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Know Your Superpower: Brenda’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of McAfee team members who have successfully grown their careers. Read more about Brenda’s McAfee’s journey, what a day in the McAfee sales team is like, and what her superpower is.​​​​​​​

Embracing opportunities

When I started my professional career, I was in technology but one of the few women there at the time. A colleague encouraged me to join the Canadian Information Processing Society as a volunteer. I was just exploring, but it turned out to be a career-builder.

After some time, I joined the Society’s board – my first board appointment ever. Suddenly I was in a leadership position and people were looking to me to make decisions, especially the CIOs and other executives who were on the board with me. I embraced the opportunity, and the expectations they had of me shaped the professional I am today.

A day in the McAfee Sales team

I knew about McAfee from some people who had already worked there and was intrigued by the premise of protecting families online. This was a chance to do what I loved at a bigger scale. And after my interviews, I knew it was the right move!

I am part of the North American Sales team that acquires customers through partnerships with big box retailers throughout North America. Together with our partners, we help customers see the value of McAfee.

In sales, you are constantly interacting with people. Each day is different: one moment I’m planning with partners on how to jointly protect their customers and families online. The next, I’m working will McAfee colleagues on sales strategies and business planning. My days are a steady mix of conference and video calls to collaborate, plan, and connect.

Every day, I get to work with so many great people. On top of that, we’re using our powers for good! Everyone, partners and colleagues alike, are all inspired by our ultimate mission: to protect people and their families. I keep going back to the people – but what a fabulous community of colleagues and partners we work with globally​! I also love the birds-eye view I get across all McAfee’s business units. In order to make good on the promises we make to our partners, I collaborate every day with so many key stakeholders across our entire business.

And now that my children are adults, I’m finding more time for exercise, like Peloton or F45 cross fit. I’m also taking piano classes, and I just wrapped a one-night-a-week downhill skiing program with one of my daughters!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Flexibility, WISE and meeting global teams

McAfee lets you be flexible in getting your job done and taking on other projects. I am so grateful that I can help others through activities such as WISE (the McAfee Women In Security community). It’s important to do something outside of your day job because it makes your world bigger.

I work with some really great women on the WISE board. We are so supportive of each other. Board work is outside of our normal day jobs and sometimes we want to do things we haven’t done before. We put our heads together to figure it out quickly, divide up the work, and get it done!

I’ve also been very fortunate to be able to meet with many customers, partners, and colleagues face-to-face. This has allowed me to learn and grow, not only in my career but also in the Diversity and Inclusion space. The more you know about someone, the better partner and ally you can be.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My superpower

Over my career, I’ve built up my superpower: building relationships. I choose to be positive and empathetic, which helps me develop strong working relationships. I also keep in touch with people I’ve worked with over the years, whether they are peers, customers, or younger professionals I’ve mentored.

The post Know Your Superpower: Brenda’s McAfee Journey appeared first on McAfee Blog.

For some, accounting is more than just spreadsheets! Vernon’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee

Vernon has been our Manager of Technical Accounting for more than two years, but that doesn’t mean he’s busy with spreadsheets and numbers all day.

My McAfee career journey story

It’s been an amazing ride so far. My team touches on several areas of responsibility, including financial period closing, financial reporting, and accounting for complex transactions.

​​​​​​​The most rewarding part of my role is definitely the variety and complexity – they really go hand-in-hand and I enjoy asking questions and figuring out the solutions, even when there is not always a textbook answer. I enjoy the challenge of working collectively with a team to find solutions by applying research and experience to a set of facts.

It’s also rewarding to be able to collaborate with auditors and other stakeholders who would be interested in the results.

Talent and collaboration – a rare combo

​​​​​​​My favorite thing about working at McAfee is the team. We have an amazing team. It’s full of really smart people. I’ve seen some companies try and find the best talent they can, but McAfee has just taken that to a whole different level. Everyone in their respective areas is really tuned in to the broader effort and we work well together. At McAfee, we enjoy both a high level of talent and collaborative effort. You don’t often find both in the same place. ​​​​​​​

My leadership philosophy

I really believe that each person brings certain strengths to the table, and they should be able to exercise those strengths to develop and expand their capabilities. Once those natural roles are established, it’s best to trust them to determine how best to perform in their roles and collaborate with the team in achieving results that add value to the broader group.

My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is

​​​​​​​First, expect the unexpected – consider each new experience an opportunity for personal growth.

Secondly, get involved in projects. If you have the opportunity to do something different or work with a cross-functional team, do it. It builds your own skill base, which opens the door for greater future opportunities and you get to meet people outside of your own department and develop relationships that may prove valuable over time.

The post For some, accounting is more than just spreadsheets! Vernon’s McAfee Journey appeared first on McAfee Blog.

#WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy

By Life at McAfee

*TW: Mentions Suicide

Our passion for protecting people doesn’t stop with online safety. We deeply care for our people, their families and friends, and our communities.

To recognize World Suicide Prevention on Sept. 10 and help normalize and encourage conversations about mental health year-round, we recently hosted a discussion with McAfee colleagues and suicide prevention activist and owner of The Jordan Legacy, Steve Phillip. During this session Steve discussed his own personal lived experience of suicide and what he’s learned since establishing The Jordan Legacy when it comes to creating an open and safe environment for all.

Tell us a bit about The Jordan Legacy?

“I established The Jordan Legacy in 2020, following the suicide of my 34-year-old son, Jordan, in December 2019. It’s a registered not-for-profit Community Interest Company (CIC), whose mission is to raise awareness about suicide, open the conversation, help remove the stigma surrounding this topic and importantly, engage with communities and workplaces to discuss and identify practical solutions which will help prevent suicide.”

Why is World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) important?

“#WSPD is important in highlighting the biggest killer of men and women under the age of 35. According to the W.H.O, we lose 700,000 people globally to suicide every year – that’s one person every 45 seconds. On average, each suicide will impact 135 other people. This means that more than 95 million people are impacted by suicide annually! And while #WSPD is an important day to highlight, it’s fundamental that we recognize that suicide awareness needs to happen 365 days a year.”

Why are there stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide?

“There are several reasons why stigmas surrounding mental health and suicide exist. Generally, it’s due to a lack of understanding and people making assumptions – such as those with a mental health illness could be dangerous, unreliable or unemployable. Cultural backgrounds also play a part in creating stigma – certain cultures see mental illness and suicide as a taboo subject. The language used around mental health and suicide can also create stigma. In the UK, the act of attempting suicide was decriminalized in 1961 and yet the term ‘committed suicide’ is still frequently used, in the same way as commit murder or commit assault.”

How can we open-up a conversation and support someone who might be struggling with their mental health?

“It’s important to ask people how they are with a genuine intent to listen to and understand their reply. Most people who are struggling with their mental health don’t necessarily want you to fix them, but they do want to feel that they’re being listened to. Ask open-ended questions, such as ‘tell me how are you really feeling?’, ‘explain to me how this is impacting on you?’, ‘describe to me, how this is making you feel?”

How can we create hope through action – as family members, friends, and colleagues?

“We need to become a kinder and more compassionate society by recognizing that everyone can, at some point in their lives, struggle with poor mental health. Understanding this, would hopefully cause people to be less frustrated with others who don’t behave as they expect they might. We also need to check-in with family members, friends and colleagues more frequently and ask them ‘how are you really doing?”

How can we look after our own well-being?

“I am one of those individuals who probably works too hard and for too long! However, road cycling is a big escape for me and getting out in the fresh air in the countryside is a huge help. As is my part-time hobby of playing the drums – you can lose a lot of pent-up stress whilst playing along to Nirvana!! It’s so important that you make sure to look after yourself. So, my advice is to find out what works for you – whether that’s going for a walk, talking to a friend, speaking to a counsellor, joining a local group or seeing what resources are available to you through your company’s EAP. And remember most importantly to be kind to yourself.”

If you or someone you know is struggling, please call or text 988 to get support. And remember, you are not alone.

Together we can prevent suicide 💛

The post #WSPD Creating hope through action with The Jordan Legacy appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Embrace change! Chris’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee

In this career-journey series, Internal Audit Manager Chris shares his recent journey joining the McAfee finance team and why he is always learning something new in his role.

A typical day

I’m an Internal Audit Manager. Essentially, I work with my McAfee colleagues to understand the processes we follow and run tests to confirm everything is happening as it should.

Sometimes people find audits intimidating, but I do my best to reassure people that there are no hidden tricks and I respect their time. We’re just making sure things are going according to plan and we’re fulfilling our responsibilities.

In a typical day, I have three priorities: Dad, Work, Gym.

I’m normally up at 6 a.m. to cook breakfast for my son and myself, and then drop him off at school. His favorite is bacon and eggs! Since I work with people around the world, I catch up on emails and then review the day’s work and catch up with my team. From there, most of my day is spent in meetings with McAfee colleagues or external auditors.

Somewhere in the day I get in a one-hour workout. It’s tough to do sometimes, but I’d say I get to the gym 90% of the time. It’s a great reset for me: a time where I can focus on me and putting my body to the test.

And, of course, I pick up my son from school and have Dad Time! That’s really my day in repeat. It seems like the same thing but feels different every day. I’m always meeting new people and puzzling through different problems. Every day is a fresh challenge.

Joining McAfee

After interviewing with my future co-workers, I was excited to join the company. I thought, “Oh, this company is fun!” The culture seemed to be a place where not only do you get to come for work, but also have sense of community within it.

Also, it was a chance to work for a great boss. I knew she was a great boss because I worked for her before. She gives you the vision, then gives you the freedom to explore and get the work done. You really get to own your work. I appreciate that.​​

At McAfee, employees are a top priority. You’re not just a robot who has to work-work-work. It’s okay to have fun and take 10 minutes out to see how others are doing.

I like the way the company comes together to have contests and other fun activities. In Finance, we recently had a scavenger hunt with 70 people. It was great seeing the faces of people you’ve only talked to on the phone.

Another way we engage each other is with a recognition program called Bravo! You can write a letter to someone saying hey, I appreciate you. That makes you feel more valued as an employee.

I also like the quarterly updates we get from leaders. At other companies, I’ve seen that done once a year. It’s nice to hear from the CEO every quarter about what’s going on in the organization.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Learning and MAHC

There are two parts that make my role so rewarding. The first is I enjoy interacting with people and have a passion for learning. In this job, you hear so many cool stories, and I’m exposed to so many different areas and processes in across the business. There’s always something new to learn. It makes every day different.

Secondly, at McAfee I’m part of the McAfee African Heritage Community (MAHC). We get together and talk about things we want to share with other Community members and the rest of McAfee. I’ve met people I never would run into otherwise. That’s important to me as someone who’s fairly new to McAfee plus having worked remote all this time. It’s very cool to be part of a company that supports having communities.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Getting outside my comfort zone

Honestly, my job is always outside my comfort zone. There’s always a new problem to be solved. But I like that. The way I see it, if you’re comfortable, you aren’t growing. You need to do something you haven’t done before to move to the next level.

As an auditor, I’m always helping others understand the audit process and how to provide solid information, so the audit goes well.

​​​​​​​Communication is key

One of the most helpful skills I have developed during my career is communication. I need to establish a rapport quickly in my work so we can work well together. Everybody is different, right? Some are more direct, some are more indirect, and some people are more casual than others. You always need to adjust when you meet people. Good communication skills help prevent misunderstandings, which is especially important in a global company like McAfee with so many different cultures.

My advice to anyone looking to drive their career forward is…

Embrace change! Change is just another way to grow, learn, and realize potential you didn’t know you had. Look at it as an opportunity. Raise your hand up when problems arise and take on that tough problem. The person who fixes the problem is the person everyone remembers.

The post Embrace change! Chris’s McAfee Journey appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Kicking off my Second Career: Gayatri’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of team members who have successfully grown their career here at McAfee. This journey features Gayatri who kicked off her second career at McAfee after leaving her role and returning to further education.

My McAfee Career Journey

McAfee truly kicked off my second career journey! I previously worked as a Software Engineer before I joined the McAfee Pre-sales Operations team as a summer intern as part of my business graduate program. One thing led to another, and I joined McAfee full-time as a Technical Project Analyst after I graduated later that year!

I’ve always believed in having a growth mindset, I embrace learning and looking for ways to build on my achievements. I’m proud to be part of an organization that nurtures this and helps you pursue your passions. For example, in 2019 I moved from a team focused on products and services for large businesses to a team focused on individual consumers. The needs of consumers versus big businesses are very different, so the business operations work supporting that focus are very different as well. It was a steep learning curve, but I felt supported every step of the way, and since then have grown so much!

Getting outside my comfort zone

Back in 2011, I was a software engineer spending my days doing programming and web development. While I was happy doing that, it was after working on many client-facing projects that I aspired to work at the intersection of business and technology. So, I left engineering and went to business school.

Taking a break from my full-time job to pursue formal business education in a new country was a big step outside my comfort zone. It was challenging to find balance, but the journey was worth it!

Teaming together to see the bigger picture

Today, I am a Sales Enablement and Operations Manager supporting sales teams all over the world. My focus areas include managing platforms and tools like Salesforce, Power BI, and SharePoint Sales Portal, as well as our department’s training and enablement programs – in other words, technology and professional development that help our team members be successful. Plus, I’m a key team member for an array of programs and projects that are pushing the business forward.​​​​​​​​

My work is highly collaborative, and I really enjoy working on projects with colleagues across different departments all over the world. I get to see the bigger picture, better understand the business context, and see the WHY behind the initiatives we drive.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

From business projects to being a part of the McAfee WISE (Women in Security) Board, it’s the people, culture, and opportunity that sets McAfee apart. I love working with the amazing people at McAfee!

Underlying it all: Working at McAfee matters because ultimately what we do helps protect lives of millions of people online.

My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is:

I have come to realize that the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing and growing. Develop a growth mindset to keep moving forward!

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Don’t Stop Learning! Jeremy’s McAfee Journey

By Life at McAfee

Our How I Got Here series spotlights the stories of team members who have successfully grown their careers here at McAfee. This journey features Jeremy whose passion for learning has seen him grow his career in our Technology Services Team.

My McAfee career journey

In 2015, I started as a contract worker to help manage network cabling in McAfee’s buildings. While I was doing that, I was also asked to help manage our voice network (think of this as phones and conference lines) for North and South America. A year after working in both of those roles, I was asked to focus on voice network engineering. After a couple of years, I began training as an engineer for our audio-visual workspace, which helps bring efficiency and centralization to our conference room communications and collaboration tools. And today, I am a Unified Communications Engineer!

My other role within McAfee is Co-President of the McAfee Veterans Community. I absolutely love the community of veterans from around the globe and our community allies. It’s a wonderful group of people who are always willing to serve their local communities. We have hosted inspiring guest speakers, and volunteer events, and continue to hold monthly virtual Coffee Talks and Happy Hours.

A typical day?

I don’t believe that I’ve ever had a typical workday. One moment I’m entering new employees into our systems, and the next I’m providing backend call-center support. I also help run our big Microsoft Teams live events. And, of course, I troubleshoot communications issues as they arise.

I truly enjoy working with the Technology Services team and especially the Voice and Video Team. Being able to collaborate with such wonderful teams is a really rewarding part of my role.

Changing my career

For about a decade in my previous role, I managed a team doing general upkeep in computer systems and I felt really comfortable doing that! I joined McAfee to do a similar role, but shortly afterward I was asked to pivot to more of an engineering role. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but luckily the team I was with was very helpful and supportive of my learning curve. Even though it was out of my comfort zone, I’m so glad I was given the opportunity – it has blessed mine and my family’s life!

​​​​​​​My advice for anyone looking to drive their career forward is

To never stop learning. There is ALWAYS something to learn and someone who can mentor you. I believe that if you are surrounded by smart people (and pay attention), you can’t help but learn and grow! I absolutely love to learn, so this has been one of top of the reasons why I have loved my job since my very first day.

The post Don’t Stop Learning! Jeremy’s McAfee Journey appeared first on McAfee Blog.


By Life at McAfee

In the spirit of #PrideMonth, McAfee hosted month-long celebrations across the world. One of these was a live event hosted by the McAfee Pride Community with a guest speaker from the Resource Center that focused on the history of Pride, support, allyship, and belonging.

We took a moment to ask our event guest speaker, Leslie McMurray, about the work that Resource Center does, the importance of pride, and what companies can do to create inclusive work environments.

Tell us a bit about Resource Center and what you do?

“We like to say, if we had an “elevator pitch”, we would need a really tall building! Resource Center has been around for 39 years and is one of the largest LGBTQIA+ community centers in the United States, it is a primary HIV/AIDS service organization in Texas.

Some of the work that we do includes operating a food pantry and hot meal program that serves low-income people living with HIV. We have a case management department that helps locate resources that we don’t directly provide, like housing. And we have a primary care clinic that is gender-affirming and a ten-chair dental clinic that also serves those living with HIV.

We also have a youth program called Youth First that serves youth from middle-to-high school. We have a behavioral health program and a clinic that does free testing for HIV and STDs along with a mobile health unit that does free testing in outlying areas. Finally, our advocacy department has three full-time employees!

Why it is important to learn about pride?

“Sometimes we get asked “What’s ‘Pride’ about? Why do you need a parade?”

It’s important to understand that LGBTQIA+ people are still working to achieve equal rights – the same as everyone else.

The tipping point of the fight for equal rights in the US dates back to 1969 when the Stonewall Uprising took place in Manhattan. The first Pride march was held a year later to honor the anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising and continues to take place during the month of June each year. And while we appreciate the attention during the month, the continued fight for equal rights for the LGBTQIA+ community is yearly, and we need continuous support and allyship of people and businesses year-round.

So it’s really important for people to learn about diverse populations, understand what their challenges are, and educate yourself on these issues – from that spring’s allies.”

What should companies do to create inclusive work environments

“One of the simplest things for companies to do is to include ‘Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Gender expression’ in your Equal Employment Opportunity statement. Other things companies can do is to look at putting a policy in place for transgender employees who are transitioning and consider including transgender healthcare in your company benefits package.

Make sure to help foster understanding by getting employees to do training with organizations like Resource Center. And empower upper management to lead the way ensuring all employees can bring their whole selves to work. Finally, when the opportunity arises look at working with and bringing in non-profit organizations into your company to continue spreading awareness and support for the LGBTQIA+ community.

And while June wraps up Pride month, year-round we work towards a workplace and community where all can belong – a workplace where our unique differences are celebrated and where we all stand together for equality. #McAfeePride

Learn more about the incredible work that Resource Center does here

Interested in building your career at a company where you can belong? Search our openings!

The post #McAfeePride2022 appeared first on McAfee Blog.

Why I’m Proud to Protect

By McAfee

At McAfee, we’re proud to protect. It’s part of our DNA.

We’re all dedicated to keeping the world safe from cyber threats. As a team, we’re driven by our mission to protect all that matters. Individually, we’re motivated by our own unique reasons – whether that’s family, friends, or our communities.

As part of our commitment to online safety, we asked our McAfee team to share what motivates them every day to make life online safe and enjoyable. Here are just a few incredible reasons shared by some of our team:

“I’m really proud to protect my father in the digital life as he did with me in the real life.”- Francisco

“I’m proud to protect my family. I want to ensure they are safe now that everything is online.” – Cagla

“I’m proud to be part of a community that helps millions of people stay safe online.” – Karan

“I’m proud to protect my kids with the gift of digital safety so that they can freely enjoy their screen time.” – Loretta

“I am proud to protect my McAfee family because I love this company so much! I’m also proud to protect my grandson’s online activity thanks to McAfee!” – Melody

“I’m proud to protect family, friends, and our society as a whole. It is important for me to lead the change for a safer environment and future for the one close to me.”  – Benni

Watch the video below to see McAfee team members worldwide share their commitment to protecting all that matters to them.

Interested in building your career at a company that’s proud to protect? Search our openings!

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McAfee Teammates Share How They’ll Help #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day

By McAfee

International Women’s Day serves as an important reminder that each and every one of us plays a role in recognizing and addressing gender bias. Together, we can make a difference in creating a more equitable world for all.

At McAfee, we know that genuine change requires continuous commitment. And while we’re proud of the efforts we’re making as a company – from being the first cybersecurity company to achieve global pay parity (and maintain it), to expanded time off for new parents, to a woman on every hiring panel to help remove bias – we know there is more to do.

This International Women’s Day and beyond, McAfee team members around the globe share how they’ll continue to advance inclusion and gender equality by actively working to #BreakTheBias.


Software Quality Engineer (India)

A gender equal world starts with a change. A change within families, a change with perspectives, a change among society!




Program Manager (Canada)

I am helping to #BreakTheBias by teaching my son that both boys and girls, men and women can do it all.



Sr Market Research Analyst (USA)

We need to think differently. Women have, are and will always be quintessential architects of society. Together we can #BreakTheBias


Software Engineer (UK)

Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias! I am doing my part and learning from my mum and helping the next generation believe in themselves irrespective of gender.


Real Estate & Workplace Strategy (Ireland)

Equality can only be achieved if diversity, difference and qualities of woman are truly valued. We must work together to acknowledge and #BreakTheBias.


Channel Marketing (Australia) 

Bias against anyone for simply being different, limits our growth and is a significant waste of talent, energy and happiness. I commit to taking an active role in questioning perceptions to do my part to influence change.


Software Sales (Canada)

I will help #BreakTheBias by raising and supporting a strong independent young adult and setting an example for her. I do so by choosing my career path while leading and growing personally and professionally!


Talent Acquisition Partner (Australia)

I will #BreakTheBias by addressing and challenging gender stereotypes. 


Senior People Partner (Ireland)

I will help #BreakTheBias by encouraging conversations around diversity, challenging myself and others to consider where we can make changes that will have a positive impact.



Join McAfee and millions of others around the world in celebrating International Women’s Day by sharing how you’ll #BreakTheBias.

Interested in building your career at a company that helps women thrive? Search our openings!

The post McAfee Teammates Share How They’ll Help #BreakTheBias this International Women’s Day appeared first on McAfee Blog.

How I Got Here: Trevor’s Career Journey Across Four Countries and Five Roles

By Life at McAfee

In this career-journey series, Marketing Director Trevor shares why patient listening is the most helpful skill he’s acquired, the top career advice he’s received, and how his career at McAfee has taken him across four countries and five roles in 11 years. 

Learn more about the steps they took to find success and their advice to help you do the same. 

Q: Tell us about your McAfee career journey. 

“Three continents, four countries, five roles, eleven years. At McAfee, I’ve lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Afghanistan (mobilized as an army reservist), Luxembourg, and the United States. I’ve worked in acquisition marketing, sales, marketing operations and technology, retention marketing, and strategic projects.” ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Q: What do you like most about working at McAfee? 

“Great people, interesting problems, and we’re always driving new ways to innovate and grow the business.”

Q: Can you share more about your role and typical day? 

“In terms of a workday, no two are alike, but there are three constants to what I’m working on:

I’m delivering projects that drive or protect McAfee’s future revenue streams and profitability or I’m Uncovering, stitching, and interpreting facts and information into a narrative to advise and inform senior leadership decision making 

I’m learning & developing myself. Since I joined McAfee the company has supported me in gaining an advanced degree in E-Commerce Technology from Manchester University and more recently supported me in attending Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.   

After March 2020 our local office went remote.  This has meant I was able to restructure and balance out my home life. My day always starts the same (early) followed by coffee, gym, or training at ice hockey, and then family breakfast and dropping my son off at school. Workflows throughout the day.  McAfee is an environment where you can balance your life and work.   

Whilst I miss the daily interaction with my colleagues, the local ones all live within 5-30 minutes of me, allowing for many impromptu or planned meet-ups 😊.”


Q: What is one of the most helpful skills you have developed in your career at McAfee?

“Listening persistently and patiently .

Being heard and delivering growth starts with listening.  In a complex organization, there can be a lot of people impacted by what might, at first, be considered a simple change.   

Persistence and tenacity are what helps you maintain your drive towards a goal or a project.    

Patience is what pulls it all together. It takes time to get everyone on board, and then it takes more time for them to align, start, forget, get distracted, restart, fall down, pick themselves up and start running. “

Q: What makes your role exciting?

“I love working and interacting with people across all functions, groups, and locations. I love learning about new cultures, perspectives, and the different behaviors of consumers worldwide that we have to plan and adapt for. I also love the diversity of work and activity of what I get to do! ”

Q: Tell us about a time when you had to get outside of your comfort zone to further your career development.

“One day my leader asked me if I would be willing to move into a sales role to better align with the strategic direction of the company while building out my own skillset. Instead of panicking about the unknown, I made a decision to embrace this as a growth opportunity.  

From scratch, I built up a sales pipeline, learned how to negotiate, run contracts, and negotiate. I shadowed our best sales leaders, read and re-read ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People’, learned Sandler methodology, and had to cold call (it’s not as scary as it sounds and there’s a true art in doing it well!).  

The result of these efforts? I closed multiple deals and built up a digital reseller network. I still remember the first deal I closed. As soon as the prospect agreed to the number proposed, I kicked myself under the table… I realized I should have negotiated and asked for more! But experience is how we learn and the skills I acquired during this period ultimately made me a better marketer and put me on the path I’m on today.”

Q: What advice would you give to prospective McAfee employees who are looking to drive their career forwards?

“I also wondered the same thing, so I asked a senior McAfee executive about how she’d managed to get to the top of the organization.   

I’ll never forget her response – “I asked.” 

I interpreted that as… be a positive force for the people around you, deliver results, ask for more… and your career will continue moving forwards.”   

Thinking about how to propel your career forward? Interested in hearing more about how McAfee fosters career growth and development? Stay tuned for more in our ‘How I Got Here’ series as we spotlight the journeys of team members who cultivated rich and impressive career paths here at McAfee. 

Want to join a team that invests in YOU? Check out our roles today. 

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My Journey from Intern to Principal Engineer

By Life at McAfee

Written by Shuborno, Principal Engineer

At McAfee, architects and engineers continuously have opportunities to make decisions that impact customers and propel exciting and meaningful careers. They also work with leaders focused on supporting their learning and growth. These truths have been constant and driving forces for me throughout my 15+ years with the company.

Today, I am a Principal Engineer at McAfee. My job is to translate product and customer goals into the technology we must build to enable and sustain those goals. It is challenging, fulfilling work that impacts 40 million customers around the world and motivates me every day.

This role is also a high in my personal career journey, one that started with a McAfee internship while I was a student at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.

Leadership support fuels confidence and growth

Supportive leadership is an important, and differentiating, element of McAfee’s culture. Being promoted to Principal Engineer was, of course, an incredibly proud moment in my career, but the support and encouragement of my managers and mentors helped me get there.

When I moved into the Software Architect role, I met with the head of Consumer Engineering who — to my surprise — arranged for the Chief Architect to mentor me. Things took off from there.

Jeremy, one of my mentors, helped me realize the impact I could make by asking a simple question: “If there is something important that needs to be done, why aren’t you doing it?”

That encouragement, support, and coaching gave me the confidence and motivation to achieve the Principal Engineer career goal. It also helped me understand the importance of supportive leaders focused on helping their teams learn, grow, and succeed.

Thriving beyond office walls

Beyond the office, McAfee leaders supported my growth, too. Early on as an architect, my manager encouraged me to get involved with Toastmasters, an organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills. I’ve used skills gained there when presenting to fellow architects and engineers, C-level executives including the CTO, as well as during my Principal Engineer Committee Panel presentation. (Today, I’m also the Vice President of Education for my local Toastmasters Club!)

The leadership support I’ve experienced at McAfee enabled me to learn, grow, and thrive, inside and outside the office. I know that the same support will be available for you — and anyone who joins the McAfee team — because when McAfee employees thrive, McAfee thrives, too.

Are you considering joining our team? McAfee takes great pride in a culture that promotes personal growth and professional success. Learn more about our jobs. Subscribe to job alerts.

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How I Seized McAfee’s Opportunities to Realize My Potential

By Life at McAfee

This post was written by Emmanuel

Making the most of opportunities and putting in the work with an employer who invests in you is a powerful combination. My journey at McAfee would not be complete had it not been for the chance to prove myself.

McAfee Rotation Program (MRP) program helps candidates find the right fit within the organization. MRP consists of five-month-long placements within Professional Services, Pre-Sales Engineering, Security Operations, and Sales Operations. To be accepted, candidates must complete and score well during three rigorous days of evaluation.

There is no promise you’ll be hired, only the promise that McAfee will give you every chance to prove your worth. And when you succeed, the benefits are far greater than just a paycheck.

In 2018, about a year after earning my Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics, I learned about the program while looking for work. Even though cybersecurity wasn’t my background, I decided to take a chance.

The path to a rewarding career

McAfee flew me from my home in New Jersey to Dallas to complete an intensive course consisting of 10- to 12-hour days of interviews, presentations, logic tests, and team-building exercises. One of the toughest parts was presenting on McAfee products, something I knew very little about, and having only a few hours overnight to prepare once given the assignment.

Those days were extremely challenging and tested me in ways that I didn’t think possible. Even though it wasn’t really tailored to my area of studies, the program was an opportunity to work for one of the largest global corporations. I was resolved to stay focused and make an impression.

And I was hungry. Failing wasn’t an option. I had done my research and wanted the opportunity to work for McAfee.

About two weeks after the course, McAfee informed me that I was one of six candidates to be accepted into the MRP. The journey to help me find the best position soon began.

For the next two years, I worked five rotations or positions within the program’s designated areas. It wasn’t long before I began charting my path to what interested me most.

Last year, I achieved my goal of becoming an Enterprise Security Engineer.

Succeeding through a culture of ongoing development

I could not have achieved success without God, the help of a lot of people, and a diverse culture that embraces personal and professional growth.

McAfee gives you the opportunity to not just find what you do best but fulfill your passions. Along the way, you are recognized and mentored – a great achievement was receiving the “Who’s Doing This” award based on performance within my first year at McAfee.

The company invests in you personally and professionally, not just through training opportunities, but by encouraging healthy lifestyles and work-life balance. When we’re not working remotely, every Friday employees can bring their dogs to work through the Pups at Work Program. Some people have actually become attached to their coworkers’ pets!

Building connections has helped launch my career, understand where I want to go and how to get there. Like any new hire, you have to develop into your role, and that is only made possible with the right direction and encouragement. Coworkers and leadership have continually helped me along my journey.

Even through a period of remote working, McAfee has developed an online culture which makes you feel as though everybody is collaborating in person.

And the learning never stops. My mentor spends time each month guiding me down my career path, which is a huge plus.

A sweet experience

What I like about McAfee is you are given every chance to succeed, which instills a strong work ethic and the ability to give back. I was fortunate to help lead another MRP soon after completing my rotation. Leadership entrusted me to coordinate the program from start to finish, and it was rewarding to watch the development of those who succeeded.

My time here has been sweet, and I could not pick a better company to launch my career. I’ve gone from somebody with no background in information technology and security to being a subject matter expert.

Those three days in Dallas were tough, but sometimes you have to put in a little sweat equity to reach your goal. They are among the greatest days of my career and make working for McAfee that much sweeter.

Are you thinking about joining our team? McAfee takes great pride in providing candidates every opportunity to show their true value. Learn more about our jobs. Subscribe to job alerts.

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McAfee VP Shares His Four Pledges for a Healthier Lifestyle

By Life at McAfee

After experiencing a health scare that changed his life, VP of Technology Services, Paul, vowed to make incremental changes by incorporating four important health pledges into his daily routine.

Hear Paul’s life-changing story, how his diagnosis impacted his outlook on prioritizing his physical and mental health, and how he describes McAfee’s role in empowering him and others to follow their own wellness goals.

“To the leadership team and colleagues around me, thank you for giving me the time, space and flexibility to recover. The fact that we can 100% check out and focus on our wellbeing is paramount. At McAfee, that’s in our culture and our spirit.”

Here are Paul’s recommendations of four daily practices that every person can incorporate daily into their busy schedules.

Get up and Walk
Plan for virtual 1:1 walking meetings with your team, it allows you to stay active even on the busiest days.

Keep a cannister of ice, cold water at your desk so that you can stay hydrated throughout the workday.

Takes Breaks
Take mental breaks and intentionally unplug. Spend time away from your electronic devices by avoiding emails or going on chat.

Stand Up
It can be easy to sit at your desk all day. This doesn’t benefit your health. Instead, stand up and find ways to move.

At McAfee, we believe that your mental and physical wellbeing is a top priority. That’s why we encourage team members to take the time they need to reset, recharge, and care for their health. Between our paid holidays, unlimited vacation policy in the U.S., and leave policy, we enable our team to balance work with life’s responsibilities. We know that the key to living our best lives at and away from the office starts with focusing on wellbeing.

Want to work for a company that encourages team members to prioritize their health and wellbeing? Check out McAfee’s Latest Career Opportunities. Subscribe to Job Alerts.

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For more stories like this, follow @LifeAtMcAfee on Instagram and  @McAfee on Twitter to see what working at McAfee is all about. 

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How a Group of McAfee Team Members Helped Change the Lives of Critically Ill Children

By Life at McAfee

The generosity and kindness displayed by team members across McAfee is one major factor that makes up the incredible culture of the company. At McAfee, we empower our team members to initiate meaningful ways to give back to the community. It came to no surprise when a large group of team members came together in order to run a donation drive to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. 

The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a nonprofit corporation that helps grant wishes to thousands of children fighting life-threatening medical conditions. One way to support the foundation is by donating airline miles. Nationally, Make-A-Wish needs more than 2.8 billion miles, or 50,000 round-trip tickets, to cover every child’s travel wish each year. Every mile donated will help kids and their families travel to destinations around the world, once it is safe to resume travel. It is just one of the ways that individuals can help create a life-changing wish experience. 

Some of our team members organized an air miles donation drive and encouraged others to donate their miles to the cause. The impact was astronomical, with team members raising over 585,000 miles to benefit the MakeaWish Foundation in the Bay Area.  

We reached out to three airline mile contributors at McAfee and discussed what inspired them to contribute to this extraordinary initiative.

Derek, Product Manager, Hawaii 

I was happy to see the McAfee family come together and support a terrific cause by donating airline miles to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Giving is a key element in my faith and a core value. I knew that I could either cash in the points and do something with my family, or I could put the miles towards an even greater purpose and help a child who is truly in need of experiencing something special. The choice was an easy one to make.  

I believe that helping others is one of our top callingsThat is why I choose to give and do so generously with joy. I know that I’m not alone here at McAfee. There is a great culture of generosity that I’ve witnessed across the organization and I’m happy to simply be a part of that and do what I can to help others. 

Laura, Senior Manager Business Operations, Santa Clara, California 

Years ago, my brother was a starving college student who volunteered for a local charity and drove cancer patients to their medical appointments. When I asked him about his volunteer work, he said that he didn’t have a lot of money, but he had time. Volunteering allowed him to make a difference in someone’s life and give back. It was a lifechanging moment for me because it expanded how I think about giving to include time, donations and acts of kindness. 

I chose to participate in the air miles donation drive because I love that this program provides time for critically ill children to spend with their loved ones while creating memorable and happy experiences.  

I am incredibly grateful to our McAfee leaders who create opportunities for us to give back. Giving back is at the core of McAfee’s DNA and having closely connected teams makes it easy for team members to answer call to action. 

Pramod, Principal Engineer, Portland, Oregon 

Giving is all about making small differences whenever and wherever you can, in any form. We can make a huge difference in the lives of others, especially when we are in a position where we can help those who need us the most. 

When team members from the enterprise organization set up a drive for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, it connected with me on a personal level. As I went through the stories of children whose wishes were granted through the program, I was moved to learn about how a little effort can create the best moments in someone’s life. 

Meaningful communication from our HR team members and leadership promoting efforts to volunteer and give back to the community are motivatingI like that McAfee has a dedicated site that team members can access for giving and that there are opportunities in which McAfee matches team member donations. Collectively, we can make a big difference to the world around us. Truly, together is power.

At McAfee, we encourage and support the efforts of our team members to make a difference in their communities. If you’re interested in
joining the McAfee team, we’d love to hear from you.

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For more stories like this, follow @LifeAtMcAfee on Instagram and  @McAfee on Twitter to see what working at McAfee is all about. 

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Shiva’s Tragic Accident Turns into a Story of Resilience

By Life at McAfee

My McAfee Chronicles is a series featuring McAfee team members who have interesting and inspiring life stories to share. Meet Shiva, a Software Development Engineer in Bangalore, India.

When a traumatic road accident changed the course of Shiva’s life, he had two options – give up on life or give life his best shot. For Shiva, there was only one obvious choice. Through his unrelenting willpower and sheer determination, he was able to overcome all odds.

Shiva shares his deeply inspirational story below:

A Tragic Accident

My journey at McAfee started in 2011 when I joined the company. In 2013, my life was turned upside down. I was on a road trip with few friends whewe got in a car accident. Although I was fortunate enough to survive, unlike two of my friends, I suffered from a severe nerve injury that left me paralyzed from the neck down.

Financial Challenges

The next few months were some of the roughest of my life. Due to the extent of my injuries, I spent several months recuperating in the hospital. Soon, hit my limit for medical insurance coverage. No one is ever prepared to face such a financial situation and I was no different. However, I was extremely fortunate that McAfee came forward and supported me in every possible way, both financially and emotionally With McAfee’s support, I was able to receive the best treatment for my needs   

The Road to Recovery 

I spent close to 10 months in the hospital and doing rehab, slowly picking up the pieces of my life again. Even simple things like sitting or talking to someone took me a great deal of effort. However, giving up was never an option for me. My doctors encouraged me to engage mentally, and that’s when I slowly started to contribute at work again. 

Team Support

Before my accident, I led two projects for my team.  Even though my mobility was restricted, I still have the ability to think.  So, my team came forward and encouraged me to work again. I started at a slow pace, mostly talking on the phone and sharing my thoughts with my team.  My team served as my hands and legs, coding and working on my unfinished projects. My leaders and team members turned out to be my biggest strength. They would visit me often to cheer me up and we would celebrate special occasions together. I was overwhelmed by their love and support.

Returning to the Workplace

Finally, it was time to get back to the office. When I started walking a little, I slowly got back to work in a phased manner. McAfee gave me the flexibility that I needed to put together the pieces of my life.  Although it was wonderful to be back, returning didn’t come without its challenges. I could not drive to work anymore. For some time, my teammates helped me get to the office. On other occasions, I would hire a taxi. Othe days when it rained, it was challenging to find a cab, given Bangalore’s traffic. 

Joining McAbility

Around the same time, McAbility was formed in India. I became a part of it and brought my commute issue to McAfee’s knowledge. I’m glad to say that McAfee did not hesitate to arrange a special cab exclusively for me. McAfee welcomed and acted on every suggestion that I shared regarding improving mobility issues in the office.

Continuing Life

With the support of my family, team members and McAfee, life slowly started to get back to normal. I even got a chance to visit my colleagues in the Cork office, which was a life changing moment for me. The support that I received from everyone around me was a crucial part of my recovery. Even now when I’m in the office, people stop by and ask me how I am doing and it is heartwarming.

Life Mantra

“Any emotion, if it is sincere, is involuntary, by Mark Twain. If you want to be a good person or be kind to someone, it will come to you naturally. You wouldn’t have to try too hard. 

For more stories like Shiva’s or to learn more about our company culture, follow @LifeatMcAfee on Instagram and @McAfee on Twitter.

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How McAfee’s Inclusive Maternity Benefits Helped Me Thrive as a New Mom

By Life at McAfee

By: Smriti, People Partner

McAfee continues to recognize and celebrate hardworking mothers across our global workforce. We continue to advance in our workplace culture by offering policies and programs to better serve working parents.

Meet Smriti as she shares her incredible story as a new mother and how McAfee helped her to transition comfortably into a new role as a working parent.

Joining McAfee

My journey at McAfee began in 2017 as a People Partner. My role includes developing policies and processes for People Success. 

Welcoming My Daughter

My husband and I were delighted to welcome our first-born. In 2019, we welcomed our daughter into our family. While becoming a new parent is both rewarding and fulfilling, it can also be an overwhelming experience.  The job of a parent is never-ending. There is no 9 – 5 schedule and you can’t check out. You’re always on parent duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Finding Balance with the Help of McAfee’s Benefits 

McAfee’s family-friendly policies and benefits helped our new family bond together. I spent quality time with my daughter during my maternity leave. From receiving baby gifts in the mail from McAfee to getting the insurance coverage and mental health support that I needed, McAfee’s benefits for working parents were a blessing for us. 

Opting for Gradual Return to Work with McAfee

Parenthood is never without its obstacles, and most times, unforeseen ones. When my family could not make it home due to travel restrictions because of COVID-19, I got the support I needed to extend my leave. I also opted for the Gradual Return to Work Program designed for new moms. This ensured that I would not be overwhelmed when reentering the workforce and that my priorities were well understood.

Reuniting with Team Members

I received a warm welcome from everyone, including my team and my manager. I consider myself fortunate to work for a company that understands the value of a new family. Working moms often struggle with work and family. Still, with a little support, they can indeed thrive in their workplaces and have a fruitful career.

Life Mantra

My Life’s Manta is to always look at the bigger picture in life and be thankful for what you have, rather than think about the downsides. Personally, this helps me to be happy and content.

All over the world, McAfee’s benefits continue to evolve to reflect the needs of working parents. From extended bonding leave to expanded opportunities that help parents transition with our Return to Workplace program, we work tirelessly to create a range of programs unique to each country. We continue to support those who have paused their careers to care for their families as well as new working parents.

Learn more about the ways McAfee is serving working parents and building an inclusive workplace by following Life at McAfee on Instagram and @McAfee on Twitter.

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Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy with McAfee’s African Heritage Community

By Life at McAfee
Photo by Unseen Histories on Unsplash

Today, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King diligently dedicated his life to dismantling systemic racism affecting marginalized groups and leading a peaceful movement to promote equality for all Americans, irrespective of color and creed. He leaves behind a legacy of courage, strength, perseverance, and a life-long dedication to pursuing a fair and just world.

At McAfee, we honor the diverse voices which make up our company and encourage every team member to bring their authentic selves to the workplace. We believe that our collective voice and action can make a difference in creating a more equal and unified world. 

On this day, we commemorate MLK by honoring the man behind the message of equality. Members of the McAfee African Heritage Community share their perspectives on the impact that Martin Luther King Jr. has had on their lives and what this day means to them.  

Alexus, Software Sales Engineer

When I think about what Martin Luther King Jr. Day means to me, I think of it as a time to reflect and think about the progress we have made as citizens of this country. We have made great strides, but there is much more that needs to be done for equality and justice.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by being of service to others around me.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by using my voice to uplift others.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to be a man of excellence and courage. 


Denise, People Operations Program Manager

For me, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a reminder of how far we’ve come, and how far we still have to go as a society – especially in today’s time of social unrest. Some of Dr. King’s most poignant quotes are still so applicable and impactful today. 

For example – “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by doing what I can to have a positive impact on the lives of others.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by looking for areas to give back and serve. 

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to do better, be better and influence the world around me accordingly. 

Kristol, Global Sales Operations Manager

MLK Jr. Day is a reminder of the influence ONE person can have on people, perspectives, and shaping a platform. It means that my voice matters and that I have a right to live my dream—a dream that we continue to fight for today. 

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by never giving up on my dreams.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by freely bringing my authentic self to work, home and the community every day. 

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to be a courageous, strategic and compassionate leader. 

Le Var, Customer Success M

MLK Day always drives me to think about Dr. King’s dream and the work of the civil rights movement. I then look for ways I can make an impact in my local community to continue the work of those before me.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by passing the baton and sharing his dream to the next generation, molding my children to understand the past, and continuing to push Dr. King’s dream for future decades.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by researching African American history in an effort to broaden my own knowledge and share information I’ve learned with my peers.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to make a positive impact on the community I live in. Much like Dr. King, I am one man who strives to be the dream of my ancestors. Individually, I can move boulders, but collectively, we can move mountains. 

Lynne, EVP of Enterprise Global Sales and Marketing and Executive Sponsor

Martin Luther King Jr. Day means a chance to celebrate the legacy of a man who was a pivotal leader of the civil rights movement, hope and healing. Though his life was a short one, his impact was great, and there are so many lessons to learn from the words that MLK Jr. has left with us.

I honor Martin Luther King Jr. by showing up as an ally who’s ready to listen and take action.

I celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day by reflecting on the wise lessons shared by Martin Luther King Jr. and making it a point to have conversations about his impact.

Martin Luther King Jr. inspires me to use my voice to encourage conversation, connection and community.

Learn More About Dr. King’s Mark on the World 

About The King Center 

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Biography  

5 of Martin Luther King Jr.’s Most Memorable Speeches 

MLK Day Playlist: 10 Songs in Honor of Dr. King 

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2020 In Review: The Top 10 Most Popular Life at McAfee Blogs

By Life at McAfee

2020 has been quite the year for many, and through it all, we’re reflecting on everything we are thankful for. This includes the incredible stories and invaluable perspectives that come from our McAfee team members around the world.

As the year endswe’re counting down the top 10 most read Life at McAfee blog stories. These are the stories from our team members that you love to read, and we love to tell  

10. One Team Member Selflessly Provides Relief tCovid 19’s Front Line 

Image © by Christian Beier

When COVID-19 hit Germany, Heiko jumped into action and made an impact on his community with the help of THW and McAfee’s Volunteer Time Off (VTO) benefit. Read about Heiko’s experience and how he was able to help provide relief by helping to build a temporary hospital facility. 

9. How to Adopt a Work-From-Home Mindset 


Navigating a global pandemic while balancing parenthood and adjusting to remote work is currently a challenge for many. In this blog, our team member, Paige, offers up four helpful tips for remote working parents. 

 8. McAfee Men Share Fresh Perspectives oGender Equality

In honor of International Women’s Day, we asked McAfee men around the world to share their perspectives on creating a more gender equal world. They offered candid and rich insights with takeaways to remember  inside and outside of the workplace. If you’re looking for an interesting conversation ogender equality, you won’t want to miss this blog. 

7. McAfee’s Women in Security Offer New Grads Career Insights


Launching your career is an exciting experience that can also be nerve-wracking feat. Our Women in Security (WISE) Community hosted a panel discussion to encourage our next generation of women in tech to pursue their passions. Whether you’re just starting your career or looking for a change, you’ll find useful insights on what it’s like to work in the tech industry and life at McAfee!  

6. Spotlighting McAfee’s Women in Technology Scholarship Recipients

We talked to our Women in Technology (WIT) Scholarship recipients and discussed their participation in our summer internship program in Cork, Ireland. Read about their unique experiences being in the program  from building professional relationships to mentorships and training. This is a valuable read for anyone jumpstarting a new career.

5. What iMcAfee Internship Like? 10 Interns Share Perspectives 

Looking for snapshot of McAfee internships? To celebrate National Intern Day, we asked  ten global McAfee interns to share insights gained from their unique experiences. 

4. Honoring Our Brave Military Veterans from the McAfee Community 

 To pay tribute to our veterans in honor of Veterans Day and Remembrance Day, we asked team members in our McAfee Veterans Community to share memories and photos from their service days. Check out what some of them had to say! 

3. How One McAfee Advanced Threat Researcher iGiving Back During Covid-19 

Meet Thomas, Advanced threat Researcher at McAfee by day, 3Dmaskprinting expert by night. Read Thomas’ story and find out how he is making a significant impact and inspiring others to support healthcare workers during the pandemic. 

2. Women in Sales Part 1: Opportunities for Women Across Cybersecurity Sales 

In our Women in Sales series, McAfee’s sales professionals talked on how to break boundaries and achieve success in cybersecurity sales. If you want to dive into industry opportunities and gain advice to advance your career, this is the place to start!

1. Five Tips from McAfee’s Remote Workers

Whether you’re an expert in remote work or working from home for the first time, you may be looking for helpful tips to set yourself up for success. In this blog, get advice from seasoned remote workers on navigating working from home and learn how you can incorporate practical tips.  

Are you thinking about joining our team? McAfee takes great pride in providing a virtual onboarding experience with the right tools and support. Learn more about our jobs. Subscribe to job alerts.



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McAfee Team Members Share Their Virtual Onboarding Experiences

By Life at McAfee

At McAfee, ensuring our new team members are well prepared and supported for their roles is a top priority. From the first day of onboarding, team members are nurtured and given the tools they need for successful development.

McAfee’s traditional in-person orientation process has evolved virtually because of the pandemic. But the approach and goal is the same – to transition new team members as efficiently and comfortably as possible so they can make an immediate impact.

We asked four recent additions to the McAfee family what it’s like to join the company via virtual onboarding. They were asked to share how McAfee helped them acclimate to work life as a new employee and to offer highlights now that they’ve settled into their new roles.

Here is what they had to say:

Daniella, Regional Account Manager, Plano, Texas

Virtual resources make a difference: “It was my first time onboarding virtually and it felt like a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The process was executed very well, and all training materials were made available to me online. I believe providing these virtual resources was extremely helpful in my onboarding experience.”

Settling in with the right tools, team support: “Like most people in similar circumstances, I wondered what virtual onboarding was going to be like. How could I possibly retain this amount of information? At the end of the day, you realize that you really do have all the right resources. My manager was great and looped me in, and was able to help me to quickly acclimate to my role on the team. My onboarding buddy and fellow team members were also a huge help.”

Engaging and exceeding expectations: “I adapted to my new work life and virtually accomplished everything that most do in-person. I took all of my assessments online and team members offered the different resources that were essential to accomplishing my day-to-day work. My trainer was also very engaging throughout the process.”

Virtually learning to engage customers: “Through daily meetings, my sales coach prepared me for interactions with customers. I learned different ways to engage for meetings and customer visits, and was able to practice my sales pitch just as if it were in person.”

Building better relationships: “In cybersecurity, you are constantly in a state of learning. You never stop the process of improving yourself, your skills, your salesmanship and your relationships. I am now acclimated to my role and building better relationships with my customers.”

John, Global Business Director – Amazon, Seattle, Washington

A Productive Day One: “The basic onboarding process was easy and enabled me to get the necessary tools like a badge, email and computer equipment prior so that the first day on the job was more productive than prior experiences. I could preview the excellent benefits and enroll shortly after starting, as well as acquire office equipment necessary for me to work from home.”

Easy-to-follow training, introductions: “As an experienced leader, I had no apprehension about virtual onboarding. McAfee’s training and general onboarding introductions were easy to follow and required no advance preparation. While some of the training was time consuming, it was not a burden and frankly insightful.”

Finding balance and having fun: “My role is global, so I found balance between work and family time by juggling the global time zones and meetings. The numerous social and professional groups as well as the MS Teams program with McAfee helped with acclimating to the company. McAfee always keeps it fun with competitions and challenges on the Social Hub between employees. Virtual coffee and happy hours help too.”

Collaborative and better together: “We’re having a strong year, and a big reason is that the team has been very welcoming and always willing to provide training and support – very collaborative. Our best days lie ahead. We are better together and getting better every day.”

Mark, Director of Credit and Collections, Plano, Texas

A very normal virtual experience: “Initially, I experienced some apprehension about onboarding remotely. It’s difficult enough to learn a new job in the office, and I was worried that learning remotely without having someone sitting next to me might complicate training. But my anxiety quickly dissipated, and I can honestly say that the McAfee onboarding experience felt very normal. My manager, peers and those reporting to me were extremely helpful and stayed in constant communication as I navigated through the first several weeks at McAfee.”

Ease of learning through technology: “Virtual meetings via Teams helped me to quickly acclimate. Talking to others via video was comforting and enabled me to get to know other McAfee team members. McAfee’s onboarding technology made it very easy to learn remotely.”

No need to fear onboarding remotely: “I can truly say that the one major highlight that stands out for me is just getting to know so many amazing employees in this organization. No one should fear or have any anxiety when onboarding virtually at McAfee. It has been and continues to be a great and exciting experience!”

Rachel, Sr. Sales Operations Analyst, Plano, Texas

Easy to learn and understand: “The virtual onboarding experience was easy. The learning hub is an excellent resource and helped simplify the process, in addition to offering great product training. As someone who is not only new to McAfee but also the cybersecurity industry, I knew I would have a lot to catch up on. Everything was very easy to understand.”

Very responsive and helpful: “My recruiter stayed in touch with me and made sure my questions were answered. Any time I needed something, the human resources department was very responsive and helpful. My team also rallied around me and have provided a lot of support since I joined McAfee.”

Achieving a steady course: “I love it at McAfee and everyone has been so supportive. Teammates have been incredibly helpful in guiding me through each of their best practices so I could build my roadmap to success.”

Are you thinking about joining our team? McAfee takes great pride in providing a virtual onboarding experience with the right tools and support. Learn more about our jobs. Subscribe to job alerts.


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Honoring Our Brave Military Veterans from the McAfee Community

By Life at McAfee

Paying Tribute

November 11 marks Veterans Day and Remembrance Day. It is a time for us to come together and honor the brave men and women who have risked their lives to protect our nations.

We pay tribute to those who have served in the U.S. military during Veterans Day. In the Commonwealth countries, we honor military members through Remembrance Day, a day to remember those who have passed on in the line of duty.

At McAfee, we’re proud to work with our veterans! They’ve served and protected our countries and today, they protect all that matters at McAfee.

To honor their sacrifice, we asked McAfee veterans to share throwback photos from their days of service or photos with loved ones in service. Check them out!


Thoughts from our veteran community
This Veterans Day, members from our McAfee Veterans Community share what this day means to them:

This day reminds me of the people I worked with and the difference we made. It’s the people who volunteer to serve in the military, sacrificing years of their lives, and in some cases, their very lives, who guard and protect the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. All military personnel take an oath that, in part, says, ‘I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.’ This oath doesn’t expire when a service member leaves military service.

Andrew, Senior Service Reliability Engineer, Cloud


This day is the day we honor the silver haired guy in a Prius with a Silver Star license plate or the quiet thirty something mom in the store with her noisy kids wearing the Marine-Corps T-shirt with two tours in Afghanistan under her belt.. Not everyone was a Delta operative or a Navy SEAL. They all however – to a man and woman – had their place in the system that kept us safe. Find them; thank them for their service and your freedom.” 

–  Kevin, Customer Success Manager, CSG


I will never stop being Ex Armed Forces. I think fondly of my time in the Royal Navy. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I still get a lump in my throat when I hear “Heart of Oak” or the “The Last Post” being played. The friends I made and the people I met during my service from all countries and all parts of the Armed Forces, friend or foe, all have a similar vein running through them. Remembrance Day reminds me that while some of us are not here anymore, that vein is still with us and them.

– Paul, Associate Technical Support Engineer, Customer Success Group


My family has a history of service and I grew up knowing I would join the Military. I joined the Royal Navy in 1982 at age 18. I’m proud to have served and I will continue to observe the 1 minute silence and attend the remembrance service and take the time to remember the sacrifice. Lest we not forget. For those brave who gave their lives so we could live ours.” 

– Tudor,  Sr. Project Manager – New Product Information, Global Product Operations


We continue to make strides in actively recruiting veterans and nurturing career growth by empowering the transferable skills from active duty. Join us!


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One Team Member Selflessly Provides Relief to COVID-19’s Front Line

By Life at McAfee

By: Heiko, Senior Security Engineer, Germany

© By Christian Beier

I never could have imagined that what started as a national duty to volunteer in Germany would spark an innate passion of giving back to those in need during a time of crisis.

For many years, German men were required to spend 15 months in the military after graduating from school or volunteer for community service for an equal amount of time over eight years. I chose to volunteer for the Technische Hilfswerk (THW). THW is a civic organization that provides professional help to people in distress.

Little did I know that the experience would be so rewarding that 23 years later, and with the help of McAfee’s Volunteer Time Off (VTO) benefit, I would be spending much of my free time helping those in need of THW’s services.

Providing a backup plan in the fight against the coronavirus

THW has been instrumental in providing much needed resources during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, including erecting mobile clinical testing stations across the country and providing critical relief services for front line defense against the virus.

When the hot phase of COVID-19 reached Germany this spring, THW began preparing to build temporary hospital facilities in case the virus threatened to overwhelm hospitals. Temporary camps are built from scratch to house relief units of 500 people and more.

With more than two decades of disaster-response exercises and training behind me, I’ve become very acquainted with constructing these facilities. So, I wasn’t surprised when THW asked me to work with a local fire department to build one to increase the community’s hospital capacity for treating infected patients.

We organized containers with showers and toilets, designed the infrastructure to connect them to the existing water supply, arranged for beds and mattresses and planned needed power requirements. Volunteers assisted in transporting materials and supplies to the facility and assembling the various hospital pieces.

Developing a passion for assisting others

Over the years, volunteering for the THW has become a passion. Many of my best friends are part of the effort, which makes it even more rewarding.

Building the temporary camp was hard and required patience. For two weeks, the 12-hour days were taxing but it was worth it to contribute to the battle against COVID-19.

The spirit of our small group and others kept each of us motivated to meet our goal. Everyone did what he or she could do best, and people from other departments and organizations were willing to be as flexible as possible. I was proud to offer my training at THW to help pull together the community.

Regardless, it wouldn’t have been possible for me to help if not for McAfee’s support. My colleagues and manager chipped in to manage my projects, invoking the true spirit of teamwork.

There is no question that McAfee enables its employees to become a greater part of the community and assist whenever and wherever needed. That benefit makes it even more rewarding to give back to the community.

At McAfee, we encourage and support the efforts of our team members to make a difference in their communities. If you’re interested in joining the McAfee team, we’d love to hear from you.

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Spotlighting McAfee’s Women in Technology Scholarship Recipients

By Life at McAfee

Working at McAfee is so much more than fighting off cyber-attacks; it’s also about learning valuable life lessons and fostering meaningful relationships. Recipients of our Women in Technology (WIT) Scholarship learned firsthand the immeasurable growth and invaluable experience gained at McAfee through their participation in the summer internship program in Cork, Ireland.

As we accept applications for prospective scholars from now until November 20, we are reminded of the positive impact this program has had on previous participants. The program offers 3000 Euro annum for the chosen student per year of the course, a summer internship at McAfee Cork, and a mentor who offers guidance to the scholar on managing their academic career.

From building professional relationships to developing the skills needed for a successful career in STEM-related fields through mentorships and training, four Women in Technology (WIT) Scholarship winners share their unique experiences in the program:

Alison, Mathematical Sciences

The WIT Scholarship has been incredible for me in so many ways—from the practical experience of working at McAfee to the inspiration and support that I have received from my mentors and other brilliant people during my time here. I was able to put the monetary support I received towards studying at UC San Diego in 2019. The scholarship has opened so many doors for me.

The skills I have learned at McAfee have helped me with my University projects. I had the chance to improve my coding abilities, learn new languages, and use statistical tools. In an educational environment, you sometimes miss the “Why are we doing this?” aspect of learning a new skill. Through my projects at McAfee, I understood the practical implementation of coding and statistics, which gave me a greater appreciation for what I was learning in school and motivated me to further improve my skills.

Clodagh, Financial Maths and Actuarial Science

During my internship, I had the chance to work with the Database Security team. I really felt like a member of the team and was made to feel valued. Everyone in McAfee was extremely friendly and approachable.

In addition to receiving the scholarship, I was lucky enough to receive two mentors. My initial mentor Ciara was incredibly thoughtful, motivational, and truly inspiring. She encouraged me to take part in extracurricular activities, so I became a committee member of the Math society in UCC. She provided me with numerous inspirational books and was always readily available to answer any questions. At the end of my second-year scholarship, I received a new mentor: Jill. She  was incredibly helpful, kind, and a valuable resource in my career progression.

My plan for the future is to learn more coding languages and hopefully complete another internship with McAfee! It is truly an amazing experience.

Jade, Mathematical Sciences

I had the opportunity to work alongside the Applied Data Science team. They gave me lots of advice and enlightened me on their own career journeys. Their experiences gave me confidence and reassurance in my course choice and I realized that there are so many career opportunities in programming. I’ve learned so many new skills, some of which were not covered in school, and I feel like I have a true advantage in the industry.

I have learned so much about working in a multinational company. I participated in the daily stand-ups with the team. I learned about sprint demos as well as the Agile and Waterfall methods. I attended all-hands meetings, which was a brand-new experience for me. I learned how to research effectively and swiftly pass that information onto my team. I also participated in an internal dataset competition; First, learning about Machine Learning and then building my own. I managed to host my own meeting for others who wanted to get involved, which was nerve-wracking but I’m glad I did it.

Aine, Data Science & Analytics

I’m incredibly grateful for the vast support and opportunities that I have received through my learning path in STEM to date, particularly my involvement in the McAfee WIT Scholarship Program. My experience with McAfee has  further enriched my educational experience and cultivated my passion for science and technology.  As a result of receiving this scholarship, I’ve developed a particular interest in the application of data science in cyber-security. Cyber crime and cyber threats have an ever-increasing potential to cause serious harm to our society so I’m fascinated by the application of data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence in saving lives.

Want to become a 2020 WIT Scholar? Apply now!

Know any future scientists? The closing date to apply for the WIT Scholarship is Friday, November 20, 2020. For more details on applying, click here.

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Celebrating multi-national cultures this Hispanic Heritage Month

By Life at McAfee

Do you know the difference between Hispanic and Latino? What about the traditions that are important parts of the Hispanic culture? Or beloved Spanish or Portuguese phrases that don’t come across in English?

McAfee’s team spans 45 countries, making us a team rich in cultural diversity. We are always learning more about each other and celebrate Latin culture year-round. To commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 – October 15, we’ve asked members of our McAfee Latino Community for their unique perspective on what being Latino means to them and to share more of the distinctive elements of their country of origin and traditions.

Check out some of the wonderful responses we received:

What Being Latino Means to Me:

Favorite Things About Being Latino:

We couldn’t be more proud to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by elevating the voices of our team members and celebrating the diverse backgrounds and cultures that make up McAfee.

Simply put, a welcoming work culture where every team member feels accepted and celebrated is part of our DNA. We value all voices which make up McAfee and appreciate how they further enrich our culture.

Interested in joining a company that supports inclusion and belonging? Search our jobs. Subscribe to job alerts. 


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How Piyush’s remarkable efforts ignited a larger impact of giving back

By Life at McAfee

At McAfee, we support team members who are passionate about giving back. You are encouraged and empowered to make a substantial impact in improving our community and volunteering to help others. 

Piyusha Software architect in our Bangalore office, is a team member particularly passionate about his community and has dedicated countless hours volunteering at the Sheila Kothavala Institute for the Deaf (SKID).  

Two years ago, his impact was multiplied when he shared his volunteer story during McAfee’s Social Initiative Contest (SIC)a program that contributes resources to the causes important to select employees who volunteer for non-governmental organizations (NGO). 

Moved by Piyush’s story, the judges funded his program for two years in a row! Funding enhanced infrastructure of a special school for hearing impaired kids and provided a tactile library that helps visually impaired students see the world through touch. 

We asked Piyusfour questions to learn more. 

How did you get involved? 

I’m a son of educators. My father was a principal and my mother was a university senior lecturer. The importance of educational success runs deep for me. Seven years ago, I found my own educational calling when I was introduced to theSheila Kothavala Institute for the Deaf  (SKID), an organization that supports the education of differently-abled students and equips them to successfully graduate high school. 

How often do you volunteer? 

What started as weekend volunteer endeavor soon grew into an every-morning commitment. Before going into work at McAfee, dedicate an hour each morning teaching math and volunteering with students at SKID.  

What has helped you the most in your volunteer journey? 

Figuring out how to communicate with hearingimpaired kids was a challenge for me. However, the immense support I received from the kids helped to relieve a lot of the pressure. I started to learn sign language along with them and became more effective at teaching. Spending time every day with these kids has motivated me in unexpected ways. Not only do I want to do as much as I can for them, but I also find myself more engaged at work. I’m thankful McAfee supports our passions in and out of the office.

Describe how your involvement evolved with SKID. What do you hope to accomplish in the future? 

First, want to thank McAfee for their encouragement as I can take my volunteer activities to greater heights and accomplish even more through their supportWith the funds McAfee awarded, I was able to establish a complete science lab and build an interactive curriculum that complements day-to-day learning, procure games catered towards kids with special needs, and build a tactile library for visually impaired students. 

After volunteering seven years with hearing-impaired students, this year, I’ve taken it upon myself to work more with the visually impaired. The joy on the faces of these kids continues to motivate me to do even more! 

Piyush is a stunning example of how one person’s selfless contributions have the power to inspire others and spark change on a large scale. He continues to inspire, not just through his unrelenting dedication to helping others, but through his words by encouraging others to take simple steps in giving back.

Looking to work for a company that supports the extraordinary contributions of their team members? Search our job opportunities. 


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