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Before yesterdayThe Hacker News

HijackLoader Evolves: Researchers Decode the Latest Evasion Methods

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The threat actors behind a loader malware called HijackLoader have added new techniques for defense evasion, as the malware continues to be increasingly used by other threat actors to deliver additional payloads and tooling. "The malware developer used a standard process hollowing technique coupled with an additional trigger that was activated by the parent process writing to a pipe,"

Critical Boot Loader Vulnerability in Shim Impacts Nearly All Linux Distros

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The maintainers of shim have released version 15.8 to address six security flaws, including a critical bug that could pave the way for remote code execution under specific circumstances. Tracked as CVE-2023-40547 (CVSS score: 9.8), the vulnerability could be exploited to achieve a Secure Boot bypass. Bill Demirkapi of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) has been&

New ZLoader Malware Variant Surfaces with 64-bit Windows Compatibility

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Threat hunters have identified a new campaign that delivers the ZLoader malware, resurfacing nearly two years after the botnet's infrastructure was dismantled in April 2022. A new variant of the malware is said to have been in development since September 2023, Zscaler ThreatLabz said in an analysis published this month. "The new version of ZLoader made significant changes to the loader

New CherryLoader Malware Mimics CherryTree to Deploy PrivEsc Exploits

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A new Go-based malware loader called CherryLoader has been discovered by threat hunters in the wild to deliver additional payloads onto compromised hosts for follow-on exploitation. Arctic Wolf Labs, which discovered the new attack tool in two recent intrusions, said the loader's icon and name masquerades as the legitimate CherryTree note-taking application to dupe potential victims

New Rugmi Malware Loader Surges with Hundreds of Daily Detections

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A new malware loader is being used by threat actors to deliver a wide range of information stealers such as Lumma Stealer (aka LummaC2), Vidar, RecordBreaker (aka Raccoon Stealer V2), and Rescoms. Cybersecurity firm ESET is tracking the trojan under the name Win/TrojanDownloader.Rugmi. "This malware is a loader with three types of components: a downloader that downloads an

Researchers Unveil GuLoader Malware's Latest Anti-Analysis Techniques

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Threat hunters have unmasked the latest tricks adopted by a malware strain called GuLoader in an effort to make analysis more challenging. "While GuLoader's core functionality hasn't changed drastically over the past few years, these constant updates in their obfuscation techniques make analyzing GuLoader a time-consuming and resource-intensive process," Elastic Security Labs

DJVU Ransomware's Latest Variant 'Xaro' Disguised as Cracked Software

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A variant of a ransomware strain known as DJVU has been observed to be distributed in the form of cracked software. "While this attack pattern is not new, incidents involving a DJVU variant that appends the .xaro extension to affected files and demanding ransom for a decryptor have been observed infecting systems alongside a host of various commodity loaders and infostealers," Cybereason

New Variant of XLoader macOS Malware Disguised as 'OfficeNote' Productivity App

A new variant of an Apple macOS malware called XLoader has surfaced in the wild, masquerading its malicious features under the guise of an office productivity app called "OfficeNote." "The new version of XLoader is bundled inside a standard Apple disk image with the name OfficeNote.dmg," SentinelOne security researchers Dinesh Devadoss and Phil Stokes said in a Monday analysis. "The application

Cybercriminals Renting WikiLoader to Target Italian Organizations with Banking Trojan

Organizations in Italy are the target of a new phishing campaign that leverages a new strain of malware called WikiLoader with an ultimate aim to install a banking trojan, stealer, and spyware referred to as Ursnif (aka Gozi). "It is a sophisticated downloader with the objective of installing a second malware payload," Proofpoint said in a technical report. "The malware uses multiple mechanisms

CERT-UA Warns of SmokeLoader and RoarBAT Malware Attacks Against Ukraine

By Ravie Lakshmanan
An ongoing phishing campaign with invoice-themed lures is being used to distribute the SmokeLoader malware in the form of a polyglot file, according to the Computer Emergency Response Team of Ukraine (CERT-UA). The emails, per the agency, are sent using compromised accounts and come with a ZIP archive that, in reality, is a polyglot file containing a decoy document and a JavaScript file. The

Arid Viper Hacking Group Using Upgraded Malware in Middle East Cyber Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The threat actor known as Arid Viper has been observed using refreshed variants of its malware toolkit in its attacks targeting Palestinian entities since September 2022. Symantec, which is tracking the group under its insect-themed moniker Mantis, said the adversary is "going to great lengths to maintain a persistent presence on targeted networks." Also known by the names APT-C-23 and Desert

BATLOADER Malware Uses Google Ads to Deliver Vidar Stealer and Ursnif Payloads

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The malware downloader known as BATLOADER has been observed abusing Google Ads to deliver secondary payloads like Vidar Stealer and Ursnif. According to cybersecurity company eSentire, the malicious ads are used to spoof a wide range of legitimate apps and services such as Adobe, OpenAPI's ChatGPT, Spotify, Tableau, and Zoom. BATLOADER, as the name suggests, is a loader that's responsible for

ChromeLoader Malware Targeting Gamers via Fake Nintendo and Steam Game Hacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A new ChromeLoader malware campaign has been observed being distributed via virtual hard disk (VHD) files, marking a deviation from the ISO optical disc image format. "These VHD files are being distributed with filenames that make them appear like either hacks or cracks for Nintendo and Steam games," AhnLab Security Emergency response Center (ASEC) said in a report last week. ChromeLoader (aka

GuLoader Malware Using Malicious NSIS Executables to Target E-Commerce Industry

By Ravie Lakshmanan
E-commerce industries in South Korea and the U.S. are at the receiving end of an ongoing GuLoader malware campaign, cybersecurity firm Trellix disclosed late last month. The malspam activity is notable for transitioning away from malware-laced Microsoft Word documents to NSIS executable files for loading the malware. Other countries targeted as part of the campaign include Germany, Saudi Arabia,

PrivateLoader PPI Service Found Distributing Info-Stealing RisePro Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
The pay-per-install (PPI) malware downloader service known as PrivateLoader is being used to distribute a previously documented information-stealing malware dubbed RisePro. Flashpoint spotted the newly identified stealer on December 13, 2022, after it discovered "several sets of logs" exfiltrated using the malware on an illicit cybercrime marketplace called Russian Market. A C++-based malware,

Cybersecurity Experts Uncover Inner Workings of Destructive Azov Ransomware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have published the inner workings of a new wiper called Azov Ransomware that's deliberately designed to corrupt data and "inflict impeccable damage" to compromised systems. Distributed through another malware loader known as SmokeLoader, the malware has been described as an "effective, fast, and unfortunately unrecoverable data wiper," by Israeli cybersecurity company

Microsoft Warns of Hackers Using Google Ads to Distribute Royal Ransomware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A developing threat activity cluster has been found using Google Ads in one of its campaigns to distribute various post-compromise payloads, including the recently discovered Royal ransomware. Microsoft, which spotted the updated malware delivery method in late October 2022, is tracking the group under the name DEV-0569. "Observed DEV-0569 attacks show a pattern of continuous innovation, with

New IceXLoader Malware Loader Variant Infected Thousands of Victims Worldwide

By Ravie Lakshmanan
An updated version of a malware loader codenamed IceXLoader is suspected of having compromised thousands of personal and enterprise Windows machines across the world. IceXLoader is a commodity malware that's sold for $118 on underground forums for a lifetime license. It's chiefly employed to download and execute additional malware on breached hosts. This past June, Fortinet FortiGuard Labs said

New Laplas Clipper Malware Targeting Cryptocurrency Users via SmokeLoader

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cryptocurrency users are being targeted with a new clipper malware strain dubbed Laplas by means of another malware known as SmokeLoader. SmokeLoader, which is delivered by means of weaponized documents sent through spear-phishing emails, further acts as a conduit for other commodity trojans like SystemBC and Raccoon Stealer 2.0, according to an analysis from Cyble. <!--adsense--> Observed in

Researchers Uncover New Variants of the ChromeLoader Browser Hijacking Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered new variants of the ChromeLoader information-stealing malware, highlighting its evolving feature set in a short span of time. Primarily used for hijacking victims' browser searches and presenting advertisements, ChromeLoader came to light in January 2022 and has been distributed in the form of ISO or DMG file downloads advertised via QR codes on Twitter

Researchers Warn of 'Matanbuchus' Malware Campaign Dropping Cobalt Strike Beacons

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A malware-as-a-service (Maas) dubbed Matanbuchus has been observed spreading through phishing campaigns, ultimately dropping the Cobalt Strike post-exploitation framework on compromised machines. Matanbuchus, like other malware loaders such as BazarLoader, Bumblebee, and Colibri, is engineered to download and execute second-stage executables from command-and-control (C&C) servers on infected

Unpatched Critical Flaws Disclosed in U-Boot Bootloader for Embedded Devices

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed two unpatched security vulnerabilities in the open-source U-Boot boot loader. The issues, which were uncovered in the IP defragmentation algorithm implemented in U-Boot by NCC Group, could be abused to achieve arbitrary out-of-bounds write and denial-of-service (DoS). U-Boot is a boot loader used in Linux-based embedded systems such as ChromeOS as well as