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Over a Dozen Android Apps on Google Play Store Caught Dropping Banking Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A malicious campaign leveraged seemingly innocuous Android dropper apps on the Google Play Store to compromise users' devices with banking malware. These 17 dropper apps, collectively dubbed DawDropper by Trend Micro, masqueraded as productivity and utility apps such as document scanners, QR code readers, VPN services, and call recorders, among others. All these apps in question have been

Roaming Mantis Financial Hackers Targeting Android and iPhone Users in France

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The mobile threat campaign tracked as Roaming Mantis has been linked to a new wave of compromises directed against French mobile phone users, months after it expanded its targeting to include European countries. No fewer than 70,000 Android devices are said to have been infected as part of the active malware operation, Sekoia said in a report published last week. Attack chains involving Roaming

Last member of Gozi malware troika arrives in US for criminal trial

By Paul Ducklin
His co-conspirators went into and got out of prison years ago, while he remained free. Now the tables have turned...

Kids & Cash Apps: What Parents Need to Know

By Toni Birdsong

Fewer people carry cash these days, kids included. This growing paperless reality fast-forwards the parenting task of educating kids on financial responsibility. As of 2021, most cash apps allow kids 13 and up to open accounts (previously, the age was 18). Kids can also get a cash app debit card for retail purchases. But while cash apps are a popular and convenient tool, they come with some risks families should consider.  

Instant Transactions 

Cash apps allow kids to exchange money with friends directly from a secondary established account, much like handing another person cash. Cash apps have become a popular tool with kids and an easy way to split costs or pay someone for a purchase. Cash apps also come in handy for families and allow parents to instantly send their children money for daily expenses such as school or sports fees, meals, purchases, or entertainment. Some common cash apps include Venmo, Zelle, Cash App (Square), Pay Pal, Zelle, and Facebook Pay, among others.   

Some Risk 

Sounds awesome right? But with ease comes risk. Most money transfer app funds are not FDIC insured. That means if your child (or you) accidentally sends money to an unintended recipient, they may have a tough time recovering those funds.  

Every app comes with some degree of risk. While the leading cash apps are considered secure and can be used with little concern, there’s always the potential of a cyber crook finding a security loophole that exposes your money, banking information, and identity.  

10 Cash App Safety Tips for Families 

  1. Discuss the risks. Clicks within a cash transfer app equal real cash. Help your kids understand digital money is equal to actual dollars. Take the time to discuss current scams and how to practice extra care when using cash apps.  
  2. Use safeguards. Using security best practices is not a skill that comes naturally to most people. It’s something that must be practiced and improved constantly. Just like computers, mobile devices can be infected with viruses and malware. One way to protect mobile devices (and cash apps) is to subscribe to a mobile antivirus product, such asMcAfee Mobile Security, which includessafe browsing, scanning for maliciousapps, and locating your device if it is lost or stolen. 
  3. Layer up app security. In addition to an antivirus tool, guide your kids in how to add additional security to their cash apps. Guide them in how to follow password security protocols and how to add protection in the form of a PIN code, facial ID, or fingerprint ID. While you are at it, make sure your child locks their device in the same way. These steps offer more protection in case your child’s phone is stolen or lost, and a stranger attempts to use the cash app.  
  4. Slow down and verify. As fast as kids’ fingers move on keypads, advise your child to slow down and verify spelling and a recipient’s account address when using a cash app. Most cash app providers will not help users recover misdirected funds. One typo or clicking on the wrong Jake Williams in the recipient list can cost you or your child big bucks.  
  5. Only connect with friends.When using cashapps, advise kids to only exchange money with people they know. Scammers have been known to befriend minors only to ask for a loan or offer goods or services. Once the payment is sent, the scammer instantly deletes their accounts and is gone without a trace.  
  6. Stay on top of cash app scams. CheckBBB Scam Trackerto see how bad actors are targeting cash app users. In searching cash app scams on this site, consider reading the personal stories (click “details” of each reported scam) of the people who have been victimized. This might be a very effective way to converse with your kids about the natural consequences of online scams.  
  7. Safeguard personal data. Remind kids not to share their email, address, or other information. Also, avoid clicking pop-up ads, trendy quizzes, and random website URLs designed to plant malware on a device that steals bits and pieces of personal info that can be used for various attacks, including financial and identity theft.  
  8. Link your app with a credit card. If possible, consider linking your child’s cash app to a credit card rather than a bank account. Debit cards remove cash from an account instantly, but credit cards offer consumer protection in cases of fraudulent transactions. The one drawback is that a credit card company will charge interest on your balance.  
  9. Keep app balances low. Cyber crooks can’t steal funds that aren’t there. For that reason, it’s wise to keep balances low in your child’s cash app account.  
  10. Teach financial literacy basics. The cash app conversation is an excellent opportunity to begin or expand your family’s conversation on financial literacy. Here are several helpful resources that will help you teach your kids financial literacy at any age.     

The use of cash apps is here to stay and, no doubt, an integral part of the overall paperless fast track we’re all on. Guiding kids into this realm equipped with knowledge and confidence is a powerful way parents can help kids enjoy the responsibility of money without falling prey to digital risks.     

The post Kids & Cash Apps: What Parents Need to Know appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them

By McAfee

Online banking puts the ability to pay bills, check your balance, or transfer money at your fingertips. Unfortunately, it can also make you vulnerable to scammers who may try to trick you into giving them access to your account.  

By remaining vigilant, though, you can avoid common scams. This article discusses mobile banking scams and how to avoid them. 

Most common online banking scams

Online banking can be super convenient — for both you and cybercriminals. And hackers may use a variety of tactics to gain access to your accounts. Most of these involve tricking you into giving them your account information. 

Phishing scams

With this type of online scam, fraudsters may send a text message or email that looks like it’s from your bank. Often, the message will ask for immediate action, such as confirming your information to keep the account from being closed.  

The message might even include a link to the bank, but it actually goes to a fraudulent website designed to look like the bank’s website. When you enter your account information, the scammers record it. 

Sometimes, the email asks you to call a fake customer service number. If you do, you’ll speak to someone who tries to get you to give over sensitive information, like your date of birth or Social Security number (SSN). 

Occasionally, scammers already have some of your personal information. To gain your trust, they might mention personal details like your date of birth or the last four digits of your SSN. They may have learned this information from your social media posts or accessed it in a data breach. 

Cracking passwords

Another way hackers may try to access your bank account is to steal or guess your password. If they can log into your account, they can use your sensitive information for personal gain, otherwise known as identity theft. They can then open credit card accounts in your name, purchase merchandise, or transfer money out of your account. 

Cybercriminals use technology to guess billions of passwords per second. However, it’s more difficult to guess long passwords with a combination of letters and numbers.  

For example, a computer can instantly guess a password consisting of eight letters. Adding one uppercase letter extends the time it takes to crack a password to 22 minutes. In contrast, a 12-character password with an uppercase letter, a number, and a symbol would take the computer 34,000 years to crack. 

Computer viruses

When you click a link or attachment in an email or download fake antivirus software, your device can become infected with malicious software or malware. A virus can let hackers view data from your device and use it to access your financial information or bank accounts 

Consider getting antivirus software to help protect your devices, like what’s offered through McAfee Total Protection. Our award-winning antivirus software provides 24/7 real-time threat protection against online threats like malware, viruses, ransomware, and phishing, across Apple and Android systems. 

Targeting computers on public Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi gives you convenient, free access to the internet in restaurants, airports, and department stores. But it can also be easy for hackers to see your private information on an open network that doesn’t require a password.  

If you log into your online bank account, your login information could be exposed, making you vulnerable to bank fraud. Shopping online with public Wi-Fi could also expose your credit card information. 

How to avoid online banking scams

Fortunately, you can protect yourself from cybercriminals with sensible precautions and a healthy dose of suspicion. Use the tips below to help safeguard your accounts from online banking scams. 

Secure your devices with McAfee

McAfee Total Protection provides all-in-one protection for your personal information and privacy. You’ll have coverage for all of your laptops, tablets, and smartphones on most operating systems — Windows, macOS, Android, or iOS. In addition to premium antivirus software, you get identity monitoring and a secure VPN that shields your data when using public Wi-Fi. 

Carefully assess any messages claiming to be your bank

You can better recognize phishing emails once you understand how banks communicate with customers. There are certain things legitimate banks never do. If you get a message like that, assume it’s fraudulent. Some other tips include: 

  • Calling: Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm. 
  • Email: Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam. 
  • Text messages: If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text. 
  • Urgent action: A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure. 
  • Typos: Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct. 

Create strong passwords and update them regularly

At some point, almost everyone has used the same password for different websites. But this is one of the simplest ways for hackers to get into your accounts. If they figure out the password for one, they can sometimes access your other accounts.  

The most common passwords are:  

  • Password  
  • 12345678 

Use unique passwords for each website. They should be 12 characters long and include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and symbols. McAfee Total Protection includes a password manager to help generate and store your passwords in a single location. 

Always make sure you’re on the bank’s official website/app

If you get an email about an issue with your bank account, you can always go directly to your bank’s website. Don’t click any links in a text or email — just go directly to your bank’s website to check your account. Similarly, if you get a phone call, dial your bank directly using the official telephone number. 

Use two-factor authentication when logging into websites for your financial institutions. You’ll get a one-time code by text or email to use each time you log into your account. 

Be cautious of accessing your bank via public Wi-Fi

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, anyone can see your internet activity. For that reason, you shouldn’t log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi unless you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  

McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers. 

Check your bank statements regularly

Review your bank statements carefully each month to ensure there are no unauthorized transactions. Contact your bank immediately if you see any payments or withdrawals that you don’t recognize. 

See how McAfee keeps you and your data secure online 

Being vigilant and understanding how scammers work can help you avoid online banking scams. For an additional layer of security, use McAfee Total Protection. Our comprehensive cybersecurity services protect all of your devices with award-winning antivirus, a secure VPN for safe Wi-Fi connections, and advanced identity monitoring. There’s even a team of security experts available to assist you around the clock. 

With McAfee, you can bank online with ease knowing your personal data is secure. 

The post Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Helping Mom & Dad: Online Banking

By McAfee

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of articles about how we can help our elder parents get the most out of digital life—the ways we can help them look after their finances and health online, along with how they can use the internet to keep connected with friends and family, all safely and simply.

Online banking is for everyone. Or at least it should be. 

The benefits of online banking are many for our moms, dads, and grandparents, just as they are for us. Elder adults can deposit checks, pay bills, transfer money to and from investments, and so on, all without needing to leave home. However, our parents and the older people in our lives may face a few hurdles that are holding them back. As a son, daughter, or loved one, there are things you can do to help them clear those hurdles so they can enjoy the convenience of online banking, safely and securely. 

What do some of those hurdles look like?  

  • Familiarity, for one. Their comfort level with the internet simply may not be as high as ours. (After all, so many of us have grown up with it to some degree.) The web page layouts, transactional flows, and basic internet navigation sense that we all take for granted may still feel a touch foreign to them.  
  • Another hurdle is trust. Many of our parents simply know and have come to trust, in-person and face-to-face interactions, particularly at a bank. Simply put, they may be far more trusting of the teller behind the window than the web page on the browser. 

Meanwhile, the digital world continues to evolve apace, particularly with regard to online banking. Between 2018 and 2022, the number of people in the U.S. who use online banking steadily rose to more than 65%, and more than three-quarters of Americans used a mobile device the last time they checked their balance. And as of 2020, nearly two billion people worldwide used online banking, a number that only continues to increase. 

This rise in online banking has implications for the elders in our lives. Even if they aren’t active in online banking themselves, their financial information is part of this digital mix. The banks and financial institutions where they keep their savings and funds are digitally connected and digitally accessible. At a minimum, this means that they should take steps to protect themselves and their finances. Yet the upside is here is that we can help them do much more than that—that we can actually help them take advantage of online banking and enjoy its benefits. 

Setting up online banking for mom and dad—start with the basics 

Depending on their comfort level, you may want to start by reviewing some basic digital literacy before diving right into online banking. As mentioned above, there’s so much about the internet that we take for granted, and the elders in your life may benefit a little 101-level introduction to the internet. 

When you’re both confident that their comfort level with the internet is in the right place, you can move on to the next step—making sure mom and dad have solid online protection in place. This is square one before going online, particularly when you’re banking online. Some basic digital hygiene will help protect their banking and finances. Moreover, it will help protect the other things they do online as well.  

The following quick list is a great way to make them far more secure: 

1) Update their software

That includes the operating system of their computers, smartphones, and tablets, along with the apps that are on them. Many updates include security upgrades and fixes that make it tougher for hackers to launch an attack. 

2) Lock up

Computers, smartphones, and tablets will have a way of locking them using a PIN, a password, a fingerprint, or the owner’s face. Take advantage of that protection, which is particularly important if that device is lost or stolen.  

3) Learn about tracking and wiping smartphones

This is important should they lose their smartphone or believe it’s been stolen. Have them turn on device tracking so that they can locate their phone or even wipe its data and contents remotely if they need to. Apple provides iOS users with a step-by-step guide for remotely wiping devices, and Google offers up a guide for Android users as well.  

4) Use online protection software  

Protecting your devices with comprehensive online protection software will defend them against the latest virus, malware, spyware and ransomware attacks plus help steer them clear of phishing attacks and malicious websites designed to steal personal and financial information. Also, make sure it offers a password manager like ours does, which can create and store strong, unique passwords for each of their accounts—alleviating the burden of mom and dad remembering them.  

5) Look into an identity protection service

With all the personally identifiable information (PII) we create simply by using the internet, tracking and monitoring your PII is essential for preventing identity fraud and theft. The same is true for mom and dad. A strong identity theft protection package will offer cyber monitoring that can detect the misuse of your PII. Our identity protection service takes that protection a step further if the unfortunate happens with $1M coverage for lawyer fees, travel expenses, lost wages, and more. 

Take it in steps 

With their devices and PII more secure, you can move on to the banking portion itself. While there’s so much you can do with online banking, it’s a good idea to take things one at a time. Some elders aren’t sure how to sign up for online banking with their financial institution, so you can start there. Take them through the setup process (using that strong, unique password as mentioned above) and simply get them going.  

From there, they can familiarize themselves with the layout of banking site or app they’re using. A straightforward task like checking account balances is a great way to do just that. After their comfort level with the site or app tales root, you can move on to other things they can do online, like pay bills online, deposit a paper check with their phone, and review their statements for any discrepancies. 

Be ready to lend an ear and a hand 

Another thing that may help put your folks at ease is to let them know you’re there to help. Questions will inevitably come up, and it’ll be a great comfort to them knowing that you’re around to lend them a quick answer as needed.  

For example, let’s talk about spotting possible discrepancies in their statements. Some account entries may look a little strange because the name of a business does not always match the way it appears in a bank or credit card statement. This may lead to questions about the purchase—was it something they made? Is it a legitimate charge? These are answers you can help them track down. 

Related, online banking provides our parents with a powerful tool against identity theft and fraud. By reviewing account statements closely, they can potentially spot bogus charges and purchases before they become a larger, and more costly, problem. (For a great primer on the topic, read and share this article that covers identity theft and fraud, along with steps to prevent it.) 

Call on the experts 

Several different banks offer resources specifically for elder bankers. The offerings will of course vary from bank to bank, yet you may find that they have videos and information on their websites designed to make online banking easier. Likewise, they may offer special services that mom and dad may qualify for. In all, feel free to lean on their bank for assistance as needed. They’re there to help. 

You can also look into independent resources as well, such as the AARP and “Ready, Set, Bank,” which both provide a wealth of videos and articles about online banking.   

Helping mom & dad get the most from online banking 

As kids, grandkids, and younger loved ones, there’s plenty we can do to help the elders in our lives enjoy online banking with confidence. Shoring up their security, starting them easy, and then being there to answer questions can help them clear the hurdles of familiarity and trust they face. 

Just as they’ve guided you through the ins and outs of life, here’s a chance to return the favor. What’s more, it’s yet another way you can spend time together, whether in person or over a call. And that’s a good thing. 

The post Helping Mom & Dad: Online Banking appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Banking scam uses Docusign phish to thieve 2FA codes

By Paul Ducklin
999 people in 1000 will know this is a phish straight off the bat. But for 1 in 1000 it will be plausible at first sight...

Elevate Your Financial Security: How to Safely Bank Online

By Jean Treadwell
Online Banking

Today’s technology allows you to complete various tasks at the touch of a button wherever you go. As a result, you place trust in online services that make everyday chores more convenient without second-guessing their effects. One such service is online banking. More Canadians are doing their banking virtually with over 76% using online or mobile devices. Despite the extensive measures that banks take to strengthen their online security, no system is fail-safe. It is extremely important to practice proper security habits and be on the lookout for online fraud to ensure the safety of your financial information.  

The Risks of Online and Mobile Banking  

According to the Canadian Bankers Association (CBA), banks in Canada use sophisticated technology and layers of security to help protect customers from fraud when doing their banking online or using a mobile banking app. Although online banking is generally safe, it does provide cybercriminals with a potentially lucrative opportunity. Some scammers turn to phishing techniques to trick people into handing over their sensitive personal information. They call, text, or email you claiming to be a representative from your bank and state that they noticed some unusual activity related to your accountThe imposters then ask you to click on a link in the email or text message to verify your credentials. Unfortunately, this “verification link” is actually a phishing link, and cybercriminals can use the password or credit card details to walk right into your account. 

Once cybercriminals gain access to your password and username, they may then move on to credential stuffing. Credential stuffing occurs when an attacker inserts the username and password for one account into the login page of another online serviceThis tactic capitalizes on the fact that many people reuse the same username and password across multiple accounts. 

Hackers also use phishing to spread malware onto the devices you use to access online banking servicesThese suspicious emails and text messages disguised as notifications from your bank could contain malicious links or attachments that trick you into downloading malware on your deviceFurthermore, attackers mimic banking and money transfer institutions to collect your credentials and access your sensitive information. 

Put Your Privacy First When Online Banking  

The convenience of paying bills and depositing checks without running to the bank or post office is undeniable. Everyone is always rushing about, so if you’re now doing these things online securing your online privacy is not a responsibility to speed through.  

It’s important that you put your privacy first when using online and mobile banking platforms so you can use these convenient services without jeopardizing your financial accountsFollow these tips to enhance your online banking security:  

1. Manage your bank account responsibly 

Review your bank’s terms and conditions to understand your responsibilities as the account owner and the responsibilities of your bank. Check your accounts regularly for transactions you didn’t make and contact your financial provider as soon as you find an error. Most banks have policies that reimburse you for unauthorized purchases if someone uses your credit card without your permission.  

2. Choose a strong, unique password 

Look at the recommendations provided by your bank, for example, CIBC recommends using longer passwords for your bank account that include a combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. Additionally, do not reuse this password across your other accounts. If a hacker guesses your password for one of your online accounts, it’s likely that they will check for repeat credentials across multiple sites. By using different passwords or passphrases, you can feel secure knowing that the majority of your data is secure if one of your accounts becomes vulnerable. If you’re worried about forgetting your passwords, subscribe to a password management tool that will remember them for you.   

3. Use multi-factor authentication  

Always opt-in for two- or multi-factor authentication if your financial institution offers it. This is a method of signing in that requires not only a username and password but also a one-time code that is sent by text or email. This extra layer of verification makes it much harder for a criminal to access your sensitive accounts.  

4. Vet third-party apps and platforms 

From splitting the check when eating out with friends to dividing the cost of bills, third-party mobile payment apps are an incredibly easy way to share money. Before downloading these appsdo your research. Ensure that the company behind the app or the app itself hasn’t undergone any major security incidents and that they have a history of patching bugs immediately. If you decide to download a mobile payment app, set your account to private and limit the amount of data you share. Additionally, look for the lock icon in your web browser when logging in to online banking platforms. A closed lock or padlock indicates that the website you’re on is secure. 

5. Learn how to recognize phishing 

Phishing scammers often undo their own plans by making simple mistakes that are easy to spot once you know how to recognize them. These mistakes include spelling or grammar errors throughout the email or text message, using a company’s logo with the incorrect aspect ratio or low resolution, and using a URL with typos. For example, phishers may swap an “o” with a zero, or end the address with “.con” instead of “.com.”  If you receive a message with any of these characteristics, do not click on any of the links and delete it immediately.  

6. Connect to a VPN 

Never conduct your banking business on a public or unsecured wi-fi network. Connect to avirtual private network (VPN), which allows you to send and receive data while encrypting your information. When your data traffic is scrambled, it’s shielded from prying eyes, which protects your network and the devices connected to it. 

Invest in Your Digital Security  

While online banking adds a wealth of convenience to your lives, it’s important that you remain invested in your security first and foremost. Cybercriminals often take advantage of your reliance on digital platforms to disguise themselves as bank representatives and trick you into handing over your personal data. To remain secure while online banking, practice good cybersecurity hygiene by using strong, unique passwords, multi-factor authentication, and stay vigilant while looking for signs of phishing. These tips will help elevate your financial security so you can virtually bank with peace of mind.  

Stay Updated 

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, subscribe to our newsletter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

The post Elevate Your Financial Security: How to Safely Bank Online appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

Convenience vs. Online Security: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

By Baker Nanduru
online safety

Convenience vs. Online Security: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

We live in a world where convenience is king. Personally, I don’t know what I would do without my calendar alerts popping up on my smartphone, ensuring that I don’t miss any important meetings (or birthdays).  I can also use a variety of apps to make appointments with my family’s doctor and check up on my kids’ educational progress while they are at home distance learning. While this technology is great and convenient, it has led to increased connectivity which tends to cause security implications. At what point do we draw the line between convenience and online security, and is there a way to ultimately have both? Let’s take a look.

Are Consumers Confident in Their Online Safety?

Consumers want to live their lives fast. They are constantly on the go, prioritizing speedy technology and convenience – sometimes more than safety. As a result, basic security hygiene, like updating passwords, has fallen by the wayside. In fact, a recent survey conducted by YouGov in April of 2020 revealed that consumers are overconfident in the level of protection that their credentials provide. 77% believe that their banking credentials are the most secure, followed by online shopping (74%), and work network logins (71%). Due to consumers’ overconfidence in the strength of their credentials, over half of online shoppers admitted that they have no plans to update their login details – and even more admitted to not updating bank and work passwords. As someone who just recently wrote a blog on common password habits and how they can affect our online safety,

Finding a Balance Between Convenience and Security

As today’s users are trying to grasp what the “new normal” means for them and how they live their lives, many are branching out from the typical ways they used to order food, take workout classes, and more. Consumers are using food delivery sites that they’ve never used before and signing up for online fitness classes on new platforms to  stay healthy while social distancing. But by using these unfamiliar websites to establish a sense of normalcy, users might forget to take basic security precautions like making sure these websites have the standard https:// security clearance or using a VPN. Paying attention to these security measures while exploring new platforms will allow users to enjoy the convenience of these tools without putting their online safety at risk.

According to McAfee Labs, more than 113,000 websites have been published that used COVID-19 to lure internet users into giving up their personal details. But despite the risks associated with poor security hygiene, consumers appear to be pretty indifferent. When asked if COVID-19 and increased fraud influenced them to use alternative banking or shopping apps/websites with more secure options, over three-quarters of U.S. consumers stated no, or that they didn’t know. At the onset of the pandemic when consumers were under pressure to buy scarce, staple items, 26% of consumers in the U.S. admitted to overlooking online security concerns by using third-party merchants to buy things like toilet paper and disinfecting products.

Today’s users already have so much to worry about – I can’t blame them if their online security is falling by the wayside to allow physical health and wellness to take precedent. It’s times like these when people need to prioritize their health and basic survival above all else that consumers benefit most from intrinsic security that is constantly working in the background, so they can have peace of mind.

Let Them Have Security (and Convenience!)

The good news: convenience and security don’t have to be mutually exclusive. I can still use my healthcare provider’s app to schedule appointments and check in on my kids as they distance learn without risking our family’s privacy. When it comes to balancing convenience and online security, you and your family should use trusted solutions that will allow you to enjoy all that the internet has to offer  by providing security that is easy, convenient, and empowers you to enjoy a safe and private digital live.

Users can enjoy a comprehensive, yet holistic approach to protection by employing the help of a security solution like McAfee® Total Protection. Consumers are safeguarded from malware  so they can continue to use their devices and web browsing to stream live workout classes, catch up with family over video conference, and more. The software’s detection capabilities are constantly being updated and enhanced without compromising users’ device performance.

McAfee Total Protection also includes McAfee® WebAdvisor – web protection that enables users to sidestep attacks before they happen with clear warnings of risky websites, links, and files. McAfee WebAdvisor allows consumers to online shop or order food from their favorite restaurant while giving them the peace of mind that they’re on a safe website.

McAfee Total Protection also includes our secure VPN to ensure your family is prepared for potential threats that could be lurking around the corner. By enabling a VPN on your device, you can feel confident that the next time you bank or pay bills online, your connection is secure. With solutions like McAfee Total Protection and McAfee WebAdvisor in place, consumers can strike a balance between convenience and security, without sacrificing either.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


The post Convenience vs. Online Security: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too appeared first on McAfee Blogs.
