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Before yesterdayThe Register - Security

Intel offers 'server on a card' reference design for network security

OEMs thrown a NetSec Accelerator that plugs into server PCIe slots

RSA Conference Intel has released a reference design for a plug-in security card aimed at delivering improved network and security processing without requiring the additional rackspace a discrete appliance would need.…

  • June 8th 2022 at 13:30

Beijing-backed baddies target unpatched networking kit to attack telcos

NSA, FBI and CISA issue joint advisory that suggests China hardly has to work for this – flaws revealed in 2017 are among their entry points

State-sponsored Chinese attackers are actively exploiting old vulnerabilities to "establish a broad network of compromised infrastructure" then using it to attack telcos and network services providers.…

  • June 8th 2022 at 07:56

US cyber chiefs: Moving to Shields Down isn't gonna happen

Promises new alert notices but warn 'we can sometimes predict thunderstorms but not lightning strikes'

RSA Conference A heightened state of defensive cyber security posture is the new normal, according to federal cyber security chiefs speaking at the RSA Conference on Tuesday. This requires greater transparency and threat intel sharing between the government and private sector, they added.…

  • June 8th 2022 at 06:58

Ukraine's secret cyber-defense that blunts Russian attacks: Excellent backups

This is why Viasat attack – rated one of the biggest ever of its kind – had relatively little impact

RSA Conference The Kremlin-backed cyberattack against satellite communications provider Viasat, which happened an hour before Russia invaded Ukraine, was "one of the biggest cyber events that we have seen, perhaps ever, and certainly in warfare," according to Dmitri Alperovitch, a co-founder and former CTO of CrowdStrike and chair of security-centric think tank Silverado Policy Accelerator.…

  • June 8th 2022 at 05:15

IBM buys Randori to address multicloud security messes

Big Blue joins the hot market for infosec investment

RSA Conference IBM has expanded its extensive cybersecurity portfolio by acquiring Randori – a four-year-old startup that specializes in helping enterprises manage their attack surface by identifying and prioritizing their external-facing on-premises and cloud assets.…

  • June 7th 2022 at 01:30

Microsoft seizes 41 domains tied to 'Iranian phishing ring'

Windows giant gets court order to take over dot-coms and more

Microsoft has obtained a court order to seize 41 domains used by what the Windows giant said was an Iranian cybercrime group that ran a spear-phishing operation targeting organizations in the US, Middle East, and India. …

  • June 7th 2022 at 00:04

Cisco EVP: We need to lift everyone above the cybersecurity poverty line

It's going to become a human-rights issue, Jeetu Patel tells The Register

RSA Conference Exclusive Establishing some level of cybersecurity measures across all organizations will soon reach human-rights issue status, according to Jeetu Patel, Cisco EVP for security and collaboration.…

  • June 6th 2022 at 22:50

Costa Rican government held up by ransomware … again

Also US warns of voting machine flaws and Google pays out $100 million to Illinois

In brief Last month the notorious Russian ransomware gang Conti threatened to overthrow Costa Rica's government if a ransom wasn't paid. This month, another band of extortionists has attacked the nation.…

  • June 6th 2022 at 03:46

Yandex CEO Arkady Volozh resigns after being added to EU sanctions list

Russia's top tech CEO accused of material support to Moscow

Updated Arkady Volozh, CEO of Russia's biggest internet company Yandex, has resigned after being added to the European Union's list of individuals sanctioned as part of its response to the illegal invasion of Ukraine.…

  • June 6th 2022 at 01:59

Feeling highly stressed about your job? You must be a CISO

'The attack surface has expanded exponentially' during the work-from-home pandemic, says one

Almost all cybersecurity professionals are stressed, and nearly half (46 percent) have considered leaving the industry altogether, according to a DeepInstinct survey.…

  • June 4th 2022 at 07:49

Even Russia's Evil Corp now favors software-as-a-service

Albeit to avoid US sanctions hitting it in the wallet

The Russian-based Evil Corp is jumping from one malware strain to another in hopes of evading sanctions placed on it by the US government in 2019.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 22:55

To cut off all nearby phones with these Chinese chips, this is the bug to exploit

Android patches incoming for NAS-ty memory overwrite flaw

A critical flaw in the LTE firmware of the fourth-largest smartphone chip biz in the world could be exploited over the air to block people's communications and deny services.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 18:06

Clipminer rakes in $1.7m in crypto hijacking scam

Crooks divert transactions to own wallets while running mining on the side

A crew using malware that performs cryptomining and clipboard-hacking operations have made off with at least $1.7 million in stolen cryptocurrency.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 12:30

Healthcare organizations face rising ransomware attacks – and are paying up

Via their insurance companies, natch

Healthcare organizations, already an attractive target for ransomware given the highly sensitive data they hold, saw such attacks almost double between 2020 and 2021, according to a survey released this week by Sophos.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 11:03

Atlassian: Unpatched years-old flaw under attack right now to hijack Confluence

One option: Take the thing offline until Friday patch applied

Updated Atlassian has warned users of its Confluence collaboration tool that they should either restrict internet access to the software, or disable it, in light of a critical-rated unauthenticated remote-code-execution flaw in the product that is actively under attack.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 00:28

FBI, CISA: Don't get caught in Karakurt's extortion web

Is this gang some sort of Conti side hustle? The answer may be yes

The Feds have warned organizations about a lesser-known extortion gang Karakurt, which demands ransoms as high as $13 million and, some cybersecurity folks say, may be linked to the notorious Conti crew.…

  • June 3rd 2022 at 00:01

Conti spotted working on exploits for Intel Management Engine flaws

Don't leave those firmware patches to last

The notorious Conti ransomware gang has working proof-of-concept code to exploit low-level Intel firmware vulnerabilities, according to Eclypsium researchers.…

  • June 2nd 2022 at 22:15

Dear Europe, here again are the reasons why scanning devices for unlawful files is not going to fly

Antivirus-but-for-pictures would trample rights, not even work as expected, say academics

While Apple has, temporarily at least, backed away from last year's plan to run client-side scanning (CSS) software on customers' iPhones to detect and report child sexual abuse material (CSAM) to authorities, European officials in May proposed rules to protect children that involve the same highly criticized approach.…

  • June 2nd 2022 at 11:29

Super-spreader FluBot squashed by Europol

Your package is delayed. Click this innocent-looking link to reschedule

FluBot, the super-spreader Android malware that infected tens of thousands of phones globally, has been reportedly squashed by an international law enforcement operation.…

  • June 2nd 2022 at 08:03

ExpressVPN moves servers out of India to escape customer data retention law

Privacy service will keep working, just beyond the reach of India's government

Virtual private network operator ExpressVPN will pull its servers from India, citing the impossibility of complying with the nation's incoming requirement to record users' identities and activities.…

  • June 2nd 2022 at 05:58

US ran offensive cyber ops to support Ukraine, says general

Public acknowledgement 'unusual', one cybersec exec tells us

America's military conducted offensive cyber operations to support Ukraine in its response to Russia's illegal invasion, US Cyber Command chief General Paul Nakasone has said.…

  • June 2nd 2022 at 01:01

Watch out for phishing emails that inject spyware trio

You wait for one infection and then three come along at once

An emailed report seemingly about a payment will, when opened in Excel on a Windows system, attempt to inject three pieces of file-less malware that steal sensitive information.…

  • June 1st 2022 at 10:02

Hospitals are for healing humans. But protecting and healing hospitals needs machines

AI technology is helping hospitals repel ransomware at machine speed

Sponsored Feature Browse through a selection of hospital mission statements and common themes quickly emerge: putting patients and community first, acting with integrity, pushing the bounds of medical research.…

  • June 1st 2022 at 07:15

What if ransomware evolved to hit IoT in the enterprise?

Proof-of-concept lab work demos potential future threat

Forescout researchers have demonstrated how ransomware could spread through an enterprise from vulnerable Internet-of-Things gear.…

  • June 1st 2022 at 06:34

EnemyBot malware adds enterprise flaws to exploit arsenal

Fast-evolving botnet targets critical VMware, F5 BIG-IP bugs, we're told

The botnet malware EnemyBot has added exploits to its arsenal, allowing it to infect and spread from enterprise-grade gear.…

  • June 1st 2022 at 03:47

Cops' Killer Bee stings credential-stealing scammer

Fraudster and two alleged accomplices nabbed in joint op

An Interpol-led operation code-named Killer Bee has led to the arrest and conviction of a Nigerian man who was said to have used a remote access trojan (RAT) to reroute financial transactions and steal corporate credentials. Two suspected accomplices were also nabbed.…

  • May 31st 2022 at 20:50

Microsoft's identity services huddle under Entra umbrella

Decentralized identity and knowing who needs what

Microsoft has whipped out the rebranding team once more, and chosen the name "Entra" as a catch-all for the company's identity and access capabilities.…

  • May 31st 2022 at 17:45

CIOs largely believe their software supply chain is vulnerable

Internal bureaucracy and barriers hold up roll out of defenses, report finds

Ask 1,000 CIOs whether they believe their organizations are vulnerable to cyberattacks targeting their software supply chains and about 82 percent can be expected to say yes.…

  • May 31st 2022 at 13:00

Australian digital driving licenses can be defaced in minutes

Brute force attack leaves the license wide open for undetectable alteration, but back end data remains unchanged

An Australian digital driver's license (DDL) implementation that officials claimed is more secure than a physical license has been shown to easily defaced, but authorities insist the credential remains secure.…

  • May 30th 2022 at 23:31

Zero-day vuln in Microsoft Office: 'Follina' will work even when macros are disabled

Researchers comb through code execution flaw found in malicious document

Updated Infosec researchers have idenitied a zero-day code execution vulnerability in Microsoft's ubiquitous Office software.…

  • May 30th 2022 at 18:01

That critical vulnerability might not be the first you should patch

Startup Rezilion suggests enterprises should change prioritization strategies

Enterprise security teams being overrun by the rising numbers of vulnerabilities uncovered each day could vastly reduce their patching workload by changing how they prioritize the flaws, according to recent research from vulnerability startup Rezilion.…

  • May 30th 2022 at 12:16

Indian authorities issue conflicting advice about biometric ID card security

Government authority forced to backtrack warning that photocopied Aadhaar cards represent a risk

The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has backtracked on advice about how best to secure the "Aadhaar" national identity cards that enable access to a range of government and financial serivces.…

  • May 30th 2022 at 05:58

Global tech industry objects to India’s new infosec reporting regime

Eleven industry associations, representing every tech vendor that matters, warns of economic harm

Eleven significant tech-aligned industry associations from around the world have reportedly written to India’s Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) to call for revision of the nation’s new infosec reporting and data retention rules, which they criticise as inconsistent, onerous, unlikely to improve security within India, and possibly harmful to the nations economy.…

  • May 29th 2022 at 23:58

Ransomware attack sends US county back to 1977

Also: Uni details its malware-catching AI, signs of China poking the Russian cyber-bear, and more

In brief Somerset County, New Jersey, was hit by a ransomware attack this week that hobbled its ability to conduct business, and also cut off access to essential data.…

  • May 29th 2022 at 23:36

Stolen university credentials up for sale by Russian crooks, FBI warns

Forget dark-web souks, thousands of these are already being traded on public bazaars

Russian crooks are selling network credentials and virtual private network access for a "multitude" of US universities and colleges on criminal marketplaces, according to the FBI.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 22:34

Cloud security unicorn cuts 20% of staff after raising $1.3b

Time to play blame bingo: Markets? Profits? Too much growth? Russia? Space aliens?

Cloud security company Lacework has laid off 20 percent of its employees, just months after two record-breaking funding rounds pushed its valuation to $8.3 billion.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 19:19

Talos names eight deadly sins in widely used industrial software

Entire swaths of gear relies on vulnerability-laden Open Automation Software (OAS)

A researcher at Cisco's Talos threat intelligence team found eight vulnerabilities in the Open Automation Software (OAS) platform that, if exploited, could enable a bad actor to access a device and run code on a targeted system.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 18:30

GitHub saved plaintext passwords of npm users in log files, post mortem reveals

Unrelated to the OAuth token attack, but still troubling as org reveals details of around 100,000 users were grabbed by the baddies

GitHub has revealed it stored a "number of plaintext user credentials for the npm registry" in internal logs following the integration of the JavaScript package registry into GitHub's logging systems.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 12:15

This Windows malware uses PowerShell to inject malicious extension into Chrome

And that's a bit odd, says Red Canary

A strain of Windows uses PowerShell to add a malicious extension to a victim's Chrome browser for nefarious purposes. A macOS variant exists that uses Bash to achieve the same and also targets Safari.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 11:26

Let's play everyone's favorite game: REvil? Or Not REvil?

Another day, another DDoS attack that tries to scare the victim into paying up with mention of dreaded gang

Akamai has spoken of a distributed denial of service (DDoS) assault against one of its customers during which the attackers astonishingly claimed to be associated with REvil, the notorious ransomware-as-a-service gang.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 07:33

China offering ten nations help to run their cyber-defenses and networks

Sure, they’re small Pacific nations, but they’re in very strategic locations

China has begun talking to ten nations in the South Pacific with an offer to help them improve their network infrastructure, cyber security, digital forensics and other capabilities – all with the help of Chinese tech vendors.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 03:33

How to reprogram Apple AirTags, play custom sounds

Voltage glitch here, glitch there, now you can fiddle with location disc's firmware

At the Workshop on Offensive Technologies 2022 (WOOT) on Thursday, security researchers demonstrated how to meddle with AirTags, Apple's coin-sized tracking devices.…

  • May 27th 2022 at 00:52

Ransomware encrypts files, demands three good deeds to restore data

Shut up and take ... poor kids to KFC?

In what is either a creepy, weird spin on Robin Hood or something from a Black Mirror episode, we're told a ransomware gang is encrypting data and then forcing each victim to perform three good deeds before they can download a decryption tool.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 23:20

Cheers ransomware hits VMware ESXi systems

Now we can say extortionware has jumped the shark

Another ransomware strain is targeting VMware ESXi servers, which have been the focus of extortionists and other miscreants in recent months.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 21:10

Campaigners warn of legal challenge against Privacy Shield enhancements

Schrems III on the cards unless negotiators protect better oversight of US data access requests

European privacy campaigner Max Schrems is warning that enhancements to the EU-US Privacy Shield data-sharing arrangements might face a legal challenge if negotiators don't take a new approach.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 14:00

Verizon: Ransomware sees biggest jump in five years

We're only here for DBIRs

The cybersecurity landscape continues to expand and evolve rapidly, fueled in large part by the cat-and-mouse game between miscreants trying to get into corporate IT environments and those hired by enterprises and security vendors to keep them out.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 10:04

Suspected phishing email crime boss cuffed in Nigeria

Interpol, cops swoop with intel from cybersecurity bods

Interpol and cops in Africa have arrested a Nigerian man suspected of running a multi-continent cybercrime ring that specialized in phishing emails targeting businesses.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 07:25

Ex-spymaster and fellow Brexiteers' emails leaked by suspected Russian op

A 'Very English Coop (sic) d'Etat'

Emails between leading pro-Brexit figures in the UK have seemingly been stolen and leaked online by what could be a Kremlin cyberespionage team.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 06:27

Ransomware grounds some flights at Indian budget airline SpiceJet

Incident comes a week after 'SAP glitch' kept some planes on the taxiway

Indian budget airline SpiceJet on Wednesday attributed delayed flights to a ransomware attack.…

  • May 26th 2022 at 04:54

Millions of people's info stolen from MGM Resorts dumped on Telegram for free

Meanwhile, Twitter coughs up $150m after using account security contact details for advertising

Miscreants have dumped on Telegram more than 142 million customer records stolen from MGM Resorts, exposing names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers, and dates of birth for any would-be identity thief.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 23:44

In record year for vulnerabilities, Microsoft actually had fewer

Occasional gaping hole and overprivileged users still blight the Beast of Redmond

Despite a record number of publicly disclosed security flaws in 2021, Microsoft managed to improve its stats, according to research from BeyondTrust.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 16:11

Vehicle owner data exposed in GM credential-stuffing attack

Car maker says miscreants used stolen logins to break into folks' accounts

Automaker General Motors has confirmed the credential stuffing attack it suffered last month exposed customers' names, personal email addresses, and destination data, as well as usernames and phone numbers for family members tied to customer accounts.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 15:41

Beijing needs the ability to 'destroy' Starlink, say Chinese researchers

Paper authors warn Elon Musk's 2,400 machines could be used offensively

An egghead at the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications, writing in a peer-reviewed domestic journal, has advocated for Chinese military capability to take out Starlink satellites on the grounds of national security.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 11:01

Quad nations pledge deeper collaboration on infosec, data-sharing, and more

But think tank says its past attempts at working together haven't gone well

Leaders of the Quad alliance – Australia, India, Japan, and the USA – met on Tuesday and revealed initiatives to strengthen collaboration on emerging technologies and cybersecurity, with an unspoken subtext of neutralizing China.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 07:57

About half of popular websites tested found vulnerable to account pre-hijacking

In detail: Ocean's Eleven-grade ruse in which victims' profiles are rigged from the start

Two security researchers have identified five related techniques for hijacking internet accounts by preparing them to be commandeered in advance.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 07:28

Indian stock markets given ten day deadline to file infosec report, secure board signoff

Another rush job for busy Indian IT shops

Indian IT shops have been handed another extraordinarily short deadline within which to perform significant infosec work.…

  • May 25th 2022 at 06:53

Predator spyware sold with Chrome, Android zero-day exploits to monitor targets

Or so says Google after tracking 30+ vendors peddling surveillance malware

Spyware vendor Cytrox sold zero-day exploits to government-backed snoops who used them to deploy the firm's Predator spyware in at least three campaigns in 2021, according to Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG).…

  • May 24th 2022 at 23:58

Patch now: Zoom chat messages can infect PCs, Macs, phones with malware

Google Project Zero blows lid off bug involving that old chestnut: XML parsing

Zoom has fixed a security flaw in its video-conferencing software that a miscreant could exploit with chat messages to potentially execute malicious code on a victim's device.…

  • May 24th 2022 at 21:33

Why do hackers keep coming back to attack you? Because they can

Here’s why relying on manual tooling is like putting your hands up

Webinar Hackers have a tendency to return to the scene of their crimes over and over again. But it’s not because they’re unimaginative creatures of habit. It’s because infosec teams make it so easy for them, they’d be foolish not to.…

  • May 24th 2022 at 17:15

Facebook opens political ad data vaults to researchers

Social network builds FORT to protect against onslaught of regulation, investigation

Meta's ad transparency tools will soon reveal another treasure trove of data: advertiser targeting choices for political, election-related, and social issue spots.…

  • May 24th 2022 at 16:30