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Before yesterdayThe Register - Security

EU takes another step towards US data-sharing agreement

Campaigners say it's unlikely to pass a test in the courts, though

The EU has issued a draft decision agreeing that measures taken by the United States ensure sufficient protection for personal data to be transferred from the region to US companies.…

  • December 14th 2022 at 15:54

Citrix patches critical ADC flaw the NSA says is already under attack from China

Yet more pain for the software formerly known as NetScaler

The China-linked crime gang APT5 is already attacking a flaw in Citrix's Application Delivery Controller (ADC) and Gateway products that the vendor patched today.…

  • December 14th 2022 at 06:57

Microsoft ain't the only one squashing exploited-in-the-wild bugs this month

Plus there's a PoC for this unpatched Cisco bug

Patch Tuesday For its final Patch Tuesday of the year, Microsoft fixed one bug that's already been exploited in the wild – and another that's publicly known.…

  • December 14th 2022 at 00:01

LockBit threatens to leak confidential info stolen from California's beancounters

Databases, details of 'sexual proceedings in court' and more apparently pilfered from finance IT

LockBit claims it was behind a cyber-attack on the California Department of Finance, bragging it stole data during the intrusion.…

  • December 13th 2022 at 23:30

Uber staff info leaks after supplier Teqtivity gets pwned

Thankfully no customer info – but the spotlight is back on third-party attacks

Uber, which has suffered a few data thefts in its time, is this week dealing with the fallout from yet another – this time from one of its technology suppliers.…

  • December 13th 2022 at 22:46

Apple should pay €6m to French data watchdog for tracking users without consent, says official

Recommendation from top CNIL advisor claims Cupertino broke EU privacy laws

Apple tracked users without their consent and deserves to be fined €6 million, according to a top advisor to France's data privacy watchdog. …

  • December 13th 2022 at 13:00

Researchers smell a cryptomining Chaos RAT targeting Linux systems

Smells like Russian miscreants

A type of cryptomining malware targeting Linux-based systems has added capabilities by incorporating an open source remote access trojan called Chaos RAT with several advanced functions that bad guys can use to control remote operating systems.…

  • December 13th 2022 at 08:32

Pwn2Own contest concludes with nearly $1m paid out to ethical hackers

Which is pocket change compared to what criminals will pay for zero-days, but thankfully community spirit remains strong

Pwn2Own paid out almost $1 million to bug hunters at last week's consumer product hacking event in Toronto, but the prize money wasn't big enough attract attempts at cracking the iPhone or Google Pixel because miscreants can score far more from less wholesome sources.…

  • December 13th 2022 at 02:15

Using threat modeling to get your priorities right

State actors - what reactors?

Webinar How does your security team prioritize work? When a new attack from a state actor hits the news, do you know if your team should drop everything to hunt for IOCs? Do you understand your security control coverage for the threat actors that might target your organization? Recently, the Red Canary corporate security team asked itself these questions when it was creating its own threat model.…

  • December 12th 2022 at 17:01

IT security teams, business execs still not on same page

Also: Guri the air-gap guru strikes again, while pro-Ukraine hackers set up a proxy network in Russia

In brief Let's start with the good news: according to a survey of security and business leaders, executives have become far more aware of the importance of cyber security in the past two years, better aligning security teams and leadership. …

  • December 12th 2022 at 07:30

UK arrests five for selling 'dodgy' point of sale software

Turns a $100 bottle of wine into a $4 soft drink to avoid tax, earning probe by major governments

Tax authorities from Australia, Canada, France, the UK and the USA have conducted a joint probe into "electronic sales suppression software" – applications that falsify point of sale data to help merchants avoid paying tax on their true revenue.…

  • December 12th 2022 at 02:58

Japan, Australia to bolster cyber-defenses, maybe offensive capacity too

FTX Japan payment promise evaporates; VR/AR to boom across APAC; Google wins privacy case

Asia In Brief Australia's home affairs and cybersecurity minister Clare O'Neill has given the nation a goal of becoming the world's most cyber secure nation by 2030.…

  • December 11th 2022 at 23:06

This ransomware gang is a right Royal pain in the AES for healthcare orgs

Nothing like your medical files being taken hostage for millions of dollars

Newish ransomware gang Royal has been spotted targeting the healthcare sector, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has said.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 22:57

Legit Android apps poisoned by sticky 'Zombinder' malware

Sure, go ahead and load APKs instead of using an app store. You won't enjoy the results

Threat researchers have discovered an obfuscation platform that attaches malware to legitimate Android applications to lure users to install the malicious payload and make it difficult for security tools to detect.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 22:00

Italy, Japan, UK to jointly launch sixth-gen fighter jet by 2035

Warplane project may include AI in the cockpit, and comes as tensions rise with China and Russia

The United Kingdom, Japan and Italy will pool resources to build a sixth-generation warplane scheduled to be ready for deployment by 2035, with capabilities to rival never-before-seen tech on fighter jets built by China and Russia, although this wasn't stated explicitly.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 17:35

Guess which Fortune 500 brands and govt agencies share data with Twitter?

Spoiler alert: just about all of them, all across the planet

More than 70,000 websites belonging to Fortune 500 brands, government agencies, and universities share consumers' data with Twitter using data tracking code hosted on these other organizations' websites, according to research published on Thursday by Adalytics.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 14:30

UK lawmakers look to enforce blocking tools for legal but harmful content

The latest idea in the long gestation of the online harms legislation

The UK government is putting forward changes to the law which would require social media platforms to give users the option to avoid seeing and engaging with harmful β€” but legal β€” content.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 13:30

Boss installed software from behind the Iron Curtain, techies ended up Putin things back together

Comrade offered 'monitoring' tool to keep an eye on the workers

On Call Welcome once again, comrades, to On-Call, The Register's celebration of the tech proletariat's struggles with oppression by bourgeois bosses – and the eventual triumph of the workers!…

  • December 9th 2022 at 07:27

North Korea using freelance techies to fund missiles and nukes

You won't see 'Agent of vile murderous autocracy' on their CVs. Or their faces on vid chats

North Korean IT pros are using freelancing platforms to earn money that the nation's authoritarian government uses to fund the development of missiles and nuclear weapons, according to South Korea's government. Seoul therefore wants gig platforms to impose stricter checks to restrict its enemy's activities.…

  • December 9th 2022 at 03:35

REvil-hit Medibank to pull plug on IT, shore up defenses

If safety regulations are written in blood, what are security policies written in? Sweat and cursing?

Australian health insurance company Medibank will take all of its IT systems offline and close its branches over the weekend as part of its ongoing efforts to improve security and recover from a massive data security breach in October.…

  • December 8th 2022 at 21:35

Five British companies fined for making half a million nuisance calls

Nice. They went after vulnerable people and folks over 60 who opted out of marketing calls

Britain's data watchdog has slapped financial penalties totaling Β£435,000 (c $529,000) on five companies it says collectively made almost half of million marketing calls to people registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS).…

  • December 8th 2022 at 11:41

Weep for the cybercriminals who fell for online scams and lost $2.5m last year

I'm the smartest guy in the room, I'm sure the message from IRS refunds is legit

Scammers have scammed their fellow cybercriminals out of more than $2.5 million on three dark web forums alone over the last 12 months, according to Sophos researchers.…

  • December 8th 2022 at 09:59

North Korea hits new low by using Seoul Halloween tragedy to exploit Internet Explorer zero-day

Evil, pure and simple

North Korea has hit a new low, using the death of over 150 people to exploit a zero-day flaw in Internet Explorer.…

  • December 8th 2022 at 07:02

States label TikTok 'a malicious and menacing threat'

Texas bucks app off government devices as Indiana takes social media biz to court

Two more US states have launched aggressive action against made-in-China social media app TikTok.…

  • December 8th 2022 at 04:30

Egad, did Apple do something right? End-to-end encryption for (most) iCloud services

And remember CSAM scanning plan? Forget that was ever a thing

Apple says it will provide end-to-end encryption for most iCloud services, having abandoned its previously announced – and then quietly shelved – plan to check the legality of on-device photos prior to cloud synchronization.…

  • December 8th 2022 at 01:44

San Francisco terminates explosive killer cop bots

I'll be back, or perhaps not

San Francisco legislators this week changed course on their killer robot policy, banning the police from using remote-control bots fitted with explosives. For now.…

  • December 7th 2022 at 20:00

Taiwan bans state-owned devices from running Chinese platform TikTok

US FCC Commissioner praises Taiwan’s security decision as US state governments follow suit

Public sector bans of Chinese platform TikTok on the grounds of national security have arisen in both Taiwan and additional US states following last week’s ban in South Dakota.…

  • December 7th 2022 at 10:48

Microsoft: (Cyber) winter is coming as DDoS attack disrupts Russian bank

Where's the Night's Watch when you need them?

Microsoft has warned Europe to be on alert for cyber attacks from Russia this winter, just as a series of attacks hit Russian organizations – including the country's second-largest bank.…

  • December 7th 2022 at 07:25

Amnesty International Canada claims attack by China-backed forces

Threat actors allegedly looking for contacts and monitoring org's future plans

The Canadian branch of Amnesty International was the target of an attack it has pinned on a Chinese state-sponsored actor.…

  • December 7th 2022 at 04:29

South Pacific vacations may be wrecked by ransomware

New Zealand government reels, Vanuatu’s spent weeks entirely offline

New Zealand's Privacy Commission has signalled it may open an investigation into local managed services provider Mercury IT, which serves many government agencies and businesses and has been hit by ransomware.…

  • December 7th 2022 at 02:58

Rackspace confirms ransomware attack behind days-long email meltdown

Hope the name Hackspace doesn't stick

Updated Rackspace has admitted a ransomware infection was to blame for the days-long email outage that disrupted services for customers. …

  • December 6th 2022 at 22:45

Want to detect Cobalt Strike on the network? Look to process memory

Security analysts have tools to spot hard-to-find threat, Unit 42 says

Enterprise security pros can detect malware samples in environments that incorporate the highly evasive Cobalt Strike attack code by analyzing artifacts in process memory, according to researchers with Palo Alto Networks' Unit 42 threat intelligence unit.…

  • December 6th 2022 at 15:30

KmsdBot botnet is down after operator sends typo in command

Cashdollar: 'It’s not often we get this kind of story in security'

Somewhere out there, a botnet operator is kicking themselves and probably hoping no one noticed the typo they transmitted in a command that crashed their whole operation. …

  • December 6th 2022 at 13:30

How to secure application identities at developmental speed

We discuss the top emerging DevSecOps trends with CyberArk

Webinar There you are, standing in front of two peaks, a security roadmap in your back pocket to guide you up the sheer track of the first mountain. In the other pocket, a DevOps plan that will have you leaping like a mountain goat from rock to rock up the next door peak. You wonder which mountain to scale first, but it is an impossible choice. The night is stealing all the light from the sky, and you must make up your mind.…

  • December 6th 2022 at 10:30

TSA to expand facial recognition across America

System is optional, for the moment

America's Transport Security Administration, better known as the TSA, has been testing facial recognition software to automatically screen passengers flying across the country in 16 airports. And now it's looking into rolling it out nationwide next year.…

  • December 6th 2022 at 02:30

Four suspects cuffed, face extradition over tax refund scam plot

RDP servers allegedly raided in hunt for personal info to exploit

Four men suspected of plotting to commit wire fraud and identity theft have been arrested and now face extradition to America.…

  • December 6th 2022 at 01:30

Gunfire at electrical grid kills power for 45,000 in North Carolina

You don't have to be a coder to cut off the juice when blunt tools are around

Officials in Moore County, North Carolina, declared a state of emergency on Sunday after gunfire damaged an electrical substation and left 45,000 homes and businesses without power in near freezing temperatures.…

  • December 5th 2022 at 23:30

Google warns stolen Android keys used to sign info-stealing malware

OEMs including Samsung, LG and Mediatek named and shamed

Compromised Android platform certificate keys from device makers including Samsung, LG and Mediatek are being used to sign malware and deploy spyware, among other software nasties.…

  • December 5th 2022 at 22:30

Securing Application Identities in 2023

The rise and rise of non-human identities

Webinar Just as Frank Sinatra sang in days gone by, 'love and marriage' goes together like a 'horse and carriage,' there should be no question about the true pairing of security and speed. Or as Sinatra went on to croon, 'try, try, try to separate them, it's an illusion.' Companies may feel they are forced to choose between securing all their application identities at the cost of speed of development, but this doesn't have to be the case.…

  • December 5th 2022 at 10:27

Remuneration coming for TrustCor customers impacted by CA revocation

Also, a Capone henchman lands behind bars, while nearly 9/10 DoD contract firms fail security standards

In brief Certificate Authority TrustCor responded to its ejection from Mozilla and Microsoft's browsers by offering refunds for some customers, while leaving other resellers to pick up the mess on their own.…

  • December 5th 2022 at 05:45

Rackspace customers rage as email outage continues and migrations create migraines

Hosting company has nothing to say on data loss, restore times, or root cause

Rackspace has not offered any explanation of the "security incident" that has taken out its hosted Exchange environment and led the company to predict multiple days of downtime before restoration.…

  • December 5th 2022 at 04:45

Rackspace rocked by β€˜security incident’ that has taken out hosted Exchange services

Warns recovery could take several days and pledges better support after customer complaints

Updated Some of Rackspace’s hosted Microsoft Exchange services have been taken down by what the company has described as a β€œsecurity incident”.…

  • December 3rd 2022 at 10:58

US Air Force reveals B-21 Raider stealth bomber that'll fly the unfriendly skies

'Digital bomber' will bring 'peace through deterrence'

In Palmdale, California on Friday, Northrop Grumman CEO Kathy Warden revealed a US Air Force warplane that had only been shown in artist renderings and is supposed to be seldom seen, the B-21 Raider.…

  • December 3rd 2022 at 02:58

Medibank prognosis gets worse after more stolen data leaked

Plus Australia launches an investigation into insurer's data privacy practices

Australian health insurer Medibank's prognosis following an October data breach keeps getting worse as criminals dumped another batch of stolen customer data on the dark web. …

  • December 2nd 2022 at 23:10

FBI warns about Cuba, no, not that one β€” the ransomware gang

Critical infrastructure attacks ramping up

The US government has issued an alert about Cuba; not the state but a ransomware gang that's taking millions in purloined profits.…

  • December 2nd 2022 at 20:30

Domain aging gang CashRewindo picks vintage sites to push malvertising

Like fine wine, the longer it sits, the better it is

A sophisticated and very patient threat group behind a global malvertising scheme is using so-called aged domains to skirt past cybersecurity tools and catch victims in investment scams.…

  • December 2nd 2022 at 10:59

Mozilla, Microsoft drop TrustCor as root certificate authority

'There is no evidence to suggest that TrustCor violated conduct, policy, or procedure' says biz

Updated Mozilla and Microsoft have taken action against a certificate authority accused of having close ties to a US military contractor that allegedly paid software developers to embed data-harvesting malware in mobile apps.…

  • December 2nd 2022 at 09:30

Two signs in the comms cabinet said 'Do not unplug'. Guess what happened

No amount of resilience planning can defeat determined idiots whose devices are low on battery

On Call Welcome once more to On-Call, The Register's weekly reader-contributed column that tells tales of IT pros being asked to fix things that should never have broken.…

  • December 2nd 2022 at 07:00

Nvidia patches 29 GPU driver bugs that could lead to code execution, device takeover

Take a break from the gaming and fix these now

Nvidia fixed more than two dozen security flaws in its GPU display driver, the most severe of which could allow an unprivileged user to modify files, and then escalate privileges, execute code, tamper with or steal data, or even take over your device.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 23:30

Google warns of commercial Heliconia spyware hitting Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Defender

Meanwhile NSO faces new lawsuit over Pegasus flying onto journalists' phones

Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) said on Wednesday that its researchers discovered commercial spyware called Heliconia that's designed to exploit vulnerabilities in Chrome and Firefox browsers as well as Microsoft Defender security software.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 20:30

Intruders gain access to user data in LastPass incident

Password manager says credentials safely encrypted, confirms link to August attack

Intruders broke into a third-party cloud storage service LastPass shares with affiliate company GoTo and gained access to "certain elements" of customers' information, the pair have confirmed.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 13:30

Twenty years on, command-line virus scanner ClamAV puts out version 1

Used by millions – and the first official finished edition is here

The ClamAV command-line virus scanner used on many Linux boxes has attained an important-looking milestone release: version 1.0.0.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 10:51

Keeping customers happy means the big IAM just got bigger

You need to open up core systems to consumers and partners. Here's how to do it securely

Sponsored Feature It's easy to forget the human factor when it comes to cybersecurity. Completely locking down your network will certainly make you secure, just as completely locking down your building will do the same. The problem is you'll struggle to get much work done, because people need access to assets, physical or virtual, to do their jobs.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 09:02

Almost 300 predatory loan apps found in Google and Apple stores

Note to self: Lenders don’t need the contact list on your mobile device

Almost 300 apps, downloaded by around 15 million users, have been pulled from the Google Play and Apple App stores over claims they promised quick loans at reasonable rates but then used extortion and other predatory schemes against borrowers.…

  • December 1st 2022 at 07:30

Sirius XM flaw unlocks so-called smart cars thanks to code flaw

Telematics program doesn't just give you music, but a big security flaw

Sirius XM's Connected Vehicle Services has fixed an authorization flaw that would have allowed an attacker to remotely unlock doors and start engines on connected cars knowing only the vehicle identification number (VIN).…

  • November 30th 2022 at 23:30

San Francisco lawmakers approve lethal robots – but they can't carry guns

Update: Plan pulled after public outcry

Updated San Francisco police can deploy so-called "killer robots" following a Board of Supervisors' vote on Tuesday, clearing the cops to use robots equipped with explosives in extreme situations.…

  • November 30th 2022 at 21:30

TikTok NSFW if you work for the South Dakota government

Governor bans platform and website from all state-owned devices that can connect to the internet

The governor of South Dakota issued an executive order on Tuesday banning the use of Chinese social media platform TikTok for state government agencies, employees and contractors on state devices.…

  • November 30th 2022 at 11:31

Cloudflare finds a way through China's network defences

Teams with locals to allow consistent security policy to make it through the Great Firewall

Cloudflare has found a way to extend some of its services across the Great Firewall and into mainland China.…

  • November 30th 2022 at 04:58

Criminals use trending TikTok challenge to make data-stealing malware invisible

PSA: Don't download unknown apps even if they promise naked people

Malware-slinging miscreants are taking advantage of a trending TikTok challenge β€” and viewers' dirty minds β€” to spread data-stealing malware via a phony app that's had more than one million views so far.…

  • November 29th 2022 at 20:00

Lockheed Martin's Army cyber training platform goes civilian

Army civilian employees, that is, but aerospace biz says it could be used in the private sector, too

Locheed Martin has bagged a government contract to train 17,000 remote US Army civilian employees on security readiness, and wants to also extend the offer to private entities.…

  • November 29th 2022 at 17:45