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Before yesterdayNaked Security

US offers reward β€œup to $10 million” for information about the Conti gang

By Naked Security writer
Wanted - Reward Offered - Five unknown individuals (plus a man with a weird hat)

GitHub blighted by β€œresearcher” who created thousands of malicious projects

By Paul Ducklin
If you spew projects laced with hidden malware into an open source repository, don't waste your time telling us "no harm done" afterwards.

T-Mobile to cough up $500 million over 2021 data breach

By Paul Ducklin
Technically, it's not a fine, and the lawyers will get a big chunk of it. But it still adds up to a half-billion-dollar data breach.

Last member of Gozi malware troika arrives in US for criminal trial

By Paul Ducklin
His co-conspirators went into and got out of prison years ago, while he remained free. Now the tables have turned...

S3 Ep91: CodeRed, OpenSSL, Java bugs, Office macros [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - listen now! Great discussion, technical content, solid advice... all covered in plain English.

Paying ransomware crooks won’t reduce your legal risk, warns regulator

By Paul Ducklin
"We paid the crooks to keep things under control and make a bad thing better"... isn't a valid excuse. Who knew?

FTC warns of LGBTQ+ extortion scams – be aware before you share!

By Paul Ducklin
It's a simple jingle and it's solid advice: "If in doubt, don't give it out!"

Capital One identity theft hacker finally gets convicted

By Paul Ducklin
It took three years, but the Capital One cracker was convicted in the end. Don't get caught out in a data breach of your own!

Interpol busts 2000 suspects in phone scamming takedown

By Paul Ducklin
Friends don't let friends get scammed. Not everyone knows how typical scams unfold, so here are some real-world examples...

SSNDOB Market domains seized, identity theft β€œbrokerage” shut down

By Paul Ducklin
The online identity "brokerage" SSNDOB Market didn't want people to be in any doubt what it was selling.

He sold cracked passwords for a living – now he’s serving 4 years in prison

By Paul Ducklin
Crooks don't need a password for every user on your network to break in and wreak havoc. One could be enough...

Ransomware Survey 2022 – like the Curate’s Egg, β€œgood in parts”

By Paul Ducklin
You might not like the headline statistics in this year's ransomware report... but that makes it even more important to take a look!

US cryptocurrency coder gets 5 years for North Korea sanctions busting

By Naked Security writer
Cryptocurrency expert didn't take "No" for an answer when the US authorities said he couldn't pursue cryptocoin opps in North Korea.

Serious Security: Darkweb drugs market Hydra taken offline by German police

By Paul Ducklin
Why are Tor sites hard to locate and therefore difficult to take down? We explain in plain English...

LAPSUS$ hacks continue despite two hacker suspects in court

By Paul Ducklin
Do you know where in your company to report security anomalies? If you receive such reports, do you have an efficient way to process them?

UK police arrest 7 hacking suspects – have they bust the LAPSUS$ gang?

By Naked Security writer
Seven alleged hackers have been arrested in the UK. But who are they, and which hacking crew are they from?

Alleged Kaseya ransomware attacker arrives in Texas for trial

By Naked Security writer
The US Independence Day weekend of 2021 wasn't much of a holiday for cybersecurity staff. That was when the Kaseya attack unfolded...

Self-styled β€œCrocodile of Wall Street” arrested with husband over Bitcoin megaheist

By Naked Security writer
The cops say they've recovered 80% of a $72 million cryptocoin heist... but the recovered funds alone are now worth over $4 billion!

Alleged carder gang mastermind and three acolytes under arrest in Russia

By Naked Security writer
The motto of the gang was "In Fraud We Trust", and they went by a dizzying range of online nicknames.

Romance scammer who targeted 670 women gets 28 months in jail

By Paul Ducklin
Found love online? Sending them money? Friends and family warning you it could be a scam? Don't be too quick to dismiss their concerns...

FTC threatens β€œlegal action” over unpatched Log4j and other vulns

By Paul Ducklin
Remember the Equifax breach? Remember the $700m penalty? In case you'd forgotten, here's the FTC to refresh your memory!

IoT devices must β€œprotect consumers from cyberharm”, says UK government

By Paul Ducklin
"Must be at least THIS tall to go on ride" seems to be the starting point. Too little, too late? Or better than nothing?

Clearview AI face-matching service set to be fined over $20m

By Paul Ducklin
Scraping data for a facial recognition service? "That's unlawful", concluded both the British and the Australians.

Emotet malware: β€œThe report of my death was an exaggeration”

By Paul Ducklin
"Old malware rarely dies." The best way to predict the future is to look at the past... if it worked before, it will probably work again.

FBI email hack spreads fake security alerts. Here’s what to do…

By Naked Security writer
Fake warnings and false accusations - it's a "call to distraction"

Kaseya ransomware suspect nabbed in Poland, $6m seized from absent colleague

By Naked Security writer
Suspects nabbed, millions seized, in ransomware busts across the globe.

Europol announces β€œtargeting” of 12 suspects in ransomware attacks

By Naked Security writer
More anti-ransomware activity by law enforcement, this time in Switzerland and Ukraine.

S3 Ep56: Cryptotrading rodent, ransomware hackback, and a Docusign phish [Podcast]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - listen now! Serious security explained with personality in plain English.

