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US Border Agents May Have a Copy of Your Text Messages

By Andrew Couts
Plus: An AI artist exposes surveillance of Instagram users, the US charges Iranians over a ransomware campaign, and more.

Uber Claims No Sensitive Data Exposed in Latest Breach… But There's More to This

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Uber, in an update, said there is "no evidence" that users' private information was compromised in a breach of its internal computer systems that was discovered late Thursday. "We have no evidence that the incident involved access to sensitive user data (like trip history)," the company said. "All of our services including Uber, Uber Eats, Uber Freight, and the Uber Driver app are operational."
  • September 17th 2022 at 08:53

Can reflections in eyeglasses actually leak info from Zoom calls? Here's a study into it

About time someone shone some light onto this

Boffins at the University of Michigan in the US and Zhejiang University in China want to highlight how bespectacled video conferencing participants are inadvertently revealing sensitive on-screen information via reflections in their eyeglasses.…

  • September 17th 2022 at 07:32

Hackers Had Access to LastPass's Development Systems for Four Days

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Password management solution LastPass shared more details pertaining to the security incident last month, disclosing that the threat actor had access to its systems for a four-day period in August 2022. "There is no evidence of any threat actor activity beyond the established timeline," LastPass CEO Karim Toubba said in an update shared on September 15, adding, "there is no evidence that this
  • September 17th 2022 at 02:47

School chat app Seesaw abused to send 'inappropriate image' to parents, teachers

This is why we don't reuse passwords, kids

Parents and teachers received a link to an "inappropriate image" this week via Seesaw after miscreants hijacked accounts in a credential stuffing attack against the popular school messaging app.…

  • September 16th 2022 at 21:45

The Uber Hack’s Devastation Is Just Starting to Reveal Itself

By Lily Hay Newman
An alleged teen hacker claims to have gained deep access to the company’s systems, but the full picture of the breach is still coming into focus.

Attacker Apparently Didn't Have to Breach a Single System to Pwn Uber

By Jai Vijayan, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
Alleged teen hacker claims he found an admin password in a network share inside Uber that allowed complete access to ride-sharing giant's AWS, Windows, Google Cloud, VMware, and other environments.

  • September 16th 2022 at 20:37

Tackling Financial Fraud With Machine Learning

By Tatiana Walk-Morris, Contributing Writer
Financial services firms need to learn how — and when — to put machine learning to use.

  • September 16th 2022 at 20:00

UBER HAS BEEN HACKED, boasts hacker – how to stop it happening to you

By Paul Ducklin
Uber is all over the news for a widely-publicised data breach. We help you answer the question, "How do I stop this happening to me?"

Real Estate Phish Swallows 1,000s of Microsoft 365 Credentials

By Tara Seals, Managing Editor, News, Dark Reading
The attacks showcase broader security concerns as phishing grows in volume and sophistication, especially given that Windows Defender's Safe Links feature for identifying malicious links in emails completely failed in the campaign.

  • September 16th 2022 at 18:30

Keep Today's Encrypted Data From Becoming Tomorrow's Treasure

By Vikram Sharma, CEO & Founder, QuintessenceLabs
Building quantum resilience requires C-suite commitment, but it doesn't have to mean tearing out existing infrastructure.

  • September 16th 2022 at 18:00

Botched Crypto Mugging Lands Three U.K. Men in Jail

By BrianKrebs

Three men in the United Kingdom were arrested this month for attempting to assault a local man and steal his virtual currencies. The incident is the latest example of how certain cybercriminal communities are increasingly turning to physical violence to settle scores and disputes.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on September 6, a resident in the Spalding Common area in the district of Lincolnshire, U.K. phoned police to say three men were acting suspiciously, and had jumped a nearby fence.

“The three men made off in a VW Golf and were shortly stopped nearby,” reads a statement by the Lincolnshire Police. “The car was searched by officers who found an imitation firearm, taser, a baseball bat and police uniform in the boot.”

Thomas Green, 23, Rayhan Miah, 23, and Leonardo Sapiano, 24 were all charged with possession of the weapons, and “with intent to cause loss to another to make an unwarranted demand of Crypto Currency from a person.”

KrebsOnSecurity has learned that the defendants were in Spalding Common to pay a surprise visit to a 19-year-old hacker known by the handles “Discoli,” “Disco Dog,” and “Chinese.” In December 2020, Discoli took credit for hacking and leaking the user database for OGUsers, a forum overrun with people looking to buy, sell and trade access to compromised social media accounts.

Reached via Telegram, Discoli confirmed that police believe the trio was trying to force their way into his home in Spalding Common, and that one of them was wearing a police uniform when they approached his residence.

“They were obvious about being fake police, so much so that one of our neighbours called,” Discoli said in an instant message chat. “That call led to the arrests. Their intent was for robbery/blackmail of crypto, I just happened to not be home at the time.”

The Lincolnshire Police declined to comment for this story, citing an ongoing investigation.

Discoli said he didn’t know any of the men charged, but believes they were hired by one of his enemies. And he said his would-be assailants didn’t just target him specifically.

“They had a list of people they wanted to hit consecutively as far as I know,” he said.

The foiled robbery is the latest drama tied to members of certain criminal hacking communities who are targeting one another with physical violence, by making a standing offer to pay thousands of dollars to anyone in the target’s region who agrees to carry out the assaults.

Last month, a 21-year-old New Jersey man was arrested and charged with stalking in connection with a federal investigation into groups of cybercriminals who are settling scores by hiring people to carry out physical attacks on their rivals.

Prosecutors say Patrick McGovern-Allen recently participated in several of these schemes — including firing a handgun into a Pennsylvania home and torching a residence in another part of the state with a Molotov Cocktail.

McGovern-Allen and the three U.K. defendants are part of an online community that is at the forefront of a dangerous escalation in coercion and intimidation tactics increasingly used by competing cybercriminal groups to steal cryptocurrency from one another and to keep their rivals in check.

The Telegram chat channels where these young men transact have hundreds to thousands of members each, and some of the more interesting solicitations on these communities are job offers for in-person assignments and tasks that can be found if one searches for posts titled, “If you live near,” or “IRL job” — short for “in real life” job.

A number of these classified ads are in service of performing “brickings,” where someone is hired to visit a specific address and toss a brick through the target’s window. Indeed, prior to McGovern-Allen’s arrest, his alleged Telegram persona bragged that he’d carried out several brickings for hire.

Many of the individuals involved in paying others to commit these physical attacks are also frequent participants in Telegram chat channels focused singularly on SIM swapping, a crime in which identity thieves hijack a target’s mobile phone number and use that to wrest control over the victim’s various online accounts and identities.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of people currently being targeted for brickings and other real-life physical assaults via Telegram tend to be other cybercriminals involved in SIM swapping crimes (or individuals on the periphery of that scene).

The United Kingdom is home to a number of young men accused of stealing millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies via SIM swapping. Joseph James O’Connor, a.k.a. “Plugwalk Joe”, was arrested in Spain in July 2021 under an FBI warrant on 10 counts of offenses related to unauthorized computer access and cyber bullying. U.S. investigators say O’Connor also played a central role in the 2020 intrusion at Twitter, wherein Twitter accounts for top celebrities and public figures were forced to tweet out links to cryptocurrency scams. O’Connor is currently fighting extradition to the United States.

Robert Lewis Barr, a 25-year-old Scottish man who allegedly stole more than $8 million worth of crypto, was arrested on an FBI warrant last year and is also fighting his extradition. U.S. investigators say Barr SIM swapped a U.S. bitcoin broker in 2017, and that he spent much of the stolen funds throwing lavish parties at rented luxury apartments in central Glasgow.

In many ways, these violence-as-a-service incidents are a natural extension of “swatting,” wherein fake bomb threats, hostage situations and other violent scenarios are phoned in to police as part of a scheme to trick them into visiting potentially deadly force on a target’s address. According to prosecutors, both Barr and O’Connor have a history of swatting their enemies and their SIM swapping victims.

DDoS Attack Against Eastern Europe Target Sets New Record

By Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
The target has been under relentless DDoS attack, which ultimately set a new packets-per-second record for Europe.

  • September 16th 2022 at 17:24

Hacker Pwns Uber Via Compromised VPN Account

By Tara Seals, Managing Editor, News, Dark Reading
A teen hacker reportedly social-engineered an Uber employee to hand over an MFA code to unlock the corporate VPN, before burrowing deep into Uber's cloud and code repositories.

  • September 16th 2022 at 14:21

Highlights of the 2022 Pwnie Awards

By Karen Spiegelman, Features Editor
Since 2007, the Pwnies have celebrated the good, the bad, and the wacky in cybersecurity. Enjoy some of the best moments of this year's ceremony.

  • September 16th 2022 at 14:08

Business Application Compromise & the Evolving Art of Social Engineering

By Jonathan Hencinski, Vice President of Security Operations, Expel
Be wary of being pestered into making a bad decision. As digital applications proliferate, educating users against social engineering attempts is a key part of a strong defense.

  • September 16th 2022 at 14:00

Turbo boost your career in cyber security

Access free SANS course demos to find out just how much you can learn

Sponsored Post Few segments of the IT industry change as quickly, or as often, as cyber security. But the perpetual, fast evolving battle to outwit the hackers presents a real challenge for security professionals tasked with protecting mission critical data, applications and services from disruption and theft.…

  • September 16th 2022 at 09:30

Researchers Find Link b/w PrivateLoader and Ruzki Pay-Per-Install Services

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Cybersecurity researchers have exposed new connections between a widely used pay-per-install (PPI) malware service known as PrivateLoader and another PPI platform offered by a cybercriminal actor dubbed ruzki. "The threat actor ruzki (aka les0k, zhigalsz) advertises their PPI service on underground Russian-speaking forums and their Telegram channels under the name ruzki or zhigalsz since at
  • September 16th 2022 at 14:17

North Korean Hackers Spreading Trojanized Versions of PuTTY Client Application

By Ravie Lakshmanan
A threat with a North Korea nexus has been found leveraging a "novel spear phish methodology" that involves making use of trojanized versions of the PuTTY SSH and Telnet client. Google-owned threat intelligence firm Mandiant attributed the new campaign to an emerging threat cluster it tracks under the name UNC4034. "UNC4034 established communication with the victim over WhatsApp and lured them
  • September 16th 2022 at 13:47

How to Use a UTM Solution & Win Time, Money and Resources

By The Hacker News
Unified threat management is thought to be a universal solution for many reasons. First of all, it is compatible with almost any hardware. As a business or an MSP, you don’t have to bother with leasing or subleasing expensive equipment. There is no need to chase your clients to return your costly hardware. The all-in-one UTM solution will save you money and time & make work routine less
  • September 16th 2022 at 13:39

Hackers Targeting WebLogic Servers and Docker APIs for Mining Cryptocurrencies

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Malicious actors such as Kinsing are taking advantage of both recently disclosed and older security flaws in Oracle WebLogic Server to deliver cryptocurrency-mining malware. Cybersecurity company Trend Micro said it found the financially-motivated group leveraging the vulnerability to drop Python scripts with capabilities to disable operating system (OS) security features such as
  • September 16th 2022 at 10:58

Eastern European org hit by second record-smashing DDoS attack

Cough, cough, U, cough, kraine

Akamai says it has absorbed the largest-ever publicly known distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack – an assault against an unfortunate Eastern European organization that went beyond 700 million packets per second.…

  • September 16th 2022 at 06:04

China can destroy US space assets, Space Force ops nominee warns

Wants swarms of small satellites that are harder to destroy – and outsourcing to improve cybersecurity

The Biden-nominated chief of space operations for the USA's Space Force (USSF) rates China his greatest challenge, as the Middle Kingdom has developed technologies to destroy space assets.…

  • September 16th 2022 at 03:59

Uber reels from 'security incident' in which cloud systems seemingly hijacked

AWS and G Suite admin accounts likely popped, HackerOne bug bounty page hit, and more

Updated Uber is tonight reeling from what looks like a substantial cybersecurity breach.…

  • September 16th 2022 at 03:13

Uber Says It's Investigating a Potential Breach of Its Computer Systems

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Ride hailing giant Uber disclosed Thursday it's responding to a cybersecurity incident involving a breach of its network and that it's in touch with law enforcement authorities. The New York Times first reported the incident.  The company pointed to its tweeted statement when asked for comment on the matter. <!--adsense--> The hack is said to have forced the company to take its internal
  • September 16th 2022 at 03:08

Note to Security Vendors: Companies Are Picking Favorites

By Robert Lemos, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
A stunning three-quarters of companies are looking to consolidate their security products this year, up from 29% in 2020, suggesting fiercer competition among cybersecurity vendors.

  • September 15th 2022 at 20:31

Malware on Pirated Content Sites a Major WFH Risk for Enterprises

By Jai Vijayan, Contributing Writer, Dark Reading
Malware-laced ads are hauling in tens of millions of dollars in revenue for operators of pirated-content sites — posing a real risk to enterprises from remote employees.

  • September 15th 2022 at 19:37

Will the Cloud End the Endpoint?

When an organization fully embraces the cloud, traditional endpoints become disposable. Organizations must adapt their security strategy for this reality.
  • September 15th 2022 at 19:00

Popular IoT Cameras Need Patching to Fend Off Catastrophic Attacks

By Dark Reading Staff, Dark Reading
Several models of EZVIZ cameras are open to total remote control by cyberattackers, and image exfiltration and decryption.

  • September 15th 2022 at 19:00

S3 Ep100: Browser-in-the-Browser – how to spot an attack [Audio + Text]

By Paul Ducklin
Latest episode - listen now! Cosmic rockets, zero-days, spotting cybercrooks, and unlocking the DEADBOLT...


5 Steps to Strengthening Cyber Resilience

By Microsoft Security, Microsoft
Organizations are thinking about their cyber resilience. Here are five steps security teams should take.

  • September 15th 2022 at 16:00

Ex-Broadcom engineer asks for house arrest over IP theft

Admits guilt, but claims he took files to jog his memory, afraid he'd not keep up with 'younger engineers'

Updated A former Broadcom engineer who pleaded guilty to stealing his ex-employer's trade secrets has asked the court not to give him prison time, saying he stole the files for reference, fearing he would "be unable to keep up" with "more technical and younger engineers" at a new startup.…

  • September 15th 2022 at 15:15

Unflagging Iranian Threat Activity Spurs Warnings, Indictments From US Government

By Elizabeth Montalbano, Contributor, Dark Reading
Authorities are cracking down on persistent cybercriminal attacks from APTs associated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

  • September 15th 2022 at 14:40

Researchers Warn of Self-Spreading Malware Targeting Gamers via YouTube

By Ravie Lakshmanan
Gamers looking for cheats on YouTube are being targeted with links to rogue password-protected archive files designed to install crypto miners and information-stealing malware such as RedLine Stealer on compromised machines. "The videos advertise cheats and cracks and provide instructions on hacking popular games and software," Kaspersky security researcher Oleg Kupreev said in a new report
  • September 15th 2022 at 14:30

5 Best Practices for Building Your Data Loss Prevention Strategy

By Richard Kanadjian, Encrypted USB Business Manager, Kingston Technology
The entire security team should share in the responsibility to secure sensitive data.

  • September 15th 2022 at 14:00

Building the barricades against identity-based attacks

Join our webinar to hear more about the value of Zero Trust unified identity protection platforms

Webinar The first six months of this year have been characterized by relentless cyber security attacks whether state-induced (Russia's attacks on Ukraine), or incidents of criminal extortion and data theft. In such a threatening environment it is vital that organizations and enterprises defend themselves from internet and identity-based attacks.…

  • September 15th 2022 at 13:42

Fortanix Raises $90M in Series C Funding Led by Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Oversubscribed round validates company's data-first approach to solving cloud security and privacy issues for global businesses thwarting data breaches and ransomwar
  • September 15th 2022 at 13:21