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Easy Essay Tips – Getting Cheap Essays Done For Longer

By webadmin — February 4th 2021 at 20:17

Affordable essays are something which all people can love. Nonetheless, so as to acquire such essays performed in a good price, you have to take a few unique actions. This article will help you through a few of the methods you can approach the process of getting cheap essays to be written to your class.

The very first thing you need to do would be to make sure you just write your own essay. This is most likely the single most important step. You might have heard each of the ridiculous stories about writers who spend months on study and put together essays that are all rewritten each week. It’s not worthwhile. Just write your essay.

Once you begin on writing cheap essays, then the next thing you need to keep in mind is to write at a consistent pace. You can always speed up as you move along but you won’t ever have the ability to write at a quicker rate than you are currently writing at. Be patient. And don’t worry about plagiarism.

Remember, these essays aren’t supposed to be an academic paper, so that they are supposed to be an educational experience for the students. Write your essay from the point of view of your viewers; the perspective of the reader.

Find a way to be creative and entertaining while writing your own essay. So long as it remains true to what your audience should hear and understand, you need to have the ability to stay on topic. Some great ways to do this include using some game or story based on the mission.

Find a means to include the course exercise inside the essay too. Get out of the classroom and do something different. Use your imagination. What would you prefer in order to perform if you are finished with your mission?

Finally, remember you are going to want to get into the habit of practicing your own essay. Don’t simply sit right down and write. Just take time each day to write out the different facets of your essay. This can allow you to get accustomed to composing, and you will also see the content of your article more clearly.

When you can receive an essay composed without any mistakes in under 2 hours, you will understand that you’re capable of writing them, and you won’t need to pay a good deal of cash to get them done. You will be prepared to go next year!

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Term Paper Writers For Hire – 3 Things to Search For in Requirements and Topic Writers

By webadmin — February 4th 2021 at 18:54

How do we know which term paper essay writer helper authors for hire are legitimate? The answer is: You do not! That is why it’s so important to check these 2 websites to find out just who is writing your assignment Prior to Making your final decision:

It is always a good idea to request references. How do we do this? Well, most writers submit their testimonials by email. As you will notice in lots of customer reviews on this site, we’re doing a fantastic job of discovering the very best writers potential.

If you’re hiring a term paper writers for hire, we have a webpage on this site where you can obtain names and contact info. But, please make certain that you read the data carefully and be certain that the title is correct. Don’t settle for a last name when it isn’t. You should check with a former client to make certain that the writer is professional and reputable.

This site has over two million terms and subjects that term paper authors can write about. These topics range from business writing to the science and technology field. Our writers specialize in different areas, but each one of our authors is experienced in writing about a specific topic. To see what we have to offer, click on the’Term Papers’ tab at the top of the webpage. So as to discover a specific writer, simply type in your subject, and you will see a list of writers with experience on the topic.

One good author is going to have been known to this website by an earlier customer. If you wish to understand which authors we urge, simply take a moment to browse our authors’ profiles to see what kind of articles they have written. While they are more expensive than the less expensive writers available on the market, we feel that our authors are of greater quality and can provide better results.

We have used both of the above websites as we were trying to find the best term paper writers to hire for quite some time and we agree that both of them are reliable resources. Both sites will provide you information about writing solutions, and both will let you have a look at samples of past clients’ work. When you are employing a writer, it’s crucial that you do your homework and find a company or author that’s qualified to work together with you and your specific topic. This is the only method to make sure you’re getting the most accurate and handiest composition feasible for your homework.

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Tips For Purchasing Essays Online

By webadmin — February 4th 2021 at 18:26

When you have a passion for writing and need to earn additional money, there are a number of excellent ways to earn by purchasing essays online. When you have not written in a long time and want to find a way to get started using the writing firm, subsequently selling essays is a wonderful way to start off. There are a lot of men and women that want to know more about these types of essays because they may be very competitive, so be prepared for some stiff competition. This may be an exceptional source of additional income because lots of folks will cover your work and will pay more than they would pay someone else for the exact same work.

There are a few hints to assist you start off and make it simpler to get essays on the internet. First, you want to understand what sort of essay that you would like to compose. There are various sorts of essays like essays about sciencefiction history, English, philosophy, literature, mathematics, social science, etc..

You also ought to know which type of essay is most suitable to your abilities and knowledge concerning various kinds of subjects. Some kinds of essays have special skills demanded of them while some don’t. Should you know what kind of essay that you wish to compose, you can restrict your options of what sort of essay to buy. You will then need more to pick from and you can select a price range that you feel comfy with.

The next thing to do is to get a location at which you can sell these records. It isn’t important how big the company is, it doesn’t matter how often the documents are offered. It just matters that you’re prepared to market and can afford to purchase. It’s also wise to be sure you’re willing to take orders.

You must be sure you have a list of potential buyers and a couple of sample essays to give to each one. This will allow you to develop your confidence that you can write well enough to persuade someone to purchase from you.

Selling essays is an excellent way to earn extra money. With these tips, you can succeed in making money by selling essays.

First, decide on the subject of the essay. Once you have decided the topic of the article, be certain you’ve got the essential information to write the article. Know the fundamental writing skills like grammar, punctuation, grammar, and other elements of grammar and syntax before you begin writing the article. You also will need to have enough info to understand what the topic of this essay is until you begin writing.

It’s essential to make sure the essay is not too long or too short. If it is too short, it won’t be read and if it’s too long, then it will not provide the reader free pre written essays with sufficient details. To make an educated decision. Don’t write the article, if you are unsure if it is adequate.

Selling essays is an excellent way to earn a little additional money. It’s very easy and you have many choices. Be certain you know what kind of essay to buy and make sure you are prepared.

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Typo 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 2)

By LetsPen Test — October 22nd 2020 at 13:06

Introduction In the previous article, Part 1 of this CTF, we were able to complete the following steps on the victim machine: Getting the target machine IP address by running the VM Getting open port details by using the Nmap tool Enumerating HTTP port 80 service with Dirb utility Enumerating HTTP port 8000 and 8080 […]

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Typo 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 2) was first posted on October 22, 2020 at 8:06 am.
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Reactive vs. proactive security: Three benefits of a proactive cybersecurity strategy

By Susan Morrow — October 22nd 2020 at 13:01

Introduction  I’ve been writing cybersecurity articles for many years, and in that time, I have only seen increasingly complex security threats. Cybercriminals take their craft seriously. They treat cybercrime as a business, looking for ways to maximize profit while seeking innovative methods to circumvent our efforts to protect our businesses. The figures speak for themselves. […]

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Reactive vs. proactive security: Three benefits of a proactive cybersecurity strategy was first posted on October 22, 2020 at 8:01 am.
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Brand impersonation attacks targeting SMB organizations

By Susan Morrow — October 21st 2020 at 13:05

Introduction Building and maintaining a brand is an important part of a successful business. Having a recognized brand confers recognition, and if done well, provides a way of developing trust between customers and company. Brand trust and loyalty go hand-in-hand. Research has shown that 80% of US customers look at the trustworthiness of a brand […]

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Brand impersonation attacks targeting SMB organizations was first posted on October 21, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide

By Daniel Brecht — October 21st 2020 at 13:03

Introduction: An overview of the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework In 2017, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published Special Publication 800-181, the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (or NICE Framework); the document categorizes and describes cybersecurity work as well as the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) needed by professionals to complete tasks in the […]

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How to use the NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework to plan career progression: A practitioners’ guide was first posted on October 21, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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2020 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report: Summary and key findings for security professionals

By Greg Belding — October 21st 2020 at 13:01

Introduction The Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, or the Verizon Data Breach Report, is an annual report intended for information security professionals. It summarizes 3,950 confirmed data breaches and is a collection of work from 81 contributors spanning 81 countries and has grown more than a little bit since last year’s twelfth edition.  Navigating this […]

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2020 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report: Summary and key findings for security professionals was first posted on October 21, 2020 at 8:01 am.
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Microsoft Azure job outlook

By Greg Belding — October 20th 2020 at 13:05

Introduction The business world is relocating to the cloud and the trend is strong. It has been predicted that by the end of 2020, 83% of all businesses will be in the cloud and by 2021, the percentage of workloads processed in cloud data centers will reach 94%. By 2022, cloud services will be three […]

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Microsoft Azure job outlook was first posted on October 20, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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Cost of non-compliance: 8 largest data breach fines and penalties

By Greg Belding — October 20th 2020 at 13:03

Introduction Different regulations and laws will slap organizations with fines and penalties for data breaches. This is because the organization did not take the privacy of their data seriously. However, the authorities take this responsibility very seriously and will not hesitate to punish with fines and penalties that are sometimes in the hundreds of millions […]

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Cost of non-compliance: 8 largest data breach fines and penalties was first posted on October 20, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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Implementing a zero-trust model: The key to securing microservices

By David Bisson — October 20th 2020 at 13:00

Introduction Organizations are increasingly integrating microservices into their software development processes. As noted by DZone, microservices break down software into multiple component services, thereby enabling organizations to deploy parts of an application without compromising the integrity of the entire program.  This property also allows developers to address a microservice that starts acting up. The other […]

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Implementing a zero-trust model: The key to securing microservices was first posted on October 20, 2020 at 8:00 am.
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Typo 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 1)

By LetsPen Test — October 19th 2020 at 13:06

In this article, we will solve a Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge that was posted on the VulnHub website by an author named Akanksha Sachin Verma. As per the description given by the author, it is an intermediate-level challenge. The goal is to get root access of the machine and read the root flag. You […]

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Typo 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 1) was first posted on October 19, 2020 at 8:06 am.
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Open-source application security flaws: What you should know and how to spot them

By Graeme Messina — October 19th 2020 at 13:03

Introduction Open-source software helped to revolutionize the way that applications are built by professionals and enthusiasts alike. Being able to borrow a non-proprietary library to quickly prototype and build an application not only accelerates progress in projects, but also makes things easier to work with. Open-source libraries when creating applications is not the only positive […]

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Open-source application security flaws: What you should know and how to spot them was first posted on October 19, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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How to avoid getting locked out of your own account with multi-factor authentication

By Greg Belding — October 19th 2020 at 13:00

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one of the most popular authentication security solutions available to organizations today. It really comes as no surprise, as the multi-factor authentication benefits of enhanced security go beyond the basic password security measures by forcing the user to authenticate with another method that (presumably) only the legitimate user has access to.  […]

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How to avoid getting locked out of your own account with multi-factor authentication was first posted on October 19, 2020 at 8:00 am.
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Source 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough

By LetsPen Test — October 15th 2020 at 13:05

In this article, we will solve a Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge that was posted on the VulnHub website by an author named darkstar7471. Per the description given by the author, this is an entry-level CTF. The target of this CTF is to get to the root of the machine and read the flag file. […]

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Source 1: VulnHub CTF walkthrough was first posted on October 15, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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Japan’s IoT scanning project looks for vulnerable IoT devices

By Rodika Tollefson — October 15th 2020 at 13:03

The growing world of IoT — and security concerns The Internet of Things (IoT) is still a baby compared to other computing technologies, but the market has already exploded and continues to expand at a healthy pace. Telecommunications giant Ericsson estimates the number of IoT connections to grow from 10.8 billion in 2019 to 24.9 […]

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Japan’s IoT scanning project looks for vulnerable IoT devices was first posted on October 15, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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Troystealer malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it | Malware spotlight

By Pedro Tavares — October 15th 2020 at 13:03

We are living in an era where malware is part of our daily lives. Emergent campaigns are increasing, each more sophisticated and harder to detect than the last. Malware can reveal itself through different abnormal behaviors, including a giant wave of annoying ads flooding your screen, your system crashing, blocks or repeatedly showing a BSOD […]

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Troystealer malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it | Malware spotlight was first posted on October 15, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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How to create a subdomain enumeration toolkit

By Pedro Tavares — October 14th 2020 at 13:04

Introduction A domain name is an important part of the reconnaissance process during a security assessment or even for many bug bounty challenges. In this article, we’ll look at how a domain can be classified. Within this context, two scenarios of how to take advantage of domain misconfigurations will be analyzed. Finally, we’ll discuss building […]

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How to create a subdomain enumeration toolkit was first posted on October 14, 2020 at 8:04 am.
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How to find weak passwords in your organization’s Active Directory

By Claudio Dodt — October 14th 2020 at 13:00

Introduction Confidentiality is a fundamental information security principle. According to ISO 27001, it is defined as ensuring that information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities or processes. There are several security controls designed specifically to enforce confidentiality requirements, but one of the oldest and best known is the use of passwords. […]

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How to find weak passwords in your organization’s Active Directory was first posted on October 14, 2020 at 8:00 am.
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Fake STOP/DJVU decryptor malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it

By Greg Belding — October 14th 2020 at 13:00

Introduction Imagine a situation where criminals steal access to your property. They offer you a seemingly valid solution in the way of a tool that will give you your access back. But you use that solution and yet you still do not have access? Welcome to the nightmarish world of STOP/DJVU — a ransomware that […]

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Fake STOP/DJVU decryptor malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it was first posted on October 14, 2020 at 8:00 am.
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Using Merlin agents to evade detection

By Pedro Tavares — October 13th 2020 at 13:07

Introduction While penetration testing and Red Teaming are crucial to check a system’s security and to validate potential entry-points in the infrastructure, sometimes establishing an initial foothold on the target can be a big challenge due to host IDS agents, host firewalls, antivirus or even due to bypass security appliances that are inspecting internal network […]

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Using Merlin agents to evade detection was first posted on October 13, 2020 at 8:07 am.
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The ultimate guide to encryption key management

By Jatin Jain — October 13th 2020 at 13:03

Introduction In cryptography, a key is a very important piece of information used to combine with an algorithm (a cipher) to transform plaintext into ciphertext (encryption). The first step of preventive security is not encryption; however, the proper management of a cryptographic key is essential. Key management includes the generating, using, storing, archiving and deleting […]

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The ultimate guide to encryption key management was first posted on October 13, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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How hackers use CAPTCHA to evade automated detection

By Dan Virgillito — October 13th 2020 at 13:00

Introduction CAPTCHA seems to be everywhere we look. These sloppy characters are on blogs, ticket websites, shopping portals — you name it. Those cars you need to spot in a block of images before you can access a website? That’s CAPTCHA too. CAPTCHA was invented to help sites distinguish human users from bots and automated […]

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How hackers use CAPTCHA to evade automated detection was first posted on October 13, 2020 at 8:00 am.
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Hack the Box (HTB) machines walkthrough series — Cascade (Part 1)

By Security Ninja — October 5th 2020 at 13:05

Today, we will be continuing with our exploration of Hack the Box (HTB) machines, as seen in previous articles. This walkthrough is the first half of an HTB machine named Cascade. HTB is an excellent platform that hosts machines belonging to multiple OSes. It also has some other challenges as well. Individuals have to solve […]

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Hack the Box (HTB) machines walkthrough series — Cascade (Part 1) was first posted on October 5, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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Microsoft Azure Certification: Overview And Career Path

By Mosimilolu Odusanya — October 5th 2020 at 13:03

Introduction The global COVID-19 pandemic has forced individuals and organizations to adopt new ways of doing daily tasks, from working to learning. It has also accelerated the journey to the cloud for many organizations; for others, it has made them more reliant on the cloud. With that move comes a demand for professionals with cloud […]

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Microsoft Azure Certification: Overview And Career Path was first posted on October 5, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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CCNA certification prep: Security fundamentals

By Muhammad Furqan — October 5th 2020 at 13:01

Introduction In modern networks, security is not an afterthought. You need to know how to build secure networks from the outset. Security has to be woven into the very fabric of the network.  The 200-301 CCNA exam covers security fundamentals among a broad range of networking topics. This article describes what you need to know […]

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CCNA certification prep: Security fundamentals was first posted on October 5, 2020 at 8:01 am.
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ZION: 1.2 — VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 1)

By LetsPen Test — October 1st 2020 at 13:05

Introduction In this article, we will solve a Capture the Flag (CTF) challenge that was posted on the VulnHub website by André Henrique. Per the description given by the author, you must “Help Morpheus to leave the Matrix and return to Zion.” To do so, we have to find and read two flags (user and […]

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ZION: 1.2 — VulnHub CTF walkthrough (part 1) was first posted on October 1, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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Tycoon malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it | Malware spotlight

By Greg Belding — October 1st 2020 at 13:03

Introduction It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. In the world of malware, a picture is worth an infection — in other words, a picture can actually be the malware (ransomware, specifically in this case) that initially infects the compromised machine. This malware is called Tycoon and it uses an […]

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Tycoon malware: What it is, how it works and how to prevent it | Malware spotlight was first posted on October 1, 2020 at 8:03 am.
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Average CCNP salary 2020

By Susan Morrow — September 29th 2020 at 14:59

Introduction The CCNP, or Cisco Certified Network Professional, is a certification endorsing IT professionals who have the knowhow and skill to set up, configure and manage local and wide-area networks within an enterprise. CCNP certification takes you through video, voice, wireless and advanced security issues. Since the training module and examinations for the CCNP certification […]

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Average CCNP salary 2020 was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 9:59 am.
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CCNA certification prep: Network fundamentals [updated 2020]

By Paris Arau — September 29th 2020 at 13:33

What percentage of the exam focuses on network fundamentals? The network fundamentals section is 20% of the CCNA 200-301’s topics. It’s neither the largest nor the smallest. The fact that the percentage increased from 15% in the previous version indicates that Cisco has emphasized the importance of having a strong base in this topic, on […]

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CCNA certification prep: Network fundamentals [updated 2020] was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 8:33 am.
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AWS User Management

By Robert Johnson — September 30th 2020 at 18:24

Introduction In order to keep your AWS environment secure while allowing your users to properly utilize resources, you must ensure that users are correctly created with proper permissions. Also, you must monitor your environment to ensure that unauthorized access does not occur and accounts are up to date. User Account Creation and Management AWS IAM […]

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AWS User Management was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 1:24 pm.
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Average CCNA salary 2020

By Susan Morrow — September 30th 2020 at 14:12

Introduction The CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) is one of the most well-known entry-level certifications within the IT industry. Holding this credential proves your ability to install, configure, manage and support small- to medium-sized networks.  A study by CompTIA found that 47% of SMBs see the IT skills gap growing. This IT skills gap is […]

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Average CCNA salary 2020 was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 9:12 am.
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Networking fundamentals (for Network security professionals)

By Nitesh Malviya — September 30th 2020 at 17:03

Introduction To understand Network Security, it’s imperative that we understand networking fundamentals and networking basics. In this post, we will be learning about networking basics and fundamentals to get started with Network Security.  We cannot cover whole networking in a single post so we will be focusing only on core networking concepts needed for network […]

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Networking fundamentals (for Network security professionals) was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 12:03 pm.
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Wireless Networks and Security

By Nitesh Malviya — September 30th 2020 at 16:32

Introduction Wireless networks have become an inherent part of our life and we all use wireless networks in some form in our day to day life. Of all the utilities provided by wireless networks, we use wireless networks widely for connecting to the internet. We connect to the internet wirelessly either by router or using […]

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Wireless Networks and Security was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 11:32 am.
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Introduction to Printing and Format Strings

By Srinivas — September 30th 2020 at 16:09

Introduction This article provides an overview of how printing functions work and how format strings are used to format the data being printed. Developers often use print functions for a variety of reasons such as displaying data to the users and printing debug messages. While these print functions appear to be innocent, they can cause […]

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Introduction to Printing and Format Strings was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 11:09 am.
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Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions

By Srinivas — September 30th 2020 at 15:29

Introduction In the previous article, we understood how print functions like printf work. This article provides further definition of Format String vulnerabilities. We will begin by discussing how Format Strings can be used in an unusual way, which is a starting point to understanding Format String exploits. Next, we will understand what kind of mistakes […]

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Format String Vulnerabilities: Use and Definitions was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 10:29 am.
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How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities

By Srinivas — September 30th 2020 at 13:28

Introduction In the previous articles, we discussed printing functions, format strings and format string vulnerabilities. This article provides an overview of how Format String vulnerabilities can be exploited. In this article, we will begin by solving a simple challenge to leak a secret from memory. In the next article, we will discuss another example, where […]

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How to exploit Format String Vulnerabilities was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 8:28 am.
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Copy-paste compromises

By Jatin Jain — September 30th 2020 at 13:05

Copy-paste compromises: Introduction and overview Although the concept of copy-paste compromises is not exactly new, there are now several different forms of the attack. In the version of copy-paste compromise that we’ll discuss today, malicious actors use open-source or publicly available exploit code, web shells and other tools to gain information. Recently, Australia has revealed […]

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Copy-paste compromises was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 8:05 am.
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Fuzzing introduction: Definition, types and tools for cybersecurity pros

By Pedro Tavares — September 30th 2020 at 13:01

Fuzzing is a black-box software testing technique and consists of finding implementation flaws and bugs by using malformed/semi-malformed payloads via automation. Fuzzing an application is not a matter of simply exploiting a specific point of an application, but also acquiring knowledge and potential crashes that could be explored in-depth through the implementation of crafted payloads […]

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Fuzzing introduction: Definition, types and tools for cybersecurity pros was first posted on September 30, 2020 at 8:01 am.
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Format String Vulnerabilities Exploitation Case Study

By Srinivas — September 29th 2020 at 19:55

Introduction: In the previous article of this series, we discussed how format string vulnerabilities can be exploited. This article provides a case study of how format string vulnerabilities can be used to exploit serious vulnerabilities such as Buffer Overflows. We will begin by understanding what stack canaries are and then we will exploit a Buffer […]

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Format String Vulnerabilities Exploitation Case Study was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 2:55 pm.
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How to mitigate Format String Vulnerabilities

By Srinivas — September 29th 2020 at 19:46

Introduction: This article provides an overview of various techniques that can be used to mitigate Format String vulnerabilities. In addition to the mitigations that are offered by the compilers & operating systems, we will also discuss preventive measures that can be used while writing programs in languages susceptible to Format String vulnerabilities.  Techniques to prevent […]

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How to mitigate Format String Vulnerabilities was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 2:46 pm.
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IoT Security Fundamentals: Intercepting and Manipulating Wireless Communications

By Dimitar Kostadinov — September 29th 2020 at 19:14

Introduction: IoT Manufacturers Favor Convenience over Security Because IoT security is still an afterthought, cybercriminals in general consider smart devices a “low-hanging fruit” – a target easy to compromise and manipulate. Security (and privacy) by design is key for IoT, and probably the only effective way for a smart gadget to protect its communications is […]

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IoT Security Fundamentals: Intercepting and Manipulating Wireless Communications was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 2:14 pm.
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IoT Security Fundamentals: IoT vs OT (Operational Technology)

By Dimitar Kostadinov — September 29th 2020 at 18:59

Introduction: Knowing the Notions  Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) incorporates technologies such as machine learning, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, sensor data, Big Data, etc. This article will focus predominantly on the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) and how it relates to Operational Technology (OT). Operational Technology (OT) is a term that defines a specific category of […]

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IoT Security Fundamentals: IoT vs OT (Operational Technology) was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 1:59 pm.
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Public-Key Cryptography in Blockchain

By Howard Poston — September 29th 2020 at 17:25

How public-key cryptography works Public-key or asymmetric cryptography is one of the two main types of encryption algorithms. Its names come from the fact that it uses two different encryption keys: a public one and a private one. Public and private keys The private key used in public-key cryptography is a random number with certain […]

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Public-Key Cryptography in Blockchain was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 12:25 pm.
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Hash Functions in Blockchain

By Howard Poston — September 29th 2020 at 16:16

Introduction to hash functions Hash functions are one of the most extensively-used cryptographic algorithms in blockchain technology. They are cryptographic (but not encryption) algorithms that are designed to protect data integrity. In a nutshell, a hash algorithm is a mathematical function that transforms any input into a fixed size output. To be cryptographically secure — […]

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Hash Functions in Blockchain was first posted on September 29, 2020 at 11:16 am.
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