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New Year, New You: Start Fresh With McAfee Protection Score

By McAfee — January 10th 2023 at 14:34

Are you an online oversharer? Do you give your full birthday to all your online shopping accounts? Have a few companies you have accounts with been breached but you didn’t take any action at the time? If you have bad digital habits, now is an excellent time to reset your digital presence. 

In isolation, these small digital transgressions don’t seem like a problem; however, cybercriminals can gather the bits and pieces of information you release into the world and Frankenstein them together to create believable impersonations or entirely new identities. 

To protect your identity, here are a few ways to limit the amount of personally identifiable information (PII) you share online, plus a few tools that can help you identify and close your current security holes. 

Bad Online Habits That Put Your PII at Risk 

Most digital bad habits seem insignificant; however, the more bad habits you have that pile-up, the more at risk your PII and your identity can be. Check out this list of three common habits that you should consider breaking today and why. 

1. Volunteering too much information.

When you sign up for new online shopping accounts, some companies ask for your birthday, your age, your middle name, and primary and secondary phone numbers and email addresses. While it might be nice to receive a special coupon on your birthday, you may want to reconsider volunteering unnecessary private details. To compromise you can sign up with a nickname and leave your birth year blank. That way, if a cybergang ever breaches the company, the criminals won’t get far with your personal details. To steal an identity and ruin someone’s credit, sometimes all it takes it a full name, birthday, and phone number. 

2. Oversharing on social media.

Do you post your every thought and movement on social media? While curating the perfect online profile can be fun, it can also be dangerous to your online safety. For instance, posting “get to know you” quizzes are a gold mine for social engineers and cyber criminals, as the results often reveal potential password inspiration, security question answers, and your likes and dislikes. From here, criminals can take educated guesses at your passwords or tailor a social engineering scheme that’s most likely to fool you. Consider setting your social media profiles to private and blocking followers you don’t know personally. Or, just keep parts of your life a mystery to the wider world. 

3. Reusing passwords.

We can all agree that increasingly strict password requirements are leading to longer and more complex passwords that are confusing to cyber criminals and to the rightful account holders, too! It’s tempting to reuse passwords to reduce the burden on your memory, but this puts your valuable PII in danger. Password and username combinations are often information that’s leaked in company breaches. In what’s called a brute force attack, a cybercriminal can plug that same pairing into hundreds of websites and wait for a hit. Since unique passwords for all your dozens of accounts is imperative, entrust their safekeeping to a password manager.  

Grade Your Online Safety With McAfee Protection Score 

If you’re feeling uneasy about your online habits and the effect they may have had on your online safety, McAfee Protection Score gives you the information you need to take charge and make changes. Protection Score not only tells you how safe (or unsafe) you are, but the tool also offers suggestions on how you can raise your score, and thus be safer online. The service monitors data breaches and indicates when your email was part of a leak. Protection Score also dives into the dark web so you don’t have to. If your government ID or financial information appears, your score will take a large hit. 

Protection Score not only tells you how safe (or unsafe) you are, but the tool also offers suggestions on how you can raise your score, and thus be safer online. The sooner you know your weak points, the quicker and more completely you can fortify your defenses and clean up after months (or years) of bad habits. Knowledge is power in the right against cyber criminals, so Protection Score is an excellent partner to help adopt smarter habits on the path to better online security. 

Get the Whole Package With McAfee+ Ultimate 

With McAfee+ Ultimate, you not only get a Protection Score but a host of other top-rate tools to protect your identity, retain your online privacy, and help you recover from an identity theft. Running an antivirus, connecting to a VPN and installing web protection on your browser are all ways to increase your Protection Score, and these features are available with McAfee’s most thorough privacy, identity, and device protection service. 

Make 2023 the year of living online confidently and safely! 

The post New Year, New You: Start Fresh With McAfee Protection Score appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How To Secure Your Online Life? Find Your Protection Score!

By Alex Merton-McCann — May 9th 2022 at 01:14

I am renowned for getting myself into big messes – particularly in the kitchen when I’m cooking up a storm. And I’m totally fine being alone: chopping, stirring and baking until it’s time to clean up! And that’s when the overwhelm hits – I know I should clean as I cook but I never do! So, what do I do? Rally the troops! Yes siree! There’s nothing like another set of eyes or hands to help one wade through the overwhelm – I’m sure that’s why I had 4 kids!! 

Online Life Can Be Messy Too! 

Many people tell me that they feel a similar way about their online life. They know they need to be doing more to keep themselves safe, but they are completely overwhelmed at where to start. With so much of our lives lived online, it’s not uncommon for one person to have over a hundred online accounts across multiple devices which makes it very hard to keep track of logins, data breaches, or security software.  

And research conducted by McAfee shows that consumers know they need to take steps to protect themselves with 74% of users concerned about keeping information private online and 57% keen to be in more control of their personal information. Not surprisingly, since the pandemic started 47% of online consumers feel unsafe compared to just 29% beforehand. 

Where to Start? Your Protection Score! 

So, to try and make this very overwhelming task that bit easier, McAfee has developed a new tool that allows you to find your own Protection Score. Think of your Protection Score like your credit score or sleep score except this one is a measure of your security online. The higher the score, the safer you are online. And the best part about the score is that helps users identify exactly where they need to pinpoint their focus to ensure they are as safe as possible online. Think of it as a set of experienced hands to help you wade through the overwhelm. 

How Does It Work? 

In less than a minute, the McAfee Protection Score will provide you with a pretty clear understanding of how safe you are online. Participants are given a mark between 0 and 1000 that is based on several factors: whether you have online protection and whether your details have been leaked in a security breach. Now, don’t be alarmed if your score is low because here’s the best bit – you will receive a list of exactly what you need to do to improve it and protect yourself from online threats! Phew – my competitive type A personality wouldn’t have coped if I was unable to fix it!  

Let me give you an example, when I signed up, I was alerted to the fact that my email address had been involved in a breach, yes – I’m very human! So, it helped me remedy this by taking me to the appropriate page where I could update my password, and then, bingo, my score (and online safety) improved!!  

And just to ensure you remain committed, every time you venture back to the Protection Score page, your results and action plan will be there waiting for you to ensure you stay on track and most importantly, to cut through that overwhelm! 

Now, in case you were wondering, McAfee’s Protection Score is a first for the cybersecurity industry but good news – they’ve promised it will continue evolving. They will continue to add more features and opportunities to personalize so you can ensure you are living life to the full online!! 

So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed at exactly what you need to do to get your online safety under control then McAfee’s Protection Score is exactly what you need. In less than a minute you’ll be able to get a clear understanding of where your online security sits and a personalized action plan so you can start addressing it right away! How good is that? 

Till Next Time, 


The post How To Secure Your Online Life? Find Your Protection Score! appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Stay on top of your online security with our Protection Score

By McAfee — April 30th 2022 at 18:22

How protected am I online? 

Customers often ask us some version of this question. It’s a good question and in the past, there was no direct answer – only recommendations. For instance, we recommend online protection that goes beyond antivirus to include identity and privacy protection, as well as promoting safety best practices like using multi-factor authentication. We wondered if there was a simpler and easier way to advise customers how to better protect themselves. 

A recent survey shows how important online security has become to consumers. We found that 74% of you have concerns about keeping your information private online.  57% want to be more in control of their personal info online. And, since the pandemic started, 47% of online consumers feel unsafe compared to 29%. Simply put, customers are more conscious of their safety online than ever before, and eager to play an active role in their protection. 

It’s time for a new approach – meet the Protection Score. 

What is Protection Score? 



If you’re thinking this looks like a credit, fitness, sleep, or any of the other scores we now use to visualize and quantify aspects of our life, you’re on the right track. 

Your personalized Protection Score is a measure of your security online. The higher your score, the safer you are online. Your score will highlight any weaknesses in your security and help you fix them with easy step-by-step instructions. We’ll also let you know which features haven’t been setup so you can get the most out of your protection. 

Protection Score is the simple way to understand and act on your online security 

When we developed Protection Score the idea was to give customers a simple solution to better protect themselves and get the most from their subscription, including security tips to protect their identity, privacy, and devices, while also improving their online habits. We wanted it to be easy for anyone to: 

  • Protect any weak spots – Personalized feedback helps you improve your security and address any data breaches. 
  • See how safe you are online – Measure the strength of your online protection with a real-time evaluation. 
  • Make protection easy – Simple instructions make it easy to setup your protection so you can get the most out of your subscription. 
  • Get the most out of your subscription – Make sure you’re fully utilizing your McAfee security—we’ll let you know which features haven’t been setup. 

How do I improve my Protection Score? 

Now that we’ve talked about Protection Score generally, let’s look at how it works in practice. Your score is based on a few things, including setting up your McAfee protection, strengthening your security with our safety recommendations, and ensuring your personal info is safely monitored with Identity Protection.  

For example, if your information is exposed in a data breach your score may drop, but you can improve it by following our easy-to-follow remediation steps. Once you’ve completed those steps your score will go back up and you can be confident knowing you’re better protected online. 

A perfect score does not mean you’re perfectly safe, but it does mean that you’re doing an excellent job of preventing and managing risks. 

Why should I care about Protection Score? 

Your Protection Score is a great way to understand how safe you are at a glance. Additionally, improving your score ensures your life online is being protected by many of the safety features and benefits McAfee has to offer. For instance, the subscriber, John Smith, can see they’re fairly safe based on their score. However, it isn’t a perfect score and there are a few actions they could still take to improve it. In this case, adding their email and phone number to dark web monitoring – a crucial step in protecting their personally identifiable information online. 

Where can I find my Protection Score? 

Protection Score can be easily accessed* from your browser of choice on any device so you can review our guidance and take steps to improve your score from wherever you are. McAfee’s Protection Score is a first for the cybersecurity industry, but we’re not stopping there. We’re going to continue to improve the feature by adding more personalization and accessibility so you can enjoy your life online knowing exactly how protected you are.  

*Note that Protection Score is currently live in the US, Canada, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. 

The post Stay on top of your online security with our Protection Score appeared first on McAfee Blog.
