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Why Coin Miners Go Bad & How to Protect Your Tech When They Do

By Vishnu Varadaraj — April 15th 2021 at 16:00
coin miners

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are flocking to the Wild West of Bitcoin and Monero to cash in on the recent gold rush. Bitcoin’s meteoric rise in value is making coin mining an appealing hobby or even a whole new careerCoin mining software is the main tool in a prospector’s belt.  

Some coin miners, also known as cryptocurrency miners, are tempted by the dark side of the industry and resort to nefarious means to harness the immense computing power needed for cryptocurrency profits. Greedy cryptocurrency criminals employ a practice called cryptojacking, stealing the computer power of unsuspecting devices to help them mine faster. Your device could be at risk at being recruited to their efforts.  

Let’s dig into how coin mining programs work, why they turn malicious, and how you can stay safe from cryptojackers. 

How Coin Mining Works 

Mining cryptocurrency takes a lot of time and computer processing power. A coin mining home setup requires a graphics processing unit (GPU) or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Coin mining software then runs off the GPU or ASIC. Each central processing unit (CPU), or the brain of the computer, plus the GPU or ASIC is referred to as a mining rig. 

Once the software is installed, the rig is ready to mine, running mathematical calculations to verify and collect new cryptocurrency transactions. Each calculation is known as a hash, and hash rates are the number of calculations that can be run per second. 

From there, casual miners may choose to join a mining pool, which is a club of miners who agree to consolidate their computing power and split the profits based on how much work each miner contributed to the output. 

Bitcoin rewards miners every 10 minutes for their effortsEach time miners solve a string of mathematical puzzles, they validate a chain of transactions, thus helping make the entire Bitcoin system more secure. Miners are paid in bitcoin and they also receive a transactional fee. 

Why Coin Mining Turns Malicious 

While coin mining typically starts off as a casual hobby, coin mining programs can turn malicious when cryptocurrency miners want to earn more without investing in boosting their own computing power. Instead, they reroute their targets computing power without asking. This is called cryptojacking. 

Mining requires incredible amounts of electricity and the more riginvolved; the more cryptocurrency can be mined. Usually, the utility bills and the cost of running coin mining software negates any profit. For example, a casual miner may have one rig devoted to mining. An average rig processes approximately 500 hashes per second on the Monero network (a type of cryptocurrency). However, 500 hashes per second translates to less than a dollar per week in traditional, or fiat, currency. 

Greedy cryptocurrency criminals recruit CPU soldiers to their mining army to improve their hash rate. To do so, criminals download coin mining software to a device and then program it to report back to their server. The device’s thinking power is diverted from the owner and funneled straight to the criminal’s server that now controls it. Compromised devices run considerably slower and can overheat, and the strain on the device can eventually destroy it. 

How to Stay Safe from Cryptojacking 

Cryptojackers are not your everyday thieves. Their target is your CPU power, and they employ devious methods to funnel it for their own use. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to thwart their efforts: 

1. Beware of phishing 

Personal devices are often infected through phishing within emails and texts. There are many tell-tale signs of a phishing message. For example, they are often poorly written and use language that indicates that the sender wants a hasty response. Also, phishing attempts often charade as official organizations, like banks and credit card companies. If you are ever suspicious of an email or text, do not open any of the links and do not reply. Instead, contact the organization’s customer support to verify the legitimacy of the message. 

2. Use ad blockers 

Another way miners gain access to personal devices is by camouflaging malicious code in pop-up ads. An easy way to avoid being cryptojacked is to simply never click on these ads. Or even better, install an ad blocker to help eliminate the risk. 

3. Connect to a VPN 

Public wi-fi and poorly protected networks present a vulnerable entry point for cybercriminals to hack into your devices. Cybercriminals often attempt to download software remotely to your laptop, desktop, or mobile device to reroute its computing power for their own selfish gains. Always connect to a VPN like McAfee Safe Connect VPN to safely surf unsecure networks. 

4. Run antivirus software 

Cryptojacking code is inconspicuous and generally hidden in legitimate code. Antivirus software, such as McAfee Total Protection, is a recommended way to proactively scan for malware and even identify fraudulent websites. McAfee WebAdvisor has a Chrome extension that specifically blocks cryptojackers. 

5. Monitor your devices 

Be aware of the signs your devices have been cryptojacked. For example, monitor any changes in the speed of your devices and check out your utility bills for dramatic spikes. By remaining vigilant with these tips, you will keep your devices safe from cryptocurrency miners gone rogue. 

Stay Updated 

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook. 

The post Why Coin Miners Go Bad & How to Protect Your Tech When They Do appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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Digital Divorce: Who Gets the Airline Miles and Music Files?

By Judith Bitterli — April 20th 2021 at 15:27
digital assets

Something you’ll want to know about all those movies, mp3s, eBooks, air miles, and hotel points you’ve accrued over the yearsthey’re digital assets that can factor into a divorce settlement. 

Understandably, several factors determine the distribution of assets in a divorce. However, when it comes to dividing digital assets, divorce settlements and proceedings are charting new territoryThe rate of digital innovation and adoption in recent years has filled our phones, tablets, and computers with all manner of digital assets. What’s more, there are also the funds sitting in our payment apps or possibly further monies kept in the form of cryptocurrencies like bitcoinPut plainly, the law is catching up with regards to the distribution of these and other digital assets like them. 

Yet one thing that the law recognizes is that digital assets can have value and thus can be considered property subject to distribution in a divorce. 

In light of this, the following is a checklist of considerations that can help prepare you or someone you know for the distribution of digital assets in a fair and just way.  

Nothing offered in this article is legal advice, nor should it be construed as such. For legal advice, you can and should turn to your legal professional for counsel on the best approach for you and the laws in your area.  

What is a digital asset? 

For starters, let’s get an understanding as to what actually constitutes a digital asset. 

Because laws regarding digital assets vary (and continue to evolve), the best answer you can get to this question will come from your legal counsel. However, for purposes of discussion, a digital asset is any text or media in digital form that has value and offers the bearer the right to use it.  

To put that in practical termslet’s look at some real-world examples of what could constitute a digital asset. That list includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Photo libraries 
  • eBook libraries 
  • Digital movies 
  • Digital music 
  • Digital currency, such as bitcoin 
  • Air miles 
  • Hotel points 

However, digital assets can readily expand to further include: 

  • Subscriptions to streaming services and online publications 
  • Online game accounts—and in-game items associated with them 
  • Currency stored in online payment platforms 
  • Online storefronts, such as eBay, Etsy, or business websites 
  • Website domain names, whether in use or held speculatively for later resale 
  • Documents kept in cloud storage, like financial documents and ancestry research 

And like any other asset in the case of a divorce, a value will be ascribed to each digital asset and then distributed per the conditions or orders of the settlement. 

What digital assets do you have? 

Arriving at the value of specific digital assets begins with an inventory—listing all the digital assets and accounts you own, just as you would with any other monetary or physical assets like bank accounts, properties, and carsWhen you go through this process, chances are you’ll quickly find that you have hundreds if not thousands of dollars of digital assets.  

For example, we can look at the research we conducted in 2011 which found that people placed an average value of $37,438 on the digital assets they owned at the time. Now, with the growth of streaming services, digital currency, cloud storage, and more in the past ten years, that figure feels conservative. 

Above and beyond preparing for a divorce settlement, taking such an inventory of your digital assets is a wise move. One, it provides you with a clearer vision of the things you own and their worth; two, maintaining such a list gives you a basis for estate planning and determining who you would like to see receive those assets. Likewise, maintain that list on a regular basis and keep it safe. It’s good digital hygiene to do so. 

What are digital assets worth in a divorce? 

With this inventory, each asset can then have an assessed value ascribed to it. In some instances, a value will easily present itself, such as the cost of a subscription or how much money is sitting in a PayPal account. In other cases, the value will be sentimental, such as the case is with digital photos and videos. Ideally, you and your spouse will simply be able to duplicate and share those photos and videos amicably, yet it is important that you articulate any such agreement to do so. This way, a settlement can call out what is to be shared, how it will be shared, and when. 

Identify which digital assets cannot be transferred 

Not all digital assets are transferrable. Certain digital assets are owned solely in your name. In other words, you may have access to certain digital assets that cannot transfer to someone else because you do not have the rights to do so per your user agreement. This can be the case with things such as digital books, digital music, and digital shows and movies.  

In such circumstances, there may be grounds for negotiation and a “limited transfer” in the settlement, where one party exchanges one asset for another rather than splitting it equally. A case in point might be a sizeable eBook library on a device that’s in the name of one spouse. While that library can’t be split or transferred, one spouse may keep the eBook library while another spouse keeps a similarly valued asset or group of assets in return—like say a collection of physical books. 

Streaming services and divorce 

Streaming services will need to be addressed too. Be prepared to either terminate your accounts or simply have them assigned to the person in whose name they are kept. In the case of family accounts, the settlement should determine how that is handled, whether it gets terminated or similarly turned over to one spouse or the other. In all, your settlement will want to specify who takes over what streaming service and when that must occur. 

Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and divorce 

Like dividing up investment accounts where the value of the account can vary daily, digital currencies can present challenges when spouses look to divide the holdings. Cryptocurrency valuation can be quite volatile, thus it can be a challenging asset to settle from a strict dollar standpoint.  

What’s more, given the nature of digital currencies, there are instances where an unscrupulous spouse may seek to hide worth in such currency—which is an evolving issue in of itself. This recent article, “Cryptocurrency: What to Know Before and During Divorce,” covers the additional challenges of cryptocurrency in detail, along with an excellent primer on what cryptocurrency is and how it works. 

Ultimately, cryptocurrency is indeed an asset, one that your attorney and settlement process will need to addressspecifically so that there are no complications later with the transfer or valuation of the awarded currency. 

Passwords and divorce 

With accounts changing hands, now’s the time to start fresh with a new set of passwords. What’s more, we have a tendency to reuse the same passwords over and over again, which may be known to an ex-spouse and is an inherent security risk in of itself. Change them. Even better, take this opportunity to use a password manager. A password manager can create and securely store strong, unique passwords for you, thus saving you the headache of maintaining dozens of them yourself—not to mention making you far more secure than before. 

 Seek out a legal professional 

Again, keep in mind that nothing here is legal advice. Yet, do keep these things in mind when consulting with an attorney. The reality is that we likely have thousands of dollars of what could be considered digital assets. Inventorying them and ascribing a fair market value to them along with your legal professional is the first step in a fair and just settlement. 

The post Digital Divorce: Who Gets the Airline Miles and Music Files? appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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Do the Benefits of Bitcoin Outweigh the Risks?

By Vishnu Varadaraj — June 22nd 2021 at 22:46

What do Burger King and the popular “Doge” meme have in common? They both have cryptocurrencies named after their likeliness. WhopperCoin and Dogecoin are just two examples of the thousands of types of cryptocurrencies that have caught users’ attention over the past few years. Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens generated by a computer after solving complex mathematical functions. These functions are used to verify the authenticity of a ledger, or blockchain.  

Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency today, increasing its value by almost 300% in 2020. Today, almost 46 million Americans own at least one share of Bitcoin, illustrating how these cryptocurrencies are the future of tomorrow’s digital payment system — or are they? The same benefits that make them a popular choice with online users have also made them popular amongst online thieves, sparking a wave of ransomware attacks and other cyberattacks more recently. This begs the question: do the benefits of Bitcoin outweigh the risks? 

Bitcoin: Benefits vs. Risks 

Every rose has its thorn, and several Bitcoin benefits seem to be hitched to online security risks. Here are some cryptocurrency characteristics that may seem appealing to users, but also provide cybercriminals with an opportunity to exploit:  

Purchase discretion and user autonomy 

As previously mentioned, cryptocurrency exchanges take place on an online public ledger, or blockchain, to secure online transactions. This means that anybody can observe the exchange online. However, the parties making the transactions are anonymous, disguised with a random number. Bitcoin users can make purchases that are never associated with their identity, similar to a cash transaction.  

While the purchase discretion provided by Bitcoin may be appealing to users who want to remain private, this characteristic could also aid cybercriminals in malicious activity. Due to the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions, there is no way for someone to associate a person with a certain cryptocurrency wallet. Furthermore, a user could have multiple wallets, allowing them to spread their currency from one address to another.  

For a cybercriminal looking to target an individual with ransomware, the purchase discretion and anonymity of Bitcoin provide a favorable solution. In fact, Bitcoin accounts for approximately 98% of ransomware payments today. Say a hacker carries out a ransomware attack and demands that the user pay a large sum in Bitcoin. If the user completes the payment, the hacker can keep moving the currency from one anonymous account to another. That makes it very difficult — though not impossible — to trace if the individual decides to investigate the case and tries to get their money back. 

No more middleman  

Another characteristic that Bitcoin users find appealing is the autonomy offered by digital currencies. In theory, they allow users more autonomy over their own money than government-regulated currencies do. With Bitcoin, users can control how they spend their money without dealing with an intermediary authority like a bank or government. 

This lack of intermediary authority also opens a door for hackers to exploit. Say a user decides that they want to manage their finances using Bitcoin to bypass banking fees and send money to friends and family in different parts of the world. As previously mentioned, a Bitcoin user is assigned an anonymous private key that acts as their security credential. This key is generated and maintained by the user instead of a third-party agency. But what happens if the key isn’t random enough? An attacker could steal the user’s private key, and they will not be able to recover it since the Bitcoin blockchain is not dependent on any centralized third-party institutions. Therefore, it will be very difficult to track the attacker’s behaviors and recover lost funds.  

How Consumers Can Protect Themselves from Cryptocurrency-Driven Attacks 

It is safe to say that Bitcoin has caused a lot of buzz. But do the benefits outweigh the risks? Due to the nature of Bitcoin and most other public blockchains, anyone in the world can perform transactions or cryptographic computations — including cybercriminals. That’s why it is crucial for current cryptocurrency users and those considering cryptocurrency investment to do their research and know what vulnerabilities lie within the world of Bitcoin.  

Follow these tips to help protect yourself from common threats that leverage cryptocurrency:  

 1. Do your homework.  

With blockchain, cryptocurrency, and any new and emerging technology, make sure you always remain a bit skeptical. Do your homework before you embrace the technology — research your options and make note of any known security issues and what you can do to mitigate known risks. 

 2. Don’t pay the ransom.  

If a hacker does target you with ransomware demanding Bitcoin payment, it’s best not to pay the ransom. Although you may feel in the moment that this is the only way to get your encrypted files back, there is no guarantee that the ransomware developers will send a decryption tool once they receive the payment. Paying the ransom also contributes to the development of more ransomware families, so it is best to hold off on making any payments. Furthermore, a recent study found that 80% of businesses that choose to pay a ransom experience a subsequent ransomware attack. While it may feel like your only option in the moment, paying a ransom could show attackers that you’re willing to make the payment, therefore positioning you as an ideal target for yet another attack.   

3. Back up your data.  

If you are targeted with ransomware, it’s crucial that you always have backup copies of your files, preferably in the cloud and on an external hard drive. This way, if you do get a ransomware infection, you can wipe your computer or device and reinstall your files from the backup. Backups protect your data, and you won’t be tempted to reward the hackers by paying a ransom. Backups won’t prevent ransomware, but they can mitigate the risks.  

4. Update your credentials.  

Large organizations often fall prey to ransomware attacks, so take necessary precautions if a company you’ve interacted with becomes compromised from a data leak or a ransomware attack. Immediately change your passwords for all your accounts, ensuring they are strong and unique. You can also employ a password manager to keep track of your credentials and generate secure login keys.  

5. Use a comprehensive security solution 

Add an extra layer of security with a solution such as McAfee® Total Protection, which includes Ransom Guard, to help protect your devices from these cyberthreats and ensure your digital wellness online.  

The emergence of Bitcoin has indeed facilitated a wave of cybercrime that was previously difficult to perceive. In this new age of digital payments, blockchain, and cryptocurrencies, make sure that you do your research and stay vigilant when it comes to protecting your online safety. Remember: Bitcoin worth will continue to fluctuate, but your personal security will always remain invaluable.  

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, subscribe to our newsletter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.  

The post Do the Benefits of Bitcoin Outweigh the Risks? appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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Plundered bitcoins recovered by FBI – all 3,879-and-one-sixth of them!

By Paul Ducklin — December 22nd 2021 at 17:57
Phew! An audacious crime... that didn't work out.

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Self-styled “Crocodile of Wall Street” arrested with husband over Bitcoin megaheist

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

FBI Seizes 'SSNDOB' ID Theft Service for Selling Personal Info of 24 Million People

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 8th 2022 at 06:45
An illicit online marketplace known as SSNDOB was taken down in operation led by U.S. law enforcement agencies, the Department of Justice (DoJ) announced Tuesday. SSNDOB trafficked in personal information such as names, dates of birth, credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers of about 24 million individuals in the U.S., generating its operators $19 million in sales revenue. The action
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Canadian cybercriminal pleads guilty to “NetWalker” attacks in US

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This Cloud Botnet Has Hijacked 30,000 Systems to Mine Cryptocurrencies

By Ravie Lakshmanan — July 20th 2022 at 11:44
The 8220 cryptomining group has expanded in size to encompass as many as 30,000 infected hosts, up from 2,000 hosts globally in mid-2021. "8220 Gang is one of the many low-skill crimeware gangs we continually observe infecting cloud hosts and operating a botnet and cryptocurrency miners through known vulnerabilities and remote access brute forcing infection vectors," Tom Hegel of SentinelOne 
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The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) has announced the seizure of $500,000 worth of Bitcoin from North Korean hackers who extorted digital payments from several organizations by using a new ransomware strain known as Maui. "The seized funds include ransoms paid by healthcare providers in Kansas and Colorado," the DoJ said in a press release issued Tuesday. The recovery of the bitcoin ransoms
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New Orchard Botnet Uses Bitcoin Founder’s Account Info to Generate Malicious Domains

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A new botnet named Orchard has been observed using Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto's account transaction information to generate domain names to conceal its command-and-control (C2) infrastructure. "Because of the uncertainty of Bitcoin transactions, this technique is more unpredictable than using the common time-generated [domain generation algorithms], and thus more difficult to defend
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U.S. Sanctions Virtual Currency Mixer Tornado Cash for Alleged Use in Laundering

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The U.S. Treasury Department on Monday placed sanctions against crypto mixing service Tornado Cash, citing its use by the North Korea-backed Lazarus Group in the high-profile hacks of Ethereum bridges to launder and cash out the ill-gotten money. Tornado Cash, which allows users to move cryptocurrency assets between accounts by obfuscating their origin and destination, is estimated to have been
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Experts Uncover Details on Maui Ransomware Attack by North Korean Hackers

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The first ever incident possibly involving the ransomware family known as Maui occurred on April 15, 2021, aimed at an unnamed Japanese housing company. The disclosure from Kaspersky arrives a month after U.S. cybersecurity and intelligence agencies issued an advisory about the use of the ransomware strain by North Korean government-backed hackers to target the healthcare sector since at least
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Hackers Stole Crypto from Bitcoin ATMs by Exploiting Zero-Day Vulnerability

By Ravie Lakshmanan — August 22nd 2022 at 05:54
Bitcoin ATM manufacturer General Bytes confirmed that it was a victim of a cyberattack that exploited a previously unknown flaw in its software to plunder cryptocurrency from its users. "The attacker was able to create an admin user remotely via CAS administrative interface via a URL call on the page that is used for the default installation on the server and creating the first administration
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Silk Road drugs market hacker pleads guilty, faces 20 years inside

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Google Wins Lawsuit Against Russians Linked to Blockchain-based Glupteba Botnet

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Google has won a lawsuit filed against two Russian nationals in connection with the operation of a botnet called Glupteba, the company said last week. The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York imposed monetary sanctions against the defendants and their U.S.-based legal counsel. The defendants have also been asked to pay Google's attorney fees. The defendants' move to press
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U.S. Authorities Seize Domains Used in 'Pig butchering' Cryptocurrency Scams

By Ravie Lakshmanan — November 22nd 2022 at 09:10
The U.S. Justice Department (DoJ) on Monday announced the takedown of seven domain names in connection to a "pig butchering" cryptocurrency scam. The fraudulent scheme, which operated from May to August 2022, netted the actors over $10 million from five victims, the DoJ said. Pig butchering, also called Sha Zhu Pan, is a type of scam in which swindlers lure unsuspecting investors into sending
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Authorities Shut Down ChipMixer Platform Tied to Crypto Laundering Scheme

By Ravie Lakshmanan — March 16th 2023 at 09:46
A coalition of law enforcement agencies across Europe and the U.S. announced the takedown of ChipMixer, an unlicensed cryptocurrency mixer that began its operations in August 2017. "The ChipMixer software blocked the blockchain trail of the funds, making it attractive for cybercriminals looking to launder illegal proceeds from criminal activities such as drug trafficking, weapons trafficking,
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Hackers Steal Over $1.6 Million in Crypto from General Bytes Bitcoin ATMs Using Zero-Day Flaw

By Ravie Lakshmanan — March 21st 2023 at 06:55
Bitcoin ATM maker General Bytes disclosed that unidentified threat actors stole cryptocurrency from hot wallets by exploiting a zero-day security flaw in its software. "The attacker was able to upload his own java application remotely via the master service interface used by terminals to upload videos and run it using 'batm' user privileges," the company said in an advisory published over the
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Beware: 1,000+ Fake Cryptocurrency Sites Trap Users in Bogus Rewards Scheme

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 12th 2023 at 07:30
A previously undetected cryptocurrency scam has leveraged a constellation of over 1,000 fraudulent websites to ensnare users into a bogus rewards scheme since at least January 2021. "This massive campaign has likely resulted in thousands of people being scammed worldwide," Trend Micro researchers said in a report published last week, linking it to a Russian-speaking threat actor named "Impulse
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History revisited: US DOJ unseals Mt. Gox cybercrime charges

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Though the mills of the Law grind slowly/Yet they grind exceeding small/Though with patience they stand waiting/With exactness grind they all...

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Randstorm Exploit: Bitcoin Wallets Created b/w 2011-2015 Vulnerable to Hacking

By Newsroom — November 20th 2023 at 09:16
Bitcoin wallets created between 2011 and 2015 are susceptible to a new kind of exploit called Randstorm that makes it possible to recover passwords and gain unauthorized access to a multitude of wallets spanning several blockchain platforms. "Randstorm() is a term we coined to describe a collection of bugs, design decisions, and API changes that, when brought in contact with each other, combine
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CACTUS Ransomware Exploits Qlik Sense Vulnerabilities in Targeted Attacks

By Newsroom — November 30th 2023 at 11:16
A CACTUS ransomware campaign has been observed exploiting recently disclosed security flaws in a cloud analytics and business intelligence platform called Qlik Sense to obtain a foothold into targeted environments. "This campaign marks the first documented instance [...] where threat actors deploying CACTUS ransomware have exploited vulnerabilities in Qlik Sense for initial access,"
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LockBit Ransomware's Darknet Domains Seized in Global Law Enforcement Raid

By Newsroom — February 20th 2024 at 05:25
Update: The U.K. National Crime Agency (NCA) has confirmed the takedown of LockBit infrastructure. Read here for more details.An international law enforcement operation has led to the seizure of multiple darknet domains operated by LockBit, one of the most prolific ransomware groups, marking the latest in a long list of digital takedowns. While the full extent of the effort, codenamed 