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Emotet malware: “The report of my death was an exaggeration”

By Paul Ducklin — November 16th 2021 at 14:13
"Old malware rarely dies." The best way to predict the future is to look at the past... if it worked before, it will probably work again.

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“Customer complaint” email scam preys on your fear of getting into trouble at work

By Paul Ducklin — November 5th 2021 at 19:49
Stop. Think. Connect. Don't let the crooks trick you into acting in haste.

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Is Your Peloton Spinning Up Malware?

By McAfee — June 16th 2021 at 04:01

[Disclaimer: The McAfee ATR team disclosed this vulnerability to Peloton and promptly started working together to responsibly develop and issue a patch within the disclosure window. The patch was tested and confirmed effective on June 4, 2021.]

Picture this: A hacker enters a gym or fitness center with a Peloton Bike+. They insert a tiny USB key with a boot image file containing malicious code that grants them remote root access. Since the attacker doesn’t need to factory unlock the bike to load the modified image, there is no sign that it was tampered with. With their newfound access, the hacker interferes with the Peloton’s operating system and now has the ability to install and run any programs, modify files, or set up remote backdoor access over the internet. They add malicious apps disguised as Netflix and Spotify to the bike in the hopes that unsuspecting users will enter their login credentials for them to harvest for other cyberattacks. They can enable the bike’s camera and microphone to spy on the device and whoever is using it. To make matters worse, they can also decrypt the bike’s encrypted communications with the various cloud services and databases it accesses, potentially intercepting all kinds of sensitive information. As a result, an unsuspecting gym-goer taking the Peloton Bike+ for a spin could be in danger of having their personal data compromised and their workout unknowingly watched.  

That’s a potential risk that you no longer have to worry about thanks to McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research (ATR) team. The ATR team recently disclosed a vulnerability (CVE-2021-3387) in the Peloton Bike+, which would allow a hacker with either physical access to the Bike+ or access during any point in the supply chain (from construction to delivery), to gain remote root access to the Peloton’s tablet. The hacker could install malicious software, intercept traffic and user’s personal data, and even gain control of the Bike’s camera and microphone over the internet. Further conversations with Peloton confirmed that this vulnerability is also present on Peloton Tread exercise equipment; however, the scope of our research was confined to the Bike+.

As a result of COVID-19, many consumers have looked for in-home exercise solutions, sending the demand for Peloton products soaring. The number of Peloton users grew 22% between September and the end of December 2020, with over 4.4 million members on the platform at year’s end. By combining luxury exercise equipment with high-end technology, Peloton presents an appealing solution to those looking to stay in shape with a variety of classes, all from a few taps of a tablet. Even though in-home fitness products such as Peloton promise unprecedented convenience, many consumers do not realize the risks that IoT fitness devices pose to their online security.  

Under the Hood of the Peloton Bike+  

IoT fitness devices such as the Peloton Bike+ are just like any other laptop or mobile phone that can connect to the internet. They have embedded systems complete with firmware, software, and operating systems. As a result, they are susceptible to the same kind of vulnerabilities, and their security should be approached with a similar level of scrutiny.  

Following the consumer trend in increasing IoT fitness devices, McAfee ATR began poring over the Peloton’s various systems with a critical eye, looking for potential risks consumers might not be thinking about. It was during this exploratory process that the team discovered that the Bike’s system was not verifying that the device’s bootloader was unlocked before attempting to boot a custom image. This means that the bike allowed researchers to load a file that wasn’t meant for the Peloton hardware — a command that should normally be denied on a locked device such as this one. Their first attempt only loaded a blank screen, so the team continued to search for ways to install a valid, but customized boot image, which would start the bike successfully with increased privileges.  

After some digging, researchers were able to download an update package directly from Peloton, containing a boot image that they could modify. With the ability to modify a boot image from Peloton, the researchers were granted root access. Root access means that the ATR team had the highest level of permissions on the device, allowing them to perform functions as an end-user that were not intended by Peloton developers. The Verified Boot process on the Bike failed to identify that the researchers tampered with the boot image, allowing the operating system to start up normally with the modified file. To an unsuspecting user, the Peloton Bike+ appeared completely normal, showing no signs of external modifications or clues that the device had been compromised. In reality, ATR had gained complete control of the Bike’s Android operating system.  

Tips For Staying Secure While Staying Fit 

The McAfee ATR team disclosed this vulnerability to Peloton and promptly started working together to responsibly develop and issue a patch within the disclosure window. The patch was tested and confirmed effective on June 4, 2021. The discovery serves as an important reminder to practice caution when using fitness IoT devices, and it is important that consumers keep these tips in mind to stay secure while staying fit:  

1. Update, update, update! 

Stay on top of software updates from your device manufacturer, especially since they will not always advertise their availability. Visit their website regularly to ensure you do not miss news that may affect you. Additionally, make sure to update mobile apps that pair with your IoT device. Adjust your settings to turn on automatic software updates, so you do not have to update manually and always have the latest security patches.  

2. Do your research  

Do your research before making a significant investment in an IoT device. Ask yourself if these devices are from a reputable vendor. Have they had previous data breaches in the past, or do they have an excellent reputation for providing secure products? Also, take note of the information your IoT device collects, how vendors use this information and what they release to other users or third parties. 

Above all, understand what control you have over your privacy and information usage. It is a good sign if an IoT device allows you to opt-out of having your information collected or lets you access and delete the data it does collect.  

3. Consider an identity theft protection solution 

Protect your data from being compromised by stealthy cybercriminals by using an identity theft solution such as the one included in McAfee Total Protection. This software allows users to take a proactive approach to protecting their identities with personal and financial monitoring, as well as recovery tools.  

Minimize Security Risks  

If you are one of the 4.4 million Peloton members or use other IoT fitness devices, it is important to keep in mind that these gadgets could pose a potential security risk just like any other connected device. To elevate your fitness game while protecting your privacy and data, incorporate cybersecurity best practices into your everyday life so you can confidently enjoy your IoT devices.

Collaboration with Peloton

As stated, McAfee and Peloton worked together closely to address this issue. Adrian Stone, Peloton’s Head of Global Information Security, shared that “this vulnerability reported by McAfee would require direct, physical access to a Peloton Bike+ or Tread. Like with any connected device in the home, if an attacker is able to gain physical access to it, additional physical controls and safeguards become increasingly important. To keep our Members safe, we acted quickly and in coordination with McAfee. We pushed a mandatory update in early June and every device with the update installed is protected from this issue.”

Peloton is always looking for ways to improve products and features, including making new features available to Members through software updates that are pushed to Peloton devices. For a step-by-step guide on how to check for updated software, Peloton Members can visit the Peloton support site.

The post Is Your Peloton Spinning Up Malware? appeared first on McAfee Blogs.

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Don’t Sweat Your Security: How to Safely Incorporate IoT Into Your Fitness Routine

By Jean Treadwell — May 14th 2021 at 13:12

Many have seamlessly transitioned their fitness regimens out of the gym and into the living room since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks in part to the use of IoT devices. IoT (Internet of Things) denotes the web of interconnected physical devices embedded with sensors and software to collect and share information via the internet. The most common IoT devices used for virtual fitness include wearable fitness trackers and stationary machines equipped with digital interfaces. As effective as these devices are for facilitating a great workout, many do not realize the risks they pose for their online security. According to McAfee Labs Threats Report, new IoT malware increased by 7% at the start of the pandemic. There are various steps that users can take to continue using these devices securely without compromising performance. But first, it’s essential to understand why these devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. 

What Makes IoT Devices Vulnerable? 

IoT devices are just like any other laptop or mobile phone that can connect to the internet. They have embeddesystems complete with firmware, software, and operating systems. As a result, they are exposed to the same vulnerabilities, namely malware and cyber-attacks. 

One reason why IoT devices are so vulnerable is due to their update structure, or lack thereof. IoT devices lack the stringent security updates afforded to laptops or mobile phones. Because they do not frequently receive updates—and in some cases, never—they do not receive the necessary security patches to remain consistently secure.

What’s worse, if the developer goes out of business, there is no way to update the existing technology vulnerabilities. Alternatively, as newer models become available, older devices become less of a priority for developers and will not receive as many updates as their more contemporary counterparts. 

Without these updatescybercriminals can hack into these devices and taking advantage of the hardware components that make them a significant risk to users. For example, they can track someone’s location through a device’s GPSor eavesdrop on private conversations through a video camera or audio technology. 

IoT devices with unpatched vulnerabilities also present an easy entry point through which hackers can penetrate home networks and reach other devices. If these devices do not encrypt their data transmission between different devices and servers, hackers can intercept it to spoof communications. Spoofing is when a hacker impersonates a legitimate source, the back-end server or the IoT device in this case, to transmit false information. For instance, hackers can spoof communications between a wearable fitness tracker and the server to manipulate the tracking data to display excessive physical activity levels. They can then use this data for monetary gain by providing it to insurance companies and 3rd party websites with financial incentive programs. 

Hackers can also exploit device vulnerabilities to spread malware to other devices on the same network to create a botnet or a web of interconnected devices programmed to execute automated tasks. They can then leverage this botnet to launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) or Man in the Middle attacks.  

Tips for Safeguarding Your IoT Devices 

Whether you own an IoT device to monitor your health or physical performance, it is essential to take the necessary precautions to minimize the risks they present to digital security. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when incorporating your device into your fitness routine.  

1. Secure Your Routers 

Default names and passwords are low-hanging fruit for hackers and should be the first thing you address when securing your router. Default router names often include the make or model of the manufacturer. Changing it will reduce a hacker’s chance of infiltrating your home network by making the router model unidentifiable. Further, follow password best practices to ensure your router password is long, complex, and unique. 

Next, make sure you enable the highest level of encryption which includes Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) or higher. Routers with older encryption protocols such as WPA or Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) are more susceptible to brute force attacks, where hackers will attempt to guess a person’s username and password through trial and error. WPA2 and higher encryption methods ensure that only authorized users can use your same network. 

Lastly, create a guest network to segment your IoT devices from your more critical devices like laptops and mobile phones. If a hacker infiltrates your IoT devices, the damage is contained to the devices on that specific network.  

2. Update Regularly 

Updates are critical because they go beyond regular bug fixes and algorithmic tweaks to adjust device software vulnerabilities. 

Make it a point to stay on top of updates from your device manufacturer, especially since they will not always advertise their availability. Visit their website regularly to ensure you do not miss pertinent news or information that may impact you. Additionally, make sure to update the app corresponding to your IoT device. Go into your settings and schedule regular updates automatically, so you do not have to update manually.  

3. Do Your Research  

Do your research before making a significant investment in an IoT device. Ask yourself if these devices are from a reputable vendor. Have they had previous data breaches in the past, or do they have a grade A track record for providing high-security products? 

Also, take note of the information your IoT device collects, how vendors use this information and what they release to other users or third parties. Do they have privacy policies in place to protect their users’ data under PIPEDA regulation? 

Above all, understand what control you have over your privacy and information usage. It is a good sign if an IoT device allows you to opt-out of having your information collected or lets you access and delete the data it does collect

4. Disable Unnecessary Features 

Next time you go for a run with geolocation activated on your smartwatch, think again about what risks this poses to your virtual security and even your physical safety. Enhance your security by only enabling the features that are necessary to optimize your fitness performance. In doing so, you ensure that hackers cannot utilize them as a foothold to invade your privacy. 

 Step Up Your Security Game 

IoT devices have made in-home exercise routines possible, given their increase in availability and ease of use. However, despite their capabilities for optimizing the fitness experience, the nature of these devices has made them one of many threats to personal privacy and online safety. For an elevated fitness experience beyond a great workout, start securing your IoT devices to integrate them into your everyday exercise routine safely.  

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What Is a DDoS Attack and How to Stay Safe from Malicious Traffic Schemes

By McAfee — March 24th 2021 at 17:16
What is a DDoS attack?

What Is a DDoS Attack and How to Stay Safe from Malicious Traffic Schemes

Imagine you’re driving down a highway to get to work. There are other cars on the road, but by and large everyone is moving smoothly at a crisp, legal speed limit. Then, as you approach an entry ramp, more cars join. And then more, and more, and more until all of the sudden traffic has slowed to a crawl. This illustrates a DDoS attack.

DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service, and it’s a method where cybercriminals flood a network with so much malicious traffic that it cannot operate or communicate as it normally would. This causes the site’s normal traffic, also known as legitimate packets, to come to a halt. DDoS is a simple, effective and powerful technique that’s fueled by insecure devices and poor digital habits. Luckily, with a few easy tweaks to your everyday habits, you can safeguard your personal devices against DDoS attacks.

DDoS Attacks Are on the Rise

The expansion of 5G, proliferation of IoT and smart devices, and shift of more industries moving their operations online have presented new opportunities for DDoS attacks. Cybercriminals are taking advantage, and 2020 saw two of the largest DDoS offensives ever recorded. In 2020, ambitious attacks were launched on Amazon and Google. There is no target too big for cybercriminals.

DDoS attacks are one of the more troubling areas in cybersecurity, because they’re incredibly difficult to prevent and mitigate.. Preventing these attacks is particularly difficult because malicious traffic isn’t coming from a single source. There are an estimated 12.5 million devices that are vulnerable to being recruited by a DDoS attacker.

Personal Devices Become DDoS Attack Soldiers

DDoS attacks are fairly simple to create. All it takes are two devices that coordinate to send fake traffic to a server or website. That’s it. Your laptop and your phone, for example, could be programmed to form their own DDoS network (sometimes referred to as a botnet, more below). However, even if two devices dedicate all of their processing power in an attack, it still isn’t enough to take down a website or server. Hundreds and thousands of coordinated devices are required to take down an entire service provider.

To amass a network of that size, cybercriminals create what’s known as a “botnet,” a network of compromised devices that coordinate to achieve a particular task. Botnets don’t always have to be used in a DDoS attack, nor does a DDoS have to have a botnet to work, but more often than not they go together like Bonnie and Clyde. Cybercriminals create botnets through fairly typical means: tricking people into downloading malicious files and spreading malware.

But malware isn’t the only means of recruiting devices. Because a good deal of companies and consumers practice poor password habits, malicious actors can scan the internet for connected devices with known factory credentials or easy-to-guess passwords (“password,” for example). Once logged in, cybercriminals can easily infect and recruit the device into their cyber army.

Why DDoS Launches Are Often Successful

These recruited cyber armies can lie dormant until they’re given orders. This is where a specialized server called a command and control server (typically abbreviated as a “C2”) comes into play. When instructed, cybercriminals will order a C2 server to issue instructions to compromised devices. Those devices will then use a portion of their processing power to send fake traffic to a targeted server or website and, voila! That’s how a DDoS attack is launched.

DDoS attacks are usually successful because of their distributed nature, and the difficulty in discerning between legitimate users and fake traffic. They do not, however, constitute a breach. This is because DDoS attacks overwhelm a target to knock it offline — not to steal from it. Usually DDoS attacks will be deployed as a means of retaliation against a company or service, often for political reasons. Sometimes, however, cybercriminals will use DDoS attacks as a smokescreen for more serious compromises that may eventually lead to a full-blown breach.

3 Ways to Prevent Your Devices from Being Recruited

DDoS attacks are only possible because devices can be easily compromised. Here are three ways you can prevent your devices from participating in a DDoS attack:

  1. Secure your router: Your Wi-Fi router is the gateway to your network. Secure it by changing the default password. If you’ve already thrown out the instructions for your router and aren’t sure how to do this, consult the internet for instructions on how to do it for your specific make and model, or call the manufacturer. And remember, protection can start within your router, too. Solutions such as McAfee Secure Home Platform, which is embedded within select routers, help you easily manage and protect your network.
  2. Change default passwords on IoT devices: Many Internet of Things (IoT) devices, smart objects that connect to the internet for increased functionality and efficiency, come with default usernames and passwords. The very first thing you should do after taking your IoT device out of the box is change those default credentials. If you’re unsure of how to change the default setting on your IoT device, refer to setup instructions or do a bit of research online.
  3. Use comprehensive security: Many botnets are coordinated on devices without any built-in security. Comprehensive security solutions, like McAfee Total Protection, can help secure your most important digital devices from known malware variants. If you don’t have a security suite protecting your devices, take the time to do your research and commit to a solution you trust.

Now that you know what a DDoS attack is and how to protect against it, you’re better equipped to keep your personal devices and safe and secure.

Stay Updated

To stay updated on all things McAfee and on top of the latest consumer and mobile security threats, follow @McAfee_Home on Twitter, subscribe to our email, listen to our podcast Hackable?, and ‘Like’ us on Facebook.


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McAfee Security Innovation Alliance 2020 MPOWER Awards

By Javed Hasan — December 23rd 2020 at 20:33

McAfee, the device-to-cloud cybersecurity company, announced the winners of its distinguished SIA Partner Awards. The 2020 awards recognize partners who demonstrated innovation, strategic value, and market leadership in their respective market segments which are a complement to the McAfee solution portfolio.

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone that has required organizations to be flexible and rethink how they deploy security to ensure their critical assets remain protected. The McAfee SIA program enables organizations to embrace the flexibility they need through certified integrated solutions from industry-leading providers to ensure they have the tools and resources needed to stay protected and ensure business keeps operating.

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 McAfee Security Innovation Alliance Awards in the following three categories: Most Innovative Partners of the Year, and SIA Partner of the Year.

Most Innovative Partner of the Year: IBM Security

IBM Security is a strategic partnered with McAfee across multiple IBM teams including Resilient and QRadar. To date McAfee has certified integrations with IBM’s Incident Response platform, Resilient to include: TIE, DXL, ePO, ESM, ATD and now MVISION. McAfee has released QRadar integrations to both ePO and MVISION. All McAfee Resilient integrations are published on IBM’s AppExchange. In 2019 McAfee and IBM jointly founded the Open Cybersecurity Alliance under the auspices of Oasis. Read our  solution brief for more details. IBM Security was amongst the inaugural partners announced during the recent launch of the MVISION Marketplace.

Most Innovative Partner of the Year: Siemplify

Siemplify is a great McAfee partner, previously integrating their SOAR product with McAfee ePO. Now, with McAfee’s latest announcement of the MVISION Marketplace including Siemplify as one of the inaugural development partners. Siemplify has shown themselves to be one of our most innovative partners during 2020 and now enable mutual customers to discover, try, buy, and deploy partner technologies as a Composable solution with a few clicks of the mouse.

SIA Partner of the Year 2020 : ThreatQuotient

Most Valuable Partner of the Year criteria cover the breadth and depth of the partner’s multiple integrations and close business engagement with McAfee.

ThreatQuotient, “ThreatQ” Joined the SIA program in January 2017 and quickly showed their value through their Threat Intelligence Platform. In ThreatQ fashion, they quickly, integrated with McAfee TIE, McAfee Data Exchange Layer (DXL), McAfee Advanced Threat Detection (ATD), McAfee Active Response (MAR) and Enterprise Security Manager (ESM), followed by MVISION Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR). Most recently ThreatQ was amongst the inaugural partners to launch with McAfee’s new MVISION Marketplace.

Partnership integrations and the most deal closures within the SIA programs tells the story or why ThreatQuotient was selected as the Partner of The Year.

To learn more about these partners and MVISION Marketplace visit:

Read the MVISION Marketplace press release here: McAfee Announces MVISION Marketplace


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Removing Open Source Visibility Challenges for Security Operations Teams

By Trend Micro — August 25th 2020 at 13:00


Identifying security threats early can be difficult, especially when you’re running multiple security tools across disparate business units and cloud projects. When it comes to protecting cloud-native applications, separating legitimate risks from noise and distractions is often a real challenge.


That’s why forward-thinking organizations look at things a little differently. They want to help their application developers and security operations (SecOps) teams implement unified strategies for optimal protection. This is where a newly expanded partnership from Trend Micro and Snyk can help.


Dependencies create risk


In today’s cloud-native development streams, the insatiable need for faster iterations and time-to-market can impact both downstream and upstream workflows. As a result, code reuse and dependence on third-party libraries has grown, and with it the potential security, compliance and reputational risk organizations are exposing themselves to.


Just how much risk is associated with open source software today? According to Snyk research, vulnerabilities in open source software have increased 2.5x in the past three years. What’s more, a recent report claimed to have detected a 430% year-on-year increase in attacks targeting open source components, with the end goal of infecting the software supply chain. While open source code is therefore being used to accelerate time-to-market, security teams are often unaware of the scope and impact this can have on their environments.


Managing open source risk


This is why cloud security leader Trend Micro, and Snyk, a specialist in developer-first open source security, have extended their partnership with a new joint solution. It’s designed to help security teams manage the risk of open source vulnerabilities from the moment code is introduced, without interrupting the software delivery process.


This ambitious achievement helps improve security for your operations teams without changing the way your developer teams work. Trend Micro and Snyk are addressing open source risks by simplifying a bottom-up approach to risk mitigation that brings together developer and SecOps teams under one unified solution. It combines state-of-the-art security technology with collaborative features and processes to eliminate the security blind spots that can impact development lifecycles and business outcomes.


Available as part of Trend Micro Cloud One, the new solution being currently co-developed with Snyk will:

  • Scan all code repositories for vulnerabilities using Snyk’s world-class vulnerability scanning and database
  • Bridge the organizational gap between DevOps & SecOps, to help influence secure DevOps practices
  • Deliver continuous visibility of code vulnerabilities, from the earliest code to code running in production
  • Integrate seamlessly into the complete Trend Micro Cloud One security platform




This unified solution closes the gap between security teams and developers, providing immediate visibility across modern cloud architectures. Trend Micro and Snyk continue to deliver world class protection that fits the cloud-native development and security requirements of today’s application-focused organizations.




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Ransomware is Still a Blight on Business

By Ed Cabrera (Chief Cybersecurity Officer) — July 28th 2020 at 14:19

Ransomware is Still a Blight on Business

Trends come and go with alarming regularity in cybersecurity. Yet a persistent menace over the past few years has been ransomware. Now mainly targeting organizations rather than consumers, and with increasingly sophisticated tools and tactics at their disposal, the cybercriminals behind these campaigns have been turning up the heat during the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why we need industry partnerships like No More Ransom.

Celebrating its fourth anniversary this week, the initiative has helped over four million victims fight the scourge of ransomware, saving hundreds of millions of dollars in the process. At Trend Micro, we’re proud to have played a major part, helping to decrypt over 77 million files for victims.

Not going anywhere

Ransomware has been with us for years, but only really hit the mainstream after the global WannaCry and NotPetya incidents of 2017. Unfortunately, that was just the start. Today, no sector is safe. We saw attacks rage across US municipalities, school districts and hospitals in 2019. Most recently, a major outage at a connected technology giant impacted everything from consumer fitness trackers to on-board flight systems.

Such attacks can hit victim organizations hard. There are serious reputational and financial repercussions from major service outages, and the stakes have been raised even further as attackers now often steal data before encrypting victims’ files. A recent incident at a US cloud computing provider has led to data compromise at over 20 universities and charities in the UK and North America, for example. A separate ransomware attack on a managed service provider earlier this year may cost it up to $70m.

The bad guys have shown no sign of slowing down during the pandemic — quite the reverse. Even as hospitals have been battling to save the lives of patients battling COVID-19, they’ve been targeted by ransomware designed to lock mission-critical systems.

No More Ransom

That’s why we need to celebrate public-private partnerships like No More Ransom, which provides helpful advice for victims and a free decryption tool repository. Over the past four years it has helped 4.2 million visitors from 188 countries, preventing an estimated $632 million in ransom demands finding its way into the pockets of cyber-criminals.

At Trend Micro, we’re proud to have been an associate partner from the very start, contributing our own decryption tools to the scores available today to unlock 140 separate ransomware types. Since the start of No More Ransom, Trend Micro tools have been downloaded nearly half a million times, helping over 50,000 victims globally to decrypt more than 77 million files. We simply can’t put a price on this kind of intervention.

Yet while the initiative is a vital response to the continued threat posed by ransomware, it is not all we can do. To truly beat this menace, we need to educate organizations all over the planet to improve their resilience to such malware threats. That means taking simple steps such as:

  • Backing up regularly, according to best practice 3-2-1 policy
  • Installing effective AV from a trusted vendor, featuring behavior monitoring, app whitelisting and web reputation
  • Training staff how to better spot phishing attacks
  • Ensuring software and systems are always on the latest version
  • Protecting the enterprise across endpoint, hybrid cloud, network and email/web gateways

I’m also speaking on a panel today hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on NotPetya and general ransomware attack trends related to the pandemic. Join us to learn more about ransomware from law enforcement agencies, policy makers and businesses.

If your organization has been impacted by ransomware, check the resources available on for advice and access to the free decryption tool repository.

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Automatic Visibility And Immediate Security with Trend Micro + AWS Control Tower

By Trend Micro — July 7th 2020 at 19:11

Things fail. It happens. A core principle of building well in the AWS Cloud is reliability. Dr. Vogels said it best, “How can you reduce the impact of failure on your customers?” He uses the term “blast radius” to describe this principle.

One of the key methods for reducing blast radius is the AWS account itself. Accounts are free and provide a strong barrier between resources, and thus, failures or other issues. This type of protection and peace of mind helps teams innovate by reducing the risk of running into another team’s work. The challenge is managing all of these accounts in a reasonable manner. You need to strike a balance between providing security guardrails for teams while also ensuring that each team gets access to the resources they need.

AWS Services & Features

There are a number of AWS services and features that help address this need. AWS Organizations, AWS Firewall Manager, IAM Roles, tagging, AWS Resource Access Manager, AWS Control Tower, and more, which all play a role in helping your team manage multiple accounts.

For this post, we’ll look at AWS Control Tower a little closer. AWS Control Tower was made generally available at AWS re:Inforce. The service provides an easy way to setup and govern AWS accounts in your environment. You can configure strong defaults for all new accounts, pre-populate IAM Roles, and more. Essentially, AWS Control Tower makes sure that any new account starts off on the right foot.

For more on the service, check out this excellent talk from the launch.

Partner Integrations

With almost a year under its belt, AWS Control Tower is now expanding to provide partner integrations. Now, in addition to setting up AWS services and features, you can pre-config supported APN solutions as well. Trend Micro is among the first partners to support this integration by providing the ability to add Trend Micro Cloud One™Workload Security and Trend Micro Cloud One™Conformity to your Control Tower account factory. Once configured, any new account that is created via the factory will automatically be configured in your Trend Micro Cloud One account.

Integration Advantage

This integration not only reduces the friction in getting these key security tools setup, it also provides immediate visibility into your environment. Workload Security will now be able show you any Amazon EC2 instances or Amazon ECS hosts within your accounts. You’ll still need to install and apply a policy to the Workload Security agent to protect these instances, but this initial visibility provides a map for your teams, reducing the time to protection. Conformity will start generating information within minutes. This information from Conformity will allow your teams to get a quick handle on their security posture and more with fast and ongoing security and compliance checks.

Integrating this from the beginning of every new account will allow each team to track their progress against a huge set of recommended practices across all five pillars of the Well-Architected Framework.

What’s Next?

One of the biggest challenges in cloud security is integrating it early in the development process. We know that the earlier security is factored into your builds, the better the result. You can’t get much earlier than the initial creation on an account. That’s why this new integration with AWS Control Tower is so exciting. Having security in every account within your organization from day zero provides much needed visibility and a fantastic head start.

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Not Just Good Security Products, But a Good Partner

By Greg Young (Vice President for Cybersecurity) — June 9th 2020 at 16:36
cybersecurity champion badge of honor

The analyst firm Canalys annually produces their Cybersecurity Leadership Matrix. Whereas many third-party assessments are looking at just the security product, this one focuses on the value to channel partners.

Sidebar: what is the channel? If you aren’t actively buying or selling cybersecurity and aren’t familiar with the term, the short answer is that the channel is how products get from the maker to the buyer. Resellers are the most commonly discussed example, however the channel is also distributors, system integrators, and others. Most established cybersecurity makers don’t have a big sales force that sells direct, for good reasons. Channel partners are usually not a single product seller, and they know a region, vertical or specific customer best and are ideally the end users’ de facto partner or trusted advisor. The channel dedicated for smaller companies sell more than just cybersecurity and can be an extension of the CIO team. Channel partners select products carefully: they are usually in for a much longer period of time and more of a commitment than a specific buyer.

Partners have to train staff, make significant investments, become familiar with the product and back it with their reputation. Features alone aren’t enough. Even the very best product that isn’t backed with a channel friendly vendor is a nightmare for the channel. Of course, bad products are a non-starter no matter how channel-friendly a company is as that reseller has to live with any fallout. Assessing channel success matters obviously to the channel but it is also significant for buyers. Channel partner success at the end of the day is a simple metric: a positive customer experience throughout a product lifecycle. In my experience a channel partner will do a more thorough product assessment than any enterprise buyer.

Canalys does a good job in capturing the channel aspects of a successful cybersecurity vendor with the leadership matrix, and they make it more than just about product or channel but combine the two.  So, it is good news that Trend Micro is in the upper right “Champions” quadrant in 2020.  It’s significant to me that Trend Micro is one of only seven entries in that quadrant when there are, according to Richard Stiennon, more than 2300 cybersecurity vendors in the world[1].  What is particularly significant to me is that the placement movement for Trend from last 2019 was so important, as it reflects the effort and focus we have put on our channel activities.

Like any third-party assessment it matters to know the context, so check out the Matrix here, and our own formal announcement here.



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Securing the Connected World with Support for The Shadowserver Foundation

By Trend Micro — May 26th 2020 at 19:20

If the first few months of 2020 have taught us anything, it’s the importance of collaboration and partnership to tackle a common enemy. This is true of efforts to fight the current pandemic, and it’s also true of the fight against cybercrime. That’s why Trend Micro has, over the years, struck partnerships with various organizations that share a common goal of securing our connected world.

So when we heard that one of these partners, the non-profit Shadowserver Foundation, was in urgent need of financial help, we didn’t hesitate to step in. Our new $600,000 commitment over three years will help to support the vital work it does collecting and sharing global threat data for the next three years.

What is Shadowserver?

Founded in 2004, The Shadowserver Foundation is now one of the world’s leading resources for reporting vulnerabilities, threats and malicious activity. Their work has helped to pioneer a more collaborative approach among the international cybersecurity community, from vendors and academia to governments and law enforcement.

Today, its volunteers, 16 full-time staff and global infrastructure of sinkholes, honeypots and honeyclients help run 45 scans across 4 billion IPv4 addresses every single day. It also performs daily sandbox scans on 713,000 unique malware samples, to add to the 12 Petabytes of malware and threat intelligence already stored on its servers. Thousands of network owners, including 109 CSIRTS in 138 countries worldwide, rely on the resulting daily reports — which are available free of charge to help make the digital world a safer place.

A Global Effort

Trend Micro is a long-time partner of The Shadowserver Foundation. We automatically share new malware samples via its malware exchange program, with the end goal of improving protection for both Trend Micro customers and Shadowserver subscribers around the world. Not only that, but we regularly collaborate on global law enforcement-led investigations. Our vision and mission statements of working towards a more secure, connected world couldn’t be more closely aligned.

As COVID-19 has brutally illustrated, protecting one’s own backyard is not enough to tackle a global challenge. Instead, we need to reach out and build alliances to take on the threats and those behind them, wherever they are. These are even more pronounced at a time when remote working has dramatically expanded the corporate attack surface, and offered new opportunities for the black hats to prosper by taking advantage of distracted employees and stretched security teams.

The money Trend Micro has donated over the next three years will help the Shadowserver Foundation migrate to the new data center it urgently needs and support operational costs that combined will exceed $2 million in 2020. We wish the team well with their plans for this year.

It’s no exaggeration to say that our shared digital world is a safer place today because of their efforts, and we hope to continue to collaborate long into the future

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Teaming up with INTERPOL to combat COVID-19 threats

By Trend Micro — May 4th 2020 at 12:55

If the past couple of months have taught us anything, it’s that partnerships matter in times of crisis. We’re better, stronger and more resilient when we work together. Specifically, public-private partnerships matter in cybersecurity, which is why Trend Micro is always happy to reach out across industry, academia and law enforcement to offer its expertise.

We are again delighted to be working with long-time partner INTERPOL over the coming weeks on a new awareness campaign to help businesses and remote workers stay safe from a deluge of COVID-19 threats.

The new normal

All over the world, organizations have been forced to rapidly adjust to the new normal: social distancing, government lockdowns and mass remote working. While most have responded superbly to the challenge, there’s no denying that IT security teams and remote access infrastructure are being stretched to the limit. There are understandable concerns that home workers may be more distracted, and therefore likely to click on phishing links, and that their PCs and devices may not be as well protected as corporate equivalents.

At the same time, the bad guys have also reacted quickly to take advantage of the pandemic. Phishing campaigns using COVID as a lure have surged, spoofing health authorities, government departments and corporate senders. BEC attacks try to leverage the fact that home workers may not have colleagues around to check wire transfer requests. And remote infrastructure like RDP endpoints and VPNs are being targeted by ransomware attackers — even healthcare organizations that are simultaneously trying to treat critical patients infected with the virus.

Getting the basics right

That’s why Trend Micro has been pushing out regular updates — not only on the latest scams and threats we’re picking up around the globe, but also with advice on how to secure the newly distributed workforce. Things like improved password security, 2FA for work accounts, automatic software updates, regular back-ups, remote user training, and restricted use of VPNs can all help. We’re also offering six months free use of our flagship Trend Micro Maximum Security product to home workers.

Yet there’s always more to do. Getting the message across as far and wide as possible is where organizations like INTERPOL come in. That’s why we’re delighted to be teaming up with the global policing organization to run a new public awareness campaign throughout May. It builds on highly successful previous recent campaigns we’ve collaborated on, to tackle BEC and crypto-jacking.

This time, we’ll be resharing some key resources on social media to alert users to the range of threats out there, and what businesses and home workers can do to stay safe. And we’ll help to develop infographics and other new messages on how to combat ransomware, online scams, phishing and other threats.

We’re all doing what we can during these difficult days. But if some good can come from a truly terrible event like this, then it’s that we show our strength in the face of adversity. And by following best practices, we can make life much tougher for the cybercriminals looking to profit from tragedy.

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INTERPOL Collaboration Reduces Cryptojacking by 78%

By Trend Micro — January 8th 2020 at 14:40

Cybercriminals are often seen as having the upper hand over the “white hat” community. After all, they’re anonymous, can launch attacks from virtually anywhere in the world, and usually have the element of surprise. But there’s one secret weapon the good guys have: Collaboration. That’s why Trend Micro has always prioritized its partnerships with law enforcement, academia, governments and other cybersecurity businesses.

We’re proud to have contributed to yet another successful collaborative operation with INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore that’s helped to reduce the number of users infected by cryptomining malware by 78%.

Cryptomining On The Rise

Also known as cryptojacking, these attacks have become an increasingly popular way for cybercriminals to make money.


Because victims don’t know they’ve been infected. The malware sits on their machine in the background mining for digital currency 24/7/365. Increasingly, hackers have taken to launching sophisticated attacks against enterprise IT systems and cloud servers to increase their mining and earning potential. But many still target home computer systems like routers, as these are often left relatively unprotected. Stitch enough of these devices together in a botnet and they have a ready-made cash cow.

That’s why cryptojacking remained the most detected threat in the first half of 2019 in terms of file-based threat components, according to our data.

Unlike serious data breaches, phishing attacks, ransomware and banking Trojans, cryptojacking doesn’t have major impact on the victim. They don’t lose sensitive personal data, there’s no risk of follow-on identity fraud and they’re not extorted for funds by being locked out of their PC.

However, it’s not without consequences: Cryptomining malware can slow your home network to a crawl while running up serious energy bills. It may even bring your home computers to a premature end. Also, there’s always the risk with any kind of malware infection that hackers may switch tactics and use their footprint on your home machines to launch other attacks in the future.

Enter Operation Goldfish Alpha

That’s why we were keen to offer our assistance to INTERPOL during this year’s Operation Goldfish Alpha. Thanks to our broad global visibility into attack trends and infection rates, we were able to articulate the scale of the cryptojacking threat and key mitigation steps, at a pre-operation meeting with ASEAN law enforcement officers in June.

A few months later, we developed and disseminated a key Cryptojacking Mitigation and Prevention guidance document. It details how a vulnerability in MikroTik routers had exposed countless users in the region to the risk of compromise by cryptomining malware. The document explains how to scan for this flaw using Trend Micro HouseCall for Home Networks, and how HouseCall can be used to detect and delete the Coinhive JavaScript that hackers were using to mine for digital currency on infected PCs.

Spectacular Success

Over the five months of Operation Goldfish Alpha, experts from national Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and police across 10 countries in the region worked to locate the infected routers, notify the victims and use our guidance document to patch the bugs and kick out the hackers.

Having helped to identify over 20,000 routers in the region that were hacked in this way, we’re delighted to say that by November, the number had reduced by at least 78%.

That’s the value of partnerships between law enforcement and private cybersecurity companies: They combine the power of investigative policing with the detailed subject matter expertise, visibility and resources of industry experts like us. We’ll continue to lend a hand wherever we can to make our connected, digital world a safer place.

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Celebrating Decades of Success with Microsoft at the Security 20/20 Awards

By Sanjay Mehta — January 3rd 2020 at 14:45

Effective collaboration is key to the success of any organization. But perhaps none more so than those working towards the common goal of securing our connected world. That’s why Trend Micro has always been keen to reach out to industry partners in the security ecosystem, to help us collectively build a safer world and improve the level of protection we can offer our customers. As part of these efforts, we’ve worked closely with Microsoft for decades.

Trend Micro is therefore doubly honored to be at the Microsoft Security 20/20 awards event in February, with nominations for two of the night’s most prestigious prizes.

Better together

No organization exists in a vacuum. The hi-tech, connectivity-rich nature of modern business is the source of its greatest power, but also one of its biggest weaknesses. Trend Micro’s mission from day one has been to make this environment as safe as possible for our customers. But we learned early on that to deliver on this vision, we had to collaborate. That’s why we work closely with the world’s top platform and technology providers — to offer protection that is seamless and optimized for these environments.

As a Gold Application Development Partner we’ve worked for years with Microsoft to ensure our security is tightly integrated into its products, to offer protection for Azure, Windows and Office 365 customers — at the endpoint, on servers, for email and in the cloud. It’s all about simplified, optimized security designed to support business agility and growth.

Innovating our way to success

This is a vision that comes from the very top. For over three decades, our CEO and co-founder Eva Chen has been at the forefront of industry leading technology innovation and collaborative success at Trend Micro. Among other things during that time, we’ve released:

  • The world’s first hardware-based system lockdown technology (StationLock)
  • Innovative internet gateway virus protection (InterScan VirusWall)
  • The industry’s first two-hour virus response service-level agreement
  • The first integrated physical-virtual security offering, with agentless threat protection for virtualized desktops (VDI) and data centers (Deep Security)
  • The first ever mobile app reputation service (MARS)
  • AI-based writing-style analysis for protection from Business Email Compromise (Writing Style DNA)
  • Cross-layer detection and response for endpoint, email, servers, & network combined (XDR)
  • Broadest cloud security platform as a service (Cloud One)

Two awards

We’re delighted to have been singled out for two prestigious awards at the Microsoft Security 20/20 event, which will kick off RSA Conference this year:

Customer Impact

At Trend Micro, the customer is at the heart of everything we do. It’s the reason we have hundreds of researchers across 15 threat centers around the globe leading the fight against emerging black hat tools and techniques. It’s why we partner with leading technology providers like Microsoft. And it’s why the channel is so important for us.

Industry Changemaker: Eva Chen

It goes without saying that our CEO and co-founder is an inspirational figure within Trend Micro. Her vision and strong belief that our only real competition as cybersecurity vendors are the bad guys and that the industry needs to stand united against them to make the digital world a safer place, guides the over 6000 employees every day. But she’s also had a major impact on the industry at large, working tirelessly over the years to promote initiatives that have ultimately made our connected world more secure. It’s not an exaggeration to say that without Eva’s foresight and dedication, the cybersecurity industry would be a much poorer place.

We’re all looking forward to the event, and for the start of 2020. As we enter a new decade, Trend Micro’s innovation and passion to make the digital world a safer place has never been more important.


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