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Before yesterdaySecurity

Microsoft DNS boo-boo breaks Hotmail for users around the globe

ALSO: NYC says kthxbye to TikTok, slain Microsoft exec's wife indicted, and some ASAP patch warnings

Infosec in brief Someone at Microsoft has some explaining to do after a messed-up DNS record caused emails sent from accounts using Microsoft's Outlook Hotmail service to be rejected and directed to spam folders starting on Thursday.…

  • August 21st 2023 at 03:34

Threat Hunting Newsletter

By /u/m_edmondson

I started a free newsletter to share threat hunting tips.

submitted by /u/m_edmondson
[link] [comments]

Weekly Update 361

By Troy Hunt
Weekly Update 361

This week hasd been manic! Non-stop tickets related to the new HIBP domain subscription service, scrambling to support invoicing and resellers, struggling our way through some odd Stripe things and so on and so forth. It's all good stuff and there have been very few issues of note (and all of those have merely been people getting to grips with the new model), so all in all, it's happy days 😊

Weekly Update 361
Weekly Update 361
Weekly Update 361
Weekly Update 361


  1. Sponsored by: Unpatched devices keeping you up at night? Kolide can get your entire fleet updated in days. It's Device Trust for Okta. Watch the demo!
  2. Brett Adams built a really cool Splunk app using the new domain search API (and he talked me into adding a couple of other ones too)
  3. iMenu360 had 3.4M customer records appear in a breach (and ignored every single attempt made to disclose it πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ)
  4. We now have a model for education facilities, non-profits and charities (for now, it boils down to "log a ticket and we'll help you out")

Interpol arrests 14 who allegedly scammed $40m from victims in 'cyber surge'

Cops credit security shops with an assist, tho it's a drop in the ocean

An Interpol-led operation arrested 14 suspects and identified 20,674 "suspicious" networks spanning 25 African countries that international cops have linked to more than $40 million in cybercrime losses.…

  • August 20th 2023 at 07:18

Security News This Week: US Energy Firm Targeted With Malicious QR Codes in Mass Phishing Attack

By Lily Hay Newman
New research reveals the strategies hackers use to hide their malware distribution system, and companies are rushing to release mitigations for the β€œDownfall” processor vulnerability on Intel chips.

FYI: There's another BlackCat ransomware variant on the prowl

Bad kitty, no catnip for you

Here's a heads up. Another version of BlackCat ransomware has been spotted extorting victims. This variant embeds two tools, we're told: the network toolkit Impacket for lateral movement within compromised environments, and Remcom for remote code execution.…

  • August 18th 2023 at 21:33

Evacuation of 30,000 hackers – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

DEF CON, the annual hacker's convention in Las Vegas, was interrupted on Saturday evening when authorities evacuated the convention due to a bomb threat.
  • August 18th 2023 at 09:54

DEF CON 31: US DoD urges hackers to go and hack β€˜AI’

The limits of current AI need to be tested before we can rely on their output
  • August 18th 2023 at 09:31

Add 'writing malware' to the list of things generative AI is not very good at doing

But it may help with fuzzing

Analysis Despite the hype around criminals using ChatGPT and various other large language models to ease the chore of writing malware, it seems this generative AI technology isn't terribly good at helping with that kind of work.…

  • August 18th 2023 at 00:39

Don't just patch your Citrix gear, check for intrusion: Two bugs exploited in wild

About 2,000 NetScaler installations feared compromised as CISA raises alarm over ShareFile

Updated Miscreants are actively exploiting critical bugs in two of Citrix's products, both of which the business IT player fixed earlier this summer.…

  • August 17th 2023 at 21:55

Karma Catches Up to Global Phishing Service 16Shop

By BrianKrebs

You’ve probably never heard of β€œ16Shop,” but there’s a good chance someone using it has tried to phish you.

A 16Shop phishing page spoofing Apple and targeting Japanese users. Image:

The international police organization INTERPOL said last week it had shuttered the notorious 16Shop, a popular phishing-as-a-service platform launched in 2017 that made it simple for even complete novices to conduct complex and convincing phishing scams. INTERPOL said authorities in Indonesia arrested the 21-year-old proprietor and one of his alleged facilitators, and that a third suspect was apprehended in Japan.

The INTERPOL statement says the platform sold hacking tools to compromise more than 70,000 users in 43 countries. Given how long 16Shop has been around and how many paying customers it enjoyed over the years, that number is almost certainly highly conservative.

Also, the sale of β€œhacking tools” doesn’t quite capture what 16Shop was all about: It was a fully automated phishing platform that gave its thousands of customers a series of brand-specific phishing kits to use, and provided the domain names needed to host the phishing pages and receive any stolen credentials.

Security experts investigating 16Shop found the service used an application programming interface (API) to manage its users, an innovation that allowed its proprietors to shut off access to customers who failed to pay a monthly fee, or for those attempting to copy or pirate the phishing kit.

16Shop also localized phishing pages in multiple languages, and the service would display relevant phishing content depending on the victim’s geolocation.

Various 16Shop lures for Apple users in different languages. Image: Akamai.

For example, in 2019 McAfee found that for targets in Japan, the 16Shop kit would also collect Web ID and Card Password, while US victims will be asked for their Social Security Number.

β€œDepending on location, 16Shop will also collect ID numbers (including Civil ID, National ID, and Citizen ID), passport numbers, social insurance numbers, sort codes, and credit limits,” McAfee wrote.

In addition, 16Shop employed various tricks to help its users’ phishing pages stay off the radar of security firms, including a local β€œblacklist” of Internet addresses tied to security companies, and a feature that allowed users to block entire Internet address ranges from accessing phishing pages.

The INTERPOL announcement does not name any of the suspects arrested in connection with the 16Shop investigation. However, a number of security firms β€” including Akamai, McAfee and ZeroFox, previously connected the service to a young Indonesian man named Riswanda Noor Saputra, who sold 16Shop under the hacker handle β€œDevilscream.”

According to the Indonesian security blog, Saputra admitted being the administrator of 16Shop, but told the publication he handed the project off to others by early 2020.

16Shop documentation instructing operators on how to deploy the kit. Image: ZeroFox.

Nevertheless, Cyberthreat reported that Devilscream was arrested by Indonesian police in late 2021 as part of a collaboration between INTERPOL and the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Still, researchers who tracked 16Shop since its inception say Devilscream was not the original proprietor of the phishing platform, and he may not be the last.


It is not uncommon for cybercriminals to accidentally infect their own machines with password-stealing malware, and that is exactly what seems to have happened with one of the more recent administrators of 16Shop.

Constella Intelligence, a data breach and threat actor research platform, now allows users to cross-reference popular cybercrime websites and denizens of these forums with inadvertent malware infections by information-stealing trojans. A search in Constella on 16Shop’s domain name shows that in mid-2022, a key administrator of the phishing service infected their Microsoft Windows desktop computer with the Redline information stealer trojan β€” apparently by downloading a cracked (and secretly backdoored) copy of Adobe Photoshop.

Redline infections steal gobs of data from the victim machine, including a list of recent downloads, stored passwords and authentication cookies, as well as browser bookmarks and auto-fill data. Those records indicate the 16Shop admin used the nicknames β€œRudi” and β€œRizki/Rizky,” and maintained several Facebook profiles under these monikers.

It appears this user’s full name (or at least part of it) is Rizky Mauluna Sidik, and they are from Bandung in West Java, Indonesia. One of this user’s Facebook pages says Rizky is the chief executive officer and founder of an entity called BandungXploiter, whose Facebook page indicates it is a group focused mainly on hacking and defacing websites.

A LinkedIn profile for Rizky says he is a backend Web developer in Bandung who earned a bachelor’s degree in information technology in 2020. Mr. Rizky did not respond to requests for comment.

S3 Ep148: Remembering crypto heroes

By Paul Ducklin
Celebrating the true crypto bros. Listen now (full transcript available).

Man arrested in Northern Ireland police data leak as more incidents come to light

Plus laptop and radio with yet more officers details reportedly nicked from car

A man was arrested in Northern Ireland for suspected Collection of Terrorist Information following an incident where police mistakenly leaked details that identified 10,000 serving officers, but he has now been released on bail.…

  • August 17th 2023 at 12:03

HHS Launches 'Digiheals' Project to Better Protect US Hospitals From Ransomware

By Lily Hay Newman
An innovation agency within the US Department of Health and Human Services will fund research into better defenses for the US health care system’s digital infrastructure.

Mass-spreading campaign targeting Zimbra users

ESET researchers have observed a new phishing campaign targeting users of the Zimbra Collaboration email server.
  • August 17th 2023 at 09:54

DEF CON 31: Robot vacuums may be doing more than they claim

When it comes to privacy, it remains complicated and near impossible for a consumer to make an informed decision.
  • August 16th 2023 at 09:35

Black Hat 2023: Hacking the police (at least their radios)

Hiding behind a black box and hoping no one will hack it has been routinely proven to be unwise and less secure.
  • August 15th 2023 at 09:30

Black Hat 2023: How AI changes the monetization of search

Search engines, AI, and monetization in the new era
  • August 14th 2023 at 12:30

Black Hat 2023: AI gets big defender prize money

Black Hat is big on AI this year, and for a good reason
  • August 14th 2023 at 09:30

Black Hat 2023: β€˜Teenage’ AI not enough for cyberthreat intelligence

Current LLMs are just not mature enough for high-level tasks
  • August 12th 2023 at 15:12

20k security folks in the desert – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Unsurprisingly, artificial intelligence took the center stage at this year's edition of Black Hat, one of the world's largest gatherings of cybersecurity professionals
  • August 11th 2023 at 11:38

Black Hat 2023: Cyberwar fire-and-forget-me-not

What happens to cyberweapons after a cyberwar?
  • August 11th 2023 at 09:29

WoofLocker Toolkit Hides Malicious Codes in Images to Run Tech Support Scams

Cybersecurity researchers have detailed an updated version of an advanced fingerprinting and redirection toolkit calledΒ WoofLockerΒ that's engineered to conduct tech support scams. The sophisticated traffic redirection scheme wasΒ first documentedΒ by Malwarebytes in January 2020, leveraging JavaScript embedded in compromised websites to perform anti-bot and web traffic filtering checks to serve

New Juniper Junos OS Flaws Expose Devices to Remote Attacks - Patch Now

Networking hardware company Juniper Networks has released an "out-of-cycle" security update to address multiple flaws in the J-Web component of Junos OS that could be combined to achieve remote code execution on susceptible installations. The four vulnerabilities have a cumulative CVSS rating of 9.8, making them Critical in severity. They affect all versions of Junos OS on SRX and EX Series. "By

Thousands of Android Malware Apps Using Stealthy APK Compression to Evade Detection

Threat actors are using Android Package (APK) files with unknown or unsupported compression methods to elude malware analysis. That's according to findings from Zimperium, which found 3,300 artifacts leveraging such compression algorithms in the wild. 71 of the identified samples can be loaded on the operating system without any problems. There is no evidence that the apps were available on the

14 Suspected Cybercriminals Arrested Across Africa in Coordinated Crackdown

A coordinated law enforcement operation across 25 African countries has led to the arrest of 14 suspected cybercriminals, INTERPOLΒ announcedΒ Friday. The exercise, conducted in partnership with AFRIPOL, enabled investigators to identify 20,674 cyber networks that were linked to financial losses of more than $40 million. "The four-month Africa Cyber Surge II operation was launched in April 2023

The Vulnerability of Zero Trust: Lessons from the Storm 0558 Hack

By The Hacker News
While IT security managers in companies and public administrations rely on the concept of Zero Trust, APTS (Advanced Persistent Threats) are putting its practical effectiveness to the test. Analysts, on the other hand, understand that Zero Trust can only be achieved with comprehensive insight into one's own network.Β  Just recently, an attack believed to be perpetrated by the Chinese hacker group
  • August 18th 2023 at 11:49

New Wave of Attack Campaign Targeting Zimbra Email Users for Credential Theft

A new "mass-spreading" social engineering campaign is targeting users of the Zimbra Collaboration email server with an aim to collect their login credentials for use in follow-on operations. The activity, active since April 2023 and still ongoing, targets a wide range of small and medium businesses and governmental entities, most of which are located in Poland, Ecuador, Mexico, Italy, and Russia
  • August 18th 2023 at 11:48

New BlackCat Ransomware Variant Adopts Advanced Impacket and RemCom Tools

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed that it found a new version of theΒ BlackCatΒ ransomware (aka ALPHV and Noberus) that embeds tools like Impacket and RemCom to facilitate lateral movement and remote code execution. "TheΒ Impacket toolΒ has credential dumping and remote service execution modules that could be used for broad deployment of the BlackCat ransomware in target environments," the company's
  • August 18th 2023 at 10:57

Google Chrome's New Feature Alerts Users About Auto-Removal of Malicious Extensions

Google has announced plans to add a new feature in the upcoming version of its Chrome web browser to proactively alert users when an extension they have installed has been removed from the Chrome Web Store. The feature, set for release alongside Chrome 117, allows users to be notified when an add-on has been unpublished by a developer, taken down for violating Chrome Web Store policy, or marked
  • August 18th 2023 at 06:51

NoFilter Attack: Sneaky Privilege Escalation Method Bypasses Windows Security

A previously undetected attack method calledΒ NoFilterΒ has been found to abuse the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) to achieve privilege escalation in the Windows operating system. "If an attacker has the ability to execute code with admin privilege and the target is to performΒ LSASS Shtinkering, these privileges are not enough," Ron Ben Yizhak, a security researcher at Deep Instinct, told The
  • August 17th 2023 at 16:15

China-Linked Bronze Starlight Group Targeting Gambling Sector with Cobalt Strike Beacons

An ongoing cyber attack campaign originating from China is targeting the Southeast Asian gambling sector to deploy Cobalt Strike beacons on compromised systems.Β  Cybersecurity firm SentinelOne said the tactics, techniques, and procedures point to the involvement of a threat actor tracked asΒ Bronze StarlightΒ (aka Emperor Dragonfly or Storm-0401), which has been linked to the use ofΒ short-livedΒ 
  • August 17th 2023 at 15:40

New LABRAT Campaign Exploits GitLab Flaw for Cryptojacking and Proxyjacking Activities

A new, financially motivated operation dubbedΒ LABRATΒ has been observed weaponizing a now-patched critical flaw in GitLab as part of a cryptojacking and proxyjacking campaign. "The attacker utilized undetected signature-based tools, sophisticated and stealthy cross-platform malware, command-and-control (C2) tools which bypassed firewalls, and kernel-based rootkits to hide their presence," SysdigΒ 
  • August 17th 2023 at 14:26

New Apple iOS 16 Exploit Enables Stealthy Cellular Access Under Fake Airplane Mode

Cybersecurity researchers have documented a novel post-exploit persistence technique on iOS 16 that could be abused to fly under the radar and maintain access to an Apple device even when the victim believes it is offline. The method "tricks the victim into thinking their device's Airplane Mode works when in reality the attacker (following successful device exploit) has planted an artificial
  • August 17th 2023 at 14:26