
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

State-Sponsored Sidewinder Hacker Group's Covert Attack Infrastructure Uncovered

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 17th 2023 at 08:40
Cybersecurity researchers have unearthed previously undocumented attack infrastructure used by the prolific state-sponsored group SideWinder to strike entities located in Pakistan and China. This comprises a network of 55 domains and IP addresses used by the threat actor, cybersecurity companies Group-IB and Bridewell said in a joint report shared with The Hacker News. "The identified phishing
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U.S. Offers $10 Million Bounty for Capture of Notorious Russian Ransomware Operator

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 17th 2023 at 05:29
A Russian national has been charged and indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) for launching ransomware attacks against "thousands of victims" in the country and across the world. Mikhail Pavlovich Matveev (aka Wazawaka, m1x, Boriselcin, and Uhodiransomwar), the 30-year-old individual in question, is alleged to be a "central figure" in the development and deployment of LockBit, Babuk,
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Russian Hacker “Wazawaka” Indicted for Ransomware

By BrianKrebs — May 16th 2023 at 21:33

A Russian man identified by KrebsOnSecurity in January 2022 as a prolific and vocal member of several top ransomware groups was the subject of two indictments unsealed by the Justice Department today. U.S. prosecutors say Mikhail Pavolovich Matveev, a.k.a. “Wazawaka” and “Boriselcin” worked with three different ransomware gangs that extorted hundreds of millions of dollars from companies, schools, hospitals and government agencies.

An FBI wanted poster for Matveev.

Indictments returned in New Jersey and the District of Columbia allege that Matveev was involved in a conspiracy to distribute ransomware from three different strains or affiliate groups, including Babuk, Hive and LockBit.

The indictments allege that on June 25, 2020, Matveev and his LockBit co-conspirators deployed LockBit ransomware against a law enforcement agency in Passaic County, New Jersey. Prosecutors say that on May 27, 2022, Matveev conspired with Hive to ransom a nonprofit behavioral healthcare organization headquartered in Mercer County, New Jersey. And on April 26, 2021, Matveev and his Babuk gang allegedly deployed ransomware against the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, D.C.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Treasury has added Matveev to its list of persons with whom it is illegal to transact financially. Also, the U.S. State Department is offering a $10 million reward for the capture and/or prosecution of Matveev, although he is unlikely to face either as long as he continues to reside in Russia.

In a January 2021 discussion on a top Russian cybercrime forum, Matveev’s alleged alter ego Wazawaka said he had no plans to leave the protection of “Mother Russia,” and that traveling abroad was not an option for him.

“Mother Russia will help you,” Wazawaka concluded. “Love your country, and you will always get away with everything.”

In January 2022, KrebsOnSecurity published Who is the Network Access Broker ‘Wazawaka,’ which followed clues from Wazawaka’s many pseudonyms and contact details on the Russian-language cybercrime forums back to a 33-year-old Mikhail Matveev from Abaza, RU (the FBI says his date of birth is Aug. 17, 1992).

A month after that story ran, a man who appeared identical to the social media photos for Matveev began posting on Twitter a series of bizarre selfie videos in which he lashed out at security journalists and researchers (including this author), while using the same Twitter account to drop exploit code for a widely-used virtual private networking (VPN) appliance.

“Hello Brian Krebs! You did a really great job actually, really well, fucking great — it’s great that journalism works so well in the US,” Matveev said in one of the videos. “By the way, it is my voice in the background, I just love myself a lot.”

Prosecutors allege Matveev used a dizzying stream of monikers on the cybercrime forums, including “Boriselcin,” a talkative and brash personality who was simultaneously the public persona of Babuk, a ransomware affiliate program that surfaced on New Year’s Eve 2020.

Previous reporting here revealed that Matveev’s alter egos included “Orange,” the founder of the RAMP ransomware forum. RAMP stands for “Ransom Anon Market Place, and analysts at the security firm Flashpoint say the forum was created “directly in response to several large Dark Web forums banning ransomware collectives on their site following the Colonial Pipeline attack by ransomware group ‘DarkSide.”

As noted in last year’s investigations into Matveev, his alleged cybercriminal handles all were driven by a uniquely communitarian view that when organizations being held for ransom decline to cooperate or pay up, any data stolen from the victim should be published on the Russian cybercrime forums for all to plunder — not privately sold to the highest bidder.

In thread after thread on the crime forum XSS, Matveev’s alleged alias “Uhodiransomwar” could be seen posting download links to databases from companies that have refused to negotiate after five days.

Matveev is charged with conspiring to transmit ransom demands, conspiring to damage protected computers, and intentionally damaging protected computers. If convicted, he faces more than 20 years in prison.

Further reading:

Who is the Network Access Broker “Wazawaka?”

Wazawaka Goes Waka Waka

The New Jersey indictment against Matveev (PDF)

The indictment from the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, D.C. (PDF)

☐ ☆ ✇ Verisign Blog

Will Altanovo’s Maneuvering Continue to Delay .web?

By Kirk Salzmann — May 16th 2023 at 20:31
Verisign Logo

The launch of .web top-level domain is once again at risk of being delayed by baseless procedural maneuvering.

On May 2, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Board of Directors posted a decision on the .web matter from its April 30 meeting, which found “that NDC (Nu Dotco LLC) did not violate the Guidebook or the Auction Rules” and directed ICANN “to continue processing NDC’s .web application,” clearing the way for the delegation of .web. ICANN later posted a preliminary report from this meeting showing that the Board vote on the .web decision was without objection.

Less than 24 hours later, however, Altanovo (formerly Afilias) – a losing bidder whose repeatedly rejected claims already have delayed the delegation of .web for more than six years – dusted off its playbook from 2018 by filing yet another ICANN Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP), beginning the cycle of another independent review of the Board’s decision, which last time cost millions of dollars and resulted in years of delay.

Under ICANN rules, a CEP is intended to be a non-binding process designed to efficiently resolve or narrow disputes before the initiation of an Independent Review Process (IRP). ICANN places further actions on hold while a CEP is pending. It’s an important and worthwhile aspect of the multistakeholder process…when used in good faith.

But that does not appear to be what is happening here. Altanovo and its backers initiated this repeat CEP despite the fact that it lost a fair, ICANN-sponsored auction; lost, in every important respect, the IRP; lost its application for reconsideration of the IRP (which it was sanctioned for filing, and which was determined to be frivolous by the IRP panel); and has now lost before the ICANN Board.

The Board’s decision expressly found that these disputes “have delayed the delegation of .web for more than six years” and already cost each of the parties, including ICANN, “millions of dollars in legal fees.”

Further delay appears to be the only goal of this second CEP – and any follow-on IRP – because no one could conclude in good faith that an IRP panel would find that the thorough process and decision on .web established in the Board’s resolutions and preliminary report violated ICANN’s bylaws. At the end of the day, all that will be accomplished by this second CEP and a second IRP is continued delay, and delay for delay’s sake amounts to an abuse of process that threatens to undermine the multistakeholder processes and the rights of NDC and Verisign.

ICANN will, no doubt, follow its processes for resolving the CEP and any further procedural maneuvers attempted by Altanovo. But, given Altanovo’s track record of losses, delays, and frivolous maneuvering since the 2016 .web auction, a point has been reached when equity demands that this abuse of process not be allowed to thwart NDC’s right, as determined by the Board, to move ahead on its .web application.

The post Will Altanovo’s Maneuvering Continue to Delay .web? appeared first on Verisign Blog.

☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Belkin Wemo Smart Plug V2 – the buffer overflow that won’t be patched

By Paul Ducklin — May 16th 2023 at 17:59
Yes, it's a buffer overflow bug. No, it's not going get fixed.

☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

WhatsApp 2023: New Privacy Features, Settings, and More

By Matt Burgess — May 16th 2023 at 15:00
The Meta-owned app offers end-to-end encryption of texts, images, and more by default—but its settings aren't as private as they could be.
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

China's Mustang Panda Hackers Exploit TP-Link Routers for Persistent Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 16th 2023 at 14:45
The Chinese nation-state actor known as Mustang Panda has been linked to a new set of sophisticated and targeted attacks aimed at European foreign affairs entities since January 2023. An analysis of these intrusions, per Check Point researchers Itay Cohen and Radoslaw Madej, has revealed a custom firmware implant designed explicitly for TP-Link routers. "The implant features several malicious
☐ ☆ ✇ Krebs on Security

Re-Victimization from Police-Auctioned Cell Phones

By BrianKrebs — May 16th 2023 at 12:20

Countless smartphones seized in arrests and searches by police forces across the United States are being auctioned online without first having the data on them erased, a practice that can lead to crime victims being re-victimized, a new study found. In response, the largest online marketplace for items seized in U.S. law enforcement investigations says it now ensures that all phones sold through its platform will be data-wiped prior to auction.

Researchers at the University of Maryland last year purchased 228 smartphones sold “as-is” from, which bills itself as the largest auction house for police departments in the United States. Of phones they won at auction (at an average of $18 per phone), the researchers found 49 had no PIN or passcode; they were able to guess an additional 11 of the PINs by using the top-40 most popular PIN or swipe patterns.

Phones may end up in police custody for any number of reasons — such as its owner was involved in identity theft — and in these cases the phone itself was used as a tool to commit the crime.

“We initially expected that police would never auction these phones, as they would enable the buyer to recommit the same crimes as the previous owner,” the researchers explained in a paper released this month. “Unfortunately, that expectation has proven false in practice.”

The researchers said while they could have employed more aggressive technological measures to work out more of the PINs for the remaining phones they bought, they concluded based on the sample that a great many of the devices they won at auction had probably not been data-wiped and were protected only by a PIN.

Beyond what you would expect from unwiped second hand phones — every text message, picture, email, browser history, location history, etc. — the 61 phones they were able to access also contained significant amounts of data pertaining to crime — including victims’ data — the researchers found.

Some readers may be wondering at this point, “Why should we care about what happens to a criminal’s phone?” First off, it’s not entirely clear how these phones ended up for sale on PropertyRoom.

“Some folks are like, ‘Yeah, whatever, these are criminal phones,’ but are they?” said Dave Levin, an assistant professor of computer science at University of Maryland.

“We started looking at state laws around what they’re supposed to do with lost or stolen property, and we found that most of it ends up going the same route as civil asset forfeiture,” Levin continued. “Meaning, if they can’t find out who owns something, it eventually becomes the property of the state and gets shipped out to these resellers.”

Also, the researchers found that many of the phones clearly had personal information on them regarding previous or intended targets of crime: A dozen of the phones had photographs of government-issued IDs. Three of those were on phones that apparently belonged to sex workers; their phones contained communications with clients.

An overview of the phone functionality and data accessibility for phones purchased by the researchers.

One phone had full credit files for eight different people on it. On another device they found a screenshot including 11 stolen credit cards that were apparently purchased from an online carding shop. On yet another, the former owner had apparently been active in a Telegram group chat that sold tutorials on how to run identity theft scams.

The most interesting phone from the batches they bought at auction was one with a sticky note attached that included the device’s PIN and the notation “Gry Keyed,” no doubt a reference to the Graykey software that is often used by law enforcement agencies to brute-force a mobile device PIN.

“That one had the PIN on the back,” Levin said. “The message chain on that phone had 24 Experian and TransUnion credit histories”.

The University of Maryland team said they took care in their research not to further the victimization of people whose information was on the devices they purchased from That involved ensuring that none of the devices could connect to the Internet when powered on, and scanning all images on the devices against known hashes for child sexual abuse material.

It is common to find phones and other electronics for sale on auction platforms like eBay that have not been wiped of sensitive data, but in those cases eBay doesn’t possess the items being sold. In contrast, platforms like PropertyRoom obtain devices and resell them at auction directly.

PropertyRoom did not respond to multiple requests for comment. But the researchers said sometime in the past few months PropertyRoom began posting a notice stating that all mobile devices would be wiped of their data before being sold at auction.

“We informed them of our research in October 2022, and they responded that they would review our findings internally,” Levin said. “They stopped selling them for a while, but then it slowly came back, and then we made sure we won every auction. And all of the ones we got from that were indeed wiped, except there were four devices that had external SD [storage] cards in them that weren’t wiped.”

A copy of the University of Maryland study is here (PDF).

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Inside Qilin Ransomware: Affiliates Take Home 85% of Ransom Payouts

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 16th 2023 at 12:20
Ransomware affiliates associated with the Qilin ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) scheme earn anywhere between 80% to 85% of each ransom payment, according to new findings from Group-IB. The cybersecurity firm said it was able to infiltrate the group in March 2023, uncovering details about the affiliates' payment structure and the inner workings of the RaaS program following a private conversation
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Cyolo Product Overview: Secure Remote Access to All Environments

By The Hacker News — May 16th 2023 at 11:43
Operational technology (OT) cybersecurity is a challenging but critical aspect of protecting organizations' essential systems and resources. Cybercriminals no longer break into systems, but instead log in – making access security more complex and also more important to manage and control than ever before. In an effort to solve the access-related challenges facing OT and critical infrastructure
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CopperStealer Malware Crew Resurfaces with New Rootkit and Phishing Kit Modules

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 16th 2023 at 11:39
The threat actors behind the CopperStealer malware resurfaced with two new campaigns in March and April 2023 that are designed to deliver two novel payloads dubbed CopperStealth and CopperPhish. Trend Micro is tracking the financially motivated group under the name Water Orthrus. The adversary is also assessed to be behind another campaign known as Scranos, which was detailed by Bitdefender in
☐ ☆ ✇ WeLiveSecurity

You may not care where you download software from, but malware does

By Aryeh Goretsky — May 16th 2023 at 09:30

Why do people still download files from sketchy places and get compromised as a result?

The post You may not care where you download software from, but malware does appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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Hackers Using Golang Variant of Cobalt Strike to Target Apple macOS Systems

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 16th 2023 at 07:28
A Golang implementation of Cobalt Strike called Geacon is likely to garner the attention of threat actors looking to target Apple macOS systems. That's according to findings from SentinelOne, which observed an increase in the number of Geacon payloads appearing on VirusTotal in recent months. "While some of these are likely red-team operations, others bear the characteristics of genuine
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

Buffalo Mass Shooting Victims' Families Sue Meta, Reddit, Amazon

By Justin Ling — May 15th 2023 at 20:14
The families of victims of a mass shooting in Buffalo are challenging the platforms they believe led the attacker to carry out a racist massacre.
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Zut alors! Raclage crapuleux! Clearview AI in 20% more trouble in France

By Paul Ducklin — May 15th 2023 at 16:36
We asked you once, we told you twice, now we're ordering you for the third time...

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Industrial Cellular Routers at Risk: 11 New Vulnerabilities Expose OT Networks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 15th 2023 at 13:24
Several security vulnerabilities have been disclosed in cloud management platforms associated with three industrial cellular router vendors that could expose operational technology (OT) networks to external attacks. The findings were presented by Israeli industrial cybersecurity firm OTORIO at the Black Hat Asia 2023 conference last week. "Industrial cellular routers and gateways are essential
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New 'MichaelKors' Ransomware-as-a-Service Targeting Linux and VMware ESXi Systems

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 15th 2023 at 10:09
A new ransomware-as-service (RaaS) operation called MichaelKors has become the latest file-encrypting malware to target Linux and VMware ESXi systems as of April 2023. The development points to cybercriminal actors increasingly setting their eyes on the ESXi, cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said in a report shared with The Hacker News. "This trend is especially noteworthy given the fact that ESXi
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Former Ubiquiti Employee Gets 6 Years in Jail for $2 Million Crypto Extortion Case

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 15th 2023 at 06:59
A former employee of Ubiquiti has been sentenced to six years in jail after he pleaded guilty to posing as an anonymous hacker and a whistleblower in an attempt to extort almost $2 million worth of cryptocurrency while working at the company. Nickolas Sharp, 37, was arrested in December 2021 for using his insider access as a senior developer to steal confidential data and sending an anonymous
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

The UK’s Secretive Web Surveillance Program Is Ramping Up

By Matt Burgess — May 15th 2023 at 06:00
A government effort to collect people’s internet records is moving beyond its test phase, but many details remain hidden from public view.
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

How to Use Google Authenticator

By Reece Rogers — May 14th 2023 at 12:00
The two-factor authentication tool got some serious upgrades that can help you bolster security for your online accounts.
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

Toyota Leaked Vehicle Data of 2 Million Customers

By Dhruv Mehrotra, Andrew Couts — May 13th 2023 at 13:00
The FBI disables notorious Russia-linked malware, the EU edges toward a facial recognition ban, and security firm Dragos has an intrusion of its own.
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New Phishing-as-a-Service Platform Lets Cybercriminals Generate Convincing Phishing Pages

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 13th 2023 at 07:45
A new phishing-as-a-service (PhaaS or PaaS) platform named Greatness has been leveraged by cybercriminals to target business users of the Microsoft 365 cloud service since at least mid-2022, effectively lowering the bar to entry for phishing attacks. "Greatness, for now, is only focused on Microsoft 365 phishing pages, providing its affiliates with an attachment and link builder that creates
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

XWorm Malware Exploits Follina Vulnerability in New Wave of Attacks

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 12th 2023 at 21:00
Cybersecurity researchers have discovered an ongoing phishing campaign that makes use of a unique attack chain to deliver the XWorm malware on targeted systems. Securonix, which is tracking the activity cluster under the name MEME#4CHAN, said some of the attacks have primarily targeted manufacturing firms and healthcare clinics located in Germany. "The attack campaign has been leveraging rather
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

Whodunnit? Cybercrook gets 6 years for ransoming his own employer

By Naked Security writer — May 12th 2023 at 16:15
Not just an active adversary, but a two-faced one, too.

☐ ☆ ✇ WeLiveSecurity

Why you need parental control software – and 5 features to look for

By Phil Muncaster — May 12th 2023 at 09:30

Strike a balance between making the internet a safer place for your children and giving them the freedom to explore, learn and socialize

The post Why you need parental control software – and 5 features to look for appeared first on WeLiveSecurity

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Netgear Routers' Flaws Expose Users to Malware, Remote Attacks, and Surveillance

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 12th 2023 at 14:16
As many as five security flaws have been disclosed in Netgear RAX30 routers that could be chained to bypass authentication and achieve remote code execution. "Successful exploits could allow attackers to monitor users' internet activity, hijack internet connections, and redirect traffic to malicious websites or inject malware into network traffic," Claroty security researcher Uri Katz said in a
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New Stealthy Variant of Linux Backdoor BPFDoor Emerges from the Shadows

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 12th 2023 at 13:24
A previously undocumented and mostly undetected variant of a Linux backdoor called BPFDoor has been spotted in the wild, cybersecurity firm Deep Instinct said in a technical report published this week. "BPFDoor retains its reputation as an extremely stealthy and difficult-to-detect malware with this latest iteration," security researchers Shaul Vilkomir-Preisman and Eliran Nissan said. BPFDoor (
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Solving Your Teams Secure Collaboration Challenges

By The Hacker News — May 12th 2023 at 11:33
In today's interconnected world, where organisations regularly exchange sensitive information with customers, partners and employees, secure collaboration has become increasingly vital. However, collaboration can pose a security risk if not managed properly. To ensure that collaboration remains secure, organisations need to take steps to protect their data. Since collaborating is essential for
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Bl00dy Ransomware Gang Strikes Education Sector with Critical PaperCut Vulnerability

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 12th 2023 at 07:59
U.S. cybersecurity and intelligence agencies have warned of attacks carried out by a threat actor known as the Bl00dy Ransomware Gang that attempt to exploit vulnerable PaperCut servers against the education facilities sector in the country. The attacks took place in early May 2023, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said in a
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New Flaw in WordPress Plugin Used by Over a Million Sites Under Active Exploitation

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 12th 2023 at 05:43
A security vulnerability has been disclosed in the popular WordPress plugin Essential Addons for Elementor that could be potentially exploited to achieve elevated privileges on affected sites. The issue, tracked as CVE-2023-32243, has been addressed by the plugin maintainers in version 5.7.2 that was shipped on May 11, 2023. Essential Addons for Elementor has over one million active
☐ ☆ ✇ WIRED

A Republican-Led Lawsuit Threatens Critical US Cyber Protections

By Eric Geller — May 11th 2023 at 11:00
Three states are suing to block security rules for water facilities. If they win, it may open the floodgates for challenges to other cyber rules.
☐ ☆ ✇ Naked Security

S3 Ep134: It’s a PRIVATE key – the hint is in the name!

By Paul Ducklin — May 11th 2023 at 14:54
Latest episode - listen now! (Full transcript inside.)

☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

New APT Group Red Stinger Targets Military and Critical Infrastructure in Eastern Europe

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 11th 2023 at 14:45
A previously undetected advanced persistent threat (APT) actor dubbed Red Stinger has been linked to attacks targeting Eastern Europe since 2020. "Military, transportation, and critical infrastructure were some of the entities being targeted, as well as some involved in the September East Ukraine referendums," Malwarebytes disclosed in a report published today. "Depending on the campaign,
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

How Attack Surface Management Supports Continuous Threat Exposure Management

By The Hacker News — May 11th 2023 at 14:05
According to Forrester, External Attack Surface Management (EASM) emerged as a market category in 2021 and gained popularity in 2022. In a different report, Gartner concluded that vulnerability management vendors are expanding their offerings to include Attack Surface Management (ASM) for a suite of comprehensive offensive security solutions. Recognition from global analysts has officially put
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Spanish Police Takes Down Massive Cybercrime Ring, 40 Arrested

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 11th 2023 at 14:00
The National Police of Spain said it arrested 40 individuals for their alleged involvement in an organized crime gang called Trinitarians. Among those apprehended include two hackers who carried out bank scams through phishing and smishing techniques and 15 other members of the crime syndicate, who have all been charged with a number of offenses such as bank fraud, document forgery, identity
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Babuk Source Code Sparks 9 Different Ransomware Strains Targeting VMware ESXi Systems

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 11th 2023 at 10:32
Multiple threat actors have capitalized on the leak of Babuk (aka Babak or Babyk) ransomware code in September 2021 to build as many as nine different ransomware families capable of targeting VMware ESXi systems. "These variants emerged through H2 2022 and H1 2023, which shows an increasing trend of Babuk source code adoption," SentinelOne security researcher Alex Delamotte said in a report
☐ ☆ ✇ The Hacker News

Andoryu Botnet Exploits Critical Ruckus Wireless Flaw for Widespread Attack

By Ravie Lakshmanan — May 11th 2023 at 07:05
A nascent botnet called Andoryu has been found to exploit a now-patched critical security flaw in the Ruckus Wireless Admin panel to break into vulnerable devices. The flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-25717 (CVSS score: 9.8), stems from improper handling of HTTP requests, leading to unauthenticated remote code execution and a complete compromise of wireless Access Point (AP) equipment. Andoryu was 