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Italian Businesses Hit by Weaponized USBs Spreading Cryptojacking Malware

By Newsroom — January 31st 2024 at 11:00
A financially motivated threat actor known as UNC4990 is leveraging weaponized USB devices as an initial infection vector to target organizations in Italy. Google-owned Mandiant said the attacks single out multiple industries, including health, transportation, construction, and logistics. "UNC4990 operations generally involve widespread USB infection followed by the deployment of the
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29-Year-Old Ukrainian Cryptojacking Kingpin Arrested for Exploiting Cloud Services

By Newsroom — January 13th 2024 at 10:01
A 29-year-old Ukrainian national has been arrested in connection with running a “sophisticated cryptojacking scheme,” netting them over $2 million (€1.8 million) in illicit profits. The person, described as the “mastermind” behind the operation, was apprehended in Mykolaiv, Ukraine, on January 9 by the National Police of Ukraine with support from Europol and an unnamed cloud service provider
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Cryptominers Targeting Misconfigured Apache Hadoop and Flink with Rootkit in New Attacks

By Newsroom — January 12th 2024 at 07:56
Cybersecurity researchers have identified a new attack that exploits misconfigurations in Apache Hadoop and Flink to deploy cryptocurrency miners within targeted environments. "This attack is particularly intriguing due to the attacker's use of packers and rootkits to conceal the malware," Aqua security researchers Nitzan Yaakov and Assaf Morag said in an analysis published earlier
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NoaBot: Latest Mirai-Based Botnet Targeting SSH Servers for Crypto Mining

By Newsroom — January 10th 2024 at 15:15
A new Mirai-based botnet called NoaBot is being used by threat actors as part of a crypto mining campaign since the beginning of 2023. “The capabilities of the new botnet, NoaBot, include a wormable self-spreader and an SSH key backdoor to download and execute additional binaries or spread itself to new victims,” Akamai security researcher Stiv Kupchik said in a report shared with The
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8220 Gang Exploiting Oracle WebLogic Server Vulnerability to Spread Malware

By Newsroom — December 19th 2023 at 06:58
The threat actors associated with the 8220 Gang have been observed exploiting a high-severity flaw in Oracle WebLogic Server to propagate their malware. The security shortcoming is CVE-2020-14883 (CVSS score: 7.2), a remote code execution bug that could be exploited by authenticated attackers to take over susceptible servers. "This vulnerability allows remote authenticated
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Microsoft Warns of Hackers Exploiting OAuth for Cryptocurrency Mining and Phishing

By Newsroom — December 13th 2023 at 10:55
Microsoft has warned that adversaries are using OAuth applications as an automation tool to deploy virtual machines (VMs) for cryptocurrency mining and launch phishing attacks. "Threat actors compromise user accounts to create, modify, and grant high privileges to OAuth applications that they can misuse to hide malicious activity," the Microsoft Threat Intelligence team said in an
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Alert: OracleIV DDoS Botnet Targets Public Docker Engine APIs to Hijack Containers

By Newsroom — November 14th 2023 at 11:54
Publicly-accessible Docker Engine API instances are being targeted by threat actors as part of a campaign designed to co-opt the machines into a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet dubbed OracleIV. "Attackers are exploiting this misconfiguration to deliver a malicious Docker container, built from an image named 'oracleiv_latest' and containing Python malware compiled as an ELF executable
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StripedFly Malware Operated Unnoticed for 5 Years, Infecting 1 Million Devices

By Newsroom — November 4th 2023 at 09:34
An advanced strain of malware masquerading as a cryptocurrency miner has managed to fly the radar for over five years, infecting no less than one million devices around the world in the process. That's according to findings from Kaspersky, which has codenamed the threat StripedFly, describing it as an "intricate modular framework that supports both Linux and Windows." The Russian cybersecurity
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DarkGate Malware Spreading via Messaging Services Posing as PDF Files

By Newsroom — October 13th 2023 at 10:36
A piece of malware known as DarkGate has been observed being spread via instant messaging platforms such as Skype and Microsoft Teams. In these attacks, the messaging apps are used to deliver a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) loader script that masquerades as a PDF document, which, when opened, triggers the download and execution of an AutoIt script designed to launch the malware. "It's
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Cybercriminals Weaponizing Legitimate Advanced Installer Tool in Crypto-Mining Attacks

By THN — September 9th 2023 at 06:25
A legitimate Windows tool used for creating software packages called Advanced Installer is being abused by threat actors to drop cryptocurrency-mining malware on infected machines since at least November 2021. "The attacker uses Advanced Installer to package other legitimate software installers, such as Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk 3ds Max, and SketchUp Pro, with malicious scripts and uses
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Agile Approach to Mass Cloud Credential Harvesting and Crypto Mining Sprints Ahead

By The Hacker News — August 23rd 2023 at 11:44
Developers are not the only people who have adopted the agile methodology for their development processes. From 2023-06-15 to 2023-07-11, Permiso Security’s p0 Labs team identified and tracked an attacker developing and deploying eight (8) incremental iterations of their credential harvesting malware while continuing to develop infrastructure for an upcoming (spoiler: now launched) campaign
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Indonesian Cybercriminals Exploit AWS for Profitable Crypto Mining Operations

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 22nd 2023 at 16:05
A financially motivated threat actor of Indonesian origin has been observed leveraging Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances to carry out illicit crypto mining operations. Cloud security company's Permiso P0 Labs, which first detected the group in November 2021, has assigned it the moniker GUI-vil (pronounced Goo-ee-vil). "The group displays a preference for Graphical
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8220 Gang Exploiting Oracle WebLogic Flaw to Hijack Servers and Mine Cryptocurrency

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 18th 2023 at 09:31
The notorious cryptojacking group tracked as 8220 Gang has been spotted weaponizing a six-year-old security flaw in Oracle WebLogic servers to ensnare vulnerable instances into a botnet and distribute cryptocurrency mining malware. The flaw in question is CVE-2017-3506 (CVSS score: 7.4), which, when successfully exploited, could allow an unauthenticated attacker to execute arbitrary commands
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Cryptocurrency Mining Campaign Hits Linux Users with Go-based CHAOS Malware

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 12th 2022 at 13:51
A cryptocurrency mining attack targeting the Linux operating system also involved the use of an open source remote access trojan (RAT) dubbed CHAOS. The threat, which was spotted by Trend Micro in November 2022, remains virtually unchanged in all other aspects, including when it comes to terminating competing malware, security software, and deploying the Monero (XMR) cryptocurrency miner. "The
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Researchers 'Accidentally’ Crash KmsdBot Cryptocurrency Mining Botnet Network

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 1st 2022 at 09:48
An ongoing analysis into an up-and-coming cryptocurrency mining botnet known as KmsdBot has led to it being accidentally taken down. KmsdBot, as christened by the Akamai Security Intelligence Response Team (SIRT), came to light mid-November 2022 for its ability to brute-force systems with weak SSH credentials. The botnet strikes both Windows and Linux devices spanning a wide range of
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Newly Uncovered PyPI Package Drops Fileless Cryptominer to Linux Systems

By Ravie Lakshmanan — August 15th 2022 at 06:37
A now-removed rogue package pushed to the official third-party software repository for Python has been found to deploy cryptominers on Linux systems. The module, named "secretslib" and downloaded 93 times prior to its deletion, was released to the Python Package Index (PyPI) on August 6, 2022 and is described as "secrets matching and verification made easy." <!--adsense--> "On a closer
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This Cloud Botnet Has Hijacked 30,000 Systems to Mine Cryptocurrencies

By Ravie Lakshmanan — July 20th 2022 at 11:44
The 8220 cryptomining group has expanded in size to encompass as many as 30,000 infected hosts, up from 2,000 hosts globally in mid-2021. "8220 Gang is one of the many low-skill crimeware gangs we continually observe infecting cloud hosts and operating a botnet and cryptocurrency miners through known vulnerabilities and remote access brute forcing infection vectors," Tom Hegel of SentinelOne 
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Social Media: How to Steer Your Family Clear of Cryptomining Malware

By Toni Birdsong — February 17th 2022 at 14:01

It’s fun to jump on our favorite social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn and know we can quickly check in with friends and family, discover interesting content, and instantly connect with colleagues worldwide. The last thing on most of our minds when tapping our way into these familiar online communities is being the target of cybercrime. 

But it’s happening more and more.  

Last month, The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) described popular social media sites as “goldmines” for malicious attacks. The FTC revealed that more than one in four people who reported losing money to fraud in 2021 said it started on social media with an ad, a post, or a message. More than 95,000 people reported about $770 million in losses to fraud initiated on social media platforms in 2021. According to the FTC, those losses account for about 25 percent of all reported losses to fraud in 2021 and represent a stunning eighteenfold increase over 2017 reported losses. 

Dark Web Goes Mainstream

The social environment is a magnet for bad actors because people of every age and country flock there each day. The constant flow of conversation and content—and more importantly, the climate of trust—makes social networks juicy targets for cybercrime.  

The biggest motivation? The emerging digital security threat of cryptojacking (aka illegal cryptomining). Cryptojacking is illegally accessing another person’s computer power to mine cryptocurrency. Cybercriminals do this by getting a victim to click on a malicious link delivered via direct message, a news story, or an ad. Once clicked, that link loads crypto mining code on the victim’s computer or leads them to an infected website or online ad with JavaScript code that auto-executes once it’s loaded in the victim’s browser. Often the malware goes undetected, and the only way a victim might know their system has been compromised is that it may start performing more slowly.    

The Fallout 

While bad actors use social media platforms to distribute cryptomining malware, they also spread other malware types such as advertisements, faulty plug-ins, and apps that draw users in by offering “too good to be true” deals. Once clicked on, the malware allows cybercriminals to access data, create keyloggers, release ransomware, and monitor social media accounts for future scamming opportunities.  

Protecting Your Family  

Educate your family.

Be sure your kids understand the risks and responsibilities associated with device ownership. Consider putting time aside each week to discuss crucial digital literacy topics and ongoing threats such as cryptomining malware. Consider a “device check-in” that requires each person in your family to “check off” the following security guidelines.  

Use comprehensive security software.

To help protect your family devices from viruses, malware, spyware, and other digital threats entering social media sites, consider adding extra security to your family devices with McAfee Total Protection. 

Avoid sharing personal information online.

Avoid posting home addresses, full birth dates, employer information, school information, as well as exact location details of where you are.  

Keep software and operating systems up to date.

Install software updates so that attackers cannot take advantage of the latest security loopholes.  

Use strong passwords.

Select passwords that will be difficult for bad actors to guess and use different passwords for different programs and devices.  

Pay attention to device performance.

For a virus to solve cryptographic calculations required to mine cryptocurrency requires an enormous amount of computer processing power (CPUs). Cryptojacking secretly consumes a victim’s processing power, battery life, and computer or device memory. Look out for a decline in device processing speed. 

Avoid connecting with people you don’t know.

Be careful when accepting friend requests, direct messages, or clicking on links sent by someone you don’t know personally. This is one of the most popular ways cybercriminals gain access.  

Verify known friend requests and messages.

Be discerning even when a known friend sends you a second friend request claiming they’ve been hacked. Search known names on the platform for multiple accounts. Cybercriminals have been known to gather personal details of individuals, pose as that person, then connect with friend lists using familiar information to build trust with more potential victims.  

Report spam and suspicious accounts.

Be sure to report any fraudulent activity you encounter on social platforms to help stop the threat from spreading to other accounts, including friends and family who may be connected back to you. 

New scams and more sophisticated ways to steal data—and computer processing power for illegal cryptomining—surface daily. Staying in front of those threats and folding them into your family dynamic is one of the most powerful ways to give your kids the skills and security habits they will need to thrive in today’s digital world.   

The post Social Media: How to Steer Your Family Clear of Cryptomining Malware appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Cloud Security: Don’t wait until your next bill to find out about an attack!

By Paul Ducklin — November 26th 2021 at 19:58
Cloud security is the best sort of altruism: you need to do it to protect yourself, but you help to protect everyone else at the same time.

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Why Coin Miners Go Bad & How to Protect Your Tech When They Do

By Vishnu Varadaraj — April 15th 2021 at 16:00
coin miners

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are flocking to the Wild West of Bitcoin and Monero to cash in on the recent gold rush. Bitcoin’s meteoric rise in value is making coin mining an appealing hobby or even a whole new careerCoin mining software is the main tool in a prospector’s belt.  

Some coin miners, also known as cryptocurrency miners, are tempted by the dark side of the industry and resort to nefarious means to harness the immense computing power needed for cryptocurrency profits. Greedy cryptocurrency criminals employ a practice called cryptojacking, stealing the computer power of unsuspecting devices to help them mine faster. Your device could be at risk at being recruited to their efforts.  

Let’s dig into how coin mining programs work, why they turn malicious, and how you can stay safe from cryptojackers. 

How Coin Mining Works 

Mining cryptocurrency takes a lot of time and computer processing power. A coin mining home setup requires a graphics processing unit (GPU) or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). Coin mining software then runs off the GPU or ASIC. Each central processing unit (CPU), or the brain of the computer, plus the GPU or ASIC is referred to as a mining rig. 

Once the software is installed, the rig is ready to mine, running mathematical calculations to verify and collect new cryptocurrency transactions. Each calculation is known as a hash, and hash rates are the number of calculations that can be run per second. 

From there, casual miners may choose to join a mining pool, which is a club of miners who agree to consolidate their computing power and split the profits based on how much work each miner contributed to the output. 

Bitcoin rewards miners every 10 minutes for their effortsEach time miners solve a string of mathematical puzzles, they validate a chain of transactions, thus helping make the entire Bitcoin system more secure. Miners are paid in bitcoin and they also receive a transactional fee. 

Why Coin Mining Turns Malicious 

While coin mining typically starts off as a casual hobby, coin mining programs can turn malicious when cryptocurrency miners want to earn more without investing in boosting their own computing power. Instead, they reroute their targets computing power without asking. This is called cryptojacking. 

Mining requires incredible amounts of electricity and the more riginvolved; the more cryptocurrency can be mined. Usually, the utility bills and the cost of running coin mining software negates any profit. For example, a casual miner may have one rig devoted to mining. An average rig processes approximately 500 hashes per second on the Monero network (a type of cryptocurrency). However, 500 hashes per second translates to less than a dollar per week in traditional, or fiat, currency. 

Greedy cryptocurrency criminals recruit CPU soldiers to their mining army to improve their hash rate. To do so, criminals download coin mining software to a device and then program it to report back to their server. The device’s thinking power is diverted from the owner and funneled straight to the criminal’s server that now controls it. Compromised devices run considerably slower and can overheat, and the strain on the device can eventually destroy it. 

How to Stay Safe from Cryptojacking 

Cryptojackers are not your everyday thieves. Their target is your CPU power, and they employ devious methods to funnel it for their own use. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to thwart their efforts: 

1. Beware of phishing 

Personal devices are often infected through phishing within emails and texts. There are many tell-tale signs of a phishing message. For example, they are often poorly written and use language that indicates that the sender wants a hasty response. Also, phishing attempts often charade as official organizations, like banks and credit card companies. If you are ever suspicious of an email or text, do not open any of the links and do not reply. Instead, contact the organization’s customer support to verify the legitimacy of the message. 

2. Use ad blockers 

Another way miners gain access to personal devices is by camouflaging malicious code in pop-up ads. An easy way to avoid being cryptojacked is to simply never click on these ads. Or even better, install an ad blocker to help eliminate the risk. 

3. Connect to a VPN 

Public wi-fi and poorly protected networks present a vulnerable entry point for cybercriminals to hack into your devices. Cybercriminals often attempt to download software remotely to your laptop, desktop, or mobile device to reroute its computing power for their own selfish gains. Always connect to a VPN like McAfee Safe Connect VPN to safely surf unsecure networks. 

4. Run antivirus software 

Cryptojacking code is inconspicuous and generally hidden in legitimate code. Antivirus software, such as McAfee Total Protection, is a recommended way to proactively scan for malware and even identify fraudulent websites. McAfee WebAdvisor has a Chrome extension that specifically blocks cryptojackers. 

5. Monitor your devices 

Be aware of the signs your devices have been cryptojacked. For example, monitor any changes in the speed of your devices and check out your utility bills for dramatic spikes. By remaining vigilant with these tips, you will keep your devices safe from cryptocurrency miners gone rogue. 

Stay Updated 

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook. 

The post Why Coin Miners Go Bad & How to Protect Your Tech When They Do appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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The Life Cycle of a Compromised (Cloud) Server

By Bob McArdle — September 1st 2020 at 12:05

Trend Micro Research has developed a go-to resource for all things related to cybercriminal underground hosting and infrastructure. Today we released the second in this three-part series of reports which detail the what, how, and why of cybercriminal hosting (see the first part here).

As part of this report, we dive into the common life cycle of a compromised server from initial compromise to the different stages of monetization preferred by criminals. It’s also important to note that regardless of whether a company’s server is on-premise or cloud-based, criminals don’t care what kind of server they compromise.

To a criminal, any server that is exposed or vulnerable is fair game.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Servers

Cybercriminals don’t care where servers are located. They can leverage the storage space, computation resources, or steal data no matter what type of server they access. Whatever is most exposed will most likely be abused.

As digital transformation continues and potentially picks up to allow for continued remote working, cloud servers are more likely to be exposed. Many enterprise IT teams, unfortunately, are not arranged to provide the same protection for cloud as on-premise servers.

As a side note, we want to emphasize that this scenario applies only to cloud instances replicating the storage or processing power of an on-premise server. Containers or serverless functions won’t fall victim to this same type of compromise. Additionally, if the attacker compromises the cloud account, as opposed to a single running instance, then there is an entirely different attack life cycle as they can spin up computing resources at will. Although this is possible, however, it is not our focus here.

Attack Red Flags

Many IT and security teams might not look for earlier stages of abuse. Before getting hit by ransomware, however, there are other red flags that could alert teams to the breach.

If a server is compromised and used for cryptocurrency mining (also known as cryptomining), this can be one of the biggest red flags for a security team. The discovery of cryptomining malware running on any server should result in the company taking immediate action and initiating an incident response to lock down that server.

This indicator of compromise (IOC) is significant because while cryptomining malware is often seen as less serious compared to other malware types, it is also used as a monetization tactic that can run in the background while server access is being sold for further malicious activity. For example, access could be sold for use as a server for underground hosting. Meanwhile, the data could be exfiltrated and sold as personally identifiable information (PII) or for industrial espionage, or it could be sold for a targeted ransomware attack. It’s possible to think of the presence of cryptomining malware as the proverbial canary in a coal mine: This is the case, at least, for several access-as-a-service (AaaS) criminals who use this as part of their business model.

Attack Life Cycle

Attacks on compromised servers follow a common path:

  1. Initial compromise: At this stage, whether a cloud-based instance or an on-premise server, it is clear that a criminal has taken over.
  2. Asset categorization: This is the inventory stage. Here a criminal makes their assessment based on questions such as, what data is on that server? Is there an opportunity for lateral movement to something more lucrative? Who is the victim?
  3. Sensitive data exfiltration: At this stage, the criminal steals corporate emails, client databases, and confidential documents, among others. This stage can happen any time after asset categorization if criminals managed to find something valuable.
  4. Cryptocurrency mining: While the attacker looks for a customer for the server space, a target attack, or other means of monetization, cryptomining is used to covertly make money.
  5. Resale or use for targeted attack or further monetization: Based on what the criminal finds during asset categorization, they might plan their own targeted ransomware attack, sell server access for industrial espionage, or sell the access for someone else to monetize further.


lifecycle compromised server

The monetization lifecycle of a compromised server

Often, targeted ransomware is the final stage. In most cases, asset categorization reveals data that is valuable to the business but not necessarily valuable for espionage.

A deep understanding of the servers and network allows criminals behind a targeted ransomware attack to hit the company where it hurts the most. These criminals would know the dataset, where they live, whether there are backups of the data, and more. With such a detailed blueprint of the organization in their hands, cybercriminals can lock down critical systems and demand higher ransom, as we saw in our 2020 midyear security roundup report.

In addition, while a ransomware attack would be the visible urgent issue for the defender to solve in such an incident, the same attack could also indicate that something far more serious has likely already taken place: the theft of company data, which should be factored into the company’s response planning. More importantly, it should be noted that once a company finds an IOC for cryptocurrency, stopping the attacker right then and there could save them considerable time and money in the future.

Ultimately, no matter where a company’s data is stored, hybrid cloud security is critical to preventing this life cycle.


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