylogging: In the hands of a hacker, keylogging works like a stalker by snooping information as you type.
  • Trojans: Trojans are type of malware that can be disguised in your computer to extract important data, such as credit card account details or personal information.
  • Cryptominers: Similar to trojans, this software hides on a device. From there, it harnesses the device’s computing power to “mine” cryptocurrencies. While cryptomining is not illegal, “cryptojacking” a device without the owner’s consent is most certainly illegal.

Some possible signs of hacking software on your Mac include:

Performance issues

Is your device operating more slowly, are web pages and apps harder to load, or does your battery never seem to keep a charge? These are all signs that you could have malware running in the background, zapping your device’s resources.

Your computer feels like it’s running hot

Like the performance issues above, malware or mining apps running in the background can burn extra computing power (and data). Aside from sapping performance, malware and mining apps can cause your computer to run hot or even overheat.

Mystery apps or data

If you find apps you haven’t downloaded, along with messages and emails that you didn’t send, that’s a red flag. A hacker may have hijacked your computer to send messages or to spread malware to your contacts. Similarly, if you see spikes in your data usage, that could be a sign of a hack as well.

Pop-ups or changes to your screen

Malware can also be behind spammy pop-ups, changes to your home screen, or bookmarks to suspicious websites. In fact, if you see any configuration changes you didn’t personally make, this is another big clue that your computer may have been hacked.

What kind of antivirus do Macs have?

Macs contain several built-in features that help protect them from viruses:

  • XProtect and Automatic Quarantine: XProtect is Apple’s proprietary antivirus software that’s been included on all Macs since 2009. Functionally, it works the same as any other antivirus, where it scans files and apps for malware by referencing a database of known threats that Apple maintains and updates regularly. From there, suspicious files are quarantined by limiting their access to the Mac’s operating system and other key functions. However, .
  • Malware Removal Tool: To further keep Apple users protected, the Malware Removal Tool (MRT) scans Macs to spot and catch any malware that may have slipped past XProtect. Similar to XProtect, it relies on a set of constantly updated definitions that help identify potential malware. According to Apple, MRT removes malware upon receiving updated information, and it continues to check for infections on restart and login.
  • Notarization, Gatekeeper, and the App Review Process: Another way Apple keeps its users safe across MacOS and iOS devices is its Notarization Apps built to run on Apple devices go through an initial review before they can be distributed and sold outside of Apple’s App Store. When this review turns up no instances of malware, Apple issues a Notarization ticket. That ticket is recognized in another part of the MacOS, Gatekeeper, which verifies the ticket and allows the app to launch. Additionally, if a previously approved app is later to found to be malicious, Apple can revoke its Notarization and prevent it from running.

Similarly, all apps that wish to be sold on the Apple App Store must go through Apple’s App Review. While not strictly a review for malware, security matters are considered in the process. Per Apple, “We review all apps and app updates submitted to the App Store in an effort to determine whether they are reliable, perform as expected, respect user privacy, and are free of objectionable content.”

Do I need to purchase antivirus for my Mac?

There are a couple reasons why Mac users may want to consider additional protection in addition to the antivirus protection that Mac provides out of the box:

  1. Apple’s antivirus may not recognize the latest threats. A component of strong antivirus protection is a current and comprehensive database of virus definitions. As noted above, , leaving Mac owners who solely rely on XProtect and other features susceptible to attack.
  2. Apple’s built-in security measures for Macs largely focus on viruses and malware alone. While protecting yourself from viruses and malware is of utmost importance (and always will be), the reality is that antivirus is not enough. Enjoying the life online today means knowing your privacy and identity are protected as well.

In all, Macs are like any other connected device. They’re susceptible to threats and vulnerabilities as well. Looking more broadly, there’s the wider world of threats on the internet, such as phishing attacks, malicious links and downloads, prying eyes on public Wi-Fi, data breaches, identity theft, and so on. It’s for this reason Mac users may think about bolstering their defenses further with online protection software.

 Further protecting your Mac from viruses and attacks

Staying safer online follows a simple recipe:

  • Being aware of the threats that are out there.
  • Understanding where your gaps in protection are.
  • Taking steps to protecting yourself from those threats and closing any gaps as they arise.

Reading between the lines, that recipe can take a bit of work. However, comprehensive online protection can take care of it for you. In particular, McAfee Total Protection includes an exclusive Protection Score, which checks to see how safe you are online, identifies gaps, and then offers personalized guidance, and helping you know exactly how safe you are.

An important part of this score is privacy and security, which is backed by a VPN that turns on automatically when you’re on an unsecure network and personal information monitoring to help protect you from identity theft—good examples that illustrate how staying safe online requires more than just antivirus.

Consider your security options for your Mac

So, Macs can get viruses and are subject to threats just like any other computer. While Macs have strong protections built into them, they may not offer the full breadth of protection you want, particularly in terms of online identity theft and the ability to protect you from the latest malware threats. Consider the threats you want to keep clear of and then take a look at your options that’ll help keep you safe.

The post Can Apple Macs get Viruses? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Alleged carder gang mastermind and three acolytes under arrest in Russia

By Naked Security writer
The motto of the gang was "In Fraud We Trust", and they went by a dizzying range of online nicknames.

REvil ransomware crew allegedly busted in Russia, says FSB

By Naked Security writer
The Russian Federal Security Bureau has just published a report about the investigation and arrest of the infamous "REvil" ransomware crew.

Home routers with NetUSB support could have critical kernel hole

By Paul Ducklin
Got a router that supports USB access across the network? You might need a kernel update...

Verisign Q3 2021 The Domain Name Industry Brief: 364.6 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Third Quarter of 2021

By Verisign
The Domain Name Industry Brief December 2021

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the third quarter of 2021 closed with 364.6 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, a decrease of 2.7 million domain name registrations, or 0.7%, compared to the second quarter of 2021.1,2 Domain name registrations have decreased by 6.1 million, or 1.6%, year over year.1,2

Total domain name registrations across all TLDs in Q3 2021

Check out the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief to see domain name stats from the third quarter of 2021, including:

The Domain Name Industry Brief this quarter also includes an overview of the ongoing community work to mitigate DNS security threats.

To see past issues of The Domain Name Industry Brief, please visit

  1. The figure(s) includes domain names in the .tk ccTLD. .tk is a ccTLD that provides free domain names to individuals and businesses. Revenue is generated by monetizing expired domain names. Domain names no longer in use by the registrant or expired are taken back by the registry and the residual traffic is sold to advertising networks. As such, there are no deleted .tk domain names. The .tk zone reflected here is based on data from Q4 2020, which is the most recent data available.
  2. The generic TLD, ngTLD and ccTLD data cited in the brief: (i) includes ccTLD Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs), (ii) is an estimate as of the time this brief was developed and (iii) is subject to change as more complete data is received. Some numbers in the brief may reflect standard rounding.

The post Verisign Q3 2021 The Domain Name Industry Brief: 364.6 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Third Quarter of 2021 appeared first on Verisign Blog.

Ongoing Community Work to Mitigate Domain Name System Security Threats

By Keith Drazek

For over a decade, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and its multi-stakeholder community have engaged in an extended dialogue on the topic of DNS abuse, and the need to define, measure and mitigate DNS-related security threats. With increasing global reliance on the internet and DNS for communication, connectivity and commerce, the members of this community have important parts to play in identifying, reporting and mitigating illegal or harmful behavior, within their respective roles and capabilities.

As we consider the path forward on necessary and appropriate steps to improve mitigation of DNS abuse, it’s helpful to reflect briefly on the origins of this issue within ICANN, and to recognize the various and relevant community inputs to our ongoing work.

As a starting point, it’s important to understand ICANN’s central role in preserving the security, stability, resiliency and global interoperability of the internet’s unique identifier system, and also the limitations established within ICANN’s bylaws. ICANN’s primary mission is to ensure the stable and secure operation of the internet’s unique identifier systems, but as expressly stated in its bylaws, ICANN “shall not regulate (i.e., impose rules and restrictions on) services that use the internet’s unique identifiers or the content that such services carry or provide, outside the express scope of Section 1.1(a).” As such, ICANN’s role is important, but limited, when considering the full range of possible definitions of “DNS Abuse,” and developing a comprehensive understanding of security threat categories and the roles and responsibilities of various players in the internet infrastructure ecosystem is required.

In support of this important work, ICANN’s generic top-level domain (gTLD) contracted parties (registries and registrars) continue to engage with ICANN, and with other stakeholders and community interest groups, to address key factors related to effective and appropriate DNS security threat mitigation, including:

  • Determining the roles and responsibilities of the various service providers across the internet ecosystem;
  • Delineating categories of threats: content, infrastructure, illegal vs. harmful, etc.;
  • Understanding the precise operational and technical capabilities of various types of providers across the internet ecosystem;
  • Relationships, if any, that respective service providers have with individuals or entities responsible for creating and/or removing the illegal or abusive activity;
  • Role of third-party “trusted notifiers,” including government actors, that may play a role in identifying and reporting illegal and abusive behavior to the appropriate service provider;
  • Processes to ensure infrastructure providers can trust third-party notifiers to reliably identify and provide evidence of illegal or harmful content;
  • Promoting administrative and operational scalability in trusted notifier engagements;
  • Determining the necessary safeguards around liability, due process, and transparency to ensure domain name registrants have recourse when the DNS is used as a tool to police DNS security threats, particularly when related to content.
  • Supporting ICANN’s important and appropriate role in coordination and facilitation, particularly as a centralized source of data, tools, and resources to help and hold accountable those parties responsible for managing and maintaining the internet’s unique identifiers.
Figure 1: The Internet Ecosystem

Definitions of Online Abuse

To better understand the various roles, responsibilities and processes, it’s important to first define illegal and abusive online activity. While perspectives may vary across our wide range of interest groups, the emerging consensus on definitions and terminology is that these activities can be categorized as DNS Security Threats, Infrastructure Abuse, Illegal Content, or Abusive Content, with ICANN’s remit generally limited to the first two categories.

  • DNS Security Threats: defined as being “composed of five broad categories of harmful activity [where] they intersect with the DNS: malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and spam when [spam] serves as a delivery mechanism for those other forms of DNS Abuse.”
  • Infrastructure Abuse: a broader set of security threats that can impact the DNS itself – including denial-of-service / distributed denial-of-service (DoS / DDoS) attacks, DNS cache poisoning, protocol-level attacks, and exploitation of implementation vulnerabilities.
  • Illegal Content: content that is unlawful and hosted on websites that are accessed via domain names in the global DNS. Examples might include the illegal sale of controlled substances or the distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), and proven intellectual property infringement.
  • Abusive Content: is content hosted on websites using the domain name infrastructure that is deemed “harmful,” either under applicable law or norms, which could include scams, fraud, misinformation, or intellectual property infringement, where illegality has yet to be established by a court of competent jurisdiction.

Behavior within each of these categories constitutes abuse, and it is incumbent on members of the community to actively work to combat and mitigate these behaviors where they have the capability, expertise and responsibility to do so. We recognize the benefit of coordination with other entities, including ICANN within its bylaw-mandated remit, across their respective areas of responsibility.

ICANN Organization’s Efforts on DNS Abuse

The ICANN Organization has been actively involved in advancing work on DNS abuse, including the 2017 initiation of the Domain Abuse Activity Reporting (DAAR) system by the Office of the Chief Technology Officer. DAAR is a system for studying and reporting on domain name registration and security threats across top-level domain (TLD) registries, with an overarching purpose to develop a robust, reliable, and reproducible methodology for analyzing security threat activity, which the ICANN community may use to make informed policy decisions. The first DAAR reports were issued in January 2018 and they are updated monthly. Also in 2017, ICANN published its “Framework for Registry Operators to Address Security Threats,” which provides helpful guidance to registries seeking to improve their own DNS security posture.

The ICANN Organization also plays an important role in enforcing gTLD contract compliance and implementing policies developed by the community via its bottom-up, multi-stakeholder processes. For example, over the last several years, it has conducted registry and registrar audits of the anti-abuse provisions in the relevant agreements.

The ICANN Organization has also been a catalyst for increased community attention and action on DNS abuse, including initiating the DNS Security Facilitation Initiative Technical Study Group, which was formed to investigate mechanisms to strengthen collaboration and communication on security and stability issues related to the DNS. Over the last two years, there have also been multiple ICANN cross-community meeting sessions dedicated to the topic, including the most recent session hosted by the ICANN Board during its Annual General Meeting in October 2021. Also, in 2021, ICANN formalized its work on DNS abuse into a dedicated program within the ICANN Organization. These enforcement and compliance responsibilities are very important to ensure that all of ICANN’s contracted parties are living up to their obligations, and that any so-called “bad actors” are identified and remediated or de-accredited and removed from serving the gTLD registry or registrar markets.

The ICANN Organization continues to develop new initiatives to help mitigate DNS security threats, including: (1) expanding DAAR to integrate some country code TLDs, and to eventually include registrar-level reporting; (2) work on COVID domain names; (3) contributions to the development of a Domain Generating Algorithms Framework and facilitating waivers to allow registries and registrars to act on imminent security threats, including botnets at scale; and (4) plans for the ICANN Board to establish a DNS abuse caucus.

ICANN Community Inputs on DNS Abuse

As early as 2009, the ICANN community began to identify the need for additional safeguards to help address DNS abuse and security threats, and those community inputs increased over time and have reached a crescendo over the last two years. In the early stages of this community dialogue, the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee, via its Public Safety Working Group, identified the need for additional mechanisms to address “criminal activity in the registration of domain names.” In the context of renegotiation of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement between ICANN and accredited registrars, and the development of the New gTLD Base Registry Agreement, the GAC played an important and influential role in highlighting this need, providing formal advice to the ICANN Board, which resulted in new requirements for gTLD registry and registrar operators, and new contractual compliance requirements for ICANN.

Following the launch of the 2012 round of new gTLDs, and the finalization of the 2013 amendments to the RAA, several ICANN bylaw-mandated review teams engaged further on the issue of DNS Abuse. These included the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT), and the second Security, Stability and Resiliency Review Team (SSR2-RT). Both final reports identified and reinforced the need for additional tools to help measure and combat DNS abuse. Also, during this timeframe, the GAC, along with the At-Large Advisory Committee and the Security and Stability Advisory Committee, issued their own respective communiques and formal advice to the ICANN Board reiterating or reinforcing past statements, and providing support for recommendations in the various Review Team reports. Most recently, the SSAC issued SAC 115 titled “SSAC Report on an Interoperable Approach to Addressing Abuse Handling in the DNS.” These ICANN community group inputs have been instrumental in bringing additional focus and/or clarity to the topic of DNS abuse, and have encouraged ICANN and its gTLD registries and registrars to look for improved mechanisms to address the types of abuse within our respective remits.

During 2020 and 2021, ICANN’s gTLD contracted parties have been constructively engaged with other parts of the ICANN community, and with ICANN Org, to advance improved understanding on the topic of DNS security threats, and to identify new and improved mechanisms to enhance the security, stability and resiliency of the domain name registration and resolution systems. Collectively, the registries and registrars have engaged with nearly all groups represented in the ICANN community, and we have produced important documents related to DNS abuse definitions, registry actions, registrar abuse reporting, domain generating algorithms, and trusted notifiers. These all represent significant steps forward in framing the context of the roles, responsibilities and capabilities of ICANN’s gTLD contracted parties, and, consistent with our Letter of Intent commitments, Verisign has been an important contributor, along with our partners, in these Contracted Party House initiatives.

In addition, the gTLD contracted parties and ICANN Organization continue to engage constructively on a number of fronts, including upcoming work on standardized registry reporting, which will help result in better data on abuse mitigation practices that will help to inform community work, future reviews, and provide better visibility into the DNS security landscape.

Other Groups and Actors Focused on DNS Security

It is important to note that groups outside of ICANN’s immediate multi-stakeholder community have contributed significantly to the topic of DNS abuse mitigation:

Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network
The Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network is a multi-stakeholder organization addressing the tension between the cross-border internet and national jurisdictions. Its secretariat facilitates a global policy process engaging over 400 key entities from governments, the world’s largest internet companies, technical operators, civil society groups, academia and international organizations from over 70 countries. The I&JP has been instrumental in developing multi-stakeholder inputs on issues such as trusted notifier, and Verisign has been a long-time contributor to that work since the I&JP’s founding in 2012.

DNS Abuse Institute
The DNS Abuse Institute was formed in 2021 to develop “outcomes-based initiatives that will create recommended practices, foster collaboration and develop industry-shared solutions to combat the five areas of DNS Abuse: malware, botnets, phishing, pharming, and related spam.” The Institute was created by Public Interest Registry, the registry operator for the .org TLD.

Global Cyber Alliance
The Global Cyber Alliance is a nonprofit organization dedicated to making the internet a safer place by reducing cyber risk. The GCA builds programs, tools and partnerships to sustain a trustworthy internet to enable social and economic progress for all.

ECO “topDNS” DNS Abuse Initiative
Eco is the largest association of the internet industry in Europe. Eco is a long-standing advocate of an “Internet with Responsibility” and of self-regulatory approaches, such as the DNS Abuse Framework. The eco “topDNS” initiative will help bring together stakeholders with an interest in combating and mitigating DNS security threats, and Verisign is a supporter of this new effort.

Other Community Groups
Verisign contributes to the anti-abuse, technical and policy communities: We continuously engage with ICANN and an array of other industry partners to help ensure the continued safe and secure operation of the DNS. For example, Verisign is actively engaged in anti-abuse, technical and policy communities such as the Anti-Phishing and Messaging, Malware and Mobile Anti-Abuse Working Groups, FIRST and the Internet Engineering Task Force.

What Verisign is Doing Today

As a leader in the domain name industry and DNS ecosystem, Verisign supports and has contributed to the cross-community efforts enumerated above. In addition, Verisign also engages directly by:

  • Monitoring for abuse: Protecting against abuse starts with knowing what is happening in our systems and services, in a timely manner, and being capable of detecting anomalous or abusive behavior, and then reacting to address it appropriately. Verisign works closely with a range of actors, including trusted notifiers, to help ensure our abuse mitigation actions are informed by sources with necessary subject matter expertise and procedural rigor.
  • Blocking and redirecting abusive domain names: Blocking certain domain names that have been identified by Verisign and/or trusted third parties as security threats, including botnets that leverage well-understood and characterized domain generation algorithms, helps us to protect our infrastructure and neutralize or otherwise minimize potential security and stability threats more broadly by remediating abuse enabled via domain names in our TLDs. For example, earlier this year, Verisign observed a botnet family that was responsible for such a disproportionate amount of total global DNS queries, we were compelled to act to remediate the botnet. This was referenced in Verisign’s Q1 2021 Domain Name Industry Brief Volume 18, Issue 2.
  • Avoiding disposable domain name registrations: While heavily discounted domain name pricing strategies may promote short-term sales, they may also attract a spectrum of registrants who might be engaged in abuse. Some security threats, including phishing and botnets, exploit the ability to register large numbers of ‘disposable’ domain names rapidly and cheaply. Accordingly, Verisign avoids marketing programs that would permit our TLDs to be characterized in this class of ‘disposable’ domains, that have been shown to attract miscreants and enable abusive behavior.
  • Maintaining a cooperative and responsive partnership with law enforcement and government agencies, and engagement with courts of relevant jurisdiction: To ensure the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS and the internet at large, we have developed and maintained constructive relationships with United States and international law enforcement and government agencies to assist in addressing imminent and ongoing substantial security threats to operational applications and critical internet infrastructure, as well as illegal activity associated with domain names.
  • Ensuring adherence of contractual obligations: Our contractual frameworks, including our registry policies and .com Registry-Registrar Agreements, help provide an effective legal framework that discourages abusive domain name registrations. We believe that fair and consistent enforcement of our policies helps to promote good hygiene within the registrar channel.
  • Entering into a binding Letter of Intent with ICANN that commits both parties to cooperate in taking a leadership role in combating security threats. This includes working with the ICANN community to determine the appropriate process for, and development and implementation of, best practices related to combating security threats; to educate the wider ICANN community about security threats; and support activities that preserve and enhance the security, stability and resiliency of the DNS. Verisign also made a substantial financial commitment in direct support of these important efforts.

Trusted Notifiers

An important concept and approach for mitigating illegal and abusive activity online is the ability to engage with and rely upon third-party “trusted notifiers” to identify and report such incidents at the appropriate level in the DNS ecosystem. Verisign has supported and been engaged in the good work of the Internet & Jurisdiction Policy Network since its inception, and we’re encouraged by its recent progress on trusted notifier framing. As mentioned earlier, there are some key questions to be addressed as we consider the viability of engaging trusted notifiers or building trusting notifier entities, to help mitigate illegal and abusive online activity.

Verisign’s recent experience with the U.S. government (NTIA and FDA) in combating illegal online opioid sales has been very helpful in illuminating a possible approach for third-party trusted notifier engagement. As noted, we have also benefited from direct engagement with the Internet Watch Foundation and law enforcement in combating CSAM. These recent examples of third-party engagement have underscored the value of a well-formed and executed notification regime, supported by clear expectations, due diligence and due process.

Discussions around trusted notifiers and an appropriate framework for engagement are under way, and Verisign recently engaged with other registries and registrars to lead the development of such a framework for further discussion within the ICANN community. We have significant expertise and experience as an infrastructure provider within our areas of technical, legal and contractual responsibility, and we are aggressive in protecting our operations from bad actors. But in matters related to illegal or abusive content, we need and value contributions from third parties to appropriately identify such behavior when supported by necessary evidence and due diligence. Precisely how such third-party notifications can be formalized and supported at scale is an open question, but one that requires further exploration and work. Verisign is committed to continuing to contribute to these ongoing discussions as we work to mitigate illegal and abusive threats to the security, stability and resiliency of the internet.


Over the last several years, DNS abuse and DNS-related security threat mitigation has been a very important topic of discussion in and around the ICANN community. In cooperation with ICANN, contracted parties, and other groups within the ICANN community, the DNS ecosystem including Verisign has been constructively engaged in developing a common understanding and practical work to advance these efforts, with a goal of meaningfully reducing the level and impact of malicious activity in the DNS. In addition to its contractual compliance functions, ICANN’s contributions have been important in helping to advance this important work and it continues to have a critical coordination and facilitation function that brings the ICANN community together on this important topic. The ICANN community’s recent focus on DNS abuse has been helpful, significant progress has been made, and more work is needed to ensure continued progress in mitigating DNS security threats. As we look ahead to 2022, we are committed to collaborating constructively with ICANN and the ICANN community to deliver on these important goals.

The post Ongoing Community Work to Mitigate Domain Name System Security Threats appeared first on Verisign Blog.

Can Thieves Steal Identities With Only a Name and Address?

By Natalie Maxfield

Can thieves steal identities with only a name and address?  

In short, the answer is “no.” Which is a good thing, as your name and address are in fact part of the public record. Anyone can get a hold of them. However, because they are public information, they are still tools that identity thieves can use.   

If you think of your identity as a jigsaw puzzle, your name and address are the first two pieces that they can use to build a bigger picture and ultimately put your identity at risk.   

With that, let’s look at some other key pieces of your identity that are associated with your name and address—and what you can do to protect them.  

For starters, this information is so general that it is of little value in of itself to an identity thief. Yet a determined identity thief can do a bit of legwork and take a few extra steps to use them as a springboard for other scams.  

For example, with your name and address a thief could:  

Research public databases for further pieces of information about you.  

There are volumes of public information that are readily available should someone want to add some more pieces to your identity jigsaw puzzle, such as:  

  • How long you’ve lived in your current home, what you paid for it, and what it’s valued at today.  
  • If you’re a registered voter and if you voted in a recent election. (Not how you voted, though!)  
  • Also, if you’re a veteran or the owner of a cat or dog (through pet licenses).  

In the U.S., the availability of such information will vary from state-to-state and different levels of government may have different regulations about what information gets filed—in addition to whether and how those reports are made public. Globally, different nations and regions will collect varying amounts of public information and have their own regulations in place as well. More broadly, though, many of these public databases are now online. Consequently, accessing them is easier than the days when getting a hold of that information required an in-person visit a library or public office.  

Get yet more personal information about you from online data brokers. 

Thieves can gain additional information about you from other online sources, such as data brokers. And data brokerage is a big business, a global economy estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars a year. What fuels it? Personal information, representing thousands of data points on billions of people scraped from public records, social media, smartphone apps, shopper loyalty cards, third-party sources, and sometimes other data broker sites as well.   

The above-the-board legal intent of data broker sites is to sell that information to advertisers so that they can create highly targeted campaigns based on people’s behaviors, travels, interests, and even political leanings. Others such as law enforcement officials, journalists, and others who are conducting background checks will use them too. 

On the dark side, hackers, scammers, and thieves will buy this information as well, which they can use to commit identity theft and fraud. The thing is, data brokers will sell to anyone. They don’t discriminate.  

Send you phishing attacks and scams by physical mail.  

Phishing attacks aren’t just for email, texts, and direct messages. In fact, thieves are turning to old tricks via old-fashioned physical mail. That includes sending phony offers or by impersonating officials of government institutions, all designed to trick you into giving up your personally identifiable information (PII).   

What might that look like in your mailbox? They can take the form of bogus lottery prizes that request bank information for routing (non-existent) winnings. Another favorite of scammers are bogus tax notifications that demand immediate payment. In all, many can look quite convincing at first blush, yet there are ready ways you can spot them. In fact, many of the tips for avoiding these physical mail phishing attacks are the same for avoiding phishing attacks online, which we outline in detail here.   

Redirect your physical mail, essentially committing mail fraud.  

Recently, I’ve seen a few news stories like this where thieves reportedly abuse the change-of-address system with the U.S. Postal Service. Thieves will simply forward your mail to an address of their choosing, which can drop sensitive information like bank and credit card statements in their mailbox. From there, they could potentially have new checks sent to them or perhaps an additional credit card—both of which they can use to drain your accounts and run up your bills.  

The Postal Service has mechanisms in place to prevent this, however. Among which, the Postal Service will send you a physical piece of mail to confirm the forwarding. So, if you ever receive mail from the Postal Service, open it and give it a close look. If you get such a notice and didn’t order the forwarding, visit your local post office to get things straightened out. Likewise, if it seems like you’re missing bills in the mail, that’s another good reason to follow up with your post office and the business in question to see if there have been any changes made in your mail forwarding.   

Protecting your good name (and identity too)  

So while your name and address are out there for practically all to see, they’re largely of little value to an identity thief on their own. But as mentioned above, they are key puzzle pieces to your overall identity. With enough of those other pieces in hand, that’s where an identity thief can cause trouble.  

Other crucial pieces of your identity include:   

Your Social Security Number or tax ID number:  

Let’s start with the biggest one. This is the master key to your identity, as it is one of the most unique identifiers you have. As I covered in my earlier blog on Social Security fraud, a thief can unlock everything from credit history and credit line to tax refunds and medical care with your Social Security or tax ID number. In extreme cases, they can use it to impersonate you for employment, healthcare, and even in the event of an arrest.   

You can protect your Social Security Number by keeping it locked in a safe place (rather than in your wallet) and by providing your number only when absolutely necessary. For more tips on keeping your number safe, drop by that blog on Social Security fraud I mentioned.  

Your passport and driver’s license:  

Thieves have figured out ways of getting around the fact that IDs like these include a photo. They may be able to modify or emulate these documents “well enough” to pull off certain types of fraud, particularly if the people requesting their bogus documents don’t review them with a critical eye.  

Protecting yourself in this case means knowing where these documents are at any time. (With passports, you may want to store those securely like your Social Security or tax ID number.) Also be careful when you share this information, as the identifiers on these documents are highly unique. If you’re uncomfortable with sharing this information, you can ask if other forms of ID might work—or if this information is really needed at all. Also, take a moment to make copies of these documents and store them in a secure place. This can help you provide important info to the proper authorities if they’re lost or stolen.   

Your card and account information:  

With data breaches large and small making the news (and many more that do not), keeping a sharp eye on your accounts is a major part of identity theft prevention. We talk about this topic quite often, and it’s worth another mention because protecting these means protecting yourself from thieves who’re after direct access to your finances and more.   

Secure your digital accounts for banking, credit cards, financials, and shopping by using strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts that you change every 60 days. Sound like a lot of work? Let a password manager do it for you, which you can find in comprehensive online protection software. By changing your strong passwords and keeping them unique can help prevent you from becoming a victim if your account information is part of a breach—by the time a crook attempts to use it, you may have changed it and made it out of date.  

Extra steps for extra identity protection   

In addition to protecting the core forms of identity mentioned above, a few other good habits go a long way toward keeping your identity secure.  

1. Install and use online protection software

By protecting your devices, you protect what’s on them, like your personal information. Comprehensive online protection software can protect your identity in several ways, like creating and managing the strong, unique passwords we talked about and providing further services that monitor and protect your identity—in addition to digital shredders that can permanently remove sensitive documents (simply deleting them won’t do that alone.) Further, it can monitor your identity and monitor your credit, further protecting you from theft and fraud.

2. Shred your stuff

Identity theft where thieves dig through trash or go “dumpster diving” for literal scraps of personal info in bills and statements, has been an issue for some time. You can prevent it by shredding up any paper medical bills, tax documents, and checks once you’re through with them. Paper shredders are inexpensive, and let’s face it, kind of fun too. Also, if you’re traveling, have a trusted someone collects your mail or have the post office put a temporary hold on your mail. Thieves still poach mail from mailboxes too. 

3. Go paperless

Getting statements online cuts the paper out of the equation and thus removes another thing that a thief can physically steal and possibly use against you. Whether you use electronic statements through your bank, credit card company, medical provider, or insurance company, use a secure password and a secure connection provided by a VPN. Both will make theft of your personal info far tougher on identity thieves. 

4. Use a VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network, a service that protects your data and privacy online. It creates an encrypted tunnel to keep you more anonymous online by masking your IP address, device information, and the data you’re passing along that connection. In this way, it makes if far more difficult for advertisers, data brokers, and bad actors to skim your private information—in addition to shielding your information from crooks and snoops while you’re banking, shopping, or handling any kind of sensitive information online. 

5. Monitor your accounts

Give your statements a close look each time they come around. While many companies and institutions have fraud detection mechanisms in place, they don’t always catch every instance of fraud. Look out for strange purchases or charges and follow up with your bank or credit card company if you suspect fraud. Even the smallest charge could be a sign that something shady is afoot. 

6. Check your credit report

This is a powerful tool for spotting identity theft. And in many cases, it’s free to do so. In the U.S., the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the major credit agencies to provide you with a free credit check at least once every 12 months. Canada provides this service, and the UK has options to receive free reports as well, along with several other nations. It’s a great idea to check your credit report, even if you don’t suspect a problem. 

7. Remove your personal data from data broker sites 

If the thought of your personal info being bought and sold puts you off, there’s something you can do about it. Our Personal Data Cleanup service can scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites, and with select products, it can even manage the removal for you. ​

Your name and address are just two pieces of a larger puzzle  

While thieves need more than just your name and address to commit the overwhelming majority of fraud, your name and address are centerpieces of the larger jigsaw puzzle that is your overall identity.   

And the interesting thing is your puzzle gets larger and larger as time goes on. With each new account you create and service that you sign into, that’s one more piece added to the puzzle. Thieves love getting their hands on any pieces they can because with enough of them in place they can try and pull a fast one in your name. By looking after each piece and knowing what your larger jigsaw puzzle looks like, you can help keep identity thieves out of your business and your life. 

The post Can Thieves Steal Identities With Only a Name and Address? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Kaseya ransomware suspect nabbed in Poland, $6m seized from absent colleague

By Naked Security writer
Suspects nabbed, millions seized, in ransomware busts across the globe.

How to Check if Someone is Using Your Identity

By McAfee

A good time to check if someone is using your identity is before it even happens. 

One of identity theft’s several downsides is how people discover they’ve become a victim in the first place—by surprise. They go to rent an apartment, open a line of credit, or apply for financing, only to discover that their finances or reputation has taken a hit because of identity thief.  

And those hits add up, particularly when you look at the dollars involved. In 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported $3.3 billion in financial losses from 4.7 million reported cases of fraud, a 45% increase over the year prior. Of those reports, identity theft was the leading fraud category, accounting for 29% of fraud incidents.  

What’s at risk?  

Plenty. Depending on the type and amount of information an identity thief gets their hands on, they can harm your finances and reputation in several ways, including: 

  • Open utility accounts in your name 
  • Use your credit cards for purchases 
  • Hijack your email 
  • Claim healthcare expenses under your insurance 
  • Steal your tax refund
  • Even use your identity when they’re arrested for a crime 

Rather than ending up with a rude and potentially costly surprise of your own, you can get ahead of thieves by checking to see if someone is using your identity before it’s a problem or before it really takes root. 

The Neiman Marcus breach: now is a good time to check your identity 

Major data breaches that expose personal information seem to hit the headlines with some regularity, not to mention the many, many more that don’t get national or international press coverage. Most recently we have the Neiman Marcus breach, where this major retailer alerted 4.6 million customers that “an unauthorized party obtained personal information associated with certain Neiman Marcus customers’ online accounts.”  

And as it is with many such breaches, it took quite some time before the theft of information was discovered. Per Neiman Marcus, it’s believed that the breach occurred in May 2020 and only discovered in September of 2021. Potentially compromised information included: 

  • Names and contact information 
  • Payment card numbers and expiration dates (without CVV numbers) 
  • Neiman Marcus virtual gift card numbers (without PINs) 
  • Usernames, passwords, and security questions of Neiman Marcus online accounts 

Whether or not you have reason to suspect that your information got caught up in this recent large-scale breach, it serves as a good reminder that any time is the right time to check up on your identity. Acting now can save headaches, potentially big headaches, later. 

How you can protect yourself from identity theft right now 

Quite a bit of identity theft prevention begins with taking stock of the accounts and services you have in your name. This ranges anywhere from bank accounts to public utilities and from credit cards to loans, all of which contain varying degrees of personal information about you. With a sense of where your personal identity is being used, you can better look for instances where it’s being misused. 

Ways you can spot for possible identity theft include: 

Track your bills and when they are due. 

If you stop receiving a bill that normally comes to you, such as a utility bill or for a department store credit card, that could be a sign that a thief has changed the mailing address and has potentially hijacked your identity. 

Check your statements and accounts for irregularities.

This is rather straightforward, yet it reminds us how important it is to look at our statements closely. Charges that you didn’t ring up or that seem slightly higher than normal are a surefire sign that you should follow up with the bank or company involved and let them know of possible fraud. 

Review your credit reports. 

In the U.S., you have annual access to free credit reports from the major credit reporting agencies. Not only will this give you a sense of your credit score, but it will also show the credit that’s open in your name, along with addresses associated with your identity. Spotting an account that you haven’t signed up for or seeing an address of a residence that you’re not renting are other common signs that your identity may have been compromised. 

Sign up for credit monitoring services. 

With the number of accounts many of us have these days, a credit monitoring service can help you stay on top of what’s happening in your name. Often offered through banks, credit unions, and even insurance providers, credit monitoring can alert you in several instances, including: 

  • When a company checks your credit history. 
  • If new loan or credit card appears in your name. 
  • Changes in your address or phone number. 

Overall, credit monitoring can act as another set of eyes for you and spot potential identity issues. Different services provide different levels of monitoring, so consider reviewing a few options to find the one that works best for you. 

Consider an identity protection service.

One like our own Identity Protection Service will monitor several types of personally identifiable information, alert you of potentially stolen personal info, and offer guided help to neutralize the threat—in addition to offering several preventative steps to help keep theft from happening in the first place. With this set up on your computers and smartphone you can stay in the know and address issues immediately. 

Five extra steps for preventing identity theft 

Along with keeping an eye on what’s happening with your identity online and elsewhere, there are a few more things you can do to make it tougher for thieves to steal your identity. 

1) Protect your digital files and devices. 

Given all the banking and shopping we do on our computers and phones, installing and using comprehensive online protection software is a must these days. It puts several layers of security in place, such as creating complex passwords automatically, shielding credit card info from prying eyes, and protecting your privacy and data online by connecting with a VPN. In short, online protection software acts as a solid first line of defense. 

2) Protect your accounts with strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. 

As mentioned above, comprehensive online protection software often includes a password manager that can generate strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts and remember them for you. It’s extra protection that makes life a lot easier for you by managing all the accounts you’re juggling. Also, use MFA (multi-factor authentication) on the accounts that give you the option, which makes it harder for a thief to crack your accounts with a password alone. 

3) Shred sensitive documents when you’re done with them. 

Sensitive documents come in all forms. Top-of-the-line examples include things like tax returns, bank statements, and financial records. Yet there are also things like your phone and utility bills, statements from your doctor’s office, and offers that come to you via mail. Together, these things can contain personal information such as account numbers, your full Social Security Number, the last four digits of your Social Security Number (which can still be useful to thieves), and other information that may uniquely identify you. You’ll want to dispose of sensitive documents like these so that they can’t be harvested by hackers. 

For physical documents, consider the low-cost investment of a paper shredder to help ensure they don’t fall into the wrong hands when you are done with them. (And let’s face it, they’re fun to use!) For digital documents, simply deleting a file is not enough – online protection software is a great resource that often includes a digital document shredder, designed to render the data practically unusable when you’re ready to trash the file. 

4) Keep your Social Security Number to yourself. 

Your Social Security Number is one of the most prized possessions a thief can run away with because it is so closely associated with you and things like your tax returns, employment, and so on. Keep it stored in a safe location rather than on your person or in your wallet. Likewise, be careful about giving out your SSN. While organizations like the IRS, your bank, and employer require it, there are other organizations who do not—but may ask for it anyway. (Doctor’s offices are a prime example.) If you get such a request, ask them what they intend to use it for and then ask if another form of identification will work instead.  

5) Keep an eye out for phishing attacks. 

Phishing attacks are one of the primary ways identity thieves steal personal information. Whether they come via a direct message, on social media, or through email, text, or phone calls, thieves use them to harvest your personal info by posing as a legitimate organization—such as in this recent IRS phishing scam. Phishing is a topic all unto itself, and you can check out this quick read to see how you can spot phishing scams and protect yourself from them. 

No surprises 

Like any criminal, identity thieves do their dirtiest work in the shadows—quietly stealing money under your nose, or worse, as we outlined above. By shining a light on your identity and keeping regular track of what’s happening with it, you can spot unusual activity right away. Even the small stuff is important. A co-worker of mine once saw an incorrect address listed on his credit report. Turned out, that address was used to rack up several large charges at a retailer, which he was able to fix with the aid of the credit reporting agency and the retailer in question.  

No doubt about it. Identity theft is indeed on the rise, and your best bet to avoid such a nasty surprise is to keep an eye on your digital identity the same way you keep an eye on your actual wallet. 

The post How to Check if Someone is Using Your Identity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Before You Download: Steer Clear of Malicious Android Apps

By Natalie Maxfield

You may have heard the news that more than 300,000 Android users unknowingly downloaded banking trojan apps from the Google Play Store, malicious apps which bypassed the store’s security detections to install malware. 

This news comes from a security report that found these trojans cleverly posed as apps that people commonly search for, such as QR code scanners, fitness apps, and a bevy of other popular types of utilities. In fact, these phony apps contain trojans that are designed to steal banking information, harvest keystrokes as you enter account info, and even grab screenshots of what you’re doing on your phone.  

The trick with this malware is that it only activates after it is installed, which may or may not be apparent to the user. For the malware to activate, it requires an extra step, such as an in-app update (not through the Play Store), which then downloads the payload of malware onto the phone. In many cases, the bogus apps force users to make this update once the app is downloaded.  

So, while the apps that appeared in the Play Store may not have contained malware, they deliver the payload onto the user’s phone post-purchase from other servers, which is a reason why these malicious apps have not been readily flagged.   

All of this is just one more way hackers have found to infect smartphones with malware. 

It’s no wonder that they target smartphones. They’re loaded with personal info and photos, in addition to credentials for banking and payment apps, all of which are valuable to loot or hold for ransom. Add in other powerful smartphone features like cameras, microphones, and GPS, and a compromised phone may allow a hacker to:  

  • Snoop on your current location and everyday travels.  
  • Hijack your passwords to social media, shopping, and financial accounts. 
  • Drain your wallet by racking up app store purchases or tapping into payment apps. 
  • Read your text messages or steal your photos.  

All of that adds up to one thing—a great, big “no thanks!”  

So how do these sorts of malicious apps work? By posing as legitimate apps, they can end up on your phone and gain broad, powerful permissions to files, photos, and functionality—or sneak in code that allows cybercriminals to gather personal info. As a result, that can lead to all kinds of headaches, ranging from a plague of popup ads to costly identity theft.  

Here are a few recent examples of malicious apps in the news:   

  • Fake ad-blocking programs that ironically serve up ads instead.  
  • Phony VPN apps that charge a subscription and offer no protection in return.  
  • Utility apps that hijack system privileges and permissions, which expose users to further attacks.  

Again, “no thanks!” So, let’s see about steering clear of malicious apps like these.  

Seven steps to safer mobile app downloads  

The good news is that there are ways you can spot these imposters. Major app marketplaces like Google Play and Apple’s App Store do their part to keep their virtual shelves free of malware, as reported by Google and Apple themselves. Still, cybercriminals can find ways around these efforts. (That’s what they do, after all!) So, a little extra precaution on your part will help you stay safer. These steps can help:  

1) Keep an eye on app permissions  

Another way cyber criminals weasel their way into your device is by getting permissions to access things like your location, contacts, and photos—and they’ll use sketchy apps to do it. (Consider the long-running free flashlight app scams mentioned above that requested up to more than 70 different permissions, such as the right to record audio, video, and access contacts.) So, pay close attention to what permissions the app is requesting when you’re installing it. If it’s asking for way more than you bargained for, like a simple game wanting access to your camera or microphone, it may be a scam. Delete the app and find a legitimate one that doesn’t ask for invasive permissions like that.   

Additionally, you can check to see what permissions an app may request before downloading the app. In Google Play, scroll down the app listing and find “About this app.” From there, click “App permissions,” which will provide you with an informative list. In the iOS App Store, scroll down to “App Privacy” and tap “See Details” for a similar list. If you’re curious about permissions for apps that are already on your phone, iPhone users can learn how to allow or revoke app permissions here, and Android can do the same here 

2) Be wary of apps that prompt you for an in-app update 

While some apps (like games) rely on downloadable content from within the app, look out for apps that prompt you for an immediate update directly from the app. For the most part, the app you download from the store should be the most recent version and not require an update. Likewise, update your phone through the app store, not the app itself, which can help you avoid malware-based attacks like these.  

3) Review with a critical eye 

As with so many attacks, cybercriminals rely on people clicking links or tapping “download” without a second thought. Before you download, take time to do some quick research, which may uncover a few signs that the app is malicious. Check out the developer—have they published several other apps with many downloads and good reviews? A legit app typically has quite a few reviews, whereas malicious apps may have only a handful of (phony) five-star reviews. Lastly, look for typos and poor grammar in both the app description and screenshots. They could be a sign that a hacker slapped the app together and quickly deployed it.  

4) Go with a strong recommendation  

Even better than combing through user reviews yourself is getting a recommendation from a trusted source, like a well-known publication or from app store editors. In this case, much of the vetting work has been done for you by an established reviewer. A quick online search like “best fitness apps” or “best apps for travelers” should turn up articles from legitimate sites that can suggest good options and describe them in detail before you download.  

5) Avoid third-party app stores 

Unlike Google Play and Apple’s App Store, which have measures in place to review and vet apps to help ensure that they are safe and secure, third-party sites may not have that process in place. In fact, some third-party sites may intentionally host malicious apps as part of a broader scam. Granted, cybercriminals have found ways to work around Google and Apple’s review process, yet the chances of downloading a safe app from them are far greater than anywhere else. Furthermore, both Google and Apple are quick to remove malicious apps once discovered, making their stores that much safer.  

6) Protect your smartphone with security software  

With all that we do on our phones, it’s important to get security software installed on them, just like we do on our computers and laptops. Whether you go with comprehensive security software that protects all of your devices or pick up an app in Google Play or Apple’s iOS App Store, you’ll have malware, web, and device security that’ll help you stay safe on your phone.   

7) Update your phone’s operating system  

Hand-in-hand with installing security software is keeping your phone’s operating system up to date. Updates can fix vulnerabilities that cybercriminals rely on to pull off their malware-based attacks—it’s another tried and true method of keeping yourself safe and your phone running in tip-top shape.  

Stay on guard against mobile malware  

Here are a few more things you can do:   

Lastly, you can always ask yourself, “Do I really need this app?” One way to avoid malicious mobile apps is to download fewer apps overall. If you’re unsure if that free game is on the up-and-up or if the offer for that productivity app sounds a little too good, skip it. Look for a better option or pass on the idea altogether. As said earlier, cybercriminals really rely on us clicking and downloading without thinking. Staying on guard against mobile malware will cost you a few moments of your time, which is minimal compared to the potential costs of a hacked phone. 

The post Before You Download: Steer Clear of Malicious Android Apps appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Stay on top of your online security with our Protection Score

By McAfee

How protected am I online? 

Customers often ask us some version of this question. It’s a good question and in the past, there was no direct answer – only recommendations. For instance, we recommend online protection that goes beyond antivirus to include identity and privacy protection, as well as promoting safety best practices like using multi-factor authentication. We wondered if there was a simpler and easier way to advise customers how to better protect themselves. 

A recent survey shows how important online security has become to consumers. We found that 74% of you have concerns about keeping your information private online.  57% want to be more in control of their personal info online. And, since the pandemic started, 47% of online consumers feel unsafe compared to 29%. Simply put, customers are more conscious of their safety online than ever before, and eager to play an active role in their protection. 

It’s time for a new approach – meet the Protection Score. 

What is Protection Score? 



If you’re thinking this looks like a credit, fitness, sleep, or any of the other scores we now use to visualize and quantify aspects of our life, you’re on the right track. 

Your personalized Protection Score is a measure of your security online. The higher your score, the safer you are online. Your score will highlight any weaknesses in your security and help you fix them with easy step-by-step instructions. We’ll also let you know which features haven’t been setup so you can get the most out of your protection. 

Protection Score is the simple way to understand and act on your online security 

When we developed Protection Score the idea was to give customers a simple solution to better protect themselves and get the most from their subscription, including security tips to protect their identity, privacy, and devices, while also improving their online habits. We wanted it to be easy for anyone to: 

  • Protect any weak spots – Personalized feedback helps you improve your security and address any data breaches. 
  • See how safe you are online – Measure the strength of your online protection with a real-time evaluation. 
  • Make protection easy – Simple instructions make it easy to setup your protection so you can get the most out of your subscription. 
  • Get the most out of your subscription – Make sure you’re fully utilizing your McAfee security—we’ll let you know which features haven’t been setup. 

How do I improve my Protection Score? 

Now that we’ve talked about Protection Score generally, let’s look at how it works in practice. Your score is based on a few things, including setting up your McAfee protection, strengthening your security with our safety recommendations, and ensuring your personal info is safely monitored with Identity Protection.  

For example, if your information is exposed in a data breach your score may drop, but you can improve it by following our easy-to-follow remediation steps. Once you’ve completed those steps your score will go back up and you can be confident knowing you’re better protected online. 

A perfect score does not mean you’re perfectly safe, but it does mean that you’re doing an excellent job of preventing and managing risks. 

Why should I care about Protection Score? 

Your Protection Score is a great way to understand how safe you are at a glance. Additionally, improving your score ensures your life online is being protected by many of the safety features and benefits McAfee has to offer. For instance, the subscriber, John Smith, can see they’re fairly safe based on their score. However, it isn’t a perfect score and there are a few actions they could still take to improve it. In this case, adding their email and phone number to dark web monitoring – a crucial step in protecting their personally identifiable information online. 

Where can I find my Protection Score? 

Protection Score can be easily accessed* from your browser of choice on any device so you can review our guidance and take steps to improve your score from wherever you are. McAfee’s Protection Score is a first for the cybersecurity industry, but we’re not stopping there. We’re going to continue to improve the feature by adding more personalization and accessibility so you can enjoy your life online knowing exactly how protected you are.  

*Note that Protection Score is currently live in the US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. 

The post Stay on top of your online security with our Protection Score appeared first on McAfee Blog.

5 Online Gaming Tips to Stay Safe From Hackers

By McAfee
antivirus for gaming

For some, vanquishing aliens, building virtual amusement parks, and online battles royale are an excellent stress reliever. As we all know, over the past year there’s been plenty of stress to relieve and more spare time on our hands in which to revel in our hobbies. There was a 30% jump in online gaming traffic from the first to the second quarter of 2020. 

Hackers are taking advantage of highly trafficked online gaming portals to make a profit on the dark web. The next time you log on to your virtual world of choice, consider these recent video game breaches and up your gamer security, which could include an antivirus for gaming.  

Recent Game Hacks

Between 2019 and 2020, web attacks on gaming companies rocketed up 340%, according to Akamai. Hackers have targeted several high-profile gaming companies recently with various motives. First, game source code was stolen from Electronic Arts to sell on the dark web. Developers shopping the dark web use stolen source codes to reverse-engineer popular games or copy the code into their own game. Capcom and CD Projekt Red were hit by ransomware attacks only a few months apart from each other, one attack focused on company financial information and the other on source code. 

“Titan Fall” and “Apex Legends” have both been hacked to the point where the former is unplayable, according to many gamers. To protest “Titanfall’s” developers’ inaction, gamers took to “Apex Legends,” altering in-game messages. The apparent ease with which hackers can walk into online gaming portals requires that game developers and gamers themselves pay more attention to their security. 

Online PC gaming allows players to use real-world money to purchase valuable upgrades to their characters. These characters receive admiration from some fellow players. Others feel greed. Advanced characters can fetch a lot of money on the dark web, so some cybercriminals practice credential stuffing to force their way into player accounts and steal ownership. Credential stuffing is a type of brute force attack where hackers take informed guesses at username and password combinations. A strong password or passphrase is essential to keeping your account and investment safe from a dark web fate. 

Why Are Video Games Hacked?

Based on the above recent hacks, it is clear that gaming companies host a trove of valuable information. Gamers trust these platforms with their payment information and with the safety of their gaming characters on which they spend thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars upgrading, making gaming a lucrative target for hackers. 

Another way cybercriminals target gamers is through malware disguised as an advantage. Cheat software for online games is common as players strive to be the best out of thousands. Advantage seekers for “Call of Duty: Warzone” were targeted by a malware scam. The malware creators advertised the “cheat software” on YouTube with instructions on how to download it. The video received thousands of views and hundreds of comments, which made it look legitimate. 

One of the steps in installing the “cheat software” was that users had to disable antivirus programs and firewalls. Users let the cybercriminals walk right into their device! From there, the device was infected by an aggressive type of fileless malware called a dropper. A dropper doesn’t download a malicious file onto the device; rather, it creates a direct pathway to deliver an additional payload, such as credential-stealing malware. 

Gamer Security Tips

Competitive gaming is, well, competitive. So, if you invest a lot of real money into your characters, be especially vigilant and follow these five important tips to protect your online accounts. 

  1. Do not reveal personal information 

It’s common for gamers to use variations of their real names and birthdates in their public-facing usernames. Don’t use your real name or birthdate in your username. Consider using a nickname or a combination of random numbers instead. Along this same vein, don’t reveal personal details about yourself (phone number, birthday, places you visit regularly) on chats or streams. Lurking cybercriminals can gather these personal details to impersonate you. 

  1. Edit your privacy settings  

On some online PC games, you can join campaigns with gamers from all over the world. While the interconnectivity is great, carefully vet who you allow to follow your online profile. If a stranger sends a friend request out of the blue, be on alert. They could have nefarious motives, such as phishing for valuable personal data. It’s best to customize your privacy settings to make your profile invisible to strangers.  

  1. Don’t pirate games or download cheat software

Developers spend a lot of time creating amazing games, so make sure you purchase games legally and play them as they are intended. Be especially wary of free downloads or pirated versions and cheat software, as they’re likely too good to be true. Instead, go for a challenge and have fun with the game as it’s written.  

  1. Log in with a VPN

virtual private network (VPN) scrambles your online data traffic, making it impossible for hackers to access your IP address and spy on your online browsing. 

  1. Sign up for gaming antivirus software 

Gaming antivirus software not only makes your online gaming experience more secure, but it can boost your rig’s performance! McAfee Gamer Security detects threats through the cloud and optimizes resources to minimize frame drops. 

The post 5 Online Gaming Tips to Stay Safe From Hackers appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

What is a VPN and Can it Hide My IP Address?

By McAfee

There’s a lot of misinformation about Virtual Private Networks, what they do, and the security benefits they offer. For this article, I’d like to do some myth-busting about how a VPN actually works and why you should use one. 

What is a VPN and how does it protect me? 

VPN is an app that you install on your device to help keep your personal data safe as you browse the internet  

You may have heard that VPN apps live on your device and allow you to connect to the internet securely. What that means is, when you turn your VPN app on, your device makes a secure connection to a specialized computer that routes internet traffic, called a VPN server. You also may have heard that your connection is “wrapped in an encrypted tunnel” which means your device and the server share a secure connection so only you can see what you’re doing on the internet. 

Does a VPN change my IP address? 

Every internet connection (like your cable modem) is assigned a unique set of numbers called an IP address, which is tied to information such as geographic location, ISP, etc. A VPN replaces your actual IP address to make it look like you’ve connected to the internet from a different location: the physical location of the VPN server, rather than your real location. This is just one reason why so many people use VPNs. This can be handy when you want to hide from advertising trackers or protect your search history.  

How to use a VPN to change my IP address 

To change your IP address, you simply open your VPN app, select the server location you’d like to connect to, and you’re done. You’re now browsing with a new IP address. If you’d like to make sure your IP has changed, open up a browser and search for “What’s my IP address” and click on one of the results. 

When should I use a VPN? 

When to use a VPN really depends on what you want it for. For example, 39% of users understand public Wi-Fi is unsafe but still do sensitive things, like banking or shopping on public WiFi, so using a VPN when you’re at the airport, or a café is a great use case. 

As I mentioned before, a lot of people use a VPN for privacy reasons, like stopping advertisers from tracking them. Searches you perform, or websites you visit won’t be trackable, which means you’ll be able to surprise your spouse with a vacation you researched and planned on a computer you both use. Targeted ads could spoil things if your spouse is bombarded with ads for plane tickets and hotels while they browse. 

Can a VPN protect my search history? 

A VPN protects your search history through the secure connection you share. When you search for a website, or type a URL into your navigation bar, your device sends something called a DNS request, which translates the website into the IP address of the web server; this is how your browser can find the website and serve its content to you. By encrypting your DNS requests, a VPN can hide your search habits and history from those that might use that info as part of building a profile of you. This type of info could be used in a wide variety of ways, from legitimately serving targeted ads to nefarious social engineering.  

Can a VPN protect my identity? 

A VPN can protect your identity by blocking online trackers from following you around the internet. With your VPN on, trackers will think all of your browsing is coming from a different device in a different location. This throws off the profile advertisers try to build because they think you’re someone else. 

Another way a VPN can protect your identity is by preventing some types of hacking. Stopping attacks on public WiFi where a bad actor tries to get between you and the website you’re visiting, is just one way VPNs can help. It’s called a Man-in-the-Middle attack, but that’s a subject for another article. 

Does a VPN make me anonymous? 

No, a VPN cannot make you anonymous. They help secure what you’re doing, but your ISP still knows when you’re using the internet. They just can’t see what you’re doing, what sites you visit, or how long you’ve been on a site. 

Do I need a VPN if I use Incognito mode? 

Private browsing modes can help protect your privacy, but they’re useful if you share a device with other people and you don’t want them to see your search history. You can read all about the differences in the article I wrote a little while ago. 

What is Apple Private Relay? 

Apple’s Private Relay is currently in Beta and will be available with an iCloud+ subscription for Safari users on iOS and macOS soon. Private Relay is similar to a VPN in that it changes your IP address so websites you visit can’t tell exactly where you are.  

What does Apple Private Relay do? 

When you turn Private Relay on, your device connects to a server that sends your browsing data to a second server, before it travels through the internet. The reason for the double hop is that first server gives you a new IP address, to make you harder to track, while the second server hides that information from the website you’re browsing. The first server only knows your original IP address, while the second server only knows what you’re browsing, but not your IP. 

How to turn on Apple Private Relay on iPhone 

  1. Tap the iCloud tab in Settings 
  2. Tap Private Relay to turn it On 
  3. Scroll down and tap on Turn On for Safari 
  4. Tap IP Address Location to change Approximate or Broader Location 

How to turn on Apple Private Relay on Mac 

  1. Click on iCloud in the System Preferences menu 
  2. Click on the Private Relay box 
  3. Click on the Options button 
  4. Click on Private Relay for Safari 
  5. Choose your IP Address Location to change Approximate or Broader Location 

Do I need a VPN if I have Apple Private Relay? 

Private Relay only works with Safari on iOS and macOS. Even if you are using an Apple device, a VPN is still a good idea because it will protect the information that your device sends outside of Safari. 

How to get your own VPN 

If you’re already a McAfee Total Protection subscriber, you have access to unlimited VPN usage. Protect your personal information, like your banking information and credit cards, from prying eyes with McAfee Total Protection’s Secure VPN. If you haven’t already signed up, now’s the perfect time. McAfee Total Protection provides security for all your devices, giving you peace of mind while you shop, bank, and browse online. 

What is a VPN

What is a VPN


The post What is a VPN and Can it Hide My IP Address? appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Small Businesses Save Up to 60% in McAfee and Visa Partnership

By McAfee

Small business owners are getting a special deal on their online protection through a partnership between McAfee and Visa. With new ways of working creating online opportunities and risks for small business owners, McAfee and Visa have come together to offer comprehensive protection for a changed business landscape. 

Designed to help you minimize costs and unexpected interruptions to your business, McAfee® Security for Visa cardholders provides award-winning antivirus, ransomware, and malware protection for all your company devices including PCs, smartphones, and tablets on all major platforms. Visa Small Business cardholders automatically save up to 40% with a 24-month package and up to 60% with a 12-month offer. 

Safety features include:  

  • Security for up to 25 Devices 
  • Antivirus 
  • Password Manager for up to 5 users 
  • Virtual Private Networks (VPN) for up to 5 devices 
  • Privacy Tools 

McAfee’s security savings bundle is also part of Visa’s commerce in a box initiative, which has launched in six U.S. cities (D.C., Detroit, Atlanta, Miami, Los Angeles and Chicago). This program features a curated selection of offers, discounts, and bundles from Visa’s and Visa partners designed to help small businesses with what they need to move their business forward digitally — from accepting digital payments and building an eCommerce site to marketing to their audience in new ways and providing online marketing tools to run and protect their business.

The post Small Businesses Save Up to 60% in McAfee and Visa Partnership appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Potentially Malicious Apps Your Kids May Use

By Toni Birdsong

It’s a question I get several times a year from anxious parents, either via a direct messagean email or even in line at the grocery store. It goes something like this: What’s the one thing you wish you’d done better when monitoring your kids’ technology?” 

Both of my kids are now young adults, and together, we survived a handful of digital mishaps. So, tend to have a few answers ready. I’ll go into one of those answers in this post, and here it is: I’d physically pick up their phone more often and ask questions about the apps I didn’t recognize.  

And here’s why.  

There are the apps on your child’s phone that are familiar. They are the easy ones. We know what color they are, what their graphic avatarlook like — the little ghost on the yellow background, the little bird, the camera on the bright purple and orange background. We may have gone through the app together or even use one or two of the apps ourselves. There’s Snapchat, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp, Kik, and Instagram, among othersThere are the mainstay photo apps (VSCO, Facetune, PicsArt) and games (The Sims, Fortnite, Minecraft)We may not like all the apps, but we’ve likely talked about the risks and feel comfortable with how your kids use them. With general recognition, it’s easy to have a false sense of security about what apps our kids are using 

Then, there are the apps on your child’s phone you know nothing about — and there are plenty. Rather than dismiss your concern because you don’t understand the app or because you may not have the energy to start an argumentnext time, think about pausing to take a closer look. If you have concerns, address them sooner rather than later.   

Questions to consider when analyzing an app or online community: 

  • What’s the goal of this app? Why was it created? 
  • What kind of community does this app attract?  
  • What is the age requirement? 
  • Are anonymous accounts allowed? 
  • What privacy settings does it have? 
  • Can kids run up charges on this app? 
  • Does the app require location information to use it? 
  • What red flags are people talking about (google it)?   
  • What do the app reviews say? What do non-profit advocacy groups such as Common Sense Media say about this app?  

Potentially Risky Apps, Community Forums 

Here are just a few of the non-mainstream apps that kids use that may not be on your radar but may need a second look. Note: Every app has the potential to be misused. The apps mentioned here are also used every day for connection, entertainment, and harmless fun. Here are just a few this author has had experience withand others commonly documented in the media.  

Quick Tip: It’s possible a child might bury an app inside a folder or behind other apps on their home screens, making it harder to findBy going into settings in either iOS (Settings > General > iPhone Storage) or Android (Google Play Store > Apps >All), you can usually get a quick view of all the apps that exist on a phone.  

  • Privacy, Safety Gaps 

Almost every app has privacy gaps if settings and monitoring are neglected. However, apps such as Live.Me, Game Pigeon, and Zoomerang (among many others) may have loopholes when it comes to age verification, location tracking, and gaps in personal data security. These gaps can give potential predators access to kids and increases opportunities for cyberbullying.  

Safe Family Tip: Sit down with your kids, go through any unfamiliar apps, and use parental controls to monitor all family device activity.   

  • Secrecy  

If a child wants to keep activity or content secret from a parent, they will likely find a way. Some of the apps kids use to hide games, photos, or texts are encryption apps (apps that scramble content to outside sources) such as WhatsApp, Proton VPNProtonMailTelegram, and Signal. Other secrecy apps are called vault apps (apps that can be disguised, hidden, or locked), such as Calculator, Vault, HideItPro, App Locker, and Poof.  

Safe Family Tip: If you find one of these apps on your child’s phone, stay calm. Kids want privacy, which is normal. However, if the content you see is risky, remind your child that no content is 100% private, even if it’s in a vault app. In addition, commit to the ongoing dialogue that strengthens trust and together, considers setting safety expectations for devices, which may include parental controls 

  • Geotagging  

Some apps, especially dating-type apps, require users to allow geotagging to connect you with people in your area. Yubo, which is an app like Tinder, is one your kids may be using that requires location to use it. Live.Me is another geotagging app.  

Safe Family Tip: Go over the reasons location apps (and dating apps) are dangerous with your child. Sharing their location and meeting In Real Life (IRL) has become the norm to many kids. Remind them of the risks of this kind of behavior and together, put new boundaries in place.  

  • Extremist Ideas 

The web is full of sketchy, dark pockets kids can stumble into. They can hear about a community forum or app from a friend and be wowed simply because it’s different and edgyWhile there are plenty of harmless conversations taking place on these apps, spaces such as Discord, Reddit, and Twitch have reportedly housed communities’ extreme ideologies that target vulnerable kids 

Safe Family Tip: Be aware of behavior changes. Talk with your kids about the wide range of ideals and agendas promoted online, how to think critically about conversations and content, and most importantly, how to spot these communities. 

  • Anonymous Profiles  

Anonymity online is problematic for a plethora of reasons. Apps such as Yolo, Tumblr, and TellonymOmegleYikYak, Whisper, LMK, MeetMe, are just a few of those apps to look for. Many of these apps are chat apps used to eventually meet up with new friends in real life (IRL). However, when apps allow anonymous accounts, it’s almost impossible to trace inappropriate content, threats, or bullying incidents.  

Safe Family Tip: Kids get excited about making friends and having new experiences— so much so, they can ignore potential consequences. Discuss issues that may arise (catfishing, sextortion, scams, bullying) when people hide behind anonymous names and profiles. If needed, give real examples from the news where these apps have been connected to tragic outcomes.   

  • Inflammatory Content  

Several apps and online communities have been connected to violence, hate content, intolerance, and fanaticism. A few of these sites include 4Chan, 8ChanAnyChanGab, SaidIt.Net, and 8Kun, among many others 

Safe Family Tip: Note any behavior changes in your child. Talk often about digital literacy and being a responsible publisher (and consumer) of media online.   

Staying in step with your child’s latest and greatest app affinity isn’t easy, and every parent makes mistakes in how they approach the task. However, kids of all ages (no matter how tech-savvy they are) need boundaries, expectations, and consistent and honest dialogue when it comes to digital habits and staying safe online. If you don’t know where to start (or start over), one first step is to start today and commit to staying aware of the digital risks out there. In addition, make time to have regular, open conversations with your child about their favorite apps — the ones you know about and the ones you may not.  

The post Potentially Malicious Apps Your Kids May Use appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Less Is More: Why One Antivirus Software Is All You Need

By Vishnu Varadaraj
Antivirus Software

Personal devices and the information they carry are incredibly valuable to their owners. It is only natural to want to protect your device like a royal family fortifying a medieval castle. Unlike medieval castles that depended upon layers and layers of protection (moats, drawbridges, spiky gates, etc.), personal devices thrive on just one defense: a devoted guard called antivirus software.  

Increasing your personal device’s security detail with more than one guard, or antivirus software is actually less effective than using a single, comprehensive option. Microsoft operating systems recognize the detriment of running two antivirus software programs simultaneously for real-time protection. Microsoft Windows automatically unregisters additional programs so they do not compete against each other. In theory, if you have a Microsoft device, you could run on-demand or scheduled scans from two different antivirus products without the operating system disabling one of them. But why invest in multiple software where one will do?  

If you do not have a Microsoft device, here is what could happen to your device if you run more than one antivirus program at a time, and why you should consider investing in only one top-notch product.  

Fight over potential viruses  

Antivirus programs want to impress you. Each wants to be the one to catch a virus and present you with the culprit, like a cat with a mouse. When antivirus software captures a virus, it locks it in a secure place to neutralize it. If you have two programs running simultaneously, they could engage in a tussle over who gets to scan, report, and remove the virus. This added activity could cause your computer to crash or use up your device’s memory.  

Report each other as suspicious  

Antivirus software quietly monitors and collects information about how your system runs, which is similar to how viruses operate. One software could mark the other as suspicious because real-time protection software is lurking in the background. So, while one antivirus program is busy blowing the whistle on the other, malicious code could quietly slip by.  

Additionally, users could be buried under a barrage of red flag notifications about each software reporting the other as suspicious. Some users become so distracted by the onslaught of notifications that they deactivate both programs or ignore notifications altogether, leaving the device vulnerable to real threats.  

Drain your battery and slow down your device  

Running one antivirus software does not drain your battery, and it can actually make your device faster. However, two antivirus programs will not double your operating speed. In fact, it will make it run much slower and drain your battery in the process. With two programs running real-time protection constantly in the background, device performance is extremely compromised.  

Antivirus software best practices 

There is no reason to invest in two antivirus programs when one solid software will more than do the trick to protect your device. Here are some best practices to get the most out of your antivirus software:  

1. Back up files regularly 

One habit you should adopt is backing up your files regularly. You never know when malware could hit and corrupt your data. Add it to your weekly routine to sync with the cloud and back up your most important files to an external hard drive.   

2. Keep your software up to date 

Whenever your software prompts you to install an update, do it! New cyber threats are evolving every day, and the best way to protect against them is to allow your software to stay as up-to-date as possible.  

3. Read the results reports    

Always read your antivirus results reports. These reports let you know the suspicious suspects your software was busy rounding up. It will give you a good idea of the threats your devices face and perhaps the schemes that you unknowingly fell into, such as clicking on a link in a phishing email. This information can also help you improve your online safety habits.  

Go with the single strongest antivirus, and more  

Everyone needs strong antivirus. Yet antivirus alone isn’t enough to beat back today’s threats. Hackers, scammers, and thieves rely on far more tricks than viruses and malware to wage their attacks, and data breaches slip billions of personal and financial records into the hands of bad actors. You’ll want to pair antivirus with further protection that covers your privacy and identity as well. 

For example the antivirus included with McAfee+ Ultimate can secure an unlimited number of household devices. Yet it offers far more than antivirus alone with our most comprehensive protection for your privacy, identity, and devices. The full list of features is long, yet you’ll get credit monitoring, dark web monitoring, removal of personal information from risky data broker sites, along with identity theft protection and restoration from a licensed expert if the unexpected happens. In all, it offers a single solution for antivirus, and far more that can protect you from the broad range of threats out there today. 

The post Less Is More: Why One Antivirus Software Is All You Need appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Seeking Reconnection: Internet Usage and the Return to Travel

By McAfee

Even as the internet kept us connected with family and friends during the pandemic, people remain understandably eager to reconnect in person as vaccines roll out and restrictions ease. In fact, people are making travel plans accordinglyNearly two-thirds (64%) of people worldwide said that they’re planning to travel for leisure this year. And, as always, they’re bringing their devices with them. 

These are a few of the top-line findings from our 2021 Consumer Security Mindset Report: Travel Edition, which garnered responses from more than 11,000 people aged 18 to 75 in eleven countries across North and South America, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific. More broadly, this survey provides insight into people’s plans and preferences for travel and how they view online security while travelingparticularly after relying heavily on the internet at home during the pandemic for more than a year. 

People are more connected and more protected in 2021 

Indeed, people feel more connected by the internet today than they did prior to the onset of COVID-19 with significant 76% of respondents stating as muchIn light of that increasing reliance on the internet, 61% reported implementing more protection for their devices, connected homes, and online activities in general. This was particularly the case in nations like India (86%), Mexico (79%), and Brazil (68%). However, other nations trended much lower than the average, such as the UK (47%) and France (34%). In the U.S., that figure was lower than the international trend with roughly half of the people implementing more protection. 

Internet security while traveling

People are planning on traveling once again 

Acalled out earlier, people are taking the first steps toward leisure travel once again. Only 12% of people in the U.S said that they were planning on traveling internationally compared to a global average of 16%, while nations like Singapore (30%), the UK (25%), and Germany (24%) trending well above the average. In contrast, the outlook for domestic leisure travel appears exceptionally strong, particularly for respondents in Australia (88%), India (79%) and the U.S. (77%) who plan to travel as such. 

The pandemic has shaped people’s views on where they’d like to stay, with 62% stating that their preference for lodging has changed this yearWell over one-third of respondents in the U.S., Australia, Indonesia, and Canada said that staying with family and friends as their preferred option. Globally speaking, hotel and motel accommodations topped the list at 41%. Vacation home rentals entered the mix as well with roughly 25% of respondents saying a rental was part of their plan. 

Current attitudes on connecting to Wi-Fi while traveling 

Yet how have attitudes changed toward connecting to networks outside of the home, particularly after the past year saw the majority of people improve their security at home? 

For a baseline, we found that 80% of respondents said that they’ve connected a device when visiting a home or place that is not their own. The devices they mentioned most include laptops, streaming devices, Bluetooth speakers, and gaming devices as well. To connect those devicesthey’ll use the home network of the friend’s or rental home where they’re staying (48%) or the network provided by the hotel where they’re staying (48%). And while in-between places, public Wi-Fi remains a popular means of network connection at 50%, along with airport Wi-Fi (41%) plus transit Wi-Fi (31%). Internet security while traveling

As to how secure people feel on those networks, the answer varies greatly. While people expect low risk or no risk at all on their home network (85%) or a friend’s home (73%), they’re far less apt to trust other networks. In general, they see Wi-Fi networks as most vulnerable to cyber threats than any other network or device at 68% and feel most at risk connecting to networks in hotels (25%) and rentals (21%).  

Despite these findings, only 47% people said they take the same online security measures that they take at home when they’re on holiday or vacation. Similarly, just 52% of people check if the network they are joining is secure before they connect. Of that, 22% say they don’t check because they feel the network poses no threat and another 26% say that they simply don’t know how to check. 

Protecting your computers and devices while you’re away 

As travel becomes an actual possibility for people once again, it’s an opportunity to remember just how important security is outside the home. Whether people are at home or away, there will be banking to do, chances to shop online, and moments to stream a few shows while at the airport or on the road. Protecting laptops and mobile devices for travel become extra important when using public, airport, and public Wi-Fi, as those networks can expose people to more threats than their home networks.  

With that, here are five things people can do to protect themselves and others while traveling: 

  1. Connect with caution. Be cautious when connecting to public Wi-Fi while on vacation and make sure the Wi-Fi is secure and attached to a trusted source. Ensure that you don’t conduct any financial transactions or share any personal details while on public Wi-Fi. 
  2. Look into using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN can provide bank-grade encryption that protects your data while you shop, bank, or simply surf online when connected to public Wi-Fi. 
  3. Consider a holistic security solution. Understand what tools are available to you in order to give you peace of mind that your identity and personal information across all of our devices are safeguarded this summer travel season. 
  4. Update your software. Before you travel, check for any software updates on your devices. Updates often fix security bugs in addition to adding features or providing performance boosts. 
  5. Keep devices protected and close. Distracted vacationers are the perfect target for thieves looking to steal devices—whether that’s a phone, laptop, tablet, or game. Ensure accounts have multi-factor authentication to double-check the authenticity of digital users in case the device gets in the wrong hands.

The post Seeking Reconnection: Internet Usage and the Return to Travel appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Fraudulent Apps that Automatically Charge you Money Spotted in Google Play

By Baker Nanduru

Google’s Android operating system has been a boon for the average consumer. No other operating system has given so much freedom to developers and hardware manufacturers to make quality devices at reasonable prices. The number of Android phones in the world is astounding. That success comes with a price, however.

A recent report from our own McAfee Mobile Research team has found malicious apps with hundreds of thousands of downloads in the Google Play store. This round of apps poses as simple wallpaper, camera filters, and picture editing, but they hide their nature till after they’ve been installed on your device.

Figure 1. Infected Apps on Google Play

On the bright side, Google Play performs a review for every app to ensure that they are legitimate, safe, and don’t contain malware before they’re allowed on the Play store. However, enterprising criminals regularly find ways to sneak malware past Google’s security checks.

Figure 2. Negative reviews on Google Play


How attackers sneak malware into the Play store.

When developers upload their apps to the Play store for approval, they have to send supporting documents that tell Google what the app is, what it does and what age group it’s intended for. By sending Google a “clean” version of their app, attackers can later get their malicious code into the store via a future update where it sits and waits for someone to download it. Once installed, the app contacts a remote server, controlled by the attackers, so it can download new parts of the app that Google has never seen. You can think of it as a malware add-on pack that installs itself on your device without you realizing it. By contacting their own server for the malware files, attackers sneak around Google security checks and can put anything they want on your device. 

What does the malware do? 

The current round of malware we’re seeing hijack your SMS messages so they can make purchases through your device, without your knowledge. Through a combination of hidden functionality and abuse of permissions like the ability to read notifications, that simple looking wallpaper app can send subscription requests and confirm them as if it were you. These apps will regularly run up large bills through purchasing subscriptions to premium rate services. The more troubling part is how they can read any message that you receive, possibly exposing your personal information to attackers. 

How can I protect myself? 

To start, a comprehensive and cross-platform solution like McAfee Total Protection can help detect threats like malware and alerts you if your devices have been infected. I’d also like to share some tips our Research team has shared with me. 

How to spot suspicious apps before you install them 

1. Check the reviews 

Before you hit that install button, take a good look at an app’s reviews. Do they look like they were written by real people? Do the account names of the reviewers make sense? Are people leaving real feedback, or are the majority of comments things like, “Works great. Loved it.” with no other information? 

Scammers can easily generate fake reviews for an app to make it look like people are engaging with the developers. Look out for vague reviews that don’t mention the app or what it does, nothing but five-star reviews, and generic sounding account names like, “girl345834”. They’re probably bots, so be wary. 

2. Look up the app developers 

Search for the app developers’ company and see if they have a website. Having a website doesn’t guarantee an app is legitimate, but it’s another good indicator of how trustworthy a company’s app is. Through their website, you should be able to find out where their team is based, or at least some personal information about the company. If they’re hiding that information, or there’s no site at all, that might be a good sign to try a different app. 

3. Don’t replace apps you already have 

A lot of malicious apps offer features that your phone already provides, like a flashlight or photo viewer. Unless there’s a very specific reason why you need a separate app to do something your device already does, it’s not recommended to use a third-party app. Especially if it’s free. 

4. Check the app permissions 

App permissions must be clearly stated on the app’s page in order to get into the Google Play store. They’re found near the bottom of the page, along with developer information. Check the permissions every app asks for before you install it and ask yourself if they make sense. For example, a photo editor doesn’t need access to your contacts list, and wallpapers don’t need to have access to your location data. If the permissions don’t make sense for the type of app, steer clear. 

5. Add antivirus to your mobile device 

Mobile devices are vulnerable to malware and viruses, just like your computer. By installing McAfee protection to your mobile deviceyou can secure your mobile data, protect your privacy, and even find lost devices. 

Protect yourself, and your loved ones 

Android is one of the most popular operating systems on the planet, which means the rewards for creating malware for Android devices are well worth it. It’s unlikely that Android malware is going away any time soon, so staying safe means being cautious with the things you install on your devices. 

You can protect yourself by installing McAfee Total Protection on your mobile device and reading the permissions apps ask for when you install them. There’s no good reason for a wallpaper app to have SMS permissions, but that request should ring some alarm bells that something isn’t right and stop you from installing it. 

The post Fraudulent Apps that Automatically Charge you Money Spotted in Google Play appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

PC Gamers (and Parents of Gamers) Rejoice!

By Baker Nanduru

Of all the pastimes that took off during the pandemic, it’s not surprising that online gaming was one of them. After all, gaming offers excitement, new experiences, and social interaction, all from the comfort of home. It’s no wonder then that the gaming industry saw a 20% increase in revenue in 2020, as new and previously-retired gamers returned to this pastime. 

But while the gaming industry was finding a lot of new allies, the players themselves faced growing exposure to malware and threats. Our 2020 Mobile Threat Report found that gamers are being targeted with phishing attacks and malicious apps, aimed at stealing usernames and passwords. With this information, hackers could potentially steal hard-earned in-game collectibles, as well as real-world money and personal information. And PC gamers face similar threats, from viruses and spyware to network attacks that could potentially put their personal information and property at risk. 

While 75% of gamers surveyed worry about their security while gaming in the future, some worry they’ll have to compromise performance to be protected. That’s why McAfee® Gamer Security offers robust protection to PC gamers with one of the lowest impacts on system performance in the industry. 

To protect the growing number of gamers against increasing threats, we are offering one free year of McAfee Gamer Security for one gaming PC to multi-device McAfee ® Total Protection  and McAfee® Live Safe™ users in the U.S. This powerful software was built from the ground up to address the challenges gamers face, with speedy performance, system optimization, uninterrupted gaming, and no pop-up apps. 

But don’t just take it from me. This is what one of our users have to say: “I believe [McAfee Gamer Security] had a positive impact … because it increased the speed of my game as well as gave me peace of mind that I was protected during my gameplay​.” 

We know that gamers are some of the most tech-savvy and connected users out there, so it’s important that we meet them where they are by giving them the performance and security they need to play at full throttle. After all, many users are seeking stress relief through gaming, not the extra worry over their online security. 

With McAfee Gamer Security we made security for players more fun, by including a gamer-centric interface that was inspired by familiar apps like game launchers — you can check the current status of your system and key resources that impact in-game performance, like GPU, CPU, and memory, as well as perform real-time optimization. And of course, we’ve also included monitoring for your all-important FPS (frames per second). You can even access past performance data to better understand your game-by-game trends. 

Let’s keep the excitement of gaming while adding the extra confidence of knowing that your digital life is protected. Whether you are new to McAfee or already enjoying our personal protection, you can download McAfee Gamer Security for free in under one minute with a qualifying subscription! In our mission to provide users with personal protection, we are welcoming PC gamers with open arms. 

The post PC Gamers (and Parents of Gamers) Rejoice! appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Is the Clubhouse App a Safe Place for Kids to Hangout?

By Toni Birdsong
internet safety for kids

Is the Clubhouse App a Safe Place for Kids to Hangout?

Most of us have fond summer memories of hanging out with friends in a secret clubhouse. However, this isn’t that. While the word clubhouse stirs up instant feelings of belonging to a group of friends, the digital Clubhouse app, we’re referencing is a meeting hub for users over 18. Currently, still in its beta phase, Clubhouse is by invitation only. This exclusivity is also what makes it somewhat irresistible for tweens and teens looking for a new place to meet with friends.

How it works

Clubhouse is an all-audio social network; kind of like a podcast meets a group phone call. Guests may drop in and even speak if they raise their hand are unmuted by the speaker. Speakers create “rooms” each with different topics and invite people to join in on that discussion.

The app found its wings as a fun place to connect during the pandemic. Mom groups, business roundtables, staff meetings, political groups, think tanks, and hobbyists flocked to connect on the app and still do. The topics are plentiful and there’s always a conversation happening that you can access with a click.

Clubhouse App

Age restrictions

Currently there aren’t any parental controls or privacy settings on Clubhouse. While the app states that there’s a minimum age requirement of 18, there isn’t an actual age-verification system. As with so many other apps, anyone under 18 can simply get an invite, fake their age, and either drop in on any of the conversations going on or start their own room.

Potential Risks

Mature content. Topics on Clubhouse cover a wide range of topics both mainstream and fringe. So, if an underage user fills out their profile information and interests, they will automatically get invitations to several daily discussions, which may or may not be age appropriate. They can also explore and join any kind of group.

Bullying. Clubhouse discussions are uncensored. Therefore, it’s possible that a heated discussion, biased comments, or bullying can take place.

Misinformation. If you walked through a crowded mall, you might overhear a dozen different accounts about a news event, a person, or a topic. The same holds true for Clubhouse where commentary is the currency. Therefore, misinformation is likely (as is common with any other app).

Accounts can’t be locked. Another privacy gap on Clubhouse is that accounts can’t be set to private and rooms/conversations will remain open by default unless the host makes it private, which means anyone can drop in.

The celebrity hook. Clubhouse has attracted celebrities and social media influencers to its halls who host discussions. This is a big draw for kids who want to hear real-life conversations and just get a bit closer to their favorite celebrity. Again, content can be unpredictable in these rooms and potentially risky for underage users.

Talk about the app

Why age restrictions matter. More and more, kids who ignore age restrictions on apps are wandering into trouble. Consider talking to your child about why age restrictions exist, the consequences if they are ignored, and some alternative apps that might be safer.

Why privacy matters. While Clubhouse has grown prolifically in a short time, which has caused some concern over data privacy. According to reports, Clubhouse asks users to share their contacts and has been accused of being “overly aggressive with its connection recommendations.” Also, it’s unclear how the app collects and leverages user data. As outlined by McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research Team last month, the security of user information and communication within Clubhouse has vulnerabilities that could be exploited. For these reasons, consider discussing the data “exchange” we often make when we jump on an exciting new app, why data matters, and why it’s important to understand what’s being collected and to use any and all privacy settings. According to its privacy policy, Clubhouse also “temporarily record the audio in a room when it is live.”

Why content matters. With so many images and ideas coming across our screens every day, holding fast to our content standards can be a challenge for families. Talk to kids about why age-appropriate conversations, topics, and friend groups matter online and what happens when you try to speed up that process. Discuss how content filters and parental controls work and consider them for your family.

The good news about Clubhouse (when it comes to young users) is that along with its rapid growth, the creators are reportedly responding to consumer safety demands and daily increasing in-app safety features for reporting harassment and abuse.

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home  on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


The post Is the Clubhouse App a Safe Place for Kids to Hangout? appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Myth-busting Antivirus Software Assumptions

By Vishnu Varadaraj

The number of new viruses grows every day. In fact, McAfee registers an average of 1.1 million new malicious programs and potentially unwanted apps (PUA) each day, which contributes to the millions and millions already in existence. While there is no way to know when or how cyberattacks will occur, it’s clear that antivirus software is one of the best ways to ensure you, and your devices, are safe. 

Despite its proven strengths, some long-standing myths question the effectiveness of antivirus. To set the record straight, we’ve debunked five of the most common antivirus software myths, so you can rest assured that you are safely navigating the evolving cyber landscape. 

Myth 1: Antivirus software slows down your device 

We expect a lot from our devices—faster performance every time the latest model is released. As a result, many are reluctant to install apps or software that may jeopardize device performance, including antivirus software. 

Many believe that antivirus software will slow down your devices. However, contrary to popular belief, quality antivirus software can improve device performance by using advanced optimizations. It’s this simple: antivirus software conducts regular system-wide scans to identify and prevent viruses and improve performance without compromising efficacy. 

To run these scans, antivirus software requires system resources, which is where this myth originates. If you download or operate more than one antivirus program or download the wrong version for your system, then yes, your device will slow to a crawl. That is why it is essential to install one high-quality antivirus software that meets all your devices’ system requirements. Additionally, best-in-class antivirus software can be set to run during specific hours to avoid delays during the busiest times of your day. 

Myth 2: Antivirus software only protects against a few viruses 

The number of malware strains and potentially unwanted applications (PUA) increases every year. It is understandable why people might think that antivirus software cannot protect against them all. 

However, antivirus software can provide extensive protection against the majority of malicious programs. It does so in two ways: 

  1. It protects you from existing threats based on an extensive list of known threats, which is updated regularly (a good reason to set your software to update automatically rather than manually). 
  2. It protects you from entirely new threats with behavioral detection and machine learning to detect, isolate, and eliminate zero-day digital threats (brand new threats that haven’t been seen before). This approach integrates deep learning algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI) to emulate human-like reasoning and accurately detect threats. In addition, behavioral heuristic-based detection finds new viruses by assessing known malicious behavior, such as abnormal application demands and instructions.  

Taken together, a known list of threats paired with the unique capabilities of machine learning, data science, and AI for advanced threat detection enable antivirus software to protect against a wide range of existing and evolving threats. 

Myth 3: Independent third-party test results are useless 

Can you imagine grading your own driving test? You could omit the dreaded three-point turn and pass with flying colors, but the result wouldn’t be as accurate as that of an unbiased evaluator. This same concept applies to evaluating the efficacy of computer security.  

It’s easy for a company to set up a test environment where they highlight all the excellent capabilities of their antivirus software and gloss over its shortcomings. It’s equally as easy for a company to commission a third-party to conduct a custom test painting the company in a good light. However, the results will not be as comprehensive or accurate as those from an independent third-party. Additionally, they also will not provide a comparative analysis with other company offerings to help users draw their own conclusions. 

Independent third-party test results offer a more thorough evaluation of antivirus software. They also do a better job at evaluating security features. Furthermore, ISO-certified independent third parties lend transparency and credibility to the techniques used and ensure that evaluations align with industry standards. 

Myth 4: Apple products can’t get viruses 

There is a common belief that Apple products are protected against viruses because cybercriminals often target Windows and Android operating systems. However, Apple devices are just as vulnerable to viruses as any other computer or smartphone. Regardless of your device or operating system—macOS, iOS, Windows, or Android—if it connects to a network, it’s susceptible to viruses. 

Windows and Android have long been the dominant operating systems for computers and smartphones. That’s why macOS and iOS have, up until recently, been the lesser focus for cybercriminals. The problem is that cybercriminals want to spread their viruses to the platforms with the largest customer base which just so happens to be Windows and Android. As Apple products continue to grow in popularity, cybercriminals will continue coming out with more viruses specifically targeting Macs, iPhones, and other iOS devices. 

Myth 5: You are 100% protected if you have antivirus software 

Antivirus software is not a guarantee of protection against all viruses. Some malware can and will slip through. This is where antivirus software’s ability to detect and remove malware comes in. Ours comes with a Virus Protection Pledge, which provides a 100% guarantee we’ll remove viruses on your devices, or we’ll give you your money back, all as part of your automatically renewable subscription. 

However, viruses and malware are just one form of attack that hackers and bad actors will wage on their victims. They’ll also make attempts at identity theft or likewise try to invade your privacy—with the intent of stealing passwords, account information, and personal information, which could drain your debit cards, damage your credit, or otherwise impersonate you for their financial gain. 

In this way, antivirus is just one form of protection. To truly stay safe as possible online, you need online protection software that looks after your identity and privacy as well. McAfee+ Ultimate offers our most comprehensive coverage, with  

Fact vs. Fiction: Know what antivirus software can do for you 

It is necessary to bust common myths about antivirus software to protect yourself and your family from cyberthreats. By educating yourself and selecting a best-in-class antivirus software that’s further bolstered by identity and privacy protection, you will be well on your way to implementing an effective protection strategy. 

The post Myth-busting Antivirus Software Assumptions appeared first on McAfee Blog.

True Security Requires a Holistic Approach

By McAfee
Holistic Security

In the eyes of hackers, scammers, and thieves, your online privacy and identity look like a giant jigsaw puzzle. One that they don’t need every piece to solve. They only need a few bits to do their dirty work, which means protecting every piece you put out there—a sort of holistic view on your personal security. One that protects you, not just your devices.

Here’s what’s at stake: we create and share loads of personal information simply by going about our day online, where each bit of information makes up a piece of that giant jigsaw puzzle. Some pieces directly identify us, like our tax returns, bank account information, or driver’s licenses. Other pieces of information indirectly identify us, like the IP addresses assigned to our computers, tablets, and phones—or device ID numbers, location information, and browsing history. And bad actors only need a few key pieces to do you harm, such as committing identity crime in your name or selling your personal information on sketchy websites or the dark web. 

While people show great concern about their personal information, who has it and what’s done with it, our research shows that 70% of people feel like they have little or no control over the data that’s collected about them. However, you have plenty of ways that you can indeed take control—ways that can prevent, detect, and correct attacks on your privacy and identity. That’s where holistic protection comes in. 

What do we mean by holistic protection? 

You can think of holistic protection as layers of shields that protect you and the devices you use. It gives you three layers in all—a Prevention Layer, Detection Layer, and a Correction Layer. 

A holistic and comprehensive security solution like McAfee+ combines those three layers in a way that protects your personal information and keep your identity private, showing you how it does it along the way, so you can see exactly how safe you are. Let’s take a quick look of some of the protections you’ll find in each layer … 

A holistic approach to security

In the Prevention Layer, you’ll see:  

  • A virtual private network (VPN), allowing you to connect securely on a public Wi-Fi network by encrypting, or scrambling, your data while in transit so no one else sees it. It’ll also make your activity far more private, making it harder for advertisers and data collectors to track. 
  • Safe browsing that warns you if a website is risky before you enter your information and can steer you clear of risky links, while a download scanner can prevent downloads of malware or malicious email attachments. 
  • An integrated password managerthat can create and store strong and unique passwords for each of your accounts. This way if one of your accounts is hacked, your other accounts won’t be at risk. 
  • A security freeze service that can prevent hackers and thieves from opening of new credit, bank, and utility accounts in your name.​ 
  • Real-time antivirus that protects your data and devices. 

In the Detection Layer, you have … 

  • Identity monitoring that keeps tabs on everything from email addresses to IDs and phone numbers for signs of breaches so you can take action to secure your accounts before they’re used for identity theft. 
  • McAfee’s industry-first Protection Score that monitors the health of your online protection and shows you ways you can improve your security and stay safe online. 

In the Correction Layer, several other protections have your back … 

  • Identity theft protection & restoration that aids with many of the costs associated with restoring one’s identity through up to $1 million in coverage—along with the services of a licensed recovery pro to help restore your identity.​ 
  • Personal data cleanup that scans some of the riskiest data broker sites and shows you which ones are selling your personal info so that you can remove it on your own or with our help, depending on your plan. 

These are just a few examples of the protections in each layer. And you’ll find our most comprehensive holistic protection in McAfee+ Ultimate, covering your privacy, identity, and devices. 

A Unified Solution for your Privacy, Identity, and Devices 

While your online privacy and identity may look a jigsaw puzzle, protecting it shouldn’t be as complicated. With a holistic security solution for your personal protection, you can minimize your exposure with layers of security that do much of the work for you. 

Antivirus on your PC is not enough. It has not been enough for many decades now. And this becomes more evident as we continue to spend more time online, with the average person spending 6 hours and 54 minutes online each day, leaving clouds of personal information in their wake. 

While standalone apps like a password manager, a VPN app, and an identity solution from different vendors can be piecemealed together with your device security, these are difficult to keep track of and burdensome to maintain. 

We have combined the important tools you need into a seamless and comprehensive experience because good security software is something that you use daily to feel safer online. This is why we are working on your behalf to redefine security, so you can enjoy your connected life with confidence. 

The post True Security Requires a Holistic Approach appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Trick or Treat: Avoid These Spooky Threats This Halloween

By McAfee
Halloween scams

Trick or Treat: Avoid These Spooky Threats This Halloween

Spooky season is among us, and ghosts and goblins aren’t the only things hiding in the shadows. Online threats are also lurking in the darkness, preparing to haunt devices and cause some hocus pocus for unsuspecting users. This Halloween season, researchers have found virtual zombies and witches among us – a new trojan that rises from the dead no matter how many times it’s deleted and malicious code that casts an evil spell to steal users’ credit card data.

Let’s unlock the mystery of these threats so you can avoid cyber-scares and continue to live your online life free from worry.

Zombie Malware Hides in the Shadows

Just like zombies, malware can be a challenge to destroy. Oftentimes, it requires a user to completely wipe their device by backing up files, reinstalling the operating system, and starting from scratch. But what if this isn’t enough to stop the digital walking dead from wreaking havoc on your device?

Recently, a new type of Trojan has risen from the dead to haunt users no matter how many times it’s deleted. This zombie-like malware attaches itself to a user’s Windows 10 startup system, making it immune to system wipes since the malware can’t be found on the device’s hard drive. This stealthy malware hides on the device’s motherboard and creates a Trojan file that reinstalls the malware if the user tries to remove it. Once it sets itself up in the darkness, the malware scans for users’ private documents and sends them to an unknown host, leaving the user’s device in a ghoulish state.

Cybercriminals Leave Credit Card Users Spellbound

A malware misfortune isn’t the only thing that users should beware of this Halloween. Cybercriminals have also managed to inject malicious code into a wireless provider’s web platform, casting an evil spell to steal users’ credit card data. The witches and warlocks allegedly responsible for casting this evil spell are part of a Magecart spin-off group that’s known for its phishing prowess.  To pull off this attack, they plated a credit card skimmer onto the wireless provider’s checkout page. This allowed the hackers to exfiltrate users’ credit card data whenever they made a purchase – a spell that’s difficult to break.

Why These Cyberspooks Are Emerging

While these threats might seem like just another Halloween trick, there are other forces at play. According to McAfee’s Quarterly Threats Report from July 2020, threats like malware phishing and trojans have proven opportunistic for cybercriminals as users spend more and more time online – whether it be working from home, distance learning, or connecting with friends and loved ones. In fact, McAfee Labs observed 375 threats per minute in Q1 2020 alone.

So, as hackers continue to adapt their techniques to take advantage of users spending more time online, it’s important that people educate themselves on emerging threats so they can take necessary precautions and live their digital lives free from worry.

How to Stay Protected

Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to prevent these threats from haunting your digital life. Follow these tips to keep cybersecurity tricks at bay this spooky season:

Beware of emails from unknown senders

Zombie malware is easily spread by phishing, which is when scammers try to trick you out of your private information or money. If you receive an email from an unknown user, it’s best to proceed with caution. Don’t click on any links or open any attachments in the email and delete the message altogether.

Review your accounts

Look over your credit card accounts and bank statements often to check whether someone is fraudulently using your financial data – you can even sign up for transaction alerts that your bank or credit card company may provide. If you see any charges that you did not make, report it to the authorities immediately.

Use a comprehensive security solution

Add an extra layer of protection with a security solution like McAfee® Total Protection to help safeguard your digital life from malware and other threats. McAfee Total Protection also includes McAfee® WebAdvisor – web protection that enables users to sidestep attacks before they happen with clear warnings of risky websites, links, and files.

Stay updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home  on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


The post Trick or Treat: Avoid These Spooky Threats This Halloween appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Anna Kendrick Is McAfee’s Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020

By Baker Nanduru
Most Dangerous Celebrity

Anna Kendrick Is McAfee’s Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020

During COVID-19, people stuck inside have scoured the internet for content to consume – often searching for free entertainment (movies, TV shows, and music) to avoid any extra costs. As these habits increase, so do the potential cyberthreats associated with free internet content – making our fourteenth Most Dangerous Celebrities study more relevant than ever.

To conduct our Most Dangerous Celebrities 2020 study, McAfee researched famous individuals to reveal which celebrities generate the most “dangerous” results – meaning those whose search results bring potentially malicious content to expose fans’ personal information.

Thanks to her recent starring roles, American actress Anna Kendrick has found herself at the top of McAfee’s 2020 Most Dangerous Celebrities list.

The Top Ten Most Dangerous Celebrities

You probably know Anna Kendrick from her popular roles in films like “Twilight,” Pitch Perfect,” and “A Simple Favor.” She also recently starred in the HBO Max series “Love Life,” as well as the 2020 children’s film “Trolls World Tour.” Kendrick is joined in the top ten list by fellow actresses Blake Lively (No. 3), Julia Roberts (No. 8), and Jason Derulo (No. 10). Also included in the top ten list are American singers Mariah Carey (No. 4), Justin Timberlake (No. 5), and Taylor Swift (No. 6). Rounding out the rest of the top ten are American rapper Sean (Diddy) Combs (No. 2), Kate McKinnon (No. 9), and late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel (No. 7).

Most Dangerous Celebrity

Lights, Camera, Security

Many consumers don’t realize that simple internet searches of their favorite celebrities could potentially lead to malicious content, as cybercriminals often leverage these popular searches to entice fans to click on dangerous links. This year’s study emphasizes that consumers are increasingly searching for content, especially as they look for new forms of entertainment to stream amidst a global pandemic.

With a greater emphasis on streaming culture, consumers could potentially be led astray to malicious websites while looking for new shows and movies to watch. However, people must understand that torrent or pirated downloads can lead to an abundance of cyberthreats. If an unsuspecting user clicks on a malicious link while searching for their favorite celebrity film, their device could suddenly become plagued with adware or malware.

Secure Yourself From Malicious Search Results

Whether you and your family are checking out your new favorite actress in her latest film or streaming a popular singer’s new album, it’s important to ensure that your searches aren’t potentially putting your online security at risk. Follow these tips so you can be a proactive fan while safeguarding your digital life:

Be careful what you click

 Users looking for information on their favorite celebrities should be cautious and only click on links to reliable sources for downloads. The safest thing to do is to wait for official releases instead of visiting third-party websites that could contain malware.

Refrain from using illegal streaming sites

When it comes to dangerous online behavior, using illegal streaming sites could wreak havoc on your device. Many illegal streaming sites are riddled with malware or adware disguised as pirated video files. Do yourself a favor and stream the show from a reputable source.

Protect your online safety with a cybersecurity solution

 Safeguard yourself from cybercriminals with a comprehensive security solution like McAfee Total Protection. This can help protect you from malware, phishing attacks, and other threats.

Use a website reputation tool

 Use a website reputation tool such as McAfee WebAdvisor, which alerts users when they are about to visit a malicious site.

 Use parental control software

 Kids are fans of celebrities too, so ensure that limits are set for your child on their devices and use parental control software to help minimize exposure to potentially malicious or inappropriate websites.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and for more resources on staying secure from home, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.



The post Anna Kendrick Is McAfee’s Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020 appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Check Out the McAfee Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020

By Baker Nanduru
Most Dangerous Celebrity

Attention Streamers: Check Out the McAfee Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020 List

During COVID-19, people stuck inside have scoured the internet for content to consume – often searching for free entertainment (movies, TV shows, and music) to avoid any extra costs. As these habits increase, so do the potential cyberthreats associated with free internet content – making our fourteenth Most Dangerous Celebrities study more relevant than ever.

To conduct our Most Dangerous Celebrities 2020 study, McAfee researched famous individuals to reveal which celebrities generate the most “dangerous” results – meaning those whose search results bring potentially malicious content to expose fans’ personal information.

Known for his BAFTA-winning celebrity chat show and BBC radio show, the UK’s national treasure, Graham Norton, has found himself at the top of McAfee’s 2020 Most Dangerous Celebrities list.

The Top Ten Most Dangerous Celebrities

Graham Norton is a household name thanks to his hugely popular talk show, The Graham Norton Show, which has seen him interview A-listers including Nicole Kidman, Hugh Grant and Helen Mirren. He is also known for his BBC radio show, as well as his inimitable Eurovision commentary. Not shy of celebrity friends, Norton is joined in the top ten list by fellow national treasures such as Ricky Gervais (No.2), and Idris Elba (No.7) and Mary Berry (no.10). Also included in the top ten list are British actor Tom Hardy (No.3) and Gavin and Stacey star, Ruth Jones (No.4). Rounding out the rest of the top ten are UK’s very own Mick Jagger (No.5), Aussie actress Margot Robbie (No.6) and models Kate Moss (No.8) and Bella Hadid (No.9).


Lights, Camera, Security

Many consumers don’t realize that simple internet searches of their favorite celebrities could potentially lead to malicious content, as cybercriminals often leverage these popular searches to entice fans to click on dangerous links. This year’s study emphasizes that consumers are increasingly searching for content, especially as they look for new forms of entertainment to stream amidst a global pandemic.

With a greater emphasis on streaming culture, consumers could potentially be led astray to malicious websites while looking for celebrity gossip and new shows or movies to watch. For example, given Graham is strongly associated with malicious search terms, indicates that online criminals are using Britain’s love for celebrity gossip and the Eurovision for personal gain. If an unsuspecting user clicks on a malicious link while searching for their favorite celebrity film, their device could suddenly become plagued with adware or malware.

Secure Yourself From Malicious Search Results

Whether you and your family are checking out your new favorite actress in her latest film or streaming a popular singer’s new album, it’s important to ensure that your searches aren’t potentially putting your online security at risk. Follow these tips so you can be a proactive fan while safeguarding your digital life:

Be careful what you click

Users looking for information on their favorite celebrities should be cautious and only click on links to reliable sources for downloads. The safest thing to do is to wait for official releases instead of visiting third-party websites that could contain malware.

Refrain from using illegal streaming sites

When it comes to dangerous online behavior, using illegal streaming sites could wreak havoc on your device. Many illegal streaming sites are riddled with malware or adware disguised as pirated video files. Do yourself a favor and stream the show from a reputable source.

Protect your online safety with a cybersecurity solution

Safeguard yourself from cybercriminals with a comprehensive security solution like McAfee Total Protection. This can help protect you from malware, phishing attacks, and other threats.

Use a website reputation tool

Use a website reputation tool such as McAfee WebAdvisor, which alerts users when they are about to visit a malicious site.

Use parental control software

Kids are fans of celebrities too, so ensure that limits are set for your child on their devices and use parental control software to help minimize exposure to potentially malicious or inappropriate websites.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and for more resources on staying secure from home, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

The post Check Out the McAfee Most Dangerous Celebrity 2020 appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Evolving Security Products for the new Realities of Living Life From Home

By McAfee
Strong Passwords

Announcing McAfee’s Enhanced Consumer Security for New Consumer Realities

With millions of people continuing to work and study remotely, scammers have followed them home—generating an average of 375 new threats per minute so far this year. In response, our enhanced consumer portfolio directly addresses the new needs and new threats people face.

McAfee Labs found that these new threats via malicious apps, phishing campaigns malware, and more, according to its McAfee COVID-19 Threat Report: July 2020, which amounted to an estimated $130 million in total losses in the U.S. alone.

To help people stay safer and combat these threats, today we announced our latest consumer security portfolio. Our enriched products come with better user experiences such as a native Virtual Private Network (VPN), along with new features, including integrated Social Media and Tech Scam Protection—all of which are pressing security essentials today.

Specifically, our product lineup has been updated to include:

Boosts to security and privacy

Scams involving tech support and product activation have continued to sneak into people’s inboxes and search results, which require a critical eye to spot. Here are some tips on how to identify these scams. We’re making it easier for people to stay safer with new features such as:

  • Tech Scam Protection: McAfee® WebAdvisor now provides a warning when visiting websites that can be used by cybercriminals to gain remote access to your PC, helping combat the  $55 million total fraud loss in the U.S. due to tech scams.
  • Advanced Malware Detection: McAfee enhanced its machine learning capabilities to improve overall time to detect emerging threats across devices as well as added protection against file-less threats.

Improvements make it easier for you to stay safer

With jobs and things that simply need to get done “right now,” security can be an afterthought. Sometimes that desire for convenience has consequences, leading to situations where people’s devices, data, and personal information get compromised. In response, we’re doing our part to make security more intuitive so that people can get things done quickly and safely:

  • A Better User Experience: An improved PC and app experience with easier navigation and readable alerts, and clear calls to action for faster understanding of potential issues.
  • Native VPN: Easier access to VPN and anti-malware device protection via one central place and log-in.
  • Updated Password Protection: Access iOS applications even faster with automatically filled in user account information and passwords in both apps and browsers on iOS devices.

Further security enhancements for today’s needs and tomorrow’s threats

With people’s newfound reliance on the internet, we’ve made new advances that help them live their increasingly connected lives—looking after security and privacy even more comprehensively than before on security and the apps they use:

  • Optimized Product Alerts: Redesigned product alerts, so consumers are better informed about possible security risks, with a single-click call to action for immediate protection.
  • Social Media Protection: To help prevent users from accidentally visiting malicious websites, McAfee now annotates social media feeds across six major platforms – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, and LinkedIn.
  • Enhanced App Privacy Check: Consumers can now easily see when mobile apps request personal information, with app privacy now integrated into the main scan of Android devices.

McAfee is on a journey to ensure security allows users to be as carefree as possible online, now that more time is spent on devices as consumers navigate a new normal of life from home. For more information on our consumer product lineup, visit

Stay Updated 

To stay updated on all things McAfee and for more resources on staying secure from home, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


The post Evolving Security Products for the new Realities of Living Life From Home appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Phishing Email Examples: How to Recognize a Phishing Email

By McAfee
email phishing scams

Phishing Email Examples: How to Recognize a Phishing Email

You get an email from claiming that they have found suspicious activity on your credit card statement and are requesting that you verify your financial information. What do you do? While you may be tempted to click on a link to immediately resolve the issue, this is likely the work of a cybercriminal. Phishing is a scam that tricks you into voluntarily providing important personal information. Protect yourself from phishing by reviewing some examples of phishing emails and learning more about this common online scam.

What is phishing?

 Phishing is a cybercrime that aims to steal your sensitive information. Scammers disguise themselves as major corporations or other trustworthy entities to trick you into willingly providing information like website login credentials or, even worse, your credit card number.

What is a phishing email/text message?

A phishing email or text (also known as SMiShing) is a fraudulent message made to look legitimate, and typically asks you to provide sensitive personal information in various ways. If you don’t look carefully at the emails or texts, however, you might not be able to tell the difference between a regular message and a phishing message. Scammers work hard to make phishing messages closely resemble emails and texts sent by trusted companies, which is why you need to be cautious when you open these messages and click the links they contain.

How do you spot a phishing message?

 Phishing scammers often undo their own plans by making simple mistakes that are easy to spot once you know how to recognize them. Check for the following signs of phishing every time you open an email or text:

It’s poorly written

 Even the biggest companies sometimes make minor errors in their communications. Phishing messages often contain grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and other blatant errors that major corporations wouldn’t make. If you see multiple, glaring grammatical errors in an email or text that asks for your personal information, you might be a target of a phishing scam.

The logo doesn’t look right

To enhance their edibility, phishing scammers often steal the logos of who they’re impersonating. In many cases, however, they don’t steal corporate logos correctly. The logo in a phishing email or text might have the wrong aspect ratio or low-resolution. If you have to squint to make out the logo in a message, the chances are that it’s phishing.

The URL doesn’t match

Phishing always centers around links that you’re supposed to click. Here are a few ways to check whether a link someone sent you is legitimate:

  • Hover over the link in the email to display its URL. Oftentimes, phishing URLs contain misspellings, which is a common sign of phishing. Hovering over the link will allow you to see a link preview. If the URL looks suspicious, don’t interact with it and delete the message altogether.
  • Right-click the link, copy it, and paste the URL into a word processor. This will allow you to examine the link thoroughly for grammatical or spelling errors without being directed to the potentially malicious webpage.
  • Check the URL of a link on mobile devices by pressing and holding it with your finger.


If the URL you discover doesn’t match up with the entity that supposedly sent you the message, you probably received a phishing email.

Types of phishing emails and texts

Phishing messages come in all shapes and sizes, but there are a few types of phishing emails and texts that are more common than others. Let’s review some examples of the most frequently sent phishing scams:

Account suspended scam

Some phishing emails appear to notify you that your bank temporarily suspended your account due to unusual activity. If you receive an account suspension email from a bank that you haven’t opened an account with, delete it immediately, and don’t look back. Suspended account phishing emails from banks you do business with, however, are harder to spot. Use the methods we listed above to check the email’s integrity, and if all else fails, contact your bank directly instead of opening any links within the email you received.

Two-factor authentication scam

Two-factor authentication (2FA) has become common, so you’re probably used to receiving emails that ask you to confirm your login information with six-digit numerical codes. Phishing scammers also know how standard 2FA has become, and they could take advantage of this service that’s supposed to protect your identity. If you receive an email asking you to log in to an account to confirm your identity, use the criteria we listed above to verify the message’s authenticity. Be especially wary if someone asks you to provide 2FA for an account you haven’t accessed for a while.

Tax refund scam

We all know how important tax season is. That’s what phishing scammers are counting on when they send you phony IRS refund emails. Be careful when an email informs you that you’ve received a windfall of cash and be especially dubious of emails that the IRS supposedly sent since this government agency only contacts taxpayers via snail mail. Tax refund phishing scams can do serious harm since they usually ask for your social security number as well as your bank account information.

Order confirmation scam

Sometimes, cybercriminals will try to tick you by sending emails with fake order confirmations. These messages often contain “receipts” attached to the email or links claiming to contain more information on your order. However, criminals often use these attachments and links to spread malware to the victim’s device.

Phishing at work

You need to be wary of phishing when you’re using your work email as well. One popular phishing scam involves emails designed to look like someone in the C-suite of your company sent them. They ask workers to wire funds to supposed clients, but this cash actually goes to scammers. Use the tips we listed above to spot these phony emails.

When phishing flies under the radar

Often, hackers look for ways to update old schemes so that they go undetected by users already aware of certain cyberthreats. Such is the case with the latest phishing evasion technique, which detects virtual machines to fly under the radar. Cybersecurity firms often use headless devices or virtual machines (a computer file that behaves like an actual computer) to determine if a website is actually a phishing page. But now, some phishing kits contain JavaScript — a programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — that checks whether a virtual machine is analyzing the page. If it detects any analysis attempts, the phishing kit will show a blank page instead of the phishing page, allowing the scam to evade detection. To help ensure that you don’t fall for the latest phishing scams, stay updated on the most recent phishing techniques so you can stay one step ahead of cybercriminals.

What happens if you click a link in a phishing email?

Never click links in suspicious emails. If you click a link you suspect a phishing scammer sent, the link will take you to a web page with a form where you can enter sensitive data such as your Social Security number, credit card information, or login credentials. Do not enter any data on this page.

What do you do if you suspect you’ve been phished?

If you accidentally enter data in a webpage linked to a suspicious email, perform a full malware scan on your device. Once the scan is complete, backup all of your files and change your passwords. Even if you only provided a phishing scammer with the data from one account, you may have also opened the door to other personal data, so it’s important to change all the passwords you use online in the wake of a suspected phishing attack.

How to recognize a phishing email: simple tips

Let’s wrap things up with some summarized tips on how to avoid phishing emails:

  • When in doubt, directly contact the organization that supposedly emailed you instead of opening links included in suspicious emails.
  • Examine suspicious emails carefully to check for telltale signs of phishing, such as poor grammar, grainy logos, or bogus links.
  • If you accidentally click a phishing link, don’t enter any data, and close the page.
  • If you think phishing scammers are targeting you, run a virus scan, backup your files, and change all your passwords.

 Stay protected

 Phishing emails only work on the unaware. Now that you know how to spot phishing emails and what to do if you suspect scammers are targeting you, you’re far less likely to fall for these schemes. Remember to be careful with your personal information when you use the internet and err on the side of caution whenever anybody asks you to divulge sensitive details about your identity, finances, or login information.

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home  on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


The post Phishing Email Examples: How to Recognize a Phishing Email appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Easy Essay Tips – Getting Cheap Essays Done For Longer

By webadmin

Affordable essays are something which all people can love. Nonetheless, so as to acquire such essays performed in a good price, you have to take a few unique actions. This article will help you through a few of the methods you can approach the process of getting cheap essays to be written to your class.

The very first thing you need to do would be to make sure you just write your own essay. This is most likely the single most important step. You might have heard each of the ridiculous stories about writers who spend months on study and put together essays that are all rewritten each week. It’s not worthwhile. Just write your essay.

Once you begin on writing cheap essays, then the next thing you need to keep in mind is to write at a consistent pace. You can always speed up as you move along but you won’t ever have the ability to write at a quicker rate than you are currently writing at. Be patient. And don’t worry about plagiarism.

Remember, these essays aren’t supposed to be an academic paper, so that they are supposed to be an educational experience for the students. Write your essay from the point of view of your viewers; the perspective of the reader.

Find a way to be creative and entertaining while writing your own essay. So long as it remains true to what your audience should hear and understand, you need to have the ability to stay on topic. Some great ways to do this include using some game or story based on the mission.

Find a means to include the course exercise inside the essay too. Get out of the classroom and do something different. Use your imagination. What would you prefer in order to perform if you are finished with your mission?

Finally, remember you are going to want to get into the habit of practicing your own essay. Don’t simply sit right down and write. Just take time each day to write out the different facets of your essay. This can allow you to get accustomed to composing, and you will also see the content of your article more clearly.

When you can receive an essay composed without any mistakes in under 2 hours, you will understand that you’re capable of writing them, and you won’t need to pay a good deal of cash to get them done. You will be prepared to go next year!

The post Easy Essay Tips – Getting Cheap Essays Done For Longer appeared first on Infosec Resources.

Term Paper Writers For Hire – 3 Things to Search For in Requirements and Topic Writers

By webadmin

How do we know which term paper essay writer helper authors for hire are legitimate? The answer is: You do not! That is why it’s so important to check these 2 websites to find out just who is writing your assignment Prior to Making your final decision:

It is always a good idea to request references. How do we do this? Well, most writers submit their testimonials by email. As you will notice in lots of customer reviews on this site, we’re doing a fantastic job of discovering the very best writers potential.

If you’re hiring a term paper writers for hire, we have a webpage on this site where you can obtain names and contact info. But, please make certain that you read the data carefully and be certain that the title is correct. Don’t settle for a last name when it isn’t. You should check with a former client to make certain that the writer is professional and reputable.

This site has over two million terms and subjects that term paper authors can write about. These topics range from business writing to the science and technology field. Our writers specialize in different areas, but each one of our authors is experienced in writing about a specific topic. To see what we have to offer, click on the’Term Papers’ tab at the top of the webpage. So as to discover a specific writer, simply type in your subject, and you will see a list of writers with experience on the topic.

One good author is going to have been known to this website by an earlier customer. If you wish to understand which authors we urge, simply take a moment to browse our authors’ profiles to see what kind of articles they have written. While they are more expensive than the less expensive writers available on the market, we feel that our authors are of greater quality and can provide better results.

We have used both of the above websites as we were trying to find the best term paper writers to hire for quite some time and we agree that both of them are reliable resources. Both sites will provide you information about writing solutions, and both will let you have a look at samples of past clients’ work. When you are employing a writer, it’s crucial that you do your homework and find a company or author that’s qualified to work together with you and your specific topic. This is the only method to make sure you’re getting the most accurate and handiest composition feasible for your homework.

The post Term Paper Writers For Hire – 3 Things to Search For in Requirements and Topic Writers appeared first on Infosec Resources.

Tips For Purchasing Essays Online

By webadmin

When you have a passion for writing and need to earn additional money, there are a number of excellent ways to earn by purchasing essays online. When you have not written in a long time and want to find a way to get started using the writing firm, subsequently selling essays is a wonderful way to start off. There are a lot of men and women that want to know more about these types of essays because they may be very competitive, so be prepared for some stiff competition. This may be an exceptional source of additional income because lots of folks will cover your work and will pay more than they would pay someone else for the exact same work.

There are a few hints to assist you start off and make it simpler to get essays on the internet. First, you want to understand what sort of essay that you would like to compose. There are various sorts of essays like essays about sciencefiction history, English, philosophy, literature, mathematics, social science, etc..

You also ought to know which type of essay is most suitable to your abilities and knowledge concerning various kinds of subjects. Some kinds of essays have special skills demanded of them while some don’t. Should you know what kind of essay that you wish to compose, you can restrict your options of what sort of essay to buy. You will then need more to pick from and you can select a price range that you feel comfy with.

The next thing to do is to get a location at which you can sell these records. It isn’t important how big the company is, it doesn’t matter how often the documents are offered. It just matters that you’re prepared to market and can afford to purchase. It’s also wise to be sure you’re willing to take orders.

You must be sure you have a list of potential buyers and a couple of sample essays to give to each one. This will allow you to develop your confidence that you can write well enough to persuade someone to purchase from you.

Selling essays is an excellent way to earn extra money. With these tips, you can succeed in making money by selling essays.

First, decide on the subject of the essay. Once you have decided the topic of the article, be certain you’ve got the essential information to write the article. Know the fundamental writing skills like grammar, punctuation, grammar, and other elements of grammar and syntax before you begin writing the article. You also will need to have enough info to understand what the topic of this essay is until you begin writing.

It’s essential to make sure the essay is not too long or too short. If it is too short, it won’t be read and if it’s too long, then it will not provide the reader free pre written essays with sufficient details. To make an educated decision. Don’t write the article, if you are unsure if it is adequate.

Selling essays is an excellent way to earn a little additional money. It’s very easy and you have many choices. Be certain you know what kind of essay to buy and make sure you are prepared.

The post Tips For Purchasing Essays Online appeared first on Infosec Resources.

This Week in Security News: Ransomware Gang is Raking in Tens of Millions of Dollars and Microsoft Patch Tuesday Update Fixes 17 Critical Bugs

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about a ransomware group that walked away with 2,200 Bitcoin: More than $33 million based on the current Bitcoin exchange rate. Also, read about this month’s Patch Tuesday security updates from Microsoft, including patches for 112 vulnerabilities.


Read on:

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Update Fixes 17 Critical Bugs

Microsoft’s November Patch Tuesday roundup of security fixes tackled an unusually large crop of remote code execution (RCE) bugs. Twelve of Microsoft’s 17 critical patches were tied to RCE bugs. In all, 112 vulnerabilities were patched by Microsoft, with 93 rated important, and two rated low in severity. In this article, ZDI’s Dustin Childs shares his thoughts on Microsoft’s removal of descriptions from CVE overviews.

An Old Joker’s New Tricks: Using Github to Hide Its Payload

Trend Micro detected a new Joker malware version on a sample on Google Play, which utilizes Github pages and repositories in an attempt to evade detection. The app promised wallpapers in HD and 4K quality and was downloaded over a thousand times before it was removed from the Play Store by Google after being reported as malicious.

NETGEAR Router, WD NAS Device Hacked on First Day of Pwn2Own Tokyo 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, this year’s Pwn2Own Tokyo was turned into a virtual event coordinated by ZDI from Toronto, Canada. On the first day of the event, the NETGEAR Nighthawk R7800 router, Western Digital My Cloud Pro series PR4100 NSA device and Samsung Smart TV were targeted and $50,000 was awarded among teams STARLabs, Trapa Security and Team Flashback.

Developing Story: COVID-19 Used in Malicious Campaigns

As the number of those afflicted with COVID-19 continues to surge by thousands, malicious campaigns that use the disease as a lure likewise increase. In this report, Trend Micro researchers share samples on COVID-19 related malicious campaigns. The report also includes detections from other researchers.

IoT Security is a Mess. These Guidelines Could Help Fix That

The supply chain around the Internet of Things (IoT) has become the weak link in cybersecurity, potentially leaving organizations open to cyberattacks via vulnerabilities they’re not aware of. However, new guidelines from the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) aims to ensure that security forms part of the entire lifespan of IoT product development.

US Department of Energy Launches New Program for Technology Security Managers

The US Department of Energy (DOE) recently launched the Operational Technology (OT) Defender Fellowship. Another milestone from the Department in enhancing the US’s critical infrastructure. In collaboration with DOE’s Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the Foundation for Defense of Democracies’ (FDD) Center for Cyber and Technology Innovation (CTTI), the OT Defender Fellowship hopes to expand the knowledge of primary US front-line critical infrastructure defenders.

Ransomware Gang is Raking in Tens of Millions of Dollars

A ransomware organization has raked in tens of millions of dollars, according to a new report. The organization, identified as group “One,” walked away with 2,200 Bitcoin, according to a report by Advanced Intelligence. That’s more than $33 million based on the current Bitcoin exchange rate.

CISA Braces for 5G with New Strategy, Initiatives

The Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released its 5G Strategy, ensuring the federal government and its many states, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners are secure as when the 5G technology arrives. The agency’s document hoped to expand on how the US government would secure 5G infrastructure both in the country and abroad.

Hacker-for-Hire Group Targeting South Asian Organizations

There’s a new cyber mercenary group on the block, and they’re going after targets in more than a dozen countries globally, according to a BlackBerry research report. The hack-for-hire shop, which BlackBerry is calling “CostaRicto,” has largely gone after targets in South Asia, especially in India, Bangladesh and Singapore. Some of its targeting was also located in Africa, the Americas, Australia and Europe.

Defense in Depth, Layered Security in the Cloud

In this blog, Trend Micro’s vice president of cybersecurity, Greg Young, discusses the evolution of network security into how it manifests itself today, how network security has looked up until now, how the future of network security looks and why security teams need layered protection in the cloud.

Surprised by Microsoft’s decision to remove the description section from Patch Tuesday bulletins?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

The post This Week in Security News: Ransomware Gang is Raking in Tens of Millions of Dollars and Microsoft Patch Tuesday Update Fixes 17 Critical Bugs appeared first on .

This Week in Security News: US Cyber Command Exposes New Russian Malware and REvil Ransomware Gang ‘Acquires’ KPOT Malware

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about eight new malware samples that were developed and deployed by Russian hackers in recent attacks. Also, read about how the operators of the REvil ransomware strain have “acquired” the source code of the KPOT trojan in an auction held on a hacker forum last month.

Read on:

Beware a New Google Drive Scam Landing in Inboxes

Scammers just found a new phishing lure to play with: Google Drive. A flaw in Drive is being exploited to send out seemingly legitimate emails and push notifications from Google that, if opened, could land people on malicious websites. The smartest part of the scam is that the emails and notifications it generates come directly from Google.

What Are the Best Options for Cybersecurity Protection for Small Businesses?

For Workplace IT, providing the best cybersecurity protection for their company’s hundreds of small business clients is critical. Workplace IT relies exclusively on Trend Micro to ensure that its customers have the best cybersecurity protection available. Partnering with one security vendor makes it easy for the company to focus on other issues, knowing that security is handled comprehensively and consistently.

REvil Ransomware Gang ‘Acquires’ KPOT Malware

The operators of the REvil ransomware strain have “acquired” the source code of the KPOT trojan in an auction held on a hacker forum last month. The sale took place after the KPOT malware author decided to auction off the code, desiring to move off to other projects, and was organized as a public auction on a private underground hacking forum for Russian-speaking cyber-criminals.

Encouraging the Next Generation of Cybersecurity Stars to Join the Industry

At its core, Trend Micro has a passion for education and a desire to grow the cybersecurity industry with talented, dedicated professionals. The two are closely linked: If we can introduce cyber skills into schools at an earlier age, then more young people will be encouraged to start a career in cybersecurity. That’s why Trend Micro is running a new virtual event for university students in November, during NIST NICE Cybersecurity Career Awareness Week.

Cybersecurity Threats to Corporate America are Present Now ‘More Than Ever,’ SEC Chair Says

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Jay Clayton is telling corporate America it needs to be more vigilant on security. In an interview with CNBC, Clayton stressed that significant cybersecurity threats remain, despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and election season. In October alone, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) put out 30 cyber alerts across various industries and business sizes, as well as consumers.

US Cyber Command Exposes New Russian Malware

US Cyber Command has exposed eight new malware samples that were developed and deployed by Russian hackers in recent attacks. Six of the eight samples are for the ComRAT malware (used by the Turla hacking group), while the other two are samples for the Zebrocy malware (used by the APT28 hacking group).

SaltStack Discloses Critical Vulnerabilities, Urges Patching

SaltStack disclosed three new vulnerabilities, two of which are assessed to be critical, and is urging users to patch immediately. In an advisory, the organization announced it released a security update to address the vulnerabilities. While two vulnerabilities were discovered and submitted by “KPC” of Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative (ZDI), the advisory does not say how CVE-2020-25592 was found. Dustin Childs, ZDI communications manager, said they reported it to SaltStack privately in late August.

New Data Shows Just How Badly Home Users Overestimate IoT Security

A new survey from the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) shows adult workers vastly overestimate the security of the internet devices in their homes. The survey polled 1,000 adults – 500 aged 18-34 and 500 aged 50-75 – and found that the overwhelming majority of both believed the internet of things (IoT) devices they owned were secure.

Over 23,000 Hacked Databases Shared Over Telegram and Discord

It was reported that over 50GB of data from 23,000 hacked databases have been shared by hackers across Telegram channels and two hacking forums. A total of 23,618 databases were able to be downloaded through the Mega file hosting service, amounting to a dataset of around 13 billion personal files. The link was later taken down following abuse reports but there are fears that the data has entered the public domain.

Deloitte’s ‘Test Your Hacker IQ’ Site Fails Itself After Exposing Database Username, Password in Config File

A website created for global consultancy Deloitte to quiz people on knowledge of hacking tactics has proven itself vulnerable to hacking. The site, found at the insecure non-HTTPS URL, makes its YAML configuration file publicly accessible. And within the file, in cleartext, is the username and password for the site’s mySQL database.

Toymaker Mattel Hit by Ransomware Attack

Top toymaker Mattel revealed it was a victim of a ransomware attack that successfully encrypted some data and temporarily crippled a limited number of business functions. The disclosure was part of a U.S. Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosure filed in late October. Mattel reported the attack occurred on July 28, 2020 and that, for the most part, it was mitigated quickly and had a minimal impact on the company.

Spike in Emotet Activity Could Mean Big Payday for Ransomware Gangs

There’s been a massive increase in Emotet attacks and cyber criminals are taking advantage of machines compromised by the malware to launch more malware infections as well as ransomware campaigns. The October 2020 HP-Bromium Threat Insights Report reports a 1,200% increase in Emotet detections from July to September compared to the previous three months.

How do you secure your IoT devices at home?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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This Week in Security News: Trend Micro Researcher Uncover Two Espionage Backdoors Associated with Operation Earth Kitsune and Trickbot and Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on U.S. Hospitals

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how Trend Micro researchers uncovered two new espionage backdoors associated with the ‘Operation Earth Kitsune’ campaign. Also, read about how U.S. healthcare providers have been put on high alert over Trickbot malware and ransomware targeting the sector.

Read on:

Operation Earth Kitsune: A Dance of Two New Backdoors

Trend Micro recently published a research paper on Operation Earth Kitsune, a watering hole campaign aiming to steal information by compromising websites. Besides its heavy use of SLUB malware, Trend Micro researchers also uncovered two new espionage backdoors associated with the campaign: agfSpy and dneSpy, dubbed as such following the attackers’ three-letter naming scheme.

FBI Warning: Trickbot and Ransomware Attackers Plan Big Hit on U.S. Hospitals

U.S. healthcare providers, already under pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic, are on high alert over Trickbot malware and ransomware targeting the sector. Trickbot is one of the largest botnets in the world, against which Microsoft took U.S. legal action earlier this month in effort to gain control of its servers. Within a day of the seizure, Trickbot C&C servers and domains were replaced with new infrastructure.

Trend Micro HouseCall for Home Networks

While a home network provides numerous benefits, it can also expose its users to safety and privacy risks. Checking for those risks doesn’t need to be costly: Trend Micro’s Housecall for Home Networks (HCHN) solution scans the connected devices in home networks and detects those that pose security risks and is available for free.

Bug-Bounty Awards Spike 26% in 2020

According to a list of top 10 vulnerabilities by HackerOne, cross-site scripting (XSS) remained the most impactful vulnerability and reaped the highest rewards for ethical hackers in 2020 for the second year in a row, earning hackers $4.2 million in total bug-bounty awards in the last year, a 26-percent increase from what was paid out in 2019 for finding XSS flaws. Following XSS on the list: Improper access control, information disclosure, server-side request forgery (SSRF) and more.

Supply Chain Attacks in the Age of Cloud Computing: Risks, Mitigations, and the Importance of Securing Back Ends

Security is an aspect that every enterprise needs to consider as they use and migrate to cloud-based technologies. On top of the list of resources that enterprises need to secure are networks, endpoints, and applications. However, another critical asset that enterprises should give careful security consideration to is their back-end infrastructure which, if compromised, could lead to supply chain attacks.

U.S. Shares Information on North Korean Threat Actor ‘Kimsuky’

An alert released this week by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the FBI, and the Cyber Command Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) provides information on Kimsuky, a threat actor focused on gathering intelligence on “foreign policy and national security issues related to the Korean peninsula, nuclear policy, and sanctions” on behalf of the North Korean government. The advisory says the adversary has been active since 2012, engaging in social engineering, spear-phishing, and watering hole attacks.

76% of Applications Have at Least One Security Flaw

Most applications contain at least one security flaw and fixing those flaws typically takes months, a new Veracode report reveals. This year’s analysis of 130,000 applications found that it takes about six months for teams to close half the security flaws they find. The report also uncovered some best practices to significantly improve these fix rates.

Apps Infected with Adware Found on Google Play Store

Some 21 malicious Android apps containing intrusive adware were discovered on the Google Play Store, but most have now been removed, according to a report from Avast. These fraudulent mobile applications, disguised as Android gaming apps, had been downloaded more than 8 million times since they were made available in the store.

Patients in Finland Blackmailed After Therapy Records Were Stolen by Hackers

The confidential records of thousands of psychotherapy patients in Finland have been hacked and some are now facing the threat of blackmail. Attackers were able to steal records related to therapy sessions, as well as patients’ personal information including social security numbers and addresses, according to Vastaamo, the country’s largest private psychotherapy center.

Surprised by the Vastaamo hack and subsequent blackmail of patients?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide

By Daniel Brecht

Introduction: An overview of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework In 2017, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published Special Publication 800-181, the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (or NICE Framework); the document categorizes and describes cybersecurity work as well as the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) needed by professionals to complete tasks in the […]

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How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide was first posted on October 21, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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This Week in Security News: Watering Hole Campaign Operation Earth Kitsune Spying on Users’ Systems and Fancy Bear Imposters Are on a Hacking Extortion Spree

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)
week in security

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about a watering hole campaign Trend Micro dubbed ‘Operation Earth Kitsune’ that is spying on users’ systems through compromised websites. Also, read about how APT groups are threatening DDoS attacks against victims if they don’t send them bitcoin.

Read on:

Fancy Bear Imposters Are on a Hacking Extortion Spree

Radware recently published extortion notes that were sent to a variety of companies globally. The senders purport to be from the North Korean government hackers Lazarus Group, or APT38, and Russian state-backed hackers Fancy Bear, or APT28. The notes threaten that if the target doesn’t send bitcoin, powerful distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks will be launched against the victim. Robert McArdle, Trend Micro’s director of our Forward-Looking Threat Research (FTR) team, comments on DDoS as an extortion method.

A Ride on Taiwan’s Self-Driving Bus

The self-driving bus is now being tested on the streets of downtown Taipei and more autonomous buses are being deployed in other places, including Germany, Japan and Canada. Since connected cars are still a relatively new technology, the dangers of these vehicles are unknown and mostly speculated. In this article, Trend Micro discusses potential security implications of these connected vehicles.

 U.S. Charges Russian Intelligence Officers in Major Cyberattacks

This week, the Justice Department unsealed charges accusing six Russian military intelligence officers of an aggressive worldwide hacking campaign that caused mass disruption and cost billions of dollars by attacking targets like a French presidential election, the electricity grid in Ukraine and the opening ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics.

 Operation Earth Kitsune: Tracking SLUB’s Current Operations

A watering hole campaign that Trend Micro has dubbed as Operation Earth Kitsune is spying on users’ systems through compromised websites. Using SLUB and two new malware variants, the attacks exploit vulnerabilities including those of Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Cybersecurity Company Finds Hacker Selling Info on 186 Million U.S. Voters

Trustwave says it found a hacker selling personally identifying information of more than 200 million Americans, including the voter registration data of 186 million. The revelation underscored how vulnerable Americans are to email targeting by criminals and foreign adversaries, even as U.S. officials announced that Iran and Russia had obtained voter registration data and email addresses with an eye toward interfering in the 2020 election.

Future Imperfect

In 2012, Trend Micro, the International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA) and Europol’s European Cyber Crime Centre (EC3) collaborated on a white paper that imagined the technological advances of the coming 8 years, the societal and behavioral changes they may bring and the opportunities for malfeasance they could present. As we enter the 2020s, we now have the opportunity to objectively review the project against a number of success factors.

WordPress Deploys Forced Security Update for Dangerous Bug in Popular Plugin

WordPress sites running Loginizer, one of today’s most popular WordPress plugins with an install base of over one million sites, were forcibly updated this week to Loginizer version 1.6.4. This version contained a security fix for a dangerous SQL injection bug that could have allowed hackers to take over WordPress sites running older versions of the Loginizer plugin.

Just Leave That Docker API on the Front Porch, No One Will Steal It

Recently, a new type of Linux malware named “DOKI” has been discovered exploiting publicly accessible Docker API’s hosted in all major cloud providers. The manner in which threat actors are gaining access to container environments is a previously discovered technique, but the DOKI malware is something that has not been documented until now.

Adobe Fixes 16 Critical Code-Execution Bugs Across Portfolio

Adobe has released 18 out-of-band security patches in 10 different software packages, including fixes for critical vulnerabilities that stretch across its product suite. Two of the issues are out-of-bounds read flaws, (CVE-2020-24409, CVE-2020-24410); one is an out-of-bounds write bug (CVE-2020-24411). Tran Van Khang, working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative, is credited for the discoveries.

US Treasury Department Ban on Ransomware Payments Puts Victims in Tough Position

This month, the US Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) warned organizations making ransomware payments that they risk violating economic sanctions imposed by the government against cybercriminal groups or state-sponsored hackers. The advisory has the potential to disrupt the ransomware monetization model, but also puts victims, their insurers and incident response providers in a tough situation.

What are your thoughts on the sanctions imposed by the government against cybercriminal groups or state-sponsored hackers?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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This Week in Security News: Cybercriminals Use Stolen Data and Hacking Tools as Prizes in Poker Games and Rap Battles and VirusTotal Now Supports Trend Micro ELF Hash

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how cybercriminals are passing the time during the COVID-19 pandemic with online poker games, where the prizes include stolen data. Also, read about how VirusTotal now supports Trend Micro ELF Hash (aka telfhash).


Read on:

Cybercriminals Use Stolen Data and Hacking Tools as Prizes in Poker Games and Rap Battles

Cybercriminals have put their own spin on passing time during the COVID-19 lockdown with online rap battles, poker tournaments, poem contests, and in-person sport tournaments. The twist is that the prize for winning these competitions is sometimes stolen data and tools to make cybercrime easier, according to new research from Trend Micro.

Becoming an Advocate for Gender Diversity: Five Steps that Could Shape Your Journey

Sanjay Mehta, senior vice president at Trend Micro, was recently named a new board member at Girls In Tech—a noted non-profit and Trend Micro partner working tirelessly to enhance the engagement, education, and empowerment of women in technology. In this blog, Sanjay shares five steps that you can use to become an ally for diversity in the workplace.

October Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Patches Critical, Wormable RCE Bug

In this month’s Patch Tuesday update, Microsoft pushed out fixes for 87 security vulnerabilities – 11 of them critical – and one of those is potentially wormable. There are also six bugs that were previously unpatched but publicly disclosed, which could give cybercriminals a leg up — and in fact at least one public exploit is already circulating for this group.

VirusTotal Now Supports Trend Micro ELF Hash

To help IoT and Linux malware researchers investigate attacks containing Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) files, Trend Micro created telfhash, an open-source clustering algorithm that helps cluster Linux IoT malware samples. VirusTotal has always been a valuable tool for threat research and now, with telfhash, users of the VirusTotal Intelligence platform can pivot from one ELF file to others.

New Emotet Attacks Use Fake Windows Update Lures

File attachments sent in recent Emotet campaigns show a message claiming to be from the Windows Update service, telling users that the Office app needs to be updated. Naturally, this must be done by clicking the Enable Editing button. According to the Cryptolaemus group, since yesterday, these Emotet lures have been spammed in massive numbers to users located all over the world.

Metasploit Shellcodes Attack Exposed Docker APIs

Trend Micro recently observed an interesting payload deployment using the Metasploit Framework (MSF) against exposed Docker APIs. The attack involves the deployment of Metasploit’s shellcode as a payload, and researchers said this is the first attack they’ve seen using MSF against Docker. It also uses a small, vulnerability-free base image in order for the attack to proceed in a fast and stealthy manner.

Barnes & Noble Warns Customers It Has Been Hacked, Customer Data May Have Been Accessed

American bookselling giant Barnes & Noble is contacting customers via email, warning them that its network was breached by hackers, and that sensitive information about shoppers may have been accessed. In the email to customers, Barnes & Noble says that it became aware that it had fallen victim to a cybersecurity attack on Saturday, October 10th.

ContentProvider Path Traversal Flaw on ESC App Reveals Info

Trend Micro researchers found ContentProvider path traversal vulnerabilities in three apps on the Google Play store, one of which had more than 5 million installs. The three applications include a keyboard customization app, a shopping app from a popular department store, and the app for the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Fortunately, the keyboard and department store apps have both been patched by developers. However, as of writing this blog, the ESC app is still active.

Carnival Corp. Ransomware Attack Affects Three Cruise Lines

Hackers accessed personal information of guests, employees and crew of three cruise line brands and the casino operations of Carnival Corp. in a ransomware attack the company suffered on Aug. 15, officials have confirmed. Carnival Cruise Line, Holland America Line and Seabourn were the brands affected by the attack, which Carnival said they’re still investigating in an update on the situation this week.

Docker Content Trust: What It Is and How It Secures Container Images

Docker Content Trust allows users to deploy images to a cluster or swarm confidently and verify that they are the images you expect them to be. In this blog from Trend Micro, learn how Docker Content Trust works, how to enable it, steps that can be taken to automate trust validation in the continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline and limitations of the system.

Twitter Hackers Posed as IT Workers to Trick Employees, NY Probe Finds

A simple phone scam was the key first step in the Twitter hack that took over dozens of high-profile accounts this summer, New York regulators say. The hackers responsible for the July 15 attack called Twitter employees posing as company IT workers and tricked them into giving up their login credentials for the social network’s internal tools, the state’s Department of Financial Services said.

What is a DDoS Attack? Everything You Need to Know About Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks and How to Protect Against Them

A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack sees an attacker flooding the network or servers of the victim with a wave of internet traffic so big that their infrastructure is overwhelmed by the number of requests for access, slowing down services or taking them fully offline and preventing legitimate users from accessing the service at all. DDoS attacks are one of the crudest forms of cyberattacks, but they’re also one of the most powerful and can be difficult to stop.

Cyberattack on London Council Still Having ‘Significant Impact’

Hackney Council in London has said that a cyberattack earlier this week is continuing to have a “significant impact” on its services. Earlier this week, the north London council said it had been the target of a serious cyberattack, which was affecting many of its services and IT systems.


Surprised by the new Emotet attack?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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This Week in Security News: A Look Inside the Bulletproof Hosting Business and Amazon Prime Day Spurs Spike in Phishing, Fraud Attacks

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)
week in security

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how cybercriminals secure their assets and survive in the business in a new Trend Micro report. Also, read about a how cybercriminals are tapping into Amazon’s Prime Day with phishing and malicious websites that are fraudulently using the Amazon brand.

Read on:

French Companies Under Attack from Clever BEC Scam

Trend Micro researchers observed a new modus operandi involving a clever BEC campaign that uses social engineering to target French companies. Malicious actors impersonated a French company in the metal fabrication industry that provides services to several organizations. They then registered a domain very similar to the legitimate one used by the business and used it to send emails to their targets. 

Amazon Prime Day Spurs Spike in Phishing, Fraud Attacks

Cybercriminals are tapping into Amazon’s annual Prime Day with researchers warning of a recent spike in phishing and malicious websites that are fraudulently using the Amazon brand. There has been a spike in the number of new monthly phishing and fraudulent sites created using the Amazon brand since August, the most significant since the COVID-19 pandemic forced people indoors in March.

CSO Insights: DataBank’s Mark Houpt on Looking Beyond Securing Infrastructures in the New Normal

The big move to working remotely wasn’t completely difficult for Mark Houpt, CISO at DataBank. After all, he has been doing so since before COVID-19. However, when the pandemic hit, DataBank, like many other companies across the globe, had to help most of their employees transition securely and smoothly to virtual work. Read up on the several important security considerations this experience highlighted.

240+ Android Apps Caught Showing Out-of-Context Ads

This summer, Google removed more than 240 Android applications from the Play Store for showing out-of-context ads and breaking a newly introduced Google policy against this type of intrusive advertising. Out-of-context ads are mobile ads that are shown outside an app’s normal container and appear as pop-ups or as full-screen ads.

Safe and Smart Connections: Securing IoT Networks for Remote Setups

As a result of our work-from-home (WFH) arrangements, there is an increased demand on networks as remote operations have created greater dependence on the IoT. Subsequently, now is a good time to re-examine the security of your network. Rather than only focusing on securing individual devices that can compromise a network, users should also secure the network to minimize threats across several devices.

Inside the Bulletproof Hosting Business

The use of underground infrastructure is inherent to the modus operandi of a cybercriminal. In Trend Micro’s Underground Hosting series, it differentiates how cybercrime goods are sold in marketplaces and what kinds of services are offered. In this final part of the Underground Hosting report series, Trend Micro explores the methods criminals employ to secure their assets and survive in the business.

Comcast Voice Remote Control Could be Turned into Spying Tool

The Comcast XR11 voice remote controller was recently found to be vulnerable and could be turned into a spying tool that eavesdrops on users. Discovered by researchers at Guardicore, the attack has been named WarezTheRemote and is said to be a very serious threat, considering that the remote is used for over 18 million devices across the U.S.

Transforming IoT Monitoring Data into Threat Defense

In the first half of 2020, there was a 70% increase in inbound attacks on devices and routers compared to the second half of 2019, which included attacks on IoT systems. To protect customers effectively by continuously monitoring trends in IoT attacks, Trend Micro examined Mirai and Bashlite (aka Qbot), two notorious IoT botnet malware types, and shares the figures relating to these botnets’ command and control (C&C) servers, IP addresses, and C&C commands.

Russia’s Fancy Bear Hackers Likely Penetrated a Federal Agency

Last week the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency published an advisory that hackers had penetrated a US federal agency. Now, clues uncovered by a researcher at cybersecurity firm Dragos and an FBI notification to hacking victims obtained by WIRED in July suggest that it was Fancy Bear, a team of hackers working for Russia’s GRU also known as APT28.

Threat Research & XDR Combine to Stop Cybercrime

Like legitimate businesses across the globe seeking to improve their information security and protect their network infrastructure, cybercriminal businesses take similar precautions. Trend Micro Research released the final report in a series focused on this part of cybercriminal business: Underground hosting providers. Based on the report, it’s clear that understanding both the criminal business and the attacks themselves better prepares defenders and investigators to identify and eliminate threats.

Researchers Find Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure Cloud Service

As businesses are increasingly migrating to the cloud, securing the infrastructure has never been more important. According to research by Paul Litvak of Intezer Labs, two security flaws in Microsoft’s Azure App Services could have enabled a bad actor to carry out server-side request forgery (SSRF) attacks or execute arbitrary code and take over the administration server.

Cyber Security Awareness: A Critical Checklist

October 2020 marks the 17th year of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, where users and organizations are encouraged to increase awareness of cybersecurity issues. To help raise awareness, Trend Micro’s Consumer Division breaks down of the security issues you should be aware of and shares tips about how you can protect yourself and your family while working, learning, or gaming at home.

The Basics of Keeping Kubernetes Cluster Secure: Worker Nodes and Related Components

In part one of this blog series, Trend Micro talked about the different ways developers can protect control plane components, including Kube API server configurations, RBAC authorization, and limitations in the communication between pods through network policies. In this second part, Trend Micro focuses on best practices that developers can implement to protect worker nodes and their components.

Are you surprised that Comcast voice activated remote controllers could be turned into a spying tool?  Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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This Week in Security News: Linkury Adware Caught Distributing Full-Blown Malware and Cross-Platform Modular Glupteba Malware Uses ManageX

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)
week in security

Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how an adware family known primarily for distributing browser hijackers, Linkury, has been caught distributing malware. Also, read about a newly uncovered strain of the Glupteba trojan.


Read on:

Cross-Platform Modular Glupteba Malware Uses ManageX

Trend Micro recently encountered a variant of the Glupteba trojan and reported its attacks on MikroTik routers and updates on its command and control (C&C) servers. The use of ManageX, a type of modular adware that Trend Micro has recently analyzed, is notable in this newly uncovered strain as it aims to emphasize the modularity and the cross-platform features of Glupteba as seen through its code analysis.

Phishing Attack Targets Microsoft 365 Users with Netflix & Amazon Lures

Security researchers have been tracking a phishing campaign that abuses Microsoft Office 365 third-party application access to obtain specific resources from victims’ accounts. The attacker, dubbed TA2552, mostly uses Spanish-language lures and a narrow range of themes and brands. These attacks have targeted organizations with a global presence but seem to choose victims who likely speak Spanish, according to a report from Proofpoint researchers.

New Report Suggests the Bug Bounty Business is Recession-Proof

A new report from HackerOne presents data suggesting that the bug bounty business might be recession-proof, citing increases in hacker registrations, monthly vulnerability disclosures and payouts during a pandemic-induced economic downturn. Brian Gorenc, senior director of vulnerability research and director of Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative program, shared that he’s seen bug bounty activity increase with ZDI publishing 1,045 vulnerability advisories in all of 2019 and 1,235 already in 2020.

Identity Fraud: How to Protect Your Identity Data, Accounts and Money During the Coronavirus Crisis

We’ve all been spending more time online since the pandemic hit, and as a result we’re sharing more personal and financial information online with each other and with organizations. Unfortunately, as ever, there are bad guys around every digital corner looking for this. Personally identifiable information (PII) is the currency of internet crime, and cyber-criminals will do whatever they can to get it.

Linkury Adware Caught Distributing Full-Blown Malware

An adware family known primarily for distributing browser hijackers has been caught distributing malware, security researchers said at the Virus Bulletin 2020 security conference. Its main method of distribution is the SafeFinder widget, a browser extension ironically advertised as a way to perform safe searches on the internet. K7 researchers say that in recent cases they analyzed, the SafeFinder widget has now also begun installing legitimate malware, such as the Socelars and Kpot infostealer trojans.

Chinese APT Group Targets Media, Finance, and Electronics Sectors

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new espionage campaign targeting media, construction, engineering, electronics, and finance sectors in Japan, Taiwan, the U.S. and China. Linking the attacks to Palmerworm (aka BlackTech), likely a China-based advanced persistent threat (APT), the first wave of activity associated with this campaign began last year in August 2019.

InterPlanetary Storm Botnet Infects 13K Mac, Android Devices

A new variant of the InterPlanetary Storm malware has been discovered, which comes with fresh detection-evasion tactics and now targets Mac and Android devices (in addition to Windows and Linux, which were targeted by previous variants of the malware). Researchers say the malware is building a botnet with a current estimated 13,500 infected machines across 84 countries worldwide – and that number continues to grow.

More Americans Share Social Security, Financial and Medical Information than Before the Pandemic

A new survey has shown that consumer willingness to share more sensitive data – social security numbers, financial information and medical information – is greater in 2020 than in both 2018 and 2019. According to the NYC-based scientific research foundation ARF’s (Advertising Research Foundation) third annual privacy study, contact tracing is considered a key weapon in the fight against COVID-19.

Do you feel like you are more willing to share sensitive information online since the pandemic began? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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AWS User Management

By Robert Johnson

Introduction In order to keep your AWS environment secure while allowing your users to properly utilize resources, you must ensure that users are correctly created with proper permissions. Also, you must monitor your environment to ensure that unauthorized access does not occur and accounts are up to date. User Account Creation and Management AWS IAM […]

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AWS User Management was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 1:24 pm.
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Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions

By Srinivas

Introduction In the previous article, we understood how print functions like printf work. This article provides further definition of Format String vulnerabilities. We will begin by discussing how Format Strings can be used in an unusual way, which is a starting point to understanding Format String exploits. Next, we will understand what kind of mistakes […]

The post Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions appeared first on Infosec Resources.

Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 10:29 am.
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This Week in Security News: Cybercriminals Distribute Backdoor with VPN Installer and New ‘Alien’ Malware can Steal Passwords from 226 Android Apps

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)


Welcome to our weekly roundup, where we share what you need to know about the cybersecurity news and events that happened over the past few days. This week, learn about how threat actors are bundling Windscribe VPN installers with backdoors. Also, read about a new strain of Android malware that comes with a wide array of features allowing it to steal credentials from 226 applications.



Read on:


Windows Backdoor Masquerading as VPN App Installer

This article discusses findings covered in a recent blog from Trend Micro where company researchers warn that Windows users looking to install a VPN app are in danger of downloading one that’s been bundled with a backdoor. The trojanized package in this specific case is the Windows installer for Windscribe VPN and contains the Bladabindi backdoor.

The Evolution of Malicious Shell Scripts

The Unix-programming community commonly uses shell scripts as a simple way to execute multiple Linux commands within a single file. Many users do this as part of a regular operational workload manipulating files, executing programs and printing text. However, as a shell interpreter is available in every Unix machine, it is also an interesting and dynamic tool abused by malicious actors.

Microsoft Says It Detected Active Attacks Leveraging Zerologon Vulnerability

Hackers are actively exploiting the Zerologon vulnerability in real-world attacks, Microsoft’s security intelligence team said on Thursday morning. The attacks were expected to happen, according to security industry experts. Multiple versions of weaponized proof-of-concept exploit code have been published online in freely downloadable form since details about the Zerologon vulnerability were revealed on September 14 by Dutch security firm Secura BV.

Stretched and Stressed: Best Practices for Protecting Security Workers’ Mental Health

Security work is stressful under the best of circumstances, but remote work presents its own challenges. In this article, learn how savvy security leaders can best support their teams today — wherever they’re working. Trend Micro’s senior director of HR for the Americas, Bob Kedrosky, weighs in on how Trend Micro is supporting its remote workers.

Exploitable Flaws Found in Facial Recognition Devices

To gain a more nuanced understanding of the security issues present in facial recognition devices, Trend Micro analyzed the security of four different models: ZKTeco FaceDepot-7B, Hikvision DS-K1T606MF, Telpo TPS980 and Megvii Koala. Trend Micro’s case studies show how these devices can be misused by malicious attackers.

New ‘Alien’ Malware Can Steal Passwords from 226 Android Apps

Security researchers have discovered and analyzed a new strain of Android malware that comes with a wide array of features allowing it to steal credentials from 226 applications. Named Alien, this new trojan has been active since the start of the year and has been offered as a Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS) offering on underground hacking forums.

Government Software Provider Tyler Technologies Hit by Possible Ransomware Attack

Tyler Technologies, a Texas-based provider of software and services for the U.S. government, started informing customers this week of a security incident that is believed to have involved a piece of ransomware. Tyler’s website is currently unavailable and in emails sent out to customers the company said its internal phone and IT systems were accessed without authorization by an “unknown third party.”

U.S. Justice Department Charges APT41 Hackers Over Global Cyberattacks

On September 16, 2020, the United States Justice Department announced that it was charging five Chinese citizens with hacking crimes committed against over 100 institutions in the United States and abroad. The global hacking campaign went after a diverse range of targets, from video game companies and telecommunications enterprises to universities and non-profit organizations. The five individuals were reportedly connected to the hacking group known as APT41.

Phishers are Targeting Employees with Fake GDPR Compliance Reminders

Phishers are using a bogus GDPR compliance reminder to trick recipients – employees of businesses across several industry verticals – into handing over their email login credentials. In this evolving campaign, the attackers targeted mostly email addresses they could glean from company websites and, to a lesser extent, emails of people who are high in the organization’s hierarchy.

Mispadu Banking Trojan Resurfaces

Recent spam campaigns leading to the URSA/Mispadu banking trojan have been uncovered, as reported by malware analyst Pedro Tavares in a Twitter post and by Seguranca Informatica in a blog post. Mispadu malware steals credentials from users’ systems. This attack targets systems with Spanish and Portuguese as system languages.

A Blind Spot in ICS Security: The Protocol Gateway Part 3: What ICS Security Administrators Can Do

In this blog series, Trend Micro analyzes the impacts of the serious vulnerabilities detected in the protocol gateways that are essential when shifting to smart factories and discusses the security countermeasures that security administrators in those factories must take. In the final part of this series, Trend Micro describes a stealth attack method that abuses a vulnerability as well as informs readers of a vital point of security measures required for the future ICS environment.

Major Instagram App Bug Could’ve Given Hackers Remote Access to Your Phone

Check Point researchers disclosed details about a critical vulnerability in Instagram’s Android app that could have allowed remote attackers to take control over a targeted device just by sending victims a specially crafted image. The flaw lets attackers perform actions on behalf of the user within the Instagram app, including spying on victim’s private messages and deleting or posting photos from their accounts, as well as execute arbitrary code on the device.

Addressing Threats Like Ryuk via Trend Micro XDR

Ryuk has recently been one of the most noteworthy ransomware families and is perhaps the best representation of the new paradigm in ransomware attacks where malicious actors go for quality over sheer quantity. In 2019, the Trend Micro™ Managed XDR and Incident Response teams investigated an incident concerning a Trend Micro customer that was infected with the Ryuk ransomware.

What are your thoughts on the Android Instagram app bug that could allow remote access to user’s phones? Share your thoughts in the comments below or follow me on Twitter to continue the conversation: @JonLClay.

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Ransom from Home – How to close the cyber front door to remote working ransomware attacks

By Trend Micro

Coronavirus has caused a major shift to our working patterns. In many cases these will long outlast the pandemic. But working from home has its own risks. One is that you may invite ransomware attacks from a new breed of cyber-criminal who has previously confined his efforts to directly targeting the corporate network. Why? Because as a remote worker, you’re increasingly viewed as a soft target—the open doorway to extorting money from your employer.

So how does ransomware land up on your front doorstep? And what can a home worker do to shut that door?

The new ransomware trends

Last year, Trend Micro detected over 61 million ransomware-related threats, a 10% increase from 2018 figures. But things have only gotten worse from there. There has been a 20% spike in ransomware detections globally in the first half of 2020, rising to 109% in the US. And why is that?

At a basic level, ransomware searches for and encrypts most of the files on a targeted computer, so as to make them unusable. Victims are then asked to pay a ransom within a set time frame in order to receive the decryption key they need to unlock their data. If they don’t, and they haven’t backed-up this data, it could be lost forever.

The trend of late, however, has been to focus on public and private sector organizations whose staff are working from home (WFH). The rationale is that remote workers are less likely to be able to defend themselves from ransomware attacks, while they also provide a useful stepping-stone into high-value corporate networks. Moreover, cybercriminals are increasingly looking to steal sensitive data before they encrypt it, even as they’re more likely to fetch a higher ransom for their efforts than they do from a typical consumer, especially if the remote employee’s data is covered by cyber-insurance.

Home workers are also being more targeted for a number of reasons:

  • They may be more distracted than those in the office.
  • Home network and endpoint security may not be up to company levels.
  • Home systems (routers, smart home devices, PCs, etc.,) may not be up-to-date and therefore are more easily exposed to exploits.
  • Remote workers are more likely to visit insecure sites, download risky apps, or share machines/networks with those who do.
  • Corporate IT security teams may be overwhelmed with other tasks and unable to provide prompt support to a remote worker.
  • Security awareness programs may have been lacking in the past, perpetuating bad practice for workers at home.

What’s the attack profile of the remote working threat?

In short, the bad guys are now looking to gain entry to the corporate network you may be accessing from home via a VPN, or to the cloud-hosted systems you use for work or sharing files, in order to first steal and then encrypt company data with ransomware as far and wide as possible into your organization. But the methods are familiar. They’ll

  • Try to trick you into dangerous behavior through email phishing—the usual strategy of getting you to click links that redirect you to bad websites that house malware, or getting you to download a bad file, to start the infection process.
  • Steal or guess your log-ins to work email accounts, remote desktop tools (i.e., Microsoft Remote Desktop or RDP), and cloud-based storage/networks, etc., before they deliver the full ransomware payload. This may happen via a phishing email spoofed to appear as if sent from a legitimate source, or they may scan for your use of specific tools and then try to guess the password (known as brute forcing). One new Mac ransomware, called EvilQuest, has a keylogger built into it, which could capture your company passwords as you type them in. It’s a one-two punch: steal the data first, then encrypt it.
  • Target malware at your VPN or remote desktop software, if it’s vulnerable. Phishing is again a popular way to do this, or they may hide it in software on torrent sites or in app stores. This gives them a foothold into your employer’s systems and network.
  • Target smart home devices/routers via vulnerabilities or their easy-to-guess/crack passwords, in order to use home networks as a stepping-stone into your corporate network.

How can I prevent ransomware when working from home?

The good news is that you, the remote worker, can take some relatively straightforward steps up front to help mitigate the cascading risks to your company posed by the new ransomware. Try the following:

  • Be cautious of phishing emails. Take advantage of company training and awareness courses if offered.
  • Keep your home router firmware, PCs, Macs, mobile devices, software, browsers and operating systems up to date on the latest versions – including remote access tools and VPNs (your IT department may do some of this remotely).
  • Ensure your home network, PCs, and mobile devices are protected with up-to-date with network and endpoint AV from a reputable vendor. (The solutions should include anti-intrusion, anti-web threat, anti-spam, anti-phishing, and of course, anti-ransomware features.)
  • Ensure remote access tools and user accounts are protected with multi-factor authentication (MFA) if used and disable remote access to your home router.
  • Disable Microsoft macros where possible. They’re a typical attack vector.
  • Back-up important files regularly, according to 3-2-1 rule.

How Trend Micro can help

In short, to close the cyber front door to ransomware, you need to protect your home network and all your endpoints (laptops, PCs, mobile devices) to be safe. Trend Micro can help via

  • The Home Network: Home Network Security (HNS) connects to your router to protect any devices connected to the home network — including IoT gadgets, smartphones and laptops — from ransomware and other threats.
  • Desktop endpoints: Trend Micro Security (TMS) offers advanced protection from ransomware-related threats. It includes Folder Shield to safeguard valuable files from ransomware encryption, which may be stored locally or synched to cloud services like Dropbox®, Google Drive® and Microsoft® OneDrive/OneDrive for Business.
  • Mobile endpoints: Trend Micro Mobile Security (also included in TMS) protects Android and iOS devices from ransomware.
  • Secure passwords: Trend Micro Password Manager enables users to securely store and recall strong, unique passwords for all their apps, websites and online accounts, across multiple devices.
  • VPN Protection at home and on-the-go: Trend Micro’s VPN Proxy One (Mac | iOS) solution will help ensure your data privacy on Apple devices when working from home, while its cross-platform WiFi Protection solution will do the same across PCs, Macs, Android and iOS devices when working from home or when connecting to public/unsecured WiFi hotspots, as you venture out and about as the coronavirus lockdown eases in your area.

With these tools, you, the remote worker, can help shut the front door to ransomware, protecting your work, devices, and company from data theft and encryption for ransom.

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1H 2020 Cyber Security Defined by Covid-19 Pandemic

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

When we published our 2020 Predictions report in December, we didn’t realize there was a global pandemic brewing that would give cybercriminals an almost daily news cycle to take advantage of in their attacks against people and organizations around the world. Malicious actors have always taken advantage of big news to use as lures for socially engineered threats, but these events tend to be fairly short news cycles.

When Covid-19 started making headlines in early 2020, we started seeing new threats using this in the attacks. As you see below, April was the peak month for email-based Covid-19 related threats.

The same was true for phishing URLs related to Covid-19, but for files using Covid-19 in their naming convention, the peak month in the first half was June.

Impact on Cybercrime

The constant 24×7 news around cases, cures and vaccines makes this pandemic unique for cybercriminals. Also, the shift to remote working and the challenges posed to supply chains all gave cybercriminals new content they could use as lures to entice victims into infecting themselves.

As we’ve seen for many years now, email-based threats were the most used threat vector by malicious actors, which makes sense as the number one infection vector to penetrate an organization’s network is to use a socially engineered email against an employee.

We even saw malicious mobile apps being developed using Covid-19 as a lure, as you see below.

In this case it was supporting potential cures for the virus, which many people would have wanted.

Other Highlights in 1H 2020

While Covid-19 dominated the threat landscape in the 1H 2020, it wasn’t the only thing that defined it. Ransomware actors continued their attacks against organizations, but as we’ve been seeing over the past year, they’ve become much more selective in their victims. The spray and pray model using spam has been shifted to a more targeted approach, similar to how nation-state actors and APT groups perform their attacks. Two things showcase this trend:

  1. The number of ransomware detections has dropped significantly from 1H 2019 to 1H 2020, showing that ransomware actors are not looking for broad infection numbers.



2. The ransom amounts have increased significantly over the years, showing ransomware actors are selecting their victims around how much they feel they can extort them for and whether they are more likely to pay a ransom.


Home network attacks are another interesting aspect of the threat landscape in the first half of this year. We have millions of home routers around the world that give us threat data on events coming into and out of home networks.

Threat actors are taking advantage of more remote workers by launching more attacks against these home networks. As you see below, the first half of 2020 saw a marked increase in attacks.

Many of these attacks are brute force login attempts as actors try to obtain login credentials for routers and devices within the home network, which can allow them to do further damage.

The above are only a small number of security events and trends we saw in just six months of 2020. Our full roundup of the security landscape so far this year is detailed out in our security roundup report – Securing the Pandemic-Disrupted Workplace. You can read about all we found to help prepare for many of the threats we will continue to see for the rest of the year.

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Connected Security Solutions Helps City of Tyler’s CIO to Reduce Costs While Enabling Delivery of Enhanced Community & Public Safety Services

By Trend Micro

“We’re here to serve” is Benny Yazdanpanahi’s motto as CIO for City of Tyler located in Texas. Supporting a population of approximately 107,000, Yazdanpanahi’s vision for his city relies on the use of data to deliver exceptional services to citizens, today and into the future.


Since joining the city nearly 19 years ago, Yazdanpanahi has continually challenged himself and his small IT team to stay agile and to keep the needs of the city’s citizens at the forefront. Today, Yazdanpanahi and his team use IT systems to make more informed decisions, enhance community services, and improve public safety.


“Our citizens, and especially the younger generation, want immediate access to information and online services,” said Yazdanpanahi. “We want to keep pace with the latest technologies, not only for citizens but also to make our city employees more effective and efficient.”

But Yazdanpanahi knows that a highly secure IT environment is essential to their continued success. “Many US cities have been hacked, so security is on top of everyone’s mind. As a city, we want to provide great services, but we have to provide them in a highly secure manner.”

To accomplish those security goals with limited resources and staff, Tyler’s leaders have been collaborating with Trend Micro for several years. The cybersecurity giant has brought a hands-on approach and an ability to stay ahead of the threats. Their adaptability to the threat landscape strengthens the city’s security posture and empowers the IT team to focus on serving the community.


The city has been able to stay secure without additional staff and resources. City employees don’t spend time resolving IT issues and improve their productivity to focus on things that mater for the city.


“If you don’t collaborate with a partner that’s highly experienced in the security field, you can easily get blindsided,” said Yazdanpanahi. “We need someone there, day in and out, focused on security. Trend Micro knows how to protect cities like us. They provide the kind of north, south, east, and west protection that makes my job easier and allows us to use our data to accomplish new, exciting things for our city.”


Read more about Benny’s journey to securing the city:



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Black Hat Trip Report – Trend Micro

By William "Bill" Malik (CISA VP Infrastructure Strategies)

At Black Hat USA 2020, Trend Micro presented two important talks on vulnerabilities in Industrial IoT (IIoT). The first discussed weaknesses in proprietary languages used by industrial robots, and the second talked about vulnerabilities in protocol gateways. Any organization using robots, and any organization running a multi-vendor OT environment, should be aware of these attack surfaces. Here is a summary of the key points from each talk.

Rogue Automation

Presented at Black Hat, Wednesday, August 5. and the corresponding research paper is available at

Industrial robots contain powerful, fully capable computers. Unlike most contemporary computers, though, industrial robots lack basic information security capabilities. First, at the architectural level, they lack any mechanism to isolate certain instructions or memory. That is, any program can alter any piece of storage, or run any instruction. In traditional mainframes, no application could access, change, or run any code in another application or in the operating system. Even smartphone operating systems have privilege separation. An application cannot access a smartphone’s camera, for instance, without being specifically permitted to do so. Industrial robots allow any code to read, access, modify, or run any device connected to the system, including the clock. That eliminates data integrity in industrial robots and invalidates any audit of malfunctions; debugging becomes exceptionally difficult.

Industrial robots do not use conventional programming languages, like C or Python. Instead, each manufacturer provides its own proprietary programming language. That means a specialist using one industrial robot cannot use another vendor’s machine without training. There are no common information security tools for code validation, since vendors do not develop products for fragmented markets. These languages describe programs telling the robot how to move. They also support reading and writing data, analyzing and modifying files, opening and closing input/output devices, getting and sending information over a network, and accessing and changing status indicators on connected sensors. Once a program starts to run on an industrial robot, it can do anything any fully functional computer can do, without any security controls at all. Contemporary industrial robots do not have any countermeasures against this threat.

Most industrial robot owners do not write their own programs. The supply chain for industrial robot programs involves many third-party actors. See Figure 1 below for a simplified diagram. In each community, users of a particular vendor’s languages share code informally, and rely on user’s groups for hints and tips to solve common tasks. These forums rarely discuss security measures. Many organizations hire third-party contractors to implement particular processes, but there are no security certifications relevant to these proprietary languages. Most programmers learned their trade in an air-gapped world, and still rely on a perimeter which separates the safe users and code inside from the untrusted users and code outside. The languages offer no code scanners to identify potential weaknesses, such as not validating inputs, modifying system services, altering device state, or replacing system functions. The machines do not have a software asset management capability, so knowing where the components of a running program originated from is uncertain.

Figure 1: The Supply Chain for Industrial Robot Programming

All is not lost – not quite. In the short term, Trend Micro Research has developed a static code analysis tool called OTRazor, which examines robotic code for unsafe code patterns. This was demonstrated during our session at Black Hat.

Over time, vendors will have to introduce basic security checks, such as authentication, authorization, data integrity, and data confidentiality. The vendors will also have to introduce architectural restrictions – for instance, an application should be able to read the clock but not change it.. Applications should not be able to modify system files, programs, or data, nor should they be able to modify other applications. These changes will take years to arrive in the market, however. Until then, CISOs should audit industrial robot programs for vulnerabilities, and segment networks including industrial robots, and apply baseline security programs, as they do now, for both internally developed and procured software.

Protocol Gateway Vulnerabilities

Presented at Black Hat, Wednesday, August 5,, with the corresponding research paper available here:

Industry 4.0 leverages the power of automation alongside the rich layer of software process control tools, particularly Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and its bigger cousin, Supply Chain Management (SCM). By bringing together dynamic industrial process control with hyper-efficient “just-in-time” resource scheduling, manufacturers can achieve minimum cost, minimum delay, and optimal production. But these integration projects require that IIoT devices speak with other technology, including IIoT from other manufacturers and legacy equipment. Since each equipment or device may have their own communication protocol, Industry 4.0 relies heavily on protocol converters.

Protocol converters are simple, highly efficient, low-cost devices that translate one protocol into another. Protocol converters are ubiquitous, but they lack any basic security capabilities – authentication, authorization, data integrity or data confidentiality – and they sit right in the middle of the OT network. Attackers can subvert protocol converters to hijack the communication or change configuration. An attacker can disable a safety thresholds, generate a denial of service attack, and misdirect an attached piece of equipment.

In the course of this research, we found nine vulnerabilities and are working with vendors to remediate the issues. Through our TXOne subsidiary, we are developing rules and intelligence specifically for IIoT message traffic, which are then embedded in our current network security offerings, providing administrators with better visibility and the ability to enforce security policies in their OT networks.

Protocol converters present a broad attack surface, as they have limited native information security capabilities. They don’t validate senders or receivers, nor do they scan or verify message contents. Due to their crucial position in the middle of the OT network, they are an exceptionally appealing target for malicious actors. Organizations using protocol converters – especially those on the way to Industry 4.0 – must address these weak but critical components of their evolving infrastructure.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below or @WilliamMalikTM

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Top Tips For Home Cybersecurity And Privacy In A Coronavirus-Impacted World (Part 1)

By Trend Micro

Welcome to the new normal. We’re all now living in a post-COVID-19 world characterized by uncertainty, mass home working and remote learning. The lines demarcating normal life have shifted abruptly – perhaps never to return. That’s not the worst that can happen, as we all know, but it does mean we all need to get used to new ways of living, working and studying from home. This has major implications for the online safety, security and privacy of our families.

To help you adapt to these new conditions while protecting what matters most, Trend Micro has developed a two-part blog series on “The New Normal.” Part 1 identifies the scope and specific cyber-threats of the new normal. Part 2 provides security tips and products to help address those threats.

What’s going on?

In April, nearly 300 million Americans were estimated to be in government-mandated lockdown. Even as some businesses, municipalities and states begin to relax these rules, experts have warned of subsequent waves of the virus, which could result in new localized lockdowns. In short, a lot of people will continue to work from home, while their children, also at home, attempt to study remotely from their mobile devices.

This has considerable implications for how we spend our time. Without that morning commute to work or school, more of it than ever will involve sitting in front of a desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone screen. Even the smart TV is enlisted. Dangers include

  • Use of potentially insecure video conferencing applications. The number of daily meeting participants on Zoom surged from 10 million in December 2019 to roughly 200 million in March.
  • Visits to P2P/torrent sites or platforms for adult content. In search of entertainment, bored kids or teens in your household may have more time and inclination to do this.
  • Downloads of potentially malicious applications disguised as legitimate entertainment or gaming content.
  • More online shopping and banking. June alone generated $73.2 billion in online spend, up 76.2% year-on-year. Whenever you shop or bank online, financial data is potentially exposed.
  • Use of potentially insecure remote learning platforms. Educational mobile app downloads increased by a massive 1087% between March 2 and 16. The trend continues.
  • Logging on to corporate cloud-based services. This includes Office 365, to do your job remotely, or using a VPN to connect directly into the office.
  • For recreation, streaming and browsing on your smart TV. But even your smart TV is vulnerable to threats, as the FBI has warned.

Risky behavior

Unfortunately, the increase in working from home (WFH), especially for those not used to it, may lead to an increase in risky behavior, such as: using non-approved apps for work; visiting non work-related sites on work devices; and using personal devices to access work resources. Recent global Trend Micro research found that:

  • 80% have used their work laptop for personal browsing, with only 36% fully restricting the sites they visit.
  • 56% of employees have used a non-work app on a corporate device, and 66% have uploaded corporate data to it.
  • 39% often or always access corporate data from a personal device.
  • 8% admit to watching adult content on their work laptop, and 7% access the dark web.

This is not about restricting your freedom to visit the sites you want to visit while at home. It’s about reducing the risk of exposing corporate data and systems to possible malware.

What are the bad guys doing?

Unsurprisingly, there has also been a major uptick in the volume of cyber-threats targeting home users. With a captive audience to aim at, it’s a huge opportunity for cyber-criminals to steal your log-ins and personal data to sell to fraudsters, or even to steal corporate passwords and information for a potentially bigger pay-off. They are helped by the fact that many home workers may be more distracted than they usually would be at the office, especially if they have young children. Your kids may even share the same laptops or PCs as you, potentially visiting risky sites and/or downloading unapproved apps.

There’s also a chance that, unless you have a corporate machine at home, your personal computing equipment is less secure than the kit you had in the office. Add to that the fact that support from the IT department may be less forthcoming than usual, given that stretched teams are overwhelmed with requests, while themselves struggling to WFH. One recent report claimed that nearly half (47%) of IT security pros have been taken off some or all of their typical security tasks to support other IT-related jobs. In another, only 59% of respondents said they believe their cybersecurity team has the right tools and resources at home to perform their job effectively.

It’s time to step up and take security into your own hands. Stay on the lookout for the following threats.

  • Unsecured home routers and smart devices might be hijacked in more sophisticated attacks designed to steal data from corporate networks via the home worker.
  • Phishing attacks spoofing well-known brands or using COVID-19 information/news as a lure. Google is blocking 18 million malicious pandemic-themed emails every day. The end goal may be to hijack your online consumer accounts (Netflix, banking, email, online shopping) or work accounts. Other phishing emails are designed to install data-stealing malware, ransomware and other threats.
  • Attackers may target vulnerabilities in your home PCs and the apps you’re using (video conferencing etc) to gain remote access.
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC) attackers may try to leverage the lack of internal communications between remote workers to impersonate senior execs via email, and trick finance team members into wiring corporate funds abroad.
  • Kids exposing home networks and devices to malware on torrent sites, in mobile apps, on social media, and via phishing attacks potentially imitating remote learning/video conferencing platforms.
  • Kids searching for adult/inappropriate content, and/or those that are bored and over-share on social media. Unicef has warned that millions of children are at increased of online harm as lockdown means they spend more of their days online.
  • Mobile apps represent a potential source of malware, especially those found on unofficial app stores. There has also been a reported 51% rise in stalkerware – covert surveillance apps used by domestic abusers and stalkers to target victims.
  • The pandemic has led to a surge in e-commerce fraud where consumers are tricked into buying non-existent products or counterfeit goods including medical items.

So what’s a remote worker/concerned parent to do to protect themselves and the family in the midst of the “new normal?”

Read Part 2 in this mini-series, which we’re publishing simultaneously with Part 1, where we share some best practice advice on how to keep your digital lives and work systems safe from online threats during lockdown—and where we provide tools to help you do just that.

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Top Tips For Home Cybersecurity And Privacy In A Coronavirus-Impacted World (Part 2)

By Trend Micro

The past few months have seen radical changes to our work and home life under the Coronavirus threat, upending norms and confining millions of American families within just four walls. In this context, it’s not surprising that more of us are spending an increasing portion of our lives online. But this brings with it some familiar cyber-risks. In Part 1 of this mini-series, we explained how cyber-criminals are looking to capitalize on these sweeping changes to society to further their own ends.

Now let’s take a look at what you can do to protect your family, your data, and access to your corporate accounts.

How you can stay safe online

The bad guys are laser-focused on stealing your personal data and log-ins and increasingly see the remote worker as an easy target for leapfrogging into corporate networks. That’s not to mention the potential internet safety risks inherent in bored kids spending more time in front of their screens. To respond, you’ll need to create an equally focused “home security plan” governed by sensible policies and best practices. Here are some of the key areas to consider.

Protect your smart home and router

Increasingly, unprotected smart home devices are being targeted by cyber-criminals to turn into botnets to attack others. They might also provide sophisticated attackers with a stepping-stone into your corporate systems, via the home network. The home router, with its known flaws, is (after the modem) the digital front door to the smart home and the basis for your networking, so it should be first in any security strategy. Consider the following when tackling home network security:

  • Regularly check for router firmware updates and apply as soon as they’re available. (If you’re using a home gateway (modem + router) firmware updates are done by your ISP, so you won’t have the option to do this.)
  • Change factory default admin passwords and switch on two-factor authentication if available.
  • Disable UPnP and any remote management features.
  • Use WPA2 on your router for encrypted Wi-Fi. Pick passwords for access that aren’t easily guessed.
  • Put the router in middle of house if possible, so the signal is not overly exposed to strangers outside. Likewise for extenders.
  • Invest in security for the entire home network from a reputable provider like Trend Micro.

Secure your home office

Cyber-criminals are primed to take advantage of distracted home workers and potentially less secure PCs/devices. Secure this environment by doing the following:

  • Again, apply a home network security solution. This protects your work devices, while also protecting the devices you use for recreation.
  • Apply any security updates to OS/software.
  • Install/maintain endpoint security software on all machines/devices.
  • Never use work laptops for personal use.
  • Switch on 2FA for any work accounts.
  • Use a VPN if applicable whenever connecting to the office.
  • Stay alert to phishing/BEC attempts.
  • Take advantage of any training courses to stay up-to-speed on the latest scams.
  • Disable macros in Office files – these are often used by hackers to run malware.

Stay safe from phishing

Phishing is the number one tactic used by attackers to trick you into installing malware or handing over your log-ins. Emails, text messages, social media messages and more are spoofed to appear as if sent by a legitimate company or contact. In response:

  • Be cautious of any unsolicited emails/texts/messages even if they appear legitimate.
  • Don’t click on any links/buttons in unsolicited messages, or download attachments.
  • Check directly with the sender rather than clicking through links or buttons provided or entering any confidential details.
  • Invest in cybersecurity tools from a trusted vendor like Trend Micro, to spot and block scam emails and malicious downloads/websites.

Use video conferencing safely

New videoconferencing platforms can introduce risk, especially if you’re not familiar with the default settings. Here’s how to stay safe when video conferencing:

  • Check first for end-to-end encryption.
  • Only download videoconferencing apps from official iOS/Android stores and manufacturer websites.
  • Get familiar with privacy settings. Switch off camera access if you don’t want to appear on-screen.
  • Ensure you’re always on the latest software version.
  • Never click on links/open attachments in messages from unknown contacts.
  • Use a password manager to store long and strong log-ins, and switch on two-factor authentication (2FA) if available.

Stay safe shopping and banking

Next, protect your financial information and stay safe from e-commerce fraud by doing the following:

  • Install AV on all PCs and devices.
  • Always use the latest browser versions and HTTPS sites.
  • Never click through on sensational promos or ads on social media/in emails. Always visit the site directly.
  • Always be cautious: if special offers seem too good to be true, they usually are.
  • Use a secure browser, password manager, and 2FA in your online accounts.
  • Use a VPN app on any device you use to shop or bank.

Think about online safety for kids

They may be under your roof for more hours of the day than usual, but your children are also likely to be spending more time online. That means you need to have a measured conversation with them about internet safety, backed up with parental controls. Consider the following:

  • Urge your kids to think before clicking, and before sharing on social media.
  • Make sure you have installed anti-malware from a reputable vendor on all their devices.
  • Look for security products that check/update their social media privacy settings.
  • Discourage or block downloads from P2P sites.
  • Set up parental controls to block inappropriate content and/or to regulate screen time and time on certain sites or with certain apps. Then set up admin protections, so they can’t change the settings.
  • Share your concerns around sexting.

Mobile security best practices
Finally, sheltering at home has limits, particularly for restless kids. When they go to the store or out to the park, facemasks notwithstanding, they’re likely going to use their mobile devices, just as they’ll continue to do at home. Of course, you’re not exempt either from mobile threats. Ensure mobile security by

  • Sticking to the official Google Play and App Store marketplaces. Enforce this through smart settings on your children’s phones.
  • Running anti-malware on your mobile device, from a reputable company like Trend Micro.
  • Ensuring your family’s devices are using the latest OS version.
  • Ensuring your family devices have remote lock and wipe feature switched on, in case they’re lost or stolen.
  • Never brick or jailbreak the device, as this can expose it to security risks.

How Trend Micro can help

When it comes to protecting the home from security and privacy threats during lockdown, leave no stone unturned. Cyber-criminals will always look for the weak link in the chain and focus their efforts there. Network security is important, but it doesn’t replace the need for protection on each individual device. You’ll need to cover your router, network, smart devices, and all endpoints (PCs, laptops, mobiles and other devices). Here’s how Trend Micro can help:

Trend Micro Home Network Security

Trend Micro Home Network Security provides industry-leading protection against any threats to internet-connected devices in the home. The solution

  • Blocks dangerous file downloads during web browsing to stop ransomware, data theft, phishing, and other malware. Blocks remote access applications.
  • Protects all smart devices, such as smart TVs, thermostats, security cameras, etc., that don’t have their own security solutions.
  • Parental Controls and Guardian allow parents to track and restrict their children’s internet usage at home and on-the-go, which could free-up bandwidth for important conference calls.

Trend Micro Security (PC and Mac)

Trend Micro Security, available in various editions (led by Trend Micro Maximum Security), is Trend’s flagship endpoint security product for consumers. Available for both PCs and Macs, it features AI learning to stop advanced threats. Among a wide range of protections, it includes:

  • Web Threat Protection when browsing the internet, defending you against bad websites that can steal your data or download malicious files.
  • Machine Learning, to protect you from new and unknown threats.
  • Ransomware protection via Folder Shield, to stop unauthorized changes and back-up files encrypted by suspicious programs.
  • Anti-phishing and anti-spam protection for Outlook clients, as well as Gmail and Outlook webmail on the PC, and Gmail webmail on the Mac.
  • Privacy Scanner (for Facebook and Twitter), Social Networking Protection for protection against malicious links in social networks, Pay Guard for protecting your online banking and buying.
  • Parental Controls to limit which software and websites you kids may use.

Trend Micro Mobile Security:

Trend Micro Mobile Security provides endpoint security for all your mobile devices, whether Android or iOS-based.

  • Blocks dangerous websites and app downloads.
  • Helps protects your privacy on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Protects your kids’ devices.
  • Guards against identity theft.
  • Optimizes your device’s performance.

Additional Trend Micro Tools:

Network and endpoint security should be supplemented with tools that accomplish specific tasks, such as protecting your internet connections, your passwords, and your identity data. Trend Micro provides

  • Wi-Fi Protection/VPN Proxy One Mac | iOS. VPNs with an emphasis on web threat protection or privacy, respectively. The first is available on all four platforms; the second is targeted for Apple devices.
  • Password Manager. Manages and encrypts your passwords, and automates your logins, while ensuring you use unique, strong passwords across all of your online accounts.
  • ID Security. Tracks your credentials, particularly the ones you use for buying and banking, to see if breaches of any of your identity data have led to their sale on the Dark Web. Notifies you when it has, so you can take steps to protect it.
  • Premium Services. Parents working from home are not expected to be IT or Security experts, so now’s the time to ensure professional help is around when you need it by signing up for one of Trend Micro’s premium service packages for help configuring, troubleshooting, optimizing, and disinfecting your devices if they get infected.

Maintaining your family’s security and privacy on all their devices during the coronavirus lockdown above all means changing your mindset, to take into account the mix of work and play in the household during the “new normal.” Use these tips and tools during lockdown and you’ll be well on your way to ensuring you and your family’s safety from malicious viruses—both digital and natural.

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