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Before yesterdayTroy Hunt

Pwned or Bot

By Troy Hunt
Pwned or Bot

It's fascinating to see how creative people can get with breached data. Of course there's all the nasty stuff (phishing, identity theft, spam), but there are also some amazingly positive uses for data illegally taken from someone else's system. When I first built Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), my mantra was to "do good things after bad things happen". And arguably, it has, largely by enabling individuals and organisations to learn of their own personal exposure in breaches. However, the use cases go well beyond that and there's one I've been meaning to write about for a while now after hearing about it firsthand. For now, let's just call this approach "Pwned or Bot", and I'll set the scene with some background on another problem: sniping.

Think about Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana (bear with me, I'm actually going somewhere with this!) putting on shows people would buy tickets to. We're talking loads of tickets as back in the day, her popularity was off the charts with demand well in excess of supply. Which, for enterprising individuals of ill-repute, presented an opportunity:

Ticketmaster, the exclusive ticket seller for the tour, sold out numerous shows within minutes, leaving many Hannah Montana fans out in the cold. Yet, often, moments after the shows went on sale, the secondary market Β flourished with tickets to those shows. The tickets, whose face value ranged from $21 to $66, were resold on StubHub for an average of $258, plus StubHub’s 25% commission (10% paid by the buyer, 15% by the seller).

This is called "sniping", where an individual jumps the queue and snaps up products in limited demand for their own personal gain and consequently, to the detriment of others. Tickets to entertainment events is one example of sniping, the same thing happens when other products launch with insufficient supply to meet demand, for example Nike shoes. These can be massively popular and, par for the course of this blog, released in short demand. This creates a marketplace for snipers, some of whom share their tradecraft via videos such as this one:

"BOTTER BOY NOVA" refers to himself as a "Sneaker botter" in the video and demonstrates a tool called "Better Nike Bot" (BnB) which sells for $200 plus a renewal fee of $60 every 6 months. But don't worry, he has a discount code! Seems like hackers aren't the only ones making money out of the misfortune of others.

Have a look at the video and watch how at about the 4:20 mark he talks about using proxies "to prevent Nike from flagging your accounts". He recommends using the same number of proxies as you have accounts, inevitably to avoid Nike's (automated) suspicions picking up on the anomaly of a single IP address signing up multiple times. Proxies themselves are a commercial enterprise but don't worry, BOTTER BOY NOVA has a discount code for them too!

The video continues to demonstrate how to configure the tool to ultimately blast Nike's service with attempts to purchase shoes, but it's at the 8:40 mark that we get to the crux of where I'm going with this:

Pwned or Bot

Using the tool, he's created a whole bunch of accounts in an attempt to maximise his chances of a successful purchase. These are obviously just samples in the screen cap above, but inevitably he'd usually go and register a bunch of new email addresses he could use specifically for this purpose.

Now, think of it from Nike's perspective: they've launched a new shoe and are seeing a whole heap of new registrations and purchase attempts. In amongst that lot are many genuine people... and this guy πŸ‘† How can they weed him out such that snipers aren't snapping up the products at the expense of genuine customers? Keeping in mind tools like this are deliberately designed to avoid detection (remember the proxies?), it's a hard challenge to reliably separate the humans from the bots. But there's an indicator that's very easy to cross-check, and that's the occurrence of the email address in previous data breaches. Let me phrase it in simple terms:

We're all so comprehensively pwned that if an email address isn't pwned, there's a good chance it doesn't belong to a real human.

Hence, "Pwned or Bot" and this is precisely the methodology organisations have been using HIBP data for. With caveats:

If an email address hasn't been seen in a data breach before, it may be a newly created one especially for the purpose of gaming your system. It may also be legitimate and the owner has just been lucky to have not been pwned, or it may be that they're uniquely subaddressing their email addresses (although this is extremely rare) or even using a masked email address service such as the one 1Password provides through Fastmail. Absence of an email address in HIBP is not evidence of possible fraud, that's merely one possible explanation.

However, if an email address has been seen in a data breach before, we can say with a high degree of confidence that it did indeed exist at the time of that breach. For example, if it was in the LinkedIn breach of 2012 then you can conclude with great confidence that the address wasn't just set up for gaming your system. Breaches establish history and as unpleasant as they are to be a part of, they do actually serve a useful purpose in this capacity.

Think of breach history not as a binary proposition indicating the legitimacy of an email address, rather as one of assessing risk and considering "pwned or bot" as one of many factors. The best illustration I can give is how Stripe defines risk by assessing a multitude of fraud factors. Take this recent payment for HIBP's API key:

Pwned or Bot

There's a lot going on here and I won't run through it all, the main thing to take away from this is that in a risk evaluation rating scale from 0 to 100, this particular transaction rated a 77 which puts it in the "highest risk" bracket. Why? Let's just pick a few obvious reasons:

  1. The IP address had previously raised early fraud warnings
  2. The email was only ever once previously seen on Stripe, and that was only 3 minutes ago
  3. The customers name didn't match their email address
  4. Only 76% of transactions from the IP address had previously been authorised
  5. The customer's device had previously had 2 other cards associated with it

Any one of these fraud factors may not have been enough to block the transaction, but all combined it made the whole thing look rather fishy. Just as this risk factor also makes it look fishy:

Pwned or Bot

Applying "Pwned or Bot" to your own risk assessment is dead simple with the HIBP API and hopefully, this approach will help more people do precisely what HIBP is there for in the first place: to help "do good things after bad things happen".

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

By Troy Hunt
Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

If you find your name and home address posted online, how do you know where it came from? Let's assume there's no further context given, it's just your legitimate personal data and it also includes your phone number, email address... and over 400 other fields of data. Where on earth did it come from? Now, imagine it's not just your record, but it's 246 million records. Welcome to my world.

This is a story about a massive corpus of data circulating widely within the hacking community and misattributed to a legitimate organisation. That organisation is Acxiom, and their business hinges on providing their customers with data on their customers. By the very nature of their business, they process large volumes of data that includes a broad set of personal attributes. By pure coincidence, there is nominal commonality between Acxiom’s records and the ones in the 246M corpus I mentioned earlier. But I'm jumping ahead to the conclusion, let's go back to the beginning:

Disclosure and Attribution Debunking

In June last year, I received an email from someone I trust who had sent me data for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) in the past:

Have you seen Axciom [sic] data? It was just sent to us. Seems to being traded/sold on some forums. Have you received it yet? If not i can upload it for you. It's quite large tho, ~250M Records.

A corpus of data that size is particularly interesting as it impacts such a huge number of people. So, I reviewed the data and concluded... pretty much nothing. Looks legit, smells legit but there was absolutely nothing beyond the word of one person to tie it to Acxiom (and who knows who they got that word from). Burdened by other more immediately actionable data breaches, I filed it away until recently when that name popped up again, this time on a popular hacking forum:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

It was referred to as "LiveRamp (Formerly Acxiom)" and before I go any further, let's just clarify the problem with that while you're looking at the image above: LiveRamp was previously a subsidiary of Acxiom, but that hasn't been the case since they separated businesses in 2018 so whoever put this together is referring back to a very old state of play. Regardless, those downloading it from the forum were clearly very excited about it. Seeing this for the second time and spreading far more broadly, I decided to reach out to the (alleged) source and ask Acxiom what was going on.

I dread this process - contacting an organisation about a breach - because I usually get either no response whatsoever or a standoffish one. Rarely do I find a receptive organisation willing to fully investigate an alleged incident, but that's exactly what I found on this occasion. Much of the reason why I wanted to write this post is because whilst I hate breached organisations not properly investigating an incident, I also hate seeing misattribution of a breach to an innocent party. That's a particularly sore point for me right now because of this incident just last week:

This is the dumbest infosec story I’ve read in… forever? It is so profoundly incorrect, poorly researched, never verified, rambling and indistinguishable from parody that I literally went looking for the parody reference. I think he’s actually serious!

β€” Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 15, 2022

I've had various public users of HIBP, commercial users and even governments reach out to ask what's going on because they were concerned about their data. Whilst this incident won't do HIBP any actual harm (and frankly, I'm stunned anyone took that story seriously), I can very easily see how misattribution can be damaging to an organisation, indeed that's a key reason why I invest so much effort into properly investigating these claims before putting anything into HIBP. But that ridiculous example is nothing compared to the amount of traction some misattributions get. Remember how just recently a couple of billion TikTok accounts had been "breached"? This made massive news headlines until...

The thread on the hacking forum with the samples of alleged TikTok data has been deleted and the user banned for β€œlying about data breaches”

β€” Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) September 5, 2022

"Lying about data breaches". Ugh, criminals are so untrustworthy! This happens all the time and when I'm not sure of the origin of a substantial breach, I often write a blog post like this and on many occasions, the masses help establish the origin. So, here goes:

The Data

Let's jump into the data, starting with 2 of the most obvious things I look for in any new data breach:

  1. The total number of unique email addresses is 51,730,831 (many records don't have this field populated)
  2. The most recent data I can find is from mid-2020 (which also speaks to the inaccuracy of the LiveRamp association)

As to the aforementioned attributes, they total 410 different columns:

To my eye, this data is very generic and looks like a superset of information that may be collected across a large number of people. For example, the sort of data requested when filling out dodgy online competitions. However, unlike many large corpuses of aggregated data I've seen in the past, this one is... neat. For example, here's a little sample of the first 5 columns (redaction of some chars with a dash), note how the names are all uniformly presented:


Sure, this is just uppercasing characters but over and over again, I found data that was just too neat. The addresses. The phone numbers. Everything about it was far to curated to simply be text entered by humans. My suspicion is that it's likely a result of either a very refined collection process or in the case of addresses, matched using a service to resolve the human-entered address to a normalised form stored centrally.

Perhaps what I was most interested in though was the URL column as that seems to give some indication of where the data might have come from. I queried out the top 100 most common ones and took a look:

Eyeballing them, I couldn't help feel that my earlier hunch was on the money - "dodgy online competitions". Not just competitions but a general theme of getting stuff for cheap or more specifically, services that look like they've been built to entice people to part with their personal data.

Take the first one, for example, DIRECTEDUCATIONCENTER.COM. That's a dead domain as of now but check out what it looked line in March last year:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

"I may be contacted by trusted partners and others". What's "others"? Untrusted partners? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Let's try the next one being and again, the site is now gone so it's back over to

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

It's different, but somehow the same. Clicking through to the claim form, it seems the only way you can enter is if you agree to receive comms from all sorts of other parties:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

Ok, one more, this time which is also now a dead site, and not even indexed by Next then, is which is - you're not gonna believe this - a dead site! Here's what it used to look like:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

And again, it feels the same. Same same, but different.

To try and get a sense of how localised this data was, I queried out all the values in the "state" column. Is this a US-only data set? If that column is anything to go by, yes:

Something didn't add up when I first saw that and after a quick check of the population of each US state, it become immediately obvious: there's no California, the most populous state in the country. Nor Texas, the second most populous state. In fact, with only 35 rows there's a bunch of US states missing. Why? Who knows, the only thing I can say for sure is that this is a subset of the population with some glaring geographical omissions.

Then there's another curveball - what about the URL, that doesn't look very US-centric. Heading over there redirects to which advises that as of last month, "The Administration of CashEuroNet UK, LLC has closed and the Joint Administrators have ceased to act". So something has obviously been wound up, wonder what was there originally? I had to go back a few years to find this:

Data Breach Misattribution, Acxiom & Live Ramp

To my mind, this is more of the same ilk in terms of a service targeted at people after quick money. But it's clearly all in GBP and with a TLD, this being right after I've just said all the states are in the US, what gives? Back to the source data, filter out the records based on that URL and sure enough, everyone has a US address. Grabbing a random selection of IP addresses had them all resolving to the US too so I have absolutely no idea how his geographically inconsistent set of data came to being.

And that's really the theme across the data set when doing independent analysis - how is this so? What service or process could have pulled the data together in this way? Maybe the people who this data actually refers to will have the answers, let's go and ask them.

Responses From Impacted HIBP Subscribers

We're approaching 4.5M subscribers to HIBP's free notification service now which makes for a great corpus of people I can reach out to when doing breach verification. I grabbed a handful of addresses from this data set and asked them if they could help out. I sent those that responded positively their full record and asked some questions about the legitimacy of the data, and where they thought it might have come from, here's what they said:

1. The data is mostly accurate.

A few things are off, such as date of birth (could very well be a fake one I've entered before) and details of household members.

There are a lot of columns with single-letter values, which I can't verify without knowing what they mean.

But overall, it's quite accurate.

2. No idea where it came from, sorry. There is a URL in the third-to-last column, but it doesn't seem like a website I would have used before.

I looked through the csv file and couldn't find anything I recognized. I saw the names [redacted], [redacted] and [redacted]- I don't know anyone by those names. I live in Ontario, Canada, but addresses in the file were located in the united states.

Data says I have one child between the ages of 0 and 2, but that's not true - my only son is five. Birth date is wrong - my birthday is [redacted], but the file says [redacted].

There were a few urls in the file and I don't recognize any of them.

Not sure if this last thing is relevant or not. I sometimes get emails intended for other people. I searched my inboxes for the names [redacted] and [redacted]. Nothing came up for [redacted], but I do see an email for [redacted] from [redacted]. I searched through the csv to see if anything matched the data in the email (member number, confirmation number), but nothing matched.

I also noticed that although my email address ([redacted]) is in the csv data, there's also another email address ([redacted]) which is not mine.

I'm not sure if that's helpful or not, but if there's anything more I can do, let me know. :)

As far as name and address they are correct. Β number of ppl living at the house has changed. Β The other information I can't seem to understand what the information for example under column AQ row 2 it has a U and I don't know what the U is for. Β I have noticed that some information is really outdated, so I wouldn't know where the data originated from.

Thank you for sharing, I took a look at the data, let me see if I can answer your questions:

1. While that is my email, the rest of the data actually belongs to an immediate family member. With the exception of a few outdated fields, the data on my family member is correct.

2. I am unfamiliar with Acxiom and am unsure of where this data originated from. I want to note that I have recently been doxxed and have reason to believe data breaches may have been used; however, the data you've provided here was not used in the attacks, to my knowledge.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, or if there is anything else I may do to help.

"Mostly accurate". The feeling I have when reading this is that whoever is responsible for this corpus of data has put it together from multiple sources and quite likely made some assumptions along the way. I can picture how that would happen; imagine trying to match various sources of data based on human-provided text fields in order to "enrich" the collection.

Analysis by Acxiom

This isn't the fist time Acxiom has had to deal with misattribution, and they'd seen exactly the same data set passed around before. Think about it from their perspective: every time there's a claim like this they need to treat it as though it could be legitimate, because we've all seen what happens when an organisation brushes off a disclosure attempt (I could literally write a book about this!) Thus it becomes a burdensome process for them as they repeat the same analysis over and over again, each time drawing the same conclusion.

And what was that conclusion? Simply put, the circulating data didn't align with their own. They're in the best position of all of us to draw that conclusion as they have access to both data sets and whilst I suspect some people may retort with "how do you know you can trust them", not only do I not have a good reason to doubt their findings, I also don't have a good reason to attribute it to them. Every reference I've seen to Acxiom has been from whoever is handing the data around; I've been able to find absolutely nothing within the data set itself to tie it back to them. In almost all breaches I've processed, the truth is in the data and there's nothing here that points the finger at them.

I offered Acxiom the opportunity to further clarify their position with a statement which I've included in its entirety here:

β€œAcxiom has worked to build a reputation over the course of fifty years for having the highest standards around data privacy, data protection and security. In the past, questionable organizations have falsely attached our name to a data file in an attempt to create a deceitful sense of legitimacy for an asset. In every instance, Acxiom conducts an extensive analysis under our cyber incident response and privacy programs. These programs are guided by stakeholders including working with the appropriate authorities to inform them of these crimes. Β The forensic review of the case that Troy has looked into, along with our continuous monitoring of security, means we can conclusively attest that the claims are indeed false and that the data, which has been readily available across multiple environments, does not come from Acxiom and is in no way the subject of an Acxiom breach.

Acxiom’s Commitment To Data Protection/ Data Privacy:
We value consumer privacy. Β  U.S. consumers who would like to know what information Acxiom has collected about them and either delete it or opt out of Acxiom’s marketing products, may visit for more information.”


The email addresses from the data set have now been loaded into HIBP and are searchable. One point of note that became evident after loading the data is that 94% of the email addresses has already been pwned. That's a very high number (a quick look through the HIBP Twitter feed shows the count is normally between 40% and 80%), and it suggests that this corpus of data may be at least partially constructed from other data already in circulation.

Because the question will inevitably come up, no, I won't send you your full record, I simply don't have the capacity to operate as a personal data lookup and delivery service. I know it's frustrating finding yourself in a breach like this and not being able to take any action, all you can really do at this point is treat it as another reminder of how our data spread around the web and often, we have no idea about it.

Full disclosure: I have absolutely no commercial interest in Acxiom, no money has changed hands and I wasn't incentivised in any way, I just want everyone to have a much healthier suspicion when alleging the source of a data breach πŸ™‚

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

By Troy Hunt
The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about some big changes afoot for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP), namely the introduction of annual billing and new rate limits. Today, it's finally here! These are two of the most eagerly awaited, most requested features on HIBP's UserVoice so it's great to see them finally knocked off after years of waiting. In implementing all this, there are changes to the existing "one size fits all" model so if you're using the HIBP API, please make sure you read this carefully and understand the impact (if any) on you. Here goes:

The Rate Limits and (Some) Pricing is Different

The launch blog post for the authenticated API explained the original rationale behind the $3.50 per month price and most importantly, how I wanted to ensure it didn't pose a barrier:

In choosing the $3.50 figure, I wanted to ensure it was a number that was inconsequential to a legitimate user of the service

As I said in the previous blog post, what I didn't understand at the time was that paradoxically, the low amount was a barrier to many organisations! But equally, it's made the API super accessible to the masses so that price stays. The rate limit, however, needed revisiting and to understand why, let's go back to the beginning:

The "1 request per 1,500ms" rate dated all the way back to 2016 where I'd initially attempted to combat abuse by applying the limit per IP. This was an entirely non-empirical, gut feel, "let's just try and fix the problem right now" decision and it was only very recently I actually started trawling through the data and looking at how the API was being consumed. 1 request every 1,500ms is a maximum of 57,600 requests in a day; here's the number of requests by the top 20 consumers of the service in a recent 24 hour mid-week period:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Keeping in mind that you're never going to achieve the full 57,600 requests in a day as you'd have to time every single one of them perfectly so as not to hit the rate limit, only 1 subscriber even achieved half that potential. In fact, only 9 subscribers achieved even a quarter of the potential with everyone else very quickly falling back to a small fraction of even that. To be fair, I'm conscious that I'm taking a full day of data and talking about requests as if they were evenly distributed across the entire period when there are inevitably use cases where it's more a short burst rather than a prolonged, even distribution. Regardless, what the data is saying is that the default "one size fits all" rate limit is way above and beyond what almost every single subscriber is actually consuming, and by a significant order of magnitude too. In a way, what we ended up with is the little guys subsidising the big guys.

The bottom line is that we're simultaneously adding a bunch of higher rate limits whilst reducing the entry level rate limit. It's easier if you see it all in context so let's just jump straight into the pricing (all in USD):

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

This is from Stripe's embeddable pricing table I mentioned in the previous post and it's what you see when you first sign up for a key. With new limits, it's easier to talk about "requests per minute" or RPM so that's the nomenclature we're sticking with now. That entry level 10RPM model will work for well in excess of 90% of current subscribers and it's only a very small percentage of the existing subscriber base exceeding it. (And yes, again, I know these requests are sometimes made in bursts but even still, 10RPM is far in excess of the vast majority of use cases.)

There are economies of scale that have been factored in here. Going from 10RPM to 100RPM isn't a 10x increase, it's about a 7x increase. Going to 5 times more requests is only 4 times the price, and so on and so forth. The hope is that this makes it easier for the folks who were previously buying multiple keys to justify scratching all the kludge previously used to do that and replacing it with a single key at a higher RPM.

To get to this outcome, we trawled back through heaps of data ranging from the high-level aggregated stats in the earlier chart to the nature of the organisations buying multiple keys (which we can obviously determine based on the email address used). I also chatted with a bunch of API users both during this process and over the preceding years and have a pretty good sense of the use cases. A few trends became immediately clear:

Firstly, use cases that are genuinely personal have a very low rate limit requirement. Checking your own address(es) or those of your family by a custom app, for example. Or one of my favourite uses (and one I definitely use), the Home Assistant integration:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

On an ongoing basis, HA makes 1 request every 15 minutes. That's all. Each time we looked at genuine personal use cases, 10RPM was plenty.

Next, we found a bunch of use cases used within internal corporate environments, for example to monitor staff exposure in breaches. Now we're talking larger numbers of requests, but it's also something that's way more efficiently done via the existing domain search feature on the website. It's an on-demand, self-service and totally free feature that's been there for years. I know it's not API-based and there are good reasons for that (see the comment from me on that idea), but there's also the Enterprise route if API access is really that important (more on that later). Other examples included things like scanning customer emails to assess exposure at points where, for example, account takeover was a risk. In each of these cases, we're primarily talking about business entities using the service and I'm comfortable with commercial ventures wearing a greater cost.

And finally, there were the "heavy hitters", the ones with large volumes of keys. One such example using the API en masse provides security services to the big end of town and was funded to the tune of a figure that looks like a phone number. And again, I'm perfectly comfortable with them wearing a cost that's more commensurate to the value as opposed to a figure that was originally arrived at just to keep the bad guys out.

Existing Subscribers are Grandfathered in for 60 Days

Before I talk about the annual pricing, I want to make sure this headline is clear. Nothing changes for existing subscribers until the 6th of Jan next year, which is 60 days from today. On that date, the legacy rate limit of 1 request every 1,500ms will roll to the new 10RPM limit at exactly the same price. For that handful of big users for whom the 10RPM limit will be insufficient, you've got a couple of months to work out the best path forward. I'll be emailing every single active subscriber today to ensure everyone is notified well in advance (there's also an updated Terms of Use which requires a notification email to be sent).

What does this mean in practical terms? If you want annual billing or a higher rate limit, you can go and implement that whenever you're ready (more on that soon). Alternatively, if you just want to stick with 10 RPM then you don't have to do anything, nothing will change. What I do strongly suggest though (and this hasn't changed, it's always been the guidance), is to make sure you're handling HTTP 429 responses gracefully. Regardless of what your rate limit is, if you're consuming the API in a fashion where you're not directly controlling the rate yourself, make sure you handle those responses appropriately.

Billing Can Now Occur Annually

This is the easy one to explain: annual payments are now a thing 😊 As I explained in the previous blog post, frequent payments of small amounts can play havoc with reimbursements in the corporate environment. It sucks, I've been there, but it is what it is. Annual billing alleviates that through a combination of a 12x reduction in the frequency of an expense claim and a larger single sum that's easier to explain to your procurement people than $3.50.

So, what do you charge for annual rather than monthly billing? My initial temptation was just to make it literally 12 times more because I don't have a lot of patience for spivvy marketing guff. However, there's a valid case to be made that a 12x reduction on individual payments warrants a discount as it removes overhead from our end (there's a constant percentage of all payments that are disputed or fail or cause other demands on our time), plus there's an argument to be made along the lines of customer loyalty warranting a discount. There's also just the very simple mathematics of the whole thing, best illustrated by a recent payment in Stripe:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

That's 8.5% that disappears on every transaction, largely due to the 30c AUD charge no matter what the price of the transaction is:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

The point is that there's merit for all in incentivising annual rather than monthly payments. We decided to look at what a typical annual discount was and time and time again, found the same thing:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing
The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing
The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Or in other words, a couple of months for free when you sign up for a year. In fact, coincidentally, that's exactly what I just signed up for with Nabu Casa (Home Assistant cloud) after receiving an email saying annual billing was now available 😊

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

It's never exactly 17%, rather it's like each example took 17% off 12 month's worth of a normal monthly fee then moved the number to something that looked pretty πŸ™‚ Some examples were less (Pluralsight is 14%) and others were more (the higher tiers of Zendesk are 20%), but ultimately we decided to work to that 17% number and came up with the following:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

In keeping with the "pay for 10, get 12" theme, these prices are exactly 10 times the monthly ones. Easy peasy.

Stripe Customer Portal Magic Makes Changing Plans Easy

As I mentioned in the "big changes ahead" blog post, I've been deleting code like crazy in favour of deferring more processing back to Stripe themselves. By using their Customer Portal paradigm, it's now easy to change an existing plan:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

The change can be to a different rate limit or to a different renewal cadence:

The Have I Been Pwned API Now Has Different Rate Limits and Annual Billing

Stripe automatically proratas everything too so whilst you can upgrade immediately to a higher RPM or from monthly to annually, you'll only pay for the difference between the previous plan and the new one. Or, you can downgrade and on next renewal the lower plan will be automatically applied. It's super simple and it's all self-service.


For more than 7 years now, a small handful of organisations have used HIBP in a larger scale commercial fashion. Some of them you're familiar with, for example both 1Password and Mozilla do email address searches using k-Anonymity and that's not something that's a self-service "put your card into Stripe" sort of model (in part because k-Anonymity returns a huge number of results for each search). Infosec firms use Enterprise to support customers via domain level API searches. Identity theft companies use it to advise customers when they're exposed in a breach. One firm even uses it to help detect bot signups; it turns out that so many of us are so pwned, if someone signs up for their service and they're not pwned, that's a little bit suspicious (that's just one of many indicators they use).

This is a fundamentally different model, one that involves a close working relationship, lots of legal documents, procurement people, invoicing instead of credit cards and all sorts of other "Enterprisey" things. That still exists and nothing in today's blog post changes that. I mention this now in today's post simply because some of the folks from those organisations with Enterprise subscriptions will read this post and wonder where they sit. Likewise, I suspect those "100+ key" subscribers of the public API really should be on Enterprise and I'll be reaching out to them separately given the rate limit change will have a bigger impact on them than most.

In Closing

For that vast majority of users who are only at a fraction of the old rate limit, nothing changes other than there now being a key available for 17% less than before on an annual subscription. Meanwhile, for the folks battling corporate bureaucracy around small, frequent payments, this will sort you out and give you choices around rate limits you didn't have before.

There will be some people that fall between the cracks of the use cases outlined above and won't be happy with the changes. I expect that - I know it will happen - but I hope the rationale outlined here demonstrates the volume of thought and consideration that has gone into trying the find the sweet spot for pricing and rate limits. I also expect people will ask about adding other rate limits, for example to fill the gaps between say, 100RPM and 500RPM. We started out with more options, but a combination of that creating the whole paradox of choice problem and deeper analysis of how the API was actually being used led us to simplifying things. But who knows over the longer term, feedback is certainly welcome.

Lastly, if you're watching closely, you'll notice a lot more structure going in around the way HIBP is run. Last week I wrote about rolling out Zendesk for support so there's now a formal ticketing system in place. I also explained how Charlotte is playing a very active role in the management of HIBP and in the coming months, you'll see more around other initiatives to make the project more sustainable. I'm thinking of it like this: what must HIBP do to be sustainable in a post-Troy world? Or in other words, how can we get what has increasingly become an essential service for so many to be more robust and more self-sustaining beyond what one person can do as a sole operator devoting spare time to a passion project.

Stay tuned, there's much more to come πŸ™‚

Better Supporting the Have I Been Pwned API with Zendesk

By Troy Hunt
Better Supporting the Have I Been Pwned API with Zendesk

I've been investing a heap of time into Have I Been Pwned (HIBP) lately, ranging from all the usual stuff (namely trawling through masses of data breaches) to all new stuff, in particular expanding and enhancing the public API. The API is actually pretty simple: plug in an email address, get a result, and that's a very clearly documented process. But where things get more nuanced is when people pay money for it because suddenly, there are different expectations. For example, how do you cancel a subscription once it's started? You could read the instructions when signing up for a key, but who remembers what they read months ago? There's also a greater expectation of support for everything from how to construct an API request to what to do when you keep getting 429 responses because you're (allegedly) making too many requests. And yes, some of these queries are, um, "basic", but they're still things people want support with.

In the beginning, all emails from HIBP came from because I simply wasn't geared up to provide support. In my naivety, I assumed people would see "noreply" and not reply. Instead, they'd send email to that address, get frustrated when there was no reply (from the "noreply" address...) and seek out my personal contact info. Or they'd lodge a dispute with Stripe because they'd emailed noreply@ asking for their subscription to be cancelled and it wasn't. So, back in September I started looking for a better solution:

I’m thinking of setting up a more formal support process for @haveibeenpwned, especially for folks buying API keys and having queries around billing or implementation. Any suggestions on a service? Something that can triage requests, perhaps also have FAQs. Thoughts?

β€” Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) September 29, 2022

This was a non-trivial exercise. We've all used support services before, so we have an idea of what to expect from an end user perspective, but it's a different story once you dive into all the management bits behind them. Frankly, I find this sort of thing mind-numbing but fortunately it's a task my amazing wife Charlotte picked up with gusto. She has become increasingly involved in all things and HIBP lately as she brings order, calm and frankly, much needed sanity into my otherwise crazy, demanding professional life. We also figured that if we did this right, she'd be able to handle a lot of the support queries I previously did myself, so she was always going to play a big part in choosing the support platform.

Largely based on Charlotte's work, we settled on Zendesk and about a week ago, silently pushed out

Better Supporting the Have I Been Pwned API with Zendesk

There are FAQs that cover a bunch of frequent questions, troubleshooting that addresses common problems and, of course, the ability to submit a request if you still need help. These are all a work in progress, and we'll add a lot more content in response to queries, just so long as they're about the right thing. Speaking of which:

This service is only for users of the public commercial API key, not for general HIBP queries.

Why? Because I constantly get queries like this:

Uh… and why am I sleeping during the day?!

β€” Troy Hunt (@troyhunt) November 1, 2022

Is that even a query?! I don't know! But I do know that someone took the time to track down my personal email address this week and send it to me, and it's not the sort of thing we're going to be responding to on Zendesk. Nor are queries along the lines of the following:

I've been pwned, now what?


How do I remove my data from data breaches?

Or one of my personal favourites:

I demand you delete all my data from the data breaches or you'll get a letter from my lawyer!

This whole data breach landscape is a foreign concept for many people, and I understand there being questions, but Charlotte and I can't simultaneously run a free service and reply to queries like this from the masses. But the queries that come in via Zendesk are something we can manage as it's clearly scoped, there's lots of supporting docs and for the most part, we're dealing with tech professionals who understand this world a bit better than your average punter in the first place.

As I announced in last week's blog post, we're pushing ahead with new rate limits and annual billing for the API key and getting this piece out first was always an important prerequisite. It's all part of gearing up for bigger things ahead for HIBP 😊

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

By Troy Hunt
Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

Just over 3 years ago now, I sat down at a makeshift desk (ok, so it was a kitchen table) in an Airbnb in Olso and built the authenticated API for Have I Been Pwned (HIBP). As I explained at the time, the primary goal was to combat abuse of the service and by adding the need to supply a credit card, my theory was that the bad guys would be very reluctant to, well, be bad guys. The theory checked out, and now with the benefit of several years of data, I can confidently say abuse is near non-existent. I just don't see it. Which is awesome 😊

But there were other things I also didn't see, and it's taken a while for me to get around to addressing them. Some of them are fixed now (like right now, already in production), and some of them will be fixed very, very soon. I think it's all pretty cool, let me explain:

Payments Can Be Hard... if You Don't Stripe Right

A little more background will help me explain this better: in the opening sentence of this blog post I mentioned building the original authenticated API out on a kitchen table at an Airbnb in Oslo. By that time, everyone knew I was going through an M&A process with HIBP I called Project Svalbard, which ultimately failed. What most people didn't know at the time was the other very stressful goings on in my life which combined, had me on a crazy rollercoaster ride I had little control over. It was in that environment that I created the authenticated API, complete with the Azure API Management (APIM) component and Stripe integration. It was rough, and I wish I'd done it better. Now, I have.

In the beginning, I pushed as much of the payment processing as possible to the HIBP website. This was due to a combination of me wanting to create a slick UX and frankly, not understanding Stripe's own UI paradigms. It looked like this:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

Cards never ended up hitting HIBP directly, rather the site did a dance with Stripe that involved the card data going to them directly from the client side, a token coming back and then that being used for the processing. It worked, but it had numerous problems ranging from lack of support for things like 3D Secure payments, no support for other payments mechanisms such as Google Pay and Apple Pay and increasingly, large amounts of plumbing required to tie it all together. For example, there were hundreds of lines of code on my end to process payments, change the default card and show a list of previous receipts. The Stripe APIs are extraordinarily clever, but I couldn't escape writing large troves of my own code to make it work the way I originally designed it.

Two new things from Stripe since I originally wrote the code have opened up a whole new way of doing this:

  1. Customer Portal: This is a fully hosted environment where payments are made, cards and subscriptions are managed, invoices and receipts are retrieved and basically, a huge amount of the work I'd previously hand-built can be managed by them rather than by me
  2. Embeddable Pricing Table: This brings the products and prices defined in Stripe into the UI of third party services (such as HIBP) such that customers can select their product then head off to Stripe and do the purchasing there

Rolling to these services removed a huge amount of code from HIBP with the bulk of what's left being email address verification, API key management and handling callbacks from Stripe when a payment is successful. What all this means is that when you first create a subscription, after verifying your email address, you see these two screens:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API
Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

That's the embeddable pricing table following by Stripe's own hosted payment page. I left the browser address bar in the latter to highlight that this is served by Stripe rather than HIBP. I love distancing myself from any sort of card processing and what's more, everything to do with actually taking the payment is now Stripe's problem 😊 If you're interested in the mechanics of this, a successful payment calls a webhook on HIBP with the customer's details which updates their account with a month of API key whilst the screen above redirects them over to the HIBP website where they can grab their key. Easy peasy.

I silently rolled this out a week ago, watched it being used, made a few little tweaks and then waited until now to write about it. The rollout coincided with a typical email I've received so many times before:

First of all I would like to thank you for the wonderful service that helps people to keep track of their email breaches. I was trying to build a product to provide your services via my website, something similar to Firefox, avast and 100's of other companies doing. We were trying to do it according to the guidelines mentioned in the website. However I am not able to renew my purchase due to payment gateway failures at stripe payment. Requesting you to kindly check the same and advise me on alternate methods for making the payment.

The old model often caused payments to be rejected, especially from subscribers in India. The painful thing for me when trying to help folks is that Stripe would simply report the failed payment as follows:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

However, going back to the individual who raised the query above after rolling out this update, things changed very dramatically:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

To the title of this section, I simply wasn't "Striping" right. I'm sure there's a way with enough plumbing that it's feasible, but why bother? I cut hundreds of lines of code out just by delegating more of the workload back to them. Further, with ever tightening PCI DSS standards (read Scott's piece, interesting stuff) the less I have to do with cards, the better.

This was a "penny drop" moment for me and it's already made a big difference in a positive way. But there's another penny that dropped for me at the same time: one-off keys were an unnecessary problem.

There Are No More One-Off Keys

It was at the moment I was ripping out those hundreds of lines of code that I wondered: why do I have all the additional kludge to support the paradigm of a one-off key that only lasts a month? Why had I built (and was now maintaining) server side code to handle different types of purchases and UX paradigms to represent one-off versus recurring keys? My gut feel was that most payments formed part of an ongoing subscription but hey, who needs gut feels when you have real data?! So I pulled the numbers:

Only 7% of payments were one-offs, with 93% of payments forming part of ongoing subscriptions.

And so I killed the one-off keys. Kinda, because you can still have a key for only one month, you just purchase a monthly subscription then immediately cancel it via the Stripe Customer Portal:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

That's linked into from the API key dashboard on HIBP and it'll take all of 5 seconds to do (also note the ability to change payment method directly on the Stripe site). I've added text to that effect on the HIBP website (you may have spotted that in the earlier screen cap) so in practice, the ability to purchase a one-off key is still there and the main upside of this is that I've just killed a trove of code I no longer have to worry about πŸ™‚ Because this is the internet, I'm sure someone will still be upset, but if you only want a key for a month then that capability still well and truly exists.

All of this so far amounts to doing the same things that were always there but better. Now let's talk about the all new stuff!

Annual Billing and Different Rate Limits are Coming... Very Soon!

The title is self-explanatory and "very soon" is in about 2 weeks from now 😎

Let me illustrate the first part of that title with a message I received recently:

Is there a way to procure a 10 year API key? Our client wants to use the Have I been Pwned plugin for [redacted service name]; however, the $3.50 monthly subscription is too small to go through procurement.

What's that saying about no good deed going unpunished? In my naivety, I made the pricing low with the thinking that was a good thing, yet here we are with that posing barriers! This was a recurring message over and over again with folks simply struggling to get their $3.50 reimbursed. I should have seen this coming after years of living the corporate life myself (I have vivid flashbacks of how hard it was to get small sums reimbursed), and filling out an untold number of expense reports. Speaking of which, this was another recurring theme:

Is there a way to pay yearly for HIBP API access vs monthly? Β Monthly adds overhead in paperwork.

And again, I get it, this is a painful process. It somehow feels even more painful due to the fact the sum is so low; how much time are people burning trying to justify $3.50 to their boss?! It's painful, and this likely explains why the request for annual payments is the second most requested idea on HIBP's UserVoice. The comments there speak for themselves, and I'm having corporate PTSD flashbacks just reading them again now!

Sticking with the UserVoice theme, the 5th most requested feature is for different pricing on different rate limits. This is mostly self-explanatory but what I wasn't aware of until I went and pulled the stats was just how many people were hacking around the rate limit problem. There are heaps of API accounts like this:

Because there can only be one key per email address, organisations are creating heaps of unique sub-addressed emails in order to buy multiple keys. This would have been a manual, laborious process; there's no automated way to do this, quite the contrary with anti-automation controls built into the process. Further, each key has it's own rate limit so I imagine they were also building a bunch of plumbing in the back end to then distribute requests across a collection of keys which, yeah, I get it, but man that seems like hard work! When I say "a collection of keys", I'm not just talking about a few of them either; the largest number of active in-use keys by a single organisation is 112. One hundred and twelve! The next largest is 110. I never expected that 🀯 (Incidentally, these orgs and the others obtaining multiple keys are all precisely the kinds I want using the API to do good things.)

Building the mechanics of annual billing and different rate limits is only part of the challenge and most of that is already done, the harder part is pricing it. I'm pulling troves of analytics from APIM at present to better understand the usage patterns, and it's quite interesting to see the data as it relates to requests for the API:

Big Changes are Afoot: Expanding and Enhancing the Have I Been Pwned API

There's no persistent logging of the actual queries themselves, but APIM makes it easy to understand both the volume of queries and how many of them are successful versus failed, namely because they exceed the existing rate limit or were made with an invalid (likely expired) key. So, that's what I need to work out over the next couple of weeks when I'll launch everything and write it up, as always, in detail πŸ™‚


The HIBP API has become an increasingly important part of all sorts of different tools and systems that use the data to help protect people impacted by data breaches. The changes I've pushed out over the last week help make the service more accessible and easier to manage, but it's the coming changes I'm most excited about. These are the ones that will make life so much easier on so many people integrating the service and, I sincerely hope, will enable them to do things that make a much more profound impact on all of us who've been pwned before.

Go and check out how the whole API key process works, I'd love to hear your feedback 😊
