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What Personal Data Do Companies Track?

By McAfee — August 3rd 2022 at 00:01

Private tech companies gather tremendous amounts of user data. These companies can afford to let you use social media platforms free of charge because it’s paid for by your data, attention, and time.  

Big tech derives most of its profits by selling your attention to advertisers — a well-known business model. Various documentaries (like Netflix’s “The Social Dilemma”) have attempted to get to the bottom of the complex algorithms that big tech companies employ to mine and analyze user data for the benefit of third-party advertisers.  

This article will help you better understand what information is being collected by tech companies, how it’s being used, and how you can protect your privacy online.   

What information can companies collect?

Tech companies benefit from personal information by being able to provide personalized ads. When you click “yes” at the end of a terms and conditions agreement found on some web pages, you may be allowing the companies to collect the following data:  

  • Personal data. This includes identity-related information like your name, gender, Social Security number, and device-related information like IP address, web browser cookies, and device IDs. Personal data is usually collected to classify users into different demographics based on relevant parameters. This helps advertisers analyze what sections of the audience interact with their ads and what they can do to cater to their target audience.  
  • Usage data. Your interactions with a business’s website, text messages, emails, paid ads, and other online activities are recorded to build an accurate consumer profile. This consumer profile is used to determine and predict what kind of content (including ads) you are more likely to interact with and for how long.  
  • Behavioral data. Purchase histories, repeated actions, time spent, movement and navigation on the platform, and other types of qualitative data are covered under behavioral data. This helps platforms determine your “favorite” purchases or interactions so they can suggest other similar content/products.  
  • Attitudinal data. Companies measure brand and customer experiences using data on consumer satisfaction, product desirability, and purchase decisions. Marketing agencies use this data for direct consumer research and creative analysis.  

For someone unfamiliar with privacy issues, it is important to understand the extent of big tech’s tracking and data collection. Once these companies collect data, all this information can be supplied to third-party businesses or used to improve user experience.  

The problem with this is that big tech has blurred the line between collecting customer data and violating user privacy in some cases. While tracking what content you interact with can be justified under the garb of personalizing the content you see, big tech platforms have been known to go too far. Prominent social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn have faced past legal trouble for accessing personal user data like private messages and saved photos. 

How do companies use the information you provide

The information you provide helps build an accurate character profile and turns it into knowledge that gives actionable insights to businesses. Private data usage can be classified into three cases: selling it to data brokers, using it to improve marketing, or enhancing customer experience.  

To sell your info to data brokers

Along with big data, another industry has seen rapid growth: data brokers. Data brokers buy, analyze, and package your data. Companies that collect large amounts of data on their users stand to profit from this service. Selling data to brokers is an important revenue stream for big tech companies 

Advertisers and businesses benefit from increased information on their consumers, creating a high demand for your information. The problem here is that companies like Facebook and Alphabet (Google’s parent company) have been known to mine massive amounts of user data for the sake of their advertisers.  

To personalize marketing efforts

Marketing can be highly personalized thanks to the availability of large amounts of consumer data. Tracking your response to marketing campaigns can help businesses alter or improve certain aspects of their campaign to drive better results.  

The problem is that most AI-based algorithms are incapable of assessing when they should stop collecting or using your information. After a point, users run the risk of being constantly subjected to intrusive ads and other unconsented marketing campaigns that pop up frequently.  

To cater to the customer experience

Analyzing consumer behavior through reviews, feedback, and recommendations can help improve customer experience. Businesses have access to various facets of data that can be analyzed to show them how to meet consumer demands. This could help improve any part of a consumer’s interaction with the company, from designing special offers and discounts to improving customer relationships.  

For most social media platforms, the goal is to curate a personalized feed that appeals to the users and allows them to spend more time on the app. When left unmonitored, the powerful algorithms behind these social media platforms can repeatedly subject you to the same kind of content from different creators.  

Which companies track the most information?

Here are the big tech companies that collect and mine the most user data 

  • Google. Google is the most avid big tech data miner currently on the internet because the search engine deals almost exclusively with user data. Google tracks and analyzes everything from your Gmail and calling history (for VoLTE calls) to your Chrome browsing preferences through third-party cookies 
  • Facebook. Meta’s Facebook collects phone numbers, personal messages, public comments, and metadata from all of your photos and videos. Facebook primarily uses this data to fuel its demographic-based targeted ad mechanisms.  
  • Amazon. Amazon has recently admitted to storing many user data points, including phone numbers, credit card information, usernames, passwords, and even Social Security numbers. Amazon also stores information about your search terms and previously bought products.  
  • Twitter. Platforms like Twitter employ a “family of apps” technique to gather sensitive user data. While these platforms openly collect and mine user data themselves, they also collect information from app networks (like Twitter’s MoPub or Google’s AdMob) that include several other third-party apps. These apps choose to partner with tech giants for better profits.  
  • Apple. While much better than its competitors, Apple still mines a considerable amount of user data. While Apple’s systems allow users to control their privacy settings, Apple gives all of its users’ information to Apple’s iOS-based advertisement channels. The iPhone App Store is another place where user data is exclusively used to create customized user experiences. 
  • Microsoft. Microsoft primarily collects device-related data like system configurations, system capabilities, IP addresses, and port numbers. It also harvests your regular search and query data to customize your search options and make for a better user experience.  

Discover how McAfee can help protect your identity online 

Users need a comprehensive data privacy solution to tackle the rampant, large-scale data mining carried out by big tech platforms. While targeted advertisements and easily found items are beneficial, many of these companies collect and mine user data through several channels simultaneously, exploiting them in many different ways.  

It’s important to make sure your personal information is protected. Protection solutions like McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup feature can help. With this feature, our teams scour the web for traces of your personal information and assist in getting it removed to enhance your online privacy.  

McAfee’s Total Protection provides antivirus software for all of your digital devices and a secure VPN connection to avoid exposure to malicious third parties while browsing the internet. Our identity monitoring and personal data removal solutions further remove gaps in your devices’ security systems.  

With our airtight data protection and custom guidance (complete with a protection score for each platform and tips to keep you safer), you can be sure that your internet identity is protected.  

The post What Personal Data Do Companies Track? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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What Do Social Media Companies Know About You?

By Lily Saleh — October 29th 2021 at 21:53

What do social media companies really know about you? It’s a fair question. And the quick answer is this: the more you use social media, the more those companies likely know. 

The moment you examine the question more closely, the answer takes on greater depth. Consider how much we use social media for things other than connecting with friends. While that was the original intent behind social networks, the role of social media has since evolved into something far more expansive. We use it to get our news, stay up to date on when artists will drop a new release, and sometimes reach out for customer service on a company’s social media page. In some cases, we use our social media accounts to log into other sites and apps or we even make payments through social media 

Taken together, all of those likes, taps, clicks, links, and time spent reading or watching videos can add up and paint a detailed picture of who you are. 

Why are they collecting all this information? Largely, it’s for two reasons: 

1. To make improvements to their platform, by better understanding your behavior and ways you like to use their service. 

2. To create an exacting user profile that advertisers can use for targeting ads that they think will interest you. 

That’s the exchange in play here. You use the company’s social media service for free, and in return, they gain rights to gather specific information about you, which you consent to by agreeing to their terms of service. 

Let’s get into the details of what social media companies may collect and know about you—along with ways you can limit the data and information they gather. 

(Some of) the things social media companies may know about you 

Different social media platforms have different user agreements that cover what types of information they collect and use. For starters, we’ll speak broadly about social media companies in general, and then we’ll weave in a few specific examples along the way. Generally, they may know: 

  • Basic information about you and the devices you use: This includes personal information that people include in their profiles, such as names, birthdates, locations, relationships, and gender. This can extend to other identifiers like IP addresses, unique device ID numbers, connection type, connection speed, your network, other devices on your network. Also, device behavior can get tracked as well. That may include whether a window is open in the foreground or background and what mouse and finger taps you make while using the service.  
  • What interests you: People, pages, accounts, and hashtags that are associated with you and that you interact with in some way can get tracked. Likewise, how those people, pages, and accounts associate themselves with you in return get tracked as well. All of it builds up a profile with increasing levels of detail the more you engage with others and as they engage with you. 
  • What makes you stick around: Social media companies may measure the frequency and duration of your interactions. The more you interact, the more likely you are to have a strong connection to certain topics and opinions—and subsequently, social media companies may suggest similar content that they believe you will engage with just as strongly. For example, Facebook puts it this way on their privacy page (as of October 2021):  

We collect information about how you use our Products, such as the types of content you view or engage with; the features you use; the actions you take; the people or accounts you interact with; and the time, frequency and duration of your activities.   

  • Who you’re chatting with: Depending on the platform and its terms of use, information about direct messages you send using the platform may be collected as well. For example, Twitter does the following (as of October 2021):  

When you communicate with others by sending or receiving Direct Messages, we will store and process your communications and information related to them. This includes link scanning for malicious content, link shortening to URLs, detection of spam, abuse and prohibited images, and use of reported issues. We also use information about whom you have communicated with and when (but not the content of those communications) to better understand the use of our services, to protect the safety and integrity of our platform, and to show more relevant content. 

If you use our Products for purchases or other financial transactions (such as when you make a purchase in a game or make a donation), we collect information about the purchase or transaction. This includes payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information; other account and authentication information; and billing, shipping and contact details. 

  • Where you are and where you go: Simply disabling location sharing or GPS functionality on your device does not rule out other ways that social media companies can determine your whereabouts. They can infer your location to some extent when you log in by looking at your IP address and public Wi-Fi networks, along with nearby cellular towers if you’re on mobile.  

By the way, none of this is secret. What I’ve listed here can be found by simply reading the terms of use posted by various social media companies. Note that these terms of use can and do change. Checking up on them regularly will help you understand what is being collected and how it may be used. 

Of course, what you write and post says a lot about you too 

This nearly goes without saying, yet another layer of data and information collection comes by way of the pictures and updates you post. Per Instagram (as of October 2021):  

We collect the content, communications and other information you provide when you use our Products, including when you sign up for an account, create or share content, and message or communicate with others. This can include information in or about the content you provide (like metadata), such as the location of a photo or the date a file was created. 

Another consideration is how the content you interact with on other sites may be shared with social media companies in return. Some social media companies partner with other third parties to gather this data, which is used to round out your user profile in yet more detail. That information can include purchases you made, how often you visited that third party’s site, and so on. 

In the case of Facebook, they refer to this as “Off-Facebook Activity.” In their words:  

Off-Facebook activity includes information that businesses and organizations share with us about your interactions with them. Interactions are things like visiting their website or logging into their app with Facebook. Off-Facebook activity does not include customer lists that businesses use to show a unique group of customers relevant ads.  

The good news here is that you can take control of the Off-Facebook Activity setting with a few clicks. 

No doubt about it, the content you create and interact with, both on the social media sites and sometimes off of them as well, can generate information about you that’s collected by social media companies. 

Limiting what social media companies know about you 

Short of deleting your accounts altogether, there are several things you can do to take control and limit the amount of information you share. 

1. You can access, update, correct, move, and erase your data, depending on the platform. 

For example, you can visit your Facebook SettingsInstagram Settings, and Twitter Settings, which each gives you options for managing your information—or download it and even delete it from their platform outright if you wish. (Note that this will likely only delete data associated with your account. Content you posted or shared with other people on their accounts will remain.) 

2. Disable location sharing. 

As noted above, this isn’t an absolute fix because social media companies can infer your location other ways. Yet taking this step gives them one less piece of exacting information about you. 

3. Review your privacy and account settings. 

Each platform will have its own settings and options, so give them a look. Here, you can determine which information advertisers are allowed to use to serve up ads to you, set rules for facial recognition, enable or disable location history, and much more. If possible, do this from your computer or laptop rather than your smartphone. Often, the account controls that you can access from a computer browser are far more comprehensive than the ones in a mobile app. 

4. Consider using other messaging platforms. 

Using direct messaging on social media platforms may tell social media companies even more about you and who you interact with. When possible, think about using text messaging instead or other means of communication that aren’t tied to a social media company. 

5. Decouple your social media account from other apps and sites. 

Some apps and sites will allow you to use your social media login instead of creating a new one. While convenient, this can provide the social media company with more information about you. Additionally, if your social media account is compromised, it could compromise the other accounts that are tied to it as well. Check your settings and look for “Apps and Websites” to see what’s connected to your social media account, what’s being shared, and how you can disable it. 

6. Use online protection software. 

Protection like ours will include a VPN, which anonymizes your online activity and thus may shield you from certain types of information collection, such as your location. Additionally, using online protection software is simply a good move because it can create and store strong, unique passwords for you, steer you clear of risky sites, protect your identity, and make your time online safer overall. 

Know what you’re sharing  

The very nature of social media is sharing and exchanging. That’s the draw it has—the way it keeps us connected to the people, pastimes, and things we care about. Yet that exchange runs deeper. In return for using these free services, social media companies collect information on us which they use to improve their platforms and generate revenue. It’s all there for you to see in the various terms of use associated with your social media accounts. In short, using social media means sharing information about yourself with social media companies. 

Yet you can do several things to reduce the amount of information that social media companies know about you. By spending some time on the account and privacy settings for each of your social media accounts, you can determine what information you’re providing to them and get a much better sense of what social media companies know about you.  

The post What Do Social Media Companies Know About You? appeared first on McAfee Blog.
