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Firefox patches two actively exploited 0-day holes: update now!

By Paul Ducklin
Firefox just published a double-zero-day patch - "remote code execution" combined with "sandbox escape". Update now!

Adobe fixes zero-day exploit in e-commerce code: update now!

By Paul Ducklin
There's a remote code execution hole in Adobe e-commerce products - and cybercrooks are already exploiting it.

Apple fixes Safari data leak (and patches a zero-day!) – update now

By Paul Ducklin
That infamous "supercookie" bug in Safari has now been fixed. Oh, and there was a zero-day kernel hole as well.


S3 Ep63: Log4Shell (what else?) and Apple kernel bugs [Podcast+Transcript]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - listen now! (Yes, there are plenty of critical things to go along with Log4Shell.)

β€œLog4Shell” Java vulnerability – how to safeguard your servers

By Paul Ducklin
Just when you thought it was safe to relax for the weekend... a critical bug showed up in Apache's Log4j product

How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities

By Srinivas

Introduction In the previous articles, we discussed printing functions, format strings and format string vulnerabilities. This article provides an overview of how Format String vulnerabilities can be exploited. In this article, we will begin by solving a simple challenge to leak a secret from memory. In the next article, we will discuss another example, where […]

The post How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities appeared first on Infosec Resources.

How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 8:28 am.
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Ask Me Anything – Celebrating The Fifth Anniversary Of My Monthly Threat Webinar

By Jon Clay (Global Threat Communications)

In July 2015, I did my first threat webinar. I had planned to do it on a monthly basis, and never imagined I would still be doing it five years later, but here I am, still creating monthly webinars. I still do. I started the webinar series to help people understand the different threats targeting our customers and I have always tried to focus on three areas:

  • Share information on what threats our customers deal with regularly
  • Talk about an actual threat and explain how it works
  • Discuss technologies versus solutions

This last point, discussing technologies versus solutions, has been one of the key items I try to follow as much as possible – after all, the goal of my webinars is to be educational, not a sales pitch.

Coming from a technical background, BS in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University (Go Spartans!!), I enjoy learning about the new technologies being used to detect the latest threats and to ensure you know what to look for when selecting a vendor and/or a security solution. Over the years, I’ve discussed everything from APTs, coinminers, exploits, messaging threats, ransomware, underground activity and lots in between. It is pretty easy to find topics to discuss, as there is so much going on in our industry, and with the malicious actors regularly shifting their tactics, techniques and procedures, I can keep the content fairly fresh.

I really enjoy having guest speakers on my webinars to mix things up a bit for the viewers as well, as I know my limitations – there are just too many threats out there to keep up with all of them. The main reason I love doing the threat webinars is that I enjoy sharing information and teaching others about our industry and the threats affecting them.Β  If you want to check out any of my previous five years of webinars you can watch them here.

For my fifthΒ year anniversary I wanted to try something different and I would like to do an open Q&A session. As I’ve never done this before, it will certainly be an interesting experience for me, but hopefully for you as well. I hope I can answer a majority of your questions, but I know some of you are way too smart for me, so please bear with me.

Our registration page for this webinar allows you to submit any pre-session questions that I’ll answer throughout the webinar. You can ask me anything that is on your mind and if I cannot get to your question, I’ll do my best to answer you afterwards in an email.

I hope to continue to do these webinars for the foreseeable future and I would like to end my post by thanking each and every one of you who has participated in my webinars over the years. It has been a pleasure, and I look forward to answering your questions.

Take care, stay healthy, and keep on smiling!


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