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Hands-On Review: SASE-based XDR from Cato Networks

By The Hacker News — February 5th 2024 at 11:12
Companies are engaged in a seemingly endless cat-and-mouse game when it comes to cybersecurity and cyber threats. As organizations put up one defensive block after another, malicious actors kick their game up a notch to get around those blocks. Part of the challenge is to coordinate the defensive abilities of disparate security tools, even as organizations have limited resources and a dearth of
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Critical RCE Vulnerability Uncovered in Juniper SRX Firewalls and EX Switches

By Newsroom — January 13th 2024 at 10:45
Juniper Networks has released updates to fix a critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in its SRX Series firewalls and EX Series switches. The issue, tracked as CVE-2024-21591, is rated 9.8 on the CVSS scoring system. “An out-of-bounds write vulnerability in J-Web of Juniper Networks Junos OS SRX Series and EX Series allows an unauthenticated, network-based attacker to cause a
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Google Cloud Resolves Privilege Escalation Flaw Impacting Kubernetes Service

By Newsroom — December 28th 2023 at 13:20
Google Cloud has addressed a medium-severity security flaw in its platform that could be abused by an attacker who already has access to a Kubernetes cluster to escalate their privileges. "An attacker who has compromised the Fluent Bit logging container could combine that access with high privileges required by Anthos Service Mesh (on clusters that have enabled it) to
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Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023: Insights, Mitigators and Best Practices

By The Hacker News — December 21st 2023 at 10:53
John Hanley of IBM Security shares 4 key findings from the highly acclaimed annual Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023 What is the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report? The IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report is an annual report that provides organizations with quantifiable information about the financial impacts of breaches. With this data, they can make data driven decisions about how they implement
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Design Flaw in Google Workspace Could Let Attackers Gain Unauthorized Access

By Newsroom — November 28th 2023 at 12:34
Cybersecurity researchers have detailed a "severe design flaw" in Google Workspace's domain-wide delegation (DWD) feature that could be exploited by threat actors to facilitate privilege escalation and obtain unauthorized access to Workspace APIs without super admin privileges. "Such exploitation could result in theft of emails from Gmail, data exfiltration from Google Drive, or other
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Chinese Hackers Launch Covert Espionage Attacks on 24 Cambodian Organizations

By Newsroom — November 13th 2023 at 05:58
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered what they say is malicious cyber activity orchestrated by two prominent Chinese nation-state hacking groups targeting 24 Cambodian government organizations. "This activity is believed to be part of a long-term espionage campaign," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researchers said in a report last week. "The observed activity aligns with geopolitical goals of
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Offensive and Defensive AI: Let’s Chat(GPT) About It

By The Hacker News — November 7th 2023 at 10:21
ChatGPT: Productivity tool, great for writing poems, and… a security risk?! In this article, we show how threat actors can exploit ChatGPT, but also how defenders can use it for leveling up their game. ChatGPT is the most swiftly growing consumer application to date. The extremely popular generative AI chatbot has the ability to generate human-like, coherent and contextually relevant responses.
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New Report Uncovers 3 Distinct Clusters of China-Nexus Attacks on Southeast Asian Government

By THN — September 25th 2023 at 06:45
An unnamed Southeast Asian government has been targeted by multiple China-nexus threat actors as part of espionage campaigns targeting the region over extended periods of time. "While this activity occurred around the same time and in some instances even simultaneously on the same victims' machines, each cluster is characterized by distinct tools, modus operandi, and infrastructure," Palo Alto
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Cyber Group 'Gold Melody' Selling Compromised Access to Ransomware Attackers

By THN — September 21st 2023 at 09:11
A financially motivated threat actor has been outed as an initial access broker (IAB) that sells access to compromised organizations for other adversaries to conduct follow-on attacks such as ransomware. SecureWorks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) has dubbed the e-crime group Gold Melody, which is also known by the names Prophet Spider (CrowdStrike) and UNC961 (Mandiant). "This financially motivated
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Nearly 12,000 Juniper Firewalls Found Vulnerable to Recently Disclosed RCE Vulnerability

By THN — September 19th 2023 at 09:30
New research has found that close to 12,000 internet-exposed Juniper firewall devices are vulnerable to a recently disclosed remote code execution flaw. VulnCheck, which discovered a new exploit for CVE-2023-36845, said it could be exploited by an "unauthenticated and remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on Juniper firewalls without creating a file on the system." CVE-2023-36845 refers to a
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9 Alarming Vulnerabilities Uncovered in SEL's Power Management Products

By THN — September 6th 2023 at 10:13
Nine security flaws have been disclosed in electric power management products made by Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL). “The most severe of those nine vulnerabilities would allow a threat actor to facilitate remote code execution (RCE) on an engineering workstation,” Nozomi Networks said in a report published last week. The issues, tracked as CVE-2023-34392 and from CVE-2023-31168
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Everything You Wanted to Know About AI Security but Were Afraid to Ask

By The Hacker News — September 4th 2023 at 11:29
There’s been a great deal of AI hype recently, but that doesn’t mean the robots are here to replace us. This article sets the record straight and explains how businesses should approach AI. From musing about self-driving cars to fearing AI bots that could destroy the world, there has been a great deal of AI hype in the past few years. AI has captured our imaginations, dreams, and occasionally,
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Earth Estries' Espionage Campaign Targets Governments and Tech Titans Across Continents

By THN — August 31st 2023 at 09:22
A hacking outfit nicknamed Earth Estries has been attributed to a new, ongoing cyber espionage campaign targeting government and technology industries based in the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, South Africa, Germany, and the U.S. "The threat actors behind Earth Estries are working with high-level resources and functioning with sophisticated skills and experience in cyber espionage and illicit
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New Juniper Junos OS Flaws Expose Devices to Remote Attacks - Patch Now

By THN — August 19th 2023 at 07:38
Networking hardware company Juniper Networks has released an "out-of-cycle" security update to address multiple flaws in the J-Web component of Junos OS that could be combined to achieve remote code execution on susceptible installations. The four vulnerabilities have a cumulative CVSS rating of 9.8, making them Critical in severity. They affect all versions of Junos OS on SRX and EX Series. "By
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IcedID Malware Adapts and Expands Threat with Updated BackConnect Module

By THN — July 28th 2023 at 13:10
The threat actors linked to the malware loader known as IcedID have made updates to the BackConnect (BC) module that's used for post-compromise activity on hacked systems, new findings from Team Cymru reveal. IcedID, also called BokBot, is a strain of malware similar to Emotet and QakBot that started off as a banking trojan in 2017, before switching to the role of an initial access facilitator
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New P2PInfect Worm Targeting Redis Servers on Linux and Windows Systems

By THN — July 20th 2023 at 06:12
Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new cloud targeting, peer-to-peer (P2P) worm called P2PInfect that targets vulnerable Redis instances for follow-on exploitation. "P2PInfect exploits Redis servers running on both Linux and Windows Operating Systems making it more scalable and potent than other worms," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 researchers William Gamazo and Nathaniel Quist said. "This
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How to Apply MITRE ATT&CK to Your Organization

By The Hacker News — July 11th 2023 at 11:15
Discover all the ways MITRE ATT&CK can help you defend your organization. Build your security strategy and policies by making the most of this important framework. What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework? MITRE ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques, and Common Knowledge) is a widely adopted framework and knowledge base that outlines and categorizes the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs)
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Cybercrime Group 'Muddled Libra' Targets BPO Sector with Advanced Social Engineering

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 23rd 2023 at 14:44
A threat actor known as Muddled Libra is targeting the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry with persistent attacks that leverage advanced social engineering ploys to gain initial access. "The attack style defining Muddled Libra appeared on the cybersecurity radar in late 2022 with the release of the 0ktapus phishing kit, which offered a prebuilt hosting framework and bundled templates,"
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State-Backed Hackers Employ Advanced Methods to Target Middle Eastern and African Governments

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 19th 2023 at 09:33
Governmental entities in the Middle East and Africa have been at the receiving end of sustained cyber-espionage attacks that leverage never-before-seen and rare credential theft and Exchange email exfiltration techniques. "The main goal of the attacks was to obtain highly confidential and sensitive information, specifically related to politicians, military activities, and ministries of foreign
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How to Set Up a Threat Hunting and Threat Intelligence Program

By The Hacker News — May 8th 2023 at 11:49
Threat hunting is an essential component of your cybersecurity strategy. Whether you're getting started or in an advanced state, this article will help you ramp up your threat intelligence program. What is Threat Hunting? The cybersecurity industry is shifting from a reactive to a proactive approach. Instead of waiting for cybersecurity alerts and then addressing them, security organizations are
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Chinese Hackers Spotted Using Linux Variant of PingPull in Targeted Cyberattacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 26th 2023 at 15:31
The Chinese nation-state group dubbed Alloy Taurus is using a Linux variant of a backdoor called PingPull as well as a new undocumented tool codenamed Sword2033. That's according to findings from Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which discovered recent malicious cyber activity carried out by the group targeting South Africa and Nepal. Alloy Taurus is the constellation-themed moniker assigned to a
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VMware Releases Critical Patches for Workstation and Fusion Software

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 26th 2023 at 07:05
VMware has released updates to resolve multiple security flaws impacting its Workstation and Fusion software, the most critical of which could allow a local attacker to achieve code execution. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-20869 (CVSS score: 9.3), is described as a stack-based buffer-overflow vulnerability that resides in the functionality for sharing host Bluetooth devices with the
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Supply Chain Attacks and Critical Infrastructure: How CISA Helps Secure a Nation's Crown Jewels

By The Hacker News — April 6th 2023 at 11:46
Critical infrastructure attacks are a preferred target for cyber criminals. Here's why and what's being done to protect them. What is Critical Infrastructure and Why is It Attacked? Critical infrastructure is the physical and digital assets, systems and networks that are vital to national security, the economy, public health, or safety. It can be government- or privately-owned. According to Etay
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THN Webinar: Inside the High Risk of 3rd-Party SaaS Apps

By The Hacker News — March 24th 2023 at 11:43
Any app that can improve business operations is quickly added to the SaaS stack. However, employees don't realize that this SaaS-to-SaaS connectivity, which typically takes place outside the view of the security team, significantly increases risk. Whether employees connect through Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Slack, Salesforce, or any other app, security teams have no way to quantify their
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Iranian Hackers Target Women Involved in Human Rights and Middle East Politics

By Ravie Lakshmanan — March 9th 2023 at 12:20
Iranian state-sponsored actors are continuing to engage in social engineering campaigns targeting researchers by impersonating a U.S. think tank. "Notably the targets in this instance were all women who are actively involved in political affairs and human rights in the Middle East region," Secureworks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) said in a report shared with The Hacker News. The cybersecurity
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3 Overlooked Cybersecurity Breaches

By The Hacker News — February 10th 2023 at 10:42
Here are three of the worst breaches, attacker tactics and techniques of 2022, and the security controls that can provide effective, enterprise security protection for them. #1: 2 RaaS Attacks in 13 Months Ransomware as a service is a type of attack in which the ransomware software and infrastructure are leased out to the attackers. These ransomware services can be purchased on the dark web from
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New High-Severity Vulnerabilities Discovered in Cisco IOx and F5 BIG-IP Products

By Ravie Lakshmanan — February 3rd 2023 at 07:26
F5 has warned of a high-severity flaw impacting BIG-IP appliances that could lead to denial-of-service (DoS) or arbitrary code execution. The issue is rooted in the iControl Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) interface and affects the following versions of BIG-IP - 13.1.5 - 14.1.5 - 15.1.8 - 16.1.3, and 17.0.0 "A format string vulnerability exists in iControl SOAP
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Realtek Vulnerability Under Attack: Over 134 Million Attempts to Hack IoT Devices

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 30th 2023 at 09:30
Researchers are warning about a spike in exploitation attempts weaponizing a now-patched critical remote code execution flaw in Realtek Jungle SDK since the start of August 2022. According to Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, the ongoing campaign is said to have recorded 134 million exploit attempts as of December 2022, with 97% of the attacks occurring in the past four months. Close to 50% of the
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Researchers Uncover Connection b/w Moses Staff and Emerging Abraham's Ax Hacktivists Group

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 26th 2023 at 14:34
New research has linked the operations of a politically motivated hacktivist group known as Moses Staff to another nascent threat actor named Abraham's Ax that emerged in November 2022. This is based on "several commonalities across the iconography, videography, and leak sites used by the groups, suggesting they are likely operated by the same entity," Secureworks Counter Threat Unit (CTU) said 
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Iranian Government Entities Under Attack by New Wave of BackdoorDiplomacy Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 18th 2023 at 11:05
The threat actor known as BackdoorDiplomacy has been linked to a new wave of attacks targeting Iranian government entities between July and late December 2022. Palo Alto Networks Unit 42, which is tracking the activity under its constellation-themed moniker Playful Taurus, said it observed the government domains attempting to connect to malware infrastructure previously identified as associated
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Hackers Using CAPTCHA Bypass Tactics in Freejacking Campaign on GitHub

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 6th 2023 at 17:42
A South Africa-based threat actor known as Automated Libra has been observed employing CAPTCHA bypass techniques to create GitHub accounts in a programmatic fashion as part of a freejacking campaign dubbed PURPLEURCHIN. The group "primarily targets cloud platforms offering limited-time trials of cloud resources in order to perform their crypto mining operations," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42
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The FBI's Perspective on Ransomware

By The Hacker News — January 4th 2023 at 10:24
Ransomware: contemporary threats, how to prevent them and how the FBI can help In April 2021, Dutch supermarkets faced a food shortage. The cause wasn't a drought or a sudden surge in the demand for avocados. Rather, the reason was a ransomware attack. In the past years, companies, universities, schools, medical facilities and other organizations have been targeted by ransomware threat actors,
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Russian Hackers Targeted Petroleum Refinery in NATO Country During Ukraine War

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 20th 2022 at 12:55
The Russia-linked Gamaredon group attempted to unsuccessfully break into a large petroleum refining company within a NATO member state earlier this year amid the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war. The attack, which took place on August 30, 2022, is just one of multiple intrusions orchestrated by the advanced persistent threat (APT) that's attributed to Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB).
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Researchers Detail New Attack Method to Bypass Popular Web Application Firewalls

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 10th 2022 at 06:18
A new attack method can be used to circumvent web application firewalls (WAFs) of various vendors and infiltrate systems, potentially enabling attackers to gain access to sensitive business and customer information. Web application firewalls are a key line of defense to help filter, monitor, and block HTTP(S) traffic to and from a web application, and safeguard against attacks such as cross-site
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Researchers Detail OriginLogger RAT — Successor to Agent Tesla Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan — September 14th 2022 at 08:51
Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 has detailed the inner workings of a malware called OriginLogger, which has been touted as a successor to the widely used information stealer and remote access trojan (RAT) known as Agent Tesla. A .NET based keylogger and remote access, Agent Tesla has had a long-standing presence in the threat landscape, allowing malicious actors to gain remote access to targeted
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Chinese Hackers Target Government Officials in Europe, South America, and Middle East

By Ravie Lakshmanan — September 8th 2022 at 11:02
A Chinese hacking group has been attributed to a new campaign aimed at infecting government officials in Europe, the Middle East, and South America with a modular malware known as PlugX. Cybersecurity firm Secureworks said it identified the intrusions in June and July 2022, once again demonstrating the adversary's continued focus on espionage against governments around the world. "PlugX is
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New Air-Gap Attack Uses MEMS Gyroscope Ultrasonic Covert Channel to Leak Data

By Ravie Lakshmanan — August 23rd 2022 at 04:23
A novel data exfiltration technique has been found to leverage a covert ultrasonic channel to leak sensitive information from isolated, air-gapped computers to a nearby smartphone that doesn't even require a microphone to pick up the sound waves. Dubbed GAIROSCOPE, the adversarial model is the latest addition to a long list of acoustic, electromagnetic, optical, and thermal approaches devised by
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CISA Warns of Active Exploitation of Palo Alto Networks' PAN-OS Vulnerability

By Ravie Lakshmanan — August 23rd 2022 at 03:03
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Monday added a security flaw impacting Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, based on evidence of active exploitation. The high-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-0028 (CVSS score: 8.6), is a URL filtering policy misconfiguration that could allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to
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Russian Hackers Using DropBox and Google Drive to Drop Malicious Payloads

By Ravie Lakshmanan — July 20th 2022 at 04:03
The Russian state-sponsored hacking collective known as APT29 has been attributed to a new phishing campaign that takes advantage of legitimate cloud services like Google Drive and Dropbox to deliver malicious payloads on compromised systems. "These campaigns are believed to have targeted several Western diplomatic missions between May and June 2022," Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 said in a Tuesday
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Hackers Targeting VoIP Servers By Exploiting Digium Phone Software

By Ravie Lakshmanan — July 16th 2022 at 06:33
VoIP phones using Digium's software have been targeted to drop a web shell on their servers as part of an attack campaign designed to exfiltrate data by downloading and executing additional payloads. "The malware installs multilayer obfuscated PHP backdoors to the web server's file system, downloads new payloads for execution, and schedules recurring tasks to re-infect the host system," Palo
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State-Backed Hackers Using Ransomware as a Decoy for Cyber Espionage Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 24th 2022 at 08:02
A China-based advanced persistent threat (APT) group is possibly deploying short-lived ransomware families as a decoy to cover up the true operational and tactical objectives behind its campaigns. The activity cluster, attributed to a hacking group dubbed Bronze Starlight by Secureworks, involves the deployment of post-intrusion ransomware such as LockFile, Atom Silo, Rook, Night Sky, Pandora,
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Learn Cybersecurity with Palo Alto Networks Through this PCCSA Course @ 93% OFF

By The Hacker News — June 18th 2022 at 06:20
In the world of cybersecurity, reputation is everything. Most business owners have little understanding of the technical side, so they have to rely on credibility. Founded back in 2005, Palo Alto Networks is a cybersecurity giant that has earned the trust of the business community thanks to its impressive track record. The company now provides services to over 70,000 organizations in 150