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Alert: Threat Actors Can Leverage AWS STS to Infiltrate Cloud Accounts

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Threat actors can take advantage of Amazon Web Services Security Token Service (AWS STS) as a way to infiltrate cloud accounts and conduct follow-on attacks. The service enables threat actors to impersonate user identities and roles in cloud environments, Red Canary researchers Thomas Gardner and Cody Betsworth said in a Tuesday analysis. AWS STS is a web service that enables

New Report: Unveiling the Threat of Malicious Browser Extensions

By The Hacker News
Compromising the browser is a high-return target for adversaries. Browser extensions, which are small software modules that are added to the browser and can enhance browsing experiences, have become a popular browser attack vector. This is because they are widely adopted among users and can easily turn malicious through developer actions or attacks on legitimate extensions. Recent incidents like

Sierra:21 - Flaws in Sierra Wireless Routers Expose Critical Sectors to Cyber Attacks

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A collection of 21 security flaws have been discovered in Sierra Wireless AirLink cellular routers and open-source software components like TinyXML and OpenNDS. Collectively tracked as Sierra:21, the issues expose over 86,000 devices across critical sectors like energy, healthcare, waste management, retail, emergency services, and vehicle tracking to cyber threats, according

Scaling Security Operations with Automation

By The Hacker News
In an increasingly complex and fast-paced digital landscape, organizations strive to protect themselves from various security threats. However, limited resources often hinder security teams when combatting these threats, making it difficult to keep up with the growing number of security incidents and alerts. Implementing automation throughout security operations helps security teams alleviate

Hackers Exploited ColdFusion Vulnerability to Breach Federal Agency Servers

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The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned of active exploitation of a high-severity Adobe ColdFusion vulnerability by unidentified threat actors to gain initial access to government servers. "The vulnerability in ColdFusion (CVE-2023-26360) presents as an improper access control issue and exploitation of this CVE can result in arbitrary code execution,"

Atlassian Releases Critical Software Fixes to Prevent Remote Code Execution

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Atlassian has released software fixes to address four critical flaws in its software that, if successfully exploited, could result in remote code execution. The list of vulnerabilities is below - CVE-2022-1471 (CVSS score: 9.8) - Deserialization vulnerability in SnakeYAML library that can lead to remote code execution in multiple products CVE-2023-22522 (CVSS score

Qualcomm Releases Details on Chip Vulnerabilities Exploited in Targeted Attacks

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Chipmaker Qualcomm has released more information about three high-severity security flaws that it said came under "limited, targeted exploitation" back in October 2023. The vulnerabilities are as follows - CVE-2023-33063 (CVSS score: 7.8) - Memory corruption in DSP Services during a remote call from HLOS to DSP. CVE-2023-33106 (CVSS score: 8.4) - Memory corruption in

Russia's AI-Powered Disinformation Operation Targeting Ukraine, U.S., and Germany

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The Russia-linked influence operation called Doppelganger has targeted Ukrainian, U.S., and German audiences through a combination of inauthentic news sites and social media accounts. These campaigns are designed to amplify content designed to undermine Ukraine as well as propagate anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment, U.S. military competence, and Germany's economic and social issues, according to a new

Warning for iPhone Users: Experts Warn of Sneaky Fake Lockdown Mode Attack

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A new "post-exploitation tampering technique" can be abused by malicious actors to visually deceive a target into believing that their Apple iPhone is running in Lockdown Mode when it's actually not and carry out covert attacks. The novel method, detailed by Jamf Threat Labs in a report shared with The Hacker News, "shows that if a hacker has already infiltrated your device, they can

Generative AI Security: Preventing Microsoft Copilot Data Exposure

By The Hacker News
Microsoft Copilot has been called one of the most powerful productivity tools on the planet. Copilot is an AI assistant that lives inside each of your Microsoft 365 apps โ€” Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Outlook, and so on. Microsoft's dream is to take the drudgery out of daily work and let humans focus on being creative problem-solvers. What makes Copilot a different beast than ChatGPT and

15,000 Go Module Repositories on GitHub Vulnerable to Repojacking Attack

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New research has found that over 15,000 Go module repositories on GitHub are vulnerable to an attack called repojacking. "More than 9,000 repositories are vulnerable to repojacking due to GitHub username changes," Jacob Baines, chief technology officer at VulnCheck, said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "More than 6,000 repositories were vulnerable to repojacking due to account

New Threat Actor 'AeroBlade' Emerges in Espionage Attack on U.S. Aerospace

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A previously undocumented threat actor has been linked to a cyber attack targeting an aerospace organization in the U.S. as part of what's suspected to be a cyber espionage mission. The BlackBerry Threat Research and Intelligence team is tracking the activity cluster as AeroBlade. Its origin is currently unknown and it's not clear if the attack was successful. "The actor used spear-phishing

Microsoft Warns of Kremlin-Backed APT28 Exploiting Critical Outlook Vulnerability

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Microsoft on Monday said it detected Kremlin-backed nation-state activity exploiting a now-patched critical security flaw in its Outlook email service to gain unauthorized access to victims' accounts within Exchange servers. The tech giant attributed the intrusions to a threat actor it called Forest Blizzard (formerly Strontium), which is also widely tracked under the

New BLUFFS Bluetooth Attack Expose Devices to Adversary-in-the-Middle Attacks

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New research has unearthed multiple novel attacks that break Bluetooth Classic's forward secrecy and future secrecy guarantees, resulting in adversary-in-the-middle (AitM) scenarios between two already connected peers. The issues, collectively named BLUFFS, impact Bluetooth Core Specification 4.2 through 5.4. They are tracked under the identifier CVE-2023-24023 (CVSS score: 6.8)

Make a Fresh Start for 2024: Clean Out Your User Inventory to Reduce SaaS Risk

By The Hacker News
As work ebbs with the typical end-of-year slowdown, now is a good time to review user roles and privileges and remove anyone who shouldnโ€™t have access as well as trim unnecessary permissions. In addition to saving some unnecessary license fees, a clean user inventory significantly enhances the security of your SaaS applications. From reducing risk to protecting against data leakage, here is how

New P2PInfect Botnet MIPS Variant Targeting Routers and IoT Devices

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Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a new variant of an emerging botnet called P2PInfect that's capable of targeting routers and IoT devices. The latest version, per Cado Security Labs, is compiled for Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipelined Stages (MIPS) architecture, broadening its capabilities and reach. "It's highly likely that by targeting MIPS, the P2PInfect developers

LogoFAIL: UEFI Vulnerabilities Expose Devices to Stealth Malware Attacks

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The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) code from various independent firmware/BIOS vendors (IBVs) has been found vulnerable to potential attacks through high-impact flaws in image parsing libraries embedded into the firmware. The shortcomings, collectively labeled LogoFAIL by Binarly, "can be used by threat actors to deliver a malicious payload and bypass Secure Boot, Intel

Microsoft Warns of Malvertising Scheme Spreading CACTUS Ransomware

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Microsoft has warned of a new wave of CACTUS ransomware attacks that leverage malvertising lures to deploy DanaBot as an initial access vector. The DanaBot infections led to "hands-on-keyboard activity by ransomware operator Storm-0216 (Twisted Spider, UNC2198), culminating in the deployment of CACTUS ransomware," the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team said in a series of posts on X (

Agent Racoon Backdoor Targets Organizations in Middle East, Africa, and U.S.

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Organizations in the Middle East, Africa, and the U.S. have been targeted by an unknown threat actor to distribute a new backdoor called Agent Racoon. "This malware family is written using the .NET framework and leverages the domain name service (DNS) protocol to create a covert channel and provide different backdoor functionalities," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researcher Chema Garcia 

Russian Hacker Vladimir Dunaev Pleads Guilty for Creating TrickBot Malware

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A Russian national has been found guilty in connection with his role in developing and deploying a malware known as TrickBot, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) announced. Vladimir Dunaev, 40, was arrested in South Korea in September 2021 and extradited to the U.S. a month later. "Dunaev developed browser modifications and malicious tools that aided in credential harvesting and data

New FjordPhantom Android Malware Targets Banking Apps in Southeast Asia

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Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed a new sophisticated Android malware called FjordPhantom that has been observed targeting users in Southeast Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam since early September 2023. "Spreading primarily through messaging services, it combines app-based malware with social engineering to defraud banking customers," Oslo-based mobile app

Qakbot Takedown Aftermath: Mitigations and Protecting Against Future Threats

By The Hacker News
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI recently collaborated in a multinational operation to dismantle the notorious Qakbot malware and botnet. While the operation was successful in disrupting this long-running threat, concerns have arisen as it appears that Qakbot may still pose a danger in a reduced form. This article discusses the aftermath of the takedown, provides mitigation

Chinese Hackers Using SugarGh0st RAT to Target South Korea and Uzbekistan

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A suspected Chinese-speaking threat actor has been attributed to a malicious campaign that targets the Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and South Korean users with a remote access trojan called SugarGh0st RAT. The activity, which commenced no later than August 2023, leverages two different infection sequences to deliver the malware, which is a customized variant of Gh0st RAT&nbsp

Discover How Gcore Thwarted Powerful 1.1Tbps and 1.6Tbps DDoS Attacks

By The Hacker News
The most recent Gcore Radar report and its aftermath have highlighted a dramatic increase in DDoS attacks across multiple industries. At the beginning of 2023, the average strength of attacks reached 800 Gbps, but now, even a peak as high as 1.5+ Tbps is unsurprising. To try and break through Gcoreโ€™s defenses, perpetrators made two attempts with two different strategies.

WhatsApp's New Secret Code Feature Lets Users Protect Private Chats with Password

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Meta-owned WhatsApp has launched a new Secret Code feature to help users protect sensitive conversations with a custom password on the messaging platform. The feature has been described as an "additional way to protect those chats and make them harder to find if someone has access to your phone or you share a phone with someone else." Secret Code builds on another feature

U.S. Treasury Sanctions North Korean Kimsuky Hackers and 8 Foreign-Based Agents

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The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) on Thursday sanctioned the North Korea-linked adversarial collective known as Kimsuky as well as eight foreign-based agents who are alleged to have facilitated sanctions evasion. The agents, the Treasury said, helped in "revenue generation and missile-related technology procurement that support the DPRK's

Zyxel Releases Patches to Fix 15 Flaws in NAS, Firewall, and AP Devices

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Zyxel has released patches to address 15 security issues impacting network-attached storage (NAS), firewall, and access point (AP) devices, including three critical flaws that could lead to authentication bypass and command injection. The three vulnerabilities are listed below - CVE-2023-35138 (CVSS score: 9.8) - A command injection vulnerability that could allow an

Zero-Day Alert: Apple Rolls Out iOS, macOS, and Safari Patches for 2 Actively Exploited Flaws

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Apple has released software updates for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, and Safari web browser to address two security flaws that it said have come under active exploitation in the wild on older versions of its software. The vulnerabilities, both of which reside in the WebKit web browser engine, are described below - CVE-2023-42916 - An out-of-bounds read issue that could be exploited to

Google Unveils RETVec - Gmail's New Defense Against Spam and Malicious Emails

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Google has revealed a new multilingual text vectorizer called RETVec (short for Resilient and Efficient Text Vectorizer) to help detect potentially harmful content such as spam and malicious emails in Gmail. "RETVec is trained to be resilient against character-level manipulations including insertion, deletion, typos, homoglyphs, LEET substitution, and more," according to the&

North Korea's Lazarus Group Rakes in $3 Billion from Cryptocurrency Hacks

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Threat actors from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) are increasingly targeting the cryptocurrency sector as a major revenue generation mechanism since at least 2017 to get around sanctions imposed against the country. "Even though movement in and out of and within the country is heavily restricted, and its general population is isolated from the rest of the world, the

This Free Solution Provides Essential Third-Party Risk Management for SaaS

By The Hacker News
Wing Security recently announced that basic third-party risk assessment is now available as a free product. But it raises the questions of how SaaS is connected to third-party risk management (TPRM) and what companies should do to ensure a proper SaaS-TPRM process is in place. In this article we will share 5 tips to manage the third-party risks associated with SaaS, but first...  What

7 Uses for Generative AI to Enhance Security Operations

By The Hacker News
Welcome to a world where Generative AI revolutionizes the field of cybersecurity. Generative AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to generate or create new data, such as images, text, or sounds. It has gained significant attention in recent years due to its ability to generate realistic and diverse outputs. When it comes to security operations, Generative AI can

CACTUS Ransomware Exploits Qlik Sense Vulnerabilities in Targeted Attacks

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A CACTUS ransomware campaign has been observed exploiting recently disclosed security flaws in a cloud analytics and business intelligence platform called Qlik Sense to obtain a foothold into targeted environments. "This campaign marks the first documented instance [...] where threat actors deploying CACTUS ransomware have exploited vulnerabilities in Qlik Sense for initial access,"

U.S. Treasury Sanctions Sinbad Cryptocurrency Mixer Used by North Korean Hackers

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The U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday imposed sanctions against Sinbad, a virtual currency mixer that has been put to use by the North Korea-linked Lazarus Group to launder ill-gotten proceeds. "Sinbad has processed millions of dollars' worth of virtual currency from Lazarus Group heists, including the Horizon Bridge and Axie Infinity heists," the department said. "Sinbad is

Iranian Hackers Exploit PLCs in Attack on Water Authority in U.S.

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The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) revealed that it's responding to a cyber attack that involved the active exploitation of Unitronics programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to target the Municipal Water Authority of Aliquippa in western Pennsylvania. The attack has been attributed to an Iranian-backed hacktivist collective known as Cyber Av3ngers. "Cyber threat

200+ Malicious Android Apps Targeting Iranian Banks: Experts Warn

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An Android malware campaign targeting Iranian banks has expanded its capabilities and incorporated additional evasion tactics to fly under the radar. That's according to a new report from Zimperium, which discovered more than 200 malicious apps associated with the malicious operation, with the threat actor also observed carrying out phishing attacks against the targeted financial institutions.

Discover Why Proactive Web Security Outsmarts Traditional Antivirus Solutions

By The Hacker News
In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's crucial to reevaluate how we secure web environments. Traditional antivirus-approach solutions have their merits, but they're reactive. A new report delves into the reasons for embracing proactive web security solutions, ensuring you stay ahead of emerging threats.  To learn more, download the full report here. The New Paradigm If youโ€™ve
  • November 29th 2023 at 09:21

Okta Discloses Broader Impact Linked to October 2023 Support System Breach

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Identity services provider Okta has disclosed that it detected "additional threat actor activity" in connection with the October 2023 breach of its support case management system. "The threat actor downloaded the names and email addresses of all Okta customer support system users," the company said in a statement shared with The Hacker News. "All Okta Workforce Identity Cloud (WIC) and
  • November 29th 2023 at 06:18

DJVU Ransomware's Latest Variant 'Xaro' Disguised as Cracked Software

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A variant of a ransomware strain known as DJVU has been observed to be distributed in the form of cracked software. "While this attack pattern is not new, incidents involving a DJVU variant that appends the .xaro extension to affected files and demanding ransom for a decryptor have been observed infecting systems alongside a host of various commodity loaders and infostealers," Cybereason

GoTitan Botnet Spotted Exploiting Recent Apache ActiveMQ Vulnerability

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The recently disclosed critical security flaw impacting Apache ActiveMQ is being actively exploited by threat actors to distribute a new Go-based botnet called GoTitan as well as a .NET program known as PrCtrl Rat that's capable of remotely commandeering the infected hosts. The attacks involve the exploitation of a remote code execution bug (CVE-2023-46604, CVSS score: 10.0)

Zero-Day Alert: Google Chrome Under Active Attack, Exploiting New Vulnerability

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Google has rolled out security updates to fix seven security issues in its Chrome browser, including a zero-day that has come under active exploitation in the wild. Tracked as CVE-2023-6345, the high-severity vulnerability has been described as an integer overflow bug in Skia, an open source 2D graphics library. Benoรฎt Sevens and Clรฉment Lecigne of Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) have

Transform Your Data Security Posture โ€“ Learn from SoFi's DSPM Success

By The Hacker News
As cloud technology evolves, so does the challenge of securing sensitive data. In a world where data duplication and sprawl are common, organizations face increased risks of non-compliance and unauthorized data breaches. Sentra's DSPM (Data Security Posture Management) emerges as a comprehensive solution, offering continuous discovery and accurate classification of sensitive data in the cloud.

Design Flaw in Google Workspace Could Let Attackers Gain Unauthorized Access

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Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a "severe design flaw" in Google Workspace's domain-wide delegation (DWD) feature that could be exploited by threat actors to facilitate privilege escalation and obtain unauthorized access to Workspace APIs without super admin privileges. "Such exploitation could result in theft of emails from Gmail, data exfiltration from Google Drive, or other

How Hackers Phish for Your Users' Credentials and Sell Them

By The Hacker News
Account credentials, a popular initial access vector, have become a valuable commodity in cybercrime. As a result, a single set of stolen credentials can put your organizationโ€™s entire network at risk. According to the 2023 Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report, external parties were responsible for 83 percent of breaches that occurred between November 2021 and October 2022.&

Key Cybercriminals Behind Notorious Ransomware Families Arrested in Ukraine

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A coordinated law enforcement operation has led to the arrest of key individuals in Ukraine who are alleged to be a part of several ransomware schemes. "On 21 November, 30 properties were searched in the regions of Kyiv, Cherkasy, Rivne, and Vinnytsia, resulting in the arrest of the 32-year-old ringleader," Europol said in a statement today. "Four of the ringleader's most active

Stop Identity Attacks: Discover the Key to Early Threat Detection

By The Hacker News
Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems are a staple to ensure only authorized individuals or entities have access to specific resources in order to protect sensitive information and secure business assets. But did you know that today over 80% of attacks now involve identity, compromised credentials or bypassing the authentication mechanism? Recent breaches at MGM and Caesars have

Hackers Can Exploit 'Forced Authentication' to Steal Windows NTLM Tokens

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Cybersecurity researchers have discovered a case of "forced authentication" that could be exploited to leak a Windows user's NT LAN Manager (NTLM) tokens by tricking a victim into opening a specially crafted Microsoft Access file. The attack takes advantage of a legitimate feature in the database management system solution that allows users to link to external data sources, such as a remote

N. Korean Hackers 'Mixing' macOS Malware Tactics to Evade Detection

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The North Korean threat actors behind macOS malware strains such as RustBucket and KANDYKORN have been observed "mixing and matching" different elements of the two disparate attack chains, leveraging RustBucket droppers to deliver KANDYKORN. The findings come from cybersecurity firm SentinelOne, which also tied a third macOS-specific malware called ObjCShellz to the RustBucket campaign

How to Handle Retail SaaS Security on Cyber Monday

By The Hacker News
If forecasters are right, over the course of today, consumers will spend $13.7 billion. Just about every click, sale, and engagement will be captured by a CRM platform. Inventory applications will trigger automated re-orders; communication tools will send automated email and text messages confirming sales and sharing shipping information.  SaaS applications supporting retail efforts

Experts Uncover Passive Method to Extract Private RSA Keys from SSH Connections

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A new study has demonstrated that it's possible for passive network attackers to obtain private RSA host keys from a vulnerable SSH server by observing when naturally occurring computational faults that occur while the connection is being established. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is a method for securely transmitting commands and logging in to a computer over an unsecured network. Based on a

U.S., U.K., and Global Partners Release Secure AI System Development Guidelines

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The U.K. and U.S., along with international partners from 16 other countries, have released new guidelines for the development of secure artificial intelligence (AI) systems. "The approach prioritizes ownership of security outcomes for customers, embraces radical transparency and accountability, and establishes organizational structures where secure design is a top priority," the U.S.

New 'HrServ.dll' Web Shell Detected in APT Attack Targeting Afghan Government

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An unspecified government entity in Afghanistan was targeted by a previously undocumented web shell calledย HrServย in whatโ€™s suspected to be an advanced persistent threat (APT) attack. The web shell, a dynamic-link library (DLL) named โ€œhrserv.dll,โ€ exhibits โ€œsophisticated features such as custom encoding methods for client communication and in-memory execution,โ€ Kaspersky security researcher Mert

Warning: 3 Critical Vulnerabilities Expose ownCloud Users to Data Breaches

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The maintainers of the open-source file-sharing software ownCloud have warned of three critical security flaws that could be exploited to disclose sensitive information and modify files. A brief description of the vulnerabilities is as follows - CVE-2023-49103 (CVSS score: 10.0) - Disclosure of sensitive credentials and configuration in containerized deployments impacting graphapi versions from

Cybercriminals Using Telekopye Telegram Bot to Craft Phishing Scams on a Grand Scale

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More details have emerged about a malicious Telegram bot calledย Telekopyeย that's used by threat actors to pull off large-scale phishing scams. "Telekopye can craft phishing websites, emails, SMS messages, and more," ESET security researcher Radek Jizbaย saidย in a new analysis. Theย threat actors behind the operationย โ€“ codenamed Neanderthals โ€“ are known to run the criminal enterprise as a

Tell Me Your Secrets Without Telling Me Your Secrets

By The Hacker News
The title of this article probably sounds like the caption to a meme. Instead, this is an actual problem GitGuardian's engineers had to solve in implementing the mechanisms for their newย HasMySecretLeaked service. They wanted to help developers find out if their secrets (passwords, API keys, private keys, cryptographic certificates, etc.) had found their way into public GitHub repositories. How

Hamas-Linked Cyberattacks Using Rust-Powered SysJoker Backdoor Against Israel

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Cybersecurity researchers have shed light on a Rust version of a cross-platform backdoor calledย SysJoker, which is assessed to have been used by a Hamas-affiliated threat actor to target Israel amid the ongoing war in the region. โ€œAmong the most prominent changes is the shift to Rust language, which indicates the malware code was entirely rewritten, while still maintaining similar

Kubernetes Secrets of Fortune 500 Companies Exposed in Public Repositories

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Cybersecurity researchers are warning of publicly exposed Kubernetes configuration secrets that could put organizations at risk of supply chain attacks. โ€œThese encoded Kubernetes configuration secrets were uploaded to public repositories,โ€ Aqua security researchers Yakir Kadkoda and Assaf Moragย saidย in a new research published earlier this week. Some of those impacted include two top blockchain

Konni Group Using Russian-Language Malicious Word Docs in Latest Attacks

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A new phishing attack has been observed leveraging a Russian-language Microsoft Word document to deliver malware capable of harvesting sensitive information from compromised Windows hosts. The activity has been attributed to a threat actor called Konni, which is assessed to share overlaps with a North Korean cluster tracked as Kimsuky (aka APT43). "This campaign relies on a remote access trojan

Alert: New WailingCrab Malware Loader Spreading via Shipping-Themed Emails

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Delivery- and shipping-themed email messages are being used to deliver a sophisticated malware loader known asย WailingCrab. "The malware itself is split into multiple components, including a loader, injector, downloader and backdoor, and successful requests to C2-controlled servers are often necessary to retrieve the next stage," IBM X-Force researchers Charlotte Hammond, Ole Villadsen, and Kat

6 Steps to Accelerate Cybersecurity Incident Response

By The Hacker News
Modern security tools continue to improve in their ability to defend organizationsโ€™ networks and endpoints against cybercriminals. But the bad actors still occasionally find a way in. Security teams must be able to stop threats and restore normal operations as quickly as possible. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s essential that these teams not only have the right tools but also understand how to effectively