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Go programming language arrives at security warnings that are useful

Low-noise tool hopes to highlight vulnerabilities imported into projects

The open source Go programming language, developed by Google, has added support for vulnerability management in a way designed to preserve programmers' patience.…

  • September 6th 2022 at 22:40

Mysterious 'Worok' Group Launches Spy Effort With Obfuscated Code, Private Tools

By Robert Lemos, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
The threat actor β€” whose techniques and procedures do not match known groups β€” has created custom attack tools, including a program that hides scripts in .PNG images.

  • September 6th 2022 at 20:44

Cyberattack brings down InterContinental Hotels' booking systems

Online booking systems and other services knocked offline amid network intrusion

The IT systems of InterContinental Hotels Group, the massive hospitality organization that operates 17 hotel brands around the world, have been compromised, causing ongoing disruption to the corporation's online booking systems and other services.…

  • September 6th 2022 at 20:42

TeslaGun Primed to Blast a New Wave of Backdoor Cyberattacks

By Ericka Chickowski, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
What under-the-hood details of newly discovered attack control panel tell us about how the Evil Corp threat group manages its ServHelper backdoor malware campaigns.

  • September 6th 2022 at 20:16

As LA Unified Battles Ransomware, CISA Warns About Back-to-School Attacks

By Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
Hours after Los Angeles Unified School District was hit with ransomware attack, CISA issued an alert that threat actors are actively targeting the education sector.

  • September 6th 2022 at 19:51

Name That Edge Toon: Mime's the Word

By John Klossner, Cartoonist
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

  • September 6th 2022 at 19:37

Internet Security & Encryption Pioneer Peter Eckersley Passes at 43

By Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
The founder of Let's Encrypt and an EFF technologist, Eckersley devoted his life's work to making the Internet safer and more secure.

  • September 6th 2022 at 17:51

Critical QNAP NAS Zero-Day Bug Exploited to Deliver DeadBolt Ransomware

By Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
This is the fourth DeadBolt campaign this year against QNAP customers, but it differs from previous attacks in exploiting an unpatched bug instead of a known vulnerability.

  • September 6th 2022 at 17:51

Ransomware gang hits second-largest US school district

FBI and CISA on-site to assist with incident response over Labor Day weekend

Updated Cybercriminals hit the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) over the holiday weekend with a ransomware attack that temporarily shut down email, computer systems, and applications.…

  • September 6th 2022 at 17:45

The 3 Fundamentals of Building an Effective IoMT Security Strategy

By Luke Smith, Senior Director of Solution Engineering at Asimily
The high stakes and unique priorities for Internet of Medical Things devices require specialized cybersecurity strategies.

  • September 6th 2022 at 17:17

Newly discovered cyberspy crew targets Asian governments and corporations

Worok uses mix of publicly available tools, custom malware to steal info, gang active since 2020

A cyberespionage group has targeted government agencies and big-name corporations throughout Asia since at least 2020, using the notorious ProxyShell vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange to gain initial access.…

  • September 6th 2022 at 16:15

Cymulate Raises $70M Series D Funding for Continuous Security Posture Testing

Investor participation from prior round demonstrates confidence in the company's current and future performance.
  • September 6th 2022 at 15:12

Botnets in the Age of Remote Work

By Ivan Shefrin, Executive Director, Comcast Business Managed Security Services
Here are some strategies for protecting the business against botnets poised to take advantage of remote-work vulnerabilities.

  • September 6th 2022 at 14:00

EvilProxy Commodifies Reverse-Proxy Tactic for Phishing, Bypassing 2FA

By Elizabeth Montalbano, Contributor, Dark Reading
The phishing-as-a-service offering targets accounts from tech giants, and also has connections to PyPI phishing and the Twilio supply chain attack.

  • September 6th 2022 at 13:56

Unhappy about excluding nation-state attacks from cyberinsurance? Get ready to pay

Lloyd's defends stance as critics say policy tweaks make it less worthwhile to spend on premiums

Critics unhappy about insurers excluding certain nation-state attacks from cyber policies should consider the alternative: higher prices, according to Lloyd's of London.…

  • September 6th 2022 at 13:30

Kicking Off a New School Year with New Online Habits

By Toni Birdsong

Most every parent loves a new school year. Most likely because the beloved milestone offers us a clean slate and a chance to do things better, shape new habits, and close those digital safety gaps.

The hope that fuels change is a powerful thing. However, if you want to ensure your new habits stick, there’s some science you might consider.β€―Psychologistsβ€―suggest that to make a new change permanent, you should start with smaller, micro-size choices that will lead to sustainable patterns and habits. Micro habits allow you to take safe steps that are too small to fail but effective enough to generate long-term change.β€―

Committing to Micro-HabitsΒ 

Breaking down the task online safety into bite-sized pieces is a great approach for parents eager to put better habits into play this year. Establishing new ground rules doesn’t have to include restrictions, tantrums, or tears. You can start small, commit to work together, and build your new habits over time.Β 

So often in this blog we offer a combination of practical digital tips proven to work such as robust password protocols, privacy settings,β€―parental controls, smart phone protection, and social network/app safety.β€―Β 

Today, however, we will flip that approach and give you some foundations that will no doubt support and amplify your family’s daily online safety efforts. Ready? Here we go!Β 

5 Foundations of Healthy Family Tech HabitsΒ 

1. Put connection first.β€―

We’re all connected 24/7 but to what? Equipping kids to make wise decisions online begins with intentional, face-to-face connection at home with a parent or caregiver. When the parent-child relationship is strong, trust grows, and conversation flows. If and when a challenge arises, your child is more likely to turn to you.β€―Β 

Micro-habit: If your family doesn’t eat dinner together, start with one night a week (stay consistent with the day). Make the dinner table a no-phone zone and spend that time together listening and connecting. Build from there.β€―Β 


2. Step into their world.β€―

The new school year is a chance to get more involved with your child’s day-to-day communities (on and offline), including their teachers, friend groups, or hobbies. If you’ve been on the sidelines in the past, taking a few steps into their world can give you an exceptional understanding of their online life. Knowing where they go and who they know online has never been more critical, as outlined in our recent Connected Family Report.β€―

Micro-habit: Does your child have a favorite app? Download it, look around, and understand the culture.β€―Β 

3. Prioritize sleep.β€―

Summerβ€”coupled with extra time online (often unmonitored)β€”can wreak havoc on a child’s sleep patterns, which, in turn, wreaks havoc on a family. If you have a tween or teen, ensuring they get the required hours of sleep is a significant way to keep them safe online. Think about it. Fatigue can impair judgment, increase anxiety, impact grades, and magnify moodiness, putting a child’s physical and emotional wellbeing at risk online and off.β€―Β 

Micro-habit: Think about setting a phone curfew that everyone agrees on. Giving your child input into the curfew makes it less of a restriction and more of a health or lifestyle shift. Remember, your child’s device is their lifeline to their peers so cutting them off isn’t a long-term solution.β€―Β 

4. Monitor mental health.β€―

With kids spending so much time on apps like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube, those platforms inevitably influence your child more than just about anyone. Be on the lookout for behavior changes in your child that may be connected to digital risks such as cyberbullying, sextortion, gaming addiction, inappropriate content, or connecting with strangers.

Micro-habit: Considerβ€―setting time limitsβ€―that allow your child to enjoy their online hangouts without being consumed or overly influenced by the wrong voices. Apply limits in small blocks at first and grow from there.β€―Β 

5. Aim for balance.β€―

Balancing your online life with face-to-face activities and relationships is a must for your child’s physical and emotional wellbeing. But sometimes, striving for that balance can feel overwhelming. Being too stringent can cause big plans to collapse, sending our behaviors in theβ€―oppositeβ€―direction. Balance requires constant re-calibration and pausing to take those small bites.β€―

Micro-habit: Commit to one family outdoor activity together a month. Take a hike, learn to fish, take up tennis. Make the outings phone-free zones. Be consistent with your monthly micro-habit and build from there.β€―Β 

It’s been proven that any change you attempt to make ignites a degree of friction. And prolonged friction can discourage your efforts to stick to new habits. Ignore that noise and keep moving forward. Stay the course parents because this is the year your best intentions take shape. β€―Β 

The post Kicking Off a New School Year with New Online Habits appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Defenders Be Prepared: Cyberattacks Surge Against Linux Amid Cloud Migration

By Jai Vijayan, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
Ransomware in particular poses a major threat, but security vendors say there has been an increase in Linux-targeted cryptojacking, malware, and vulnerability exploits as well, and defenders need to be ready.

  • September 6th 2022 at 13:00

Worok Hackers Target High-Profile Asian Companies and Governments

By Ravie Lakshmanan
High-profile companies and local governments located primarily in Asia are the subjects of targeted attacks by a previously undocumented espionage group dubbedΒ WorokΒ that has been active since late 2020. "Worok's toolset includes a C++ loader CLRLoad, a PowerShell backdoor PowHeartBeat, and a C# loader PNGLoad that uses steganography to extract hidden malicious payloads from PNG files," ESET

Worok: The big picture

By Thibaut Passilly

Focused mostly on Asia, this new cyberespionage group uses undocumented tools, including steganographically extracting PowerShell payloads from PNG files

The post Worok: The big picture appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

3 Critical Steps for Reducing Cloud Risk

By Randy Armknecht, Managing Director, Protiviti
Having a better understanding of how clouds are built, connected, and managed helps organizations mitigate risks and reduce attack surfaces.

  • September 5th 2022 at 14:00

Nadine Dorries promotes 'Brexit rewards' of proposed UK data protection law

Culture secretary talks up pre-Commons reading as UK waits to hear who new leader will be

On the day the UK is set to appoint its new prime minister, digital and culture secretary Nadine Dorries is introducing legislation in Parliament she promises will β€œdrop unnecessary box-ticking and measures stifling British businesses.”…

  • September 5th 2022 at 11:06

It’s Time to Get Real About TikTok’s Risks

By Lily Hay Newman
US lawmakers keep warning about the popular app. But until they can explain what makes it uniquely dangerous, it’s difficult to tailor a resolution.

TA505 Hackers Using TeslaGun Panel to Manage ServHelper Backdoor Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have offered fresh insight into a previously undocumented software control panel used by a financially motivated threat group known as TA505. "The group frequently changes its malware attack strategies in response to global cybercrime trends," Swiss cybersecurity firm PRODAFTΒ saidΒ in a report shared with The Hacker News. "It opportunistically adopts new technologies in

Integrating Live Patching in SecDevOps Workflows

By The Hacker News
SecDevOps is, just like DevOps, a transformational change that organizations undergo at some point during their lifetime. Just like many other big changes, SecDevOps is commonly adopted after a reality check of some kind: a big damaging cybersecurity incident, for example. A major security breach or, say, consistent problems in achieving development goals signals to organizations that the

New EvilProxy Phishing Service Allowing Cybercriminals to Bypass 2-Factor Security

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS) toolkit dubbed EvilProxy is being advertised on the criminal underground as a means for threat actors to bypass two-factor authentication (2FA) protections employed against online services. "EvilProxy actors are using reverse proxy and cookie injection methods to bypass 2FA authentication – proxifying victim's session," Resecurity researchersΒ saidΒ in a Monday

Researchers Find New Android Spyware Campaign Targeting Uyghur Community

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A previously undocumented strain of Android spyware with extensive information gathering capabilities has been found disguised as a book likely designed to target theΒ Uyghur communityΒ in China. The malware comes under the guise of a book titled "The China Freedom Trap," a biography written by the exiled Uyghur leader Dolkun Isa. <!--adsense--> "In light of the ongoing conflict between the

QNAP Warns of New DeadBolt Ransomware Attacks Exploiting Photo Station Flaw

By Ravie Lakshmanan
QNAP has issued a new advisory urging users of its network-attached storage (NAS) devices to upgrade to the latest version ofΒ Photo StationΒ following yet another wave ofΒ DeadBolt ransomware attacksΒ in the wild by exploiting a zero-day flaw in the software. The Taiwanese companyΒ saidΒ it detected the attacks on September 3 and that "the campaign appears to target QNAP NAS devices running Photo

Chrome and Edge fix zero-day security hole – update now!

By Paul Ducklin
This time, the crooks got there first - only 1 security hole patched, but it's a zero-day.

TikTok Denies Data Breach Reportedly Exposing Over 2 Billion Users' Information

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Popular short-form social video service TikTok denied reports that it was breached by a hacking group, after it claimed to have gained access to an insecure cloud server. "TikTok prioritizes the privacy and security of our users' data," the ByteDance-owned company told The Hacker News. "Our security team investigated these claims and found no evidence of a security breach." The denial follows

What Is Your Security Team Profile? Prevention, Detection, or Risk Management

By The Hacker News
Not all security teams are born equal. Each organization has a different objective. In cybersecurity, adopting a proactive approach is not just a buzzword. It actually is what makes the difference between staying behind attackers and getting ahead of them. And the solutions to do that do exist! Most attacks succeed by taking advantage of common failures in their target's systems. Whether new or

Maximum protection against hostile incursions

Want to hear more about the critical role of identity in Zero Trust security? Join our webinar on 20th September

Webinar The cyber security of any organisation or enterprise relies on the integrity of its identity management structure. After all, there's no shortage of bad actors looking for a chink in the wall.…

  • September 5th 2022 at 13:57

NATO investigates after criminals claim to be selling its stolen missile plans

Also, Microsoft’s one-click TikTok trick, a 14-year old Aussie cracks ASD encryption in an hour, and more

In brief NATO officials are investigating after criminals put up some data for sale on dark forums that they claim is "classified" information stolen from European missile maker MBDA.…

  • September 5th 2022 at 13:04

Ransomware Attackers Abuse Genshin Impact Anti-Cheat System to Disable Antivirus

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A vulnerable anti-cheat driver for the Genshin Impact video game has been leveraged by a cybercrime actor to disable antivirus programs to facilitate the deployment of ransomware, according to findings from Trend Micro. The ransomware infection, which was triggered in the last week of July 2022, banked on the fact that the driver in question ("mhyprot2.sys") is signed with a valid certificate,

Fake Antivirus and Cleaner Apps Caught Installing SharkBot Android Banking Trojan

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The notorious Android banking trojan known asΒ SharkBotΒ has once again made an appearance on the Google Play Store by masquerading as antivirus and cleaner apps. "This new dropper doesn't rely on Accessibility permissions to automatically perform the installation of the dropper Sharkbot malware," NCC Group's Fox-ITΒ saidΒ in a report. "Instead, this new version asks the victim to install the

Microsoft mistakenly rated Chromium, Electron as malware

Windows Defender update fixed the mess after a weekend of false positive weirdness

Microsoft appears to have fixed a problem that saw its Defender antivirus program identify apps based on the Chromium browser engine and/or Electron JavaScript framework as malware, and suggest users remove them.…

  • September 5th 2022 at 06:57