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Experts Uncover 350 Browser Extension Variants Used in ABCsoup Adware Campaign

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A malicious browser extension with 350 variants is masquerading as a Google Translate add-on as part of an adware campaign targeting Russian users of Google Chrome, Opera, and Mozilla Firefox browsers. Mobile security firm Zimperium dubbed the malware familyย ABCsoup, stating the "extensions are installed onto a victim's machine via a Windows-based executable, bypassing most endpoint security

Fake ChatGPT Chrome Extension Hijacking Facebook Accounts for Malicious Advertising

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A fake ChatGPT-branded Chrome browser extension has been found to come with capabilities to hijack Facebook accounts and create rogue admin accounts, highlighting one of the different methods cyber criminals are using to distribute malware. "By hijacking high-profile Facebook business accounts, the threat actor creates an elite army of Facebook bots and a malicious paid media apparatus," Guardio