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Yesterday β€” June 25th 2024Security

The Julian Assange Saga Is Finally Over

By Dell Cameron
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has agreed to plead guilty to one count of espionage in US court on Wednesday, ending a years-long legal battle between the US government and a controversial publisher.

The Mystery of AI Gunshot-Detection Accuracy Is Finally Unraveling

By Todd Feathers
How accurate are gunshot detection systems, really? For years, it's been a secret, but new reports from San Jose and NYC show these systems have operated well below their advertised accuracy rates.

Deepfake Creators Are Revictimizing GirlsDoPorn Sex Trafficking Survivors

By Matt Burgess
The most notorious deepfake sexual abuse website is hosting altered videos originally published as part of the GirlsDoPorn operation. Experts say this new low is only the beginning.
Before yesterdaySecurity

The State of Data Breaches

By Troy Hunt
The State of Data Breaches

I've been harbouring some thoughts about the state of data breaches over recent months, and I feel they've finally manifested themselves into a cohesive enough story to write down. Parts of this story relate to very sensitive incidents and parts to criminal activity, not just on behalf of those executing data breaches but also very likely on behalf of some organisations handling them. As such, I'm not going to refer to any specific incidents or company names, rather I'm going to speak more generally to what I'm seeing in the industry.

Breach Disclosure is Still a Painful Time Suck

Generally, when I disclose a breach to an impacted company, it's already out there in circulation and for all I know, the company is already aware of it. Or not. And that's the problem: a data breach circulating broadly on a popular clear web hacking forum doesn't mean the incident is known by the corporate victim. Now, if I can find press about the incident, then I have a pretty high degree of confidence that someone has at least tried to notify the company involved (journos generally reach out for comment when writing about a breach), but often that's non-existent. So, too, are any public statements from the company, and I very often haven't seen any breach notifications sent to impacted individuals either (I usually have a slew of these forwarded to me after they're sent out). So, I attempt to get in touch, and this is where the pain begins.

I've written before on many occasions about how hard it can be to contact a company and disclose a breach to them. Often, contact details aren't easily discoverable; if they are, they may be for sales, customer support, or some other capacity that's used to getting bombarded with spam. Is it any wonder, then, that so many breach disclosures that I (and others) attempt to make end up going to the spam folder? I've heard this so many times before after a breach ends up in the headlines - "we did have someone try to reach out to us, but we thought it was junk" - which then often results in news of the incident going public before the company has had an opportunity to respond. That's not good for anyone; the breached firm is caught off-guard, they may very well direct their ire at the reporter, and it may also be that the underlying flaw remains unpatched, and now you've got a bunch more people looking for it.

An approach like security.txt is meant to fix this, and I'm enormously supportive of this, but in my experience, there are usually two problems:

  1. When a firm uses one, they get bombarded with beg bounties and legitimate reports get lost in all the junk
  2. There has only ever been one single instance of a company I've disclosed to having a security.txt file

That one instance was so exceptional that, honestly, I hadn't even looked for the file before asking the public for a security contact at the firm. Shame on me for that, but is it any wonder?

Once I do manage to make contact, I'd say about half the time, the organisation is good to deal with. They often already know of HIBP and are already using it themselves for domain searches. We've joked before (the company and I) that they're grateful for the service but never wanted to hear from me!

The other half of the time, the response borders on open hostility. In one case that comes to mind, I got an email from their lawyer after finally tracking down a C-suite tech exec via LinkedIn and sending them a message. It wasn't threatening, but I had to go through a series of to-and-fro explaining what HIBP was, why I had their data and how the process usually unfolded. When in these positions, I find myself having to try and talk up the legitimacy of my service without sounding conceited, especially as it relates to publicly documented relationships with law enforcement agencies. It's laborious.

My approach during disclosure usually involves laying out the facts, pointing out where data has been published, and offering to provide the data to the impacted organisation if they can't obtain it themselves. I then ask about their timelines for notifying impacted customers and welcome their commentary to be included in the HIBP notifications sent to our subscribers. This last point is where things get more interesting, so let's talk about breach notifications.

Breach Notifications Are Still Not What We Thought They Would Be

This is perhaps one of my greatest bugbears right now and whilst the title will give you a pretty good sense of where I'm going, the nuances make this particularly interesting.

I suggest that most of us believe that if your personal information is compromised in a data breach, you'll be notified following this discovery by the organisation responsible for the service. Whether it's one day, one week, or even a month later isn't really the issue; frankly, any of these time frames would be a good step forward from where we frequently find ourselves. But constantly, I'm finding that companies are taking the position of consciously not notifying individuals at all. Let me give you a handful of examples:

During the disclosure process of a recent breach, it turned out the organisation was already aware of the incident and had taken "appropriate measures" (their term was something akin to that being vague enough to avoid saying what had been done, but, uh, "something" had been done). When pressed for a breach notice that would go to their customers, they advised they wouldn't be sending one as the incident had occurred more than 6 months ago. That stunned me - the outright admission that they wouldn't be communicating this incident - and in case you're thinking "this would never be allowed under GDPR", the company was HQ'd well within that scope being based in a major European city.

Another one that I need to be especially vague about (for reasons that will soon become obvious), involved a sizeable breach of customer data with the folks exposed inhabiting every corner of the globe. During my disclosure to them, I pushed them on a timeline for notifying victims and found their responses to be indirect but almost certainly indicating they'd never speak publicly about it. Statements to the effect of "we'll send notifications where we deem we're legally obligated to", which clearly left it up to them to make the determination. I later learned from a contact close to the incident that this particular organisation had an impending earnings call and didn't want the market to react negatively to news of a breach. "Uh, you know that's a whole different thing if they deliberately cover that up, right?"

An important point to make here, though, is that when it comes to companies themselves disclosing they've been breached, disclosure to individuals is often not what people think it is. In the various regulatory regimes we have across the globe, the legal requirement often stops at notifying the regulator and does not extend to notifying the individual victims. This surprises many people, and I constantly hear the rant of "But I'm in [insert your country here], and we have laws that demand I'm notified!" No, you almost certainly don't... but you should. We all should.

You can see further evidence by looking at recent Form 8-K SEC filings in the US. There are many examples of filings from companies that never notified the individuals themselves, yet here, you'll clearly see disclosure to the regulator. The breach is known, it's been reported in the public domain, but good luck ever getting an email about it yourself.

Companies Prioritise Downplaying Severity and Covering Their Arses

During one disclosure, I had the good fortune of a very close friend of mine working for the company involved in an infosec capacity. They were clearly stalling, being well over a week from my disclosure yet no public statements or notices to impacted individuals. I had a quiet chat with my contact, who explained it as follows:

Mate, it's a room full of lawyers working out how to spin this

Meanwhile, millions of records of customer data were in the hands of criminals, and every hour that went by was another hour victims went without any knowledge whatsoever that their personal info had been exposed. And as much as it pains me to say this, I get it: the company's priority is the company or, more specifically, the shareholders. That's who the board is accountable to, and maintaining the corporate reputation and profitability of the firm is their number one priority.

I see this all the time in post-breach communication too. One incident that comes to mind was the result of some egregiously stupid technical decisions. Once that breach hit the press, the CEO immediately went on the offence. Blame was laid firstly at those who obtained the data, then at me for my reporting of the incident (my own disclosure was absolutely "by the book").

Data Breach Victims are Making it Worse

I'm talking about class actions. I wrote about my views on this a few years ago and nothing has changed, other than it getting worse. I regularly hear from data breach victims about them wanting compensation for the impact a breach has had on them yet when pushed, most struggle to explain why. We've had multiple recent incidents in Australia where drivers' licences have been exposed and required reissuing, which is usually a process of going to a local transport office and waiting in a queue. "Are you looking for your time to be compensated for?", I asked one person. We have to rotate our licenses every 5 years anyway, so would you pro-rata that time based on the hourly value of your time and when you were due to be back in there anyway? And if there has been identity theft, was it from the breach you're now seeking compensation for? Or the other ones (both known and unknown) from which your data was taken?

Lawyers are a big part of the problem, and I still regularly hear from them seeking product placement on HIBP. What a time and a place to cash in if you could get your class action pitch right there in front of people at the moment they learn they were in a breach!

Frankly, I don't care too much about individuals getting a few bucks in compensation (and it's only ever a few), and I also don't even care about lawyers doing lawyer things. But I do care about the adverse consequences it has on the corporate victims, as it makes my job a hell of a lot harder when I'm talking to a company that's getting ready to get sued because of the information I've just disclosed to them.


These are all intertwined problems without single answers. But there are some clear paths forward:

Firstly, and this seems so obvious that it's frankly ridiculous I need to write it, but there should always be disclosure to individual victims. This may not need to be with the same degree of expeditiousness as disclosure to the regulator, but it has to happen. It is a harder problem for businesses; submitting a form to a gov body can be infinitely easier than emailing potentially hundreds of millions of breached customers. However, it is, without any doubt, the right thing to do and there should be legal constructs that mandate it.

Simultaneously providing protection from frivolous lawsuits where no material harm can be demonstrated and throwing the book at firms who deliberately conceal breaches also seems reasonable. No company is ever immune from a breach, and so frequently, it occurs not due to malicious behaviour by the organisation but a series of often unfortunate events. Ambitious lawyers shouldn't be in a position where they can make hell for a company at their worst possible hour unless there there is significant harm and negligence that can be clearly attributed back to the incident.

And then there's all the periphery stuff that pours fuel on the current dumpster fire. The aforementioned beg bounties that cause companies to be suspicious of even the most genuine disclosures, for example. On the other hand, the standoff-ish behaviour of many organisations receiving reports from folks who just want to see incidents disclosed. Flip side again is the number of people occupying that periphery of "security researcher / extortionist" who cause the aforementioned behaviours described in this paragraph. It's a mess, and writing it down like this makes it so abundantly apparent how many competing objectives there are.

I don't see anything changing any time soon, and anecdotally, it's worse now than it was 5 or 10 years ago. In part, I suspect that's due to how all those undesirable behaviours I described above have evolved over time, and in part I also believe the increasingly complexity of external dependencies is driving this. How many breaches have we seen in just the last year that can be attributed to "a third party"? I quote that term because it's often used by organisations who've been breached as though it somehow absolves them of some responsibility; "it wasn't us who was breached, it was those guys over there". Of course, it doesn't work that way, and more external dependencies leads to more points of failure, all of which you're still accountable for even if you've done everything else right.

Ah well, as I often end up lamenting, it's a fascinating time to be in the industry πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Exciting News: CDO India and CDO Australia Now Generally Available!

By Vignesh Sathiamoorthy
Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) is now generally available in India and Australia. This expansion brings robust security management closer to our customers in these regions, ensuring enhanced performance and local compliance.

Red Tape Is Making Hospital Ransomware Attacks Worse

By Matt Burgess
With cyberattacks increasingly targeting health care providers, an arduous bureaucratic process meant to address legal risk is keeping hospitals offline longer, potentially risking lives.

A Catastrophic Hospital Hack Ends in a Leak of 300M Patient Records

By Andy Greenberg, Andrew Couts
Plus: Alleged Apple source code leaks online, cybercrime group Scattered Spider's alleged kingpin gets arrested, and more.

Perplexity Plagiarized Our Story About How Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine

By Tim Marchman
Experts aren’t unanimous about whether the AI-powered search startup’s practices could expose it to legal claims ranging from infringement to defamationβ€”but some say plaintiffs would have strong cases.

Enhancing AI Security Incident Response Through Collaborative Exercises

By Omar Santos
Take-aways from a tabletop exercise led by CISA's Joint Cyber Defense Collaborative (JCDC), which brought together government and industry leaders to enhance our collective ability to respond to AI-related security incidents.

Security Cloud Control: Pioneering the Future of Security Management

By Vignesh Sathiamoorthy
Cisco Security Cloud Control with AIOps offers a game-changing way to enhance operational efficiency and bolster security. By incorporating AIOps into our services, we are adopting a more intelligent and proactive methodology to safeguard and optimize the performance and security of your network infrastructure.

US Bans Kaspersky Software

By Eric Geller
Using a Trump-era authority, the US Commerce Department has banned the sale of Kaspersky’s antivirus tools to new customers in the US, citing alleged threats to national security.

Perplexity Is a Bullshit Machine

By Dhruv Mehrotra, Tim Marchman
A WIRED investigation shows that the AI-powered search startup Forbes has accused of stealing its content is surreptitiously scrapingβ€”and making things up out of thin air.

This Is What Would Happen if China Invaded Taiwan

By Dmitri Alperovitch
The new book World on the Brink: How America Can Beat China in the Race for the 21st Century lays out what might actually happen if China were to invade Taiwan in 2028.

KrebsOnSecurity Threatened with Defamation Lawsuit Over Fake Radaris CEO

By BrianKrebs

On March 8, 2024, KrebsOnSecurity published a deep dive on the consumer data broker Radaris, showing how the original owners are two men in Massachusetts who operated multiple Russian language dating services and affiliate programs, in addition to a dizzying array of people-search websites. The subjects of that piece are threatening to sue KrebsOnSecurity for defamation unless the story is retracted. Meanwhile, their attorney has admitted that the person Radaris named as the CEO from its inception is a fabricated identity.

Radaris is just one cog in a sprawling network of people-search properties online that sell highly detailed background reports on U.S. consumers and businesses. Those reports typically include the subject’s current and previous addresses, partial Social Security numbers, any known licenses, email addresses and phone numbers, as well as the same information for any of their immediate relatives.

Radaris has a less-than-stellar reputation when it comes to responding to consumers seeking to have their reports removed from its various people-search services. That poor reputation, combined with indications that the true founders of Radaris have gone to extraordinary lengths to conceal their stewardship of the company, was what prompted KrebsOnSecurity to investigate the origins of Radaris in the first place.

On April 18, KrebsOnSecurity received a certified letter (PDF) from Valentin β€œVal” Gurvits, an attorney with the Boston Law Group, stating that KrebsOnSecurity would face a withering defamation lawsuit unless the Radaris story was immediately retracted and an apology issued to the two brothers named in the story as co-founders.

That March story worked backwards from the email address used to register, and charted an impressive array of data broker companies created over the past 15 years by Massachusetts residents Dmitry and Igor Lubarsky (also sometimes spelled Lybarsky or Lubarski). Dmitry goes by β€œDan,” and Igor uses the name β€œGary.”

Those businesses included numerous websites marketed to Russian-speaking people who are new to the United States, such as,,,,, etc. Other domains connected to the Lubarskys included Russian-language dating and adult websites, as well as affiliate programs for their international calling card businesses.

A mind map of various entities apparently tied to Radaris and the company’s co-founders. Click to enlarge.

The story on Radaris noted that the Lubarsky brothers registered most of their businesses using a made-up name β€” β€œGary Norden,” sometimes called Gary Nord or Gary Nard.

Mr. Gurvits’ letter stated emphatically that my reporting was lazy, mean-spirited, and obviously intended to smear the reputation of his clients. By way of example, Mr. Gurvits said the Lubarskys were actually Ukrainian, and that the story painted his clients in a negative light by insinuating that they were somehow associated with Radaris and with vaguely nefarious elements in Russia.

But more to the point, Mr. Gurvits said, neither of his clients were Gary Norden, and neither had ever held any leadership positions at Radaris, nor were they financial beneficiaries of the company in any way.

β€œNeither of my clients is a founder of Radaris, and neither of my clients is the CEOs of Radaris,” Gurvits wrote. β€œAdditionally, presently and going back at least the past 10 years, neither of my clients are (or were) officers or employees of Radaris. Indeed, neither of them even owns (or ever owned) any equity in Radaris. In intentional disregard of these facts, the Article implies that my clients are personally responsible for Radaris’ actions. Therefore, you intentionally caused all negative allegations in the Article made with respect to Radaris to be imputed against my clients personally.”

Dan Lubarsky’s Facebook page, just prior to the March 8 story about Radaris, said he was from Moscow.

We took Mr. Gurvits’ word on the ethnicity of his clients, and adjusted the story to remove a single mention that they were Russian. We did so even though Dan Lubarsky’s own Facebook page said (until recently) that he was from Moscow, Russia.

KrebsOnSecurity asked Mr. Gurvits to explain precisely which other details in the story were incorrect, and replied that we would be happy to update the story with a correction if they could demonstrate any errors of fact or omission.

We also requested specifics about several aspects of the story, such as the identity of the current Radaris CEO β€” listed on the Radaris website as β€œVictor K.” Mr. Gurvits replied that Radaris is and always has been based in Ukraine, and that the company’s true founder β€œEugene L” is based there.

While Radaris has claimed to have offices in Massachusetts, Cyprus and Latvia, its website has never mentioned Ukraine. Mr. Gurvits has not responded to requests for more information about the identities of β€œEugene L” or β€œVictor K.”

Gurvits said he had no intention of doing anyone’s reporting for them, and that the Lubarskys were going to sue KrebsOnSecurity for defamation unless the story was retracted in full. KrebsOnSecurity replied that journalists often face challenges to things that they report, but it is more than rare for one who makes a challenge to take umbrage at being asked for supporting information.

On June 13, Mr. Gurvits sent another letter (PDF) that continued to claim KrebsOnSecurity was defaming his clients, only this time Gurvits said his clients would be satisfied if KrebsOnSecurity just removed their names from the story.

β€œUltimately, my clients don’t care what you say about any of the websites or corporate entities in your Article, as long as you completely remove my clients’ names from the Article and cooperate with my clients to have copies of the Article where my clients’ names appear removed from the Internet,” Mr. Gurvits wrote.


The June 13 letter explained that the name Gary Norden was a pseudonym invented by the Radaris marketing division, but that neither of the Lubarsky brothers were Norden.

This was a startling admission, given that Radaris has quoted the fictitious Gary Norden in press releases published and paid for by Radaris, and in news media stories where the company is explicitly seeking money from investors. In other words, Radaris has been misrepresenting itself to investors from the beginning. Here’s a press release from Radaris that was published on PR Newswire in April 2011:

A press release published by Radaris in 2011 names the CEO of Radaris as Gary Norden, which was a fake name made up by Radaris’ marketing department.

In April 2014, the Boston Business Journal published a story (PDF) about Radaris that extolled the company’s rapid growth and considerable customer base. The story noted that, β€œto date, the company has raised less than $1 million from Cyprus-based investment company Difive.”

β€œWe live in a world where information becomes much more broad and much more available every single day,” the Boston Business Journal quoted Radaris’ fake CEO Gary Norden, who by then had somehow been demoted from CEO to vice president of business development.

A Boston Business Journal story from April 2014 quotes the fictitious Radaris CEO Gary Norden.

β€œWe decided there needs to be a service that allows for ease of monitoring of information about people,” the fake CEO said. The story went on to say Radaris was seeking to raise between $5 million and $7 million from investors in the ensuing months.


In his most recent demand letter, Mr. Gurvits helpfully included resumes for both of the Lubarsky brothers.

Dmitry Lubarsky’s resume states he is the owner of, a startup incubator for IT companies. Recall that Difive is the same company mentioned by the fake Radaris CEO in the 2014 Boston Business Journal story, which said Difive was the company’s initial and sole investor.

Difive’s website in 2016 said it had offices in Boston, New York, San Francisco, Riga (Latvia) and Moscow (nothing in Ukraine). Meanwhile, reports was originally registered in 2007 to the fictitious Gary Norden from Massachusetts.

Archived copies of the Difive website from 2017 include a β€œPortfolio” page indexing all of the companies in which Difive has invested. That list, available here, includes virtually every β€œGary Norden” domain name mentioned in my original report, plus a few that escaped notice earlier.

Dan Lubarsky’s resume says he was CEO of a people search company called HumanBook. The Wayback machine at shows the Humanbook domain ( came online around April 2008, when the company was still in β€œbeta” mode.

By August 2008, however, had changed the name advertised on its homepage to Radaris Beta. Eventually, Humanbook simply redirected to’s record of from 2008, just after its homepage changed to Radaris Beta.

Astute readers may notice that the domain is not among the companies listed as Difive investments. However, passive domain name system (DNS) records from DomainTools show that between October 2023 and March 2024 was hosted alongside all of the other Gary Norden domains at the Internet address range 38.111.228.x.

That address range simultaneously hosted every domain mentioned in this story and in the original March 2024 report as connected to email addresses used by Gary Norden, including,,,,,,,,,,,, and dozens more. A spreadsheet of those historical DNS entries for is available here (.csv).


The breach tracking service Constella Intelligence finds just two email addresses ending in have been exposed in data breaches over the years:, and Presumably, β€œgn” stands for Gary Norden.

A search on the email address via the breach tracking service reveals this address was used to create an account at Airbnb under the name Gary, with the last four digits of the account’s phone number ending in β€œ0001.”

Constella Intelligence finds was associated with the Massachusetts number 617-794-0001, which was used to register accounts for β€œIgor Lybarsky” from Wellesley or Sherborn, Ma. at multiple online businesses, including and the designer eyewear store

The phone number 617-794-0001 also appears for a β€œGary Nard” user at Igor Lubarsky’s resume says he was the manager of

DomainTools finds 617-794-0001 is connected to registration records for three domains, including, a domain that Dan Lubarsky’s resume says he managed. DomainTools also found that number on the registration records for, another major consumer data broker that has an atrocious reputation, according to the Better Business Bureau.

Dan Lubarsky’s resume says he was responsible for several international telecommunications services, including the website DomainTools says the phone number connected to that domain β€” 617-952-4234 β€” was also used on the registration records for, as well as for,, and

Two other key domains are connected to that phone number. The first is, which is the website for Barsky Estate Realty Trust (PDF), a real estate holding company controlled by the Lubarskys. Naturally, DomainTools finds also was registered to a Gary Norden from Massachusetts. But the organization listed in the registration records is Comfi Inc., a VOIP communications firm that Dan Lubarsky’s resume says he managed.

The other domain of note is Dan Lubarsky’s resume says he was the CEO of Wellesley Hills, Mass-based Unipoint Technology Inc. In 2012, Unipoint was fined $179,000Β by theΒ U.S. Federal Communications Commission, which said the company had failed to apply for a license to provide international telecommunications services.

A pandemic assistance loan granted in 2020 to Igor Lybarsky of Sherborn, Ma. shows he received the money to an entity called Norden Consulting.

Notice the name on the recipient of this government loan for Igor Lybarsky from Sherborn, Ma: Norden Consulting.Β 


The 2011 Radaris press release quoting their fake CEO Gary Norden said the company had four patents pending from a team of computer science PhDs. According to the resume shared by Mr. Gurvits, Dan Lubarsky has a PhD in computer science.

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) says Dan Lubarsky/Lubarski has at least nine technology patents to his name. The fake CEO press release from Radaris mentioning its four patents was published in April 2011. By that time, the PTO says Dan Lubarsky had applied for exactly four patents, including, β€œSystem and Method for a Web-Based People Directory.” The first of those patents, published in 2009, is tied to, the company Dan Lubarsky founded that later changed its name to Radaris.

If the Lubarskys were never involved in Radaris, how do they or their attorney know the inside information that Gary Norden is a fiction of Radaris’ marketing department? KrebsOnSecurity has learned that Mr. Gurvits is the same attorney responding on behalf of Radaris in a lawsuit against the data broker filed earlier this year by Atlas Data Privacy.

Mr. Gurvits also stepped forward as Radaris’ attorney in a class action lawsuit the company lost in 2017 because it never contested the claim in court. When the plaintiffs told the judge they couldn’t collect on the $7.5 million default judgment, the judge ordered the domain registry Verisign to transfer the domain name to the plaintiffs.

Mr. Gurvits appealed the verdict, arguing that the lawsuit hadn’t named the actual owners of the Radaris domain name β€” a Cyprus company called Bitseller Expert LimitedΒ β€” and thus taking the domain away would be a violation of their due process rights.

The judge ruled in Radaris’ favor β€” halting the domain transfer β€” and told the plaintiffs they could refile their complaint. Soon after, the operator of Radaris changed from Bitseller to Andtop Company, an entity formed (PDF) in the Marshall Islands in Oct. 2020. Andtop also operates the aforementioned people-search service Trustoria.

Mr. Gurvits’ most-publicized defamation case was a client named Aleksej Gubarev, a Russian technology executive whose name appeared in the Steele Dossier. That document included a collection of salacious, unverified information gathered by the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign at the direction of former president Donald Trump’s political rivals.

Gubarev, the head of the IT services company XBT Holding and the Florida web hosting firm Webzilla, sued BuzzFeed for publishing the Steele dossier. One of the items in the dossier alleged that XBT/Webzilla and affiliated companies played a key role in the hack of Democratic Party computers in the spring of 2016. The memo alleged Gubarev had been coerced into providing services to Russia’s main domestic security agency, known as the FSB.

In December 2018, a federal judge in Miami ruled in favor of BuzzFeed, saying the publication was protected by the fair report privilege, which gives news organizations latitude in reporting on official government proceedings.

Radaris was originally operated by Bitseller Expert Limited. Who owns Bitseller Expert Limited? A report (PDF) obtained from the Cyprus business registry shows this company lists its director as Pavel Kaydash from Moscow. Mr. Kaydash could not be reached for comment.

Up your Quality of Life with Secure MSP Hub and Secure MSP Center

By Anjana Kambhampati
All the MSP technology around us is meant to increase our productivity through tools and automation so that our quality of life can be improved. The reality can be different

Hackers Detail How They Allegedly Stole Ticketmaster Data From Snowflake

By Kim Zetter
A ShinyHunters hacker tells WIRED that they gained access to Ticketmaster’s Snowflake cloud accountβ€”and othersβ€”by first breaching a third-party contractor.

Amazon-Powered AI Cameras Used to Detect Emotions of Unwitting UK Train Passengers

By Matt Burgess
CCTV cameras and AI are being combined to monitor crowds, detect bike thefts, and spot trespassers.

How to Monitor Network Traffic: Findings from the Cisco Cyber Threat Trends Report

By Ben Nahorney
The Cisco Cyber Threat Trends report examines malicious domains for trends and patterns. See what the data tells us about the threat landscape.

The State of Cloud Security Platforms and DevSecOps

By Kate MacLean
A new survey by Cisco and Enterprise Strategy Group reveals the true contours of cloud native application development and security

Stay Compliant: Cisco Secure Workload Introduces State-of-the-art, Persona-based Reporting

By Jyotsna Venkatesh
Traditional workload security tools often fail to provide metrics tailored to the distinct needs of SecOps, Network Administrators, or CxOs.

How to Spot a Business Email Compromise Scam

By Justin Pot
In this common email scam, a criminal pretending to be your boss or coworker emails you asking for a favor involving money. Here’s what do to when a bad actor lands in your inbox.

Let Slip the Robot Dogs of War

By Jared Keller
The United States and China appear locked in a race to weaponize four-legged robots for military applications.

Alleged Boss of β€˜Scattered Spider’ Hacking Group Arrested

By BrianKrebs

A 22-year-old man from the United Kingdom arrested this week in Spain is allegedly the ringleader of Scattered Spider, a cybercrime group suspected of hacking into Twilio, LastPass, DoorDash, Mailchimp, and nearly 130 other organizations over the past two years.

The Spanish daily Murcia Today reports the suspect was wanted by the FBI and arrested in Palma de Mallorca as he tried to board a flight to Italy.

A still frame from a video released by the Spanish national police shows Tylerb in custody at the airport.

β€œHe stands accused of hacking into corporate accounts and stealing critical information, which allegedly enabled the group to access multi-million-dollar funds,” Murcia Today wrote. β€œAccording to Palma police, at one point he controlled Bitcoins worth $27 million.”

The cybercrime-focused Twitter/X account vx-underground said the U.K. man arrested was a SIM-swapper who went by the alias β€œTyler.” In a SIM-swapping attack, crooks transfer the target’s phone number to a device they control and intercept any text messages or phone calls sent to the victim β€” including one-time passcodes for authentication, or password reset links sent via SMS.

β€œHe is a known SIM-swapper and is allegedly involved with the infamous Scattered Spider group,” vx-underground wrote on June 15, referring to a prolific gang implicated in costly data ransom attacks at MGM and Caesars casinos in Las Vegas last year.

Sources familiar with the investigation told KrebsOnSecurity the accused is a 22-year-old from Dundee, Scotland named Tyler Buchanan, also allegedly known as β€œtylerb” on Telegram chat channels centered around SIM-swapping.

In January 2024, U.S. authorities arrested another alleged Scattered Spider member β€” 19-year-old Noah Michael Urban of Palm Coast, Fla. β€” and charged him with stealing at least $800,000 from five victims between August 2022 and March 2023. Urban allegedly went by the nicknames β€œSosa” and β€œKing Bob,” and is believed to be part of the same crew that hacked Twilio and a slew of other companies in 2022.

Investigators say Scattered Spider members are part of a more diffuse cybercriminal community online known as β€œThe Com,” wherein hackers from different cliques boast loudly about high-profile cyber thefts that almost invariably begin with social engineering β€” tricking people over the phone, email or SMS into giving away credentials that allow remote access to corporate internal networks.

One of the more popular SIM-swapping channels on Telegram maintains a frequently updated leaderboard of the most accomplished SIM-swappers, indexed by their supposed conquests in stealing cryptocurrency. That leaderboard currently lists Sosa as #24 (out of 100), and Tylerb at #65.


In August 2022, KrebsOnSecurity wrote about peering inside the data harvested in a months-long cybercrime campaign by Scattered Spider involving countless SMS-based phishing attacks against employees at major corporations. The security firm Group-IB called the gang by a different name β€” 0ktapus, a nod to how the criminal group phished employees for credentials.

The missives asked users to click a link and log in at a phishing page that mimicked their employer’s Okta authentication page. Those who submitted credentials were then prompted to provide the one-time password needed for multi-factor authentication.

These phishing attacks used newly-registered domains that often included the name of the targeted company, and sent text messages urging employees to click on links to these domains to view information about a pending change in their work schedule. The phishing sites also featured a hidden Telegram instant message bot to forward any submitted credentials in real-time, allowing the attackers to use the phished username, password and one-time code to log in as that employee at the real employer website.

One of Scattered Spider’s first big victims in its 2022 SMS phishing spree was Twilio, a company that provides services for making and receiving text messages and phone calls. The group then pivoted, using their access to Twilio to attack at least 163 of its customers.

A Scattered Spider phishing lure sent to Twilio employees.

Among those was the encrypted messaging app Signal, which said the breach could have let attackers re-register the phone number on another device for about 1,900 users.

Also in August 2022, several employees at email delivery firm Mailchimp provided their remote access credentials to this phishing group. According to Mailchimp, the attackers used their access to Mailchimp employee accounts to steal data from 214 customers involved in cryptocurrency and finance.

On August 25, 2022, the password manager service LastPass disclosed a breach in which attackers stole some source code and proprietary LastPass technical information, and weeks later LastPass said an investigation revealed no customer data or password vaults were accessed.

However, on November 30, 2022 LastPass disclosed a far more serious breach that the company said leveraged data stolen in the August breach. LastPass said criminal hackers had stolen encrypted copies of some password vaults, as well as other personal information.

In February 2023, LastPass disclosed that the intrusion involved a highly complex, targeted attack against an engineer who was one of only four LastPass employees with access to the corporate vault. In that incident, the attackers exploited a security vulnerability in a Plex media server that the employee was running on his home network, and succeeded in installing malicious software that stole passwords and other authentication credentials. The vulnerability exploited by the intruders was patched back in 2020, but the employee never updated his Plex software.

Plex announced its own data breach one day before LastPass disclosed its initial August intrusion. On August 24, 2022, Plex’s security team urged users to reset their passwords, saying an intruder had accessed customer emails, usernames and encrypted passwords.


Sosa and Tylerb were both subjected to physical attacks from rival SIM-swapping gangs. These communities have been known to settle scores by turning to so-called β€œviolence-as-a-service” offerings on cybercrime channels, wherein people can be hired to perform a variety geographically-specific β€œin real life” jobs, such as bricking windows, slashing car tires, or even home invasions.

In 2022, a video surfaced on a popular cybercrime channel purporting to show attackers hurling a brick through a window at an address that matches the spacious and upscale home of Urban’s parents in Sanford, Fl.

January’s story on Sosa noted that a junior member of his crew named β€œForeshadow” was kidnapped, beaten and held for ransom in September 2022. Foreshadow’s captors held guns to his bloodied head while forcing him to record a video message pleading with his crew to fork over a $200,000 ransom in exchange for his life (Foreshadow escaped further harm in that incident).

According to several SIM-swapping channels on Telegram where Tylerb was known to frequent, rival SIM-swappers hired thugs to invade his home in February 2023. Those accounts state that the intruders assaulted Tylerb’s mother in the home invasion, and that they threatened to burn him with a blowtorch if he didn’t give up the keys to his cryptocurrency wallets. Tylerb was reputed to have fled the United Kingdom after that assault.

KrebsOnSecurity sought comment from Mr. Buchanan, and will update this story in the event he responds.

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