
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

S3 Ep133: Apple takes “tight-lipped” to a whole new level

By Paul Ducklin — May 4th 2023 at 20:59
Entertaining, educational, and all in plain English 🎧📖

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

World Password Day: 2 + 2 = 4

By Paul Ducklin — May 4th 2023 at 13:12
We've kept it short and simple, with no sermons, no judgmentalism, no tubthumping... and no BUY NOW buttons. Have a nice day!

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Google Introduces Passwordless Secure Sign-In with Passkeys for Google Accounts

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 3rd 2023 at 13:45
Almost five months after Google added support for passkeys to its Chrome browser, the tech giant has begun rolling out the passwordless solution across Google Accounts on all platforms. Passkeys, backed by the FIDO Alliance, are a more secure way to sign in to apps and websites without having to use a traditional password. This, in turn, can be achieved by simply unlocking their computer or
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Google Authenticator App Gets Cloud Backup Feature for TOTP Codes

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 25th 2023 at 04:33
Search giant Google on Monday unveiled a major update to its 12-year-old Authenticator app for Android and iOS with an account synchronization option that allows users to back up their time-based one-time passwords (TOTPs) to the cloud. "This change means users are better protected from lockout and that services can rely on users retaining access, increasing both convenience and security,"
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Hackers Exploit Outdated WordPress Plugin to Backdoor Thousands of WordPress Sites

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 24th 2023 at 11:41
Threat actors have been observed leveraging a legitimate but outdated WordPress plugin to surreptitiously backdoor websites as part of an ongoing campaign, Sucuri revealed in a report published last week. The plugin in question is Eval PHP, released by a developer named flashpixx. It allows users to insert PHP code pages and posts of WordPress sites that's then executed every time the posts are
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Over 1 Million WordPress Sites Infected by Balada Injector Malware Campaign

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 10th 2023 at 10:16
Over one million WordPress websites are estimated to have been infected by an ongoing campaign to deploy malware called Balada Injector since 2017. The massive campaign, per GoDaddy's Sucuri, "leverages all known and recently discovered theme and plugin vulnerabilities" to breach WordPress sites. The attacks are known to play out in waves once every few weeks. "This campaign is easily identified
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Hackers Exploiting WordPress Elementor Pro Vulnerability: Millions of Sites at Risk!

By Ravie Lakshmanan — April 1st 2023 at 04:36
Unknown threat actors are actively exploiting a recently patched security vulnerability in the Elementor Pro website builder plugin for WordPress. The flaw, described as a case of broken access control, impacts versions 3.11.6 and earlier. It was addressed by the plugin maintainers in version 3.11.7 released on March 22. "Improved code security enforcement in WooCommerce components," the Tel
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

WooCommerce Payments plugin for WordPress has an admin-level hole – patch now!

By Paul Ducklin — March 24th 2023 at 19:48
Admin-level holes in websites are always a bad thing... and for "bad", read "worse" if it's an e-commerce site.


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Critical WooCommerce Payments Plugin Flaw Patched for 500,000+ WordPress Sites

By Ravie Lakshmanan — March 24th 2023 at 07:51
Patches have been released for a critical security flaw impacting the WooCommerce Payments plugin for WordPress, which is installed on over 500,000 websites. The flaw, if left unresolved, could enable a bad actor to gain unauthorized admin access to impacted stores, the company said in an advisory on March 23, 2023. It impacts versions 4.8.0 through 5.6.1. Put differently, the issue could permit
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Preventing Insider Threats in Your Active Directory

By The Hacker News — March 22nd 2023 at 11:20
Active Directory (AD) is a powerful authentication and directory service used by organizations worldwide. With this ubiquity and power comes the potential for abuse. Insider threats offer some of the most potentials for destruction. Many internal users have over-provisioned access and visibility into the internal network. Insiders' level of access and trust in a network leads to unique
☐ ☆ ✇ Troy Hunt

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

By Troy Hunt — March 10th 2023 at 06:35
To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

What if I told you... that you could run a website from behind Cloudflare and only have 385 daily requests miss their cache and go through to the origin service?

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

No biggy, unless... that was out of a total of more than 166M requests in the same period:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Yep, we just hit "five nines" of cache hit ratio on Pwned Passwords being 99.999%. Actually, it was 99.9998% but we're at the point now where that's just splitting hairs, let's talk about how we've managed to only have two requests in a million hit the origin, beginning with a bit of history:

Optimising Caching on Pwned Passwords (with Workers)- @troyhunt -

— Cloudflare (@Cloudflare) August 9, 2018

Ah, memories 😊 Back then, Pwned Passwords was serving way fewer requests in a month than what we do in a day now and the cache hit ratio was somewhere around 92%. Put another way, instead of 2 in every million requests hitting the origin it was 85k. And we were happy with that! As the years progressed, the traffic grew and the caching model was optimised so our stats improved:

There it is - Pwned Passwords is now doing north of 2 *billion* requests a month, peaking at 91.59M in a day with a cache-hit ratio of 99.52%. All free, open source and out there for the community to do good with 😊

— Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) May 24, 2022

And that's pretty much where we levelled out, at about the 99-and-a-bit percent mark. We were really happy with that as it was now only 5k requests per million hitting the origin. There was bound to be a number somewhere around that mark due to the transient nature of cache and eviction criteria inevitably meaning a Cloudflare edge node somewhere would need to reach back to the origin website and pull a new copy of the data. But what if Cloudflare never had to do that unless explicitly instructed to do so? I mean, what if it just stayed in their cache unless we actually changed the source file and told them to update their version? Welcome to Cloudflare Cache Reserve:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Ok, so I may have annotated the important bit but that's what it feels like - magic - because you just turn it on and... that's it. You still serve your content the same way, you still need the appropriate cache headers and you still have the same tiered caching as before, but now there's a "cache reserve" sitting between that and your origin. It's backed by R2 which is their persistent data store and you can keep your cached things there for as long as you want. However, per the earlier link, it's not free:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

You pay based on how much you store for how long, how much you write and how much you read. Let's put that in real terms and just as a brief refresher (longer version here), remember that Pwned Passwords is essentially just 16^5 (just over 1 million) text files of about 30kb each for the SHA-1 hashes and a similar number for the NTLM ones (albeit slight smaller file sizes). Here are the Cache Reserve usage stats for the last 9 days:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

We can now do some pretty simple maths with that and working on the assumption of 9 days, here's what we get:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

2 bucks a day 😲 But this has taken nearly 16M requests off my origin service over this period of time so I haven't paid for the Azure Function execution (which is cheap) nor the egress bandwidth (which is not cheap). But why are there only 16M read operations over 9 days when earlier we saw 167M requests to the API in a single day? Because if you scroll back up to the "insert magic here" diagram, Cache Reserve is only a fallback position and most requests (i.e. 99.52% of them) are still served from the edge caches.

Note also that there are nearly 1M write operations and there are 2 reasons for this:

  1. Cache Reserve is being seeded with source data as requests come in and miss the edge cache. This means that our cache hit ratio is going to get much, much better yet as not even half all the potentially cacheable API queries are in Cache Reserve. It also means that the 48c per day cost is going to come way down 🙂
  2. Every time the FBI feeds new passwords into the service, the impacted file is purged from cache. This means that there will always be write operations and, of course, read operations as the data flows to the edge cache and makes corresponding hits to the origin service. The prevalence of all this depends on how much data the feds feed in, but it'll never get to zero whilst they're seeding new passwords.

An untold number of businesses rely on Pwned Passwords as an integral part of their registration, login and password reset flows. Seriously, the number is "untold" because we have no idea who's actually using it, we just know the service got hit three and a quarter billion times in the last 30 days:

To Infinity and Beyond, with Cloudflare Cache Reserve

Giving consumers of the service confidence that not only is it highly resilient, but also massively fast is essential to adoption. In turn, more adoption helps drive better password practices, less account takeovers and more smiles all round 😊

As those remaining hash prefixes populate Cache Reserve, keep an eye on the "cf-cache-status" response header. If you ever see a value of "MISS" then congratulations, you're literally one in a million!

Full disclosure: Cloudflare provides services to HIBP for free and they helped in getting Cache Reserve up and running. However, they had no idea I was writing this blog post and reading it live in its entirety is the first anyone there has seen it. Surprise! 👋

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Does Your Help Desk Know Who's Calling?

By The Hacker News — March 9th 2023 at 12:25
Phishing, the theft of users' credentials or sensitive data using social engineering, has been a significant threat since the early days of the internet – and continues to plague organizations today, accounting for more than 30% of all known breaches. And with the mass migration to remote working during the pandemic, hackers have ramped up their efforts to steal login credentials as they take
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A Hackers Pot of Gold: Your MSP's Data

By The Hacker News — February 9th 2023 at 10:50
A single ransomware attack on a New Zealand managed service provider (MSP) disrupted several of its clients' business operations overnight, most belonging to the healthcare sector. According to the country's privacy commissioner, "a cyber security incident involving a ransomware attack" in late November upended the daily operations of New Zealand's health ministry when it prevented the staff
☐ ☆ ✇ Troy Hunt

Pwned Passwords Adds NTLM Support to the Firehose

By Troy Hunt — February 9th 2023 at 08:07
Pwned Passwords Adds NTLM Support to the Firehose

I think I've pretty much captured it all in the title of this post but as of about a day ago, Pwned Passwords now has full parity between the SHA-1 hashes that have been there since day 1 and NTLM hashes. We always had both as a downloadable corpus but as of just over a year ago with the introduction of the FBI data feed, we stopped maintaining downloadable behemoths of data.

A little later, we added the downloader to make it easy to pull down the latest and greatest complete data set directly from the same API that so many of you have integrated into your own apps. But because we only had an API for SHA-1 hashes, the downloader couldn't grab the NTLM versions and increasingly, we had 2 corpuses well out of parity.

I don't know exactly why, but just over the last few weeks we've had a marked uptick in requests for an updated NTLM corpus. Obviously there's still a demand to run this against local Active Directory environments and clearly, the more up to date the hashes are the more effective they are at blocking the use of poor passwords.

So, Chief Pwned Passwords Wrangler Stefán Jökull Sigurðarson got to work and just went ahead and built it all for you. For free. In his spare time. As a community contribution. Seriously, have a look through the public GitHub repos and it's all his work ranging from the API to the Cloudflare Worker to the downloader so if you happen to come across him say, at NDC Oslo in a few months' time, show your appreciation and buy the guy a beer 🍺

Lastly, every time I look at how much this tool is being used, I'm a bit shocked at how big the numbers are getting:

Pwned Passwords Adds NTLM Support to the Firehose

That's well more than double the number of monthly requests from when I wrote the blog post about the FBI and NCA only just over a year ago, and I imagine that will only continue to increase, especially with today's announcement about NTLM hashes. Thank you to everyone that has taken this data and done great things with it, we're grateful that it's been put to good use and has undoubtedly helped an untold number of people to make better password choices 😊

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Over 4,500 WordPress Sites Hacked to Redirect Visitors to Sketchy Ad Pages

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 25th 2023 at 16:11
A massive campaign has infected over 4,500 WordPress websites as part of a long-running operation that's been believed to be active since at least 2017. According to GoDaddy-owned Sucuri, the infections involve the injection of obfuscated JavaScript hosted on a malicious domain named "track[.]violetlovelines[.]com" that's designed to redirect visitors to undesirable sites. The latest operation 
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Serious Security: Unravelling the LifeLock “hacked passwords” story

By Paul Ducklin — January 17th 2023 at 17:59
Four straight-talking tips to improve your online security, whether you're a LifeLock customer or not.

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Beware: Tainted VPNs Being Used to Spread EyeSpy Surveillanceware

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 13th 2023 at 16:39
Tainted VPN installers are being used to deliver a piece of surveillanceware dubbed EyeSpy as part of a malware campaign that started in May 2022. It uses "components of SecondEye – a legitimate monitoring application – to spy on users of 20Speed VPN, an Iranian-based VPN service, via trojanized installers," Bitdefender said in an analysis. A majority of the infections are said to originate in
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

In the Fight Against Scams, ‘Cyber Ambassadors’ Enter the Chat

By Varsha Bansal — January 13th 2023 at 12:00
Police in the Indian state of Telangana have found a novel way to help people avoid getting swindled online: grassroots education.
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Fortinet and Zoho Urge Customers to Patch Enterprise Software Vulnerabilities

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 5th 2023 at 07:52
Fortinet has warned of a high-severity flaw affecting multiple versions of FortiADC application delivery controller that could lead to the execution of arbitrary code. "An improper neutralization of special elements used in an OS command vulnerability in FortiADC may allow an authenticated attacker with access to the web GUI to execute unauthorized code or commands via specifically crafted HTTP
☐ ☆ ✇ WeLiveSecurity

The world’s most common passwords: What to do if yours is on the list

By Phil Muncaster — January 2nd 2023 at 10:30

Do you use any of these extremely popular – and eminently hackable – passwords? If so, we have a New Year’s resolution for you.

The post The world’s most common passwords: What to do if yours is on the list appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

WordPress Security Alert: New Linux Malware Exploiting Over Two Dozen CMS Flaws

By Ravie Lakshmanan — January 2nd 2023 at 07:50
WordPress sites are being targeted by a previously unknown strain of Linux malware that exploits flaws in over two dozen plugins and themes to compromise vulnerable systems. "If sites use outdated versions of such add-ons, lacking crucial fixes, the targeted web pages are injected with malicious JavaScripts," Russian security vendor Doctor Web said in a report published last week. "As a result,
☐ ☆ ✇ McAfee Blogs

Everything You Need to Know About Identity Remediation

By McAfee — December 27th 2022 at 13:01

There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it: A stolen identity creates a mess. Once they have a few key pieces of personally identifiable information (PII), an identity thief can open new credit lines, create convincing new identities, and ruin an innocent person’s good credit. 

If you suspect you’ve been affected by identity theft, acting quickly is key to stopping the thief and repairing the damage. Here are the definitive five steps of identity remediation, or the process of restoring and protecting the privacy of your identity. 

1. Freeze Your Credit

With a stolen identity in hand, thieves can open new lines of credit or apply for large loans using someone else’s excellent credit score for leverage. If undetected, fraudsters can run up huge bills, never pay them, and in turn, ruin the credit score that you spent years perfecting. When you suspect or confirm that your identity has been compromised and you’re in the United States, alert the three major credit bureaus: Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian.  

Freezing your credit means that no one (not even you) can open a new credit card or bank account. This prevents criminals from misusing your identity. Initiating a credit freeze is free and it doesn’t affect your credit score.  

2. File a Report

Once you suspect a criminal has stolen your identity, file a report with the Federal Trade Commission. Its official identity theft website includes a form for you to detail the circumstances. From there, the FTC will investigate. 

It’s important to file a report because law enforcement can get involved and hopefully stop the criminal from striking again. Also, an official document from law enforcement or the FTC may help your bank and the credit bureaus resolve the damage. 

3. Change Your Passwords and Credit Cards

Whenever a company with which you have an account is breached, the first step you should take is to quickly change your password. The same goes for when your identity is compromised with the added step of getting in touch with your banks and asking their fraud department to issue you new credit and debit cards and put them on alert for possible suspicious charges. 

Having unique passwords for all your accounts is crucial to keeping them secure. For instance, if one of your accounts is breached and a cybercriminal lifts that username and password combination, they may then attempt to use it on other sites. To ensure you have strong passwords and passphrases for every site, consider using password manager software. Password managers are incredibly secure and make it so you only have to remember one password ever again.  

4. Collaborate With Credit Bureaus

In addition to freezing your credit, you may have to sync up with each bureau to remedy any damage the identity thief may have done to your credit. Each bureau’s fraud department is very familiar with these scenarios, so their customer service department is experienced and more than willing to help you work through it. 

5. Sign Up for Credit Monitoring

Once you’ve cleaned up the immediate mess made by an identity thief, it’s important to continuously monitor your identity in case the thief is biding their time or pieces of your PII are still circulating on the dark web. Plus, the headache of one compromised identity incident is enough for someone to never want it to happen again. Identity monitoring is a very thorough process that will give you peace of mind that you’ll be protected and can enjoy your online life safely.  

How McAfee Makes Identity Remediation Less of a Headache 

These five steps, while important, can be tedious. It may require a lot of patience to sit on hold and sift through all the relevant forms. Luckily, McAfee is an excellent partner who can help you with all your identity remediation needs with just one service: McAfee+ Ultimate. For example, security freeze is an easy way to put a halt on your credit. McAfee’s identity monitoring service monitors up to 60 unique types of personal details. If your PII appears on the dark web, Personal Data Cleanup can remove it.  

Recover and move forward confidently after an identity theft with McAfee by your side. 

The post Everything You Need to Know About Identity Remediation appeared first on McAfee Blog.

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

LastPass Admits to Severe Data Breach, Encrypted Password Vaults Stolen

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 23rd 2022 at 04:07
The August 2022 security breach of LastPass may have been more severe than previously disclosed by the company. The popular password management service on Thursday revealed that malicious actors obtained a trove of personal information belonging to its customers that include their encrypted password vaults by using data siphoned from the earlier break-in. Among the data stolen are "basic
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Critical Security Flaw Reported in Passwordstate Enterprise Password Manager

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 22nd 2022 at 12:02
Multiple high-severity vulnerabilities have been disclosed in Passwordstate password management solution that could be exploited by an unauthenticated remote adversary to obtain a user's plaintext passwords. "Successful exploitation allows an unauthenticated attacker to exfiltrate passwords from an instance, overwrite all stored passwords within the database, or elevate their privileges within
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Cybercrime (and Security) Predictions for 2023

By The Hacker News — December 19th 2022 at 12:52
Threat actors continue to adapt to the latest technologies, practices, and even data privacy laws—and it's up to organizations to stay one step ahead by implementing strong cybersecurity measures and programs.  Here's a look at how cybercrime will evolve in 2023 and what you can do to secure and protect your organization in the year ahead.  Increase in digital supply chain attacks  With the
☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

Oh, the scammers online are frightful

By Dave Lewis — December 15th 2022 at 13:00

Oh, the scammers online are frightful, and the deals they offer seem delightful. No matter what you think you know, let it go, let it go, let it go (to the tune of 1945’s Let it Snow by Vaughn Monroe with the Norton Sisters).

‘Tis the season to find ourselves awash in good tidings and, well, consumerism. While it’s only partly tongue in cheek, we must be honest with ourselves. We spend a lot of money online. Often, we find ourselves leaving things to the last minute and hope that the delivery folks can make the magic happen and send us all the widgets and grapple grommets while we surf the Internet from the safety of our sofas with coffee in hand.

But, not every deal is what it appears to be. Scammers are always lurking in the void of the Internet waiting for a chance to fleece the unexpecting from their hard-earned money. This can manifest itself to the unsuspecting in many ways. There are shipping frauds, gift card giveaways and vishing (phone-based scams).

Scams tend to rely on generating a false sense of urgency. The shipping scam emails often show up in our inboxes as a warning about a missed or delayed package that will be sent back to the point of origin if we don’t answer quickly. Of course, this requires a payment to receive the fictitious package.

These types of shipping scam emails are quite effective this time of year when more often than naught many people have enough orders coming to their house to make a fort with the empty boxes.

The other kinds of attacks are the gift card scams and vishing. The first of which taps into the sense of excitement that a person might receive something for free. “Fill out this form with your credit card information for a chance to win a $200 gift card.” Sadly, this attack works well for older generations  for which giveaways were more common and they aren’t as accustomed to spotting digital swindlers.

The last scam that we will tackle here is often labeled as vishing or voice phishing. This is a method whereby the attackers call a victim and attempt to convince their target that they need to do something which will lead to the exposure of financial information while pressuring the victim to think if they don’t act quickly that they will miss an opportunity for personal gain.

Unfortunately, the aforementioned scams really bring in a lot of return for the criminal element. In 2021, over 92,000 victims over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion. This represents a 74 percent increase in losses over losses reported in 2020.

One additional scam that plays on the heart strings is the romance scams. A lot of single people find themselves lonely during the holidays and can be manipulated into thinking that they’ve found a romantic match. But this can drain the bank accounts as well.

In 2021, the IC3 received reports from 7,658 victims who experienced over $432 million in losses to Confidence Fraud/Romance scams. This type of fraud accounts for the highest losses reported by victims over the age of 60.

All these attacks prey on people’s emotional responses. So, how do we prepare ourselves? We need to make knowledge a capability and arm ourselves with information that will help us avoid being taken advantage of by criminals.

Passwords are a significant exposure. They are the digital equivalent of a house key. A password will work for anyone that has access to it. We need to utilize technologies such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) on websites where it is possible to do so. So even if bad actors have our password, the victim still needs to approve the login.

If we don’t have the option to use MFA it would be an excellent idea to make use of a password manager. This is a way to safely store passwords and not fall into the trap of reusing passwords on multiple sites. Attackers bank on human nature and if we use the same credentials on multiple sites there is a high possibility that the criminals could gain access to other sites if they compromise just one.

I’m usually one to eschew the practice of New Year’s resolutions but I’ll make an exception. Keep a keen sense about yourselves whenever you receive an email or SMS that you were not expecting. If a deal is too good to be true then, well, it most likely is a scam. If you’re in doubt, try to look up the phone number, email address, person or “organization” offering the “deal.” More often than not, you’ll find lots of people reporting that it’s a scam.

Rather than being visited by the three ghosts of holiday scams, make sure you and your loved ones are prepared for a happy holiday and a prosperous New Year.

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☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New GoTrim Botnet Attempting to Break into WordPress Sites' Admin Accounts

By Ravie Lakshmanan — December 14th 2022 at 14:12
A new Go-based botnet has been spotted scanning and brute-forcing self-hosted websites using the WordPress content management system (CMS) to seize control of targeted systems. "This new brute forcer is part of a new campaign we have named GoTrim because it was written in Go and uses ':::trim:::' to split data communicated to and from the C2 server," Fortinet FortiGuard Labs researchers Eduardo