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Before yesterdayNaked Security

S3 Ep148: Remembering crypto heroes

By Paul Ducklin
Celebrating the true crypto bros. Listen now (full transcript available).

Serious Security: Why learning to touch-type could protect you from audio snooping

By Paul Ducklin
Fast, quiet, smooth, consistent and low impact... why true hacker-grade touch-typing might keep you more secure.

S3 Ep146: Tell us about that breach! (If you want to.)

By Paul Ducklin
Serious security stories explained clearly in plain English - listen now. (Full transcript available.)

Firefox fixes a flurry of flaws in the first of two releases this month

By Paul Ducklin
No zero-days, but some interesting patches with their very own "teachable moments".


SEC demands four-day disclosure limit for cybersecurity breaches

By Paul Ducklin
When is a ransomware attack a reportable matter? And how long have you got to decide?

S3 Ep145: Bugs With Impressive Names!

By Paul Ducklin
Fascinating fun (with a serious and educational side) - listen now! Full transcript available inside.

Microsoft patches four zero-days, finally takes action against crimeware kernel drivers

By Paul Ducklin
Here's a brief reminder to do two things. The first is to patch. The second is to read up why it's a good idea to patch...

Apple silently pulls its latest zero-day update – what now?

By Paul Ducklin
Previously, we said "do it today", but now we're forced back on: "Do not delay; do it as soon as Apple and your device will let you."

Serious Security: Rowhammer returns to gaslight your computer

By Paul Ducklin
Gaslights produce a telltale flicker when nearby lamps are lit; DRAM values do something similar when nearby memory cells are accessed.

S3 Ep142: Putting the X in X-Ops

By Paul Ducklin
How to get all your corporate "Ops" teams working together, with cybersecurity correctness as a guiding light.


S3 Ep138: I like to MOVEit, MOVEit

By Paul Ducklin
Backdoors, exploits, and Little Bobby Tables. Listen now! (Full transcript available...)


S3 Ep135: Sysadmin by day, extortionist by night

By Paul Ducklin
Laugh (sufficiently), learn (efficiently), and then let us know what you think in our comments (anonymously, if you wish)...

S3 Ep131: Can you really have fun with FORTRAN?

By Paul Ducklin
Loop-the-loop in this week's episode. Entertaining, educational and all in plain English. Transcript inside.

S3 Ep130: Open the garage bay doors, HAL [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't... errr, no, hang on a minute, I can do that easily! Worldwide! Right now!

S3 Ep129: When spyware arrives from someone you trust

By Paul Ducklin
Scanning tools, supply-chain malware, Wi-Fi hacking, and why there should be TWO World Backup Days... listen now!

Microsoft assigns CVE to Snipping Tool bug, pushes patch to Store

By Paul Ducklin
Microsoft says "successful exploitation requires uncommon user interaction", but it's the innocent and accidental leakage of private data you should be concerned about.

Windows 11 also vulnerable to β€œaCropalypse” image data leakage

By Paul Ducklin
Turns out that the Windows 11 Snipping Tool has the same "aCropalypse" data leakage bug as Pixel phones. Here's how to work around the problem...

Google Pixel phones had a serious data leakage bug – here’s what to do!

By Paul Ducklin
What if the "safe" images you shared after carefully cropping them... had some or all of the "unsafe" pixels left behind anyway?

S3 Ep 126: The price of fast fashion (and feature creep) [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Worried about rogue apps? Unsure about the new Outlook zero-day? Clear advice in plain English... just like old times, with Duck and Chet!

S3 Ep124: When so-called security apps go rogue [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Rogue software packages. Rogue "sysadmins". Rogue keyloggers. Rogue authenticators. Rogue ROGUES!


Coinbase breached by social engineers, employee data stolen

By Paul Ducklin
Another day, another "sophisticated" attack. This time, the company has handily included some useful advice along with its mea culpa...

S3 Ep118: Guess your password? No need if it’s stolen already! [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
As always: entertaining, informative and educational... and not bogged down with jargon! Listen (or read) now...

S3 Ep116: Last straw for LastPass? Is crypto doomed? [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Lots of big issues this week: breaches, encryption, supply chains and patching problems. Listen now! (Full transcript inside.)

Naked Security 33Β 1/3 – Cybersecurity predictions for 2023 and beyond

By Paul Ducklin
The problem with anniversaries is that there's an almost infinite number of them every day...


S3 Ep114: Preventing cyberthreats – stop them before they stop you! [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Join world-renowned expert Fraser Howard, Director of Research at SophosLabs, for this fascinating episode on how to fight cybercrime.

Pwn2Own Toronto: 54 hacks, 63 new bugs, $1 million in bounties

By Paul Ducklin
That's a mean average of $15,710 per bug... and 63 fewer bugs out there for crooks and rogues to find.

Apple pushes out iOS security update that’s more tight-lipped than ever

By Paul Ducklin
We grabbed the update, based on no information at all, just in case we came across a reason to advise you not to. So far, so good...

Voice-scamming site β€œiSpoof” seized, 100s arrested in massive crackdown

By Naked Security writer
Those numbers or names that pop up when a call comes up? They're OK as a hint of who's calling, but THEY PROVE NOTHING

S3 Ep110: Spotlight on cyberthreats – an expert speaks [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - security expert John Shier explains what the real-life cybercrime stories in the Sophos Threat Report can teach us

β€œGucci Master” business email scammer Hushpuppi gets 11 years

By Naked Security writer
Learn how to protect yourself from big-money tricksters like the Hushpuppis of the world...

