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How Often Should You Change Your Passwords?

By McAfee

When it comes to passwords, most of us would love nothing more than to set it and forget it. But that’s exactly what hackers are hoping for — in fact, it makes their job a lot easier. This means the best line of defense is frequent password changes 

But how often should you create new passwords? Cybersecurity experts recommend changing your password every three months. There may even be situations where you should change your password immediately, especially if a cybercriminal has access to your account.  

This article explores those exact situations and covers some of the best password practices you can use to help safeguard these important combinations of letters and numbers.  

Situations when you should immediately change your password

There are some situations where you’ll want to change your password immediately. 

Your account was hacked

If you think someone has hacked your account, it’s important to act fast and change your password. Did everyone in your address book get a strange email that looks like it’s from you? Change your email password. Are your Facebook friends getting a new friend request from you? Something’s not right, so you’ll want to change your password.  

This can help limit the amount of time a cybercriminal has access to your account.  

After a data breach

If there’s a password breach at work or within a company you do business with, you’ll want to change the password for any affected accounts. If you use that password for any other websites, you’ll definitely want to change your password to those accounts. If hackers get access to your password, they may try it on multiple websites to see what else they can steal. 

You used an unsecure network

As much as possible, try to avoid logging into your secure accounts on public Wi-Fi, such as at a library or cafe. Generally, an unsecure network means your online activity is public. If you need to use an unsecure network, change your password once you’re on a secure network.  

It can also be a good idea to look into a smart VPN like McAfee Secure VPN, which automatically turns on to protect your personal data and credit card information even if you need to use public Wi-Fi.  

You discover malware

Your personal information could be at risk if malware infects your computer. If you have quality antivirus software (like what’s included in McAfee Total Protection) and it detects malware, you’ll want to change your passwords from another device.  

You remove people from the account

If you no longer have contact with someone, there’s no need for them to remain on your Netflix or Amazon account. There’s also no need for an ex to share a bank account or have mobile app access. Create new passwords when you’re no longer sharing an account with someone. 

You no longer use certain accounts

You may have an account you haven’t used in a year, such as from an online retailer. Change old passwords for seldom-used accounts and close the account if you don’t intend to use it again. 

How to create a strong password

A good password can make it more difficult for hackers to access your accounts. But what exactly makes a strong password? Here are a few criteria. 

  • It’s used only for one account. While it can be easy to use similar passwords for multiple accounts, hackers might be able to get into your other online accounts if they access just one.  
  • It’s at least 12 characters long. To make it easy to remember, use a lyric from a song or poem (for example, “andtherocketsredglare”). Or make an abbreviation from the words in a sentence (changing “the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog in the backyard” to “tqbfjotlditb,” for instance).  
  • It’s a complex password. Include at least one capital letter, one number, and one symbol. A computer can guess a password with eight letters immediately. But a 12-character password with at least one uppercase and one lowercase letter, number, and a special character would take 34,000 years to crack. Some sites allow users to create a passphrase. That’s a string of words that can be up to 100 characters long. 
  • It’s hard to guess. Don’t use information that people who know you or look at your social media can guess. Avoid personal information like your nickname or initials, birthday, address or street name, or a child or pet’s name. 
  • It doesn’t use common words like “password” or “qwerty.” You’d be surprised how many people use “password123” or “123456” as a password. A cybercriminal would not. 

What are the most common ways passwords get hacked?

A cybercriminal may use a variety of strategies to access your passwords. Here are some of their most common tactics. 

  • Guesswork: This is why password security requires unique passwords that don’t include personal information. 
  • Buying passwords on the dark web: Search engines don’t index the dark web. A lot of dark web activity isn’t traceable, including the sale of passwords.  
  • Phishing: This is when a hacker sends an email that appears to be from a trusted source to trick the recipient into typing in their password. 
  • Malware: Cybercriminals may infect a device with malicious software that allows them to access personal data, including passwords. 
  • Shoulder surfing: This could happen in a coffee shop or office if you leave sticky notes showing your passwords on your desk. 
  • Spidering: These are bots that search the web looking for personal data. 
  • Brute force attack: A bot systematically tries thousands of passwords hoping to find the correct one. 

How can you keep your online passwords secure?

When it comes to keeping your data secure, password complexity is just the beginning. Here are a few additional tips for keeping your passwords safe. 

Do a password audit

Review the passwords for all of your accounts. Make sure you’re not using any for multiple websites. See if your passwords are guessable. Do they include personal information like birthdays or addresses? If you find passwords that are weak or repeated, change those first. 

Use multi-factor authentication

Set up multi-factor authentication for important accounts, such as with financial institutions. Logging into a website with two-factor authentication requires you to enter a code sent by text or email in addition to a username and password.  

Some accounts require multi-factor authentication with biometric factors for added security, such as a thumbprint or face scan. Using multi-factor authentication with long, complicated passwords can make an account more secure. 

Use a password manager

A password manager like McAfee True Key can help prevent unauthorized access to your online accounts by protecting your passwords with strong encryption. It also comes with a password generator to help you create complex passwords while storing them safely.  

If you have old or weak passwords or use them on multiple sites, a password manager can generate new ones. It’ll then keep track of them and sign you in to apps and websites — with you only having to remember one master password 

See how McAfee True Key makes managing passwords easy and secure

Let McAfee True Key help you defend your personal data. The password management software makes dealing with passwords secure and easy.  

McAfee True Key stores your passwords on your device using the strongest encryption available. Once you use a master password to log into True Key, it’ll auto-fill your passwords for any apps or websites you visit. For added convenience, True Key securely syncs your information across all of your devices so you can access it wherever you need it.  

While McAfee manages your secure passwords, you can continue enjoying the internet the way it was intended — free from hackers.  

The post How Often Should You Change Your Passwords? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Researchers Uncover New Metador APT Targeting Telcos, ISPs, and Universities

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A previously undocumented threat actor of unknown origin has been linked to attacks targeting telecom, internet service providers, and universities across multiple countries in the Middle East and Africa. "The operators are highly aware of operations security, managing carefully segmented infrastructure per victim, and quickly deploying intricate countermeasures in the presence of security

CISA Warns of Hackers Exploiting Recent Zoho ManageEngine Vulnerability

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday added a recently disclosed security flaw in Zoho ManageEngine to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) Catalog, citing evidence of active exploitation. "Zoho ManageEngine PAM360, Password Manager Pro, and Access Manager Plus contain an unspecified vulnerability which allows for remote code execution," the agency

Firing Your Entire Cybersecurity Team? Are You Sure?

By The Hacker News
What on earth were they thinking? That's what we – and other security experts – were wondering when content giant Patreon recently dismissed its entire internal cybersecurity team in exchange for outsourced services. Of course, we don't know the true motivations for this move. But, as outsiders looking in, we can guess the cybersecurity implications of the decision would be inescapable for any

Void Balaur Hackers-for-Hire Targeting Russian Businesses and Politics Entities

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A hack-for-hire group that was first exposed in 2019 has expanded its focus to set its sights on entities with business or political ties to Russia. Dubbed Void Balaur, the cyber mercenary collective has a history of launching cyberattacks against biotechnology and telecom companies since 2015. As many as 3,500 victims have been reported as of November 2021. "Void Balaur [...] primarily dabbles

Fake Indian Banking Rewards Apps Targeting Android Users with Info-stealing Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
An SMS-based phishing campaign is targeting customers of Indian banks with information-stealing malware that masquerades as a rewards application. The Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team said that the messages contain links that redirect users to a sketchy website that triggers the download of the fake banking rewards app for ICICI Bank. "The malware's RAT capabilities allow the attacker to

Hackers Using Malicious OAuth Apps to Take Over Email Servers

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Microsoft on Thursday warned of a consumer-facing attack that made use of rogue OAuth applications deployed on compromised cloud tenants to ultimately seize control of Exchange servers and spread spam. "The threat actor launched credential stuffing attacks against high-risk accounts that didn't have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled and leveraged the unsecured administrator accounts to

S3 Ep101: Uber and LastPass breaches – is 2FA all it’s cracked up to be? [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - listen now! Learn why adopting 2FA isn't a reason to relax your other security precautions...

Researchers Uncover Years-Long Mobile Spyware Campaign Targeting Uyghurs

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new wave of a mobile surveillance campaign has been observed targeting the Uyghur community as part of a long-standing spyware operation active since at least 2015, cybersecurity researchers disclosed Thursday. The intrusions, originally attributed to a threat actor named Scarlet Mimic back in January 2016, is said to have encompassed 20 different variants of the Android malware, which were

The Ungodly Surveillance of Anti-Porn ‘Shameware’ Apps

By Dhruv Mehrotra
Churches are using invasive phone-monitoring tech to discourage “sinful” behavior. Some software is seeing more than congregants realize.

Malicious NPM Package Caught Mimicking Material Tailwind CSS Package

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A malicious NPM package has been found masquerading as the legitimate software library for Material Tailwind, once again indicating attempts on the part of threat actors to distribute malicious code in open source software repositories. Material Tailwind is a CSS-based framework advertised by its maintainers as an "easy to use components library for Tailwind CSS and Material Design." "The

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By Lily Hay Newman
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IT Security Takeaways from the Wiseasy Hack

By The Hacker News
Last month Tech Crunch reported that payment terminal manufacturer Wiseasy had been hacked. Although Wiseasy might not be well known in North America, their Android-based payment terminals are widely used in the Asia Pacific region and hackers managed to steal passwords for 140,000 payment terminals. How Did the Wiseasy Hack Happen? Wiseasy employees use a cloud-based dashboard for remotely

Researchers Disclose Critical Vulnerability in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Researchers have disclosed a new severe Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) vulnerability that could be exploited by users to access the virtual disks of other Oracle customers. "Each virtual disk in Oracle's cloud has a unique identifier called OCID," Shir Tamari, head of research at Wiz, said in a series of tweets. "This identifier is not considered secret, and organizations do not treat it as

Hey WeLiveSecurity, how does biometric authentication work?

By André Lameiras

Your eyes may be the window to your soul, but they can also be your airplane boarding pass or the key unlocking your phone. What’s the good and the bad of using biometric traits for authentication?

The post Hey WeLiveSecurity, how does biometric authentication work? appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

15-Year-Old Unpatched Python Vulnerability Potentially Affects Over 350,000 Projects

By Ravie Lakshmanan
As many as 350,000 open source projects are believed to be potentially vulnerable to exploitation as a result of a security flaw in a Python module that has remained unpatched for 15 years. The open source repositories span a number of industry verticals, such as software development, artificial intelligence/machine learning, web development, media, security, and IT management. The shortcoming,

Unscrambling Cybersecurity Acronyms: The ABCs of EDR and MEDR Security

By Nirav Shah

In the first part of this blog series on Unscrambling Cybersecurity Acronyms, we provided a high-level overview of the different threat detection and response solutions and went over how to find the right solution for your organization. In this blog, we’ll do a deeper dive on two of these solutions – Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) and Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (MEDR). However, first let’s take a look back at the history of endpoint security solutions and understand how we got EDR and MEDR security solutions.

Evolution of endpoint security solutions

The very first endpoint security solutions started out as anti-virus solutions (AV) with basic security functionality that relied heavily on signature-based detection. These solutions were effective against known threats where a signature was created, but ineffective against unknown threats such as new and emerging attacks. That meant that organizations struggled to stay ahead of attackers, who were continuously evolving their techniques to evade detection with new types of malware.

To address this problem, AV vendors added detection technologies such as heuristics, reputational analysis, behavioral protection, and even machine learning to their solutions, which became known as Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPP). These unified solutions were effective against both known and unknown threats and frequently used multiple approaches to prevent malware and other attacks from infecting endpoints.

As cyberattacks grew increasingly sophisticated though, many in the cybersecurity industry recognized that protection against threats wasn’t enough. Effective endpoint security had to include detection and response capabilities to quickly investigate and remediate the inevitable security breach. This led to the creation of EDR security solutions, which focused on post-breach efforts to contain and clean up attacks on compromised endpoints.

Today, most endpoint security vendors combine EPP and EDR solutions into a single, converged solution that provides holistic defense to customers with protection, detection, and response capabilities. Many vendors are also offering EDR as a managed service (also known as MEDR) to customers who need help in securing their endpoints or who don’t have the resources to configure and manage their own EDR solution. Now that we’ve gone over how endpoint security evolved into EDR and MEDR security solutions, let’s cover EDR and MEDR in more depth.

Figure 1: History of Endpoint Security Solutions

What are Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions?

EDR solutions continuously monitor your endpoints for threats, alert you in case suspicious activity is detected, and allow you to investigate, respond to and contain potential attacks. Moreover, many EDR security solutions provide threat hunting functionality to help you proactively spot threats in your environment. They’re often coupled with or part of a broader endpoint security solution that also includes prevention capabilities via an EPP solution to protect against the initial incursion.

As a result, EDR security solutions enable you to protect your organization from sophisticated attacks by rapidly detecting, containing, and remediating threats on your endpoints before they gain a foothold in your environment. They give you deep visibility into your endpoints while effectively identifying both known and unknown threats. Furthermore, you can quickly contain attacks that get through your defenses with automated response capabilities and hunt for hidden threats that are difficult to detect.

While EDR provides several benefits to customers, it has some drawbacks. Chief among them is that EDR security solutions are focused on monitoring endpoints only versus monitoring a broader environment. This means that EDR solutions don’t detect threats targeting other parts of your environment such as your network, email, or cloud infrastructure. In addition, not every organization has the security staff, budget, and/or skills to deploy and run an EDR solution. This is where MEDR solutions come into play.

What are Managed Endpoint Detection and Response (MEDR) solutions?

Managed EDR or MEDR solutions are EDR capabilities delivered as a managed service to customers by third-parties such as cybersecurity vendors or Managed Service Providers (MSPs). This includes key EDR functionality such as monitoring endpoints, detecting advanced threats, rapidly containing threats, and responding to attacks. These third-parties usually have a team of Security Operations Center (SOC) specialists who monitor, detect, and respond to threats across your endpoints around the clock via a ‘follow the sun’ approach to monitoring.

MEDR security solutions allow you to offload the work of securing your endpoints to a team of security professionals. Many organizations need to defend their endpoints from advanced threats but don’t necessarily have the desire, resources, or expertise to manage an EDR solution. In addition, a team of dedicated SOC experts with advanced security tools can typically detect and respond to threats faster than in-house security teams, all while investigating every incident and prioritizing the most critical threats. This enables you to focus on your core business while getting always-on security operations.

Similar to EDR though, one downside to MEDR security solutions is that they defend only your endpoints from advanced threats and don’t monitor other parts of your infrastructure. Moreover, while many organizations want to deploy EDR as a managed service, not everyone desires this. For example, larger and/or more risk-averse organizations who are looking to invest heavily in cybersecurity are typically satisfied with running their own EDR solution. Now, let’s discuss how to choose the right endpoint security solution when trying to defend your endpoints from threats.

Choosing the Right Endpoint Security Solution

As I mentioned in my previous blog, there isn’t a single correct solution for every organization. This logic applies to EDR and MEDR security solutions as well since each solution works well for different types of organizations, depending on their needs, resources, motivations, and more. Nevertheless, one major factor to consider is if you have or are willing to build out a SOC for your organization. This is important because organizations that don’t have or aren’t willing to develop a SOC usually gravitate towards MEDR solutions, which don’t require significant investments in cybersecurity.

Another factor to keep in mind is your security expertise. Even if you’re have or are willing to build a SOC, you may not have the right cybersecurity talent and skills within your organization. While you can always build out your security team, you may want to evaluate an MEDR solution because a lack of expertise makes it difficult to effectively manage an EDR solution. Finally, a common misconception is that you must choose between an EDR and a MEDR solution and that you cannot run both solutions. In reality, many organizations end up using both EDR and MEDR since MEDR solutions often complement EDR deployments.

I hope this information and key factors help you better understand EDR and MEDR solutions while acting as a guide to selecting the best endpoint security solution for your organization. For more details on the different cybersecurity acronyms and how to identify the right solution for your needs, stay tuned for the next blog in this series – Unscrambling Cybersecurity Acronyms: The ABCs of MDR and XDR Security. In the meantime, learn how Cisco Secure Endpoint stops threats with a comprehensive endpoint security solution that includes both advanced EDR and MEDR capabilities powered by an integrated security platform!

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Hackers Targeting Unpatched Atlassian Confluence Servers to Deploy Crypto Miners

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A now-patched critical security flaw affecting Atlassian Confluence Server that came to light a few months ago is being actively exploited for illicit cryptocurrency mining on unpatched installations. "If left unremedied and successfully exploited, this vulnerability could be used for multiple and more malicious attacks, such as a complete domain takeover of the infrastructure and the deployment

SIM Swapper Abducted, Beaten, Held for $200k Ransom

By BrianKrebs

A Florida teenager who served as a lackey for a cybercriminal group that specializes in cryptocurrency thefts was beaten and kidnapped last week by a rival cybercrime gang. The teen’s captives held guns to his head while forcing him to record a video message pleading with his crew to fork over a $200,000 ransom in exchange for his life. The youth is now reportedly cooperating with U.S. federal investigators, who are responding to an alarming number of reports of physical violence tied to certain online crime communities.

The grisly kidnapping video has been circulating on a number of Telegram chat channels dedicated to SIM-swapping — the practice of tricking or bribing mobile phone store employees into diverting a target’s phone number, text messages and calls to a device the attackers control.

The teen, known to the SIM-swapping community by the handle “Foreshadow,” appears to have served as a “holder” — a term used to describe a low-level member of any SIM-swapping group who agrees to carry out the riskiest and least rewarding role of the crime: Physically keeping and managing the various mobile devices and SIM cards that are used in SIM-swapping scams.

“Yo, Dan, please bro send the 200k,” Foreshadow said in the video, which was shot on Sept. 15 in the backseat of a moving car. Bleeding from a swollen mouth with two handguns pointed at his head, Foreshadow pleaded for his life. A still shot from that video is available here [Warning: the image is quite graphic].

“They’re going to kill me if you don’t,” Foreshadow continued, offering to get a job as a complicit mobile store employee or “plug” to help with future SIM-swaps. “I’ll pay you back. Just let me know what you need. I got you, for real. Any work for free. Whatever. However long you need me, too. I’ll apply to any store you need me to apply to. I can be a plug. I don’t care if I get caught by the cops or anything. I’ll get that money back for you. I used to do that work.”

It’s not clear where in the world the hostage video was recorded. But at one point in the video, the vehicle’s radio can be heard in the background mentioning WMIB, which is a hip-hop station in South Florida that serves both Ft. Lauderdale and Miami.

As Foreshadow’s hostage video began making the rounds on SIM-swapping Telegram channels, a rumor surfaced that Foreshadow had died after being shot in the leg. It soon emerged that Foreshadow had not died, and that he was cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Members of the SIM-swapping community were then warned to delete any messages to or from Foreshadow. One of those messages read:




Foreshadow appears to be a teenager from Florida whose first name is Justin. Foreshadow’s main Telegram account was converted from a user profile into a channel on Sept. 15 — the same day he was assaulted and kidnapped — and it is not currently responding to messages.

Foreshadow’s erstwhile boss Jarik told KrebsOnSecurity that the youth was indeed shot by his captors, and blamed the kidnapping on a rival SIM-swapper from Australia who was angry over getting shortchanged of the profits from a previous SIM-swapping escapade.

The FBI did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Reached via Telegram, the alleged mastermind of the kidnapping — a SIM-swapper who uses the handle “Gus” — confirmed that he ordered the attack on Foreshadow because the holder had held back some of his stolen funds. In the same breath, Gus said Jarik was “gonna get done in next” for sharing Gus’ real name and address with KrebsOnSecurity.

“No1 cared about that nigga anyway, he snaked targs [targets] and flaunted it everywhere,” Gus said of Foreshadow. “I’ve been fucked over so many times I’ve lost millions. I am just a guy trying to make more money.”

Foreshadow’s experience is the latest example of a rapidly escalating cycle of physical violence that is taking hold of criminal SIM-swapping communities online. Earlier this month, KrebsOnSecurity detailed how multiple SIM-swapping Telegram channels are now replete with “violence-as-a-service” offerings, wherein denizens of the underground hire themselves out to perform various forms of physical violence — from slashing tires and throwing a brick through someone’s window, to conducting drive-by shootings, firebombings and home invasions.

On Aug. 12, 2022, 21-year-old Patrick McGovern-Allen of Egg Harbor Township, N.J. was arrested by the FBI and charged with stalking in connection with several of these violence-as-a-service jobs. Prosecutors say the defendant fired a handgun into a Pennsylvania home, and helped to torch another residence in the state with a Molotov Cocktail — all allegedly in service of a beef over stolen cryptocurrency.

Earlier this month, three men in the United Kingdom were arrested for attempting to assault a local man and steal his virtual currencies. The local man’s neighbor called the cops and said the three men were acting suspiciously and that one of them was wearing a police uniform. U.K. police stopped the three men allegedly fleeing the scene, and found a police uniform and weapons in the trunk of the car. All three defendants in that case were charged with “intent to cause loss to another to make an unwarranted demand of Crypto Currency from a person.”

Dina Temple-Raston and Sean Powers over at The Record recently interviewed several members of the SIM-swapping community about this escalation in violence. That story is also available on the Click Here podcast — Throwing Bricks for $$$: Violence-as-a-Service Comes of Age.

Interested in cybersecurity? Join us for Security SOS Week 2022!

By Paul Ducklin
Four one-on-one interviews with experts who are passionate about sharing their expertise with the community.

Over 39,000 Unauthenticated Redis Instances Found Exposed on the Internet

By Ravie Lakshmanan
An unknown attacker targeted tens of thousands of unauthenticated Redis servers exposed on the internet in an attempt to install a cryptocurrency miner. It's not immediately known if all of these hosts were successfully compromised. Nonetheless, it was made possible by means of a "lesser-known technique" designed to trick the servers into writing data to arbitrary files – a case of unauthorized

Crypto Trading Firm Wintermute Loses $160 Million in Hacking Incident

By Ravie Lakshmanan
In what's the latest crypto heist to target the decentralized finance (DeFi) space, hackers have stolen digital assets worth around $160 million from crypto trading firm Wintermute. The hack involved a series of unauthorized transactions that transferred USD Coin, Binance USD, Tether USD, Wrapped ETH, and 66 other cryptocurrencies to the attacker's wallet. The company said that its centralized

Shadowy Russian Cell Phone Companies Are Cropping Up in Ukraine

By Matt Burgess
But as Ukrainians retake ground, some of the firms are erasing their online presence.

U.S. Adds 2 More Chinese Telecom Firms to National Security Threat List

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has added Pacific Network Corp, along with its subsidiary ComNet (USA) LLC, and China Unicom (Americas) Operations Limited, to the list of communications equipment and services that have been deemed a threat to national security. The agency said the companies are subject to the Chinese government's exploitation, influence, and control, and could

Product Review: Stellar Cyber Open XDR Platform

By The Hacker News
Almost every vendor, from email gateway companies to developers of threat intelligence platforms, is positioning themselves as an XDR player. But unfortunately, the noise around XDR makes it harder for buyers to find solutions that might be right for them or, more importantly, avoid ones that don't meet their needs.  Stellar Cyber delivers an Open XDR solution that allows organizations to use

Record DDoS Attack with 25.3 Billion Requests Abused HTTP/2 Multiplexing

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity company Imperva has disclosed that it mitigated a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack with a total of over 25.3 billion requests on June 27, 2022. The "strong attack," which targeted an unnamed Chinese telecommunications company, is said to have lasted for four hours and peaked at 3.9 million requests per second (RPS). "Attackers used HTTP/2 multiplexing, or combining

Critical Remote Hack Flaws Found in Dataprobe's Power Distribution Units

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Tuesday released an industrial control systems (ICS) advisory warning of seven security flaws in Dataprobe's iBoot-PDU power distribution unit product, mostly used in industrial environments and data centers. "Successful exploitation of these vulnerabilities could lead to unauthenticated remote code execution on the Dataprobe

Verisign Q2 2022 Domain Name Industry Brief: 351.5 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Second Quarter of 2022

By Verisign

Today, we released the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief, which shows that the second quarter of 2022 closed with 351.5 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, an increase of 1.0 million domain name registrations, or 0.3%, compared to the first quarter of 2022.1,2 Domain name registrations have increased by 10.4 million, or 3.0%, year over year.1,2

the second quarter of 2022 closed with 351.5 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains, an increase of 1.0 million domain name registrations, or 0.3%, compared to the first quarter of 2022.

Check out the latest issue of The Domain Name Industry Brief to see domain name stats from the second quarter of 2022, including:
Top 10 Largest TLDs by Number of Reported Domain Names
Top 10 Largest ccTLDs by Number of Reported Domain Names
ngTLDs as Percentage of Total TLDs
Geographical ngTLDs as Percentage of Total Corresponding Geographical TLDs

To see past issues of The Domain Name Industry Brief, please visit

  1. All figure(s) exclude domain names in the .tk, .cf, .ga, .gq and .ml ccTLDs. Quarterly and year-over-year trends have been calculated relative to historical figures that have also been adjusted to exclude these five ccTLDs. For further information, please see the Editor’s Note contained in Vol. 19, Issue 1 of The Domain Name Industry Brief.
  2. The generic TLD, ngTLD and ccTLD data cited in the brief: (i) includes ccTLD internationalized domain names, (ii) is an estimate as of the time this brief was developed and (iii) is subject to change as more complete data is received. Some numbers in the brief may reflect standard rounding.

The post Verisign Q2 2022 Domain Name Industry Brief: 351.5 Million Domain Name Registrations in the Second Quarter of 2022 appeared first on Verisign Blog.

Telegram Has a Serious Doxing Problem

By Peter Guest
The encrypted messaging app is a haven for politically motivated vitriol, but users are increasingly bringing threats to targets’ doorsteps.

Russian Sandworm Hackers Impersonate Ukrainian Telecoms to Distribute Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A threat cluster linked to the Russian nation-state actor tracked as Sandworm has continued its targeting of Ukraine with commodity malware by masquerading as telecom providers, new findings show. Recorded Future said it discovered new infrastructure belonging to UAC-0113 that mimics operators like Datagroup and EuroTransTelecom to deliver payloads such as Colibri loader and Warzone RAT. The

Uber Blames LAPSUS$ Hacking Group for Recent Security Breach

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Uber on Monday disclosed more details related to the security incident that happened last week, pinning the attack on a threat actor it believes is affiliated to the notorious LAPSUS$ hacking group. "This group typically uses similar techniques to target technology companies, and in 2022 alone has breached Microsoft, Cisco, Samsung, NVIDIA, and Okta, among others," the San Francisco-based

Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts

By Cagla Ruacan

An old banking scam has a new look. And it’s making the rounds again. 

Recently Bank of America alerted its customers of the “Pay Yourself Scam,” where scammers use phony fraud alerts and trick their victims into giving them access to their online banking accounts. It’s a form of phishing attack, and according to Bank of America it goes something like this: 

  • You receive a text message that looks like a fraud alert from your bank about unusual activity. The text may look something like: “Did you make a purchase of $100.00 at ABC merchant?” 
  • If you respond to the text, you have now engaged the scammer and will receive a call from a number that appears to be from a bank. 
  • They’ll appear to be a representative from a bank and will offer to help stop the alleged fraud by asking you to send money to yourself with an online payment app. 
  • The scammer will ask you for a one-time code you just received from a bank. 
  • If you give them the code, they will use it to enroll their bank account details with an online payment service using your email address or phone number. 
  • The scammer can now receive your money into their account. 

The good news is that you can avoid this attack rather easily. If you receive a text or call about a possible fraud alert, don’t respond. (Scammers can easily “spoof” or fake caller ID information nowadays. So even if it appears that the number looks legitimate, it may not be after all.) Instead, contact your bank directly using the contact information on your debit or credit card. This way, you’ll know you’re speaking with the proper representatives about the matter. 

Other ways you can avoid online banking scams 

Of course, this scam isn’t the only scam making the rounds these days. Whether it’s with some form of phishing attack, stealing passwords on public Wi-Fi, or malware that spies on your keystrokes, scammers use plenty of tricks to crack into online bank accounts. Yet with a few precautions and a sharp eye, you have several ways you can protect yourself. 

Use comprehensive online protection software 

Online protection software today goes far beyond antivirus. It can protect your privacy, identity, and your online accounts as well. McAfee+ Ultimate provides our most comprehensive coverage with features that monitor the dark web and sketchy data broker sites for your personal information, identity theft and ransomware protection, and identity restoration services should the unexpected happen—all along with our award-winning antivirus protection. In all, it protects you, not just your devices. Together, it offers your strongest line of defense in the face of hackers, scammers, and thieves. 

Scrutinize any messages claiming to be your bank 

Legitimate banks will never pressure, harass, or cajole you into action. If you get a message that strikes an aggressive tone, assume it’s fraudulent. Other things legitimate banks will never do include:  

  • Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your debit or credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm.  
  • Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam.  
  • If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text.  
  • A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure.  
  • Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct.  

Use your bank’s official website or app 

Earlier, I mentioned contacting your bank directly to ensure you’re speaking to a proper representative. Another way you can go directly to the source is to use your bank’s website or app to check up on your accounts. Once again, don’t click any links in a text or email. Just go to your bank’s website or app to check your account. You can make sure you have your bank’s official app by visiting the Google Play or Apple’s App Store and looking at the information section to ensure that it was indeed developed by your bank—not a copycat. 

Use strong, passwords and a password manager to stay on top of them all 

Strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts can help keep hackers at bay. With data breaches occurring so often, updating them regularly is important too. Yet with all the accounts we keep, that can mean a lot of work. However, a password manager can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one. 

Use two-factor authentication on your accounts  

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of defense on top of your username and password. It adds in the use of a special one-time-use code to access your account, usually sent to you via email or to your phone by text or a phone call. In all, it combines something you know, like your password, with something you have, like your smartphone. Together, that makes it tougher for a crook to hack your account. If any of your accounts support two-factor authentication, the few extra seconds it takes to set up is more than worth the big boost in protection you’ll get.  

Don’t access your online banking account via public Wi-Fi 

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, potentially anyone can see your internet activity—and that includes things like entering your username and password. For that reason, only log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi if you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers.  

Check your bank statements regularly 

Keeping an eye on your bills and statements as they come in can help you spot unusual activity on your accounts. A credit monitoring service can do that one better by keeping daily tabs on changes to your credit report. While you can do this manually, there are limitations. First, it involves logging into each bureau and doing some digging of your own. Second, there are limitations as to how many free credit reports you can pull each year. A service does that for you and without impacting your credit score. 

Depending on your location and plan, McAfee’s credit monitoring allows you to look after your credit score and the accounts within it to see fluctuations and help you identify unusual activity, all in one place, checking daily for signs of identity theft. 

Prevention and vigilance are your best defense from online banking scams  

When a fraud notification pops up on your phone, you can almost feel your stomach drop. Hackers and scammers play off that fear. They use it to get you to act—and to act quickly. Taking a moment to scrutinize these messages and following up directly with your bank can help you steer clear of their tricks. Likewise, putting up a strong defense with comprehensive online protection software can make you safer still. In the meantime, keep your eyes open for this “Pay Yourself Scam” and other scams like it. It’s certainly not the first of its kind, and it won’t be the last. 

The post Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts appeared first on McAfee Blog.

LastPass source code breach – incident response report released

By Paul Ducklin
Wondering how you'd handle a data breach report if the worst happened to you? Here's a useful example.

What You Do Now To Protect Your Child From Cyberbullying

By Alex Merton-McCann

I can’t tell you how many times over my 25 years of parenting that I’ve just wanted to wrap my boys in cotton wool and protect them from all the tricky stuff that life can throw our way. But unfortunately, that’s never been an option. Whether it’s been friendship issues in the playground, dramas on a messaging app or dealing with broken hearts, it can be really hard watching your kids experience hardship. 

Get Ahead Of The Problem! 

But one thing I have learnt from years of mothering is that if you spend some time getting ahead of a potentially challenging situation then you’ve got a much better chance of minimising it. Or better still preventing it – and this absolutely applies to cyberbullying. 

Is Cyberbullying A Big Problem for Aussie Kids? 

In early 2022, McAfee interviewed over 15,000 parents and 12,000 children worldwide with the goal of finding out how families both connect and protect themselves online. And what they found was astounding: Aussie kids reported the 2nd highest rate of cyberbullying (24%) out of the 10 countries surveyed. American children reported the highest rate. The average for all countries was 17%. Check out my post here with all the details.  

So, to dig deeper into this issue of cyberbullying, McAfee commissioned additional research in August this year to better understand what cyberbullying looks like, where it happens and who the perpetrators are. And the biggest takeaways for Aussie kids: 

  • Name calling is the most common form of cyberbullying 
  • Most cyberbullying happens on social media 
  • Aussie kids have the highest rate of cyberbullying on Snapchat 
  • 56% of Aussie kids know the perpetrator 

You can check out my post here with all the details.  

How To Avoid Your Kids Becoming a Statistic 

So, if you need to grab a cuppa and digest all this, I don’t blame you! It’s a lot. But, as mentioned before, I honestly believe that if we get ahead of the challenges, we have a greater chance of minimising the fall out. So, without further ado – here is my advice on what you can do NOW to minimise the chance of your kids being involved in cyberbullying – either as the victim or the perpetrator. 

1. Talk About Online Respect and Kindness As Soon As They Start Using Devices 

As soon as your kids move on from just watching movies and playing games on their devices, you need to talk about the importance of ‘being nice’ online. A more natural way around this is to extend your parenting advice to include the online world too. For example:  

  • ‘Remember how important it is to be kind to everyone when you are in the playground at kindy – as well as when you are online.’  
  • ‘Always say please and thank you – to your friends in-person and online too.’ 

And don’t forget the importance of role-modelling this too! 

2. Check Your Family Communication Culture 

One of the best things you can do is to create a family culture where honest and genuine two-way communication is a feature of family life. If your kids know they can confide in you, that nothing is off-limits and that you won’t overreact – then they are more likely to open-up about a problem before it becomes overwhelming and ‘unsolvable’. 

3. Understand Your Child’s World 

Parents who have a comprehensive understanding of their child’s life will be better able to detect when things aren’t going well. Knowing who your kid’s friends are, who they ‘sit with’ at lunchtime, their favourite music and their boyfriend or girlfriend needs to be a big priority. I also encourage parents to establish relationships with teachers or mentors at school so they can keep their ‘ear to the ground’. When a child’s behaviour and interests change, it can often mean that all isn’t well and that some detective work is required! 

4. Ensure Your Kids Understand What Bullying Is 

Cyberbullying can have a variety of definitions which can often cause confusion. In McAfee’s research, they used the definition by StopBullying.Gov: 

Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour.  

McAfee’s definition was then expanded to include specific acts of cyberbullying, such as: 

  • flaming – online arguments that can include personal attacks 
  • outing – disclosing someone’s sexual orientation without their consent  
  • trolling – intentionally trying to instigate a conflict through antagonistic messages 
  • doxing – publishing private or identifying information without someone’s consent  

Along with other acts, including:  

  • name calling  
  • spreading false rumours  
  • sending explicit images or messages  
  • cyberstalking, harassment, and physical threats  
  • exclusion from group chats and conversation 

Now, I appreciate that reading your children several minutes of definitions may not be very helpful. So, instead, keep it simple and amend the above to make it age appropriate for your kids. You may choose to say that it is when someone is being mean online, if your kids are very young. But if you have tweens in the house then I think more details would be important. The goal here is for them to understand at what point they shouldn’t accept bad behaviour online.  

5. Give Them An Action Plan For When They Experience Bad Behaviour Online  

As soon as your kids are actively engaged with others online, they need to have an action plan in case things go awry – probably around 6-7 years of age. In fact, I consider this to be a golden time in parenting – a time when your kids are receptive to your advice and often keen to please. So, this is when you need to help them establish good practices and habits that will hold them in good stead. This is what I would instil: 

  • If someone makes you feel upset when you are online, you need to tell a trusted adult 
  • Save a copy of the interaction, perhaps take a screenshot. Ensure they know how to do this. 
  • Block the sender or delete them from your contacts. 
  • Report the behaviour to the school, the police or the eSafety Commissioner’s Office, if necessary 

Now, of course not all bad behaviour online will be defined as cyberbullying – remember we all see the world through different lenses. However, what’s important here is that your kids ask for help when they experience something that makes them feel uncomfortable. And while we all hope that it is unlikely that you will need to escalate any interactions to the police or the eSafety Commissioner, knowing what the course of action is in case things get out of hand is essential.  

6. Make Empathy A Priority  

There is so much research on the connection between the lack of empathy and bullying behaviours. In her book Unselfie, Parenting expert Michelle Borba explains that we are in the midst of an ‘empathy crisis’ which is contributing to bullying behaviour. She believes teens today are far less empathetic than they were 30 years ago. Teaching your kids to ‘walk in someone’s else’s shoes’, consider how others feel and have a focus on compassion will go a long way to developing an empathetic lens. You can read more about helping develop empathy in your child here.  

There is no doubt that cyberbullying is one of the biggest parenting challenges of our generation and, unfortunately, it isn’t going to disappear anytime soon. So, get ahead of the problem – teach your kids about kindness from a young age, create an open family communication culture, make empathy a priority in your family and give them an action plan in case things get tricky online. But most importantly, always listen to your gut. If you think things aren’t right with your kids – if they don’t want to go to school, seem emotional after using their devices or their behaviour suddenly changes, then do some digging. My gut has never let me down!     

Take care 


The post What You Do Now To Protect Your Child From Cyberbullying appeared first on McAfee Blog.

#WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy

By Life at McAfee

*TW: Mentions Suicide

Our passion for protecting people doesn’t stop with online safety. We deeply care for our people, their families and friends, and our communities.

To recognize World Suicide Prevention on Sept. 10 and help normalize and encourage conversations about mental health year-round, we recently hosted a discussion with McAfee colleagues and suicide prevention activist and owner of The Jordan Legacy, Steve Phillip. During this session Steve discussed his own personal lived experience of suicide and what he’s learned since establishing The Jordan Legacy when it comes to creating an open and safe environment for all.

Tell us a bit about The Jordan Legacy?

“I established The Jordan Legacy in 2020, following the suicide of my 34-year-old son, Jordan, in December 2019. It’s a registered not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC), whose mission is to raise awareness about suicide, open the conversation, help remove the stigma surrounding this topic and importantly, engage with communities and workplaces to discuss and identify practical solutions which will help prevent suicide.”

Why is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) important?

“#WSPD is important in highlighting the biggest killer of men and women under the age of 35. According to the W.H.O, we lose 700,000 people globally to suicide every year – that’s one person every 45 seconds. On average, each suicide will impact 135 other people. This means that more than 95 million people are impacted by suicide annually! And while #WSPD is an important day to highlight, it’s fundamental that we recognize that suicide awareness needs to happen 365 days a year.”

Why are there stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide?

“There are several reasons why stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide exist. Generally, it’s due to a lack of understanding and people making assumptions – such as those with a mental health illness could be dangerous, unreliable or unemployable. Cultural backgrounds also play a part in creating stigma – certain cultures see mental illness and suicide as a taboo subject. The language used around mental health and suicide can also create stigma. In the UK, the act of attempting suicide was decriminalized in 1961 and yet the term ‘committed suicide’ is still frequently used, in the same way as commit murder or commit assault.”

How can we open-up a conversation and support someone who might be struggling with their mental health?

“It’s important to ask people how they are with a genuine intent to listen to and understand their reply. Most people who are struggling with their mental health don’t necessarily want you to fix them, but they do want to feel that they’re being listened to. Ask open-ended questions, such as ‘tell me how are you really feeling?’, ‘explain to me how this is impacting on you?’, ‘describe to me, how this is making you feel?”

How can we create hope through action – as family members, friends, and colleagues?

“We need to become a kinder and more compassionate society by recognizing that everyone can, at some point in their lives, struggle with poor mental health. Understanding this, would hopefully cause people to be less frustrated with others who don’t behave as they expect they might. We also need to check-in with family members, friends and colleagues more frequently and ask them ‘how are you really doing?”

How can we look after our own well-being?

“I am one of those individuals who probably works too hard and for too long! However, road cycling is a big escape for me and getting out in the fresh air in the countryside is a huge help. As is my part-time hobby of playing the drums – you can lose a lot of pent-up stress whilst playing along to Nirvana!! It’s so important that you make sure to look after yourself. So, my advice is to find out what works for you – whether that’s going for a walk, talking to a friend, speaking to a counsellor, joining a local group or seeing what resources are available to you through your company’s EAP. And remember most importantly to be kind to yourself.”

If you or someone you know is struggling, please call or text 988 to get support. And remember, you are not alone.

Together we can prevent suicide 💛

The post #WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency – a Retrospective on the IANA Transition

By Keith Drazek
Verisign Logo

As we passed five years since the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority transition took place, my co-authors and I paused to look back on this pivotal moment; to take stock of what we’ve learned and to re-examine some of the key events leading up to the transition and how careful planning ensured a successful transfer of IANA responsibilities from the United States Government to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. I’ve excerpted the main themes from our work, which can be found in full on the Internet Governance Project blog.

In March 2014, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Commerce, announced its intent to “transition key Internet domain name functions to the global multi-stakeholder community” and asked ICANN to “convene global stakeholders to develop a proposal to transition the current role played by NTIA in the coordination of the Internet’s domain name system.” This transition, as announced by NTIA, was a natural progression of ICANN’s multi-stakeholder evolution, and an outcome that was envisioned by its founders.

While there was general support for a transition to the global multi-stakeholder community, many in the ICANN community raised concerns about ICANN’s accountability, transparency and organizational readiness to “stand alone” without NTIA’s legacy supervision. In response, the ICANN community began a phase of intense engagement to ensure a successful transition with all necessary accountability and transparency structures and mechanisms in place.

As a result of this meticulous planning, we believe the IANA functions have been well-served by the transition and the new accountability structures designed and developed by the ICANN community to ensure the security, stability and resiliency of the internet’s unique identifiers.

But what does the future hold? While ICANN’s multi-stakeholder processes and accountability structures are functioning, even in the face of a global pandemic that interrupted our ability to gather and engage in person, they will require ongoing care to ensure they deliver on the original vision of private-sector-led management of the DNS.

The post ICANN’s Accountability and Transparency – a Retrospective on the IANA Transition appeared first on Verisign Blog.

The Deep Roots of Nigeria’s Cybersecurity Problem

By Olatunji Olaigbe
Despite having one of the strongest data-protection policies in Africa, the country’s enforcement and disclosure practices remain dangerously broken.

Deadly Digital Dares: The Blackout Challenge on TikTok

By Toni Birdsong

The social network TikTok is chockfull of interesting, fun, laugh-out-loud videos shared by creators worldwide. Kids, as well as parents, can easily spend hours glued to the platform. But as with most popular platforms, the fun can eventually turn dark, even deadly, when viral challenges make their rounds.  

The latest viral challenge, the “blackout challenge,” first became popular online in 2008 and made its unfortunate comeback in 2021. Before this second round, the CDC attributed nearly 80 deaths to the dangerous online game. In the past month, authorities are attributing the tragic, high-profile deaths of Archie Battersbee, 12, and Leon Brown, 14 to the challenge. 

What is it? 

The blackout challenge is a choking game that involves intentionally trying to choke oneself or another to obtain a brief euphoric state or “high.” Death or serious injury can result if strangulation is prolonged. Those doing the challenge do it privately or broadcast their attempt to friends or followers. The CDC also found that most deaths occurred when a child engaged in the choking game alone and that most parents were unaware of the game before their child’s death.

What’s the appeal? 

It’s easy to look at a challenge like this and dismiss it thinking your child would never be involved in such a dangerous game. However, in a recent post from on why kids participate in online dares, pediatricians point to the reality that the teen brain is still developing. The part of the brain that processes rational thought, the prefrontal cortex, is not fully developed until a person’s mid-20s. This physiological reality means teens are naturally impulsive and can do things without stopping to consider the consequences.  

Another lure that entices teens is that social media’s fast-moving, impulsive environment rewards outrageous behavior—the more outrageous the content, the bigger the bragging rights. The fear of losing out (FOMO is natural for teens. 

Signs to look for 

According to the CDC, signs that a child may be engaging in the blackout challenge include: 

  • They may talk about the game or use alternate terms such as “pass–out
    game” “choking game,” or “space monkey.” 
  • They may have bloodshot eyes 
  • You may see marks on their neck 
  • They might have severe headaches 
  • They could show signs of disorientation after spending time alone 
  • You might notice the presence of ropes, scarves, or belts tied to furniture or doorknobs 
  • They may have unexplained items like dog leashes, choke collars, or bungee cords in their room. 

5 talking points for families

  1. Dig in and discuss hard stuff. Set time aside to talk about the viral challenges your child may or may not notice online. Discuss the dangers, the physiology of being impulsive, and how social network communities inherently reward reckless behavior with likes and shares.  
  2. Make the consequences personal. Do your homework. Pull up the relevant headlines and discuss the implications of the blackout challenge (and others), such as lack of oxygen to the brain, seizures, long-term complications, and death.  
  3. Talk about digital peer pressure. Coach your kids through the dangers they encounter online they may take for granted. Ask them how they feel when they see someone doing dangerous things online and ways to avoid or discourage it. Are your kids rallying around the challenges or sharing the content? Do they try to be funny to get attention online?  
  4. Establish ground rules. As tragic as these challenges are, they allow parents to pause and refresh family ground rules for online behavior and media use. Your kids have changed over time, as have their online communities, and interests. Design ground rules and media use expectations to help shape a safe, balanced digital life that reflects their current online activity. 
  5. Add extra protection. We add security systems to our homes for additional protection from outside threats, so too, it’s wise to add security to our family devices to encourage content filtering, monitoring, and time limits.  

Viral challenges will continue to emerge and shock us. There’s no way to anticipate them or control them. However, staying informed about dangerous online trends and keeping the lines of communication with your child open and honest is a big step toward equipping them to live a safe, balanced digital life.  

The post Deadly Digital Dares: The Blackout Challenge on TikTok appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How to Use DuckDuckGo’s Privacy-First Email Service

By David Nield
Tired of advertisers spying on your private communications? This beta promises to kick tracking technology to the curb.