
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

An Actively Exploited Microsoft Zero-Day Flaw Still Has No Patch

By Lily Hay Newman — June 3rd 2022 at 14:14
The company continues to downplay the severity of the Follina vulnerability, which remains present in all supported versions of Windows.
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Critical UNISOC Chip Vulnerability Affects Millions of Android Smartphones

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 2nd 2022 at 10:09
A critical security flaw has been uncovered in UNISOC's smartphone chipset that could be potentially weaponized to disrupt a smartphone's radio communications through a malformed packet. "Left unpatched, a hacker or a military unit can leverage such a vulnerability to neutralize communications in a specific location," Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point said in a report shared with The
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

SideWinder Hackers Use Fake Android VPN Apps to Target Pakistani Entities

By Ravie Lakshmanan — June 2nd 2022 at 09:09
The threat actor known as SideWinder has added a new custom tool to its arsenal of malware that's being used in phishing attacks against Pakistani public and private sector entities. "Phishing links in emails or posts that mimic legitimate notifications and services of government agencies and organizations in Pakistan are primary attack vectors of the gang," Singapore-headquartered cybersecurity
☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

SecureX and Secure Firewall: Integration and Automation to Simplify Security

By Aditya Sankar — June 1st 2022 at 15:00

Cisco Secure Firewall stops threats faster, empowers collaboration between teams, and enables consistency across your on-premises, hybrid, and multi-cloud environments. With an included entitlement for Cisco SecureX, our XDR and orchestration platform, you’ll experience efficiency at scale and maximize your productivity. New streamlined Secure Firewall integrations make it easier to use SecureX capabilities to increase threat detection, save time and provide the rapid and deeper investigations you require. These new features and workflows provide the integration and automation to simplify your security.


Move to the Cloud

The entire suite of Firewall Management Center APIs is now available in the cloud. This means that existing APIs can now be executed from the cloud. Cisco makes this even easier for you by delivering fully operational workflows as well as pre-built drag-n-drop code blocks that you can use to craft your own custom workflows. SecureX is able to proxy API calls from the cloud to the SSE connector embedded in the FMC codebase. This integration between Firewall 7.2 and SecureX provides your Firewall with modern cloud-based automation.


Expedited Integration

We’ve dramatically reduced the amount of time needed to fully integrate Firewall into Securex. Even existing Firewall customers who use on-premises Firewall Management Center will be able to upgrade to version 7.2 and start automating/orchestrating in under 15 minutes — a huge time savings! The 7.2 release makes the opportunities for automating your Firewall deployment limitless with our built-in low code orchestration engine.

Previously Firewall admins had to jump through hoops to link their smart licensing account with SecureX which resulted in a very complicated integration process. With the new one-click integration, simply click “Enable SecureX” in your Firewall Management Center and log into SecureX. That’s it! Your Firewalls will automatically be onboarded to SecureX.


Firewall Admins shouldn't have to jump through hoops to connect smart licensing accounts with SecureX. This screenshot of the Firewall Management Center shows the new, uber-simple process of integrating Secure Firewall Management Center with SecureX. Onboarding Firewalls to SecureX has never been easier!


Built In Orchestration

Cisco Secure Firewall users now get immense value from SecureX with the orchestration capability built natively into the Firewall. Previously Firewall admins would have to deploy an on-premises virtual machine in vCenter to take advantage of Firewall APIs in the cloud which was a major hurdle to overcome. With the 7.2 release, orchestration is built right into your existing Firewall Management Center. There is no on-premises connector required; SecureX orchestration is able to communicate directly with Firewall APIs highlighting the power of Cisco-on-Cisco integrations.


Customizable Workflows

PSIRT Impact monitoring  

The PSIRT impact monitoring workflows helps customers streamline their patch management process to ensure their network is always up to date and not vulnerable to CVE’s. This workflow will check for new PSIRTs, determine if device versions are impacted, and suggest a fixed version to upgrade to. By scheduling this workflow to run once a week customers can be notified via email if there is any potential impact from a PSIRT.

Firewall device health monitoring  

This workflow will run every 15 minutes to pull a health report from FMC and proactively notify customers via email if any devices are unhealthy. This means customers can rest assured that their fleet of devices is operating as expected or be notified of things like high CPU usage, low disk space, or interfaces going down.

Expiry notification for time-based objects 

This workflow highlights the power of automation and showcases what is possible by using the orchestration proxy to use FMC API’s. Managing policy is always an on-going effort but can be made easier by introducing automation. This workflow can be run once a week to search through Firewall policies and determine if any rules are going to expire soon. This makes managing policy much easier because customers will be notified before rules expire and can make changes accordingly.

Response Action: Block URL in access control policy 

This workflow is a one-click response action available from the threat response pivot menu. With the click of a button a URL is added to an object in a block rule of your access control policy. This action can be invoked during an investigation in SecureX or from any browser page using the SecureX browser extension. Reducing time to remediation is a critical aspect of keeping your business secure. This workflow turns a multi-step policy change into a single click by taking advantage of Secure Firewall’s integration with SecureX.


Proven Results

A recent Forrester Economic Impact Study of Secure Firewall show that deploying these types of workflows in SecureX with Secure Firewall increased operational efficiency.

In fact, SecureX in combination with Secure Firewall helped to dramatically reduce the risk of a material breach. It’s clear that the integration of the two meant a significant time savings for already overburdened teams.

Holy operational efficiency, Batman- talk about simplifying the security experience! This snazzy little SecureX-themed infographic displays a Forrester TEI quote which reads, "Using SecureX in conjunction with Secure Firewall and Firewall Management Center enabled organizations to save up to an additional 77% of time spent on investigation and response."

We continue to innovate new features and workflows that prioritize the efficacy of your teams and help drive the security resilience of your organization.

Ready to add SecureX capabilities to your Firewall environment? Start here.


We’d love to hear what you think. Ask a Question, Comment Below, and Stay Connected with Cisco Secure on social!

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☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

DuckDuckGo Isn’t as Private as You Think

By Andy Greenberg — May 28th 2022 at 13:00
Plus: A $150 million Twitter fine, a massive leak from a Chinese prison in Xinjiang, and an ISIS plot to assassinate George W. Bush.
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Microsoft patches the Patch Tuesday patch that broke authentication

By Paul Ducklin — May 20th 2022 at 22:35
Remember the good old days when security patches rarely needed patches? Because security patches themlelves were rare enough anyway?

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Firefox out-of-band update to 100.0.1 – just in time for Pwn2Own?

By Paul Ducklin — May 15th 2022 at 21:53
A new point-release of Firefox. Not unusual, but the timing of this one is interesting, with Pwn2Own coming up in a few days.

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Android monthly updates are out – critical bugs found in critical places!

By Paul Ducklin — May 4th 2022 at 15:54
Android May 2022 updates are out - with some critical fixes in some critical places. Learn more...

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

S3 Ep77: Bugs, busts and old-school PDP-11 hacking [Podcast]

By Paul Ducklin — April 7th 2022 at 12:24
Latest episode - listen now! Cybersecurity news and advice in plain English.

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Google’s monthly Android updates patch numerous “get root” holes

By Paul Ducklin — April 5th 2022 at 14:44
Get the update now... if it's available for your phone. Here's how to check.


☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Zlib data compressor fixes 17-year-old security bug – patch, errrm, now

By Paul Ducklin — March 29th 2022 at 16:37
This code is venerable! Surely all the bugs must be out by now?

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

OpenSSL patches infinite-loop DoS bug in certificate verification

By Paul Ducklin — March 18th 2022 at 17:59
When it comes to writing loops in your code... never sit on the fence!

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

“Dirty Pipe” Linux kernel bug lets anyone write to any file

By Paul Ducklin — March 8th 2022 at 19:37
Even read-only files can be written to, leading to a dangerously general purpose elevation-of-privilege attack.


☐ ☆ ✇ McAfee Blogs

The Wearable Future Is Hackable. Here’s What You Need To Know

By McAfee — February 25th 2022 at 17:16

Quick mental math challenge: How many Apple Watches can you buy with $118 billion dollars? If you guessed around 296 million watches congrats, you’re smarter than the writer of this blog! We had to use a calculator. The point is that’s the predicted size of the US wearable market by 2028 according to a recent report. That means for as much wearable tech as we have in our lives already, even more, is on the way. 

If you own a piece of wearable tech it’s easy to understand why it’s so popular. After all, it can track our fitness, provide contextual help in daily life, and, in the case of hearing aids, even do cool things like sync with Bluetooth. As VR and AR gains a foothold who knows what other incredible tech might be headed our way by 2028? However wearable tech also comes with certain risks. The most prominent: cybercriminals potentially gaining access to your data. 

How can criminals gain access to your wearable data? 

The weakest link in the wearables space is your mobile phone, not the actual wearable device itself. That’s because wearables tend to link to your mobile device over a short-range wireless spectrum known as “Bluetooth.” This spectrum is used to send and receive data between your wearable device and your mobile. That makes your mobile a prime target for hackers. 

Most commonly, hackers gain access to the data on your mobile through malware-laden apps. These apps are oftentimes designed to look like popular apps, but with enough differences that they don’t flag copyright suspicion. 

What are they doing with my wearable data?

Hackers can use these malicious apps to do a variety of things from making phone calls without your permission, sending and receiving texts, and extracting personal informationall potentially without your knowledge. They can also, with the help of your wearable, track your location through GPS and record any health issues you’ve entered into your wearable. The point is: once they have permissions to your mobile device, they have a lot of control and a lot of resources. 

The hacker can then use this data to conduct varying forms of fraud. Need a special prescription from your doctor that happens to sell well on the black market? Well, so does the hacker. Going out for a jog in the morning? Good information for a burglar to know. These personal details just scratch the surface of information available for the taking on your mobile devices.

Beyond wearables and into the internet of things

These types of threats aren’t limited to wearables, however. The Internet of Things—the phenomenon of devices connected to the Internet for analysis and optimization—encompasses all sorts of other electronic devices such as washing machines and refrigerators that can put your data at risk as well. But these life-changing devices can be secured through education and industry standards. Two things we’re working on day and night. 

Defend your wearables and your personal information

  • Use a PIN. All of your mobile devices ought to have a personal identification number (PIN). This basic security method is a great way of dissuading casual hackers or thieves from stealing your data. 
  • Limit what you share. Most wearables don’t need access to every piece of information about you. You can lessen the likelihood of your wearable sharing sensitive information by only entering the information your wearable device requires. On the flip side, always double-check the permissions that the wearables app is requesting on your mobile device. Does it really need access to your location, camera roll, and address book? If not, be sure to alter these settings appropriately. 
  • Use identity protection. Identity protection can monitor your accounts online – accounts tied to your wearable – so you can receive alerts if that information has been compromised or found online. If it has, a service like McAfee’s Identity Protection Service may also provide insurance and loss remediation as well.

Of course, securing the weakest link in your wearables environment, your phone will go a long way towards keeping your data safe. But what happens when your computer, where you store backups of your smartphone, is compromised too? We’ve got you covered with McAfee LiveSafe™ service, our comprehensive security solution that provides protection for your entire online life. 

The post The Wearable Future Is Hackable. Here’s What You Need To Know appeared first on McAfee Blog.

☐ ☆ ✇ McAfee Blogs

A Look Beyond Their Lock Screens: The Mobile Activity of Tweens and Teens

By McAfee — February 24th 2022 at 13:00

While our tweens and tweens seem to grow into adults right before our eyes, their mobile usage matures into adulthood as well—and in many ways, we don’t see. 

Girls and boys hit their mobile stride right about the same point in life, at age 15 where their mobile usage jumps significantly and reaches a level that they carry into adulthood, which is one of the several findings we uncovered in our global survey of parents, tweens, and teens this year. 

So, what are tweens and teens up to on their mobile devices as they mature? And where do their parents fit in? We asked parents and kids alike. What we found gives us a look into the mobile lives of tweens and teens behind their lock screens. 

Mobile is the Most Important Device—Yet Far More So for Kids than Their Parents  

For starters, parents and their kids alike say that their mobile device is the most important one in their life. Parents placed mobile in their top two with their mobile device or smartphone at 59% followed their computer or laptop at 42%. Tweens and teens put their mobile device or smartphone at the top of the list as well, yet at a decisive 74% worldwide, followed by their gaming console at 68%.  

“Parents and their kids alike say that their mobile device is the most important thing in their life.”

Further, tweens and teens place a higher value on their smartphones to keep them connected with friends and family. Some 59% of parents said mobile was essential in this role, whereas tweens and teens put that figure at 64%. For parents, the runner-up device for keeping connected was the computer or laptop at 42%.  

Yet quite interestingly, tweens and teens said their second-most important device for keeping connected with others is their gaming console, at 40%, perhaps indicating gaming’s role in creating and fostering friendships today. Of course, plenty of that gaming is happening on mobile as well, with half of all tweens and teens surveyed worldwide saying that they play games on their smartphones. 

It’s No Secret—Kids Will Cover Their Tracks Online. But How? 

Broadly speaking, the activities kids do on their phones match up closely with what their parents think they’re doing on their phones. Yet there’s a fair share of secretive activity that happens within that. 

Regarding general activity, parents and their tween- and teen-aged children worldwide see eye to eye when it comes to what parents think are their kids’ favorite activities on mobile are and what kids say they actually are:   

  • Watching short videos (YouTube) – parents think, 66%; kids say 67%  
  • Browsing the internet – parents think, 64%; kids say 66% 
  • Streaming music – parents think, 53%; kids say 55% 

However, and perhaps unsurprisingly, tweens and teens say they’ve kept some the things they’re watching, browsing, and streaming from their parents. When asked if they sometimes hide specific online activity from their parents, 59% of tweens and teens worldwide said they have done so in some form or other, including: 

  • Clearing the browser history, 26% 
  • Close/minimize browser when parent walked in, 21% 
  • Hide or delete IMs or videos, 15% 
  • Lie or omit details about online activities, 15% 
  • Use a device their parents don’t check, 10% 

Keeping an Eye on the Kids: Parents Tend to Take a More Hands-on Approach to Monitoring Mobile 

Worldwide, monitoring apps rank relatively low when it comes to parents keeping tabs on their children’s mobile usage. Use of parental controls software on smartphones came in at a 27% global average, with India (37%) and France (33%) leading the way, while Japan fell on the low end (12%).  

Largely, parents appear to take up this work themselves, citing several other ways they take charge of their children’s time online:  

  • Limit the time of day or length of time when the child has screen time, 59% 
  • Check the websites or apps the child visits or uses, 56% 
  • Look at call records or text messages on a smartphone the child uses, 40% 
  • Friend or follow the child on social media sites, 35% 
  • Track the child’s location through GPS apps or software, 30% 

Children’s Mobile Devices are Less Protected—and Can Fall Victim to Hacks and Attacks as a Result 

Consistent with other research we recently gathered, families are relying on mobile more and more, yet this hasn’t seen an increase in mobile protection for the smartphones they count on.  

Our research published in early 2011 found double-digit increases in mobile activities such as online banking, shopping, finances, and doctor visits, all of which can generate high-value data that are attractive to hackers and cybercriminals. Despite this newfound reliance on mobile, many smartphones worldwide remain unprotected. Children’s phones are less protected than their parents’ phones as well. 

Taken together, these security lapses can lead to downloaded malware, data and identity theft, illicit crypto mining apps on the device, and other attacks that can put children and families at risk. For a deeper dive, you can view the full report.

Misconceptions about online protection may play a role in these lax measures. This survey found that 49% of parents think a new phone is more secure than a new computer, and 59% of tweens and teens thought the new phone was more secure—both denying the reality that smartphones, and the people using them, are subject to hacks and attacks just like with any other device that connects to the internet.  

Amid this climate, more than 1/3 of families reported that a child in their household had been the victim of a financial information leak and 15% stated that there’d been an attempt to steal a child’s online account or identity. With smartphones providing children with a major onramp to the internet, it follows that stronger mobile security could help prevent such attacks from happening. 

Tweens and Teens in Several Countries Lean Heavily on Mobile for Online Learning 

Protecting mobile devices and the family members who count on them takes on further importance when we consider that children in some nations rely heavily on their smartphones for online learning. 

Although using mobile for online learning was relatively low globally at 23%, parents and children in three nations reported a high rate of attending classes and courses on mobile—with India at 54%, Mexico at 42%, and Brazil at 39%, once again posing the possibility that mobile offers many children the most reliable broadband connection required for such instruction. In other words, there are households where broadband comes by way of mobile, rather than a cable or fiber connection. 

Meanwhile, other nations saw significantly lower figures for online learning on mobile, such as Germany at 7%, France at 8%, and Japan at 11%. The U.S., Canada, and the UK all reported rates of 17%. 

Nurturing Your Kids on Mobile: They’re Growing Before Your Eyes 

“With smartphones providing children as a major onramp to the internet, it follows that stronger mobile security could prevent such attacks from happening”

Something we’ve yet to mention here is how much online shopping and banking kids are doing on their mobile devices. No question, tweens and teens are doing those things too at a global rate of 25% and 12% across all age groups respectively. Not surprisingly, those numbers climb as teens approach adulthood. This serves as a reminder that our children are maturing hand-in-hand with their smartphones, which asks a few things of us as parents as they grow and adjust to their mobile world. 

As with all things parenting, there are moments of where you have a sense of what’s right for you and your child, yet you’re uncertain how to act on it. That’s definitely the case with smartphones and the internet in general. Despite having grown up alongside the internet over the course of our adult lives, we can still have plenty of questions. New ones. Old ones. Ones we weren’t even aware of until they cropped up. 

With that, we’re glad you’re dropping by our blog. And you’re more than invited to visit whenever you can. A big focus of ours is providing you, as a parent, with resources that answer your questions, in addition to articles about online protection in general that simply make for good reading. Our aim is to help you think about what’s best for your family and give you some ideas about how you can see that through, particularly as our children grow in this mobile world of ours.

The post A Look Beyond Their Lock Screens: The Mobile Activity of Tweens and Teens appeared first on McAfee Blog.

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Firefox update brings a whole new sort of security sandbox

By Paul Ducklin — December 7th 2021 at 19:14
Firefox 95.0 is out, with the usual security fixes... plus some funky new ones.

☐ ☆ ✇ McAfee Blogs

Can Thieves Steal Identities With Only a Name and Address?

By Natalie Maxfield — December 12th 2022 at 14:11

Can thieves steal identities with only a name and address?  

In short, the answer is “no.” Which is a good thing, as your name and address are in fact part of the public record. Anyone can get a hold of them. However, because they are public information, they are still tools that identity thieves can use.   

If you think of your identity as a jigsaw puzzle, your name and address are the first two pieces that they can use to build a bigger picture and ultimately put your identity at risk.   

With that, let’s look at some other key pieces of your identity that are associated with your name and address—and what you can do to protect them.  

For starters, this information is so general that it is of little value in of itself to an identity thief. Yet a determined identity thief can do a bit of legwork and take a few extra steps to use them as a springboard for other scams.  

For example, with your name and address a thief could:  

Research public databases for further pieces of information about you.  

There are volumes of public information that are readily available should someone want to add some more pieces to your identity jigsaw puzzle, such as:  

  • How long you’ve lived in your current home, what you paid for it, and what it’s valued at today.  
  • If you’re a registered voter and if you voted in a recent election. (Not how you voted, though!)  
  • Also, if you’re a veteran or the owner of a cat or dog (through pet licenses).  

In the U.S., the availability of such information will vary from state-to-state and different levels of government may have different regulations about what information gets filed—in addition to whether and how those reports are made public. Globally, different nations and regions will collect varying amounts of public information and have their own regulations in place as well. More broadly, though, many of these public databases are now online. Consequently, accessing them is easier than the days when getting a hold of that information required an in-person visit a library or public office.  

Get yet more personal information about you from online data brokers. 

Thieves can gain additional information about you from other online sources, such as data brokers. And data brokerage is a big business, a global economy estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars a year. What fuels it? Personal information, representing thousands of data points on billions of people scraped from public records, social media, smartphone apps, shopper loyalty cards, third-party sources, and sometimes other data broker sites as well.   

The above-the-board legal intent of data broker sites is to sell that information to advertisers so that they can create highly targeted campaigns based on people’s behaviors, travels, interests, and even political leanings. Others such as law enforcement officials, journalists, and others who are conducting background checks will use them too. 

On the dark side, hackers, scammers, and thieves will buy this information as well, which they can use to commit identity theft and fraud. The thing is, data brokers will sell to anyone. They don’t discriminate.  

Send you phishing attacks and scams by physical mail.  

Phishing attacks aren’t just for email, texts, and direct messages. In fact, thieves are turning to old tricks via old-fashioned physical mail. That includes sending phony offers or by impersonating officials of government institutions, all designed to trick you into giving up your personally identifiable information (PII).   

What might that look like in your mailbox? They can take the form of bogus lottery prizes that request bank information for routing (non-existent) winnings. Another favorite of scammers are bogus tax notifications that demand immediate payment. In all, many can look quite convincing at first blush, yet there are ready ways you can spot them. In fact, many of the tips for avoiding these physical mail phishing attacks are the same for avoiding phishing attacks online, which we outline in detail here.   

Redirect your physical mail, essentially committing mail fraud.  

Recently, I’ve seen a few news stories like this where thieves reportedly abuse the change-of-address system with the U.S. Postal Service. Thieves will simply forward your mail to an address of their choosing, which can drop sensitive information like bank and credit card statements in their mailbox. From there, they could potentially have new checks sent to them or perhaps an additional credit card—both of which they can use to drain your accounts and run up your bills.  

The Postal Service has mechanisms in place to prevent this, however. Among which, the Postal Service will send you a physical piece of mail to confirm the forwarding. So, if you ever receive mail from the Postal Service, open it and give it a close look. If you get such a notice and didn’t order the forwarding, visit your local post office to get things straightened out. Likewise, if it seems like you’re missing bills in the mail, that’s another good reason to follow up with your post office and the business in question to see if there have been any changes made in your mail forwarding.   

Protecting your good name (and identity too)  

So while your name and address are out there for practically all to see, they’re largely of little value to an identity thief on their own. But as mentioned above, they are key puzzle pieces to your overall identity. With enough of those other pieces in hand, that’s where an identity thief can cause trouble.  

Other crucial pieces of your identity include:   

Your Social Security Number or tax ID number:  

Let’s start with the biggest one. This is the master key to your identity, as it is one of the most unique identifiers you have. As I covered in my earlier blog on Social Security fraud, a thief can unlock everything from credit history and credit line to tax refunds and medical care with your Social Security or tax ID number. In extreme cases, they can use it to impersonate you for employment, healthcare, and even in the event of an arrest.   

You can protect your Social Security Number by keeping it locked in a safe place (rather than in your wallet) and by providing your number only when absolutely necessary. For more tips on keeping your number safe, drop by that blog on Social Security fraud I mentioned.  

Your passport and driver’s license:  

Thieves have figured out ways of getting around the fact that IDs like these include a photo. They may be able to modify or emulate these documents “well enough” to pull off certain types of fraud, particularly if the people requesting their bogus documents don’t review them with a critical eye.  

Protecting yourself in this case means knowing where these documents are at any time. (With passports, you may want to store those securely like your Social Security or tax ID number.) Also be careful when you share this information, as the identifiers on these documents are highly unique. If you’re uncomfortable with sharing this information, you can ask if other forms of ID might work—or if this information is really needed at all. Also, take a moment to make copies of these documents and store them in a secure place. This can help you provide important info to the proper authorities if they’re lost or stolen.   

Your card and account information:  

With data breaches large and small making the news (and many more that do not), keeping a sharp eye on your accounts is a major part of identity theft prevention. We talk about this topic quite often, and it’s worth another mention because protecting these means protecting yourself from thieves who’re after direct access to your finances and more.   

Secure your digital accounts for banking, credit cards, financials, and shopping by using strong, unique passwords for each of your accounts that you change every 60 days. Sound like a lot of work? Let a password manager do it for you, which you can find in comprehensive online protection software. By changing your strong passwords and keeping them unique can help prevent you from becoming a victim if your account information is part of a breach—by the time a crook attempts to use it, you may have changed it and made it out of date.  

Extra steps for extra identity protection   

In addition to protecting the core forms of identity mentioned above, a few other good habits go a long way toward keeping your identity secure.  

1. Install and use online protection software

By protecting your devices, you protect what’s on them, like your personal information. Comprehensive online protection software can protect your identity in several ways, like creating and managing the strong, unique passwords we talked about and providing further services that monitor and protect your identity—in addition to digital shredders that can permanently remove sensitive documents (simply deleting them won’t do that alone.) Further, it can monitor your identity and monitor your credit, further protecting you from theft and fraud.

2. Shred your stuff

Identity theft where thieves dig through trash or go “dumpster diving” for literal scraps of personal info in bills and statements, has been an issue for some time. You can prevent it by shredding up any paper medical bills, tax documents, and checks once you’re through with them. Paper shredders are inexpensive, and let’s face it, kind of fun too. Also, if you’re traveling, have a trusted someone collects your mail or have the post office put a temporary hold on your mail. Thieves still poach mail from mailboxes too. 

3. Go paperless

Getting statements online cuts the paper out of the equation and thus removes another thing that a thief can physically steal and possibly use against you. Whether you use electronic statements through your bank, credit card company, medical provider, or insurance company, use a secure password and a secure connection provided by a VPN. Both will make theft of your personal info far tougher on identity thieves. 

4. Use a VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network, a service that protects your data and privacy online. It creates an encrypted tunnel to keep you more anonymous online by masking your IP address, device information, and the data you’re passing along that connection. In this way, it makes if far more difficult for advertisers, data brokers, and bad actors to skim your private information—in addition to shielding your information from crooks and snoops while you’re banking, shopping, or handling any kind of sensitive information online. 

5. Monitor your accounts

Give your statements a close look each time they come around. While many companies and institutions have fraud detection mechanisms in place, they don’t always catch every instance of fraud. Look out for strange purchases or charges and follow up with your bank or credit card company if you suspect fraud. Even the smallest charge could be a sign that something shady is afoot. 

6. Check your credit report

This is a powerful tool for spotting identity theft. And in many cases, it’s free to do so. In the U.S., the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the major credit agencies to provide you with a free credit check at least once every 12 months. Canada provides this service, and the UK has options to receive free reports as well, along with several other nations. It’s a great idea to check your credit report, even if you don’t suspect a problem. 

7. Remove your personal data from data broker sites 

If the thought of your personal info being bought and sold puts you off, there’s something you can do about it. Our Personal Data Cleanup service can scan some of the riskiest data broker sites and show you which ones are selling your personal info. It also provides guidance on how you can remove your data from those sites, and with select products, it can even manage the removal for you. ​

Your name and address are just two pieces of a larger puzzle  

While thieves need more than just your name and address to commit the overwhelming majority of fraud, your name and address are centerpieces of the larger jigsaw puzzle that is your overall identity.   

And the interesting thing is your puzzle gets larger and larger as time goes on. With each new account you create and service that you sign into, that’s one more piece added to the puzzle. Thieves love getting their hands on any pieces they can because with enough of them in place they can try and pull a fast one in your name. By looking after each piece and knowing what your larger jigsaw puzzle looks like, you can help keep identity thieves out of your business and your life. 

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Websites, Branded Email Remain Key to SMB Internet Services

By Verisign — September 9th 2021 at 17:31

Study Commissioned by Verisign Shows Websites Can Help Add Credibility and Drive New Business

Businesses today have many options for interacting with customers online. The findings of our independent survey of online consumers suggest that websites and branded email continue to be critical components of many businesses’ online presence, essential to supporting consumer confidence and enabling effective interaction with customers.

The quantitative study, commissioned by Verisign and conducted in December 2019 and January 2020 by 451 Research, now a part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, surveyed 5,450 online consumers across key markets in North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia to help understand their sentiments on interacting with businesses online.

The survey was designed to arm service providers and registrars with an understanding of how the resources they provide to businesses can help create trust and deliver value to their customers.

Websites help add credibility

Among those surveyed, approximately two-thirds (66%) agreed that a business with its own website is more credible than one without. Likewise, a majority indicated that they would expect it to be more difficult to verify the identity of (56%), find online (55%) and contact (54%) a business that does not have its own website.

Certainly, this doesn’t suggest that businesses should abandon other online channels, such as social media and search engine efforts, to focus on a website-only approach. Instead, 64% of respondents said that a business with many points of online presence is more credible than a business with few.

Still, the study suggests that other online resources should complement, rather than replace, a small business’s own website. Respondents identified a business’s own website as being one of the most popular online methods for learning about (69%) and conducting transactions with (57%) businesses. Further, 71% of respondents reported being more likely to recommend a business with a professional website.

Taken together, these findings suggest that a website can help add credibility and drive new business.

Branded email supports customer communications

Trust is central to the relationship between a business and customers. This may be particularly true for online transactions (95% of survey respondents said they actively make purchases online), which require consumers to trust not only that the business will deliver the product or service for which they have paid, but also that it will not misuse payment or personal information.

A branded email address may be able to help, as an overwhelming number of respondents (85%) agreed that a business with a branded email address is more credible than one that uses a free email account. Respondents were more likely to have used a business’s branded email address (67%), than the telephone (56%) or social media (40%), to communicate with a business during the prior 12 months.

Key takeaway

For a small business, failing to be perceived as credible online could mean lost business not just today, but also in the future. A website and branded email address can help businesses add credibility and more effectively engage with consumers online.

Service providers offer a variety of website-building tools, email hosting solutions, and domain name registration services that can help businesses – whether just starting or well-established – to have a website and use a branded email.

Detailed survey results are available in 451 Research’s Black & White Paper Websites, Branded Email Remain Key to SMB Internet Services.

Verisign is a global wholesale provider of some of the world’s most recognized top-level domains, including .com and .net. For website building tools and email hosting solutions, contact a registrar. You can find a registrar here.

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8 Signs It May Be Time for Parental Controls

By Toni Birdsong — August 24th 2022 at 11:43

Equipping and guiding your digitally connected child is one of the toughest challenges you will face as a parent. As your child grows and changes, so too will their online activities. Friend groups, favorite apps, and online interests can shift from one month to the next, which is why parental controls can be a parent’s best friend.  

According to a report from Common Sense Media, teens spend an average of seven hours and 22 minutes on their phones a day. Tweens (ages 8 to 12) spend four hours and 44 minutes daily. This is time outside of schoolwork. 

That is a lot of time to stroll the streets of cyberspace for entertainment purposes, and it’s only increased since the pandemic.  

Striking a balance between screen time and healthy device use is an always-evolving challenge. On the one hand, your child’s device is an essential channel connecting them to their self-identity, peer acceptance, and emotional well-being. On the other hand, that same device is also the door that can bring issues such as cyberbullying, predators, risky behavior, and self-image struggles into your child’s life.  

Raising the Safety Bar 

Parental controls are tools that allow parents to set controls on their children’s internet use. Controls include content filters (inappropriate content), usage limits (time controls), and monitoring (tracking activity). 

Many of the technology your family already owns or sites your kids visit have basic parental controls (i.e., built-in controls for android and iPhone and social networks such as YouTube). However, another level of parental control comes in software specifically engineered to filter, limit, and track digital activity. These consumer-designed parental controls offer families a higher, more powerful form of protection.  

 If you are like many parents who land on this blog, you’ve hit a rough patch. You have concerns about your child’s online activity but aren’t sure how to begin restoring balance. Rightly, you want to find the best parental control software and put digital safeguards in place.  

8 Signs Your Family Needs Parental Controls 

Every family dynamic is different, as is every family’s approach to online monitoring. However, most parents can agree that when a negative influence begins to impact the family’s emotional and physical health, exploring new solutions can help get you back on track.  

Depending on your child’s age, you may need to consider parental controls if:  

 1. They don’t respond when you talk to them  

If your child is increasingly engrossed in their phone and it’s causing communication issues in your family, you may want to consider software that includes time limits. Connecting with your child during device-free time can improve communication.  

2. They’ve started ignoring homework and family responsibilities  

There are a lot of reasons grades can plummet, or interests can fade. However, if your child is spending more and more time online, limiting or monitoring what goes on in that time can help restore emotional balance and self-discipline to meet responsibilities.  

3. Their browser history shows access to risky content  

Innocent online searches can lead to not so innocent results or children may go looking for content simply because they’re curious. Parental controls automatically block age-inappropriate sites and filter websites, apps, and web searches.  

4. They won’t give you their device without a fight  

If the phone has become the center of your child’s world at the cost of parental respect and family rules, they may be engaged in inappropriate behavior online, connecting with the wrong friends, or struggling with tech balance. With the proper parental controls, a parent can block risky content, view daily activity, and set healthy time limits.  

5. They’re losing interest in family outings and other non-digital activities  

Poor habits form quietly over time. If your child has dramatically changed their focus in the past three to six months, consider zooming in on why. It may not be technology use, but you may consider an additional layer of protection if it is.   

6. They go into another room to respond to a text  

While everyone deserves privacy, if constantly sneaking away to communicate with a friend is your child’s new norm, you may consider making some screen time adjustments.  

7. They are exhausted  

Unbeknownst to parents, kids might be exchanging sleep for screen time. Parental controls can help you nip this unhealthy habit. Setting time limits can help kids experience deeper sleep, better moods, more focus, and more energy. 

8. They overshare online  

If you browse through your child’s social media and notice their profiles are public instead of private, or if your child tends to overshare personal information, parental controls can help you monitor future activity. 

Ideally, we’d all prefer to live in a world where we didn’t need parental controls at all. Unfortunately, that is neither a present nor future reality. So, we recalibrate, keep learning, and keep adding to our parenting skills. As always, we believe the first go-to digital safety tool is investing in consistent open and honest conversation with your child. And the second tool? Yup, reach for the parental controls. While you may hear some hemming and hawing from your kids at first, the peace of mind you gain from having parental controls in place will be worth it.  

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Don’t Sweat Your Security: How to Safely Incorporate IoT Into Your Fitness Routine

By Jean Treadwell — May 14th 2021 at 13:12

Many have seamlessly transitioned their fitness regimens out of the gym and into the living room since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks in part to the use of IoT devices. IoT (Internet of Things) denotes the web of interconnected physical devices embedded with sensors and software to collect and share information via the internet. The most common IoT devices used for virtual fitness include wearable fitness trackers and stationary machines equipped with digital interfaces. As effective as these devices are for facilitating a great workout, many do not realize the risks they pose for their online security. According to McAfee Labs Threats Report, new IoT malware increased by 7% at the start of the pandemic. There are various steps that users can take to continue using these devices securely without compromising performance. But first, it’s essential to understand why these devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

What Makes IoT Devices Vulnerable? 

IoT devices are just like any other laptop or mobile phone that can connect to the internet. They have embeddesystems complete with firmware, software, and operating systems. As a result, they are exposed to the same vulnerabilities, namely malware and cyber-attacks. 

One reason why IoT devices are so vulnerable is due to their update structure, or lack thereof. IoT devices lack the stringent security updates afforded to laptops or mobile phones. Because they do not frequently receive updates—and in some cases, never—they do not receive the necessary security patches to remain consistently secure.

What’s worse, if the developer goes out of business, there is no way to update the existing technology vulnerabilities. Alternatively, as newer models become available, older devices become less of a priority for developers and will not receive as many updates as their more contemporary counterparts. 

Without these updatescybercriminals can hack into these devices and taking advantage of the hardware components that make them a significant risk to users. For example, they can track someone’s location through a device’s GPSor eavesdrop on private conversations through a video camera or audio technology. 

IoT devices with unpatched vulnerabilities also present an easy entry point through which hackers can penetrate home networks and reach other devices. If these devices do not encrypt their data transmission between different devices and servers, hackers can intercept it to spoof communications. Spoofing is when a hacker impersonates a legitimate source, the back-end server or the IoT device in this case, to transmit false information. For instance, hackers can spoof communications between a wearable fitness tracker and the server to manipulate the tracking data to display excessive physical activity levels. They can then use this data for monetary gain by providing it to insurance companies and 3rd party websites with financial incentive programs. 

Hackers can also exploit device vulnerabilities to spread malware to other devices on the same network to create a botnet or a web of interconnected devices programmed to execute automated tasks. They can then leverage this botnet to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) or Man in the Middle attacks.  

Tips for Safeguarding Your IoT Devices 

Whether you own an IoT device to monitor your health or physical performance, it is essential to take the necessary precautions to minimize the risks they present to digital security. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when incorporating your device into your fitness routine.  

1. Secure Your Routers 

Default names and passwords are low-hanging fruit for hackers and should be the first thing you address when securing your router. Default router names often include the make or model of the manufacturer. Changing it will reduce a hacker’s chance of infiltrating your home network by making the router model unidentifiable. Further, follow password best practices to ensure your router password is long, complex, and unique. 

Next, make sure you enable the highest level of encryption which includes Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) or higher. Routers with older encryption protocols such as WPA or Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) are more susceptible to brute force attacks, where hackers will attempt to guess a person’s username and password through trial and error. WPA2 and higher encryption methods ensure that only authorized users can use your same network. 

Lastly, create a guest network to segment your IoT devices from your more critical devices like laptops and mobile phones. If a hacker infiltrates your IoT devices, the damage is contained to the devices on that specific network.  

2. Update Regularly 

Updates are critical because they go beyond regular bug fixes and algorithmic tweaks to adjust device software vulnerabilities. 

Make it a point to stay on top of updates from your device manufacturer, especially since they will not always advertise their availability. Visit their website regularly to ensure you do not miss pertinent news or information that may impact you. Additionally, make sure to update the app corresponding to your IoT device. Go into your settings and schedule regular updates automatically, so you do not have to update manually.  

3. Do Your Research  

Do your research before making a significant investment in an IoT device. Ask yourself if these devices are from a reputable vendor. Have they had previous data breaches in the past, or do they have a grade A track record for providing high-security products? 

Also, take note of the information your IoT device collects, how vendors use this information and what they release to other users or third parties. Do they have privacy policies in place to protect their users’ data under PIPEDA regulation? 

Above all, understand what control you have over your privacy and information usage. It is a good sign if an IoT device allows you to opt-out of having your information collected or lets you access and delete the data it does collect

4. Disable Unnecessary Features 

Next time you go for a run with geolocation activated on your smartwatch, think again about what risks this poses to your virtual security and even your physical safety. Enhance your security by only enabling the features that are necessary to optimize your fitness performance. In doing so, you ensure that hackers cannot utilize them as a foothold to invade your privacy. 

 Step Up Your Security Game 

IoT devices have made in-home exercise routines possible, given their increase in availability and ease of use. However, despite their capabilities for optimizing the fitness experience, the nature of these devices has made them one of many threats to personal privacy and online safety. For an elevated fitness experience beyond a great workout, start securing your IoT devices to integrate them into your everyday exercise routine safely.  

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Fraudulent Apps that Automatically Charge you Money Spotted in Google Play

By Baker Nanduru — May 4th 2021 at 14:19

Google’s Android operating system has been a boon for the average consumer. No other operating system has given so much freedom to developers and hardware manufacturers to make quality devices at reasonable prices. The number of Android phones in the world is astounding. That success comes with a price, however.

A recent report from our own McAfee Mobile Research team has found malicious apps with hundreds of thousands of downloads in the Google Play store. This round of apps poses as simple wallpaper, camera filters, and picture editing, but they hide their nature till after they’ve been installed on your device.

Figure 1. Infected Apps on Google Play

On the bright side, Google Play performs a review for every app to ensure that they are legitimate, safe, and don’t contain malware before they’re allowed on the Play store. However, enterprising criminals regularly find ways to sneak malware past Google’s security checks.

Figure 2. Negative reviews on Google Play


How attackers sneak malware into the Play store.

When developers upload their apps to the Play store for approval, they have to send supporting documents that tell Google what the app is, what it does and what age group it’s intended for. By sending Google a “clean” version of their app, attackers can later get their malicious code into the store via a future update where it sits and waits for someone to download it. Once installed, the app contacts a remote server, controlled by the attackers, so it can download new parts of the app that Google has never seen. You can think of it as a malware add-on pack that installs itself on your device without you realizing it. By contacting their own server for the malware files, attackers sneak around Google security checks and can put anything they want on your device. 

What does the malware do? 

The current round of malware we’re seeing hijack your SMS messages so they can make purchases through your device, without your knowledge. Through a combination of hidden functionality and abuse of permissions like the ability to read notifications, that simple looking wallpaper app can send subscription requests and confirm them as if it were you. These apps will regularly run up large bills through purchasing subscriptions to premium rate services. The more troubling part is how they can read any message that you receive, possibly exposing your personal information to attackers. 

How can I protect myself? 

To start, a comprehensive and cross-platform solution like McAfee Total Protection can help detect threats like malware and alerts you if your devices have been infected. I’d also like to share some tips our Research team has shared with me. 

How to spot suspicious apps before you install them 

1. Check the reviews 

Before you hit that install button, take a good look at an app’s reviews. Do they look like they were written by real people? Do the account names of the reviewers make sense? Are people leaving real feedback, or are the majority of comments things like, “Works great. Loved it.” with no other information? 

Scammers can easily generate fake reviews for an app to make it look like people are engaging with the developers. Look out for vague reviews that don’t mention the app or what it does, nothing but five-star reviews, and generic sounding account names like, “girl345834”. They’re probably bots, so be wary. 

2. Look up the app developers 

Search for the app developers’ company and see if they have a website. Having a website doesn’t guarantee an app is legitimate, but it’s another good indicator of how trustworthy a company’s app is. Through their website, you should be able to find out where their team is based, or at least some personal information about the company. If they’re hiding that information, or there’s no site at all, that might be a good sign to try a different app. 

3. Don’t replace apps you already have 

A lot of malicious apps offer features that your phone already provides, like a flashlight or photo viewer. Unless there’s a very specific reason why you need a separate app to do something your device already does, it’s not recommended to use a third-party app. Especially if it’s free. 

4. Check the app permissions 

App permissions must be clearly stated on the app’s page in order to get into the Google Play store. They’re found near the bottom of the page, along with developer information. Check the permissions every app asks for before you install it and ask yourself if they make sense. For example, a photo editor doesn’t need access to your contacts list, and wallpapers don’t need to have access to your location data. If the permissions don’t make sense for the type of app, steer clear. 

5. Add antivirus to your mobile device 

Mobile devices are vulnerable to malware and viruses, just like your computer. By installing McAfee protection to your mobile deviceyou can secure your mobile data, protect your privacy, and even find lost devices. 

Protect yourself, and your loved ones 

Android is one of the most popular operating systems on the planet, which means the rewards for creating malware for Android devices are well worth it. It’s unlikely that Android malware is going away any time soon, so staying safe means being cautious with the things you install on your devices. 

You can protect yourself by installing McAfee Total Protection on your mobile device and reading the permissions apps ask for when you install them. There’s no good reason for a wallpaper app to have SMS permissions, but that request should ring some alarm bells that something isn’t right and stop you from installing it. 

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Beware of BRATA: How to Avoid Android Malware Attack

By Vishnu Varadaraj — April 21st 2021 at 14:36
Mobile BRATA

Cybercriminals go to great lengths to hack personal devices to gather sensitive information about online usersTo be more effective, they make significant investments in their technology. Also, cybercriminals are relying on tactic called social engineering, where they capitalize upon fear and urgency to manipulate unsuspecting device users to hand over their passwords, banking information, or other critical credentials. 

One evolving mobile device threat that combines malware and social engineering tactics is called BRATA. BRATA has been recently upgraded by its malicious creators and several strains have already been downloaded thousands of times, according to a McAfee Mobile Research Team report 

Here’s how you can outsmart social engineering mind games and protect your devices and personal information from BRATA and other phishing and malware attacks. 

BRATA stands for Brazilian Remote Access Tool Android and is a member of an Android malware familyThe malware initially targeted users in Brazil via Google Play and is now making its way through Spain and the United States. BRATA masquerades as an app security scanner that urges users to install fake critical updates to other apps. The apps BRATA prompts the user to update depends on the device’s configured language: Chrome for English speakers, WhatsApp for Spanish speakers, and a non-existent PDF reader for Portuguese speakers. 

Once BRATA infects a mobile device, it combines full device control capabilities with the ability to capture screen lock credentials (PIN, password, or pattern), capture keystrokes (keylogger functionality), and record the screen of the compromised device to monitor a user’s actions without their consent. 

BRATA can take over certain controls on mobile phones, such as: 

  • Hiding and unhiding incoming calls by setting the ring volume to zero and blacking out the screen 
  • Discreetly granting permissions by clicking the “Allow” button when permission dialogs appear on the screen 
  • Disabling Google Play Store, and therefore, Google Play Protect 
  • Uninstalling itself 

BRATA is like a nosy eavesdropper that steals keystrokes and an invisible hand that presses buttons at will on affected devices. 

BRATA and Social Engineering Attacks 

BRATA’s latest update added new phishing and banking Trojan capabilities that make the malware even more dangerousOnce the malware is installed on a mobile device, it displays phishing URLs from financial institutions that trick users into divulging their sensitive financial information. What makes BRATA’s banking impersonations especially effective is that the phishing URLs do not open into a web browser, which makes it difficult for a mobile user to pinpoint it as fraudulent. The phishing URLs instead redirect to fake banking log-in pages that look legitimate. 

The choice to impersonate banks is a strategic one. Phishers often impersonate authoritative institutions, such as banks and credit card companies, because they instill fear and urgency. 

Social engineering methods work because they capitalize on the fact that people want to trust others. In successful phishing attacks, people hand cybercriminals the keys instead of the cybercriminal having to steal the keys themselves. 

How Can You Stay Safe from Social Engineering? 

Awareness is the best defense against social engineering hacks. When you’re on alert and know what to look for, you will be able to identify and avoid most attempts, and antivirus tools can catch the lures that fall through the cracks. 

Here are three tell-tale signs of a social engineering attack and what you should do to avoid it. 

1. Conduct app research 

Just because an app appears on Google Play or the App Store does not mean it is legitimate. Before downloading any app, check out the number of reviews it has and the quality of the reviews. If it only has a few reviews with vague comments, it could either be because the app is new or it is fake. Also, search the app’s developer and make sure they have a clean history.  

 2. Don’t trust links from people you don’t know 

Never click on links if you are not sure where they redirect or who sent it. Be especially wary if the message surrounding the link is riddled with typos and grammar mistakes. Phishing attempts often convey urgency and use fear to pressure recipients to panic and respond too quickly to properly inspect the sender’s address or request. If you receive an urgent email or text request concerning your financial or personal information, take a deep breath and investigate if the claim is legitimate. This may require calling the customer service phone number of the institution.  

3. Subscribe to a mobile antivirus program 

Just like computers, mobile devices can be infected with viruses and malware. Protect your mobile device by subscribing to a mobile antivirus product, such as McAfee Mobile Security. McAfee Mobile Security is an app that is compatible with Android devices and iPhones, and it protects you in various ways, including safe surfing, scanning for malicious apps, and locating your device if it is lost or stolen. 

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Supporting the Women Most Affected by the Pandemic

By Judith Bitterli — February 28th 2021 at 13:02
International Women's Day

Supporting the Women Hit Hardest by the Pandemic

Only 57% of women in the U.S. are working or looking for work right now—the lowest rate since 1988.

That telling data point is just one of several that illustrate a stark contrast in these stark times: of the millions who’ve seen their employment affected by the pandemic, women have been hardest hit.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), some 2.3 million women left the workforce between the start of the pandemic and January 2021. Meanwhile, the BLS statistic for the number of men who left the U.S. workforce in that same period was 1.8 million. With International Women’s Day here, it’s time we ask ourselves how we can stem this inordinately sized tide of hard-working and talented women from leaving the workforce.

Job losses during the pandemic impact women disproportionately greater than men

A broader BLS statistic provides a further perspective: a total of 4,637,000 payroll jobs for women have been lost in total since the pandemic began in the U.S. alone. That ranges from executive roles, jobs in retail, and educators, to work in public service and more. Of those jobs lost, about one third of women aged 25-44 cited that childcare was the reason for that unemployment.

Combine that with the fact that globally women carry out at least two and a half times more unpaid household and care work than men, and a global gender pay gap of 23%, it’s easy to see why millions of women have simply dropped out of the workforce to manage children and home schooling—even in the instances where employment is available.

Not that this should surprise us. For example, just a few years before the pandemic, research showed that few Americans wanted to revert to the traditional roles of women at home and men in the workplace. However, when push came to shove, the Pew Research showed that women most often made compromises when needs at home conflicted with work. And now we’ve seen that sentiment come home to roost. On a massive scale.

Put plainly, when the pandemic pushed, women’s working lives predominantly went over the edge.

Supporting women working remotely during the pandemic

Within these facts and figures, I’d like to focus on the women who are working remotely while caring for their families, whether that’s their children, elders in their lives, or even a mix of both. What can we do, as employers, leaders, and co-workers in our businesses to better support them?

As early as June, Forbes reported that women were reducing their working hours at a rate four to five times greater than men, ostensibly to manage a household where everything from daycare, school, elder care, and work all take place under the same roof. The article went on to cite ripple-effect concerns in the wake of such reductions like the tendency to pursue less-demanding work, greater vulnerability to layoffs, and reduced likelihood for promotion. In fact, one study conducted in the U.S. last summer found that 34% of men with children at home say they’ve received a promotion while working remotely, while only 9% of women with children at home say the same.

In an interview with the BBC, Melinda Gates, the Co-Chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, stated her views on the situation succinctly: “I hope Covid-19 forces us to confront how unsustainable the current arrangement is—and how much we all miss out on when women’s responsibilities at home limit their ability to contribute beyond it. The solutions lie with governments, employers, and families committed to doing things more equitably.” I agree. This is a problem for us to solve together.

How employers and leaders can help

As for the role of employers and leaders in the solution, some thinking presented in The Harvard Business Review caught my eye. The article, “3 Ways Companies Can Retain Working Moms Right Now” focuses on what employers can do to better support the women in their workforce. The three ingredients the authors propose are:

  • Provide certainty and clarity, wherever possible.
  • Right size job expectations.
  • And continue the empathy.

If we think about the stressors we all face, this simple recipe actually reveals some depth. It takes knowing, and engaging with, employees perhaps more greatly than before. One sentence in the conclusion struck me in particular:

“It is no longer an option for managers to pretend that their employees do not have lives outside of their jobs, as these evaporated boundaries between home and work are not going away anytime soon.”

I see this every practically every day when I meet with my team. I’m sure you’ve seen it as well. With our laptop cameras on for sometimes hours a day, we’ve all caught glimpses into our coworker’s lives outside the office, seen that 7am meeting rescheduled for 8am to accommodate a busy breakfast rush with the family, or even kiddos pop into the frame during a call to say “hi.” What we may not see is just how much of a struggle that could be for some in the long haul.

Enter again those notions of providing certainty and clarity, rightsizing job expectations, and showing empathy. While not the end-all-be-all answers, they provide a starting point. As employers and leaders, if we can minimize the x-factors, adapt the workloads, and show compassion as we navigate the road to recovery, we can retain employees—and at least mitigate some of the stressors that are pushing women out of their jobs and careers during this pandemic. Exceptional employers and leaders have always done this. And now, in exceptional times, I believe it must become the norm.

How you as a friend and co-worker can help

Likewise, for co-workers, it’s absolutely okay to check in with people on your team, your vendors, your clients, and other people in your network and simply ask how they’re doing. I’ve had many meetings where we informally go around the horn and talk about what’s going on outside of work. The shared experience of working remotely has a way of creating new norms, and perhaps starting a meeting with an informal check-in way on occasion is one of them.

This is an opportunity to listen, simply so someone can feel better by being heard, and so that we can pinpoint places where we can come in and offer some support.

Some challenges women are facing are beyond our capacity to help firsthand, yet we can identify them when we see them. If you or someone you know is struggling, here are a few resources in the U.S. that can help:

Mental health resources for women

The Office on Women’s Health, part of the U.S. Department of Health & Human services, offers a wealth of resources on its website, along with a help line that can provide further resources as well.

The National Institute of Mental Health has an extended list of articles, resources, and links to services that can provide immediate help for people who are struggling to cope or who are in crisis.

Legal resources for women

A Better Balance is a nonprofit legal advocacy group that “uses the power of the law to advance justice for workers, so they can care for themselves and their loved ones without jeopardizing their economic security.” They offer a confidential help line that can provide people with information about their workplace rights.

The National Women’s Law Center offers complementary legal consultations and with questions about accessing paid sick leave and paid leave to care for a child whose school or childcare provider is closed because of COVID-19.

Stemming the tide together

As women leave the workforce worldwide, we’ve seen organizations lose precious talent, and we’ve seen women sacrifice their livelihoods and career paths. As such, the pandemic has exacted hard and human costs, ones that have fallen on women in outsized ways.

A problem of this scope is one for us to solve collectively. Apart from the bigger, broader solutions that may be forthcoming, as the employers and co-workers of women, there’s something we can do right now: reach out, listen, and act. These days call for more empathy and adaptation than ever before, particularly for the hard-working women who are doing it all—and then some.

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How 2020 Has Shaped The Way We Live Our Lives

By Cyber Safety Ambassador: Alex Merton-McCann — February 17th 2021 at 22:58
Digital Wellness

How 2020 Has Shaped The Way We Live Our Lives

I’ve had such a busy morning! I’ve hunted down my favourite foundation, bought a puzzle mat, stocked up on special dog food for our naughty new puppy, ordered the groceries, made a few appointments and chatted with several friends. And guess what? I haven’t left my study – or changed out of my pyjamas!! Ssshhh!! Because it’s all happened online…

Are our 2020 Habits Here to Stay?

Of course, some of us embraced the benefits of the online world long before 2020 but the Pandemic forced almost everyone to replace our in-person activities and routines with online ones. New research from McAfee in their 2021 Consumer Security Mindset Report shows that 72% of Aussies made changes in their online activities last year out of convenience which makes complete sense!

But what’s so interesting is that now we have these super handy new online routines in place – we aren’t that keen to give them up! McAfee’s report shows that 76% of Aussies are planning on continuing with online banking, 59% of us want to keep connecting with friends and family online and 55% of us remain totally committed to online shopping! Hear, hear, I say! I am absolutely staying that course too!!

But What About The Risks?

There’s no doubt that there is a lot of upside to managing our lives online but unfortunately there is also a downside – increased risk! The more time spent online, the greater the chance that we will be exposed to potential risks and threats such as phishing attacks, entering details into malicious websites or even becoming a victim of fraud.

McAfee’s research shows that we are aware of the risks of being online. In fact, 66% of us are concerned about the potential dangers of living our lives online with losing control of our financial data top of the list for the majority of us. And almost 2/3 (65%) of us are also worried about having our social media accounts hacked.

But pandemic life has meant that we are now a lot more comfortable with sharing information online. Whether it’s paperless transaction records, text and email notifications, opting to stay logged in or auto-populating forms with our credit card, this level of online sharing does make life so convenient but it can be a risky business! Why, I hear you ask? Because these conveniences usually only work when you share multiple pieces of your contact details. And the more you share, the greater your chance of being hacked or compromised. But the report was very clear – if we can make our online life more seamless then we are only too happy to share our key contact information! Oh dear!!

‘Why Would Hackers Want My Data?’

In addition to confessing that they don’t always take the necessary security precautions, Aussie consumers in McAfee’s report also admitted that they haven’t thought about why hackers might want their data. I don’t know how many people tell me that they don’t need to really bother with a lot of online precautions because they live a pretty boring life and don’t spend that much time online.

But this is a very dangerous way to think. Your online data is like a pot of gold to hackers. Not only can they use it to possibly steal your identity and try to empty your bank accounts but they can also on-sell it for a profit. But the majority of Aussies don’t stop to consider this with the research showing that 64% of Aussies have never considered just how valuable their online data is worth.

Hackers are ALWAYS on the lookout for new ‘up-to-date’ ways to exploit others for money. Don’t forget how quick they were to conjure up scams around COVID in early 2020 – it was just a matter of weeks before Aussies received phishing emails and malicious text messages with the aim of extracting personal information from vulnerable consumers.

But, encouragingly, 85% of Aussies said they would be far more proactive about managing their data if it could be traded as a currency.

How To Protect Your Digital Life

The good news is that there are ways to secure your online life and minimise the risk of being hacked. Here are my top tips:

1.Always Use Multi-Factor Authentication

Yes, it might take a minute or 2 more, but using multi-factor authentication is an easy way to add an additional layer of security to protect your personal data and information. Commit to using it wherever it is offered!

2.Use a VPN

If you live your life out & about like I do then you’ll be very tempted to use Wi-Fi. Using public Wi-Fi to conduct transactions, particularly financial ones is a big no-no! It takes keen hackers minimal effort to set up a fraudulent wi-fi service which could easily fool a busy person into connecting. Using a Virtual Private Network (or VPN) like McAfee® Safe Connect, is the best way of ensuring everything you share over Wi-Fi is safe and secure.

3.Sign Up For A Site Advisor

Browsing the internet with a tool like the McAfee WebAdvisor is a great way of ensuring dangerous malware is blocked if you click on a malicious link in a phishing email. You’ll have real peace of mind knowing you can manage your online life while someone looks out for you!

With 4 kids, 3 pets, 2 jobs – I know I could never get to the bottom of my ‘to-do’ lists without managing the bulk of it online. I often think I should send the internet an e-card at Christmas!! Of course, I understand why corners are cut and precautions are overlooked when we all feel so stretched for time. But just think about how much more time it would take if you were hacked and had to spend hours on the phone to your bank or if you had to reconfigure all your online accounts and social media platforms!!

So, you know what you need to do! Stay safe online everyone!


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Millions Affected by Malware Attributed to Android Barcode-Scanning App 

By Pravat Lall — February 17th 2021 at 21:32
Android App Malware

We’ve all come to a realization that we don’t go anywhere without our phone. It’s a utility that helps us navigate our daily lives: directions, schedules, shopping, discounts, banking, and so on. And as our reliance on our smartphone continues to grow, it’s no wonder that hackers have taken notice. This time, it’s another case of an app gone rogue.

Innocent Scanner Turned Malware Super-Spreader

With over 10 million downloads, the Barcode Scanner app provided users with a basic QR code reader and barcode generator, useful for things like making purchases and redeeming discounts.  Then, most likely in a recent update, the app began to deliver ad-producing malware onto users’ phones – with the malware being traced back to the Android Barcode Scanner app. While Barcode Scanner was previously benign, it is believed that a hacker injected malicious code into the app before the latest update, pushing malware onto Android devices. Once installed, the malware hijacks your default web browsers and redirects you to random advertisements.

In a typical case of malvertising, or malicious advertising, fraudsters submit infected graphic or text ads to legitimate advertisement networks, which often can’t distinguish harmful ads from trustworthy ones. Under the guise of everyday pop-ups, these malicious ads push fake browser updates, free utilities, or antivirus programs in the hope that unsuspecting users will click. Depending on what kind of programs the malicious ads succeed in downloading, hackers might steal your data, encrypt or delete your information, or hijack your computer functions – as is the case with the Barcode Scanner’s malware.

While Google has taken down the Barcode Scanner from its store, it has not been deleted from infected devices. So, if you have the app on your phone, it’s time to uninstall it from your device manually…ASAP.

How to Stay Protected

We all need to reflect on the state of our digital health, especially as hackers continue to target us through the device we use most – our phones. To help protect your data, family, and friends, check out these security tactics to keep sneaky mobile threats out:

1. Do your research

While some malicious apps do make it through the app store screening process, most attack downloads appear to stem from social media, fake ads, and other unofficial app sources. Before downloading an app to your device, do some quick research about the origin and developer.

 2. Read app reviews with a critical eye

Reviews and rankings are still a suitable method of determining whether an app is legitimate. However, watch out for assessments that reuse repetitive or straightforward phrases, as this could be a sign of a fraudulent review.

3. Update, update, update

Developers are actively working to identify and address security issues. Frequently update your operating systems and apps so that they have the latest fixes and security protections.

4. Defend your devices with security software

Holistic security solutions across all devices continues to be a strong defensive measure to protect your data and privacy from online threats like malware.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home  on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.





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Thankful for broadband internet, and hopeful for much more  

By Judith Bitterli — November 12th 2020 at 17:36
Using broadband internet

Thankful for broadband internet, and hopeful for much more  

 Where would we be without our internet this year? 

We’ve shoppedworkedstudied and taughtjob huntedand cared for each other online this year in ways we haven’t before—not to mention entertained ourselves plenty too. As so many of us have faced challenges and outright adversity this year, it’s difficult to imagine what this year would have been like without the support of a reliable broadband internet connection. So much so, you can argue that it’s become a necessity.  

For that, I’m thankful—and recognize that we have a long way to go before all of us can share in those same thanks. As I’ve mentioned in earlier blogs, fixed broadband internet access at home remains elusive for many. In the U.S. alone, one analysis shows that more than 150 million people do not use the internet at broadband speeds, which is practically half of the U.S. population. 

What is broadband internet? 

A good question to ask here is what exactly constitutes “broadband?” The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) defines broadband speeds as 25 Megabits per second (Mbps) of download speed and 3 Mbps of upload speed. (Note that the FCC estimates only 21 million people in the U.S. are without broadbanda number widely considered to be low.) 

Put in everyday terms, 25 Megabits per second of download speed is baseline figure that should provide a family of two to four people with enough capacity to engage in bandwidth-hungry activities like working from home, schooling online, or even receiving medical care through telemedicine, along with streaming to stay entertained and informed too. 

As we look at that figure of 150 million underserved people, we see people who live in remote areas that simply aren’t wired for broadband yetrepresenting millions of rural residents and people living on tribal lands. Additionally, it also includes people in urban areas who potentially have access to a broadband connection, yet their income levels impact their ability to subscribe to it. 

Obviously, a major hurdle in rolling out broadband nationwide is the 1.9 billion acres that makes up our country. The physical, technological, and financial efforts associated with building fixed broadband access across rural and remote terrain are substantial to say the least. Additionally, there are regulatory matters as well, like the rules that govern access to existing utility poles and conduits needed for broadband deployment. 

Broadband is no longer a luxury, it’s a utility 

Ultimately, we’re talking about connecting not just homes, but entire communities—people, businesses, libraries, granges, local government, and more. Getting them access to broadband isn’t just a commercial interest, it’s a matter of infrastructure as well. Just as water and electricity are utilities, we can argue that the internet, broadband internet, has long since evolved into a utility. The reasons are clear: education, economic growth, employment and even access to healthcare all stand to improve when broadband is available to a community, as has been seen in communities such as Chattanooga, Tennessee and in Delta County, ColoradoThus it makes sense that connecting them has become a joint endeavor by the public and private sector. 

Meanwhile, last summer, the lack of adequate broadband across Nebraska during the pandemic prompted the state’s governor and legislature to allocate pandemic relief funds and pass bills that would speed the deployment of broadband across the state. As reported by the Omaha World-Heraldone of Nebraska’s rural power district managers said of fixed broadband service“It goes beyond economic development, it goes beyond watching Netflix, there’s some real business implications here.” 

However, even in communities where broadband is physically available, pockets of low-speed connectivity exist as well. According to the Pew Research Center, only 53 percent of adults with an income under $30,000 had broadband access at home. For those with an income of between $30,000 and $100,000, that figure takes a major leap up to 81%. Instead, lower-income Americans turn to their smartphones for all their internet access. From the findings: 

As of early 2019, 26% of adults living in households earning less than $30,000 a year are “smartphone-dependent” internet users–meaning they own a smartphone but do not have broadband internet at home. In contrast, only 5% of those living in households earning $100,000 or more fall into this category in 2019. 

Smartphones alone aren’t enough 

What does a smartphone-only internet life might look like? Pew Research Center put that into perspective in a survey where respondents were asked about job hunting on the internet. Some 32of people with a reported household income of under $30,000 said that they submitted a job application by phone. For those households making more than $75,000, that figure was just 7%. (Cost is certainly a factor, yet it is encouraging to see that the reported average cost of broadband in the U.S. is dropping—down to $50 a month from just over $67 a month a year ago.) 

That’s just one example of a smartphone-only internet, yet you can imagine how difficult it must be to create a resume, complete schoolwork, or work remotely when your internet experience is limited to the small screen of a phone. Contrast that with this year’s need to work and study at home. A low-income household that’s dependent on smartphones misses out. Their internet is a less useful and less productive internet experience. They simply can’t work, learn, and train at home like fully connected households can. 

The road to broadband for all 

My hope in sharing this issue with you is so that we can all gain a bit of perspective. Far fewer people have access to a broadband internet experience than we might initially think, which results in a lack of connectivity that stunts the benefits and opportunities they and their communities can realize. 

Granted, the solution for increasing broadband access largely rests with state-level broadband offices, budgeting and legislation at the federal government level, along with public partnerships and interest groups who are all pushing for improved broadband access. (And, in the states which allow it, municipal broadband solutions.) However, as individuals, we can let this reality shape some of our decision-making on a local level.  

When library funding measures come up for approval in your community, consider giving them your “yes” voteas they may present an opportunity to fund library locations and services where people can access free broadband. Likewise, give school levies your consideration, they may help get a computer in the hands of a student who doesn’t have one. (An 11% increase in PC, Mac, and Chromebook sales this year was largely driven by the education market, which needed to supply computers for in-home learning.) These are just a couple of ways that we can “think global, act local” and help others get access to a full broadband internet experience. 

So as Thanksgiving approacheslet’s indeed say thanks for the connectivity and internet experience so many of us enjoyand how vital that was this year. Likewise, let’s remember that our country and the communities within it still have a way to go before the overwhelming majority of us can benefit from that same experience—so that they can enjoy and be thankful for it too. 

 Stay Updated  

To stay updated on all things McAfee and for more resources on staying secure from home, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.  

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Cruel Ghouls: New Digital Scams Target Every Age Group

By Toni Birdsong — October 26th 2020 at 16:34
Halloween Scams

Cruel Ghouls: New Digital Scams Target Every Age Group

There are few situations more personal than a distressed family member calling to ask for financial help. But personal is precisely the angle bad actors are taking these days in scams that target both the young and old.

Grandparents Fall for Help!’ Scams

Called “The Grandparent Scam,” this con usually begins with a simple, “Hi, Grandma!” from a criminal posing as the victim’s grandchild who claims to be in trouble. Then comes the ask — that the loving (and worried) Grandparent wire money for bail, airfare, a collision, or some other emergency. Some scammers have even managed to spoof the incoming caller ID to read “U.S. District Court.”

Safe Family Tips: 1) Ask the caller to prove who they are and call the child’s parent or another relative to verify the situation. 2) Never wire money, gift cards, or send cash by courier. 3) Be skeptical of “urgent” requests and tearful pleas for cash or personal information.

Tricksters Target Millennials

While it’s hard to imagine being duped by this kind of phone call, you might be surprised to learn that it’s younger people falling hardest for scams. The Federal Trade Commission reports that Millennials (20-30-year-olds) are most likely to lose money to online fraud. The top 5 scams targeting Millennials include online shopping, business imposters, government imposters, fake check scams, and romance scams.

Safe Family Tips: Be skeptical when shopping online. Cybercriminals have created countless look-a-like merchant sites to gain access to your credit card and other personal information. Confirm the seller’s physical address and phone number before you make a purchase. Consider putting security software on your family’s devices that protect against malware, viruses, and provide families with Virtual Private Network (VPN) encryption for safe shopping.

Hackers Exploit Schools, Students

With many school districts operating on a hybrid virtual and in-class education model, the digital gap between teachers and remote students has given bad actors a new channel to launch ransomware, phishing, and social engineering scams against exposed IT infrastructures. According to the FBI, “cyber actors are likely to increase targeting of K-12 schools during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Too, a recent Microsoft Security Intelligence study found that 61 percent of the 7.7 million malware over the previous month targeted education, a number far higher than other sectors. Scams include malware attacks on e-learning platform ransomware attacks on larger districts.

Safe Family Tips: Inquire about on-site security measures in place at your child’s school. Look into software to protect your home network and personal devices against cyberattacks launched through email, school networks, or social media sites.

How’s Your Cyber Hygiene?

Your best defense against a scam — should it come via phone, email, or a website — is a solid offense. Consider boosting your cyber hygiene routine by using strong passwords, a VPN, and staying informed about the latest scams. By now, we know the bad actors online don’t discriminate based on age; they are out to steal data and dollars from anyone who lets down their guard.

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The First Smartphone for Free-Ranging Kids

By Judith Bitterli — August 28th 2020 at 17:31
Teaching Kids Internet Safety

The First Smartphone for Free-Ranging Kids

In an earlier article, we took a look at smartphone alternatives for free-ranging kids. Next up is the follow-on conversation … the time you give them their first, fully functional smartphone—and how to manage having it in your lives.

For children, learning to use a first smartphone is just like learning to ride a bike. And that’s just as true for you just as it is for them.
When a child learns to ride a bike, they take it in steps and stages. Maybe they start tooling around on little kick-bikes, a tricycle, scooter, or so on, just to get their feet under them so to speak. Next, it’s that first bike with training wheels, and then the big day that they come off (complete with a few scrapes and bruises too). They’re on two wheels, and a whole new world has opened up for them—one that you have to monitor and parent as you give them increasing freedom to roam—from the block, to the neighborhood, to your town—as they grow older and more responsible.

Your Child’s First Smartphone

Now, apply that same progression to the day your child finally gets their first smartphone. Plenty has led up to that moment: the times when they first tapped around your phone as a toddler, when as a preschooler they watched cartoons on a tablet, and maybe when they got a little older they had some other device, like a smartphone alternative designed just for kids.

Then comes along that first smartphone. And for parents it’s a game-changer, because it opens up yet another new world to them. The entire internet.

As you can see, your child doesn’t enter the world of smartphones entirely cold. They’ve already been on the internet and had the chance to experience selective slices of it under your supervision. But a smartphone—well, that’s another story entirely. A smartphone, out of the box, is a key to the broader internet. And just as you likely wouldn’t let your brand-new cyclist ride five miles to go and buy ice cream in town, there are plenty of places you wouldn’t let your new internet user go.

What follows here are a few words of advice that can ease your child into that new world, and ease you into it as well, so that you can all get the tremendous benefits of smartphone ownership with more confidence and care.

Start with the Basics: Smartphone Protection and Parental Controls

Whether you go with an Android device or iPhone, make sure you protect it. You can get mobile security for Android phones and mobile security for iPhones that’ll give you basic protection, like system scans, along with further protection that steers your child clear of suspicious websites and links. While I recommend protection for both types of phones, I strongly recommend it for Android phones given the differences in the way Apple and Android handle the code that runs their operating systems.

Apple is a “closed platform,” meaning that they do not release their source code to the public and partners. Meanwhile, Android is “open-source” code, which makes it easier for people to modify the code—hackers included. So while Apple phones have been historically less prone to attacks than Android phones, any device you own is inherently a potential target, simply because its connected to the internet. Protect it. (Also, for more on the differences between the security on Android phones and iPhones, check out this article from How-To Geek. It’s worth the quick read.)

Next up on your list is to establish a set of parental controls for the smartphone. You’ll absolutely want these as well. After all, you won’t be able to look over their shoulder while they’re using their phone like you could when they were little. Think of it as the next line of protection you can provide as a parent. A good set of parental controls will allow you to:

• Monitor their activity on their phone—what they’re doing and how much they’re doing it.
• Limit their screen time—allowing you to restrict access during school hours or select times at home.
• Block apps and filter websites—a must for keeping your children away from distractions or inappropriate content.

The great thing about parental controls is that they’re not set in stone. They give you the flexibility to parent as you need to parent, whether that’s putting the phone in a temporary time out to encourage time away from the screen or expanding access to more apps and sites as they get older and show you that they’re ready for the responsibility. Again, think about that first bike and the day you eventually allowed your child ride beyond the block. They’ll grow and become more independent on their phone too.

You need more than technology to keep kids safe on their smartphones.

Unlike those rotisserie ovens sold on late-night infomercials, a smartphone isn’t a “set it and forget it” proposition. Moreover, you won’t find the best monitoring, safety, and guidance software in an app store. That’s because it’s you.

As a parent, you already have a strong sense of what does and does not work for your household. Those rules, those expectations, need to make the jump from your household to your child’s smartphone and your child’s behavior on that smartphone. Obviously, there’s no software for that. Here’s the thing, though: they’ve established some of those behaviors already, simply by looking at you. Over the years, your child has seen your behavior with the phone. And let’s face it, none of us have been perfect here. We’ll sneak a peek at our phones while waiting for the food to show up to the table at a restaurant or cracked open our phones right as we’ve cracked open our eyes at the start of the day.

So, for starters, establishing the rules you want your child to follow may mean making some fresh rules for yourself and the entire household. For example, you may establish that the dinner table is a phone-free zone or set a time in the evening when phones are away before bedtime. (On a side note, research shows that even dim light from a smartphone can impact a person’s sleep patterns and their health overall, so you’ll want to consider that for your kids—and yourself!)

Whatever the rules you set in place end up being, make them as part of a conversation. Children of smartphone age will benefit from knowing not only what the rules are but why they’re important. Aside from wanting them to be safe and well, part of the goal here is to prepare them for the online world. Understanding “the why” is vital to that.

“The (Internet) Talk”

And that leads us to “The Internet Talk.”. In a recent McAfee blog on “What Security Means to Families,” we referred to the internet as a city, the biggest one there is. And if we think about letting our children head into town on their bikes, the following excerpt from that blog extends that idea to the internet:

For all its libraries, playgrounds, movie theaters, and shopping centers, there are dark alleys and derelict lots as well. Not to mention places that are simply age appropriate for some and not for others. Just as we give our children freer rein to explore their world on their own as they get older, the same holds true for the internet. There are some things we don’t want them to see and do.

There are multiple facets to “The Talk,” ranging anywhere from “stranger danger” to cyberbullying, and just general internet etiquette—not to mention the basics of keeping safe from things like malware, bad links, and scams. That’s a lot! Right? It sure is.

The challenge is this: while we’ve grown up with or grown into the internet over the course of our lives, the majority of children are amongst the first waves of children who were “born into” the internet. As parents, that means we’re learning much, if not all, of what we know about digital parenting from scratch.

The good news is that you’re far from alone. Indeed, a good portion of our blog is dedicated entirely to family safety. And with that, I’ve pulled out a few select articles below that can give you some information and inspiration for when it’s time to have “The Internet Talk.”

Stranger Danger
Keeping Your Kids Safe from Predators Online
Building Digital Literacy
Screen Time and Sleep Deprivation in Kids
Lessons Learned: A Decade of Digital Parenting
Social Influencers and Your Kids
Getting Kids to Care About Their Safety Online

And those are just a few for starters. We have plenty more, and a quick search will keep them coming. Meanwhile, know that once you have The Internet Talk, keep talking. Making sure your child is safe and happy on the internet is an ongoing process—and conversation, which will cover more in a moment.

Keeping tabs on their activity

One reason parents often cite for giving their child a smartphone is its location tracking capabilities that allow parents to see where their children are ranging about with a quick glance. And whether or not you choose to use such tracking features, that’s a decision you’ll have to make. However, consider your child’s privacy when you do. That’s not to say that you’re not in charge or that you shouldn’t track your child. Rather, it’s a reminder that your child is in fact getting older. Their sense of space and privacy is growing. Thus, if you choose to monitor their location, let them know you’re doing it. Be above the board with the intent that if you don’t hide anything from them, they’ll be less inclined to hide anything from you.

The same applies to parental controls software. Many of them will issue a report of app usage and time spent using the app, along with surfing habits too. Go ahead, monitor those early on and then adjust as them as it feels right to you. Let your child know that you’re doing it and why.

Another thing I’ve seen many of the parents I know do is share the credentials to any social media account their child sets up. Doing this openly lets your child take those first steps into social media (when you feel they’re ready) while giving you the opportunity to monitor, correct, and even cheer on certain behaviors you see. Granted, it’s not unusual for kids to work around this by setting up alternate accounts that they hide from their parents. With parental controls in place, you can mitigate some of that behavior, yet vigilance and openness on your part will be the greatest tool you have in that instance.

While you’re at it, go ahead and have conversations with your kid about what they’re doing online. Next time you’re in the car, ask what’s the latest app their friends are using. Take a peek at what games they’re playing. Download that game yourself, give it a try, and play it online with them if you can. This kind of engagement makes it normal to talk about the internet and what’s happening on it. Should the time come to discuss more serious topics or pressing matters (like a cyberbullying event, for instance), you have a conversational foundation already built.

The common denominator is you.

So, as we’ve discussed, technology is only part of the answer when managing that first smartphone in your child’s life. The other part is you. No solution works without your engagement, care, consistent application of rules, and clear expectations for behavior.

So, as you once looked on proudly as those training wheels came off your child’s first bike, you’ll want to consider doing the digital equivalent in those first months of that first smartphone. Keep your eyes and ears open as they use it. Have conversations about where their digital travels have taken them—the games they’re playing, the friends they’re chatting with. While you do, keep a sharp eye on their moods and feelings. Any changes could be a sign that you need to step in and catch them before they fall or pick them up right after they’ve fallen.
In all, your child’s first smartphone is a wonderful moment for any family, as it represents another big step in growing up. Celebrate it, have fun with it, and play your role in making sure your child gets the very best out of it.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and for more resources on staying secure from home, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.

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Wireless Networks and Security

By Nitesh Malviya — September 30th 2020 at 16:32

Introduction Wireless networks have become an inherent part of our life and we all use wireless networks in some form in our day to day life. Of all the utilities provided by wireless networks, we use wireless networks widely for connecting to the internet. We connect to the internet wirelessly either by router or using […]

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Wireless Networks and Security was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 11:32 am.
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Introduction to Printing and Format Strings

By Srinivas — September 30th 2020 at 16:09

Introduction This article provides an overview of how printing functions work and how format strings are used to format the data being printed. Developers often use print functions for a variety of reasons such as displaying data to the users and printing debug messages. While these print functions appear to be innocent, they can cause […]

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Introduction to Printing and Format Strings was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 11:09 am.
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Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions

By Srinivas — September 30th 2020 at 15:29

Introduction In the previous article, we understood how print functions like printf work. This article provides further definition of Format String vulnerabilities. We will begin by discussing how Format Strings can be used in an unusual way, which is a starting point to understanding Format String exploits. Next, we will understand what kind of mistakes […]

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Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 10:29 am.
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Beyond the Endpoint: Why Organizations are Choosing XDR for Holistic Detection and Response

By Trend Micro — July 6th 2020 at 19:52

The endpoint has long been a major focal point for attackers targeting enterprise IT environments. Yet increasingly, security bosses are being forced to protect data across the organization, whether it’s in the cloud, on IoT devices, in email, or on-premises servers. Attackers may jump from one environment to the next in multi-stage attacks and even hide between the layers. So, it pays to have holistic visibility, in order to detect and respond more effectively.

This is where XDR solutions offer a convincing alternative to EDR and point solutions. But unfortunately, not all providers are created equal. Trend Micro separates themselves from the pack by providing mature security capabilities across all layers, industry-leading threat intelligence, and an AI-powered analytical approach that produces fewer, higher fidelity alerts.

Under pressure

It’s no secret that IT security teams today are under extreme pressure. They’re faced with an enemy able to tap into a growing range of tools and techniques from the cybercrime underground. Ransomware, social engineering, fileless malware, vulnerability exploits, and drive-by-downloads, are just the tip of the iceberg. There are “several hundred thousand new malicious programs or unwanted apps registered every day,” according to a new Osterman Research report. It argues that, while endpoint protection must be a “key component” in corporate security strategy, “It can only be one strand” —complemented with protection in the cloud, on the network, and elsewhere.

There’s more. Best-of-breed approaches have saddled organizations with too many disparate tools over the years, creating extra cost, complexity, management headaches, and security gaps. This adds to the workload for overwhelmed security teams.

According to Gartner, “Two of the biggest challenges for all security organizations are hiring and retaining technically savvy security operations staff, and building a security operations capability that can confidently configure and maintain a defensive posture as well as provide a rapid detection and response capacity. Mainstream organizations are often overwhelmed by the intersectionality of these two problems.”

XDR appeals to organizations struggling with all of these challenges as well as those unable to gain value from, or who don’t have the resources to invest in, SIEM or SOAR solutions. So what does it involve?

What to look for

As reported by Gartner, all XDR solutions should fundamentally achieve the following:

  • Improve protection, detection, and response
  • Enhance overall productivity of operational security staff
  • Lower total cost of ownership (TCO) to create an effective detection and response capability

However, the analyst urges IT buyers to think carefully before choosing which provider to invest in. That’s because, in some cases, underlying threat intelligence may be underpowered, and vendors have gaps in their product portfolio which could create dangerous IT blind spots. Efficacy will be a key metric. As Gartner says, “You will not only have to answer the question of does it find things, but also is it actually finding things that your existing tooling is not.”

A leader in XDR

This is where Trend Micro XDR excels. It has been designed to go beyond the endpoint, collecting and correlating data from across the organization, including; email, endpoint, servers, cloud workloads, and networks. With this enhanced context, and the power of Trend Micro’s AI algorithms and expert security analytics, the platform is able to identify threats more easily and contain them more effectively.

Forrester recently recognized Trend Micro as a leader in enterprise detection and response, saying of XDR, “Trend Micro has a forward-thinking approach and is an excellent choice for organizations wanting to centralize reporting and detection with XDR but have less capacity for proactively performing threat hunting.”

According to Gartner, fewer than 5% of organizations currently employ XDR. This means there’s a huge need to improve enterprise-wide protection. At a time when corporate resources are being stretched to the limit, Trend Micro XDR offers global organizations an invaluable chance to minimize enterprise risk exposure whilst maximizing the productivity of security teams.

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Connected Car Standards – Thank Goodness!

By William "Bill" Malik (CISA VP Infrastructure Strategies) — June 30th 2020 at 16:18

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) require harmonization among manufacturers to have any chance of succeeding in the real world. No large-scale car manufacturer, multimodal shipper, or MaaS (Mobility as a Service) provider will risk investing in a single-vendor solution. Successful ITS require interoperable components, especially for managing cybersecurity issues. See for a set of reports on ITS cybersecurity.

The good news is we now have a standard for automotive cybersecurity, ISA/SAE 21434. This standard addresses all the major elements of connected car security including V2X, reaching from the internals of ECUs and communications busses including CAN to the broader issues of fleet management and public safety. See for the current draft version of this standard.

Intelligent transport systems rely on complex, contemporary infrastructure elements, including cloud (for data aggregation, traffic analysis, and system-wide recommendations) and 5G (for inter-component networking and real-time sensing). ITS also rely on aging industrial control systems and components, for vehicle detection, weather reporting, and traffic signaling, some dating back forty years or more. This profound heterogeneity makes the cybersecurity problem unwieldy. Automotive systems generally are the most complex public-facing applications of industrial IoT. Any information security problems with them will erode public trust in this important and ultimately critical infrastructure.

Robert Bosch GmbH began working on the first automotive bus architecture in 1986. Automobiles gained increasing electronic functions (smog controls, seat belt monitors, electric window controls, climate controls, and so on). With each new device, the manufacturers had to install additional point-to-point wiring to monitor and control them. This led to increasing complexity, the possibility for error, extended manufacturing time, more costly diagnosis and repair post-sales, and added weight. See Figure 1 for details. By replacing point-to-point wiring with a simple bus, manufacturers could introduce new features connected with one pair of wires for control. This simplified design, manufacturing, diagnosis, and improved quality and maintainability.

Figure 1: CAN Networks Significantly Reduce Wiring (from National Instruments–can–overview.html)

The bus was simple: all devices saw all traffic and responded to messages relevant to them. Each message has a standard format, with a header describing the message content and priority (the arbitration IDs), the body which contains the relevant data, and a cyclic redundancy check (CRC), which is a code to verify that the message contents are accurate. This CRC uses a mathematical formula to determine if any bits have flipped, and for small numbers of errors can correct the message, like a checksum. This is not as powerful as a digital signature. It has no cryptographic power. Every device on the bus can use the CRC algorithm to create a code for messages it sends and to verify the data integrity of messages it receives. Other than this, there is no data confidentiality, authentication, authorization, data integrity, or non-repudiation in CAN bus messages – or any other automotive bus messages. The devices used in cars are generally quite simple, lightweight, and inexpensive: 8-bit processors with little memory on board. Any device connected to the network is trusted. Figure 2 shows the layout of a CAN bus message.

Figure 2: The Standard CAN Frame Format, from National Instruments

Today’s automobiles have more sophisticated devices on board. The types of messages and the services the offer are becoming more complex. In-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems provide maps, music, Bluetooth connectivity for smartphones and other devices, in addition to increasingly more elaborate driving assistance and monitoring systems all add more traffic to the bus. But given the diversity of manufacturers and suppliers, impeding security measures over the automotive network. No single vendor could today achieve what Robert Bosch did nearly forty years ago. Yet the need for stronger vehicle security is growing.

The ISO/SAE 21434 standard describes a model for securing the supply chain for automotive technology, for validating the integrity of the development process, detecting vulnerabilities and cybersecurity attacks in automotive systems, and managing the deployment of fixes as needed. It is comprehensive. ISO/SAE 21434 builds on decades of work in information security. By applying that body of knowledge to the automotive case, the standard will move the industry towards a safer and more trustworthy connected car world.

But the standard’s value doesn’t stop with cars and intelligent transport systems. Domains far beyond connected cars will benefit from having a model for securing communications among elements from diverse manufacturers sharing a common bus. The CAN bus and related technologies are used onboard ships, in aircraft, in railroad management, in maritime port systems, and even in controlling prosthetic limbs. The vulnerabilities are common, the complexity of the supply chain is equivalent, and the need for a comprehensive architectural solution is as great. So this standard is a superb achievement and will go far to improve the quality, reliability, and trustworthiness of critical systems globally.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments below or @WilliamMalikTM.

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5 reasons to move your endpoint security to the cloud now

By Chris Taylor — April 15th 2020 at 14:07

As the world has adopts work from home initiatives, we’ve seen many organizations accelerate their plans to move from on-premises endpoint security and Detection and Response (EDR/XDR) solutions to Software as a Service versions. And several customers who switched to the SaaS version last year, recently wrote us to tell how glad to have done so as they transitioned to working remote. Here are 5 reasons to consider moving to a cloud managed solution:


  1. No internal infrastructure management = less risk

If you haven’t found the time to update your endpoint security software and are one or two versions behind, you are putting your organization at risk of attack. Older versions do not have the same level of protection against ransomware and file-less attacks. Just as the threats are always evolving, the same is true for the technology built to protect against them.

With Apex One as a Service, you always have the latest version. There are no software patches to apply or Apex One servers to manage – we take care of it for you. If you are working remote, this is one less task to worry about and less servers in your environment which might need your attention.

  1. High availability, reliability

With redundant processes and continuous service monitoring, Apex One as a Services delivers the uptime you need with 99.9% availability. The operations team also proactively monitors for potential issues on your endpoints and with your prior approval, can fix minor issues with an endpoint agent before they need your attention.

  1. Faster Detection and Response (EDR/XDR)

By transferring endpoint telemetry to a cloud data lake, detection and response activities like investigations and sweeping can be processed much faster. For example, creating a root cause analysis diagram in cloud takes a fraction of the time since the data is readily available and can be quickly processed with the compute power of the cloud.

  1. Increased MITRE mapping

The unmatched power of cloud computing also enables analytics across a high volume of events and telemetry to identify a suspicious series of activities. This allows for innovative detection methods but also additional mapping of techniques and tactics to the MITRE framework.  Building the equivalent compute power in an on- premises architecture would be cost prohibitive.

  1. XDR – Combined Endpoint + Email Detection and Response

According to Verizon, 94% of malware incidents start with email.  When an endpoint incident occurs, chances are it came from an email message and you want to know what other users have messages with the same email or email attachment in their inbox? You can ask your email admin to run these searches for you which takes time and coordination. As Forrester recognized in the recently published report: The Forrester Wave™ Enterprise Detection and Response, Q1 2020:

“Trend Micro delivers XDR functionality that can be impactful today. Phishing may be the single most effective way for an adversary to deliver targeted payloads deep into an infrastructure. Trend Micro recognized this and made its first entrance into XDR by integrating Microsoft office 365 and Google G suite management capabilities into its EDR workflows.”

This XDR capability is available today by combining alerts, logs and activity data of Apex One as a Service and Trend Micro Cloud App Security. Endpoint data is linked with Office 365 or G Suite email information from Cloud App Security to quickly assess the email impact without having to use another tool or coordinate with other groups.

Moving endpoint protection and detection and response to the cloud, has enormous savings in customer time while increasing their protection and capabilities. If you are licensed with our Smart Protection Suites, you already have access to Apex One as a Service and our support team is ready to help you with your migration. If you are an older suite, talk to your Trend Micro sales rep about moving to a license which includes SaaS.


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The Summit of Cybersecurity Sits Among the Clouds

By Trend Micro — January 6th 2020 at 17:38

Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service

You have heard it before, but it needs to be said again—threats are constantly evolving and getting sneakier, more malicious, and harder to find than ever before.

It’s a hard job to stay one step ahead of the latest threats and scams organizations come across, but it’s something Trend Micro has done for a long time, and something we do very well! At the heart of Trend Micro security is the understanding that we have to adapt and evolve faster than hackers and their malicious threats. When we released Trend Micro™ OfficeScan™ 11.0, we were facing browser exploits, the start of advanced ransomware and many more new and dangerous threats. That’s why we launched our connected threat defense approach—allowing all Trend Micro solutions to share threat information and research, keeping our customers one step ahead of threats.


With the launch of Trend Micro™ OfficeScan™ XG, we released a set of new capabilities like anti-exploit prevention, ransomware enhancements, and pre-execution and runtime machine learning, protecting customers from a wider range of fileless and file-based threats. Fast forward to last year, we saw a huge shift in not only the threats we saw in the security landscape, but also in how we architected and deployed our endpoint security. This lead to Trend Micro Apex One™, our newly redesigned endpoint protection solution, available as a single agent. Trend Micro Apex One brought to the market enhanced fileless attack detection, advanced behavioral analysis, and combined our powerful endpoint threat detection capabilities with our sophisticated endpoint detection and response (EDR) investigative capabilities.


We all know that threats evolve, but, as user protection product manager Kris Anderson says, with Trend Micro, your endpoint protection evolves as well. While we have signatures and behavioral patterns that are constantly being updated through our Smart Protection Network, attackers are discovering new tactics that threaten your company. At Trend Micro, we constantly develop and fine-tune our detection engines to combat these threats, real-time, with the least performance hit to the endpoint. This is why we urge customers to stay updated with the latest version of endpoint security—Apex One.”

Trend Micro Apex One has the broadest set of threat detection capabilities in the industry today, and staying updated with the latest version allows you to benefit from this cross-layered approach to security.


One easy way to ensure you are always protected with the latest version of Trend Micro Apex One is to migrate to Trend Micro Apex One™ as a Service. By deploying a SaaS model of Trend Micro Apex One, you can benefit from automatic updates of the latest Trend Micro Apex One security features without having to go through the upgrade process yourself. Trend Micro Apex One as a Service deployments will automatically get updated as new capabilities are introduced and existing capabilities are enhanced, meaning you will always have the most recent and effective endpoint security protecting your endpoints and users.


Trend Micro takes cloud security seriously, and endpoint security is no different. You can get the same gold standard endpoint protection of Trend Micro Apex One, but delivered as a service, allowing you to benefit from easy management and ongoing maintenance.

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