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Secure Firewall & Multicloud Defense: Secure Connectivity With Simplified Policy Across Clouds

By Christopher Consolo — May 8th 2024 at 15:00
Learn how Cisco is bringing on-prem and cloud security together into a unified platform to marry the power of Cisco Secure Firewall and Multicloud Defense.
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Accelerating SaaS security certifications to maximize market access

By Gagandeep Singh — May 7th 2024 at 12:00
Announcing the public availability of Cisco Cloud Controls Framework (CCF) V3.0 - a “build-once-use-many” approach for SaaS compliance with global standards.
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Cisco Hypershield – Our Vision to Combat Unknown Vulnerabilities

By Craig Connors — May 6th 2024 at 11:55
Cisco Hypershield can help protect organizations agains unknown vulnerabilities by detecting and blocking unknown vulnerabilities in runtime workloads.
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Cisco & Splunk: A Complete SOC Platform Purpose-Built for the AI-Driven Future

By AJ Shipley — May 6th 2024 at 11:55
We're excited about the integration of Cisco XDR and Splunk Enterprise Security, creating a SecOps platform that can grow with customers as needs change.
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Supercharging Cisco XDR with AI and Identity Intelligence at RSAC 2024

By Teresa Brunner — April 17th 2024 at 12:00

Cisco XDR is a leader in providing comprehensive threat detection and response across the entire attack surface. We’ll be showcasing new capabilities that will give security teams even more insight, a… Read more on Cisco Blogs

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Sign up for a Tour at the RSA Conference 2024 SOC

By Jessica Bair — March 18th 2024 at 12:00

Join the guided tour outside the Security Operations Center, where we’ll discuss real time network traffic of the RSA Conference, as seen in the NetWitness platform. Engineers will be using Cisco S… Read more on Cisco Blogs

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10 Surprises of Remote Work from Security Engineers

By Mary Kate Schmermund — January 31st 2023 at 13:00

For Cisco engineers working on Duo, having a remote-first workplace has helped them reach life goals, connect with colleagues around the world, and be intentional communicators. We understand that working remotely can be an adjustment — that’s why we’ve compiled the 10 parts of remote work that surprised our team members most and their advice for navigating the nuances. If you’re interested in being part of a remote-first workplace, check out our open positions.

1. More perspectives make a positive impact on the product

Senior Engineering Leader David Rines has worked remotely for the past seven years. He’s found that Cisco’s approach to distributed teams has “enabled us to pick up the right talent, and not necessarily local talent. We are moving towards a global, follow the sun environment,” he said.

One of the aspects Rines appreciates most of this structure is getting “a widely varied set of perspectives and experiences that help build a more reliable, more robust product, which is why we’re here.”

Another benefit to having colleagues across the globe is the sharing of recipes, a perk Senior Site Reliability Engineer Bernard Ting particularly enjoys. Proactively communicating with colleagues virtually “helps you to form bonds with people from other teams. You can always learn something new about cultures elsewhere. I talk to people about food and so I’m always gathering recipes from people from all over the world,” Ting shared.

2. Gathering virtually inspires collaborative problem-solving

While some may fear that working remotely could lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, a different camaraderie can flourish in the structure of our distributed teams. With colleagues across time zones, “there’s always someone there who you can reach out to help solve your problem,” Rines said.

Collaboration hours are another way Site Reliability Engineering Manager Jaya Sistla has cultivated virtual community and problem-solving. These hours are blocked off for team members to talk about what they’re working on. “The main thing is being able to ask for help so you don’t go into the rabbit hole debugging things,” Sistla said.

Ting points out that working in a distributed model allows you to really engage in virtual events and conversations. Given that the team mainly communicates through online chat, Ting has found that “forces you to see everyone as equally approachable, which has made me more comfortable reaching out to people from anywhere in the world.”

3. Intentional online socializing strengthens teams working remotely

For folks sharing an office, collaboration can happen through casual chats over coffee. When facing a challenge, you can ask your neighbor for support. While ideally virtual communication could have a similar cadence and spontaneity, the logistics of remote and distributed work require intentionality and being proactive in connecting with colleagues as people and as co-workers.

When Ting first started working remotely, he felt that every meeting needed to be formal and have a business objective. By sharing his feelings with his manager, he was reassured that “socializing is a very important part of teamwork, because if you don’t have a good relationship with your colleagues you’re not going to be able to have healthy discussions, healthy conflict or be able to critique each other when the situation arises.”

Since that conversation, Ting has been more proactive about catching up with colleagues, which can include sharing a coffee over video chat. Duo’s “coffee roulette” formalizes the process as every month, employees who opt in can be randomly paired up for a quick half-hour chat focused exclusively on socializing. Ting has found being proactive about socializing virtually helpful. “It’s made me more intentional with my time and really treasure the social experience you can get,” he said.

4. Remote management + training can be effective

Some folks may be concerned that without a manager observing their efforts and work ethic day in and day out, it may be harder to recognize accomplishments and challenges. Ting found that within his team “when you work on projects and in your one-on-ones with your managers, they’re always very intentional about learning what you’ve been doing and seeing what your progress is like on certain projects. I’ve been asked, ‘How do you think you can improve? What are some of the things you’ve been doing outside of the team work?’”

To cultivate cross-team collaboration and education, there are thoughtfully planned virtual lunch and learns. “We schedule training sessions and common meetings at times that are flexible for everyone. If it has to be repeated, we do it so people can comfortably attend rather than stretching themselves and attending at odd hours,” Sistla said.

5. Informal communication = hugely important [bonus points for individualized emojis]

For Software Engineer Nick Aspinall, an important and fun part of working remotely is keeping in touch with virtual messaging. One unique perk has been getting to create and customize emojis with team members including a few of himself in “various ridiculous states,” he said.

Connecting with colleagues on themed channels focused on personal and professional interests from coffee to pets “makes it really cool because you can meet people across different teams and still get some of the feeling of rubbing elbows that you get when you’re in the office,” Aspinall said. Participating in these virtual conversations boosts morale while also providing an endless supply of cute animal pics.

6. Conveying different information requires different formats

Given the multi-faceted nature of our work and the importance of consistent information sharing, having different communication channels and formats to communicate data with varying degrees of complexity is vital. Having information readily accessible, accurate and updated is particularly necessary in a field like cybersecurity.

Senior Software Engineer Mario Lopez finds that the variety of information sources contributes to an easeful remote working experience. For instance, for complex architecture decisions or detailing, Duo’s Wiki is the best source.

Software Engineer Hanna Fernandez has benefited from chat channels dedicated to design and engineering topics to “see what everyone’s up to and what thoughts people have,” she said. Sista pointed out these are great places to ask questions and open up dialogue to solve problems.

7. Video-on culture increases empathy and smiles

Our culture is “video-on,” meaning that it is preferred that during video meetings, as much as possible, attendees have their cameras on. Lopez loves this because “you get a bit of that personal human element.”

“We’re all people behind these screens. You definitely get some of people’s personality through text, but you get it more when you actually see them. It’s infectious when you see someone smiling. You’ve got to smile back,” he shared (while we both smiled).

8. Small talk matters

When Fernandez started at Cisco, she was advised to schedule individual meetings with everyone she would be working with on every team that she joined. That suggestion is one she’s applied even virtually.

“It’s a great strategy because I already know that my team is super talented and very smart, but this way I also get to know them as humans beyond their roles,” Fernandez said. Fernandez also finds it important to check in with co-workers and ask how they’re feeling and how their time off was. “I know a lot of people hate small talk, but it’s not just small talk. I’m genuinely interested in how my co-workers are doing.”

9. Life goals can more easily become reality

One of Ting’s biggest goals was buying his first house in the countryside outside of London. By working remotely, Ting has flexibility in his location which allowed him to achieve his goal of buying a house and settling down with his partner, while giving their dogs the space they need to be dogs.


10. Take time to transition as an engineer working remotely

When transitioning from fully remote to hybrid, it’s important to recognize that there will be some shifts to get accustomed to. As the structures of remote, distributed and hybrid work evolve, it’s important to stay flexible and notice what’s possible through multiple modalities of team building. Many teams have enjoyed in-person gatherings and connecting through virtual lunches and team games when remote.

Fernandez has had multiple roles with multiple structures at Cisco. As an intern, she was fully in person and shared desk space with other interns who collaborated on full stack engineering. While working in finance IT, Fernandez was hybrid and many of her colleagues were distributed among multiple offices. The pandemic began while she was in a DevOps role, forcing her to maintain boundaries around her work time while working fully remotely. In her current role working on Duo, Fernandez is completely remote but advocates for in-person events if possible, because “humans are social creatures who want to see each other’s faces in real life once in a while.”

For Aspinall, “when we did come back to the office, there was a bit of an adjustment period where you were overstimulated from the office.” He also wanted to ensure team members who were 100% remote were fully included. Now he sees that while half his team is fully remote and the other half is hybrid, “that doesn’t stop anyone from doing anything. All of our meetings feel the same. They’re all seamless.”

If you’re interested in joining our team from wherever you are in the world, check out our open roles.


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Data Transparency and its Impact on Customer Trust

By Robert Waitman — October 11th 2022 at 12:00

How do organizations earn and build trust when it comes to the personal data that customers share with them? Customers certainly expect these organizations to comply with all privacy laws that are now in place in more than 130 countries. Customers also expect them not to sell personal data without consent and to try to avoid data breaches that could expose personal data. While these actions are necessary, organizations still need to do more when it comes to customer trust. According to our latest research, consumers’ top priority is, in fact, for organizations to be more transparent about how they use personal data.

The Cisco 2022 Consumer Privacy Survey, released today, explores what organizations can do to earn and build trust with customers, the actions individuals are taking to protect their data, the impact of privacy laws around the world, and some of the benefits and costs of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data localization requirements. The report, our fourth annual look at consumer privacy issues, draws on anonymous responses from 2600 adults in 12 countries.

Here are some highlights from the survey:

  1. Consumers chose ‘data transparency’ as the top thing organizations can do to build trust regarding how personal data is used and protected. At 39%, data transparency was selected almost twice as much as ‘refraining from selling personal information’ (21%) or ‘complying with all privacy laws’ (20%).
  2. More consumers are taking action to protect their personal data. Results showed that 37% have stopped using a company or provider over their data practices, with 24% having exercised their Data Subject Access Rights to inquire about the data companies have about them, and 14% having requested changes or deletions to that data.
  3. When it comes to applying and using AI, consumers are supportive, but very concerned with today’s practices. While 43% say AI can be useful in improving our lives and 54% are even willing to share their anonymized personal data to improve AI products, 60% are concerned about how businesses are using AI today. In fact, 65% say they have already lost trust in organizations due to their AI practices.
  4. Consumers continue to strongly support their nation’s privacy laws, as they want their government to take a leading role in protecting personal privacy. On average, 61% felt these laws are having a positive impact, whereas only 3% believe they are having a negative impact. Awareness of these laws continues to be a challenge as only 43% say they are aware of their country’s privacy laws.
  5. Consumers are evenly split on the value of data localization requirements that add cost to the products and services they buy, with 41% in favor and 41% against. Interestingly, in 9 of the 12 countries surveyed, more respondents were against data localization than in favor.

Check out the associated infographic that provides visual and easily consumable descriptions of the key data.

At Cisco, we believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. Privacy continues to be a high priority for consumers, and organizations need to do their part to protect personal data and build consumer confidence in how this data is being used. Some recommendations for organizations include:

  • Investing in transparency. Show your customers where they can find your company’s privacy policies and tell them in easy-to-understand ways exactly how you use their data (see, for example, Cisco’s in Privacy Data Sheets and Data Maps) as this is critical for earning and building their trust.
  • Helping to ensure your customers are aware of relevant privacy laws and their rights. Individuals who know about these protections are more likely to trust organizations with their personal data and have confidence that their data is protected.
  • Adopting measures to ensure responsible use of data. While misuse of personal data in AI can erode consumer trust, some positive steps to apply and use it responsibly include implementing an AI governance framework, providing transparency on how personal data is used in any AI application, and enabling customers to opt out of the specific application.
  • Evaluating the costs and legal alternatives, if any, to data localization requirements. These requirements may not be worth their cost to many consumers, and it is still unclear if they contribute to greater safety and privacy.

Privacy remains a critical element of trust. Consumers want more transparency and control of their personal data, especially as we continue to see innovations in technology. As we are now in the midst of Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the US and other countries around the world, it’s a great time to learn more and join in activities and discussions that advance cybersecurity.

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Know Thyself: 10 Ways to Discover Your Work Environment Needs and What It’s Really Like to Work at Cisco

By Mary Kate Schmermund — August 31st 2022 at 12:00

Self-awareness goes a long way in determining your next professional steps. While job searching, it’s critical to identify how to leverage your transferable skills and network, while also evaluating what environmental factors of work and work culture matter to you most. Learn what it’s like to work at Cisco and the top 10 ways to suss out a workplace that suits your needs from leaders at Cisco Secure, Cisco Talos and Duo Security.

1. Beyond a ping-pong table: Discerning a company’s culture

First things first. Emily Reid, the newly appointed director of employee experience at Cisco Secure who came from Duo Security, advises, “Do your own research to see how the company and their employees describe the culture publicly — on the company’s website and through other sites, articles and resources. For tech companies specifically I always think, “What else do you have beyond the ping-pong table?”’

The interview process is the next key opportunity to find out what culture is like beyond amenities. To gain multiple perspectives, Reid recommends asking about company culture in every interview you have.

The question at the top of Reid’s list: Do you have programs and resources to support the development and success of your employees? “I want to know how a company will be investing in my career growth and if I will feel welcome and included as part of the team. Seeing what a company chooses to center and highlight when describing their culture is usually very telling,” she said.

Interning at a company is another way to get firsthand knowledge and can lead to full-time employment.  “several former interns are now people leaders managing their own teams — and their own interns — coming full circle,” Reid said.

2. Can you bring your whole self to work?

Knowing that there is safety and support in bringing your whole self to work is vital. What policies, programs and initiatives are in place that demonstrate an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging?

Cisco’s ongoing commitments to social justice and pay parity include twelve action steps as part of Cisco’s Social Justice Blueprint. Cultivating a conscious culture includes on-going dialogue, programs and events meant to increase equality. Employee Resource Organizations and mentorship programs provide more opportunities to build community and share knowledge, resources and advocacy.

3. Remote, in person, or hybrid?

What environment allows you to do your best work? Also consider what perks and processes an employer offers to enhance flexibility and adaptability. During the pandemic, Duo and Cisco transitioned  all global events, training and professional development workshops to fully virtual. As in person options resumed following the pandemic, all events are designed to ensure an inclusive experience no matter where you’re joining from.

“We don’t want to go back to a world where people not based in an office feel like they are getting a lesser experience,” Reid said.

Considering how to make programs and information accessible to employees regardless of where they work is also important to Sammi Seaman, team lead of employee experience at Cisco Talos. She’s currently spearheading a new hire program that is “more inclusive of folks whether they’re office based, remote or somewhere across the world.”

4. A work-life balance that works for you

It’s essential to consider how you want your life and work to intersect, particularly as hybrid work becomes more popular. How important is paid time off, flexible work options or a consistent structure?

Cisco Secure offers “Days for Me,” days off for employees to decompress and do something to fill their cups. Monthly “Focus Days” are days without meetings, so employees can prioritize the projects that need attention.

Curran recalls one candidate who, despite multiple offers from competitors, chose Cisco Secure because of the flexible work environment: “This person has a young child and felt that the “Days for Me” and flexibility to work from home in a hybrid situation would work best for his career long-term.”

As Reid’s team helps lead the transition to hybrid work, the book Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working From Home by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Petersen has been inspiring. The book “does an amazing job of sharing a vision for an inclusive future that empowers employees to be successful and have a ‘work/life balance’ that truly works,” Reid said.

5. Supporting accessibility as the workplace evolves

Currently Cisco Secure offers a hybrid model while many employees still work remotely. In terms of maintaining accessibility through this transition, Marketing Specialist Julie Kramer advocated for more accessibility and saw changes at Cisco as a result.

“Webex pre-COVID didn’t have any closed captioning. So, another deaf person and I reached out and closed captioning and the transcript option got added,” Kramer shared.

Kramer prefers to have high-quality and frequently the same interpreters who “know the terminology for my job, marketing and technology. In business, the security and marketing industry can really talk fast, so you need a high-quality interpreter that can keep up and one that is qualified and certified,” she said.

6. Is a fast-paced environment your speed?

Consider what pace of your specific role and within an industry is needed for you to feel engaged without overwhelmed. While different roles within the same organization and industry may run at different paces, it’s important to tune into what might be expected on your potential new team.

Seaman finds that the fast pace of cybersecurity can be “delightful and challenging. There’s a lot of fast-paced pivoting that happens, which makes for an interesting workplace because two days are never the same,” she said.

7. What structures and opportunities for collaboration motivate you?

Do you prefer a hierarchical structure, or one that is more flat? Are you most effective and fulfilled riding solo, or while consistently connecting with coworkers? Does contributing your ideas make you feel empowered?

At Cisco Secure, there is space to join conversations. “No matter where you sit in the company, you have a voice and can speak up and collaborate and self-organize on a project. It feels like a bunch of really hard working, humble, smart people who are trying to solve problems together,” said Manager of Duo’s Global Knowledge and Communities Team Kelly Davenport.

To enhance communication and knowledge among distributed teams, Seaman started a dialogue series called “The More You Know.” Questions include: What do you do? How do you do it? How can that help other parts of Cisco Talos? The conversations lead to future collaboration and resource sharing.

8. Does teaching and learning energize you?

Do you want to grow professionally and increase your skills and knowledge? A culture of teaching and learning within an organization can help hone and expand your skills and connections.

Lead of Strategic Business Intelligence Ashlee Benge finds the security world “very dynamic. You really can never stop learning. Within Cisco Talos, the people around me are such smart, dedicated people that there’s really a lot that you can gain from just being involved in the group as a whole.”

For Seaman, who didn’t come from a technical background, Cisco Talos offered opportunities to expand her technical knowledge, including from colleagues. “Coming into Cisco Talos, people are like, “Here, let me teach you. You can totally do this. Just because you didn’t know how to do it doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Let’s go,” Seaman shared. Seaman’s colleagues have also learned from her expertise in information and knowledge management given her background as a librarian.


More formally, the Learning and Development team recently launched a comprehensive talent development program with enablement resources and support for people leaders. Aspects include: “really thoughtful templates for employees to use with their manager to talk through career goals, development areas, and to define an actionable investment plan. These resources are fueling great career conversations, strong alignment, and thoughtful development plans,” Reid said.

9. Are you driven to evolve through variety and internal mobility?

Do you want to refine your skills within your wheelhouse? Or are you driven to try new tasks and potentially change roles within your next organization?

Benge, whose background is in computational astrophysics, has found her interests shift from technical security research to business strategy and data science. At Cisco Talos, she’s been involved in everything from detection research and threat hunting, to community outreach, conference talks and traveling to support sales engagements. Currently, she’s helping to lead threat hunting in Ukraine.

“My leaders have always made it very clear that if there’s an interest, it’s okay to pursue it and it doesn’t have to necessarily be within the scope of my role. Having that freedom to pursue interests within the industry has been really engaging,” Benge said.

10. Recognize your role in shaping culture

In addition to company values and mission statements, leaders and employees contribute to an organization’s culture every day. If you want to enhance your company’s culture, participate.

“Feedback on what employees want to see is crucial,” Reid said. “The easiest way to contribute to developing culture and a positive employee experience in your workplace is to add to what’s already happening! Culture takes participation and ownership from all employees.”

Reid shared that in performance reviews at Cisco, “‘Team Impact” is equally as important as “Results.” Contributing positively to company culture should contribute to performance reviews and promotion justification,” she said.

Join us

To learn more about Cisco’s company culture and how you can contribute to it, check out our open roles.

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More than a VPN: Announcing Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect)

By Jay Bethea — July 27th 2022 at 11:00

We’re excited to announce Cisco Secure Client, formerly AnyConnect, as the new version of one of the most widely deployed security agents. As the unified security agent for Cisco Secure, it addresses common operational use cases applicable to Cisco Secure endpoint agents. Those who install Secure Client’s next-generation software will benefit from a shared user interface for tighter and simplified management of Cisco agents for endpoint security.

Screengrab of the new Cisco Secure Client UI


Go Beyond Traditional Secure Access

Swift Endpoint Detection & Response and Improved Remote Access

Now, with Secure Client, you gain improved secure remote access, a suite of modular security services, and a path for enabling Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) across the distributed network. The newest capability is in Secure Endpoint as a new module within the unified endpoint agent framework. Now you can harness Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) from within Secure Client. You no longer need to deploy and manage Secure Client and Secure Endpoint as separate agents, making management more effortless on the backend.

Increased Visibility and Simplified Endpoint Security Agents

Within Device Insights, Secure Client lets you deploy, update, and manage your agents from a new cloud management system inside SecureX. If you choose to use cloud management, Secure Client policy and deployment configuration are done in the Insights section of Cisco SecureX. Powerful visibility capabilities in SecureX Device Insights show which endpoints have Secure Client installed in addition to what module versions and profiles they are using.

Screengrab of the Securex Threat Response tool, showing new Secure Client features.

The emphasis on interoperability of endpoint security agents helps provide the much-needed visibility and simplification across multiple Cisco security solutions while simultaneously reducing the complexity of managing multiple endpoints and agents. Application and data visibility is one of the top ways Secure Client can be an important part of an effective security resilience strategy.

View of the SecureX Device Insights UI with new Secure Client features.


Visit our homepage to see how Secure Client can help your organization today.


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Security Resilience for a Hybrid, Multi-Cloud Future

By Jeetu Patel — June 6th 2022 at 14:45

Eighty-one percent of organizations told Gartner they have a multi-cloud strategy. As more organizations subscribe to cloud offerings for everything from hosted data centers to enterprise applications, the topology of the typical IT environment grows increasingly complex.

Now add the proliferation of hybrid work environments, the rapid ascendance of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and an increasingly sophisticated and malicious cyber threat landscape, and it becomes immediately clear that protecting the integrity of your IT ecosystem is now a next-level problem.

In an unpredictable world, organizations everywhere are investing in initiatives that will infuse resilience into every aspect of their business, from finance to supply chains. To protect those investments, we believe they also need to invest in security resilience — the ability to protect your business against threats and disruption, and to respond to changes confidently so you can emerge even stronger.

This requires a next-level solution.

That’s why we’re building the Cisco Security Cloud — a global, cloud-delivered, integrated platform that secures and connects organizations of any shape and size. This cloud-native service is aimed at helping you protect users, devices and applications across your entire ecosystem. It will be a comprehensive, integrated set of services designed to scale with your business.

An open security platform that eliminates vendor lock-in

The Cisco Security Cloud will directly address these challenges by bringing together the depth and breadth of the Cisco security portfolio, and is:

  • Cloud-native and multi-cloud – Securely connecting users, devices, and IoT to systems, apps, and data – across hybrid environments, optimizing performance and providing a frictionless experience by placing security closer to users, their data, and their applications. 
  • Unified – Bringing together core capabilities including policy management, management consoles, and dashboards for better end-to-end security efficacy. 
  • Simplified – Reducing friction for users and IT by consolidating endpoint agents and having a relentless focus on user experience.
  • AI/ML-driven – Leveraging massive volumes of telemetry across our portfolio, from the devices and networks we protect, enabling better detection, altering, and automation to improve the efficacy of the platform. 
  • Open and extensible – Providing APIs for integration and to support a rich developer ecosystem and marketplace.

Join our innovative security journey

We have been on this journey for years. We at Cisco Secure have been delivering key components of this security cloud, and those solutions already protect 840,000 networks, 67 million mailboxes and 87 million endpoints for customers the world over.

And today at the RSA Conference, we’re taking the next step by announcing our latest innovations addressing four key areas:

The move to hybrid, multi-cloud environments

Today we are announcing Cisco’s turnkey Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) offering, Cisco+ Secure Connect Now, to simplify how organizations connect and protect users, devices, data, and applications, anywhere. Built on the Meraki platform, and available as a subscription, it unifies security and networking operations, as well as client connectivity and visibility into a single cloud-native solution, that can be set up in minutes.

The move to hybrid work

Cisco is continuing to build out continuous trusted access solutions that that constantly verify user and device identity, device posture, vulnerabilities, and indicators of compromise.  To evaluate risk after authentication, location information is critical, but we think GPS data is too intrusive. So today we are introducing a new patent-pending Wi-Fi Fingerprint capability (available in Public Preview this summer) to understand user location without compromising location privacy. We are also announcing new Session Trust Analysis capabilities to evaluate risk after login by using open standards for shared signals and events. We will unveil the first integration of this technology with a demo of Duo MFA and Box this week. 

Addressing advanced threats

As organizations become more interconnected as ecosystems, and attacks become more sophisticated and personalized, it is no longer adequate to evaluate risk and threats generically across the industry. Organizations need deeper levels of advice and expertise.  We are excited to launch the new Talos Intelligence On-Demand service, available now, offering custom research on the threat landscape unique to each organization. Talos Intelligence on Demand can assist with custom research, and brief our customers on the unique risks, threats, and mitigation strategies for their organizations.

The need for simplification

Simplification is critical to driving better security efficacy. To that end, we are excited to announce the new Cisco Secure Client (available this summer), combining AnyConnect, Secure Endpoint, and Umbrella, to simplify how administrators and users manage endpoints. This follows the launch of the new cloud-delivered Secure Firewall Management Center, which unifies management for both cloud and on-premise firewalls.

There is more work to be done, of course, and today’s announcements at the RSA Conference are the latest advances in support of this vision. We will continue working on all aspects of the Security Cloud to improve our customers’ security resilience in the face of unprecedented change and increasing threats. Because next-level problems deserve next-level solutions. 



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Revisiting the Session: The Potential for Shared Signals

By Nancy Cam-Winget — May 25th 2022 at 12:00

Sometimes in order to move forward effectively, it’s good to take stock of where we’ve been. In this blog, we’ll review a concept that has been foundational to networking and cybersecurity from the beginning: the session. Why focus on the session? As the philosophy of Zero Trust is adopted more broadly in the security industry, it’s important to understand the building blocks of access. The session is a fundamental component of access to any resource.  

To get things started, let’s start with a definition. A simple definition of a session might be: “a period of time devoted to a particular activity.” Not so bad, but the complexity for internet and network security springs from scoping the “particular activity.”  

The internet exists on top of a standardized suite of protocols that govern how data can be transmitted or exchanged between different entities. This suite, now generally referred to as the TCP/IP stack, is comprised of four distinct layers that delineate how data flows between networked resources. This is where the scoping of a session becomes obscure. The “particular activity” could refer to the network layer, which is responsible for establishing communications between the actual physical networks. Or, perhaps the activity refers to the Internet layer, which ensures the packets of data reach their destinations across network boundaries. The activity could also be the transport layer, responsible for the reliability of end-to-end communication across the network. It could also be referencing the application layer, the highest layer of the TCP/IP stack, which is responsible for the interface and protocols used by applications and users. For the familiar, these layers were originally defined in the OSI model.  

TC/IP Stack

This layering framework works well for establishing the distinct session types and how we can begin to protect them.  However, the rise of cloud-based services means we must now also look at how sessions are defined in relation to the cloud — especially as we look to provide security and access controls.  At the application layer, we now have client devices with web browsers and applications that communicate to a cloud service.  Additionally, cloud services can be one or a combination of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS, each defining their own session and thus access.   

With all the different classes of sessions, there are different mechanisms and protocols by which authentication and authorization are employed to eventually provide that access.  All sessions use some type of account or credential to authenticate and evaluate a set of variables to determine authorization or access.  Some of these variables may also be similar across different sessions. For example, an enterprise may evaluate the device’s security posture (e.g. it is running the latest OS patches) as a variable to grant access at both the network and application layer. Similarly, the same username and password may be used across different session layers.   

However, each layer might also use distinct and specific variables to evaluate the appropriate access level.  For instance, the network interface layer may want to ensure cryptographic compliance of the network interfaces. A cloud service may evaluate geographical or regional compliance.  The common practice today is to have every session layer act alone to make its own access decision.  

Let’s take a step back and review.  

  • We’ve established that there are many types of sessions, and the definitions are only expanding as cloud services become more prominent.  
  • We’ve established that securing each type of session is important, yet in most cases each distinct session is evaluating a Venn diagram of variables, some common across session types, yet others specific to a particular session definition.  
  • Finally, each session layer typically makes its own access evaluation. 

Now, let’s explore something new: what if the variables and access evaluation outcomes were shared seamlessly across session layers? 

What if recent network context and activity were used to inform cloud access decisions? Or, recent user access decisions across the network layers be used to inform cloud application controls?  Think about the enhanced resilience provided if network-based risk signal like packet information could be appropriately mapped and shared with the cloud application layer. Sharing information across session boundaries provides more robust fulfillment of Zero Trust principles by striving to evaluate security context as holistically as possible at the time of access.  

In order to build a future where security decisions are informed by broader and continuous context, we’ll need tools and protocols that help us bridge tools and map data across them.  To provide improved access and security, both the bridge and the correct mapping must be in place.  It’s one thing to get the data transferred to another tool, it’s quite another to map that data into relevance for the new tool. For example, how do we map a privileged application credential to a device? And, then how do we map relevant context across systems?  

The good news is that work is starting to enable a future where regardless of session definition, security context can be mapped and shared. Protocols such as the Shared Signals and Events and the Open Policy Agent are evolving to enable timely and dynamic signal sharing between tools, but they are nascent and broader adoption is required.  Cisco has already contributed a technical reference architecture as a guide for Shared Signals and Events. We hope that by accelerating the adoption of these standards the industry gets one step closer to actively sharing relevant security context across OSI layers. While the road ahead won’t be easy, we think the sharing signals will make for a more resilient and robust security future.  

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