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Celebrate National Download Day With This Safe Downloading Checklist

By McAfee — December 28th 2022 at 12:54

Happy Download Day! (Yes, there’s a day for that.) Today is an excellent day to share downloading best practices to keep all your devices safe from malicious content. It’s tempting to download “free” shows, movies, and video games, but the consequences of doing so can be quite expensive. All it takes is for one malicious download to compromise your identity or leak your banking information to cybercriminals. 

Luckily, there are a few ways to keep your devices and personally identifiable information (PII) safe. Here’s how! 

Dangers of Downloading Dubious Content 

How many streaming services do you subscribe to? Two? Ten? No matter how many premium entertainment subscriptions you have, the hottest new show always seems to be on the channel you can’t access. This is a common scenario that often drives people to download episodes from websites that claim crystal-clear, safe downloads. In actuality, these sites could harbor malware, spyware, or other types of malware that lurk in the shadows until an unsuspecting person downloads them to their desktop, tablet, or cellphone.  

Malware, which stands for malicious software, often hides behind legitimate-looking links or downloadable content. It’s only until it’s on your device that you realize there’s a criminal hiding behind it. For example, earlier in 2022, a ransomware program (a type of malware) disguised itself as a Microsoft system update. The criminal behind the scheme then threatened leaking or permanently deleting sensitive files if the person didn’t pay the ransom. 

Once malware infects one device, some malware programs can infect an entire home network and spread to other connected devices.1 From there, the cybercriminal can steal the online shopping, banking, or personal details of a whole household and either sell their findings on the dark web or keep it for themselves. 

Your Safe Downloading Checklist 

Before you download anything to any of your devices, go through this checklist to help you determine the safety of most content: 

  • Is the website secure? Does the URL of the website contain an “https” and a lock next to it? While the presence of both doesn’t automatically confirm or deny the legitimacy of a site, it’s a good first marker to check. A secure browsing extension, like McAfee web protection, can also alert you when you’re on a risky website. Don’t ignore the alarm!   
  • Is the website poorly designed? Are there typos and grammar mistakes everywhere? Is the logo blurry? It’s best to do some background research on any site or mobile app before you download content from it. The first few search results will likely be able to tell you whether it’s reputable or not. Cybercriminals often spend more time perfecting their malicious software than fussing over what the website actually looks like. 
  • Where does the download link redirect you to? If you’re on a desktop, right-click the download URL or button to see where it’ll redirect you. The file extension and file size should match what you expect it to be. Additionally, if early in the downloading process error messages pop up about corrupted files, stop the download immediately. 

Overall, while downloading entertainment for free is appealing to people on a budget, it’s better to avoid doing so altogether. The risk isn’t worth it. Consider scheduling a watch party with a friend or family member who has the subscription service you’re seeking.  

Protect Your Devices From Malicious Downloads  

In case you slip up and accidentally download malware, spyware, or ransomware, McAfee+ Ultimate can defend your devices, remove the software, and monitor the dark web to make sure your PII wasn’t compromised. McAfee antivirus is compatible with macOS, iOS, and Android devices and Chromebooks, so you can regularly scan all your devices for programs that shouldn’t be there. If the worst does happen and a cybercriminal gets a grip on your personal information, McAfee can back you up with $1 million in identity theft coverage and restoration and continuous identity monitoring. 

Browse confidently and enjoy your devices to the fullest! Just remember these safe downloading tips and partner with McAfee for peace of mind. 

1Federal Trade Commission, “Malware from illegal video streaming apps: What to know 

The post Celebrate National Download Day With This Safe Downloading Checklist appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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What We’ve Learnt From Home Learning During Lockdown

By Alex Merton-McCann — December 2nd 2021 at 14:40

I think it’s fair to say that come to next Australia Day, there needs to be a special award category for parents of young children who survived home learning during the lockdowns. Let’s be honest – it’s been brutal! So many parents had to juggle their own full-time work, running a household, AND supervising a day’s worth of learning for often, multiple children! Research from Macquarie University showed that many parents spent up to 14 hours a week in their role as home learning managers and 9/10 parents reported the experience as, quite understandably, stressful! As a mum of older teens and young adults – who are usually self-sufficient – I’m in awe! 

But the good news is – things are on the improve! Our vaccine rates are amongst the best in the world, so lockdowns have been lifted and, drum roll… kids are back at school! I’ve always been a big fan of trying to find the silver lining of any situation and I think there are many we can take away from our COVID experience, particularly when it comes to digital parenting. I know of so many parents who have completely rethought their approach to managing kids and technology since the pandemic hit because of their home learning experience. 

So, in the spirit of sharing and caring, I thought I’d round up some of the best ‘aha’ moments from parents who were forced to become expert home learning managers over multiple lockdowns. And make sure you take notes because there are some great learnings that we can apply to our digital parenting journey.  

Embrace Technology 

If you have never been ‘all in’ with your kids’ use of technology for both learning and socializing, then you need to get over this ASAP. Technology is the lifeblood of your kids’ lives. It’s how they connect, nurture friendships, and organize their social lives. I also recommend parents try to see technology through the eyes of their kids NOT just through our more ‘mature’ lens. It’s the best way of truly understanding just what a huge role it plays in their day-to-day lives. And don’t forget that technology is almost always used to set up in-person catchups! So, please don’t demonize it, it will only push your kids away. 

Understanding Your Child’s Online Life is a Powerful Way of Connecting 

I totally appreciate that many parents didn’t choose to be home learning ‘managers’ however many have shared with me how they now feel far more involved in their child’s life because of the experience. Seeing first-hand how your child’s day works, overhearing their conversations with teachers and peers (courtesy of Zoom), and being blown away by your offspring’s tech skills has given many parents incredible insight into their child.  

I know of parents who have noticed learning issues and friendship problems all as a result of their home learning manager role! There’s nothing like being able to nip something in the bud before it becomes a big issue! So, stay involved and you’ll reap the rewards! 

Get Your Kids Moving – Encourage Movement and Outdoor Activities Always 

Confession – I have never been one of those parents who proactively organized park visits, bushwalks, and exercise regimes for my kids. But many of the parents who managed young children through a lockdown and resorted to becoming personal trainers reported that it paid dividends. So, now lockdowns are (hopefully!) history, don’t forget about the benefits of getting your kids to move. It’s hard to be on a screen when you are walking the dog, playing a game of family cricket, or bushwalking. I know it’s time-consuming but it’s so worth it!

Take Some Time to Understand & Protect Your Kids’ Devices 

As of 2 years ago, the average Aussie household had 17 internet-connected devices in tow so it’s no wonder keeping abreast of all the devices in your household feels like a full-time job! But with kids continuing to use their devices for both study and socializing, it’s essential that you give each device a ‘once over’ to minimize risks and prevent issues arising down the track.  

Ensuring all their software is up to date is a great place to start. Also check that the default password has been changed and that there is some top-shelf security software installed to protect the device and, most importantly, its user! And while you are there, why not also ensure that each of their online accounts has its own distinct password? If you think they could manage a password manager, then it might be time to introduce them to one? Check out McAfee’s True Key – I couldn’t manage without it! 

I think you’d be hard-pressed to find many parents keen to return to home learning. In fact, I think there may even be a revolt if we had to go back! But, knowing we have picked up some ‘nuggets of gold’ along the way makes it a little feel a little better! So, please embrace technology – it’s a fantastic way of connecting with your kids. But of course, keep your family’s usage in check and minimize the risks by giving each device a once-over.  

Happy Digital Parenting! 


The post What We’ve Learnt From Home Learning During Lockdown appeared first on McAfee Blog.
