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How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe

By McAfee — November 22nd 2022 at 20:49

It’s important to know that not all websites are safe to visit. In fact, some sites may contain malicious software (malware) that can harm your computer or steal your personal contact information or credit card numbers.  

Phishing is another common type of web-based attack where scammers try to trick you into giving them your personal information, and you can be susceptible to this if you visit a suspicious site.  

Identity theft is a serious problem, so it’s important to protect yourself when browsing the web. Online security threats can be a big issue for internet users, especially when visiting new websites or following site links. 

So how can you tell if you’re visiting a safe website or an unsafe website? You can use a few different methods. This page discusses key things to look for in a website so you can stay safe online. 

Key signs of website safety and security

When you’re visiting a website, a few key indicators can help determine whether the site is safe. This section explores how to check the URL for two specific signs of a secure website. 

”Https:” in the website URL

“Https” in a website URL indicates that the website is safe to visit. The “s” stands for “secure,” and it means that the website uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect your information. A verified SSL certificate tells your browser that the website is secure. This is especially important when shopping online or entering personal information into a website. 

When you see “https” in a URL, the site is using a protocol that encrypts information before it’s sent from your computer to the website’s server. This helps prevent anyone from intercepting and reading your sensitive information as it’s transmitted. 

A lock icon near your browser’s URL field

The padlock icon near your browser’s URL field is another indicator that a webpage is safe to visit. This icon usually appears in the address bar and means the site uses SSL encryption. Security tools and icon and warning appearances depend on the web browser. 

Let’s explore the cybersecurity tools on the three major web browsers: 

  • Safari. In the Safari browser on a Mac, you can simply look for the lock icon next to the website’s URL in the address bar. The lock icon will be either locked or unlocked, depending on whether the site uses SSL encryption. If it’s an unsafe website, Safari generates a red-text warning in the address bar saying “Not Secure” or “Website Not Secure” when trying to enter information in fields meant for personal data or credit card numbers. Safari may also generate an on-page security warning stating, “Your connection is not private” or “Your connection is not secure.” 
  • Google Chrome. In Google Chrome, you’ll see a gray lock icon (it was green in previous Chrome versions) on the left of the URL when you’re on a site with a verified SSL certificate. Chrome has additional indicator icons, such as a lowercase “i” with a circle around it. Click this icon to read pertinent information on the site’s cybersecurity. Google Safe Browsing uses security tools to alert you when visiting an unsafe website. A red caution symbol may appear to the left of the URL saying “Not secure.” You may also see an on-page security message saying the site is unsafe due to phishing or malware. 
  • Firefox. Like Chrome, Mozilla’s Firefox browser will tag all sites without encryption with a distinctive marker. A padlock with a warning triangle indicates that the website is only partially encrypted and may not prevent cybercriminals from eavesdropping. A padlock with a red strike over it indicates an unsafe website. If you click on a field on the website, it’ll prompt you with a text warning stating, “This connection is not secure.” 

In-depth ways to check a website’s safety and security

Overall, the ”https” and the locked padlock icon are good signs that your personal data will be safe when you enter it on a website. But you can ensure a website’s security is up to par in other ways. This section will explore five in-depth methods for checking website safety. 

Use McAfee WebAdvisor

McAfee WebAdvisor is a free toolbar that helps keep you safe online. It works with your existing antivirus software to provide an extra layer of protection against online threats. WebAdvisor also blocks unsafe websites and lets you know if a site is known for phishing or other malicious activity. In addition, it can help you avoid online scams and prevent you from accidentally downloading malware. Overall, McAfee WebAdvisor is a useful tool that can help you stay safe while browsing the web. 

Website trust seals

When you’re browsing the web, it’s important to be able to trust the websites you’re visiting. One way to determine if a website is trustworthy is to look for trust seals. Trust seals are logos or badges that indicate a website is safe and secure. They usually appear on the homepage or checkout page of a website. 

There are many types of trust seals, but some of the most common include the Better Business Bureau (BBB) seal, VeriSign secure seal, and the McAfee secure seal. These seals indicate that a third-party organization has verified the website as safe and secure. 

While trust seals can help determine whether a website is trustworthy, it’s important to remember that they are not foolproof. Website owners can create a fake trust seal, so it’s always important to do your own research to ensure a website is safe before entering personal information. 

Check for a privacy policy

Another way to determine if a website is safe to visit is to check for a privacy policy. A privacy policy is a document that outlines how a website collects and uses personal information. It should also state how the site protects your data from being accessed or shared by scammers, hackers, or other unauthorized individuals. 

If a website doesn’t have a privacy policy, that’s a red flag that you shouldn’t enter any personal information on the site. Even if a website does have a privacy policy, it’s important to read it carefully so you understand how the site uses your personal data. 

Check third-party reviews

It’s important to do some preliminary research before visiting a new website, especially if you’re shopping online or entering personal data like your address, credit card, or phone number. One way to determine if a website is safe and trustworthy is to check third-party reviews. Several websites provide reviews of other websites, so you should be able to find several reviews for any given site.  

Trustpilot is one example of a website that provides reviews of other websites. 

Look for common themes when reading reviews. If most of the reviews mention that a website is safe and easy to use, it’s likely that the site is indeed safe to visit. However, if a lot of negative reviews mention problems with viruses or malware, you might want to avoid the site. 

Look over the website design

You can also analyze the website design when deciding whether a website is safe to visit. Look for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and anything that appears off. If a website looks like it was made in a hurry or doesn’t seem to be well-designed, that’s usually a red flag that the site might not be safe. 

Be especially careful of websites that have a lot of pop-ups. These sites are often spammy or contain malware. Don’t download anything from a website unless you’re absolutely sure it’s safe. These malicious websites rarely show up on the top of search engine results, so consider using a search engine to find what you’re looking for rather than a link that redirects you to an unknown website. 

Download McAfee WebAdvisor for free and stay safe while browsing

If you’re unsure whether a website is safe to visit, download McAfee WebAdvisor for free. McAfee WebAdvisor is a program that helps protect you from online threats, such as malware and viruses. It also blocks pop-ups and other intrusive ads so you can browse the web without worry. Plus, it’s completely free to download and use. 

Download McAfee WebAdvisor now and stay safe while browsing the web. 

The post How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Cryptohacking: Is Cryptocurrency Losing Its Credibility?

By Vishnu Varadaraj — September 20th 2022 at 17:05

In the fall of 2021, cryptocurrency value skyrocketed. Ethereum and Bitcoin had their highest values ever, causing a huge stir in interest in online currencies from experts, hobbyists and newbies alike … and in cybercriminals seeking huge paydays. Since then, cryptocurrency value has cooled, as has the public’s opinion about whether it’s worth the risk. Huge cryptohacking events dominate the headlines, leaving us to wonder: Is cryptocurrency losing its credibility? 

In this article, you’ll learn about recent unfortunate crypto hacks and a few cryptocurrency security tips to help you avoid a similar misfortune. 

Secure Your Crypto Wallet 

A crypto wallet is the software or the physical device that stores the public and private keys to your cryptocurrency. A public key is the string of letters and numbers that people swap with each other in crypto transactions. It’s ok to share a public key with someone you trust. Your private key, however, must remain private — think of it like the password that secures your online bank account. Just like your actual wallet, if it falls into the wrong hands, you can lose a lot of money.   

What happened in the Mars Stealer malware attack on crypto wallets? 

A malware called Mars Stealer infiltrated several crypto wallet browser extensions, including the popular MetaMask. The malware stole private keys and then erased its tracks to mask that it had ever gained entry to the wallet.1 

How can you ensure a secure wallet?  

One way to completely avoid a breach to your software crypto wallet is to opt for a hardware wallet. A hardware wallet is a physical device that can only be opened with a PIN. But there is some risk involved with a hardware wallet: if you drop it down the drain, all your crypto is gone. If you forget your wallet PIN, there is no customer service chatbot that can help you remember it. You are solely responsible for keeping track of it. For those who are confident in their hardware’s hiding spot and their personal organizational skills, they can benefit from its added security. 

For anyone less sure of their ability to keep track of a hardware wallet, a software wallet is a fine alternative, though always been on alert of software wallet hacks. Keep an eye on crypto news and be ready to secure your software at a moment’s notice. Measures include un-downloading browser extensions, changing passwords, or transferring your crypto assets to another software wallet. 

In the case of the Mars Stealer malware that affected MetaMask, being careful about visiting secure sites and only clicking on trustworthy links could’ve helped prevent it. Mars Stealer made its way onto people’s devices after they clicked on an infected link or visited a risky website. Stick to websites you know you can trust and consider springing for well-known streaming services and paying for software instead of torrenting from free sources. 

Only Trust Secure Bridges and Be Prepared to Act Quickly

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts often spread their crypto investments across various currency types and blockchain environments. Software known as a bridge can link numerous accounts and types, making it easier to send currency. 

What happened in the Horizon bridge hack?

The cross-chain bridge Horizon experienced was on its Harmony blockchain, where a hacker stole about $100 million in Ethereum and tokens. The hacker stole two private keys, with which they could then validate this huge transaction into their own wallet. To hopefully prevent this from happening in the future, Horizon now requires more than just two validators.2 

How can you avoid crumbling bridges? 

According to one report, in 2022, 69% of all cryptocurrency losses have occurred in bridge attacks.3 If you exchange cryptocurrencies with other users and have various accounts, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll use bridge software. To keep your assets safe, make sure to extensively research any bridge before trusting it. Take a look at their security protocols and how they’ve responded to past breaches, if applicable.  

In the case of Horizon, the stolen private keys were encrypted with a passphrase and with a key management service, which follows best practices. Make sure that you always defend your private keys and all your cryptocurrency-related accounts with multi-factor authentication. Even though it may not 100% protect your assets, it’ll foil a less persistent cybercriminal. 

Phishing attacks on bridge companies in conjunction with software hacks are also common. In this scenario, there’s unfortunately not much you can control. What you can control is how quickly and completely you respond to the cybercrime event. Remove the bridge software from your devices, transfer all your assets to a hardware wallet, and await further instructions from the bridge company on how to proceed. 

Never Trade Security for Convenience

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is now one of the riskiest aspects of cryptocurrency. DeFi is a system without governing bodies. Some crypto traders like the anonymity and autonomy of being able to make transactions without a bank or institution tracking their assets. The drawback is that the code used in smart contracts isn’t bulletproof and has been at the center of several costly cybercrimes. Smart contracts are agreed upon by crypto buyers and sellers, and they contain code that programs crypto to perform certain financial transactions. 

What happened in recent smart contract hacks? 

Three multi-million-dollar heists – Wormhole, Beanstalk Farms and Ronin bridge – occurred in quick succession, and smart contracts were at the center of each.4 In the case of Wormhole, a cybercriminal minted 120,000 in one currency and then traded them for Ethereum without putting up the necessary collateral. In the end, the hacker cashed out with $320 million. Beanstalk Farms lost $182 million when a hacker discovered a loophole in the stablecoin’s flash loan smart contract. Axie Infinity’s Ronin bridge was hit for $625 million when a hacker took control over and signed five of the nine validator nodes through a smart contract hole.4 

How can you avoid smart contract failures  

To be safe, conduct all crypto transactions on well-known and trustworthy software, applications, bridges, and wallets that are backed by a governing body. What you lose in anonymity you gain in security by way of regulated protocols. Hackers are targeting smart contracts because they do not have to depend on large-scale phishing schemes to get the information they need. Instead, they can infiltrate the code themselves and steal assets from the smartest and most careful crypto users. Because there’s almost no way you can predict the next smart contract hack, the best path forward is to always remain on your toes and be ready to react should one occur. 

Enjoy Cryptocurrency but Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Don’t let these costly hacks be what stops you from exploring crypto! Crypto is great as a side hustle if you’re committed to security and are strategic in your investments. Make sure you follow the best practices outlined and arm all your devices (mobile included!) with top-notch security, such as antivirus software, a VPN, and a password manager, all of which are included in McAfee + 

Privacy, excellent security habits, and an eagle eye can help you enjoy the most out of cryptocurrency and sidestep its costly pitfalls. Now, go forth confidently and prosper in the crypto realm! 


1Cointelegraph, “Hodlers, beware! New malware targets MetaMask and 40 other crypto wallets 

2Halborn, “Explained: The Harmony Horizon Bridge Hack 

3Chainalysis, “Vulnerabilities in Cross-chain Bridge Protocols Emerge as Top Security Risk 

4Protocol, “Crypto is crumbling, and DeFi hacks are getting worse 

5Cointelegraph, “Beanstalk Farms loses $182M in DeFi governance exploit 

The post Cryptohacking: Is Cryptocurrency Losing Its Credibility? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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5 Steps to Removing Your Personal Information From the Internet

By McAfee — November 11th 2022 at 13:31

Here’s one way you can help reduce your chances of identity theft: remove your personal information from the internet. 

And chances are, you have more personal information posted online than you think. 

According to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), consumers registered 1.4 million identity theft complaints in 2021, all part of a year where consumers reported losing $5.8 billion to fraud overall—a 70% increase over the year prior.  

What fuels all this theft and fraud? Access to personal information.  

Scammers and thieves can get a hold of personal information in several ways, such as through phishing attacks that lure you into handing it over, malware that steals it from your devices, by purchasing your information on dark web marketplaces, or as a result of information leaked in data breaches, just to name a few. 

However, scammers and thieves have other resources to help them commit theft and fraud—data broker sites, places where personal information is posted online for practically anyone to see. Which makes removing your info from them so important, from both an identity and privacy standpoint. 

What are data broker sites? 

Think of data broker sites as huge repositories of personal information. Search your name and address online and you’ll see. You’ll likely find dozens of sites that turn up information about you, some of which offer a few pieces for free and others that offer far more information for a price. 

Data brokers collect and then aggregate personal information from several sources, including: 

  • Your public records posted online. 
  • Information from social media accounts you keep public. 
  • The websites you visit and the smartphone apps you use. 
  • Along with retailers, who share information associated with your loyalty cards. 

Data brokers also buy personal information from other data brokers. As a result, some data brokers have thousands of pieces of data for billions of individuals worldwide 

What could that look like? A broker may know how much you paid for your home, your education level, where you’ve lived over the years and who your lived with, your driving record, and possibly your political leanings. A broker may also know your favorite flavor of ice cream and your preferred over-the-counter allergy medicine thanks to information from loyalty cards. Further, they may also have health-related information from fitness apps. The amount of personal information can run that broadly, and that deeply. 

With information at this potential level of detail, it’s no wonder that data brokers rake in an estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars worldwide every year. 

Who uses the personal information found on data broker sites?  

On the legitimate side, it’s used by advertisers to create targeted ad campaigns. With information sold by data brokers, they can generate lists based on highly specific criteria, such as shopping histories, personal interests, and even political leanings as mentioned above. Likely without you being aware of it—and likely with no way to contest that information if it’s incorrect. 

Other legitimate uses include using these sites for background checks. Law enforcement, reporters, and employers will use data brokers as a starting point for research because the leg work has largely been done for them. Namely, data brokers have aggregated a person’s information already, which is an otherwise time-consuming process. 

If this seems a little shady, it’s still legal. As of now, the U.S. has no federal laws that regulate data brokers or require data them to remove personal information if requested. A few states, such as Nevada, Vermont, and California, have legislation in place aimed at protecting consumers. Meanwhile, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union has stricter rules about what information can be collected and what can be done with it. Still, the data broker economy thrives. 

On the darker side, scammers and thieves use personal information for identity theft and fraud. With enough personal information gathered from enough sources, they can create a high-fidelity profile of their victims. One that gives them enough information to open new accounts in their name. 

So, from the standpoint of both privacy and identity, cleaning up your personal information online makes a great deal of sense.  

How to remove your personal information from the internet 

Let’s review some ways you can remove your personal information from data brokers and other sources on the internet.  

1. Request to remove data from data broker sites 

The process starts with finding the sites that have your information. From there, you can request to have it removed. Yet as mentioned above, there are dozens and dozens of these sites. Knowing where to start is a challenge in of itself, as is manually making the requests once you have identified the sites that post and sell information about you.  

Our Personal Data Cleanup can do the work for you. Personal Data Cleanup scans some of the riskiest data broker sites and shows you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites and can even manage the removal for you depending on your plan. ​It also monitors those sites, so if your info gets posted again, you can request its removal again. 

2. Limit the data Google collects 

As of September 2022, Google accounts for just over 92% of search engine market share worldwide. Aside from being a search engine, Google offers a myriad of other services and applications, such as Gmail and Google Maps. While Google offers plenty of tools for productivity, travel, work, and play for free, they still come at a cost—the gathering and analysis of your personal information.   

You can limit the data Google associates with you by removing your name from Google search results with a removal request. This will disable anyone online from getting any results if they search your name. (Note that this will not remove your information from the original sites and sources where it’s posted.) Moreover, Google collects all your browsing data continuously. You have the option to turn on “Auto Delete” in your privacy settings to ensure that the data is deleted regularly and help limit the amount of time your sensitive data stays vulnerable.  

You can also occasionally delete your cookies or use your browser in incognito mode to prevent websites from being tracked back to you. Go to your Google Chrome settings to clear your browser and cookie history.  

3. Delete old social media accounts and make the ones you keep private 

As discussed above, data brokers can collect information from public social media profiles. You can minimize your presence on social media to the bare minimum. Make a list of the ones you use or have used in the past. If there are old accounts that you no longer use or websites that have gone by the wayside like Myspace or Tumblr, you may want to deactivate them or consider deleting them entirely.   

For social media platforms that you still may use regularly, like Facebook and Instagram, consider adjusting your privacy settings to ensure that your personal information on these social media platforms is the bare minimum. For example, on Facebook you can lock your profile, while on Instagram you can stay private.  

4. Remove personal info from other websites and blogs 

If you’ve ever published articles, written blogs, or created any content online, it might be a good time to consider taking it down if it is no longer serving a purpose. Depending on what you’ve posted, you may have shared personal details about your life. Additionally, you might be mentioned by other people in various social media posts, articles, or blogs. It is worth reaching out to these people to request them to take down posts with sensitive information.  

Social media and online articles that host your personal information are often used when businesses or hackers are doing “internet scrapes” to find better ways to use your targeted information. Asking your friends or third-party sites to remove that information can help protect your privacy.  

5. Delete unused phone apps and restrict the settings for the ones you use 

Another way you can tidy up your digital footprint online involves deleting all the unnecessary phone apps that you no longer need or use. Even when apps are not open or in use, they may be able to track personal information such as your real-time location and even your payment details if you have a paid subscription to the app.   

Some apps even sell this data as it can be extremely advantageous to other companies, which they use to target certain consumer segments and profiles for advertising. Try to share as little information with apps as possible if you’re looking to minimize your online footprint, and provide them access to your photos, contacts, and location only on as-needed basis and only when the app is in use. Your phone’s app and location services settings will give you the tools to do it. 

Online protection software can keep your personal information more private and secure 

In addition to the steps above, comprehensive online protection software can keep you more private and minimize your risk of cybercrime. It can include: 

So while it may seem like all this rampant collecting and selling of personal information is out of your hands, there’s plenty you can do to take control. With the steps outlined above and strong online protection software at your back, you can keep your personal information more private and secure. 

The post 5 Steps to Removing Your Personal Information From the Internet appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How to Delete Old Accounts Containing Personal Information

By McAfee — August 3rd 2022 at 00:16

Your digital footprint grows with every internet account you make. While your old Tumblr account may be fun for reminiscing, dormant accounts are actually one of the most significant sources of user data on the internet. These accounts can be used by data brokers or third parties to access your personal information.  

To improve your data security, it’s good practice to remove public-facing information by deleting unused accounts. Simply put, having less personal data stored on the internet reduces the risk of theft and/or non-consensual data usage.  

Deleting, canceling, unsubscribing, or removing your account can be a long process, depending on the service. This article will walk you through the simplest ways to delete unwanted accounts from various social media platforms.  

Why you should delete old accounts

Deleting unwanted accounts protects your information and prevents the monetization of your data. Your internet accounts often hold personal information like your name, age, email, or home address. What’s more alarming is that some platforms may even have credit card details, phone numbers, and bank account information. 

When left unattended, internet accounts become vulnerable to being suspended or taken over by the platform. This means that if your accounts are left inactive for too long, you might be handing some or all of your data over to the tech platform.  

For example, even if you believe an old Google account doesn’t have any sensitive information stored, it may be linked to other platforms you use (like Amazon or Google services like Gmail and Google Play). This exposes all of these accounts to several data privacy vulnerabilities.  

Moreover, a recent survey found that 70% of surveyed adults admitted using the same password for more than one service. People who don’t use password managers or reuse passwords are at a greater security risk than others, as multiple accounts can become compromised at once. Whether the platform is now out of service or you are cutting down on your app usage, deleting dormant accounts will minimize security threats and safeguard your data.  

How to permanently delete old accounts, by platform

Every platform has a different process for deleting accounts: Some take only a few clicks to complete and others are a little longer. Companies usually don’t want a user to stop using their services, so account deletion pages are often hidden in a complex web of tabs that you have to navigate.  

In addition, some subscription services might require that you send an email to customer support to close your account. You can go to, an online directory that lets you access direct links to account deletion pages of various web services. 

Remember to download your personal information and data before pulling the plug on your account. Most platforms let you download your data before initiating a deletion request, which saves you from losing important details and files. It is also important to check whether your Google account is used for your YouTube channel or connected to other online accounts. 

To help you get rid of accounts you no longer use, we’ve broken down deleting accounts from some of the most popular social networks. The steps described below are for a desktop browser and may not apply to Android or iOS devices (unless specified).  

How to delete Facebook accounts

Facebook’s user privacy policy enables it to store a large amount of user information, including personal messages, posts, search history, name, age, birthdate, and even metadata from posted photos and videos.  

Follow these simple steps to delete your Facebook account 

  • After logging in from your desktop, click the arrow in the top-right corner  
  • Go to Settings 
  • Click on “Your Facebook Information” tab 
  • Click on “Deactivation and Deletion” 
  • Choose “Delete Account” from menu 
  • Enter password to confirm 
  • Click “Delete Account 

How to delete LinkedIn accounts

LinkedIn collects information on users and uses it for targeted advertising. As a result, it amasses quite a lot of your data, from professional details to personal preferences and even your online behavior trail.  

Follow these simple steps from your desktop to delete your account:  

  • Click on your profile avatar in the top-right corner 
  • Click on “Account Preferences” 
  • Scroll to Account Management and click on “Close Account” 
  • Select a reason for deleting your account 
  • Type password to confirm 

How to delete Twitter accounts

It’s simple to delete your Twitter account, but you’ll have to wait 30 days for your data and tweets to clear. To delete your account, you first need to deactivate it.  

Once you’ve decided to delete your account from the micro-blogging site, follow these steps from your desktop:  

  • From the navigation menu on the left, click on “Settings and Privacy” 
  • Go to “Your Account” tab 
  • Click on “Deactivate your account”  
  • If you don’t choose to reactivate within 30 days, your account will automatically be deleted  

Remember to revoke third-party access to your Twitter account to avoid having your account reactivated in the 30 days following deactivation. 

How to delete Instagram accounts

Since Facebook and Instagram are both owned by Meta, they share a lot of data for targeted advertising. You can adjust the privacy settings of your Instagram account from the mobile app, but you will need to log in from a web browser like Chrome to delete your account.  

To delete your Instagram account 

  • Go to the “Delete your account” page 
  • Choose a reason you’re deleting your account  
  • Enter your password 
  • Click on “Permanently delete your account”  

Your information and data will be permanently deleted after 30 days and you won’t be able to retrieve it. However, completing a deletion process may take up to 90 days.  

How to delete Tumblr accounts

Tumblr has a fairly simple process to delete your account:  

  • Log in to Tumblr from your desktop 
  • Click on the profile icon in the top-right corner  
  • Choose “Settings” 
  • Click on “Delete account”  
  • Enter your email address and password to confirm  
  • Delete account 

How to delete Pinterest accounts

Follow these steps to delete your account from the popular picture-sharing platform:  

  • Select the drop-down menu in the right corner  
  • Click on “Account Management” from the navigation menu  
  • Select “Delete Account 
  • Confirm when asked to receive an email with the final step  
  • In the confirmation email, click on “Yes, close account”  

Pinterest servers continue to store your data after deletion, but your information won’t be visible to other users.  

How to delete email accounts

There are different steps to deleting your email account depending on which email service you use. Backing up email data usually takes more time because of the sheer volume of data a mail account can hold.  

How to delete a Gmail account

Complete the following steps to delete your Google account 

  • Open this URL in your web browser: 
  • Select “Data and Privacy” from the menu on the left  
  • Scroll to “Download or delete your data”  
  • Click on “Delete a Google Service”  
  • Click “Delete a service”  
  • Enter your password  
  • Click the trash bin icon next to Gmail  

How to delete a Yahoo account

Here’s what you need to do to delete your Yahoo email account: 

  • Open this URL in your web browser:  
  • Login with your login credentials  
  • Click on “Continue to delete my account” on the confirmation page  

Deleting your Yahoo account also deletes the linked information from Yahoo’s other services.  

How to delete an Outlook email account

Follow these steps to delete your Microsoft account on Outlook 2010, 2013, or 2016:  

  • Open Outlook on your desktop and select “File” from the upper-left corner  
  • Click on “Account Settings” and choose “Settings” again 
  • Select the account you want to remove and click “Remove” 
  • Confirm by clicking “Yes” 

Keep your identity secure online with McAfee

Leaving old information scattered across the internet makes you susceptible to identity theft. There are multiple ways to keep your identity and data secure online, including McAfee’s Total Protection plan.  

Total Protection lets you choose from multiple affordable subscription models that provide comprehensive security against identity theft and potential data breaches and offers web protection and several related benefits. In addition, having access to 24/7 online security experts and a 30-day money-back guarantee make the Total Protection plan an easy, reliable, and safe choice. You can also have peace of mind with McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup feature where our teams will work to find your personal information online and assist in removing it.  

The post How to Delete Old Accounts Containing Personal Information appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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A Look Beyond Their Lock Screens: The Mobile Activity of Tweens and Teens

By McAfee — February 24th 2022 at 13:00

While our tweens and tweens seem to grow into adults right before our eyes, their mobile usage matures into adulthood as well—and in many ways, we don’t see. 

Girls and boys hit their mobile stride right about the same point in life, at age 15 where their mobile usage jumps significantly and reaches a level that they carry into adulthood, which is one of the several findings we uncovered in our global survey of parents, tweens, and teens this year. 

So, what are tweens and teens up to on their mobile devices as they mature? And where do their parents fit in? We asked parents and kids alike. What we found gives us a look into the mobile lives of tweens and teens behind their lock screens. 

Mobile is the Most Important Device—Yet Far More So for Kids than Their Parents  

For starters, parents and their kids alike say that their mobile device is the most important one in their life. Parents placed mobile in their top two with their mobile device or smartphone at 59% followed their computer or laptop at 42%. Tweens and teens put their mobile device or smartphone at the top of the list as well, yet at a decisive 74% worldwide, followed by their gaming console at 68%.  

“Parents and their kids alike say that their mobile device is the most important thing in their life.”

Further, tweens and teens place a higher value on their smartphones to keep them connected with friends and family. Some 59% of parents said mobile was essential in this role, whereas tweens and teens put that figure at 64%. For parents, the runner-up device for keeping connected was the computer or laptop at 42%.  

Yet quite interestingly, tweens and teens said their second-most important device for keeping connected with others is their gaming console, at 40%, perhaps indicating gaming’s role in creating and fostering friendships today. Of course, plenty of that gaming is happening on mobile as well, with half of all tweens and teens surveyed worldwide saying that they play games on their smartphones. 

It’s No Secret—Kids Will Cover Their Tracks Online. But How? 

Broadly speaking, the activities kids do on their phones match up closely with what their parents think they’re doing on their phones. Yet there’s a fair share of secretive activity that happens within that. 

Regarding general activity, parents and their tween- and teen-aged children worldwide see eye to eye when it comes to what parents think are their kids’ favorite activities on mobile are and what kids say they actually are:   

  • Watching short videos (YouTube) – parents think, 66%; kids say 67%  
  • Browsing the internet – parents think, 64%; kids say 66% 
  • Streaming music – parents think, 53%; kids say 55% 

However, and perhaps unsurprisingly, tweens and teens say they’ve kept some the things they’re watching, browsing, and streaming from their parents. When asked if they sometimes hide specific online activity from their parents, 59% of tweens and teens worldwide said they have done so in some form or other, including: 

  • Clearing the browser history, 26% 
  • Close/minimize browser when parent walked in, 21% 
  • Hide or delete IMs or videos, 15% 
  • Lie or omit details about online activities, 15% 
  • Use a device their parents don’t check, 10% 

Keeping an Eye on the Kids: Parents Tend to Take a More Hands-on Approach to Monitoring Mobile 

Worldwide, monitoring apps rank relatively low when it comes to parents keeping tabs on their children’s mobile usage. Use of parental controls software on smartphones came in at a 27% global average, with India (37%) and France (33%) leading the way, while Japan fell on the low end (12%).  

Largely, parents appear to take up this work themselves, citing several other ways they take charge of their children’s time online:  

  • Limit the time of day or length of time when the child has screen time, 59% 
  • Check the websites or apps the child visits or uses, 56% 
  • Look at call records or text messages on a smartphone the child uses, 40% 
  • Friend or follow the child on social media sites, 35% 
  • Track the child’s location through GPS apps or software, 30% 

Children’s Mobile Devices are Less Protected—and Can Fall Victim to Hacks and Attacks as a Result 

Consistent with other research we recently gathered, families are relying on mobile more and more, yet this hasn’t seen an increase in mobile protection for the smartphones they count on.  

Our research published in early 2011 found double-digit increases in mobile activities such as online banking, shopping, finances, and doctor visits, all of which can generate high-value data that are attractive to hackers and cybercriminals. Despite this newfound reliance on mobile, many smartphones worldwide remain unprotected. Children’s phones are less protected than their parents’ phones as well. 

Taken together, these security lapses can lead to downloaded malware, data and identity theft, illicit crypto mining apps on the device, and other attacks that can put children and families at risk. For a deeper dive, you can view the full report.

Misconceptions about online protection may play a role in these lax measures. This survey found that 49% of parents think a new phone is more secure than a new computer, and 59% of tweens and teens thought the new phone was more secure—both denying the reality that smartphones, and the people using them, are subject to hacks and attacks just like with any other device that connects to the internet.  

Amid this climate, more than 1/3 of families reported that a child in their household had been the victim of a financial information leak and 15% stated that there’d been an attempt to steal a child’s online account or identity. With smartphones providing children with a major onramp to the internet, it follows that stronger mobile security could help prevent such attacks from happening. 

Tweens and Teens in Several Countries Lean Heavily on Mobile for Online Learning 

Protecting mobile devices and the family members who count on them takes on further importance when we consider that children in some nations rely heavily on their smartphones for online learning. 

Although using mobile for online learning was relatively low globally at 23%, parents and children in three nations reported a high rate of attending classes and courses on mobile—with India at 54%, Mexico at 42%, and Brazil at 39%, once again posing the possibility that mobile offers many children the most reliable broadband connection required for such instruction. In other words, there are households where broadband comes by way of mobile, rather than a cable or fiber connection. 

Meanwhile, other nations saw significantly lower figures for online learning on mobile, such as Germany at 7%, France at 8%, and Japan at 11%. The U.S., Canada, and the UK all reported rates of 17%. 

Nurturing Your Kids on Mobile: They’re Growing Before Your Eyes 

“With smartphones providing children as a major onramp to the internet, it follows that stronger mobile security could prevent such attacks from happening”

Something we’ve yet to mention here is how much online shopping and banking kids are doing on their mobile devices. No question, tweens and teens are doing those things too at a global rate of 25% and 12% across all age groups respectively. Not surprisingly, those numbers climb as teens approach adulthood. This serves as a reminder that our children are maturing hand-in-hand with their smartphones, which asks a few things of us as parents as they grow and adjust to their mobile world. 

As with all things parenting, there are moments of where you have a sense of what’s right for you and your child, yet you’re uncertain how to act on it. That’s definitely the case with smartphones and the internet in general. Despite having grown up alongside the internet over the course of our adult lives, we can still have plenty of questions. New ones. Old ones. Ones we weren’t even aware of until they cropped up. 

With that, we’re glad you’re dropping by our blog. And you’re more than invited to visit whenever you can. A big focus of ours is providing you, as a parent, with resources that answer your questions, in addition to articles about online protection in general that simply make for good reading. Our aim is to help you think about what’s best for your family and give you some ideas about how you can see that through, particularly as our children grow in this mobile world of ours.

The post A Look Beyond Their Lock Screens: The Mobile Activity of Tweens and Teens appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Privacy in Practice: Securing Your Data in 2022 and Beyond

By McAfee — February 3rd 2022 at 04:56

Every year we can count on new technology to make our lives easier. Right? As beneficial and convenient as tech can be, it can also pose risks to our online safety and privacy—risks that we should be prepared to handle. Increasingly, we’re seeing governments around the world implementing stricter privacy laws. And even major players like Google are phasing out invasive tracking technology like cookies. However, when it comes to activities like banking, shopping, taxes, and more, the need for broader online privacy protection has never been greater. Let’s take a look at some prominent trends in the way we now live online and how we can protect our data.  


Crypto, the blockchain, NFTs, tokens – all of these terms are considered part of what’s being termed Web3. Whereas Web 2.0 described an internet made up of large corporations hosting content and consumers, Web3 is governed by the blockchain. What this means is that applications use a decentralized online ledger to document transactions of all sorts. The most famous example is bitcoin, a blockchain that acts as a digital currency. Another example would be NFTs, which are digital works of art. Web3 may be in its infancy, but it’s important to consider what this means for privacy and data protection. Blockchain affords users anonymity in regards to currencies like bitcoin. Of course that means bitcoin also has a reputation as the currency of choice for money-launderers and other shady enterprises. Still, that means it’s good for privacy, right? Well, maybe. The EU’s GDPR rights to erase or amend data are at odds with transactions on a blockchain, which are essentially unchangeable. So if you’re buying cryptocurrency, NFTs, or interacting with blockchains in other ways, just understand your personal information might be hidden, but the record of your transactions is totally visible. 

Tip: If you’re keeping cryptocurrencies in an online wallet, you’ll want to use an identity protection service to monitor those account credentials so you can be warned of breaches and leaks onto the dark web. 


Student privacy is a top concern as households turn to remote learning. In a rush to optimize remote learning experiences in the face of a rapidly evolving digital landscape, many educators and remote learners may not realize the hazards that put student privacy at risk. 

Since 2020, schools have adopted a range of technologies to optimize the digital classroom, including virtual learning platforms, holistic learning solutions, and even social media applications. However, many of these digital platforms are not designed for child usage, nor do they have privacy policies in place to ensure that the student data gathered is protected. Many learning platforms may even treat student data as consumer data, raising more red flags regarding student data privacy and compliance. Online learning has also garnered the attention of cybercriminals looking to exploit student data, resulting in online bullying, identity theft, and more. 

For educators and parents alike, knowledge is the greatest asset to mitigating the risks of remote learning. IT teams and educators must understand the implications of the student data they collect, govern access to it, and control its usage to comply with child privacy regulations. Parents can take proper precautions by discussing the importance of privacy with their children. Keeping learning platforms up to date and monitoring their children to prevent them from downloading suspicious apps or straying to unknown websites are all ways to ensure safer remote learning environments. 

Tip: Getting a VPN for the family to use is a great way to safeguard your privacy while your kids are learning online. 


Remote work has become commonplace nowadays as more companies permit their employees to work from home long-term and, for some, permanently. In a recent Fenwick poll among HR, privacy, and security professionals across industries, approximately 90% of employees now handle intellectual property, confidential, and personal information in their homes. Endpoint security, or the protection of end-user devices such as our laptops and mobile devices, poses more of a concern as employees trade in office networks for their in-home Wi-Fi. If these devices and networks are unsecured or if the data is not encrypted, employees run the risk of exposing sensitive information to hackers. Those of us working from home can help ensure the safety of our company’s confidential information by boosting our awareness of security threats and prevention measures via company-mandated security training.  

Tip: McAfee’s Protection Score is a great way to understand how protected you are online and what you can do to stay more secure 

The Metaverse

This buzzy term is being used to describe Meta’s (previously Facebook) vision for a fully connected future. Right now it exists as an AR/VR space accessible through Meta’s own VR hardware, Oculus. However, the terminology has caught on as a catch-all for platforms that may contain work, business, gaming, entertainment, social interactions, and more in one easily navigable, immersive online setting. Web3 features, like blockchain, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies are being touted as integral parts of the metaverse. As exciting and futuristic as this is, there are major privacy questions that will have to be answered. This means that as customers you’ll want to think hard about what you choose to share through the metaverse and look into the privacy settings a platform offers you.  

Tip: Use comprehensive online protection. McAfee Total Protection secures all aspects of your life online. From identity to online connections to antivirus, a full security suite like Total Protection keeps you and your family safer on all the devices you use and places you go online. 

 Personal Finances

Some of the platforms I use the most allow me to keep track of and manage my finances. Whether it’s my mobile banking app or taking advantage of online tax filing, there is such a convenience in having the ability to pay bills, deposit checks, and more, all with the devices I use every day. But many of us may not realize just how much trust we put into these platforms to protect our online privacy, especially when we don’t have a clear picture of who exactly is on the other end of our online transactions. 

While recognizing the signs of online banking and tax-related fraud helps ease the burdens associated with these schemes, there are multiple steps users can take to prevent becoming a victim of these scams in the first place.  

Tip: Full-featured identity protection will protect you financially. Services like McAfee Identity Protection Service include credit checks, identity theft restoration, and even stolen fund restoration as benefits. 

Digital devices are part of how we live our lives every day, whether we’re taking conference calls on our laptops, tracking the latest mile on our smartwatches, or banking on the go. Although our everyday digital devices make our lives that much more convenient, securing them makes our lives that much safer by minimizing online threats to ourselves and those around us. Safeguarding the digital platforms we use for work, school, finances, you name it, is the first step to ensuring our private information remains just that—private. 

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The Future of Mobile in a Post-COVID World & How to Stay Secure

By Vishnu Varadaraj — July 9th 2021 at 12:53

The COVID-19 pandemic forced many of us to quickly adjust to the new normal — case and point,  admitted that they switched to digital activities like online banking, social networking, and online shopping in 2020 out of convenience. Research now shows that consumers’ reliance on this technology is here to stay. PwC found that 44% of global consumers now shop more using their smartphones compared to when COVID-19 began. While having the world at your fingertips is convenient, how does this digital lifestyle change expose users to cyber threats, especially attacks on mobile devices?  

It’s no secret that cybercriminals tend to manipulate their attacks based on the current trends set by technology users. As you reflect on how increased connectivity affected your everyday life, it’s important to ask yourself what could be lurking in the shadows while using your mobile devices. With more of us relying on our devices there’s plenty of opportunities for hackers. This begs the question, what does mobile security look like in a post-pandemic world?  

Mobile Security Challenges in the New Normal  

In addition to the increased adoption of digital devices, we had to figure out how to live our best lives online – from working from home to distance learning to digitally connecting with loved ones.  And according to McAfee’s 2021 Consumer Security Mindset Report, these online activities will remain a key part of consumers’ post-pandemic routines. But more time spent online interacting with various apps and services simultaneously increases your chance of exposure to cybersecurity risks and threats. Unsurprisingly, cybercriminals were quick to take advantage of this increase in connectivity. McAfee Labs saw an average of 375 new threats per minute and a surge of cybercriminals exploiting the pandemic through COVID-19 themed phishing campaigns, malicious apps, malware, and more. New mobile malware also increased by 71%, with total malware growing nearly 12% from July 2019 to July 2020. As consumers continue to rely on their mobile devices to complete various tasks, they will also need to adapt their security habits to accommodate for more time spent online.  

The Future of Mobile Security: Tips for Staying Secure 

Here at McAfee, we recognize that the way you and your family live your digital lives has changed. We want to help empower you to protect your online security in your hyper-connected lifestyle. To help provide greater peace of mind while using your mobile devices, follow these tips to help safeguard your security.  

1. Protect your mobile devices with a password, PIN, or facial recognition.  

When setting up a new device or online account, always change the default credentials to a password or passphrase that is strong and unique. Using different passwords or passphrases for each of your online accounts helps protect the majority of your data if one of your accounts becomes vulnerable. If you are worried about forgetting your passwords, subscribe to a password management tool that will remember them for you.  

Remember to physically lock your mobile devices with a security code or using facial recognition as well. This prevents a criminal from unlocking your device and uncovering your personally identifiable information in the event that your phone or laptop is stolen.  

2. Use multi-factor authentication.  

Multi-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security, as it requires multiple forms of verification like texting or emailing a secure code to verify your identity. Most popular online sites like Gmail, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. offer multi-factor authentication, and it takes just a few minutes to set it up. This reduces the risk of successful impersonation by hackers who may have uncovered your credentials.  

3. Connect to a VPN.  

Hackers tend to lurk in the shadows on public Wi-Fi networks to catch unsuspecting users looking for free internet access on their mobile devices. If you have to conduct transactions on a public Wi-Fi network, use a virtual private network (VPN) like McAfee® Safe Connect to help keep you safe while you’re online.  

4. Be wary of SMiShing scams.  

Be skeptical of text messages claiming to be from companies with peculiar asks or information that seems too good to be true. Instead of clicking on a link within the text, it’s best to go straight to the organization’s website to check your account status or contact customer service.  

Some cybercriminals send texts from internet services to hide their identities. Combat this by using the feature on your mobile device that blocks texts sent from the internet or unknown users. For example, you can disable all potential spam messages from the Messages app on an Android device by navigating to Settings, clicking on “Spam protection,” and turning on the “Enable spam protection” switch. Learn more about how you can block robotexts and spam messages on your device. 

5. Use a mobile security solution.  

Prepare your mobile devices for any threat coming their way. To do just that, cover these devices with an extra layer of protection via a mobile security solution, such as McAfee Mobile Security.  

COVID-19 changed our relationships with our digital devices, but that does not mean we have to compromise our online security for convenience. Incorporating these tips into your everyday life can help ward off mobile cyber threats and stay a step ahead of hackers.  

The post The Future of Mobile in a Post-COVID World & How to Stay Secure appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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World Password Day: Make Passwords the Strongest Link in Your Online Security

By Baker Nanduru — May 5th 2021 at 15:11
World Password Day

World Password Day isn’t the most popular day on the calendar, but it’s an important reminder that good password hygiene is essential to staying safe online. This World Password Day, we’d like to talk about improving your password hygiene, how you can help your friends and family improve theirs, and what the future of authentication holds.

Hacking attempts have escalated throughout 2020

The SolarWinds hack in 2020 is one of the most devastating hacks in the history of the internet. Close to 20,000 company’s systems were compromised, losing billions of pieces of data in the process. If you’re one of the 37% of Americans that go long periods of time without updating passwords*, large-scale attacks like SolarWinds can be devastating. By stealing so many login credentials simultaneously, attackers can potentially access exponentially more accounts by reusing leaked credentials on different sites. Unfortunately this is not an isolated event, data breaches from websites and services we frequently use continue to happen through 2021 as well.

According to a recent survey we conducted, 34% of Americans have reused the same, or similar, password more than once. By using the same password for multiple accounts, attackers only need to find one password, creating a domino effect that makes it easier to access more accounts. If that password is weak, it becomes even easier to tip over that first domino.

Current ways to protect your accounts

Our guidance is to create strong, hard-to-guess passwords to protect your accounts. We recommend creating a unique password for every online account, using more than 16 characters, with upper and lower case letters, some numbers, and special symbols, to make a stronger than average password. How are you supposed to remember all of those strong passwords, though?

Well, password managers, especially those included in comprehensive security suites like McAfee® Total Protection, do much of the heavy lifting for you. For instance, McAfee’s integrated password manager not only helps you create stronger passwords and store them, but will also autofill your credentials and log you into websites as well. These convenient features extend beyond just your computer and can be used on other devices like your phone and tablet. Best of all, password managers that are an integrated part of a security suite can be monitored, so you’ll be alerted if your passwords get exposed in a data breach.

You’ve already taken a step towards improving your password hygiene by reading this blog post. But the next step is, have an honest look at your passwords. Do you write them down, use the same for many accounts, or use weak ones? Then it may be time for a change to better protect your accounts and the personal info in those accounts.

If you’re like a certain member of my family—that will remain nameless, Mom—who kept their passwords written down in a notepad, making the change to a password manager (McAfee’s, naturally) was a life-changing moment. Not only did it help her see just how often she was using the same login credentials, she now has an easy way to store, auto-fill, and even generate strong passwords across all her accounts and devices. An intended bonus was that she also realized how many accounts she was no longer using!

Strong passwords are only the start

Now that you know more about what makes a strong password and how to protect them, let’s talk about why strong passwords are just the start of keeping your accounts safe. You’re probably already using Two-Factor Authentication for apps and services, but you may not have heard the term before. Two-Factor Authentication, or 2FA, is the second layer of protection to authenticate or prove you are the owner of this account. If you’ve received a text message or an email to confirm a new account signup, that’s a type of 2FA.

Text messages and email aren’t the only types of 2FA. There are USB keysapps, and even systems built-in to your phone, like facial recognition to open phone apps, for example. Some popular 2FA options are USB keys and Google Authenticator.

The great thing about 2FA is that it helps make your strong passwords even more effective by stopping an attacker from using stolen credentials. If you fell victim to a phishing attack that looked like your bank’s website, the attacker would have your email and password combination. Without 2FA, they could log into your account and pretend they’re you. With 2FA in place, it becomes much harder for an attacker to access your account because they’re missing that last important piece of information.

The future of passwords

Humans are almost always the weakest link when it comes to securing information. But by committing ourselves to better password practices, with help from the latest technology, we can make sure passwords are a strong link in our security chain; one that will only get stronger in the future.

For instance, using a device like a key-fob, new passwordless systems can authenticate a user without entering their login details. Not only does this make logging into your accounts lightning fast, you also never have to remember a complicated password again.

Biometric locks, like FaceID, are another example of passwordless entry. Using your face, or a fingerprint to authenticate yourself makes it much harder for attackers to break into your accounts.

Happy World Password Day

We hope this Password Day post has helped answer some questions about password hygiene and how to take better care of your online accounts. Online security changes from day to day, so staying aware of new technologies and building safe new habits is essential. Perhaps one day this day will no longer need to exist on our calendars, as we look to a future where we might not need passwords at all. While we collectively make strikes towards this future, let’s celebrate this day while it lasts.

 Stay Updated

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The post World Password Day: Make Passwords the Strongest Link in Your Online Security appeared first on McAfee Blogs.
