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From Megabits to Terabits: Gcore Radar Warns of a New Era of DDoS Attacks

By The Hacker News — January 23rd 2024 at 11:33
As we enter 2024, Gcore has released its latest Gcore Radar report, a twice-annual publication in which the company releases internal analytics to track DDoS attacks. Gcore’s broad, internationally distributed network of scrubbing centers allows them to follow attack trends over time. Read on to learn about DDoS attack trends for Q3–Q4 of 2023, and what they mean for developing a robust
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U.S. Cybersecurity Agency Warns of Actively Exploited Ivanti EPMM Vulnerability

By Newsroom — January 19th 2024 at 04:55
The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Thursday added a now-patched critical flaw impacting Ivanti Endpoint Manager Mobile (EPMM) and MobileIron Core to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog, stating it's being actively exploited in the wild. The vulnerability in question is CVE-2023-35082 (CVSS score: 9.8), an authentication bypass
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Discover How Gcore Thwarted Powerful 1.1Tbps and 1.6Tbps DDoS Attacks

By The Hacker News — December 1st 2023 at 10:26
The most recent Gcore Radar report and its aftermath have highlighted a dramatic increase in DDoS attacks across multiple industries. At the beginning of 2023, the average strength of attacks reached 800 Gbps, but now, even a peak as high as 1.5+ Tbps is unsurprising. To try and break through Gcore’s defenses, perpetrators made two attempts with two different strategies.
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Microsoft Warns of Fake Skills Assessment Portals Targeting IT Job Seekers

By Newsroom — November 11th 2023 at 13:33
A sub-cluster within the infamous Lazarus Group has established new infrastructure that impersonates skills assessment portals as part of its social engineering campaigns. Microsoft attributed the activity to a threat actor it calls Sapphire Sleet, describing it as a "shift in the persistent actor's tactics." Sapphire Sleet, also called APT38, BlueNoroff, CageyChameleon, and CryptoCore, has a
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DDoS 2.0: IoT Sparks New DDoS Alert

By The Hacker News — September 15th 2023 at 10:25
The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming efficiency in various sectors like healthcare and logistics but has also introduced new security risks, particularly IoT-driven DDoS attacks. This article explores how these attacks work, why they’re uniquely problematic, and how to mitigate them. What Is IoT? IoT (Internet of Things) refers to online, interconnected devices that collect and exchange
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Surviving the 800 Gbps Storm: Gain Insights from Gcore's 2023 DDoS Attack Statistics

By The Hacker News — July 6th 2023 at 11:22
Gcore Radar is a quarterly report prepared by Gcore that provides insights into the current state of the DDoS protection market and cybersecurity trends. This report offers you an understanding of the evolving threat landscape and highlights the measures required to protect against attacks effectively. It serves as an insight for businesses and individuals seeking to stay informed about the
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5 Must-Know Facts about 5G Network Security and Its Cloud Benefits

By The Hacker News — May 26th 2023 at 11:48
5G is a game changer for mobile connectivity, including mobile connectivity to the cloud. The technology provides high speed and low latency when connecting smartphones and IoT devices to cloud infrastructure. 5G networks are a critical part of all infrastructure layers between the end user and the end service; these networks transmit sensitive data that can be vital for governments and