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New Webinar: 5 Steps to vCISO Success for MSPs and MSSPs

By The Hacker News — February 7th 2024 at 10:38
2024 will be the year of the vCISO. An incredible 45% of MSPs and MSSPs are planning to start offering vCISO services in 2024. As an MSP/MSSP providing vCISO services, you own the organization’s cybersecurity infrastructure and strategy. But you also need to position yourself as a reliable decision-maker, navigating professional responsibilities, business needs and leadership
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Make a Fresh Start for 2024: Clean Out Your User Inventory to Reduce SaaS Risk

By The Hacker News — December 4th 2023 at 11:38
As work ebbs with the typical end-of-year slowdown, now is a good time to review user roles and privileges and remove anyone who shouldn’t have access as well as trim unnecessary permissions. In addition to saving some unnecessary license fees, a clean user inventory significantly enhances the security of your SaaS applications. From reducing risk to protecting against data leakage, here is how
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1Password Detects Suspicious Activity Following Okta Support Breach

By Newsroom — October 24th 2023 at 04:55
Popular password management solution 1Password said it detected suspicious activity on its Okta instance on September 29 following the support system breach, but reiterated that no user data was accessed. "We immediately terminated the activity, investigated, and found no compromise of user data or other sensitive systems, either employee-facing or user-facing," Pedro Canahuati, 1Password CTO, 
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The Prolificacy of LockBit Ransomware

By The Hacker News — March 14th 2023 at 11:52
Today, the LockBit ransomware is the most active and successful cybercrime organization in the world. Attributed to a Russian Threat Actor, LockBit has stepped out from the shadows of the Conti ransomware group, who were disbanded in early 2022. LockBit ransomware was first discovered in September 2019 and was previously known as ABCD ransomware because of the ".abcd virus" extension first
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The Pivot: How MSPs Can Turn a Challenge Into a Once-in-a-Decade Opportunity

By The Hacker News — February 3rd 2023 at 11:37
Cybersecurity is quickly becoming one of the most significant growth drivers for Managed Service Providers (MSPs). That's the main insight from a recent study from Lumu: in North America, more than 80% of MSPs cite cybersecurity as a primary growth driver of their business. Service providers have a huge opportunity to expand their business and win new customers by developing their cybersecurity
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7 Reasons to Choose an MDR Provider

By The Hacker News — November 16th 2022 at 12:19
According to a recent survey, 90% of CISOs running teams in small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use a managed detection and response (MDR) service. That’s a 53% increase from last year. Why the dramatic shift to MDR? CISOs at organizations of any size, but especially SMEs, are realizing that the threat landscape and the way we do cybersecurity are among the many things that will never look