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Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6237-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6237-1 - Hiroki Kurosawa discovered that curl incorrectly handled validating certain certificate wildcards. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to spoof certain website certificates using IDN hosts. Hiroki Kurosawa discovered that curl incorrectly handled callbacks when certain options are set by applications. This could cause applications using curl to misbehave, resulting in information disclosure, or a denial of service.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:46

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4053-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4053-01 - Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is Red Hat's cloud computing Kubernetes application platform solution designed for on-premise or private cloud deployments. This advisory contains the container images for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.11.45. Issues addressed include a code execution vulnerability.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:37

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6236-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6236-1 - It was discovered that ConnMan could be made to write out of bounds. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause ConnMan to crash, resulting in a denial of service, or possibly execute arbitrary code. This issue only affected Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It was discovered that ConnMan could be made to leak sensitive information via the gdhcp component. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to obtain information for further exploitation. This issue only affected Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:26

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4204-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4204-01 - VolSync is a Kubernetes operator that enables asynchronous replication of persistent volumes within a cluster, or across clusters. After deploying the VolSync operator, it can create and maintain copies of your persistent data.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:21

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4201-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4201-01 - WebKitGTK is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK platform. Issues addressed include a code execution vulnerability.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:18

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4202-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4202-01 - WebKitGTK is the port of the portable web rendering engine WebKit to the GTK platform. Issues addressed include a code execution vulnerability.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:15

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4200-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4200-01 - A new release for Red Hat Build of OptaPlanner 8.38.0 for Quarkus 2.13.8 including security updates is now available. The purpose of this text-only errata is to inform you about the security issues fixed. Red Hat Product Security has rated this update as having an impact of Important. A Common Vulnerability Scoring System base score, which gives a detailed severity rating, is available for each vulnerability from the CVE link in the References section. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.
  • July 19th 2023 at 15:09

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6233-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6233-1 - It was discovered that YAJL was not properly performing bounds checks when decoding a string with escape sequences. If a user or automated system using YAJL were tricked into processing specially crafted input, an attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. It was discovered that YAJL was not properly handling memory allocation when dealing with large inputs, which could lead to heap memory corruption. If a user or automated system using YAJL were tricked into running a specially crafted large input, an attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service.
  • July 19th 2023 at 14:51

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4203-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4203-01 - Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language, which includes modules, classes, exceptions, very high level dynamic data types and dynamic typing. Python supports interfaces to many system calls and libraries, as well as to various windowing systems. Issues addressed include a bypass vulnerability.
  • July 19th 2023 at 14:47

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6183-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6183-2 - USN-6183-1 fixed vulnerabilities in Bind. This update provides the corresponding updates for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Shoham Danino, Anat Bremler-Barr, Yehuda Afek, and Yuval Shavitt discovered that Bind incorrectly handled the cache size limit. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to consume memory, leading to a denial of service.
  • July 19th 2023 at 14:46

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6078-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6078-2 - USN-6078-1 fixed a vulnerability in libwebp. This update provides the corresponding update for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Irvan Kurniawan discovered that libwebp incorrectly handled certain memory operations. If a user or automated system were tricked into opening a specially crafted image file, a remote attacker could use this issue to cause libwebp to crash, resulting in a denial of service, or possibly execute arbitrary code.
  • July 19th 2023 at 14:40

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6235-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6235-1 - It was discovered that the NTFS file system implementation in the Linux kernel contained a null pointer dereference in some situations. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. Jordy Zomer and Alexandra Sandulescu discovered that the Linux kernel did not properly implement speculative execution barriers in usercopy functions in certain situations. A local attacker could use this to expose sensitive information.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:56

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6234-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6234-1 - Hangyu Hua discovered that the Flower classifier implementation in the Linux kernel contained an out-of-bounds write vulnerability. An attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or possibly execute arbitrary code. It was discovered that for some Intel processors the INVLPG instruction implementation did not properly flush global TLB entries when PCIDs are enabled. An attacker could use this to expose sensitive information or possibly cause undesired behaviors.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:56

Debian Security Advisory 5455-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 5455-1 - A memory allocation issue was found in iperf3, the Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool, that may cause denial of service when encountering certain invalid length value in TCP packet.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:55

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4146-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4146-01 - This is a kernel live patch module which is automatically loaded by the RPM post-install script to modify the code of a running kernel. Issues addressed include denial of service, privilege escalation, and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:55

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4145-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4145-01 - This is a kernel live patch module which is automatically loaded by the RPM post-install script to modify the code of a running kernel. Issues addressed include privilege escalation and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:55

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4154-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4154-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:49

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4152-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4152-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:48

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4151-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4151-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:47

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4139-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4139-01 - The curl packages provide the libcurl library and the curl utility for downloading files from servers using various protocols, including HTTP, FTP, and LDAP. Issues addressed include a denial of service vulnerability.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:47

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4153-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4153-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:47

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4150-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4150-01 - The kernel-rt packages provide the Real Time Linux Kernel, which enables fine-tuning for systems with extremely high determinism requirements. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:45

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4126-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4126-01 - The kernel-rt packages provide the Real Time Linux Kernel, which enables fine-tuning for systems with extremely high determinism requirements. Issues addressed include denial of service, privilege escalation, and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:45

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4130-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4130-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include privilege escalation and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:44

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4138-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4138-01 - The kernel-rt packages provide the Real Time Linux Kernel, which enables fine-tuning for systems with extremely high determinism requirements. Issues addressed include out of bounds access and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:43

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4125-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4125-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include denial of service, privilege escalation, and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:43

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4137-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4137-01 - The kernel packages contain the Linux kernel, the core of any Linux operating system. Issues addressed include out of bounds access and use-after-free vulnerabilities.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:43

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4025-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4025-01 - Red Hat OpenShift support for Windows Containers allows you to deploy Windows container workloads running on Windows Server containers. Issues addressed include a bypass vulnerability.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:42

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4124-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4124-01 - EDK is a project to enable UEFI support for Virtual Machines. This package contains a sample 64-bit UEFI firmware for QEMU and KVM.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:42

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4128-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4128-01 - EDK is a project to enable UEFI support for Virtual Machines. This package contains a sample 64-bit UEFI firmware for QEMU and KVM. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:42

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4101-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4101-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:39

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4113-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4113-01 - Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh is Red Hat's distribution of the Istio service mesh project, tailored for installation into an on-premise OpenShift Container Platform installation.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:39

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4100-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4100-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:39

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4112-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4112-01 - Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh is Red Hat's distribution of the Istio service mesh project, tailored for installation into an OpenShift Container Platform installation.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:36

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4099-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4099-01 - The Berkeley Internet Name Domain is an implementation of the Domain Name System protocols. BIND includes a DNS server ; a resolver library ; and tools for verifying that the DNS server is operating correctly.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:36

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4114-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4114-01 - Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh is Red Hat's distribution of the Istio service mesh project, tailored for installation into an on-premise OpenShift Container Platform installation.
  • July 18th 2023 at 13:35

Debian Security Advisory 5454-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 5454-1 - Riccardo Bonafede discovered that the Kanboard project management software was susceptible to SQL injection.
  • July 17th 2023 at 14:52

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6184-2

Ubuntu Security Notice 6184-2 - USN-6184-1 fixed a vulnerability in CUPS. This update provides the corresponding updates for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. It was discovered that CUPS incorrectly handled certain memory operations. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause CUPS to crash, resulting in a denial of service, or to possibly obtain sensitive information.
  • July 17th 2023 at 14:50

Debian Security Advisory 5453-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 5453-1 - Several vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Linux kernel that may lead to a privilege escalation, denial of service or information leaks.
  • July 17th 2023 at 14:41

Debian Security Advisory 5452-1

Debian Linux Security Advisory 5452-1 - Multiple security issues were discovered in the GPAC multimedia framework which could result in denial of service or the execution of arbitrary code.
  • July 17th 2023 at 14:37

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6231-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6231-1 - It was discovered that the XFS file system implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly perform metadata validation when mounting certain images. An attacker could use this to specially craft a file system image that, when mounted, could cause a denial of service. It was discovered that the IP-VLAN network driver for the Linux kernel did not properly initialize memory in some situations, leading to an out-of- bounds write vulnerability. An attacker could use this to cause a denial of service or possibly execute arbitrary code.
  • July 17th 2023 at 14:04

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6219-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6219-1 - It was discovered that Ruby incorrectly handled certain regular expressions. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.10 and Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. It was discovered that Ruby incorrectly handled certain regular expressions. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. This issue exists because of an incomplete fix for CVE-2023-28755.
  • July 17th 2023 at 13:58

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6229-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6229-1 - It was discovered that LibTIFF was not properly handling variables used to perform memory management operations when processing an image through tiffcrop, which could lead to a heap buffer overflow. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service or execute arbitrary code. It was discovered that LibTIFF was not properly processing numerical values when dealing with little-endian input data, which could lead to the execution of an invalid operation. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service
  • July 14th 2023 at 14:25

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6230-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6230-1 - Alexander Lakhin discovered that PostgreSQL incorrectly handled certain CREATE privileges. An authenticated user could possibly use this issue to execute arbitrary code as the bootstrap supervisor.
  • July 14th 2023 at 14:25

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6227-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6227-1 - Several security issues were discovered in the SpiderMonkey JavaScript library. If a user were tricked into opening malicious JavaScript applications or processing malformed data, a remote attacker could exploit a variety of issues related to JavaScript security, including denial of service attacks, and arbitrary code execution.
  • July 13th 2023 at 15:07

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6228-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6228-1 - It was discovered that the XFS file system implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly perform metadata validation when mounting certain images. An attacker could use this to specially craft a file system image that, when mounted, could cause a denial of service. Wei Chen discovered that the InfiniBand RDMA communication manager implementation in the Linux kernel contained an out-of-bounds read vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service.
  • July 13th 2023 at 15:07

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4066-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4066-01 - Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 102.13.0. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 15:02

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4071-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4071-01 - Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance, and portability. This update upgrades Firefox to version 102.13.0 ESR. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 15:02

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6226-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6226-1 - It was discovered that SciPy did not properly manage memory operations during reference counting. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service. A use-after-free was discovered in SciPy when handling reference counts. An attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service. This issue only affected Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • July 13th 2023 at 15:02

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6225-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6225-1 - It was discovered that Knot Resolver did not correctly handle certain client options. A remote attacker could send requests to malicious domains and cause a denial of service.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:58

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4062-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4062-01 - Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 102.13.0. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:57

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4070-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4070-01 - Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance, and portability. This update upgrades Firefox to version 102.13.0 ESR. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:55

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6224-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6224-1 - It was discovered that the XFS file system implementation in the Linux kernel did not properly perform metadata validation when mounting certain images. An attacker could use this to specially craft a file system image that, when mounted, could cause a denial of service. Wei Chen discovered that the InfiniBand RDMA communication manager implementation in the Linux kernel contained an out-of-bounds read vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:55

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4064-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4064-01 - Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 102.13.0. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:54

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6223-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6223-1 - It was discovered that the TUN/TAP driver in the Linux kernel did not properly initialize socket data. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. It was discovered that the Real-Time Scheduling Class implementation in the Linux kernel contained a type confusion vulnerability in some situations. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:53

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4058-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4058-01 - .NET is a managed-software framework. It implements a subset of the .NET framework APIs and several new APIs, and it includes a CLR implementation.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:52

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4065-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4065-01 - Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 102.13.0. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:52

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6221-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6221-1 - It was discovered that a race condition existed in the overlay file system implementation in the Linux kernel. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. It was discovered that the virtual terminal device implementation in the Linux kernel contained a race condition in its ioctl handling that led to an out-of-bounds read vulnerability. A local attacker could possibly use this to expose sensitive information.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:51

Ubuntu Security Notice USN-6222-1

Ubuntu Security Notice 6222-1 - Jiasheng Jiang discovered that the HSA Linux kernel driver for AMD Radeon GPU devices did not properly validate memory allocation in certain situations, leading to a null pointer dereference vulnerability. A local attacker could use this to cause a denial of service. Zheng Wang discovered that the Intel i915 graphics driver in the Linux kernel did not properly handle certain error conditions, leading to a double-free. A local attacker could possibly use this to cause a denial of service.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:51

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4063-01

Red Hat Security Advisory 2023-4063-01 - Mozilla Thunderbird is a standalone mail and newsgroup client. This update upgrades Thunderbird to version 102.13.0. Issues addressed include a use-after-free vulnerability.
  • July 13th 2023 at 14:48