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S3 Ep137: 16th century crypto skullduggery

By Paul Ducklin
Lots to learn, clearly explained in plain English... listen now! (Full transcript inside.)


The downside of frenemies

Are DevOps Tools a potential risk to your software supply chain security?

Webinar Popular DevOps tools are great when it comes to helping developers optimize digital infrastructure, but there's a potential downside – the hidden risks they can contain which may compromise your supply chain.…

  • June 1st 2023 at 16:43

Ask Fitis, the Bear: Real Crooks Sign Their Malware

By BrianKrebs

Code-signing certificates are supposed to help authenticate the identity of software publishers, and provide cryptographic assurance that a signed piece of software has not been altered or tampered with. Both of these qualities make stolen or ill-gotten code-signing certificates attractive to cybercriminal groups, who prize their ability to add stealth and longevity to malicious software. This post is a deep dive on “Megatraffer,” a veteran Russian hacker who has practically cornered the underground market for malware focused code-signing certificates since 2015.

One of Megatraffer’s ads on an English-language cybercrime forum.

A review of Megatraffer’s posts on Russian crime forums shows this user began peddling individual stolen code-signing certs in 2015 on the Russian-language forum Exploit, and soon expanded to selling certificates for cryptographically signing applications and files designed to run in Microsoft Windows, Java, Adobe AIR, Mac and Microsoft Office.

Megatraffer explained that malware purveyors need a certificate because many antivirus products will be far more interested in unsigned software, and because signed files downloaded from the Internet don’t tend to get blocked by security features built into modern web browsers. Additionally, newer versions of Microsoft Windows will complain with a bright yellow or red alert message if users try to install a program that is not signed.

“Why do I need a certificate?” Megatraffer asked rhetorically in their Jan. 2016 sales thread on Exploit. “Antivirus software trusts signed programs more. For some types of software, a digital signature is mandatory.”

At the time, Megatraffer was selling unique code-signing certificates for $700 apiece, and charging more than twice that amount ($1,900) for an “extended validation” or EV code-signing cert, which is supposed to only come with additional identity vetting of the certificate holder. According to Megatraffer, EV certificates were a “must-have” if you wanted to sign malicious software or hardware drivers that would reliably work in newer Windows operating systems.

Part of Megatraffer’s ad. Image:

Megatraffer has continued to offer their code-signing services across more than a half-dozen other Russian-language cybercrime forums, mostly in the form of sporadically available EV and non-EV code-signing certificates from major vendors like Thawte and Comodo.

More recently, it appears Megatraffer has been working with ransomware groups to help improve the stealth of their malware. Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, someone leaked several years of internal chat logs from the Conti ransomware gang, and those logs show Megatraffer was working with the group to help code-sign their malware between July and October 2020.


According to cyber intelligence firm Intel 471, Megatraffer has been active on more than a half-dozen crime forums from September 2009 to the present day. And on most of these identities, Megatraffer has used the email address That same email address also is tied to two forum accounts for a user with the handle “O.R.Z.”

Constella Intelligence, a company that tracks exposed databases, finds that was used in connection with just a handful of passwords, but most frequently the password “featar24“. Pivoting off of that password reveals a handful of email addresses, including

Intel 471 shows was used to register another O.R.Z. user account — this one on Verified[.]ru in 2008. Prior to that, was used as the email address for the account “Fitis,” which was active on Exploit between September 2006 and May 2007. Constella found the password “featar24” also was used in conjunction with the email address, which is tied to yet another O.R.Z. account on Carder[.]su from 2008.

The email address was used to create a Livejournal blog profile named Fitis that has a large bear as its avatar. In November 2009, Fitis wrote, “I am the perfect criminal. My fingerprints change beyond recognition every few days. At least my laptop is sure of it.”

Fitis’s Livejournal account. Image:

Fitis’s real-life identity was exposed in 2010 after two of the biggest sponsors of pharmaceutical spam went to war with each other, and large volumes of internal documents, emails and chat records seized from both spam empires were leaked to this author. That protracted and public conflict formed the backdrop of my 2014 book — “Spam Nation: The Inside Story of Organized Cybercrime, from Global Epidemic to Your Front Door.

One of the leaked documents included a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet containing the real names, addresses, phone numbers, emails, street addresses and WebMoney addresses for dozens of top earners in Spamit — at the time the most successful pharmaceutical spam affiliate program in the Russian hacking scene and one that employed most of the top Russian botmasters.

That document shows Fitis was one of Spamit’s most prolific recruiters, bringing more than 75 affiliates to the Spamit program over several years prior to its implosion in 2010 (and earning commissions on any future sales from all 75 affiliates).

The document also says Fitis got paid using a WebMoney account that was created when its owner presented a valid Russian passport for a Konstantin Evgenievich Fetisov, born Nov. 16, 1982 and residing in Moscow. Russian motor vehicle records show two different vehicles are registered to this person at the same Moscow address.

The most interesting domain name registered to the email address, fittingly enough, is fitis[.]ru, which says was registered in 2005 to a Konstantin E. Fetisov from Moscow.

The Wayback Machine at has a handful of mostly blank pages indexed for fitis[.]ru in its early years, but for a brief period in 2007 it appears this website was inadvertently exposing all of its file directories to the Internet.

One of the exposed files — Glavmed.html — is a general invitation to the infamous Glavmed pharmacy affiliate program, a now-defunct scheme that paid tens of millions of dollars to affiliates who advertised online pill shops mainly by hacking websites and manipulating search engine results. Glavmed was operated by the same Russian cybercriminals who ran the Spamit program.

A Google translated ad circa 2007 recruiting for the pharmacy affiliate program Glavmed, which told interested applicants to contact the ICQ number used by Fitis, a.k.a. MegaTraffer. Image: shows the fitis[.]ru webpage with the Glavmed invitation was continuously updated with new invite codes. In their message to would-be Glavmed affiliates, the program administrator asked applicants to contact them at the ICQ number 165540027, which Intel 471 found was an instant messenger address previously used by Fitis on Exploit.

The exposed files in the archived version of fitis[.]ru include source code for malicious software, lists of compromised websites used for pharmacy spam, and a handful of what are apparently personal files and photos. Among the photos is a 2007 image labeled merely “fitis.jpg,” which shows a bespectacled, bearded young man with a ponytail standing next to what appears to be a newly-married couple at a wedding ceremony.

Mr. Fetisov did not respond to requests for comment.

As a veteran organizer of affiliate programs, Fitis did not waste much time building a new moneymaking collective after Spamit closed up shop. New York City-based cyber intelligence firm Flashpoint found that Megatraffer’s ICQ was the contact number for Himba[.]ru, a cost-per-acquisition (CPA) program launched in 2012 that paid handsomely for completed application forms tied to a variety of financial instruments, including consumer credit cards, insurance policies, and loans.

“Megatraffer’s entrenched presence on cybercrime forums strongly suggests that malicious means are used to source at least a portion of traffic delivered to HIMBA’s advertisers,” Flashpoint observed in a threat report on the actor.

Intel 471 finds that Himba was an active affiliate program until around May 2019, when it stopping paying its associates.

Fitis’s Himba affiliate program, circa February 2014. Image:

Flashpoint notes that in September 2015, Megatraffer posted a job ad on Exploit seeking experienced coders to work on browser plugins, installers and “loaders” — basically remote access trojans (RATs) that establish communication between the attacker and a compromised system.

“The actor specified that he is looking for full-time, onsite help either in his Moscow or Kiev locations,” Flashpoint wrote.

Evasive QBot Malware Leverages Short-lived Residential IPs for Dynamic Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
An analysis of the "evasive and tenacious" malware known as QBot has revealed that 25% of its command-and-control (C2) servers are merely active for a single day. What's more, 50% of the servers don't remain active for more than a week, indicating the use of an adaptable and dynamic C2 infrastructure, Lumen Black Lotus Labs said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "This botnet has adapted

New Zero-Click Hack Targets iOS Users with Stealthy Root-Privilege Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A previously unknown advanced persistent threat (APT) is targeting iOS devices as part of a sophisticated and long-running mobile campaign dubbed Operation Triangulation that began in 2019. "The targets are infected using zero-click exploits via the iMessage platform, and the malware runs with root privileges, gaining complete control over the device and user data," Kaspersky said. The Russian

Unmasking XE Group: Experts Reveal Identity of Suspected Cybercrime Kingpin

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have unmasked the identity of one of the individuals who is believed to be associated with the e-crime actor known as XE Group. According to Menlo Security, which pieced together the information from different online sources, "Nguyen Huu Tai, who also goes by the names Joe Nguyen and Thanh Nguyen, has the strongest likelihood of being involved with the XE Group." XE

Malicious PyPI Packages Using Compiled Python Code to Bypass Detection

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Researchers have discovered a novel attack on the Python Package Index (PyPI) repository that employs compiled Python code to sidestep detection by application security tools. "It may be the first supply chain attack to take advantage of the fact that Python bytecode (PYC) files can be directly executed," ReversingLabs analyst Karlo Zanki said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The package

How Wazuh Improves IT Hygiene for Cyber Security Resilience

By The Hacker News
IT hygiene is a security best practice that ensures that digital assets in an organization's environment are secure and running properly. Good IT hygiene includes vulnerability management, security configuration assessments, maintaining asset and system inventories, and comprehensive visibility into the activities occurring in an environment. As technology advances and the tools used by

All eyes on APIs: Top 3 API security risks and how to mitigate them

By Phil Muncaster

As APIs are a favorite target for threat actors, the challenge of securing the glue that holds various software elements together is taking on increasing urgency

The post All eyes on APIs: Top 3 API security risks and how to mitigate them appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Improved BlackCat Ransomware Strikes with Lightning Speed and Stealthy Tactics

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The threat actors behind BlackCat ransomware have come up with an improved variant that prioritizes speed and stealth in an attempt to bypass security guardrails and achieve their goals. The new version, dubbed Sphynx and announced in February 2023, packs a "number of updated capabilities that strengthen the group's efforts to evade detection," IBM Security X-Force said in a new analysis. The "

Welcome New Moderators!

By /u/sanitybit

Hey /r/netsec,

I'm thrilled to bring some exciting news to you all today. We've expanded our moderation team to include a group of passionate information security professionals who are dedicated to helping /r/netsec continue to serve as your go-to resource for high-quality, technical security content.

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to our new moderators:

All of these folks have a shared passion for information security, and a shared vision for /r/netsec as a curated, community-sourced aggregator for top-tier security content and research. We're all here to help cut through the noise of fear-mongering and low quality clickbait, and stick to our roots by rewarding the folks who create high-quality original content.

Our new moderators will be working closely with the existing team to uphold and enforce our content guidelines. We believe in open discussion and collaboration, and any disagreements about content removal, spam decisions, bans, or user-facing activity will be handled through conversation with the mod team.

I am incredibly excited for this new chapter in /r/netsec, and I am grateful to each of you for making this community what it is. Let's continue to build a thriving and engaging space for high-quality, technical security discourse together.

- /u/sanitybit


submitted by /u/sanitybit
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N. Korean ScarCruft Hackers Exploit LNK Files to Spread RokRAT

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have offered a closer look at the RokRAT remote access trojan that's employed by the North Korean state-sponsored actor known as ScarCruft. "RokRAT is a sophisticated remote access trojan (RAT) that has been observed as a critical component within the attack chain, enabling the threat actors to gain unauthorized access, exfiltrate sensitive information, and potentially

Amazon Ring, Alexa accused of every nightmare IoT security fail you can imagine

Staff able to watch customers in the bathroom? Tick! Obviously shabby infosec? Tick! Training AI as an excuse for data retention? Tick!

America's Federal Trade Commission has made Amazon a case study for every cautionary tale about how sloppily designed internet-of-things devices and associated services represent a risk to privacy – and made the cost of those actions, as alleged, a mere $30.8 million.…

  • June 1st 2023 at 06:33

Ukraine war blurs lines between cyber-crims and state-sponsored attackers

This RomCom is no laughing matter

A change in the deployment of the RomCom malware strain has illustrated the blurring distinction between cyberattacks motivated by money and those fueled by geopolitics, in this case Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine, according to Trend Micro analysts.…

  • June 1st 2023 at 05:40

Serious Security: That KeePass “master password crack”, and what we can learn from it

By Paul Ducklin
Here, in an admittedly discursive nutshell, is the fascinating story of CVE-2023-32784. (Short version: Don't panic.)

Active Mirai Botnet Variant Exploiting Zyxel Devices for DDoS Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has added a recently patched critical security flaw in Zyxel gear to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, citing evidence of active exploitation. Tracked as CVE-2023-28771 (CVSS score: 9.8), the issue relates to a command injection flaw impacting different firewall models that could enable an unauthenticated attacker

Urgent WordPress Update Fixes Critical Flaw in Jetpack Plugin on Million of Sites

By Ravie Lakshmanan
WordPress has issued an automatic update to address a critical flaw in the Jetpack plugin that’s installed on over five million sites. The vulnerability, which was unearthed during an internal security audit, resides in an API present in the plugin since version 2.0, which was released in November 2012. “This vulnerability could be used by authors on a site to manipulate any files in the

Dark Pink cyber-spies add info stealers to their arsenal, notch up more victims

Not to be confused with K-Pop sensation BLACKPINK, gang pops military, govt and education orgs

Dark Pink, a suspected nation-state-sponsored cyber-espionage group, has expanded its list of targeted organizations, both geographically and by sector, and has carried out at least two attacks since the beginning of the year.…

  • June 1st 2023 at 01:24

Feds, you'll need a warrant for that cellphone border search

Here's a story with a twist

A federal district judge has ruled that authorities must obtain a warrant to search an American citizen's cellphone at the US border, barring exigent circumstances.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 23:52

Barracuda Email Security Gateways bitten by data thieves

Act now: Sea-themed backdoor malware injected via .tar-based hole

A critical remote command injection vulnerability in some Barracuda Network devices that the vendor patched 11 days ago has been exploited by miscreants – for at least the past seven months.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 18:15

Criminals spent 10 days in US dental insurer's systems extracting data of 9 million

LockBit gang claimed 'trophy' of spilling low income families' details. Their parents must be proud

The criminals who hit one of the biggest government-backed dental care and insurance providers in the US earlier this year hung about for 10 days while they extracted info on nearly 9 million people, including kids from poverty-stricken homes.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 17:32

Apple's iOS 16.5 Fixes 3 Security Bugs Already Used in Attacks

By Kate O'Flaherty
Plus: Microsoft patches two zero-day flaws, Google’s Android and Chrome get some much-needed updates, and more.

Cybercriminals Targeting Apache NiFi Instances for Cryptocurrency Mining

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A financially motivated threat actor is actively scouring the internet for unprotected Apache NiFi instances to covertly install a cryptocurrency miner and facilitate lateral movement. The findings come from the SANS Internet Storm Center (ISC), which detected a spike in HTTP requests for “/nifi” on May 19, 2023. “Persistence is achieved via timed processors or entries to cron,” said Dr.

XFS bug in Linux kernel 6.3.3 coincides with SGI code comeback

G.N.U. Silicon Graphics: a company is not dead while its name is still spoken

SGI may be no more but people are still using its code – and some more of that code may be about to enjoy a revival.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 13:30

Critical Firmware Vulnerability in Gigabyte Systems Exposes ~7 Million Devices

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have found "backdoor-like behavior" within Gigabyte systems, which they say enables the UEFI firmware of the devices to drop a Windows executable and retrieve updates in an unsecure format. Firmware security firm Eclypsium said it first detected the anomaly in April 2023. Gigabyte has since acknowledged and addressed the issue. "Most Gigabyte firmware includes a Windows

When the popular safeguarding tool is anything but

How to stave off software supply chain attacks

Webinar A software supply chain attack is a hugely painful form of infiltration which can paralyse any business or organization. An attack like a lethal snake bite where the poison silently and swiftly infects your whole software base.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 13:11

Beware of Ghost Sites: Silent Threat Lurking in Your Salesforce Communities

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Improperly deactivated and abandoned Salesforce Sites and Communities (aka Experience Cloud) could pose severe risks to organizations, leading to unauthorized access to sensitive data. Data security firm Varonis dubbed the abandoned, unprotected, and unmonitored resources “ghost sites.” “When these Communities are no longer needed, though, they are often set aside but not deactivated,” Varonis

Millions of Gigabyte Motherboards Were Sold With a Firmware Backdoor

By Andy Greenberg
Hidden code in hundreds of models of Gigabyte motherboards invisibly and insecurely downloads programs—a feature ripe for abuse, researchers say.

Microsoft Details Critical Apple macOS Vulnerability Allowing SIP Protection Bypass

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Microsoft has shared details of a now-patched flaw in Apple macOS that could be abused by threat actors with root access to bypass security enforcements and perform arbitrary actions on affected devices. Specifically, the flaw – dubbed Migraine and tracked as CVE-2023-32369 – could be abused to get around a key security measure called System Integrity Protection (SIP), or “rootless,” which

6 Steps to Effectively Threat Hunting: Safeguard Critical Assets and Fight Cybercrime

By The Hacker News
Finding threat actors before they find you is key to beefing up your cyber defenses. How to do that efficiently and effectively is no small task – but with a small investment of time, you can master threat hunting and save your organization millions of dollars. Consider this staggering statistic. Cybersecurity Ventures estimates that cybercrime will take a $10.5 trillion toll on the global

5 free OSINT tools for social media

By Martina López

A roundup of some of the handiest tools for the collection and analysis of publicly available data from Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms

The post 5 free OSINT tools for social media appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Tricks of the trade: How a cybercrime ring operated a multi‑level fraud scheme

By Roman Cuprik

A peek under the hood of a cybercrime operation and what you can do to avoid being an easy target for similar ploys

The post Tricks of the trade: How a cybercrime ring operated a multi‑level fraud scheme appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

Thinking straight in the SoC: How AI erases cognitive bias

The whispering voice presents an alternative point of view to steer cyber security pros in the right direction

Sponsored Feature What do bears and cyber criminals have in common? Both of them are scary, and they both have the same effect on security teams.…

  • May 31st 2023 at 08:59

Dark Pink APT Group Leverages TelePowerBot and KamiKakaBot in Sophisticated Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The threat actor known as Dark Pink has been linked to five new attacks aimed at various entities in Belgium, Brunei, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam between February 2022 and April 2023. This includes educational institutions, government agencies, military bodies, and non-profit organizations, indicating the adversarial crew’s continued focus on high-value targets. Dark Pink, also called

RomCom RAT Using Deceptive Web of Rogue Software Sites for Covert Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The threat actors behind RomCom RAT are leveraging a network of fake websites advertising rogue versions of popular software at least since July 2022 to infiltrate targets. Cybersecurity firm Trend Micro is tracking the activity cluster under the name Void Rabisu, which is also known as Tropical Scorpius (Unit 42) and UNC2596 (Mandiant). "These lure sites are most likely only meant for a small

Alert: Hackers Exploit Barracuda Email Security Gateway 0-Day Flaw for 7 Months

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Enterprise security firm Barracuda on Tuesday disclosed that a recently patched zero-day flaw in its Email Security Gateway (ESG) appliances had been abused by threat actors since October 2022 to backdoor the devices. The latest findings show that the critical vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-2868 (CVSS score: N/A), has been actively exploited for at least seven months prior to its discovery.

Discord Admins Hacked by Malicious Bookmarks

By BrianKrebs

A number of Discord communities focused on cryptocurrency have been hacked this past month after their administrators were tricked into running malicious Javascript code disguised as a Web browser bookmark.

This attack involves malicious Javascript that is added to one’s browser by dragging a component from a web page to one’s browser bookmarks.

According to interviews with victims, several of the attacks began with an interview request from someone posing as a reporter for a crypto-focused news outlet online. Those who take the bait are sent a link to a Discord server that appears to be the official Discord of the crypto news site, where they are asked to complete a verification step to validate their identity.

As shown in this Youtube video, the verification process involves dragging a button from the phony crypto news Discord server to the bookmarks bar in one’s Web browser. From there, the visitor is instructed to go back to and then click the new bookmark to complete the verification process.

However, the bookmark is actually a clever snippet of Javascript that quietly grabs the user’s Discord token and sends it to the scammer’s website. The attacker then loads the stolen token into their own browser session and (usually late at night after the admins are asleep) posts an announcement in the targeted Discord about an exclusive “airdrop,” “NFT mint event” or some other potential money making opportunity for the Discord members.

The unsuspecting Discord members click the link provided by the compromised administrator account, and are asked to connect their crypto wallet to the scammer’s site, where it asks for unlimited spend approvals on their tokens, and subsequently drains the balance of any valuable accounts.

Meanwhile, anyone in the compromised Discord channel who notices the scam and replies is banned, and their messages are deleted by the compromised admin account.

Nicholas Scavuzzo is an associate at Ocean Protocol, which describes itself as an “open-source protocol that aims to allow businesses and individuals to exchange and monetize data and data-based services.” On May 22, an administrator for Ocean Protocol’s Discord server clicked a link in a direct message from a community member that prompted them to prove their identity by dragging a link to their bookmarks.

Scavuzzo, who is based in Maine, said the attackers waited until around midnight in his timezone time before using the administrator’s account to send out an unauthorized message about a new Ocean airdrop.

Scavuzzo said the administrator’s account was hijacked even though she had multi-factor authentication turned on.

“A CAPTCHA bot that allows Discord cookies to be accessed by the person hosting the CAPTCHA,” was how Scavuzzo described the attack. “I’ve seen all kinds of crypto scams, but I’ve never seen one like this.”

In this conversation, “Ana | Ocean” is a compromised Discord server administrator account promoting a phony airdrop.

Importantly, the stolen token only works for the attackers as long as its rightful owner doesn’t log out and back in, or else change their credentials.

Assuming the administrator can log in, that is. In Ocean’s case, one of the first things the intruders did once they swiped the administrator’s token was change the server’s access controls and remove all core Ocean team members from the server.

Fortunately for Ocean, Scavuzzo was able to reach the operator of the server that hosts the Discord channel, and have the channel’s settings reverted back to normal.

“Thankfully, we are a globally distributed team, so we have people awake at all hours,” Scavuzzo said, noting that Ocean is not aware of any Discord community members who fell for the phony airdrop offer, which was live for about 30 minutes. “This could have been a lot worse.”

On May 26, Aura Network reported on Twitter that its Discord server was compromised in a phishing attack that resulted in the deletion of Discord channels and the dissemination of fake Aura Network Airdrop Campaign links.

On May 27, Nahmii — a cryptocurrency technology based on the Ethereum blockchain — warned on Twitter that one of its community moderators on Discord was compromised and posting fake airdrop details.

On May 9, MetrixCoin reported that its Discord server was hacked, with fake airdrop details pushed to all users.

KrebsOnSecurity recently heard from a trusted source in the cybersecurity industry who dealt firsthand with one of these attacks and asked to remain anonymous.

“I do pro bono Discord security work for a few Discords, and I was approached by one of these fake journalists,” the source said. “I played along and got the link to their Discord, where they were pretending to be journalists from the Cryptonews website using several accounts.”

The source took note of all the Discord IDs of the admins of the fake Cryptonews Discord, so that he could ensure they were blocked from the Discords he helps to secure.

“Since I’ve been doing this for a while now, I’ve built up a substantial database of Discord users and messages, so often I can see these scammers’ history on Discord,” the source said.

In this case, he noticed a user with the “CEO” role in the fake Cryptonews Discord had been seen previously under another username — “Levatax.” Searching on that Discord ID and username revealed a young Turkish coder named Berk Yilmaz whose Github page linked to the very same Discord ID as the scammer CEO.

Reached via instant message on Telegram, Levatax said he’s had no involvement in such schemes, and that he hasn’t been on Discord since his Microsoft Outlook account was hacked months ago.

“The interesting thing [is] that I didn’t use Discord since few months or even social media because of the political status of Turkey,” Levatax explained, referring to the recent election in his country. “The only thing I confirm is losing my Outlook account which connected to my Discord, and I’m already in touch with Microsoft to recover it.”

The verification method used in the above scam involves a type of bookmark called a “bookmarklet” that stores Javascript code as a clickable link in the bookmarks bar at the top of one’s browser.

While bookmarklets can be useful and harmless, malicious Javascript that is executed in the browser by the user is especially dangerous. So please avoid adding (or dragging) any bookmarks or bookmarklets to your browser unless it was your idea in the first place.
